Sunday, June 21, 2015

Greens in Pedophile Scandal --- While State Sexual Education Continues

Pro-Familia -- Attack on the Sense of
Shame of Children
(Berlin) The Greens in the Federal Republic of Germany have admitted a "terrible failure"  in relation to pedophiles a month ago. "Maybe hundreds boys in the eighties were victims of pedophiles, organized by the Greens," wrote Spiegel Online on May 20.  The Greens "have tolerated sexual abuse of children in the eighties and nineties. A recent study concludes that  one 'Working Group Young and Old'  gave  pedophile party members access to boys', says Spiegel.
As the past month has shown,  the Greens have do  not yet have to fear a full-scale  mass media campaign on the order of what  the Catholic Church suffered for objectively far fewer cases and perpetrators. The same toxic haze around the child sexual abuse scandal at the Odenwald School shows that  perpetrators and abuse does not equal the same abuse for the same media.  It is the parents that could cook Odenwaldschule's goose by no longer sending in their children there.

Overlooked Root of the Problem

All revelations are merely  a drop in the ocean when the roots of the problem are not uncovered and fought. The state can not promote an increasingly early sexualization of children or even tolerate it, without at the same time having outrage over the sexual abuse of children when it becomes public. Who are the beneficiaries of  early sexualization? Who are the authors and promoters of "sex education" for children? Sexual abuse is just one of the negative consequences of this early sexualization. Abortion, promiscuity, sexually transmitted diseases, attachment disorders, perverse sexual practices, childlessness and divorce are more destructive consequences that damage the public interest and undermine its foundations.
The Initiative Family Protection made ​​recently on 'incredibly painfully shameful exercises' that are recommended in "a sex education book" by Pro FamiliaPro ​​Familia is the Federal German branch of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), the world's largest abortion lobbyists. The book "Love, Cuddle, Cuddle. Aids for Dealing with Childhood Sexuality in Preschool" currently used in North Rhine-Westphalia, but it is likely  Pro Familia is not unknown in other federal states. The publication claims to be a "guide for the sex education of children." The book was published in several editions by the publisher Ökotopia, following circle back to the spiritual again.

Pro Familia's Attack on the Children in Red-Green Rhine-Westphalia

Initiative Family Protection
As parents raised concerns they were insulted by the authors. The reservations of the parents were defamed as "the expression of an attitude principally  sex-negative." A dialectical battering rod which condemns any opposition with totalitarian pretension to the pillory. In 1996   the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth condemned passages and game suggestions in the book as "tasteless" and as "totally unsuitable for sex education in kindergartens" and continued: "It was even sensitive to approach  preschoolers,  to help them overcome  shame." In 2013 Die Welt wrote: "Pro Familia is mired in pedophile scandal".
Abortion lobbyists have still been working with federal, state and local authorities for many years with the abortion lobbyists together and finance the organization generously. Pro ​​Familia was the Federal Ministry of Health for "Sex in the City! - A sex education neighborhood rally in Schöneberg" which was even distinguished with the Sirius2015. Currently  the Federal Centre for Health Education of the Ministry of Health operates a nationwide "experience exhibition about sexuality and health" entitled "Große Freiheit liebe. lust. leben" and  even advertises Pro-Familia as an "institute" on sexuality.

Lobbying for Early Sexualization and Abortion

The Pro Familia website accordingly states, "Cooperation with the European Parliament and the European Council; Cooperation with relevant UN agencies (e.g. World Health Organization); Forming alliances with international lobbying organizations." In fact, Pro Familia is mainly financed with taxpayers' money and is therefore seen as an extension of politics, perceives activities that are required by  policy, although, however, outsourced to private associations, because they are controversial in the population.
The content of the publication "Love, Snuggle, Cuddle" reveals the shameful destructive intent of Pro Familia. The Initiative Familenschutz [Defense of the Family Initiative] cites the following examples:
"The child begins and becomes the butt-assessor. The other children will stand in a row, with the bare bottom towards the butt-assessors. (...) Now he can pace off the butt exhibition and state which butt belongs to which child. If it nothing occurs to him at a butt, then he must carefully and tenderly stroke or pinching it. (...) The game can be played in principle with any body part. Then it becomes a (...) This willy belongs to '' (page 90)
"It is also possible that the children can bring a butt photo from home. These are then distributed all and  jointly discuss which butt belongs to which child." (page 90).
"Ask the children to move around the room like dogs and sniff each other and smell." - See figure: One child is to hold the rump of another child in the face and fart in it."(page 84).
"'Papa-Mama-images': The children paint the genitals and body regions of their parents in their body contours. After that can be compared to the self with his aunt, the grandfather, etc. "- see figure (page 79).
The citations prove what kind of people the authors and the organization that is hiding behind the euphemistic name Pro Familia.
Backgrounds and relationships between pedophilia and (state)  sex education as well as between sex education and abortion illuminate the following products: Pedophilia and School Sex Education ; School Sex Education? A product of the Pedophile Lobby and Confessions of an Ex-abortionist: It all starts with sex education in school.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Trans: Tancred

Friday, June 19, 2015

Jews Burn Down Catholic Church in Tabgha

[falastinews] Extremist Jewish settlers at dawn Thursday burned the Catholic Church of Tabgha, which is located on the banks of the Galilee sea.

Media sources said the arson attack caused heavy material damage to the Church, pointing that attackers spray-painted anti-Christian remarks on its walls. Hebrew graffiti was found, reading “the false gods will be eliminated”, and material damage was inflicted on the church.

Israeli police claimed that an investigation will be opened into the arson attack.

The Israeli police usually say that they will carry out investigations when these attacks take place. To date, however, not a single settler has ever been prosecuted for such serious crimes.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Berlin's New Archbishop Koch Warns of Fiasco for Cathedral "Renovation"

Edit: reading between the lines, you can tell that he means to destroy more of the Catholic heritage of a predominantly Protestant city.

The new Archbishop Heiner Koch seeks an amicable solution in the controversial renovation of Berlin's St. Hedwig's Cathedral,  because "to renew a building so that it destroys the community, does not make sense."

Berlin ( In the controversial renovation of Berlin's St. Hedwig's Cathedral, the new Archbishop Heiner Koch seeks (Photo) an amicable solution. "To renew a building so that it destroys the community, does not make sense," he said on Wednesday in his first press conference in Berlin. "Then the renovation is a fiasco," said Koch, who was   appointed by Pope Francis to succeed Cardinal Rainer Woelki.

For the renovation and remodeling of the cathedral there is a design that took first place in an architectural competition a year ago. At issue is especially the plan to close the large bottom opening applied 50 years ago in the center of the cathedral with staircase to the lower church. The new Archbishop has to decide on the implementation. 

Koch has  already said he has received many "menacing, sharp" emails on the renovation design. "If you agree to this approach, you will not have many friends," he quoted from it. Koch takes office on 19 September. The designated Archbishop announced that he would "look again exactly" at the plans. At the same time, he stressed,   there was a stress on "urgent action".  Moreover, the competition had been completed, and there were already ​"factual decisions" made.  Moreover, there are different liturgical requirements for the Cathedral today   than 30 years ago.

Even with the also controversial structural reform of the Archdiocese, Koch signaled his willingness to talk. The criticism is particularly the plan, which is to currently combine  105 parishes in Berlin, Brandenburg and Pomerania to around 30 large parishes by 2020. Koch also has received his own words already from letters that clearly made ​​a "tremendous fear of anonymity and homelessness".  

The future archbishop promised "to familiarize himself with the local communities on the way." He defended the foundations initiated by his predecessor for reform: "I can not see that it is factually incorrect."  The question of the best structures should, however, "not be answered uniformly," he conceded at the same time. "Since the archdiocese is too different." But he also warned that he was to reform the structures. They are only the means to an end. The principal issues were "how the Church can fulfill its responsibilities in a changing society." [Get ready for more modernism in Berlin.] (C) 2015 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH. All rights reserved. Photo Bishop Koch (c) Diocese of Dresden / M. Kasiske
Trans: Tancred
Photo: Wiki

From Wiki:

After the Kristallnacht pogroms that took place over the night of 9–10 November 1938, Bernhard Lichtenberg, a canon of the cathedral chapter of St Hedwig since 1931, prayed publicly for Jews in the evening prayer following. Lichtenberg was later jailed by the Nazis and died on the way to the concentration camp at Dachau. In 1965 Lichtenberg's remains were transferred to the crypt at St. Hedwig's.


Parents of St. Therese of Lisieux Will be Canonized During Bishops' Synod

(Rome) Pope Francis has called  an ordinary Cardinal consistory to announce new Saints on June 27th. Among the new saints are included the French couple Louis and Zelie Martin, the parents of St. Therese of Lisieux.
The upcoming canonization of the parents of the popular saints will be officially confirmed. Pope Francis will make the Saints during the Synod of Bishops in October, as indicated by Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation of Saints.
Rumors have it that  the Pope has the intention to set up relics of the holy married couple during the upcoming Synod of Bishops in the Synod Hall. A confirmation does not exist for the time being.

Five Daughters Were Nuns

Zelie Martin, born Guerin lived from 1831-1877, and her husband Louis Martin from 1823 to 1894. The couple married in 1858, had nine children, all girls who had been baptized with  the name Maria in combination with a second name. All five children who reached adulthood, became nuns. Four sisters entered the Carmel of Lisieux, a fifth sister, Marie-Léonie was Salesian in Caen.
The youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matin, Marie-Françoise-Thérèse (1873-1897), was  Sister Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face in the Carmelite Carmel of Lisieux. Better known as Therese of Lisieux's "Little Therese" in order to distinguish her from  St. Teresa of Avila.
In 1923   Pope Pius XI. beatified her and canonized her  in 1925. In 1927 she was named by the same pope, along with St Francis Xavier as patron of the universal mission. In 1997, Pope John Paul II., declared her, together with Teresa of Avila and Catherine of Siena. a Doctor of the Church. Pope Benedict XVI. finally signed the decree for the beatification of Therese's parents, which took place in Lisieux 19 October 2008.
Zelie and Louis Martin are the first married couple to be canonized without suffering martyrdom. Last March, Pope Francis recognized a scientifically inexplicable healing miracle attributed to the intercession of the couple.

A Founder and Religious Superiors as New Saints

At the Cardinal Consistory, Pope Francis will also announce the canonization of the Spanish nun Maria Isabella Salvat Romero (1926-1998), and the Italian priest Vincenzo Grossi (1845-1917). Mother Mary of the Most Pure Cross  was Superior General of the Hermanas de la Compañía de la Cruz de Sevilla (Sisters of the Company of the Cross). The Order with around 1,000 nurses and more than 50 houses operates in Spain, Argentina and Italy.
The priest Grossi founded in 1885 the Order of the Daughters dell'Oratorio (Sisters of the Oratorio), who particularly care for needy children and young people. The Order's name originated because of the main field of activity of the sisters and because the order was placed under the protection of St. Philip Neri. The Order today has approximately 230 sisters in 30 houses works in Italy, Argentina and Ecuador.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Trans: Tancred

Aberrosexualist Bishop of Antwerp to Represent Belgium at Bishops' Synod

In a press release issued this afternoon, Tuesday, June 16th, by the press service of the Vatican that Bishop Johan Bonny of Antwerp will represent Belgium as a Synod Father. The Synod will take place in Rome from October 4th to the 25th.

It boggles the mind that such men are clergy much less bishops heading ancient Sees and holding honor.

H/t Katholieke...


Afterthought Fake Catholic Charity President Fourth Presenter at Eco-Encyclical

Edit:  Sounds like she was included as an afterthought, if they think at all.  They probably don't really want anyone Catholic present at the presentation of this thing, because it's not really Catholic anyway. 
(Rome) Not three, but four people will present the eco encyclical of Pope Francis to the public on 18 June.
As Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi SJ turned attention  to the last "crime" as a draft eco encyclical of Pope Francis became public. Sanctions were made on Tuesday to a Vaticanist of the weekly magazine L'Espresso , which published the draft on its website. Magister himself affirms to have had no effect on the publication, which was decided by the editor.
Vatican spokesman Lombardi also announced that one more person  will participate in the announcement of the Eco-Encyclical next Thursday. To date, three presenters were called: Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace; Metropolitan Joannis Zizioulas as a representative of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople; Hans Joachim "John" Schellnhuber, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate (IPCC).
The Catholic Herald wrote that for the first time in Church history an encyclical will be presented by a Catholic, an Orthodox and an atheist.

Dean of the Best Business School in the  USA - Head of the Largest Catholic Aid Organization of the United States

Two days before the presentation a woman was has been added: Carolyn Woo, president of Catholic Relief Services and former dean of the Mendoza College of Business of the University of Notre Dame in the United States. Thus, the confessional and ideological weights were slightly shifted in favor of the Catholic side.
Vatican spokesman Lombardi explained that Carolyn Woo will be present because of her expertise in business and commerce. "Thus a theologian, a naturalist and an economist will present the various aspects of the text," said the Jesuit.
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) was a founded in 1943 by the bishops of the United States during World War II as a Catholic aid organization based in Baltimore in the State of Maryland. Woo took over the presidency of the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in the US in 2012, which has more than 5,000 full-time employees. In previous years, she led a business faculty which was considered the best among all those comparable academic institutions in the United States.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Life Site
Trans; Tancred

Pleading For Sandro Magister and Against the Poison of the New Courtiers of the Pope

Sandro Magister
(Rome) The expulsion of Sandro Magister after 41 years as an accredited journalist of the Holy See has  led to diverse reactions, between unbridled glee and states of shock. The withdrawal of accreditation "is the worst thing for a Vaticanist" gleefully wrote wrote Magister's  opponent Francesca Chaouqui who is one of the "new courtiers" of this pontificate. The statement hits the point and explains the state of shock of those who afford themselves an independent view outside the jubilee choir for the Argentine pontiff. It's an attitude that is increasingly becoming a dangerous luxury when even when one as veterate and renowned as Sandro Magister Vaticanist must be put to the sword without mercy. While the courtiers have erupted in loud jubilation over the slaying of their "enemy", the voices among Vaticanists  can be counted on one hand, who dare to take sides for their previously highly respected colleagues, to move some things into perspective.
One who has done so publicly is Riccardo Cascioli, the chief editor of the Catholic  Internet newspaper La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana (NBQ). Here is plea for Sandro Magister and against the "new courtiers" in the Catholic Church.

No mercy for Magister

by Riccardo Cascioli
The premature announcement of documents is never a pleasant thing, but it is difficult to understand why the pre-publication of the Pope's encyclical Laudato si  two full days has brought the Holy See to the brink of a nervous breakdown and some Vaticanists laughably losing even their sense, are claiming the incident as a conspiracy to damage from Pope Francis.
What kind of a conspiracy could depend on the contents of the encyclical being unveiled two days early? On the contrary, the initiative of the Espresso appears to have heightened the attention of the official press conference to present the Encyclical  on 18 June at 11 O'clock. And it was only in order to determine any differences between the already known version and the final version.

The Public Pillory and Toxic Malice for Magister

Yet the advance publication has been treated like a conspiracy, so that the Vatican press office even took the drastic measure and indefinitely suspended the accreditation of longtime Vaticanist Sandro Magister, who is believed to be the culprit of the incident. Not only that: The letter by which Magister's sanction was announced  was publicly posted in the press service of the Vatican and published with great luridness on the semi-official news blog Il sismografo.That's not all: as if it were not already enough punishment to publicly pillory Magister without any process, there appeared tons of poisonous comments on the internet  by colleagues and Vatican representatives against Magister.
Magister is a very famous Vatican expert. His official website chiesa.espresso and his blog Settimo Cielo are much read and at the international level. For many Catholics, but also journalists, Magister is an important reference point in order to be informed about developments in the Catholic Church and the Vatican, which go beyond the official statements. It is obvious that he has made some enemies ​​over time. The way he is now treated, in any case, raises a number of questions.

Nothing like that at Vatileaks - did not violate any embargo period

Eugenio Scalfari took the place of the Pope and formulated its own answers  of the same - impunity
Mainly because there were no comparable penalties in connection with the Vatileaks scandal, as numerous personal and confidential documents from the desk of Benedict XVI. were stolen and published and caused a scandal. By comparison, the preliminary publication of a public encyclical is ridiculous. In addition, Magister can at best be only indirectly responsible for the publication, then the copy of the encyclical-draft - as has been said from the very beginning - was landed on the table of the Espresso  -Chief Editors who decided the publishing and asked Magister to write a short introduction.
Ultimately, you can not even speak of a violation of the embargo period, as the American Vatican expert John Allen remarked. An embargo period is there when a document shall be made in available in advance to  journalists to give them time to read it and to prepare for the publication. In practice, this means: I give you a document in advance  and you commit yourself to not speaking about it before a specified time. In this specific case, the Holy See, however, had decided, which is unusual and not very pleasant, to present the Encyclical only a few hours before the press conference. No journalist had thus officially received it and was therefore bound to a fixed vesting period. A moral obligation of the Espresso chief editor would only be given if the invisible hand that has leaked him the text  would require experts to comply with the embargo period on June 18., but that seems highly unlikely.
Nevertheless, the wrath of the Vatican erupted over Magister: no extenuating circumstances, no mercy, only public disgrace and expulsion from the Olympus the Vaticanists.

No Mercy for Magister - a Reward for Eugenio Scalfari

One behaved quite differently  with the old fox Eugenio Scalfari, as in the two interviews published with Pope Francis. One in October, 2013, the other in July 2014. Both caused no small stir in the Church. Then it became known that the first interview statements were put in the mouth of the Pope by  Scalfari, which he had never said. And that the second interview was supposed to never be released because Scalfari had committed, not to speak publicly about this private conversation with the Pope. The only measure against Scalfari was a public statement by the Holy See. But on the contrary. Scalfari was even rewarded for the two interviews. Both were printed a few months ago in an official book by  the Lev Vatican Publishing house.

Reckoning With one Who did not Join in the Chorus of Adulation

The gloating of the papal Commissioner Chaouqui about Magisters expulsion
One can reasonably assume, therefore, that Magister, is rather than paying for the advance publication of the encyclical, but instead for his constant informational activities with which he strives to brighten backgrounds and illuminate decisions and statements in a way that does not correspond to the chorus of adulation which surrounds and damages this pontificate. The incident with the encyclical is just a pretext to settle accounts with a leading journalist, but is considered as a reference point for the opposition. A precise signal that is being emitted by the new courtiers and to all who dare to question, and according to an old strategy: to teach one hundred strike one.
It is therefore no coincidence that those who spread the poison against Magister, are among the enthusiastic supporters of the new charity. This includes those who should of their own volition and on the basis of their institutional position, employ a certain lack of self control. There is the s PR expert hired for a Pontifical Commission, Francesca Immacolata Chaouqui who has never forgiven Magister that he publicized her  tendency to too great loquacity, wrote immediately after becoming aware of  Magisters punishment on Facebook:
The entry ends with the words: "Happy Sandro, Ex-Vatican expert". Any further comment is superfluous. Law has Chaouqui was only correct in stating that the withdrawal of accreditation is "the worst thing for a Vaticanist."

Betting that L'Espresso already published the final version

The entry gives testimony that the spurting of venom from the Vatican is far from past. This is evidenced by a further signal: Il Fatto Quotidiano has named  the Secretariat of State Security as a source of the copy that the Espresso leaked. The daily newspaper also claimed, it involves  an alleged act of sabotage by "conservatives" against Pope Francis.  Information that has been properly spread not by chance. Rather, it appears to be a notice that we will soon be informed of things quite differently.
NB: The Vatican spokesman Father Lombardi explained that it told Espresso  that it was  only a draft of the encyclical and not to publish the final version version. He made ​​it clear that the text has undergone further changes. But we are willing to take a bet that the published text already represents the final version. On Thursday we will know it.
Text: Riccardo Cascioli / NBQ
translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: RAI1 / Dagospia / Facebook (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Influential Critic of Pope Francis Shown the Door by the Holy See

(Rome) Sandro Magister has been Vatican expert  of the weekly magazine L'Espresso  since 1974. For 41 years, he has reported on the Holy See and the Catholic Church firsthand. An activity that he has exercised under five popes since Paul VI. He reported with remarkable prudence and background information, including disclosures. Under no Pope he was reprimanded. Under Pope Francis, things have changed, however.
A draft of the eco-Encyclical Laudato Si which was printed a few days ago by the Vatican printing house, but would have been scrapped for revisions, was published by L'Espresso. The Italian newspapers immediately suspected "conservative Pope critics" behind the leak. It's an assertion which was also heard from voices close to  the Pope in the Vatican.  From the Holy See Press Office, the publication of Magister charged and brought against him the most serious of possible sanctions. His accreditation to the Holy See has been suspended "indefinitely". For 41 years  Magister, a veteran Vaticanist, has worked for the Holy See Press Office on and off.  He is still among the long-serving and  the most experienced Vaticanists.
The written notice of the Vatican Press Office:

"I regret very much, your Federico Lombardi"

The letter from the Vatican Press Office, Vatican expert Sandro Magister of the is excluded
"Dear Dr. Magister,
the draft you caused to be released of the encyclical of the Pope, despite a publication ban being declared, is a manifestly incorrect initiative, and the source of great disturbance  for many fellow journalists and is a serious breakdown of the sound functioning of this Press Office.
I therefore wish to inform you that your accreditation is suspended from our press office from tomorrow, indefinitely.
I regret very much, your
Federico Lombadi SJ
NB: Of course, these sanctions must be made known to colleagues of the Press Office.
Dr. Luigi Vicinanza
Chief Editor L'Espresso "
Magister, who studied philosophy, theology and history at the Catholic University of Milan,  was the chief editor and consultant of the television station of the Italian Episcopal Conference TV2000.

Revealing to the Pope unveiling fall from grace of the past of Francis-confidant Battista Ricca

It is known that Magister was among the most well-known  Vaticanists representing a particularly critical position towards the pontificate of Pope Francis. Magister had already fallen out of favor with the Argentine Pope  in June 2013   when he criticized the appointment of Msgr. Battista Ricca, the director of the guesthouse Santa Marta to the house prelates of the Vatican Bank IOR. Magister revealed his homosexual past of the former Vatican diplomat. But Pope Francis did not took his decision back, but on the contrary.
Magister's revelations prompted journalists on the flight back from World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro to ask the Pope about the Ricca case. Pope Francis responded to the infamous question with: "Who am I to judge?" It's a sentence that has since been completely detached from the case Ricca and generally recognized as widespread recognition of homosexuals and other offending behaviors against the Church's moral teaching. Although politicians believe he is saying the legalization of "gay marriage" is justified,  Pope Francis has seen no need to correct the statement in almost two years. 

"To Those Within," a red flag

For Magister it meant that he was cut from certain prelates of the Vatican, particularly the closest familiar circle of Pope Francis since June 2013. Sandro Magister was "to those within," meaning the guest house Santa Marta with the Papal entourage, as a red rag. Many contradictions of the current pontificate were visible through his excellent information and his keen analysis on a broad scale. He revealed the role of a director, whom the pope himself employed in the disputed machinations around the Synod of Bishops in 2014.
He criticized the controversial Pope interviews with atheists Eugenio Scalfari, while other Vaticanists offered them blind applause or "explained" with various contortions. It was a criticism that Magister employed, although Scalfari himself was  from 1963-1968, the editor of Espresso. That was before Magister began to work for the magazine, but Scalfari is to this day the gray eminence in the publishing group. The weekly magazine L'Espresso and the daily newspaper La Repubblica belong to the same media group. Even internally, the professional journalist made ​​no friends with his criticism. 
Conversely, Magister was because of his sober attitude, which absented him from a false apologetic, the addressee for a wealth of information that has been leaked to him by prelates critical of the Pope.
How the sanctions will affect his work must be seen. First will to be seen will be how his employer reacts. In the editorial board or on the publisher and owner level, the opinion could prevail that a Vatican expert without accreditation is a contradiction. In L'Espresso , the Italian equivalent of the German Spiegel such a view is not mandatory.

A Blemish as a Welcome Occasion?

The wrath of the other Vaticanists about Magister alone is remarkable. Nevertheless, some believe that Magister's involvement is inconvenient to someone in the Vatican. Vatican spokesman Lombardi explained the sanction with the objective certainty that  Magister had broken the publication embargo. This is exactly what  Magister denied to Associated Press. The editor of Espresso had decided to publish. He, Master, had only written a short introduction, which seemed necessary to him. It had no effect on the decision to publish it.
Magister is not the first journalist to whom  accreditation has been withdrawn. Nevertheless, sanctions are extremely rare.  All the more intensified is the impression that the incident had offered someone a welcome opportunity to punish the most influential critics of Pope Francis among Vaticanists in front of everyone. That Pope Francis is resentful, is sufficiently well known. The withdrawal of accreditation at the Holy See Press Office removes the ground from under  Vaticanist's work.  A step, that's for sure, which came as a surprise even for Magister.
"The new despotism in Vatican claims another victim" said Chiesa e postconcilio on Magister's ouster, who is described as "incorruptible and really a Catholic." "The new compassion in action in this case,  would be laughable to ridicule, if it wwere not so worrying," said the traditional website.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Cardinal Burke Received by Pope Francis in Audience

Raymond Cardinal Burke
(Rome) According to the Daily Bulletin of the Vatican Press Office, Cardinal Raymond Burke has  been received today in private audience by Pope Francis in Santa Marta guesthouse.
The American Burke was Cardinal Prefect Head of a dicastery of the Roman Curia until 2014. After the Synod of Bishops in 2014, where he became the spokesman for the defense of the marriage sacrament, the pope dissmissed him for   his a  as prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura and removed him from the Roman Curia.
The Pope pushed him off to the post of cardinal protector of the Sovereign Order of Malta, which, however  prestigious, does not affect the management of the universal Church.
Just recently, the excellent canon lawyer defended against the accusation he was opposed to Pope Francis in an interview from Infovaticana. It's an allegation which was especially widespread clamoring of Kasperians.
Now there was a private audience, although recently there were rumors that the Pope had no interest in such a meeting. Was it a routine reception? Or did both sides try mutually to explore positions with regard to the forthcoming final part of the Synod of Bishops?
As Cardinal Prefect Burke  2014 was  automatically included in the Synod Synod of Bishops. By his dismissal he could only take part in the Synod of Bishops in 2015 if Pope Francis personally appoints him  to the Synod. But that seems pretty unlikely.
The content of the discussions at the meeting today has been unknown.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Mil
Trans: Tancred

New Bishop Insults Faithful, Who Receive Communion Kneeling on the Tongue

Dom Wilson is Disturbed by Kneeling Communion
(Brasilia) Do Luis Angotti Wilson Filho made the worst start possible start as he takes over his diocese.  During Communion he asked kneeling faithful to stand up. Fratres in Unum criticized the behavior of the new bishop as "outrageous behavior" criticized Frates in Unum the new bishop.
On June 13, the inauguration of the new Bishop of Taubaté in Brazil took place. Pope Francis had appointed  Dom Luís Angotti Wilson Filho last April 15th  as the new bishop of the southern Brazilian diocese. Taubaté is a suffragan of the Archdiocese of Aparecida. It was established in 1908 by Pope Pius X by making territorial concessions to the Archdioese of Sao Paulo. As Pius XII. established the Archdiocese of Aparecida in 1958, the reduced diocese of Taubaté became the new archdiocese.

"Your Excellency, are You not Ashamed?"

A native of the State of Sao Paulo Dom Wilson was conferred ordination in 1982. In 2011 Pope Benedict XVI appointed him as Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Belo Horizonte in the State of  Minas Gerais and Titular Bishop of Tabae, a defunct diocese in southwestern Turkey today.
As for the faithful who knelt for Communion at the inauguration last Saturday, they were "shamelessly" asked by their new bishop, said Fratres in Unum , to stand up and receive Hand Communion. "Excellency, are you not ashamed to begin your episcopal ministry in this historic diocese by such an embarrassing disregard of the law of the Church, which assures the faithful that right?" The Canon Law explicitly provides oral communion as the full and actual form of the reception of Communion while Communion in the hand had been authorized only in the post-conciliar period as an exception.

As Cardinal Baldisseri Was Apostolic Nuncio in Brazil 

Dom Wilson at his inauguration
The Spanish church historian and well-known Catholic blogger Francisco Fernandez de la Cigoña described the new bishop for his handling of the believers, in its direct and colorful language, as "Chulo de mierda". "If the bishop does not respect the faithful, why should the faithful respect their bishop? I am not subject fortunately, to this idiot and therefore am without fear of his shepherd's crook to say what I think," said de la Cigoña.
The appointment of Dom Luís Angotti Wilson Filho auxiliary bishop of Belo Horizonte took place, when Msgr. Lorenzo Baldisseri was Apostolic Nuncio in Brazil. Pope Francis named Baldisseri in September 2013, Secretary-General of the Synod of Bishops and raised him in February 2014 to the cardinal state. At the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops last October, he played an inglorious role.
In 2013 there was another Brazilian Bishop, Archbishop Milton Antonio dos Santos of Cuiabá, who did not allow the  faithful of his diocese to kneel for communion  in a magisterial statement. After violent protests of the faithful, the Archbishop backed down and took back the ban (see Liturgy scandal before Pope's visit to Brazil - Archbishop Wanted Kneeling Communion Ban in German).
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: La Torre de la Cigüeña
Trans: Tancred

Monday, June 15, 2015

Archbishop Nienstedt Resigns

Edit: if he hadn't made the lavender mafia so angry, Pope Francis would have kept him in. Will the enabling Bishop Pates be brought in from Iowa to fill the gap?

ST. PAUL, Monday, June 15, 2015 ( - Archbishop John Nienstedt announced this morning that Pope Francis has accepted his resignation as archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis.

After a string of controversies over his mismanagement of sexual abuse cases, Abp. Nienstedt will be leaving the archdiocese after seven years of service.

In his statement, the archbishop explains that he has a "clear conscience" after spending much of his time the last several years putting into place "solid protocols" that will aim to protect children and the vulnerable from sexual abuse.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Cardinal Antonelli's Dual Alarm on the Bishops' Synod

(Rome) Cardinal Ennio Antonelli is an acknowledged expert on the situation. The 78 year old cardinal knows whereof he speaks. From 2008-2012 he was President of the Pontifical Council for the Family. Now he has publicly warned against giving communion to remarried divorcees. Such a move would be disastrous: it would be a diminishment of the Sacrament, but also the end of the marriage sacrament.
Cardinal Antonelli organized two World Meetings of Families in 2009 in Mexico City and in 2012 in Milan.  Before Pope Benedict XVI. brought him to Rome, he was since 2001 Archbishop of Florence, and from 1995 to 2001 Secretary General of the Italian Bishops' Conference, Archbishop of Perugia from 1988 to 1995 and from 1982 to 1988 Bishop of Gubbio.

Former President of the Pontifical Council on Family offers plea for the Sacrament of Matrimony

"The crisis of marriage and the Eucharist"
Although   he was preordained, he did not   participate   on the first part of the Synod of Bishops on the family on October 2014. Pope Francis had not ranked him among the  persons appointed by him to the synod. However, he is actively involved in the current debate and in these days published a book. It is titled "Crisi del matrimonio ed eucaristia" (The Crisis of Marriage and the Eucharist" (Edizioni Ares, Milan 2015, 72 pages, 7 euros).
"This is a special book. It is handy, has little pages and reads in one breath. The foreword is by another Cardinal, Elio Sgreccia, the president from 2005-2008 of the Pontifical Academy for Life was" says the Vatican expert Sandro Magister. For reasons of age   the renowned bioethicist who was born in 1928 and 2010 elevated to the cardinalatial state  by Pope Benedict XVI., did not take part in the conclave of 2013.

Kasper proposal "unrealistic"

Cardinal Antonelli points out how the alleged restriction of admission to communion only to the divorced and remarried is "unrealistic" because the number of people who simply live together, is much larger. Due to foreseeable social pressure and due to an internal logic of the first step, those opinions would gain legitimacy therefore, arguing for an even greater flexibility. It would be then that even homosexual cohabitants will be included.
The cardinal also complains that the Eucharist will be reduced to a mere courtesy with such permissive thinking.  "In today's cultural context of relativism, there is a danger of trivializing the Eucharist and to reduce the rite to an act of  socialization. It has already happened that people who were not even baptized went to communion  because they thought to  make a gesture of courtesy, or that unbelievers demanded a right to be allowed to receive communion at weddings or funerals, just because it is seen as a sign of solidarity with their friends."

"Between good and evil, there is no gradualness" - answer to Schönborn's Gradualitätsthese

Foreword by Cardinal Elio Sgreccia, Former President of the Pontifical Academy for Life
In response to the theses of gradualness which were put forward by the Viennese Archbishop Christoph Cardinal Schönborn at the Synod of Bishops in 2014, Antonelli wrote the  chapter: "Between good and evil, there is no gradualness".
Next the cardinal writes: "The admission of divorced and remarried and the cohabitants to the Eucharist is the separation of mercy and repentance, which does not seem in line with the Gospel", because forgiveness always presupposes repentance.

With Kasper  Proposal to Abandon Indissolubility of Marriage 

 The former president of the Pontifical Family Council warns that no matter what the intentions of those who are in favor of the admission of divorced and remarried to the sacraments,  the indissolubility of marriage would be abandoned. "Regardless of their intentions, it will be betrayed because of doctrinal incoherence between the authorization of these persons to the Eucharist and the indissolubility of marriage, end up in actual practice, what in theory and in principle still holds, with the risk that it reduces the indissolubility of marriage to a mere ideal,   perhaps even a beautiful one, but an ideal only accessible to the few", said the Cardinal.
"It is foreseeable that the Eucharistic Communion of remarried divorcees and cohabitants will quickly lead to a general state. Then there  will no longer be much sense to speak of the indissolubility of marriage, which is why even the celebration of the marriage sacrament is losing practical significance,"  are the words of warning of the former president of the Pontifical Family Council.

Full content available in Italian, English and Spanish on the Internet

The text of Cardinal Antonelli has published  in full   on the website of the Pontifical Council for the Family and not just in the original Italian, but also in English and Spanish translation.
"Cardinal Antonelli has presented with amiable stability and practical realism, the doctrine and the pastoral force of the Sacrament of Matrimony. Above all, he makes the untenable consequences visible, which would come with the changes now proposed at various levels of the Church," said Sandro Magister
Text: Giuseppe Nardi

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Journalist Pope-Critic and Anti-Mason Danilo Quinto Fired -- "Purge Continues"

(Rome) The press agency SIR (Servizio Informazione Religiosa) of the Italian Bishops' Conference has dismissed Danilo Quinto, a renowned Catholic journalist and publicist.  They  fired  him  for criticizing Pope Francis. Quinto is one of the best connoisseurs of the secular-Masonic agenda. For 20 years he was a militant activist of the radical liberal, anticlerical Radical Party, whose treasurer he was.
He has the necessary insider knowledge and knows radical secularist actors like Marco Pannella and Emma Bonino, and their motives personally. After his conversion to Christ and his return to the Catholic Church, he broke with the anti-Christian Party and its ideology. In his book "From the servant of Pannella to the free child of God" he settled with this party and its mindset, Founded in 1877, Italy's Radical Party, which was the political wing of the Masonic Grand Orient of Italy in Parliament and government. It was a settlement that led to Danilo Quinto receiving public attacks, slanders and  public humiliations, as far as the arm of his opponent could reach.

Dismissal because of critical remarks about Pope Francis

SIR news agency of the Italian Bishops Conference
Since the spring of 2013, Danilo Quinto,  was a regular contributor to the press agency SIR. At the express request of the press agency his articles were published under a pseudonym. A decision that was taken by SIR out of concern not to provoke the radical liberals. Since then SIR has published 316 articles by Quinto, an average of three per week.
As Danilo Quinto announced himself, this collaboration was abruptly and unilaterally terminated by SIR. The dismissal was justified not with articles he wrote for SIR, but with contributions which he wrote for other media. In a telephone conversation with SIR editor in chief, he was told  on the eve of his release, that it was because of the item broadcast on the traditional Internet sation Radio Spada. In it Quinto voiced criticisms to some of the statements and decisions of Pope Francis. Criticism is not tolerated in official church media.
The dismissal was carried out by SMS:
"In full respect for your freedom, I take note that your position to the  pope is in clear contradiction  to that of the SIR. I will share with the agreement of the management  - since the relationship of trust with the director is no longer present -  that with today's release of your two most recent articles your collaboration with the agency SIR will be considered terminated. Good Luck. "

The main reason: Quintos book against the Church's surrender to the aberro lobby

"Ancilla hominis", Danilo Quinto's latest book oppose gay heresy
However, the main reason is his latest book Ancilla hominis .  Published in the publishing house of Radio Spada, the book critically analyzes the Catholic Church's approach to the gay agenda under Pope Francis. Danilo Quinto askes in the subtitle: "If the Church is the mystical body of man?" On the book cover is a caricature depicting Pope Francis showing him with an outstretched hand and giving a thumbs up   against the background of the colors of the gay organizations, signing his approval.
Quinto had also leveled criticism that Pope Francis called the abortion lobbyist and declared enemy of Church Emma Bonino Quinto. It is not the act itself that was so wrong, said Quinto, but its handling,  it necessarily gives  the public the impression that the Church of today would even recognize the inhuman, anti-Christian attitude of Bonino. "The task of the Pope,  is not to converse with just anyone," said Quinto  (see"Woohoo" by Pope Francis with radical abortionist Emma Bonino in German). Bonino was from 1995-1999 EU-Commissioner, from 2006-2008 Italian Minister on International Trade and European Affairs and 2013/2014 Italian Foreign Minister.
The dismissal was surprising because Quinto at SIR worked under a pseudonym and the news agency received no embarrassment  by his pope-criticism, which he published under his full name elsewhere.
The press agency SIR emerged 27 years ago as an initiative of the Federation of Catholic Weeklies Italy, most notably the Church newspapers and the Italian Episcopal Conference.

"The cleansing" against Pope's critics "continues"

Emma Bonino with Gustavo Raffi, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy
Danilo Quinto thus joins himself to an ever-lengthening list of Catholic journalists and writers who have been dismissed because of their criticism of Pope Francis. The purge began in fall of 2013 with the release of Mario Palmaro and Alessandro Gnocchi  at Radio Maria. "The cleanup continues," said Radio Spada about Quintos dismissal.
From Radio Spada, a relief operation has been launched to financially help the family man Danilo Quinto, because the employment at SIR (net 1,200 euros) represented the livelihood of his family. That Quinto yet will find a job in an official Catholic media in this pontificate, seems very unlikely. magazine for Church and Culture would like the colleagues Danilo Quinto to express its solidarity    and thank him for his previous work  as a qualified Catholic journalist and publicist.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Radio Spada / MiL
Trans: Tancred