Pope Francis received seven ex-prists and their families in a visit, who have given up their priesthood in the past years to marry |
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Pope Francis received seven ex-prists and their families in a visit, who have given up their priesthood in the past years to marry |
Asked about the liturgy, Pope Francis insisted the Mass reformed after the Second Vatican Council is here to stay and “to speak of a ‘reform of the reform’ is an error.”In authorizing regular use of the older Mass, now referred to as the “extraordinary form,” now-retired Pope Benedict XVI was “magnanimous” toward those attached to the old liturgy, he said. “But it is an exception.”Pope Francis told Father Spadaro he wonders why some young people, who were not raised with the old Latin Mass, nevertheless prefer it.“And I ask myself: Why so much rigidity? Dig, dig, this rigidity always hides something, insecurity or even something else. Rigidity is defensive. True love is not rigid.”
Pater Giovani Cavalcoli: "There is a lot of disinformation. The signs of a confused Church. It appears there is a masonic maneuver against Radio Maria in process." |
Interview with Father Cavalcoli |
Preparing for the first Holy Mass in the Cathedral of Karakosch Since it Was Desecrated by the Islamic State (IS) |
Holy Liturgy: Celebration Direction versus deum, facing to the East, from which the Lord will come. |
"In the orientation of the liturgy to the east, we see that Christians want to strive together with the Lord, for the salvation of the whole creation."
"A shepherd of the flock of Jesus Christ is never facing only to the circle of his own faithful."
Curial Archbishop Piero Marini was an assistant to the architect of the post-conciliar reform, Annibale Bugnini. In the night of October 31st, he suffered a severe stroke. |
Edit: here's a piece by Allistair Scrutton about the mostly indifferent reception Pope Francis faces in Sweden, despite his own attempt at rebranding and making the Catholic Church more like Sweden. Even if he is making Europe more welcoming to Islamic invaders while making it more inhospitable to confirmed Catholics, his efforts are met largely with indifference on the part of the people to whom he's desperately trying to appeal.
[Sweden] Usually feted ecstatically by Catholics across the world, Pope Francis may face a far more muted reception when he arrives next week in Sweden, one the world’s most secular nations, with openly gay Lutheran bishops and special cemeteries for atheists.
Add to that the fact that Francis will be there to take part in a joint Catholic-Lutheran service in Lund to mark the start of the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s anti-Catholic Reformation that led to a bloody schism in Europe.
In the first papal visit to the country in nearly 30 years, Francis, who is seen as breathing freshness into traditional Catholic doctrine and reaching out to other religious communities, will also hold a public Mass in Malmo, a gateway for thousands of immigrants who have fled from Middle East wars over the last few years.
While trips to the likes of the Philippines attract huge crowds, Francis’s attempt at dialogue with Lutherans may go either unnoticed or criticized by Scandinavians whose views on sexuality and abortion are among the world’s most liberal.
"In no way could we continue to assert that there is no other form of love outside of heterosexual marriage. We encounter the same love even in a man and in a woman's life in the experience of a gay or lesbian couple.