Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Bergoglio's Consciousness Raising C9 Discusses Deaconesses With Judaizing Liturgical Dancer, Anglican Priestess and Alleged Sex Predator Cardinal Lacroix

The renewed C9 Council of Cardinals discusses “upgrading the role of women in the Church”. 
Also present is Cardinal Lacroix (Encircled), who is being investigated in Canada for homosexual abuse. In the background the three speakers: (from left) Giuliva Di Berardino, Sr. Linda Pocher and the Anglican bishop Jo Bailey Wells.

(Rome) The Council of Cardinals C9, which advises Pope Francis on the leadership of the universal Church, is currently meeting in Rome. It is already the second meeting of the Council of Cardinals with the topic: enhancing the “role of women in the Church”. The rumor has been going around for months that everything is being prepared to introduce a female diaconate.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

The Political Engagement of Jorge Mario Bergoglio ad maiorum Soros gloriam


By José Arturo Quarracino*

Criticizing the current pontiff as a Peronist and overlooking his undignified commitment to and connections to the predatory and genocidal plutocracy is not only a grave mistake. It also leads to the spiritual, religious and political impotence of trying to make the Catholic Church missionary and evangelizing by tolerating the fact that the “homoaffective” prelates (Tucho Fernández dixit) are a bunch of Satanists and not shepherds of the flock Jesus Christ entrusted to them.

In his recent, excellent article “El proceso sinodal, la temible 'caja de Pandora' ” (“ The Synodal Process and the Dreaded Pandora's Box” ) 1 , Argentine Archbishop Emeritus Héctor Rubén Aguer  argues it is like an inverted pyramid: all Church institutions should remain connected to the people and always start from the bottom.”  As an Argentinian, I see in these papal inclinations the ideological matrix of Peronism (to clarify: I refer to the thinking of Juan Domingo Perón, three-time president of Argentina).

I repeat the excellent remarks of Msgr. Aguer in the above-mentioned text, which no believer interested in the current affairs of the Catholic Church should miss. Except for one caveat, which leads me, for the first time, to disagree with the prelate's claim about the Peronist "ideological matrix" underlying the Bergoglian conception of the "people."

This belief in the image of a “Peronist Bergoglio” is not limited to the archbishop. Whenever the various forms of political behavior of Jorge Mario Bergoglio are analyzed, various authors resort to this image, but it is completely distorted and unreal, since strictly speaking the current Bishop of Rome was never a Peronist and did not rely on one concept and ideology to formulate his ecclesiological doctrine.

This distorted image was fueled by the fact that in the early 1970s, when Jorge Mario Bergoglio had just been elected provincial superior of the Society of Jesus in Argentina, he managed to establish a political connection with a Peronist organization of the time - the Iron Guard. It was a connection that enabled the then Jesuit Provincial to place the administration and management of the famous Universidad del Salvador, originally founded by the Jesuit Order in 1958, in the hands of that organization in 1975. It was a tactical alliance of convenience that dissolved within a few years, severing Bergoglio's connection with the group's leadership. 2

To understand Bergoglio's attitude and behavior in the position he has held since 2013, we must look at, on the one hand, his Jesuitism and, on the other hand, his subordination to the globalism promoted by the Rothschild dynasty and the political strategies of George Soros, a political actor in the aforementioned banking family.

As to the first point, it is typical of his Jesuitism to act formally as the superiors general of the Society of Jesus did, including St. Ignatius of Loyola himself, often exercising absolute and brutal command in the manner of a military commander , e.g. by dismissing bishops without cause and without observing canonical administrative procedures. Another example of Jesuitism is also the methodology and dynamics applied in the Synodality Synod that Jesuits exercise in the famous Ignatian Exercises. And the recourse to the mental reservations that have characterized the nefarious and hypocritical actions of various Jesuits throughout history - the case of Mirko Ivan Rupnik being the most recent of these - is highlighted in a recent well explained article by Augustinus Hipponensis, “ Joseph Ratzinger, Jesuitism and Saint Peter: Questions of Coherence ” 3

Bergoglio's recent intervention in defense of the sacrilegious and blasphemous declaration Fiducia supplicans, in which he justifies the "non-liturgical and non-ritual" blessing of same-sex couples by stating: "(...) when a couple spontaneously asks for the blessing, It is not the connection that is blessed, but simply the people who asked for it together. "Not the covenant, but the persons" 4, in a very clear example of this hypocritical exercise of the mental reservations so dear to Jesuitism: what is implied and "thought" by this argument is that the couple comes to ask for a blessing, but at the very moment of the blessing their union falls apart and after the blessing they are reunited.

As for the second point, Bergoglio's Peronist populism, this characterization is unfortunately not accurate, because it overlooks a fact: Bergoglio's "devotion" to the people does not come from his late approach to Peronism, but from the strategy of the Jesuit order, which was outlined by the then Superior General Pedro Arrupe (1965–1983) and in the XXXI. and XXXII. General Congregation of the Society of Jesus (1965-1966 and 1974-1975) in order to inculturate the Jesuit order in the life of the people and to identify with it.

That is, Bergoglio adopts the term “people” not because of his proximity to Peronism – the largest Argentine popular movement of the 20th century – but because of his membership in the Society of Jesus .

Why is it important to clarify this confusion? Because what Bergoglio promoted during his pontificate is not “Peronist populism”, but the divisive, multifaceted and progressive politics that George Soros has promoted in the hearts of nations over the past decades, in order to create “new” concepts and ideas among peoples, to spread practices that are in direct contradiction to the great humanistic and Christian tradition that has shaped the souls and feelings of the peoples of the earth throughout history. Something very similar to what Bergoglio is doing in the Office of St. Peter: abolition of the liturgical and doctrinal tradition, veneration of Pachamama, criticism of “indietrism,” new “doctrinal pastoral developments,” neutralization of the two-thousand-year-old ecclesiastical magisterium, priority of “pastoral charity” over that doctrinal truth, etc.

Already in December 2020, Father Jorge Mario, together with Cardinal Peter Turkson, formalized the Vatican's alliance with the Council for Inclusive Capitalism , promoted, institutionalized and led by Baroness Lynn Forester de Rothschild. 5

And last year, the Bishop of Rome placed control of the teaching, research, promotion and dissemination of the Church's social teachings in the hands of the Soros family 's Open Society Foundations and rejected the evangelization of America as part of Catholic teaching. 6  For this purpose, Pan-American Committee of Judges for Social Rights and Franciscan Doctrine was incorporated into the Vatican structure as a private association of believers with an international character and the Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Institute was founded to research and promote the social rights for academic, teaching and training purposes on the topics of social rights, migration and colonialism, whose board members are affiliated with the Open Society Foundations .7 The Bishop of Rome has thus placed control of the social teaching of the Catholic Church in the hands of one of the political arms of the Rothschild family, distancing true Catholics from this social apostolate.

In other words, Father Jorge Mario Bergoglio acts in his pontificate not as a pontiff, but as a political agent of George Soros, the front man of one of the families that own the world. This is the essence of Bergoglio's papal practice: transforming the Church of Christ into a hybrid, ad maiorem Soros' gloriam.

In this sense, the Bishop of Rome neither commits a mistake nor exercises a heterodox papacy: rather, he implements a political plan to colonize and neutralize the missionary and evangelizing work of the Church.

Criticizing him as a “Peronist,” which he never was and is not, and ignoring his progressive anti-Catholic work is a grave mistake that leads to spiritual, religious and political impotence, which is exactly what the great enemy of God wants and intends for humanity.

When King Antiochus Epiphanes in the 2nd century B.C. when the “abomination of desolation” was carried out in the Temple of Jerusalem in the 1st century BC, Judas Maccabee and his brothers led the rebellion against the blasphemous crime.8 Where is the Catholic rebellion today in the face of the “abomination of desolation” being committed in the bosom of the Church of Christ?

*José Arturo Quarracino, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the Universidad del Salvador in Buenos Aires.

Image: Wikicommons/Flickr/ by Michael Wuertenberg

1 Héctor Rubén Aguer: El processo sinodal, la temible 'caja de Pandora'.

2 Details about this connection and the myth of the “Peronist Bergoglio” can be found in the interview “ Bergoglio is not a Peronist . ”

3 Augustinus Hipponensis: Joseph Ratzinger, il gesuitismo e S. Pietro: questioni di coerenza , January 23, 2024 .

Address of the Holy Father Francis to the participants in the general assembly of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, January 26, 2024; see also: Francis officially commented on Fiducia supplicans for the first time, January 29, 2024.

5 José Arturo Quarracino: The 30 Monedas de Plata al Concejo para el Capitalismo Inclusivo, March 16, 2021 ; see also: Mel Gibson: The Vatican is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Francis, the agenda of the globalists and 'monsters with miters' , September 15, 2021.

Joint Statement of the Dicasteries for Culture and Education and for Promoting Integral Human Development on the “Doctrine of Discovery” , March 30, 2023.

Quirógrafo del Santo Padre por el cual erige el “Comité Panamericano de Juezas y Jueces por los Derechos Sociales y la Doctrina Franciscana (COPAJU) como Asociación privada de Falles with character internacional, y creat bajo su dependencia el “Instituto de Investigaciones jurídicas Fray Bartolomé de las Casas , August 15, 2023; see also: “Inexplicable appointments” by Pope Francis, September 4, 2023 .

8 1 Mac 1:57; Deuteronomy 9:27; cf. Mt 24:15.

Black Catholics for Trump

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Pope Francis: "Whoever is Critical of Fiducia Supplicans is an Ideologue" -- He Doesn't Fear Schism

Pope Francis wants to go "forward" despite the opposition to Fiducia supplicans and does not want to take the objections into account.

(Rome) Once again, Pope Francis defended the declaration Fiducia supplicans of the Roman Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, which introduces gay blessings. It is Francis' second defense in a matter of days. This time it happened in the context of an interview.

The controversial declaration, which has met with resistance in the Church worldwide, was issued on December 18 with the explicit approval of Francis. Responsible for this is his ghostwriter and favorite protégé Victor Manuel Fernández, whom he has helped to a storybook career since 2009. And of whom the Argentine Bergoglian Sr. Lucia Caram declared on Spanish television that he himself was "gay".

First of all, however, Francis has so far officially commented on Fiducia supplicans. This was last Friday, in an address he gave to the members of the Dicastery for the Faith, headed by Cardinal Fernández.

Yesterday, Monday, the Turin daily La Stampa published an interview with Francis. True, the main headline is dedicated to the Middle East conflict, with the Pope calling for the implementation of the two-state solution. Fiducia supplicans, the most radical document of the moral revolution of his pontificate, immediately follows as the second part of the main headline. And that with a fierce announcement:

"They are attacking me because of the gay couples, but I don't fear a schism." 

Francis prefers the path of the "informal magisterium" by giving interviews to friendly media. Almost without exception, these are secular media outlets that are willingly and supportively open to him. This time it was the turn of La Stampa, whose long-time Vatican correspondent Andrea Tornielli was Francis' house and court Vaticanist in the first part of the Argentine pontificate and is now editor-in-chief of all Vatican media.

Criticism has to be endured, Francis said, but it only comes from small "groups" that are also "ideologically" motivated. Two side blows with the heavy hardwood club. The Pope implicitly claims the Holy Spirit for the controversial Roman declaration. He also affirmed that black Africans have a cultural problem, as they still reject homosexuality, while the rest of the world no longer has a problem with it. But he hoped that everything would "gradually" subside. It is therefore only a matter of time before the paradigm shift in the recognition of homosexuality becomes universally accepted.

Francis' statements are not only about what he says and how he says it, but also about the omissions, about what he does not say, about what he is silent about. This includes, above all, his notorious "No, Yes, Yes", a message that the world to which he prefers to address, the secular media understands very well, even and above all those parts that remain unspoken.

Francis, on the other hand, does not fear a schism. In his answer, it is necessary to include an earlier statement when, on December 23, 2016, he let it be known internally that it was "not impossible" that he would go down in history as "the one who divided the Catholic Church." But, as he now let the world know, this did not impress him. In other words, he wouldn't care, because the schismatics, since he is the Pope, are by definition always the others, and ideologues what's more.

Here is the translation of the parts of the interview concerning Fiducia supplicans:

La Stampa: Last summer, in Lisbon, in front of millions of young people, you emphatically declared that the Church is for "everyone, everyone, everyone": is it the great challenge of your pontificate to open the Church to all?

Pope Francis: This is the reading key of Jesus. Christ calls everyone in. All. There is a parable of his own: the parable of the wedding to which no one appears, and then the king sends the servants "to the crossroads, and everyone whom you find, you call to the wedding feast." The Son of God wants to make it clear that he does not want a chosen group, an elite. So maybe someone will "smuggle himself in", but at that moment it is God who takes care of him, who shows him the way. When I am asked, "But can these people, who are in such an inadequate moral situation, go in?" I say, "All of them, says the Lord." I've been asked questions like this especially lately, after some of my decisions...

La Stampa: In particular, the blessing of "irregular and same-sex couples"....

Pope Francis: I am asked how this is possible. I answer: The Gospel is there to sanctify everyone. Provided, of course, that there is goodwill. It is necessary to give precise instructions for the Christian life – I emphasize that it is not the union that is blessed, but the persons. But we are all sinners: so why make a list of sinners who can be in the church and a list of sinners who can't be in the church? This is not the Gospel.

La Stampa: In the much-publicized television interview with Fabio Fazio on the programme Che Tempo Che Fa, you spoke about the price of loneliness that one has to pay after such a step: how do you live with the battle cry of those who rise up against it?

Pope Francis: Those who protest vehemently belong to small ideological groups. Africans are a special case: for them, homosexuality is culturally "ugly". They do not tolerate them. But in general, I hope that everyone will gradually be reassured by the spirit of the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith's declaration Fiducia supplican: it wants to include, not exclude. It invites us to welcome people and to entrust ourselves to God.

La Stampa: Do you suffer from loneliness?

Pope Francis: Solitude is as changeable as spring: in this and that season it can be a beautiful day, with sunshine, blue skies and a pleasant breeze; 24 hours later, the weather may be dark. We all experience loneliness. If you say, "I don't know what loneliness is," you're missing something. When I feel lonely, I pray above all. And if I perceive tensions in my environment, I calmly try to start a dialogue and discussion. But in any case, I'm always moving forward, day by day.

La Stampa: Are you afraid of a schism?

Pope Francis: No. In the Church there have always been small groups of schismatic reflections... You have to let them have their way, let them pass... and look ahead.

Text/Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: La Stampa (Screenshot)

Trans: Tancred