Saturday, June 4, 2011

Milan Gets New Archbishop -- Cathedra of St. Ambrose

Editor: There will be no decision till the end of June, probably.  This was originally predicted from a report by 'Il Giorno' at  The favorite candidate might be refusing this honor, but the Holy Father may want him in this position very badly. At least the favorite is a friend of Tradition.

(Mailand)For more than a year the naming of the expected Archbishop of Milan has been expected.  This holds not only for Italy, but throughout the world.  The Archbishopric of Milan is the largest Diocese in the World.  The Cathedra which was that of the Church Father St. Ambrose, has brought several Popes in the Twentieth Century.  Because of the Ambrosian Rite, still in use in the north Italian metropolis, it gives the Archdiocese a special position in the Church.

Angelo Scola, Patriarch of Venice is the Favorite

The serving Archbishop Dionigi Cardinal Tettamanzi since 2002, has already passed the age limit two years ago.  Pope Benedict XVI has asked the Cardinal to remain in office.  Since then, the successor carousel has turned.  At the same time two Cardinals are held as favorites for the prestigious See: Cardinal Angelo Scola,  born 1941, the Patriarch of Venice with a very strong relationship with Pope Benedict XVI.  Scola is closely associated with the society of Communion and Liberation (CL) founded by Father Giussiani. He immediately put the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum in effect by establishing it at a church near the Grand Canal, which was entrusted to the Society of St. Peter.  In the past year the Cardinal celebrated Holy Mass in the Old Rite himself during his visit to the church.

Cardinal Gianfraco Ravasi, born 1942.  He's been an Exegete since 2007 of the Papal Council of Rites and since 2010 a Cardinal, and was himself brought into play as successor in Milan.  Both come from Lombardy and the names of both were part of a fiver-proposal sent to the Nuncio for Italy this Spring and submitted to the Holy See.

What is remaining are three names proposed.  One such is included by the Pope with the same or other names.  He can select from them, but also may chose not to.  In the proposal of three, which is only presented to the Congregation of Bishops, is missing Cardinal Ravasi.  Although in Milan the Corriere della Sera is last but not least, advocated for Msgr Ravasi, his naming is becoming more increasingly unlikely, the more it becomes evident that the Pope does not seem to show himself ready to build a balanced Roman curia.

The Diocese of Several Popes

 The Episcopal Congregation has put forth the names of three qualified candidates: in the first place is Cardinal Angelo Scola, Patriarch of Vencice, follwed by Msgr Francesco Lambiasi, Bishop of Rimni and Msgr Aldo Giordano, standing observer of the Holy See in the Council of Europe.  On Thursday 9 June the Congregation of Bishops will evaluate the three remaining proposed three and make a recommendation to the Pope.

Msgr Giuseppe Bertello, the Apostolic Nuncio for Italy directed three different interviews, with which he received the opinions of Bishops, Priests and Laity from Milan and Lombardy.  At the last inquiry in the past weeks were effecting the aforementioned fiver proposal, which included Cardinal Ravasi and Msgr Pietro Parolin, Apostolic Nuncio for Venezuela.  The last mentioned appear in any case, will not appear in the three proposed which the Congregation will evaluate.

According to canon law there is nothing that says the Pope is bound in his decision.  Even the Congregation can propose other names to the Pope. Recently in the last days there were even new members named to the Congregation, which might set a different accent. These are Cardinal Mauro Piacenza and the emeritus Bishop Lorenzo Chiarinelli.

Cardinal Scola is therefore the favorite for the Diocese of St. Ambrose. Before his appointment the Patriarchate of Venice he was Bishop of Grosseto, Rector of the Lateran University and the former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger's valued collaborator in the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith.

Bishop Lambiasi has been the spiritual assistant of Catholic Action Italy.  Msgr Giordano, who is still not a Bishop, belongs to the Papal Diplomatic Staff.  he has already been on a three list last year for the Archdiocese of Turin.  At that time the Pope decided finally for the Bishop of Vicenza Msgr Cesare Nosiglia.

We won't know Till the End of June Who +Tettamanzi's Successor Will be

This is the first time in a century that the naming of a new Archdiocese of MIlan, one of the most important Diocese of the world, has gone according to orderly election process in place for most of the other Diocese. At the last a naming  will always happen  directly through the Pope without the intercession of the Congregation of Bishops and their procedures.

On the 9th of June the last evaluation of the candidates will take place.  A few days later Cardinal Marc Ouellet, the Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops, will submit a recommendation to  Pope Benedict XVI.  The name of the new Archbishop of Milan will be be made foreseeably known at the end of the month.

(Sacri Palazzi/Giuseppe Nardi, Bild: Sacri Palazzi)

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In Croatia, pope to pray at the tomb of martyred Cardinal Stepinac

Editor: There is a Marxist professor out there who claims to know that Blessed Aloysius Stepanic was a Nazi collaborator, repeating the Marxist propaganda he absorbed when he went to Yugoslavia as a boy.  First of all, comparing someone to Nazis is a really tired old slur.  Who knows what kinds of compromising interrelations went on there, but it's a strong indicator of one's political affiliations, especially Marxist ones, when they repeat certain lies.   

In Croatia, pope to pray at the tomb of martyred Cardinal Stepinac

H/t: Pewsitter


Editor: Some people complain needlessly about another's morally indifferent actions, assuming upon themselves a raiment of judge, in some respects laughably committing the same crimes they've accused others of doing.
So, I heard you're a little bit Rock N' Roll.

[New Advent] Jealousy is here taken to be synonymous with envy. It is defined to be a sorrow which one entertains at another's well-being because of a view that one's own excellence is in consequence lessened. Its distinctive malice comes from the opposition it implies to the supreme virtue of charity. The law of love constrains us to rejoice rather than to be distressed at the good fortune of our neighbour. Besides, such an attitude is a direct contradiction of the spirit of solidarity which ought to characterize the human race and, especially, the members of the Christian community. The envious man tortures himself without cause, morbidly holding as he does, the success of another to constitute an evil for himself. The sin, in so far as it defies the great precept of charity, is in general grievous, although on account of the trifling matter involved, as well as because of the lack of deliberation, it is often reputed to be venial. Jealousy is most evil when one repines at another's spiritual good. It is then said to be a sin against the Holy Ghost. It is likewise called a capital sin because of the other vices it begets. Among its progeny St. Thomas (II-II:36) enumerates hatred, detraction, rejoicing over the misfortunes of one's fellow, and whispering. Regret at another's success is not always jealousy. The motive has to be scrutinized. If, for instance, I feel sorrow at the news of another's promotion or rise to wealth, either because I know that he does not deserve his accession of good fortune, or because I have founded reason to fear he will use it to injure me or others, my attitude, provided that there is no excess in my sentiment, is entirely rational. Then, too, it may happen that I do not, properly speaking, begrudge my neighbour his happier condition, but simply am grieved that I have not imitated him. Thus if the subject-matter be praiseworthy, I shall be not jealous but rather laudably emulous.

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Church Latin Was Never the Everyday Language of the People

Editor: If you're queezy about the tone of the article from the, just look at the arguments and conclusions from Father Lang. He's right you know.

At Least the New Massbook will Orient Itself on the Sacral Latin Language

The backwoods Council discovered the national languages exactly at the moment, when these were increasingly losing their significance after the end of Nationalism and National Socialism.

(, Vatikan) In every form of religion there is a sacral language -- Sanskrit in Hinduism, Pali in Buddhism or Koran-Arabic in Islam.

This was explained by German Oratorian, Father Uwe Michael Lang, this 30. May on the neo-Conservative snooze site, 'Zenit'.

Father Lang is a collaborator of the Roman Liturgical Congregation.

There are No Stable People's Languages

In Christian services there were -- says Father Lang -- in the course of history a variety of languages in use:

-Greek in the Byzantine Tradition,

-The language of the old oriental like Syriach, Armenian, Georgian, Coptic and Ethiopian,

-Church Slavonic.

-Ltain of the Roman and successors in the Western Rites.

Father Lang stresses that the increasingly stylized forms of speech were established. They differ from the common language:

"Often this division follows a linguistic development in the common language, which does not occur in the Liturgical language because of its sacred character."

Church Latin has been from start to finish -- probably also because of its regression to older Latin speech forms -- differentiated from daily Latin speech.

The Romans did not speak in the style of the canons or the Mass prayers -- Father Long stresses:

"As soon as Greek was displaced in the Roman Liturgy by Latin, a significantly stylized language was used, which serve in the service and which would have been very difficult for the average late antique Christian in Rome to understand."

Father Lang also pointed out that the Latin Liturgy would not have been understood by the Catholic Goths, Celts, Iberians and Punic peoples:

"All the same -- thanks to the foresight of the Church of rome and the unifying power of the Papacy -- Latin was the only Liturgical Language of Christendom, and consequently the foundation of Western culture."

The Council Fathers Limped Behind the Times

At this point Father Lang made a noteworthy about face.

Actually he had still shown that the Church Latin at no time part of the common language and generally understood.

Actually now he speaks of a growing "Gap between the Liturgical Lating and the people's language with the development of the national cultures and languages in Europe."

This -- which in any case existed during the entire history of the Church -- situation has "not promoted" supposedly "the active participation of the Faithful in the Liturgy".

For that reason the Pastoral Council desired to promote the use of the mother language -- said the priest.

The council Fathers had not intended that Latin would be displaced by the National languages -- Father Lang said as he attempted to rescue the long discredited honor of the Pastoral Council:

"The linguistic splintering of the Catholic Liturgy was so widely advanced that many Faithful these days can hardly recite any other prayers than an "Our Father" together --- he lamented.

In reality, the back woods Council had discovered National Languages exactly at the moment as these were just increasingly losing their importance after the end of Nationalism and National Socialism in the wake of US-Hegemony.

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Friday, June 3, 2011

Pravda Isn't Really Conservative: Cossacks Show Anger About Gay Parade in Moscow

Editor: It wasn't so long ago that some people were saying, "hey, hey, hey, look at Pravda now". We remained skeptical with good reason. It wasn't just the weird ads, but the legacy of Pravda. Here, we have Pravda lamenting the fact that the West will continue to perceive Russia as "homophobic". Aww, that's too bad Pravda...

The Communist party used to be opposed to homosexuality, and Pravda's editorial desk probably is too, but they want to present a new, more democratic, kinder, cuddlier Soviet Bear.

[] Just like before, the gay pride parade in Moscow was ruined. It goes without saying that the West will harshly condemn the "homophobic" Russia for violating the rights of homosexual individuals. There will be a share of truth in those accusations, albeit only a share. The rights of the LGBT community in Russia get violated indeed, but only when activists attempt to display their homosexuality publicly and provocatively. Let's just face it - holding the gay march near the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a challenge to the society.

Read the entire article, here...

Rainbow Stalin from, here.

Father Martin SJ "Comes Out" Swinging at Homophobia

Editor: It's not clear whether the author of Crabby Roads is on board with the Catholic Church's position on homosexuality. He seems to understand the problem, but then, looking back over his shoulder as he leaves the city, he occasionally praises the architects of the disaster and wingdes when they are exposed. His recent post on the Ugandan Martyrs is very good and right on. We didn't know that they were murdered by the King because they refused the King's homosexual advances. It's truly a tribute to the spirit of Sodom, the vindictiveness that individuals disturbed with homosexuality, engage in insults, threats and even violence to promote their depravities as normal.

Like many of God's most beautiful creations, the Martyrs of Uganda were brutally slaughtered by vicious men.

The following essay is an interesting piece in that line. Once again, the editor of America Magazine breezily insults people who write letters to him complaining about the homosexuality rife within the Jesuit order, no doubt, they're sincere if not good at expressing themselves in writing. We know that Father Martin is a homosexual enabler. Only a homosexual enabler portrays the need for "homophobia awareness" month, and we'd ask Father, what's crazier, someone who is angry and wounded enough by the crimes of the Jesuit order to write halting letters, or someone who fundamentally disagrees with the Catholic Church's teachings on sexuality, but chooses to continue calling himself a Catholic, even drawing a salary from that Church, writing for a highly funded, glossy nationally circulated magazine that frequently betrays the Catholic Church as it has done at least since the twenties?

Who's crazier and more contemptible, you, or the "crazies"?

Gays and the Church: Two Stories from Today
Posted at: Friday, June 03, 2011 01:36:24 PM
Author: James Martin, S.J.

You won’t be surprised to discover that we get all kinds of crazy letters here. And I don’t mean simply letters that seem odd or strange, or even letters that I don't fully understand—I mean crazy. As a Jesuit friend told me last night, “No nut like a religious nut.” One fellow sends me (regularly) a packet of folded-up colored paper with instructions on how this can be used to communicate with angels. Another correspondent mails pages and pages of tiny, mostly illegible, scrawl covering every inch of several pages, with Gospel passages underlined three times. So one learns to discount the nuttier letters. And one learns to accept more easily criticism from "non-nutty" people as well, even when it's delivered with sarcasm and invective. One's skin gets thicker, I think.

On the other hand, some letters tend to stick out. This morning I was opening up yesterday’s mail and noticed an envelope without a return address (never a good sign). Inside was a copy of an Of Many Things column I had written about the beatification of John Paul II. In the article I mentioned that Blessed John Paul had, at one point in his papacy, removed Pedro Arrupe, S.J., the superior general of the Jesuits, from his post in 1981, a move that dismayed many Jesuits. The letter-writer had highlighted those few sentences in bright yellow. Next to it was a Post-it that read, in full: “But Jimmy, so many Jesuits were screaming fags that something had to be done, you know, to clean the filth out of the clergy.”

Not the pleasantest thing to read in the morning. And who knows whether this person is a subscriber or not. (He, or she, seems a bit cowardly though: the lack of a return address demonstrated a lack of resolve.) Odds are, though, if he's reading the print version of the magazine, he’s probably Catholic, and even if he's not a subscriber is likely reading it in a parish or a library. (We don’t sell on newsstands.) And he knew enough to quote Pope Benedict XVI on the “filth” in the church-- referring to pedophiles not gays, but no matter.

Homophobia is still out there, no matter how much we would wish to think of ourselves as an enligtented culture, and exists in our church. Thus, the need for June as “LGBT month,” as just proclaimed by President Obama.

Link to original... before Martin changes it.

Archbishop Finn Removes Dissident from Parish: Other Bishops, not so Good

Editor: Archbishop John Neinstedt, the neo-Conservative prelate of Minneapolis, removed his problem priest and put him someplace else. Cardinal George removed the problem, got scared, and put it back. Archbishop Finn just removed the problem. Father Tegeder has been a dissident in the Archdiocese, opposing its policies and openly challenging the Archbishop's authority. Apparently, his predecessor, the homosexual enabling Father Tibesar, will be retiring, happily, on the Archdiocesan dime. We'd earlier reported that Father Tegeder was being removed from his parish, that's true, he's also being reassigned somewhere else. Heaven forbid if Father Tegeder were to want to say the Traditional Latin Mass, he might be put on restriction and quarantined from any contact with the laity at all. As it is, "peace and justice" and campaigning for homosexuality in one way or another, will get you reassigned to a new parish more suited to your strangeness. Father Tegeder is being reassigned to a much more liberal parish, where scarcely a Catholic doctrine or discipline is heard or obeyed.

Bishop Robert Finn has removed a priest from his duties as pastor of Christ the King parish in Kansas City and from all other public ministry, the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph announced tonight.

In a statement released at 7:48 p.m., the diocese said that its review board, which is charged with assessing sexual abuse allegations against priests, had received “credible reports alleging sexual misconduct with minors by Father Michael Tierney in the early 1970s and 1980s.”

One person making a complaint recently met with the review board, the diocese said.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Catholic Colleges Lose Exempt Status Because Not Catholic Enough

Editor: Never thought of this before. Whoever thought this up is brilliant and there doesn't seem to be any downside to it. There's more than one way to skin a cat.

The conflict between some Roman Catholic colleges and adjunct professors seeking collective bargaining rights is intensifying.
Last week, the Chicago office of the National Labor Relations Board ruled that adjuncts at St. Xavier University were entitled to vote on a union, and that the university lacked enough of a religious character to be exempt from provisions of federal labor law.
The ruling is the second this year in which an NLRB regional office has rejected the claims of Roman Catholic colleges that they can prevent adjunct unions. In both the dispute at St. Xavier and one at Manhattan College,officials of the NLRB reviewed the ties of Catholic orders to the colleges and found that the institutions were largely secular.

Adjuncts 2, Catholic Colleges 0 - Inside Higher Ed

Parish Administratress "Apologizes" For Church's Treatment of Sodomy

Editor: The Sisters of St. Joseph Crandolet are representative of one of the most rotted out derelict fetid corpses of religious life in the world, or ever. What's a woman doing running things anyway?  The way the Church has treated them?  How about the way they treat each other?

“For the way the Church has treated them”
Pastoral coordinator at Palm Springs parish apologizes to homosexuals

A woman religious who serves as pastoral coordinator at the largest Catholic parish in Palm Springs has apologized for the way some Church leaders have treated homosexuals, comparing them to the Japanese unjustly interred during World War II and African-Americans in the Deep South before the civil rights movement.

Sister Diane Smith, a member of the sisters of Saint Joseph Carondolet, is pastoral coordinator at St. Theresa Parish in Palm Springs. Pastoral coordinators, appointed by the bishop, administer parishes when no priest to available to serve as pastor. It is a means by which some bishops deal with the priest shortage.

Sr. Smith’s apology was published in the Sunday, May 29, parish bulletin. Sr. Smith referenced an email she had received from a woman, presumably Catholic, who had made making amends to homosexuals “for the way the Church has treated them” one of her goals in life. “I have been deeply touched that so many of our gay and lesbian community have stayed in the church as active participants not only at worship but in the many ministries here at St. Theresa,” wrote Sr. Smith. “I, too, would like to apologize on behalf of the Church. For anyone who has been hurt by a member of Church leadership I also apologize.”

H/t AQ, read further at, California Catholic Daily...

Photo from

New First Coast Catholic bishop known to champion social justice issues |

Editor: Social Justice = Wealth Redistribution. He's frequently harassed legislators on behalf of creeping socialism. And of course, he's a brown skinned Spanish speaker, and the paper is proud to cite other Latinos saying, "it's great to have one of our own in there". If the tables were turned, you'd probably be reading about it in Stormfront.

Evangelization for Estevez will also mean continuing to champion the church's social justice issues in Tallahassee, a role he excelled at as auxiliary bishop of Miami, said Mike McCarron, executive director of the Florida Catholic Conference.
The bishop has routinely met with legislators, written policy papers and delivered speeches opposing the death penalty and abortion, McCarron said. He has also advocated for the rights of the disabled and immigrants.
"I will be doing even more of that than before," Estevez said. "My agenda will include seeking the good for all, especially those who are most vulnerable."
That's where Estevez's ethnicity inspires his ministry.

New First Coast Catholic bishop known to champion social justice issues |

Hibernian Society Accused of Fraud

A staff member is being investigated for defrauding one of New Zealand's oldest friendly societies, allegedly taking up to $1 million over a decade.

The Serious Fraud Office said yesterday it was working with Wellington police to investigate allegations of employee fraud at Hibernian Catholic Benefit Society, whose headquarters are in Dixon St, Wellington.

SFO chief executive Adam Feeley said that, after initial investigations, it appeared a single staff member had been committing fraud over an extended period.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Russia to Pass Strict Anti-Abortion Law

Editor: Liberalism has been weighed in Russia and found wanting.

H/t: Pete Frey

Anglican Church in Canada Will Honor Sodomitical "Blessings"

Editor: Hopefully, Anglicans who are dissatisfied with this state of affairs will be welcomed heartily, but at least in Canada, we fear they are not.

The blessing of civil marriages between same-sex couples can now take place in the Anglican diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.

A resolution giving priests and parishes the option to bless same-sex unions was approved, by a majority vote, at the 143rd synod of the diocese on May 27 in Halifax.

Parishes and clergy are free to opt out of blessing same-sex unions, the diocesan bishop, Sue Moxley, told Anglican Journal. Interviewed via e-mail, Bishop Moxley added that parishes will need “to decide where they want to be with a pastoral response” on the issue

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Soviet-style Jesuit Reads Bad Poetry at "Catholic" School

Editor: Here's a puff piece in the Washington Post that not only fawns over Jesuit Ernesto Cardenal, it describes his Marxist struggle as one "struggling against injustice". The poor do not need such spokesmen. Calling the murderous Marxist uprising "a beautiful Revolution", the decayed Jesuit spoke to what looks like a crowd of tens at Loyola University in Baltimore, Maryland.

Even if the administration of this Jesuit school lacks the Faith, there are a few remaining who have it:

Cardenal’s appearances in the United States to promote his latest work were greeted with hostility among some conservative Catholics. Thousands of protest letters spurred by the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, known by the acronym TFP, were sent to officials at Xavier University in Ohio and Loyola.

“Inviting Fr. Cardenal to speak at a Catholic university is like welcoming a wolf into a hen house,” John Ritchie, TFP’s student action director, wrote in an e-mail. “It’s a scandal that Xavier University and Loyola University (Maryland) hosted this man. His radical Marxist views are not only flawed, but also detrimental to the faith and incompatible with the teaching of the Church.”

Read further...

Chief Director of L'Osseratore Romano: healed by the Intercession of Pius X

"For that reason I foster a profound veneration for him" -- Chief Director Giovanni Maria Vian was close to death at the age of two from diphtheria.

Vatikan ( The Chief Director of L'Osservatore Romano, Giovanni Maria Viari, recalled how he called upon the intercession of Pope Pius X when he suffered a life threatening diphtheria infection. "For that reason I foster a deep veneration for him", said Vian in an interview with "Il Consultante Re".

In 1954 Vian lay sick with a diagnosis as a twelve year old boy with life threatening diphtheria. On the eve of the canonization of Pius X by Pius XII, a Spanish priest, who was a friend of Vian's father suggested that the family might ask for the veneration of Pope Pius X. The family already felt closely connected to the Treviso born Pope in the same neighborhood that the family came from. After the priest celebrated Mass on the tomb of St. Pius X, "I was healed", said Vian.

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Father Stravinskas Dismisses Homeschooling

Editor: We've always thought that Father Stravinskas was too liberal. If you'll look at the poll taken at Our Sunday Visitor, you'll see that the support for homeschooling seems enormous, over seventy one percent of those responding at this point. Here's a report:

[Deliberations of the Senechal] In an apparent override of Natural law, common sense, and the Magisterium of the Church, Our Sunday Visitor has published an interview with the formerly respectable and orthodox Priest, Fr. Peter Stravinskas. After this article however, I will never again apply the glorious label of orthodoxy to this cleric.

In this interview, which includes unsupportable claims, unidentified references to "The Church Fathers", and flat-out falsehoods, Fr. Stravinskas attempts to portray parents who choose to homeschool their children as "psychologically unhealthy", "anti-clerical", and, to top it all off "a church within a church".

I very much wonder where Father has gotten this information, has he actually taken the time to get to know any of these "elitist" homeschooling families, or is he just towing the line of the (FAILED) Catholic educational system? Having spent large amounts of time among both homeschooled students, and products of Catholic education, I must insist on the exact opposite of Father's surmise. In the company of homeschooled students, I have almost invariably found a honest quest for truth, the capacity for articulate discussion, and indeed, keen insights.

Read further, here.

Political voice, social activist Thomas Roeser dies at 82 - Chicago Sun-Times

Editor: He was a voice in the wilderness calling attention to a crisis among the decadent Benedictines at his alma mater.

Political voice, social activist Thomas Roeser dies at 82 - Chicago Sun-Times

Malta : votes ‘yes’ to divorce in referendum

TheStar Malta votes ‘yes’ to divorce in referendum

Sex Abuse Rocks Lutheran Church in Germany

Editor: Last year, the world's first female Lutheran Bishop, Maria Jepsen, was forced to resign under suspicion that she had covered up abuse. The case received almost no coverage in the English speaking press at all

North Elba Lutheran Church struggles with accusations of covering up a serious case of sexual abuse.

Ahrensburg ( In connection with the most serious case of sexual abuse in the North Elba Church, Heidi Emse the former Provost is defending herself against accusations that she had covered it up. She became aware of occurrences in the Church Community of Ahrensburg near Hamburg in 1999. From the seventies to the eighties, former Pastor Gert-Dietrich Kohl (73) had admitted to committing the crime in the meantime against 22 children and adolescents, among whom were three of his five stepsons. The crimes have passed the statute of limitations.

The president of the North Elba Church, Bishop Gerhard Ulrich (Schleswig)conceded a lapse in supervision, actually the church leadership followed the direction of their consultants, to introduce disciplinary action against Emse. This will now make certain that things will in no way be veiled. In retrospect they are viewing this solely as negligence, that the procedure had not been properly documented. They had been informed by the church office by telephone in 1999 about the suspicion before her time in office about the child abuse. Kohl was then reassigned. She's explained that it was dealt with administratively. A year later she learned that he was working in juvenile law enforcement. Thereupon she applied to the church office. Then Kohl was put on early retirement. Taking this into consideration, the Ahrensburger Church Board had expressed confusion about the decision of the Church leadership being directed against Emse. This could have been done with greater clarity.

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Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Second Chance for Cloister Weingarten? Fast Growing Community Wants to Move In

The decadent Benedictines have left the Monastery as of September 2009. In the meantime the priests, who are wearing in any case black habits, have come for a look around.

(, Weingarten) It's possible that the New Rite ironclad French Priestly Society ‘Communauté de Saint Martin’ will take over the abandoned Benedictine Cloister Weingarten in the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart.

Priests of the Society have already inspected the Cloister.

This was according to the speaker of the Old Liberal Diocese, Thomas Broich, of the ‘Schwäbischen Tageszeitung’.

The upper Swabian Benedictine Cloister Weingarten closed its doors at the end of September 2009.

The Cloister has one of the world famous Baroque Basilicas, which was founded in 1056.

Like Holy Water to the Devil

The neo-Conservative Priestly Society of St. Martin was founded by Cardinal Giuseppe Siri of Genoa († 1989).

The first members were refugees from France who were trying to flee the decadence of their homeland.

So they are active, besides France, only in Italy and Cuba.

The Society has shown powerful growth.

It has about seventy priests and deacons as well as about forty seminarians, who always wear Soutanes.

The group is strongly oriented to the New Rite and follow the guidelines like no one else.

Therefore there it is practically the de facto particular rite of the Society.

The talks have already been widely fruitful

Besides the large ecclesiastical political differences between the Bishop of Rottenburg-Stuttgart and the Priestly Society, the Diocesan speaker describes the talks as "intensive and good".

A positive outcome for the management of the Cloister would be conceivable --- says the speaker:

"Both sides need to take time for evaluation and thought."

In February Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Maria Renz (53) of Rottenburg-Stuttgart will travel to France for further discussions.

Perhaps the 'Society of St. Martin' will see the finger of God in that the location of the Cloister Weingarte is on the Martin's Mountain.

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