Saturday, December 9, 2023

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Attacks Hermeneutic of Continuity

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò demands an admission that the attempt at a hermeneutic of continuity has failed.

(Rome) Is Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò heading for a schism? The well-known Vaticanist Sandro Magister sees this danger. Nothing would please the papal entourage and the hard-core progressives in the Church more than such a move.

Archbishop Viganò, Vatican diplomat, out of service since 2016, had most recently served as apostolic nuncio to the United States for five years. There is no more important post in the diplomatic corps. Pope Benedict XVI had sent him to Washington. However, he achieved international fame without ever taking the step into the big spotlight under Pope Francis, when he became his most famous and radical accuser. The top diplomat was accustomed to working in the background with the precise and deliberate language of diplomacy. But at the end of August 2018, his collar burst.

The first review in 2018

When the New York Times exposed the homosexual double life of Theodore McCarrick, then a cardinal, and allegations of sexual abuse of children and adolescents, including the homosexual corruption of his own seminarians, Pope Francis reacted quickly and stripped the cardinal of his purple dignity. Such a move was unprecedented in past centuries.

At the same time, the Church leader assured the public that he had known nothing about McCarrick's vices, otherwise he would have acted immediately and much earlier. This self-exculpation had outraged Msgr. Viganò. In a dossier, he accused Francis of untruth and revealed that he had already informed the then newly elected pope in detail in June 2013 about McCarrick's double life, who was therefore sanctioned by Pope Benedict XVI, although the full extent of the life of vice was not even known at the time. Francis, on the other hand, rehabilitated McCarrick and opened him access to papal power in a way that the U.S. cardinal had never had before. McCarrick was particularly influential in the appointment of bishops in the United States. In 2018, this was to lead to the additional accusation of having supported and strengthened a homophile network.

The Viganò dossier hit like a bombshell. The secular media was momentarily irritated. The sensation appealed to them too much. However, this was opposed by the prescribed self-discipline that protects Pope Francis – in contrast to his two predecessors. The papal entourage was furious. Under a mudslide, Archbishop Viganó seemed to be buried and swept away, but the Vatican diplomat showed remarkable steadfastness. To be on the safe side, however, he began to keep his whereabouts a secret. He also defended his move to the public against those non-progressive parts of the Church who fundamentally consider criticism of the Pope to be disreputable. The facts he mentioned were confirmed. In two additions, Msgr. Viganò added further details to the evidence, also giving exact dates and names. Most notably, he exposed part of the episcopal gay network in the U.S. and the Vatican.

He was silent. The great defendant, Pope Francis, was also silent. To date, he has not commented, or only marginally, on the serious accusations of his former top diplomat. The Holy See was attentive to the fact that the left-liberal secular media, which set the tone, kept up the protective dam around Francis. Once that was secured, they could easily ignore the matter themselves.

The Warning of a New World Order

But that's not all. Archbishop Viganò, a lawyer and diplomat accustomed to precise thinking, has repeatedly spoken out over the past 22 months and has also supported some initiatives critical of the Pope. Last January, he surprisingly took part in the Acies ordinata of traditional circles in Munich to protest against the schismatizing and heretical synodal path of the German Bishops' Conference and the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK). In May, for the first time, he initiated an action called Veritas liberabit vos (The truth will set you free) that sharply criticized the restrictive measures taken by numerous governments in connection with the coronavirus. Above all, it warned that there are forces that want to use the virus as a pretext to achieve a political agenda for the establishment of a new world order, bypassing the current constitutional order and democratic decision-making processes.

In this case, too, there was an astonished aha moment in the major world media and once again the Viganò initiative was quickly swept under the carpet. This time, too, the diplomat had apparently presented a text that was far too "dangerous" to be made available to the public unfiltered or at all. Rarely has it been more evident in recent years how massively and perfectly the leading media exercise the control of public opinion through filters and barriers. At the same time, the appeal Veritas liberabit vos was also signed by several cardinals, which in itself is already a sensation. In the Corona crisis, no document as important as this criticism has been published beyond medical statements. No wonder it is hushed up.

In the papal environment and among convinced Bergoglians, the rumor has been spread since the late summer of 2018 that Archbishop Viganò is no longer in unity with the Pope, that he has become a schismatic. This was not just a conviction that some people really cherished. There was another reason: nothing would be more convenient. The Viganò case would be settled in one fell swoop. No progressive, nor even Rome, would have to justify himself to a schismatic. The matter could be filed without Pope Francis, for example, having to comment on the accusations put on paper two years ago. On August 26, 2018, Archbishop Viganò had demanded nothing less than the resignation of Francis in his dossier.

The statements on Benedict XVI.

In fact, Msgr. Viganò, endowed with his authority and rank, formulates a position in the Church that latently embraces considerably more circles in the clergy and among the faithful than some think, but which has hardly been articulated so openly and pointedly in recent times. 20 days ago, the archbishop also objected to a central point of the pontificate of Benedict XVI.

The German Pope, who had just spent a few days with his brother in Regensburg and had left the Vatican for the first time since his retirement to the monastery in the Vatican Gardens, attempted a course correction of the greatest magnitude during his term of office. He wanted to correct the reading of the Second Vatican Council, which had dominated everything for 50 years. He articulated this goal in 2005, at his first Christmas reception for the Roman Curia, in a great speech. It is about the liturgy, theology and the understanding of the Church itself. Ultimately, it is about the entire life of the Church beyond personal piety.

The post-conciliar period was dominated by the hermeneutic of rupture. Benedict XVI tried to counter it with a hermeneutic of continuity. By reading the conciliar documents in the light of the tradition of the Church's two-thousand-year history, the ruptures and their mentality should be overcome. It was not only the guardians of the hermeneutic of rupture and the ecclesiastical '68ers who resisted this by boycotting and sabotaging Benedict's pontificate wherever possible. On the other hand, doubts were also expressed by those close to tradition as to whether all the statements of the Council, even the most controversial ones, could actually be reconciled with tradition. This site also postulated a hermeneutic of rupture in the spirit of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. During the pontificate of Benedict XVI, this criticism rarely went beyond the articulation of concerns, as the fundamental agreement with the German head of the Church remained dominant. Under Francis, that consensus quickly faded. The traditional shyness of criticism of the Pope, which is characteristic of faithful Church circles and is understood as an award, developed some cracks the more unpredictable the new Church leader from Argentina showed himself and the more irritating certain statements and actions appeared.

Archbishop Viganò responded on June 9 to a statement by Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider published on LifeSiteNews, speaking of a "monstrosity" created by modernist circles through the Second Vatican Council. He also made some observations concerning the pontificate of Benedict XVI, who "betrayed" the Church with his hermeneutic of continuity. The German pope had even strengthened the modernists' thesis that the Second Vatican Council was immune to heresies. It is enough, this is the difference from the hermeneutics of the rupture, to read the Council "in perfect continuity with the true doctrine of all times," Sandro Magister concluded. Archbishop Viganò counters that there are statements in conciliar documents that are so ambiguous that they cannot be reconciled with Tradition. Therefore, the hermeneutics of continuity does not go far enough.

"Drop Dignitatis humanae in toto"

Archbishop Viganò's statements have become more accentuated over the past few months. More and more clearly, he called a spade a spade, where until now they had been hinted at at best. Most recently, this happened in a public exchange of blows with Phil Lawler, author of Lost Shepherd, a book critical of Francis' pontificate.

The criticism of controversial conciliar texts is "too timid," said Msgr. Viganò. Not everything can be corrected by correcting a few words. This is especially true of the document Dignitatis humanae on religious freedom. Magister summarizes the archbishop's demands as follows, quoting him:

"To do what needs to be done once and for all is to 'drop it in toto and forget it.'"

Consequently, according to Msgr. Viganò, those who are guilty of false theology should also be chased out of office, unless they show insight and convert.

The matter is very serious, the Apostolic Nuncio said calmly, because since the Council the nature of the Church has been distorted by striving for a new "world unity religion", whose inventor and first theoretician is "Freemasonry". The political arm of this new world religion is a "world government out of control" as sought by powerful secular forces. It is against these forces and their goals that the appeal Veritas liberabit vos and the letter of Msgr. Viganò to US President Donald Trump, whom he described as a fighter of light in the fight against the forces of darkness, are directed. Trump responded enthusiastically with a tweet that was circulated worldwide on social networks.

The latest move by the pugnacious archbishop is the accusation against Benedict XVI of having failed with his too timid attempts to make the necessary corrections to the Second Vatican Council. His thesis of a hermeneutic of continuity had turned out to be insufficiently profound, but also impracticable in some respects. This, too, is an admission that is necessary if the necessary course is to be set.

The question remains whether Magister's sensors reported a false alarm or whether his advance warning system is accurate and reacts particularly finely by trying to recognize Archbishop Viganò's path to schism in this latest criticism, which also hits Benedict XVI. The fact remains that nothing better could have happened to Santa Marta.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Voice of the Family/MiL (Screenshot)

Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.Com


Pilot Seizure Nearly Crashes American 787

 Edit: sure, take the jab and end your career, maybe put your passengers at risk.

Meanwhile, MSM and Gaybrielle bots frantically attempt to prop up the scam.


Friday, December 8, 2023

Warszawa uprising in قضاء غزة

Freemasonry According to Bino Bellomo Between Truth and Deception... (Part 1)

Bino Bellomo di San Cosimano, a military intelligence agent, wrote a book about world freemasonry with interesting insights.

By Father Paolo M. Siano*

From 1940 to 1944/45, Bino Count Bellomo di San Cosimano (1904–?) was an agent (with the rank of lieutenant, then captain) of the Military Intelligence Service (SIM) This was the Italian military intelligence service, subordinate to the General Staff of the Royal Army, which existed from 1925 to 1945. As a SIM agent, Bellomo was also an employee of Giuseppe Cambareni (1901–1972), alias "Entity was a spy. After September 8, 1943, Cambareni openly sided with Marshal Badoglio and worked as an Anglo-American and anti-fascist spy, always remaining true to his “creed” as an esoteric, Freemason and Rosicrucian. 1

I have written four articles about Cambareni, the “Magician of Generals.”

During the war, Captain Bino Bellomo was a member of the Masonic group with which Cambareni founded the Democratic Union ( 1944). Cambareni distanced himself from the British Secret Services (which sought the continuation of the Savoyard monarchy in Italy) and preferred instead to work for the American Secret Service OSS (forerunner of the CIA) to promote a centrist Italian republic that was both pro-fascist and was open to communists. 2

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Cancelled Priests

Tora! Tora! Tora!


Remember Maximilian Krah Who Now Head AfD?

[Express UK] The second day of the far-right, Alternative for Germany (AfD) party congress saw 600 delegates from all over Germany gather in Magdeburg on Saturday. Attendees elected incumbent EU Parliament member, Maximilian Krah, to lead the Party’s 2024 European Union election campaign.

On Friday, a leader of the far-right Alternative for Germany, or AfD, urged members of the country’s main opposition conservative bloc to break down a “firewall” meant to isolate his party, which is at record levels in polls.

He added the party was ready for more as he opened a closely-watched congress aimed at capitalising on a recent surge in popularity.


'Twas the Night Before חֲנֻכָּה‎

Why We Need to Return to Patriarchy

The feminist struggle against "patriarchy" led to the dissolution of the father figure and the family

A murder case is causing a stir in Italy. Certain forces are trying to exploit the tragic case for their political ends. Since the same mechanisms are also used in the German-speaking world, we document this case, which only at first glance seems to be an Italian problem, but in reality concerns a far-reaching culture war.

By Roberto de Mattei*

After the murder of the young woman, Giulia Cecchettin, on 11 November, Italy declared that it was threatened by "patriarchy". The title of a dossier in the daily newspaper La Repubblica on 24 November is telling: "Femicides: let's stop the carnage". The thesis, which has been disseminated by the media, social media and all sorts of influencers, is that there is a veritable femicide slaughter and the responsibility for it must be attributed to the still prevailing culture of "patriarchy". Patriarchy must be fought to end violence against women.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Will Brazil Introduce a “Day of the Tridentine Rite”?

A major exception is that there is a crucifix hanging in the Chamber of Deputies in Brazil

(Brasilia) In Brazil, a parliamentary debate on the introduction of a “Day of the Tridentine Mass” was scheduled for yesterday, but was then canceled at short notice.  The move is a reaction to, without mentioning, the Motu proprio Traditionis custodes, which radically restricted the traditional rite of Pope Francis.

The parliamentary initiative is unparalleled.  The Brazilian Parliament scheduled a debate yesterday on the creation of a National Day of the Tridentine Mass.  This was intended to honor the Immemorial Rite in Brazil and “make it known”.

Brazil's bishops, strongly imbued with liberation theology, use the motu proprio Traditionis custodes to be able to take action against the traditional rite in their dioceses.  The motu proprio was issued by Pope Francis in July 2021.  It was the most brutal Bergoglian slap in the face of his then living predecessor Benedict XVI.  The first goal of Traditionis custodes is to promote the penetration of the traditional Rite in the secular clergy, as indicated by the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum of Benedict XVI., was set in motion to radically eradicate.  The second goal is to rein in the so-called Ecclesia Dei communities.

In Brazil, the largest Catholic country in the world, the Church has been in crisis for a long time.  The causes are primarily of a political nature, on the one hand due to the spread of Marxist liberation theology, and on the other hand, as a reaction to this, the spread of evangelical groups promoted by the USA.

The country's bishops have often gone beyond the repressive provisions of Traditionis custodes and made them even stricter.  Some even declared believers to be excommunicated if they took part in celebrations in the Immemorial Rite, even if this was not done publicly but privately, for example in a residential building.

For this reason, a motion was introduced in the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies to establish a National Day of the Tridentine Mass.  The responsible parliamentary committee for culture should discuss the matter from 10 a.m. yesterday and, as a first step, hold a public hearing.  Four experts were invited to this, including the Redemptorist Father Bráulio Róger Martins Nunes Pereira, a priest.

The Redemptorist Father Bráulio Róger Martins Nunes Pereira in a procession in Goiania

Father Pereira works in the city of Goiania in the state of Goias and celebrates himself in the traditional Rite.  He was ordained a priest in December 2007 and is characterized by the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum.  Even before Traditionis custodes came into force, the archdiocese and the superior general of his order forbade him to publicly celebrate the Immemorial Rite.  Since then he has been celebrating it in private houses where believers gather.  For this reason, among other things, in June 2021 he was awarded honorary citizenship of the city of Goiania, which has 1.6 million inhabitants.  He is spiritual director and founder of the Associação São José and rector of the Church of São José in Goiania.

A look at the clergy of the Archdiocese of Goiania reveals differences of opinion in ecclesiological understanding.  Father Pereira is managed by the archdiocese, but without an official position.  The traditional Rite must not be given any visibility.  He is banished to clandestine society.

Professors Anna Maria Fedeli, André da Silva Melo and Álvaro Alberto Ferreira Mendes were invited as further experts.  Then Parliament would announce its decision.

The Church of São José in Goiania, cared for by Father Pereira

The motion comes from MP Beatriz Kicis Torrents de Sordi, better known as Bia Kicis.  She belongs to former President Jair Bolsonaro's conservative Partido Liberal (PL).  The PL is the parliamentary group with the largest mandate in the Brazilian parliament.  Kicis, a Catholic, was formerly the attorney general of the capital district of Brasilia.  The YouTuber has been a member of the Federal Parliament since 2018.

It is currently unclear when the motion will be debated.  The initiative deserves attention because what seems unthinkable to the Brazilian bishops is apparently possible in parliament.

 Text: Giuseppe Nardi

 Image: Wikicommons/Youtube (screenshots)

Trans : Tancred


Lifelong Secularist Jew Embraces Catholicism

Edit: it’s what Jones refers to as “Die List  Vernunft” where a Jewish daughter converts to Catholicism at Harvard and inspired her father to convert to Catholicism himself.

At Harvard a white lilly grows through the cracks in Boston Common.

We don’t know anything about the nature of Leer’s conversion, but I’d have more hope for his conversion than a lot of the cynics in the evil Bologna School and Magic Circle.

[PJ MediaAfter graduating from high school in Hartford, Con., Lear briefly attended college before enlisting in the Army Air Force and taking part in World War II. 

While some of his critics characterized Lear as a classic example of a Jewish agnostic, in 2022, in what might seem an unexpected move, Lear embraced the Catholic Faith and was baptized by a priest from the Dominican House of Studies. Lear was inspired by one of his daughters, who converted while at Harvard. Despite Lear's many controversial views and activities over the years, as with his comedies and political activism, he kept an open mind and, even at 100, demonstrated a willingness to change course, sometimes in a very surprising way.

EPISODE DESCRIPTION Dr. James Tracy returns to Our Interesting Time to discuss his article “Our Humor Expresses Our Concerns: Norman Lear and the Politics of Jewish Revolutionary Laughter" which is published in the June issue of Culture Wars magazine. Dr. Tracy is a former tenured professor of media studies at Florida Atlantic University who was purged from academia in 2015 largely as a result of his personal blog and research regarding political conspiracies, media fakery and suspected false flag events.

Bishop Williamson: "we have to get back to Noe"

The travels of Elon and Heinz

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Cardinal Burke Should Pay the "Market Price"

Cardinal Raymond Burke was deprived of his apartment in Rome by Pope Francis. When will Francis also "take away his salary"?

(Rome) Cardinal Raymond Burke received a "gift" from the Holy See last Friday at the beginning of the new liturgical year and on the First Sunday of Advent. The Vatican informed him that from now on he would have to pay a "market-rate" rent for his apartment in Rome or vacate it by the beginning of 2024.

The Holy See's letter is dated November 24. On November 27, it became known that Pope Francis, at the meeting with the heads of the dicasteries of the Roman Curia on November 20, declared that Cardinal Raymond Burke would "take away his apartment and his salary." The only thing that is disputed is whether Francis spoke of the U.S. cardinal as "my enemy" on this occasion or whether he used the word "enemy" at all. The Bergoglian Austen Ivereigh was outraged by this. Beyond this quibbling, however, the papal approach is unprecedented and shocking.

Burke, a highly intelligent and unwavering defender of the unabridged doctrine of the faith, has been a thorn in the side of the reigning head of the Church since the beginning of the pontificate. He seems to be Francis' personified opponent, which makes him feel the wrath of papal power.

The chronology of events:

  • November 20: Pope Francis, meeting with the heads of the dicasteries in Rome, declares Cardinal Burke a non-person. Since he had already deprived him of all his offices, he would also deprive him of his apartment and his salary, according to the papal announcement.
  • November 24: On papal instructions, Cardinal Burke is instructed to either pay for his own apartment or vacate it.
  • Nov. 27: The Pope's new attack on the faithful U.S. cardinal leaks to the public. On the same day, the Bergoglian Austen Ivereigh lights a smokescreen and declares that the Pope never spoke of "enemy".
  • November 28: Nicole Winfield of the Associated Press reports that Burke is being punished by Francis for being "a source of disunity in the Church," and Philip Pullella of Reuters adds that Burke is working "against the Church and the papacy," according to Francis.
  • December 1: Cardinal Burke receives the notice from the Holy See, which is in fact a request to vacate his apartment near St. Peter's Basilica, because he is unwelcome there. [Just in time for Christmas!!]
  • 4 December: The receipt of the Vatican's request for payment is confirmed and made public by the US media outlet The Pillar.


For information, the Holy See pays for the accommodation of the Curial Cardinals in Rome, if necessary of all Cardinals. However, the regulation also applies to numerous subordinate employees of the Vatican.

Cardinal Burke's Roman lodging is located near St. Peter's Basilica in a building that also houses other members of the College of Cardinals. While the Holy See continues to allow the other Purple Bearer, who lives next door to Cardinal Burke, to live for free, an example is being made of the American. Francis seems to want to demonstrate to everyone that Burke is an "outlaw."

Francis has brought about the absurd situation that Burke, as a cardinal, is now worse off than numerous subordinate collaborators and employees of the Holy See. Francis seems to like such humiliations, especially when they concern Cardinal Burke, whom he has demoted and publicly belittled several times since 2013.

The cardinals residing in Rome receive a monthly salary of around 4,000 euros from the Holy See for their tasks and merits. According to Roman real estate experts, this sum would not be enough to pay for Burke's apartment at "market prices" because of its prestigious location.

Since Pope Francis announced that he would also "take away the cardinal's salary," it seems to be the papal intention to expel Cardinal Burke from Rome in the first place. In the past few days, he had emphasized that he considered it "important" to be in Rome because of his duties to the Church.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL

Trans: Tancred


What happened at Church Militant?

Monday, December 4, 2023

The Culture Wars Rage On

 Today, The Two Mikes spoke with E. Michael Jones. He is the author of many books, including Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and, most recently, The Holocaust Narrative.

Dr. Jones holds a Ph.D. and his books discuss the ideological aggressiveness and propaganda capabilities and practices of Jewish/Israeli leaders. Dr. Jones’ books are scholarly works, informative and meant to alert his readers to the threats posed to the United States because of its close relationship with Israel. They succeed in that task. In other of his works and in his media commentaries, he also explains how deeply the U.S. Congress, media, and popular culture are controlled lock, stock, and barrel by Israel and the Jewish American elite and their operatives at the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Doubt it? Remember when the new House Speaker’s first action after his election was to introduce a bill giving $14.5 billion to Israel – to those he called “our dear Israeli friends” -- this in the face of a U.S. economy that is dying, the republic being flooded with foreign military-age men flown in by aviation contractors working for the Biden’s administration, and border towns in the southwest being wrecked by illegals border.

Do you recall any member of Congress or the Senate standing up and saying Americans need this money and it should not be given to foreigners to continue fighting a war that never ends? Read Dr. Jones’ books and listen to his commentary, his description of the danger posed by America’s domination is both vivid and detailed and the threat the republic faces demands the attention of and rejection by all patriots.

Things were worse than we thought in Ferndale

Dragon Lady Niles Has a Conscience

 Edit: she wants to take her grift elsewhere.  I thought she was fired. Here she’s posturing like they weren’t done with her.