Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Cardinal Burke Should Pay the "Market Price"
Cardinal Raymond Burke was deprived of his apartment in Rome by Pope Francis. When will Francis also "take away his salary"?
(Rome) Cardinal Raymond Burke received a "gift" from the Holy See last Friday at the beginning of the new liturgical year and on the First Sunday of Advent. The Vatican informed him that from now on he would have to pay a "market-rate" rent for his apartment in Rome or vacate it by the beginning of 2024.
The Holy See's letter is dated November 24. On November 27, it became known that Pope Francis, at the meeting with the heads of the dicasteries of the Roman Curia on November 20, declared that Cardinal Raymond Burke would "take away his apartment and his salary." The only thing that is disputed is whether Francis spoke of the U.S. cardinal as "my enemy" on this occasion or whether he used the word "enemy" at all. The Bergoglian Austen Ivereigh was outraged by this. Beyond this quibbling, however, the papal approach is unprecedented and shocking.
Burke, a highly intelligent and unwavering defender of the unabridged doctrine of the faith, has been a thorn in the side of the reigning head of the Church since the beginning of the pontificate. He seems to be Francis' personified opponent, which makes him feel the wrath of papal power.
The chronology of events:
November 20: Pope Francis, meeting with the heads of the dicasteries in Rome, declares Cardinal Burke a non-person. Since he had already deprived him of all his offices, he would also deprive him of his apartment and his salary, according to the papal announcement.
November 24: On papal instructions, Cardinal Burke is instructed to either pay for his own apartment or vacate it.
Nov. 27: The Pope's new attack on the faithful U.S. cardinal leaks to the public. On the same day, the Bergoglian Austen Ivereigh lights a smokescreen and declares that the Pope never spoke of "enemy".
November 28: Nicole Winfield of the Associated Press reports that Burke is being punished by Francis for being "a source of disunity in the Church," and Philip Pullella of Reuters adds that Burke is working "against the Church and the papacy," according to Francis.
December 1: Cardinal Burke receives the notice from the Holy See, which is in fact a request to vacate his apartment near St. Peter's Basilica, because he is unwelcome there. [Just in time for Christmas!!]
- 4 December: The receipt of the Vatican's request for payment is confirmed and made public by the US media outlet The Pillar.
For information, the Holy See pays for the accommodation of the Curial Cardinals in Rome, if necessary of all Cardinals. However, the regulation also applies to numerous subordinate employees of the Vatican.
Cardinal Burke's Roman lodging is located near St. Peter's Basilica in a building that also houses other members of the College of Cardinals. While the Holy See continues to allow the other Purple Bearer, who lives next door to Cardinal Burke, to live for free, an example is being made of the American. Francis seems to want to demonstrate to everyone that Burke is an "outlaw."
Francis has brought about the absurd situation that Burke, as a cardinal, is now worse off than numerous subordinate collaborators and employees of the Holy See. Francis seems to like such humiliations, especially when they concern Cardinal Burke, whom he has demoted and publicly belittled several times since 2013.
The cardinals residing in Rome receive a monthly salary of around 4,000 euros from the Holy See for their tasks and merits. According to Roman real estate experts, this sum would not be enough to pay for Burke's apartment at "market prices" because of its prestigious location.
Since Pope Francis announced that he would also "take away the cardinal's salary," it seems to be the papal intention to expel Cardinal Burke from Rome in the first place. In the past few days, he had emphasized that he considered it "important" to be in Rome because of his duties to the Church.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL
Trans: Tancred
Monday, December 4, 2023
The Culture Wars Rage On
Today, The Two Mikes spoke with E. Michael Jones. He is the author of many books, including Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and, most recently, The Holocaust Narrative.
Dr. Jones holds a Ph.D. and his books discuss the ideological aggressiveness and propaganda capabilities and practices of Jewish/Israeli leaders. Dr. Jones’ books are scholarly works, informative and meant to alert his readers to the threats posed to the United States because of its close relationship with Israel. They succeed in that task. In other of his works and in his media commentaries, he also explains how deeply the U.S. Congress, media, and popular culture are controlled lock, stock, and barrel by Israel and the Jewish American elite and their operatives at the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Doubt it? Remember when the new House Speaker’s first action after his election was to introduce a bill giving $14.5 billion to Israel – to those he called “our dear Israeli friends” -- this in the face of a U.S. economy that is dying, the republic being flooded with foreign military-age men flown in by aviation contractors working for the Biden’s administration, and border towns in the southwest being wrecked by illegals border.
Do you recall any member of Congress or the Senate standing up and saying Americans need this money and it should not be given to foreigners to continue fighting a war that never ends? Read Dr. Jones’ books and listen to his commentary, his description of the danger posed by America’s domination is both vivid and detailed and the threat the republic faces demands the attention of and rejection by all patriots.
Dragon Lady Niles Has a Conscience
Edit: she wants to take her grift elsewhere. I thought she was fired. Here she’s posturing like they weren’t done with her.
I can no longer in good conscience encourage Catholics to give to Church Militant, until the board of directors launches an independent investigation to find out how donor money was used during the time that Michael Voris was leading a double life.
— Christine Niles (@ChristineNiles1) December 4, 2023
Many of you know I resigned on…
Sunday, December 3, 2023
Saturday, December 2, 2023
Knife Wielding Muslim Murders German Tourist in Paris
[ZDF] A German tourist was killed in a knife attack in France. Interior Minister Darmanin confirmed the man's origins. The suspected perpetrator was arrested.
A policewoman in Paris secures the crime scene.
Source: reuters
The fatality of a knife attack in Paris that was probably motivated by Islamism was a young German tourist.
Interior Minister confirms nationality of dead man
The perpetrator attacked a foreign tourist couple, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin told journalists at the scene of the attack on Sunday night.
A German tourist who was born in the Philippines died from multiple stab wounds.
Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior of France
His companion remained physically unharmed, but suffered from shock.
Listen to Interior Minister Darmanin's statement here
According to the public prosecutor's office, the victim was born in 1999. The assassin killed the German with a knife on Saturday evening near the Eiffel Tower in Paris. According to Darmanin, he also injured a Frenchman in his 60s and a foreign tourist with a hammer. The interior minister did not disclose the nationality of the injured tourist.
— Gérald DARMANIN (@GDarmanin) December 2, 2023
Suspect arrested
According to police sources, the attacker shouted "Allahu Akbar" (God is great) during the attack. The Frenchman, born in 1997, was arrested and the national anti-terrorism prosecutor's office took over the investigation.
According to Interior Minister Darmanin, the attacker had a criminal record. He was sentenced to four years in prison in 2016 for planning another attack. Police circles had previously said that the alleged perpetrator, who was born in France, suffered from psychological problems and was known as a radical Islamist. He stated that he could not bear the fact that Muslims were being killed in the world.
Source: AFP
Friday, December 1, 2023
Running Down the clowns at Church Militant
Lesser Thug Gordon About to Spill the Beans
Excommunicated for Attending the Mass in Maceió
Thursday, November 30, 2023
973% rise in heart attacks among military pilots
'Irish Lives Matter' sign posted in Northern Ireland will be treated as hate crime, authorities say
It’s deeply concerning and disgraceful that these offensive and racist signs have been erected in an attempt to create fear and intimidate people," House of Commons member Paul Maskey stated, according to the Belfast Telegraph.
He added there is "no place for this type of behavior in our society" and urged political and community leaders to support a welcoming community.