Friday, June 10, 2016

Cardinal Müller Describes Main Adviser of Pope Francis as "Heretical"

(Rome) In recent interview with the Herder Korrespondenz Cardinal Gerhard Müller, Prefect of the CDF, described the closest adviser of Pope Francis as "heretical".
In the June issue of Herder Korrespondenz (issue 6/2006) reaffirmed the Cardinal Prefect, that "no one" should relativize the doctrine of the papacy as a divine institution, for that would mean, wanting to "correct God." Some time ago, there was someone who was presented by "certain media" as one of the "closest advisers" of the Pope, the Cardinal said. This consultant has opined that there would be no problem in transferring the seat of the Pope to Medellin in Colombia or elsewhere, and the various Curia offices could be shared among the various local Churches. This, says Cardinal Müller, is fundamentally wrong and "even heretical". On this subject, it is sufficient to read the Dogmatic Constitution "Lumen Gentium" of Vatican II in order to identify the ecclesiological nonsense of such mind games. "The seat of the pope is Peter's in Rome."
The cardinal added that it is the express commission of St. Peter, to lead the whole Church as her supreme pastor. This commission was transferred to the Church of Rome and its bishop by Peter. This is not just an organizational question. The general aim was to preserve God-given unity. This also applied to the task of the high clergy of the Roman church, the cardinals who assist the Pope in the exercise of his primacy.

Victor Manuel Fernández: Chief consultant and ghostwriter of the Pope

Cardinal Müller, interview the Herder Korrespondencz

With the Prefect in his allusion "aimed his sights," said the Vatican expert Sandro Magister, it is not hard to see: it is the Titular Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernández , the Rector of the Catholic University of Argentina .
Fernández was already the preferred speech writer  of the then Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio in Buenos Aires. Fernández was then, and still is, the confidence theologian and the ghostwriter of the Archbishop, and now,  the papal documents of Evangelii gaudium to Amoris laetitia . In the particularly controversial Apostolic Exhortation can be found verbatim, whole passages from [crap] essays  Fernández published ten years ago.
Cardinal Müller did not call the Pope's advisers by name. But what he said is unambiguous. Likewise, the word, which the Faith Prefect leveled: "heretic".
The Cardinal had in view an interview of Fernández in Corriere della Sera of 10 May 2015 where the speechwriter of the Pope explained, "the Vatican curia is not an essential structure. The pope could live outside of Rome, have a dicastery in Rome and another in Bogotá, and to connect, for example, by videoconference with liturgy experts in Germany. That which is around the Pope, in the theological sense, is the college of bishops to serve the people. [...] Even the Cardinals could disappear in the sense that they are not essential."

Fernández's attack against Cardinal Müller

Fernández attacked the Faith Prefect even directly because of this in a March 29, 2015 in La Croix , the daily newspaper of the French Bishops' Conference where he had said in the published interview, the pontificate of Pope Francis was essentially a "pastoral" pontificate, making it the object of the CDF was to "restructure theologically" this pontificate.
"Papa's favorite grumbles," Jürgen Erbacher wrote for ZDF  Fernández's reply:
"I have read that some say that the Roman Curia is an essential part of the mission of the Church, or that a Prefect of the Vatican is the safe compass which preserves the Church from falling into a Light-thinking; or that this prefect ensures the unity of the faith and the Pope guarantees a serious theology. But for Catholics who read the gospel, knowing that Christ has assured the pope and all of the bishops  as a guide and a special enlightenment, but not a prefect or other structure. When you hear say such things, it seems almost as if the Pope is one of their representatives, or one who has come to interfere, and must be controlled."
More than a  year has passed since the Argentine aimed his arrows  against the Prefect. Arrows that do not need for the Pope to have approved  them but which have not bothered him since Fernández is still the chief advisor at Francis' side.

Fernández in his sights, but did he mean the Pope?

The conflict between Pope and CDF is heating up more and more, and with each new document with   ambiguous formulations which Pope Francis  publishes with the active help of his Argentine prompter, Cardinal Müller seems to be more irritated.
With his criticism in Herder Korrespondenz the cardinal prefect strikes close to the Pope according to the Interpretation mess of Amoris laetitia. So close that he has accused the pope's closest staff member as a "heretic."  It's a verdict that is meant for Fernández, but also radiates to the Pope, because of a "theologian of little brilliance" (Sandro Magister) in Argentina would hardly draw the attention of a Prefect of the Congregation.
The German cardinal is a clever man. He knows that his frontal attack against the right hand of the Pope, will bring his reputation with Francis to the point of freezing. A "risk",  Cardinal Müller obviously approvingly obviously takes into account. He knows that Francis has in fact sidelined, the CDF and cares precious little about the work of this curial authority and its documents. Just as he had been in June 2013 when recommended to the Bureau of progressive confederation of Latin American and Caribbean religious.

Redefining the understanding of the office of the Prefect of Faith?

Cardinal Müller seems to work on a new definition of his role as head of the CDF. As mere collaborator of the Pope, he can hardly make a difference. The pope made ​​him  to know only a few days ago , when he hinted that the authentic interpretation of Amoris laetitia was not about Müller's grueling effort, to somehow bring the controversial papal Fernandezian theses in  harmony with the ecclesial tradition, but the interpretation of  Vienna's [evil] Archbishop, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn.
Cardinal Müller will have to understand his role in serving the Vicar of Christ on earth  as Prefect,  regardless of the current incumbent's understanding and exercise of that office. He may not really "theological structure" this pontificate, but he may strengthen the faith of 1.3 billion Catholics. And eventually this pontificate will also end.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL / Herder correspondence (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Broadcaster for Italian Bishops' Conference Advertise for Aberrosexuality -- Orgies in Rome Seminaries

TV2000, the Broadcaster of the Catholic Bishops (the photo
is from a broadcast of June 6th)
(Rome) A scandal beyond compare took place on June 6 at TV2000, the television station of the Italian Bishops' Conference CEI.  During the broadcast "Il diario di Papa Francesco" (The Diary of Pope Francis) a "Christian LGBT" appeared as a guest. The inappropriate label, which wants to suggest  a reconciliation of Christianity and homosexuality, was used for the first time in early May in  Avvenire, the daily newspaper of the Italian Bishops' Conference. "The concept of choice is as incorrect as if the newspaper of the bishops were written by Christian abortionists'" said Nuova Bussola Quotidiana (NBQ). "The concept of choice is an indicator of the great doctrinal and existential confusion in the Church."

TV2000 promotes homosexuality and refers to "Amoris laetitia"

Three self-proclaimed Catholics of the group "Ponti sospesi" (Suspension Bridges) were invited into the studio. The group includes homosexuals who claim to be Christian, but want to live in open contradiction to the Christian faith. It's a contradiction that some Church circles obviously want to overcome by changing the Doctrine of the Faith. The group works closely with several of the "historic" Protestant churches in Italy, like the Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Waldensians (Calvinists).
The figure responsible for the media of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI) is none other than Bishop Nunzio Galatino, the Secretary-General appointed by Pope Francis to CEI and close confidant of the Pope. The "Christian LGBT" not only feels attracted to persons of the same sex, but are practicing homosexuals and make the claim that the Church has to adapt their lifestyle, since "Love is Love".

"God does everything" - embezzlement of Church teaching

Among the guests were also a nun were without religious habit and a priest, both "convinced" of the fact that God, "because he loves us", accepts  all that people do. In this blithe manner,  homosexuality was declared "acceptable" on the television channel of the Catholic bishops of Italy  in just 20 minutes. The change in direction of 180 degrees was justified by the Apostolic Letter Amoris laetitia of Pope Francis.  For this purpose, paragraph 250 was quoted as saying: "to ensssure a respectful assistance, so that those who show homosexual tendency can get the necessary help in order to understand the will of God in their lives and to fulfill it completely."
Not a word of the Church's teaching was  mentioned, what is the will of God when it comes to homosexuality, which is referred to in Scripture as "blatant sin." Some theologians go so far as to say that because of the choice of words of Scripture  that it is the worse among the deadly sins in God's eyes, because it is a direct attack against the divine order that God's nature is based.

Colleen Bayer defends Catholic doctrine and criticized Cardinal Schönborn

Colleen Bayer with Cardinal Burke

While the television station of the bishops courted homosexuality, embezzling Church doctrine to accomplish this, and the resulting darkening existential drama, there rose simultaneously in Rome a courageous voice in defense of  doctrine, which is entrusted to the Church by revelation and taught by it for 2000 years, Colleen Bayer, Chair of Family Life International from New Zealand said in a lecture at the same  time on June 6, which is used as video recording on the Internet, some episodes that have to do with the gender ideology and homosexuality.
Bayer began with a critique of Vienna's Archbishop Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, who presented Amoris laetitia presented on April 8, to the world public. This had been a "huge mistake" of Cardinal, to speak of "positive elements" in the context of homosexuality. This erroneous view had been aired by the Cardinal already in an interview with the Jesuit magazine Civilta Cattolic in 2015 when he said: "It is not for the Church to look in the bedroom in the first place, but in the dining room." Such arbitrary and unrealistic statements were "rubbish , pure trash," said Bayer. "A priest friend of ours lost his life because of what happened in the bedroom. Please pray for his soul."

Existential Drama - gay orgies among Roman seminarians

The woman then told the story of a young Anglican who converted to Catholicism in Rome entered a seminary after he told his superiors about his concerns and efforts, what his interpersonal relationships were, and that he was concerned because he felt attracted to men. Nevertheless, he was ordained a priest and sent to New Zealand five years of the priesthood where he was unable to overcome his mental turmoil and his desires.
At that time, the priest learned of  the Bayer couple, confided in them and asked for their help.
"He told us, 'You do not know what we have done in Rome on Friday night. We met ... ', and they did do what homosexuals do. "On this occasion," he revealed to us the Roman parties on Friday evening with other seminarians "who" ended in homosexual orgies."
At this moment you have the revelation "almost a broken heart," said Bayer. "Until then, I thought that we all worship God in the Church under the dome of Rome, and a trip to Rome is a journey home. To learn that such things happen in the seminaries of this city ... "
The young, desperate priest revealed "the devastation, the dirt and things that have happened that are terrible ..." Bayer then inquired of those responsible who take such psychically torn people into the seminaries, and described the fears of the young convert and Priest of the inner contradiction of his life which eventually led to suicide.
"How in God's name could such a thing happen under the dome of Rome? So how can a Cardinal of Rome maintain something like this?"
People with a homosexual inclination have an identity problem, which could be an existential drama for them. They must be helped to find their identity. They should not be encouraged to fall into a perversity.

Existential Drama - Violent lesbian relationship

Bayer reported then about a pregnant girl who was abused by  her feminist, pro-abortion "fiance". The sexual relationship between the two women had been violent and possessive: "When I saw the body of Jackie,  my heart wept. She was covered with scars and fresh cuts and other injuries. Terrible violence was done to her in her life in a terrible manner." That was not done independently of the sex of the partner.
Bayer came to the conclusion that the doctrine entrusted by Christ to the Church that warns against homosexuality and  rejects this, is more human, honest and compassionate than any arbitrary, ideological or some stirred up worldly sauce, which is passed off as an alleged "love of God."  It is enough to read Luca Di Tolve, who after his conversion and a Christian psychotherapy, finally found his true destination in love for a woman.
In his book "I was gay. I Found Myself in Medjugorje",   Di Tolve  described the compulsive drive for satisfaction, but unfulfilling nature of homosexual relationships, the drifting into despair: "The deep motivation that drives  homosexual behavior is always the same: the search for the male traits, which can not be expressed in one's self. "His own sex could not unfold properly in himself for some reason.. Homosexuals, therefore, have a broken nature. "A man and a woman seen in the difference  how much they complement each other to form the foundation of a family, a whole. Two men or two women can never reach this supplement and perfection. A mature man and a mature woman do not remain at the level of a mere impulse for satisfaction like immature teenagers who don't grow up. 

Christ and the Church Denounce Every Lie, to combat delusions

"Therefore," said Di Tolve, "I could never find peace in sex with men." He found the strength to seek a way out, and went in search of masculinity in itself, rather than seek his own in other ,"So I found my identity. With my identity and therefore with myself at peace, I was able to leave homosexuality behind me and I finally engage in the opposite sex and got to know my wife."
"Christ and the Church have a great heart's desire," says Bayer, "that every lie, the delusions, are fought with courage and strength."
It seems that the current penetration of homosexuality in the Church, has penetrated through fifth columns and weak resistance, has shown to be true what the Blessed Mother said in 1995 in Civitavecchia, where a statue of Mary cries blood. The phenomenon is maintained by the competent Bishop Girolamo Grillo for real. An official decision by the Catholic Church is still outstanding. The Mother of God had said at the time:
"My children, the darkness of Satan has darkened the world and also darkens the Church of God. In Rome, the darkness sets more and more about the rock that  my son Jesus left to build up his children, to educate and to grow spiritually. "
Given the apostasy, says Bayer, "one has to be conscious of the claws of Satan and seek God's hands and hold them" so that God "can us lead out of the swamp" by "men and women of God" and by "orthodoxy".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: TV2000 (Screenshot)
Trans:  Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Pope Francis on the "Heresy" of 'Either this, Or Nothing"

Edit: Oh, where have we heard this before?

Francis in Santa Marta: the healthy realism of the Catholic Church against hypocrisy and false idealism. The damage of the counter-testimony. The liberation from captivity in the cages of the rigidity of the law. 

By Armin Schwibach

Rome ( "If your righteousness is not far greater than that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven": Pope Francis held forth in his homily at Mass in the chapel of the Vatican guest house "Domus Sanctae Marthae" on Thursday for the tenth week of Ordinary Time on the admonition of Jesus in the Gospel of the day (Mt 5:20 to 26) for a "far greater justice" to then focus on the importance of Christian realism.

The people are starting to falter, because those who taught the law, were not coherent in their witness of life. Jesus, therefore, urges the overcoming of this and to go higher. So he imagines the example of the first commandment of love of God and neighbor and underlines: "Everyone who is angry with his brother shall be liable to judgment; and whoever says to his brother, Thou fool, shall be liable to the law, and the High Council; but who says to him: Thou wicked fool, deserves the fires of Hell."(v.22).

It will do good to hear this, especially in our time, said the Pope, in which we have become accustomed to disqualify others, and employ a very "creative" vocabulary to insult the other. This is a sin, that is, to kill, because it means to beat the soul of the brother, his dignity." Often, said Francis with bitter irony, we have used many swear words "with, 'much', 'love', but we say them to the other."

Regarding the presence of children at Mass, the Pope urged people not to get excited, because: "the sermon" of children in the church is more beautiful than that of the priest, more beautiful than the Bishop and than the Pope." So one should let his child, the child who is the voice of innocence, do all good.

Jesus called upon these disoriented people to look up and go forward. Then Francis emphasized how much damage was being caused to the people by the "counter-testimony" of Christians:

"How often do we hear these things in the Church: how many times! Well, these priests there, this man, this woman of Catholic Action, this bishop, this pope says: So you have to act,' and he or she does the opposite! This is the scandal that hurts the people and it prevents the people of God from growing, that it continues. That doesn't free. Also at that time that people had seen the rigidity of the scribes and Pharisees, and when a prophet came who gave them a little joy, they pursued him and killed him: there was no place for the prophet. And Jesus says to them, 'You have killed the prophets, you have persecuted the prophets: those who brought fresh air.'

The generosity, the holiness that Jesus asks of us, "consists in going out, but always to the heights, in the heights. Going out, in the heights." This means the exemption from the rigidity of the law and of idealism that would do no good. Jesus "knows us well. He knows our nature." He exhorts us to reach an agreement, if there is conflict with the other.

Jesus teaches us also a "healthy realism". Many times it is impossible to reach perfection, "but do at least what you can, you agree":

"This healthy realism of the Catholic Church: The Catholic Church never teaches an 'either this - or nothing,' an 'either this - or that.' The Church says, 'both AND.' 'Be complete: be reconciled to thy brother. Do not insult him. [You Pelagians!] Love him. If there is a problem, then at least study and come to an agreement, so that no war breaks out.' This is the healthy realism of Catholicism. An, 'either that or nothing' is not Catholic: that is not Catholic. This is heretical. Jesus always understands he will accompany us, he gives us the ideal, he accompanies us toward the ideal, he frees us from this captivity in the cage of the rigidity of the law and tells us, 'Well, go up to the point as far as you can make it.' And he understands us well. This is our Lord, this is what he tells us."

The Lord does not require us to be hypocrites: "not to go and praise God with the same tongue with which one has previously offended the brother." "Do what you can," said the Pope, "is the admonition of Jesus, at least avoid war among you, come to agreement":

"And allow me to tell you that with a word that might seem odd: the is the tiny holiness of negotiation. 'Well, I can not do everything, but I want to do everything, I will agree with you, then we at least won't offend each other mutually, then we won't make war and live in peace.' Jesus is a great! He frees us from our misery. Also from that idealism which is not Catholic. Let us ask the Lord to teach us first to emerge from any rigidity, but so we can move up to worship and praise God. And He will teach us to reconcile us with one another. And also that we agree to the point, that we are able to.".

Link to Trans: Tancred AMDG

Spanish Diocese Want Financial Independence From the State

Spanish Bishops With Pope Francis
(Madrid) The attacks against the Catholic Church have recently increased in intensity in Spain. In the parliamentary elections in December 2015, the progressive Partido Popular (People's Party) lost its majority. However, the left-wing parties were unable to form a government within what is the stipulated by the Constitution. This coming June 26, therefore, new elections are to be held. Another shift to the left is not excluded.
The attacks against the Archbishop of Valencia, Cardinal Antonio Cañizares, by representatives of the Left parties, may be significant as a new sign of the escalation against the Church. The former curial Cardinal was defending the natural family and criticized the gender ideology. Cañizares turned especially against "false" laws which are contrary to human nature and therefore run counter to the government's mandate to provide for the general welfare.
It's a position of the left-wing parties (PSOE, Podemos, IU),  which is barely tolerated any more. They want to muzzle the Church, and prefer to bring it into silence. The recent campaign in itself, which is being carried out initially by clerical employees who are active in left-wing political parties, who have publicly insulted  high church officials, shows that freedom of expression is in serious danger. It's a phenomenon that is not only to be observed in Spain.
The context of these recent events involve the efforts of the Spanish Church, to become independent of state funding.  The proportion of state financing accounts for between 10 and 50 percent, at present, of the annual budget of Spanish dioceses.
The state contribution to the financing of the Church is governed by a democratic transition agreement in 1979 signed between the State and the Church. The Left has agitated against the financing of the Church by the state since the 80s. In 2007, the left-wing Zapatero government put into effect a supplement that abolished the direct subsidy to the Church by the state. Instead, it was determined that the state would withhold 0.7 percent of personal income tax (IRPF) for the Church from those taxpayers who so wished it. The scheme is modeled on similar provisions which have been laid down in the 1984 Concordat between the Catholic Church and Italy.
Since the revision of 2007, the Catholic Church no longer receives subsidies from the tax budget. It will only be paid the money that Catholics want their pay voluntarily by an explicit statement on the tax return. In contrast, to the Church-tax in Germany, the tax is voluntary. Only the rate is fixed. 
The Archdiocese of Madrid is financed up to 18 percent from the IRPF tax. In Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Barcelona, ​​the figure is 34.1 percent, in the diocese of Cordoba it is at 14.5 percent.
Overall, the indirect subsidies from the government (transitory items IRPF tax) amounted to around 250 million euros annually. It's a modest sum compared to the more than five billion which sustains Germany's church through the church tax. Accordingly modest are also the salaries of Spanish priests which stand  between 700-1000 euros.
Nevertheless, there are discussions within the Spanish Bishops' Conference of renewed efforts to seek independence from the indirect funding by the state   and switch the budget of the dioceses entirely to self-financing. Financial dependence, be it only indirect, could restrict the freedom of maneuver and independence, and freedom of expression, as things are in Spain. The money supply has ever been a popular form of pressure for currently ruling authorities at any time.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Infovaticana
Trans: Tancred

Cardinal Barbarin Interviewed by Police -- Lyon and the New Motu Proprio

Cardinal Philippe Barbarin
(Paris) Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, Archbishop of Lyon and Primate of the Gauls, was today questioned by the police. It is about the accusation that the cardinal could have covered up abuse by a priest from 25 years ago.
For weeks the Cardinal was in the spotlight of the French press. Because of his rank in the Catholic Church it is also reported in international media. Barbarin was heard as a witness. No charges were filed against him.
The media seems to want to induce  an accusation outright. The Socialist Secretary Juliette Méadel has already demanded his resignation. The framing of a Church leader is not difficult in government circles. The climate in France has been fueled since the socialist government takeover. Cardinal Barbarin had spoken strongly against the legalization of "gay marriage".
The legal question is complicated. The priest Bernard Preynat was indicted last January, for having offended against several children 1986-1991.
Cardinal Barbarin was certain he had uncovered no sexual abuse. It was only in 2002 that the Archbishop of Lyon discovered it many years after Preynat's last alleged assault.
The "scandal" was raised by the media around the question of when the Cardinal learned of the incidents. Preynat worked until 2015 in the Archdiocese. The diocese had filed a complaint against him in the autumn of last year.
According to media reports, the responses of the diocese would have changed over time. First Cardinal Barbarin had declared to have had a first contact with an alleged victim in 2014. Later he said that they had heard rumors 2007/2008 first through third parties. The time issue has now been brought into plain view, because it involved the statutory limitation periods for the crime of cover-up.

The Motu Proprio of Pope Francis on the deposing of bishops

Last Saturday the motu proprio issued by Pope Francis that the Pope gives extensive possibilities to depose bishops and religious superiors has, since then, been seen in connection with the case of Barbarin.
The Cardinal had admitted to "errors in the administration" through the appointment of some priests last April 25 at a meeting of his diocesan priests. It is exactly this formulation that can be found in the Motu Proprio of Pope Francis again.
The victims of Preynat have come together in the Association La Parole Libérée (Free to Speak) and say, that Cardinal Barbarin had followed an earlier line, which was in force in the Church, that one should remain silent about such incidents. Six of them have filed a complaint against the Cardinal  and therefore, initiated the investigation against the Cardinal, which led to his interrogation today.
The Preynat case had come through the Diocese's notice, began the process in October, 2015. Since then, investigations have been initiated against other priests of the archdiocese because the media reports further allegations were made. There have been no convictions.
This coming Friday, the Court will rule on the limitation period in the case Preynat. Should the court confirm the statute of limitations, it is likely to be an invalid charge against the Cardinal. However, since the case has stirred up so much commotion, and touches upon the sensitive anti-clerical milieu in France, not all lawyers share this opinion.
So far, one bishop in France was convicted of covering up a sexual abuse case. It was Msgr. Pierre Pican, who was sentenced in 2001 to three months conditional imprisonment.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.clom

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

In Memoriam of Fabia Bernabei: Counterrevolutionary

Edit: we never knew him, but his work was extremely important to this blog, especially his continuing the work of Roberto de Mattei. Here's the obituary from Messa in Latino.

In memoriam of Fabio Bernabei

In memoriam (see in Italian HERE and HERE ) of a close friend who died prematurely. Cultured and faithful lover of Tradition. Scholar of the damage of drug use and dangers of sodomy (see HERE how he is  remembered by aberrosexual militants)

RIP and let us remember in our prayers.

by Guido Vignelli

Fabio-Bernabei Saturday, May 28, 2016 died Fabio Bernabei. Born in Rome on 1 November 1963, his untimely death is due to the return of a bone tumor which had struck him when he was just 16 years, from which he was soon cured, but it has taken decades after it and struck down 52 years of age.

Journalist and essayist, who trained at the school of counter-revolutionary prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, he was promoter of many initiatives and battles in defense of Christian civilization, especially as a founding member of the Association of Family Tomorrow and Cultural Center Lepanto, of which he became president in 2006, succeeding Professor Roberto de Mattei.

Fabio Bernabei was known for his documented and passionate denunciations of the promoters of moral dissolution and policy, especially drug trafficking, of aberrosexualism and "Christianophobia". His campaigns had win him numerous attacks by the Transnational Radical Party and in particular Emma Bonino.

Fabio Bernabei was Director of the online magazine, corresponding anti-drug international journal Narkotikafigan, Italian delegate of the National Rapresentative for European Cities Against Drugs (ECAD, Stockholm) and the Drug Watch International (DWI, Washington), and a consultant of the Policies Department of National Drug Control at the Italian Government. For his denunciation of the "drug culture", he had received Dublin's prestigious "International Veronica Guerin Award" in the category of freelance journalist.

Among his books, we remember those dedicated to refuting the drug ideology: Modern History of Drugs, I Libri del Borghese, Roma, 2010; Medical Cannabis?, Sugarco, Milan 2012; but also against militant aberrosexuality: Church and Homosexuality, Faith & Culture, Verona in 2009, and the one against the Western anti-Christian policies: Christianophobia. What Freedom of Apostolate for Catholics Today?, Solfanelli, Chieti 2010 (proceedings of a conference in Rome organized by him).

With the untimely death of Fabio Bernabei, he joins those other brave friends like Mario Palmaro, Enzo Peserico, Brutus Maria Bruti. We invite our readers to remember in their prayers and to recall in their hearts those other voices, that despite their health problems, have always been involved with sacrifice and courage for the holy Catholic cause. Requiescat in pace.

CDF Explains Relationship to Charismatics -- But Pope Francis?

Pope Francis at Meeting With Charismatic Renewal in Rome 2014
(Rome) The Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith has clarified the relationship between the bishops and the charismatic movements. Moments where Pope Francis will kneel in public, are scarce, and if so, hardly before the Blessed Sacrament. One of those rare moments occurred on 1 June 2014 as Francis took part at the 37th Annual Meeting of the charismatic Catholic movement "Renewal in the Spirit" (Renewal nello Spirito) in the Olympic Stadium of Rome.
It was the first time that a pope participated in a meeting of the charismatic movement. To the Charismatics, to which movement are attributed about 100 million Catholics,  the Argentine Pope earnestly recommended  Cardinal Leon-Joseph Suenens and Archbishop Helder Camara as models.
Pope Francis was already in his time as archbishop of Buenos Aires the charismatic movement sympathetic to. This is connected with the contacts to the evangelicals, about which it is, however, calmed recently.

CDF: "relationship between hierarchical and charismatic gifts"

Jorge Mario Bergoglio  being blessed by evangelical preachers and Father Cantalamessa  (Buenos Aires, 2006)
This coming June 14, the Roman Congregation will issue a document by which the relationship between the bishops and the charismatic movement should be clarified.  Cardinal Prefect Gerhard Müller of the CDF, Cardinal Prefect Marc Ouellet of the Congregation for Bishops, Msgr. Piero Coda, a member of the International Theological Commission, and Maria del Carmen Aparicio Valla, a lecturer at the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome should take  part.
The document, Iuvenescit Ecclesia (The Church Rejuvenates Itself) by the CDF, is addressed to all bishops and refers to the relationship between "the hierarchical and charismatic gifts for the life and mission of the Church".
This should be remove any ambiguity and  ensure the recognition of the competent hierarchical authority.  In the past there had been friction between charismatics and bishops because the former do not feel bound by the authority of the bishops. [LOL]

But what about the relationship between the CDF Prefect and Pope Francis?

As is known, there is no great agreement between Pope Francis and the Faith Prefect Cardinal Müller in the understanding of the Church and theology. There is also included on the part of the Pope, at least according to media reports,  personal reservations. The Argentine pontiff can feel it if he sees someone as a friend or not.
What role the document Iuvenescit Ecclesia plays in this internal Church  factional dispute at the highest level, can not yet be said. It still can not be ruled out that with this document, Cardinal Müller  is sending Pope Francis very different signals.
One first such opposition was expressed  by Pope Francis a few months after his election, when he received on 6 June 2013, to the board members of the progressive Latin American and Caribbean Conference of Religious  (CLAR). The progressive Chilean publication Reflection y Liberacion soon released an audience transcript. Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi SJ intervened  on this, explaining that the transcript was not "unauthorized," but did not deny its contents.
CLAR delegation to Pope Francis, June 2013
Among other things, Pope Francis confirmed to the CLAR delegation the existence of a " gay lobby " in the Vatican. The Pope himself used this formulation.
In the private audience for the CLAR Board Pope Francis also attacked tradition in the Catholic Church for the first time,  accusing traditionalists of "Pelagianism " and "restorative forces" saying that they "distress" him.
The CLAR representatives, however, got quite a different message, namely from the CDR, who condemned their engagement and theologians because of erroneous and heretical theories. How important this was to the progressive religious, was shown   Reflection y Liberacion published the transcript beginning with this topic. Pope Francis gave the delegation de facto permission to not worry about  the CDF's letter and to just keep going.
The pope said according to Reflection y Liberacion :
"If you do something wrong, get yourself off on the wrong track: that happens! Maybe then you get a letter from the CDF that says you have said this or that  ... Explain what there is to explain, but continue ... Open doors, do something where life calls. I prefer a Church that makes mistakes, rather than one that is sick because it imprisons itself ... "
Statements that have not been denied by the Vatican spokesman Lombardi.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: RnS (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

"We Will Drown the Streets of Rome with Your Blood" -- Islamic State Threatens the Conquest of Rome

Islamic State Threatens to Conquer Rome
(Rome) The Islamic State (IS) has released another document, in which it proclaims the conquest of Rome and the Vatican. It is the second title in four days.
A corresponding PDF document was published on social networking sites, so Askanews . It can be seen on the front page with a picture of the Colosseum  (see picture). It says: "They want ar Raqqa, and we want to Rome". The threat appears to be directly related to the double attack against the IS-capital ar-Raqqah in Syria. Al-Ragga is the objective that the US-led coalition and the Russian-Syrian alliance are advancing toward.
The document says: "They want ar-Raqqa, because it is governed by the law of Allah, and we want to Rome, so that it is governed by the law of Allah."
The Vatican is a "cave", they describe as the "den of thieves." "It is Rome that we want, the cave city of the Vatican, the capital of the Nazarenes, from where an impure man, known as Pope, sends an impure man known as the Pope, who always crusades against the Muslims."
Last Saturday the jihadists released a video that announced that the streets of Rome "are impregnated with your blood".

"We will rape their women"

The second document, published yesterday, was spread on the Twitter account of Al-Wafa Foundation of the Islamic State (IS). As an author himself has a woman who describes herself as Um al-Samh al-Qureishyah which in Arabic means "Mother of Tolerance of al-Quraysh".  Quarysh  is  the Arab tribe that lived in the time of Muhammad in Mecca, to which Mohammed belonged.
The text says: "We will humiliate the unbelievers of Rome, we will rape their wives [...]. Only he will save himself, who embraces Islam or submits to Islam. There is no other faith than Islam. They will soon realize. "The diction at least places the authorship of a woman in question.
The alleged author explains that an alliance of "over 60 countries"  has started a war for the conquest of the capital "of the Caliphate". It is reminiscent of the ruins that have been left behind by the jihadists of the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobane, before the Islamic State withdrew (IS) from there. Kobane was freed by Kurdish militias after a long siege in January 2015. "How did our jihadists leave the city Kobane? As a heap of ruins. Not a wall remained standing, which reminds us that here once stood buildings."
The document ends with the statement that "there can be only Muslims and those subjugated to Islam on earth of our Lord Allah".
Text: Andreas Becker
Image: Askanews (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Vatican Excommunicates Members of the "Bambinello of Gallinaro"Community

CDF: This community is contrary to Catholic doctrine, because it prevents its followers from attending the Catholic sacraments and declares against the teaching of the popes.

 Vatican City ( The Vatican has declared the followers of "Bambinello of Gallinaro" excommunicated. The corresponding decree of the Roman Congregation was read on Sunday in the churches of the central Italian diocese of Sora and published on its website.

From the perspective of Church leadership is in the community, which in October 2015 calls itself "Christian Universal Church of the New Jerusalem," has become a "pseudo-religious organization". 

Their sanctuary in the village of Gallinaro annually attracts thousands of pilgrims, especially the last Sunday in June. 

Pilgrimages to Gallinaro are based on the alleged visions of Giuseppina Norcia (see photo). In 1947, she claimed to have seen the baby Jesus sleeping on a cloud. The phenomenon was repeated according to information by their Community on 15 May 1974. At that time, therefore, the Virgin Mary and the Archangel Michael called upon the seer to build a cradle for the baby Jesus. This led to today's sanctuary. 

Since then, further reports of miracles have reinforced the influx of the faithful. Norcia died in 1989 at the age of 49.  The CDF has now declared that the community is contrary to Catholic teaching, that it deters its followers from attending Catholic sacraments as well as contact with priests and parishioners and to disregard the teachings of the popes.  It is also pointed out that the diocese of Sora distanced itself from the group and the supposedly supernatural messages in 2001. As the self-proclaimed church committed a schism,  the community has rejected the Pope, and subject their followers to the entering  of excommunication latae sententiae, continued the CDF. The Bishop of Sora, Gerardo Antonazzo, gave his priests the authority with the announcement of the decree to absolve the excommunication in confession. But the priest must be satisfied that it was a deliberate and formal membership in the "Church of the New Jerusalem" and that person definitely wants to turn away from it. 

 Catholic Press agency KATH PRESS, Vienna, Austria 
Trans: Tancred