Saturday, January 15, 2011
Rector of St. Paul Seminary Retiring From Post
Fr. Baer’s Farewell
On May 12, 2010 friends and benefactors of Saint John Vianney College Seminary gathered to bid farewell to Fr. William Baer. After eleven years as Rector of Saint John Vianney, Fr. Baer has returned to parish life at Transfiguration in Oakdale, MN.
Fr. Baer leaves quite a legacy at Saint John Vianney. In his years as Rector, Fr. Baer instituted the Seminarians’ pledge and prayer – “Men in Christ. Men of the Church. Men for Others”. A total of 475 seminarians took the pledge and studied at Saint John Vianney under his guidance. Enrollment more than doubled
during his tenure as Rector.
Fr. Baer will also be remembered for starting the “Last Chance Mass” at the University of St. Thomas, a Sunday evening tradition, where over 300 students and neighbors attend Mass in the Saint John Vianney Chapel.
Fr. Baer’s final gift to the seminary is a lasting one – a scholarship fund which was created in his honor to provide financial assistance to transfer students who join the seminary. Transfer students make up a third of each class of New Men, and traditional scholarship assistance for transfer students is very limited. An envelope is enclosed if you would like to donate to the scholarship fund, or make an unrestricted gift to the seminary.
You can read the entire Vianney News newsletter, with photos of Father Becker, Fr. Baer and the seminarians, HERE.
H/t: Stella Borealis
Gun control: Church firmly, quietly opposes firearms for civilians
By Carol Glatz
Catholic News Service
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The Catholic Church's position on gun control is not easy to find; there are dozens of speeches and talks and a few documents that call for much tighter regulation of the global arms trade, but what about private gun ownership?
The answer is resoundingly clear: Firearms in the hands of civilians should be strictly limited and eventually completely eliminated.
But you won't find that statement in a headline or a document subheading. It's almost hidden in a footnote in a document on crime by the U.S. bishops' conference and it's mentioned in passing in dozens of official Vatican texts on the global arms trade.
Six Stabbed in brawl between students from West Catholic and Boys' Latin
Five students from Boys' Latin of Philadelphia Charter School were stabbed or slashed, as was one from West Philadelphia Catholic High, during the melee about 7:30 a.m. on Farragut Street near Market, just outside the busy 46th Street Station.
At a school assembly yesterday, David Hardy, CEO of Boys' Latin, on Cedar Avenue near 55th in West Philadelphia, implored students not to retaliate. Four of the five kids stabbed had been accepted into college already.
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Watch sports videos you won't find anywhere else
Ex-Anglican bishops ordained as Catholics
Ex-bishops Broadhurst and Burnham were unhappy about the direction of the Anglican Church
Related stories
Keith Newton, Andrew Burnham and John Broadhurst will take up roles in the section known as the Ordinariate.
Father Newton has been chosen as leader of what is to be known as the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham.
Friday, January 14, 2011
The end of a great era': Bishop Ward dies at 90
The term "churchman," as noted by Msgr. Francis Weber, is one used sparingly.
"It's a title that has to be earned," the archdiocesan archivist wrote in his Encyclopedia of California's Catholic Heritage. "It cannot be conferred. It signifies a person who towers above his contemporaries, one who personifies the ideals of the Christian commitment.
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Sex abuse lawyer to sue Diocese of Clogher
THE DIOCESE of Clogher is to be sued in the US by clerical sex abuse specialist, lawyer Jeff Anderson, in connection with allegations of child sexual abuse in the early 1980s by a former Clogher priest.
Announcing the formation of a new London-based law firm, set up in partnership with solicitor Ann Olivarus, Mr Anderson said yesterday that the firm’s first joint case would be taken in Minnesota against a retired priest from the Diocese of Clogher.
The priest, now in his 80s, is alleged to have been a serial abuser who molested children in Ireland in the 1960s and 1970s and then in the US from the 1980s. In the case in question, taken in the US because the “John Doe plaintiff” is an American citizen, Mr Anderson is likely to argue the Diocese of Clogher is guilty of fraud because it sent the priest to a US diocese, despite knowing of his extensive history of child molestation in Ireland.
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Thursday, January 13, 2011
A Protestant Will Become President of the Papal Academy of Sciences
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Nobel Prize Winner Werner Arber (81) |
(, Vatikan)Pope Benedict XVI has made the elderly Swiss Nobel Prize winnder Werner Areber (81) the president of the Papal Academy of Science, according to the Academy today.
The decadent Swiss Bishops Conference published the press release with congratulations.
But he's a protestant.
A Specialist in Enzymes
The new presidents of the Academy comes from the Community of Graenichen in the Swiss Canton Aarau.
In the year of 1965 he was appointed as a Professor at the University of Genf.
Since 1971 he's worked at the Biology Department of the University of Basel as a microbiologist and geneticist with bacteria.
In 1978 he was awarded the Nobel Prize with two colleagues for the discovery of so-called restrictions enzyme.
The Old Liberal Bishops Celebrate
The Swiss Bishops Conference celebrated the "honorable appointment" -- especially because of its alleged "ecumenical significance".
The Church functionaries maintain that the "selection of those who are academically active scientists expressly on the basis of their scientific and ethical service, independent of Nation or Religious beliefs."
The Papal Academy of Science was founded 400 years ago by Pope Clemens VIII (1605).
They assemble eighty academics, who've been named by the Pope and are from among the most famous scientists of the entire world.
Initially, recently the Pope named the Brazilian abortion and homosexual ideologue, Miguel Nicolelis (49), as a member.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Unrepentant Thug Condemned -- Vienna Pro-Lifers Win Legal Battle
[ Vienna] On Monday a Viennese district court condemned the thug Andreas T., who worked for the Viennese child murderer Christian Fiala. The criminals were found guilty of three crimes.
This was according to video site ''.
For years Andreas T. had been paid by child butcher Fiala for that, to terrorize praying sidewalk counselors.
The comrades of the undercutting Vienese authorities who have stood till now always on the side of the psychoterrorists.
Actually now the judge had no choiceL: the attacks of Andreas T. were filmed with a hidden camera.
The Abortion Employees Were Violent
On Monday four offenses were handled. In reality Andreas T. had been responsible for countless offenses in the last years.
Thus he cut the rosaries of two praying sidewalk counselors. One of the attacks were filmed.
On the next day Andreas T. kicked against the back of a life defender's leg.
Two of those kicks were filmed with a camera.
The stricken life defender made a complaint about the injury he received on his back leg. A Doctor documented a bruise.
A fourth crime was reported as a theft: on the 15th of June 2009, Andreas T robbed the victim of his wallet, which he took from the life defender's jacket pocket, for a hidden camera.
He Lied to the Court
Despite the filmed data Andreas T attempted to deny the charges -- to the anger of the judge.
So he argued to the end that he hadn't stolen the gold purse.
His lie: the visible brown square wallet he said was a folded flier.
The judge did allow himself to be held as stupid: a theft of a wallet also goes to self-enrichment -- he explained to the contrary.
The website '' shows excerpts immediately preceding the theft: they show how he takes a wallet from the life defender's jacket -- and not some flier.
On the video there are concidentally also excerpts, where Andreas T. steals yellow fliers from the jacket pocket -- a crime, that was not handled on Monday morning.
On the face of it the evidence must have finally implicated the terrorist in a kick.
Previous he had still stolidly insisted not to have trod on the leg of his victim, rather on an "object" before the leg.
The pained expression of his victim, explained the judge cynically, must have been from the "wind" hitting him.
The judge had to explain to the liar that a confession could serve as a mitigating factor.
Thereupon Andreas T. withdrew to consult with his lawyer.
Finally he insisted begrudgingly: "The video said that I had stepped on him, therefore I had probably stepped on him."
His defender encouraged him to more clearly state his confession. First he could then convince himself to tell the truth: "I did step on him from behind."
This confession forced by facts, begruding confession was greeted by the judge as mitigating. He gave failed, in any case, to give any contrition.
In aggravation he indicated that there were more punishable acts to come.
The judge condemned the thug to 100 daily rate for every 2 Euros plus legal costs.
Further, he was required to pay the life defender damages. here.
Priceless Gothic High Altar of St. Nicholas in Aachen Destroyed
The good God had recently decided to take a church, which had been recently recycled as a Party-Hall, out of circulation.
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The Destroyed high altar in the Aachen City Church from a press photo of the Diocese. |
The former cloister church has an apse which is fourteen meters high which is supported by twelve powerful pillars.
The priceless high altar with three paintings from the Rubens school, made for a real attention grabber.
The church pews were removed by the Dicoese of Aachen in 2002.
The space has been being used since by the Evangelical Communion and the Catholic Church and also for a so-called "City Pastoral".
The new years fire destroyed the 17th Century high altar completely.
The three altar paintings were a total loss.
The gothic high altar and the old lead glass winders were severely damaged.
The spreading of the fire to the roof was prevented by the fire department.
A destroyed window of the church led the police to suspect that the fire had been caused by a Silvesterrakete.
As recently as 29 October, the Bishop Heinrich Mussinghof of Aachen had celebrated his seventieth birthday.
The smoking feast was organized by a caterer and collected the Old Liberal Nomenklatura of the Diocese from hither and yon.
The Old Liberal Cardinal Lehmann of Mainz held a gala talk.
Also present were the president of the German Bishop's conference and the Old Liberal Archbishop of Freiburg, Msgr Robert Zollitsch.
Translated from German, here at
Hundreds attend Mass to remember Arizona victims |
Hundreds attend Mass to remember Arizona victims |
H/t: P-Hall
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
EGYPT: Death of church-bombing suspect while in police custody prompts protests
The death in police custody of a suspect in the New Year's Eve bombings that left 25 Coptic Christians dead and scores injured in Alexandria, Egypt, has triggered demonstrations in the most populous Arab country. Protesters have criticized Interior Minister Habib Adli over what they called the ministry's "brutal treatment and torture" of suspects
Tucson Shooting Reveals Return to 1990s Mindset in America: Evil Liberals Are Blaming the Victims
The last time liberals had unrivaled political power, they ended up slaughtering millions of people after usurping the Russian Throne. So, in this case, conservatives like the Czar and his family were the victims of a liberal wealth confiscation scheme. Too impatient to rely on inflation, the liberals killed the Czar and his family in a remote place under cover of darkness.
Now they're blaming "conservatives" for something they've definitely influenced by their cancerous presence in motion pictures and music.
America has been going through something of a political time-warp in the aftermath of the Tucson massacre.
The public discussion again and again harkens back to the mid-1990s when the Oklahoma City bombing spurred the American elite to a lengthy discussion about the rise of radicals on the right. Reporters and analysts this week have endlessly reprised the arguments of 15 years ago.
Will President Obama's memorial speech at the University of Arizona evoke Bill Clinton's mix of sympathy and political accusation in the aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing? Is a toxic political climate to blame for setting off a madman? Are conservative opinion mongers to blame? [They're asking the wrong questions. Look within.]
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Bishop Fellay's First Comments on Assisi III
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In theory they know, in theory they believe. But in reality, do they believe? Do they really believe that Our Lord is God? Do they really believe that peace among men, among nations, is in His hand? Do they really believe in all the immediate, direct consequences of His divinity? …Are they all going, like the Magi, the Three Kings, to adore the true God and to look to Him for that peace and to ask Him for it? Are they going to the King of Peace: Rex Pacificus? Oh, how history repeats itself, alas! Link to SSPX site, here. |
Monday, January 10, 2011
Saintly Bishop Bids His People Goodbye at End of Mass and Dies Shortly After
Photo stolen from, here, Blogovikus.
Saarland in Germany Closes Two Schools of the SSPX
Saarbrücken ( The Education Ministry of Saarland has concluded that with the end of the current half of the school year, two Saarland schools, which are operated by the Society of Pius X, must conclude their operation. It falls upon the grade school in St. Arnual in Fechingen, according to SR-Online. The back ground for this is, according to Education Minister Kessler (Grüne), the long conflct related to the dormitory of the Heart of Jesus Realschule, which the Dom Bosco School Society must close in 2010.
The Dom Bosco School Society, both boards of the schools had declared during a press conference, it said "all of us are committed to exhaust all legal steps". The decision of the Education Ministry is being described as "ideologically political". The School Society explained in a statement on this that the Education Minister Kessler has already, as GEW-President, attempted "an illegal revocation of financial support and even the alteration of the Private School Laws" , "only so that he could close our schools. He slandered us in February 2009 as 'extremists in the area of education' and mischaracterized our manner of education with a description of St. Dom Bosco as a 'cane pedagogue', although these reproaches concerning this matter had shown themselves to be a slander campaign in 2007.
As predicted, the school will probably be closed by Green party radicals who have no business running a hat shop, much less a school system.
\Link to
Police Pay: Anti-Homosexual Opinion was Legally Allowed
London [] The Baptist street preacher Dale McAlpine from Workington in Northwest England has received 10,000 pounds for his imprisonment by the police after his public declarations of the biblical teachings on homosexuality. This was according to Church News Notes this Friday.
McAlpine had explain that the Bible counts homosexuality as a sin to a passerby who asked him the question during his Evangelical demonstration, according to previously. A police official then arrested the preaching on the grounds of racially motivated offense, therefore an offense against the Public Order Act .(.
corresponds to the German anti-Discrimination Law)
McAlpine proceeded legally against the police and received support for that from other christians, who fear the restriction of freedom of expression. It did not go to trial. The police authorities conceded that the arrest and seven hour incarceration of the preacher was a violation of the preacher's human rights and agreed to pay the 10,000 pounds in damages.
From link to