Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Bergoglio’s Court Liturgist Explains His Hatred for Traditional Mass

According to Pope Francis' "house liturgist", communities and believers are following pure deception because they are subject to an error in thinking.

On the sidelines of a conference on the priest Don Primo Mazzolari that took place last weekend in Bozzolo, northern Italy, an interview on the traditional website Messa in Latino with the liturgist Andrea Grillo, a declared enemy of the traditional Rite, was possible.  Although people disagreed with Grillo on “almost everything” about liturgical questions, they always appreciated his “brutal openness”: “At least he speaks plainly,” said Messa in Latino.  The interview comes at a moment of heightened unrest as rumors of another, now “definitive” thumbscrew against the traditional Rite are circulating.  Grillo doesn't say anything about that.  The interview provides an interesting and very direct insight into the mind of one of the tradition's most vocal opponents.  Grillo, professor of sacramental theology and philosophy of religion at the Pontifical Athenaeum of Sant'Anselmo in Rome and of liturgy at the Liturgical Institute of the Abbey of Santa Giustina in Padua, has been at war for years against the traditional rite and the communities and believers in the Church who adhere to it.  Above all, the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum by Benedict XVI made Grillo angry in  2007.  From then on, he made it his mission to combat it with the aim of abolishing it.  He has access to Santa Marta in the current pontificate and is considered Pope Francis' “house liturgist”.  Grillo had already called for “restricting” access to the traditional rite in 2019, which became reality two years later with the Motu proprio Traditionis custodes.  Here is the full text of the interview:


 Messa in Latino: Why, at least it seems to us, is it that the traditionalists loyal to Rome (like so many other lay movements) do not want to be given freedom in the Catholic Church at any price and that they are just believers who need to be re-educated?

Andrea Grillo: The first question contains numerous inaccuracies that undermine the actual meaning of the question.  I will try to explain them in turn.  Those you describe as “traditionalists loyal to Rome” are actually people who, for various reasons, are not in a relationship of loyalty to Rome, but rather in opposition.  The element of contrast concerns not simply a “ritual form” but a way of understanding relationships within and without the Church.  Everything begins with the misunderstanding caused (in good faith, but with a completely wrong judgment) by the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, which introduced a “ritual parallelism” (between Novus Ordo and Vetus Ordo) that is neither justified, systematic nor practical: It is not theologically sound and leads to greater divisions than previously existed.  The idea of ​​“loyalty to Rome” must be questioned: to be loyal to Rome, one must acquire a “ritual language” that corresponds to what Rome has collectively established.  You are not faithful if you have one foot in two shoes.  It is the achievement of Traditionis custodis to have pointed out this contradiction, which restores the one valid Lex orandi for the entire Catholic Church.  If someone tells me that he is simultaneously faithful to the Novus Ordo and the Vetus Ordo, I answer that he has not understood what tradition means, in which there is a legitimate and surmountable progress that is irreversible.

Messa in latino: Are you of the opinion that after the Paris-Chartres pilgrimage in 2024 (18,000 people, average age 25 years, diocesan bishops, a cardinal of the Holy Roman Church, extensive media coverage) the Church now also has pastoral care for the “traditional”  charism should reflect (like other movements that have emerged since the Second Vatican Council) or can it continue to deny the massive vitality of the ancient liturgy?

Andrea Grillo: What are 18,000 people compared to the great mass of the Catholic Church?  Little more than a cult that sees infidelity as salvation, often combined with moral, political and customary positions that are completely questionable.  Things don't get better by changing the words.  Tradition and traditionalism should not be equated.  Traditionalism is not “one of many movements” (although it has some similar features to some of the more fundamentalist movements that have been unduly favored over the past 40 years), but a form of “denial of the Second Vatican Council” that exists within  the Church experience can only be severely hindered.  The Church is not a “club of notaries or lawyers” who cultivate their aesthetic passions or plan to exploit the Church as “the most famous museum.”

Prof. Andrea Grillo, whose radical expression of liturgical reform and a spearhead in the war against the traditional rite that he himself declared

Messa in latino: How is it that, in your opinion, especially in the Anglophone and Francophone areas, the number of believers, seminarians, converts, financial support and large families in the traditionalist area is increasing significantly, in the face of an obvious and serious qualitative and quantitative  crisis of the Novus Ordo communities, at least in the Western world?

Andrea Grillo: We are dealing with a distortion of perspective.  Faith, particularly in the Western world, is in a crisis that began more than a century ago and has accelerated dramatically over the past 50 years.  But the crisis will not be solved by restoring the “society of honor” way of life.  It is not the “Capa Magne” or the “dead languages” that give strength to faith.  They only reinforce identity bonds, forms of fundamentalism and intransigence that are no longer those of 100 years ago, but take on unprecedented manifestations in which, with the maximum of postmodern life, one adopts a "Catholic" identity where “Catholic” is merely an idealized label.  This is not an ecclesiastical or spiritual phenomenon, but rather a phenomenon of customs and ways of life that has little to do with the authentic tradition of the Catholic Church.

Messa in latino: In this situation of lack of seminarians and young believers, why do you think the Holy Father Francis sees - at least apparently - only the traditionalist believers (who pray "cum Papa nostro Francisco" and are increasing in number) as enemies?

Andrea Grillo: First of all, the “lack of seminarians” and the “flight of young people” is not just a negative fact: it is the sign of a test that is necessary for the entire Church.  The “simple” solutions (let us fill the traditionalist seminaries with militarized young men following the example of the presbyters of the 17th or 18th centuries) are just illusions, the costs of which must primarily be borne by those affected.  They do not lead to a life of faith, but often to great resentment and personal hardening.  I would not worry that Pope Francis would perceives this as a danger.  What worried me was that his predecessors saw this as an advantage.  Nostalgia is never an advantage, even when it leads you to believe that the Church has nothing to reform but only finds all the answers in the past.  When one prays 'una cum papa', one cannot do so just as chatter, but must above all share with the Church and the Pope the one valid Ordo.  Otherwise you just chatter, but live contrary to tradition.

Messa in latino: Is it possible that a ritual form that was the “normative” of the Catholic Church for a very long time now no longer has a place alongside so many other rites of the Catholic Church, among others?  The Mozarabic, Ambrosian, Chaldean, St.  John Chrysostom, Armenian etc.?  Why should a traditional charism not coexist in the great diversity of Church charisms?  “We must not be afraid of the diversity of charisms in the Church.  On the contrary, we should rejoice in living this diversity,” said Francis in 2024.

Andrea Grillo: Here too there is a pretty serious misunderstanding in the question.  On the other hand, I recognize that your question resonates with one of the strongest (and least justifiable) motivations that characterized the period (of Summorum Pontificum), to which you are so attached that you have almost made it your banner.  At the heart of this document was an argument that said: “What was sacred to past generations cannot but be sacred to present generations.”  Where does this principle come from?  Not from theology, but from nostalgic feelings about the past.  Such a principle tends to fixate the Church on its past.  Not on the 'depositum fidei', but on the appearance that it took on at a certain time, as if it were final.  The fact that there have been ritual forms throughout history that have been recognized in their “otherness” depends on the “specific” tradition of the places or the orders.  But no one could ever have imagined that on a universal level anyone would be free to remain in a version of the Roman Rite or in the version that had been superseded by a general reform.  And one cannot use the great Pauline ideas so shamelessly “from the right”: the freedom of the charisms cannot be understood as a breeding ground for “anarchy from above,” as the implementation of the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum did in an irresponsible manner.  It would have been much better to work “at one table” so that everyone could contribute to enriching “the only ritual form that exists.”  Relying on mutual improvement between Novus Ordo and Vetus Ordo was a wholly inadequate strategy and theology fueled by ideological abstraction.

Messa in latino: You have expressed strong criticism of the traditional liturgy.  Do you think that the believers who favor it also have the right to make similar criticisms of the liturgical reform, or do you think that the critical analysis of the liturgy can only take place in the spirit of the theological current of which you are the leading representative? 

Andrea Grillo: I don’t think in terms of “factions” or “parties”.  I'm just trying to read the tradition and discover what we can do and what we're not allowed to do.  Everyone can critically examine any part of the tradition.  I'm interested in the fact that this discussion takes place with arguments.  The traditionalists' arguments are weak because they deny tradition in what best qualifies it: namely, its service to change.  Those who question liturgical reform have every right to express themselves, but they cannot expect their arguments to be self-validating.  So you can e.g.  B. from the criticism of the “reform of Holy Week” one cannot derive the right to resort to the rites before “every reform” of the Triduum, i.e.  the rites before the 50s of the 20th century.  Anyone who acts like this does not contribute to the ecclesiastical debate, but rather places themselves objectively outside the Catholic tradition, and no matter how much “loyalty to the Pope” is emphasized, this is actually denied.  It is not so easy to avoid becoming “sedavacantist,” and indeed even before the declaration.

 Messa in latino: One last question.  We believe that liturgical reform as a whole has failed, as can be seen in the empty seminaries and churches, merged parishes and diocese, etc., and that it has contributed to the crisis of the Church.  We also think that in order to defend them, one tries to present as expected results what seems to us to be negative consequences.  How would you try to change our minds?

Andrea Grillo: There are cases in theological and liturgical debate where the use of arguments is doomed to failure.  I never give up - I wouldn't be a theologian if I didn't have faith in arguments - but I understand the difficulty.  In these cases I use arguments that are often difficult to understand.  Even the well-known journalist Messori has often made the same mistake as you.  You say: “The liturgical reform has failed,” and you argue in numbers.  They think like this: If something in history comes before something else, then what comes before is the cause of what comes after.  So it is not difficult to believe that responsibility for the abuses of the 70s, 80s and 90s until 2024 lies with the Second Vatican Council and in particular with the liturgical reform.  However, this argument is not historically based.  The Church crisis largely precedes the emergence of the liturgical movement: Guéranger and Rosmini spoke of a “liturgical crisis” as early as 1830–40.  Festugière says at the beginning of the 20th century: “No one knows what celebration is anymore”… but not only do you ignore all this, you tend to simplify things and think that “if the reform had not taken place”,  we would still be in the church of the 50s.  [Who really believes this?] There is an error in reasoning here that results from an overly superficial analysis of the relationship between ecclesiastical and ritual form.  To change your mind, we should first think about the relationship between liturgy and ecclesiastical experience.  Following Christ does not mean joining a high society club [So insulting. I guess we all can’t meet with abortion promoting politicians, Masonic journos and intellectuals like Bergoglio does]  or association, speaking a foreign language, or identifying with the past by cultivating reactionary ideals.  Tradition is not the past, but the future.  Since the Church and faith are serious matters, they cannot be reduced to the association of those who cultivate a nostalgia for the past.

 Introduction/Translation: Giuseppe Nardi

 Image: MiL

Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.Com


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Christianity vs The Forces of Evil

After his successful lecture tour of Eastern Europe, the author of Logos Rising, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and The Holocaust Narrative, Dr. E Michael Jones is back in the US and joins Gemma to look at the momentous comeback of original Christianity in the face of Judaism, feminism, Protestantism and New Age Nazism. Please order and read Dr. Jones's groundbreaking books at www.fidelitypress.org.


NOW AVAILABLE! The Holocaust Narrative: https://www.fidelitypress.org/the-holocaust-narrative

Thursday, June 13, 2024

E M Jones Takes on Lifesite

Edit: the following was taken from FB. It may or may not be still up!

Nothing epitomizes the flagrant pandering and intellectual cowardice which characterizes Life Site News better than the advertisement for their upcoming conference. “The theme of the conference,” we are told, will be “Recovering from Boomer ‘Catholicism.’” The quotes around Catholicism mean that Life Site News now gets to determine who is a Catholic in good standing. Helping them to excommunicate an entire generation from the Catholic Church is none other than Bishop Joseph Strickland, who got kicked out the diocese of Tyler, Texas after he became part of a real estate scam that involved bringing in Michael Voris, another super-Catholic who got caught in his second homosexual scandal, as his communications director. Before it got involved in determining which Catholics are in good standing with the Church, Life Site News used to promote the “Judeo-Christian” position on abortion, until Roe v. Wade was overturned, and 400 Jewish organizations announced that abortion was a fundamental Jewish value. Unable to articulate the “Judeo-Christian” position on abortion, John Henry Weston(sic) decided to reinvent himself as a liturgist. Because a Jew rescued Life Site News from the Canadian thought police, Weston(sic) and co. could not identify the main enemy in the battle against abortion. Because John Henry Weston(sic) and Bishop Strickland could not identify the real enemy, they had to create straw men like “Boomer Catholics” to keep the gullible on the reservation which prohibits Catholics from criticizing Jews. Life Site News is proof that Eric Hofer(sic) was right when he said that “every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.”


https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/its-time-to-put-boomer-catholicism-out-to-pasture-and-embrace-the-fullness-of-tradition/ (https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/its-time-to-put-boomer-catholicism-out-to-pasture-and-embrace-the-fullness-of-tradition/


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

51st State?


Salvini Doesn’t Want Italian Weapons to Kill Russians

Edit: Macron and his grandma should go to Ukraine themselves id they want to kill Russians so badly. AMDG

Monday, June 3, 2024

Mannheim Policeman Stabbed by Muslim Has Died

[Welt] A 29-year-old police officer was seriously injured in the attack on Mannheim's market square.  The officer died on Sunday.  Numerous national politicians are shocked.  A minute's silence was announced for Friday.

He intervened to help - and paid with his life: The police officer who was seriously injured in the knife attack on Mannheim's market square is dead. This was announced by the Karlsruhe public prosecutor's office, the Mannheim police headquarters and the State Criminal Police Office on Sunday evening.

At the same time, the consequences of Friday's attack are being debated.  Mayor Christian Specht (CDU) has ordered mourning flags for the city's town hall from this Monday.  At the same time, Specht appealed to citizens: “I ask you all: In view of the tragic developments, let us pause and work together to unite our urban society in all its diversity and avoid any division!” [Too late for that!]

A 25-year-old Muslim cutthroat attacked several people with a knife at a rally of the Islam-critical movement Pax Europa (BPE) on the market square, seriously injuring six of them.  BPE board member Michael Stürzenberger is among the injured.


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Police Apprehend Turk Who Gunned Down Wife and Later Shot Up Hair Salon

Edit: police say that they think something in the “family background” could have caused this. 

It’s too bad Germany doesn’t have stricter gun laws!

More than 24 hours after four people were shot in Hagen, the police arrested the perpetrator on Sunday.  Shortly before, the police had searched for the 34-year-old Turk with his photo and name.  In the afternoon, Hagen's police spokesman Tino Schäfer announced that a man had been arrested.  He is the suspected perpetrator they are looking for.

 Shots in Hagen: Police arrest suspected perpetrator

[Tagesschau] A tip from a witness put investigators on the right track on Sunday.  He is said to have not resisted his arrest.  A large police force had been searching for the man since Saturday morning. Perpetrator is said to have shot at wife. He is said to have first shot at his wife in his apartment and seriously injured her.  He is then said to have shot several times at another apartment door on the floor above.  But no one was injured there.  He then drove the car to the nearby hairdressing salon in the Eilpe district and shot three other people there.  They were also injured, some seriously.  According to new information from the police on Sunday, the injuries of two of the four victims are considered "potentially life-threatening."  The investigators did not provide any further information for reasons of privacy. Search in supermarket and forest

 Hagen police operation

The perpetrator left his car in a nearby parking lot and fled on foot

After the crime, the man drove his car to a nearby parking lot and fled on foot.  The subsequent search was initially unsuccessful.  The police also used a helicopter during the search. Police assume a family motive. The police do not assume a political or religious background.  "The problems surrounding the motive for the crime could possibly lie in the perpetrator's family environment," explained police spokesman Schäfer.  “In this respect, we do not currently assume that there is a danger to uninvolved people.”


Saturday, June 1, 2024

New Dance Craze Grips Germany!

This is one reason why the kids in Sylt are singing.

 Edit: the pic of the cultural enrichment is from a post by Golden One, and it got 11,000 likes. Apparently, in Sylt Germany, a DJ played this underground hit, and the kids went crazy for it. Some firm owners and managers bragged on Twitter they were looking for employees, and one wahmen claimed she fired a woman she recognized immediately. Did she even call HR? Even the Secret Police are scouring the videos to find the identities of the people raising the Roman Salute and triumphantly chanting the lyrics.  The Bundespolizei have even employed a Witchfinder to root out the baddies, a woman with a foreign sounding name, Ferda Ataman.

It’s easy to see why real Germans ™️ are feeling this way, considering the rape epidemic and lawlessness of the new visitors.  While an anti-Islamic politician, Michael Sturrzenberger, was speaking at a “far-right” rally, a Muslim invader attacked him with a knife and stabbed him multiple times. A German policeman intervened and immediately attempted to aid the stricken politician, while another foreigner acting as a policeman, waited for his partner to get stabbed in the neck before he shot the offending Muslim, according to Skynewsn. It looks like a lot of people in power are complaining about Islamic “extremism” but failing to suggest a final solution to the problem.

The years have not been kind to Krah

 It’s almost as if real Germans ™️ aren’t running Germany and acting in the interests of the German people.

To illustrate this point we have former FSSPX Counsel, Maximilian Krah, according to CNN, who is being cancelled and is in danger of being arrested for saying that not all SS men were criminals. It’s almost as if he were set up to be knocked down. The frenzy is almost as intense in Germany as when Bishop Richard Williamson expressed skepticism and concerns about the veracity of the Holocaust narrative. Poetic justice, considering how unfair Krah was to +Williamson? We think so.

I still recall the time when Krah was going to sue the forum Ignis Ardens for their troubles.

The CNN article, which doesn’t do Krah any favors, distorts his comment and fails to recognize that the SS was an enormous international organization with three million members at its height, comprised of foreign volunteers, many of whom didn’t exactly share the purest political views with the hard core of the SS. It also fails to note that there is a difference between the Waffen SS and the SS who guarded camps or were involved fighting partisans.


Clearing the confusion about January 6th so even George Weigel could understand.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

++Vigano Accuses Bergoglio of Abusing Novice Jesuits: It Makes About As Much Sense As Anything Else

Edit: Bergoglio wouldn’t be the first Superior to abuse his novices under the veil of holy obedience. This reminds me of Abbot Eidenschink, who once led the largest Benedictine Monastery in the world. They really worshipped him for his tender attentions of their novices, many of whom went on to prey on others.

Don’t they vet these creatures beforehand? I believe this. Presently, there’s only one alleged victim, but where there’s smoke there’s fire. Imagine the arrogance of these creatures! I’ve known several and they feel themselves to be invulnerable. Seeing how most of them escaped unnoticed and unpunished for years, and even the paltry punishments they've received really makes you wonder what kind of Satanists these people are. They’re not the kind of Satanists of Hammer Horror movies who get caught up in their own hatred and are destroyed by righteous heroes, these men go to their graves largely unpunished. 

Bergoglio protected McCarrick and brought him out of retirement before he was forced to put him out for good. Even now, does anyone know where Ex-Cardinal McCarrick is?


Why Are US Catholic Bishops Promoting Devil Worship?

Edit: Hichborn has been swinging at them for years and exposing the real agenda behind these Alinksyite agendas. Obviously, it’s an agenda by the usual enemies of Christ who must not be named. Remember who Alinsky dedicated his book, Rules for Radicals, to in the first place?


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Francis Calls Aberrosexuals Mean Name

Edit: this reminds me of my girlfriend’s stepfather who was a Communist Party member. He had done everything, he was a cowboy, trucker, logger, miner and roughneck.  He would look across the table at her gay uncle with barely concealed distaste. I wonder if it was a Party thing or a normal response, anyway, not only God, but Communists hate frociggini too!

Unfortunately, he apologized, or at least his press office did. Can this be a positive sign? Is his tolerance and encouragement for faggotry at an end?


Friday, May 24, 2024

Super-Size Me Documentarian Dies

NYTs Photo Looks like Skojec

A  man who refused to share his documentation of his 30-day trial, accusing McDonald’s of producing unhealthy food, is dead. The NYTs didn’t say why he died at such a young age. Maybe it was vaccine related?  

Anyhow, while he admitted to raping someone in college, and got it trouble for sexually harassing employees, he cost people millions of dollars by his fake expose of the fast food industry. This kind of character reminds me of Steve Skojec and the rest of the professional Catholics out there, who routinely cause so much trouble, doxxing and harassing real Catholics and lying constantly.

How do these enemies within get so much funding to hatch their lies?

[New York Times] But the film also came in for significant criticism. Some pointed out that Mr. Spurlock refused to release the daily logs tracking his food intake. Health researchers were unable to replicate his results in controlled studies.

And in 2017, he admitted that he had not been sober for more than a week at a time in 30 years — meaning that, in addition to his “McDonald’s only” diet, he was also drinking, a fact that he concealed from his doctors and the audience, and that most likely skewed his results.


Thursday, May 23, 2024

Ashli: The untold story about the women of Jan. 6th


In the weeks leading up to January 6th, one guy was looking and talking tougher than Ray Epps and that was this blog's number one fan Thug Gordon.  We told him to stay home but laugh now that he could've been sharing a cell with Bozell.  It looks like he took our advice and even pulled his video.  

Monday, May 20, 2024

The One Loser Who Should Have Stayed in the Legionaries of Christ

Edit: I just saw Holy Steve posting about how he resembles these movie stars on X. Late vintage, XXXL Orson Welles was the most accurate, so I innocently posted the pudgy tranny under his post, Sam Harris, and he flipped out! 

Sam Harris does kind of resemble him, after all! What do you think?

If you live in Phoenix or wherever Steve operates as a Grubhub driver, be sure to give him a big tip, and encourage him on his future in show business. At least now he’s not scamming people while larping as a Traditionalist Catholic!