Thursday, June 11, 2015

What Has Rome Decided About Medjuogorje? Commission Member Names a Third Way

(Rome) Ecclesiastical provisions provide  in  events connected with apparitions whether they are "supernatural" (supra naturaliter), or  they are "not supernatural" (non supra naturaliter). Will there be a third way for Medjugorje?
Pope Francis named the 17-member International Commission of Inquiry Medjugorje on the return flight from Sarajevo, which will replace one established in 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI to investigate the phenomenon of alleged Marian apparitions in the Herzegovinian mountain village. The Commission was led by  Cardinal Camillo Ruini, the longtime chairman of the Italian Bishops' Conference (1991-2007) and close friend of Pope John Paul II. As  the Cardinal reported  Pope Francis gave the Commission's final report, referred to it several times on the plane to journalists as "significant work." Ruini blurted spontaneously: "Any way. That makes me happy. "

Preferably Rome a Gentle Solution?

Father Perrella, Mariologist and member of Medjugorje Commission of Inquiry
A statement that is obviously meant for the long duration of the decision. The Commission had concluded its work shortly before the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI. Since then, the final report is in Rome. The Argentine pontiff seems in no hurry. In Rome the main concern applies to the part of the faithful who are so convinced of the authenticity of Medjugorje that a negative judgment of the Church could shake or alienate even them from the Church and the faith.
For this reason they are  looking for "gentle" solution, which will satisfy  opponents, such as the bishop of Mostar, and proponents, such as the Archbishop of Vienna,  without them losing face, maintains the validity of the negative decision by the Yugoslav Bishops' Conference 1991 and guides the faithful. In the Church that sometimes means not to decide and "ride out" a question.

Interview with the Mariologist and Commissioner Salvatore Maria Perrella

On Tuesday, another member of the Commission of Inquiry, Father Salvatore Perrella Maria took a public position. The Servite is Rector of the Pontifical Theological Faculty of the Marianum in Rome and teaches Dogmatic Theology and Mariology.
"We have worked thoroughly and seriously," said Father Perrella, quoted for the daily newspaper Avvenire. The judgment of Rome will reflect the fact and point out that "appearances are always possible", and if they are recognized as genuine, "represent a gift from God," said the Mariologist.
"However, the Church has the duty to preserve the primacy of revelation, by understanding these special events only as supports of the gospel of Christ," said Father Perrella. "The Virgin Mary is radiant, but still a creature of God that never overshadows the encounter with Christ, but always encourages. Apply the words of Mary in the Gospel of John: do what he tells you to do.' As John Paul II taught,  the phenomena include the  maternal mediating role of Mary. "

Lifestyle of the "Seers" Important - Messages on "Doctrinal Ambiguities" Examined

The Mariologist pointed to the importance of the right way of life of the seer. "If they are real, they do not seek the visions. Rather, it is God who leads. It is also necessary that they keep a contemporary life in the Gospel; in addition, they may not seek the limelight."
The judgment of the Medjugorje phenomenon was carried out by the commission of inquiry, said Father Perrella, after the last of the criteria supplemented by  Pope Paul VI. There are "positive criteria": "Even the place of events has its importance, because it must have rich and lasting spiritual fruit. That is, looking for evidence of conversions, testimonies of charity and vocations."
But there were also "negative criteria" said the Mariologist: "There are clearly errors   associated with the event, such as lies or storytelling. In addition, any doctrinal ambiguities are analyzed in the messages or profit, i.e., whether,  the 'seer' or 'other' beneficiaries speculate with the events. Science also provides its contribution. For example, by determination of psychological diseases."

A third decision option?

Panorama article from August 2013
Due to its confidentiality, the Mariologist did not say what conclusion the commission of inquiry had come to. About this  he said amazing things about the judgment. Avvenire emphasized his words in bold type. Has the Servite thus anticipated the decision of the Vatican?
"You can say that  moral certainty exists with a supernatural character. Or that it is the result of fraud and therefore does not come from God. There is a third possibility, which is not included in the provisions of the Holy See, but it has been considered by the theologians: The Commission chooses neither a yes nor a no, but notes that at present there is not an obviously blatantly supernatural phenomenon."
Father Perrella referred to the non-decision as a "third way". As a member of the commission of inquiry it must be assumed that he has thus   not merely posed theoretical speculations.

Recognize as a place of worship, Report Directly to Rome and Not Definitely Confirm Phenomena

On August 14, 2013 Ignazio Ingrao published in the weekly magazine Panorama article: "Will Pope Francis Stop Medjugorje?" That was a month before the new pontiff took a position for the first time unofficially on Medjugorje. Ingrao wrote:
"After the disclaimer on Medjugorje that, during the pontificate of Benedict XVI were put forward [...] now many hope that Bergoglio's Marian devotion will cause him to officially recognize the apparitions.

According to the first indiscretions, surrounding the the visions, it seems on the contrary, that the solution to propose to the Pope, the Commission is recognize Medjugorje as a simple place of worship, but insinuate direct control of the Holy See.  This without definitely commenting on the phenomena. "
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: meum mihi (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

Current State of Abortion in the US

Apparently, our enemies at The New York Times are aghast that Texas's recent anti-abortion law has actually been upheld in federal court. With this, we should also delight in the progress we are making in Wisconsin where a bill is underway to outlaw abortion in those instances where the fetus will experience pain (i.e., after twenty weeks of gestation). This legislative progress naturally mirrors trends in the broader culture where only 41% of Americans now consider themselves "pro-choice." In short, we are winning and our liberal opponents have begun to gnash their teeth. Continue to pray and fast for the Pro-Life movement worldwide.

In the spirit of "tacky liberal incoherence," we should note that the Texas bill primarily aims to regulate abortion clinics to ensure that they are safe. Given what happened in Philadelphia, this should be a top-priority for all legislators nationwide. And insofar as lefties are fond of insisting that abortion ought to be "safe, legal, and rare," it is odd that they too would not support legislation requiring abortion clinics to be safe. Or perhaps by "safe, legal, and rare," they really mean "often-unsafe, tax-payer-funded, and common."

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Year of Mercy: The Adverse Reaction from the Italians

The Italians did not have to wait long for the reactions that have been described by Professor Patrizia Fermani as a "Putsch of Mercy".
Antonio Socci
Fermani is a founding member of Giuristi per la Vita (lawyers for life) and founder of the Comitato Nel Nome dell'Infanzia (Committee On behalf of the childhood). The Italian journalist Antonio Margheriti Mastino wrote on his website papalepapale: " Some time ago, a well-known, hypochondriacal Cardinal, perhaps under a permanent state of fear of suffering caused by the psychosis, had said in private that the IOR [Vatican bank]  was in  very poor condition and that it was only a matter of months until it breaks down. Was that exaggeration? Possibly. However, this is not the first time that similar financial situations have occurred and the Holy See has often reacted to it with an extraordinary anniversary. By this he meant that such a generous offer had been made, that could  avoid through repentance and conversion,  to reduce the budget deficit.  Nevertheless, Antonio Mastino continued, "it is a fact that the last remoarseful Jubilee did not earn   much and they had bet all on extensive media coverage. To those, like me,  who live in Rome and experience it live, it seemed like a kind of giant fairground, where all sense of boundaries had gone and in the general penance was the last thing on the minds of the participants which took place in all of  2000. This was so bad that Cardinal Ratzinger raised his eyes to heaven glancing at this psychedelic program of the jubilee  and resignedly said, once every 25 years, okay ... but no more ' ."
On March 15, the Italian journalist Antonio Socci asked on his site antoniosocci: "Will the Holy Year, which has just been announced be centered, as the previous, on  Jesus Christ or will it be centered  on Pope Bergoglio? ... The jubilee years have always been related  since the First in 1300 on dates that had to do with the birth and death of Jesus Christ; including the (very rare) Extraordinary anniversaries. The anniversary year in 2016 is the first anniversary in the history of the Church that is not centered around a historical event of Jesus Christ during his earthly life. Because they needed a reason to convene it in 2016, Bergoglio decided that it should take place on the 50th anniversary of the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council. But what's this? For an anniversary?  There was never an anniversary year for a council. Moreover, the Second Vatican Council ended in 1965, not in 1966 and therefore they will not celebrate the 50th, but the 51st anniversary of the conclusion of the 21st Council of the Church.
Therefore, this is an excuse, which is more than any other ideological and self-referential, because the anniversary year refers to a church event, rather than on Christ. (When we look at similar events in the history of the church, you could organize a Holy Year every year.)
"The first anniversary in Church history that is not centered on a Christ-event, will have Pope Bergoglio as undisputed protagonist of the media, a pope, by the way, who does not greet the faithful with the traditional greeting "Praised be Jesus Christ," but rather with "Good Day" and "Good evening"  welcomed, so that the media him as an" affable welcome Pope ".
"So this will be a year of Bergoglio triumphalism. The issue of mercy, which elected the Pope, is going in this direction. 
The Corriere wrote in a cover story: "It will be devoted to  Mercy ."   But this is unnecessary because all anniversaries are dedicated by their very nature to divine mercy. The cathedral in Siena has an engraved plate on the portal that lists the words with which Boniface VIII. announced the first Jubilee in the history in 1300  and the key word was "mercy".
"But why did they then decide to focus and characterize  Mercy for the 2016 Jubilee??"
On March 17, Patrizia Fermani on the website Riscossa Cristiana: "This is the point where the dexterity comes into play. Here we have the tremendous idea, to give a revolutionary political program  a sacramental form. All you have to do is to give it the form of a solemn anniversary. This will disguise the reversal of the mission of the Church under a ballast of religious pathos, even for those who are stunned, dull or confused. Bergoglio's mercy - general amnesty with a retroactive blotter for the sins - has a theological and religious form that is able to defeat any resistance. In primitive religions, mystical increase was also the sublimation of what is irrational and carnal. Bergoglio's anniversary aims to be the sublimation of the new rites of modernity which are the rites of the ecumenical, atheist and popular New Church of the third millennium, and by his impetus, he will bring forth its final consecration."
As Cardinal Walter Kasper when asked by the news agency I.Media on April 9th, 2015 answered, he recalled that Francis aligns with this topic II. Vatican Council, referring to the inaugural speech of John XXIII. to the Council: "Today,  the Bride of Christ [i.e., the Church] prefers to use the remedy of mercy rather than the arms of severity."  In the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, he adds, Francis noted the obligation for a pastoral conversion, "The church must be a home that is open to all ," he explained. "The Church is a sacrament of salvation and the sign and instrument of God's mercy ."  However, by the "enlargement of a central main theme of the Bible and the spiritual tradition of the Church in this way ", the Pope has made ​​mercy to a key theme of his pontificate, said the President Emeritus of the Council for Promoting Christian Unity, in his opinion, the Year of Mercy is in fact part of the reform program of Francis.
Trans: Tancred

Eco-Encyclical to be Released on June 18 -- Over-watched by UN Rottweilers

(Rome) This Thursday, June 18  the Eco-Encyclical will be presented at 11 clock in the New Synod Hall of the Vatican by Pope Francis.This was announced by the Press Office of the Holy See  and confirmed for the first time officially, that the encyclical will be titled "Laudato si" after the Canticle of St. Francis of Assisi. It will also be the first encyclical of history to also have a subtitle: "About the concern for the common house". Encyclicals have so far received the first words as a title with which they begin.
The presentation of the encyclical will be made by Cardinal Peter Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. At his side will be Metropolitan Joannis Zizoulas of Pergamum, an  84  year old representative of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople. Similarly Hans Joachim "John" Schellnhuber a representative of the international institutions. Schellnhuber is the founder and director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Chairman of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) and long-standing member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate (IPCC). 

IPCC and UN Are Sitting at the Presentation Table - as Watchdogs?

While the presence of the Orthodox representative underlines the appreciation of  Catholic-Orthodox relations, the presence of Schellnhuber's is evidence that makes use of the eco-Encyclical, the thesis of human-inflicted global warming and thus the UN Millennium Agenda. Schellnhuber is one of the leading advocates of a drastic and costly IPCC climate policy. It's a step that would mean a serious surrender of the Catholic Church to the powerful of the world. One step,  Pope Benedict XVI. had fought against throughout his pontificate.
The warnings and concerns of climate skeptics, conservatives and pro-lifers were obviously justified. The rapprochement between the Vatican and the United Nations has been announced since the election of Pope Francis. The new cooperation was sealed with a climate conference at the Vatican late April 2015 in the presence of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and UN Director Jeffrey Sachs. Already the two were mentioned at the Vatican meeting, who gave the content guidelines and direction. Is the Vatican following orders on the issue? Is Schellnhuber sitting  like a watchdog at  the presentation table? The presence of special guests or co-presenters has not been previously common.
The eco encyclical will be presented in original Italian and in French, English, German, Spanish and Portuguese translation on Thursday. One issue in the church language Latin, in which almost all encyclicals have been drawn up, has not yet been made.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Vatican Insider

In the Syrian Crusader City of Tartarus is the First Alawite Marian Mosque in the World

Marian Mosque of Tartarus
(Damascus) is a mosque dedicated Mary  in Syria  not an anachronism? Syria has become the epitome of war and flight. The Christians in the country are being brutally persecuted. Not by the government, but of Islamist combat forces who want to overthrow the government of Bashar al-Assad. Syria is a majority Muslim country. Only ten percent of the population are Christians.  In1920 they were still 30 percent. However, the Muslims are divided into two groups. 70 percent are Sunni, 20 percent are Alawites. From the latter comes the first mosque named after Mary in the world.

The Alawis of Syria

Alawites in the coastal strip of the Crusader states
Little is known about the Alawites in the West. Within Islam they are considered related parties to the Shiites.  However, there is also the theory that it is the Alawites, if they are not then at least the offspring of Islamized Christians, at least have significant Christian influence in their religious expression. In fact, since their early years in the 10th century, they have  concentrated in Syria and Turkey, two areas which in contrast to other parts of the Islamic world today, which were once heartlands of Christianity.
The Alawites live in what is now Syria, especially along the Mediterranean coast, that area west of the Orontes plane, which belonged to the Crusader states in the Middle Ages and has thus historically and culturally experienced a differing development, than the Islamic territory east of this location. The parallel to the coast mountain range is therefore called the Alawite Mountains (Jebel al-Alawia, Jabal an-Nusayriyah after the original name "Alawite" Alawite).

The Crusaders of Tartus

Fortified Crusader Cathedral of Our Lady of Tortosa (now a museum)
On the Syrian Mediterranean coast, the city of Tartus is the second largest port in the country. Tartus was founded by the Teutonic Knights and belonged from 1102 to the County of Tripoli, the youngest of the four Crusader states. In 1157 it was  given by King Baldwin III.  of Jerusalem to the Knights Templar. The Templars, the oldest of the  Crusader orders  of religious knights, built the port city into a mighty fortress. Saladin besieged it in 1188 in vain. 1291 Tartus was briefly headquarters of the Knights Templar after the fall of Acre. The city was the last mainland stronghold of the Knights, but fell in the same year. In 1300-1302  the Templars made a last, unsuccessful attempt to recapture Tartus.
The Knights Templar built the fortified cathedral of Our Lady of Tortosa (Tartus)  in the city in the Romanesque-Gothic style. It was built on  an original Byzantine site, consecrated to the Virgin Mary consecrated from the early Christian era, and is said to have been consecrated, according to tradition, by the Prince of  the Apostles, Peter. After the Mamelukes conquered the city, they converted the cathedral into a mosque. In 1516 the area was conquered by the Ottomans. Under Ottoman rule, the cathedral was used as a cowshed. Today it is a museum. It is considered one of the best preserved examples of  crusader churches built in the east. Hafez al-Assad, President from 1970-2000 and ruler of Syria, the father of today's President Bachar al-Assad, had promised to give the  the cathedral back to the Christians. His death prevented the return.

First  Mosque Named After Mary  in the World - Marian Devotion in the Koran

Report of the Daily Star of Beirut
In this predominantly  Alawite Tartus the first mosque was built and dedicated to  the Virgin Maryn the world. According to the Beirut daily newspaper Daily Star, the new mosque is called Al-Sayyida Maryam. This is one of several Arab names for the mother of Jesus, says the Minister of Religious and Cultural Goods, Mohammad Abdel-Sattar al-Sayyed at the opening ceremony last Saturday.The minister described the new mosque as a sign "of the opening of Islam that is far  from aberrations and extremism ."
At the opening Antoine Dib, the Maronite Patriarch of Antioch, who is also a representative of the Eparchy Latakia, was present. He explained that he is "proud of the initiative" has been brought forward and expressed the hope that the mosque dedicated to Mary may be a "sign of peace" for the whole country.
The worship contained in the Koran for the Virgin Mary, the foundation of the mosque dedicated to Mary, is returned by Islamic scholars to Christian context in which the early Islam arose. Some scholars see in Islam an anti-Trinitarian heresy of Christianity.
The Franciscan Giulio Basetti-Sani (1912-20011), a student of the orientalist, Louis Massignon, had especially devoted himself to the Marian devotion in his studies on Islam, including "Mary and Jesus, Son of Mary in the Qur'an", which led him to the conclusion to recognize in Islam a "sister faith". Following in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi and in the pursuit of their Mission, the Franciscans endeavored  to make the figures of Jesus and Mary in the Koran visible.

Islam Knows no Personal God, nor the Son of God, but the Virgin Birth of the "Anointed" 

Impressive interior of the former Cathedral of Tartusa
Islam knows no personal God. For this reason there are no references to "father" that  can be found in the 99 invocations of Allah. For this reason, for Islam a "son of God", which would imply a father, is unthinkable. Nevertheless, the Virgin Mary is called "God's chosen", who was "chosen among all women of creation" (Surah 3.42).The divine sonship of Jesus is, however, denied by Islam vehemently. God has no son. Jesus is acknowledged in the Koran as the "Son of Mary", Isa ibn Maryam, as it says in Surah 19.34 to 36. There is acknowledgment of the virgin birth of Mary, who gave birth to the "anointed one", one of the names for Jesus in Islam.
For several years  the feast of the Annunciation on March 25th in Syria is a national holiday. It's a sign of the relatively good relations between Christians and the ruling Alawite Islam of Syria.
Mary is now considered a "door" in interreligious dialogue between Islam and the Catholic Church.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Daily Star (Screenshots) / Wikicommons / Espen Lutken (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

What is going on in the Vatican?

As reported in The Week, it looks like Pope Francis has lost control of his staff in the Vatican. Michael Doughtery's article deserves a close read and clearly expresses the same position of concern and incomprehension at contemporary events that we at the EF take, albeit in a tone less polemical than our own.

A few things to note: In the contemporary church the only thing worse than the hubris of an archbishop towards well-meaning laypeople seeking clarification for his unCatholic behavior, is the hubris of a lay employee in the Vatican towards her critics. What these people would have us believe is that to combat poverty, slavery, and prostitution in the world, we must join forces with those at the UN who think that the murder of the unborn is necessary to save the environment. Shame on them! And instead of engaging in meaningful dialogue with their opponents, these elitists who have only condescension and contempt for their opponents, are only too eager to engage in mudslinging by accusing their opponents of being funded by the Tea Party and the oil industry. And who, pray tell, funds their salaries? Hmm? It does make one wonder if either of them ever took a course in formal logic and learned about the ad hominem.

One last thing: Apparently, Cardinal Pell does not own a cappa magna. I would only suggest that those of you with the money who support the churchiness-of-the-church might want to think about buying him one. That way someone in the anglosphere other than Cardinal Burke can proclaim to his opponents what he really feels.

Tacky Liberal Incoherence, No. 7

While ordering at a steakhouse: "Do you guys offer a vegan alternative for beacon? Because I'm not opposed to the merciless slaughter of poor, innocent animals for us just to eat them per se, because I'm not intolerant or narrow-minded. No! It's just that I'm here to help."

Bishop of Linz Offers Cathedral For Traditional Ordination on July 4th

(Linz), On July 4, 2015   a  deacon of the traditional  Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) will be ordained a priest  in the Cathedral of Linz. The event is noteworthy as the consecration year of Peter Society  has traditionally used a suitable dedicated church around Wigratzbad. Above all, however, it is because it's the first time  a priestly ordination has been held in the traditional rite in the cathedral church of the home diocese by the bishop. It's a  unique novelty in the German-speaking countries since the foundation of the Fraternity of St. Peter in the year 1988.
Deacon Philip Faschinger from Vorderweißenbach in Upper Austria, is to be ordained a priest.  The consecration in Linz will take place at the request of the diocesan bishop Ludwig Schwarz SDB Maria [!], who has just completed his 75th year since the diocese of Linz in 2015 does not have a priestly candidate. The bishop does not want to finish his tenure  without a vocation, as it is goes in the bishops' world.
The General Council of the Fraternity of St. Peter has finally agreed to the exception  in this year as one has been granted to a French candidate. The French-Canadian candidates of consecration of the vintage of 2015 are to be consecrated the first time in Canada.

Peter Society in Linz has the Same Amount of Seminarians as the Whole Diocese

The New Cathedral of Linz
The Diocese of Linz has in the last several years, no priestly ordinations for the diocese. The vocations in the diocese are at a low ebb. The situation is different at the Peter Society of Linz, which is said to have currently as many seminarians as the entire diocese of Linz.
Young men who feel called,  search, in the Diocese of Linz it's  either a community of tradition or the community of an old monastery. In the past academic year two diocesan seminarians left for monasteries. The diocese fills the thinned ranks of seminarians with some African candidates who prefer to stay in Europe.
The ordinations speak for themselves: In the Diocese of Linz, a candidate of the Fraternity of St. Peter  was consecrated in   the traditional rite and two order priests were consecrated in the new rite in 2015. On August 16, Bishop Schwarz ordained  the Cistercian monk Otto Rothammer in the Collegiate Church Wilhering, and on 13 September, the Norbertine Canon Matthew Stuphann in the Collegiate Church  of Schlägl.

Choose vocations tradition or ancient monasteries

On July 4 ordination, on July 5 Primiz
Originally, the ordination of deacon Faschinger was to take place on June 29, at the feast of the apostles Peter and Paul, in a traditional consecration day in the diocese. By contrast, there was some resistance in the diocese and since priestly anniversaries are also traditionally celebrated on this day. Not all, it was said, found  the "old rite reasonable". As a compromise, the ordination  was elected for the 4th of July.
On June 29, a Vietnamese Cistercian is now but unexpectedly to be ordained in the Cathedral of Linz in the new rite. The monk Gregor Nguyen from the Abbey An Phuoc studied in Heiligenkreuz. His studies were made possible through his support of the Upper Austrian Cistercian Abbey of Schlierbach. After his ordination he will return to his abbey in Vietnam. The consecration in Linz was apparently organized on such short notice that even the Schlierbach Monastery is still not aware of it. The sudden "balance" of a consecration in the old and the new consecration rite must have given "some relief" to the diocesan hierarchy.
The ordination of Philipp Faschinger FSSP will start in Mariendom (New Cathedral) on Saturday, on the 4th of July at 10 O'clock. On Sunday, July 5, the new priests will celebrate his first Mass in the Church of the Fraternity of St. Peter in Linz. The solemn High Mass in the Minorite Church in  Linz (country church) starts at 8:30 clock.

Consecrated Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Linz

The Cathedral of Linz is a St. Mary's Church. It is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception and is still called the "New Cathedral" by the residents of Linz even after its inauguration a   century ago. Its construction dates back to the Bishop of Linz, the Servant of God, Franz Joseph Rudigier (1811-1884). Bishop Rudigier is an outstanding figure among the diocesan bishops of the diocese established in 1785, and therefore according to ecclesiastical understanding, a fledgling diocese. The proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception by Pope Pius IX. in 1854 encouraged Bishop Rudigier to advance the construction of a new diocesan church, which was dedicated to the Marian dogma. Until then  the former Jesuit church, popularly known today "Old Cathedral", served as cathedral.
The actual construction work on the neo-Gothic St. Mary's Cathedral began when the groundbreaking ceremony took place in 1862. In 1924 after a war-related interruption,  the consecration of the church too place, which was only completed in 1935.The twin-towered Linz Cathedral is on dimensions and capacity, the largest church in Austria. The Immaculata bell of more than eight tons is the second largest bell in Upper Austria.

In the Minorite Church the bridge for the rite of all time took place

The Minoritenkirche of Linz, which is where the first Mass will be held on July 5th, already dates from the early 13th century. This is the first branch of the Friars Minor in Upper Austria documented in 1235, but is likely to already have been formed immediately after the death of St. Francis of Assisi. The Franciscans played from then on a central role in the pastoral care of the city. In the wake of the Protestant "Reformation" vocations declined so much that the monastery had to be abandoned. The authorities  tore the convent buildings down in1562 and erected a villa in its place.  The church was supervised for several decades by the Jesuits. In 1679 the Franciscans came back in the branch of the Friars Minor in Linz and took over the pastoral care again in their church. In addition to church and villa they built a new monastery and built from 1751 the Gothic church in the late Baroque style with Rococo approaches. The choir stalls in the rear nave date back to the Gothic church. In 1785 the Linz Minorite Cloister was shut by the  Klostersturm of Emperor Joseph II.   The second monastery was integrated as part of the villa. The church has since been assigned to the province of Upper Austria, which is why it is also called "Villa Church".
In the Diocese of Linz,   the Minorite church figured peculiarly in the liturgical reform of 1969/1970. The diocesan priest Josef Kronsteiner, from 1943-1981 Domkapellmeister in Linz, was a lecturer at the diocesan seminary and professor at the Bruckner Conservatory (now Anton Bruckner Private University for Music, Drama and Dance), rejected the liturgical reform and celebrated still in the Immemorial Rite of All Ages. Because of his reputation in the diocese the Landhausstraße church was finally made ​​available. Thus it  was the musician, composer and especially priest, Josef Kronsteiner formed the bridge  in the period by which the celebration of the traditional rite in the Diocese of Linz was never broken. After his death,  another retired diocesan priest continued the celebration in the traditional rite, until 1991 when the chaplaincy at the Minorite church was transferred to the FSSP founded in 1988. 
The Fraternity of St. Peter has its own office in Linz, which is usually supported by several priests. The FSSP ever provides for a dignified and reverent celebration of the Sacred Liturgy. It is a proclamation, administering the sacraments and pastoral obligation that includes the entire, nearly two thousand years of tradition of the Catholic Church and is faithful to the mandate and committed to the teaching of Jesus Christ. It's a seed that falls on fertile ground, as vocations show.
Text: Wenzel Huber-Chwateck
Image: Wikicommons / (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Monday, June 8, 2015

Polish President Catches Falling Host

Edit: a friend sent us this photo. It's the recently elected Polish President, Andrej Duda who catches a falling Host and reverently hands it back to the priest.

We'd reported earlier that he'd began his presidency by making a pilgrimage go Our Lady of Czestochowa and asking for Her assistance.

When one thinks of all the sacrileges committed by America presidents over the years, including unworthy reception of Holy Communion, seeing a man who believes and is a political figure fills us with hope.

One commenter also posted this video:

What Now? After the Death of Commissar Volpi?

(Rome) After the announcement of the death of Father Fidenzio Volpi,Vaticanista Marco Tosatti  asks "What now?"
The Apostolic Commissioner of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, the Capuchin Volpi had suffered a serious stroke at the end of April.  His health has since been very critical, so that the news of his death was wrongly been spread a month ago.
From anonymous websites who were close to the Apostolic Commissioner, or rather the small group of rebels within the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate , who support the provisional government, the false death report was polemically denied. The Secretary-General of the Order, Father Alfonso Bruno said on May 15  no less falsely, Father Volpi stands directly in the forefront of the government of the Order of the Franciscan Friars of the ImmaculateBut  his health never permitted it at any time following the stroke.  Especially Father Alfonso Bruno, the big winner of the provisional administration, became increasingly nervous since the stroke.

Naming of a new commissioner is likely, but  there is also an opportunity for a change of course

The  death of the Apostolic Commissioner has changed the situation abruptly. Therefore, Tossati's question: "What now?" What is the Holy See's reaction? If the provisional administration is to end or will there be a new commissioner? Anyway: Father Bruno can not be certain of his his leading role. An end of the provisional administration seems unlikely. A provisional administration usually lasts at least three years. The religious congregation should appoint a new Commissioner for the remaining time and the final report out in the summer of 2016 to decide whether a General Chapter of the Order can choose a new head of the order.
The naming of  a new Commissioner, however, also makes a change of course in dealing with the Order possible. Had Father Volpi pursued a course of radical devastation, a new commissioner could be benevolent to the Order. Still, however, everything is open.

Commissioner Volpi leaves a field of desolation

Father Volpi leaves the once blooming Order of Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate since July 2013 after only 22 months of provisional administration as a field of desolation. Vocations have plummeted, friars who leave the Order, monasteries have been closed down, the order's own seminary was shut down and the first measure at all, the celebration of the traditional rite has been met  with prohibitions.
While many Catholic orders  in Europe cite a lack of vocations, the Congregation of the Religious have suppressed under the leadership of Cardinal Prefect João Braz de Aviz, one of the most flourishing Orders. Reasons for radical intervention of the young Order is still not known. Behind closed doors were sown notions that  in the Order there were  "crypto lefebvrian" tendencies. See Commissioner Volpi, the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate and the SSPX under Pope Francis .
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Osservatore Romano (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Bishop Koch New Archbishop of Berlin -- Participant in Bishops' Synod 2015

Archbishop Koch
(Berlin) Bishop Heiner Koch of Dresden-Meissen was appointed as the new Archbishop of Berlin by Pope Francis today. The appointment comes in appreciation of "Marx'ists and Kasperians" (Hubert Hecker) in the German church. Bishop Koch was elected to the Episcopal Conference alongside Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich and Freising and Bishop Franz-Josef Bode of Osnabrück by the German Bishops' Conference for the Synod of the Synod of Bishops next October.
Koch is a party to the "opening" of Cardinals Marx and Kasper, albeit he is publicly nuanced reserved. When it comes to homosexuality, he rejects an opening, but pays tribute to homosexuals and verbally encourages widespread recognition. When it comes to admission of remarried divorcees to the sacraments Koch finds probabilistic. Serious opposition to a reinterpretation of  Catholic marriage and morality for pastoral practice is not something he is  previously given him credit for.
On Whit Monday Koch attended the secret meetings of the Kasperians at the Gregorian University in Rome with Cardinal Marx.
A month before his surprising resignation, Pope Benedict XVI appointed Koch on January 2013 the Bishop of Dresden-Meissen. Previously he had been in Cologne as  Auxiliary Bishop of Cardinal Joachim Meisner.  He was already appointed auxiliary bishop in 2006 at the request of Cardinal Meisner by Benedict XVI. The Diocese of Dresden-Meissen is part of the ecclesiastical province of Berlin, of which  Koch will be Metropolitan.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons (Martin Ruschl)
Trans: Tancred

Tacky Liberal Incoherence, No. 6

This time with an emphasis on the TACKY. Nothing says TACKY like Vatican II music!

A Scourge of Resurgent Catholicism is Dead

Father Fidenzio Volpi, who was charged with liquidating a resurgent Catholic order, the Franciscans of the Immaculate, is dead. The FFI was, unlike Volpi's own order and practically all others, was growing and Catholic.

We have noticed that despite real financial and theological scandals, no Apostolic Commissar has been appointed at Sant'Eggidio.

This was reported today by his province, the Lombardy Capuchins.

How long will God allow this to go in, and will He have mercy on this incorrigible Friar? How long will those who continue to support this charade, continue to support it by their negligence, indifference and collaboration?

May he rest in peace, but God will be just, and his deeds be undone.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Bent Cross of Paul VI is Broken But Repaired by Duct Tape For Pope's Visit to Sarajevo

This hideous, radioactive ferula was designed by the modernist artist Lello Scorzelli (1921-1997)  for Pope Paul VI, which was used for the first time to close the Vatican Council in 1965.   

It had mercifully disappeared for the most part during the reign of Pope Benedict XVI, who replaced it with one used by Saint Pius IX (ora pro nobis)  but has now resurfaced as a counterpoise to Pope Francis horizontal, withering pastoral perspectives.

Now it appears that the "bent cross" has broken, as it seems to have been repaired by duct tape in this picture below.

This is singularly symbolic of the Franciscoid pontificate.

Thanks to trusty reader and H/T to Marian Horvath for some details about this ugly thing.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Aberrosexual Priest Calls Cardinal Burke a "Drag Queen"

Edit: Ottawa is the special gift that keeps giving. Will he keep his 130k per annum teaching position?

Hats off to Vox for helping to expose more of this kind of deviant behavior from affected personalities.

[Vox Cantoris] Raymond Cardinal Burke was given a standing ovation yesterday in Canada's House of Commons following the daily Question Period at Ottawa. Cardinal Burke is in Ottawa for an address this evening.

On the eve of his attendance, Ottawa Catholic priest and professor at the University of Ottawa has roundly and severely come out against the very presence of the Cardinal in Canada's capital city.

As reported at the Catholic Intelligence Agency blog, Andre Samson, the former Pastor of St. Margaret Mary Parish, said in an Email read out on CBC Radio Canada that “As a gay [man] and as a priest of the Archdiocese of Ottawa, I am upset at the visit of this person. I particularly blame those who invited him, the CCO Movement, Catholic Christian Outreach —who seek to provoke and to distance themselves from the current pope. The resistance towards Pope Francis has regrouped itself around this operetta Cardinal who likes to disguise himself as a drag queen. I know well today’s youth because I’ve taught at the University of Ottawa for the last sixteen years. I can affirm that Burke will have more success at Mado [CIA Note: a drag queen bar] than with the university students that CCO looks to convert.”

In August 2014 in the Ottawa Citizen, Samson said “I would like to see the Catholic church recognize that many of its priests are gay and many of its bishops are gay — and that’s OK." Samson who went on to describe his "life lived in secrecy."

Nowhere on his Twitter page does Fr. Samson refer to himself as a Catholic priest.

According to CIA Blog, Samson was also a speaker at the Annual Ontario Gay Men's Sexual Health Summit where BDSM was discussed in 2010 in Toronto. As Catholics one can ask if this priest spoke about chastity as being part of a single man's overall sexual health.

Ironically, a man who seems to care so much for victims of abuse feels quite justified in heaping abuse on Cardinal Burke who only speaks of the truth of Christ with love and mercy.

The Archbishop of Ottawa is Terence Prendergast, S.J. He has done much and continues to do much to turn around on the right path, the Church in Ottawa. His two predecessors did much damage over nearly fifty years. I saw some of this when I lived in Ottawa and witnessed the treatment of the fledgling Ottawa Oratory at St. Brigid's at the hands of Joseph Aurele Plourde and the cabal at St. Joseph's Church. Pray for Archbishop Prendergast's perseverance. He is a friend of the people that would read this blog and has been a strong supporter of the Fraternity of St. Peter. If you wish to write him, respectfully, and as a commenter noted, "with the greatest charity and kindness," his email is

Cardinal Kasper Denies His Theology is Approved by the Pope

Edit: thanks to another reader for pointing this out.  Kasper is a habitual liar, so who knows if the information he gives in any interview is correct.  Since he is supposed to have also said something disgraceful and heretical, I'd like to hear the full interview, unless someone else can fill us in till I go through the agony of searching the EWTN website and listening to Raymond Arroyo.

He does say that most of the bishops share his hackneyed theological view.  This is probably true.
Cardinal Walter Kasper has clarified that Pope Francis did not approve his proposal to allow divorced and remarried Catholics to receive Holy Communion after a period of penance. 
The cardinal made the remarks in an interview with EWTN during a visit to the United States. 
He said the Pope wanted him to “put the question”, and that afterwards he “expressed his satisfaction with my talk”. But he added: “I wouldn’t say he approved the proposal, no, no, no.”
Link to Catholic Herald.... 

Tacky Liberal Incoherence, No. 5

Instead of allowing conservative meanies with guns to shoot at deer, kill them, and eat their flesh, why don’t we inject all the does with contraceptive darts? That way, they can enjoy free love almost as much as I do! I mean, just think of BAMBI’s MOM and all the harm being deprived of her love and affection causes fawns! (And don't you dare refer to another Disney movie that might invalidate my point!) And don’t even mention that many hunters do good by donating the meat they don’t want to feed the hungry. Such humanitarian acts which benefit young children undermine my own position!
CLEARLY, sterilizing deer against their will is worth the cost of $135 million every two years just in the state of Connecticut alone! And CLEARLY there will be no negative environmental effects as all those unnatural chemicals pass into the water supply!

Cardinal Dolan Driven Out of NYC by Radtrads?

Edit: color me incredulous, but I doubt the Remnant and the concerned citizens of Mother Church had much to do with it. Cardinal Dolan HAD been critical of Pope Francis in past. We'll see

Anyway, it's fascinating and a bit unprecedented. It's rare indeed that a Cardinal is forced into retirement.

Update: I guess this is satire. Wishful thinking...

[Remnant] Apparently the latest prelate to bite the dust in a contest of parochial will is Cardinal Archbishop Timothy Dolan. He has resigned in submission according to Canon 401, Article 2 in the Code of Canon Law in an April 21 statement, released at noon local time. It was a great blow to liberal neo-Catholics and especially saddened the New York sodomitical community who are active in five Manhattan parishes. Cardinal Dolan was isolated, targeted and ultimately brought down by a militant “Rad-Trad” group who sponsored an open Letter to Pope Francis demanding the Cardinal Archbishop’s replacement. The Letter addressed to the Pope appeared in the New York Times and was signed by 1,000 prominent Catholics from across the Five Boroughs. Cardinal Dolan a favorite of the Democrat Liberal politicians for not interfering with abortion and gay marriage legislation was seen by the conservative traditionalists as a doctrinal sell-out for favors from his leftist friends in high places.

Article 2 of Canon 401, according to the Vatican’s website, refers to a situation when “a diocesan bishop who has become less able to fulfill his office because of ill health or some other grave cause is earnestly requested to present his resignation from office.” Cardinal Dolan’s resignation will take effect immediately, and although he will still be a Cardinal, he will no longer lead a diocese. It is up to Pope Francis to choose his successor. The brief Vatican statement gave no word as to what Cardinal Dolan will do following his resignation.

Cardinal Dolan came to New York with some unsettled sex scandal baggage he picked up in Milwaukee but, depositions were taken and it appears things have settled down in that regard. The lawyers deposing Cardinal Dolan represent hundreds of people who say they were sexually molested by priests in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, which he led for seven years before his appointment as archbishop of New York in 2009. The lawyers want to know when Cardinal Dolan, as archbishop of Milwaukee, learned of allegations against certain priests, and how quickly he made those allegations public.

Link to Remnant....

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Tacky Liberal Incoherence, No. 4

Granted that the happiness of some women does depend upon daily male sacrifice, we should still agitate for the abolition of Fathers’ Day, because Fathers' Day perpetuates and legitimizes the rape culture.

The Suicide of Humanity --- Archbishop Crepaldi on the Attacks Against Marriage and Family

Archbishop Crepaldi: attack on marriage and the family a kind of suicide of humanity
(Trieste) The attacks on marriage and the family are a kind of "suicide of humanity" warned Archbishop Giampaolo Crepaldi of Trieste. Archbishop Crepaldi is one of the competitive profile Catholic pastors, which is why he stands out among his brethren.
Last Sunday he preached at the Marian shrine Monte Grisa at Trieste. The archbishop celebrated Holy Mass, prayed at  the conclusion of the Marian Month of May  with the faithful the rosary and concluded the Peregrinatio Mariae. The Peregrinatio is the pilgrimage of the miraculous image of the Virgin Mary which is venerated in the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Trieste, and in all deaneries of the Archdiocese.
In his sermon Archbishop Crepaldi spoke about the defense of the family, which is "an inviolable borderline for the future of humanity. The attacks on marriage as a covenant between a man and a woman were described by the archbishop as a "suicide of humanity".  What the Archbishop said:
"Dear brothers and sisters, in this devotional celebration to conclude the Peregrinatio Mariae let us pray to the Mother of God for the family. Today the defense of the family and the marriage covenant is more than ever an inviolable borderline for the future of humanity because the attacks on marriage as a covenant between a man and a woman are a kind of suicide of humanity, especially in our western countries. From a Christian perspective, it is wrong to assert that the fundamental relationship between man and woman is merely a cultural or social product, a 'gift' from any government or a human construct. Children are not the product of the society or the state. Governments can not displace the primary responsibility of parents for their children, nor deny child the right to grow up with his mother and the father. In Christ, the natural state of marriage, is the natural union between a man and a woman in the marriage  sacrament, a sign and instrument of His grace and his own relationship with the Church. This grace is an action of mercy, it is the seal of the conjugal covenant. It is something that you can believe with secure confidence, a gift that must be preserved. The indissolubility of marriage is a grace, not a problem for which you have to look for exceptions. "
Archbishop Crepaldi warned that the attacks on marriage and family life will lead to the suicide of humanity. Just last week, Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin had described  the approval by the electorate of Ireland for the legalization of "gay marriage"  as a "defeat for humanity".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Vita Nuova Trieste (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred