Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Against the un-Crowners of Christ

Best Argument Against Ordaining Women

Edit: as law enforcement fans out across the country to apprehend murderous, thieving, raping, larcenous drug dealing individuals who’ve invaded the country, this smug, evil Episcopagan prelate has confronted the Don. Like most women, she has no business in public life. She wants to hand the United States over to foreign invaders.

Why isn’t her husband Paul reigning her in?

These kinds of suicidal announcements are why the Anglican Church is dying out. 


Friday, January 17, 2025

Vatican Asks Gay Seminarians Not to Flaunt It

Vladislaw Gomulka, Former First Secretary for Communist Poland 

Eugene Gomulka, Laicized Priest and Naval Chaplain

Edit: this just in from Eugene Gomulka. [Btw, did you know that he might be related to the Communist Prime Minister Vladislav Gomulka?  Gomulka isn’t a common surname, so he’s likely related to the General secretary who arose from humble beginnings in Galicia, Austro-Hungary. Of course, every family has a bad egg or two, maybe even a powerful and evil Communist!] Back to Euge:

Typical priest in photo stolen from “America”

[Gomulka] A 2012 psychological study of “actively ministering or retired priests” in the U.S. revealed that only 26.9% of the priests identified themselves as heterosexuals; 67.3% self-identified as gay/homosexual; and 5.8% reported that they were bisexual. Based on recent input from both heterosexual and homosexual priests around the country, the percentage of U.S.-born heterosexual priests today is estimated to be around 5-15%. 

The high percentage of gay Catholic clergy is obscured by the large number of foreign-born heterosexual priests from Africa and Asia serving in most dioceses throughout the U.S. The following “Open Letter” that encourages bishops, priests, and seminarians to read “Vatican Opens Seminaries to Homosexuals Despite ‘Lavender Mafia’ Dominating Priesthood,” by Dr. Jules Gomes, could never have been written by a priest in active ministry. Clerics who violate the Catholic Church’s “Code of Silence” and reveal what is really going on in the Church are often dismissed, suspended, laicized, or even excommunicated like Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò whose August 2018 “Testimony” identified several members of the “Lavender Mafia.”

Edit: while fagt checkers may not believe the Vatican is approving these sodomites for the priesthood, the general public and media certainly believes it to be true. In fact, everyone, including the people who actually poll Catholic priests know that there are an overwhelming number of self-identified sodomites in the clergy. This sort of ambiguity in the face of media and public opinion is a defining feature of Bergoglio’s papacy.

At least Vatican rule makers have a sense of humor, even if it’s really low-brow from the seamy clerical subculture in power now for there’s at least a caveat of no “flaunting” it. This underlies the subtext: be subtle and understated so as to attract guys you like, but not attract the attention of Knight Joe Sixpack of the KoC who might complain about light in the loafers pastors. 

This kind of hypocrisy is well-known to lifelong pewsitters, but it’s also understood by the media:

From dinosaur ABC

Homosexual men can train to become Catholic priests in Italy but not if they "support the so-called gay culture", according to new guidelines approved by the Vatican.

While stressing the need for celibacy, the Italian Bishops' Conference guidelines — posted online on Thursday — open the door for gay men to attend seminaries, or divinity schools that train priests. But they came with a caveat — that those who flaunt their homosexuality should be barred.


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Pedo Folk Singer Peter Yarrow Dies

Edit: he did so much to build the zeitgeist of folk singer troubadour of the 1968 revolution and was a classic symbol of the hapless, morally deprived boomer. His influence was felt in “Catholic” circles as well, and one isn’t surprised that he was also a sex pest on children.

One is inescapably reminded of the febrile predator, David Haas, to whom the Catholic Church of the time owes so much in terms of really awful music. Is it any surprise that a creator of such awful music is also a deviant sex pest?

What was Benilde St. Margret’s thinking when they hired this flapdoodle in 1992? I would have thought, “this guy is a huge fruitcake just like Peter Yarrow. No way am I hiring him.”

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Peter Yarrow, the singer-songwriter best known as one-third of Peter, Paul and Mary, the folk-music trio whose impassioned harmonies transfixed millions as they lifted their voices in favor of civil rights and against war, has died. He was 86. 

Yarrow, who also co-wrote the group’s most enduring song, “Puff the Magic Dragon,” died Tuesday in New York, publicist Ken Sunshine said. Yarrow had been battling bladder cancer for the past four years.


Monday, January 6, 2025

New Fruitcake to DC to Replace Old Fruitcake

 Edit: Mother Wilton Gregory of DC was 77 and McElroy won’t be an improvement. Both of them are of the Magic Circle of rainbow bishops in the orbit of the Senior Vice Predator, McCarrick.

Venice’s Patriarch, Francesco Moraglia, doesn’t have a special hat. Bergoglio doesn’t like him. 

DC has no vocations and the priests of the Diocese are elderly. It’s also underwater financially. I guess Gregory isn’t so great at fundraising. Who would give money to that guy, considering the way he pushes the agenda of cultural Marxism?

16 men were ordained in 2024 and 10 in 2023.

Resignations and Appointments

Appointment of the Prefect and Pro-Prefect of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life

The Holy Father has appointed as Prefect of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life the Most Reverend Sister Simona Brambilla, MC, until now Secretary of the same curial institution.

The Holy Father has appointed as Pro-Prefect of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life His Eminence Most Reverend Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, SDB, former Rector Major of the Salesian Society of St. John Bosco.


Resignation and Appointment of the Metropolitan Archbishop of Washington (USA)

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Washington (USA), presented by His Eminence Cardinal Wilton Daniel Gregory.

The Holy Father has appointed His Eminence Cardinal Robert Walter McElroy as Metropolitan Archbishop of Washington (USA), transferring him from the Diocese of San Diego (California).


Thursday, January 2, 2025

Could Latest Nightclub Shooting Be Connected to Gangs

Mexican Police Chief Says He has 0 Tolerance for These Mass Shootings

Edit: they’re praying this isn’t connected to other Mohammedans. It looks like black criminals are settling beefs. Either way, these mass shootings illustrate a demographic and biological problem.

[NBC New York] At least 10 people were shot when three to four gunmen opened fire on a group standing outside a Queens nightclub where a private event was taking place Wednesday night, the New York Police Department said in an early morning press briefing Thursday.

All of the victims in the 144th Street shooting outside Amazura nightclub -- six females, four males -- are expected to survive, police said. Authorities are investigating if the shooting is gang-related. They say there is no nexus to terror. 

 According to investigators, police got multiple 911 calls shortly after 11 p.m. for a shooting at the club. Roughly 90 people were inside, upstairs at a private venue, celebrating the life of a 16-year-old who was shot to death. The venue was at capacity, and about 15 were waiting to get in.


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Mohammedan Cutthroat Murders at Least 10 in New Orleans

New Orleans Police Chief Looks Like Lesbo-Nun

Edit: the police chief might be part of the problem. Look at her hat, it’s like two sizes too small!


Friday, December 27, 2024

Media Mistakes Blood Thirsty Muslim Thug With Christian


Edit: who’s going to fact check the f@g checkers? Rather being that all-too-rare Christian mass murderer, it was actually an all-too-common Musluman killer waging Islamic holy war on Christians. Thank goodness there was a Christian Frenchman there to stop him. 

[PJ Media] At first glance, the story seemed distressingly familiar: back in June 2023, a Syrian asylum seeker went on a stabbing spree at a playground in the French city of Annecy, stabbing four toddlers and two adults. There have been numerous incidents  in recent years of Muslim migrants in France stabbing people in random attacks, often while screaming “Allahu akbar.”

A young Frenchman named Henri d’Anselme stopped the attacker’s stabbing spree. Now, d’Anselme has revealed on Legend, a popular French podcast, that a magistrate told him that the perpetrator was not a Christian but a Muslim who had been a member of Bashar al-Assad’s army in Syria and later of the Islamic State. He claimed falsely to be a Christian to gain asylum in Europe.

De Anselme:

…so he shouts “in the name of Jesus Christ,” he starts to say, “My wife, my —” I don’t really know what, finally, I don’t remember very well, and I answer, “No, no, no, not Jesus Christ, you have nothing to do with Jesus,” just, in fact, I tell him NO, I shout that. “To me, you have nothing to do with Jesus Christ, you are the devil,” I said that “you are the devil,” and that’s what I said.


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Usury and the One Group

That giveth upon usury, and that taketh an increase: shall such a one live? he shall not live. Seeing he hath done all these detestable things, he shall surely die, his blood shall be upon him. . . .

Edit: maybe you knew that John Calvin was cited for sexual crimes against nature, but did you know he favored allowing usury?

They’ll probably get away with it for a while, since they’re Asian, but expect these based honorary frens to get banned soon.  As someone pointed out, they would be imprisoned for this in Europe. 

Merry Christmas!


Friday, December 20, 2024

Islamic Cutthroat Who Posed as Doctor in German Plows into Christmas Market

Edit: how many did he kill in his private practice as a doctor?

[New York Post]  50-year-old Saudi national rammed a car into a crowd of people at a Christmas market in Magdeburg on Friday, killing at least 2 people and injuring over 60.

One child and one adult were confirmed dead, according to Reiner Haseloff, premier of the state of Saxony-Anhalt.  
Graphic video of the attack released on social media shows the alleged Saudi national plowing into a crowd at top speed and only appearing to come to a stop due to the sheer number of bodies he ran over.


Sunday, December 15, 2024

This Schwartze Shiksa's days are numbered


https://ronchism.substack.com/p/candace-owens-on-the-chosen-people?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web From Brother Andre's comment section. It’s from a former naval officer: 

 Concerning the USS Liberty the Israelis asserted, unpersuasively, that their firing on it was an alleged case --- a repeated case, unbelievably --- of mistaken identity. The Israelis claimed that the pilots and PT boat commanders and lookouts could not see the Stars and Stripes and the US Jack, or that Liberty was not flying its colors. This is not credible. As any amatuer navalist can tell you, warships have distinctive national styles. You can tell an American from a Russian from a French from a British Commonwealth vessel just a glance. US men-of-war are painted battleship grey. In the 1960's, they were almost all flush deck vessels. They had hurricane bows, on which were painted white numbers. In 1939, Captain Hans Langsdorff reportedly painted white numbers on the bow of the pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee, so unsuspecting Allied merchantmen would assume, from a distance, that the German raider was a big American heavy cruiser. All military and naval personnel are trained in identification friend or foe. Whether it was flying the flag or the jack or neither, you could tell, from miles away, that the Liberty was an American warship.

~Posted by Steve Voris

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Popeski Secretary Living With Boyfriend in Stylish Krakow

Edit: What’s with the blogsites named after Bible passages? How about a blogsite called Unam Sanctam?

The author’s name is “Msgr” Gene Thomas Gormulka. He is an ordained priest from Altoona Diocese and was a Navy Captain. He was also named Prelate or Honor by Popeski.   Some may remember the heretical +Adamec of Altoona-Jonestown who passed away “suddenly” in 2019. Gormulka jumped ship and married. He has two children.

Dziwisz was a big advocate for Popeski’s canonization. If anything should invalidate modern canonizations, this might be it. The canonization of John Paul II was a disaster, but it was meant to placate conservatives in the Church in the face of Paul IV and John XXIII canonizations.  Surely, they’ll canonize just about anyone.

Anyway, here it is!

[John18:35] The Polish media have created a stir recently by outing Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz, the former personal secretary of Saint John Paul II, for carrying on a homosexual relationship with an Italian, Andrea Nardotto, whom he ​ordained a permanent deacon in a private ceremony in Warsaw. This news report is similar to howMonsignor Battista Ricca whom Pope Francis placed in charge of his Vatican residence, the Casa Santa Marta, was reported for cohabitating with a Swiss Army captain, Patrick Harri, when he was assigned to the Nunciature in Uruguay.


Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Ben Shapiro Finds Massacre of Syrian Christians Acceptable

 Edit: our best ally’s spokesman is at it again.


Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Everything You Were Taught About Medieval Monarchy Is Wrong!

It really was the original form of limited government. Nowhere near as intrusive as our governments today. Back then, power was very diffused. Everyone had it from the King all the way down to the lowest serf. However, authority was concentrated (up at the top). The result was that if the king overstepped his bounds, he was just told: "No!" Try that today where authority is diffused (everybody has a vote) but power is concentrated at the top. If you don't vote the right way, they make you vote again. In the end, we all know that if voting was actually capable of changing anything, it would be made illegal.


 Little thought experiment: Suppose our POTUS was replaced with a hereditary monarch with all the limitations on power originally enumerated in the Constitution. We suspect that the very moment he tried to make a grab for power that the law didn't give him, the peasants would be out with pitchforks ready to overthrow him. But, because we all vote we're all peachy keen with the Federal Government growing increasingly powerful. If you can stand the persiflage, here's a playlist of Coulombe talking monarchy. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCVYi9yXYkhrhyWmfmdflvzknb7F3Dlls