Friday, January 30, 2015

Is the Pope Going to Dismiss the Swiss Guard?

(Rome) For months, there have been rumors that the Argentine Pope could abolish the Pontifical Swiss Guard. In recent days, the speculation has intensified. This is due to the dismissal of Colonel Daniel Rudolf Anrig, commander of the Swiss Guard. On December 1, 2014 Pope Francis had fired Anrig a native of the canton of St. Gallen. Reasons were not disclosed. The media claimed that it could have been due to the "severity" of the colonel who commanded the papal guard unit since 2008. Daniel Rudolf Anrig will be  officially dismissed as part of a military ceremony tomorrow.
The fact that Pope Francis has appointed no successor has fueled speculation about the dismissal of the Papal Guard. In an interview with the Argentine newspaper La Nacion, the Pope spoke highly of the dismissed Colonel Anrig. He was a "great person, a good Catholic, with a beautiful family." His dismissal was merely concerned with a "healthy and normal renewal," said the head of the Church. Since then there has been puzzling over what Pope Francis mean by a "healthy and normal renewal".

Quirky gestures, telegenic looseness or ...

Pope salutes Guards
In Rome, it is an open secret that the Argentine Pope knows little what to do with the tradition of the Swiss Guards Corps. Because of quirky gestures it has been speculated that the Pope has little respect for order and work of other show. Once he saluted one guard, as US Presidents are wont to do. So it seems inappropriate when a civilian performs a military salute, as well as  the doubt creating the suggestion around the  papal scene whether the Pope maybe just made a joke.  Another time he went in passing a Guard and shook his hand. The young man laughed sheepishly on the out-of protocol gesture in camera flashes. The protocol was not the focus. The Pope had sufficient opportunity to go off the TV cameras to his guards.
Some observers see in Jorge Mario Bergoglio's phenomenal sense of pleasing and being prone to the media as  the surest guarantee of the continued existence of the 500-year-old guard. They are telegenic and strikingly colorful because of the old uniforms, so they will not be dismissed by the Pope. That the announcement of Colonel Anrig's dismissal was carried out during the ad limina-visit of  the Swiss Bishops speaks for others against this assumption. A mere courtesy toward   the Swiss bishops does not fit.

Protecting the Pope Since 1506

Swearing-in of recruits
The Swiss Guard was established in 1506. Since then it has monitored the Pope and the Apostolic residences for their protection.  It is the only guard  from the Papal States, which has been preserved. Most military corps went down with the Papal States in 1870. The enduring guards, such as the Noble Guard and the Palatine Guard were simultaneously disbanded by Pope Paul VI. with the liturgical reform in 1970.
The Pontifical Swiss Guard is not a  guard of Vatican City or the Church, but a bodyguard of the Pope. They agree to defend the integrity of the Pope with their lives. While the See is vacant, the guards have to ensure the safe conduct of the conclave as a new pope is enthroned.  It is exclusively of Catholic Swiss nationals who have already done their military service in Switzerland and must not be older than 30 on entering and must be single.
In some Catholic Swiss Families the establishment has always been a  tradition that a family member serves the Pope. The swearing in of new recruits will take place in a ceremony every year. Each recruit takes the oath in his native language (see  Defending the Pope With Their Lives - the Swiss Guard recruits sworn in ).
Once there were numerous Swiss Guards of the militarily efficient germanic mountain people. Thus  the King of France had a bodyguard of Swiss and also the Roman-German Emperor in Vienna, which is recalled in the Schweizertor the Hofburg. The Papal Swiss Guard is the only one that still exists today and is one of the most traditional military organizations in the world.
A year ago when Anrig's predecessor, Colonel Elmar Mader, retired, he caused a stir when he spoke of the existence of a homosexual "secret society" at the Vatican, which constitutes a "security risk".
To date, there is only speculation and the familiar shooting in the weeds. Remarkable it is that it could ever come to such speculation. This has to do with certain known signals and especially with a perceived climate.

Bishop Synod: Cardinal Baldisseri and Archbishop Paglia Report to Pope Francis

(Rome) On January 28, Pope Francis has received the General of the Synod of Bishops , Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri in audience. He was received with   the Under Secretary of the Synod of Bishops, Curia Bishop Fabio Fabene. Baldisseri was before his appointment and being made Cardinal, Secretary of the College of Cardinals, Fabene was Deputy Bureau Chief of the Secretariat of the College of Cardinals.
Today, Friday, the President of  the Pontifical Council for the Family, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia Curia, was received in audience.
From 22th-24th January a Conference was held in advance of the Synod of Bishops on the family for next October in Rome. The Pontifical Council on Family had invited more than 80 of the world's most important Catholic laymen in the family area. The declared aim was to hear the opinion of lay representatives on the subject of the Synod. Cardinal Baldisseri was also present.
Unlike what was evidently expected, the lay movements almost unanimously rejected from the "new family" agenda of the Kasper-line. This provoked a violent slugfest between the angry Cardinal Baldisseri and lay representatives.
Neither the Pontifical Council on Family, the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops nor the Press Office of the Vatican published an explanation after. Following the official Vatican pronouncements, one might get the impression that the meeting never took place.
The audiences for Cardinal Baldisseri, Curial Bishop Fabene and Curial Archbishop Paglia were in connection with the preparation of the final Synod of Bishops on the Family. The Curia representatives meeting  Pope Francis, apparently  were to inform him, inter alia, on the course of the conference with the lay movements.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Vanishing Faith in the Eucharist is Reason for Priest Shortage

Bishop Klaus Küng with Graduates of the
Philosophical-Theological College of
St. Pölten
(Vienna) Bishop Klaus Küng of St. Pölten in Lower Austria has indentified that the decline of faith is the reason for the lack of priestly vocations. The bishop described the dwindling "faith in the Eucharist, that Jesus Christ himself is present, that the sacrifice he has taken on the cross is made ​​present," as the reason for the shortage of priests, which is a "'great tribulation" for  the Church.  Bishop Küng said last Wednesday before the Thomas Academy at the Philosophical-Theological College St. Pölten.  There are "astonished eyes" in the church "when we call priests from Poland, India and Africa to us." Often celibacy is responsible for the increasing shortage of priests, but the real reason was the "disappearance of faith," said Bishop Küng. It should also be less the Church, which - as often claimed - a "unintelligible language", but rather the "life of the people, consumer behavior and bustle" that they "hard receptive to the message of Christ" do.
Throughout history, the Church has often resembled a "wild garden". But it has ever been "newly planted and watered" again and again. So in spite of everything today, said the Bishop. "seeds" would germinate and bear fruit and that applies to every believer as well as  family, community and church.  God counted on  a "sower" to ensure "that we lend him voice, hands and heart and through our personal testimony to multiply the faith," said Klaus Küng, who has led, since 2004, the Diocese of St. Pölten. Previously, he was the  bishop of Feldkirch (Vorarlberg) for 15 years.   Küng who belongs to Opus Dei is going to finish his 75th year this coming September 17.  It is believed that Pope Francis is going to emeritus him in the fall.

Eucharist is the "Beating Heart" of the Church

As a consultant   the nun, Sister Maria Lisa Haim, also spoke on the Holy Eucharist as the "vital principle" and "beating heart" of the Church. The entire daily life of the Church would be strengthened and invigorated by it, such as preaching and diaconal life. The Second Vatican Council  Eucharist, therefore,  described the Eucharist as "the source and summit of the Christian life."  The  decree "Lumen Gentium", since it is the sacrament that love, "which comes from God and Jesus bids  his disciples do as he has" says Sr. Haim., who herself belongs to the  pontifically recognized Community, Pro Deo et Fratribus - Family of Mary,  while she is also a graduate of the Philosophical-Theological College St. Pölten. Her community  which belongs to the priestly community Work of Jesus the High Priest (OJSS) has taken over the former Servite House of Gratzen (Nove Hrady) and looks after the nearby pilgrimage site of Maria Brünnl (Dobra Voda) in the former German-South Bohemia (Sudetenland) near the border to Austria.

Protect Life from Conception to Natural death

As part of the Thomas Academy  two theses of the graduates from  the  Philosophical-Theological College  were also presented about the right to life. Julia Blaimschein spoke on "The moral Status of Human Embryos."  She showed five arguments, the "good reasons" there are to protect the human embryo after conception. 
Eva Doppelbauer, former spokeswoman for, spoke about "Euthanasia as a Conspiracy Against Life". The speaker warned of the "case of pity" and pointed out that  a slow but steady shifting of arguments and steps will lead towards the legalization of euthanasia.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Philosophical-Theological College of St. Pölten (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches....

Petition to Pope Francis

January 19, 2015:  Dissident Catholic pressure groups -- aided by the liberal media -- are feverishly working to dismantle vital Church teaching on marriage and family at the next Synod on the Family in Rome.
In fact, they are bombarding the Holy Father and the Synod Fathers right now with messages of revolt against traditional moral values as they clamor for "change, change, change" inside the Church.
At this critical time, we must defend the truth and ask the Holy Father to protect the future of the family.
TFP Student Action is joining forces with over 20 more pro-family groups around the world to collect as many signatures as possible before the next Synod starts. This prayerful petition is a worldwide effort.  Everyone is invited to sign.
May God reward you.

H/t Mazara

Satirical Magazine "Barcelona" Celebrates Pope Francis' Stance on Aberrosexuality by Calling him "Faggot"

Edit: seems to us that whatever Catholic apologists writing for a conservative audience might think, the overwhelmingly Leftist world press reads his message loud and clear.  Barcelona Revista is a "satirical magazine" with a circulation of 30,000, according to Wikipedia. We got this story from one of the regular posters.  Putazo is a term often used affectionately between males who are good friends in a vulgar but jocose manner.
The satirical magazine Argentina Barcelona published in its latest issue a controversial cover bearing an image of Pope Francis in makeup under the headline "Putazo". [Faggot]
The medium was referring to the opening being impulse by Jorge Bergoglio in the Catholic Church to review aspects as homosexuality and divorce in the Synod on Family taking place in the Vatican .
"Influenced by Francis, the Catholic Church is opened itself for the first time to 'sodomites, inverts and other sufferers of homosexuality'. The decision of the Supreme Pontiff to tolerate Argentine 'effeminates,  depraved', puts an end to centuries of discrimination and moral conviction to begin an era 'friendly to the manfloro [insult against aberrosexuals]'. Are they born priests in a motion as the third sex? Is Bergoglio the 'Pope of the culorrotos'[derogatory slang for aberrosexual] ?"  asks Barcelona on its front.
up"Is a Parody"
In an interview with Radio 10 of Argentina's director of environment, Ingrid Beck , said that only a parody, insisting that there isn't any disrespect to the pontiff. 
"The Church is engaging in a tendency to speak of homosexuals and it was worthy of putting it on the front page," Beck said, adding that "anyway it is about considering whether or not homosexuals are worthy of joining the institution as people, and that is what is disrespectful. "
"It seems there are no limits for humor, you do not have to be, and there are no limits on the news. It's a parody, humor. We work with the absurd," insisted the journalist.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

After 34 Years The Retirement of Egon Kapellari

Bishop Egon Kapellari
(Vienna / Rome) Bishop Egon Kapellari of Graz-Seckau had announced his retirement four days ago. He had just completed his 79th year of life and is expecting release from  his position as supreme pastor of a diocese. Today Pope Francis accepted the resignation of the long-serving and retired the Bishop of Austria.
Egon Kapellari was born on 12 January 1936 at Leoben in Upper Styria. In 1957 he received his doctorate of law at the University of Graz. Then he began at the University of Salzburg with the study of theology. 1964-1981 he was also university chaplain in Graz. In1981 Pope John Paul II. appointed him Bishop of Gurk. The mid-80s Kapellari  was consideredin the progressive climate distant from Rome, the most "Romtreuest" [Most loyal to Rome] among Austrian bishops. When John Paul II. sought to achieve a new direction in the episcopal appointments in the Austrian Church with the retirement of Cardinal Franz König from 1986, it was a quiet time for Bishop Kapellari.

"Quiet" Priest, "no Tribune"

In 2001 he was appointed by John Paul II. from Carinthia back to Styria and appointed  Bishop of Graz-Seckau. At the same time Kapellari was Vice President of the Austrian Bishops' Conference. He is responsible for the areas of liturgy, culture and media.
2011 Kapillari heard a bizarre proposal: priests who do not adhere to celibacy, a fine should be imposed.  Toward   the "priest" initiative, disobedient priests, Kapellari showed himself to be as indecisive as his brother bishops.
In March 2013, Kapellari spoke to Pastor Karl Tropper of St. Veit am Vogau of a ban on preaching, because he had expressed criticism of Islam and homosexuality. Pastor Tropper was come to the attention of the media and was dropped by the bishop and sent to early retirement.
October 2013 Bishop Kapellari had just been appointed the tradition-priest Konrad Sterninnger of parish ministry. Even before the well-known priest entered his new responsibility for three parishes, progressive circles organized a smear campaign against Father Sterninger. The Parish Councils informed the bishop to reject the priest. The Diocese talked about finding a task that  "better" corresponded to "his talents." Since the beginning of 2014 he is the same again provisor the Pilgrimage Church of Frauenberg-Rehkogel in Upper Styria.
In September 2014 Bishop Kapellari forbade a "service for remarried divorcees, gays, lesbians and single mothers" with "Communion for all". The service was organized by a priest, Bernhard Preiss, a disobedient priest of the "priest" initiative and the suspended Deacon Gottfried Url. Kapellari spoke of a rash "go it alone".

However, 34 Years Diocesan Bishop

Both in the cause of Cardinal Gröer (Archdiocese of Vienna) as well as in that  of  almost Bishop Wagner (Diocese of Linz) showed Kapellari a flexible attitude. From progressive he was decried as "conservative", however  the  conservative was  limited, less on the public defense of Catholic doctrine, but rather to  sitting out progressive demands. To them he replicated especially with the neutral warning of a "division" of the Church, without too much content in responding to the questions. In progressive criticism, Kapellari was a "brakeman before the Lord"  (The Lady), therefore, is not entirely wrong. The profile of a strong   preacher of the faith and a spiritual leader who must take responsibility for his diocese, looks different. However, Kapellari never saw himself in a leadership position. "I'm not a tribune of the people," said the quiet, rather shy, episcopal priest in the early years. Nevertheless, he just stood at the head of a diocese  for nearly 34 years. Maybe they in Rome and Vienna are convinced that this is the maximum possible in a time critical of the church. 
The Chapter chose the former Vicar General Heinrich Schnuderl as Administrator. It is expected that Kapellari's successor will not come as diocesan bishop of Styria.
Text: Martha Weinzl
image: Wikicommons (Dnalor 01)

Cardinal Baldisseri Undermines Catholic Teaching on Marriage -- But the Laymovements Say "No, Thank You" to Kasper-line

Cardinal Kasper Baldisseri and the agenda of Pope Francis: Listen to the laity, but silence them,
 if they do not say what you want?
(Rome) Preparations continue for the Synod of Bishops on the family in 2015. The Pontifical Family Council has invited  the leaders of the world's most important Catholic layity to Rome to hear their views on the 46 questions of the new questionnaire from 22 to 24th January, which will be the basis of the Instrumentum laboris  of the Synod. But the result was not as Cardinal Baldisseri, the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops had planned.  The cardinal, who acted as an extended arm of Pope Francis at the Synod of Bishops in 2014, was angry and broke out with rage in his statements against the lay representatives.

Lay movements: Yes to Loving Acceptance, but No to Communion without the State of Grace

Everything went down very discreetly. The communicative Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, appointed by Pope Francis, made no public announcements.  This seems to have to do with the fact that the outcome of the hearing did not meet the expectations of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops. The priest Santiago Martín, founder of the Franciscans of Mary conceived the opinions of lay associations in an essay titled: "Catholic Laity: Discount, No thanks!."
"Virtually all lay movements represented in Rome have spoken out in favor of retaining the traditional doctrine." The outcome of the hearing "would not clear and may be clearer. Practically the whole of those present in Rome, about eighty movements, including the most significant and most members who have spoken in favor of retaining the traditional doctrine. Everyone says that the process of marriage annulments  should be accelerated, but without making a Catholic divorce of it, and that the divorcee is to be met with great love, so that they do not feel excluded from the Church, but without prejudice to the Eucharist becoming devalued and are not allowed access to Communion without being in a state of grace. The base has clearly said, 'Discount, no thank you!' "

Frankness of the Laity, Who do not Like Rome - Cardinal Baldisseri's Indignant Reaction

Cardinal Baldisseri
Laymen were posseed of that those frankness claimed, the Pope Francis in his welcome address had called for the opening of the Synod of Bishops on October 6, 2014. A frankness that a group of cardinals at the Synod revealed by defending Catholic doctrine against the papal supported Kasper-line. Even at the risk, thereby to fall into disgrace with Pope Francis, who actually made ​​an example by the Synod on the Word of leader of the defenders of the indissolubility of marriage.
Accordingly,  Cardinal Baldisseri, the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops reacted angrily to the opinions of the laity. He defended the "right" of Cardinal Kasper against criticism of the laity, to require the approval of adulterers to communion. Cardinal Baldisseri spoke not of adulterers, but of "divorced persons who live in relationships unrecognized by the Church."

Baldisseri: Jesus' Words "Can be Called into Question"

Baldisseri contradicted the lay representatives, and they should "not be surprised", because there are theologians who oppose the teaching of the Church. What was understood by those present was that the Cardinal wanted to say that the Church's teaching is not so clear on the point.
Finally Baldisseri claimed that the dogmas of the Church "evolved" and that "there is no point to hold a synod, if you then just repeat what was always said."
But indignation among those present broke Baldisseris final assertion: "Just because a certain understanding 2000 years ago was in a place that does not mean that it can not be called into question."

Layman Says Words of Jesus Christ are "Immutable Law" and "Can not be Called into Question"

The lay representatives could not wait to give their  ​​reaction. Patrick Buckley, the international representative of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children commenting on the statements Cardinal Baldisseris, said:
"The Church's teaching on the indissolubility of marriage is based on the words of Jesus Christ. These words may have been spoken 2000 years ago, but remain an immutable law of God for the Catholics, nothing more and nothing less. "
Mary Madise, director of Voice of  the Family said: "Cardinal Baldisseri has publicly corrected one delegate, who protested the attacks against the Catholic doctrine. Unmistakably, the same thing did not happen not so shortly afterwards, where another delegate denied the Church's teaching on contraception. One had the impression that there is only one sin today, the defense of what the Church has always taught. "

"Sophistry of Professional Dissidents Does Not Help Suffering Families"

About the overall climate regarding the hearing from   the Roman position, Madise said: "It seemed as if one could discuss just about everything at this conference, including  questions that have already been clarified by the Magisterium of the Church. Such a debate distracts from the task of finding real solutions to the problems encountered by the families really face. The serious evils such as abortion, euthanasia and the attacks on the rights of parents was barely touched on in the discussion. These are some of the key issues that were incidentally also ignores the final report of the Synod in 2014. The suffering  of families is not helped by the subtleties of professional dissenters, whether these are church leaders or laity. "
Voice of the Family called for, considering the "shocking experience" a few days ago in Rome, all Catholics to unite in prayer so the Catholic doctrine affirms marriage and family in any document of the Pontifical Family Council in the wake of the conference and when the Synod of Bishops is formulated in the fall.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Church and Aberrosexual Agenda -- From Stockholm's Lesbian Bishop to Francis' Informal Method

Stockholm's Lesbian Bishopess With Her Partner
(Stockholm) The Lutheran "Church of Sweden" separated de facto in 1526 by the Catholic Church, when King Gustav Vasa of the newly independent Kingdom of Sweden supported the Protestant Revolt. Until 2000, it was the established  church of Sweden.
The most populous Lutheran Diocese of Stockholm is named after the capital of Sweden. It was not established until 1942. Its territory was separated from the old, formerly Catholic diocese of Uppsala and Strängnäs.
Stockholm is considered the liberal flagship diocese in the country. In 1998  Caroline Krook was selected as the first woman bishop. It was followed in 2009 with Eva Avantail as  the first lesbian in Stockholm's Episcopate (pictured).

 Pope Calls Transsexuals Twice

Spanish Transexual  with fiance with the Pope
Where the levees have been burst with the Lutherans for several years, the Catholic Church has firmly held to the revelation of God, that He finds one of the worst abominations to be  homosexuality. As at all times, voices were heard in the past few decades on the zeitgeist issue of homosexuality in the Catholic Church, which represented an "accommodation" of the Church to the world. The more insistent the gay agenda is the articulated social policy, the louder the voices are. Since Pope Francis has taken the reigns, this  request for accommodation seems to have reached the top of the Church Itself.
On January 24, Pope Francis has received a Spaniard in audience, who now presents herself  as a man through a sex change.   According to information which had been released she was with her ​​girlfriend in Seville shopping, when she was called by the Pope. That was on December 20, not as initially reported on Christmas Eve. In this call, the Pope offered the invitation to the Vatican and was already predicting the date and time.  This was already the second phone call from the Pope. The first call was made ​​on December 8, Feast of the Immaculate Conception, and was "a first contact," according to Avvenire , the newspaper of the Italian bishops' conference reported today.

"We Want to Start a Family" - Pope is "Pleased"

In the guesthouse Santa Marta the Pope had embraced the Spaniard, who now calls herself   Diego. Likewise, the friend whom "Diego" brought in the Vatican. The transsexual told the Pope  his "dramatic personal and religious thing," said  Avvenire . The 48 year-old Spaniard today had undergone  gender reassignment at 40 because she felt like a man. Since then they don't "feel" they are  understood any longer in their home parish.
The  transexual wants, with the girlfriend presented to the Pope - actually by his own admission -  to "start a family".  He claims the Pope  said that  "he was pleased".  La Repubblica therefore headlined yesterday: "Pope Francis receives  Spanish Transsexual in the Vatican with His Fiancée."

Move with Pocket Game Trick?

While Catholic teaching on homosexuality has not been previously on the Pope's  lips, he already sent a variety of signals for "opening up." It does not change the explicit teaching, so they may be reduced by defenders of the Pope to pastoral individual cases. However, the published opinion summarizes the various signals and spreads the impression that the Catholic Church is making a complete change under Pope Francis. Above all, the widespread impression that homosexuality is not a serious sin any more. And if that's what the Pope "says", who wants to be "more Catholic than the Pope?"
The procedure is not new. Also the other foci of Pope promotes a gradual de facto change of climate without explicitly touching the Church's teaching. Some Catholic observers try the approach to the gay agenda to be interpreted only as an apparent approach. It's presented as a test by the Pope to take the Church out of the public line of fire.  Secretum meum mihi, however, speaks of a "move" with which Francis only wants  to make it only less vulnerable. He's  known about the resistors, who would cause a change in the expressed teaching. He had developed his own "method", "around" these resistors. Although in real life instead, it provides basic perceptual changes in front of everyone, while critics may be unpleasantly forced to provide written proof, where the Pope had actually changed the doctrine. It's a  billing system which can not be provided because the Pope does not take care of the writing. A "sleight of hand," says the Argentine website Traditio Catholica. The two phone calls in which transsexuals are an indication of a conscious "planned signal" by the Pope for considerable media attention, broad impact, and yet everything is done informally.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Catapulta / La Repubblica (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Monday, January 26, 2015

Pope Receives Transexual With "Girlfriend" -- Papal Approach to the Mainstream?

(Rome) This past weekend, Pope Francis received the Spanish Transgender, Diego Neria Lajarraga. This was reported by the Spanish newspaper Hoy in its Monday edition. Diego is actually a woman and has gained the masculine given name after a sex change. Pope Francis received Diego with his girlfriend.
According to the transsexuals they received a phone call from Pope Francis on Christmas Eve 2014. At the weekend she was now the guest of the head of the Catholic Church in Santa Marta Guest House, received in audience at the Vatican. Neria Lajarraga describes themselves as "practicing Catholics".

Letter to the Pope, the Pope Phone Call and Audience

Last fall, she had written the Pope  a letter complaining that she will be "excluded" as a "practicing Catholic" in her home parish in the Spanish city of Plasencia, since she had undergone a sex change. A priest, said Diego Neria Lajarraga,  even insulted  her as a "daughter of the devil".
Pope Francis read the letter, picked up the phone and invited the   Spaniard and her "girlfriend" in the Vatican. There was no official audience, but one of the many non-protocol-related meetings at which the pontificate of the Argentine Pope is so rich. As the newspaper "Hoy" writes, Diego turned to the Pope because she felt that he would listen to her. Whether Diego also listened to the Pope, is not known. Is not known, nor what the Pope  said to the  woman. All information  has been submitted by Diego Neria Lajarraga. The Holy See did not share even   that the encounter took place.

Catholic Media Goes Silent - Except the German

While the Vatican media are silent, the German section of Vatican Radio [They're probably wildly jubilant.] is the only one who reported on the out-of protocol audience: "Transgender Man Received by Pope" after previously the official Catholic media agencies had adopted in German-speaking countries on the topic.
"The meeting took place against the background of a perceived change of course by some observers to the Vatican Catholic lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT). LGBT lobbying groups have repeatedly emphasized that since taking office two years ago, Francis' moderate tone  would be expressed from the Vatican  in the view of the relevant issues," says ORF online report.

Chronology of a "Rapprochement"

With the promotion of a homosexual [pederast?] priest for personal confidant of the Pope, according to the statement on homosexuality, "Who am I to judge?" And after trying to insert into the synod paper on the family an "opening" toward homosexuality,  the approach between Pope Francis and mainstream has gone further. This is, in any event, the signal as it has been received and distributed by the media. Even the Catholic. The Catholic teaching on homosexuality remains by   the way. It is not mentioned. Pope Francis knows how much  to select his interlocutors who are media-friendly and worthy of applause. 
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Vatican Radio (screenshot)
Trans; Tancred

Pope Francis Renews His Rejection of Mission and Return?

(Rome) At conclusion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Pope Francis refused the mutual "poaching" of believers among Christian denominations. Another rejection of conversion and mission? What to mission, the Church?

Since the Second Vatican Council, there has been double trouble in the Catholic Church in terms of mission and conversion. On the one there is the question of the relationship to other Christian denominations. Secondly, the question of relations with other religions. The question is complex and has a variety of facets. Ecumenism and religious freedom are two main keywords.

Pope Francis fell at first in his short pontificate on several occasions by ambivalent statements about mission, proselytism and conversions. Statements that came close to an actual distancing from any constructive conversions or even explicitly made such an expression. What Pope Francis says exactly can be barely made out with accuracy because a diffuse use of certain terms cancels any substantive focus. The tendency, therefore, the observer receives more of an impression that in turn must remain ambivalent.

No "poaching" among Christians

At the conclusion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in the Roman Patriarchal Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls Pope Francis uttered a refusal of "poaching" of believers among Christian churches in his homily last Sunday.

"The shared commitment to proclaim the Gospel, allows the overcomiing of any form of proselytism and the temptation to be embroiled in competition," he said at the Ecumenical Service that takes place at the end of the year in Rome Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in St. Paul Outside the Walls.

All Christians are "in the service of one and the same gospel" said the Pope. At the same time he urged in the Church of Saint Paul Outside the Walls to put aside "all polemical or apologetic behavior" and jointly seek what binds all Christians. So could be overcome "many disputes inherited from the past among Christians".

"Serene, Meeting Another Without Animosity"

Next, the Pope turned against intellectual showiness in ecumenical dialogue in his sermon. Christian unity will not be the result of "sophisticated theoretical discussions," in which each is trying to convince others of the validity of their own views. Christians must come to the realization that they "need each other" to penetrate into the depth of the mystery of God, said Francis. In order to understand each other and grow in love and truth, one must "stop, accept each other and listen to each other. In this way one begins to experience unity," Francis said.

The Pope pointed to the example of Jesus Christ. There he encouraged them, a "serene, meeting without animosity" looking at one who is different than you. Jesus shows that such an encounter with the stranger "can make us grow."

Historical and New Denominations

Again in the ecumenical prayer service was attended by high-ranking representatives of the historic Christian denominations. Together with the Pope, they prayed before the start of the Gospel at the tomb of the Apostle Paul.

Pope Francis has advanced ecumenical dialogue between Christian denominations around the Evangelicals and Pentecostal movements, while he personally and out of protocol gives the historic Protestant denominations less attention.

Rejection of Proselytizing and Conversion

But it is not only a rejection of a mutual "poaching" among Christians. Pope Francis issued in 2013 a rejection of proselytism (see Canonization of a Missionary, but Rejection of mission? ) and gave his first interview interview with the atheist Eugenio Scalfari a kind of blanket refusal of conversions (see No to Conversions, Yes to Mission - The Pope contradict Himself? ).

The contradictions in the statements of Pope Francis beginning in October 2013 already took the legal philosopher Mario Palmaro shortly before his death position (see Christ is not an option among many, certainly not for his representative on earth ). An analysis and critique that has lost none of its importance.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi

image: Wikicommons

Trans: Tancred

Link to Katholisches.... AMDG

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Pope Recognizes African Witchcraft Victim and Martyrs of the Communists in Spain as Martyrs

The South African lay catechist and Samuel Benedict Daswa was killed by a crowd, because his Christian convictions opposed local spirit healers and witchcraft.

Vatican City ( Pope Francis has officially recognized 20 Spanish civil war victims and a lay Catholic from South Africa as martyrs on Friday. The future South African Blessed is Tshimangadzo Samuel Benedict Daswa (1946-90) from Mbahe in the former Venda homeland. Working on behalf of the Diocese of Tzaneen as catechist (photo), he was killed by a mob because in his Christian convictions, he opposed local spirit healers and their witchcraft. Whith the Spaniards, there are three members of the community of Josefite Sisters and 17 Trappist monks who were murdered in 1936 out of hatred for the Catholic Faith.

Still not officially recognized by the Congregation as a martyr, is the Salvadoran Socialist, Archbishop Oscar Romero (1917-1980) murdered while he was saying Mass. For him, the competent Theological Commission had confirmed the death was because of hatred of the faith according to information from the Vatican already. [How is that possible if they don't know who the assailants were?]

However, this vote must first be approved by the Cardinal of the Congregation. Overall, the Congregation of Saints published eleven decrees on Friday, with the approval of the Pope. For the Italian foundress Maria Teresa Casini (1864-1937), a miracle of healing was confirmed. There are no obstacles to her beatification. Seven other people have been recognized as having "heroic virtue." There is also the Ukrainian priest, Ladislav Bukowinski (1904-74), the US Founder Louis Schwartz, who died in 1992 at the age of 62 years in the Philippines, as well as the Japanese Elisabeth Maria Satoko Kitahara (1929-58).

Link to Trans: Tancred AMDG

Papal Curial Reform with Contradiction

(Rome) The Summit curial reform approaches. Yet Pope Francis continues in his usual manner, "as he persecuted the good and promoted the bad in some cases" says the Vatican expert Sandro Magister.
At the same time, the Pope gave the ecclesiastical courts worldwide statements that have put things in a new direction with respect to marriage bond resolution.  

The Reform of the Curia, Which Holds Little Interest to the Pope

From the 9th-11th February the ninth meeting of the C9 Cardinal Council convened. After the meeting on the 13th and 14th of February there will follow a regular Cardinal Consistory, which will deal with the work and proposals of the C9 Council.
Eleven months ago  Pope Francis and the Cardinal Consistory remained behind closed doors in order to confront the issue of the family. The new family agenda was presented by Cardinal Walter Kasper. (By papal order)  This after two days of heated verbal exchanges. Much of the Cardinals felt almost overwhelmed. The conflict was continued at the Synod of Bishops in the fall of 2014.
Next month, Pope Francis will call the Cardinals together for the second ordinary consistory of his pontificate. This time, instead of the family, curial reform is on the agenda and will renew again, albeit at a different level, a, expectedly bitter conflict behind closed doors.
A month after his election  Pope Francis established an eight member Council of Cardinal advisors on 13 April 2013 that he wanted to advise him on the reform of the Roman Curia and in the management of the universal Church. Since the appointment of a new Cardinal Secretary of State, the Council was expanded to nine members. Since then the Council of Cardinal Advisers has been convened eight times for three days. Pope Francis was always present, except for the period of the mid-week general audiences.

Not All Proposals "Presentable"

Since then, many reform ideas are on the table, which are mutually exclusive in part. There are at least as many as the C9 Council of Cardinal Advisers has members. Some of them are not only contradictory but "not presentable," says Magister. The latter include the idea that different institutions and tribunals of the Vatican judiciary, including the Apostolic Penitentiary,  could be formed into a new Law Dicastry.  Thus, the separation of powers would  be overriden in a serious way.
Pope Francis has not yet commented on the reform plans. For now, he seems to have the C8 and presently C9  at work, promoting  a new collegiality. As a form of occupational therapy? The Pope was already known last year that he did not intend by 2016 to address the specific reforms. After his election, he established the Council, but has since  ruled as a Jesuit Father General. He alone decides when and what he wants. Whatever comes to mind, he goes on, collegiality or no.

Christmas Slap in Curia

When Francis on December 22, invited the Roman Curia to the Christmas reception, he administered a tangible slap to his closest associates instead of Christmas wishes. He threw their "diseases" publicly  in their faces. Fifteen pathologies the Pope said his staff suffered. "One meaner than the other," says Magister. Comparing the papal diagnosis with the papal decisions about layoffs or promotion in office, one can only marvel.

Pontifical Dismissal

The best known of the disempowered ones is Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke. Among the Vaticanistas there are different public assessments,  so Burke's attitude to leaving is dependent on the Vaticanist's understanding, or the Vaticanist's inclination to Pope Francis.  However, all agree that this is a snubbing in the practice of the Holy See, an affront to the individual opinions. The eminent canonist whose competence and moral straightness is respectfully acknowledged even by his opponents, was deported to a meaningless position in the leadership of the Church as the patron of an ornamental guard of honor.

Pontifical Promotions

Among the most incredible promotions continues to include the appointment of Msgr. Battista Ricca as a domestic prelate and personal delegate of the Pope at the Vatican Bank IOR.  There have been serious concerns raised about Ricca  because of his dubious way of life.   As a Vatican diplomat, he had  given "three Apostolic Nunciatures occasion for scandal", most recently in Montevideo, where he had taken his illicit room mate. Despite the entry of his superiors to Rome, he was indeed withdrawn from active diplomatic service, but  landed miraculously softly as director of the Roman Houses of the Vatican. Msgr. Ricca took over the management of the guesthouse Santa Marta and the guest house on Via della Scrofa. Also, ultimately, the diplomatic service, since in the guest houses accommodate important guests are  from around the world. He made many Cardinals of friends who spent the night there, including the current Pope, who made him his confidant in terms of the Vatican Bank in June 2013.

From the Fight Against "Gay Lobby" in the Vatican to Homosexual Promotion?

As a trait of the Pope, it seems to be clear that he no longer takes back previous decisions. Whoever falls from grace, he remains. Whoever is in favor, also remains.  It's truly amazing is in this context that Pope Francis in June 2013 lamented the existence of a "gay lobby" in the Vatican, against whom he wanted to proceed. In reality, the Papacy in the public eye has engaged in the unprecedented promotion of the homosexual lobby, and not just in the Vatican. This was followed by the appointment of Msgr. Ricca, who has been known as "the prelate gay lobby". As if offering a superlative for the media demand at the end of July 2013, he uttered the controversial sentence of this pontificate: "Who am I to judge?" And as a highlight to date Archbishop Bruno Forte, had been named by Francis for Special Secretary of the Synod of Bishops, as a recognition of homosexuality by the Church in the interim report of the Synod. The Synod Fathers rejected this passage, but Pope Francis still had them  published in the paper, and  adopted since it was an intergral part and the rejection of the synod only one accident that could be remedied in the second part of the Synod of Bishops in October 2015. At least this fatal impression must arise. Especially as it confirms that this approach  not  a go it alone by Archbishop Forte, but  agreed and approved by Pope advance.

Synod of Bishops as an Instrument of Pontifical Disruption?

Pope Francis seems to want to make the Synod of Bishops, a permanent institution. This is speculation for the time being, but the evidence suggests it. It initiates discussions and lets them run wild, which had been declared closed by its predecessors. This includes the admission of remarried divorcees to the sacraments and the discussion on the approval of a second marriage.
Today in the Church the more or less public, far more violent undercurrent of smoldering conflict was not being imposed by external circumstances on the Church. It has been triggered directly by Pope Francis. He convened the Synod of Bishops on the family, although this was no objective need. He appointed Cardinal Kasper as sole rapporteur, knowing full well what Kasper would recite before the astonished cardinals.

Resistance of the Margins: Paradox or Emblematic?

A remarkable, but perhaps not accidental detail is that the new family agenda and the paradoxical appurtenance  of "homosexuality" especially in the bishops of the "margins", particularly in Africa, parts of Asia and Eastern Europe where there is the fiercest resistance. Those "margins", Pope Francis has so often emphasized.
After the second part of the Synod of Bishops in nine months, the Pope will decide as an absolute monarch. Francis, who likes to be called "Bishop of Rome" and is hardly known as Pope, to the astonishment of all,  cried at the end of the Synod of Bishops in obvious anger at the synodal resistance of Cardinal Burke and "marginal bishops" to the astonishment of all that it according to canon law  he was entitled to the sole decision-making authority.

Master: "Obvious Sympathy for Progressive Wing"

The obvious sympathies of Francis fall to the progressive wing, which is led by the bishops of the German-speaking countries with their bulging coffers. The flirtation with the Orthodoxy of the East applies only to their liberal deviations from the Latin Church, the second and third marriage and the non-celibate diocesan clergy.
The progressive sympathy is otherwise more striking by conflicting signals of the pontificate clearly filtered out. The contradictions heard in sympathy for Pope Paul VI. The encyclical Humanae vitae he repeatedly stressed, praised and praised by his predecessor as a "prophet". Hardly an encyclical in Church history has come across more violent resistance and having been rejected by a number of Western bishops' conferences, including those of the German states.
In Manila, Francis added his praise for Paul VI. in the context of Humanae vitae and added that it was  "very merciful in  specific cases," however, also and "confessors have been asked to be very understanding." A weakening of his previous praise?

In Theory, Orthodox Paradox in Practice?

The Vatican expert Sandro Magister draws his conclusions and says that even the controversy over the divorced and remarried would "probably" end up in the same way. "Francis will stick in words the Catholic doctrine of the indissolubility of marriage, while encouraging the bishops and clergy, to have 'pastoral compassion' in practice  and understanding for the failed and then re-marriages."
Paul VI, who was beatified on the closing day of the Synod of Bishops in 2014,  drew with the Encyclical Humanae Vitae a storm of criticism and protest  - and outside the Church and became, despite being the great innovator of the Progressives,  the lonely man in the Vatican.
For Pope Francis is distinguished for the future rather to be the contradictory, "as he apparently gives both intransigents and innovators satisfaction," says Magister. If only it were not the word "apparently".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Settimo Cielo
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Heretical Father Richard McBrien Theologian Dies

Edit:  Dear God, please send us a sign.

NCR is not offering any prayers for the repose of his soul, and there is no sign that he ever did penance for his many years in the service of a dark lord.   In fact, NCR is embarking on a virtual canonization of one of the most unrepentant, unchastened, prideful and heretical theologians of  our day.  We expect endless laudatory praise coming from the usual propaganda organs. (The devil's own media will surely miss his services.)

It is to be hoped that his death will signal the continuing decline of the Modernist hegemony on Catholic education in the West.

It's an ecclesiastical crime, a testimony to the bankruptcy and cowardice of American Catholicism  that Our Lady's name was associated with this theological gremlin all these years.
Fr. Richard McBrien, who as a scholar brought distinction to a university theology department and who as an author and often-interviewed popular expert explained the Catholic church to the wider world, died early Sunday morning. He was 78. 
McBrien had been seriously ill for several years and had moved recently from South Bend, Ind., to his native Connecticut. 
It would be difficult to find a figure comparable in making understandable to a broad public the basic beliefs and traditions of the Roman Catholic church.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Pope: Many Marriages Are Invalid Because of a Lack of Faith

Francis at traditional annual reception for judges of the Roman Rota: law "must be oriented to salvation and must not degenerate into splitting hairs"

Vatican City ( In the nullity of marriage should be examined in future reinforced the view of Pope Francis whether the relevant pairs of the importance of this sacrament were fully aware at the time of marriage. A Church court must always take into account the "context of values ​​and beliefs or lack or absence" when he seeking a marriage, the Pope said on Friday at the traditional reception for the judges of the Roman Rota in the Vatican.

If there is an ignorance of the Catholic understanding of marriage, may be a reason for marriage annulment under Church law, said the Pope. Today this possibility is more prevalent than in the past is no longer regarded as an exception. Currently, marriage would "tend to be seen as a mere form of affective satisfaction, founded in any manner and can be changed according to the sensitivity of each," said Francis.

Marriage annulments due to lack of faith mentioned in the debate in the Church in dealing with divorced and remarried have been brought up by those who wish change to the current official practice as an alternative.

Furthermore, the Pope called on Church judges to always keep in mind that the salvation of people who turn to the Church, should not be fail because "of legal obstacles." The law must be based on salvation and should not degenerate into "splitting hairs," says Francis.

Francis expressed the desire to be able to offer all the nullity of marriage free of charge for the person concerned. "The sacraments are free. The sacraments give us grace. And the marriage process is associated with the sacrament of marriage. I myself wish so much that all processes would be free!" He was pleased to see that the Rota for people in financial difficulties, a free legal aid agency is available.

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Friday, January 23, 2015

Bishop Tebartz-van Elst: New Job in Vatican

BILD: Tebartz van Elst will now take up the post of Secretary to the "Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization" in Rome

Rome ( Obviously, there should be a "comeback" for the former Limburger Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz van Elst after 15 months of a forced break. This was reported by the Bild newspaper on Friday. According to the newspaper, Tebartz van Elst will now take up the post of Secretary to the "Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization" in Rome. Two weeks ago, there was apparently a discussionin the Vatican. Tebartz van Elst's spokeswoman Eva Demmerle was unable to deliver on a BILD request to make comment.