Friday, June 26, 2015

IVth Summorum Pontificum Conference -- Cardinal Müller: "Tradition as the Fundamental Principle of Catholic Theology"

(Rome) From 13 -14  June, 2015 the IVth Conference on the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum was held, which  Pope Benedict XVI. had adopted for the Universal Church in 2007.  The meeting was held at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, better known as the Angelicum.
Like the previous sessions there was also a motto for this year, "A treasure for the whole Church", which finds its complement  in the often-mentioned sentence: "A hope for the whole Church". The first three meetings were held in 2008, 2009 and 2011. It was supposed to take place biannually. The resignation of Benedict XVI. and the election of Pope Francis  persuaded  many of the members that the fourth edition of the conference would be postponed till 2015. 
It was organized in turn by Giovani e Tradizione and 2008 in the wake of the first meeting launched in 2008, Amicizia Sacerdotale Summorum Pontificum .
The meeting was opened with a Holy Mass in the traditional rite, which was celebrated by Cardinal Raymond Burke in the Church of SS. Domenico e Sisto. The conference work was led by the Dominican Vincenzo Nuara, member of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei and the priest moderator of the association, Amicizia Sacerdotale Summorum Pontificum. Father Nuara declared the meeting objective was thus to promote a positive approach to the liturgical question, by making increasingly known the richness of the traditional Mass, which Benedict XVI. had restored to the Church. 
High-caliber speakers who have something to say
Meeting Summorum Pontificum
IV. Meeting the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum
This was followed with presentations by Cardinal Raymond Burke, patron of the Sovereign Order of Malta ("Tradition as the Foundation of the Catholic Liturgy"); Dom Cassian Folsom, OSB, Prior of the  Traditional Benedictine House of Nursia and lecturer at the Pontifical Athenaeum of Sant'Anselmo in Rome ("Lex orandi-lex credendi in Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum: A Theological Entrance"); Professor Giovanni Turco of the University of Udine ("Righteousness, Religion, True Cult - The Perspective of St. Thomas Aquinas"); Professor Don Marino Neri of the University of Pavia ("The Cultus in Spirit and in Truth: Liturgy and Symbolism"); Cardinal Gerhard Müller, Prefect of the Congregation and President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei ("Tradition as the Basic Principle of Catholic Theology"); . Professor Monsignor Stefan Heid from the Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology ("Where the Sky Opens, the Early Christian Altar in Liturgy and Art."); . Monsignor Marco Agostini from the State Secretariat of the Holy See ("The Abode of God Among Men: The Altar and Its Treasures") and Monsignor Athanasius Schneider, Bishop of Astana ("The Treasure of the Altar: the Unspeakable Majesty of Holy Communion").. The first day concluded with a Te Deum led by Cardinal Walter Brandmüller.
On Sunday  Cardinal Velasio De Paolis, emeritus prefect for economic affairs of the Holy See, celebrated Solemn Pontifical Mass in the Immemorial Roman Rite in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel of St. Peter's Basilica.
An interested audience from Italy and abroad listened to presentations and discussions to deepen their liturgical understanding. The focus of the conference in 2015 was the need for a conscious rediscovery of the deeper reasons for the celebration of the traditional rite.
The lectures and sermons will be published in the conference proceedings.
Text: Claude Ducraux
picture: Giovani e Tradizione / Corrispondenza Romana
Trans; Tancred

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Catholic Patriarch of Babylon Offers Resignation -- Reunion of the "Church of the East" Under Rome

(Baghdad) Patriarch Raphael Louis I. Sako of Babylon, the head of the Chaldean Catholic Church in Union with Rome has freely  offered his resignation to clear the way for the reunification of the three faiths, which are part of the  East Syriac tradition of the ancient Church of the East.
The ecclesiastical hierarchies of all three churches should be set to zero to allow the unions and the provision of a new common patriarch. The old Church of the East dates back to the early Christian evangelization east of the Tigris. The Church of the East brought the first news of Jesus Christ to Persia, India and as far as China.
 Jean-Simon Sulaka was appointed in 1553 as the first Chaldean Patriarch united with Rome. Since the Western powers intervened militarily in Mesopotamia, today's Iraq, the Church has suffered a seemingly unstoppable  bloodletting. The stronger the military intervention of the West, the more untenable was the position of the Christians in their homeland. They were persecuted, decimated, scattered and whoever was able  emigrated.

Assyrian Church of the East Primarily a Diaspora Church

The same fate was experienced by the other two confessions. The Assyrian Church of the East now lives almost only in their thriving communities in the US, Western Europe and Oceania. Because of the persecution of the Assyrians by Muslim Kurds and Arabs, and the massacre of Simele in which several thousand Assyrians were killed, the Assyrian Catholicos of the Patriarchate of the mountains has lived since 1940 in exile in the United States. This Oriental Orthodox Church is currently in a transitional phase, as Catholicos Dinkha IV. Khanania died last March and the decision on the succession has been postponed until September. The Church is considering the relocation of the Patriarchate from Chicago to Iraq specifically to Erbil in Kurdistan.

1964 Elimination of the Assyrian Christians in Iraq

Catholicos Addai II.
Because of the exile situation of Patriarch   the Assyrian Church of the East split in 1964, the Iraqi part which has since then been called Ancient Assyrian Church of the East. Because of flight and emigration it also   now has diaspora communities in the West and other countries of the Middle East. The Catholicos of the Assyrian Christians in Iraq since 1970 is  Patriarch Addai II. with headquarters in Baghdad.
The proposal of Patriarch Raphael Louis I. Sako looks to a union of a canonically independent Church, but united with Rome. His proposal establishes the Patriarch especially with the common threat of Christians in Iraq. There were doubts whether the migrated Christians will return to Iraq again because the situation is unclear. Above all, one does not know how it with the Islamic state would continue (IS), which is a declared mortal enemy of the Christians in the Middle East.

Common "Church of the East" in Full Communion with Rome

The name of the new church would simply read "Church of the East".  With regard to the recognition of the Pope in Rome, it refers to the 1994 signed agreement of Louis Raphael I. Sako  by Pope John Paul II. and Catholicos Dinkha IV. common Christological declaration that the Assyrian Church of the East and the Catholic Church confess the same faith in Jesus Christ. It was also noted that the ancient Christological controversies were largely due to misunderstandings.
Since 2013   talks were being  held at the initiative of Patriarch Raphael Louis I. Sako which were welcomed by the late Catholicos Dinkha IV.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons / Mission chaldeene
Trans: Tancred

March for Life Vienna-- Report of a Participant

Wolfram Schrems *
As announced, the 3rd "March for the Family" took place on Saturday, June 20, 2015, in the center of Vienna.  It was organized by the Platform Family under the initiative of Pro Vita -Association for human rights to life by a lawyer, the retired Dr. Alfons Adam. The event was also announced by the Newsletter of the Institute of Marriage and Family of the Austrian Bishops' Conference and of the Yes to Life / Human Life International, among other initiatives and organizations.
The intention was to stand up for marriage and against its perversion, for the promotion of the family, for  parental authority and against the seduction of school sex education, to gender mainstreaming and the inviolable right to life from conception.

Rally at Stephansplatz

A few hundred people were gathered at the beginning of the rally at 15.00 in an area the  cordoned off by the police. The  the police released in a number to OTS "about 200" which is clearly a huge underestimate.  As   film reports make clear, there were at least twice as many. Groups from Upper Austria, Salzburg and Carinthia had arrived. The latter was led by a very meritorious priest.
There was also a group of young Poles living in Vienna.
Children were also present, which, given the aggressiveness of the counter demonstrators, of course did not appear to be wise. 
The organizers planned several speeches. Contrary to the announcement  Representatives Gabriele Tamandl (ÖVP) and  Carmen Schimanek (FPÖ) had not appeared.
The first speaker was the Syriac Orthodox priest and Choral Bishop Dr. Emanuel Aydin. He is a holder of the Grand Golden Medal of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria. In sharp words he turned against the seduction of children by school sex education and against abortion. This he likened to the infanticide of Herod. In the words of the Apostle Paul, he reminded that "effeminate and homosexuals" will not enter the kingdom of God (1 Cor 6,9). In his Aramaic language, the language of Jesus, he blessed all those present.
Member of Parliament Dr. Marcus Franz (ÖVP), his occupation is doctor, who assisted the cause in matters big and small. But he pleaded for dead lines (which was  also against the expansion of abortion by its complete removal from the Criminal Code) and the Reproductive Medicine Act. This he described as painful compromise that is better than a legal vacuum. He spoke out against the manipulation of children by sex education.
District Chairwoman Ursula Stenzel (ÖVP) referred to in her speech   demonstrations being increasingly held in the first district, and particularly on the Ringstrase as an "abuse of the right to demonstrate". Some of them are also based purely in commercial interests. "But your rally is not an abuse of the right to demonstrate," she told the rally participants. Stenzel addressed a  request by a journalist on the objectives of the march.
The lectures and TV appearances well known to many of the Classicist and Dominican Sr., Dr. Katharina Deifel defended, as a widowed mother, and nun, the plan of creation of gender polarity.
The last speaker was the former Slovak Minister of Justice and Prime Minister Dr. Jan Čarnogurský who had been involved in the late 80s as a Catholic activist prisoner of the communist regime and with many like-minded people contributed significantly to the 1989 coup.  He compared the totalitarian gay propaganda nowadays with the communist propaganda in his home 30 years ago. As the latter had disappeared, so the former will soon disappear. Incidentally, it will be the children and grandchildren of faithful Christians who will pay the retirements for childless homosexuals and left-wing activists.
During the rally police pressure to shorten the event could be seen as the operational control  and compete the march early. This pressure, which is most likely due to political requirements was resistend by the organizers, however.

March - the Usual Provocation

However, the original demonstration route was not realized  due to an unapproved counter-demonstration.
There came to the barrier on Tuchlauben corner there was   a " very aggressive "attack on the police, who had to use pepper spray. According to police, there were two  arrests, a third person was still in detention on Saturday.  Several complaints were filed in accordance with the administrative or criminal law.
Protesters and provocateurs kept coming up close to the demonstration throughout. Incomprehensible hatred was visible here. In curses of all kinds were hurled in choruses ("you should have been aborted").

Final Rally at Minoritenplatz

The spokesman of the Vienna Akademikerbund, Mag. Christian Zeitz, pointed out in his very emotional speech on  perversion that of all the Ministry of Education (located at Minoritenplatz and flying  a rainbow flag)  developed the plans for sexual manipulation of children and adolescents. The Minister is himself childless, so will never be able to understand the concerns of the parents. 
Even though the event was not intended as a religious, but was  called for the values of  natural law, the proportion of Christian activists was of course very large. Some clergy, priesthood candidates and sisters were visible, as well as a priest of the Society of St. Pius X gave his blessing at the Minoritenplatz. 
Thus, the event ended at about 17:30.
Thanks to the "man-made global warming" the temperature did not come about 15 degrees out with frequent rains. This had the positive side effect that kept the shamelessness with the concurrent orgiastic parade through the ring in limits.

A look beyond the borders of Austria

Here is quite good news to report:
At the same time the Vienna march for the family about one million people were gathered, namely, in Rome for the Family Day in front of the Lateran against the perversion of marriage ("opening" for homosexuals) and against the political forces, "who want to massacre the family" (as Ex Maurizio Gasparri -Minister). The event had been called by Catholic associations.They were supported by secular forces and opposition parties.
On the following day, Sunday, 21 June,  in the same cause of defense for children  more than 4500 people had gathered in the center of Stuttgart. Given the massive terror of the omnipresent counter-demonstrators, it was a considerable contingent.

A brief comment

1. Apparently many parents are not aware of  the importance of moral attack, otherwise many more  times would have  appeared as participants at the rally. 
2. It is incomprehensible and scandalous that the Catholic hierarchy basically shows no interest in protecting the faithful entrusted to them. The ecumenism proved once again to be unusable. Where are the shepherds, when you need them?Only Choir Bishop Aydin rescued - in addition to the participating Catholic priests - the honor of the clergy.
3. It was a pleasant surprise that the ÖVP politicians identified with the objectives of the march. Especially the participation of District Chairwoman Stenzel was perceived as pleasing. One can only hope that it will also bring the party leadership to rethink their position.
4. It has been shown once again how much the radical left and elaborate "anarchist" demonstrators, serve the  prescriptive policy agenda from above. Here the degree of astonishment indoctrination, hatred and - paradoxically - even self-contempt. The latter is recognizable where many chanted slogan "Your children will be like us". Apparently, these misguided people, usually in their third or fourth decade of life, have no high opinion of themselves as they   put themselves as a negative example. So one wonders with considerable anger, who has managed to turn young people into such undignified zombies.  Particularly unworthy are those people who you know, are always screaming against "Bullen" [The Pigs] even after calling after the police.  Since many of those are screaming with a  Federal German accent, you have to realize with horror how successful the "character wash" or "reeducation" has succeeded in the third generation now.
5. The terror in the streets stands in connection with police behavior: Although the individual officers act quite professionally, as a rule and enabled the exercise of the right to rally, at least ideologically political instructions to the police line are noticeable. It is clear that politically unpopular rallies are in a difficult position in "Red Vienna". Summary
Thanks and appreciation to organizers, co-organizers and participants. It was worth it. And it will go on!
* MMag. Wolfram Schrems , Linz and Vienna, a Catholic theologian and philosopher, ecclesiastical sent catechist, many years of experience in the protection of life
Picture: Platform Family
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Pope Kisses the Waldensian Bible --- Pope Francis, Don Bosco and the Waldensians

+Bergoglio Kisses Waldensian Bible
(Turin) last Monday, 22 June Pope Francis appeared in the main church of the Vaudois, the day after his pilgrimage to the grave Shroud of Turin in the Piedmontese capital.
It was a scene that was recorded photographically. The Waldensian pastors handed Pope Francis their Bible that the Pope   kissed   before their eyes.
A "disturbing" image, says Chiesa e postconcilio . "What does the great catechism of St. Pius X, # 887. What should a Christian do if he is offered a Bible by a Protestant or an emissary of the Protestants? Answer: When a Christian of a is offered a bible by a Protestant or an envoy, he must reject it with disgust, because it is forbidden by the Church; when he  accepts it, not noticing,  then he must throw it immediately into the fire or deliver his pastor."  As far as radio Spada thinks of the episode, what Pius X. here recommends   Christians recommends, so too did St. John Bosco, as he stood against the Waldenses.

"Unchristian, Inhumane Behavior" of the Catholic Church?

Pope Francis has entered as the first Catholic Church leader, into a Waldensian Temple. Certainly it's an historic moment. The Catholic Church leader is quoted in his address to the Waldensian from the Scriptures and that - as expressly stated - in a "interconfessional version".
Francis apologized to the Waldenses for everything that was done to them by Catholics: "On the part of the Catholic Church, I ask you for forgiveness for the unchristian and even inhuman attitudes and actions, which we have done in  history against you. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, forgive us! "

"Pope Overcomes a Wall of Charges of Heresy"

Bare Interior  of Waldensian Church of Turin
The Moderator of the Waldensian Table, Pastor Eugenio Bernardini replied: "The Pope has overcome a wall that was built eight centuries ago when our church was accused and excommunicated by the Roman church of heresy." The pope did not argue.
The Waldensian movement originated as mendicants in 12th century Lyon from the teachings of the merchant Peter Valdes. They understood themselves in response to the civil power then exerted by the Roman Church. Today, they are commonly referred to as aligned to Calvinist Protestants. They  practice a number of errors that have similarities with the Donatists. St. Augustine said of these heretics: "In many ways, the heretics are with me in some others, not; but because of these few points, where they separate from me, it does not help them in everything else to be with me." (In Psa. 54, no. 19, PL 36, 641).
Historically, it is also important that about half of the adherents were  liberals and Freemasons in the 19th century who crossed over from the Catholic Church to the Waldenses. This fact and its liberal attitude meant that they had a lot of weight in spite of their small numbers in state-supporting circles of Turin.

Pius XI. against the "Panchristians"

In Mortalium Animos wrote the Blessed Pope Pius XI. 1928:
"These things and others that class of men who are known as pan-Christians proudly repeat and disseminate; and these men, so far from being quite few and scattered, have increased to the dimensions of an entire class, and have grouped themselves into widely spread societies, most of which are directed by non-Catholics, although they are imbued with varying doctrines concerning the things of faith. This undertaking is so actively promoted as in many places to win for itself the adhesion of a number of citizens, and it even takes possession of the minds of very many Catholics and allures them with the hope of bringing about such a union as would be agreeable to the desires of Holy Mother Church, who has indeed nothing more at heart than to recall her erring sons and to lead them back to her bosom. But in reality beneath these enticing words and blandishments lies hid a most grave error, by which the foundations of the Catholic faith are completely destroyed."

Don Bosco and his Persecution by the Waldensian

Don Bosco
As Pope Francis in Turin attended a Waldensian Temple, it is good to remember  St. John Bosco, who had done great things in this city. So great that Francis also  paid a visit to the Centre of the Salesian Order, founded in the Valdocco in Turin by Don Bosco  with the large church of Mary Help of Christians. The Saint lived from 1815 - 1888 and experienced at that  time the Italian unification movement, which was to smash the Papal States in 1870.
The Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont, with its anticlerical-Masonic state doctrine prepared big trouble for the Piedmontese saint. . As the state persecution finally subsided, then entered these  Waldenses who were placed at the service of the new kingdom. They unfurled lively propaganda activities in Turin, with  attacking Don Bosco and sought to discredit him to the public. Finally, they called him confidently out to theological disputes. All Waldensian leaders of Turin appeared to dispute   the Saints, however, were defeated. Finally, they offered the best known of their pastors, Jean Pierre Meille from Provençal Luzerna e San Jan in Piedmont.

The Dispute with the Famous Waldensian Pastor Meille

The debate in Valdocco took seven hours until it ended with a comic scene. Don Bosco had tried to reason with the history and with the Latin Scriptures. But Meille did not want to admit defeat, and finally said that the Latin Bible was not enough, one must consult the Greek text. Don Bosco stood up, walked to the bookcase, fetched a Greek Bible and put it to the Waldensian pastor out by saying, "Here, sir, the Greek text. You are welcome to refer to it, and you will find that it agrees completely with the Latin text." Meille had bluffed, so as not to have to admit defeat. He had no knowledge of Greek, which is why looked at  the book upside down and leafed through it. When Don Bosco turned it right side up, he was embarrassed, turned crimson, jumped up and stormed out of the hall. The dispute was over.
Then they changed their approach. One Sunday in August 1853, two men came and went to the Saint, one of them was a Waldensian pastor, as it turned out later. They flattered Don Bosco, and finally offered him a considerable sum of money, with the announcement that he would get a lot more of it, if instead of writing books about religion, he would turn to history of science, because his contributions could be so valuable. Don Bosco rejected indignantly, and the two men swore at him and finally even threatened, "If you leave the house, are you are sure to return?"

"Catholic Priests are for the Glory of God and the Good of Souls and Ready to Die"

John Bosco answered them: "I see that you do not seem to know who I am. I am a Catholic priest and Catholic priests are for the glory of God and ready to die for the good of the souls entrusted to them." The two men wanted to attack the Saint physically. Don Bosco took a chair and said, "If I wanted to use violence, I would have the power to make you feel this provocation. The power of the priest is but in patience and forgiveness. So I think that it is time to end this conversation." At that moment the door opened and Giuseppe Buzzetti, a loyal employee of Don Bosco stood in the doorway. The Saint said quietly to him, "Accompany these men to Confession!"
The Waldensians then attacked with other means of persuasion. One evening Don Bosco was called to a patient to take his confession. In the house he found a group of men who flattered him and urged to drink with them a glass of wine. Don Bosco remarked, however, that his glass was filled from another bottle, than the glasses of the men present. When he refused, two of the men were holding him, while the other wanted to for the wine violently. He dealt with predicament in a ruse: "If you believe it is necessarily, then I drink, but let me free, otherwise the wine will only spill". When they released him, he jumped quickly to the door, flung it open and called in the four young men, who had accompanied him to protect him. The men gave up their project in he face of the changing situation. Don Bosco asked a friend to inquire about the background of this attack. It turned out that the men in the house had been paid to poison the saint.

Assassinations against Don Bosco

Called to a dying person, a group of armed men with truncheons lurked for the saint, who would kill Don Bosco. Since the attackers had turned off the light, the Saint could initially protect himself with a table. Alarmed by the noise, his four faithful companions came to his aid, so that he escaped from the house unharmed.
Protestants now wanted facts: On a January afternoon in 1854 Don Bosco got a visit from two men. They called on him to stop the publication of Catholic writings or else we'll fix you. As the threats did not impress the Saint, the men said to him: "Either you do it or you're dead." They pulled guns and held them on the Saint's  breast. "Then shoot!" Dom Bosco hurled against  them  with a strong voice. Giovanni Cagliero, a confidant of the Saint,  had not trusted the men and  therefore followed them on his own initiative to Dom Bosco's room. He now rushed with   loud shouts of  "Help"   into the room, which surprised the two attackers, who wanted to intimidate the Saint that they quickly hid the guns  and ran out of the room.
Despite the many attacks on his life, the saint never wore weapons and  never used violence. He gave himself completely to Providence, which protected him. This included  "Grey", a powerful large dog who repeatedly freed the holy Don Bosco from dangerous situations.

Don Bosco's Concern for a Fallen Priest Who Became a Waldensian Pastor

Vain however, was the effort of John Bosco to the Catholic priest Luigi De Sanctis. The Roman De Sanctis was a member of the Camillian Order,  a professor of theology and a well-known priest in Rome in the 1830s. But in the revolutionary year of 1848, De Sanctis turned his back on the Catholic Church, left his Order and its parish and went to Malta. He became a Protestant and married. A little later he was Vicar of Pastor Meille in Turin and took part in the anti-Catholic magazine "The Evangelical Light", which was directed primarily against Don Bosco. When it came to conflicts within the Waldensians, De Sanctis became Calvinist, which is was what cost him his place in the Waldensians and plunged him into a deep crisis.
Don Bosco contacted De Sanctis on 17 November 1854. He tried to pave the apostate priest's  way back to the Catholic Church. The move may seem surprising, after all, De Sanctis was a "traitor" and had written numerous writings against the Catholic Church, especially attacks against the Sacrament of Penance. But Don Bosco was convinced of the dogma, Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus. He was concerned about the salvation of the souls of men.
In fact, De Sanctis replied. This resulted in an intense exchange of letters that has been preserved. "You can not imagine the impact that your friendly letter of yesterday had  on me. I could never imagine that there is so much generosity and so much kindness in a man who is my open enemy. Let's make no mistake about it. I fight your principles and you fight my principles, but while you fight me, show me,  love me sincerely ... "
Don Bosco, who was convinced that in a fallen priest there must prevail the largest moral dilemma, which is why he wanted to present him with his hand of friendship, but was disappointed. Six months later, De Sanctis resumed his attacks against the Catholic Church again, went to Florence, returned there back to the Waldensian Church and died a Waldensian in 1869. Don Bosco should speak of a "hardened heart" and a "darkened intellect", which kept its grasp on the former Camillian.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Chiesa e postconcilio / Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Global Warming Skeptic Uninvited to Give Input for Eco-Encyclical

(Rome) A French climatologist who is one of the well-known climate skeptics and  presented a scientifically acclaimed book on  solar activity in 2014 was to attend the climate meeting in the Vatican, organized for the end of last April by the Pontifical Academy of SciencesDespite assurances to the contrary by Cardinal Turkson, he was refused entry.
The scientist Philippe de Larminat, first a university professor in Nantes, then in Rennes, had heard of the Vatican Conference "Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity", which took place on April 28 at the Vatican. De Larminat is one of the most original thinkers among the climate skeptics. In his book "Changement Climatique" he presents the thesis that solar activity has far greater influence on the global climate, than it could ever experience from man.  A meeting at the Vatican on the subject and given the announced professional level, naturally had to arouse the interest of the scientist, as the Washington Post reported. De Larminat signed up for the meeting and bought a ticket for the flight from Paris to Rome. However, five days before the conference started, he received an electronically transmitted message that there was no place for him.

Pontifical Academy Zealously Sifted All Pending Climate Skeptics Out

De Larminats book on the solar activity
As the scientist learned, other colleagues fared no better. The Pontifical Academy of Sciences sifted all the climate skeptics out from the registered researchers with great zeal. "They didn't  want to hear any other opinion," de Larminat told the Washington Post .
Apparently, the only opinion heard was that  of the representatives for a man-made Global Warming hypothesis. Dissenting opinions or even a scientific discourse do not seem to have been desirable from the outset. The meeting was to serve as a prelude for the Pope Francis eco-encyclical.
The focus should not be so attached to the literal content of the encyclical, because paper is patient, but on the connections, Connections, that have come into existence by this document. Who wanted what from the Pope in advance  and what did he achieve in what he set out to do? Above all: Where was it conceived that  the Holy See would offer no resistance in the future within the framework of international institutions? It was the Vatican, whose delegation in the past more than 20 years,  forging coalitions among the States for the right to life and protection of the family, against abortion and overpopulation ideology.

Cardinal Turkson Secured de Larminat Right to Speak

De Larminat had a friendly encounter last March  with Cardinal Peter Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, who was officially in charge of the preparation of the eco-encyclical. Cardinal Turkson was also to present "Laudato Si"  on June 18 to the world public. In the presence of two other people, Cardinal Turkson assured the French scientist, he would have enough space to present his theses at the meeting in April.
The chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences , Bishop Marcel Sanchez Sorondo, who is the real organizer of the  Holy See's approach to the man made Global Warming hypothesis, however, spectacularly  blocked any critical opinion. On April 17, he decreed an explicit veto of de Laminat's  participation at the Vatican meeting.
Some prominent conservatives, especially economic and natural scientists were contacted during the preparation of eco-encyclical from the Vatican and asked for their contribution. "Many, however, experienced a shock" when  after the presentation of Laudato Si  they had to say, "that none of their contributions were taken into account" as  Raymond Arroyo, the chief editor of the Catholic broadcaster EWTN, explained.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

No Place for Tradition -- Not Even on the "Margins"

Church of St. Andrew in Faieto
(Rome) In a "Church on the margins" there is a place for many, but apparently no place for tradition, at least not in the Abruzzo, Italy. There rules Bishop Michele Seccia,  who is considered as an example of a clerical turncoat in Italy. Appointed by Benedict XVI. as  bishop and placed at the top of the Diocese of Teramo-Atri, he applied himself to follow the Pope in matters motu proprio Summorum Pontificum.  Enter Pope Francis, the same applies, but in the exact opposite direction.
The situation of the traditional believer in the diocese is dramatic (see At the "Margins of the Church" - of Traditional Rite: Situation report from Abruzzo ). As Pope Benedict XVI. enacted the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum,  Bishop Seccia called the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate to Teramo. They took over the abandoned Dominican monastery and managed the Church of San Domenico, bringing  a growing number of believers to the traditional rite. But along with the tradition, the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate fell into disgrace after the election of Pope Francis to the highest ecclesiastical office.

Ban Against the Celebration of the Traditional Rite by Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate

Liturgy in the traditional Rite in Faieto
In July 2013, the Roman Congregation of Religious under the direction of Cardinal Prefect Cardinal João Braz de Aviz  banned the Franciscans of the Immaculate from celebrating the traditional rite. In this emergency situation an Argentine military chaplain was brought in to help, who has been borrowed for some years by the diocese of Teramo-Atri. In the church of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, who were no longer allowed themselves, now Don Gaston Munoz Meritello celebrates in the traditional rite.
In February 2015, however, the late Apostolic Commissioner Father Fidenzio Volpi closed the monastery of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate on in Teramo. The San Domenico church was closed. The faithful attached to  the traditional rite were literally shut out.They were locked out of the church.

Empty Churches but no Place for the Traditional Rite

Since then, Coetus has engaged in protracted negotiations with the bishop, to find admission to another church in the city, or to the opening of the Church of San Domenico, at least for the celebration of the Mass by Don Gaston on Sundays and public holidays.
Although the city's churches are empty,  no priest of the city showed pity on them and offered hospitality in his parish. Although the bishop took part in the celebration on a grand scale opening of the "center" of a different religion, he showed no mercy to the faithful in the traditional rite and offered them, despite many empty promises, hints and promises of any of the numerous, partly unused churches in the city.

The Wandering to the Margins - The Exile in the Mountains

Farewell letter from Don Gaston to the Faithful
The Argentine military chaplain Don Gaston Munoz Meritello could finally find a replacement. In the parish 25 km distant from Teramo  where he worked as a chaplain, he received permission to use the  remote chapel. There he had since celebrated then for the faithful who attended the Mass from the city of Teramo and the whole area in the traditional Rite. Although the chapel is tiny, it lit up this remote place with all the splendors of the Sacred Liturgy in honor of God and a blessing to the faithful and the entire Church. This felt as though the Congregation of Religious and  their own bishop had driven them to the underground, but they were glad to be back to have a Mass location.
With the transfer of Don Gaston Munoz Meritello to the mountain parish of Faieto, the old Mass community had to return to wandering, this time in the mountains. The path to the "margins of the church", not a virtual, but a quite literally has continued to  take them to the margins. In the mountainous region, a single priest is in charge of seven parishes. The parishes are very small, but are far apart. A relief for Don Gaston was therefore welcome. Don Gaston was in the Parish Church of St. Andrew of Faieto celebrating Holy Mass in the traditional rite. Faieto is located 630 meters above sea level and has a population of 90 inhabitants. A more remote location could hardly be found in the Diocese of Teramo-Atri.
The faithful began with Don Gaston at their own expense, to beautify the mountain church   and to make a number of liturgical purchases. But even this exile did not last long. Bishop Seccia has ended now without prior cooperation with Don Gaston Munoz Meritello. Reasons were not disclosed. Since he was only "borrowed", Don Gaston must therefore leave the Diocese of Teramo-Atri. His next mission will be decided by the Argentine Military Ordinariate.

The Ruthlessness of the "New Mercy"

For new pastor of Faieto  Bishop Seccia has appointed Father Giovanni Maria Manelli of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. As the family name suggests, he is a relative of the Order's founder, Father Stefano Maria Manelli. Father Manelli is indeed to take over the remote mountain parish, but is limited by the prohibition he is not to be allowed to celebrate the traditional rite the Holy Mass.
The faithful are once again on the road, driven by those who should be their shepherds. For them, it seems in the "New Mercy" has left no room at the inn, not even in the Church.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Union Between Both Ukrainian Orthodox Churches Separated From Moscow

Patriarch Filaret
(Kiev) The two non-canonically recognized Orthodox churches of Ukraine have agreed to merge. On September 14, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate will unite under the leadership of Patriarch Filaret and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, headed by Metropolitan Macarius in a Union. In Ukraine there are three Orthodox churches, each raise the claim to be legitimate representative of Orthodoxy. Only one of the three churches is canonically recognized, namely the Ukrainian Orthodox Church by the Moscow Patriarchate. The other two churches are considered in Orthodoxy to be schismatic. This refers to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate, which broke away in 1991 in the wake of Ukraine's independence from Moscow. Similarly, the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, originated in the 1920s during the anti-communist struggle for freedom in Ukraine. Both see themselves as autocephalous churches of Orthodoxy, but this was not previously recognized by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople and the canonical Orthodoxy.

No Exact Figures on Membership of the Three Orthodox Churches of Ukraine

Precise details relating to religious and confessional affiliation are missing. All information is in agreement that the vast majority of Ukrainians consider themselves Christians, and among them, the Orthodox are most numerous. Less well known is which of the three Orthodox communities do Orthodox Ukrainians feel they belong. Even less is known about the displacements, which have occurred within the Orthodox community by the civil war in eastern Ukraine. Observers say that the war had strengthened the commitment to the Kyivan Patriarchate.

The Moscow Patriarchate and the Kiev Patriarchate should now represent in each case about 25 percent of Ukrainians. The Autocephalous Orthodox represent a share of 2-3 percent.

Treaty of Union Between the Two "schismatic" Ukrainian Churches

The Kiev Patriarchate and Autonomous Orthodox Church have now decided to unite. The ceremony will take place in Kiev Saint Sophia Cathedral on the 14th of September. The two Churches hope the merger will receive recognition from the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. A representative of the Ecumenical Patriarch was present at the signing of the Treaty of Union, and certified the contract by signing. The Union shall be called Ukrainian Autocephalous Church of the Kiev Patriarchate. The merger will bring more clarity in the Ukraine, but also raises new questions. It is still unsettled who will head the Union. The Autocephalous Church has not yet agreed that the 80-year Kiev Patriarch Filaret is recognized as a leader. It could also require the election of a head. Between Kyiv and the Moscow Patriarchate in 2014 talks about a reunion had been decided, but which have not yet been implemented. The Moscow Patriarchate has not commented on the Union plans. The merger is without a signal to recognize the authority of Moscow, could burden the search for the unity of Orthodoxy at the pan-Orthodox Council of 2016.

15 percent of Catholics Centered in Western Ukraine

The share of Latin and Greek Catholics is 15 percent of the population. More than 12 percent of Ukrainians belong to the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church united with Rome. Other two and a half percent to the Latin Church.

The evangelical and Pentecostal communities have grown since the independence of Ukraine. Some of the missionary activity is carried out directly from the United States. The Russian occupied or at least majority Russian-speaking parts of Ukraine (the east and the border with Moldova) have a significantly higher number of registered evangelical groups. Statistics, where the registered churches are located, however, do not reflect the actual number of believers again.The proportion of various Protestant communities in the total population is estimated at about fifteen percent. The lowest share they have is in western Ukraine in the areas where the majority Greek Catholic areas. Plus, there's around four per cent Muslims, mainly Tatars, 0.2 percent Jews and as many members of other religions.The rest are atheists and agnostics.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Orthodoxy Trans; Tancred

Link to Katholisches...


Kasper's Evil Proposal Included in Synod

Edit: here is the report from CFN:

[Catholic Family News] And after a second round of global consultation, here it is – at Roman Noon, the instrumentum laboris(baseline text) for October's climactic Synod on the Family was released... for now, however – much like last year's first volume – the full sequel is only available in Italian.

Stacking out at 147 paragraphs – some 20,000 words – the text is arranged around three pillars: the challenges families face, the "discernment of the family's vocation," and "the mission of the family today," each of them slated to take up a week of the discussions at the 4-25 October assembly.

Among other highlights, the final portion of the framework deals with the proposed changes of practice cited by their supporters as necessary for the church to better respond to families in challenging situations amid current pastoral practice.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Bishop of Aachen: Eliminate the Prayer for the Return of the Jews -- Break Discussion with SSPX

Bishop Mussinghoff
(Frankfurt am Main) Bishop Heinrich Mussinghoff of Aachen expressed incomprehension of Pope Benedict XVI. at a meeting in Frankfurt commemorating 50 years of the Council's Declaration Nostra Aetate.  Mussinghoff said he "never understood why Pope Benedict had introduced these prayers in the old rite again". This was, "if I may say so and with all due respect not a good thing".
Bishop Mussinghoff is not a good  friend of the traditional form of the Roman Rite nor does the situation of the verb "entering into"  with the Good Friday prayer for the Jews. Benedict XVI. introduced in 2008 a reformulated Good Friday prayer. Bishop Mussinghoff insisted that he would  fundamentally eliminate the prayer for conversion of the Jews, even in the traditional rite.

President of the Central Committee of the Jews for Complete Elimination

It was Josef Schuster, the President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany , who had demanded in Frankfurt, the complete elimination of the Good Friday Prayer. Bishop Mussinghoff who in the German Bishops' Conference is in charge of relations with the Jews, tried to second him.
The bishop agreed with Schuster because he "desires" a "withdrawal of reformulation". Mussinghoff  also made to understand that he is concerned not only with Jewish sensibilities, but also an end to the "negotiations with the SSPX".
The Bishop Aachen told the public  that were it up to  him, he would conclude  the negotiations with the SSPX and this would end. In other words, if it was up to Mussinghoff, it would not have come to any negotiations.

Suspicion that the Church Wants to "Continue Mission to the Jews"

The rejection of the reformulated Good Friday Prayer was founded by the Central Council President on the suspicion that it address the Jews, and the Church would "ultimately continue the old Jewish mission" and emphasize a "sense of superiority" over the Jews. Such formulations have been promoted for centuries in "Christian anti-Judaism. And what comes then we all know," said Schuster as quoted by the Catholic news agency KNA. The Central Council President was allowed to suggest the complicity of the Catholic Church in the Nazi racial anti-Semitism and the crimes committed by the Nazi regime.
Mussinghoff, whose distancing from "traditionalist circles" came lightly on the lips, described the Good Friday Prayer in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite as a "burden" to the Christian-Jewish dialogue.
In the original version of the Good Friday prayers were prayed for the "blind" and "perfidious" Jews by conversion, because they do not recognize Jesus Christ as the Messiah and Son of God, and thus reject the offer of salvation of God through the sacrifice of the Cross of Christ.

Change with Post-Conciliar Liturgical Reform in 1970

With the post-conciliar liturgical reform of 1969/1970 the request was redrafted on controversial manner and hidden Jews from the fact of salvation, as if they were not in need of healing. "Let us also pray for the Jews to whom God, our Lord, first spoke. He shall keep  in faithfulness to his covenant and in the love of his name, so that they reach the goal to which his counsel wants to lead them." This intercession is still the formulation commonly used in the German church on Good Friday.
Although the wording corresponds to the Jewish self-understanding,  neither Christ's message nor the consequent Christian understanding of salvation needed by all people is present. In Frankfurt he touched on the word formulation, however, ignored the substantive level, rejecting it as an inclusion of the Jews in the mission of the Church openly (Schuster) or implicitly (Mussinghoff).

Are not all people in need of healing?

But is there evidence in Christian doctrine that there are two groups of people, one being the need of salvation and the other Jews? From a Christian perspective, a continuation of a post-Easter bond for the Jews is just as absurd as being undefined. What there is, rather, is  those Jews who have accepted God's offer of salvation through Christ and have accepted for two thousand years and therefore are Christians, and those Jews who have rejected the offer of salvation of God and stand therefore outside communion. The fact remains that, of course, they see it differently, as Mormons view their relationship with God differently than they see the Catholic Church. For Christians it is unthinkable to exclude a group from their request for conversion.  It would be a serious breach of the principle of love of neighbor and love of God.
The two debaters, Bishop Mussinghoff and President of the Central Council  Schuster are agreed that the Christian-Jewish relationship is "very good overall". But "encumbrances"  should not be overlooked.

"Only in Germany is it a problem"

The defense of Benedict XVI. fell to Fr. Norbert Hofmann, secretary of the Pontifical Commission for Relations with Judaism. He read out a statement by Kurt Cardinal Koch, who emphasized not only the "good intentions" of the pope emeritus, but pointed out that the Good Friday Prayers were formulated as "theologically correct."  Finally, the older formulation would "have been much worse." Father Hofmann was, however, to understand that the question is only in Germany  because of its history, but not for the rest of the world.
Father Hofmann advised Schuster to finally put forward his concerns directly to the Vatican.
Text: Andreas Becker
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches....

Pope Francis Embraces Heretical Sect

In his last day in Turin, Pope Francis made history by visiting a Waldensian church. It's the first time a Pope visits an Evangelical church of that particular denomination. In doing so, he received a warm welcome.

Waldensian Church (Turin)
"In this path of individuals and churches, we find brothers and sisters who join us along the journey. Today, with great joy, we find ourselves with you, as a new brother in this journey.”

The Pope got to know this Church well in Argentina. With about 30,000 faithful worldwide, it's quite small, with most of its presence in Italy and France.

In his speech the Pope addressed past persecution. He asked for forgiveness on behalf of the Catholic Church.

"I ask for forgiveness for the non-Christian attitudes and behaviors, some even inhumane, that we carried out against you. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, forgive us.”

Unity, added the Pope, is something they should strive for. Reaching unity though, does not mean uniformity, he explained.

Far Exceeding Expectation One Million Demonstrated in Rome Against Gender Ideology

One Million Demonstrated in Rome for the Family Against
Gender Ideology and the Government
(Rome) The rally was called "Defending our Children" and not Manif Pour Tous as in France, but it was an Italian Manif Pour Tous and what a one it was. One million Italians got up last Saturday for the defense of the family and   protested against the gender ideology of the left-wing government. The magnitude is sensational for Italy. It was only for 18 days that  the organizing committee had appealed to the public to mobilize against a government decree.
"Let us defend our children" is a Catholic initiative, which has also joined with secular forces. But the impetus came, as the Manif pour tous in France, from the Catholic heart. That does mean something. The organizing committee wanted to act independently and, therefore, had not appealed to  any parties and who therefore could not also collect revenue. This new independence contributes considerable fruit in Italy.  The same has been happening for several years already  with the March for Life, which brought 50,000 people to the streets in Rome in May. These are orders of magnitude, which would have been unthinkable before, when the pro-life movement was hedged institutionally between Bishops and Christian Democratic Party.
The million that rose on Saturday to defend the children which so impressively raised its  voice, exceeded all expectations. The organizing committee deliberately chose before the Lateran Basilica, the Piazza San Giovanni, the traditional parade ground of the Italian left, which holds its May 1 celebrations there.  It's a  provocation against those who want to introduce the gender ideology with little discussion, but also a challenge to the organizers. The challenge was mastered brilliantly and the provocation succeeded. "The people are one step ahead, the politicians should take a pause for reflection," said Archbishop Luigi Negri in a first reaction. The Archbishop of Ferrara was one of the few bishops who had publicly called for participation.
All, especially the ruling Left were surprised. The surprise was so great that even the house journal of the Italian left-wing government, the daily newspaper La Repubblica , the event devoted  three pages to it. Likewise, the Corriere della Sera and other major newspapers in Italy. Giacomo Galeazzi's headline in La Stampa said: "A really impressive sight, beyond any expectation".  The gigantic participation was a bitter thorn in the eye to many editors. The anti-clerical tabloid Il Fatto Quotidiano headlined furiously: "The bigoted rights returns".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: NBQ
Trans: Tancred

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Archbishop Condemns Abuse of Church for "Ideological and Political Promotion"

Archbishop Osoro Condemns Homo-Homage in
Madrid Church
(Madrid) Archbishop Carlos Osoro of Madrid expressed in a press release his "pain" over the abuse of the Madrid Antonius Church. The archbishop was responding to the attribute of June 9th for the deceased homosexual activist and avowed atheist Pedro Zerolo, which took place in the church and was organized by the Catholic Association Mensajeros de la PazThe association is led by Catholic priest Angel Garcia Rodriguez.
Archbishop Osoro recalled in his statement that "the church is open to all  for prayer and the celebration of the mysteries of the Lord, and not to ideological and political rallies, which have nothing to do with the mission of the Church, which Pope Francis calls us. This was the mission for which you entered the church, and I expect that the leaders of the church to act in the sense of this mission."
The Spanish church historian and well-known Catholic blogger Francisco Fernandez de la Cigoña paid tribute to the Archbishop of Madrid  with praise "for the quick response".  At the same time, he expressed doubts as to whether a press statement was sufficient to return Angel Garcia Rodriguez on the "right path". "His church is the Church of Angel Garcia, not the Catholic Church. As long as the bishop does not deprive the one responsible for the Antonius church, he will do, considering his anarchic self-possession and due to his poor formation, more of the same. Let us hope that the Archbishop has learned from the incident."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Cigüeña de la Torre
Trans: Tancred