Saturday, December 19, 2015

Church for Muslims -- Parish Hall for Holy Mass

Bremen-Wotlmerschausen: Catholic Parish Church
Transformed as Refugee Center for Muslims
(Berlin) The Church as a multifunctional hall. Some churches serve as exhibition halls, others as dining rooms for Christmas dinner, feeding the poor or charity galas, and still others as a cultural centers for lectures and discussions, and more recently some are used even for refugee accommodations. This is also the case in Bremen-Woltmershausen. The Catholic Church of St. Benedict was rebuilt at public expense into a refugee camp for Muslims.
From the 330 square meter church  "small residential units with around 20 square meters" were built, reported the Weser Kurier .
In the former Catholic church some 40 Muslim refugees are to be moved. The Bremen Senator for Social Affairs, Anja Stahmann inspected the renovated and repurposed church  today with some Muslim refugees and considered the effort to be extremely successful. A Catholic church which has been  rebuilt for Muslims,  it is at last  a sensible use. Green Party politician said, "which is lived charity". Surely, you must know, yes.
For now, the Catholic parish has  made the church available for a year. "Worship should be celebrated in this period in the parish hall," said the Weser Kurier. Why   the Muslims themselves shouldn't   move into the community hall so that the liturgy, the nature of the parish community, can be celebrated in the purpose-built church, was not a quetion asked by the newspaper.

Church made available for a year as a refugee accommodation 

"Sacred objects like the altar and the wall Cross remain in the Church", because, according to the newspaper, after one year the church is expected to "be used again for worship". Whether the church was profaned liturgically, Pastor Johannes Sczyrba would not say. He and his parish are rather proud to be the first Catholic community, "which has made their church available, only for a certain time as a refugee accommodation." 
The church was built after the Second World War, as 15 million Germans were brutally driven from East Germany and linguistic enclaves in eastern Europe, which increased the number of Catholics in Bremen. The church was built in 1966 and established as a parish in 1993. Today St. Benedict's is only a
The church was built in 1966 and built in 1993 as a parish. Today St. Benedict is only a filial church  of a larger regional parish.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Grieving Parents Call for Reform of Corrupt Benedictine Abbey in Minnesota

Edit: back in March, we took notice of the almost unanimous absence in local reporting of the abuse and suicide of Ben Spanier, and the man who most directly caused it, the Prior of St. John's Abbey, Father Tom Andert, now on leave of absence.  Andert was subsequently placed on restriction and relived of his duties pending the investigation.  When the story of Andert's dismissal broke, the local news media completely ignored Ben's very credible accusations and his death, covered almost exclusively in a blog by a former alumnus of St. John's Preparatory School.

Only yesterday, National Public Radio, itself born at Collegeville, did a piece about Ben's parents, who are calling for a change in the "culture of secrecy" at St. John's Abbey.  It's not clear what is meant by this, but the sincerity of his grieving parents and the contempt with which they've been treated by the Abbey is very real, indeed.

To date, no one is calling for the resignation of Abbot John Klassen who has consistently lied to protect predators and preserve the atmosphere of heresy in collegeville.  Those who were very vocal in calling for the resignation of Archbishop John Nienstedt, like the dissident St. John's alum, Father Mark Tegeder, are completely silent now.

How a story like this could be passed over in the local Catholic and secular media is truly a thing to behold.  We hope this call for reform isn't a call for their kind of reform.

[NPR] His parents say his problems began 20 years earlier, when he was a student at St. John's Prep in Collegeville. They say their son wasn't the same after he began spending time with the Rev. Tom Andert, a prominent priest who was placed on leave earlier this year for a separate allegation of sexual misconduct. 
The Spaniers say they're coming forward now because they want the culture at St. John's to change. Ben Spanier had attempted suicide before. His father, Eric, will never forget picking up the phone that night in 1994. On the other end of the line was the Rev. Tom Andert, the head of the boarding school at St. John's, where Ben was a junior.
"I answered the phone," Eric Spanier said. "He was calling from the emergency room in the hospital, so it was a shock." 
He said he was relieved the priest was there to care for his son.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Please Pray For Father Tim Finigan!

[Hermeneutic of Continuity] Claud Cockburn won a competition with colleagues at the Times for the most accurate yet boring headline "Small Earthquake in Chile, not many Dead." I am reminded of this when trying to calm friends and family down over what happened to me in the wee small hours this morning.

I had a minor heart attack. One of the doctors did use that expression, though a young nurse who spoke to me later was versed in the new terminology of "cardiac episode" which makes me want to think up a script for Doctor Who. I'm not dead, but the experience of not being able to breathe properly does help to sharpen up one's focus on those meditations of St Alphonsus. Perhaps my many repetitions of the prayer "that we may not be surprised by a sudden and unprovided death" got me off this time.

I have been x-rayed, injected, and given a cocktail of drugs that has brought my blood pressure down to an impressively normal figure. I have wires connecting my chest and a bleepy machine. The hospital food is actually edible and as everyone knows, despite the crazy and wasteful management of the largest employer in Europe, the staff are wonderful.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Czech President: "Europe and Islam Are Not Compatible"

PRAGUE The Czech President Milos Zeman has spoken out against  Muslim immigration to Europe. "We respect the Islamic countries and their beliefs, as long as its inhabitants do not come to Europe. Because as soon as they come to Europe,  two cultures collide that are not compatible with each other," he said  in an interview with the state news agency TASR. Muslims have yet to have been assimilated in any European country. This proves the incompatibility of Islamic and European culture.
The EU Member States, urged Zeman, should rather invest more in securing the EU's external border than in the reception of refugees.
His country would have received no  asylum seekers,  had they not gone through secure countries before arriving in the Czech Republic. "To bring this stream of refugees under control, means not only to have  the police but also the army sent to the borders and in order to encourage the return of illegal immigrants. Precisely for this reason, because we are not the most secure country  for them," quoted the Austrian news agency APA Zeman as saying. (KRK)

Crosses Have Been Removed from Information Signs to Montmartre in Paris Metro

(Paris) The separation of church and state is ironclad state doctrine in France. It means that there is no place for religion in the public sphere. This goes so far that crosses are removed from signs.
The corresponding State law has applied already for 110 years.The Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP) shows particular zeal in this. It is the state-owned enterprise, which is responsible for public transport in Paris. The RATP operates the Paris metro lines, trams and buses, rapid transit routes and the funicular to Montmartre.
Last spring, RATP was willing to accept advertising for a benefit concert of "Les Prêtres" in favor of the persecuted Christians in the Middle East only after protests.The image of Catholic priests was a nuisance to the corporate director.  Last summer, the sign of Sacre Coeur Basilica on the RATP had the crosses removed from its domes and towers.
At the metro station Anvers, which is the closest to Montmartre,  signs with the stylized silhouette of  the famous Sacred Heart Church appear and passengers can  get out there when they want to visit Montmartre. Neither the principal dome nor the side domes  or the facade towers show a cross.
Stylizations minimize the details. The crosses would but increase the recognizability in the particular case. Above all, are the crosses are the central component of the object being advertised. But Christian symbols are a problem for the RATP.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Mil
Trans: Tancred

The Destruction of the Church in the United States Long Prepared at Benedictine Monastery

Saint John's Abbey, Heresy in Stone
Edit: the Remnant is a newspaper produced fortnightly which has, "For nearly fifty years we have been fighting in defence of the traditions of the Catholic Church and the proclamation of the Kingship of Christ. In print or online, The Remnant calls a spade a spade no matter who is using it to bury God."  Despite being so long in the trenches, they only seem to have first come across nearby St. John's Abbey as the source of trouble just this year. They seemed horrified by the recent national news item which recounted one of the many sexual predators of Collegeville who claimed to have had 200 sexual partners, but still managed to wax nostalgic about the Matt family visits with one of the founders of the so-called "Liturgical Renewal," Father Virgil Michel, and asked incredibly, "what happened?"

Alas, the Remnant doesn't see the connection between the hideous architecture of the campus, the evil of her monks,  Michel, Vatican II and the aftermath.  It's not a controversial statement to say that Father Virgil Michel was one of the forerunners of Vatican II.

We could go so far as to say that he even laid out the praxis in so far as he put his erroneous liturgical notions ad experimentum, using the local laity of Sterns County and the environs as guinea pigs.

Eponymous Flower doesn't normally link to Diocesan newspapers, particularly ones of poor quality like the Catholic Spirit, but the following article really does accurately describe many of the actors which prepared the Archdiocese and indeed, the United States, for Vatican II.   Some of the actors in the article are more guilty than others, some have misgivings, others ascribe to Vatican II things it did not call for or address, but they were all in one way or another, advocates, whether they lived to see the results or not, of a disastrous situation for the Church and the world.

Oratio pro Summo Pontifice -- 79th Birthday of Pope Francis

(Rome) The Catholic Church leader celebrates his 79th birthday today.  A partial indulgence is connected to a prayer for the Pope,  and thus has a double effect of grace.
Pope Francis was born on 17 December 1936 in Buenos Aires as the son of Piedmontese immigrants. As a child he grew up with his grandparents  who lived a few meters away from the parental home. His native language is actually Italian as the Pope has explained in interviews. Spanish he learned as soon as he came out of the house and had contact with the children of the neighborhood and at school.
Pope Francis was elected on March 13, 2013, after his predecessor, Benedict XVI., had unexpectedly resigned his office on  28 February of the same year. Benedict XVI. now lives in largely seclusion in Mater Ecclesiae convent in the Vatican.

Oratio per Summo Pontifice

Oremus pro Pontifice nostro Francisco.
Dominus conservet eum, et vivificet eum, et Beatum faciat eum in terra, et non tradat eum in animam inimicorum eius.
Deus omnium fidelium Pastor et rector,
famulum tuum Franciscum, quem pastorem Ecclesiae tuae praeesse voluisti, Propitius respice:
as egg, quaesumus, verbo et exemplo, quibus praeest, proficere:
ut ad vitam, una cum grege Sibi Credito, perveniat sempiternam.
Per Christ, Dominum nostrum.
Picture: Wikicommons / Pietro Perugino: Christ handing the keys to Peter (1481), Sistine Chapel
Link to Katholisches...

Archbishop Lori Doesn't Give a Damn for His Flock: Cares More About "Human Dignity"

Edit: it's not like he really cares about the Catholics living in the countries being targeted by Islamists, despite his claims to the contrary, which include Rome. Did you see the story about the Muslims who attacked soldiers at St. Mary Major screaming "Allah Akbar"? All of this fits nicely with a story previously put here on the increasingly menacing presence of Muslims in St. Peter's and Rome itself, where Muslims proselytize. Well, if the Pope won't do it, who will?
We wonder if there were any clerics of his stature in the Church who advocated this kind of accommodation when the Crusades were being preached. It's a good thing we had St. Lawrence of Brindisi instead of him.

(Vatican Radio) The Chairman of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ ad hoc Committee on Religious LibertyArchbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore, has added his voice to a growing chorus of Catholic Church leaders appalled by the suggestion – which came from a candidate for the nomination of the Republican Party in the United States in the 2016 presidential election – of using a religious test to exclude people seeking to immigrate to the United States.
In an exclusive interview with Vatican Radio, Archbishop Lori reiteratedsentiments first expressed while he was attending a conference at thePontifical Urbaniana University in Rome earlier in December - a conference specifically focused on the persecution of Christian religious minorities. “Certainly we have to guard our borders," Archbishop Lori told Vatican Radio, "certainly the government has to see to the security and the safety of its citizens – no one doubts that – but it raises the greatest of alarms when we do so on the basis of a whole religion.”
“To say, ‘You can’t come in because you are a Muslim,’ – that certainly is a denial of human dignity, it’s a denial of religious freedom,” Archbishop Lori continued, adding, “and it is, I think, very unfair in its characterization of Islam.”

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Final Report on Synod is Out in English

Edit: NCR says it's "remarkably strong". Incredulous:

[NCR] For the English-speaking world, the Ordinary Synod on the Family just came to a formal end, two months after its actual end, with the release of its final report in our native tongue.  

The world was gleefully told by the enlightened—again and again and again—that it looked as if the Church was finally going to join the modern age by surrendering to the self-evident verities of the sexual revolution. Giddy at the prospects of Pope Francis’ supposed reforming spirit, the gay community’s leading magazine canonized the Holy Father as their “Person of the Year” before the Synod even started. While this chatter of reformation made the heterodox hopeful, it made the orthodox anxious. But all that is over now and there’s a very good reason that you’ve not been blasted with the news of the synod’s conclusions. It not only dashed the hopes of those who hoped the Church would jettison its historic and biblical teaching on sexual ethics, it blew them to hell.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Evil German Bishops and Theologians Demand Synodality

Edit: they are pretending that they ever did anything other than what they wanted to do anyway. 

[Distorter] Pope Francis has "given the bishops' synod back its freedom" so that this freedom not only applies to the synod but "particularly to the participation of the laity at consultations on the future of the faith," German Cardinal Karl Lehmann of Mainz said at a three-day international theological congress entitled "Opening the Council -- Theology and Church under the Guiding Principle of the Second Vatican Council" Dec. 6-8 in Munich.

The church's synodal structure must be strengthened at all levels, Lehmann said, adding that Francis has made repeated appeals for a synodal church. For Lehmann, who was ordained during the Second Vatican Council and became Karl Rahner's assistant, this "synodality" was more important than possibly holding a Third Vatican Council. There are great opportunities for the church in a globalized world as long as it discards its centralist approach, he emphasized.

The council decrees have not always been adequately applied or implemented, Lehmann said. The fact "that we didn't take the societal changes that occurred after Vatican II, most particularly those of 1968, and the deep effect they had on people, seriously enough," was one the church's gravest failures.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Italian Police Confiscate Fake Papal Blessings

ROME (Reuters) - Italian police have confiscated about 3,500 counterfeit parchments bearing blessings by Pope Francis and being sold to pilgrims in Rome, authorities said on Monday.

The bogus parchments, with elaborate lettering and pictures of the pope, were found in the printing shop of a souvenir store near the Vatican, and the proprietor was charged with producing counterfeit goods, a police statement said.

It said the parchments were printed in Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and English and had an overall value of about 70,000 euros ($77,168).

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Father Sommerville Passes Away

[Vox]Father Stephen Somerville passed to his eternal reward last night, (December 12, 2015) around 11:00 P.M. Father was a retired priest of the Archdiocese of Toronto. He recently suffered two serious strokes, he was 86.

Father Somerville was also a musician and composer. He wrote the Good Shepherd Mass for the English liturgy in 1965 which was adapted in 1970 for the bowdlerised Gloria and Sanctus and then corrected back by St. Michael's Choir School in 2011 with his permission. I enjoy every opportunity to sing his Responsorial Psalms in CBWII which are finely crafted based upon his authority in chant at St. Michael's Choir School. Last weekend was the 50th anniversary of his first conducting of the Tenor/Bass Choir of St. Michael's at the annual Massey Hall Christmas Concert. I have great memories of singing Handel's Messiah standing beside him in the Bass section a number of years ago in Etobicoke and singing his corrected Gloria translation (later modified by the Choir School) with him at the piano just a few years ago when visiting him at St. Bernard's Convalescent Home. Father Somerville was also the Chaplain on the set of Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ.

He was well-known as "Canada's liturgist" having participated on the International Committee for English in the Liturgy (ICEL) which translated the Missal of Paul VI into English from the original Latin. It is important to know that the English translation used from 1965 to 1969 of the modified 1962 Roman Missal was a faithful translation. The Novus Ordo Missae was translated by ICEL using a translation method called dynamic equivalence. Father John Zuhlsdorf began his blog from years of writing in The Wanderer highlighting the grievous textual errors in the Missal, now corrected, and which still exist in the Liturgy of the Hours.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Open Letter to His Holiness Pope Francis and Petition

Edit: we don't place much stock in petitions, but here it is from the Remnant.

Your Holiness:
Pope Celestine V (r. 1294), recognizing his incapacity for the office to which he had so unexpectedly been elected as the hermit Peter of Morrone, and seeing the grave harm his bad governance had caused, resigned the papacy after a reign of only five months. He was canonized in 1313 by Pope Clement V. Pope Boniface VIII, removing any doubt about the validity of such an extraordinary papal act, 
confirmed in perpetuity (ad perpetuam rei memoriam) that “the Roman Pontiff may freely resign.”

A growing number of Catholics, including cardinals and bishops, are coming to recognize that your pontificate, also the result of an unexpected election, is likewise causing grave harm to the Church. It has become impossible to deny that you lack either the capacity or the will to do what your predecessor rightly observed a pope must do: “constantly bind himself and the Church to obedience to God’s Word, in the face of every attempt to adapt it or water it downand every form of opportunism.”

Quite the contrary, as shown in the annexed libellus, you have given many indications of an alarming hostility to the Church’s traditional teaching, discipline and customs, and the faithful who try to defend them, while being preoccupied with social and political questions beyond the competence of the Roman Pontiff. Consequently, the Church’s enemies continually delight in your pontificate, exalting you above all your predecessors. This appalling situation has no parallel in Church history.

Last year, speaking of Pope Benedict’s resignationYour Holiness declared that if you felt incapable of exercising the papacy “I would do the same.” On the first anniversary of Benedict’s resignationyou called upon the faithful to “join me in prayer for His Holiness Benedict XVI, a man of great courage and humility.”

With no little trepidation, being under the gaze of the One who will judge us all on the Last Day, we your subjects respectfully petition Your Holiness to change course for the good of the Church and the welfare of souls. Failing this, would it not be better for Your Holiness to renounce the Petrine office than to preside over what threatens to be a catastrophic compromise of the Church’s integrity?

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Papal Appointee Enzo Bianchi Calls Fatima a "Swindle"

(Rome) For one of the darlings of  Church light, Fatima is only a "swindle". Enzo Bianchi, the "monk" and "Prior" of "monastic, interconfessional monastery" Bose, who is a layman in fact, holds the Angelic and Marian apparitions in 1917 in Fatima for a "swindle" because, so says Bianchi, a God , "who talks about the persecuted Christians, but forgets the six million Jews annihilated in Germany is not a credible God".  Bianchi's opinions thus  twists and turns, and the bottom line of the self-proclaimed Prior is to consistently follow the Mainstream.

Bianchi, the Papal Consultor

Enzo Bianchi kept at a distance  by Benedict XVI. but under Pope Francis,  Bianchi is feeling an updraft for promoting a "horizontal, anthropocentric Christianity" (Msgr. Antonio Livi). The "false prophet" (Msgr. Antonio Livi)  was recently the subject of an editorial in an edition of Credere, the official weekly newspaper for the Jubilee of Mercy, along with photo on the front page.
Pope Francis appointed Bianchi in July 2014 as Consultor of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. Bianchi is the "prophet" of a "demagogic search for peace, according to an illusory, universal amity and a secular solidarity," said Msgr. Livi of the friend of Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, who was one of Bianchi's patrons.
Bianchi calls for  overcoming of the papacy and its reduction to a symbolic and representative primacy. This does not prevent him from scattering roses before the reigning Pope  and celebrating him as a "new Psalmist" and "new Bernard of Clairvaux."
 Bianchi, however, thinks that the Mother of God is  "not a suitable model for the promotion of women in the Church". According to Bianchi, Christ "said nothing about homosexuality, and thus the Church should remain silent on it." The family was only "a  form that society gives it," which is why it can be changed at any time by the society.

"A God Who Spoke About Christianity in 1917, But Not about Persecution of the Jews is Not Credible"

Marian apparition in Fatima on 13 August 1917
The Bian
chi-utterances, wrote the well-known Catholic journalist Vittorio Messori: "For the Prior of Bose the phenomena of 1917 is a swindle because a God who speaks about persecuted Christians, but forgets the six million annihilated Jews in Germany is  no credible God. However Bianchi should remember that Communism (Lenin seizes power in 1917) has at least 100 million deaths on its conscience, and there would not have  been Hitler, if there had not previously been Lenin."
Vittorio Messori wrote a 1985 interview book with the then CDF Prefect Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger: "On the Situation of the Faith."  It's a book that is considered an essential turning point in the perception of the post-conciliar period, because it articulated a diffuse discomfort and lent a voice to it.
Messori has now presented a new edition of a book first published in 2005, "I potesi su Maria" (Hypotheses on Mary). He is to expand it 13 chapters and 150 pages, wherein Messori shall point to Bianchi's criticism of Fatima, to which refers to other critics, including the Dominican Jean Cardonnel.

Criticism of the Dominican Jean Cardonnel on Fatima

In  the year 2000 just as Pope John Paul II published the Third Secret of Fatima, or -. According to some - at least one part of it, the left-leaning daily Le Monde released an article in France by Father Cardonnel, who was at this time of his life, the head of  clerical dissidents and political opposition. Cardonnels idols were  Mao, Che Guevara, Ho Chi Minh and even the destroyer of the Cambodian people, Pol Pot, had place at the summit for the French Dominican.
Though he was a nuisance to his brothers with his eternal 'no' to everything that was sacred to the rest, he was allowed to live in the monastery of Montpellier. Cardonnel, who cared about no dogma and no Church law, forbade under outbursts of anger for anyone call him "Father". The prior of the monastery eventually took advantage of a trip the already 90 year old Cardonnel was on, and had packed his things neatly and quartered him in the nursing home. Cardonnel cried "scandal", portrayed himself as a victim and finding he had squandered time on a frivolous case appealing to the Canon Law, then called on the French government to help. He accused the Prior of trespassing. After a long negotiation, the court agreed with his case and sentenced the Prior. The court asserted an absolute precedent into legal history, a monastic cell was a private room. A provocative and dangerous decision, because it restricted and limited the ecclesiastical of authority over their own areas.

Cardonnel: "The Supposed 'Secret' of Fatima is a Fake"

The deadly power of the Red Star
This Cardonnel wrote in 2000 in Le Monde: "This alleged 'secret' is a fake. It is as fake as the Donation of Constantine, which was designed to justify a diabolical absurdity: a Christian empire. A great Italian theologian - one should not forget his name: Enzo Bianchi, the founder of a new monastic community - has the superstition and seen  immediately immediately through  what the Vatican  is doing with Fatima. In the daily La Repubblica, Brother Bianchi put his finger inexorably into the wound. He wrote: 'A God who thinks in 1917 that there will be a persecution of Christians, but does not speak of the Holocaust and the six million Jews annihilated, is not a credible God '. Yes, you have disclosed this wound: what more  glaring evidence does one need not recognize that the so-called Third Secret of Fatima is a fake and can not come from God? It's a fake, which discredited the Eternal. A credible God, I repeat Bianchi, the God of  Catholic racism who cares only for his family, for his Catholic race, while the kin of Jesus may fall prey to oblivion. "

According to Bianchi, only God who would have predicted and condemned the Shoa is  "Credible"

As far as the Dominican Cardonnel, who died in 2009.   Bianchi never disagreed Cardonnel but rather confirmed him. Messori writes: "In the meantime, there also circulated among certain Christians the conviction that the persecution of Jews by the Nazis during the twelve years 1933 to 1945 does not know any comparison and no comparison was possible. It would involve the absolute evil of the greatest crime of the entire history to the most radical example of human malignancy. It is no coincidence that the guilt of the Nazis as inexpiable why even today at ninety years old, if not even to hunt and condemn centenarians, because they are made responsible for it in any way, that which is referred to with the religious term, 'Holocaust', in any case, for the Holocaust. For this crime, and only for this, no statute  limitations is provided. Following Cardonnel and Bianchi, I repeat, even God must - if he wants to speak to us through Mary -  recognize the Shoah  and especially curse it, otherwise he is not a credible God.'  He is not a true God when he explicitly blames Auschwitz," said Messori. A revelation, message, vision or appearance in the required connection with the Shoah or Auschwitz , has been neither been here nor elsewhere mentioned in connection with  Fatima.

Without Communism, No Nazism without Lenin in 1917 no Hitler in 1933

It should be unnecessary, but for safety's sake, he'll do it yet, and emphasize that it is not about going to trivialize the crimes of National Socialism in any way: "The swastika was a tragic perversion of the Christian cross. One can therefore only connect the condemnation. It is nevertheless paradoxical to reject Fatima on these grounds, because the Mother of God in 1917 had not predicted the German camps and condemned it in the name of the Son and of the whole Trinity. 1917 was the year in which Lenin came to power and the Communist monstrosity was allowed free rein, which devoured at least 100 million people and in implementing the most brutal and bloodiest repression of religion throughout history into action. A repression that took place in the name of the atheist state, because as such the Soviet Union and its satellites had been declared in their Constitutions. 
And as demonstrated by the studies of the German historian Ernst Nolte, that Nazism arose essentially as a direct response to Marxism-Leninism Without Lenin in 1917, there would have been no Hitler in 1933 without the October Revolution of St. Petersburg, the ideology of the Austrian painter would have remained limited to a small fanatical   group in the back room of Munich's restaurants. In as much as Our Lady warned of Communism at Fatima, she also warned of the other deadly ideologies, which go back directly or indirectly to Communism or stand in an interaction with this."

Bianchi's Grotesque from the "God of the Catholic Racism"

Bianchi and Cardonnel are "Grotesque" when they denounce Fatima as an expression of "a God of Catholic racism". "What kind of gossip is this?" asks Messori. Which apart from the fact that the vast majority of the victims of Lenin through Stalin to Gorbachev (who in his youth was also a persecutor) were not Catholics, but Orthodox, forget that the  all religions were present.  The papists were massacred like the priests, rabbis just as  imams or Buddhist masters. The same thing happened wherever communism came to power. And that happened exactly in that fateful year of 1917, when the Blessed Mother warned against this perverse ideology, precisely because then - just as now - presented itself in a noble guise with evangelical sounding words of justice, liberation, equality and fraternity. Words that were understood by the Communist, however, were proven without exception as demons, including the German regime, which even introduced itself by the name of socialism. "

The Austrian Example and the Atonement Crusade

Father Petrus Pavlicek
What is valid for Fatima  is what applies to all ecclesiastically recognized private revelations. One need not believe in them. They can therefore also be criticized."But this should be done in more informed and in more subtle ways," than as  it is done by Bianchi.
"And when speaking of Fatima and Communism, then Bianchi would do well to remember also Austria in the period between 1945 and 1955.   Because throughout the war,  the Soviet Union had shifted their influence far to the west and brought huge parts of Europe under its control, with permission first of Hitler, then with the permission of the western powers. At the end,,  the Red Army had occupied Berlin and Vienna. The Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov, who had signed the Hitler-Stalin Pact in the summer of 1939, allowed Hitler the war against Poland, explained and repeated that the Soviet Union would not give up territory they occupied. It was therefore expected that in Austria the Communists would use military force to stay in power just as they had done  in Prague and Budapest, would usurp power by military force. Even in the western chancelleries this seemed to be assumed. No one wanted to start a new war on the other hand. But a Franciscan had not given up: Father Petrus Pavlicek. He first heard of Fatima in captivity. For his safe return from the war he undertook a pilgrimage of thanksgiving in 1946 and heard within  the voice that told him, 'Do what I tell you, and there will be peace.'" Pavlicek saw it as a connection with the apparitions of Fatima and founded the Expiatory Rosary Crusade for peace in the world and for the freedom of Austria.
Hundreds of thousands of Austrians joined him and prayed day and night for these intentions. Years went by, but the petitioners did not abate in their zeal. In 1955,  suddenly Austrian Chancellor was summoned by the Kremlin, where he was informed of the withdrawal of the Red Army from Austria. The western chancelleries were surprised by the decision which was so unexpected and above all was unprecedented and would not be repeated afterwards until the collapse of the Soviet bloc in 1989 in any other country. The signing of the State Treaty on 15 May 1955 brought the re-establishment of an independent and sovereign Austria. Politicians, diplomats and military around the world marveled. Those who had led the Expiatory Rosary Crusade praying for years, however, were not amazed. The date on which the Austrian Chancellor announced the withdrawal of the Red Army, was the 13th of May the anniversary of the first apparition of Fatima. The withdrawal of Soviet troops,  which most reluctantly granted such a beautiful and strategically important country, was completed in October of the same year, that same month which Catholic tradition dedicates to the Holy Rosary, since the Battle of Lepanto. "
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons / RSK / CR

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Pope Francis Wears the Fisherman's Ring at the Opening of the Holy Year

Pope Francis on December 8th 2015 With the Fisherman's
Ring. Generally He Wears a Silver Bishop's Ring from the
Time Before His Election as Pope 

(Rome) Pope Francis celebrated Holy Mass  yesterday for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. At the same time the opening of the Holy Year of Mercy took place with the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica. Pope Benedict XVI took part at his request.. During the celebrations Pope Francis  exceptionally contributed the Fisherman's ring, as can be seen in the pictures.
The annulus piscatoris is the official ring, an insignia of the Pope and one of the pontifical regalia. The gold ring on the ring plate shows the name of the reigning pope and a representation of the apostle Peter, as the boat casts a fishing net on the sea. It refers to the passage of the "Fishers of men," in the Gospel of Mark. Then Jesus says to Peter and his brother Andrew, "Come, follow me! I will make you fishers of men." (Mk 1:17).
Until 1843 the Fisherman's Ring was used as a signet ring to seal papal documents of lesser importance sub anulo piscatoris. Today, a lead seal has taken over this function.

Upon the Death of a Pope of the Fisherman's Ring is Broken

Pope Francis with Benedict XVI. before opening of the Holy Door
The ring is since John Paul II. Presented at the enthronement of the new Pope with the pallium and  is placed by the Cardinal Dean on the ring finger of the right hand. Thus  the wordly authority originally witnessed in the ring receives a new symbolic meaning as the insignia of the spiritual authority of the pope.
Upon the death of a head of the Catholic Church the ring is broken, because the authority of the Successor of Peter is over and so in time the see is vacant,and no one pretends to reach for the papal authority. This should also prevent the abuse of backdating documents.
The Cardinal Chamberlain leads the breaking of the ring in the presence of other Cardinals. Using a scalpel, a cross is carved into the ring and this then is smashed with a silver hammer. The relics are kept in the Vatican, shown partly in the Vatican Museums.

The Ring of Benedict XVI. Was Only Made Useless - Francis Rejected a Golden Fisherman's 

The Fisherman's ring on the hand of Pope Francis
The unexpected resignation of Benedict XVI. and the election of Pope Francis brought some changes. The Official Ring of Benedict XVI. was not broken. The ring plate was only cut and thus rendered unusable. On a smashing, so an interpretation has been omitted because the pope had indeed waived his office, but is still alive.
Pope John Paul II had established in the context of other changes that the Fisherman's Ring and the lead seal were  "annullare." But it was not clear in  what this "nullification", and "elimination" would consist.
Pope Francis wanted no precious insignia. After some back and forth, he agreed, instead of a golden fisherman's ring to obtain a gold gilted silver ring. A compromise, which emphasizes the continuity externally, but internally  comes to meet the wishes of the reigning Pope.
However, the Fisherman's Ring of Pope Francis is hardly worn. In general, the Argentine Pope wears his silver bishop's ring from the period before his election.
The kiss of the fisherman's ring by ministers and the faithful of the Church is a homage to the Successor of Peter.  As a rule it is done kneeling. .
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

Heretical Cardinal Says Pope is Heretical Too

PARIS, December 9, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – In an interview this morning, Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, said that Pope Francis “has called for a certain amount of control of birth,” while specifying that this would not include methods like the birth control pill.

Speaking to the BBC outside of the climate change talks in Paris, the cardinal suggested that limiting births can “offer a solution” to difficulties such as water and food shortages that are said to come from overpopulation and climate change.

"The amount of population that is critical for the realisation of this is still something we need to discover, yet the Holy Father has also called for a certain amount of control of birth."

Cardinal Turkson, described by the BBC as the Vatican expert on climate change, said while the critical level of population remains to be determined, the pope has nevertheless called for control of births.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Armed With Pistol on Saint Peter's Square -- Security Gaps on the Opening of the Jubilee Year

Journalist Shows Her Weapon
(Rome) Shortly before the beginning of the Year of Mercy, Italian security agencies are working hard to close security gaps. Current critics says it may be easy to smuggle weapons say  Vatican security experts criticizing the current situation. A journalist recently made a  test and easily smuggled a pistol at St. Peter's Square this past Saturday.
The Prefect of Rome adopted a series of measures for the Jubilee of Mercy, which will be opened tomorrow. The transport of weapons, fuel and other flammable liquids has been limited.

Security Seasures to Prevent Attacks by Jihadist Militias

The prefect relies on anti-terror laws. In concrete terms, they should prevent assassinations by Islamic State be prevented (IS) and other jihadi militias. The threat of such attacks is classified as "realistic" by the Italian Ministry of the Interior.
Prefect Franco Gabrielli has adopted for the period starting on Sunday, December 6th to Wednesday, December 9 a ban on any transportation of weapons, ammunition, explosives and toxic gases on the entire territory of the Rome Prefecture. Also prohibited is the setting off of fireworks of any kind.
For the entirety of the 8th of December when  the Catholic Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, any transport of fuels, LPG, methane and other flammable substances is prohibited. Citizens were advised to not to use during those days, cars, gun cases, envelopes or packages, which are commonly used by the army or the police, or could serve for the transport of weapons, to rule out any likelihood of confusion or suspicion.

Experienced Counterterrorism Specialist Concerned about Vulnerabilities

With an assumed disability card and a handgun at the
St. Peter's Square
Prefect Gabrielli is one of the most experienced counterterrorism specialists in Italy. Since 1987, he has worked in senior positions of state security (DIGOS).From 2000, he headed the DIGOS of Rome. He was  involved at the breaking up of the newest generation of left-wing extremist terrorist organizations the Red Brigades (BR). In 2004 he took over the construction of the newly established Counter-Terrorism Committee (CASA) and in 2005 was head of the Centre to Combat Terrorism at the Interior Ministry. During that time Islamic perpetrators of the London subway bombings were arrested in Italy. In 2006 Gabrielli became head of the Italian domestic intelligence SISDE. Last April he was appointed overlooking the Holy Year of Mercy as Prefect of Rome. According to media reports, he shows  prefect optimism, but was worried actually about existing vulnerabilities.
For this there is also no reason: Tomorrow, Pope Francis will be present at  the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica, the Jubilee of Mercy. Only last Saturday the journalist Mary Tagliazucchi reported the daily newspaperIl Giornale about how she could easily reach St. Peter's with a pistol in her pocket in the late morning."  Smiling, Handbag and Gun: So I Came to the Vatican", is the title of the article. "A few days before the beginning of the year of jubilee I showed up with a pistol on St. Peter's Square without any problems.  A (false) disability card sufficed ... This was "recognizable as a fake." The journalist smuggled a pistol, brand Tokarev TT, Model 57 Jugo, 7.62 mm into the Vatican. "This weapon is especially common in Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East. It was also used earlier in the year during the attack on the Jewish supermarket in Paris," as a weapons expert confirmed for the journalist.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Il Giornale (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

Monday, December 7, 2015

Criticizing Pope Francis an Excommunicable Offense?

Edit: Insane. Mercy for everyone, as long as you're not Catholic.

[Vatican] They will also receive from the Holy Father the authority to pardon “even those sins reserved to the Holy See” (Bull of Indiction, n. 18). These sins include: Violation or profanation of the Holy Eucharist (CIC 1367), which the archbishop says occurs “much more frequently that one might think”; Absolution of an accomplice in a sin against the sixth commandment (CIC 1378); Unauthorized ordination of a bishop, which penalty is incurred by both the ordaining bishop and by the bishop who is ordained (CIC 1382); Direct violation by a confessor of the seal of confession (CIC 1388), which Archbishop Fisichella called “one of the most precious elements that the Church possesses”; and physical violence on the Roman Pontiff (CIC 1370).

Regarding what constitutes “physical violence” against the Pope, Archbishop Fisichella told journalists at Friday’s briefing: “I would say that we need to understand well ‘physical violence,’ because sometimes words, too, are rocks and stones, and therefore I believe some of these sins, too, are far more widespread than we might think.”

Citing the letter Pope Francis addressed to him in early September, outlining several points he wished to focus on in Year of Mercy, the archbishop reiterated that the Pope will extend to all priests, for the Jubilee Year, “the discretion to absolve of the sin of abortion those who have procured it and who, with contrite heart, seek forgiveness for it.”

Finally, he underscored that the Missionaries of Mercy “are appointed exclusively by the Holy Father, and that the faculty of forgiving reserved sins will be given to each one of them personally.”,_initiatives/1191920