Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Orbán Sees Increasing Conflicts With the United States

BUDAPEST. For Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán conflicts with the US are inevitable in the future. "We have to get used to it, that the interests of Hungary and the United States do not always coincide," said the right-wing conservative politician in a speech to the ambassadors of Hungary, according to the news agency dpa . This is also true for other countries such as Germany for instance.
"To pursue an independent foreign policy is often uncomfortable, but you must become friends with this idea." There were issues where the diplomats would have to take a different line than their respective host country. At the same time he defended a visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin in February. "We are not an enemy of Russia" Orbán had criticized and left open whether he would agree to a further tightening sanctions against Moscow in recent months.
He also brought the Hungarian participation in the fight against "Islamic state" into play. It was possible  that a contingent might be sent  for support to Iraq. "Hungary is part of the Western integration," said Orbán. (Ho)

Bugnini-Student Piero Marini Confirmed by Pope Francis

Piero Marini (left) at His Ordination in June,
1965 in Concelebration According to the Missal of 1965
(Rome) Pope Francis today confirmed Curia Archbishop Piero Marini in his position as  President of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses.  Msgr. Marini was from 1987-2007 papal master of ceremonies. In 1998  Pope John Paul II. appointed him the Titular Bishop of Martirano, In 2003 Titular Archbishop of Martirano.In  2007 he was replaced by the new Pope Benedict XVI.  with Msgr. Guido Marini as master of ceremonies and  Piero Marini was appointed  the head of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses.
New members of the Pontifical Committee appointed by Pope Francis were Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko, President of the Council for Laity, Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation of Divine Worship, Cardinal Beniamino Stella, Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy , and Father Juan Javier Flores Arcas OSB, Rector of the Pontifical Athenaeum of Sant'Anselmo in Rome ,

Piero Marini was discussed over two years for other offices

Curial Archbishop Piero Marini had been, since the election of Pope Francis, because of his liturgical sensibility persistently discussed to again become papal master of ceremonies or the successor Cardinal Antonio Canizares as Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship. This was because, among other things, that  the Pope neither confirmed Piero Marini  in his previous office, nor Cardinal Canizares in his. There was considerable resistance against the appointment of Piero Marini in  one of the two offices.
A few days before the start of the Synod of Bishops in the fall of 2014  Francis appointed Cardinal Canizares as the new Archbishop of Valencia, and on 26 November appointed Cardinal Robert Sarah as his successor at the head of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. Now the confirmation of Piero Marini follows on his previous term of office.

Piero Marini's Participation as Secretary of Annibale Bugnini on Liturgical Reform of 1969

Piero Marini was ordained a priest on June 27, 1965 and subsequently served as secretary of Msgr. Annibale Bugnini, the "architect"  of the post-conciliar liturgical reform. The solemn Mass at Marin's ordination took place, as the picture shows, concelebrating according to the new 1965 Missal.
On February 22, 1965, two weeks before Pope Paul VI., in the course of the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council would first celebrate the Mass according to the new Missal of 1965 in Ognissanti, he promoted Curial Archbishop Enrico Dante, the papal   to cardinal. Msgr. Dante had been in the Office of Ceremonies since 1914 and  since 1947,  Papal Master of Ceremonies. With the elevation to Cardinal he was automatically exempted from office.
Paul VI. apparently appointed instead, with a view to the introduction of the new 1965 Missal, the Lazarist Priest, Annibale Bugnini ad interim, as acting master of ceremonies. On March 7, 1965, the pope celebrated the liturgy of the word in the vernacular, facing the people for the first time under the new 1965 Missal. 
Bugnini had been secretary of the Consilium ad exsequendam constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia that Paul VI. created in 1964 on the implementation of the liturgical reform, which   the Council had defined in the Constitution on the Liturgy,  Sacrosanctum Concilium. It was an office which he held until 1970, until the Missal of 1969 when a radical liturgical reform was implemented, which went far beyond the desired for reform of the Council.
The new priest, Piero Marini was Bugnini's personal secretary  and worked in the Consilium ad exsequendam constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia  in 1965. He played a leading role in the Bugninine liturgical reform of 1969. With Bugnini's  departure from office of papal ceremonies, Marini entered the office, which he took over in 1987. Msgr. Piero Marini acquired a doctorate in liturgical sciences in 1970 at the Pontifical Athenaeum of Saint Anselm  in 1981 at the LUISS University in Rome, another in political science.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Liturgy Papali
Trans: Tancred verkon99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholisches...

Faithful Indian Priest Being Chastised in Irish Press On "Equality"

Edit: John 6:66. The rhetoric in the Irish vote to legitimize deviant and sinful behavior is heating up. Apparently, 12 or so faithless Catholics walking out on a sermon by a faithful priest is news.

[independent] Indian-born Carmelite priest Father John Britto spoke in favour of a ‘No’ vote during the weekend sermon in Annagry, west Donegal, criticising Donegal footballer Eamon McGee who has backed the ‘Yes’ camp in the marriage equality referendum.

Fr Britto said he didn’t see anyone leave during the sermon.

“I won’t talk to the media because the media will only twist what I have to say; I speak to the people in church and I only the speak the truth and the Word of God,” he said.


Monday, March 9, 2015

New Traditional Friendly Bishop for Martinique

(Paris) The new Archbishop of Fort de France in the French overseas department of Martinique in the Caribbean is the Dominican, David Macaire. Pope Francis appointed the former prior of the Dominican convent of Sainte Baume and exorcist of the Diocese of Frejus-Toulon on 7th of March.
According Riposte Catholique, Archbishop Macaire belongs to a new generation of priests in France. Along the lines of Benedict XVI, he shows sensitivity to the traditional Roman rite. Father Macaire was chaplain of the Catholic Pathfinders and worked closely together with the traditional Bishop Dominique Rey of Frejus-Toulon in Provence.
Colonized in 1635 by France, the area  came under French rule in 1664. Approximately 390,000, of which 85 percent are of black African descent. They came in the 17th / 18th Centuries as slave labor on the plantation systems. Slavery in Martinique was abolished in 1848. In 2010, a majority of the electorate voted against greater independence from France.
In 1850, Pope Pius IX. made the Diocese of Martinique a suffragan of the Archdiocese of French Bordeaux. The diocese comprised the entire island. In 1967 it was raised by Pope Paul VI. to the Archdiocese of Saint Pierre and Fort de France with two suffragan sees in the territory of the other French West Indies.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Riposte Catholique

Baltimore Archdiocese Celebrates Same-Sex Marriage

Edit: Baltimore Archdiocese has a lot of problems, a poorly catechized canon lawyer, a laity in whose hearts the Catholic Faith in this once Catholic capital has faded. Here's the report from Rorate:

Crisis of Bishops: Archdiocese of Baltimore allows (fake) same-sex "marriage" announcement
We have chronicled the sacrilegious "liturgies" that have taken place over the years at Calvert Hall College High School. What's different with this report, if the brother in question was telling the truth, is that the Archdiocese of Baltimore has tacitly approved fake same-sex "marriages" by formally approving of their announcement in Catholic publications.
A report below, from a reader: Link to Rorate...

Vita christiana militia est -- Mario Palmaro Died One Year Ago Today

Edit:  a reader let us know, and we worked this out from Nardi's beautiful obituary on a truly great man.

(Rome) Exactly one year ago, on March 9, 2014,  Catholic legal philosopher Mario Palmaro died after a long illness at the age of only 44 years.
 Palmaro was in his last year, an internationally-known and most astute critic of Pope Francis.
He dedicated his life to defending the Catholic Church. Until his last breath he was an active publicist. "Those who knew him personally, heard his lectures at universities, attended his lectures and read his books, know that he was a real Miles  Christi, and led his good fight to the end with the elegance of a gentleman with mental clarity and lucidity, firmness and freedom of apologists of very different times," wrote the weekly magazineTempi.

Impressive criticism of the pontificate of Pope Francis

Mario Palmaro: "The good seed will bear fruit"
Because of his criticism of the Argentine Pope, he was dismissed a few months before his death, after ten years of service at Radio Maria Italy. The immediate cause was that he published together with Alessandro Gnocchi on October 9th, an article in the daily newspaper Il Foglio  "Christ is not an option among many, certainly not for his representative on earth - Why we do not like this pope ". A convincing critique of the pontificate of Pope Francis,  whose validity has not changed.
It was a text that was obviously read at the Holy See, for three weeks after his dismissal by Radio Maria for "criticism of the Pope," Mario Palmaro received a phone call from Pope Francis, where he was "surprised, astonished and moved above all". The dismissal by Radio Maria was still not withdrawn.
"For me, as a Catholic, what I experienced was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. I have assured the pope my unconditional loyalty as a son of the Church.  But also pointed to my duty to remind the Pope that I expressed together with Alessandro Gnocchi very precise criticism of his actions. The Pope  almost didn't let me finish the sentence and said he had understood that this criticism was made ​​of love and how important it is for him to get those," said Palmaro after the announcement of the call in an interview with the newspaper Libero.

"The hope is our certainty"

Immediately before the Pope's call Palmaro and Gnocchi had released another article critical of the Pope: The Church as a Field hospital of the Followers - encouragement inversely proportional to the clarity of the message? In it they wrote the following almost touching, Catholic, descriptive and also prophetic statement:
"In some small isolated church there will always be a priest, who celebrates the holy sacrifice of the Mass, in some small apartment there will always be a lonely old woman who prays the rosary with unwavering faith, and in some hidden corner there will always be a nun, who provides for a child whose life is regarded by all as worthless. Even when everything seems to be lost, the Church, the city of God continues to exude its light on those human beings."

Short CV

Mario Palmaro was born on June 5, 1968 in Cesano Maderno, a small town in the northern Lombardy. He studied law at the University of Milan, he graduated with a thesis on abortion. After he specialized in studies at the Institute San Raffaele in Milan on bioethics, he was a research associate at the Center for Bioethics at the Catholic University of Milan. Finally, he taught bioethics at the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University in Rome and Theoretical Philosophy, Ethics, Bioethics and Philosophy of Law at the European University of Rome. A rich intellectual exchange with another defender of the Catholic cause, the historian Roberto de Mattei, arose at the European University. Palmaro was one of the most passionate defenders of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI. and was one of the strongest critics of a "miserable, sometimes seedy small mind" with which some bishops impede the Motu Proprio.
Palmaro was the President of the Right to Life Association Committee  of Truth and Life and was a member of the Association of Lawyers for Life and the Catholic Lawyers Association of Italy.
Together with the Catholic journalist, Alessandro Gnocchi, Palmaro published several books and numerous essays and articles. Palmaro and Gnocchi were a congenial duo of sharpness of thought and  fluency.
Mario Palmaro is survived by his wife and four minor children.

Books for the first anniversary of death

Since 2000 Palmaro has published in the Catholic monthly magazine Il Timone.  Now all of  his contributions have been collected in one volume. "A period piece and a chronicle of events in the Church and the world at the beginning of the third Christian millennium by an unerring chronicler," writes the magazine. The proceeds will go to support the widow and four children.
Already since 2 March, a book about Mario Palmaro available in bookstores. "Il buon seme fiorirà" (the good seed will bear fruit), edited by his longtime friend Alessandro Gnocchi. Last Saturday it was presented by Gnocchi and his friends and colleagues in the Cathedral Bookstore of Monza, in Palmaro's  hometown. Following this, a requiem for Mario Palmaro in the traditional Roman rite was celebrated in Monza. On today's memorial an office of the dead will be celebrated in Monza Cathedral.
Edit: At present we know of no titles available in English.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Riscossa Christiana
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Cardinal Sarah: "Second Vatican Council Never Required Us to Give up the Mass of Pius V"

Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the
Congregation of Divine Worship
(Paris), the French editors of Aleteia have published an interview with Cardinal Robert Sarah, the new Prefect of the Roman Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. The interview by Elisabeth de Baudouin touches on a wide range of topics, "the liturgy war, criticism of the Pope, Manif pour tous, Islam and Islamism, the significance of Africa."  Cardinal Sarah stayed for a few days in Paris to present a  new book conversation with the writer Nicolas Diat  "God or nothing". On the subject of liturgy, the Cardinal Prefect said:
Eminence, in your book "God or Nothing" you mention the "Liturgy of war" several times that has separated Catholics for decades. A particularly reprehensible war, you say, because the Catholics in this matter should be particularly united. How can these separations be overcome today and all  Catholics unite around the cult offered by God?
Cardinal Robert Sarah: The Second Vatican Council has never required us to reject the past and abandon the Mass of Pius V, which has produced many saints, and never to even give up Latin. On the other hand, it was  self-willed by the Council liturgical reform itself. The liturgy is the place of direct encounter with God, to bring Him in all our lives, our work, and to offer all this as a sacrifice for His glory. We can not celebrate the liturgy in the weapons and wear armor of hatred, struggle. Jesus Himself said: "Before you  offer your gift at the altar, go first to be reconciled to thy brother." In this encounter, 'face to face'  with God, our heart must be pure, each free from all hatred and resentment. Everyone must remove from his heart that which can obscure this encounter. This assumes that everyone is respected according to his sensibility.
Is this not exactly what Benedict XVI. wanted?
Cardinal Robert Sarah: Yes, that is the meaning of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum. Benedict XVI. has put a lot of energy and hope in it. Unfortunately, it's not quite succeeded since  both the one and the other is "held fast" to their rites and are mutually exclusive. In the Church everyone should be able to celebrate after their own sensibility. This is one of the conditions for the reconciliation. You must lead the people to the beauty of the liturgy to its holiness. The Eucharist is not a "meal with friends", but a sacred mystery. If it is  celebrated with fervor and beauty, we arrive at a reconciliation that is self-evident. However, we must not forget that it is God who reconciles, and that takes time.
Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Aleteia

SSPX Teaching Sisters Reported on EWTN

Edit: on February 13th, we picked up a report on the SSPX Dominican Sisters of Fanjeau on a pilgrimage in Rome.  EWTN has picked it up now.
A group of girls and accompanying nuns made a unique pilgrimage to St. Peter’s in February.  
The nuns are the “teaching sisters” - Dominicans - and they were celebrating a special occasion with children from their schools in the US, France and Germany.  
There’s a unique twist to this story. The Society of St. Pius the Tenth priests and the “teaching sisters” accompanying the pilgrimage are not in full communion with the Church in Rome. 
They have maintained opposition to some teachings and implementations of reforms from the Second Vatican Council.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Laity in Chile Angry Over Pope's Appointment

Edit: he hasn't held Cardinal Marx accountable for assigning a priest who had thousands of images of child pornography on his computer to parish work.

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis met Friday with the bishop running a Chilean diocese where there has been unprecedented opposition to the nomination of his successor, accused of covering up for Chile’s most notorious pedophile.

The Vatican released no details of Francis’ audience with Monsignor Fernando Natalio Chomali Garib, who has been running the Osorno diocese temporarily since its previous bishop was transferred in 2013.

In January, Francis appointed Bishop Juan Barros Madrid to take over permanently. But in the ensuing weeks, some 1,300 lay faithful from Osorno, 51 of Chile’s 120 national lawmakers and many of the 35 priests from the diocese urged Francis to rescind the appointment.


Friday, March 6, 2015

50 Year Anniversary of the First Mass in the Vernacular -- "Afraid of the Reactions of the Conservatives"

The Mass of Paul VI first celebrated in 1965 in the
Parish of All Saints According to the Missal of that year
partly in the
(Rome) This Saturday marks the 50th anniversary celebration of the first Holy Mass by Pope Paul VI. according to the Missal of 1965. Pope Francis wants to remember this event with a visit and a Holy Mass at that Roman parish in which Paul VI. celebrated it on the same day 50 years ago (see report 50 Years Ago Celebrated Paul VI. first Mass in the Vernacular ). A minimalist program and the organization is out of the ordinary. The reason for this  behind the walls of the Vatican is the fear of "reactions of  the conservatives".

Official Presentation

The Italian news agency ANSA has published a short preliminary report on the event.
"On Saturday, March 7, 2015 at 6pm,  Pope Francis will celebrate Mass in the Roman parish of All Saints. The Pope will recall in this way in the same church and exactly 50 years later the Mass which Pope Paul VI. celebrated for the first time in Italian in accordance with the renewed liturgical norms that had been established by the Second Vatican Council. The visit coincides with the 75th anniversary of the death of St. Luigi Orione, as the Superior General of the Little Work of Divine Providence, Don Flavio Peloso recalled."
As far as the official  message of the  Pope's memorial celebration, which the event recalls, was only the first stage of further, more radical reforms.The 1965 Missal was appropriate to the appeal to the Second Vatican Council.  But the same does not apply to the following stages that led to the liturgical reform of 1969/1970, which went far beyond the requirements of the Council and while still having a justification in the Council documents are non-binding provisions.  

The Program

The liturgical reform represents the most dramatic event in  recent history. That's why the manner in which the Holy See will remember it is so astonishing. The 1965 Missal was only a short-lived stage, which has, except the vernacular, so little in common with the actual liturgical reform.  So why the memorial, if it's not the Schmiedls, but the Schmieds who will be  thought of in four years, namely the actual liturgical reform of 1969?  Is the representation meant to  awaken by the intermediate stage and fuzzy representations, the impression that the liturgical reform was covered by the Second Vatican Council?
On the one hand Pope Francis is giving the most attention and the same day  to the memory to the reform, on the other hand, it should be a quick visit. The amount budgeted for the Pope's visit time is "extremely small,"  Chiesa e postconcilio says:  The time for celebration will be followed by a quick greeting to the community of the Order of the Sons of Divine Providence of Don Orione, who oversee the parish, and a short stop in the garden of the associated school. The visit is organized by the Secretariat of State and not by the Prefect of the Pontifical Household, as would be usual.

The Unofficial Representation

"The reason for this is not found naturally in official documents, but it can be heard in all corridors in the offices of the Holy See: They are afraid of reactions of the  'conservatives'" said the well-informed,  traditional Roman Blog Chiesa e postconcilio .
Chiesa e postconcilio finds the Vatican's concern about "conservative" reactions amusing, because "in the past 50 years there had been  no protests of traditional Catholics, nor 'conservatives', against the Missal of 1965 and it is not against the Novus Ordo Missae  from 1969."  It was and will be pointed on the diminutio of the Novus Ordo.
Chiesa e postconcilio writes: "More than 'reactions' of the 'conservatives'.  but the reasons for the 'conservatives' are  to be feared.The test run of the Novus Ordo was carried out in 1967, mind you in Latin, and retired in most fierce criticism. The affirmative vote of the first Synod of Bishops was clearly in the minority. The reason was that in 1967 it was rejected, but nevertheless the Mass introduced in 1969 was fundamentally different from that of the 1965 Missal.

"Reform of the Reform:"  Missale 1962 and Missale 1969 Merged in the Missale 1965?

The 1965 Missal was actually exactly what the Council had wanted: the Liturgy of the Word in the vernacular, the Eucharistic celebration in Latin, plenty of space for the laity, including the most expendable "prayer of the faithful", which included seemingly  daring simplification of many parts of the liturgy etc. This is the view of Pope Benedict XVI., who followed the even greater liturgist Klaus Gamber. We will probably never know whether the "reform of the reform" Benedict should have been in the unlikely attempt to bring together the 1962 Missal and the Missal of 1969 based on the 1965 Missal. It's an experiment which would not have satisfied both  Catholics and the modernists. But so it goes with all attempts to impose from above a theoretical basis of liturgy and spirituality.
A  rapidly assembled  1965 Missal  was expected to wrest the liturgy from 'the crazy reformers', but it reached the exact opposite.  There the Protestant taste of the 'reformers' was not sufficiently revolutionary, it disappeared  quickly into oblivion with  Annibale Bugnini  whose actions can never be deplored enough.

Contempt by "Reformers"

Given that we haven't even experienced and we are not experiencing protests by faithful Catholics, but the exact opposite, namely a decided opposition without ifs and buts and full of contempt on the part of many too many bishops and priests against the traditional rite, who were driven by a current, which has now become a raging flood.
All this would actually be incredible enough, had we not have been bludgeoned repeatedly and had the contempt of those  we feel should be shepherds and supports to us actually, instead of recognizing our spiritual sensitivity that we the might prefer the Roman Rite antiquior. It is not something that became  today, but that of two thousand years of the Church and belongs to the whole Church, a universal and eternal Rome. A universal law of the Church, the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum assures us that right. And so it was also confirmed by Cardinal Burke in his recent interview.

Not afraid of "Reactions", but the Reasons of Tradition

We are not obligated to the reasons ,  who for us the shining power of dogmas and if yet is not able to warm  priestly (?) hearts of those that are currently tearing down all the walls, but are ready and respectfully as ever to follow the current pope, while he has ignored or defied his predecessors. And it seems as though there is nothing of which  the masters of the newly proclaimed tenderness   could be mildly persuaded. 
So what do they have to fear? Our weapons are the rosary, adoration and loyalty. If anything, they would do well to fear the Lord, whose mercy has never been separated from His righteousness," said Chiesa e postconcilio .
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Parrocchia Ognissanti
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

"Renaissance" Not "Reconquista" -- Cardinal Marx: "The Church's Doctrine Must Develop Further"

(Munich) Archbishop Reinhard Marx of Cardinal of Munich and Freising was interviewed for the March issue of the French Jesuit journal Etudes. In it he says that the Church needs "Renaissance" and not "Reconquista." At the Synod of Bishops of the cardinal spoke of an "open Synod" on the family, because "the teaching office may continue to develop."
"We do not need religious entrepreneurs, but witnesses of both genders," says the President of the German Bishops' Conference (DBK) and a member of the C9 Cardinal Council to advise Pope Francis. The Italian translator of the interview for Vatican insider who knew what to do with the German gender-speech, translated the site with "Zeugen und Zeugnisses."[Inclusive language for the word witness has no English equivalent.]
"An important step toward reaching people is the step towards self-evangelization," said the most powerful German prelate dialectically. The Chairman of the President of the European Bishops' Conferences COMECE also said: "We ourselves as a church must read the Gospel again and again and learn to live with it."

"The term 'New Evangelization' gives me problems"

March issue of "Etudes" with Marx Interview
The term "new evangelization" is a concept, said the Cardinal, which causes him "problems". "I admit that I 'have my problems with the concept of the new evangelization. It could be confused with the model of a spiritual, Reconquista,' as it is a question of reconquering lost ground. But it's not about restoration or repetition of what once was, but a new beginning, a new approach, in a new situation. And it is not simply a communication problem. This would mean that if we had more people and more money and more media coverage, we could achieve the goal. I can accept very well the concept but if it is to emphasize that we do have, not only in Europe, but as a whole, in a new situation for the faith and we must respond with renewed thinking. Actually, this is really a process that the whole Church goes through throughout history. The Gospel is always new, Ecclesia semper iuvenescens, the Church is always young, so the Church Fathers have said.
Because with "many concepts and discussions about new evangelization, I have the impression that many think: The great history of Christianity lies behind us and ahead of us is an insecure and rather frightening future. So you can not evangelize in any case,"  said the cardinal.
The Church can bring the Gospel " forth in all fields of human activity, thought,  adding value to commerce, continuity, and questions to think about. The cultural workers, politicians, philosophers and artists are open to conversations and meetings. I experience this again and again. But in our words, actions, in our liturgy, public appearance,  and in the specific pastoral care on site it must be visible through the quality of our work. I think in this context often of the term "Renaissance". Yes, I believe in a renaissance of the Christian faith, but it is a long way of deep religious and spiritual renewal," said Archbishop Marx of Munich.

Synod: "Will Decide the Future Prospects of the Church in the Field of Marriage, and Family"

At the Synod of Bishops on the family  the cardinal said, "Clearly  on one side, great expectations were awakened while fears were aroused on the other side. All this has been shown during the discussion in the Synod Hall and in the working groups. The Holy Father has made it clear once again in his closing speech, just how much he has also  appreciated and desired  open debate. This is an important step forward. For particularly in the field of marriage and family the future prospects of the Church will be decided. It is too early for an appraisal. After one Synod, there is another Synod! "
The Pope, according to Marx, "guarantees unity with  tradition and the Church's unity internally. But that is why it is necessary to openly argue with each other in a spiritual way about the future path of the Church in these existential questions that clearly touch  almost all people and all the faithful." "Of course you have to make sure that it will not be a political-tactical process. I do not know if we have always avoided this. It requires a fundamental openness and a real confidence to find common ground. There may indeed be no winners and losers at the end of a synodal path, but all need each other to try and think of others and our new common steps going into the future," said Cardinal Marx.

"Doctrine of the Church must Develop"

Basically the DBK- President described  the family Synod like this: "In teaching, the Church must indeed develop without giving up its  position, but throughout the entire history of the Church, its dogma is still developing and has been deepened. This is also true with regard to marriage and family. So there is no end point for the search for truth."
The "open society" is at this moment of time "yet, is also progress in  the gospel. So the question is not whether the majority share in our opinion, but whether we are also a pluralistic society that still has something to say to our way of life and our thoughts and many can win the way for many to follow  the Gospel in the fellowship of the visible Church"  said Cardinal Reinhard Marx for Etudes .
The complete German translation of the interview was published by the German Jesuit journal Stimmen der Zeit.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: MiL
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Vatican Official Retreats on Lawsuit Against Blogger

Edit: this influential Vatican official never intended to follow through with the case? Wise move but it's more like he didn't have a case, and the apparent removal of one of his associates for defaming Cardinal Burke might have made him rethink his course of action. In any event, in a recent public statement he is attempting to back away from the situation, apparently complaining about the true statements made about him being vitriolic. Sounds like damage control.

Father Rosica is at the head of Salt and Light, a three million dollar a year operation with 25 employees that enjoys the support of Tony Gagliano, CEO of Saint Joseph Communications and had the pro bono support of one of Canada's high end law firms, according to Michael Voris.

In any event it's hard to see how making empty threats will discourage bloggers from criticizing the heretical Basilian in the future. We assume Vox Cantoris has neither removed the offending posts nor apologized.

Rather than being concerned about the professional destruction of people harmful to the Church, like perhaps Father Timothy Scott who deserves to be fired, perhaps Father Rosica should reflect on the irreparable damage to souls done by his endorsement of heresy?

Crux News covers the story thus (As predicted, btw):

ROME — Despite a frenzy in the conservative Catholic blogosphere, a high-profile priest who volunteers as an English-language assistant to the Vatican press office says he’s not planning to take legal action against a Canadian blogger who had criticized him, and considers the matter closed.

The Rev. Thomas Rosica, also a Canadian, said Wednesday he never planned to sue the blogger, and also insisted that he’s not a “high-ranking Vatican official” and hence there was never any prospect of the Vatican taking action.

On Feb. 17, Rosica sent David Domet, a musician who runs a blog called “Vox Cantoris,” a letter through the Toronto-based law firm Fogler, Rubinoff demanding the removal of nine statements that Domet had posted about Rosica. The letter said the statements were “false and defamatory for suggesting that the priest is dishonest, untrustworthy, and willing to act unethically to further his own agenda.”

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The World Honors Passing of Heretical Father Theodore Hesburg

Edit: he's done much to destroy the American Catholic Church, but there he lies in good standing, being praised by the scions of Cultural Marxism.

The Church has been under occupation by alien forces for many a year and none have tried to stop them.

Here's the fawning obituary by CNS:

NOTRE DAME, Ind. (CNS) -- Ryan Leahy of Chicago walked up to an employee on the snow-covered campus of the University of Notre Dame March 3 and asked her to take a photo of him and his family members in front of the school's iconic gold dome.

Though the family reunion of sorts was chronicled with that snapshot, they came together for another well-known Notre Dame pillar.

They traveled from different regions of the U.S. to attend two days of services honoring the life of their friend, Holy Cross Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, the longest serving president of the university, from 1952 to 1987, who died Feb. 26 at the age of 97.

A man holds a program with an image of Holy Cross Father Theodore Hesburgh at a visitation and wake for the late priest March 3 at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on the campus of the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. Father Hesburgh, former president of the university, died Feb. 26 at age 97. (CNS/University of Notre Dame)

As Ryan Leahy huddled with his brother Patrick and father James, both of who traveled from Yakima, Washington, they took a moment to discuss with Catholic News Service their family's connection with Father Ted and his legacy.

"My father, who was Frank Leahy, the athletic director and head football coach here and Father Ted Hesburgh had a very interesting relationship," said James Leahy, a 1969 graduate of Notre Dame.

When Father Hesburgh arrived at Notre Dame in the 1940s, the Indiana Catholic campus was best known for its football excellence, and when he became president of the school in 1952, he vowed to turn the university into great academic institution, "which of course he did," James Leahy said.

"He and my father probably had conflict over the importance of football and academics," James Leahy said, and the two men later concluded that both were important for the success of Notre Dame.

The Leahys were among hundreds of people who arrived at the Indiana campus on the cold and dreary day of March 3 to pay tribute to Father Hesburgh, who is not only credited with transforming Notre Dame into one of the nation's premier higher-education institutions, he was considered a trailblazer in civil and human rights.

Father Hesburgh's work with several popes and U.S. presidents was highlighted during an evening wake service March 3 at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on the Notre Dame campus.

When he was appointed to serve on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who created it, the priest "did not have much experience in this great scourge on American rights," said Holy Cross Father Edward A. Malloy during the wake service. "But, he was a quick learner."

Father Malloy, who succeeded Father Hesburgh as Notre Dame's president and served in the post until June 2005, recalled an image of Father Hesburgh linking arms with civil rights leader the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and singing, "We Shall Overcome"; his work on immigration reform; his realized vision to create an institute of peace at Notre Dame; and his tireless work for nuclear disarmament.

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Church in Canada: Campaign for Life and Against Secularism

(Ottawa) hardly noticed by the Catholic public is a major confrontation between Catholic faithful on the one hand and modernist shepherds and their secular apparatus found in Canada on the other. 
This is particularly striking, since Canada was once upon a time, despite being long problematic, a fertile area for the Roman Catholic Church.
In the East, for more than four centuries of French-speaking Catholic presence there were many great missionaries, including many Jesuits, many martyrs, there was active missionary activity and deep roots in the French-Canadian population.
In the western part of  Anglophone Canada there is a strong presence of immigrants from Catholic countries with strong influences from the United States and Great Britain, both religious and typical characteristics as usually occurs through contact and dealing with Anglican and Protestant denominations.

Blooming Church under Pressure

Over the past 50 years, this structure was put under  very severe stress, such as is well documented on the website www.dici.org.
In the French-speaking areas,  a vast laicization of  the population occurred. The 2nd Vatican Council and its local "implementation" ensured a huge disorientation among the local clergy and the absence of substance and liturgical debauchery brought great alienation underway of the original  majority portion of the devout Catholic population of the Church.
Many churches, including cathedrals are closed, sold, profaned, often demolished. Nevertheless, the main activity of many now numerically very small dioceses (up to 8,000 believers) appears to be combating the Society of St. Pius X  (as it is now in the diocese of Chicoutimi, where the bishop has never had a zeal for new evangelization.) 

Sanctuary Oratory of Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal Montreal (1937 under construction)
Since believers have thus organized a visit by a priest of the SSPX there in Saguenay, nerves are on edge. First, in the journey was  the  visitation of the aging Augustinian monastery where a 90 year old nun almost collapsed with joy, because for after over half a century, at last there was a Catholic priest in cassock at the door (so much for the ordinary pastoral care).
Second, Father has celebrated a Mass in the traditional rite on 15 February 2015, which caused a lot of interest among the people thirsting for religion, but in the diocese, it lead to the worst threats and has led to imprecations  not to participate in this.
A very strange reaction, the secularization in the French-speaking Quebec once the most Catholic place  in the world, with a 95% decline of practicing Catholics  from 1965 to now. Many religious retreat, or merge with the Anglo-Canadian brothers and sisters. Consider as a particularly significant example since the once very great and proud Jesuit province of Quebec had its own  seminary  in the English Jesuit province of Canada.

Evaporation of the Catholic Order

The Canadian  Conference of Religious  numbers at the moment its number of communities / religious houses to 200, with approximately 16,000 members, of whom 94 percent were older than 60 years and not less than 50 percent were older than 80 years!
In Anglo Canada, however, the Roman Catholics are significantly closer to their faith and Catholic doctrine   with her younger tradition of immigration (Irish, Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese, Filipinos). The members are on average younger and there is also a higher percentage of young religious.
At the same time there, through, the neighborhood with the USA and by a common language, close contacts and similar conduct cause problems and threats. The clergy and the bishops especially, are usually  very progressive and very interested in dialogue and understanding of the world. Also some orders with a focus in Canada are very modernist leaning: particularly known here are the "Basilian Fathers".

Secularization pressure by the State

For several years, an aggressive campaign for the right to abortion, gender, for early and rabid sex education in schools and the special feature of the man-woman-child family is now run by the secular state, very similar to the US and in France. In contrast, strong protest has developed, for example by the Campaign for Life Coalition, by PAFE (Parents as Educators First) by REAL Women of Canada.  Legally, they fight their way through with the CCRL (Catholic Civil Rights League) against the paternalism of the state.
The bishops, however, has surrendered long ago. Cardinal Thomas Collins of the Archdiocese of Toronto, to dialogue with the world and avoid conflicts and understanding modernity, announced recently in the statement: "Schools have a responsibility to teach the curriculum set out by the Ministry of Education" (Schools have an obligation to inform the curriculum of the Ministry of Education). He thus revealed the identity of the free Catholic schools.

Surrender of the bishops, opposition of parents

The secular state justifies itself that the Institute of Catholic Education had (founded in 1986 by the Episcopal Conference) demanded this and  (occupied by progressive loving people) a committee has given its consent by Cardinal Collins' feedback and advice. "
Meanwhile, tens of thousands of parents have signed a protest petition to the government and to the Canadian episcopate. 
There are very detailed and engaged reports on the internet. The website www.LifeSiteNews.com has provided an extensive article and linked it with the statement of Cardinal Robert Sarah: "Detaching pastoral practice from catholic doctrine is a dangerous schizophrenic pathology." The statement comes from the book "Dieu ou Rien" (God or Nothing) by Cardinal Sarah, published in Paris by Fayard, from the strange to say disappearing of the previously mentioned foreword by Pope em. Benedict XVI. (see separate report ).

Feeble episcopate

The Synod of Bishops on the Family 2015 is awaited in Catholic Canada with the eyes of Argus.
Much attention was given an obscene insult upon Cardinal Raymond Burke on 7 February 2015, produced by Father Timothy Scott, the longtime spokesman for the Basilian Fathers . Only after massive protests was the tweet deleted on 22 February 2015. To date, it is unknown whether this priest continues as a spokesman for the Basilian Fathers. This order  only offered  a short "Sorry too".
The Canadian episcopate is silent (as the French episcopate is in the Manif pour Tous and the Veilleurs ). From the Vatican you can hear nothing.

Abuse scandal

A particularly explosive situation in Canada is  related to some of the largest and most heinous mass abuse cases in the Church took place here. A native of West Flanders, Oblate missionary Eric Dejaegher was sentenced to a very long prison sentence just as the end of January 2015. Another hearing  against him will take place in Edmonton Alberta. At the St. Joseph's College in Edmonton, incidentally, the aforementioned Father Timothy Scott was rector.
Many diocese have come to penury because of  large payments of compensation for abuses by church representatives.  In 2013 the closing reports of two churches in the Archdiocese of Antigonish were due to financial problems that involved giving compensation.

See the current picture

Highly sensitized and motivated militant believers; serious wrongdoing within the church; fundamental threat to the Church's teaching; Contempt and obscenity against brave reputable cardinals; feeble shepherds, articulated for the world spirit; serious financial problems and pastoral withdrawal across a broad front. In Canada, there seems to be no longer a local skirmish engagement before the main argument. Instead, here is already an enormous pitched battle in a minefield.
Text: Amand Timmermans
image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Luxury Apartments Instead of Churches in New York

(Washington) Fewer churches, more houses. Even luxury homes. Something like this could  be  the motto of estate agents in New York. The real estate market of New York is booming. Although the eight million inhabitants, only grows to a more modest degree, about 0.2 percent each year, but the demand for housing remains strong. More and more single households and higher demand will be satisfied. So real estate speculators eagerly spy for the churches of the city. Numerous churches are risking soon to be demolished to make way for luxury condominiums.
Some are already gone. Thus the Church of Saint Vincent de Paul of Williamsburg in Brooklyn. She was sold, according to USA Today, for 13.8 million dollars. Today there is a building there with 40 apartments. Each of them can be rented at the price of 4,250-5,500 dollars a month. Another example is the Church of Mary Help of Christians in the East Village. Soon the church of Our Lady of Vilnius in Lower Manhattan at the entrance to the Holland Tunnel connecting New York and New Jersey. For them, a $13 million price was paid. In their place, a 18-storey residential building is to be built.

Rising costs, declining demand

Church of Our Lady of Vilnius will soon be discontinued
In the Upper East Side, the Church of Our Lady of Peace should belong to the demolition of candidates. The Church was built in 1886 by the German-American community, and was later became the home of Italians . It is located in a historic part of the city. The church facade is a listed building. No problem for the real estate industry. The facade will be preserved behind a modern building with luxury apartments. The historic façade will bring  a special flair to the living space of future owners.
Just one kilometer away  the Church of Saint Thomas More could be demolished. It is the church which was visited by Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. There, the memorial service for her murdered husband, US President John F. Kennedy took place.
Reason for the feverish pursuit of  churches by the real estate industry is the announcement of the Archdiocese of New York, to merge parishes and close some churches  by year end. This is due to rising maintenance costs, shortage of priests and decline of practicing believers. Archbishop Timothy Dolan, Cardinal, announced that his archdiocese will no longer spend $ 40 million to maintain the parishes that do not need it.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Vatican Insider / Curbed NY (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Monday, March 2, 2015

Pope Assigns Another Controversial Ordinary to a Major Archdiocese

Edit: Old Liberal "crux now" can barely contain its enthusiasm for the next seamless garment, Bernardin, "moderate" appointment by the allegedly misunderstood Pope Bergoglio.

 The new ordinary of San Diego was consecrated by Archbishop George Hugh Niederauer, who retired  with his partner, Cardinal Levada, to a cute residence in Long Beech, California, just outside of Los Angeles, as Pope Benedict's retirement played out.  The average cost of a home in Long Beech is a little less than half-a-million dollars.

Meanwhile, Whispers in the Loggia believes this appointment will be difficult for military retirees and military personnel in San Diego, since he's a peacenik who writes for "America".

[Crux] Robert W. McElroy, an auxiliary bishop in San Francisco and a leader in the Catholic Church’s social justice wing, will be named to head of the Diocese of San Diego Tuesday, Crux has learned.
The announcement will be made official Tuesday morning in Rome, with an installation date of April 15. McElroy, 61, has written extensively about the Church’s social justice mission, promoting Catholic engagement with society that places economic and human rights issues on par with abortion and same-sex marriage.
“We are called to see the issues of abortion and poverty, marriage and immigrant rights, euthanasia and war, religious liberty and restorative justice, not as competing alternatives often set within a partisan framework, but as a complementary continuum of life and dignity,” he wrote in America magazine in October 2013.

Quo Vadis: President of German Bishops' Council Wants to Give the Church to Prince of this World

Attempt to take stock after the Spring Plenary Meeting of the German Bishops' Conference. A kath.net commentary by Dr. Michael Schaefer to statements by Cardinal Marx and Bishop Bode

Hildesheim (kath.net) The German bishops and with them German Catholicism have stood against each other for many years in a growing tension. On one side is the felt the compulsion to defend Catholic doctrine within the meaning of the two previous Popes, and on the other hand, the desire to find a place for social development of the nation. This feeling of tension was reinforced by two other factors: one is the persistent depression in the face of accelerating and organizational measures barely glossing over the decline of Church life; on the other hand, the pressure of a predominantly 'reform-oriented' ecclesiastical system.

Ever since the introduction of the so-called dialogue process ("so-called" because it was played out with handpicked representatives of the ecclesiastical establishment largely behind closed doors) it became apparent that the willingness continue to bear the tension described, was on the wane. It suddenly become known by the two family synods in the world Church, that the question of divorced and remarried presented itself in the eyes of many bishops as the opportunity of a pastoral accommodation for one of the "hot potatoes" without making a too substantial shift from the teaching of the Church. It must have become all the harder after the Synod of last autumn in the insight tha a clear "yes" required for the proposed new features, as the promised majority (90% + x) of the world Church, was not possible.

With the Spring Plenary Assembly ended, the bishops have decided, and probably also irreversibly, started to take the bull by the horns. It is now clear that the German episcopate will take in the question of the divorced and remarried quite independently of the Synodal discussions in October in its own way. The battle cry of "We are not branches of Rome" can in make no room for interpretation in this matter.

The bishops should be clear that the "pastoral solution" to the question of the divorced and remarried can only be a beginning of the end for much of Catholic sexual morality. Because this is so in consideration of an oversized ball and chain for all those who want to be on equal footing with the surrounding society. Bishop Bode has with his notification on the necessary evaluation of cohabitation before marriage, a clear indication given that it - and certainly not just him - there there is a mandatory need for a program of increasing acceptance.

One would severely miss the importance of the meeting at Hildesheim, if they confined their views on the question of the divorced and remarried. Cardinal Marx (including obviously preeminent among the potential "dissident" bishops of Regensburg, Passau and Eichstätt) not only brought this issue forth with his brothers, but staged a coup in a major way. "The great history of Christianity is not behind us but before us" - this is not just a pithy statement, but an expression of a quite specific vision.

According to this vision it is from now on that Christianity will not come from the past, to read the tradition, but to design the future "experimentally". Faith cannot "be kept as a treasure", for the Church had rather take in view its upcoming world-historical mission: to be "useful for the unity of the human family." In the globalized world, it needs a religion that would bring together people from different backgrounds and to understand and moderate social tensions associated with the process of globalization. And no religion is better suited for this task than Christianity. "A globalized, universal church in a globalized world."

One can not deny the brilliance of this vision and the optimism with which it is presented.

The church that doesn't take itself too seriously, but is completely absorbed in the service of humanity - doesn't that sound wonderful? What role can it play faced by such tasks, yesterday the mood still hard pressing with facts about church attendance, lack of priests, etc?

The Church as an entirely positive, respectful, understanding, life-companion of individuals in small and humanity at large - does not cut through the Gordian knot of an ailing institution at a stroke? Can not the Church apparatus happily gather again behind its chiefs under this program? An inveterate Philistine who does not follow that and rejects the new epoch! And yet it is probably inevitable that the pathway outlined here is critically examined.

Will the morality of the Catholic Church really be disposed of so easily in questions of human sexuality? How much responsibility will be needed (according to Bishop Bode is now next to Scripture and Tradition as a further theological knowledge source!) Not to interfere with the "real life world of men"? And even if the program falls to the dregs (Fifty Shades of Grey salutations): who in this society is concerned that his sexual practice is calculated and approved by the Catholic Church?

Even more fundamentally, is the now constantly touted contrast between the dented and dirty Church, "out on the street" for the people and the Church, from "within" is thrilled with the pure, but ultimately useless truth would not be an arrant bugbear? Does not just their knowledge of the self stand based on this truth, the Church always enables them to be with us and fills them with a burning desire to bring these people from "outside" to "inside"? Is faith not yet a treasure and should it not be protected very well in a world, whose church assisted unity according to all experience violently opposes it? Can the Church still claim of itself to be the foundation established by the Lord Jesus Christ, if it does not quite specifically give the graces to the people who are entrusted to her alone, to whom the Lord entrusted them alone and whose charge wasn't just the membership of the human family, but is implied by the inclusion in the "Una Sancta"? Can they "live usefully" sub specie aetemitatis without recalling to the people every day, the hard evangelical truths of sin, justice, and to do penance?

And since when has the Church been at all interested in being part of "great historical moments?"

German Catholics will have to ask themselves whether they want to go with the upstream in the last days and the chosen path. Whether for the pottage of lentils, they will accept a "great future as a tool of the unity of the global human family" giving up the principle of the Apostle Paul, "tradidi quod et accepi - I have handed down to you what I have received."

Perhaps there are not so few who will come to the conclusion that: non possumus!

Dr. phil. Michael Schäfer was assistant of the Romano Guardini Chair of the LMU Munich and works in the management of a Stuttgart-based, international management consultancy. He leads the blog summa-summarum.blogspot.de

Link to Kath.net... Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com AMDG