Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Third Secret of Fatima Not Completely Published -- New Miracle of the Sun at Fatima?

The Portuguese Media is Reporting on the
 "New Miracle of the Sun" in Fatima
(Rome) A good friend of Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI., the Catholic priest Ingo Dollinger, confirmed to the German-American Catholic Maike Hickson, that the Holy See did not publish the complete Third Secret of Fatima in 2000. Meanwhile, there are reports of more than one hundred believers, have witnessed in Fatima a new miracle of the sun a few days ago.
Father Paul Kramer had already reported in 2004 on Dollinger's statement that is also confirmed now by Hickson. Dollinger was Secretary of Bishop Joseph Stimpfle of Augsburg. For several years his confessor was Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. Later, he taught moral theology at the Seminary of the Canons Regular of the Holy Cross in Brazil, to which  Bishop Athanasius Schneider also belongs.Hickson published Dollinger's statement on One Peter Five.  It was the then Cardinal Prefect, Joseph Ratzinger, who personally said that what was published on 26 June 2000  at the request of Pope John Paul II. was the Third Secret of Fatima, but has not been fully disclosed.
Soon after 2000, doubts about the completeness of the published message were expressed in various quarters. Contrary to many previous statements and studies by various authors, Catholic priests, bishops and cardinals, but also by Sister Lucia, the text from 2000 is missing notes about the lack of faith in the world, about the church crisis in the within, on the great apostasy, and also terms regarding the 12th and 13th Chapters of the Apocalypse. Doubts as to the completeness were then expressed by Cardinal Ratzinger also cited by the Austrian Bishop Kurt Krenn of Sankt Pölten.
Even Pope John Paul II had when he was in November 1980 during his first visit to Germany in Fulda, reproduced on the question of the faithful to the Third Secret substantively different.:
"Given the seriousness of the contents, my predecessors in the Petrine office diplomatically preferred to postpone publication so as not to encourage the world power of Communism to make certain moves. "On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this: if there is a message in which it is written that the oceans will flood whole areas of the earth, and that from one moment to the next millions of people will perish, truly the publication of such a message is no longer something to be so much desired." The Pope continued: "Many wish to know simply from curiosity and a taste for the sensational, but they forget that knowledge also implies responsibility. They only seek the satisfaction of their curiosity, and that is dangerous if at the same time they are not disposed to do something, and if they are convinced that it is impossible to do anything against evil." At this point the Pope grasped a Rosary and said: "Here is the remedy against this evil. Pray, pray, and ask for nothing more. Leave everything else to the Mother of God.""

New sun miracle in Fatima?

Meanwhile, the Portuguese media is reporting that believers have experienced a new sun miracle in Fatima last May 4.  The event had taken place in Vila Nova de Ourem shortly after 8am. According to media reports, more than a hundred people were witnesses of the phenomenon.
On May 5, the newspaper Correio Da Manhã reporte:
"More than a hundred faithful experienced yesterday a phenomenon in Ourem, which they describe as a new, sun miracle.'" The statue of Our Lady of Fatima had been venerated throughout the night in the church. For several months she pilgrimaged through the diocese of Fatima from place to place. In the morning she was taken to the next place,  when the phenomenon occurred. It took more than a quarter of an hour, exactly the time it took the procession to move the statue from Ourém towards Caxarias and then disappeared from the sight of the faithful. "Those present reported an unusually bright light shining like a beam of light which was directed to them, with the light source turning at high speed."

The pastor of  Ourém, Don Armindo Janeiro, had previously celebrated a Holy Mass. For 50 years the statue had not visited the parish.
"It was spectacular." "It was an extraordinary situation"
More than one hundred believers - all locals - acknowledge that they have experienced an extraordinary solar phenomena during the translation of the statue, several of whom are quoted by the media, said the priest, who  hasn't seen "anything unusual". He told Correio Da Manhã : "Such are the mornings in Ourem".
The phenomenon occurred a week before the international pilgrimage for the anniversary of the apparition of May 13, 1917. At the time, Our Lady appeared to three shepherd children. The Apparitions revealed the three secrets of Fatima which the children had been entrusted to keep.
Next year, the event marks the centenary.

The newspaper has published a video report on its website:

On May 5th the Portuguese Television broadcaster SIC produced an introductory report from Ourem.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Correio Da Manhã/Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred
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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Lourdes: A Girl Born Deaf Can Now Hear

(Paris) She was born deaf. This past May 11 shortly before 20:30 she took off her prosthesis and said to her mother: "I no longer need this. I hear now." We're talking about a little girl who was staying with her mother, her grandmother and her brother on pilgrimage in Lourdes.
"The girl was born prematurely on December 25 of 2009. To save her, her doctors administered the drugs that damaged her hearing organs. In Gaslini Hospital of Genoa their own prostheses were used as hearing devices had no effect on her. With the help of speech therapy she learned in the course of time to read lips and speak with difficulty. Her story was told Giuseppe Secondi, the Unitalsi conductor of Milan West, who led the pilgrimage with the girl. Unitalsi is an ecclesial service, the Ambulance service operates at  Lourdes and other international as well as Italian sanctuaries.
As a gift to her family, the mother decided to make a thanksgiving pilgrimage to Our Lady at Lourdes with the children, which included her own mother.
Our Lady of Loudes
The pilgrimage took place in the usual way. Prayer, Holy Mass, dipping into the wells. On the evening of May 11, "we returned after the conclusion of the Eucharistic procession to the hotel," said the mother. "I was playing a bit with the kids, then I wanted to go to the meeting of the pilgrims who are first time attendees on a pilgrimage to Lourdes. When I told my daughter that I would go away but be inevitably long, she suddenly said in a clear voice, as she had never spoken before, that I should stay."
During the meeting pilgrim pilgrimage conductor Secondi was called. He was told that the girl had taken her hearing prosthesis out and told the mother that she no longer need it, because she could now hear.
"We stood in disbelief in front of her. From an adjoining room we called her several times with a soft voice and have found that she could really hear us.  Above all, she now speaks very clearly, very different than before."

"I thank you, dear Mother, for what you have done to me"

The next morning Secondi wanted to apply to the Bureau des Constatations Medicales to report the case. Previously, he had accompanied the girl to the grotto. While they were there, he said to the child: "Let's go to my Madonna, mine has a crown on her head."  So we went to the great Lady of Lourdes, crowned statue of Our Lady. As we stood in front of her, the girl said to my astonishment: "I thank you, dear Mother, for what you have done to me."
Then we went to the Bureau des Constatations Medicales. In the waiting room there was a stylized representation of Marie. The girl said: "this is ugly."  When we came into the doctor's room, a picture of the Blessed Mother crowned was hung: "This is the Madonna," she said with satisfaction.
The doctors examined her in detail, then the mother. They performed listening tests. Investigations have since continued in Italy and are still underway. Doctors in Genoa have presented to their astonishment, a cure of the hearing organs. There was also a change in character that took place. The previously very closed, introverted, girl has now become wholly different.
In Lourdes one proceeds with caution and accurate investigations are necessary before a miracle is recognized. The surveys will therefore take some time to complete. The girl and the family are certainly happy and grateful.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Pope Defends Cardinal Barbarin of Lyon

Edit: could this be a reward for holding to the Old Liberal course? It's hard to get over how this Cardinal insisted that he was close to Cardinal Martini at the 2005 conclave. Praying in the Mosque of Lyon was a step in the direction of the Martini Church, catching up with the last 200 years. Obviously, priests and clergy who defend the Church's teachings in the public eye who are accused of negligence with regards to sexual abuse resign, while Old Liberal bishops are protected.

PARIS -- Pope Francis has voiced support for a French cardinal who has faced allegations of covering up cases of pedophile priests in his Lyon parish, saying he shouldn't resign.

Francis said in an interview with French Catholic daily La Croix coming out Tuesday that a resignation of Cardinal Philippe Barbarin "would be a mistake, an imprudence."

"Based on the information I have, I think in Lyon, Cardinal Barbarin has taken the necessary measures and has taken things well in hand," the pope said. "He is a brave and creative man, a missionary."

Link to CBS...

Monday, May 16, 2016

Pope Francis Accepts Cardinal Lehmann's Resignation

Mainz ( KAP)
The resignation of Cardinal Karl Lehmann Bishop of Mainz is completed. In a church service for the 80th birthday of the Cardinal on Whit Monday in the cathedral at Mainz was the ambassador of the Pope in Germany, Archbishop Nikola Eterovic, announced the acceptance of Lehmann's resignation by Pope Francis. Thus the Bishop of Mainz's chair will not be occupied on Tuesday.

At the service, around 1,200 invited guests gathered in the cathedral, including many high-ranking representatives from church, politics and society. In his homily, Lehmann spoke of God's love for all people as the basic message of the Christian faith. This faith which he considered more precious than anything else, he wanted to declare in his life as a priest, bishop and theologian, said the former president of the German episcopate. In his closing remarks, he quoted the Apostle Paul: "Be watchful, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong.  Everything you do should be done in love!"

The service was broadcast live on ARD and could be followed on a large screen in front of the cathedral. Papal Nuncio Eterovic thanked Lehmann on behalf of Francis for the "substantial service," which he had done for the Holy See.

Lehmann was born on 16 May 1936 at the Swabian Sigmaringen and was nearly 33 years at the head of the Diocese of Mainz. From 1987 to 2008 he was President of the German Bishops' Conference. In early 2001, John Paul II made him Cardinal.

With his resignation  the Sedevacant begins for his diocese. It ends with the reoccupation of the diocesan chair. Until then, it could be months, according to experience months.

Copyright 2016 Catholic press agency KATH PRESS, Vienna, Austria ( 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Robert Serrou, the "Fatimist" Among the Vaticanisti -- "The ThirdSecret Is in There"

(Paris) This past May 10 one of those people who the former Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone dubbed "Fatimisti" has died. The allusion is made about the Marian apparitions of Fatima in 1917. The French Vaticanist Robert Serrou has died at the age of 92 years.

Born on April 30, 1924 in Montpellier, the journalist worked for more than 50 years as a reporter on the Catholic Church. From 1949-1951 for the daily newspaper La Croix, then to 2000 for Paris Match. As such, he reported on the Second Vatican Council. From 1969-1972 he was also an employee of French television and RTL 1972-1979.

The Vatican expert accompanied the pontificates of five popes Pius XII. to John Paul II.

He became famous in 1952: As the first reporter to haveaccess to the private residence of the Pope in the Vatican, together with the photographer Pierre Vals.

Fatima and a photo reportage on the private apartment of Pope Pius XII.

Serrous name is connected primarily with Fatima because of a photo reportage. He reported on the papal apartment for Paris Match, to which he again received entree on 14 May 1957. His report was not published until eighteen months later. Here also is the photo shown that was published.

In the private apartment of Pius XII., Serrou was accompanied by Mother Pascalina Lehnert. Lehnert belonged to the Order of the Sisters of the Holy Cross with the head office in Switzerland Menzingen. In 1918, she was sent by her order to accompany the apostolic nuncio to Bavaria, Archbishop Eugenio Pacelli, the future Pope Pius XII. She served him for 40 years until his death. From 1939-1958 she led the papal household with other Sisters.

Serrou asked Mother Pascalina  what was in the safe, which can be seen in the photo, she replied:

"The Third Secret of Fatima is in there."
The whole story of course had a history and a subsequent history. However, these small details should suffice as a reference.

Serrou was the author of numerous books on religious, ecclesial and current issues. His special attention was paid to the life of the monks, which fascinated him. To them he devoted, among others, his first, 1955 published book "Au désert de Chartreuse, la vie solitaire of fils deSaint  Bruno" (The Desert of Charterhouse. The lonely way of the Sons of Saint Bruno). His last book was published in 2006:. "Dieu, Jésus et les autres, petit dictionnaire de rattrapage pour savoir qui est qui, qui fait quoi et pourquoi" (God, Jesus and the others, Little dictionary reference to know who is who, who does what and why).

Robert Serrou had four children, nine grandchildren and five great-grandchildren with his wife Marie. A Requiem will be celebrated in the Paris church of Saint Medard.

Requiescat in pace.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Germany Report: More Terror Suspects Among Refugees Than Previously Thought

Terrorverdächtige unter den Flüchtlingen - CDU-Innenexperte im Bundestag, Wolfgang Bosbach: «Die sich daraus ergebenden Gefahren müssen wir sehr, sehr ernst nehmen, was auch die dramatischen Anschläge von Paris und Brüssel deutlich gemacht haben.»

Osnabrück ( With the  refugee influx the "Islamic State" (IS) has brought more terror suspects than hitherto thought into Germany according to newspaper report.  According to new figures from the Federal Criminal Police (BKA) there are currently 369  reports of systematic infiltration  into the Federal Republic by members or supporters of terrorist organizations since the beginning of the refugee influx in the past year, as reported by the "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung" (Wednesday).

In 40 of the cases investigations have been opened against suspects, as the BKA confirmed to the newspaper on request. The complaints included membership in a terrorist organization and the preparation of a serious crime.

The Federal Police have stressed that the terror threat in Germany and Europe will remain high: "More attacks by Islamist terrorist cells can not be excluded" Concrete evidence of attack plans have  not been presented by the authorities currently.

The CDU interior expert in the Bundestag, Wolfgang Bosbach, warned of the consequences. In an interview with the newspaper he said: "We must take the resulting dangers very, very seriously, which have been made clear considering the dramatic attacks in Paris and Brussels."

Union politicians have pointed out that the identity of many refugees would be unclear; 60 percent have had had no passport  in recent months. 

The Left has warned of "scaremongering". The domestic policy spokesperson in the Bundestag, Ulla Jelpke, said: "The possibility that individual IS- members are among the  large number of refugees, including trained assassins, must not cause us to now put refugees from Syria and Iraq wholesale under the suspicion of  terrorism."

(C) 2016 CBA Catholic News Agency. All rights reserved.
Trams: Tancred

France Backs Down on Gender Ideology Confrontation --- Philippe Zeller Will Be Ambassador to Vatican

(Paris) France's new ambassador to the Holy See is Philippe Zeller. The appointment was preceded by a lengthy tug of war. Early in 2015 the professing homosexual career diplomat Laurent Stefanini had been appointed by the Socialist government in Paris. This was widely perceived as an open provocation against the Catholic Church and a propaganda campaign for normalizing aberrosexuality.
The Vatican Secretariat of State rejected Stefanini because of his sexual disorder, although the Archbishop of Paris Cardinal André Vingt-Trois, had supported appointment.
Already in 2007, the designated appointment, Frank Eich Kuhn-Delforge had been rejected by the Vatican for his depraved way of life as an ambassador.
In April 2015 , Pope Francis the rejected seeing Stefanini in audience, however, reiterated the no to his accreditation. It is not quite clear whether the rejection was made ​​because of his homosexuality, or because the French government tried to coerce the Vatican ideologically with his person.  Officially, the Vatican never commented on the issue.
Shortly after, France demonstratively confirmed Stefaninis as ambassador to the Holy See. Since the Vatican refused accreditation, Stefanini remained an ambassador without portfolio, as France had to be represented in Rome by an executive diplomat.
Observers have assumed that French President François Hollande would not back down  for reasons of prestige, and the question could be thus be held off until after the presidential election in 2017.
After one year, there has been a turning point. After 18 months of vacancy, the government in Paris has dispensed Stefaninis' appointment as various French media has unanimously reported.  The new  Ambassador to the Holy See is to be the career diplomat Philippe Zeller, who is currently Ambassador of France in Canada.
Zeller, born in 1952, is one of the graduating class "Pierre Mendès France" (1978) of the Ecole Nationale d'Aministration (ENA), which forms the cadre of the French civil service. In the same year he entered the service of the Foreign Ministry. In 2010 he was made ​​an Officer of the Legion of Honor.
Philippe Zeller is married, father of two children and grandfather.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Image: La Croix (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
 Print Article

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

"March for Life" Embarrasses Pope Francis -- Abortion Is Only a Question of Economic Systems?

(Rome) The sixth March for Life in Rome was a renewed success which gained by tens of thousands of participants to again bring the right to life of unborn children into public visibility. reported on the use for a ban on abortion, but also about the monosyllabic, with the Pope Francis, the tens of thousands of lives protectors saluted. The Vatican expert Sandro Magister now writes of a "repellent Peter's Square" for "those who march for life".

"In the US it's a classic, in Rome Pope Francis would love not to see it"

"In the US, the March for Life at the White House in Washington is already a classic. But in Rome at St. Peter's it's not. Pope Francis does not like to see it show up. That was clear at how badly he treated it was at the 'Regina Coeli' on Sunday, 8 May," said Magister.

"At the conclusion, after which he paused for applause, first the faithful of Rome, then to those of Poland, Francis said leadenly and gravely: 'I greet the participants of the march for life'. But he tried to cover up their applause by the next words, which he repeated twice in the text, which he read to give gestures and smiles immediately afterwards to a group of Roman scouts and a group of the Firm Lingen from Genoa. The latter he even rewarded with spontaneous, friendly words: 'You are loud, Genoese!'"

The March for Life , which took place for the fifth time in Rome, was attended by Cardinal Raymond Burke, Archbishop of Ferrara Negri and Bishop Schneider of Astana. "Three churches representatives of whom Francis is notoriously allergic."

"Osservatore Romano also practiced shunning the whole initiative, not even dedicating a single line to it," said Magister. It's a hush which was followed by the Pope's daily in recent years. The day after the 4th March for Life in 2014 the Osservatore Romano gave space to the Freemason-friendly philosopher Marco Vannini to deny the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but not the March for Life.

"Why this aversion by the Pope" - abortion for Francis important only in anti-capitalist reading?

March for life through the streets of Rome on way to
St. Peter's Square
The Avvenire, the daily newspaper of the Italian Episcopal Conference, controlled by the Pope's confidant Nunzio Galatino, included a short report on 10 May that was hidden only on page 11. "To give an indication of a minimum of papal benevolence for the march, a letter from Msgr. Angelo Beciu, had to serve as the substitute of the Cardinal Secretary of State, which was not addressed to the March for Life in Rome, but to those in Portugal, which takes place on 14 May." The march in Rome was not even honored with a "standard message," said Magister.

"It remains to be understood why Pope Francis cherishes such a dislike, although he has condemned abortion on several occasions," said the Vatican expert.

"One indicator could be the context that the Pope connects these two convictions. It is in the context, of what he calls, throwaway culture '. His real enemy within is not those that kill the young, innocent lives - they deserve mercy - but the international economic powers that have caused such killings out of idolatry and greed."

Therefore, according to Master, "is that outside of this vision of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the March for Life becomes an obstacle to dialogue with postmodernism. Not a benefit to the image of the Church, but a burden."

If Magister's evidence agrees, this will result in a whole series of questions. Should it be possible that Pope Francis will reduce the killing of unborn children only to a social issue, and thus attempt to force it into an anti-capitalist reading? You change the economic system and there will be no more abortion? The millions of dead children and the millions of women and mothers, allow this mass murder, desire, seek, ask, and all those who urge pregnant women to have an abortion, are only victims of structural injustice and an unjust economic system?

2017 will in any case will bring no embarrassment for Francis, for him to ignore the March for Life. The organizers had first transferred it to a Saturday. This was consciously chosen in order to discontinue the common prayer with the Pope on St. Peter's Square which has been ongoing since 2012. Text: Giuseppe Nardi image: Marcia per la vita

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photos: Marcia per la vita
Trans: Tancred
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Magister: It's Like Humanae Vitae With the Sides Reversed

In a monumental discourse in Spain, the prefect of the doctrine of the faith leads the post-synodal exhortation back to the course of the Church’s previous discipline. Too late. Because Francis has already written it so as to imply the opposite
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Three Million for the Vatican Pavilion at Expo 2015 -- The "Anger" of the Pope

(Rome) Three million euros is what  the Vatican Pavilion at the World Exhibition Expo 2015 in Milan costs. During the event, $ 150,000 were collected in donations. "In respect to the will of the Pope," they will be donated to the refugees in Jordan. This was preceded by an outburst of the Pope about the high cost for the World's Fair pavilion.
The cost of three million US dollars exceed the Vatican aid for victims of Cyclone Pam in the South Pacific, the Ebola virus in Africa, and the flooding of Genoa all together. This put Pope Francis in a state of "rage" when he learned of it. The daily newspaper Il Giornale reported today about the "anger" of the Pope.
The pavilion is 360 square meters in size and financed by the Pontifical Council for Culture with the support of the Italian Bishops' Conference  and the Archdiocese of Milan. The Pontifical Cultural Council is headed by Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi. The Cardinal who indeed strives to be close to Pope Francis, could now be really far from his favor.
The "exorbitant cost" as it was described by the papal circles are higher than several papal aid projects for the needy put together. The Pope has demanded therefore, that at least the donations collected during the World Expo will go to a relief project.
The funds are now being passed to the Jordanian Caritas. Caritas in Amman is present for the care, housing and education of Iraqi refugees.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Youtube (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

New Archbishop of Brussels Proposes the Abolition of Priestly Celibacy

(Brussels) The new Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels and Primate of Belgium, Msgr. Jozef De Kesel, said in an interview with the Free Sunday newspaper De Zondag on 8 May that the Church  could not require every priest celibacy.

The Archbishop  De Kesel was asked by De Zondag whether celibacy has not "discouraged" him:

"No, not when I was 18 years old. As you opt for the seminary, it then takes many years to become a priest. But then, when the moment has come, that ... is a difficult decision. "

"I am for the Eastern Catholic model"

De Zondag: Did you have to decide between a bride and the church?

De Kesel: No. I had good friendships,  but they never brought me in conflict with my choice of life. This is true for others, and I can understand that it is very difficult to let someone go. Maybe I, therefore, consciously or unconsciously avoided a relationship.

De Zondag: Should the Church adhere to this celibacy?

De Kesel: I'm not for its abolition. A celibate life is not a life without meaning. I chose it deliberately: It was a part of the life of Jesus. On the other hand I do not think that you can charge it of any priest, especially not in a moment in which sexuality plays such an important role. I am for the Eastern Catholic model, where married men can be ordained priests.

No "Catholic model"

With the "Eastern Catholic model" said De Kesel, is in reality the Orthodox model. The Orthodox Churches understand celibacy like the Catholic Church but this is not employed like the Catholic Church, for historical reasons. Bishops and monks are still  called to it today, which is why only. In the diocesan clergy in contrast, there was softening. Once the ordination has been received, a wedding is no longer possible with the Orthodox. The seminarian marries before ordination, he can stay married. The result is that seminarians marry very young in order to forestall the celibacy requirement. If the wife of a priest dies, he is not allowed to marry. The somewhat complicated scheme proves, however, that the ministerial priesthood is also linked to the Orthodox inseparably with celibacy. However, you can - as in the sacrament of marriage - also recognize the Orthodox discrepancy between requirement and reality, because it is the Orthodox Church in those points which concern two sacraments, and more pertinently, failed to maintain the original apostolic teaching.

When smaller parts of the Orthodox churches returned from the 16th century to union with Rome, they were allowed during the course of the ecumenism of return  to maintain certain traditions. These include the Byzantine Rite in the liturgy and the Orthodox practice of celibacy. What De Kesel falsely, but probably deliberately, sees as the "Catholic model" is called not really a "Catholic model," but a foreign practice to the Roman tradition, which was granted only for historical reasons, clearly to formerly Orthodox communities.

The true and faithful retaining of priestly celibacy in the Latin Church since apostolic times, as well as the indissolubility of sacramental marriage, are ultimately special evidence that the Roman Catholic Church is actually the one true Church of Jesus Christ. However, this evidence itself is currently not held in very high esteem  by Catholic dignitaries and sometimes, as De Kesels remarks show,  recklessly called into question.

De Kesel uses a dialectic in his claim, which suggests a retention in theory, but at the same time seeks a fundamental change in practice. A dialectic as it has been frequently heard in the past two years in connection with the recognition of divorce and remarriage. Its spokesman, Cardinal Walter Kasper made his speech to the Cardinal Consistory in February, 2014.

Pope Francis has sent mixed signals on this issue, according to his nature. According to the Vaticanist Sandro Magister, these contradictory signals would nevertheless demonstrate the desire for a weakening of priestly celibacy. The request made by De Kesel would probably come closest to the papal intention.

Cardinal Danneels' preferred candidate: Thanks to Pope Francis still Archbishop

Msgr. De Kesel was appointed by Pope Francis as the new archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels, 6 November, 2015. The archbishop of Brussels is automatically Primate of Belgium and President of the Belgian Bishops' Conference. The Archdiocese has been a liberal stronghold since 1961. An epoch which was defined by Cardinal Leo Suenens (Archbishop of 1961-1979) and by Cardinal Godfried Danneels (Archbishop of 1979-2010) and was accompanied by an unprecedented decline of the Catholic Church. In the Belgian capital today,  only 12 percent of its residents profess as Catholics. Of these, only one in ten makes his Sunday duty and visits the Holy Mass.

In 2010 Benedict XVI. tried to bring about a reversal. He did not appoint  Danneels' chosen successor the leftist De Kesel, but the Bishop of Namur, André-Joseph Leonard, instead. Leonard was then equally relentlessly opposed and boycotted just like Pope Benedict XVI. Above all this was directed at Benedict XVI's personnel decision of 2010 which drew the the hostility which Danneels and his allies drew upon. Danneels was, since the 90s, a conspirator with  the Archbishop of Milan, Cardinal Martini, in the clandestine Sankt Gallen circle,  which had already opposed the election in 2005 of Benedict XVI.

In 2013 Daneels belonged to the so-called Team Bergoglio. Together with the German cardinals Lehmann and Kasper and the English Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor, he organized, this time successfully, the election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Archbishop Leonard was denied the dignity of cardinal and retired with the completion of his 75th birthday. After only five years of intermezzo,  Pope Francis appointed  Danneels' still preferred candidate De Kesel as archbishop of Brussels. The Belgian Church thus remains firmly on progressive course, as stressed by the remarks of the new archbishop to abolish the celibacy priest.

De Kesels' proposal on celibacy was also supported by the Internet platform of the German Bishops' Conference.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Mil (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

China is Preparing a Second Cultural Revolution to Decimate Religion

(Beijing) The Chinese Communist Party wants a "second Cultural Revolution, to decimate the religions". The municipality of Zhumadian in Henan Province has ruled in favor of the Protestant Church of Beitou. The church was demolished on April 14 on behalf of the authorities. It was where the wife of the pastor Ding Cumei, was killed, when she and her husband desperately tried to prevent the anti-Christian vandalism. The woman had been thrust into a pit and buried alive under the rubble.

The corpse of the woman was laid out by the Christians next to the ruined church. The authorities had caused the demolition of the church, because it is located where there is a shopping center to be built. For two years China's communists have turned  against Christians in the country. What is officially called "urban cleansing" and "economic improvement", is in reality, a targeted campaign against Christianity, whose rapid spread is a concern to the communist government. The anti-Christian demolitions affect mainly the provinces of Zhejiang, Henan, Hebei and Hubei.

Death of Pastor's wife - causes international stir

Three weeks after the death of Ding Cumei, the city council ruled in favor of the the ministry couple. The Christians could keep the land, and it will not be reallocated in a commercial zone. The death of the Pastor's wife had evidently aroused too much international attention. The authorities are trying to limit the damage. For Ding Cumei, however, the authorities are too late. Pastor Li Jiangong now fears that the murderer of his wife will not be charged and everything could be covered up.

On April 14, the Church of Beitou was destroyed. The day before, a church was demolished in Wenzhou, "because the cross on the roof was too high" as ChinaAid reported. In a few minutes, property valued at three million yuan had been destroyed (approximately 400,000 euros), which amount had been donated over several years by the faithful for the church.

In Hebei Province, the situation is no less dramatic. Last month, five underground Catholic priests were  disappeared there. At present there isn't any sign of life from them. The faithful believe that they were arrested by police and taken to a prison or a re-education camp.

State and party leadership is concerned with the topic of Religion

The Chinese Communist Party appears unwilling to tolerate the Christian religion. Last 22-23 April, the highest ranking meeting in 15 years was held in Beijing on religion. Not a good sign for Christians. The meeting involved the participation of state and party leader Xi Jinping and included the members of the entire Standing Committee of the Politburo, in short, the CP members who really run the country.

The meeting took place behind closed doors. The sparse information announced by the official press does not bode well.

State and party leader Xi Jinping stressed that the question of religion is closely connected "with state security and national unity". Therefore, it is "essential" that  religious communities "mix their teachings with Chinese culture, obey Chinese laws and all of the reform of China and the prescribed socialist modernization  to contribute to the achievement of the Chinese dream." Xi Jinping called for "Sinicization of religions" and its subordination to the Communist Party, "to strengthen the position of the party"

"Party members have to practice no religion but to be Marxist atheists"

At the same time Xi Jinping warned all party members not to practice a religion. "You do not have to search for their values ​​and their faith in religions, but have to remain Marxist atheists with firmness". Finally he criticized "foreign forces", accusing, "to seek to influence the religion in China". The latter point was directed without direct mention especially against the Vatican and the Catholic Church.

The Holy See has been trying for two years without success to reach an agreement with Beijing to improve the lives of the Chinese Catholics.

John Mok Wai Chit from the Chinese University of Hong Kong confirmed AsiaNews' statements of Yi Jinping. The state and party leader had "stayed in all clarity that there had to be no religious activity outside of party control." The "leading role of the party must be enforced on all religions".

There could be no doubt in the reading of  these explanations says John Mok Chit Wai: "I think it's pretty clear that Xi has no intention of entering into any compromise with religious groups. But on the contrary. Xi has made it clear that there can be no compromise. The party has to stand above other religions "

The Chinese Lawyer Sang Pu from Hong Kong, sees it no differently: "With this speech, the Communist Party has dropped the moderate mask that had been her created by Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao [the three successors of Mao Zedong] . "Xi is preparing a" second cultural Revolution "in order to decimate all religions," said Sang Pu. "To my knowledge, no one  here in Hong Kong sees the speech by Xi as good news."

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Il Timone
Trans: Tancred

Monday, May 9, 2016

Up to 40,000 Non-Muslims Are Harassed in German Refugee Centers by Muslims

According to a study, thousands of Christians who fled Syria and Iraq are exposed to in German refugee camps to violence and threats. In most cases there are converts.

Berlin (
According to a study thousands of Christians fled Syria and Iraq are exposed to in German refugee camps violence and threats. This was reported by the FAZ. Those responsible  for the attacks are said to be security personnel and Muslim refugees. 

On Monday several human rights organizations like ISHR ( "International Society for Human Rights"), ZOCD ( "Central Oriental Christians in Germany") complained at a press conference about  this violence in German refugee camps. 

The human rights organization "Open Doors" spoke here of a climate of "fear and panic". Meanwhile, 231 cases in the whole of Germany are documented. This would include discrimination, assault, sexual assault and to death threats. In most cases they were converts, while 204 are reported to have been attacked by other refugees for religious reasons. 

 Protestant Berlin pastor Gottfried Martens said he was "stunned that the paradigm continues to hold in each case." According to Volker Baumann of the action for persecuted Christians and needy (AVC) up to 40,000 refugees are harassed in Germany for their religious beliefs. At the press conference, a Syrian refugee was "shocked" that he had to flee from Muslim extremists and now meet them again in the refugee home.  Iranians reported provocations, harassment and death threats in a Brandenburg accommodation.
Trans: Tancred

Archbishop Bruno Forte Reveals the Trickery of "Amoris Laetitia"

Archbishop Forte Implementing 
(Rome) The Special Secretary of the double-Synod of Bishops on the family of 2014 and 2015, Archbishop Bruno Forte, reveals the background detail about Amoris Laetitia and the "Jesuit" mentality of the Pope. The Archbishop, who is counted among the Pope's confidants, the Apostolic Exhortation was Amoris Laetitia,  provides a better understanding of its actual intention.
Archbishop Forte has presented Amoris Laetitia in his diocese of Chieti-Vasto in Abruzzo, Italy. For this the archdiocese was invited to the Teatro Rossetti of Vasto. The presentation  followed, according to the Vatican recommendations to all diocesan bishops. In attendance was the Head of the Family Pastoral Department of the Diocese, Don Nicola Del Bianco, a married couple and the Archbishop, as the issue was reported by Vasto

The Message of Amoris Laetitia : "Do not judge"

Archbishop Forte spoke at length about the "crisis of the family", whose causes he accounted for the "lack of work, housing problems, migratory phenomena and physical and human misery". Pope Francis did address this  with the Apostolic Letter Amoris Laetitia. Its message: "Do not judge, but look upon all with the look of mercy, but without sacrificing the truth of God. It's easy to say, this family has failed ', but hard to help, so they do not fail." No one should "feel excluded from the Church."
Amoris Laetitia proclaima "no new doctrine, but a compassionate use of the old wine ', which - as we know - is always the best," says Monsignor Forte.
This would naturally have "practical" implications in the area of ​​"direct"  paths set for  "pastoral and ecclesial communion". In this context, Archbishop Forte revealed previously unknown details of the Synod of Bishops and its "impact."

"Typical of a Jesuit:" Therefore, we do not talk directly about it ... "

Archbishop Forte in Teatro Rossetti

Specifically, the archbishop recounted an episode in which Pope Francis said to him:
"If we explicitly speak of communion for remarried divorcees, who knows what they are then going to get, a casino [commotion]? We therefore do not talk directly about it. Make it so that the premises are given, which get the conclusions I prefer. "
This was "typical of a Jesuit", as Archbishop Forte jokingly added, and praised the "wisdom" of the Pope's  statement  that it was allowed to reach Amoris Laetitia.

"A Fraud"

Msgr. Forte had revealed "a fraud" on the other hand, said Secretum meum mihi . Archbishop Forte was already  one of the "leading anti-Catholic voices" at the Synod. He wrote the controversial interim report of the Synod of Bishops in 2014 favorable to homosexuality.
Archbishop Forte has with his revelation, "given an insight into the mentality of the Pope."  The question of whether remarried divorcees may receive Communion was made ​​with the Pope's approval of Cardinal Walter Kasper in February 2014 when the actual topic of the Synod of Bishops was decided. Archbishop Forte has now revealed the tactics, not to speak, because of internal church opposition to the weakening of the marriage sacrament, of the admission to communion, but to implement it in practice. That is not only "anti-Catholic" in fact, but also a "fraud", said Secretum meum mihi .
The video released on Youtube of the presentation by Archbishop Forte has now been removed.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Attempts to Torpedo Recognition of SSPX in the German Press Begin

(Rome) The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) today published a broadside against a possible recognition of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. 
" You do not provoke these rulers! " Is the title of the article by Christian Geyer-Hindemith. A recognition of the SSPX by Rome suggests a threat to the features editor.
"What a 'new humanism' would that be?" Asks Geyer in an idiosyncratic allusion to the acceptance speech of the Pope last Friday, as he was awarded the Charlemagne Prize in Rome.
The FAZ article first confirms that a canonical recognition of the SSPX by Pope Francis may be imminent, and with very favorable conditions for the Fraternity. It was founded in 1970 by Archbishop Lefebvre in response to the Second Vatican Council and its consequences with the aim to preserve the Catholic heritage undiminished in doctrine and discipline.
Against such recognition there is resistance stirring, and it comes mainly from Germany. The intention of the FAZ article is to generate pressure against such recognition. Thus the usual "fight against right-extremism" mechanisms and taglines are employed.
It is therefore likely to be expected in the coming days with further tendentious articles in the German "mainstream media" who want to prevent a canonical agreement between Rome and the SSPX. [Let's not forget Vatican Insider.]
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: FAZ (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

"Pope Francis is a Reformer Like Martin Luther" -- Margo Käßmann in "Osservatore Romano"

Edit: Käßmann is the first female Lutheran Bishop who was arrested for drunk driving in 2010, yet never the less, appears frequently to promote gender ideology, contraception and heresy at events staged in the fabulously wealthy German Catholic Tax-Church.   
(Rome) German Catholic media started ​​it, the Osservatore Romano now follows, and is "celebrating" the commemoration of the Protestant Reformation with pleasantries. On May 7, the daily newspaper of the Pope published the article "A Year to Celebrate the Reformation". From October 31 2016 to the October 31, 2017 "the German Evangelical Church has" a calendar full of events.
"The 500-year celebration of the Protestant Reformation will last exactly one year, which is traditionally associated with the publication of the Disputatio per declaratione virtutis Indulgentiarum which was in conjunction with the 95 theses, which Martin Luther nailed at the door of the episcopal church of Wittenberg in Saxony-Anhalt on 31 October 1517," said Osservatore Romano .
The kickoff  on October 31, 2016 will be a "great ceremony in the Marienkirche of Berlin". In May 2017 the "World Exhibition" in Wittenberg will take place, where "the products derived from the Reformation in the various countries and churches,  but also the fruits of culture and civil society," will be showcased.
The Kirchentag will be held from May 24-28.  A Kirchentag "in motion", which will be held in eight German cities, and then all will merge in Wittenberg for its completion.
"The German Evangelical Church has been preparing for this anniversary beginning in 2008 with a way of contemplating and to set up a network between 69 cities of the Reformation in Germany and in Europe, important places for the history and the presence of Protestantism. The conclusion of the festivities will take place at the national and international level on 31 October 2017 with a number of public events. The calendar of the ecumenical events is rich," said the Vatican daily.

Ecumenism is "in a very good state, thanks to Pope Francis"

"We can 2017 make a critical revision daring to see the reformation on an international and ecumenical horizon as a complex factor," said the "theologian and Lutheran Bishop Margot Käßmann, Ambassador of  Luther Year" recently held at a Catholic-Lutheran Reformation Conference at Pontifical Athenaeum Sant'Anselmo in Rome.
Käßmann said this about Ecumenism in an interview with Vatican Insider:
"We are in a very good stage because ecumenism on the one hand is a discussion about what the Church, the Eucharist, baptism, officials, means, but then also acting as Christians in the world, and since we are currently [the Catholic Church] very close, thanks to Pope Francis, a reformer in his Church, as Martin Luther a reformer was in his."
For Käßmann, said Osservatore Romano, it was "a good opportunity" to ask, "what we can find in his other church, which we did not." As a specific example she cited: "What I really admire about the Roman Catholic Church is that it preserves the global unity of the Church, despite the many internal differences."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: Osservatore Romano (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
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Sunday, May 8, 2016

Merkel Causing the Division of German Society Says Czech Cardinal

The Prague Cardinal Dominik Duka is defending his country against the accusation of lack of receptivity to refugees. In an interview with the newspaper "Lidove noviny" (Saturday) he charged, according to  Kathpress, German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) with complicity for the division of  German society and the fear of Europeans for the refugees.
"I think that a large proportion who have  this fear are exactly those people who say: We have to accept all. Who has provoked the split in the German society?" asked the cardinal recalling Merkel's welcoming culture. It was the German Chancellor, "who undermines a number of fundamental principles of the European Union, security issues and Schengen Agreement." The interventions had consequences.

"Development has proved us right"

Meanwhile, there had been a reversal, says Duka: "We all see how now the EU speaks, as the head of the EU Commission Juncker, like Merkel, or Austria, talk. The development has proved us right," said the Archbishop of Prague.
Duka also makes  certain distinctions between European Catholics and Pope Francis on the refugee issue in the interview, "The sensitivity of Francis for the social problem is different from ours in Europe." This had to do with the origin of the pope from Latin America;  where the gap between rich and poor there is much greater.
Duka recalled that "in the past 20 years, nearly half a million new citizens" have come to the Czech Republic. The first were people from the East. Remonstrations that Czech citizens only want Christians is based on "disinformation", the Cardinal said. "We have said that we have to take Christians primarily because this is the most persecuted group who fear for their lives." The Czech Republic was not able to absorb large amounts of refugees, stressed Duka. "We have no tradition in this and no people who could communicate with the refugees."