Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Contradictions of the Church "of the Open Doors": Argentina's President May Not be a Godfather

Poor Little Tiziano Couldn't be Baptized in a Catholic Church
Because His Godfather is the Divorced President,
Mauricio Macri
(Buenos Aires) The new church line is coming snaking into the Argentina Church.  Everything seems to have its order, but  surely there is  no one, let alone the people, who might pass by the signals into a skid. Or is it all just a matter of policy?
The double Synod of Bishops had the obvious target, remarried divorcees - to better integrate into the Church - with or without admission, to Holy Communion. In an interview with the Argentine newspaper La Nacion, Pope Francis said on December 7, 2014:
"They are not excommunicated, that's right. But they may not be godfathers, they may not be lectors at Mass, they may not give Holy Communion, they must not be catechists. They may not do seven things, I have the list here.Stop! When I put down the bill, then it seems as if they were de facto excommunicated! Therefore: we open the door a little. Why should they not be godfathers?"
That was shortly after the end of the first Synod of Bishops and before the Second Synod of Bishops on the Family.

Baptism as Aberro Spectacle

On 5 April 2014, and a few months earlier, a child conceived by artificial insemination was baptized in the Argentine city of Cordoba Cathedral whose mother lives in a lesbian relationship with another woman. The two women who are active in the gay scene were previously briefly in a "gay marriage".

Baptism as Aberro spectacle (left the birth mother)

The baptism became a media event for the acceptance of homosexuality. The former Left-Peronist President Cristina Fernandez Kirchner was designated a godparent. The event caused a significant tempest, there was reasonable doubt that the lesbian couple could ensure a Christian education of the child. The same was true for the godmother, who had enforced the "gay marriage" in her term of office and wanted to foster the introduction of abortion.
All of the concerns were from the cathedral minister were brushed aside, not without the support of  the Archdiocese. This is about the baptism of a child, period. The girl wasn't just baptized in any chapel and in the absence of the media, but in the Archdiocesan Church and under a lot of hype.
Since there was no accompanying explanation, the impression remained that the Catholic Church recognizes aberrosexuality, "gay marriage" and artificial insemination of lesbian women. The sponsorship by State President Kirchner also gave the event a clearly political aspect and presented the baptism in the service of the aberro lobby.
With artificial insemination there is also the suspicion of  selective abortion is given in relation to aberrosexuals. Lesbians prefer girls, gays want to adopt boys or have the  delivery by surrogate mothers.

Transsexual as "Godmother"

In March 2014 a  "transsexual" Enrique Martinez aka Solange Lisette Luna Navarro, a prominent gay activist, complained that he could not be a "godmother" in an interview with Radio Fénix. "The law agrees with me,"  said the "transsexual" citing a "legal right", referring to the law of the state, not to the law of the Church.  Catholic doctrine had no influence on Martinez.
Shortly thereafter, the competent Archdiocese La Rioja published a press statement by the Vicar General, who announced that the "transsexual" may very well be "godmother."   The reasoning of the General Vicar was based, combined, on the "new legal order" of the papal pronouncement: "Who am I to judge."
The baptism of a girl with "two mothers" and sponsorship of a "transsexual," although in both cases the persons concerned expressed their rejection of a part of Catholic teaching in public statement, was for not a problem for the Argentine Church, nor for demonstrably politically tinged sponsorship of anti-Church State President.

Refusal of Sponsorship by President Macri

Things look quite different for the new conservative president Mauricio Macri. Macri has been married since 2010 in third marriage with businesswoman Juliana Awada. Awada, daughter of a famous Lebanese business family in Argentina with a Muslim father, Catholic mother (Syrian Catholic), had been baptized and brought up Catholic as had been her four siblings.

Pope Francis with Mauricio Macri and Juliana Awada in Vatican

Tiziano, the now four months old godson of the President had to be baptized in a Protestant church, because no Catholic parish had offered their services. The reason? Because the president is divorced and remarried.
Tiziano is the seventh child of a Catholic family. One tradition after it is customary for the President to be upon request the sponsor of the seventh child. 
The mother of seven, Natalia Alcalle, went "very happily" to the cathedral, the former episcopal  church of Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio to there to ask for baptism. The surprising answer was "No". Then she approached the most renowned Marian shrine of Argentina, the Basilica of Our Lady of Lujan. The answer was again negative.
In three parishes they asked. Once the name Macris was mentioned, "we were faced with a wall"  Mediamza wrote, citing the mother two days ago. After three rejections she had become "so embarrassed" that she did not dare a fourth request. "I was told everywhere, that is not possible, because the president is divorced and lives in concubinage."
After some consultation with the Presidential Chancellery, Pastor Victor Doroschuk of the Protestant  Church "Vida y Paz" was finally consulted.

Pontifical signal to remarried divorcees

It was Pope Francis, who significantly changed  the protocol of the Holy See changed abruptly, and President Macri had received last February 27 with Juliana Awada. Until then, the spouse of remarried and divorced State representatives were greeted by the pope only separately, and briefly  in a separate room. Also, there was no common photo with the Pope. The protocol was in order to engage clarity and  the conscience, to underline the difference between a regular and an irregular marriage connection.
The change means a few scant months after the end of the Second Synod of Bishops on the Family, a dramatic intervention in the Vatican protocol and it was understood as a signal of a change of course towards divorce and remarriage.

Pope "really links nothing" with President Macri

Overall, however, it is known that Pope Francis had preferred Macri's Left-Peronist opponent in the presidential election. Since then there have been several  taunts. This included that Macri, who took office as head of state on 10 December 2015 last March who offered the Pontifical Foundation Scholas Occurentes  a grant of more than one million dollars. "As of May 30th when the news came to the Vatican, the Pope took the anti-Peronist and Liberal Macri's victory very poorly, according to what his Argentine friends said," wrote the Vatican expert Sandro Magister. The money was sent back by return mail. Take no money from governments. However, that was something different under Macri's predecessor Kirchner.  Argentine media reported a "disavowal" of the President, with whom  Pope Francis apparently does not want to be associated.
Should political affiliations be decisive for baptisms in Argentina's Church under Pope Francis? Homosexuals, transsexuals and LGBT activists, yes, conservative politicians, no?
Education, training and information on Catholic doctrine and Sacraments in all directions and to all situations seem to be subject to the time of day.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: SMM / MiL / (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Radio Vatican Cuts Down Holy Rosary and Latin Mass on Its Regular Shortwave Broadcasts

Edit: picked up this story from Reviewbrah and thought it might be of interest. The following report is from Portale Italradio, dated from the end of July.

No more short waves fort two of the most followed lithurgical broadcasts of Vatican Radio. As from 1 August 2016, Latin Mass at 05:30 UTC and Rosary prayer at 18:40 UTC will be broadcast on the usual frequencies only on Sundays and catholic holy days. No motivation is until now available.

The decision has been taken earlier this week by the Vatican Secretariat for Communications. Both broadcasts were especially meant to reach isolated people, travellers and all those who are prevented to attend a Mass in their country or to have a free access to the Internet.

Italradio express deeply concern for a totally inexplicable decision, a "hertzian-suicide" as we define it in a word. As from 1 August the Mass is broadcast on SW only on Sunday and holydays: 15595 kHz. 3975 kHz 6070 kHz at 05.30 UTC. The Rosary prayer on 11625 kHz, 3975 kHz, 6070 kHz, 9660 kHz, 9755 kHz at 18.40 UTC.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

New Bishop of Limburg Afraid to Move Into Diocesan Rectory

The bishop's residence hit the headlines far beyond Germany's borders.

Trier / Limburg ( The future Bishop George Bätzing will not dwell in the Limburg bishop's residence, but work there. The current Vicar General of Trier said this on Sunday evening after his official acceptance of his new office in Trier, answering one of the most frequently asked questions in recent weeks. The residence on Cathedral Hill will be the official headquarters of the bishop, except for the living quarters, stressed Diocese spokesman Stephan Fast on request of the Catholic News Agency (KNA). The approximately six million euro home extends over two floors and comprises a total of 283 square meters. [Why no mention of Cardinal Marx's lavish dwellings?]

The bishop's residence made headlines  far beyond Germany. [Cardinal Marx's did not.] A wave of indignation about the huge increase in costs of ultimately 31 million euros and the [alleged] concealment of these costs had significantly contributed to the resignation of Bätzing's predecessor, [the unjustly maligned]  Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst in March, 2014.

The private rooms, which had a been the cause of particularly large discussions, was "being considered for sensible and appropriate alternative uses", as in cooperation with the adjacent Diocesan Museum. In addition, the total of 1,750-square-meter building complex should continue to be used on Cathedral Hill for meetings, events and gatherings. The diocese stressed that the overall solution has now been found to make permanent use possible at no additional cost.

Bätzing who will be introduced on September 18, as bishop of Limburg will temporarily live in the original cathedral sacristy- and later sister's house on Cathedral Hill, which also belongs to the building complex. 

More permanently the 55-year-old cleric would live in a nearby detached house. It was in this house, which is part of the diocese, that  Limburger Bishop Walter Kampe had lived for many years and passed away in in 1998. Currently, Franz Kaspar (78) resides there, who was from Vicar General from 2009 to 2013 and one of the closest collaborators of Tebartz van Elst.

Even right after his appointment as bishop of Limburg by Pope Francis on July 1st,  Bätzing who is currently Vicar General in Trier, was asked whether he would be eating in the bishop's house. At that time he had replied that he had not yet looked at the house, but the apartment would suit him. And because he had "a bit of doubt."

The diocese also announced it will provide Bätzing a leased Audi A6.[Nice touch. Why not a more humble VW or a Prius?]

Trans: Tancred

Monday, August 29, 2016

Four Muslims Attack Convert in Germany

"Whoever speaks openly as convert to devout Muslims about his faith and does not hide his cross, is not safe even in Germany."

Maintal ( idea) An Afghan Christian (31) has been attacked in Maintal (near Frankfurt) by four Muslim Afghans. They are to have shouted "Allahu akbar" (Allah is great)  and they wanted to kill him. This was announced by a volunteer of the Evangelical Free Church (FeG) Hanau, Benjamin Dauth (Maintal), with the Evangelical News Agency idea. The Afghan - his name is known to idea, however, not mentioned for security reasons - visited the community worship  and worked as a volunteer translator in a refugee camp in the city.

The attack occurred on the evening of 17 August. While getting on his bike, the Afghan Christian was outside his apartment, an Afghan tried to prevented him. He is said to have been with three other Afghans who had been hiding earlier whom he called out, that this was the "opportunity." Then, to have punched and kicked him all four while shouting "Allahu akbar."

The victim  tried to pull away. Then to one of the Muslims shouted "kill him!" One of the attackers then is to have pulled a knife and tried to attack the Christians.

Converts are in Germany not safe at this moment

At this point several residents had come outside because of the noise. The police arrived a little later, says Dauth,  and have got the three attackers' personal details. The fourth had, however, escaped. At the hospital, bruises on the shoulder, forearm and face were found on the Christian.  According to Dauth it was the third such attack on Afghan Christians. The situation is particularly difficult for him because he had converts from Islam to Christianity, "Who speaks openly about his faith as a convert to devout Muslims and does not hide his cross, is not safe in Germany.

"The Afghan Christian is still in the asylum procedure and has worked for a temporary employment agency. Three of the four attackers are housed, according to the victim in the refugee shelter in Maintal, in which he himself has worked as a translator. The fourth is allegedly living in Darmstadt.

As Dauth further said, other refugees from the Maintaler housing facility had warned the  Afghan Christians of an attack. The Muslim Afghans had talked about it in advance. Police are investigating according  details frim Dauth,  for grievous bodily harm. idea asked the police on 26 August for an opinion. They want to address the incident "early next week.

Trans: Tancred

Thursday, August 25, 2016

13 New Cardinals -- The Third Cardinal Consistory by Pope Francis -- Third World Church

(New York) On November 19, the third ordinary public consistory of this pontificate will take place for the creation of new cardinals. The message has not been officially announced by the Holy See, but comes from the progressive American Jesuit magazine America .
Pope Francis has convened the consistory for the conclusion of the Holy Year of Mercy. Total wants the Pope, the Jesuit magazine, appoint thirteen new cardinals. The names will be announced in mid-October.
Previously Francis has appointed  39 Cardinals altogether at two consistories. 31 of them are entitled to vote in the conclave. Eight of new cardinals will be 80 at the time of their appointment.
According to America  it will fall to the Pope in the third Cardinal consistory to move the church "from the center to the periphery." An absolute majority of European cardinals will be "impossible" at the next conclave.
Currently there are 107 Cardinals in the Catholic Church  who could act as papal electors in  conclave.With the new appointments Francis will fill the electoral body to the ceiling established by  John Paul II of 120 electors. 51 of the 107 electors come from Europe, which has, for a thousand years in the conclave and in for the first time ever in Church history to relinquish its absolute majority in the election of the Pope  and humanly speaking, will never recover.
On November 20, the Pope will celebrate High Mass together with the new cardinals in St. Peter's. 
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Persecuted Christians Disturb Catholic Interfaith Event -- "You see how the situation has happened in Europe by this attitude, where you live as Christians in the majority and yet are afraid."

(Rimini) The  meeting organized in 2016 by the Catholic community Communion and Liberation (CL),  which has taken place has cast a new interreligious shadow. [All of these linked articles are German, sorry.] The persecuted Christians of the Middle East "disturb" the desired climate. An Iraqi priest  witnessed the genocide of the Christians in his home,which was made ​​bitter by experience that the West not only looks away, but - if it still has to listen again - responds unwillingly and with opposition.
On the opening there was a Marian Publisher  that had been prohibited from showing representations of Mary  "so as not to offend other religions." This meeting is of such importance that the Italian President and Prime Minister arrived in person. Italy left-Catholic president Sergio Mattarella, let it be known in his welcome address that it's not necessary for "all religions to be fundamentalist." But what does "all religions", in a message of greeting to a Catholic event mean without naming the Islam?
This is the "new interreligious shadow", giving a response of a saturated relativism to challenges, and thus, must necessarily remain inadequate and unsuitable.
At the same time the usual CL representatives like Archbishop Emeritus of Bologna, Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, and the incumbent Archbishop of Ferrara, Luigi Negri, were no longer included in the meeting program.

Young Iraqi Priest as "Troublemaker"

Also not fitting in the picture is the Iraqi priest Rebwar Basa. Born 38 years ago in Erbil, he is priest of St. George Monastery of Mosul. He comes from the Middle East powder keg, whose fuse was lit in 2011.  He knows the situation of Christians from personal experience, because he himself is one of them. He knows about the persecution of Christians. He knows that Christians are a diminishing minority and are harassed by various Islamic groups in the country, persecuted, expelled and killed. And he also knows from personal experience that even the official state power makes Christian life difficult.

Rebwar Basa, Catholic priest from Mosul

Although Rimini is so far from Mosul, he nevertheless also felt the long shadow of the Middle East conflict cast on the famous seaside resort on the Adriatic Sea, when a statue of Mary must be wrapped in the middle of Italy at a Catholic major event, to be considerate of Muslims. It is the long shadow of Islam. It is above all the long shadow of its own weakness that has plagued European Christianity as an immune deficiency disease, which the Iraqi priest began to feel at the meeting.
Rebwar Basa was a guest at the meeting for three days, told all those who did not turn away, but wanted to learn about the fate of  brothers and sisters in the Middle East. The Catholic  organization Kirche in Not [Church in Need], who works extensively in a special way to help persecuted Christians. KN offered an exhibition on the persecution of Christians, which even Vatican Radio reported.
Last Friday, the first day of the meeting, there was an incredible incident, which is no less incredible than the concealment of a statue of Mary, of which no one knew anything about at that time. However, it fits another incident and gives a worrying picture.

Kirche in Not Informed about Persecuted Christians

For the exhibition Kirche in Not invited Rebwar Basa to give his  testimony.   And the unbelievable happened. The priest described the terrible fate of Iraqi Christians firsthand and was attacked for it from the audience. His credibility was called into question, since what he reported would not be heard by some. The  journalist Franco Bechis present for the newspaper Libero filmed the anachronistic scene and wrote about it in the Sunday edition of his newspaper: "Father Rebwar reported about the Christians  persecuted by Islam and was some were distressed by this message at the meeting."

"We Christians are the main attraction"

The priest came to the West, but rather than solidarity he reaped open contradiction. It came to a violent slugfest with "interreligious" and islamophilic Christians. Some of the audience just did not want to believe that what they propose could possibly also yield unpleasant consequences. Others seem to have come specifically to the event in order to bring the already weak voice of Middle Eastern Christians to silence. Kirche in Not is known for its commitment to persecuted Christians. It's a program that does not fit into the predominant, desired image, which is that supposedly "all" religions want nothing but peace, and "all" religions involve equally, "fundamentalist," dangers, as Christianity was not unlike Islam, anyway not better.

For all Islamic groups "are we Christians not the main objective?"

The young priest could not be upset, though - yet had every reason to do so - simply because of the disappointment. "What I am telling, I have experienced in Iraq. I am a witness of what I report. We are  still 300,000 Christians there. Here one has said a true thing that the Sunnis kill Shiites, and Shiites kill Sunnis.That's right, and there are religious, political and economic reasons for this slaughter. But just as much for one as for the other, we are Christians the ultimate goal. This must be said!  Again and again I read that the Christians were the collateral victim of a conflict. No, that's not true: Christians are the main goal! There is a persecution instead, which is a genocide, and we need to talk about it "
Despite the opposition, Father Rebwar answered his critics, who know so little of the fate of Christians in the Middle East   that they aim to suppress it: "You do not trust me? Do not believe me? You could check it yourself: There are media, there are books, there are other witnesses. So you can inform yourselves." The problem is rather something else:
"Often they are afraid to speak, so as not to affect the sensitivity of other religions. Fear not, and not from saying that. You see how the situation has happened in Europe by this attitude, where you live as Christians in the majority and yet are afraid. So you can imagine what we are going through in Iraq, where we comprise only 0.5 percent of the population today. Here with you, there are young Muslims who go to Iraq and Syria to fight, and are ready to die. And your youth is no longer willing to participate in a Mass."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Chiesa che soffre / Meeting (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...
 Print Article

Pope Leads 11,000 Pilgrims in Praying the Rosary for Italian Earthquake Victims

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Hearing the mayor of Amatrice in central Italy say his town no longer exists and knowing there were children who died Aug. 24 in the earthquakes that struck the region, Pope Francis turned his weekly general audience into a prayer service.
Beginning the audience in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis said he had prepared a normal audience talk on how the merciful Jesus is close to people, but given the devastation in central Italy, he decided to lead the recitation of the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary.
Later in the day, the Vatican press office said that as a concrete sign of Pope Francis’ concern for the earthquake victims, six Vatican firefighters had been sent to Amatrice. They will work under the direction of the Italian government emergency services in searching for victims and offering them assistance.

Soros Foundation Spends $650,000 to Influence Pope Francis USA Visit

Edit: this is something which has been going on for a long time and the channels through which this money and influence flow have been part of the way the government does business with the Church in American politics from the very beginning.
What role did Thomas Rosica play in all this?  To listen to him, you'd think he was on Soros' payroll. 
August 23, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Leaked emails through WikiLeaks reveal that billionaire globalist George Soros - one of Hilary Clinton's top donors - paid $650,000 to influence Pope Francis’ September 2015 visit to the USA with a view to "shift[ing] national paradigms and priorities in the run-up to the 2016 presidential campaign." The funds were allocated in April 2015 and the report on their effectiveness suggests that successful achievements included, “Buy-in of individual bishops to more publicly voice support of economic and racial justice messages in order to begin to create a critical mass of bishops who are aligned with the Pope.”
The monies were granted to two US entities that have been engaged in a long-term project, according to the report, of shifting “the priorities of the US Catholic church.” Grantees were PICO, a faith-based community organizing group, and Faith in Public Life (FPL), a progressive group working in media to promote left-leaning ‘social justice’ causes. Soros has funded left-wing causes the world over and was just foundto have been funding an effort to eliminate pro-life laws around the globe.
Board Minutes from the May 2015 meeting of Soros’ Open Society Foundation in New York reveal that in the planning stages of the papal visit initiative, the group planned to work through one of the Pope’s key advisors, Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, naming him specifically in the report. In order to seize on the opportunity provided by the Pope’s visit to the US, says the report, “we will support PICO’s organizing activities to engage the Pope on economic and racial justice issues, including using the influence of Cardinal Rodriguez, the Pope’s senior advisor, and sending a delegation to visit the Vatican in the spring or summer to allow him to hear directly from low-income Catholics in America.”

Monday, August 22, 2016

NCR Purge: Simcha Fisher is Fired from NCR and EWTN

Edit: after years of attacking faithful Catholics and clergy, their reign at the Neoconservative news organ, The National Catholic Register, Simcha Fisher and Mark Shea have finally been dealt with.  They've been what's wrong with EWTN for a long while.  We've certainly been calling for these people's ouster for a long time. Now, how about Steve Graydanus.  Has anyone forgot that they fired the Cankerous?

There's nothing more despicable than these kinds of people who feed off the American Church.

What took so long?

Was Carolyn McKinley's post what did her in, after she went on a profanity laden rant attacking clergy and faithful Catholics who found fault with her effeminate man friend?

Also covered here...

Finally, remember when the fabulous John Paul Shimek attacked faithful Catholics in a blog which was quickly removed by the editorial staff of NCR?  Things are definitely moving for the better, especially if the comments section were any indication. They were chalk full of intelligent comments from faithful Catholics objecting to his awful blog.

Perhaps things ARE turning for the better at the network gone wrong?

Friday, August 19, 2016

Don Nicola Bux on Amoris Laetitia: "The Eucharist is Not a Sacrament for the Sinner"

"The Eucharist is not a sacrament for the sinner but the sacrament of reconciled sinners. Just as it is the source and principle of mercy. I hope I have been clear!
Nicola Bux, August 13, 2016 at a youth meeting in Schio. The theologian spoke on the theme "The sacraments are not a joke." The Eucharist is not a sacrament for the divorced and remarried, but for reconciled sinners. The liturgist Nicola Bux is one of the most reputable practitioners of the liturgical science and is one of the leading supporters of Benedict XVI's intended liturgical renewal. He is a lecturer at the Theological Faculty of Puglia and the local Institute of Religious Sciences, consultor of the Congregation for Doctrine of the Faith and the Congregation for the Causes of Saints  and spiritual assistant of the St. Josef Brotherhood of Bari. Under Pope Benedict XVI. he was also a consultant of the Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Pope .
Image: Santa Maria dell'elemosina (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Mark Shea Fired From NCR

Edit: in an official statement today at the National Catholic Register, professional Catholic, Mark Shea has been let go from his position because while his contributions to their paper met editorial expectations, his online presence elsewhere was not charitable. How about heretical?  It's still a good move and we applaud the Register for finally seeing the light after many long years.

Apparently, attacking John Zmirak, and slandering him was a bridge too far.

Good job, Remnant, for giving him a platform to spew.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Human Sacrifice Simulated at CERN Nuclear Research Facility?

Human Sacrifice CERN - Nuclear Research Center in Canton
(Bern) What happened at  the research area of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)? "Human sacrifices to play God?" Is the shocking question the Spanish news site Infovaticana asks. "Strange pictures were taken at the headquarters of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research CERN", which was known for the discovery of the so-called "God particle."
From the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN, the world's largest nuclear research center in the world with headquarters in the Swiss canton of Geneva, internal investigations were initiated in order to clarify the distribution of a video that was recorded on the research area and snowed people there carrying out a human sacrifice.
In the video, published on August 11, on the Internet,  figures cloaked similarly to monks can be seen, like Satanists and occultists are popularly shown. Because the hoods are drawn over their heads no faces are recognizable. The figures form a circle in front of about four feet high idol representation, which is apparently the Hindu god Shiva Nataraja. Nataraja  is the four-armed Shiva and is supposed to demonstrate the anthropomorphic "cosmic dance."
While the hooded figures form a circle, a young woman in white is at the center of the circle in a white undergarment, who lays down on the floor. In the video  one of the hooded figures, presumably another young woman, armed with a knife approaches the fallen woman and stabs her. Whoever was by chance, filming  the obscure events  from a nearby building, was so horrified about what he saw,  that he lost hold of the camera and no longer filmed any further events.

CERN Research Center in Geneva

Has there been a terrible crime committed to the secured CERN research center? Is there a bloody Satanic spectacle inside the world's leading nuclear research institution  instead?
The images represent a mystery to the CERN  management. Bloody serious or just acting? Who conducted what and why?
In addition,  security issues  of primary importance arise. Could outsiders have penetrated into the grounds in Meyrin in Geneva? Or are these  macabre employees?
CERN, founded in 1954 represents 22 countries, including as the largest donor, the Federal Republic of Germany, but also France, Britain, Italy, Spain, Austria, Switzerland and of course Israel. The research center employs about 3,200 people. The annual budget amounts to more than one billion euros.

CERN report on the establishment of Shiva sculpture

As the British The Guardian reported, they confirmed  that the CERN video footage was taken on the grounds of the research facility. The official statement reads: "We have thousands of scientists from around the world, and some of them have a sense of humor that goes too far. This has happened on this occasion."
Core researchers who simulate human sacrifice for amusement? And what about the four meter high Nataraja sculpture in the research area? It will hardly be sufficient that nuclear scientists with doubtful "humor" to account for the gruesome spectacle on the grounds.
Is it also not. The Shiva sculpture was erected according to CERN information on 18 June 2004 under the former French Director General Robert Aymar as a "new landmark" in the nuclear research site. It was a gift of India, who enjoys observer status in  CERN, "to celebrate the long-term cooperation".
The sculpture was was permanently based between buildings 39 and 40 not far from the main building.

The video contains profane language.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: Wikicommons/CERN/ Guardian Video
Link to Katholisches...

Accusations Against Cardinal Marx for Handling of a Sex Abuse Case

The President of the German Bishops' Conference is being criticized in a suspected case of sexual abuse of a minor ten years previously by a priest in the diocese of Trier.

Trier ( The President of the German Bishops' Conference, Reinhold Cardinal Marx is being criticized in a suspected case of sexual abuse of a minor ten years previously by a priest in the diocese of Trier.

As reported by Saarland Broadcasting, Marx knew as the then Bishop of Trier in 2006 of the legal proceedings against the clergyman. While the accused had partially confessed to the abuse of a young person, the charges had reached the statute of limitations and the authorities discontinued the investigation. The diocese of Trier had thoroughly questioned the pastor, after the latter had denied the allegations. The files of the judiciary were not requested.

As a spokesman for the prosecutor of Saarbrücken confirmed on Wednesday for the Catholic News Agency (KNA). the diocese was informed in 2006 about the termination of the criminal proceedings. However, that was probably done informally - without giving any reasons, such that the adjustment was made ​​due to the statute of limitation.

A spokesman for the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising confirmed on the same day that Marx took part in a meeting of the Staff Council of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Trier in 2006, in which a message of the prosecution was that the case was being handled by discontinuing the investigation. The procedure was followed "according to the then applicable guidelines of the German Bishops' Conference" from the year of 2002. "Today, such a case would have been handled otherwise, it would have initiated its own investigations," said the spokesman. "The German bishops have experienced consequences from the bitter experiences and corresponding decided upon new guidelines that apply to all dioceses."

The Church's handling of the prosecution in cases of abuse have been clarified in the guidelines of the German Bishops' Conference in 2010 and then again in 2013. As amended in 2010, it states that a preliminary canonical investigation would be conducted regardless of method of secular justice. But they served only as much given the results of state prosecution.

In 2013 was the first handling of unsolved cases was to be regulated by state counsel. So it says in paragraph 39: If a statute of limitations period has occurred, "but factual indications exist which justify the admission of sexual abuse of minors or adult wards, the competent ecclesiastical authorities should take pains to clarify it within their own means."

As the diocese of Trier announced in May, an investigation of the public prosecutor took place in 2006, 2013 and 2016,against the now 64-year-old priest. The respective investigations have in the meantime been discontinued. The records of 2006 had only been received by the diocese in the spring of 2016. Those documents offer a reasonable initial suspicion for acts involving a then underage person which indeed is barred under state, but not by canon law. The Vatican has tightened the statute of limitations for such crimes in recent years several times.

On this basis, the current Bishop of Trier, Stephan Ackermann, initiated an ecclesiastical preliminary investigation against the priest, according to the diocese. The priest, who was around 30 years in a parish in Saarland, has been prohibited since, from worshiping openly and maintaining contact with children and adolescents. The clergyman had since undertaken multiple vacation trips with young people, according to the diocese.

Trans: Tancred
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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Pope Francis: Rebel University of Peru Recognized Unilaterally as "Papal" and "Catholic"

(Rome) Pope Francis continues the rehabilitation of individuals and institutions in Latin America who were censured by the Holy See - especially under Pope Benedict XVI. - because of serious deviations from the doctrine or Church order.

Rehabilitation Ariel Álvarez Valdés

A few weeks ago Pope Francis rehabilitated his Argentine compatriot, the dogmatic theologian Ariel Álvarez Valdés. For more than twelve years 1995-2008 there has been conflict between Álvarez Valdés and the Church. As a representative in the teaching of biblical rationalism in Chile, modeled after the Lutheran Rudolf Bultmann, despite not distancing himself after repeated calls from heterodox theories, his teaching license was revoked. Álvarez Valdés' reaction to the condemnation of his priesthood led him to describe himself as a "victim" of a "repressive method of persecution" by the Roman Congregation. Ariel Álvarez Valdés would not correct any of his nine theses contested by the CDF for rehabilitation. The rehabilitation by Pope Francis was made ​​unilaterally and without reparation. A substantive issue was not addressed.

Rehabilitation of Cicero Romao Batista

On December 2015 Pope Francis rehabilitated the excommunicated priest Brazilian Cicero Romao Batista (1844-1834). Romao Batista had been excommunicated form rebellion in 1891 against ecclesiastical order. He was accused by his bishop of having constructed a false Eucharistic miracle. After his excommunication, Romao Batista, a staunch Christian Social activist, engaged in political activities and got into the fight between liberals and Catholics. It was there that the people's veneration grew in his homeland, the State of Ceará in northeastern Brazil. In 1974 he was canonized by the schismatic Brazilian Apostolic Church. In the case of Romao Batista the Vatican Secretariat of State informed the competent bishop of a formal error. The Excommunication of 1891 had never been properly executed, therefore Romao Batista was never excommunicated. Also in this case Pope Francis forewent any substantive explanation.

In addition there are a number of signals of approaching liberation theology, such as the visit of Pope Francis in July 2015 at the grave of the Jesuit and Marxist Luis Espinal Camps in Bolivia and the controversial beatification of Archbishop Óscar Romero in May 2015 in San Salvador. Pope Francis recognized the death of the archbishop, who was killed in the church by a soldier of the former military dictatorship, as Martyrdom in odium fidei. It was his predecessor Benedict XVI. who harbored doubts and stopped the beatification process.
Five Bishops With Evil Rector 

Former Pontifical Catholic University of Peru

On Friday, August 12, it was announced in a press release that the former "Pontifical Catholic" University of Peru will now officially again call themselves "Catholic" and may use the honorary title of "pontifical" university.

The Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) is the oldest private university in the Latin American country. They currently enroll 25,000 students. In 1917 she was consciously founded by the Arnsteiner Father Jorge Dintilhac SSCC (Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and the Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament) as a Catholic university to counteract the pressures of liberal sentiments from the state. Dintilhac was founding rector and defined the university until his death in 1947. In 1942 his work was honored by Pope Pius XII., recognizing the school as a Pontifical University. Each incumbent Archbishop of Lima was its Grand Chancellor.

Since the 1960s, Gustavo Gutierrez has taught at the University, the namesake and founder of Marxist liberation theology. Because of various initiatives and its faculty, there were conflicts with ecclesiastical authority. Under the incumbent Archbishop of Lima and Primate of Peru, Juan Luis Cardinal Cipriani Thorne, the conflict came to a head. The cardinal denounced the university as its Grand Chancellor, of being in its activities and doctrine like secular universities and urged it to regain its lost Catholic profile. The cardinal referred to the constitution Ex Corde Ecclesiae issued by Pope John Paul II. in 1990 and called for its implementation.

Lack of Catholic Profile

As Rector Marcial Antonio Rubio Correa, after the ouster of President Alberto Fujimori 2000/2001, became Minister of Education, was deaf to this proposal, an investigation was launched by the Vatican. In 2012 Pope Benedict XVI. sent Cardinal Peter Erdo, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest, as apostolic visitor. Since this intervention did not bear fruit, the Vatican presented the University with an ultimatum to implement the provisions of 1990. As this passed unheeded, the University was deprived of recognition as a "Papal" and "Catholic" university.

Rector Rubio Correa continued the confrontation nevertheless, and insisted upon maintaining the full name, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú because it was independent of Canon Law, by the name of the University being recognized and registered by the State Peru. In Catholic publications ever since an "ex" is used when naming the University.

Four years later, everything seems different. Pope Francis let the Peruvian Episcopal Conference know through Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin that the University may be called again "papal" and "Catholic". The bishops are again to return the University to the highest of bodies. On August 12, the Episcopal Conference implemented the papal request. An official delegation visited the University Rector to officially notify them of the papal decision. Rector is still the lawyer Marcial Antonio Rubio Correa.

Big Loser Cardinal Cipriani Thorne

Of an implementation of the university constitution Ex Corde Ecclesciae 1990 or a strengthening of the Catholic profile, there is no more talk. With immediate effect five bishops reassume their seat and a vote in university committees, including the President of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference, Salvador Piñeiro García-Calderón, the Archbishop of Ayacucho o Huamanga. Rector Rubio Correa has said he was "delighted" and did so through the press-service of the University, presenting a photo of himself and the five bishops.

In August 2012, the bishops had still defended Cardinal Cipriani Thorne against "baseless allegations" that were spread by the media, who supported the struggle of the Rector against the Church. The bishops declared that time to try to protect those students who "want to preserve the Catholic identity of the University." Four years later, the "Catholic identity" at the University does not seem to be at risk.

The big loser is, next to the Church's credibility and a recognizable Catholic position, especially, Juan Luis Cardinal Cipriani Thorne. The cardinal was not included in Pope Francis' decision. This thus gives the impression that the Primate of Peru, along with Benedict XVI., had a senseless conflict about a broken fence, there had apparently never existed one reason to deprive the University of its name.

Cardinal Cipriani Thorne belongs to Opus Dei, who has been under strong pressure since the election of Pope Francis within the Peruvian Episcopal Conference. The bishops newly appointed by Francis have almost invariably, another understanding of the Church. The Cardinal is, due to his personality and intellect, a still outstanding, but increasingly isolated figure in the Catholic Church in the country. It is an open secret that a group of brothers in the episcopate longs for his retirement. The Cardinal will complete in December 2018 his 75th year.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi

Image: PUCP (Screenshot)

Trans: Tancred

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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Muslims Attack Corsican Youth Taking Photos of Women in Burkinis

BASTIA. Around 500 people demonstrated Sunday morning in the prefecture of French Bastia against excessive violence of several Muslim family members of North African heritage. "To arms, because we are at home," shouted the demonstrators according to the daily Le Monde, as the police broke the demonstration.

This demonstration was triggered by an attack by several North African family member against a group of young people. This took place in the town of Sisco on Cap Corse, a peninsula in north Corsica. because the youth shot photos of bathing women on Saturday night. The men of the three Muslim families then attacked the young people  with harpoons, knives, bottles and stones.

The conflict had further deteriorated, as associates of the injured youths arrived at the beach and attacked the Muslims. They also set fire to three of the familys' cars. Around 100 policemen dispersed the brawl eventually.

Among the five injured was also a pregnant woman, the French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve told news agency AFP. The dispute arose because the youth had shot photos of the women, said a young girl, who is said to have witnessed the scene, told Le Monde.

The municipality of Sisco has baned the wearing of burkinis in response to the violent confrontation on Sunday evening by a temporary injunction on the beach. Because the community fears further clashes, the police have been entrusted  with the investigation. (Ls)

Trans: Tancred

Security Measures Raised at Lourdes for Feast of Assumption

French Primate Cardinal Barbarin mentioned in his homily Muslims who worship the Virgin Mary. He keeps seeing Muslim families at Virgin Mary statues, putting their newborn in her hands.

Lourdes ( the Feast of the Assumption was celebrated under tight security at Europe's most important Marian shrine on Monday with thousands of pilgrims. The French Primate, Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, urged the faithful to pray for "France, which is plagued by so much suffering".  At the same time he stressed the the need for cohesion and fraternity in the face of terror, especially among religions. 

Barbarin said in his sermon that Muslims revere Mary and that he saw Muslim families frequently before Virgin Mary statues  (see video below). These families said the Cardinal, put their newborns in the hands of Mary and recommend them to her favor and maternal love. Reportedly the Mass was attended by some 12,000 people. 

After the attacks in Nice and Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, the ceremony took place under special conditions. According to the manager of the Sanctuary, Thierry Castillo, the access numbers have been reduced to the sacred places. Pilgrims had been searched at specially equipped checkpoints. Moreover, Lourdes was an overflight ban; drones were, according to the prefect of the department of Hautes-Pyrenees, Beatrice Lagarde, not allowed. Police and security teams had significantly increased their staff.

Lourdes is one of the most famous pilgrimage destinations in the world. Mary appeared in the southern French town 14 times in 1858 to the 14-year-old shepherd girl Bernadette Soubirous. In 1862 the apparitions were affirmed by the local bishop, and in 1891 by Pope Leo XIII.. Every year several million pilgrims travel there, including tens of thousands of sick and disabled. 
Again and again, unexplained healings have taken place which are examined by an international medical committee.

Trans: Tancred

Monday, August 15, 2016

Pope Francis Visits Prostitutes on Friday

Francis is visiting women as part of his "Fridays of Mercy" in one of the communities of Pope John XXIII House  in northern Rome.

Vatican City ( Pope Francis has made a surprise visit to 20 former prostitutes on Friday afternoon. He visited the women as part of his "Fridays of Mercy» in one of the communities of Pope John XXIII House in the north of Rome, the Vatican announced after the meeting. Founded by the Italian priest Oreste Benzi, the Catholic community is made up mainly of former forced prostitutes protected at their facility.

Francis visited, according to the organizers of the Jubilee of Mercy, more than an hour in the women's shelter where he spoke with residents from Romania, Nigeria, Albania, Tunisia, Italy and Ukraine with an average age of 30 years.

The Vatican described the Pope's visit to the ex-prostitutes as a "call to the conscience, to fight human trafficking." Pope Francis has repeatedly criticized trafficking and forced prostitution repeatedlt and described it as "a crime against humanity".

In the current Holy Year of Mercy, the Pope travels regularly on Fridays to social services without prior public announcement. Among other things, he has already paid visits to a nursing home, young drug addicts and a refugee reception center.

During the World Youth Day in Poland in July, Francis  engaged in silent prayer while visiting the former Nazi extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, a visit to a children's hospital in Krakow and at a Way of the Cross with WYD participants for the "Friday of Mercy."

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Horrific Sex Abuse in Anglican Church

Edit: Despite this being an issue with the Anglican Church in Australia, it will either be largely ignored or blamed on religion in general. It's not entirely clear how sincerely religious the perpetrators in this case are, but we'd be very surprised indeed if they were deeply or sincerely religious in any sense.

One of Australia's most senior Anglican's has admitted he didn't act on complaint of a paedophile ring operating in the Newcastle diocese, which he led for more than a decade. Roger Herft said he regretted he had not been more alert to what was going on.