Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Neo-Cardinal: At the End of the Synod There Will Be "A New Flexibility"

(Rome) African Bishops have mobilized for months against the Kasperians in the forthcoming Synod of Bishops and seek possible unity. In the coming weeks, two books in defense of the Catholic marriage and morality will appear. One comes exclusively from cardinals and archbishops of Africa, the other is with the participation of an African cardinal from Nigeria.  At the same time a voice spoke up, which seems to step to the front in Africa.
The Archbishop of Accra in Ghana, Gabriel Charles Palmer-Buckle, had spoken out in the spring for Kasper's "opening" and has since been eagerly passed around as "evidence" in progressive Church media in Europe  that Africa doesn't just have "conservative" bishops.
Subsequently a meeting of all the African Episcopal Conferences was held in Accra, in which the line has been staked out in defense of  Catholic marriage and morality at the Synod of Bishops to win over Archbishop Palmer-Buckle (see Cardinal Sarah: "Whether You Want to Hear it or Not, We will Speak "- Africa Makes Front Against "Strategy of the Germans " ).

Confirmed last February as Cardinal

Now the Archbishop of Addis Ababa, Msgr. Berhanyesus Souraphiel, seems to step out of the African front. He was raised by Pope Francis to the cardinalatial state  last February. Archbishop Berhanyesus Souraphiel belongs to the Lazarist Order and is head of the Ethiopian Catholic Church.
Berhanyesus Souraphiel is a staunch opponent of special rights for homosexuals, and was interviewed by the National Catholic Register. The statements appear contradictory and therefore differ from the statements of the great majority of African church leaders. The Metropolitan, who will not attend the present state of the Synod of Bishops, on the one hand said, "The Bishops' Conferences are not called to the Synod to replace or change the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Church."

At the end of the Synod there "will be a new flexibility" 

On the other hand, he was convinced that at the end of the Synod "a new flexibility" would be introduced. "Flexibility" is a term, the Cardinal Maradiaga replied  in 2013 to  the prefect of the CDF, Cardinal Gerhard Müller. Berhanyesus Souraphiel meant a "flexibility", to take into account the specific cultural, economic and political context of the various parts of the world. "The Catholic Church is a universal, human and divine institution. There is not a European church, there is no Canadian or American church. It is something else. The problems faced by the families confronted in some parts of the world may be different than in other areas."
"Our biggest problem, for example, is poverty," said the Cardinal facing the situation in Ethiopia and Eritrea. "If one does not have the necessary economic foundation, a situation could arise in which the man works in one place, the woman at another. This separates the family and the children suffer. "
According Berhanyesus Souraphiel "the episcopal conferences" should "play an important role in order to adapt the teachings of the Synod to the specific situations of their own countries or regions."

"Bishops' Conferences should be able to adapt teaching to the situation of their countries"

The Ethiopian Metropolitan emphasized on the one hand the position of the other African bishops. With his statement that ultimately the doctrine of the Church no longer have universal validity, but could be interpreted differently in different countries and regions of the world, it supports the position of Cardinal Kasper. The proposal would strengthen the much-vaunted collegiality, though concretely the Episcopal Conferences and the individual bishops do not. If Kasper's "opening" could not be enforced worldwide, they could at least be implemented in accordance with the "flexibility" suggested by the Archbishop of Addis Ababa  in Europe.
Ultimately, Cardinal Marx, Archbishop of Munich-Freising, at the end of the Spring Assembly of the German Bishops' Conference said nothing different,  as he let Rome know that they are not a branch of the Roman Curia.
Msgr. Berhanyesus Souraphiel could perhaps be called as a Synod participant to Rome. Pope Francis has not yet announced the list of the Synod participants that he is appointing himself. Certainly, among the Synod participants in Rome, however, the presence of Archbishop Palmer-Buckle is least volatile.

Pope Francis: List of those personally appointed by him to the synod not yet known

Anyway, whatever Archbishop Berhanyesus Souraphiel exactly has meant with his reference to  "flexibility": The keyword will trigger great joy in some European and North American church circles. Especially because it comes from an African churchman, that continent  can make Europe pale with envy with its growth of Catholics and vocations. Of paleness of course there can be no question, pale, because this old Europe is too smug and condescending. Finally, it was Cardinal Kasper, on the margins of the Synod of Bishops in 2014, when things were not run so much as he  planned,  was struck by a racist gaffe he made against Africa.
According to Archbishop Berhanyesus Souraphiel the message of Africa at the Synod would be that "the family is  life". Many things would change, "but it takes values ​​that must remain: The love between husband and wife, the respect between parents and children and encourage respect for the elderly."
At the choice of words of the Archbishop of Addis Ababa is noticeable that he. For his statement that they will be a "new flexibility" at the end of the Synod, by which he means Pope Francis, since he makes his decisions alone, did  not use the subjunctive. Does he know more than everyone else?
Whether the interjection of the Ethiopian Cardinal will play a role in the Synod, depends above all on Pope Francis, who has completed the last of his personal appointments to the list of  Synod participants.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Eleven Cardinals Climb into the Ring Against the Kasperians -- The Voice of Africa Will Also be Heard

(Rome) "Remain in the truth of Christ" The publication of the book was accompanied in 2014 by heated polemics. Back then  five cardinals and several theologians worked on   the anthology. The initiator of the relevant publication and spokesman for the defense of Catholic moral teaching on marriage and the Synod was US Cardinal Raymond Burke. He was subsequently relieved of his duties of Dicastery head by Pope Francis and removed from the Roman Curia. It was a clear signal of what is tolerated and what is not desirable, though it was not necessarily with the desired effect. Now comes another book with the same concerns. This time  it will be even eleven cardinals who step into the ring. If their book gets same fate as its predecessor, which had been so unwelcome in Rome that it never reached the synod?

Kasper's "Conspiracy"

In 2014 even the publishers who produced the book in different languages, were accused of participating in a "conspiracy against the Pope". Cardinal Walter Kasper said openly it in an interview on September 18, 2014: "The aim of the polemic is not me, but the Pope". It may be that this is a question of a defense strategy: It involves securing one higher than himself for  his protection and by his authority bring critics to silence.  The conspiracy thesis caused considerable outrage among other high dignitaries of the Church, which was a  means of discrediting the former Bishop of Rottenburg-Stuttgart.
The German cardinal was, however, not far wrong by referring to Pope Francis. Without the participation of the Argentine Pope, it would not come  that the Kasperians  got such a global platform. Cardinal De Paolis, one of the five involved in the former book, reiterated this, without naming Kasper. In the daily newspaper La Repubblica he said: "There are even some who speak of a conspiracy. There is no conspiracy; bring only the will a position to expression."

In 2014 Non-Kasperians were silenced - 2015?

Someone wanted in any case bring the dissenting voices to silence because they disturbed a path that was  already clearly laid down, even though the pope had called for a "free" discussion.  This "openness" was only valid in only one direction, while calls for "free" discussion on the other side an admonition? Or are there those under the Pope around Cardinal  working autonomously  and using only the large gates that the reigning Pope has opened? After all, all important positions   of the Synod of Church representatives are held by those  who have themselves known through their statements and actions as Kasperians.
As La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana reported yesterday, the script could be repeated. It is true that a group of cardinals has worked on a new text that is to be opposed to opposing Kasper Group in the Synod of Bishops. The new book is likely the to bear the title "Marriage and Family"  with the subtitle: "Pastoral Prospects of Eleven Cardinals." The group of Cardinals who are actively opposing has increased markedly over the previous year. Moreover, considering the considerable number of eleven cardinals, and that those churchmen witch most insight, see the possibility of a real threat of the Catholic marriage and morality, so there is thus not a "pipe dream" concerning anxious or even extravagant Catholics somewhere off in the wide world.

Eleven Cardinals Defend "Marriage and Family" against Kasper with new book

Among the eleven cardinals, however, there are to be found - unlike rumor claims - neither Burke nor Cardinal Cardinal Brandmüller but Archbishop Cardinal Carlo Caffarra of Bologna, Major Archbishop Cardinal Baselios Cleemis of the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church and president of the Indian Bishops' Conference; Paul Josef Cardinal Cordes, Chairman Emeritus of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum ; Archbishop Dominik Duka of Prague, Cardinal, Primate of Bohemia and President of the Czech Bishops' Conference; Archbishop Willem Jacobus Eijk of Utrecht, Cardinal; Cardinal Joachim Meisner, Archbishop Emeritus of Cologne; Archbishop John Cardinal Olorunfemi Onaiyekan of Abuja, former President of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar; Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, Archbishop Emeritus of Madrid and former president of the Spanish Bishops' Conference; Camillo Cardinal Ruini, Vicar of Rome, Cardinal emeritus and former President of the Italian Bishops' Conference; Robert Cardinal Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments; Archbishop Jorge Liberato Urosa Savino of Caracas, Cardinal and Primate of Venezuela.

"In Times of Increasing arbitrariness, the Church Must Speak More Clearly"

The editor of the book is the German canon lawyer, Winfried Ayman from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Last June, Aymans wrote in L'Osservatore Romano, "in times when civil law increasingly tends to expose the marriage contract to arbitrariness, in any event  increases in every way, the preaching of the Church must be all the more clear."
Also in this case, again all are accused of obstructing the debate or - worse - to oppose the Pope or even plotting against this? Someone there will certainly try. However, the number of cardinals who were already in the ring in 2014 has increased   and those who have now followed seem unwilling to vacate the field. Their very large number should be food for thought. With so many Cardinals seeing the need to publicly defend the Church's teaching, then that can mean only one thing: someone is trying to  attack this doctrine. Cardinals from Burke to Brandmüller, and Caffarra onward to Onaiyekan and Sarah will attempt to frustrate them.

Beat Kasper on His Own Field: Pastoral

The eleven cardinals want, as far as it is known, to beat Kasper on the battlefield chosen by him, the pastoral. The German cardinal asserted and continues assert that he will not touch  doctrine, but is "only" trying to change the Pastoral approach.  Meanwhile, this thesis has been widely refuted as a fundamental intervention in the pastoral, will be automatically chang the teaching by the general practice. [That's how Vatican II was "won"]  The eleven Cardinals deal with issues such as those who can be helped, like those who have been abandoned by their spouse and yet remain faithful to their marriage. A key issue of the new publication should be that   marriage preparation can be improved,  since it  has proven to be obviously inadequate. It is also about the question of how the marriage preparation can respond to the situation only slightly or hardly,  when the religiously instructed young people are also strongly influenced by a secularized culture.
The publication of the book is scheduled for the second half of September. In Italy it is, as foreseen, to be released by the heavily besieged  publisher Cantagalli. There are, again, planned translations into different languages. We can only hope that the attempt to get the book of eleven Cardinals to all synod participants, will be successful this time.  The Book of Five Cardinals never came last year to  the synod. The fault  must belong to the post office, insists Cardinal Baldisseri,   the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops. Others suspect rather that the Synod Director prevented the delivery, in plain text, Baldisseri himself.

Nova Patria Christ Africa

Just as before,  the issue in the room, is who is the great director in the background. Quite a few tap Pope Francis himself, who has not yet officially commented on the question of communion for the divorced and remarried. However, a long series of indirect statements, gestures and actions show him as a supporter of Cardinal Kasper and its thesis.
Another book will be released to the Synod of Bishops, which also has eleven cardinals and bishops for authors. All are from Africa and want to make the voice of Africa heard with the publication of the book.  It is a continent that is determined to fight for Catholic marriage and morality and is showing itself  a "nova patria Christ Africa".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Nuova Bussola Quotidiana
Trans: Tancred
link to Katholisches...

Kiev Catholic Archbishop: Melt Down Weapons For Bells

"I have asked the Lord to melt down all tanks and guns, which are now killing the Ukrainians, and make them into church bells."

Kiev ( The head of the Greek Catholic Church of Ukraine united to Rome, Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk, calls for the destruction of weapons in Ukraine. "I have asked the Lord to melt down all tanks and guns, now killing the Ukrainians, and make them into church bells," Shevchuk said, according to the Ukrainian press service RISU (Monday) at the consecration of a church bell in Hungary. This should follow the Hungarian model, to be made of cannons, a "peace bell" Ukraine.

The Kiev bishop presented such a bell on the border with Ukraine in the Hungarian city of Mariapocs at a service of the Greek Catholic Sanctuary. It should ring peace in Europe and Ukraine, he said. In the First and Second World War, tens of thousands of Church bells had been melted down to make them into weapons. (C) 2015 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH. All rights reserved. Link to Trans: Tancred AMDG

Growth in Cistercian Stift Heiligenkreuz: "That is a Record!"

Theology professor Father Karl Wallner: "As I entered, we were 42, now we are 91 - last when we were so many was 700 years ago." - Also record number of Novices 

Heiligenkreuz ( There is a record number of members in the Convention of the Cistercian Abbey of Heiligenkreuz near Vienna: "As I entered, we were 42, now we are 91 - last when we were so many was 700 years ago" This was Father Karl Wallner OCist on Facebook. The theology professor Wallner is Rector of the College of Philosophy and Theology of Benedict XVI. in Heiligenkreuz. Last Friday, 8 young men were vested in our Stift Heiligenkreuz as novices. This is a record," he also wrote. He had been "truly moved" for the vesting of the novices, because he "has long known" all the new friars. In the short term the Heiligenkreuz Cistercian order had even 13 novices (see photo), since the last year's entries, they will be putting their first temporary profession in a few days.

Wallner explained further: "The 1-year novitiate is a trial period, you can also come back, that's okay! Of the 6 vested last year, 5 have remained. Let us pray that the young people mature and grow and serve God and men with all our strength."

The homepage of the monastery of Heiligenkreuz also speaks of a "record vestitures" because although we have many vocations and always a lot of new entrants, but we have never had 8 before..." There was further reported:" In the chapter house, Lord Abbot emphasized during his address that this is a time of testing: The novices examine themselves, they are tested by the Community and they consider themselves the Community ... Then he vested the 8 "newcomers" ("novices") in the white religious habit, which he blessed beforehand. At the end, the 8 novices knelt before the Lord Abbot and received the blessing."

In addition, Brother Konrad Ludwig made his perpetual profession on the Solemnity of the Assumption of which a beautiful video conveys the impressions. The young monk was baptized as a child by the current Heiligenkreuz Abbot Maximilian in the name of "Maximilian". The following remark can be found on the website of the Cistercian abbey: "The ways of the Lord are unfathomable, His former baptizing priest is now his abbot!"

Father Konrad Ludwig im Stift Heiligenkreuz on 15/08/2015 Photo novices Stift Heiligenkreuz © Stift Heiligenkreuz

Bishop of de Oruro Prohibits Communion in the Hand in His Diocese

Edit: here's a google translation with some editing.  Adalantela Fe is the website which the late Bishop Livieres continued his important work after being thrown out of his diocese for no substantial reason.

[Adalantela Fe] Recently the Bishop of the Diocese of Oruro, Bolivia, Monsignor Cristobal Bialasik, in his usual Sunday celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass this Sunday August 16, has said that in the diocesan Church entrusted to him, he will not continue to give the consecrated Host -- Body of the Lord -- in the hands of the faithful (i.e., those who are not priests).

The prelate rightly undermines the administration of the Eucharist in this way, as he himself said, it has been noticed lately that some people do not consume the Host upon receipt, and want to carry it out of the church for purposes unknown.

The jealous priests of old wanted to be sure that those who received the Host were known parishioners, to avoid profanity, as there were Jews and members of other groups and ideologies who attended Masses to profane the Body of Jesus, throwing Him to the floor, spitting and trampling on Him.

As we are reminded by Msgr. Athanasius Schneider, the practice we now know of Communion in the hand was born in the seventeenth century among the Calvinists, who did not believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. "Not even Luther would have done it," said the bishop, "In fact, until relatively recently, Lutherans were kneeling communicants and on the tongue, and even today some do this still in Scandinavia".

St. Thomas Aquinas, in his great Summa Theologica, confirms and explains:

"The administration of the Body of Christ is for the priest for three reasons.

"First, because he consecrates in the person of Christ. But as Christ consecrated His Body at the (Last) Supper, so also He gave it to others to be shared with them. Accordingly, as the consecration of the Body of Christ is for the priest, also its distribution corresponds to him.

"Second, because the priest is the appointed intermediary between God and the people, therefore it corresponds to him to offer the people's gifts to God. Thus it is for the people he distributes the consecrated gifts.

"Third, because of reverence for this Sacrament, nothing touches it but what is consecrated as the corporal and the chalice are consecrated, and likewise the priest's hands touch this sacrament. Therefore, it is not lawful for anyone else to touch it except from necessity, for instance if it had fallen on the ground or also some other emergency." 1

Because of the loss of the sense of sin, warned by Pope Pius XII, today many faithful have lost faith in the Eucharist, in which Jesus is present with his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity as well, as communicants receive Holy Communion and attend Mass, it is clear what degree of faith there is in the Real Presence.

The most serious desecrations are accomplished by the administration or reception of the sacraments, or in the case of the Holy Eucharist, by debasing it in celebration, that is in mortal sin, hence a deliberate and remarkable irreverence towards the celebration of the Holy Eucharist is the worst sacrilege.

I well remember one Sunday in Chile, where a pastoral worker was visiting a rural parish. Once in town, we attended Mass. The pastor -- a good and holy priest -- had a visible disability that certainly not let him move. At the time of communion, the nun who was acting minister of communion held the chalice in one hand, while in the other she began to administer them. In approach to receive the Body of the Lord, it seemed, he started the Hosts, and in doing so not so small fragments fell to the floor, which the religious seemed not to notice. After the Mass, two outsiders, without asking permission, quickly went to kneel before the many visible pieces scattered, and moistening their fingers consumed them.

Similar events are often repeated and in many countries there have been groups of lay people whose sole responsibility is to collect fragments of the consecrated Hosts that have fallen after giving communion in the hand. 2

Too numerous to mention are all the desecrations against Jesus in the Eucharist, but let us note the following:

Receive Communion with serious sins on the soul, without having confessed before a priest.

Eucharist is received in a posture of sitting and standing.

After Holy Communion few remain in intimate worship of Jesus and almost all leave immediately after Mass.

During Communion and after they then they sit, and are often talking.

The songs, manner of dress, talk and general behavior of the people, does not differ much from what happens in other meetings.

Chants and instruments used, clapping hands, give the Mass a sense of carnival more than a religious function.

The forgetfulness of Jesus present in the Tabernacle by the faithful and even many consecrated persons, is almost complete.

The Prince of Theology states: "Both the wicked and the good eat this celestial food, but with ends how opposite. Here is life and there is death the same yet issuing to each in difference infinite." 3

Germán Mazuelo-Leytón

1 AQUINO, TOMÁS, Summa Teológica, III, Q. 82, Art. 13.

2 MAZUELO-LEYTÓN, GERMÁN, El diablo no tiene rodillas,

3 AQUINO, TOMÁS, Secuencia de la fiesta de Corpus Christi.

From Adelante de Fe with some revision of a google translation.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Pontifical High Mass at Basilica with Cardinal Burke Cancelled

Update: it looks like Cardinal Burke is going to be in the itinerary of some kind of Neo-Knights Templar Conference, leading a Pilgrimmage to the Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine in La Crosse, on Monday the 21st of September. Again, thanks to reader for the information.

Edit: Cardinal Burke, who has a lot of time on his hands after being fired by the Pope from his position at the Apostolic Signatura was still in a position to do some a lot of good by saying the Immemorial Mass of All Ages in a historic event at one of the most evil parishes in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.   The event was to take place at 10:00 in the morning on Saturday, September 19th at St. Mary's Basilica in Minneapolis. After making some inquiries we have no reason why the Holy Mass was cancelled, except that perhaps the rector and the Devil himself don't approve of it.

In addition to the possible disapproval on the part of the  questionable leadership at the parish, things are especially bad recently in the Archdiocese as a whole, since one of the Cardinal's confreres, the faithful Archbishop John Nienstedt, has been hounded from his position as Archbishop owing to the all-too-familiar media blitzkrieg and a host of disloyal elements among his clergy and even his own chancery.

Perhaps the reason is the evil reputation of the Basilica itself?

When they're not prostituting themselves to the zeitgeist, promoting deviancy at various fairs and events, surely leading souls into Hell, they're probably the most singular anti-Catholic presence in the Archdiocese as a locus of dissent and disobedience.

The place needs to be reconsecrated anyway, in our humble opinion.

The Immemorial Mass was to be celebrated in the context of an event sponsored by the Knights of Malta of the Holy Sepulcher meeting, which will hold some events at the Basilica, which is somewhat understandable since Cardinal Burke is the Patron of the Order of Malta another equestrian order. [Hence our initial confusion that these people were Knights of St. John (Malta).]   What doesn't make sense is why an equestrian society of Catholic gentlemen would associated themselves with the evil St. John's Bible and the Faux-Benedictines of Collegeville. One of the events in the bulletin so kindly provided by a reader shows:

"Artist as Preacher" - Presentation of St. John's Bible -
Rev. Eric Hollas, OSB, KHS

Father Hollas' biography reads as follows from Collegeville's website:

Fr. Eric Hollas, OSB - Deputy to the President for Advancement in the Office of Institutional Advancement at Saint John's University.  Fr. Eric received his BA degree in history from Princeton in 1971, completed seminary studies at Saint John's School of Theology·Seminary and received his PhD in medieval studies from Yale.  Fr. Eric is a member of the Medieval Academy of America.  Fr. Eric is also a member of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre and chaplain in the Western Association of the Order of Malta.  Since 1980, Fr. Eric has been a member of the faculty of the School of Theology • Seminary and Department of Theology at Saint John's University.  From 1993 to 2002, he was Executive Director of the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library at Saint John's University.  Among his many activities, Fr. Eric was instrumental in initiating The Saint John's Bible and has spoken on that project at venues throughout the United States.

One of the principal problems with the bible, apart from the false claims surrounding it, and its price tag, is the calligrapher, who is himself an atheist.

Bishop Rogelio Livieres Plano is Dead -- Outstanding Bishop of the "Ecclesia Militans" -- Dismissed by Pope Francis

Msgr. Rogelio Livieres, mighty and traditional Bishop, who
was dismissed by the Pope
(Asuncion) Last Friday, 14 August, "on the feast of holy apostle and martyrs Maximilian Kolbe and the Vigil of the Solemnity of the Assumption  it has pleased God  Almighty,  to dismiss His faithful servant, Bishop Rogelio Livieres Plano, aged 69 years from this world," said Messa in LatinoMsgr. Livieres remained a mighty bishop until his death. He had led his diocese to the rediscovery of tradition within a few years to an unprecedented flowering. In 2014 he was deposed by a conspiracy of a  political viewpoint, by  Pope Francis. Unlike other unjustifiably deposed bishops, Bishop Livieres did not withdraw into seclusion,  but actively continued his apostolate in other ways. At his deposition he said he was following "of course" all the instructions of the pope, but Francis would have to answer for this decision before God.

Born in Argentina He Did Not Sing in the "Choir" of the Latin American Majority Clergy

Bishop Lieveres was Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Ciudad del Este in Paraguay. Born in Argentina, he was at the time of death in hospital  Sanatorio Austral of Buenos Aires. There he was to have a surgery on his liver, but due to sudden heart problems, doctors decided not to perform the operation.
Bishop Lieveres had  been known as an "authentic Catholic voice in Latin America" in three respects. It came about because the distinctive bishop did not sing in the "choir" of the Latin American majority clergy, nor that of his brother Bishops. He stayed away from all spiritual and ideological movements, which have dedicated themselves above all to "the promotion of earthly salvation". This includes above all the liberation theology, but not only. Bishop Livieres complained several times that in the Paraguayan Church a "doctrinal disorder" ruled, which unilaterally affected in favor of secular salvation to the detriment of eternal salvation.

Since 2004, Bishop of Ciudad del Este - Renewal by Rediscovering Tradition

Bishop Livieres, pugnacious bishop of the "church militant" is dead
Rogelio Ricardo Livieres Plano was a member of the personal prelature of Opus Dei. Born Livieres, 30 August 1945 in Corrientes, the capital of the Argentine province right on the banks of the Parana. In 1978 he was ordained a priest. The Parana River near  the home of Bishop Livieres forms the border between Argentina and Paraguay. From Corrientes there is a view to   the neighboring country, which would be the bishop's second home in the future.
Consecrated bishop of the Diocese of Ciudad del Este in 2004, Msgr. Livieres took over a diocese with only a few priests. Bishop Livieres followed Benedict XVI. with the freeing of the traditional form of the Roman Rite. The bishop himself publicly celebrated publicly bi-ritually, in the ancient rite. Recently the diocese had celebrated the ancient rite in almost every parish. The rediscovery of the tradition led to an unprecedented flowering in a diocese whose situation was quite dire at the turn of the century.

Old Mass in Parishes - Private Seminary with Nearly 250 Seminarians

The trend in the Church of Paraguay aimed at formation of lay. Bishop Livieres departed from this. For all of Paraguay there was only one seminary in Asuncion. But there was and is where  liberation theology was taught. Bishop Livieres, therefore, founded his own seminary, where there is  "true Catholic teaching and liturgy." In the academic year 2013/2014, the diocesan seminary of Ciudad del Este prepared nearly 250 seminarians for  the priesthood. Far more than all of the other Paraguayan dioceses together. This is considering that  the Diocese of Ciudad del Este, has only twelve percent of Catholics Paraguay. Ciudad del Este gave  visible proof, "that young men who feel called to the priesthood,  do not want an chaotic liberal environment, where the sacramental priesthood is no longer taken seriously, but will be demoted as much as possible in favor of a universal priesthood", so Messa in Latino .
Bishop Livieres had not only been opposed by the old liberal clergy in his diocese, but also drew  the envy and resentment of the other bishops of the country. In the Paraguayan Bishops Conference, he was shunned with his position as an outsider. The conflict was substantive in nature: it was about the understanding of the Church and a different theology. Above all the other bishops seem to have feared that the future of the Church throughout Paraguay could be affected the by many priests formed with a quite different approach in Ciudad del Este.

The Argentine, whose Catholic renewal displeased  confreres and Pope Francis

By 2014, thriving seminary of Ciudad del Este
This opposition of a part of his own clergy and other bishops earned him an Apostolic Visitation. The background was that the former Metropolitan Archbishop of Asuncion, the Redemptorist Eustaquio Pastor Cuquejo Verga was, among other things, a homosexual. Bishop Livieres viewed him as one of several reasons for the wrong course of Paraguayan church. Pope Benedict XVI. pulled the handbrake and put aside Cuquejo's Archbishop Coadjutor. It was an intervention which brought the liberal clergy and episcopate of Bishop Livieres in connection, as to who enjoyed prestige in Rome.
The aforementioned   liberal priests in his diocese from 2004 denounced Bishop Livieres to the Apostolic Nuncio. The other bishops of Paraguay advised the need for a visitation. Under Pope Benedict XVI. there was no prospect of such a visitation. With the election of Pope Francis, the situation had however changed fundamentally. Livieres is Argentinian and was personally known to the new pope. Both knew, they were not on the same wavelength. The seminary of Ciudad del Este was a challenge to Buenos Aires, where no less than 30 seminarians were preparing for the priesthood, even though the archdiocese is four times as large as the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires.

The Intrigue and the Apostolic Visitor

In July 2014, the Pope sent Cardinal Francis Abril as apostolic visitor to Ciudad del Este. The Pope sent   a close friend to Paraguay, who is as  skeptical about the traditional rite as the head of the Church himself. Cardinal Santos Abril had just discontinued the celebration of the traditional rite in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome, whose archpriest he is. The Visitation held forth little good hope. Observers spoke of a correspondence of thought between the liberal clergy, the other bishops and since 2013, head of dissident church leaders in Rome.
Bishop Livieres seems to have sensed or seen through what game was being played and went so far as to make the thoughtless public utterance about the homosexuality of the now Archbishop Emeritus of Asuncion and spoke of an intrigue.That put the opponent into even greater outrage, because now they had a trump card. Such  public accusations  made against church officials are not admissible to the Church.

Rumors and Smoke Screens - Livieres has disturbed the "unity" of the Church of Paraguay

Meanwhile opponents of Bishop Livieres fueled suspicions. The rumor mill has been fired up, the media speculated.  Above all, Bishop Livieres took in priests from the United States who were conspicuously placed at the center. The ingredients of the rumors denominated homosexuality, child abuse (in the US) in connection with  tradition. This game of intrigue can be still found in the Internet, on the Wikipedia page about Bishop Livieres. However, the facts are different. In any case, action was taken against the US priests and not against the bishop. While the bishop was deposed, the priests remained unmolested. He served only as a smokescreen in the intrigue against Bishop Livieres.
The visitor returned to Rome and Bishop Livieres was dismissed by Pope Francis  on September 25, 2014. In the Vatican there are no reasons given for the dismissal, of what the bishop would have been guilty of doing. Yet it can be read out that the real reason for  the dismissal was the front building between Bishop Livieres and the other bishops of Paraguay. The Bishop of Ciudad del Este displeased the other bishops. He was accused of endangering the "unity". In plain English: We found him a troublemaker and wanted to get rid of him. That he could reap rich fruit in his diocese, made him completely unbearable. Its salience was his undoing. Also in Rome unity is seen by Pope Francis as a majority question. However, a significant break was visible through the deposition of Bishop Livieres.

Pope Francis deposed Bishop Livieres, but refused to talk to him

Bishop Livieres had been ordered at the time of dismissal to Rome to lure him away from his diocese. In Rome they made him wait in front of closed doors. He learned of his deposition from the media. He urged the Vatican with Pope Francis to speak. He wanted to know what he was accused and demanded the right to be able to defend against the complaints whatsoever. But Pope Francis refused an interview. A note more that it was about an "ideological" decision ultimately what Pope Francis accused repeatedly traditionally associated circles, but on the other hand the opposite tradition practiced himself. While Bishop Livieres waited in Rome in vain to be received and heard by Francis, Ciudad del Este was seized by an appointed administrator and taken possession of the diocese, leaving the bishop's  sister at the door who managed her brother's household, having changed the locks.
Unlike other dismissed bishops, Bishop Livieres did not  retire. He publicly declared that "of course" he would follow all instructions in papal obedience, but Pope Francis will have to answer for this dismissal before God. At the same time the Bishop Emeritus participated in the founding of Adelante la Fe, a new Spanish-speaking Catholic Internet portal.
Only eleven months after his dubious dismissal, which is symptomatic of the current pontificate, Bishop Livieres died of complications shortly before surgery.
Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine:
et lux perpetua Luceat egg.
Requiescat in pace. Amen.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: ABC Color (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Pray for Embattled Swiss Bishop Huonder!

Edit: Bishop Huonder has been a faithful Catholic bishop in German speaking Switzerland, possibly the only one. He's been featured here on this blog for some time, and it's a wonder he's persevered as long as he has, given the resistance of the Swiss civil servants who hold most of the official posts in his dioces and sabotage him. 
We don't expect he will survive this professionally and may join other bishops like him, who've been unjustly dealt with in early retirements.
Here's an eloquent post from Deacon Keith Foirnier in defense of this embattled and noble Catholic bishop, and friend of tradition:

In the politically charged language of the present, Bishop Vitus Huonder is a “conservative” if not an “extremist.” In fact, he is simply a faithful Catholic Christian. And for that he’s being threatened with three years in jail. It’s happening in Switzerland, but the conflict epitomizes a wider phenomenon of anti-Christian secularists on both sides of the Atlantic using the courts to target Christians for simply standing up for biblical truth.
In 2011, Huonder, the Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Chur in Switzerland, supported parents being able to opt out of having children as young as four subjected to mandatory “sex education” which rejected the truth about the dignity of human sexuality, the gift of sexual differentiation, and marriage. In 2013, he issued a pastoral letter to the faithful under his care exposing unbiblical gender identity theories and defending the Christian vision of the human person, the family and a truly just and human social order. He called upon the faithful of the Catholic Church to “use their social rights” to protect “the dignity of man founded on the order of Creation and of Redemption.” Last February, he called for a Swiss priest who had purportedly “blessed” the union of a lesbian couple to step down from his ministry.
Here is the challenge he faces. In Switzerland, there is a wholesale rebellion against the Christian vision of the human person, and of the family and society founded upon it. Leaders of the rebellion abhor the clear and unchangeable teaching of the Bible and the Catholic Church. Included in the ranks of these dissidents are some Catholic clerics. To say their leaders do not like this Catholic Bishop is an understatement.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Muslim to be Vice Director for Bavarian Oberammergau Play

An Oberammergau for Nathan the Wise?
Edit: Lessing's Play, "Nathan the Wise", is a bit of syncretistic fantasizing where a Jewish wise man attempts to bridge the gap between Judaism, Christianity and Islam with the help of "wise" Saladin and a helpful Templar. The play sounds a lot like the mediocre film, "Kingdom of Heaven" by Ridley Scott.

Oberammergau Play in 1900
(Munich) At a time when the religious arbitrariness that somehow rhymes with all sorts of isms and ultimately especially with agnosticism and atheism, a Muslim can also be director of the Oberammergau Passion Play. At least second director. For now. That the passion plays depict the crucial five days in the earthly life of Jesus Christ with his saving work for humanity, which a Muslim does not believe, it does not matter. Because if the new director of Oberammergau, the Turk Kenan Abdullah Karaca, does not bring faith, he brings professionalism, and that after all is what matters. Especially since it's more about culture, theater and entertainment than religion.

Artful reasons for the replacement are not lacking. Strengthening internationality is only one. Players are supposed to be from Oberammergau, which goes back to an old injunction, only locals, and finally, Karaca is a native of Oberammergau, so a local. That a native only recently in Bavaria that has a Turkish passport would then still require explanation, but on "such topics" it is indeed better "not to talk too much." And after all, Wulff and Merkel have said that Islam "belongs to Germany."

 Whoever is a Bavarian and Christian, is for us to decide

And anyway "No way", say the majority of the city council of Oberammergau. Where would we be then: Who is a resident and who is a Christian, is for us to decide. And we say that the Turk and Muslim Karaca is a Bavarian and a Christian ... or at least a half ... or maybe three-quarters, or ... Aba Sakradi and übahaupt was ma wäidofffa, which means: now and ever we are open-minded. Promise of 1633 or not, since 1990, we have indeed had a Weiberleid (women) under 35 in the play and even Lutherans (Protestants). And just now, Hamma, who is also a Muslim. If that isn't modern.

One can safely assume that Christian Stückl, since 1990, the first director, appointed Karaca precisely because he is Muslim. Abdullah Kenan Karaca has studied directing anyhow and is "proud" of his appointment. Stückl knows him from the Munich Volkstheater. According to the unwritten laws of the culture industry, one has to make a name for themselves, no matter what the cost. Provocations have cult status - at least somehow to stay on cult theme, when thus something quite different is meant. Not all have seen it that way in the council. The vote went from 13 to 5 votes, but "enlightened reason" has triumphed.

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing knew already 236 years ago

That's right, Gotthold is pleased with the appointment. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing indeed already knew 236 years ago, that all religions are equal, in other words these at best are not to be spoken of except insofar as they serve the state to maintain law and order.

Passion plays represent the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ with a Muslim as (vice) director, that's the arbitrary relativism and especially the perfect expression of a politically invoked "welcoming culture". Everything as usual. The message seems pretty clear.

"Soon in deepest Bavaria a determined young Turk will participate in the fortunes of a deeply religious, Christian tradition: for the first time in 380 years, a Muslim will be part of the management team of the Oberammergau Passion Play. Salam Aleikum under wooden cross," exulted numerous media, in this case the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, (the Austrians are still related to the Bavarians.)

Public criticism? "But the issue is too sensitive"

The ORF also provided further illumination: "There are public criticisms of Oberammergau, but the issue is too sensitive." What can be sensitive: The Passion Play, or the fact that Karaca is a Muslim and foreigner? Anyway, the recent Oberammergau decision has a lot to do with modern prohibitions on thinking, which increasingly take hold in the freest country and the freest society on German soil.

The texts of the Passion Play are still being "touched up". The text of the 42nd edition in 2020 is going to be "revised." Who knows, maybe the Christian Passion Drama will even end with Lessing's idea drama of Nathan the Wise.

Text: Martha Weinzl
 Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches....

Friday, August 14, 2015

Ferrara: Voris is Devious, Deceptive on SSPX

Edit: excerpt from Chris Ferrara:

Here Voris deviously and deceptively contrasts Bishop Schneider with Catholics “supportive of schism”—meaning the SSPX—when,as he knows full well, Bishop Schneider himself is supportive of SSPX, sees no schism, and recommends that SSPX be regularized without further ado. Unable to enlist the Bishop in support of his “schism” charge, however, Voris tries to slip it into the Bishop’s “clarification” by means of a shifty innuendo.

·        “For SSPX supporters to portray Bishop Schneider as an unquestioning ally is something to which His Excellency objects.”

The Bishop did not “object” to the claim that he is an “unquestioning ally” of SSPX, because no such claim is made. Voris invented the claim and the Bishop’s “objection” in order to spin the—for Voris—useless “clarification” as support for his thoroughly discredited accusation of “schism.”

Sorry, Mr. Voris, but this is one duck that won’t lift from the lake. If there was anything left of CMTV’s credibility, it has vanished with this evidence of Voris’s determination to continue his petty vendetta against SSPX, which, as Bishop Schneider actually said, exhibits “a sound theological, spiritual and human reality” and the “sentire cum ecclesia” and that “this should suffice for a canonical recognition of the SSPX on behalf of the Holy See.”

France: Catholics are Under Police Protection for the Feast of the Assumption

Terror Prevention on Feast of the Assumption

Paris ( )) - The Catholic churches in France are under increased police protection for the prevention of terrorist attacks. The event: On August 15, Catholics celebrate "The Assumption" where about 150,000 visitors are expected just in the Parisian cathedral of Notre Dame alone.

The Catholic Bishops Conference recommends that churchgoers be particularly vigilant and to leave no bags unattended during the Mass. On the same day the Catholic churches will also ring their bells at 12 noon in solidarity with the persecuted Christians of the Middle East. Already in April the French police intensified the protective measures for 178 churches, after a terrorist attack in the Paris suburb of Villejuif had been frustrated. In January, the security level for Catholic and Protestant churches and synagogues and mosques had been increased as a result of attacks on the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket. Of the 65.8 million inhabitants of France approximately 64.3 percent are Catholics, about 4.3 percent are Muslims, about 1.9 percent are Protestants, about one per cent Buddhist and 0.6 percent Jewish. The rest are mostly without a confession. Link to Trans: Tancred AMDG

Stop the Persecution of Christians: Statue of Our Lady of Fatima Comes to Syria

(Fatima / Damascus) with the aim to overcome the fanaticism, the statue of the Blessed Lady of Fatima will be brought to Syria, where a merciless struggle for power and the brutal persecution of Christians rages. The number of Christians in the Middle Eastern country has declined since the outbreak of the fighting in 2011 by 30 percent.
The statue of the virgin and the Mary the Mother of God were located in the famous Portuguese pilgrimage site, where in 1917 she appeared to three shepherd children. This coming September 7 it will be brought into Syria with the aim to hal the suffering by Christians in the  and stop the "fanaticism and intolerance."
"This is necessary because of the great indifference of the international institutions" toward the suffering of the Eastern Christians. With these words, Bishop Antonio Marto of Leiria-Fatima founded the initiative.

Response to call of the Bishops of the Middle East

"We are responding to a call of the bishops of the Middle East, who have witnessed the destruction of the Christian communities," said Bishop Marto and recalled  Pope Francis' plea about the persecution of Christians in Syria and Iraq.
According to the Catholic Church in Syria the cruel war has decreased  the number of Christians in the country by 30 percent since the war began in 2011. The Christians are persecuted, expelled and killed by the Islamic state (IS) and other jihadists.
"Intolerance and fanaticism" of the jihadists is especially directed at the persecuted Christians, said the bishop, referring to the rise of the Islamic State (IS).
Bishop Marto addressed tens of thousands of Catholics in his sermon who gathered for one of the three traditional pilgrimages to Fatima, to give special attention to the persecuted Christians and pray for the end to the persecution.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Bishop Huonder -- A Tower of Strength

But the noise of the roaring lion seems more impressive act to many than he who show how truth of things lie before our eyes.  A commentary by Dominik Lusser, Stiftung Zukunft CH

Edit: they may feed Catholics to the lions before long. We know that the author may not appreciate the problems with the terms "homosexual" and "gay".  It's best of all not to use these terms as they accept some false premises about the sin which cries out to heaven for vengeance.

Chur ( A few days ago the Bishop of Chur, Vitus Huonder has outlined the Catholic view of marriage in a 50-minute presentation at the congress "Joy of Faith" in Fulda. In a few sentences began to speak homosexuality, and quoted the passage from the Old Testament Book of Leviticus: "One who lays with a man as with a woman, then you have committed an abomination. Both are punishable by death. Their blood shall be upon them." The media has raged ever since that Huonder had therefore demanded the death penalty for the practice of homosexuality.

But what the makers of public opinion suggest, appearing in the context of Huonders speech and in the light of the New Testament mercy, is downright absurd.

The reason for this willful ignorance is clear: The only German Swiss Bishop who dares to proclaim what is not only the Christian revelation but also the simple view of reality, should be muzzled. But the truth is that homosexual acts are disordered and destructive in themselves and not originating from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. While teaching the gospel the Bishop Huonder shows mercy to all sinners, to which he himself knows himself to belong.

The sin itself can not for that very reason ever be approved. Homosexuals' pastoral care is therefore for Christians especially in people with homosexual orientation - as far as this goes - to accompany them from their unintentionally disordered inclination. But this point of view puts the gay lobby in a blank rage in contrast to many ex-gays and ex-lesbians who lead a happy life today.

The Swiss gay umbrella organization Pink Cross has even filed criminal charges against Huonder of the crime of public incitement. The time for an outcome of the proceedings within the time for the initiation of a criminal procedure by Pink Cross is probably not (yet) ripe. The direction, however, is clear: the totalitarian gay lobby and its allied mainstream media it comes to force Christians by any means in the recognition of their not so funny ("gay") lifestyle.

Indeed, as the research shows, among other things, young people are usually introduced to homosexuality by a significantly older adult partner, while the sexual initiation among heterosexuals usually takes place within their age group. Homosexuals experience sexual abuse much more frequently as a child or youth.

Gays are much more likely to be exposed as adults to sexual abuse. Homosexuals of all ages are both physically and mentally, considerably less healthy than the average population: Big differences consist, inter alia, depressive disorders and suicidal tendencies. There is no connection between the health of homosexuals and possible social discrimination.

In contrast, the instability of the family situation and early sexual activity seem to be factors that can lead to self-harm. According to a study by the University of Zurich from 2006 only 30 percent of gay men accept their sexual orientation. Almost half had in the four weeks preceding the survey at least, one time when they used alcohol excessively. Even where drugs and intoxicants are concerned, gays exceed the average of men by many times. Homosexual men are also the largest risk group for contracting HIV and other STDs: The likelihood of contracting HIV among gays up to 100 times greater.

The abundance of these empirical facts which indicate clearly the problematic nature of the homosexual inclination, actually should provide the St. Galler Bishop, Markus Büchel, the backbone to stand up for Catholic doctrine, instead of stabbing his brother bishop of Chur publicly in the back. But the noise of the roaring lion seems more impressive act to many than he who show how truth of things lie before our eyes. It is all the more important that there are still people who speak this truth clearly and calmly all. Come what may!
  Lecture by Bishop Huonder in Fulda
Trans: Tancred
Link to

On the 15th of August Bells Will Sound For Persecuted Christians of the Orient Will Sound

(Paris) On the feast of the Assumption 40 diocese of France, Luxembourg, Belgium and Switzerland will ring their   church bells for the persecuted Christians in the Middle East. The 15th of August was chosen because the Blessed Virgin Mary is the patron saint of Christendom and is particularly revered in the Orient.
The diocese will thus set an example of solidarity and solidarity with the persecuted Christians. The bells  call for prayers especially for the oppressed, exiled and enslaved Christians. "If everything goes bad and there is apparently no hope, one turns to Mary, which brings down the walls," said Archbishop Jean-Pierre Cattenoz of Avignon the initiative.

Initiative for persecuted Christians from Bishop Dominique Rey of Fréjus-Toulon

The solidarity campaign starts from Bishop Dominique Rey of Fréjus-Toulon, one of the most prominent bishops of France who trains priests of his diocese in both forms of the Roman Rite, and has even celebrated in the traditional rite and promotes this in his diocese. The small diocese in the Provence has by far the highest number of seminarians throughout France.
His announcement, ringing the bells to the Assumption of the persecuted Christians was followed immediately by the bishops of Gap Embrun, Ajaccio, Avignon and Bayonne. All dioceses where the traditional rite has a home.
Meanwhile, the group of dioceses taking part in the action has greatly increased. There are now 40 dioceses and not just in France but also in French-speaking Switzerland, in Belgium and Luxembourg.

Charity concert of singing priests - disability symptomatic of the state of Europe

The singing French priests "Les Pretres" from the diocese of Gap have donated the proceeds from two large benefit concerts for the persecuted Christians in the Orient. Originally, the Parisian society for public transport (RATP) had refused to accept posters for the charity concert, because  it is "religious advertising"  (see "France suffers from its secularity" - priest of Parisian subways "too political"? ). But this is contrary to the secularism of France. The refusal sparked an intense debate. Many people were outraged because they thought it absurd that a benefit concert for persecuted Christians was considered   "religious advertising" and that a relief operation has been hampered by the refusal.
This was partly a fundamental discussion about the fact that in the Middle East  Christians die, but rather than  providing assistance,  the West holds abstract and antichristian discussions. "While we are discussing, people are dying in the East. Solidarity is different, a young woman wrote in the Internet log of the singing priests.
The discussion at least led to such  great interest in the charity campaign of the singing priests that one concert became two. Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve  and also Senate President Gerard Larcher attended. Unfortunately, the bishops of other parts of Europe have not taken up the initiative of Bishop Dominique Rey and excepted themselves from  the "French," a European mark of solidarity and solidarity with the persecuted Christians.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Infovaticana
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Franciscans of the Immaculate: Will the New Commissar Also Bring the New Spirit?

(Rome) Since last June, the Order of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate have been assigned  the Salesian priest Sabino Ardito, a canon lawyer, as the new Apostolic Commissioner. Yet there is still a demon in the Order, says Messa in Latino.  Father Alfonso Bruno was responsible and  the ultimate beneficiary of the palace coup against Founder Manelli.
Alfonso Bruno, the father with a penchant for self-expression, already belonged to the old leadership the order, where he was responsible for its media presence. At that time he was only one among several. Then came the dismissal of Minister General Father Stefano Maria Manelli and the whole Order leadership by the Vatican. Alfonso Bruno was the one who made the news public through his media contacts and thus - at least initially - of the urgency  of a  radical intervention.

Press Releases, Legal Letters and Ads

Apostolic Commissioner Father Fidenzio Volpi was then appointed, who was ran like a bulldozer over the Order. The first official act of the Commissioner was the appointment of Father Alfonso Bruno as Secretary General of the Order and thus his right hand.  Excepting the Commissioner, who belongs to the Capuchin Order, Father Alfonso Bruno has since been at the top of the Order of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, and completely alone.
The decisions by which the clear-cutting was done were signed by Commissioner Volpi. Partially also by the Secretary General, in part he remained in the background, as he had done well in advance of the palace coup against the Founder, who embodied the Order's charism  and the Old Rite. But his handwriting appears on the endless flood of corrections, warnings, notifications, which were all issued  since the coup in July 2013,  against those who expressed criticism  of the actions of the Holy See and the Commissioner.

"Disinformation on the Internet"

The most recent example is the correspondence of a lawyer, which the Catholic website  Riscossa Cristiana received by electronic mail on August 4th. In the letter, the editor  and writer are required to   delete  two articles. The lawyer acts in the name of Father Giulio Maria Scozzaro. Both articles dealt with the issue, as well as the title of the second article: "The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate and the Disinformation on the Internet".
The items were manifestly defamatory and would severely damage the honor of his clients.
The first article reported the facts about the dismissal of Giulio Maria Scozzaro on 4 October 2007 from the Order of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate by the then General Superior Father Manelli. It was a decision that was confirmed by the Congregation of Religious on 8 April 2008 after Scozzaro raised opposition  against it. "Facts can not be libelous," said Cristiana Riscossa in response to the lawyer.
In the same article, Scozzaro's publication on his internet blog was criticized, which  can also be read there as before. Therein Scozzaro vehemently attacked Order's founder and his now deposed Superior General, Manelli.

Volpi's Reintroduction of Dismissed Manelli Brother

However there is something now new that has became public, it was at the time of publication unknown.   Initially in the context of the contested articles the lawyer submitted, was a decision of 11 February 2015 where the late Commissioner Volpi annulled  the  Scozzaro's dismissal from the Order and has readmitted him into the Order.
Volpi's amazing justification, which made Manelli's decision null and void  from formal legal reasons, is that  the dismissal is supposed to have  never been legal. Amazing because Scozzaro had lodged an appeal against his dismissal to the Congregation of Religious and  confirmed this after examining the case of   dismissal. Volpi's decision bears his signature and that of Alfonso Bruno. "Does  Commissioner Volpi, have the right or the authority to annul an order  whose validity has been confirmed by the religious congregation?" Asked Riscossa Cristiana .
As an aside  it should be recalled that Father Scozzaro could appeal against his dismissal appeal to the Congregation of Religious. Founder Manelli and the deposed general leadership could not have prevented it by  objecting to the provisional administration. Pope Francis had approved the drastic intervention in a form that made any appeal impossible.
The second article referred to the  collected signatures at that time in support of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate and of the Roman Rite. "A report on a petition is also hardly libelous," said Cristiana Riscossa.  Also in this article, the facts of the early dismissal of Father Scozzaro was also reported.
"What can you say about the behavior of a priest and religious who don't directly seek contact and  admonishes  by using worldly means and threatening legal action? For this I will ask the new Apostolic Commissioner for clarification, as well as the bishop of the diocese where  P. Scozzaro is still incardinated. "
The corresponding letter was sent on August 10 to the Apostolic Commissioner and to the Congregation of Religious. The Commissioner immediately acknowledged receipt.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Corrispondenza Romana

Spanish Diocese Crumbles to the Zeitgeist: Transexual to be "Godfather"

A transsexual Spaniard from the diocese of Cadiz may be godfather of his nephew. The competent Bishop of Cadiz, Rafael Zornoza Boy, granted permission to the the 21-year-old Alex Salinas following a nationally publicized controversy.

Madrid ( A transsexual Spaniard from the diocese of Cadiz may be the godfather of his nephew. The competent Bishop of Cadiz, Rafael Zornoza Boy, did grant permission to the 21-year-old Alex Salinas following a nationally publicized controversy, reports the daily newspaper "El Pais" (Friday).

Thus, the diocese Salinas had initially rejected him as godparent because his life did not agree with the principles of the Church. He then launched an online petition, in which he asked Pope Francis for help. "The Church that I know is not so", lamented the young man.

The petition now has more than 35,000 supporters. According to "El Pais", the diocese has now changed course. To be transsexual is not a reason for exclusion from the office of godfather. In the meantime the baptism which was canelled because of a dispute may take place in September. (C) 2015 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH. All rights reserved.
Trans: Tancred