Thursday, December 21, 2023

African Bishops Oppose Bergoglio’s Aberroactivism

Edit: remember when ++Kasper attacked Africans? While Bergoglio continues to break a lance for his Preferential Option for Sodomy, the rest of the world has more important concerns than the immoral preoccupations of the decadent bourgeois class in the West.

Bergoglio’s pet sodomite adulates benders in publicity stunt

Meanwhile, Benders at NCR are prematurely celebrating, gushing and drinking champagne.

This is what the African Bishops think of all this faggotrie.


Authorities Aren’t in a Hurry in Wake of Prague Shooting

 Edit: if only the US had restrictive gun laws like in Europe! Oh wait…

Was it a Heidigger scholar?

Was this an Aloha Snackbar?


Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Faghags knew about Gary Voris' grooming

++Cupich Can’t Wait to Bless Sodomitical Unions

The Assassin of the Catholic Faith

Edit: it’s almost like ++Cupich has found a new lease on life, but he still warns against “narcissistic elitism”. Projection? While there is evidence of Israeli collaboration with Hamas, Christians are being shot dead at churches in Gaza by Jewish snipers and children are being crushed by falling rubble and shelled by American-made cluster bombs, and Christians are being goaded to slaughter each other for Jewish gangster overlords in Ukraine, ++Cupich and the other McCarrick and Sankt Gallen mobsters are working overtime to shove globohomo down everyone’s throats.

Isn’t that nice? It’s all about priorities, you know!

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

False Prophet Enzo Bianchi Founds New Community With Help From Bergoglio

The Madia House, where Enzo Bianchi founded his new "community of Bose".

Edit: wow, Madia house even has solar panels!  How ecological!

One of Pope Francis' strange relationships is that with Enzo Bianchi, the founder of the Community of Bose, who left its foundation in 2020, was removed involuntarily.

The monastic community of the “false prophet”

In 1965, Bianchi founded the (basic) Community of Bose, an ecumenical, monastic lay community of both sexes that did not exist under canon law whose “prior” he called himself. For years the “project” was supported by the Italian Bishops’ Conference. From the beginning of his pontificate, Pope Francis also showed particular sympathy for this progressive flagship project and appointed Bianchi Consultor. Bianchi left no stone unturned to attract attention through provocation. He has done this even more since Francis took office.

He explained that there is “no natural family” because the family form is a product of society that Jesus said nothing about homosexuality, which is why the Church should remain silent about the fact that Fatima is a “hoax” is because “no credible God” is presented there, that Mary is “not a suitable role model for women” because it is associated with “unrealistic” demands and after the publication of Francis' eco-encyclical, Bianchi declared that there was, in a sense, a new Eleventh Commandment, namely “Love the earth as yourself “. In Bose there was already speculation about the actual abolition of the papacy.

Bose's community before the dispute broke out

In 2017, Bianchi, who was then approaching his 75th birthday, relinquished leadership of the Bose Community and appointed a new “prior” named Luciano Manicardi. However, Bianchi apparently imagined this change in such a way that he would still have sole say. This quickly led to internal conflicts and the formation of opposing camps. His successor wanted to have the community recognized under canon law and thus bring it into a regulated form. But Bianchi had always rejected that and continued to try to prevent it. He valued the “freedom of fools,” as a Roman canonist put it.

In order to change the mind of Bianchi, the false monk, false prior and false prophet, his Bose “project” was praised to all heavens and the proposal was put forward to make him a cardinal. He would become the first layman in the history of the College of Cardinals. Cardinals were originally deacons, priests or bishops, as is still expressed today in the three classes of the church senate, but never laymen. Today they are all bishops.

Alternatively, bishops discussed the possibility of ordaining Bianchi as a priest. Because Bianchi refused all flattery, it came to an ordeal that seemed impossible to solve without “patricide.” Serious mutual accusations and insinuations followed. It was about forgery of documents and something even more serious. All disputes revolved around questions of external form and therefore remained on the surface. It was never about questions of the content of the doctrine and Bianchi's heterodox views. Why not? Because everyone obviously agreed on this, including Rome.

The Roman intervention

In order not to let the progressive masterpiece sink in the disrepute, but to save it in time, the Holy See intervened and ordered Bianchi to leave the community.

Was this the overdue rejection of the “false prophet” from Bose? Not at all. Despite the request, nothing happened for a year. Bianchi's departure was not completed until 2021. On February 8th, the Pontifical Delegate ad nutum Sanctae Sedis, the Canossian Amedeo Cencini, appointed by Francis for the monastic community, issued a decree that he also consciously accepted. This was made public in order to increase the pressure on Bianchi. The “former prior,” as it says, had to leave Bose within a week and retreat to the former monastery of Cellole in San Gimignano. The Pope, to whom the decree was presented by Secretary of State Pietro Parolin in the sacristy of St. Peter's Basilica, approved it without even looking at it, saying: “Yes, yes, I approve”.

Father Cencini, just in passing, boasts that as the Pope's “executioner”, i.e. commissioner or delegate, he has closed more communities than kept them open. In Lombardy he is called in when seminarians are suspected of being homosexual, which naturally outrages homophile church circles per se. There are no statements available about his approach and decisions in the matter.

Enzi Bianchi with his “spiritual son” Pope Francis (archive photo)

Janus-faced approach?

Francis had also expressly approved the decree for Bianchi's removal, but at the same time he was pursuing his own “accompanying measures”. On February 9th, the Pope wrote a letter to the “false prophet”, which effectively reached him at the same time as the decree. In it, Francis effusively declared himself to be a “spiritual son” of the founder of the Community of Bose. It was the former dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical Lateran University Msgr. Antonio Livi, the editor of the collected works of Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, who had criticized Bianchi as a “false prophet.” Francis is a “spiritual son” of the “false prophet”?

The papal letter was intended to make it easier for Bianchi to leave. Francis pathetically compared Bianchi's situation to that of the Lord on the Cross. In this situation there is only “darkness”; you only have “three or four friends” who “cannot save” you. All that remains is “obedience, like that of Jesus”.

Francis had sent his delegate to nail Bianchi “to the cross” in order to stick to the image used by the Pope, but at the same time assured Bianchi of his personal closeness and friendship. It was as if Francis was telling him, there are inescapably dark forces at work in the Vatican, but I will secretly help you. A dialectical highlight or villain?

Is there a substantive discussion of Bianchi’s “teachings” in the writing? Not in the slightest.

Almost three years have passed since then. The Vatican seems to have had few concrete ideas about what should happen to Bianchi and the four loyal followers who had to leave Bose with him. However, Francis and Bianchi maintained frequent correspondence during this time. Francis asked several times about the health of Bianchi, now 80 years old, who had to undergo two heart operations last year. Francis also expressed his wish to meet Bianchi in person again.

Last Saturday, December 16th, the time had come. Bianchi came to Santa Marta and was blessed by Francis. He also gave the papal blessing to the Madia House, Bianchi's new project. Francis also continued the dialectical game from the beginning of 2021 by appearing surprised by the State Secretariat's measures.

Incidentally, Francis does not seem to see or quickly forget the wounds that he himself inflicts.

With the Madia House, a second Bose is being created

After several stops, each directed by the State Secretariat, Enzo Bianchi and his four companions reached Albiano d'Ivrea, a small community at the foot of the Alps, around 50 kilometers north of Turin, in the spring. There he founded a “second Bose” in an agricultural building, again as a monastic community, but without canonical recognition. He explained to the daily newspaper La Stampa:

“I am not founding a canonically recognized community, but I want to be a coenobitic monk and not live as a Hermit.”

Enzo Bianchi in the parish church of Albiano d'Ivrea in the monk's dress he created at the presentation of the Madia House in August 2022

As a result of the disputes and Bianchi's removal, the number of members in Bose has fallen dramatically. Without the “guru” the community was no longer the same for many people. Instead, Bianchi is building a new “Bose” with Madia House. The buildings have been largely prepared so that he can invite anyone who wants to live in a community to join him.

Madia, pronounced Màdia, from Latin magida, means baking trough in Italian. Madia House can therefore be translated as a house where bread is prepared.

Through the reception by Pope Francis on Saturday, Enzo Bianchi was rehabilitated by his “spiritual son”, not formally but in fact, just as Francis likes it. The Pope encouraged Bianchi to build his “second evil.” This should also ensure the continued influx of “brothers” and “sisters”.

Bianchi can live out his final days in “brotherly community”. So much for lifestyle. However, it is doubtful that Bianchi was urged by Francis to stop acting as a “false prophet”.

The “new Bose”, the house chapel in the old Camadio estate, which has been converted into the Casa della Madia.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Facebook/Youtube/VaticanMedia

Trans: Tancred


Clot Factor

Edit: one good thing about the vaxx is that it poisons people like Gaybrielle and Marcy Shea.

Now, for those of you, like de Mattei, who foolishly swallowed the lies and received a death vaxx, there’s
still hope.


Monday, December 18, 2023

Fiducia supplicans — Supply Them With Food and Drink For Thought

Father Jack will see to you lot.

Edit: some commentators, like Deacon and FatherZ are deeply and justifiably concerned about the aberrosexual activism inherent in this latest Bergogliade of Fiducia supplicans.

My hot take, inspired after thinking about FatherZ’s post, is that a minister asked to perform an Aberroblessing can use this as an opportunity for corrective action. After meeting with the aberrocouple or aberrothrupple (don’t judge!) in the rectory, offer the buggers some Turkish delight and a nice anisette, preferably a decent, refreshing Absinthe or on cold days, a Hot Toddie. Then get down to business and offer them a document to sign, and then quietly explain that the blessing is conditional upon a GOOD confession, stern penance, and a resolution to amend their lives. They should know the seriousness of their crimes, and realize that the wages of sin is death. Then proceed to the blessing, and maybe even an exorcism eventually, if you can get the diocesan exorcist to take stock.


Hopefully, your rectory has one of these


This is what that kind of thing leads to


Ireland under attack

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Suspension of Ordinations in Fréjus-Toulon Has Been Suspended

Msgr. François Touvet, the new coadjutor of Bishop Dominique Rey in Fréjus-Toulon, announced at the end of the inaugural Mass that he would soon admit some candidates to the Holy Orders.

The Diocese of Fréjus-Toulon, France, has been in the unwanted spotlight in recent years. In mid-2022, Pope Francis surprisingly suspended all ordinations in the diocese. Then Bishop Dominique Rey became the object of one of the now infamous Apostolic Visitations. And recently, Francis provided him with a coadjutor with the right of succession. Yesterday the coadjutor took office.

The disempowerment of the tradition-friendly Bishop Rey is almost complete. The coadjutor, Msgr. François Touvet, announced yesterday, at the end of the Mass for his inauguration, on behalf of Cardinal Lazarus You Heung Sik, Prefect of the Roman Clergy Dicastery, that the decree prohibiting ordination issued by Rome on April 28, 2022, has now been repealed.

The humiliation for Bishop Rey is now complete. It was held under the noses of all the priests and faithful of the diocese that for Rome alone diocesan Bishop Rey was unsuitable to make decisions about the admission of candidates to be ordained. With the day the coadjutor takes office, everything is "good" again.

The announcement is, of course, good news for the diocese, the diocesan seminary and especially for the candidates for ordination, some of whom have had to wait for a year and a half.

It is said that Msgr. Touvet will soon admit several candidates for diaconate and priestly ordination. A first consecration is scheduled for Sunday 21 January 2024 in the cathedral of Toulon. The further timetable has not yet been determined.

It remains to be seen how many and which of the candidates Msgr. Touvet will admit to the ordinations. While the impression of a normalization is conveyed to the outside world, the question of approval continues to be a burdensome one. It is to be expected that some candidates for ordination, called "indietrists" by Rome, will not be admitted in the coming years, and even more so that they will not be admitted at all. Operation Fréjus-Toulon had certain objectives, most notably the removal of Bishop Rey from power, but not only.

It is becoming apparent that the undesirable candidates are not to be dismissed, but to be worn down. You want them to give up themselves. Should they go in search of a more generous ordained minister than Monsignor Touvet will be, they will face obstacles and difficulties. If we follow the script of the current pontificate, the situation will be as follows: if unwanted candidates do not leave the field themselves, they will be encouraged to look for another bishop in another diocese who is willing to receive them, while at the same time pressure will be put on this bishop with a serious warning to turn away knocking candidates from Fréjus-Toulon.

The candidates will need patience and grace and the prayers of the faithful.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Youtube (Screenshot)

Trans: Tancred


Friday, December 15, 2023

Canadian Journalist Who Recommended KZs for Vaccine Dissidents Dead at 33

[Hal Turner Show] A Journalist who advocated that those who were unvaccinated against COVID-19 be put in concentration camps, has died suddenly at the young age of 33. 

 Ian Vandaelle died after being hospitalized and "declared neurologically dead,” his family revealed. Vandaelle was a business journalist who worked as a reporter and editor at the Financial Post. 

 He was also previously a producer at BNN Bloomberg for over a decade. Vandaelle advocated for vaccine passports and mandates and called for the firing of anyone who refused the injections. 

 He also suggested that unvaccinated people should be arrested and taken away to concentration camps.


Man Cuts Head off Satanic Statue in State Capital

Edit: as long as we’re on the subject of heroic men doing what needs to be done in the face of Satanic organizations, Michael Cassidy is taking responsibility for the act.  As bad as the United States is, self-proclaimed Satanists don’t have a lot of social capital, but I’m sure that the SPLC or some other covertly satanist organization will step in to ensure that “Freedom of Religion” is held sacrosanct. 


Meanwhile, at an institution controlled by Jews, you can’t even display a Menorah at night for fear of vandalism. Note that there’s a rabbi on call to explain everything that should be done. He does everything well!

Hey Rabbi, Whatchadoin?

[New York Post] Harvard forces a Jewish student group to hide its menorah each night after its lighting over fears of vandalism that “won’t look good” for the Ivy League school, the rabbi of Harvard Chabad said. 

“On our campus in the shadow of Widener Library, we in the Jewish community are instructed, ‘We’ll let you have the menorah, you made your point, OK. Pack it up, don’t leave it out overnight because there will be criminal activity we fear and it won’t look good’,” Rabbi Hirschy Zarchi said at a Hanukkah lighting Wednesday night. 


Wednesday, December 13, 2023

How the itching ears of Taylor & Thug enabled Voris' relapse.

Polish Statesman Extinguishes Hanukkah Candles in Parliament

Edit: Grzegorz Braun said, after the event, “Those who take part in acts of satanic worship should be ashamed.”

At last, a “far-right” politician who isn’t under their control.  

WARSAW, Dec 12 (Reuters) - A far-right Polish lawmaker used a fire extinguisher to put out Hanukkah candles in the country's parliament on Tuesday during an event with members of the Jewish community, provoking outrage and leading the speaker to exclude him from the sitting.

The disruption came ahead of a key vote on whether to approve newly appointed pro-EU prime minister Donald Tusk.

Footage posted on the website of private broadcaster TVN24 showed Grzegorz Braun of the Confederation party take the extinguisher before walking across the lobby of the parliament to where the candles were, creating a white cloud and forcing security guards to rush people out of the area.


Diary of a Psychosis