Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Cathedral Pastor Parks His Car in the Cathedral

Cathedral Pastor parks his car (For security or work reasons?) in the
(Rome) The Church crisis is often associated with the waning understanding of the sacred. After the priest and head of the Office for Family Pastoral of the Archdiocese of Palermo, who wants to raise one of the bitterest enemies of the Church to the altars and at the same time wishes for the death of Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, President of the Italian Episcopal Conference, the Mediterranean island of Sicily provides another curious headline.

For "security reasons" a Sicilian cathedral minister parked his car in the cathedral of his diocese.

Curious pictures were published on Facebook. They show the car of the  Gaetano's Cathedral Pastor, Canal Ella, parked  in the nave of Santa Maria La Nova Cathedral of Caltanissetta. The car is indeed behind the main door, but in the central aisle of the nave.

"What sacrilege? It was necessary"

The canon finds nothing inappropriate about it. On this unusual method of parking, Meridio News . Interviewed Msgr Canal Ella yesterday who answered answer: "What sacrilege? That's for something that's actually banal."
The cathedral minister justified his parking practice then with the words: "What are we talking here? When you think in peace about it, there's nothing sacrilegious.  We had to repair the bells and needed special tools"  as to the question whether it would not have been possible to just carry the tools into the church, the priest replied: "No, that was not possible. "
Caltanissetta: Dom as Garage

Canon Canal Ellas needs security

In Caltanissetta, there is another explanation for the practice of  parking by the Cathedral Pastor which is considered credible. The monsignor has no garage. To park the car  on the street is considered too dangerous. Fearing car thieves (or the Mafia?), he therefore parks his car "safety's sake" in the cathedral.
Don Canal Ella was born in 1953. He was ordained a priest in 1980 to the diocese and appointed chaplain of His Holiness in 1999.  He belongs to the Council of Priests and the cathedral chapter of the diocese of Caltanissetta.
The present cathedral of the diocese was built 1570 over an older Marian church. The frescoes of the nave and the picture of the high altar were painted by the Flemish painter Wilhelm Borremans and his son, who worked mainly in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.
The church's patrons are the Virgin Mary and the Archangel Michael. Both were already patrons of older archparish Santa Maria La Vetere, which was built in the 11th century at the beginning of the Norman period, and later became the palace church of the Staufer Palatinate.
Early 17th century, the new St. Mary's Church was the main church of the city. After the establishment of the diocese of Caltanissetta, it was elevated to a cathedral. The older marian church was managed by the Franciscan Order since 1622.
When, after the unification of Italy by the new rulers in 1873 all religious orders were abolished, the older Marian church was profaned. It served as a hospital and military barracks until it was left to decay and in 1964 the roof collapsed. After some initial shoring work in the 1970s, it was partly restored in recent years.
Your future use is still unsettled.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Facebook / Wikicommons (Screenshot)

Monday, May 23, 2016

Crux: Pope Francis Exploits Workers

Edit: just received this from Max Hanlon. It's amazing, Crux is turning on the Pope? What's wrong?

ROME— With a flourish he inherited from Argentina’s legendarily populist political force, Peronism, Pope Francis from the beginning has been a vocal champion of labor and workers’ rights, backing measures such as equal pay for equal jobs between men and women, affordable housing and land, and living wages.

Just this past Thursday, during his daily morning Mass, he dramatically condemned employers who exploit workers through temporary contracts or by not offering health insurance.

“[These employers] are true bloodsuckers, and they live by spilling the blood of the people who they make slaves of labor,” he said.


"Abbyssus Abysum Invocat" -- Priest Mourns Death of Pannella, andWishes Death of Cardinal

(Rome) The step from "Aperitif Mass" to samba and bossa nova rhythm, to shocking statement, is often only small.

Last Thursday  radical enemy of the Church, Marco Pannella, died. The Catholic priest Fabrizio Fiorentino regretfully wrote on his Facebook page:

"Such is the world: instead of Cardinal Bagnasco, Marco Pannella dies. I would rather have entrusted him with the presidency of the Italian bishops."

Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, who the priest wants to die, is the archbishop of Genoa. The cardinal was appointed  in 2007 by Pope Benedict XVI. to take his place as President of the Italian Bishops' Conference.

Don Fabrizio Fiorentino was ordained in 1998 as a priest of the Archdiocese of Palermo in Sicily. He is the inventor of the "Aperimessa", a so-called "aperitif Mass."

"Trivialization of the sacred liturgy"

Don Fiorentina, born in 1971, is head of the Office for Family Pastoral of the Archdiocese of Palermo in 2008. With Samba, Bossa Nova and aperitif Masses, the former deputy head of the Office for the youth ministry of the Archdiocese, according to his statement, appeals to young people and the unchurched.

Critics speak of a "trivialization of the sacred liturgy, the great harm to the faith of participating believers, but also for the priesthood."

"Not even the greatest pessimist could imagine ever having to read a sentence like that by a Catholic priest," said Messa in Latino.

To critics of his "Aperitif Mass" Don Fiorentino responded by saying: "if it does not suit, to them we say, thank you and goodbye. The door is open…".

The church where Don Fiorentino celebrates his Apertif Mass is, incidentally, filled each Subday to bursting,  "because that's where the party happens," the weekly magazine quoted a participant.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Facebook (Screenshot) / Archdiocese of Palermo
Trams: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Green Candidate Wins in Contested Election in Austria

Edit: once again, an Old Liberal Catholic tips the scales.

VIENNA. The presidential election in Austria is decided by a head-to-head race. After the counting of mail-in absentee ballots on Monday the Green Alexander Van der Bellen has achieved a narrow place in the Hofburg. The former party leader of the Greens got 50.3 percent of the vote, 31,026 votes ahead of FPÖ candidate Norbert Hofer. The FPÖ has announced in advance their wish to contest the result.

Van der Bellen owes his victory, in this narrowest to date in Austria's history, especially the voters in the cities. On Sunday, the 72 year old received 61.1% of the votes in Vienna alone. In eight of the nine provincial capitals he was over Hofer. After counting the votes at polling stations on Sunday evening,  Hofer stood at 51.9 per cent lead. Decisive for the victory Van der Bellen were the mail-in votes. Of the approximately 700,000 absentee ballots about 60% were accounted  to the Green Party.

In the first round, Van had received the barking 21.3 percent of the vote. His opponent Hofer, 35.1 percent. Van der Bellen had made the promise during the election campaign that he would appoint an FPÖ politician as chancellor. In surveys the party led by  Heinz-Christian Strache is in first place with more than 30 percent nationwide.

Hofer has now admitted defeat:

Dear Friends!

I would like to thank you for your substantial support. Of course I'm sad today. I'd have liked to serve you as president of our wonderful country. I will remain loyal to you and my contribution for a positive future in Austria.
Please don't be despondent. Count this campaign not as a loss but an investment in the future.

Your Norbert Hofer


Sunday, May 22, 2016

Grotesque Political Endorsement by Cardinal Schönborn and Catholic Societies for Agnostic and Freemason

On Sunday, May 22, there will be a runoff for presidential election in Austria held. The Austrian state is elected directly by the people. In the first round on April 24, none of the six candidates had obtained the required absolute majority. Voters will decide on Sunday between the two strongest candidates of the first round. By far the most votes were received by the 45-year old liberal vice-president of the National Council (parliament), Norbert Hofer (FPÖ) who had received 35 percent. He was followed by the 72 year old former party leader of the Greens, Alexander Van der Bellen, with 21 percent. The candidates of the two governing parties SPÖ and ÖVP each did not receive more than 11 percent of the vote in the runoff vote.

Comments from Martha Burger Weinzl

The ballot will decide formally between two opposition candidates. In reality, it was something like a choice for or against an entire power system. This is evident in that the representatives and beneficiaries of the system almost presented a block behind the green candidate, an agnostic and a Freemason - and also the Catholic Church. A culmination which can only be explained by the fear of a loss of power.

The election is an Austrian chapter with great importance for other countries, particularly the Federal Republic of Germany. It's an election that makes clear a frightening degree of disintegration of the Catholic Church.

From neutrality to open partisanship

For a long time the Catholic Church was deliberately neutral and aloof. Voting recommendations were not given any longer. This is something of yesteryear, resonating the with intimation of a sinister tone. The subliminal message of the direction "left half of the Empire," as they say in Austria, wanted to say you have learned from history. This is known to be the biggest lie of all lies in history.

It became obsolete more recently even with a neutrality. This prohibits the "institutional" Church and its sub-organizations, from recommending the "mature" faithful, to "be led" by their crosses at the ballot box.

Before the decisive second ballot of the Austrian presidential election, however, all these self-imposed inhibitions have fallen. This has revealed what was concealed before. The decline of belief in recent decades is glossed over by many, is followed in parallel and quietly with a political reversal of the Church's leadership personnel. Whoever watches the situation closely, would not be surprised. Whoever accepts the false thought control or mutilates himself, must get lost in it at some point himself.

Affinity for the Greens -- Do-gooders rather than Christians
Alexander Van der Bellen (left) and Norbert Hofer

The crucial premise: The Catholic Church in Austria, at any rate the Cardinal who's led it for 20 years in Vienna, holds with the government. The party of the Catholics was actually the Austrian People's Party, but because of the red-ruled city of Vienna and the long exclusively red government of 1970-1983 the Church "could" work with the SPÖ. And then also, ran many young Blacks to the Greens. The ÖVP responded, toothlessly and tried resignedly to chasing after the zeitgeist. This migrated all voters to the Freedom Party, which knew how to occupy the cleared fields.

The 1968 student revolt showed the neo-Marxists knew best how to convert it into hard political coin. The tangible result is the Green party. Since, it has been over-represented in the media, education and (staatsalimentierter) cultural scene, they could defer their spiritual influence, tolerated by the SPÖ, beyond party lines. Their name is already a misnomer and one of which there are several. Another is that 68 had indeed considered and demonstrated for the social question, but these were not the working sons on the barricades, but the children of the bourgeoisie. Today, children from SPÖ families go to the Greens, but the influx carried out of the ÖVP families takes place earlier and faster. It is not surprising, therefore, that the Catholic nomenclature, that hydra-like, Church-tax funded apparatus is already dripped mentally into the green pool. The green "Catholics" have not converted the Greens. They wouldn't want that anyway. It was the Greens who supported a part of the Catholic Church into apostasy. Those are precisely who takes and holds offices, does not speak for the selection process in the Church.

The "green Catholics" are like the fifth column of a strange way of thinking, which was injected into the Church. A school of thought which represents a self-imposed moral tyranny that has taken confidence with the term "do-gooders", but has less and less to do with with Christianity - which is clearly recognized by every believer. Non-Christians, but just do-gooders. The term does make the difference.

Keeping in Power: choice recommendations, which should not be

Cardinal Schonborn, his mother Elenore Countess Shchonborn,
Federal President Heinz Fischer (SPO) and his wife in the

Cardinal Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna and Dominicans is used to dealing with the red power. The preservation of power, i.e. the upper class for generations has practiced survival, was taken by him like an elite calculus with his mother's milk. He therefore also has to take part in the current presidential election campaign.

He would not issue voting advice, but he let the eager media know, presenting a series of word ciphers, which consisted in a single recommendation to vote for the Green candidate, Van der Bellen. Uninhibitedly the Cardinal said in conclusion, that he thereby wished of course to make "no election recommendation."

Such things were replayed in recent days many. With only two candidates who face each other in a runoff, it's an easily workable, but a not too honest and not particularly decent, method.

The closer the election date [today], the more the nervousness. What is readable is the Catholic organizations, who followed the example of the cardinal, and dutifully made overt or covert election recommendations. Striking this: the closer the election the more direct the choice recommendation; and: all is has had the effect of "outing" Catholic associations who advertise exclusively for the green candidate. "Neutrality" is yesterday.

Keeping in Power: Gay Green Light Instead of Right to Life

Many say: "pluralism", "tolerance", "diversity", "diversity", "democracy" which are also just empty slogans to the official Catholic apparatus, which are meant as decorations for manipulating a single consensus. There must not be a deviation or dissent. There is a frightening lockstep, with such impudence as has not been since before 1968 in a dream.

Whoever is for the killing of unborn children, but finds the green light to gay important, whoever has contempt for his own, but values the stranger, has arrived mentally with the Greens. The vote recommendations of the Catholic organizations confirm: A weak Christianity becomes the plaything of other ideologies, especially the prevailing.

This was demonstrated in recent months already with an undifferentiated attitude to migration. Cardinal Schönborn even took to criticizing neighboring countries Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, who all shows that they know the word responsibility and common good, and whose bishops are of a very different opinion, to the archbishop of Vienna.

Cardinal and Catholic Associations for Agnostics and Freemasons

Election recommendations are not bad per se. But the self-imposed "neutrality phase" makes the Van der Bellen recommendation astonishing after all.

Catholic organizations, association leaders, media, the archbishop of Vienna and president of the Austrian Bishops' Conference engage in election recommendations for an agnostic and a Freemason? This is a fact in Novum. It is the signal that the mental breakdown, which has taken hold of the Catholic Church in Austria, has reached an alarming level.

The Green candidate informed the Atheistic Religious Society in Austria from his campaign office:

"Alexander Van der Bellen is not a believer in the narrow sense. He advocates a clear and strict separation of church and state, from politics to school."

According to Van der Bellen he was a staunch defender in the television debates of the abortion ideology and emphatically defended a "free access" to abortion. His "motivation" in the migration is shattered against his icy intransigence when it comes to abortion. The unborn children are engaged literally in life or death and not real or pretended need, to economic migration and population replacement for the multicultural reconstruction of Europe. Of asylum as temporary hospitality for those truly in need of protection, the green candidate never spoke anyway. Everything points for him as his supporters, to the promotion of permanent population shifts of the resident population. Ultimately, even the so-called "refugee crisis" is just another, of already numerous harmful sociopolitical experiments that were not all invented by the Greens, but are supported by them with enthusiasm.

The lodge's spirit

In television debates, Van der Bellen has been charged several times by his liberal rivals as a Freemason. In ATV he responded by saying: "This corresponds to the facts"  yet he has denied it other times. The lodges membership was confirmed in Innsbruck, and already goes back to the 70s. It was then that Van der Bellen's real academic career began. Even if one wanted to grant his occasional downplaying, apologetic statement, believing he was "but resigned sometime mid-80s", stating that he was still a university professor in Vienna, paid its annual membership fee and thus out, but included in the lists of the beaproned brothers. At least this raises the question of how the lodge's membership favored his career to associate professor in Innsbruck and then to full professor in Vienna. It's known that masons skillfully ignite smoke bombs around their lodge membership. Yet what is decisive is not the masonic apron, but the lodge's spirit: Van der Bellen has never set aside the thinking of the Loge, as his opinions daily prove.

Now what connects the cardinal and the Catholic appartschiks with him? The Vienna archbishop could refer to his Masonic father. The Lodge brothers appreciate this and have not forgotten it. Or are they already familiar in collaboration? Finally, several Red Presidents belong to the Lodge. However, the reality is far more prosaic next to personal nuances.

Catholic administrative personnel and the discernment of spirits

The Church, which has since the 60's, engaged in self destruction, which was accomplished by internal Church complicity with the relativistic secularization of society, has really let the mental dams break. Especially discernible in Catholic circles is that the difference between parties has become only rudimentary. The 68ers have successfully combated the divine and natural order, which includes the morality that corresponds to the nature of man. They have cunningly replaced it with a pseudo-morality that is worst of all, a caricature, than what Catholic morality and the church was assumed to have at that time.

Morality is not equal to morality. The Catholic morality is not the morality of the lodge. That is not something, however, readily distinguished by the heads of Catholic Organisations. To keep it that way actually helps the cogent reason the Church's drift to the left and to the open partisanship toward an attitude completely a dubious and incompatible with Christianity.

The justification of the Catholic Women's Movement (kfb), with which it calls for the election of Van der Bellen, is downright outrageous: though the liberal spokeswoman of the kfb should logically put her endorsement behind Norbert Hofer, who is a practicing evangelical Christian, while Van der Bellen agnostic, and as the former socialist Federal Minister, belongs to no church.

Of this they are angry, because they would not have wanted to say this at all, explained the kfb in "logical" consequence, that is the reason there is only an open call to vote for Van der Bellen. At the same time, the Catholic Association Women criticized a "manipulative communication style." Such is not noticed by them otherwise, not even at the ORF with its manipulative Church, abortion and currently also on election, coverage. For those who think the same, it probably really does not stand out.

The system preserving itself 

It is about the preservation of the system. In the 70 years since the war, Austria has established a system that has a network of parties, of narrower and wider front organizations, groups and circles who exercise power. This red-black system, has been arranged by the Catholic Church. From time to time they have even been dependent on this system. There are many Green, excuses and conveniences, to solidify a system.

Nothing must be said against the predominant red-black alliance. It is the government alliance. From this comes the money for kindergartens, schools, hospitals, etc. The Greens are counted in the red part of the Alliance since the 90s and are considered in some circles as the "finer" variant to articulate its proximity to the system, without needing to be directly the SPÖ or the ÖVP. They are considered as the really electable among them, by those who are wealthy enough to imagine that therefore already can afford experiments the whole country.

This is also the reason for the Church's silence on leftist social experiments, the silence for mass murder of innocent children, to homosexualization and genderisation. The "social consensus" should not be disturbed. So it is of the ÖVP, and those which in turn interact wich the Archbishop's Palace in Vienna. It takes place at the elite level. Alexander Van der Bellen takes sociopolitical issues that are diametrically the opposite of what the Catholic Church teaches or should teach in Austria, but only does partly due to the system.

Norbert Hofer positions represented: no "business as usual" in the issue of immigration, strengthening direct democracy and mandatory referendums on major issues, a no to TTIP, promoting child-rich Austrian families, demand for another EU to oppose terror. This is especially true for his announcement, if necessary, to dismiss the government, and leave it at a standstill and the government, whereas previously, the President was reliable as a guarantor of the system.

Grotesque alliances for green candidates

Anyway, no one should say, the Cardinal and the Association of Catholics don't know what they do. They know it very well, and they do it willingly. Their recognition and place in the system are at stake. With the election of the liberal candidates many things would change. It would be high time. But system representatives have to fear a loss of influence by any change that is not controlled by themselves. This explains the strange, sometimes grotesque, and unholy alliances that have been forged prior to 22 May, the day of election.

It is the part of desperate fear system representatives have of a loss of benefice, their personal benefices. This also explains the snakes of the state manipulators who willingly jostle to make public endorsements for Van der Bellen. This also explains the attitude of most mass media, who have received the lucrative advertising contracts from the government and government-related fields.

There is a whole system of power and cliques, which are threatened with deselection this Sunday. Some feel this in their bones. That Church and Catholic association representatives can be carried away by such a one-sided political partisanship without distress, on behalf of the Church, is close to irresponsible abuse. It does it do great harm to Austria and Austrians, but especially the Catholic Church.

That explains why so many the ranks and names - and even part of this system - or those otherwise who have no rank and name, would move all the levers to guide to "their" victory. According to the state radio ORF "all" are for the green candidate. This is why shrewd observers wonder why Van der Bellen did not achive a high absolute majority in the first ballot. What it means: not "all" Austrians are for Van der Bellen, but all do-gooders. The distinction is important to understand what is happening in the public sphere. The democratic education conceals the difference between elites and mass. A mistake. It's important not to exclude the possibility in one's own thinking, especially not ignore the elites, or their influence.

In the SPÖ headquarters they had to quickly install a new chancellor before the runoff election, because after that things might not go so easy. Coincidence? Not at all.

Norbert Hofer: "The system is not important to me, it's the people who are important."

The liberal federal presidential candidate, Norbert Hofer, said in a duel with ATV, that he could actually rather put up placards throughout Austria, because it explains much and answered succinctly:

"The system not important to me, it's the people who are important."

On election night, it will be seen whether the system elite can force its will through brute force and the manipulative use of the state broadcasting system again, or if the Austrians have preserved in their majority to decide freely and with common sense.

Austria's elections have inclined for decades, as elections have been, if the access to the media, the fourth power in the state, but which actually not covered by the Constitution, would actually be democratic, balanced and fair. The Catholics of Austria will hopefully know to discern the spirits.

Text: Martha Burger Weinzl 
 Picture: CR / tempos / 
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com 

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Vatican Press Office Cites Benedict Denying Private Statement on Fatima Secret

Edit:  to put it bluntly, OnePeterFive has a lot more credibility than the Vatican Press Office. There's no mention of Bishop Kurt Krenn's allegation that Benedict said that the Secret wasn't complete, either. If it really were Benedict, he probably would have denounced Krenn as well. Some might remember that we were one of the first to mention this issue in English way back in 2014.


Here's the Neoconservative commerce website Kath.net's report:

Emeritus Pope responds to speculation of US and Italian media - "The publication of the Third Secret of Fatima is complete"

Vatican City (kath.net/KAP) In an unusual move, Benedict XVI. has [allegedly] reacted to speculation about secret parts of Our Lady of Fatima messages being rejected. Allegations that he had personally spoken of unpublished passages of the "Third Secret of Fatima", were "pure invention" and "absolutely not true", said the Pope Emeritus  on Saturday through the Vatican Press Office. [If anyone has a record of fabrication, it's them.]

A week ago, the US website OnePeterFive had reported, citing the earlier moral theologian Ingo Dollinger, that Joseph Ratzinger had  acknowledged as prefect of the CDF shortly after the release of  the "Secrets of Fatima" in 2000 in a telephone conversation with Dollinger that the book is not complete. Among the suppressed portions were parts of the vision that took place in 1917 in  Fatima, which concern "a bad council and a bad Mass" which were imminent  in the near future.

OnePeterFive's story had been taken up in the last few days by individual Italian media. Benedict XVI. now denies having ever spoken with Dollinger about Fatima. To the question of the Vision report he stated verbatim: "The publication of the third secret of Fatima is complete."

There are always speculations as to the scope and interpretation of the messages that were received by the three Portuguese child seers in several visions in 1917. The minutes of the first two apparitions were published  in 1941. The third part, which was initially secret,  remained so and was sent to the pope personally, which had been published in  2000. It contained visions that have been associated with the Pope's assassination in 1981 and the communist dictatorships in Eastern Europe.

In the first "secret"  the Mother of God calls humanity to repentance in view of serious threats. In dark pictures war, famine and persecutions of the Church, in particular attacks of militant atheism against the Church are portrayed.

The third text speaks of a bishop dressed in white, who was shot by soldiers. This vision was associated later with the assassination attempt on John Paul II. May 13, 1981st The Pope himself had attributed his miraculous rescue of Our Lady of Fatima and the bullet that had injured him, given to the Portuguese pilgrimage site.


Tatiana: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Future Establishment of Institutes of Consecrated Right Will Require Confirmation by Rome

New Centralization for Religious Communities
(Rome) For the future establishment of institutes of consecrated life of diocesan right,  there will need to be approval of  Rome. 
Institutes of Consecrated Life are officially described as Catholic religious orders whose members take public, perpetual or temporary vows, in which they promise to lead a life according to the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty and and usually live in community. Religious life in the Church goes back to the 4th century AD.

Institute of diocesan and pontifical right

The Church distinguishes between institutes of diocesan right and those of pontifical right. While the latter are built by the Holy See and "directly and exclusively subject to  the authority of the Apostolic See," the former are established by a diocesan bishop in his own diocese and are also subject to his supervision and responsibility. However, the bishop decided this by virtue of its jurisdiction authority.
As a rule,  a small community of believers forms who want to live together collectively for a certain charism. They call on the diocesan bishop in whose diocese they live for canonical recognition. He checks the precepts, and the community for compliance with Catholic doctrine and ecclesiastical discipline. He examines especially the sustainability of the community. It's a process that takes several years until an acknowledgment is completed, as an institute of diocesan right. The recognition is first provisionally limited to a few years. After probation it is then unlimited.
After another year of positive development and spread of the Order, most ask for recognition as an institute of pontifical right. What a renewed evaluation period means and is again initially provisional and an indefinite probation.

Pope curtails rights of the bishops: the decree of establishment without Rome's consent null and void

Publication of the Rescript in today's Osservatore Romano
With Pope Francis' new centralization determination, the agreement of Rome's future is essential for the establishment of an institute of diocesan right.
Pope Francis chose a rescript ex audientiaa curtailment of the powers of the diocesan bishops. A diocesan bishop who wants to establish an Institute of diocesan right must obtain the consent of the Holy See. The Rescript firmly necessitates  Rome's consent ad validitatem. Above all, it holds the decree for an institute of diocesan right, which was established without the approval of Rome, null and void.
The Rescript dated on May 11,  was only published in yesterday's edition of the Osservatore Romano by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin. It says:
"The Holy Father Francis in the audience, which was granted to the undersigned secretary on April 4, 2016,  determined that the prior consultation of the Holy See is understood as necessary ad valididatem for the establishment of a diocesan institute of consecrated life, under penalty of the annulment of the decree establishing the institution itself. "
The rescript will enter into force 1 June 2016th
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: comboni.it/Osservatore Romano (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Orthodox Give Pope Francis a Tiara

(Rome) Pope Francis now has a tiara. The special gift was brought to him by the Macedonian Parliament Speaker Trajko Veljanoski.
Veljanovski was received by Francis in audience on Whit Monday. He spoke of an invitation from his country to the Catholic Church leader to visit the Balkan country. He recalled that Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who was canonized on September 4, was born in Skopje, now the capital of Macedonia.

Handmade by Orthodox St. George's Convent at Lake Ohrid

Veljanovski brought the visibly surprised Pope, a gift from the Orthodox St. George convent of Rajčica. The tiara was made by the nuns of the convent, crafted and richly embroidered with pearls from nearby Lake Ohrid. The pendilia, the two neck straps of the tiara, symbolizing the Old and New Testaments, were embroidered with the arms of Pope Francis.
The Macedonian Parliament President was aware that the popes have worn no tiara since 1963.  Pope Paul VI. was the most recent head of the church, who was crowned with the tiara. The Popes John Paul I and John Paul II did, although no longer crowned with the tiara, used it just as their predecessors before them as a crest.

Parliament Speaker Veljanovski, Pope Francis and Tiara

Pope Benedict XVI. was led at the suggestion of Cardinal Andrea Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo, the herald of the Holy See, to also not include it on his crest. Pope Francis followed him there.
But the mitre, which is adorned with three golden horizontal rings, which forms in stylized form the three rows on the crown, representing the Magisterium, the jurisdiction and the ordained ministry of the pope as Vicar of Christ.

Bulgaria's President gave an icon of St. Clement of Ohrid

Lake Ohrid had to do with the second visit on Whit Monday. That same morning, Pope Francis had already received the President of Bulgaria Rosen Plevneliev, Accompanying Plevneliev was the Bulgarian Orthodox Patriarch Neofit. The Bulgarian head of state gave the pope an icon of St. Clement of Ohrid. The monastery founder and Metropolitan of Belica and Ohrid, was a student of St. Cyril and Methodius. On Ohrid St. Clement had built the so-called Ohrid School.
Pope Francis thanked the Macedonian and the Bulgarian delegation with copies of his Encyclical Laudato si and his apostolic exhortation Evangelii gaudium and Amoris laetitia .

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Secretum meum mihi (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholisches...

Friday, May 20, 2016

Cardinal Cañizares Defends Family From Homo-Imperium -- CatholicMercenary Insults Him on TV

(Madrid) The unscrupulous campaign slogans and methods of the world have gained entry  in the Church, and the gate of entry is the departure from Catholic doctrine and ecclesiastical discipline. Just how underhanded someone can be in the ecclesial payroll, is something  Cardinal Antonio Cañizares, archbishop of Valencia is starting to figure out.

The former prefect of the Roman Congregation for Divine Worship is defending the Christian family as a "precious asset" against the "escalation of certain political leaders of the homo-imperium and feminist ideologies".

The cardinal had celebrated Holy Mass at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute in Valencia and recalled the words of Benedict XVI. that he had spoken to the World Meeting of Families in 2006 there.  The Pope had called all nations, "not to ignore the precious heritage founded on marriage."

In recent years there has been a real escalation against the family  in Spain.  Spain stands in last place in the family policy in Europe. Along with Greece is has one of the lowest birth rates, while abortions, divorces and cohabitation increase.

Gender ideology, is the "most malicious of all human history"

The attacks include new laws as they have been submitted by the Regional Parliament of Valencia, with which "the gender ideology is promoted." The cardinal described the gender theory as "the most malicious that there has been in human history."

Cardinal Cañizares stressed the fact that the Catholic University of Valencia could "not remain absolutely passive" in the face of this attack. Rather, the entire academic community must "be of use to the family, because it determines the future of man and of humanity."

Offensive attack

Juan Carlos Mondero

An answer to the Cardinal's words came from Juan Carlos Monedero, professor at the Pontifical University of Comillas and representative of the radical left party Podemos. He described Cañizares as "monster" and recommended that the cardinal "release his sexual tension."

Monedero, an employee of the Catholic Church, accused the former Cardinal because of his criticism of the gender theory on the TV station Cadena Cuatro as having "repressed homosexuality" with which he is "obstructing our democracy."

The party Podemos, founded in 2014, became the new bastion of the radical and extreme left in Spain. The party belongs in the European Parliament Group of the European Left, which will also include Die Linke in Germany and Syriza in Greece.

Monedero, who had previously taught at the State University Complutense in Madrid, has also taught at the Jesuit University of Comillas in northern Spain, which is one of the most important Catholic universities in the country, in the Department of International Development Cooperation.

Monedero is considered the actual "mastermind" of Podemos. His impressive CV owes a considerable portion to the Catholic Church, especially the Pontifical University of Comillas.

Monedero is served by a "verbal brute force", so Infovaticana.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: InfoVaticana /Wiki Commons
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

"Holy See Bends a Knee" to Marco Pannella and the Spirit of the Times

(Rome) On the death of Marco Pannella, the personification of the Radical Party and possessed of an irrepressible hostility to the Church, Vatican spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi SJ made a "genuflection to the world and the spirit of the times," said Antonio Socci. Pannella fought all his life against the Church and for abortion, divorce, euthanasia, artificial insemination and the legalization of drugs. However, he has now been acknowledged by the official voice of the Holy See with the words: "Pannella leaves us a beautiful human and spiritual heritage".

The Vatican spokesman Lombardi said to the TG2000 of the Italian Bishops' Conference: "He felt appreciation and admiration for Pope Francis. With Marco Pannella, we found ourselves sometimes with deeply discordant positions, but one had to appreciate his generous and total dedication to noble concern, like the prisons. That was the issue personally close to him when I had the opportunity to meet him.

He came more than once to visit me personally to express his deep appreciation and admiration for Pope Francis, for the attention and commitment to the issues of prisoners and also for the persons whose rights are often violated. I have a beautiful memory of these encounters with Pannella. He was always very warm and honest while showing his enthusiasm and his gratitude for this initiative of the Holy Father.
He is a person who, from a human and spiritual point of view, leaves us a fine heritage because of the openness of his relations, freedom of expression and in particular the total and altruistic dedication to noble concern. He had a political and social commitment, which sought no self-interest, but was attentive to the problems of the most vulnerable people.

Pope Francis showed his attention to a person who was old and in recent times also ill,  whose appreciation he knew that had been shown to him for his commitment to the prisoners and the marginalized."

The "genuflection" of the Vatican spokesman, aimed at a further "bridge" between Pope Francis and those who don't go to church, yes, even anticlerical circles, sparked  some indignation. among Catholics. These three responses in summary:

Antonio Righi, Libertà e Persona

[...] How much esteem and sympathy? I wonder: What was the life and the struggle of Pannella, and where was he engaged?

1. Legalization of drugs (and therefore of death);

2. Legalization of divorce (the death - brought to the family - or almost). His biggest opponent in this area at that time was Father Riccardo Lombardi SJ, the "microphone of God", the uncle of Father Federico Lombardi. The uncle had to put up with the wildest abuse for his defense of marriage and family from Pannella, yet the nephew prefers to want to canonize Pannella.

3. Legalization of abortion (and thus again the death of millions of violent deaths of unborn children);

4. Attempted to criminalize Benedict VI.  at national and international levels for alleged "coverage of pedophiles" (a fight that Radio Radicale led for several years);

5. Legalizing "gay marriage";
Reducing the world's population to two billion by widespread use of contraceptives, abortion, euthanasia, ...

6. Legalization of euthanasia.

One might add that he ... hauled the mastermind of leftist terrorism Toni Negri, the porn actress Ilona "Cicciolina" Staller, the murderer Sergio D'Elia to parliament.
None of these battles I can agree with, as a Catholic, as a person and as a rational being. There are invariably struggles to the death. [...]

Paolo Deotto, Riscossa Cristiana

[...] These statements are intolerable. They sound like an insult to the truth of Our Lord, whose dogged enemy was the faded Pannella. But they are also a clear signal of a diabolic impurity which now befuddles the heads of the highest degrees of the Church hierarchy.
Why not remain silent in the face of the death of an enemy of the faith? And if you already thinks it's necessary to have to talk, why not stress what the Christian people built. This also includes multiple sins  as exempla ad vitandum.
But none of these things. Pannella had left us "a beautiful human and spiritual heritage". He was an enemy of God? But what does it matter?  He was, as the Vatican spokesman Lombardi sets value, a great admirer of Bergoglio. The admiration was, incidentally, quite another.

One is more than clear: this is not the Church of Jesus Christ speaking. Here is the Church ofBergoglio speaking.
If the Holy See still has a modicum of consistency, we recommend to start a solidarity action for Dom Salvator Riina known as Totò, or at least a phone call, the Mafiaboss has about 200 murders on his conscience. How many million deaths does the diabolical abortion law 194/1978  that Marco Pannella demanded to force by all means, and has enforced? Compared to Pannella the Mafia boss Riina seems almost a dilettante. So he would really need "attention" and "mercy".

Father Lombardi, do it already. Be  friendly. Ask your employer to  Totò  at least. Are we not all "children of God"?

Antonio Socci, Lo Straniero

[...] Having said that, of course, that every person who dies, is owed Pietas. From us Christians they may also expect a prayer. Nevertheless is there really a need for comment from the Pope's speaker, and even then, such a comment?
Should not the wise rule of the (praying) silence follow, at least in the face of death? Or at least a certain sobriety?
In the Vatican - in the time of Bergoglianistic spectacle - one is so eager to get into the media, that they simply can not resist the temptation to stand before the microphone, when it comes to the death? [...]
The homage of the Vatican to Pannella is - to be exact - a tribute to the Zeitgeist, a tribute to the world and worldliness. The reason for this is obvious: Lombardi said that Pannella had a "very great admiration" for Pope Bergoglio.

Given such facts, one might tend for clarity, to find preferable the declared enemy of the Church Pannella to such clerics who do not have the courage of the truth ...

The hostility of an explicit opponent like Pannella, who fought out his destructive, secular fight with open visor is preferable to Bergoglian clericalism, of tearing theChurch from within, while he is claiming She is to "modernize".

Pannella was the pride of his terrible anti-Catholic ideology, at least, was not "free" as those Catholics who are ashamed of their own faith and at the end even of Christ.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: MMF (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Marco Pannella -- The Man Who Changed Italy for the Worse

Marco Pannella, the personification of the Radical Party of Italy,
whose life goal was to fight against the Catholic Church, is dead

(Rome) At the age of 86 years  Marco Pannella, the historic leader of the Radical Party of Italy, died on Thursday in Rome. Along with Eugenio Scalfari, later founder and chief editor of the daily newspaper La Repubblica and today, Pope's friend, he founded the Radical Party (PR) in 1955. His name is inextricably linked to the legalization of divorce and abortion, the fight for the legalization of euthanasia and the "gay marriage", for drug liberalization, the abolition of conscription and connected to the legalization of pornography, but above all with an insatiable antipathy against the Catholic Church.
On May 1st, Religion sociologist Massimo Introvigne published a portrait of the man who changed Italy for the worse, which now becomes his obituary.

The Man Who Changed Italy For The Worse

by Massimo Introvigne
The ecumenical pilgrimage to the coattails of the critically ill Marco Pannella, which includes a wide variety of people, has all the features of a secular religiousness. Sociologists have noted this morning: while religion "in the Church" in the West is only practiced by a minority, the religious sentiment is revealed today in secular and implicit forms, from the cult of celebrities to the cult of sports and the arts. One of the most studied manifestations of this phenomenon is the cult of the late Princess Diana of England, who was not a particularly religious person.

Old Liberal Bishop of Des Moines Promotes "Medical" Cannabis

Some things just go together
Edit: it's interesting to note how some prelates like Msgr. Pates, camouflage themselves by perfunctory attention to social issues from a Catholic point of view, and spend the rest of their time pushing an overriding modernist agenda.  For example, few people know that Archbishop John Ireland was such a bishop since many of his public acts were irreproachable and even laudatory, but he was an Americanist and even contemplated a schism in the late 19th century.

[Des Moines Register] Des Moines' Catholic bishop is joining with Iowa lawmakers who are pushing to make medical marijuana legal in the state.

Bishop Richard Pates, the influential leader of 100,000 Roman Catholics in southwest Iowa, has asked House and Senate members to approve a comprehensive bill to permit medical cannabis. The Iowa Legislature is in an intense debate over medical marijuana legislation as the final days of the 2016 session wind down.

"I believe now is the time to help suffering Iowans and their families get access to this medicine," Pates said in a letter dated late last week.​

Story from Des Moines Register...
Photo from Spirit Daily...

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Pope Francis and His Revolutionary Language

Pope Francis' "Revolutionary Language"
(Rome) The historian and well-known Catholic intellectual Roberto de Mattei published a column yesterday in the Rome newspaper Il Tempo (18th May), about the "revolutionary language" of Pope Francis.

The revolutionary language of Pope Francis

by Roberto de Mattei

In the Church's history there have been many "reformist" popes, but Pope Bergoglio seems to belong to a different category, which has been alien under the Roman popes to date, that of the "revolutionary".

The reformers of the past aimed to restore the doctrine and the discipline to its purity and original integrity, which is why they can be referred to from this point as "traditionalists". Such popes were Pius IX. and Pius X.

The revolutionaries, however, are those who want to make a break between past and present, by locating the achievable ideal in a utopian future.

The breach of Pope Francis with the past takes place more in language than on the doctrinal level. However, the language has a greater power to change than the idea that it represents in the media age. It is no accident that Cardinal Schönborn was called to launch the Papal Letter Amoris laetitia at the press conference in Rome as "a linguistic event".

The decision for a particular "house style", which is expressed through words, gestures and omissions, requires a certain mindset and implicitly offers new doctrine. The claim, however, carries out a linguistic revolution, from which one denies that it is also a doctrinal revolution, which inevitably leads to confusion. However, the confusion, the disorientation and a certain schizophrenia seem to be the distinctive cipher of the current pontificate.

Recent examples of the confusion surround the concept of poverty. The poverty of the Gospel is confused with that of the socialist-communist ideologies.

The former is a state of perfection, which arises from the conscious decision of the individual. The second is a social state which is imposed as a mandate from above.

In addition, if the men of the Church and Catholics should live generally on a personal level in the spirit of poverty, in the sense that they should not depend on earthly goods, that does not mean that the Church should be as poor as an institution founded by Christ, but have all the necessary material resources to carry outn its mission.

To rob the Church of this means depriving it of the means, to amputate and weaken its action in the world. From the point of this poverty mongering, Pope Bergoglio puts the Church in danger by taking away its vitality, to change it in order to immerse it in the process of secularization that has been dissolving what the Church once was in the Christian West.

* Roberto de Mattei , historian, father of five children, Professor of Modern History and History of Christianity at the European University of Rome, President of Lepanto Foundation, author of numerous books, most recently appeared: Vicario di Cristo. Il primato di Pietro tra normalità ed eccezione (Vicar of Christ, the Primacy of Peter Between Normality and Exception.), Verona 2013; in German translatio: The Second Vatican Council - A Previously Unwritten History, Ruppichteroth 2011. The intertitles are from the editors.

Translation: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Corrispondenza Romana Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com Link to Katholishes... AMDG

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Pope Francis Rules Out Change in Priestly Celibacy

Pope Francis is ruling out a relaxing of the rules of celibacy for priests, according to a media report.

Rome (kath.net/KNA) Pope Francis is said to have ruled out a move away from celibacy for priests, according to a media report. The Italian newspaper "Il Messaggero" quoted him on Wednesday as saying:

"Priestly celibacy is to remain as it is." He addressed a meeting with the Italian Episcopal Conference on the question of a bishop, whether the obligation for 
 celibacy will change in the future for a priest, the newspaper reported in its online edition. The encounter with the Italian Episcopal Conference  took place on Monday. After the Pope's opening speech, the bishops had the opportunity to ask questions of Francis behind closed doors.


Pope Francis to the Portuguese: "Pray the Rosary Every Day"

"This month of Mary invites us to reinforce the honor and discipleship of Our Lady Daily. Say the Rosary every day! Let it be that the Virgin Mary occupies your own heart, trust her with what you are and have! And God will be all in all. So God bless you and your loved ones!"
This request was presented at the Jubilee Audience last Saturday, May 14 from an employee of the Pope only in Portuguese.
Image: vatican.va/OR (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com