On October 11, 60 years ago, the Second Vatican Council opened. On this occasion an interview was conducted with Cardinal Matteo Zuppi to look back and take stock: What was the Second Vatican Council and what is left of it? Matteo Zuppi, member of the Community of Sant'Egidio, was appointed Archbishop of Bologna in 2015 by Pope Francis, in the spirit of a Bergoglian “kindness”, succeeding Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, visited by Francis in Bologna in 2017, created Cardinal in 2019, and 2022 by named by him as his deputy to the Italian Bishops' Conference. Since he received the purple, Cardinal Zuppi has been considered a possible papabile in the coming conclave, which is why his remarks are of particular importance. The historian and publicist Cristina Siccardi analyzed the interview.
Vatican II and the hopes and disappointments of Cardinal Zuppi
By Cristina Siccardi*
When Vatican II opened 60 years ago, on October 11, 1962, the progressive faction of the assembly, a minority, was scraping. Its protagonists stood ready, prepared and enthusiastic for the revolutionary changes that Pope John XXIII made possible. who, for no apparent reason, had decided to convene a council for a Church that was to be "dusted" with new and exciting goals - above all, no longer condemning the theological errors and mistakes of the world, but resolving towards them to accept and follow the secularized and anti-Christian "signs of the times".
Time is, as they say, a “gentleman”, we just have to practice the virtue of patience, and the causes of these revolutionary decisions have led to a physiological derailment of their effects. Through the decades we can make an informed assessment of motives and consequences, and we have evidence of this in the protagonists of the time themselves, which we hear and read with great Christian reverence. There is a poverty and sparseness in their elaborations that is embarrassingly impressive: they are ex-revolutionaries who have glorified themselves and are now stunned, with nothing left to say and groping in the dark, seeking support they cannot find, and about tripping over the shards that they themselves have broken.
A good thousand believers took part in this year's rosary procession in Einsiedeln on October 8th.
For centuries it was customary to carry out a solemn rosary procession on the occasion of the rosary festival to commemorate the victory of Lepanto in Einsiedeln. This tradition was lost after the Second Vatican Council but was taken up again by the Militiae Immaculatae and is now shared by three organizations. This year's procession took place on October 8th and is growing from year to year.
Despite the sometimes-heavy rain, a good thousand believers came to Einsiedeln, including many young people and families, to hold the rosary festival to the glory of God and with the request for a Christian future for the country - but this year also for the world consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to thank 80 years ago.
On October 31, 1942, in the middle of the Second World War, the 25th anniversary of the Marian apparitions of Fatima was solemnly concluded and Pope Pius XII. consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to which she herself had called in Fatima, during a radio address. The turning point in the war coincided with the Battle of El Alamein. A prominent and - from a Catholic point of view - unbiased eyewitness, the then British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, wrote: "One can almost say that we did not record a single victory before El Alamein and afterwards not a single defeat."
The procession was spiritually led by Msgr. Vitus Huonder, Bishop Emeritus of Chur, and two priests. Bishop Vitus Huonder declared at the end of the procession at the Frauenbrunnen on the monastery square that "the consecration is an act of the special and solemn dedication of the faith and thereby becomes a source of a special blessing". In the case of consecration to the Blessed Mother, this is a deep act of faith in the Blessed Mother's participation in the work of salvation of her son Jesus and, connected with it, in God's goodness and mercy. After his speech, those present knelt and led by the bishop, prayed together the prayer of consecration written by Pope Pius XII.
The Militia Immaculatae, is a Catholic movement founded in 1917 by Saint Father Maximilian Kolbe. It promotes devotion to Our Lady, particularly through the distribution of the Miraculous Medal and the Rosary. Father Maximilian Kolbe is known to many because 80 years ago he voluntarily gave his life in the hunger bunker in the Auschwitz concentration camp for the father of family who was a fellow prisoner. The Militia Immaculatae of the traditional observance has several thousand members in German-speaking countries and over 100,000 members worldwide.
This year, the organizing committee was expanded by two Catholic movements: The Fatima World Apostolate of Switzerland, which was founded in 1952 to spread the message of Fatima, and the prayer initiative Switzerland Prays, which arose in the wake of the Corona crisis and meets every Wednesday evening at 140 Places in Switzerland and prayed the Rosary.
Tradition in Einsiedeln
The Feast of the Rosary is celebrated annually on October 7th to commemorate the victory achieved by praying the Rosary in the greatest galley battle in history, on October 7th, 1571 in the Strait of Lepanto (Greece). There the outnumbered Christians triumphed against the Ottoman fleet and ended Turkish dominance in the Mediterranean.
Information for the 2023 Rosary Procession and more can be found on the Rosary Prayer website.
(Mainz) The world should be cleansed of homosexual beings? One could think that when observing the feverishly overheated homophile activities, which are frantically carried out by the upper ecclesiastical levels, by prelates and Catholic associations, in some German diocese. Concerned Catholics are now protesting against the "queer-sensitive pastoral care" in the diocese of Mainz with a letter to their bishop.
Bishop Peter Kohlgraf, appointed Bishop of Mainz in 2017 by Pope Francis (in search of the most progressive candidates), is at the forefront. Since then, the Doctor of Religious Education has attracted attention for his “openness” to non-celibate “new forms of access” to the priesthood, including the ordination of women. His diocese is now openly conducting homo-propaganda under a “pastoral” cloak. There are indications that intolerant, extravagant church circles will no longer wait for the end of the withering "synodal path" but want to create accomplices of their own accord.
Meanwhile, concerned Catholics in the diocese expressed their concerns about "queer-sensitive pastoral care" to the bishop. Here is her letter verbatim:
Mr. Bishop Dr. Peter Kohlgraf – Episcopal Ordinariate – Bischofsplatz 2 55116 Mainz
" Queer-Sensitive Pastoral"
Excellency, dear Bishop Kohlgraf,
According to an announcement on the Internet portal of the Diocese of Mainz, on Sunday, October 9, 2022, you want to publicly commission a priest and a lay theologian “in a service with queer-sensitive pastoral work in the Diocese of Mainz and hand them their decrees”. [1]
We, orthodox Catholics, almost all from the diocese of Mainz, hereby demand that you cancel both this scandalous event and the immoral project of "queer-sensitive pastoral care". As a bishop, you have a duty to uphold the faith and morals of the Church without reservation. We hereby request that you fulfill this obligation.
Behind the seemingly harmless term "queer-sensitive pastoral care" hides a subversive plan that you and many of your German brothers in office are pursuing together with officials from Catholic committees and associations. The aim is to undermine the traditional Catholic sexual morality. It is to be replaced by a hedonistic ethical surrogate that also declares “queer” sexual practices to be normal and pleasing to God.
You are in the process of implementing this plan in your diocese. But the diocese of Mainz is not your property, it is not your property. You serve the zeitgeist and the "queer" scene with a "sensitive" pastoral. But where is your sensitivity to the orthodox Catholics in your diocese? Where is your sensitivity to the preservation of the depositum fidei?
For some time now, with your express approval, church “blessing ceremonies” for homosexual tandems and other irregular connections have been held in the diocese of Mainz.
You are not authorized to do any of this, Herr Bishop. You are abusing your office as bishop. You are breaking the oath of office you took when you were ordained a bishop. Here, too, one has to ask: Where is your sensitivity?
If you should actually carry out the planned "commissioning" today, you are doing something for which you have no competence whatsoever. Like the blessing of morally improper relationships, this "commission" is null and void. You have no authority to do this. The decrees you are about to hand over to the two "commissioners" are not worth the paper they are printed on. This does not change if you carry out the "commissioning" in a church as part of an event similar to a church service, as planned.
Speaking of worship. You are definitely not serving God, rather someone else entirely. What you are doing is a pseudo-liturgy and the simulation of an episcopal official act. They desecrate the holy place and offend the real presence of God in the Eucharist.
The sermon that you have prepared for this “service” and the text of which has been on the Internet since Friday is entitled: “There must be an end to being forced into a life of lies.” [2] No, Bishop Kohlgraf, the teaching of the Church does not force anyone into a life of lies. A lie in life comes from breaking with the teachings of the Church, blaming the Church for it, and demanding that it change its teachings. You yourself, Lord Bishop, are the one who, with your denial of a significant part of Catholic faith and morals and your turn to the heresy of homosexuality, gender and queer ideology, are creating a lifelong lie and want to draw an entire diocese into it by playing off your administrative power.
By “commissioning” you make yourself guilty, firstly, of the two “commissioners” because you mislead them into “pastoral work” that is not only incompatible with Catholic faith and moral teaching, but also a serious violation of it. You are also guilty of those people who are tempted to sin or encouraged to sin by this poisoned ministry. Thirdly, you make yourself guilty because through your heretical theses and deeds you divide both the presbytery of the diocese and the believing people and also encourage uncertainty in the faith and the serious sin against the sixth commandment. Fourthly, you are guilty of the orthodox priests of the Diocese of Mainz because you drive them into conflicts of loyalty and plight of conscience and expose them to the attacks of zealots, who are also incited to do so by your anti-Catholic course.
Bishop Kohlgraf, you are incurring the wrath of God. One day you will have to answer to God. What is at stake is nothing less than your salvation. Repent, make public atonement before God, and repent. Offer the Pope to renounce your episcopate. You are not suitable for this.
With Concern,
Gottfried Paschke, Bad Homburg v. i.e. H. Brigitte Pelz, Friedberg (Hesse) Adam and Ania Prendota, Niddatal Nick Ramshaw, Wöllstadt Alicja Warszawska, Mrocza (Poland)
For the 40th anniversary of the Paris-Chartres Pentecost pilgrimage association, Cardinal Robert Sarah was to celebrate a pontifical high Mass in the traditional Rite, but the Archbishop of Paris and apparently also Pope Francis had something against it.
Edit: Remnant, published on Oct 6th doesn’t mention that Le Barroux’s Abbot will be signing the Mass.
(Paris) Cardinal Robert Sarah, the former Prefect of the Roman Congregation for Divine Worship and the Order of the Sacraments, was forbidden to celebrate in the traditional Rite in Paris last Saturday. Every week since July 2021, believers have been protesting outside the Apostolic Nunciature in Paris for the repeal of Pope Francis' motu proprio Traditionis custodes – and they don't intend to stop.
In gratitude for the fortieth anniversary of the Pèlerinage de Chrétienté, the great Pentecost pilgrimage of the tradition from Paris to Chartres, Cardinal Robert Sarah was to celebrate a pontifical high Mass in the Church of Saint-Roch in Paris last October 8th in the traditional Rite. The 40th pilgrimage is to be carried out again this year from June 4th to 6th after a two-year Corona break.
Now it was rumored, but known from a reliable source, that Cardinal Sarah was forbidden to celebrate by the new Archbishop of Paris, Archbishop Laurent Ulrich - apparently due to the express intervention of Santa Marta.
Monsignor Ulrich, previously Archbishop of Lille, was appointed the new Archbishop of Paris by Pope Francis on April 26. His inauguration took place on May 23. The unfriendly gesture towards Cardinal Sarah was one of his very first official acts.
The ban on celebration imposed on the former Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and courageous defender of priestly celibacy is an unkindness towards a confrere that is neither bettered nor excused by the fact that Pope Francis ordered it.
Cardinal Sarah was briefly replaced by the Abbot of the Benedictine Abbey of Le Barroux, whose sermon was published by the Association Pelerinage de la Chrétienté. Pope Francis still has a call from Argentina to be resentful. Cardinal Sarah's coup, along with Benedict XVI, with their plea for priestly celibacy, to present a de facto veto against plans in connection with the post-synodal letter on the Amazon Synod obviously goes deep. The Abbot of Le Barroux eloquently stated that Cardinal Sarah preferred "for diplomatic reasons not to celebrate this Mass".
Abbot Louis-Marie de Geyer d'Orth of Le Barroux on Saturday at the Saint-Roch church in Paris
Christian Marquant, the chairman of Paix Liturgique, speaks of a "war of attrition" being waged against the traditional Rite. The opponents of the traditional Rite had “one point in particular in their sights: the Sacraments”. In many churches there are now difficulties with baptisms and weddings. Many dioceses, such as the Archdiocese of Paris, no longer allow confirmations in the traditional Rite without any justification. This is particularly shocking for Paris, because Archbishop Ulrich personally administered confirmation in the traditional Rite in his previous archdiocese of Lille eight days before his inauguration in Paris. This raised hopes that he would take care of liturgical peace in his new diocese.
But with the move to Paris, everything seems to have been forgotten. In Paris they say that Msgr. Ulrich just wanted to please the Pope. For the cardinalatial purple?
"We must be particularly vigilant," says Marquant, because the bishops are "almost systematically" proposing solutions that are not, but strange combinations and mixtures, in which elements of the Novus Ordo are to be incorporated into the traditional Rite, or even that a Sacrament in Latin, but is expected to be offered in the new Rite.
"Our answer is quite simply: No!" says Marquant.
It is about defending the traditional Rite as a whole, in which each part is important and which cannot be fragmented at will. In addition, for the believers who are directly affected, and who are being swept away with a broom, it is also a matter of not “losing a hand's breadth of ground”. Therefore, the resistance will continue: on Saturday in front of the Apostolic Nunciature, on Sunday by the Tradition 14 group with the rosary in Notre-Dame du Travail, the Gardiens de la Tradition (Guardians of Tradition) on Tuesday and Thursday with the rosary in front of the Chancery and on Wednesday with the Rosary in Saint-Georges de la Villette.
The same applies, according to Marquant, to the faithful in the diocese of Saint-Germain-en-Laye, who are forced to celebrate a "wild" Holy Mass every Sunday on Rue Armagis, but will not give in.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi Bild: Notre-Dame de Chrétienté
Pope Francis "passionately" defended migration yesterday, attacking the new Italian government that was about to take office.
(Rome) Italy will have a new government at the end of October with two firsts: the first government headed by a woman and the first post-war government to be led by a hard-right party. The losers of the September 25th parliamentary elections and the globalist establishment are already mobilizing against this – including Pope Francis.
Italy is facing two firsts
The political earthquake at the recent election was enormous. The right-wing Fratelli d'Italia (Brothers of Italy) achieved a sensational result, becoming by far the strongest political force in Italy with 26 percent. The party, which was only founded in 2012, ran for the first time in 2013 as part of the center-right alliance and did not even get two percent of the votes. In 2018, she managed to jump over the four percent hurdle that applied at the time, albeit only just. The Fratelli d'Italia were then the only parliamentary party not to enter the all-party government of former ECB President Mario Draghi, which Brussels wanted, and who had been installed without elections from above.
The party is led by Giorgia Meloni, who became the youngest-ever minister in Italian history in 2008 in the center-right coalition then led by Silvio Berlusconi. The Fratelli d'Italia is the post-post successor party to the neo-fascist Movimento Sociale Italiano (MSI ), which dissolved in 1994. 1 This distant inheritance will be played against them. The Left Democrats in particular based their election campaign on warning of a "fascist danger", which the voters obviously recognized as discrediting and did not appreciate.
The Fratelli d'Italia is not an anti-system party, because as such they would have no prospect of participating in the government. Meloni is a Realpolitiker who doesn't want to stay in the opposition forever, but is striving for a course like Orbán in Hungary and Trump in the USA. Certain circles do not like strengthening this axis at all.
The warning of the Italian domestic intelligence service
The Italian domestic intelligence agency AISI presented its latest report last week. One copy each went to Prime Minister Draghi, his interior minister and the parliamentary committee for national security COPASIR, which is also the parliamentary control committee for the secret services. The content is secret, but the broad outlines of it quickly became known. The domestic secret service warns of unrest on the streets of an intensity that Italy has not experienced for a long time. According to the secret service, the riots will be sparked by the high electricity and gas bills. The aim of the riots is to overthrow the government of Giorgia Meloni.
Although Meloni's government, backed by a strong majority in parliament from the centre-right coalition she leads, is not even in office yet, certain forces are already looking to overthrow it. But who wants the destabilization of the country?
First and foremost are the losers in the parliamentary elections. The left-wing parties (Left Democrats, Greens and Radical Left), which had previously formed the core of Draghi's government, were voted out. While the moderate left waits, the radical left is preparing for insurrection. The left-wing trade union CGIL, which is close to the left wing of the left-wing democrats and the radical left, started the agitation last Saturday.
In addition to the radical left, former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte also announced that he would take his Five Star Movement (M5S) to the streets if “citizen money” were to be touched – as the unconditional basic income wanted by the globalists is called in Italy.
The communist partisan movement ANPI wants to blow the "anti-fascist march on Rome" on the centenary of Mussolini 's march on Rome, which aims to place Meloni in line with Benito Mussolini's fascism.
Criticism of the future government is supported by a strong media front, the so-called mainstream. This will become the actual pacemaker. The new government is to be taken into a pincer movement, from above by Brussels, international financial institutions such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund and speculative high finance, and at the same time from below by unrest on Italy's streets. And if her fall doesn't succeed, it's at least about her "discipline."
Italy experienced what that means in 2019, when the Five Star Movement, which had been critical of the EU until then, surprisingly elected Ursula von der Leyen as EU Commission President after the elections to the EU Parliament. According to the then Italian Family Minister Lorenzo Fontana, a traditional Catholic, it was clear that the Five Star Movement had been bought by the establishment and it was only a matter of time before the then government in Rome would be blown up at the behest of the Five Star Movement and the Lega.
In the list of government opponents, left-wing Catholic circles should not be forgotten - Conte made his threat through the Avvenire, the daily newspaper of the Italian bishops - and finally Pope Francis. So far, he has been benevolent towards representatives of the political left, while refusing to meet representatives of the center-right coalition.
The "passionate" defense of migration
One of the main concerns of the new parliamentary majority is the amendment of the immigration law. During the election campaign, Meloni promised to accelerate the repatriation of illegal and criminal immigrants and to tighten asylum regulations. She also called for a naval blockade to North Africa to prevent illegal immigration via the so-called Mediterranean route. The "open door" policy, which encouraged illegal immigration through the tolerated breaking of the law, must end.
Pope Francis opposed this yesterday and remarkably vehemently. In St. Peter's Square yesterday, according to Reuters, he "passionately defended " a right to migrate. That's not exactly what Francis said. He did it a little more subtly, vigorously defending migrants but meaning migration. The exclusion of migrants is "scandalous, disgusting and sinful," said Francis, who had already called on the EU to do so during the "refugee crisis" of 2015: "Take in everyone, good and bad".
The international press agency Reuters became his most influential mouthpiece. Reuters made the direct connection with Giorgia Meloni and her impending formation of a government, and so that the last person would understand what is at stake, Meloni was dubbed in Reuters report a "right-wing extremist". The globalist elite media discredit Meloni across the board in this way, which corresponds to the terminology used by the radical left. “Far Right” denotes a violent extremist right. How far that is from Giorgia Meloni and her Fratelli d'Italia, which are comparable to the AfD in Germany and the FPÖ in Austria and form a common faction in the EU Parliament with the Polish PiS and the Czech ODS, which until their British Conservatives also left, need not be specifically explained.
Pope Francis on a collision course
The example shows how the international public is being “framed” against Meloni – and Pope Francis is (once again) a frontline actor working towards this strategy. Yesterday, Francis embarked on an open collision course with the next Italian government, which is not yet in office. No grace period, no willingness to talk, and no openness. He's already erecting walls around the Vatican in advance, avoiding the otherwise vaunted dialogue, and will be vigilant to ensure none of the new government officials offer anything that could be construed as kindness. With this, Francis negates any cooperation and prevents
supporting some cornerstones of the globalist agenda which Francis is making the focus of his pontificate. Supporting an unrestricted “right to migrate” is at the top of the papal list, as is the uncritical promotion of the Corona measures, the legitimacy of the narrative of human-caused climate change and the implementation of religious relativism by equating all religions and denominations.
On the occasion of the canonizations he made yesterday in St. Peter's Square, Francis deviated from the prepared text of his homily and said:
“The exclusion of migrants is scandalous. The exclusion of migrants is indeed criminal. As a result, they die before our eyes. And that is why the Mediterranean Sea is now the largest cemetery in the world. The exclusion of migrants is disgusting, it is sinful. It is criminal not to open the doors to those in need.” Returned migrants would be “put in concentration camps where they are exploited and treated like slaves”.
The version subsequently published by the Holy See reads as follows:
“And today I want to think about the migrants. The exclusion of migrants is scandalous! The exclusion of migrants is indeed criminal, it leads to them dying in front of us. And so today we have the largest cemetery in the world, the Mediterranean Cemetery. The exclusion of migrants is abominable, it is sinful, it is criminal not to open doors to those in need. 'No, we're not excluding them, we're just sending them away': to the camps, where they are exploited and sold as slaves. Brothers and sisters, today we remember our migrants, those who are dying. And those who can come in, do we take them in as brothers or do we exploit them? I leave the question open.”
Francis didn't have to mention Giorgia Meloni, her coalition and her election program, because the mainstream media like Reuters took care of that.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image : Vatican.va (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
1 In the course of the complete restructuring of the Italian party landscape after the collapse of the Eastern Bloc, the renaming of the Communist Party and the dissolution of the previous parties that shaped the post-war governments, in particular, the Christian Democrats and the Socialists, the MSI, which was described as neo-fascist and isolated outside the "constitutional arc", was also dissolved. Its "experience" was declared over by the party leadership and party congress majority. The MSI had consisted of two "souls" dealing with the historically different development of Italy during the Second World War. After the war in northern Italy, the "indomitables" gathered there, who remained loyal to fascism even after the German occupation of Italy in September 1943 and continued to fight on the German side.
In 1994, the Alleanza Nazionale (AN ) was founded as the successor party, which has now been included in the constitutional arc as a right-wing conservative ally of Silvio Berlusconi's center-right alliance.
2009 also saw the dissolution of the Alleanza Nazionale, which had already been in talks to join the European People's Party (EPP ), and merged with Berlusconi's Forza Italia (FI) into the new Polo della Libertà ( Freedom Pole ), modeled as Berlusconi's Republican Party wanted to establish a two-party system in the USA and create a large center-right party for this purpose.
In 2012, some former AN representatives, including Giorgia Meloni, saw this attempt as a failure and founded the Fratelli d'Italia .