Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Newsweek: Is the Pope Really Catholic?

Newsweek: Title Page with Pope Francis
(Rome) The Catholic journalist and director of the Academy of Television Journalism in Perugia, Antonio Socci, was through his book "Non é Francesco" (He's not Francis) is known in which he denies the validity of the election of Pope Francis. 

In the Italian daily newspaper Libero, he published on 12 September a comment at the report of 8 September papal Motuproprios Mitis et misericors Iesus and Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus on simplification of nullity of marriage. 

According to Socci, the Pope needs the Synod not to perform his "revolution" , The decision to introduce a "Catholic divorce" had already been taken by the Pope, even before the first session of the Synod of Bishops was opened in October 2014th

After 2000 years of the Church is forced to divorce. Schism always imminent

by Antonio Socci [Trans by Tancred]
Newsweek has set Bergoglio and this headline on the front page: "Is the Pope Catholic?" Subtitle: "Of course, but you would not believe it, according to what we read in the press."
The question is justified in fact, given the fact that the Argentine Pope prays in a mosque and said in an interview to Scalfari: "There is no Catholic God."
In the Church the concern has become huge since the last 8th of September. This is because with the two Motu proprios on marriage annulment, we have an official act of Bergoglio-magisterium, with which one - according relevant professionals - is derailed by introducing a kind of "Catholic divorce".
That would mean the denial of Christ's commandment of indissolubility of marriage and the extinction of 2000 years the Church's Magisterium.
In order to understand the seriousness of the matter, it is sufficient to remember that the Church has suffered a serious schism in the 16th century, by passing through the Anglican schism, lost England just because the Pope did not recognize a single divorce, that of King Henry VIII, who claimed the annulment of his first marriage under false pretenses.

Could that Bergoglian Motu proprio provoke a new schism?

It can be. Incidentally,  even as Cardinal Müller himself, head of the former Holy Office, spoke in recent days in reference to a possible schism in connection with the Synod, it is all the more to be feared  since the 8th of September.
In recent days, a vociferous war of words was reported in Santa Marta with some important cardinals. Information of the Synod is explosive in itself.
Bergoglio has, despite  annunciating his chosen word "collegiality,"  everything already decided on this subject prior to convening the Synod. It was not to implement what the bishops had asked for in October 2014,  that thing which the Commission  had worked on, but the motu proprio which task he had already conceived, more than two months earlier on 27 August 2014.
Why is the motu proprio being challenged from the Catholic point of view?
Primarily, as Professor de Mattei has said, the reforms are  going (obviously from simplification and acceleration), as a whole, in the opposite direction of the path which the Church has always gone. It is a total change of perspective: in the first place it is no longer about defending the sacrament (the salvation of souls), but above all the easy and quick attainment of a marriage annulment.
It is sufficient to consider the abolition of double judgment. De Mattei writes, 'Cardinal Burke recalled that there is in this respect, a catastrophic experience. In the United States there  were from July 1971 to November 1983, the so-called 'Provisional Norms', which de facto eliminated the obligation of the double, matching sentence. The result was that not a single application to the Bishops' Conference   of hundreds of thousands, were rejected from dispensing, and that they began to receive the general perception, that the process used was "Catholic divorce".'

The goal is to make "immeasurable" the number of marriage annulments

On the other hand Msgr. Pinto, Dean of the Roman Rota and  head of the commission that had spawned the motu proprio openly declared the objective of this reform. He wrote in the Osservatore Romano, that Pope Bergoglio wanted,  "a real  'turnaround'  of the bishops, a change of mentality, which convinces them to accept the invitation of Christ."
According to Msgr. Pinto "the invitation of Christ,  the Bishop of Rome is offering to his brothers" which, "is to move from the limited number of  fewer than thousands of annulments so that it could address the immense number of unfortunates who could have a declaration of invalidity."
It was never heard that Christ ever wanted an "immense" number of marriage annulments.
But now it is clear that the aim of the motu proprio is the mass divorce, free and faster and more easily than those of the state (there are already those who are considering whether it would be cheaper to get a divorce from  priests).
So far, up to Benedict XVI, the ecclesiastical courts were rebuked by the popes, because they were too lenient in the granting of invalidity.

Church courts are to be factories of mass annulments

With Bergoglio everything is turned upside down and they are criticized for the exactly opposite reason: He wants to make them into factories of mass annulments.
The MPs Alessandra Moretti [Left Democrats] is right when she says triumphantly that "the epochal reform" by the Pope "mimics the law of the quick divorce  whose rapporteur in Parliament I was," and emphasized "the common vision of church and state in this topic."
But that's not all.
With this Motu Proprio new please for annulment are distinguished - without any doctrinal and theological foundation - which might be considered upside down, even with the question the role of the Church: They would no longer be those concerned that  nullity is determined from the beginning of a sacramental marriage in the sight of God, but runs the risk of being a facility that "dissolves" factually, sacramentally valid marriages for invented reasons today.
"The theoretical affirmation of the indissolubility of marriage is accompanied by the praxis of a pretense to the law in to explain as void any failed marriage bond. It is enough, in conscience, to make one's own marriage invalid, to obtain recognition of their annulment by the Church," said de Mattei.

New grounds for invalidity: The load of dynamite stuck in Article 14 and is called "lack of faith"

The load of dynamite which mainly infects  Article 14 of the Rules, is where the "lack of faith" of the spouses will be summoned as a possible reason for a simulation or an error in the agreement and, therefore, the invalidity of a marriage.
Up until now lack of faith as a reason for the invalidity of a marriage has always been excluded by the Church which confines itself to raising the natural marriage to a sacrament.
Benedict XVI explained: "The indissoluble covenant between man and woman does not require for the sacramental personal faith of the spouses;  it is required as a necessary minimum to have the intention to do what the Church does."
The intention, then, to marry. Therefore, the Church also recognizes the sacramental nature of intermarriage with an atheist spouse or members of another religion: It is enough to want a natural marriage.
Now everything will be overturned and Bergoglio's style is sure to be availed of an ambiguous form, to make the Catholic world believe that doctrine does not change.
So the canon lawyer Paolo Moneta asserted on September 9 in "Avvenire" that "lack of faith so far was no ground for invalidity and it is not today."
At the same time Msgr. Pinto praised  the presentation of the Motu proprio the "renewal through the pontificate of Francis" and said that the number of marriages  "completed without faith sacrament",  would lead to an "immeasurable"  number of invalid marriages, "for obvious faith defect as a bridge to conscience and therefore to give a  sacramental consent by free will."
This will open clear the way for millions of cancellations. Millions!

Marriage annulment because couple married due to unforeseen pregnancy?

But since when do you have to  be holy or acquire a degree in theology at the Gregorian or be holy to be married?
For the recognition of a sacramental marriage, the Church has always required only a free decision to want to get married in the sense of a natural marriage. Likewise, She has always taught that the spiritual disposition of the spouses (holiness) is crucial for the fruits of the sacrament, but not for its validity.
Now everything is different. Among the circumstances that are opening the way to a super-fast divorce, there will also include "the brevity of marital cohabitation" or that two fiancees got married "because of an unforeseen pregnancy of the woman." What has this to do with the validity of the agreement?

The Incredible collection ends with an "etcetera"

The incredible collection even ends with an "etcetera". Does that mean that they can be broadly, arbitrarily applied?  What  law is that?
The weakest parts (women and children) will have to pay the bill of this revolution against families, which in any case is already destabilized under heavy bombardment by the secular culture.
Sister Lucia, the visionary of Fatima, one day said to Cardinal Caffarra: "The final battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan will take place around the family and marriage."
The time has come.
If this is the time of the "bishop dressed in white", it will be painful for all (you remember the city in ruins?).
Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Newsweek (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Professional Catholic Media Personality Campaigns for Women's Ordaination

Edit: "Lifelong Catholic" and leftist change agent, Stephen Colbert recently explains his feelings about women's ordination for leftist commerce site  His uninformed but  highly valued opinion compels us to ask, why not become Episcopalian if you like meaningless creeds conditioned by the prevailing zeitgeist? Here's what he said:

“When I heard a woman say ‘This is my body,’ the freshness of hearing a woman say that gave the message a universality that it always should have — and I’m not saying it doesn’t coming out of a male priest — but it opened my ears to the possibility that it is also my body. That in my participation in the Eucharist, I participate in the gift that Christ gives me …”

- See more at:

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Papal Consultor: "Mary is not a suitable reference point for the advancement of women in the church"

Enzo Bianchi, Papal Consultor or False Prophet?
 (Rome) "Mary can not be the reference point for the advancement of women in the Church." In reality,  Bianchi is a layman. He gave an interview to the daily newspaper La Repubblica, which was published last September 9th. Bianchi was appointed by Pope Francis as Consultor in  July 2014 of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity.
La Repubblica published an interview under the title "The church of the future," of Enzo Bianchi by Sylvia Roochney. Bianchi explained it: "In the Church there are good intentions, but about there are unreal expectations about women:  The model Maria, Virgin and Mother, can not be the reference point for the advancement of women in the church. The fashionable, subliminally alleged idea that Mary was more important than St. Peter, is a stupid idea, just as the wheels of a car would be more important than the steering wheel."
Next Bianchi said, "We are not yet able to take unequivocal equality between men and women seriously. The path of the Church is still very far, because even all the men are at the decision-levers, while women are restricted to low services," said Enzo Bianchi.

Enzo Bianchi Anti-Marian discovered under Francis again in the Franciscan  papacy 

Of Mary with Jesus Child (Civitanova)
That the Magisterium says the exact opposite, does not move "Prior" Bianchi. Bianchi wants to flatter Pope Francis with his sudden emphasis of the apostle Peter, although he  himself called for the  "overcoming" of  the papacy "in a spirit of ecumenism" in 2013 (see The papal Consultant who wants to abolish the Pope - False Ecumenism), said on June 12, 2015: "The feminine genius is a grace: The church is a woman, and Mary is much more important than the apostles".
Pope John Paul II stressed the importance of Mary in his "Letter by the Pope to Women" of 29 June 1995; in the Apostolic Letter Ordinatio Sacerdotalis of 22 May 1994; in the Apostolic Letter Mulieres Dignitatem August 15, 1988; as Pope Paul VI. in the Apostolic ExhortationSignum magnum of 13 May 1967 to name just a few of many examples that refute Bianchi's assertion.
Bianchi is known for his heterodox statements: Last August, he claimed that "family is a form that is given by society". Specifically, he said, so that the family could be changed by the society.

"False Prophet"

The former Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical Lateran University, Msgr. Antonio Livi, called Enzo Bianchi a "false prophet". Bianchi was the representative of a "horizontal, anthropocentric Christianity without God, replacing the only way to salvation by a demagogic search for worldly peace, according to an illusory universal friendship and by secular solidarity," said the Catholic historian Cristina Siccardi.
Silvia Ronchey is also no stranger. The Assistant Professor of Byzantine Studies and daughter of a former Italian minister of culture, she comes from a Masonic tradition. She is a welcome guest in the circle of the aproned  brothers. Her father, Alberto Ronchey took part in the Bilderburg Meeting in 1969 as a journalist for the Corriere della Sera  in Mont Tremblant, Canada.
In 2011 Silvia Ronchey the historically confusing  book "The True Story of Hypatia" that says less about Hypatia, but all the more about Ronchey's anti-Catholic and anti-Christian prejudices. Gustavo Raffi, the then Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy, even traveled to promote the book .
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred

Bishop Johnston New Bishop of Kansas City

Edit: here's the Bishop according to wiki who'll be replacing the last actually conservative Bishop of Kansas City who was ousted not so much by due process but in trial by media.  He is hedging his bets in the Inmemorial Mass of All Ages:

Considered somewhat conservative in his views, Johnston supports the celebration of Tridentine Mass, but has said he does not "hold a great personal attachment to it" due to his relatively young age. He also supports the use of Gregorian chant and polyphony. He has cited Dolly PartonChet Atkins, and Alan Jackson as some of his favorite musical artists.

Linda Leicht. News-Leader. Springfield Has A New Bishop, January 25, 2008

Monday, September 14, 2015

Pope Francis to Visit Lutheran Church In Rome

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Rome
(Rome) Pope Francis will visit the Lutheran church in Rome this coming November 15th.
On Sunday, 15 November, the Catholic Church leader will   the Christ Church in Rome  on November 15th to pay the Lutheran parish of the city to visit. This was published on the official website of the Vatican in the Italian calendar of "events with the Holy Father".
For almost 200 years, Evangelical services have been held in Rome. The initiative goes back to the Prussian Embassy built in 1747 in the Papal States. In 1817 the first Lutheran service was held in the city of the popes in the chapel of the embassy. The occasion was the 300-year anniversary of the Reformation. Since 1819, it was then  commissioned by King Friedrich Wilhelm III. of Prussia, with a permanent Protestant minister in Rome. With the defeat of the Papal States the forming, Germanic Evangelical-Lutheran congregation departed the Prussian embassy out into the public.
1910 saw the construction of the Romanesque Revival Christ Church, which was only completed, because of World War I in 1922. The architect was Franz Schwechten, who also created the plans for the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church in Berlin.
Francis' visit will be the third visit of a Pope in the Church of Christ. The first Pope who visited a Lutheran church since the Protestant schism of 1517 was in 1983 by John Paul II. Who was then preaching from the pulpit. On 14 March 2010 Benedict XVI paid the Protestant church a visit.

Pope appointments for November

From September 19 to 28  Pope Francis is to visit Cuba and then the United States of America.
On October 3, the pontiff will attend a prayer vigil from 7pm on St. Peter's Square for the 14th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the family.
On October 4, the celebration of the Holy Mass begins at 10am for the opening of the Synod of Bishops.
On October 18,  beginning at 10:15am on St. Peter's Square, the Holy Mass for the canonization of new saints Vincenzo Grossi, Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Ludovico Martin and Maria Azelia Guerin.
On 25 October, at 10 clock, the Holy Mass in the Vatican Basilica for the conclusion of the Synod of Bishops held.
On November 1, the feast of All Saints, Pope Francis is how to celebrate the Holy Mass in the previous years, at the Roman cemetery of Verano.
On November 2, All Souls' Day, follows in the Vatican Grottoes at 6pm a moment of prayer  for deceased Popes.
On November 5, the Pope celebrates at 11:30am   on the Vatican Basilica Altar, a requiem for the deceased Cardinals and Bishops in the past year.
On November 15, there will be a 4pm  visit to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Rome.
From November 25 to 30, the Catholic Church leader is to  travel to Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Freemasons Order the EU: Open Borders For More and More Immigration

(Brussels) Regarding   immigration everyone has said each to his own. The difference, however, is that some can do it in a big way in the mass media, others only in the limited range of a formally borderless Internet.
Now the Masons have spoken out. 28 Obediences have signed an official statement and throw a revealing light through this rare openness on the phenomenon now paralyzing Europe of borderless and irregular immigration. A phenomenon that makes the growing gap between elites and people visible.

Lodges unite from Turkey to Portugal, from Italy to Ireland and Poland

Among the signatories are the Grand Orient of France, the Grand Lodge of Austria, Switzerland, the Grand Orient, the Grand Lodge of France, the Grand Orient of Belgium, the Grand Lodge of Belgium, the Grand Orient of Croatia, of the Grand Orient of Ireland, the Grand Lodge of Italy, the Grand Orient of Luxembourg, the Grand Orient of Poland, the Grand Orient of Portugal, the Grand Orient of Greece, the Women's Grand Lodge of Turkey and others. They call on the European governments to not only receive the oncoming immigrants but take more and more in the future. The Masons proving an impressive consensus  among themselves from Turkey to Portugal, from Italy to Ireland and Poland. In addition, they are also making visible a constructive convergence with the official policies of the European Union and the majority of EU member states. It's a coincidence of intentions, that has been rarely expressed officially  to this extent between Freemasonry and policy makers.

The goal: "Undermining supporting elements such as homeland, identity and nation"

Freemasons and Immigration
A singular coincidence? It may be doubted. "The agreement has one objective: The undermining of supporting elements of our community such as homeland, identity, people," said Corrispondenza Romana.
The Lodges statement was publicized ​​by Médias-press made ​​in France.
The official lodges have justified the demand for unbridled immigration with overcoming "national egoism" and the primacy of undefined "general interests", which would require an "innovative welcome policy".
The lodges are not only declaring noble intentions, but issue a warning. Should  governments not   open their borders and therefore not follow the Masonic proposals, there would be "divisions and conflicts" and to a "resurgence of nationalism" in Europe.

Lodges demand: "Immigration ueber alles"

The lodge brothers (and sisters) are not relying  on their demand for the Judeo-Christian roots of Europe, but to the "respect for human rights," on which, say the Freemasons, the European Union bases  the "values ​​of solidarity and brotherhood."  The foundations of Europe are sufficient for the lodges only  with the French Revolution back to its Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789 which is the basis for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the UN in 1948.
The European Masonic obediences do not say how  squaring the circle is to be achieved, as the interests of refugees and the increasing number of swelling migration flows are to be reconciled with the interests of the peoples of Europe. The Freemasons are content publicly to define a fixed point as a conditio sine qua non: "Immigration above all," said Corrispondenza Romana.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Corrispondenza Romana / Médias Press
Trans: Tancred

Bishop Morlino Apologizes to SSPX

Edit: Raymond Arroyo is turning a corner.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

A Completely Different Order of Tradition --- The Little Sisters Disciples of the Lamb

(Paris) In France a very special female, traditional religious order exists. It provides women with Down Syndrome a safe haven and allows them to live a religious vocation.
The Little Sisters are "not self-evidently in a hypocritical world," said Veronque Labrion. A world which, although working on behalf of  people living with Down syndrome, but at same time attempt with  increasingly perfected meticulousness to detect their existence through prenatal and pre-implantation diagnosis and kill them before birth.

Founded in 1985, canonically erected in 1990

Les Petites Soeurs de l'Agneau Disciples (Little Sisters Disciples of the Lamb) are a small community of Consecrated Life, which was founded in 1985 in Buxueil in France. In 1990 it was canonically erected by the Archbishop of Tours. Since 1995, the monastery is located in Le Blanc. In 1999 it was recognized by the Archbishop of Bourges  as an order of contemplative life.
The spiritual care of the woman of the Order is the responsibility of  the abbot and the traditional monks of the Abbey of Fontgombault, near which the monastery is located.
The emergence and formation of the young community was accompanied in its first steps by the famous French geneticist and servant of God, Jerome Lejeune (1926-1994)    whose beatification process was completed in 2012 at the diocesan level.

Contemplative Order of Sisters with Down syndrome

Little Sisters of the Lamb disciples
The Little Sisters Disciples of the Lamb  are the first contemplative orders, the women with Down syndrome has the opportunity to realize their religious vocation. The sisters with trisomy 21 form pursuant to statutes, the majority, they are supported by a minority of nurses without Down syndrome.
The nuns make, depending on inclination and aptitude, within the meaning of the Benedictine Ora et labora,  make fabrics, tapestries, wood sculptures and other tems to  secure a livelihood by selling them.
The Congregation wants "to allow those   who in the world are in last place,  to take the leading role as a bride of Christ in the Church, and through their God ordained witness of the Gospel of Life for those whose existence is so despised that their lives are threatened by the culture of death," said mother Line, the prioress of the community.

The "Little Way" of St. Therese of Lisieux and the Benedictine Charism of Ora et Labora

The Little Sisters follow the "Little Way" of St. Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897), who was raised in 1997 by Pope John Paul II. to a Doctor of the Church. Significantly also, there is the influence of the Rule of Benedict and the Benedictine charism.
The nuns lead a modest life of prayer, work and sacrifice. They do gardening and handwork, Eucharistic adoration, maintain the Divine Office and the rosary, we live  the Holy Mass every day, live in silence and prayer, and look at the Scriptures, each according to their possibilities and abilities, which is why the daily rhythm is something distinct from that of other contemplative religious, a basic rhythm, however, it offers  all the sisters  an important basis, says Mother Line.
The  Order came about by  the encounter between two young women in the 1980s, of Line and Veronica. Line is now the prioress of the convent, Sister Veronica has Down Syndrome.

Silent inconspicuous life in the service of Christ

The sacred liturgy in the traditional form of the Roman Rite
The Little Sister Disciples of the Lamb take young women on who feel touched by the spirit of poverty and dedication and are willing to put their lives along with their sisters with trisomy 21 at the service of Christ.
Such a young woman was Sr. Rose Claire Lyon (1986-2013), who because of her cheerful and cordial nature was called "Sourire de Jesus"  (the smile of Jesus). She was born in 1986 in the Alsace-Lorraine town of Laxou and came from a family with many children. At the age of 19 she entered the convent of the Little Sisters in Le Blanc.  Sr. Rose Claire saw her role model in the "Little Therese", whom she referred to as "my big sister."
"Her longing for heaven was so great that she left the world as she  wished, quietly and tranquilly at the young age of only 26 on May 4, 2013,"  said mother Line. Dom Jean Peteau OSB, Abbot of Fontgombault, who celebrated the funeral Mass, said in his homily: "The message of Sister Rose Claire is contained in one word and that message is: Jesus".
Marc Jeanson made a documentary about the young congregation.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Romualdica
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Roberto de Mattei: Christian Matrimony Has Been Dealt a Grievous Blow

by Roberto de Mattei *
The two motu proprio of Pope Francis Mitis iudex Dominus Iesus for the Latin Church and Mitis et misericors Jesus for the Oriental Churches, which were announced on September 8, 2015 have dealt Christian marriage a serious wound.
The indissolubility of marriage is divine and immutable law of Jesus Christ. The Church can not "cancel" a marriage in the sense of dissolution. You can, with a declaration of invalidity, consider its non-existence, if those conditions are not met which ensure their validity. This means that it is not the interest of the spouse which has priority in a canonical process for the Church to obtain a declaration of invalidity, but the truth about the validity of the marriage bond.
Pius XII. reminds us in this regard, that "the only destination is the truth of the marriage process and the law is its verdict in the annulment process, which secures the non-existence of the marriage bond" (allocution to the Roman Rota, October 2, 1944). The believer can cheat the Church to obtain a nullity, for example, through the use of false evidence, but the Church can not hoodwink God and has the duty to ascertain the truth in a clear and precise manner.

In the canonical process, the interests of marriage as a divine institution comes first

In the canonical process, first place goes to the highest interest of the divine institution - and marriage is one such - to be defended. The recognition and protection of this reality come in the legal field expressed in the narrow formulation favor matrimonii, in other words, acceptance of the validity of the marriage until proof to the contrary. John Paul II. declared that the magisterium represents the indissolubility of each consummated marriage as an ordinary law, precisely because the validity is assumed regardless of the success of married life and the possibility in some cases that there could be a marriage annulment (Speech the Roman Rota, January 21, 2000).
As the Enlightenment tried to deal a fatal blow to  Christian marriage,  Pope Benedict XIV. with the decree Dei miseratione from 3 November 1741, ordered that in each diocese a Defensor vinculi had to be used,  for obtaining the declaration of nullity, the principle double coincident judgment to by two different judicial bodies. The principle of double matching judgment was affirmed by the Code of Canon Law in 1917 as well as adopted by  John Paul II. on 25 January 1983 in the new Code of Canon Law.

Turned on its head by reform of Francis  - precedent USA 1971-1983

In the motu proprio of Pope Francis, things have been turned on their heads. The interest of the spouses take precedence over the marriage. This is said in the document itself. The basic criteria of reform can be summarized in a few points:
the abolition of the double, matching judgment, which is replaced by a single judgment in favor of the annulment;
granting a monocratic authority to the bishop, who is qualified as a single judge;  introduction of a fast and factually uncontrollable process;  with including extensive elimination of the Sacra Rota.
How else, for example, is the abolition of double judgment be interpreted? What are the reasons so serious that this principle will be abolished after 270 years? Cardinal Burke recalled that there is in this respect a catastrophic experience. In the United States were from July 1971 to November 1983, the so-called Provisional Norms, the de facto eliminated the duty of the double, matching judgment. The result was that the Bishops' Conference did not reject a single one of hundreds of thousands applications it dispensed, and that the process started to become popularly  known as  the "Catholic divorce" (s. Remain in the truth of Christ. Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church, Echter, Würzburg 2014).

New powers for Diocesan Bishops, one aspect of explosive scope

Even more serious is the granting of authority to the diocesan bishop, to be able to initiate a rapid process of a single judge at his discretion and to arrive at a judgment. The bishop may exercise his judicial power either personally or delegate it to a committee, which does not necessarily consist of lawyers. A commission in his own image, which of course follows his pastoral instructions, as is already happening in Italy with the "diocesan centers of listening," which lacks any legal basis to date. The combination of Canon 1683 and Article 14 of the Procedural Rules is under this aspect possessed of explosive implications. Sociological considerations will inevitably weigh on the decision: the divorced and remarried are to obtain for the sake of "mercy," preferential treatment. "The Church of Mercy has been set in motion," said Giuliano Ferrara in Il Foglio of 9 September 2015. It does not move by administrative channels, but on the "Courts", which has little to offer in the way of justice.
In some diocese, the bishops will try to ensure the seriousness of the process. But one can easily imagine that in many other dioceses, for example, in Central Europe, the annulment will be a  pure formality. In 1993 Oskar Saier, Archbishop of Freiburg, Karl Lehmann, Bishop of Mainz, and Walter Kasper, Bishop of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, had produced a document in favor of those who were convinced, according to their conscience, for the annulment of their marriage, but not of the elements to prove this in court (Pastoral Letter of the Bishops for the Upper Rhine for the Pastoral Care of People from Broken Marriages, Divorced and Remarried Divorcees [In German]).

"Subjective conviction of conscience" is enough to keep marriage null and void?

The CDF responded by letter Annus Internationalis Familiae of 14 September 1994, with which they made it ​​clear that this path has not been possible because marriage is a public reality: "to ignore this important aspect would make marriage as a de facto reality of the Church, which would deny the sacrament "(no. 8). Nevertheless, recently, the Pastoral Office of the Archdiocese of Freiburg, took the proposal up again (Guidelines for the Pastoral Care to the address people in separation, divorce and after civil remarriage in the Archdiocese of Freiburg), according to which the divorced and remarried  because of a "conscience nullity" ("subjective conviction of conscience" ) of the previous marriage could receive the sacraments and   take on tasks in the parish councils.
The favor matrimonii is to be replaced by a favor nullitatis, which is the primary legal element whilst indissolubility is reduced to a "not practicable Ideal." The theoretical affirmation of the indissolubility of marriage is accompanied in practice by the claim to a right to declare any failed marriage band void. It is enough, in its conscience, to keep one's own marriage invalid, to obtain recognition of their annulment by the Church. It is the same principle, which according to some theologians, to hold a  marriage for "dead", in which the "love is dead" according to a statement of both or even one spouse.

"Bad money drives out good money"

Benedict XVI. warned on 29 January 2010 the Court of Sacra Romana Rota about  the cancellation of marriages by way of  a compliant attitude, "accommodating wishes and expectations of the parties or the influences of the social environment." However, in most diocese in Central Europe  the annulment has been reduced to a pure formality, as in the US when Provisional Norms was the case. Due to the known law, according to which "bad money drives out good money," will be condemned to chaos,  where the "quick divorce" will outweigh its opposite, the indissoluble marriage.
Since more than a year there is talk of a latent schism in the Church, but now  Cardinal Gerhard Müller, the prefect of the CDF, has implored in his speech in Regensburg against the danger of a schism, and urged vigilance and not to forget the lesson of the Protestant schism, which set Europe on fire   five centuries ago.
In advance of the Synod on the Family taking place in October, the reform of Pope Francis is not a torch, but it has sparked it and is paving the way for other catastrophic innovations. Silence is no longer possible.
* Roberto de Mattei, historian, father of five children, Professor of Modern History and History of Christianity at the European University of Rome, Chairman of the Lepanto Foundation, editor of the monthly magazine Radici Cristiane and the online news agency Corrispondenza Romana, author of numerous books, most recently appeared: Vicario di Cristo. Il primato di Pietro tra normalità ed eccezione (Vicar of Christ, the Primacy of Peter Between Normality and Exception.), Verona, 2013; translated into German last: The Second Vatican Council - a hitherto unwritten history, Ruppichteroth 2011. [Avalable on Amazon in English] The intertitles are from the editor.
Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

France: Muslim Faces Three Months in Prison For Refusing to Officiate "Gay Marriage"

Sabrina Hout is being recommended by prosecutors for
three months in prison, because she refused to
conclude a "gay marriage".
 (Paris) France teaches you to  rotate the world around yourself and be confused.  Three prosecutors are seeking three months in prison for a Vice Mayor, Socialist and "practicing Moslem"   because she had refused to officiate a "gay marriage."
Sabrina Hout was voted in the municipal elections in 2014 as part of the ruling Socialist Party of Francoise Hollande as  President to the Municipal Council of the VIII. Secteur Marseilles. Actually, the case should have been handled with caution. But it turned out differently.The Marseilles prosecutor, Marie Blanche Regnier, is asking for three months in prison and a fine of 1,500 euros because of "discrimination based on sexual orientation". The young District Vice Mayor in the second largest city in France after Paris refers to herself as "a practicing Muslim" and demanded "respect for her religious beliefs".

"Gay marriage" law does not provide for conscientious objection

Sabrina Hout is the first case in France, where a government representative has been brought to justice, since 2013, the Socialist Party, to which  Hout belongs,  legalized "gay marriage" (Marriage pour tous). The law put in force   by President Hollande does not provide a clause for conscientious objection.
As at 16 August 2014, two lesbians appeared at the city hall of the VIII. Secteur to enter into a "gay marriage,"  while  Hout,  who is responsible for the family area, asked another council to represent them. That would, however, not have been possible for legal reasons. Hout, therefore, had to sign the relevant documents for the couple, but was represented at the ceremony for the actual formal act.

"Instead of Catholics and fascists we have a young, modern, leftist Muslim in front of us"

The Deputy Mayor was denounced in-house. The lesbian "gay marriage"  was first canceled and then subsequently confirmed. The result was that they initiated a complaint against the Deputy Mayor.  District Mayor Samia Ghali, of Algerian descent, also Moslem and socialist as Hout, withdrew her colleague from all responsibilities. The prosecutor opened proceedings for the falsification of documents.
On September 29 Hout will know whether the judges will follow the recommendation of the prosecutor.  The prosecutor referred to her  plea to fight  on behalf of the two lesbians as "legitimate and correct."
The lawyer of the two complaintants, Philipe Vouland, is also pushing for a condemnation, "to set a precedent." Literally he said: "In the fight for marriage for all, the [homosexuals]  associations expect to have to cross  blades with proper heterosexuals,  Catholics,  sexists and fascists. Instead, we came across a young, modern, single, leftist woman,  and Moslem."

Aberrosexual organizations have labelled Hout as a "homophobic monster"

Hout told the court that she had "never wanted to discriminate against  anyone," but just wanted to respec her religious beliefs. She finds support in the Mayors'  Association mayors pour l'enfance.  This found that the Taubira-law legalizing "gay marriage" known as Article 9 of the ECHR,  infringes upon the assurance to every person of freedom of thought, freedom of conscience and freedom of religion.
President Hollande had assured the French Mayors on 20 November 2012: "The law is applied to all, but in respect for freedom of conscience."
2015 brought nothing more to hear. The aberrosexual organizations have branded Sabrina Hout  as a "homophobic monster."  "You have insulted me by calling me a homophobe, which is completely false.  I've been through Hell. My name was in all the newspapers ... At  work I was insulted in every possible way, even as a terrorist and Jihadist!"
The lesbian couple, Claude and Helene, hopes to reach a judgment against Sabrina Hout  that "is an example for the implementation of the law".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred

Catholic University Promotes Gender Ideology

Jesuit University Andres Bello Promotes Aberrosexuality
(Caracas) The Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB) of Guayana in Venezuela has hosted a series of events at the "Day Against Homophobia", which has alleged the normality of homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality.
The Catholic University was founded in 1953 named after the the Hispano American philosopher, lawyer, translator, diplomat, politician, poet and Freemason, Andrés de Jesús María y José López Bello.

IDAHOT at Jesuit University

"The Catholic University has been transformed into an actor in the defense of homosexuality and gender ideology," said Infovaticana. Last May, the University hosted the International Day Against Homophobia, transphobia and biphobia short for IDAHOT, in a series of events to promote homosexuality, transsexuality and bisexuality.  IDAHOT is a private initiative that originates in aberro-associations.
How Radio Familia Venezuela reported, the Catholic University has worked together with the Fundación Reflejos de Venezuela and Orgullo Guayana, whose main objective is the legalization of "gay marriage" and making adoption legal for aberrosexuals. 

Aberrosexual movie that denounces Christianity  as the main cause of homophobia

As part of the events at the University, the aberrosexual movie, "Prayers for Bobby" was shown, which makes fun of the Christian religion and represents Christianity as a major cause of homophobia. The campus was "decorated" with rainbow flags.
Homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality were presented as "normal" and called for the presentation of a "positive access to sexual diversity" as an educational goal. The students of the Catholic University were invited to participate in the "Gay Pride" event in Guayana. Some professors were honored for their support of the gay agenda.

Andrés Bello - Catholic or Masonic?

Andrés Bello, for whom the university was named, (today Venezuela) was born 1781 in Caracas in the Spanish Viceroyalty of New Granada. He was traveling companion of Alexander von Humboldt and teacher of Simon Bolivar.  In 1810 after the independence of Venezuela, he was sent as a diplomat to London. In London, Bello was incorporated on 1811 into the Lodge Los Caballeros Racionales, whose grand master he was in 1812. It was a Masonic secret society, also known as Lautaro Lodge, to advocate the  the anti-monarchist romantic-revolutionary independence of Latin America from Spain. The Lautaro lodges still exist today.
From 1822  Bello, who translated Voltaire into Spanish, was enlisted in the diplomatic services to Chile and settled there in 1829, where he founded in 1842 the University of Chile, whose rector he remained until his death in 1865. Bello, a representative of a positivist philosophy of law, worked up the Chilean Civil Code, which entered into force in 1857 and has been adopted by other Latin American countries.

Deity of Syncretistic Shamanic María Lionza Cult

Andrés Bello is revered by the syncretistic-shamanic María Lionza Cult as a deity and belongs to its Pantheon.
It appears to be an enigma as to why a Catholic university was named after a Freemason. The UCAB is the first private university in Venezuela, which was founded after  the presidency of Antonio Guzman-Blanco imposed a ban on Catholic schools in 1870. Its leadership was established in 1953 by the Society of Jesus, which has led it ever since. The first rector, Fr. Carlos Guillermo Plaza SJ, campaigned for naming it Andrés Bello, which was carried out in 1954.
The Jesuits emphasize that Bello was a "practicing Catholic" whose religiosity is has also been reflected in his lifework. The question of his lodge membership is omitted there. Whether Freemason, Maria Lionza deity or Catholic, the established fact is that Andrés Bello died as a Catholic. In the hour of death he called a priest and received the last sacraments (confession, communion, extreme unction).
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred

Faithful Bishop Tebartz-van Elst Will Not Have to Pay Damages to His Former Diocese

Edit: no one is asking Cardinal Marx to foot the bill for his 51 million EURO wreckovation.

The Roman Bishops' Congregation in agreement with the  Secretary of State, considers that an examination for compensation payments as well as the opening of a corresponding canonical process would be inappropriate.

Limburg ( The resigning Limburger Bishop, Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst (archive photo) need not pay compensation to his former diocese. The Roman Congregation for Bishops in consultation with the State Secretariat considers that an examination of compensation payments as well as the opening of a corresponding canonical proceedings would not be appropriate, according to the Diocese of Limburg on Wednesday. The diocese had raised the question of material reparation due to the [allegedly] high construction costs to the diocesan palace by the ordinary, Tebartz-van Elst of Limburg.

According to information provided by the Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops, Cardinal Marc Ouellet, the decision of the Vatican Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Limburg, Bishop Manfred Grothe, now in a personal meeting in Rome. "Now the decision has been made, it will also make clear what the next steps of rehabilitation should be," said Grothe on Wednesday in Limburg.

He and his Permanent Representative, Cathedral Rector, Wolfgang Rösch had stayed in Rome for the past week for talks at the Vatican. Grothe considered the meetings held in Rome in sum as constructive and purposeful. The common goal of the Holy See and the Diocese of line either, "the way has been cleared so that a new bishop can get a good and unencumbered start in his new office as soon as possible," Grothe said.

Currently, it's unclear when Limburg will again get a new bishop. "I hope and we are working towards that," says Grothe, "that by the summer of 2016 the chapter canons will have elected a bishop of Limburg to be appointed by the Holy Father."

Tebartz-van Elst had offered the Pope his resignation on October 2013 as Bishop of Limburg. Being perceived by many [Diocesan personnel and journalists] as having an authoritarian administration over the construction costs of the diocesan residence amounting to approximately 31 million EUR and the concealment of these costs, leading to general indignation [From professional Catholics and journalists] had contributed decisively to this step being taken.[Not true. Everyone knows that Cardinal Marx spent more money on his Diocesan wreckovation projects for 51 million EURO or his cute residence in Rome for 16 million. To date, there has been no outrage or calls for Cardinal Marx's resignation.  Furthermore, it's really disappointing to see the Neoconservative commerce website take this line, but it's not surprising.] On 26 March 2014, the Pope accepted the resignation. Last December, Tebartz-van Elst was appointed the 'delegate for catechesis, of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization.' The end of March, he began his work in Rome. (C) 2015 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH. All rights reserved. Archive photo Bishop Tebartz-van Elst (c) Badde

Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Gaia Instead of the Cross --- Praying to Mother Earth?

 (Paris) A "Christian Ecological meeting"  took place from 28-30th August  in the city of Saint Etienne,  diocesan seat of the French Diocese, whose subjects revolved around the earth and the Eco-Encyclical  Laudato Si  by Pope Francis.   The event was organized by  the Diocese of Saint Etienne, the church newspaper La Vie, the Catholic establishment Service National Famille et Societé and the French Bishops' Conference.  The central theme was "Ecological Repentance," said Riposte Catholique.
Socialism was prominent around the  "Ecological Gathering:"  the former Minister  and current  President of the party Rassemblement citoyen-Cap21, a party reestablishment of Socialists, Greens and left-wing liberals of 2014 for "ecology, humanism and participatory democracy"; Jo Spiegel, Mayor of Kingersheim in Alsace and President of the Metropolitan Region Rhin-Rhone; Benoit Leclair, Vice President of the Rhone-Alpes region, and energy and climate change spokesman of the French countryside; or the militant eco-activist and left globalization opponent Genevieve Azam, who was the meeting's head.

Group dynamics, prominence and left critique of globalization

Bishop Lebrun
The program looked like a nostalgic celebration of  '68: there were endless teach-ins in many circles of chairs, collages, painting, crafts, group dynamic "processes", interreligious elements, much left critique of globalization for a "new world". The central word, "Ecological Repentance", was taken from Pope Francis' Eco Encyclical.
On Sunday, August 30,  as part of  the "Ecological Assembly" a Holy Mass which included liturgically  foreign elements. In addition to  Bishop Dominique Lebrun, several priests took part.   Instead of the cross a home-made globe was plaed in the center, around which all gathered in  a circle, including bishop and priests. Bishop Dominique Lebrun stood with Mitre, Crosier and chasuble, as well as  priests with chasubles, around the globe.The priest pictured right is holding a missal to hand.
Was Gaia, Mother Earth worshiped on Sunday, August 30 in Saint Etienne?  Was this dubious liturgy Bishop Lebrun's parting gift to the diocese of St. Etienne? 
Bishop Lebrun was appointed by Pope Francis archbishop of Rouen and Primate of Normandy last 10 July. The Diocese of Saint Etienne is currently  vacant.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Riposte Catholique
Trans: Tancred

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Islamists Hunt for Proselytes on St. Peter's Square

Islamic State at St. Peter's Square
Edit: nature abhors a vacuum.  If Catholics scorn proselytism, the Muslims don't.
(Rome) Two women covered from head to toe, and three young bearded men.
They defy the hot midday heat and the sultry air. For a good quarter of an hour they posed for pictures against the backdrop of magnificent facade of St. Peter's Basilica and the mighty dome of St. Peter.
An Islamic family, who, like thousands of tourists every day  mad a commemorative photo, on vacation.
It's an increasingly frequent image that one gets to see in Rome at St. Peter's Square. An image that was completely uncommon a few years ago.

More and more Muslims to St. Peter's in Rome

There is a long way between these innocuous images and when a bearded man was photographed on St. Peter's Square with the black banner of the Islamic State (IS). Or the photo montages with the black flag waving on the dome of St. Peter, published on the internet for the  propaganda purposes of the Islamic State (IS). The Islamists are in the center of Christianity. Images that went around the world and triggered some shudder.
If you stroll through the most visited streets around St. Peter's Square, the Borgo Pio about Borgo Vittorio to Borgo Sant'Angelo, you may find that the many Muslims there, including the particularly strict Salafists and Wahhabis, has become customary, allowed to behold St. Peter's.
The waiters of the restaurants and trattorias that have the safest view of the  bustling throng, confirm it. They come not only as tourists. Some seem like spies, and harbingers of things to come. In the neighborhoods around the Vatican, more and more Muslims are settled. Here and there, are businesses opened that are run by Bengalis, Pakistanis, Tunisians or else a Muslim, next to a kebab shop are bags, towels ...

Victory sign in front of St. Peter's Basilica - "You Want Allah?"

In the weekly supplement Venerdì of the daily newspaper La Repubblica,  Vaticanist Filippo Di Giacomo has written an article: "There is an Increasingly Stronger Presence of Islamic Prayer around St. Peter", about which he reported on the increase of Muslims in Rome and in the streets around the Vatican.
Di Giacomo also reported that it is increasingly frequented by groups of men in oriental sack clothes and beards that take selfies before St. Peter's Basilica. With one hand they hold their smartphone, with the other hand they make a victory sign. The gesture is in need of interpretation, the first thought in any case is not necessarily reassuring.
Di Giacomo especially described the bearded men who ask tourists and locals alike in the streets and squares around   St Peter's: "Do you want Allah? Do you like Allah? "

While the Vatican discusses,  the Vatican neighborhood has the largest Islamic density

From 9 clock in the morning Muslims recruit for Islam in the shadow of the dome of St. Peter every day. They hold the Quran in the air and carry hanging poster boards for Allah and Islam. This appearance is now  frequently seen in many European cities. From Hamburg to Cologne, Stuttgart and Zurich, from Vienna to Berlin they "decorate" the cityscape  in German-speaking countries.
Also in Rome bearded men invite the Moslems to pray to Allah. There is no shortage of larger and smaller to the smallest prayer rooms, sometimes even the backyard of a business  run by Islamic immigrants. Also in the Borghi around the Vatican, they are in existence  and there will always be more.
While their Islamist peers in the Middle East and Africa are hunting down Christians, raping them, driving them into exile, murdering, the  Islamists engage unmolested in prosylitism in St. Peter's Square.
"While the Vatican is  discussing, the Vatican neighborhood already has the largest concentration of Islamic prayer rooms of Rome," said Di Giacomo.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred
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