Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Pharisees and Saducees of Our Time

The Sandhedrin of the time of Jesus was the Council of
Sadducees and Pharisees
by Roberto de Mattei *
Criticism of the "Pharisees" is often found in the words of Pope Francis. In numerous speeches 2013-2015 he has spoken on the "disease of the Pharisees" (September 7, 2013), "accusing Jesus of not honoring the Sabbath day" (April 1, 2014), from the "temptation of self-sufficiency and  clericalism, that codifying of faith in rules and instructions, like the scribes, the Pharisees and the lawyers of the time of Jesus" (September 19, 2014). During Angelus of 30 August 2015, he said: "As  then for  the Pharisees there is also for us the danger that we order, or worse: to consider ourselves better than the other based solely on the fact that we keep the rules, the customs,  even if we do not love our neighbor, are hard of heart, proud and arrogant. "On November 8, 2015, he compared   the attitude of the scribes and the Pharisees and their "exclusion", to Jesus, who was based in "inclusion." The reference to the Pharisees is equally evident in the speech in which the Pope concluded last October 24  for the XIV. Ordinary Synod on the Family. Who else are the "closed heart, who often hide behind even the teachings of the Church or behind  good intentions to sit  in the chair of Moses and - sometimes condescendingly and with superficiality - to address  the difficult cases and the injured Families,"  if not "the Pharisees, who made ​​religion to an infinite chain of commandments (June 26, 2014)?" Pharisees seem to be anyone who defend with stubborn pride, the existence of absolute and incontrovertible commandments, laws, rules of the Church.

Who Were the Pharisees Really?

Who were the Pharisees really? When Jesus began his teaching years, the Jewish world was divided into different currents, about which we are told from the Gospels, among historians, like Flavius Josephus (3 -100 AD.) in his works "Antiquities of the Jews" and "History of the Jewish War ". The main sects were those of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. The Pharisees were concerned with the details of the religious rules, but had lost the spirit of truth. They were arrogant men who forged the prophecies about the Messiah and interpreted the divine law  according to their opinions. The Sadducees taught even more serious mistakes. They doubted the immortality of the soul and rejected the majority of the Holy Scriptures. Both were fighting for power in the Sanhedrin, who, when Jesus was condemned, was led by the Sadducees.
The Sadducees are even mentioned by Mark and Matthew three times, while the Pharisees occur repeatedly in the Gospels of Mark and Matthew.  Chapter 23 of St. Matthew in particular, is an open accusation against them: "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Your tithe mint, anise and cumin, and left the weightier matters of the law: justice, mercy and faithfulness. One must do the one thing without neglecting the others."

The St. Thomas Aquinas, Augustine and Bonaventure about the Pharisees

St. Thomas Aquinas explains in his commentary on this passage of Matthew that the Pharisees were not condemned by the Lord because they paid a tithe, "but only because they valued the lower more than  the spiritual commandments. But [deliver the tithe] in practice he seems to praise it, saying: 'These things shall be done' (Haec oportuit facere) according to the law, as Chrisostomos adds (Summa Theologica, II-IIae, q 87,. a. 2 ad 3).
St. Augustine said, referring to the Pharisees, of which St. Luke writes (18:10 to 14), that he has not been convicted of his works, but because he has boasted of his alleged sanctity (Epistola 121,1,3).  St. Augustine explains the same in his letter to Casulanus that the Pharisee was not condemned because he fasted (Luke 18,11ff), but "because he was inflamed in pride over the publicans" (Epistola 36,4,7). Because it is "fruitless for a man to fast twice during the week as the Pharisees, on the other hand, yet it is an exercise of religion in a  believer who is humble or  one who is a faithfully humble man  when Scripture does not say that the Pharisees had been condemned, but rather that the tax collector was justified." (Epistola 36,4,7).
The most concise definition of the Pharisees is found from St. Bonaventure: "Pharisaeus significat illos qui propter opera exteriora se reputant bonos; et ideo non habent lacrymas compunctionis" (De S. Mary Magdalene Sermo I, in: Opera omnia, Ad Claras Aquas, Florence 2001 Vol IX, col 556b..). "A Pharisees is described as one who thinks of themselves good because of their outer works  and therefore has no tears of penitence."

Pharisees were Proud Conservatives, the Sadducees Unbelieving Liberals

Jesus condemned the Pharisees because he knew their hearts: they were sinners, but considered themselves holy. The Lord wanted to teach his disciples that the external fulfillment of good works is not enough. That which is a good act is not only so in its own property, but the intention. Nevertheless, if it is true that good works are not enough, if good intentions are lacking, as it is also true that the good intentions are not enough, if good works are missing.   Gamaliel, Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathea (Antiquities of the Jews 20.9.1), and even St. Paul (Acts 23.6) who belonged to the party of the Pharisees, were better than that of the Sadducees, precisely because they, despite their hypocrisy, acclaimed the laws, while the Sadducees, from whose ranks the high priests Annas and Caiaphas came (Jewish Antiquities 18.35.95), also disregarded this.
The Pharisees were proud conservatives, the Sadducees unbelieving liberals. But both unified rejection of the divine mission of Jesus (Mt 3.7 to 10).
Who are the Pharisees and the Sadducees of our time? We can give an answer to this with quiet certainty. There are those who have tried before, during and after the Synod and will try to change the practice of the Church and through the practice of their teaching, on the family and marriage.

Pharisees and Sadducees rejected the divine teachings of Jesus

Jesus proclaimed the indissolubility of marriage as God had thought from the beginning, and she founded this on the restoration of the natural law, from which the Jews had removed, and strengthened them by the raising of marriage to a Sacrament. Pharisees and Sadducees rejected this doctrine by denying the divine Word of Jesus and introducing their own opinion. They appealed disingenuously to the law of Moses, as the innovators of our time invoked an alleged tradition of the early centuries, by falsifying the history and doctrine of the Church.
For this reason, a brave bishop and defender of the true faith, Monsignor Athanasius Schneider, speaks of a "neo-Mosaic practice". "The new disciples of Moses and the new Pharisees in the two most recent Synodal Assemblies (2014 and 2015) have veiled their practical denial of the indissolubility of marriage and their occasionally lifting the Sixth Commandment under the guise of charity, by expressions like  'way of distinction,' 'accompaniment', 'orientation by the bishop ', 'dialogue with the priest', 'internal forum', 'a more complete integration into the life of the Church' which are used to eliminate the accountability [in the law] of cohabitation in cases of irregular connections as much as possible (see. Relatio finalis, no. 84-86). "

The Pharisees and Sadducees of Today

The Sadducees are the innovators who openly claim to overcome the doctrine and practice of the Church. The Pharisees are those who, although they confess the indissolubility of marriage with  their mouths, still hypocritical deny it  by their deeds, by proposing a "from-a-case-by-case" - transgression of the moral law.
The real disciples of Jesus Christ belong to neither the Party of neo-Pharisees nor the party of neo-Sadducees, both modernist, but follow the school of St. John the Baptist, who preached in the spiritual desert of his time. The Baptist was, when he denounced the Pharisees and Sadducees as a "generation of vipers" (Mt 3,7) and admonished Herod Antipas for his adultery, not hard-hearted, but moved by love for God and for souls. Hypocrites and Hardhearted were the advisers of Herod Antipas, who wanted to bring his sinful and unrepentant loose life in harmony with the teaching of Scripture.  Herod had John the Baptist executed to bring the voice of truth to silence, but the voice of the forerunner is  still audible 20 centuries later. Whoever defends sound doctrine publicly, does not follow the exaample of the Pharisees and Sadducees, but the example of St. John the Baptist and Our Lord.
Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Youtube (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

"Tonight I Could Not Sleep" -- The "Yoke of the New Mercy"

Troika Against the Franciscans of the Immaculate
A Pope, an Archbishop and a Cardinal.
(Rome) "How can you speculate with the legacy of St. Francis of Assisi? That is the question that currently preoccupies people in Assisi. The Franciscans have pulled a fast one with bankruptcy and have gone into the net of the Swiss prosecutor's office, freezing numerous accounts worth many tens of millions of euros. The reason causes one to shudder: some of the confiscated deposits which are from the General Curia of the Order in Rome were invested in companies under investigation for illegal trade. There are almost unspeakable things mentioned: weapons and drugs. Investments go back to the period in which the Superior General of the Franciscans was  José Rodriguez Carballo, who is now Secretary of the Congregation for Religious," writes   the Vatican expert Giacomo Galeazzi in the daily newspaper La Stampa of 19 December 2014. The occasion was the announcement of shady financial operations by  the former General Treasurer and the de facto bankruptcy of the General Administration of the Franciscan Order.
Tonight I could not sleep. The blame was not the comings and goings of the helicopter which brought the Pope to Prato  (yes, it's true, Francis doesn't always travel   on foot or in the FIAT 500 ...), but the relentless repression of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception.
Christ has thus reminds us in the Beatitudes: "Blessed are those who sorrow, for they shall be comforted; Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Promised Land; Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God; Blessed are the innocent persecuted, because God will grant   them his kingdom of heaven." Therefore, dear mothers in blue habits, I am convinced that you will be blessed, because "others have insulted, persecuted and slandered, because you belong to me."
Me on the other hand, it is difficult simply to accept this willful abuse, which reeks of such a doggedness and bitterness  against almost he only truly authentic and exemplary Franciscan form in our time, as the brothers and sisters of the Order of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate,
I find it  also so difficult because the authors of this persecution are two Church representatives, about whom could be said a lot.  One is a Cardinal [Braz de Aviz]. And even though he lives in the house of the Vatican, where Cardinal Burke and Cardinal Grocholewski live, his name miraculously as strangely does not appear  in the list of petty vanity complex sheets about those Vatican prelates who were  allegedly living  in "scandalous" (pronounced luxurious ) homes. 
The other is Archbishop [Rodriguez Carballo], the former Minister General of the Franciscan Order. He is involved in a real scandal that unites all of the religious sins that Pope Francis denounces every day in his sermons. However nothing happens to him. And now that he can be certain to go unpunished, he throws himself so doggedly against  his Franciscan confreres of the Order of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. Its existence reminds him daily of  the holy life which he was supposed to lead.
O Blessed Virgin and Knots, I beg you, prepare an end of this diabolical provisional administration of the brothers and sisters of the Order of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, and  resolve this matter, as only you can solve it. For while the brothers and sisters of the Order  obtain eternity by patiently enduring the yoke of false mercy, we run,  we who  have to watch the injustice of this unworthy persecution, are in danger of losing the faith.
Your Dismas Romanus
Image: Mil
Trasns: Tancred

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Francis Stumbles Twice in Three Days --- How is the Health of the Pope?

(Rome) Pope Francis stumbled  for the second time within three days. Therefore  there are concerns about the health of the head of the Catholic Church in Rome.
Pope Francis showed considerable difficulty in climbing steps ascending St. Peter's Basilica in the past few days. The same applies to the steps that lead up to the Patriarchal Basilica of St. John Lateran to the papal altar. There are only a few steps, but the Pope stumbled twice within a few days and would have fallen if he had not been immediately supported by his companions, including the papal master of ceremonies Msgr. Guido Marini.
The health of Pope Francis is a reason of concern among his closest assistants. The complaints have remained hidden but not to the public, because the two events took place in public. Maybe it's just a momentary weakness, or the interaction of unfortunate coincidences. In Rome, however,  there is also speculation about the signs of declining health. 
The first incident took place last Saturday in an audience for members of the Italian welfare institution INPS and their family members. The Pope stumbled before the eyes of 23,000 people on the steps of St. Peter's Square, leading up to St. Peter's Basilica.
The incident repeated itself when yesterday, Monday, in St. John Lateran Basilica,  when Pope Francis wanted to ascend the steps and climb up to the altar, where he consecrated his new Auxiliary Bishop of Rome, Msgr. Angelo de Donati.
 Only two weeks ago the Vatican had vigorously rejected media reports that a specialist had been consulted about brain tumor  and found a benign tumor, which is supposed to  be able to be cured without surgery.
This coming December 16th, the Church leader celebrates his 79th birthday.
Just days ago, Archbishop Georg Gänswein had assured to media that Benedict XVI. was "mentally well."
With all the requirements  given, and soon three years after his unusual resignation, he could guide the Church today.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: CTV (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Monday, November 9, 2015

French Bishops Have at Each Other After Synod Report

(Paris) The ambiguity of the Synod Final Report is showing its real impact in France. The French Bishops' Conference seem to have been "overthrown with utter confusion"  by the Relatio finalis on the subject of remarried divorcees. says Corrispondenza Romana.
Those who had hoped  the Synod of Bishops would provide clear tools and a unique orientation, have been disappointed. The result is a compromise which conceals a superficial fundamental disagreement in the first place. Accordingly  a  different result is read.

Different Readings

Three main readings are emerging: The Kasperians, including  Cardinals Kasper, Marx and Schönborn, read the result more in a "hermeneutic of rupture" as an "opening" to a "new" Church of individual subjectivism. Defenders of Catholic teaching on marriage can be divided into two groups. Some, including the spokesman of the anti-Kasperians at the Synod, Cardinals Pell and Cardinal Müller,  read in it a "hermeneutic of continuity" as the preservation of the traditional teaching of the Church, because the demands of Kasperians were blocked. Another part, including Cardinal Burke and Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider, read the compromise formulas as a foot which the Kasperians have put in the door. They see how their Kasperian opponents have put a hermeneutics of rupture at work that does not allow unrestricted reading of continuity, as the text has been corrupted by the search for a compromise.
Half sentences, partial citations, omissions, misleading choices of words, recourse to a non-theological language and a minority that is determined to have a traditional foreign interpretation, bringing the Church into confusion, as the example of France shows.

The Synod Final Report and a Lot of Questions?

The Bishops' Conference of France dealt with Autumn Plenary session with the final report of the Synod. Numerous questions were raised: If adultery remains forbidden, what  then is the phrase, for example,  "more complete participation in the life of the Church" for adulterers who are found in the Synod final report?
The President of the Episcopal Conference, Archbishop Georges Pontier of Marseilles, was satisfied with the finding that the final report really contained   countless questions that were "deepening." The Archbishop named a few examples: "How can one talk about the state of sin to a remarried couple who have lived together for 30 years? Can one speak in such a case of adultery?"
The answer to the question is clear, according to Catholic doctrine. If the couple do not find themselves in a   state of sin, doesn't   the many years that have passed consist in  a serious omission. However, this omission does not alter their state of adultery. A clear answer, which no longer seems to be so clear-cut after the Synod.
Archbishop Pontier continued: "Do we have the power, to x-ray  the existence of anyone, so that we can refuse him access to communion? What's desacralization to our Christian life? "  In this case too, everything seems to concentrate on the  codification of misunderstandings.

Is the  Church in an  "era of pastoral experiments"

The Bishop of Ajaccio (Corsica), Msgr. Olivier de Germany, therefore were irritated by paragraph 85 of the final report, which was adopted only because a single vote into majority. The Bishop sees in the term "discrimination" the danger of "subjectivism": "You could fall into subjectivism and thus in injustice." The subjunctive appears not to be necessary because the Kasperians require this condition and promote it openly, so it is already partly reality.
.The young Archbishop of Saint-Pierre et Fort-de-France, the Dominican Bishop David Macaire said in the Plenary Assembly of the Bishops' Conference: "Houston, please come, we have a problem!" He warned that the Church was standing before, an "era of pastoral experiments." 
The Bishop of Gap, Msgr. Jean-Michel di Falco Leandri-, noted that "the disagreements and divisions of the Synod" by the final report was handed one-to-one to the Assembly of the Episcopal Conference. And this is true not only for France. After the Synod, confusion seems to entitle  everyone in the Church to read from the double Synod, whatever he wants to read.

The Example of the Diocese of Belfort-Montbéliard

Evening lecture in the Diocese of Belfort-Montbeliard
A striking example of this is the French Roman Catholic Diocese of Belfort-Montbéliard. The Office for Family Pastoral Care of the Diocese organized for the upcoming November 20 an evening lecture with discussion on the topic: "A family together again." Those who expect that it is about the healing of a sacramental marriage or its aim is to bring order to an irregular situation are mistaken. There is also the approach in Belfort-Montbeliard  that is to be found in dioceses in the German-speaking countries that "hurt families" have to be accepted as fact.  When talking about "wounded families,"  of course,  the broken sacramental marriages are not what is meant, but the special   irregular connections , those  married divorced again.  They should be comforted and offered help  in their state. After all, the most daring thesis is that they were discriminated against by the Church, since they are excluded from the sacraments. The Church has an obligation to them. Where they travel they will be  "accompanied",  to remain virtually open-ended. "Accompanying" is the service of the Church, but the goal is  determined by each individual. There should be no fixed standards. It is about a way from somewhere to anywhere. The actual state should not be criticized ("Who am I to judge," Pope Francis).
For this reason,  a priest won't be speaking on November 20 in Trevenans to preach the Catholic doctrine as the only real liberation and healing doctrine, but the family therapist Gerard Vallat. He will speak on "Separation as lived grief of parents and children". There is no charge for the breakup of a family. Such is assumed to be a kind of "natural law" that man only suffers, but can not influence. For this reason, there are only "victims", but neither guilt nor responsibility.

Church as a service: helping people realize their subjective will

Salvation will not be an issue in Trevenans. The theme will be how to best determine stages of life according to ones'  own individual wellness needs and make to those in the converted living reality also including "stage of life partnerships." The perspective is therefore also not be the salvation of sacramental marriage, because what is on the rocks, had just shattered. It's no longer about to put together the pieces of the vase, which was thrown by a specific person or specific people on the floor and shattered. Broken is broken. But it could, says the message, create something new (Love Falls, here today, gone tomorrow).
The children, even children who have just been unlucky. They are to be therapeutically  helped what  with all occupational groups (not priests) work and client groups,   to teach them that with their parents, everyone had a right for to achieve their individual life plans for themselves. Today is today and  tomorrow is just different. Children or not. The main thing is "respect" the other and do not resort to any physical violence.
In short, it was not a question, to fix the damage caused by his father and mother, but to help them "build new bonds". This is "a perspective of utter capitulation. The spirit of the synod is already blowing strong in the Church of France," said Corrispondenza Romana.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Diocese of Belfort-Montbeliard (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Animus Delendi Against the Franciscans of the Immaculate Continues -- Obsessive Micromanaging by Bergoglian Bureaucracy

(Rome) The battle against the  Franciscans of the Immaculata continues. Hardly had Pope Francis mounted the throne of Peter, than the opponents of the traditional rite in the Order felt themselves strong enough, with his agreement, to place the once thriving men's branch of the order under a provisional administration.  The women's branch "only" received an apostolic delegate as an overseer, but was still drawn in sympathy with the men's Order because of its close spiritual and institutional connectedness. With a confidential decree of 19. October 2015, the Roman Congregation for Religious reinforced its resolve to proceed further against the men's and women's branches of the Order. In his decree Pope Francis is obliging the women's order to avoid a "special vow" or "solemn promise." What this involves can be read herein.  

The New Decree

"Because of credible information about a private vow (or promise) of special obedience, which is reserved to some male and female religious to the founder, which has been placed above the general vows of obedience owed to the superior, has prompted this dicastry to bring this problem to the attention of the Holy Father, who has given a special mandate to deal specifically with this problem.

Therefore, the Congregation for the Institute of Consecrated Life and for the Societies of Apostolic Life in enforcing this mandate for the good of the souls of all members of the Franciscans of the Immaculata, and all eventually bound to these institutions, by private vows (or promises) of a special nature to founders or foundresses.

In consequence it will be necessary that in future this vow or promise in future is not practiced either in its current or any future form.

With that this annuls any document, should such exist,  in its value, such that it involves in any way the vow (or promise) named here.  

It is the obligation of responsible authority in both institutes to make these stipulations known in a measured and discrete way to all members belonging currently to the institutes so that they can know how they are to respond if any have been placed under such a vow.

Superiors will be instructed by the Dicastry about the times and modalities for the introduction of this decree.
Released against anything to the contrary, from the Vatican, on 19th of October 2015.
Joao Braz Card. de Aviz
+ José Rodriguez Carballo OFM
Erzbischof Sekretär

The Accompanying Music by  Corriere della Sera

Dekret der Ordenskongregation vom 19. Oktober 2015
Decree From the Congregation of Religious on  vom 19. Oktober 2015

The desired musical accompaniment by the Corriere della Sera

Decree of the Congregation of the Order of 19 October 2015
Decree of the Congregation of the Order of 19 October 2015
The Corriere della Sera gave on  a backgroundn report Thursday for   for the unusual decree. It  took great pains  to make the desired background music in support of the Decree. The Order is made ​​by blending diverse elements under general suspicion. But telling signs can be seen Interspersed between.  
The article refers back to a Franciscan  of the Immaculate, who wanted neither to be named  or photographed. He had stated:  without giving any reasons, that there are new efforts around the deposed Founder  Fr Stefano Maria Manelli and the Vatican in 2013,  to establish a new  Old Rite Order. "They do not want to acknowledge the Modern",  the anonymous brother  who is against these efforts, allegedly told Corriere della SeraThe special vow (or promise) was linked to these aspirations for a new foundation and concerns those men and women religious, who have remained faithful to the Founder.

Aspirations for a New Old Rite Establishment

The Decree by the Congregation of Religious which was in turn adopted with papal approval, says at the outset that there were "credible" reports. The decree itself reveals, however, that the Vatican has adopted it on the basis of conjecture, without having any concrete evidence. The decree thus sounds like a new shot across the bow, which clarifies that the religious congregation remains determined to disrupt  order from recognition and to subject it to re-education.  Anyway, nothing should be remain of  the actual charisma of the Order.
The fact is that there are, since the Autumn of 2013, efforts of monks and nuns to found a new religious in which the true charism lives. That charism of fidelity to tradition and the rediscovery of the traditional rite, which had led the Order to its heyday and was shattered by the raging, appointed in 2013 and now deceased Apostolic Commissar, the Capuchin Fidenzio Volpi.  So far, however, nothing is known about a "special vow." 

Congregation of Religious Unwilling to Allow Reestablishment

The Congregation appointed a new Commissar last June with  Salesians Sabino Ardito, and there was hope that he would lead the Order with a calmer hand. However, the Congregation of Religious does not seem willing to grant such a rest. Above all, it seems to want to prevent the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate from carrying out a new religious foundation. Commissar Volpi had warned  Italian Bishops during the General Assembly of the Italian Bishops' Conference not to take Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate in their dioceses.
As early as autumn 2013. dozens brothers had applied to the Congregation of Religious to be released from their religious vows. The canonically compliant departure from  the altered Order should have given them the opportunity to ask for incardination in dioceses and free them up for the path to reestablishment of an Order. The Congregation has refused until today, however, such a dispensation. Cardinal Braz de Aviz and Pope Francis do not want the Order of Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate 2, since the Order of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate 1 have placed under provisional control ​​and broken. 
Thus, the brothers are forced by the Congregation to remain in the Order, although this is no longer the same Oder since the provisional administration than the one which they were originally committed to.  Should they leave without a dispensation of the Order, which have a number of well done, this puts them canonically in the wrong.  Each Bishop, or superior of another order, and especially by the Vatican could go against them in the field, since they are not in a canonically regular position. In short their lives would be  on end of a  rope indefinitely. It's a situation that brings brothers and sisters into a fitful moral dilemma. Above all, one does not change an order like a shirt.

What is at stake in the matter: A brief review

The ordeal of  Father Manelli's order, who was ousted from the Order until the summer of 2013, so continues. Reminder: The Order of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate was created after the Second Vatican Council. While other orders over abruptly "modernized", Father Manelli went the opposite way and wanted to return to the roots of the Minorite Order, to which he belonged at the time. He joined an increasing number of young men and women, so in 1990 a new foundation was necessary for religious revival of the Order of Friars Minor of St. Francis of Assisi.
Under Pope Benedict XVI.   the young discovered, with the blessing of numerous vocations,  the traditional rite. The priests concelebrated in for reasons of pastoral care in both forms of the Roman Rite. Internally the Order underwent the change from the new rite to the traditional rite. The result was an even more rapid growth of the Order, which would then set up a number of new monasteries and take over  pastoral care in parishes and sanctuaries.
The Order did not belong, because of its development, to the old ritual Ecclesia Dei -communities but was under the Congregation of Religious like all new rite communities.  That made ​​it an anomaly that was before 2013, an example to all th other new rite orders.
Thus arose also a violent resistance within the Order. The resistance of a small internal minority, who would not  tolerate the traditional rite. For the same reason there was also resistance from among other church circles who believed they recognized a hazard in the Order. The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate had a thriving community, and were viewed enviously by the other orders. Above all, it seemed to be the living proof that the often prostrate  nature of religious orders can be revived even in Europe through the stern austerity, tradition and the traditional rite. The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate were on the way under Pope Benedict XVI. to becoming a potential model for other orders. It was an idea that came not with undivided joy.

With the papal election of 2013, the problems started

Under Pope Benedict XVI. no one dared openly to oppose the Order. The German Pope had returned the traditional rite with the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum to the universal Church. In implementation of this Motu Proprio, the Order had returned to the traditional rite. The German pope was especially closely connected with the Franciscans of the Immaculate, too closely, so that the envious and chief opponents of the traditional rite would never have dared to lay hands.
With the unexpected resignation of Benedict and the election of Pope Francis, the situation had changed radically in one fell swoop. The Argentinian Pope was soon repeatedly recognized for his dislike of the representatives of tradition and also that he retained the traditional rite as  a passing "fad." Now it happened in quick succession.Citing and in cooperation with the small band of five brothers who complained to the Congregation of Religious, Father Manelli and the entire Order leadership were deposed and replaced by an Apostolic Commissar, the said Father Volpi, and he also no friend of the traditional rite. The Order now lacked the protection afforded by the Ecclesia Dei 's own communities.

The Imposition of the "new Mercy"

To this day, the Vatican has offered no reasons for this serious interference. Only unofficial hints by Commissioner Volpi and the Curial Archbishop Carballo, who has been appointed by Pope Francis secretary of the Congregation for Religious could show that it comes to an ideological struggle against tradition and the traditional rite. This is suggested, since celebration of the old rite was banned for all  priests  by decree of the provisional administration. In open opposition to the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum every priest of the Order had to individually apply for a special permission to celebrate the old rite again. It was a demonstrative act of reducing and downgrading of the traditional rite, with which the Order members  were   shown what is now required under the new conditions in the Vatican and what is not.
Pope Francis withdrew the possibility from the astonished friars the right to appeal against the decree in opposition to the Congregation of Religious. The case would have ultimately landed before the judgment seat of Cardinal Raymond Burke, the then Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, an incorruptible Canon Law expert and declared friend of the traditional rite. This should be avoided. Basically, as well as the  aforementioned rejection of dispensation, shows that Order members should be compelled for re-education.
Pope Francis has dedicated his pontificate to the theme of mercy. Yet he has showed the Franciscans of the Immaculate anything but mercy.
 Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Image: Mil
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Ettore Gottie-Tedeschi: Letter to My Granddaughter -- After the Synod on the Family

Letter to my granddaughter -- Ettore Tedeschi
(Rome) The internationally renowned banker and financial ethicist Ettore Gotti Tedeschi- who was from 2009 to 2012, President of the Vatican bank IOR, wrote a few days after the end of the Synod of Bishops on the Family, a letter to his granddaughter, who has just  come into the world. In this letter he expresses his unease about the current situation, about the spiritual constitution of the globalizing world and the universal Church as well as the basics of their actions. One criticism that goes far beyond the Family Synod.
The letter is a fictional look into the future: clear, sober and astute. And all with a dash of provocation, because of expressions of maldevelopment, false assumptions, misguided priorities and misguided meaning and shifts of emphasis are things he recognizes. The tenor underlying it all: humanity needs a reckoning, they will face the challenges ahead.This applies especially for the Catholic Church, especially and primarily for her pastors, because they are custodians of a primary responsibility for the world and humanity.

Letter to My Granddaughter about the Family Synod

Ettore Gotti-Tedeschi by-
This letter I write to my granddaughter Olivia, who was born a month ago, so that in 20 years when she reads it, can better understand the world in which she will live.

Dear Olivia,

in 20 years you could feel the desire to marry. What sacramental marriage will be in 20 years yet depends on us today, or rather, it seems to depend on a referendum, from the assembly of the faithful ...
A synod on marriage ended a few days ago and with the Newspapers reading that one might come to the conclusion that all have triumphed (Progressives and Conservative), just as we are used to from political elections. If you read the letter of the Synod Secretary, Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri to the Corriere della Sera on 27 October, one might get the impression that the one concerned (the people of God) decides himself, being interviewed by questionnaire of the sensus fidei. Because the herd possesses the right "sense of smell" in order to discern what the Church has to do in the things that concerns them. And eventually,  finds the Holy Spirit in the faithful echo of the voice  - of course. But this, I fear, we will, in order to know what sacrament  you can expect, must await the decision of the meeting of  the assembly on the matter of interested faithful ...

Dear Olivia,

every era has always had its misery, its tragedies and its greatness. That's right, since man has tried to give his life and his actions meaning. And that has  always happened   since the moral authorities of different religions try to explain the reasons for good and evil. But your era is in danger, since the moral authorities disappear, that they have been mediated by a global world and brought into line under the pretext of wanting to avoid global conflicts that were inflicted by dogmas and fundamentalisms, as if these were spread especially in the wake of evangelization. I fear that the moral authorities will no longer be the same and to the detriment of the knowledge of the truth and the victory of faith. You'll find out for yourself when you receive religious education in a few years.
To whom else should  the responsibility for all this be attributed, if not the Gnosis, that triumphs everywhere? In philosophy it has succeeded to even put into perspective what is absolute. In anthropology, it has succeeded, the people have downgraded themselves  to a more or less intelligent animal, which is a cancer of the nature. In the economy, it has managed to make believe that the economic misery has spawned morality. In science and technology, it has managed to make them believe that both must have a moral autonomy.
The moral authorities (of various religions) have reacted in different ways to this suppression. In some circles and cultures they react with violence. In others, they can be intimidated out of fear of being ostracized. And in order not to be regarded as fundamentalists, they go so far as to sin, to justify and clever disguise the errors and disorder.

Dear Olivia,

the world in which you are growing tall will assert the theory of evolution, but in reality,  mankind , God's creature, is wild. In this world in which you grow up, you'll encounter some dangers. In order to survive these risks, you'll need to be well prepared. 
The first risk will be to not understand whether the truth comes before or after  freedom,  to look for them as if they are only made ​​in dialogue with other truths created or existing independently of it. 
The second risk will be to not be able to understand what is the cause of the ills that afflict the people, whether it is really economic injustice, or actually moral injustice. 
Another danger is in the effort  to understand the subtle difficulty in deciding between mercy and justice if these seem to be conflict with each other. 
These and many other risks are all the greater when the moral authorities cloud the water, when  they   abandon the ideas and behaviors which give correction and orientation to people; If you instead, this adapt by excusing them  and accepting, are changed by them. In other words: by adjusting to the time that demands an evolutionary dynamics in understanding the laws of nature.
 Holy Church has known through the times, thanks to the Saints,  to act for changes to straighten the errors of men: think of the heresies of Protestantism, the Modernism.
Today, however,   Gnosis succeeds, even  to deny the truth where it is, and even to place   freedom of conscience, where it does not belong. The Gnosis has succeed today, the Church is denied the right to evangelize  (from respect for other cultures) and demands she  leave the (as bad or hardly ever formed) conscience to decide what is good and what is evil. That's like calling a blind man to cross a busy intersection without any help, and thus expose him to the risk of being struck down. They expect the Church to leave men in freedom to decide according to his conscience, what is good for him, without thinking about it, and that is tantamount to putting a mouse in front of a fragrant cheese with a well-camouflaged, deadly trap connected to it. They expect the Church to abandon the believers,  to rule on the maturity of their conscience to return to the flock.
All this allows me to explain to you, dear Olivia,   at the same time why there is global warming. It exists because the number of souls is so great, that are on the way to burn in Hell, because of the spreading confusion in teaching.
Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Scolpict
Trans: Tancred

Not All the Synod Fathers Understood Final Report They Agreed To? It's Only Available in Italian.

(Rome) During  catechesis held in Italian during today's general audience, Pope Francis also came to speak on the Synod of Bishops. The Catholic Church leader said:
"The Assembly of the Synod, which ended recently, has considered hard  the vocation and mission of the family in the life of the Church and in today's society. It was an event of grace. At the end of the Synod, the Fathers  handed me the text of their conclusions. I wanted that this text will be published so that everyone can participate in the work that saw us collaborate together for two years. This is not the time to examine these conclusions, I have to think about for myself. Meanwhile, life does not remain standing, especially the lives of the families, it does not stand still. "
Thus, the Pope headed over to catechesis.

Amazingly Reference to the Synod Final Report

The  Pope's reference that he had desired that the final report of the Synod, the Relatio finalis, be  published, amazed. Not even in the Italian text of catechesis, published on the official website of the Holy See, is linked to the final report, but only to a general page of the papal speeches to the synod. In the English summary of the catechesis it is also linked to the general page and nowhere in the German summary.
The final report of the Synod adopted on 24 October is to this day only in an Italian version. The closing speech of the Pope on the same day, and the Pope's homily for the closing Mass on 25 October have been published on the same day in different languages.
It would therefore be difficult for the "all" mentioned by the Pope, "to participate in the work." Those responsible, directly under the pope in the General Secretariat of the Synod, shows no interest in translations.

Doubts that all Synod Fathers Understood the Final Report

The fact that the final report of a synod of the world church was presented to the Synod Fathers on 24 October in Italian had only caused some irritation. Although the Italian language is de facto that of the Church as an unofficial lingua franca, it has no official status. It is a popular language among many others. There are doubts whether all the Synod Fathers have sufficient knowledge of Italian to actually capture the final report in all its importance.
Does the Pope not know   that the report is only available in Italian? Who decides the translations? Why are the Synod Fathers not in position to safely understand  the final report, on which they had agreed? Why the faithful and the public  not be able to be able to really read and understand the final report?
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Vatileaks Bunglers Provide Information for Books that Celebrate a Humble Reformer

Edit: so the bungling duo, two people who are clearly opportunists, if you paid attention to some of their activities since becoming favored by Bergoglio, releases information for books that make their master into a real hero.

He'll probably ensure the pair are pardoned.

I think we can now safely assume that this is a manufactured event designed to make Bergoglio look good.

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Two new books by Italian journalists depict a Vatican plagued by mismanagement, greed, cronyism and corruption and where Pope Francis still faces stiff resistance from the old guard to his reform agenda.

The books, "Merchants in the Temple," by Gianluigi Nuzzi and "Avarice," by Emiliano Fittipaldi, which are being released in Italy on Wednesday, have already been condemned by the Vatican.

On Monday, the Vatican said the books "generate confusing, partial, and tendentious interpretations" in a statement that announced the arrest of two members of a commission the pope had set up to study financial reforms.

Pastor on Broadway Leads Souls to Immemorial Mass

Edit: this appeared in September and is being showcased now on the European blogs. It's nice to bring it up in case you missed it, how the Immemorial Mass of All Ages is leading to a rekindling of people's faith in New York:


The church of the Holy Innocents was erected as a parish in 1866 in south Manhattan, at the heart of what was then the red-light district of New York and has since become the Garment District. It has long been considered as the actors' parish because of its proximity to Broadway and its theaters. Attendance declined in that business and entertainment district where there were few residences, and the parish was recently under threat of being closed down during a diocesan restructuring plan-until Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, acknowledged the parish's value as a spiritual oasis in the area. The parish offered the extraordinary form of the Roman rite since 2009 in addition to the ordinary form. Indeed, Sunday Mass attendance has tripled since then. As a result, the Cardinal not only confirmed the status of Holy Innocents but also assigned a new pastor there, even though there hadn't been one since 2013. 

The main attraction of this 1870 neo-Gothic church is its altar fresco of the Crucifixion by Costantino Brumidi, the artist responsible for the Washington Capitol rotunda. This fresco recovered all of its luster in 2013 after Fr. Kallumady, pastor 2007-2013, restored it. It was that priest, who was ordained in his home country of India in 1973, who reintroduced the traditional liturgy to the parish. He explained in the diocesan paper: 
"It is a commuter church and I was looking for a supporting community on Sundays. We now have anywhere near 100 people attending Sunday Latin Mass. They are very active and supportive of the parish and that’s what I was looking for. They come from all over: Long Island, New Jersey, some from as far as 80 miles away. They are all welcomed here. And so this is a parish with a difference."

After Fr. Kallumady's departure the parish was administered by Fr. Rutler, the famous New York preacher and evangelist, who knows the traditional liturgy and kept up its renewal until Fr. Villa's nomination last winter. Fr. Villa had served in the U.S. Navy prior to his entrance to St. Joseph Seminary. During his seminary years he served the homeless and alcoholics in New York's Bowery as an apostolic assignment. Fr. Villa served in St. Eugene's parish for twenty-two years in Yonkers, the fourth largest city in New York State north of the Bronx. He introduced the extraordinary form of the Roman rite there on 14 September 2007, the very day Benedict XVI's motu proprio took effect. A leader of men at the service of the salvation of souls, Fr. Villa showed the way in his very first sermon at Holy Innocents: Consecration to the Sacred-Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary; devotion to the Blessed Sacrament; and confession. Indeed Fr. Villa is convinced that before bearing witness to Christ through words, one has first to live in His presence, just as the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph did.

Bishop Athanasius Schneider Responds to Final Report

Edit: This is the report which we've linked back to Rorate. 

Like his namesake: 

A back door to a neo-mosaic practice in the Final Report of the Synod

The XIV General Assembly of the Synod of the Bishops (October 4 – 25, 2015), which was dedicated to the theme of “The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and Contemporary World”, issued a Final Report with some pastoral proposals submitted to the discernment of the Pope. The document itself is only of an advisory nature and does not possess a formal magisterial value.

Yet during the Synod, there appeared those real new disciples of Moses and the new Pharisees, who in the numbers 84-86 of the Final Report opened a back door or looming time bombs for the admittance of divorced and remarried to Holy Communion. At the same time those bishops who intrepidly defended “the Church’s own fidelity to Christ and to His truth” (Pope John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation, Familiaris Consortio, 84) were in some media reports unjustly labeled as Pharisees.

The new disciples of Moses and the new Pharisees during the last two Assemblies of the Synod (2014 and 2014) masked their practical deny of the indissolubility of marriage and of a suspension of the Sixth Commandment on a case-by-case basis under the guise of the concept of mercy, using expressions such as: “way of discernment,” “accompaniment”, “orientations of the bishop,” “dialogue with the priest,” “forum internum,” “a more fuller integration into the life of the Church,” a possible suppression of imputability regarding the cohabitation in irregular unions (cf. Final Report, nn. 84-86).

Monday, November 2, 2015

Breaking: Vatileaks II, Francis' Courtiers Arrested for Stealing Information

Edit: here's the story in an excerpted googletranslation from La Stampa, and the Tornielli, Bergoglian Vaticanista.

The woman after being held overnight in the Vatican was put released to freedom today because she cooperated. The Secretary of the Prefecture for Economic Affairs continues to be employed in the Oltrevere [a nickname for the Vatican]. Both are accused of having disclosed confidential documents of the Committee COSEA that are the basis of two new books on Vatican finances


The Spanish Monsignor Lucio Angel Vallejo Balda , 54, Secretary of the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See, and the Italian Francesca Immaculate Chaouqui, 33, are in custody in the Vatican. Arrests have been confirmed but the woman today has been released into freedom because she has assisted in the investigation. The investigation by the Gendarmerie and the judiciary at Oltretevere would have identified as the alleged "crows" behind the new flight of documents that are the basis of two new books that have not yet been published: "Avarice" by Espresso columnist Emiliano Fittipaldi, and "Via Crucis" by Mediaset journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi.

Both Vallejo Balda and Chaouqui were part - the first as secretary and the second as a member - of the study committee and advised the economic-administrative organization of the Holy See (COSEA), established in July 2013 to screen papers and accounts of all the ministries, and to suggest reforms to rationalize expenditure and better management overall.

It was just Vallejo, number two of the Prefecture who will disappear with the reform of the Curia, to propose Chaouqui to be introduced to the commission. Interestingly, in the weeks before the papal appointment, she had often been unable to avoid controversy: recall the tweet in which she spoke of a nonexistent "leukemia" suffered by Pope Benedict , and other messages still more controversial against the then Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone and the former Minister Tremonti. Chaouqui defended herself by saying she was the victim of false charges because of envy aroused by her new role and had denounced the intrusion of strangers in her twitter account.

Edit: They even organized a reception on the terrace of the Praefecture for Economic Affairs, where the Blessed Sacrament was served in plastic cups.

They were particularly venomous when Sandro Magister lost his press credenntials.

Francis Grants Another Interview to His Favorite Masonic Journalist

Edit: you'd think that after being burned by the Freemason who founded the Pope's favorite morning news read, he wouldn't grant anymore interviews. Then again, considering that the divorced and remarried frequently went to Communion in Buenos Aires before Bergoglio was Pope, why would such a statement be surprising? He's just floating more trial balloons being heard in the court of public opinion.

[Catholic Herald] The Vatican has said that an interview which quotes the Pope as saying that “all divorced who ask will be admitted” to Communion is “in no way reliable” and “cannot be considered as the Pope’s thinking”.

In an article in La Repubblica, Eugenio Scalfari said the Pope made the comment during a phone interview.

According to a translation by traditionalist blog Rorate Caeli, Pope Francis said: “The diverse opinion of the bishops is part of this modernity of the Church and of the diverse societies in which she operated, but the goal is the same, and for that which regards the admission of the divorced to the Sacraments, [it] confirms that this principle has been accepted by the synod.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Scary Halloween Synod Letter Read at the Synod Hall

Edit: just in time for Halloween and the anniversary of Martin Luther's nailing of the 95 Theses.

 This is the unofficial and probably aberrofriendly English translation of the relatio post disceptationem. What it means is anyone's guess, but it provides ammunition to those who want to legitimize things the Church has always and everywhere condemned for two millennia.

1.          During the prayer vigil held in St Peter’s Square on 4 October 2014 in preparation for the Synod on the family, Pope Francis evoked the centrality of the experience of family in all lives, in a simple and concrete manner: “Evening falls on our assembly. It is the hour at which one willingly returns home to meet at the same table, in the depth of affection, of the good that has been done and received, of the encounters which warm the heart and make it grow, good wine which hastens the unending feast in the days of man. It is also the weightiest hour for one who finds himself face to face with his own loneliness, in the bitter twilight of shattered dreams and broken plans; how many people trudge through the day in the blind alley of resignation, of abandonment, even resentment: in how many homes the wine of joy has been less plentiful, and therefore, also the zest — the very wisdom — for life […]. Let us make our prayer heard for one another this evening, a prayer for all”.

2.        The source of joys and trials, of deep affections and relations – at times wounded – the family is truly a “school of humanity” (“Familia schola quaedam uberioris humanitatis est”, Vatican Council II, Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium et Spes, 52), of which we are in great need. Despite the many signs of crisis in the institution of the family in various contexts of the “global village”, the desire for family remains alive, especially among the young, and is at the root of the Church’s need to proclaim tirelessly and with profound conviction the “Gospel of the family” entrusted to her with the revelation of God’s love in Jesus Christ.

3.        The Bishop of Rome called upon the Synod of Bishops to reflect upon the situation of the family, decisive and valuable, in its Extraordinary General Assembly of October 2014, a reflection which will then be pursued in greater depth in the Ordinary General Assembly scheduled to take place in October 2015, as well as during the full intervening year between the two synodal events. “The convenire in unum around the Bishop of Rome is already an event of grace, in which episcopal collegiality is made manifest in a path of spiritual and pastoral discernment”: thus Pope Francis described the synodal experience, indicating its tasks in the dual process of listening to the signs of God and the history of mankind and in the resulting dual and unique fidelity.