Saturday, November 11, 2023

It’s OK When Bergoglio and His Leftist Friends Insult the Pope

Edit: remember when Benedict XVI and Johnn Paul VI “fired” bishops who disagreed with them?  

Bergoglio can’t even fire German bishops of the Sondwerweg, who challenge his authority, but when an Texan from the provinces challenges him, we’ll that’s another matter.

It certainly didn’t happen in the case of the evil German episcopate, or the evil Canadian bishops who sputtered their own allegiance to Satan in the Winnipeg Statement, effectively spitting in Paul IV’s face.

I guess it was just collegiality when Bergoglio insulted Benedict XVI for justifiably calling out bloodthirsty Mohammedans in the Regensburg Speech. Oh how he would be vindicated in the wake of Bataclan Massacre and the Manchester Bombing almost a decade later but he didn’t get a lot of credit for naming them accurately, did he? 

Bergoglio is an insufferable hypocrite.

[Torygraph] I’m 2005, then Pope Benedict quoted from an obscure medieval text which declared that the Prophet Mohammed, founder of the Islamic faith, was "evil and inhuman", enraging the Muslim population and causing attacks on churches throughout the world before an apology was issued. 

 Reacting within days to the statements, speaking through a spokesman to Newsweek Argentina, then Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio declared his "unhappiness" with the statements, made at the University of Regensburg in Germany, and encouraged many of his subordinates with the Church to do the same.

 "Pope Benedict's statement don't reflect my own opinions", the then Archbishop of Buenos Aires declared. "These statements will serve to destroy in 20 seconds the careful construction of a relationship with Islam that Pope John Paul II built over the last twenty years".

London is Falling

Edit: after centuries, the Mohamedan is triumphan over a once Christian city.



Bishop Strickland canned

[Americanist Magazine] In his letter this morning, Cardinal DiNardo reveals that as a result of the apostolic visitation, “the recommendation was to the Holy Father that the continuation in office of Bishop Strickland was not feasible.” After several months “of careful consideration by the Dicastery for Bishops and the Holy Father,” Bishop Strickland’s resignation was requested on Nov. 9, 2023. Bishop Strickland refused to resign, and Pope Francis subsequently removed the bishop on Nov. 11.

Bishop Strickland had led the 33-county diocese since 2012, when he was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI. He was a priest of the Tyler diocese and served at various points as the diocese’s vocation director, apostolic administrator and vicar general. When first appointed, he was known as the “blogging bishop,” writing uncontroversial posts on his personal website about faith and his hobby of running. 

He grew more outspoken as a critic of Pope Francis over time, forwarding Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó’s explosive 2018 letter calling for the pope to resign to “all Holy Faithful of the Diocese of Tyler” and saying he found “credible” the letter’s allegations that Pope Francis had knowingly covered up former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s sexual abuse of minors and seminarians. After the Vatican published its investigation into the McCarrick case in 2020, Bishop Strickland walked back his endorsement.

Cardinal Müller says this is an abuse of the divine right of the episcopate.


Thursday, November 9, 2023

They’re Even Dragging Tommy Robinson Out for This One

VIDEO: Tommy is Leading You into a TRAP - Don't go to London Tommy Robinson is calling for people to go to London this weekend to ‘defend the Cenotaph’ and the media are already writing headlines about clashes between ‘far right hooligans’ and ‘pro-Palestinian protestors’. Don’t fall into the trap of going to London and getting involved in violent disorder – this is what the media and the government want, as they will use this disorder as a reason to pass new laws that will take away our right to protest and diminish our freedoms. This is one big trap – stay away!

The media can't hide the fact that Trump is polling better than Biden any longer, and yet, POT🍃 and ABORTION🫃🏼 did very well Tuesday in the Heartland. Why?


Note: today the number is nearly 500

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Toldya so!

Fearing the sniffles, Swishop Wenski of Miami takes his baby juice cocktail

Why do trads keep guessing the outcomes correctly in nearly every issue happening in current events? I usually point out that conservatives and traditionalists understand truth better than liberals and leftists because we put evidence ahead of identity politics. I still think that’s the main reason why we keep “getting it” on so many current events in Church and State. But today, I want to explore some additional reasons.

After talking to many traditional Catholics over the past three years, I can say with confidence that over well over 90% of them refused the COVID vaccine.  That number may be above 95%.  The vaccine is just one of a dozen issues of current events where I trust conservative and traditional voices.  Even though one day mocked as “prophets of doom,” we were almost always exonerated in cold-cut statistics the next year.

First, let’s look at the evidence to see how many lives the mRNA-rearranging poison took from among our loved ones.  Steve Kirsch wrote an article Substack titled The “died suddenly” vax vs. unvaxxed statistics tell you everything you need to know.  In it, he shows various groupings of statistics that reveal only 1 out of 1000 of everyone who “died suddenly” over the past two years were unvaccinated in the United States.  Yet 25% of the US population is unvaccinated! Mr. Kirsch claims this is “statistically impossible,” unless the vaccine itself has killed millions of people who never received a cause of death.

The government and media will never admit the vaccine caused an enormous increase in all-cause mortality the last few years.  So where does Kirsch get these statistics that so few unvaccinated are numbered among the “died suddenly”?   Continued at Padre Peregrino....

But, you could take the advice of some clown with a miter and a penchant for putting orthodox priests in the nuthouse.   Or, the porcine Lumpe, the Vaxczar of Central Ohio.  It's time to hold bishops like Cupich accountable!  FWIW, his auxiliary died suddenly.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Zionism = Brahmanism

Is Trump verus Kennedy just Kayfabing?


 Even Tay-tay, who claims to be 9.65% Ashkenazi, sees a problem with this.  

 FWIW: Mainline Protestants have never bought this.
And, neither have many orthodox Jews.

Monday, November 6, 2023

New Zealand Experiences 3000% Spike in Excess Deaths


New Zeeland is a crime scene.


How long will this stay up before Gaybrielle has it pulled?

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Dragon Lady Fired at Church Militant

 Edit: it’s not clear why, but according to their long-time nemesis Mike Parrott, Dragon Lady Niles has been “fired”.

We didn’t know that Parrott had lost his case against Voris and had to apologize for saying what was basically true about these vile opportunists.

What’s in your future Christine? Do you still have deep feelings for Mike?

Parrott discloses Budgie firing but doesn’t say much more at 45:00.

Friday, November 3, 2023


Edit: there was always a coterie of older wahmen who had absolutely no respect for people offering their thanksgiving after Mass. Among them, there was a more entitled group from a prominent trad family. They were especially hurt and venomous when they were asked nicely to shut it.

It was almost always old women, often without veils, and a few effeminate men. Most men were too ashamed to make such a display.

I always wondered how such people could act this way, especially while making such ambitious spiritual claims for themselves. You’d think they’d show more respect for the Eucharistic Lord and their fellow Christians, who are trying to worship Him and learn His ways in the fastness of silence.

A lot has been written about the importance of silence and being disposed to receive God’s call.

Still, it’s  nice to read others who have similar views of silence, particularly after Mass. But to be sure, this is by far a much bigger problem in the Novus Ordo where it seems reasonable to suppose that there is near constant change and novelty, except the host doesn’t change.

They shouldn't have died

Prigozhin Becomes Orthodox Icon?

Edit: Oh no, Orthobros! 


Thursday, November 2, 2023

Monday, October 30, 2023

Being Pro-Life is Anti-Semitic

Somewhere in Far-Left Minneapolis 

 Edit: as Jews fight battles on multiple fronts, from immigration to “transsexual rights”, they cut themselves off at the branch as their creatures attack them in Europe as elsewhere.



Thursday, October 26, 2023

Bishops Find “Synod” Tiresome — Bishops Storm Out


Edit: no word about why the bishops were storming out. 68er Bishop of Luxembourg thinks it’s all OK, just part of the process. (Finding out who they need to neutralize later?)

[NCR] It was less than two weeks into Pope Francis' high-stakes Vatican summit on the future of the Catholic Church when multiple reports emerged about participating delegates storming out of the room. 

 In one case, a bishop didn't want to be photographed sitting next to a priest with whom he had numerous disagreements. In another, a cardinal believed that the Oct. 4-29 Synod of Bishops was a misnomer because it now included the equal participation of the laity — a criticism that has reverberated throughout the monthlong meeting. 

 The incidents weren't exactly a surprise, as the roughly 450 bishops and lay delegates taking part in the assembly had been warned by one of the synod's principal organizers that tensions in the room would emerge.