Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Doesn't Cardinal Gambetti Have Time for Prayer?

One of the duties and privileges of the canons of St. Peter's Basilica is to show the people during Holy Week various relics associated with the suffering of Jesus Christ, here the Holy Face.

(Rome) Since Sunday, November 5th, the Canons of St. Peter's Basilica have had to perform choral prayers in street clothes. The “humble” Archpriest of Saint Peter, Cardinal Mauro Gambetti OFM Conv., issued a corresponding decree that corresponds entirely to his own customs. The suppression of liturgy and prayer and the museumization of Christianity's most symbolic church continues.

The Instruction of Chapter Vicar Archbishop Calogero La Piana

Shortly before the aforementioned date, the Canons received a letter from Chapter Vicar Calogero La Piana. La Piana let his fellow brothers in the chapter know that from the Sunday after All Saints' Day they should no longer appear for choir prayers in choir clothes, but in clerics.

Calogero La Piana was Archbishop of Messina until 2015, when Pope Francis retired him early for health reasons. 
In 2018, Francis appointed him as a Canon in the Chapter of Saint Peter. Before his retirement as Archbishop of Messina, La Piana was appointed by a man as the universal heir to a fortune worth millions. The testator had drawn up the will shortly before his death and stated in it that he was thanking his sole heir, Archbishop La Piana, for years of homosexual sexual intercourse.

The Millennial Chapter of Saint Peter

The Chapter of Saint Peter was founded in 1053 by Pope Leo IXUntil then, four nearby monasteries had performed the liturgical services at the papal basilica. It particularly promoted Eucharistic adoration and 

Marian devotion. It was therefore reserved for the Chapter to crown particularly significant representations of the Virgin Mary in the world.

The chapter is composed of the archpriest, his vicar and 34 canons. This office was so respected and prestigious that laymen were also honored with it, for example several Roman-German kings, i.e. future emperors, before their election and imperial coronation. Since then, various reforms have been implemented.

Upon their appointment, Canons of Saint Peter automatically become Apostolic Prothonotaries and thus prelates of the Roman Curia. Their choir clothing is also corresponding. It consists of a purple cassock, the rochet (surplice), a purple mantelletta and a black biretta with a purple tassel.

Archpriest Mauro Cardinal Gambetti OFMConv. (with miter) with seven newly appointed canons of Saint Peter in their choir robes (April 10, 2022)

But now the canons of Saint Peter come to the choir prayer in street clothes, because that's exactly what Msgr. Mauro Gambetti, the archpriest of St. Peter's Basilica, did before.

“While the founder of his order sold everything to wear a wool habit, Mauro Gambetti likes to wear fine threads. The habit of the order was only privileged when he had to act as 'humble curator of Assisi' at meetings with politicians and clerical dinners. When Pope Francis traveled to Assisi, he did everything to show himself as a simple lesser brother who loves the poor Church, but we have seen over the years how good Gambetti is with money,” said Silere Non Possum .

From Minorite to Archbishop, Cardinal and Archpriest of Saint Peter

Before his appointment to Rome, Gambetti had been Custodian of the Holy Convent of the Minorite Order in Assisi since 2013. His Franciscan religious habit seemed to be pulled on. You could see that he was wearing normal street clothes underneath. As custodian of the most important monastery in the Franciscan order, he played a role under Pope Francis in the controversial Assisi meetings and the “Forecourt of the Peoples,” two initiatives that were well received in Santa Marta. The “Forecourt of the Peoples” was an initiative by Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, which was intended to serve the new evangelization and was specifically aimed at atheists, but which became a cultural end in itself and aimless wanderingGambetti also appeared to be on the same wavelength as Pope Francis when it came to co-opting St. Francis of Assisi to bring the Church into step with the UN and the globalist establishment on issues such as climate change, migration and the “fraternity of all men.

In the fall of 2020, Pope Francis rewarded the diligent Custodian of Assisi with the dignity of cardinal and the appointment of titular archbishop. A few months later he called him to Rome and appointed him vicar general for the Vatican City, archpriest of St. Peter's Basilica and head of the Cathedral Construction Works of Saint PeterSince November 2021, Cardinal Gambetti is also part of the Government of the State of Vatican City and is a member of the Roman Communications Dicastery .

Father Mauro Gambetti receives Pope Francis as curator of the Holy Convention in Assisi

The Reorganization of St. Peter's Basilica

The appointment of Gambetti as the new archpriest of Saint Peter's was accompanied by far-reaching changesThe previous archpriest Angelo Cardinal Comastri was retired and, in the short time until Gambetti took office, the Vatican State Secretariat illegally introduced a new mass order in St. Peter's Basilica. Since March 22, 2021, individual celebrations in St. Peter's Basilica have been prohibited. There are only four masses left in the Novus Ordo , which may last a maximum of half an hour and must be celebrated between 7 a.m. and 9:30 a.m., two in the choir chapel and two at the cathedral altar. At the same time, celebrations in the Immermorial Rite in St. Peter's Basilica were prohibited. This ban is consistently implemented, as the international pilgrimage of the Ad Petri Sedem tradition at the end of October showed. The new order is intended to force priests, especially those who work in the Roman Curia, but also the many prelates and priests who come to Rome from all over the world, to concelebrate if possible. The traditional rite may be celebrated, but only by authorized priests, in the Capella Clementina in the Vatican Grottoes at the same time as the Novus Ordo is celebrated in St. Peter's Basilica. The symbolism is unmistakable: the traditional rite was banished to the catacombs, as the Motu proprio Traditionis Custodes issued by Francis implemented for the universal Church a few months later.

Gambetti's favorite clothes

The interventions here and there are carried out under the keyword of wanting to “order” something, as if there had previously been disorder. One of many forms of suggestion and discrediting.

When he took office, Gambetti did not lift a finger to reverse or even criticize the Secretariat of State's unlawful interference in the affairs of St. Peter's Basilica. The reasons are obvious: the new regulation was desired by Pope Francis and did not meet with any reservations from Gambetti. Therefore, in June 2021, he issued a statement specifically to reiterate why he and all priests were forced to concelebrate, citing the Second Vatican Council. Until then, through the centuries, whenever one entered St. Peter's Basilica, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass had been celebrated at some altar by some priest.

St. Peter's Basilica is becoming "like a museum" and there is a "grave-like silence," is how Edward Pentin, Vaticanist for the National Catholic Register, described the gradual implementation of the reduction in liturgy and prayer. The silence of the grave refers to the silence of the liturgy, the holy words are replaced by the noise of the tourists who often enough do not know how to behave in the holy house.

The new regulations and Gambetti's behavior earned him criticism for pushing ahead with the museumization of St. Peter's Basilica . As a reminder: At that time, the celebrations were still subject to the Corona restrictions. In his Corona radicalism, Pope Francis went so far as to close St. Peter's Basilica completely for almost 90 days. During this time it was not allowed to celebrate a service or even enter St. Peter's Basilica. Before reopening, the church with the grave of the Apostle Peter was disinfected at great expense and in a completely useless manner. The sacred was visualized as a threat, as demonstrated by the ban on holy water and grotesque methods of giving Communion.

In spring 2023, further new regulations were implemented, this time directly by Gambetti. Since then there have been two courses in St. Peter's Basilica, one for tourists and one for worshipers. The latter are allowed into the chapel for Eucharistic adoration. 

Choir prayer in street clothes

Now the next prank followed, in which the canons were supposed to perform the choir prayers in street clothes. It all began in May 2020, when the Canons (even though St. Peter's Basilica is not an episcopal church) were released from choir prayer under the pretext of Corona and the chapter celebrations were prohibited. This ban preceded the general ban on individual celebrations that followed in 2021 by almost a year. In May 2021, the Canons were banned from entering a chapel in their own church when they wanted to pray the rosary there with Francis. An incident that has not yet been clarified and was linked to the fact that Francis had kept an eye on the chapter's generous real estate holdings. Its administration was then transferred to the Cathedral Building Works of Saint Peter, an institution separate from the chapter, but which, like the chapter, is managed by Gambetti. Since then, the Canons have found themselves in the humiliating position that their livelihood is no longer supported by the chapter itself, but by the cathedral building works. 

Soon after taking office, Cardinal Gambetti, probably out of “humility”, decided not to appear at choir prayers in choir clothes, but in the street robe of a secular priest - not the habit of the Order of the Minorites. Now the other Canons also feel compelled to do the same. His behavior was prescribed for the entire chapter.

Gambetti, who always shows up punctually for meetings with the financially strong and influential sponsors of the Pontifical Fratelli Tutti Foundation, is notoriously late for prayer times and, even though he is an archpriest, ends up in the back of the choir pew. The foundation was established by Pope Francis in December 2021 as part of the cathedral construction works. Since then, Gambetti has also been President of the foundation.

“Everything that has to do with God and prayer no longer has a place in the Papal Basilica; Financiers and powerful people (and even criminals), on the other hand, have free use of the rooms,” says Silere Non Possum .


Gambetti explained to the media: 

“We will do everything we can to make St. Peter’s Basilica more and more a place of prayer.”

However, the reality is different.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image : Facebook/MiL/La Voce (screenshot)

Trans: Tancred


Gary Voris & the Downfall of Church Militant

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Francis Disinherits Bishop Rey of Fréjus-Toulon

Bishop Dominique Rey of Frejús-Toulon (center of the picture with two of his canons) is the next victim of Begoglian "mercy". 
In the fight against tradition, Rome apparently takes no prisoners.

(Rome) After Msgr. Joseph Strickland, a second traditional bishop was deposed within ten days. Pope Francis appointed a coadjutor for the Diocese of Fréjus-Toulon who will work alongside and succeed Diocesan Bishop Dominique Rey.

The procedure is Bergoglian: First a visitor is sent, then the attack follows. The result is clear from the start. Msgr. Rey was not immediately fired, but was removed from power. The retirement will follow in a few months. The template for this is provided by the diocese of Albenga-Imperia, which lies on the same Mediterranean beach. There, Bishop Mario Oliveri, who is close to tradition, was given a coadjutor. He then had the say. Msgr. Oliveri was left in office for a few more months and then retired in a second step in 2016.


Other examples include Bishop Rogelio Livieres in Paraguay , Bishop Daniel Fernández Torres in Puerto Rico and, just a few days ago, Bishop Joseph Strickland in the USA . They all distinguished themselves, each in their own way, as heralds of truth. For this they were overthrown. Consider the scheming way in which Bishop Rogelio Livieres was summoned to Rome in order to lure him away from his diocese. While he was standing in front of closed doors in Rome, he was informed from home that he had been deposed by Francis.

Bishop Rey, appointed by Pope Benedict XVI. was valued, promoted vocational pastoral care, parish pastoral care, supported the right to life movement, took part in the March for Life in Paris and was close to the civil rights movement Manif pour tous. In particular, he also promoted the traditional rite. Or rather, he recognized an inner unity between evangelization and liturgy. He also supported the establishment of traditional ritual communities such as the Benedictines of the Immaculata or biritual communities such as the Fradernidad St. José Custodio in his diocese.

Bishop Rey was the first diocesan bishop to create faculties for priests of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X in 2017. (FSSPX) can perform weddings in every church in his diocese .

The result of this work was reflected above all in the vocations to the priesthood. While most French dioceses don't even have a new priest every year, the seminary in the small diocese of Fréjus-Toulon was filling up. Although the diocese comprises only 1.6 percent of France's population, it counted around eight percent of all diocesan seminarians. Fréjus-Toulon was the diocese in France that attracted the most vocations. Before the Roman intervention began last year, more than 70 seminarians were prepared for the priesthood at Bishop Rey's seminary.

The closer a diocese or religious community is to tradition, the more vocations it attracts. Rome should think about that. It does, but differently than would be expected.

The flourishing seminary of Fréjus-Toulon was received positively in Rome under Benedict XVI, negatively under Francis. Francis shocked the Catholic world by prohibiting Bishop Rey from conducting the ordinations that had already been scheduled at the beginning of June 2022. Too many seminarians? Too many candidates for ordination? Rome intervened. The diocese and its seminary were drained. Where there is uncertainty about the question of ordination, vocations dry up.

In February 2023, Francis sent an apostolic visitator to Fréjus-Toulon. The next step took place today with the removal of Bishop Rey from power by appointing a coadjutor.

Pope Francis is waging a war on tradition He eliminates her wherever she appears in the Church outside of the Ecclesia Dei enclosure. No one can currently say whether the enclosure will be retained or leveled once this job is completed. Naivety and illusions are a bad guide.

Francis appointed Monsignor François Touvet, the current Bishop of Châlons, as coadjutor of Bishop Rey. 

Msgr. Rey has since turned to his diocese with a statement. In it he announced that Msgr. Touvet would succeed him in the diocese of Fréjus-Toulon as soon as he himself retired.

Bishop Rey described the ban on ordination as a “collective sanction”, the year and a half since then as “torments (…) that we have suffered since June 2022. This year and a half of waiting has been particularly difficult and painful for all of us, priests, religious, believers and especially seminarians”.

He thanked everyone who “spent this time of trial with me in trust and prayer.”

He greeted Bishop Touvet “like a brother.” He visited the diocese a few years ago to get to know the “missionary spirit that animates our diocese”.

As he himself announced, Pope Francis withdrew Bishop Rey's responsibilities for the following areas: leadership of the clergy, administration, training of seminarians and priests and the support of religious communities. The thrust is obvious.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image : MiL

Trans: Tancred


Did Gary the Fairy Fall Off The Wagon?



Church Narcissistic Gone!

Looks like it’s related to a lawsuit against Gary.

Edit: Michael Parrot at RTF is declaring victory.

I guess he was wrong about just who was being fired!

Power struggle? 

Update: according to Simpchimp Fischer’s House husband, it looks like Voris was threatening witnesses.

One of the reactions from the traitorous Neocon, Janet E. Smith is presently cautioning people to be nice, if not actually Christian. Did she extend this kind of charity to E. Michael Jones when she called Jones an anti-Semite? One wonders if there’s another allegiance Smith is loyal to beyond her appearance of Catholicism?

It’s this kind of reveal that people often miss, and others will attempt to glaze over with a slimy film of faux caritas. Budgie Niles shows the  devilish hoof beneath a tight fitting silk dress. For her part, when Voris and Christine Niles, like the Marxist gangsters they are, doxxed Parrott to the Marine Corps, Niles told military authorities that she thought he was insufficiently committed to GLBT values.  Is that the true allegiance that binds these bad actors together and laid them bare to the possibility of blackmail and coercion?

Does Janet E. Smith recall how Voris and Niles gloated when they got Parrott a less than honorable discharge from the Marine Corps?

Is Dragon Lady Niles going to a new “Catholic” news agency? 

They should've taken EMJ's suggestion to step down back in 2016  

 And, by the way, none of this stuff got any better after 18 years of Gary Voris twirling his pencil.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Fanatically Pro-Israel Libertarian Candidate Wins in Argentina

Edit: this man is even weirder than Gaybrielle. He will put hard drugs dispensing machines in kindergartens. 

Sometimes, the times reveal things, like thoughts, images and ideas arising from the abyss of history.

One good thing is to see how miserable it makes the Pope.

BUENOS AIRES — A radical libertarian and admirer of Donald Trump rode a wave of voter rage to win Argentina’s presidency on Sunday, crushing the political establishment and bringing the sharpest turn to the right in four decades of democracy in the country.

Javier Milei, a 53-year-old far-right economist and former television pundit with no governing experience, claimed nearly 56 percent of the vote in a stunning upset over Sergio Massa, the center-left economy minister who has struggled to resolve the country’s worst economic crisis in two decades. 

Even before the official results had been announced Sunday night, Massa acknowledged defeat and congratulated Milei on his win. Trump also congratulated Milei. “I am very proud of you,” Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform. “You will turn your Country around and Make Argentina Great Again!”

Here he is supporting Vox in Spain.


Typical Chaos of the Novus Ordo

Edit: this happens, not to the same extent, at some traditional Masses. It’s usually the wahmens who are causing the disturbance. But here in the NO, this kind of Hellscape is the norm.



Friday, November 17, 2023

Bergoglio Protects Freemasonry From the Church

The Dicastery for the Faith, with the approval of Pope Francis, declared that for a Catholic, the Church and the lodge are incompatible. How exactly is this to be understood?

By Mastro Titta (Attention satire!)

Horrible news. Catholicity and Freemasonry are still incompatible. A Filipino bishop asked the pope if this was still the case. And Francis affirmed with a sigh: "Yes, unfortunately it is still so".

Until further notice. So you have to be patient. This gr
eat chaos of God created the world in six days. It will take Bergoglio a few more years to restore it. Because of the bad news about Freemasonry, Cardinal Ravasi, the one who wrote the letter to his "dear Masonic brothers," had a hypoglycemic fit.

It is interesting to note the clarification in the note of the Dicastery for the Faith: "These measures also apply to all churchmen who may be enrolled in Freemasonry".

Too. Perhaps. In my opinion, there are more seats available on the crowded train of the busy Mortara-Milano line (Porta Genova) at peak times than are occupied by non-Freemasons in the Vatican.

It seems that the Church, which is "open to all", is not open to the dear Masonic brothers. An intolerable contradiction. However, the lodges are not exactly open to everyone and everyone. Open society, open church, closed lodges. The thing is not symmetrical. A poor Catholic in a lodge? No! A bishop, a cardinal, a pope in a lodge? Perhaps.

As always, you have to look more closely to understand. You don't carelessly throw away decades of awkward ecumenism. Grand Master Gustavo Raffi of the Masonic Grand Orient of Italy had already said it on March 14, 2013:

"With Pope Francis, nothing will be the same again".

Where on earth have I heard this melodious formula before? At least that's how the Masonic Grand Master greeted his brother Francis, seven years and a week before the pandemic battle cry, when the ecclesiastical field hospital peddled Misericordina in anticipation of vaccination, as an "act of love" and "the light of hope for all".

After all, this pontificate is the imaginary pandemic of the Catholic Church. You don't need Sherlock Holmes to understand that. Duckburg's Chief of Police, Commissioner Albert Hunter, is enough, and without Mickey Mouse.

The point is that the average Catholic, who does not shine with investigative acumen, reviews the concert of compliments that rained down on Francis from all – and I mean all – Grand Lodges in the world on the evening of his election. Such enthusiasm was not aroused even by a certain Barack Obama, who received the Nobel Peace Prize in advance so that he could then wage war undisturbed every day of his term in office.

The simple-minded Catholic, as I said, skims over everything quickly and reads that Bergoglio has affirmed the incompatibility between the Church and Freemasonry, and thinks that this is wine, and exults: "Ah, look, Bergoglio respects tradition, he does not change the doctrine, here he speaks CLEARLY, Freemason no, no, no."

But we're not here to polish little plastic Madonnas. Therefore: Dear Catholic brother, you have understood a curd cheese, a cheese, a Limburger, a Tilsiter, an Emmentaler: the entire teaching corpus of cheese making escapes you completely.

Bergoglio does not protect the Church from Freemasonry: he protects Freemasonry from the Church. He has unhinged the doors of the Church, just in case some wicked man should think of closing them again tomorrow, and has double-bolted the doors of the lodge.

In other words, the dear Masonic brethren do not want stupid brethren in their lodges. That's it. And Francis, the speaking pope, vouches for that. Heaven forbid that the dear Masonic brethren should one day find a pope at the head of the supposedly extinct Alta Vendita, God forbid, a Catholic. It's best not to risk anything. Better safe than sorry.

I'm almost a little sorry. The Vatican is teeming with secret Masonic homosexuals who can neither marry nor be initiated into the mysteries in broad daylight. Since Freemasonry remains closed to women in a time as sexually kaleidoscopic as ours, the dear Masonic brethren from across the Tiber are an elegant compromise.

Dear Catholic Brothers, pray that the dear Masonic Brothers will also open the gates of hell to you, instead of being content to exhibit it in the former papal residence on the Quirinal. 1 You do not believe that you can condemn your souls in vain.

Otherwise, get out of the grave of the pathetic fideistic do-gooders that you have scratched into your own glass with your fingernails ("He is the Pope", "The Holy Spirit has chosen him, yes") and come outside and finally breathe in a little cold, cutting, but healthy air.

Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Corrispondenza Romana

Trans: Tancred

1 Auguste Rodin's "The Gates of Hell" see here.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre bleeding in Jerusalem?

The anointing stone in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is anointed daily with holy oils and myrrh

The Custody of Holy Land Denies

(Jerusalem) In recent days, a video from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem has been widely circulated on social media. It is supposed to prove that blood and oil are currently gushing out of the anointing stone at the entrance to the basilica. The Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land issued a statement yesterday. First, here's the video:

And here is the statement of the Custody of the Holy Land:

Custodia Terræ Sanctæ

The Custody of the Holy Land would like to make it clear that it has nothing to do with the video that has appeared on the Internet claiming that the anointing stone in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre has begun to excrete oil and blood.

The stone is anointed daily with fragrant myrrh, and the faithful collect this oil with handkerchiefs or garments, which they keep for personal devotion in remembrance of the death of our Lord Jesus Christ.

There is no supernatural phenomenon that could corroborate the statements in the text accompanying the video, and no Franciscan of the Custody of the Holy Land is involved in this revelation.

Published by Custodia Terræ Sanctæ on Wednesday, November 8, 2023

The Custody of the Holy Land was founded in 1217 by the General Chapter of the Franciscan Order. Shortly thereafter, St. Francis of Assisi himself attempted to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Through his influence on the Sultan of Egypt, the Franciscans obtained toleration in the Holy Land when, after the victory of the Islamic armies over the Crusaders, all Latin Christians were expelled from the country. In 1333 they succeeded in obtaining custody of the Upper Room and have since been able to regain or repurchase other holy places. In 1342, the Pope officially commissioned them to look after the interests of the Church of Rome in the Holy Land.

Text/Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Custodia Terræ Sanctæ (Screenshot)

Trans: Tancred


Media Proposes Bergoglio Disposes — Transalpine Redemptorists Under Fire by Masonic Media

The Transalpine Redemptorists in New Zealand have become the target of a Vatican investigation.

Under Pope Francis, apostolic visitations and papal commissars have also become an instrument of the one-sided struggle for elimination within the Church when they are used against tradition.  Now the sword is also falling on the Transalpine Redemptorists, a traditional religious order that has two monasteries.  The main monastery is located on a small island in the Orkney Islands, off the north coast of Scotland.  The second monastery was founded at Kakahu on the South Island of New Zealand.  A third monastery has been located in the USA since 2020, specifically in the diocese of Great Falls-Billings in the state of Montana.  The attacks relate to the second monastery in the New Zealand diocese of Christchurch.

The Transalpine Redemptorists were founded by Father Michael Mary Sim, a Redemptorist who found the liberalization in the Redemptorist Order, especially in the liturgical area, unbearable.  In 1987 he took the step to re-establish a traditional Redemptorist order.  He was supported by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.  The young order retreated to the isolated island of Papa Stronsay in the Orkney Islands and flourished, so that today there are three monasteries on three continents.  The Transalpine Redemptorists remained closely linked to the Priestly Society of St. Pius X until 2008.  After Pope Benedict XVI., having issued the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, they entered into full unity with Rome.  In 2012 the order was recognized under canon law and included among the so-called Ecclesia Dei communities.

New Zealand media reported that an investigation was launched by the Holy See into allegations of “spiritual and psychological abuse.”  Since the term “abuse” now has a very one-sided connotation, it is important to expressly point out that it is not about sexual abuse.  The Redemptorists of the tradition are accused of carrying out unauthorized exorcisms.

The Vatican sent Australian Bishop Emeritus Robert McGuckin to New Zealand to investigate the Transalpine Redemptorists there.  McGuckin is a canon lawyer and has served as a judge on the Ecclesiastical Court for Australia and New Zealand.  In May 2012, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him.  Bishop of Toowoomba in the Australian state of Queensland.  Last May, at the age of 80, he was given emeritus status by Pope Francis, exceptionally late.

Father Magdala Maria, one of the two priests who are in the crossfire of criticism

Msgr. McGuckin was assigned, as a first step, to interview the New Zealand complainant against the Transalpine Redemptorists.

This was preceded by a report by the New Zealand news agency Newshub, whose target was the Transalpine Redemptorists, known in the Anglo-Saxon world as the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer.

In New Zealand people are very surprised by the Roman action, as no comparable step is known and the action was ordered high up.  Just two years ago, the public broadcaster Television New Zealand (TVNZ) published a lengthy report.  But the Redemptorists of the tradition don't have only friends in the island state.

In a second step, McGuckin wants to interview various people who made allegations against Transalpine Redemptorist priests in the Newshub report.  These should also include people who have left the Church.

The Newshub report accuses the Transalpine Redemptorist priests responsible for Canterbury (New Zealand), Father Anthony Mary and Father Magdala Maria, of “manipulative behavior”.  They interfered in the family life of believers and carried out several unauthorized exorcisms.

The Transalpine Redemptorists deny wrongdoing.  They face the unjustified attacks.  They would do nothing other than proclaim the Church's teachings and exhaust its means of grace.  The problem is that some in the world cannot tolerate the revealed truth or the Church's means of grace and are offended by it.

Believers from the Transalpine Redemptorist environment confirm this representation.  The Newshub report was intentionally scandalous and exaggerated.  Ultimately, the Church is being attacked.  In order to do this, a community of tradition was chosen because it was known that it could not count on unrestricted solidarity in the Church.  The reporters would also know who in the Church has been approved for shooting.

Rome was approached by the local bishop of Christchurch, Msgr. Michael Gielen.  In August the bishop visited Rome and held discussions with Vatican authorities about the Transalpine Redemptorists.  His input triggered the investigation.  The diocesan bishop told Newshub: “I have asked the Holy See for advice.  In response, the Holy See has initiated an apostolic visitation and appointed Reverend Robert McGuckin, Bishop Emeritus of Toowoomba, as apostolic visitator.”

 Behind the accusation that “unapproved” exorcisms were carried out is Msgr. Gielen, who emphasizes that exorcisms have to be approved by him as the local bishop, but this has not happened.

 Behind the Newshub report are Catholics who are calling for the dissolution of the Transalpine Redemptorists.

 For further information see the Transalpine Redemptorists website.

 TVNZ's film report (2021) about the Transalpine Redemptorists in New Zealand

 Text: Giuseppe Nardi

 Image: TVNZ/Facebook/ (screenshots)

Trans: Tancred


Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Bergoglio to Ban Marian Apparitions That Don’t Fit His Low-Effort Church

Edit: it took me five minutes to find out who the priest was, but in an effort to be obliging to a possibly well-intentioned seeker of free stuff without much effort, I’ve put this together.

 [Austin MacaulayXavier Reyes-Ayral is a French author who has worked since the 1990s on Marian apparition sites through books he published in France, Germany and Italy. Having, for a few years, briefly collaborated with world-renowned Msgr. René Laurentin, Xavier Reyes-Ayral has continued to study apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary throughout Europe, Canada and Latin-America.

In 2013, Xavier wrote and published in France as well a book entitled Héroïsme relating to the extraordinary World War II adventures of his uncle, Jean Ayral; a highly decorated Free-French officer, whose missions during the occupation and liberation of France have been recorded in the annals of the British and French intelligence services.

Xavier Reyes-Ayral is today a fourth degree Knight of Columbus and Grand-Knight of his own council, and since Msgr. Laurentin’s passing away in 2017, has decided to write more books on Marian apparitions and on the extraordinary but alarmingly urgent messages they bring to an oblivious human society; unaware of the impending threats that are about to reshape the 21st century…