Friday, July 8, 2016

Father Peter Carota, RIP

Edit: with a hat tip to susan and to Rorate Caeli, for a great and zealous minister of the Lord. Let us pray for the good of his soul. The following story is from New Liturgical Movement.

RIPON [San Joaquin Co., California] — After a decade of shepherding the faithful at St. Patrick’s Parish in Ripon, Father Peter Carota is moving on to the next chapter of his spiritual service to the Lord.

That next chapter is a yearlong sabbatical. His last official day as pastor of the parish is Tuesday, Nov. 13.

Parishioners are holding an official send-off, a “Farewell Gathering Potluck,” for their pastor on Sunday, Nov. 11, at 5 p.m. in the Parish Hall.

Austria: 52 Year Old Man Stages Hate Crime Against Himself

WIENER NEUSTADT. Wiener Neustadt prosecutors have accused a man of having staged a swastika attack against himself. Thus, the case took a spectacular turn, after months pointed in the other direction, said the Austrian Kurier . The case was in the headlines for weeks.

At this point, Robert T. was the alleged victims, who had been attacked and beaten in September of last year by three masked men. He had massive cuts and also had a swastika scratched into his forehead, modeled after the movie "Inglourious Basterds." The son-in-law of his neighbor was considered a suspect and served three months in detention before he was acquitted.

Two Alleged Attacks

Picture of the alleged victim from Kurier

In February, then, another incident had occurred: Robert T. was found in a state of hypothermia and tied near his home. In addition to numerous cuts he had carved a large swastika in his chest. Again he blamed his neighbors for the attack.

Homicide police then took over the investigation and evaluated the video and collation of information. Robert T. stated that the perpetrators had hidden in his car. But the investigators found no foreign DNA or fingerprints.

Increased desire for attention

 Response, the prosecutor called upon a medical and a psychiatric expert to clarify whether Robert T. could have inflicted the injuries himself. The doctor confirmed this. The accused has an increased desire for attention, said the certified psychiatrist.

Robert T. must now answer for the pretense and false statement before the judge. His wife is under investigation for slander and false testimony. A court date is still pending. (Ls)

Junge Freiheit...

Trans: Tancred

Tübingen: Tabernacle Stolen With Blessed Sacrament

Around 10,000 euros damage and on top of that violation of religious sentiments no less Catholics by the theft of the Blessed Sacrament.

Tübingen ( Around 10,000 Euros damage and on top of that, no less than the violation of the religious sentiments of Catholics by the theft of the Blessed Sacrament. This is the result of thieves at St. Pancras in Buhl in Tubingen (Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart). The thieves stole the whole tabernacle and its contents, they pulled the heavy loot apparently on a rug in the church and then to a vehicle parked near the parsonage. This was reported by the "Südwestpresse" and other media. Tübingen police have asked for witnesses to step forward.

The tabernacle contained, according to the "Südwestpresse," two hundred year old gold gilded chalices, interiorly lined with gold pewter and two golden patens.

The perpetrators entered the church through the unlocked main door, then broke the sacristy door and stole the tabernacle out of the sacristy, according to the press reports.

According to Catholic understanding Jesus Christ is physically present in the Holy Eucharist. A theft as described above is, therefore a very serious sacrilege for Catholics.
Link to
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Will Progressive Outsider Be Responsible in Future for the Appointment of Bishops?

(Washington) Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia has been attacked by the media as an "enemy" of the Pope, because he interpreted the Post-Synodal Letter Amoris laetitia in the light of Catholic moral teaching and Sacraments. Archbishop Blase  Cupich of Chicago has been appointed at the same time by Pope Francis as a member of the Congregation for Bishops, and will continue to have a decisive influence on the appointment of bishops in the United States. The two events are emblematic of the pontificate of Pope Francis and his relationship with the Church in the United States. The Church in the United States is not only the richest and one of the most influential churches in the world, the US episcopate being formed by  the pontificates of John Paul II. and especially Benedict XVI., as an  "obstacle" for the progressive agenda.
As reported,  the profile Archbishop of Philadelphia, a direct descendant of the Saint King Louis IX. of France, is in the crossfire of criticism, because he published on July 1,  the "Pastoral Guidelines for the Implementation of Amoris Laetitia" in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (see NCR's Archbishop Chaput affirmed Catholic teaching on marriage and is presented by the media as an "enemy" of the Pope ). In it,  Archbishop Chaput reiterated Catholic marriage and morality in terms of divorce, remarriage and reception of Communion. The archbishop is it shown by the media as  an "enemy" of Pope Francis, who wishes, unlike Msgr. Chaput, for an "opening".

Pope Francis appoints Cupich in the Congregation for Bishops

Today it was announced in the daily bulletin of the Holy See that Pope Francis has appointed the controversial bishop of the United States, Archbishop Blase Cupich, a member of the Congregation of Bishops. He will thus have a say in the future, a decisive say, in the appointment of bishops in the United States.

Msgr. Cupich is controversial because of his progressive stance . The former bishop of the little diocese of Spokane in Illinois was considered "leftist outsider" among the bishops of the United States, as Pope Francis made him an archbishop  in September 2014 of the most important and largest diocese in the country. The Pope had clashed   with the then incumbent predecessor, Cardinal Francis George, head to head,  who died a few months later from cancer.  Who the favor of the Pope belongs, was also made ​​clear that Cupich, who had not been elected by the US bishops as a delegate to the Synod for Bishops  for the  Synod on the Family to Rome, was appointed by Francis personally to the synod. In Rome he was then promptly praised for his "open" attitude on the controversial issues, particularly his " Deliramenta" on the subjective conscience.

Pope "is looking for the most progressive candidate"

Cupich's progressive outsider role is therefore not a defect, but has been the real reason why Francis made him the archbishop of Chicago, as Catholic observers are unanimous about in the US.
In an essay for Le Journal de Montréal  Alain Pronkin wrote on April 19, 2016: Pope Francis is looking at the episcopal appointments "for the most progressive candidate." In November 2015, the Vatican expert Sandro Magister drew attention because the "real revolution" of Pope Francis would succeed "by appointment".
The cardinalatial dignity is usually associated with the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and Chicago. In the United States it will be closely monitored, which of the two metropolitans Pope Francis will rise into the cardinalatial state.

Archbishop Cupich instead Cardinal Burke

Under Pope Benedict XVI., it was the former Archbishop of Saint Louis, Raymond Leo Burke, who was assigned as one of the "bishop makers" in the US. The German pope summoned the farmer's son from Wisconsin and brilliant canon lawyer  to the Roman Curia to Rome in 2008 and made him Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, the Vatican's high court.
The influence of  the outstanding and traditionally friendly cardinal, who was even considered "papabile" during the papal conclave of 2013, made him a thorn in the side to those  who found an ear in high places with the election of Pope Francis. The Argentine Pope dismissed the US Cardinal: In December 2013, he removed Cardinal Burke from the Canonization Congregation and from the Congregation for Bishops. The latter decision was seen as a demonstrative departure "from the excellent " episcopal appointments (Fr. Joseph Fessio SJ, student of Joseph Ratzinger) in the US by Benedict XVI. for which  Cardinal Burke was significantly responsible..
The appointment of  Bishop Cupich as Archbishop of Chicago confirmed fears.

Cupich the new "Bishop maker" in the US

By his appointment as member of the Congregation for Bishops, as an observer, Archbishop Cupich would be to take a role in the appointment of bishops in the United States in the pontificate of Francis, which  Cardinal Burke had in the pontificate of Benedict XVI.. However, the orientation of the appointments will be quite different.
Cupich will not directly be accepting  the seat of Cardinal Burke. He had become, even before the Synod of Bishops in 2014, the spokesman of the defenders of Catholic moral teaching and Sacraments against the progressive Kasper agenda. Although he had already been quite clearly threatened with dismissal, he would not give up his resistance, and  the Cardinal fearlessly continued his fight for the traditional doctrine and did not hesitate also to call out Pope Francis as the relevant director of the attack on the sacrament of marriage. A few days after the conclusion of the Synod of Bishops, Pope Francis, "thanked"  him   Cardinal Burke by dismissing him and removing him from the Vatican.Thus, the Church leader beheaded the opposition to his "opening" and favored the Kasper Group.
At Burke's place in the Congregation for Bishops, Pope Francis put Cardinal Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington D.C. in December 2013,  who is known in the US episcopate as a "moderate conservative.".Cardinal Wuerl took the papal grace he had obtained via the anti-Burke function, very seriously. So seriously, that he publicly attacked his American brother Burke early in 2015, when he was punished by the Pope and completely removed from the Roman Curia and reproached him for criticizing papal decisions and defaming them.

Now the pope is no longer dependent on Cardinal Wuerl. In the meantime, there with Archbishop Cupich, is a real "man of the Pope" in the US episcopate. With today's appointment of Cupich in the Congregation for Bishops, Pope Francis the will turnout consistently new offices to continue with the aim:to rebuild the US episcopate.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Coptic Christian Beheaded in Egypt

Copts are suffering a new wave of Islamic violence.
(Cairo) on Monday, July 4, a Coptic Christian was stabbed in Tanta (Gharbia Governorate) by Islamists and then beheaded.
The 33-year-old pharmacist and Coptic Christian, Magdy Attia, was lured with a medication order into a house and killed there. According to Egyptian media reports, the house is inhabited by Salafists.
Witnesses said they had seen Magdy Attila half an hour with two men outside the building in a lively discussion. Other witnesses reported cries for help, which came out of the house.
The body of the Coptic Christian was found with nine stab wounds and beheaded. Video surveillance cameras were recorded two men covered with blood who left the house. They were identified and arrested by the police.
The police did not have any further details about the background of the event. The arrested men are Muslims.
Egypt is currently beset by a new wave of anti-Christian violence. On Tuesday, a Coptic Orthodox nun was killed. According to police, it had been a "tragic accident". She had been killed  by an "stray bullet". A few days earlier the Coptic priest, Raphael Moussa, was killed on the Sinai Peninsula. The attack was acknowledged by the jihadist militia known as the Islamic State (IS).
The city Tanta in the Nile Delta is located approximately halfway between Cairo and Alexandria and has approximately 450,000 inhabitants.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: asenseofbelonging (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Berlin Capitulates to Leftist Terror

Burning car in Berlin (archive): Pampered terrorists Photo: dpa
Whoever speaks these days about Berlin has to talk about terrorism.   Cars have been burning daily for weeks, police officers are attacked and shop windows of businesses and politicians offices  are repeatedly destroyed. Yes, that's terror. What else would it be?
That national media and federal politics, if it ever addresses the issue, does it just as a side note for a simple reason: The perpetrators are left-wing extremists. Wearing disguises and armed with stones, paint bombs and explosives, they track each night throughout the capital.
Politicians call for discussions and de-escalation
A "black July" was announced with attacks on police officers and all "beneficiaries of the prevailing logic" by terrorists from Riga Street. "As much as you can take is what's allowed!" This is the provocation to the citizens of the city. They are the ones who have to co-finance the terror of dubious "democracy programs" and in the "fight against the right".
But Berlin would not be Berlin if the hatred of the Left was not at  least combined with stupidity and insolence of the politicians in charge. Berlin's mayor, has now called for a "de-escalation approach" something like the quintessential Berliner slum factor. Yes, even talking with the left-wing extremist scene. This should break the "spiral of violence."
Went even further the domestic policy spokesman for the pirate faction in the Berlin City House, Christopher Lauer. His logic: give leftist extremists their squat, then they will stop the violence.
A thought experiment shows all the madness
A thought experiment is enough to understand the bizarreness  of these proposals. What would Lauer and Müller do if  right-wing extremists or Islamists occupied a Berlin trolley and daily attacked policemen and set cars on fire? But would be what's going on.
At least inside Senator Frank Henkel (CDU) has recognized this and just drawn this comparison.Just help the Berliners with this little hindsight. For years, the excesses of the left-wing scene was downplayed, ignored, relativized or even celebrated.
No, Berlin does not need a de-escalation concept and no ominous "civil society". Berlin needs a war on terror.
Link to Junge Freiheit..  Trans: Tancred

NCR Removes Blog Post After Progressivist Staff Blogger Attacks Faithful Catholic

Edit: this was later removed by the Dredgister, probably after hundreds of people complained about a leftist-progressivist, promoter of aberrounions, John Paul Shimek, attacking faithful Catholics on their blog.
We're posting this for the comments, primarily, not so much the low-level attack on faithful Catholics that we've probably grown used to seeing.  Some people are getting tired of it.

What's wrong with NCR that they let someone like him in the door in the first place?

And he posts for Lysis Magazine too...where they describe him as a "theologian".

[later removed by NCR]

Last weekend, Ines San Martin of Crux reported that Pope Francis “has vowed in a new interview that he won’t be slowed down by resistance from ‘ultra-conservatives’ in the Church who ‘say no to everything,’ insisting, ‘I’m going ahead without looking over my shoulder.’”

Good Catholics everywhere cheered the words of the Holy Father, the Successor of St. Peter.

You see, they readily understood that a handful of far-right ideologues do not get to determine the course of Christ’s Church. It doesn’t matter if those ideologues represent semi-schismatic enclaves or write popular blogs. Christ the Lord has empowered the Church’s Magisterium in communion with the Successor of St. Peter to lead the People of God. Not them.

800 Years of the Portiuncula-Indulgence -- Pope Francis Will Visit the Chapel in Assisi on August 4th

(Rome) Pope Francis will visit the Portiuncula Chapel in Assisi this coming August 4th. This is how the chapel of Santa Maria degli Angeli is popularly known in the plain below Assisi. The occasion of the papal visit is the 800th anniversary of the granting of so-called Portiuncula indulgence by Pope Honorius III. in 1216.
The Portiuncula indulgence, the so-called "Forgiveness of Assisi", can be received by visiting the chapel in Assisi or in the world by visiting a Franciscan church. The expansion of  indulgences had been granted in 1480 by Pope Sixtus IV.. In addition to this condition, the usual conditions apply for obtaining a plenary indulgence.
Any baptized Christian who is not excommunicated and is not  in the state of grave sin at the time of receiving the Indulgence, will win it if he's disposed and within the prescribed time and in the manner provided by the Church, meets the five conditions:
  • sacramental confession,
  • resolute turning from sin,
  • Communion,
  • Prayer for the intentions of the Pope.
The fifth condition is to visit the Portiuncula or another Franciscan church.

Portiuncula dates back to the 4th century

The Chapel of Our Lady of the Angels was built in the 4th century by hermits and passed in the 6th century to the possession of St. Benedict of Nursia. Saint Francis of Assisi again rebuilt the dilapidated chapel early in the 13th century. For a basket of fish as a payment of interest, it was rented to him  by the abbot of the Benedictine monastery of Monte Subasio.

Portiuncula chapel of St. Francis of Assisi

In his last six years of life, St. Francis of Assisi, from whom all Franciscan orders go back, meanwhile called a meeting of the Friars Minor at Pentecost at the chapel. He died in the chapel on October 3, 1226.
In 16/17th  century the Basilica of Santa Marta degli Ageli was built at the behest of Pope Saint Pius V around the chapel, one of the largest churches of Christendom.
Pope Francis will visit the chapel in connection with the Jubilee of mercy as a "simple pilgrim," as Vatican Radio reported.
According to tradition, the Benedictine monastery of Monte Subasio, which presented the Portiuncula to St. Francis of Assisi, goes back to St. Benedict of Nursia. The oldest surviving document dates from 1051.  An excavated crypt reveals the existence of a community of monks from the 7/8th centuruies.
In 1860 the monastery, like all monasteries in Italy,  was abolished, falling victim to the new, Masonic Kingdom Italy. Only in 1945 were the remains of the Abbey in Assisi taken over again by the Benedictines of St. Peter  and partly rebuilt. Due to severe damage from the earthquake of 1997, it had to be abandoned again by the monks. Restoration works are underway.
Subiaso is the house mountain of Assisi. The monastery dominates the town and the valley.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: RV / Wikicommons (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Coptic Nun Killed -- Local Police Say "Stray Bullet"

Coptic Christians continue to suffer Islamic persecution.
(Cairo) Yesterday, July 5, a Coptic nun was shot dead in Egypt.
The police called it a "tragic accident".  It currently not being treated as a crime. The nun was accidentally caught in a shootout between two rival clans. An stray bullet  killed the nun, says Fides .
The Orthodox nun Athanasia was, along with two sisters and a driver, on the way back from Cairo in the monastery Mar Girgis in Alexandria. In al-Khatatba, a bullet suddenly  struck one of the Women Religious in the vehicle. Sister Athanasia was killed on the spot.
The first reports reported an anti-Christian attack.The investigating police of Guizeh denied this, however, describing the shooting between two local Muslim clans as the reason for the "accidental" death of the nun.

Sister Athanasia +

Burned Christian houses

On June 24, several Christian homes had been burned in al-Baeda in Alexandria. A Muslim mob had gathered after Friday prayers in front of the house of Christian Naim Aziz because the false rumor was spread among Muslims, that the house may be converted into a church. The Muslims shouted the slogan: "Under no circumstances will there be a church here." To be sure, deeds followed their  words, and and they burned down the house of a Christian and a few other Christian homes for good measure.
The Church of the Christians of al-Baeda, is located  six kilometers in the neighboring town.

murdered Coptic priest

Father Raphael Moussa +

The Christians of Egypt have been experiencing a new wave of Islamic violence for months. Last Thursday a Coptic Orthodox priest was murdered on the Sinai Peninsula belonging to Egypt. The priest Raphael Moussa was 46 years old. After the Holy Mass, which he celebrated in the Mar Girgis Church of the city of El-Arish in the north of the peninsula, he was killed in the parking lot in front of the church by a targeted shot. The murder was claimed by the terrorist militia Islamic State (IS).
El-Arish is located on the Mediterranean coast, with nearly 150,000 inhabitants, it is the largest city in the Sinai. The city, is where in 1118, Baduin I., the first king of Jerusalem, died during Crusader period, and was besieged and occupied in 1799 by Napoleon, and made the headlines recently because of organ trafficking. Bedouin tribes kidnap African migrants and remove their organs, which are sold to hospitals. This has been confirmed by the German government.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons / Coptictoday / Fides (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Bishop Fellay Says Talks Will Continue With Rome and Requests 50,000,000 Acts of Penance

(Zaitzkofen) The Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X confirmed last Saturday that the talks with Rome are to continue, and announced a new Rosary crusade. It should serve the spiritual preparation for the centennial commemoration of the apparitions of Fatima in 1917, which will take place in the coming year.
The Rosary Crusade was announced at the ordinations in Zaitzkofen. It will be held until August 22, 2017 from 15 August 2016th
The prayer of the Rosary should be connected to acts of penance. Bishop Fellay spoke of "50 million acts of penance". More details will soon be announced.
Zaitzkofen, in the Regensburg Diocese, is the seminary of the SSPX for the German-speaking  and adjacent areas. On July 2, Bishop Fellay ordained there three new priests.
In his homily, the Superior General confirmed that the talks between the SSPX and the Vatican will continue. Bishop Fellay explained that the salvation of souls is the ultimate goal of the Catholic Church and thus also of the Fraternity. That objective is "higher" than a canonical recognition of the Fraternity.
But nothing is more important than the Catholic faith and the unconditional acceptance of this belief for the salvation of souls. "Without [Catholic] faith no one can be saved," Bishop Fellay said, as he made serious allegations against the ecclesiastical authorities: "Since the council, the defense and the propagation of the faith became something of secondary importance."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...
 Print Article

New Allegations Against Papal Foundation Scholas Occurentes

(Buenos Aires / Rome) In Argentina there are new allegations against the foundation founded by Pope Francis Scholas Ocurrentes. Construction work on a building for the foundation by the government of ex-President Cristina Kirchner (2007-2015) had made available the equivalent of around 900,000 euros  in 2014, although not even half completed, it should have been completed according to plan. The ownership of the respective property is also unclear.

The directors of the Foundation were in negotiations with the new government of President Mauricio Macri to find an alternate location.

Meeting with the Pope sweepstakes

The new allegations have been made by the very popular Argentinian television journalist, Jorge Lantana. Lantana reported on the close link between the Foundation's activities with high functionaries of the left Peronist Kirchner government, which would have directly affected the campaign 2014/2015.

In the review is also a sweepstakes by Foundation sponsors who offfered a personal meeting with Francis. The Latanas report is entitled "In the Name of the Father" and ended with the question whether Pope Francis knew about all the processes.

In June, media coverage of the Foundation had caused a sensation because Pope Francis had rejected a governmental donation of a million dollars to Schola Occurrentes, the refusal was interpreted as an unfriendly gesture and confirmation that Pope Francis would reject the election of Macris. Pope Francis had quite openly desired the election of the opposition left Peronist candidate instead of  Macris.

Argentine Cabinet chief Marcos Pena has subsequently denied reports of a disagreement between the Pope and President Mauricio Macri. The rejection of the money allegedly for purely formal reasons, because Francis prefers donations from private funds rather than a grant from the state budget, is hardly credible in Rome.

Since autumn 2015 "Pious Foundation of Pontifical Right"

Scholas Occurrentes was established at the initiative of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, then archbishop of Buenos Aires, and then the foundation was raised by Pope Francis after his election as pope to a Pontifical Foundation, based at the Vatican. Since then it has been located at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, whose Chancellor, Curial Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, is one of the closest confidants Pope.

The Foundation supports educational projects for disadvantaged children and young people in 82 countries and the dialogue of cultures and religions. They are controversial not only for some aspects of business practices, but their political preferences in Argentina. Another contentious issue is the educational orientation.

Foundation promotes education "without Christianity", but with gender ideology

What the official Catholic media do not report: the first scandal Scholas Occurentes had already taken place in early May, 2015. The unofficial Catholic news agency InfoVaticana revealed that the Pontifical Foundation advertises on behalf of Francis and with the image of the Pope among children, for gender ideology. The case was officially ignored, by the homophilic mainstream media.

Beginning in June 2016 after Vatican expert Sandro Magister wrote, describing the orientation of the Pontifical Foundation as an "educational revolution". Scholas Occurrentes was a dubious pet project of the Pope: There they are pursuing an education "without Christianity", but with gender ideology.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: OR (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Monday, July 4, 2016

Pope Francis' Spectacular Interview: Was Benedict XVI. "The Problem" of the Church?

Pope Francis on "Ultraconservatives" and the "Problem" of
Benedict XVI.

(Rome / Buenos Aires) A spectacular newspaper interview with Pope Francis was published on Sunday in which the Pope uses an unusual dialectic. Is the Catholic Church leader to understand that his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, was a "problem" for the Church?" Indicates Francis in addition that "ultraconservative" Church representatives, according to context meaning the defender of Catholic marriage and morality and the Discipline of the Sacraments, actually "beheaded" include?

Newspaper interviews as a new papal "magisterium"

With his first interview that was published in the leftist daily on October 2013 by La Repubblica, Pope Francis revolutionized the communication policy of the papacy. The atheist from a Masonic Lodge, Eugenio Scalfari, gave it the title: "The Pope: 'Thus, I Will Change the Church'". With Francis a new communication strategy of a pope was introduced. For Pope Francis, interviews are part of the Magisterium: "All the time I submit declarations, keep preaching, and that is teaching," he said in December 2014 in his first interview with a Latin American newspaper, the Argentine La Nacion.

With his recent interview, which was published in Argentina yesterday, again by the daily newspaper La Nacion, Pope Francis continued with his special "magisterium".

The interview has an Argentina focus and addressed recent polemics in the Pope's home country. The Pope has been accused of having a disturbed relationship, since December 2015 with incumbent President Macri. The pope had supported the left-Peronist rival candidate in the election campaign.

The interview was meant to smooth the waves, hence the title: "I have no problem with Macri. He is a noble man. "

The Pope and the "Ultraconservatives", "I want an open Church. They say no to everything "

However, some questions concern the entire Church. So the Pope was asked by Joaquin Morales Solá how he gets along "with the ultra-conservatives in the Church."

The tendentious exaggeration of the term "ultra-conservatives", as it is known by left journalists, was neither corrected nor rejected by the Pope. The Pope responded by implicitly adopting it. In his own words about the "Ultraconservatives":

"They do their job and I do mine. I want an open, understanding Church that accompanies the injured families. They say no to everything. I follow my path, without looking to the left and right. I don't want to behead anybody. That's what I never liked. I repeat: I do not support the conflict.' With a broad smile he concludes: 'nails are pulled by making upward pressure. Or one puts them quietly to the side when they reach retirement age.'"

Astonishingly, Pope Francis made a direct connection between "Ultraconservatives" and "heads." He said he's never "chopped off anyone's head" because that still doesn't appeal to him. At the same time, the Church leader actually suggested that "ultra-conservatives" were actually "beheaded." And by that the Pope does not mean any special marginal groups, but apparently, high-ranking employees of the Roman Curia.

Resignation of Benedict XVI. "Has made all the problems of the church visible"

Another question from the interview which took place on the June 28th relates to the health of Benedict. Pope Francis confirmed his reply that there actually was no compelling health reason for the resignation:

"He has problems in moving, but his head and his memory are perfectly intact."

Simultaneously Francis presented, however, that the resignation was clearly Pope Benedict XVI's "last act of government." Recently, there were discussions after a lecture by Curial Archbishop Georg Gänswein about a type of dual papal authority in an "almost common" exercise of the papacy by an "active" and a "contemplative" Pope.

Pope Francis said of Pope Benedict XVI. for La Nacion: "He was a revolutionary. In the meeting with the cardinals just before the conclave of May 2013, he told us that one of us will be the next pope, and he did not know his name. His behavior was impeccable. His resignation made visible all of the problems of the Church. His resignation had nothing to do with the personal. It was a governmental action, his last governmental action."

Pope Benedict XVI. a "revolutionary"? The statement made with the excessively used word "revolution" which seems to be meant as a compliment, but is rather outlandish in characterizing the German pope.

On the other hand, the statement, Pope Benedict XVI. has "made visible all the problems of the Church" with his resignation is truly noteworthy. In connection with the next statement, his resignation had "nothing to do with anything personal," but was a "governmental action", Pope Francis himself opens the floodgates to new speculation that Benedict XVI. may have been pressured to vacate the Chair of Peter in order to eliminate "all the problems of the Church."

Does Pope Francis himself adopt the opinion as it was represented in 2012 by the late Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini? He even demanded the resignation of Benedict XVI. shortly before his death, because he saw in the German pope a "problem" for the Church, rather even, "the problem."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: La Nacion (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Eponymous Flower Right Again: Register Confirms What We Were Saying All Along

Edit: as usual we were right, or at least we had better, more credible sources, and we bothered to care and not have a hysterical meltdown, or show our confirmation bias. Maybe you prefer to get your news from the Catholic Snooze Network, or demi-Catholic sources like Crux.

[Edward Pentin, NCR] Archbishop Guido Pozzo, the Vatican’s point-man for regularizing the Society of St. Pius X, has reaffirmed that the Society is continuing dialogue with the Holy See.

In an interview with Vatican Radio's Italian edition on Friday, the Secretary for the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei" said a statement the Society issued last week was not a step back from dialogue, nor did the priestly fraternity say anything new about its view of the current situation in the Church.

But he made clear that although the Society said in its statement that canonical recognition is not a priority, for the Vatican it is an “essential condition” if the SSPX is to come into “full ecclesiastical communion” with the Holy See.

Sources told the Register last week that the Synod on the Family and other confusing signals from Rome led to the Society's statement, but that the SSPX still very much hopes for regularization.

Link to Dredgister...

In Memoriam: Otto Habsburg Passed Away Today

Edit: if you have a hard life, filled with failures, everything going wrong, it's sometimes valuable to think on the lives of great men who may have failed in the eyes of the world, but have succeeded in keeping the faith till their deaths.  Here's to all the failures, those that have failed and kept the faith, and those who've failed and are in need of it, no matter how great or lowly.   Here's an essay by Charles Coulombe at Taki Magazine:
[Takimag] The San Fernando Valley in the 1970s was a very dull place. Hot and dusty, filled with lackluster architectural construction thrown together during the postwar housing boom, it was the last place I wanted to be.
Back in those far-off days, the LA Archdiocese’s paper, The Tidings, ran a column by the Archduke Otto von Habsburg, son of Austria-Hungary’s last Emperor-King.
My family was historically minded, and my upbringing gave me a hatred of the French Revolution and a love of the Habsburgs, Bourbons, and Stuarts. In high school in the 1970s, I became a monarchist. In the LA Central Library lurked such volumes as The Purple or the RedKings Without Thrones, and Monarchs-in-Waiting. I resolved to write to the Archduke Otto concerning issues political and religious. Off my note went into the post.

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Should Feybriel, Mincent, Rick R, etc... Comment?

Edit: I will continue to delete every single one of his score or so of comments he lovingly contributes every week, to make racial slurs, untrue slanders and creepy suggestions as well as plainly untrue statements about faithful Catholics and the clergy who serve them.

I often delete off-topic comments or comments that advocate violence of any kind and sometimes anonymous comments just out of hand.  I'd prefer to make the comments section at least somewhat readable and am wondering, anyway, what people think, if they care.

Be sure to vote one way or another. I'll take that and all the comments into consideration. Mincent is a clearing house of Bologna School bromides and platitudes. While I do think they should be addressed, some of his comments are quite nasty, although some commenters seem to delight in responding colorfully to him.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Pope Francis Won't be "Tied Down by Ultraconservatives"?

Edit: another staged "interview" wholly manufactured by a leftist journalist?  Here's what old liberal Crux has to say. He does give Catholics a lot of credit, and himself too much... If this is really what he said.

Allegedly saying Pope Benedict is a "revolutionary".

He's also trying to stage manage accusations back home that he was implicated in the so-called "Dirty War".

ROME-Pope Francis has vowed in a new interview that he won’t be slowed down by resistance from “ultra-conservatives” in the Church who “say no to everything,” insisting, “I’m going ahead without looking over my shoulder.”

The pontiff also suggested he has no intention of launching a crackdown on the opposition, saying, “I don’t cut off heads. That was never my style. I’ve never liked doing that.” [Yes you do, and you probably enjoy it, too.]

Weary of rumors that continue to circulate in his home country, Francis also told one of Argentina’s most respected journalists that there is no rift between him and the recently elected government of Mauricio Macri. [Another lie.]

“Don’t look for reasons [for conflict],” he said. “There’s no historical motive for saying that I have a problem with Macri.”

The June 28 conversation was with journalist Joaquín Morales Solá, who writes for La Nacion in Argentina. It was Morales who used the word “ultra-conservative” to describe internal resistance to the pope, and Francis said he “rejects conflict” with them.

“They do their job, and I do mine,” the pope said.

“I want a Church that is open, understanding, that accompanies wounded families,” he said. “They say no to everything. I go ahead, without looking over my shoulder.” [No mention of salvation of souls?]

Yet with what Morales described as a “wide smile,” the pontiff continued: “Nails are removed by applying pressure to the top … or, you set them aside to rest when the age of retirement arrives.”

The “nails” reference is often heard in Rome, used to refer to prelates who, having been bad administrators in their diocese - not criminally so, but simply inefficient - get appointed to a Vatican office. The suggestion appeared to be that Francis is slowly getting rid of people he perceives as problems, in many cases by waiting for them to reach the normal retirement age and then appointing someone else.

Another question was about emeritus Pope Benedict XVI, who Francis said has “problems moving, but his head and his memory are intact, perfect.”

The pope says that his predecessor was a “revolutionary,” of “unmatched generosity.”

“His resignation made all the problems of the Church clear,” Francis said. “It had nothing to do with personal things. It was an act of government, his last act of government.”

On the subject of Macri, which constituted the bulk of the interview, Francis said he has no problem with the president.

“I don’t like conflicts,” the pontiff said. “I’m tired of repeating this.”

Francis said that he had only one run-in with Macri during the six years the two worked together in Buenos Aires, one as archbishop and the other as mayor.

“Only once in a long time,” he said. “The average is very low.”

Newspapers from those six years address two possible points of conflict, but only one with a direct role by Bergoglio, in 2009: Argentina’s first gay marriage. It took place in Buenos Aires almost a year before the country legally approved gay marriage.

The wedding became possible because the couple found a judge in Macri’s city who ruled that Argentina’s civil code was “unconstitutional” because it didn’t allow for same-sex marriage.

The future pope released a statement saying the union “sets a serious precedent in the legislative history of our country and throughout Latin America.”

According to the statement, Bergoglio and his six auxiliary bishops, who also signed it, regretted that Macri hadn’t allowed for the “completely illegal ruling” to be appealed, which could have opened the door to a deeper debate on a matter of “such transcendence.”

“Affirming the heterosexuality of marriage is not discrimination, but to begin from an objective fact that is its foundation,” the bishops said.

Morales Sola writes that the pope knows of the alleged “coldness” between himself and Macri, and insists throughout the conversation that he doesn’t know where those rumors originate.

“We had some other problems, which we spoke about privately and which we resolved privately. And the two of us always respected the privacy agreement,” Francis said.

Another issue Morales Sola delves into is the pope’s decision to welcome to the Vatican Hebe de Bonafini, the founder of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo movement, a divisive figure in Argentina who’s been openly critical of Bergoglio and the Catholic Church.

“Even a friend sent me a letter criticizing me for this,” Francis said.

“It was an act of forgiveness,” he said. “She asked for forgiveness and I didn’t deny her it. I don’t deny it to anyone.”

“She is a woman who had two of her children killed,” he said. “I bend over, kneel down in front of such suffering. I don’t care what she said about me. And I know she’s said horrible things in the past.”