Monday, December 15, 2014

Is the Creche Subversive? --- Student Action Against the Banning of Natvity Scenes by "Ayatollahs of Secularism"

Crib Flashmob in France Against State Censorship
(Paris) Is the Christmas crib subversive and seditious? This question is being decided in France according to the judgment  of an Administrative Court in Nantes. For years radical secularist  circles are increasingly trying to ban Christian symbols from the public space. This includes the removal of  Nativity scenes from  public. A few days ago an administrative court of Nantes forbade the building of a crib in the  General Council Building of the Vendée.  The initiative Touche pas à ma crèche has engaged itself against this displacement process. The initiative can be translated into English with "hands off my crib!" 
France is experiencing a flash mob  this Advent as the nativity scenes appear in public spaces. In response to the anti-Christian efforts of recent years is trying set up cribs large and small in  prominent places to reconnect with old traditions in squares and  alongside churches.
Is the crib subversive?

Student Group Responds to Ban Ruling of an Administrative Court

The initiative Touche pas à ma crèche was founded by a group students from the Vandée, that northwestern French land in which the Catholic people rose against the Jacobin dictatorship of the French Revolution. The backlash will be an answer to the "ayatollahs of secularism" as it says on the Facebook page of the initiative. The students make living nativity scenes in public spaces and mime  the "mighty in charge," whom they name "the Ayatollahs of Secularism", as an expression of the censorship,  staging a performance Mary, Joseph, of the angels and the shepherds with sealed mouths.

Crèche partout against the "Ayatollahs of Secularism"

The initiative was triggered by an administrative court judgment of Nantes, which prohibited the establishment of a Nativity scene in a public building of Vandée. The well-known French website Le Salon Beige called for action Crèche partout  ("crib everywhere"). The appeal is a reference to the name of the famous rallies Manif pour tous.
According to the Administrative Court of Nantes a nativity scene is a "religious symbol" and therefore incompatible with the "neutrality of the civil service." The Child Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the ox and the ass must not be placed in the building of the General Council of the Vandée this year. An antii-Christian association had complained against the annual erection of a crib  and won their case.

"Then the Christmas Lights Should be Banned"

Student Initiative Against Natvity Ban
Many people are outraged. "Then one would have to ban the entire Christmas lights adorning the streets of our cities and towns," angrily responded Bruno Retailleau, the chairman of the UMP in the French Senate. His predecessor, Philippe de Villiers described the court decision as a "totalitarian".  France is "Christian soil,  and this decision is an expression of poisonous secularism, which disdains our traditions and customs. Will they also prohibit the ringing of bells in the name of dogmatic secularism?"
1905 witnessed the anti-Christian force enact a law that introduced the separation of church and state in a radical form. In 2004, the veiling of Muslim women was banned. Since then, the  ruling Socialists insist in this provision as a general ban on religious symbols in public space. A Christian teacher must no longer wear a Cross with a necklace in France, if he wants to keep his job.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: tempos / Facebook
Trans: Tancred

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Bishop of Trier to Withdraw Suspension of Faithful Pastor

By Christmas, the bishop should renounce the suspension.

Hamburg / Trier ( CBA) After the dismissal of a pastor in the diocese of Trier, community members sent an "ultimatum" according to a "Spiegel" report, to Bishop Stephan Ackermann. Ackermann. Before Christmas he should cancel the dismissal and stop "swinging the whip», according to the release by an initiative group. A few weeks ago parishioners who were demonstrating against what they called the "authoritarian and unjustified action from above" in front of the Bishop of Trier's palace and wrote letters of protest.

In mid-November, Ackermann dismissed the pastor in Beckingen, Saarland, Christoph Eckert, from his office. For his part, the priest filed a complaint at the Vatican. Until the local decision which is expected in a few months, Eckert may not exercise his previous office. He was provisionally transferred to another parish.

In a letter to the affected parish, Ackerman stressed that he had never previously resorted to such measures.

But only through this painful step would he given the chance for a fresh start. Eckert had his request for voluntary transfer rejected. Ackermann stressed that there had recently been "problematic developments" from a split in the parish community. Doubts had arisen whether Father Eckert had applied himself to his job and the "service of the unity of the church."

(C) 2014 CBA Catholic News Agency. Link to Trans; Tancred


Pope Francis Will Name New Cardinals in February 2015 --- Will Family Be a Theme?

For the Second Time in His Pontificate, Francis
Will Name New Cardinals
(Vatican) Pope Francis is going to convene a new Extraordinary Consistory of Cardinals for   the 14th-15th February 2015. As Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi SJ announced, it shall be convened because Pope Francis will appoint new cardinals.
Immediately before the extraordinary consistory the C9 Council of Cardinal Advisors will meet from 9th-11th in February, and from the 12th-13th of February  the Cardinal Consistory will confer on the reorganization of the Roman Curia. In the ordinary consistory in 2014 Cardinal Walter Kasper made his speech about the "New Mercy" which was the official start of the current intra-Church conflicts around Marriage and Sacrament.
Currently, there are 112 papal electors. . By the end of February next year their number will be reduced to 110. A few days later, the Egyptian Cardinal Antonios Naguib will reach 80 years of age. Francis could thus create at least eleven new cardinals  who have not yet reached the age of 80.

Will Consistory Discuss The Family Again?

The C9 Council of Cardinal Advisers will summarize the work on the reform of the Curia and submit their report directly following the ordinary consistory. According to Vatican spokesman Lombardi, it is also likely  that February will bringany decisions regarding the reform of the Curia. Pope Francis concluded this in an interview with the daily newspaper La Nacion for the whole of 2015. Whether the ordinary consistory will discuss again, and address the Annual Synod of Bishops in October 2015 on the family is not known
It will be the second Cardinal survey of this pontificate. On February 22, 2014, Pope Francis  will create19 new cardinals, 16 of which are potential electors. Among them is  Benedict XVI's  appointed CDF, Gerhard Müller, and Prefect of Clergy, Beniamino Stella and Synod Secretary Lorenzo Baldisseri, both of whom were appointed by Pope Francis.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
image: Infovaticana
Trans: Tancred

Gaudete Sunday Liturgical Abuse in Puglia

Edit: this abomination just has to be pointed out. The Diocese of San Severo is presently headed by Lucio Angelo Renna, O. Carm., and is located in Puglia, Italy not far from the Adriatic. Recently, this morning in fact, a local priest, Francesco Cicorella, held the following Gaudete Sunday "Mass" at the parish of San Bernardino. It appears the local pastor is something of a Pied Piper. The priest keeps a Facebook account where he published this video.

Aberro-Activists Wanted to Disturb His Wedding

Edit: we have been wondering what happened to him for a while, and just saw this on Translated it.

The American blogger Thomas Peters sits in a wheelchair after an accident. In an interview he talks about his still firm faith, his marriage and his work.

Washington DC ( In a rare interview, the American blogger Thomas Peters (29) has spoken about his faith, his work and his life as a paraplegic. His faith had survived the severe accident which would have cost him nearly killed, he told the British Catholic Herald.

In 2006 he began the blog "American Papist" was founded. The site was successful from the start. Peters was one of the most well-known blogger in the US and was a frequent guest on television and radio broadcasts. Later, he became involved in the "National Organization for Marriage" (NOM), an organization that is politically committed to the protection of traditional marriage and family.

In the course of his wedding in 2012, he began to feel the negative effects of his popularity. There were multiple threats from gay activists to disrupt the wedding. Peter therefore hired a security guard.

A little over a year later the blogger suffered serious injuries of the spine in a swimming accident. He remains in a wheelchair and is learning to move his right hand.

Medical advances may be a miracle. With his injuries he was supposed to be paralyzed from the neck down. But he can move his arms, his left hand and his torso. His faith is still strong, confirmed Peters, who grew up in a Catholic family with five brothers and sisters. He continues to write blog entries on the website be published. He has also developed an online application to facilitate political commitment. Link to AMDG

Saint Thomas University PR Man Issues Fake Correction For His Modernist Pro-Abort University

Edit: unfortunately,  the letter doesn't acknowledge any wrongdoing.   Nor does it address any of St. Thomas University's historical hostility to Catholicism.   There are still two links that are "accidentally" listed on the site, from TFP Student Action.

Here's the letter we'd received which claims to have addressed the situation from their PR office...  It's a sad day that a Catholic institution employs a mouthpiece like this.

Maybe the problem isn't a minor error, but a systemic problem with the University?
Dear Eponymousflower website,

My name is Jim Winterer and I’m writing from the University Relations office at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul.

You had carried an article on your website that was critical of some links that appeared, in error, on St. Thomas’ website. We thought you’d be interested in seeing a response that our president, Julie Sullivan, is providing to those who are calling and writing with their concerns.

Her response is:

Thank you for contacting me regarding links to inappropriate internship resources that appeared on the University of St. Thomas website. The links were published in error on the website of our College of Arts and Sciences, and they are being corrected. Student internships in the college are approved through the Office of the Dean. The dean has not approved, nor would he approve, academic credit for internships at Planned Parenthood or abortion organizations.
Sincerely, Julie H. Sullivan, Ph.D., President

Jim Winterer

Church in Austria is a "Pigsty" -- The New Book of Almost-Auxiliary Bishop Gerhard Maria Wagner

(Vienna) He was named in 2009 but  an unprecedented smear campaign prevented Bishop Gerhard Maria Wagner of the Diocese of Linz.  He has today presented  and talked plaintext his new book. 2009, the Upper Austrian priest Wagner had become a victim of  bishop-bashing, which is a  popular smear game in trend-setting circles. Now, he said the church in Austria is not only in a precarious condition, but is a "pig stye" in which it "stinks".

Pastor Wagner 2009 Victim of the Bishop-Bashing

The list of victims of the bishop-bashing is already considerable. It ranges from Bavaria with Bishop Walter Mixa of Augsburg to Hesse with Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz van Elst of Limburg and Grisons with Bishop Wolfgang Haas from Chur to Lower Austria with Bishop Kurt Krenn of St. Pölten. The  blocking of Rev. Gerhard Maria Wagner 2009 as auxiliary bishop of Linz is a special variant of the smear game. Wagner was then not allowed to take office.
The persecution is only possible because authoritative church circles are interested in the jettisoning personal rivals because of personal or ideological reasons and have been actively involved behind the scenes.
The fight against Wagner was tantamount to an exemplary execution, while the Windischgarsten priest was supposed to have only been an auxiliary bishop, i.e. auxiliary bishop of Linz. An auxiliary bishop has entrusted to him only as much decision-making power  as is given him by the responsible diocesan bishop, and ig may be withdrawn from him again at any time. In the Diocese of Linz, however, there was the anxiety that  the appointment of Bishop Wagner by Pope Benedict XVI. would be followed by an  early position in the Episcopal succession by the same Wagner,  if Diocesan Bishop Ludwig Schwarz were to  complete his 75th year and become emeritus.
It's not only the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) write about   Linz as "Left". The same could be said of the full-time staff apparatus of the diocese. At least the more influential part. With the subtle difference that it is not so much the SPÖ, but is more close to the Greens. There are hardly any Diocesan priestly voacations. Who would  want to become a priest, would do this in the context traditional communities or seeks refuge in the still reasonably intact community of a monastery.

Feeble Roman Knees

The lay Apparatchiks and the Liberal, often effeminate  clergy of Upper Austria quickly found allies  in the media   to begin shooting practice on a living object. In Austria it was belched loudly and Rome was already in its knees.  Although Pastor Wagner was appointed over Pope's brother, Msgr. Georg Ratzinger and Pope's secretary Georg Gänswein handpicked him and with the best knowledge of the situation on the ground, the priest's   career as a bishop ended after 30 days and did not get beyond the appointment status.
 Pope Benedict XVI. would lose face because of the weak knees of Rome, Wagner asked formally to withdraw the appointment, which the Pope "granted".
On January 31, 2009 Wagner was appointed, and on 2 March 2009   Benedict XVI. granted a  dispensation from the appointment. In the meantime, Pastor Wagner experienced hell on earth and the devout Catholic nation rubbed its eyes, as to how lies can produce a smear campaign. Each day new lies were unpacked. It wasn't until   Wagner's "chalice" had  passed over to progressive part of the Diocese, where it was presented as a  trophy for  hunted prey, that the whole nightmare was over.

 Question of Episcopal Succession in Linz Directs Media Attention on Pastor Wagner

An Auxiliary  Bishop Wagner would have done the Diocese of Linz, more  good than ever, but his prospects   to once again be considered for the episcopate by Rome  are very small. Nevertheless, the retirement of the Diocesan Bishop Ludwig Schwarz is fast approaching. In this context,  the media is again suddenly paying attention to the absent pastor Wagner again after years of peace.
Wagner obeyed in 2009 as a faithful son of the Church. Rome wanted him as auxiliary bishop and he accepted. Rome had changed her mind again under heavy pressure and he obeyed as well. After some time of silence, Wagner, however, took stock and spoke of a "conspiracy" to which he had fallen victim. Wagner today is also the publisher and editor of a Little Penny Sheet, with a wide circulation in Austria, which has the rare virtue of wise, but clear speech. He just said what was obvious, but at that time almost no one dared speak out.

New book "Heaven or Hell" - "Many People Feel Disoriented"

Pastor Gerhard Maria Wagner
Wagner had raised his voice even after the appointment   that it was not for him, but much more so for the Catholic Church in Austria a fiasco. The media hardly cared. But now someone feels   their toes being stepped on. Today, Pastor Wagner has presented his new book, "Heaven or Hell." At the book launch, the sharp witted and eloquent priest was not sparing with plain writing and a gaze at the Archdiocese of  Archbishop Cardinal Christoph Schönborn. Schönborn had supported Kasper's "mercy"  last October at the Synod of Bishops in Rome and would also like to see a new "gradation" applied to all the sacraments. Wagner commented that the Archdiocese of Vienna was a "pig stye" in which there is a foul stench.The situation of the Church in Upper Austria, and born by opposites, says Wagner.
He wished "all the best" to the future Bishop of Linz. For himself, says Wagner as once before, he had already credited the need to "shovel out the pigsty". After all, the position of the Church is questionable because she is not on the right track. There were many tensions and many people are disoriented.

"We Basically Obey to be Catholic"

Pastor Wagner founded an initiative two years ago to strengthen the sacrament of penance in daily life. He called all the priests of the German-speaking countries that committed themselves, to sit every day for an hour to make confession available. In this context, Wagner complained today that in many parishes the Sacrament of Penance is "dead". In the liturgy there is a "momentum" that "disturbs" him. The reason for this is, among other things, an incomprehensible competition between laity and priests. There were quite a few priests who  would"fear of the parish council meeting." "There's something wrong," said Wagner.
It's a disorientation, which is reinforced by the church or is only caused by it. Pastor Wagner quoting a priest who complained to him about his suffering, "that today we have to  basically stop being Catholic."

In the Diocese of Linz There is an "Oligarchic Business" 

However, his opinion was not in high demand in the diocese of Linz   and he accused his home diocese of operating  "quite a bit of an oligarchic business". He took to his bishop's defense, because not a few bishops are simply "alone" and isolated. As  the homosexual Conchita Wurst Thomas Neuwirth  was imposed  as a Euro Vision winner, he had put "shame on Austria," said Pastor Wagner.
As for Pope Francis, Wagner says in his  new book that he was pleased that the new Pope could find sympathy and confidence all over the world, but he does not notice in fact that the churches have become full, "people go to confession more and all that, praise Pope Francis, have become more religious in recent times,"  said Pastor Gerhard Maria Wagner, almost Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Linz.
The church circles referred to by Wagner responded with offense. The pastor "disqualifies"  himself with these statements themselves, suggested the Vicar  of Linz, Wilhelm Vieböck to the ORF: "I find it appalling that Father Wagner used the dramatic word, pigsty 'for the whole Church in Austria". Vieböck confirmed the same time, what is really going on in the background: Such an attitude does not qualify Wagner for higher church offices.
In June 2015 the Diocesan Bishop Ludwig Schwarz completed his 75th year. In Linz, nobody expects an extension in office. The Diocese sent Rome sent a shortlist few days ago  of three candidates for the succession. What are names on the list, is not initially known. It can only be that the name of Father Wagner certainly not there.
Text: Martha Weinzl
image: ORF / JfdL (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Friday, December 12, 2014

Bishop Fellay Blesses Crib in European Parliament

(Brussels) At the invitation of the Italian MEP Mario Borghezio (Lega Nord) and the initiative of the Civitas Institute, the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X,  visited the European Parliament in Brussels, and blessed a nativity scene there.
The large crib is located in one of the central, public halls of the parliamentary representation of the European Union in Brussels.  MEPs  from France, Great Britain, Greece, Portugal and Italy, parliamentary staff and EU officials gathered to be blessed. In his speech  Alain Escada, president of the French Civitas Institute suggested that the baby Jesus in the manger should rule over all nations, since all power comes from God. For this purpose, he quoted the Pope St. Pius X,  as the 100th  anniversary of his death was commemorated in 2014: "The civilization must not be contrived, for it was, it is and it has been a Christian civilization, it is the Catholic society.  To restore it merely requires the unceasing renewal of its  natural and divine principles. "
Bishop Bernard Fellay said in his speech: "There in the mange is where it all started. So it is quite normal that Europe's guides, God the helmsman give Him glory, who came among man to save him, He, the King of Kings. Let us remember what Cardinal Pie said, 'When the moment for the lordship of Jesus Christ did not come, then the time has not come for governments to continue'. By the blessing of this crib, the Church is a connection between this place and the grace of God's love. This little place is a Sacramental for the benefit of all who come here to gather inside."
Bishop Fellay was accompanied by the District Superior of  Society of St. Pius X for Belgium and the Netherlands, Father Thierry Legrand is in the seat of the European Parliament. He stressed the importance of the initiative,   because of the increasing attempt to prevent the establishment of nativity scenes in France in public spaces and Advent and attempts to replace and reinterpret  Christmas Traditions with "Winter events" and "Year End initiatives."
Text: Nardi
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Commissar Volpi Threatens Bishops -- Franciscans of the Immaculate Are Trying to Overthrow Pope Francis

The Commissar and the Franciscans of the Immaculate
(Rome) The Apostolic Commissioner of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate urges the Italian bishops not to incardinate priests who want to leave the maltreated Order. It even comes to threats. The background is an alleged "conspiracy" by the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate for the "downfall of Pope Francis," from which the Commissar wanted to save the Church leader. What followed was a written slugfest between Father Volpi and a leading bishop.
For the last 16 months the Order of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate  was among  the most flourishing religious orders of the Catholic Church. The young Order, canonically erected in 1990 , was astonishing in its completely opposite trend.  While other orders bemoaned a shortage of young people, the Order grew up in the West at an impressive pace. In an effort to return to the roots of the Franciscan Order and to follow the original rule of the order, the Order discovered the treasures of the Church, went to the traditional rite the tradition of the Church on its own. With the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI. its fate was thus sealed. The visible figurehead of the Benedictine reform of the reform, which had become an Old Ritual Order, had lost his patron.

Commissioner Volpi invited by Pope Confidant Galatino to Bishops' Conference

Since July 2013 provided the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception has been provided with a provisional administration. The religious congregation continued with the approval of Pope Francis under a Capuchin Father Fidenzio Volpi. The Apostolic Commissioner  came to enforce his policy sanctions  in the autumn General Assembly of the Italian Episcopal Conference in part, after some bishops had shown willingness to include the brothers and priests of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate i in their dioceses.
After this provisional procedure became known there was a written exchange between the website Nuova Bussola Quotidiana (NBQ) and Commissioner Volpi.
We initiated  a report by Matteo Matzuzzi last 25 November. Matzuzzi is Vaticanist the daily newspaper Il Foglio .

Episcopal Head Shaking Morning "Pope \ earl"

Commissar  Volpi with Pope Francis
Matzuzzi reported on the "orientation" of many bishops around the world for the morning sermon by Pope Francis on 21 November in Santa Marta. It was the "Pearl of the Day" that triggered the helpless shaking of the head among the bishops.  Pope Francis accused  priests and parish secretaries who were supposed to have   published price lists for the sacraments on church doors. According to Vatican Radio , the "pearl" spread, and made ​​more than one bishop a squirm in his chair. "So it gives the impression as if we were only baptize when we see a donation in an envelope," said Matzuzzi quoting an Italian bishop.
There may be black sheep   everywhere, but the reality in the Church from Cape Town to Svalbard, from Vladivostok to Porto is clear. The fees are minimal and are entirely subsided in case of need. In many parts of the world where there is no government-driven church tax as in the Federal Republic of Germany, the clergy is even denied their  livelihood from these offerings.
In the afternoon of the same day there was a public clarification by Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, the President of the Italian Bishops' Conference: "The sacraments are to be paid in any way. The duties of the faithful are a form of contributing to the material needs of the Church."  The statement was immediately read by observers as a response to the Pope's  morning talks if Cardinal Bagnasco did not mention the pope by name.
Who would not have understood it, was better taught contrario by the speaker of the Episcopal Conference, Monsignor Domenico Pompili as  he briefly stated:  "Each statement made by   the President of the Episcopal Conference as a counter to Pope Francis are misleading ".

Episcopal Anger at Argentine Pope

Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate
That something is not working in the relationship between the center and the edges,  is but certain. This was evident a few weeks ago, when the Pope confidante, Archbishop Bruno Forte of Chieti-Vasto, who wrote, as the synods' Special Secretary, the controversial gay passages of the interim report for the Synod of Bishops,  who  resoundingly trumpeted Bishop Mario Marini of Fielsole at the election of the Vice-President of the Episcopal Conference.  The only 30 percent of the vote against 70 percent of Bishop Maini in the decisive second round wasn't even close, not even  for an honorable defeat, but for a man like Msgr. Forte, who feels called for higher things, it was a crushing rebuff.
The situation was very embarrassing for some, was why yet begun during the bishops' meeting, the play down "incident"."You wanted new faces precedence," was the embarrassment formula.
Anyway: One possible promotion for Fortes is one of the great Archdiocesan chairs with the dignity of Cardinal, which are open in 2015, namely Florence and Bologna, is a bar quite high. In 2011, Forte was discussed for the  Archdiocese  of Milan. Benedict XVI., however, appointed the then Patriarch of Venice, Cardinal Angelo Scola.  Forte was discussed as a possible Patriarch of Venice, but Benedict XVI, which not only was Benedict irritated by Fortes fierce opposition to the corrected translation of the words of consecration in the vernacular. (Pro multis - for many), so Francesco Moraglia was chosen instead, who himself chose a meaningfully strong coat of arms, which is virtually identical to that of St. Pius X, who himself was also Patriarch of Venice. Pope Francis has not created Patriarch Moraglia  a cardinal yet, although traditionally  the Patriarchal chair is connected to the cardinalate. It's a set back that has been associated with Moraglia's understanding of the Church.
Not enough: in the first round by the way, Bishop Mariano Crociata of Latina received 27 votes. Crociata, who in 2013 was Secretary of the Bishops' Conference  was then replaced by Pope Francis overnight by Bishop Nunzio Galatino Cassano all'Jonio. Bishop Crociata asked his brother Bishops, not to give him any more votes, because that could be interpreted as an affront to Pope Francis. But  some of the bishops intended to be demonstrative with their vote.

Galatinos Franciscan Officiate and the Invitation to Commissioner Volpi

Bishop Galatino with Pope Francis
The newly appointe, without consultation with Cardinal Bagnasco, Secretary General Galatino, fills his office so that he could be imposed as the President of the Bishops' Conference and immediately maintains contact with the Vatican. Exactly, in the opinion of observers, this was whatthe Pope wanted with Galatino's appointment: A major reorganization of the Episcopal Conference, without dismissing its president, and thus attracting too much attention. Galatino is the bishop who snidely commented on the Pro-Lifers  who work against the outrageousness of the mass murder of unborn children at abortion clinics and hospitals and pray the rosary for the right to life of every human being.
The Pope's confidant, Galatino, was also appointed by Rome as the Apostolic Commissioner of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate has invited Father Fidenzio Volpi for Autumn Plenary Assembly of Bishops. The real purpose of the bishop's invitation was more apparent during the breaks.  Commissioner Volpi approached  and targeted certain bishops and urged them not to incardinate brothers of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate in their diocese who want to leave the Order because of radical upheaval. The procedure of the Commissioner is very unusual because incardination is constantly taking place in many dioceses around the world. The Commissioner's foray is therefore aimed specifically against the priests entrusted to him. They have been  denied in Rome for more than a year, the new foundation as an Old Rite Order. Commissioner Volpi will prevent the brothers leaving the Order or from being incardinated into dioceses. In other words, the impression that arises is that Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate should be forced to remain in the Order, to force them to accept the realignment.
The intention becomes clearer, if one takes into account that Bishop Galatino as Secretary of the Bishops' Conference called upon the Bishops of Italy with an official letter, that no Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate are to be incardinated. If appropriate requests are made, the bishops should immediately inform Commissioner Volpi Commissioner of it. 
Commissioner Volpi's "Clarification" That Explained Nothing
Founder Manelli celebrated in the Lateran Basilica St.Sacrifice of the Mass in the traditional rite
Matzuzzi's article drew a counter notification by the Commissioner himself, who relied on the press law.  Participation in the conference of bishops  was justified by the Commissioner with his role as General Secretary of the Superior Conference of male religious orders in Italy.  He says he did not speak to the bishops in order to address the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate addressed, but he had raised that subject on this occasion to the bishops. It belongs to the "wise practice" of the Church that a responsible  religious  will be contacted by the bishops   before incardinating former members of religious orders, especially when it comes to a priest. If Bishop Galatino is to have asked the bishops, says Volpi, to align themselves with this practice, then it would fall to his responsibilities as General Secretary of the Episcopal Conference.
Thus Commissioner Volpi  gave an unsolicited clarification, however, without clarifying anything. It was replicated by the chief editor of NBQ, Riccardo Cascioli.
Cascioli wrote to the Commissioner that no one had doubted that he was invited to the General Assembly of the Bishops' Conference, but that it posed questions about  the reasons for the referral, "especially regarding your behavior towards some bishops".
Cascioli opposed the spread of Volpi's impression that he belonged, as General Secretary of the Superiors Conference, of his own motion for the Episcopal Conference or that such participation is an established practice. But neither the one nor the other is true. "That explains," said the NBQ-Editor in Chief, "which is why many bishops were amazed when they had to take notice of your presence at the meeting  without having it exlained to them beforehand. I am sure that there was a justified reason for your presence, but unfortunately your writing does not clarify on this."

Not "wise practice", but "hard pressure"

Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate under the aegis of a Visitrix
Cascioli continues: "It may be that the bishops will be approached to you as well (I have no reason to doubt it, of which we have not spoken). We have criticized, however, that you have approached with intimidating demeanor and talk to bishops, to cause them to reject requests for incardination by the Franciscans of the Immaculate. It's a statement that you do not deny in your reply. Apart from that, it is  apparent now by  several witnesses. That raises the question of the extent  the powers of the Commissioner of an Order actually reach. We know of no case that is comparable. "
Cascioli then shredded Volpis assertion that it is a "wise practice" of the Church, to contact the appropriate religious superiors before incardinating a former religious. Be that as confirms the NBQ-editor, but what Volpi and Galatino in the case of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate do have nothing to do with the consultations of the Church's practice, but is exercising "hard pressure",  to extend  "threats against bishops" in order  "to prevent some brothers from finding refuge in a diocese or other religious order."   There is no alternative, that Volpi's motto is,  "either by the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, according to  Commissar Volpi or nothing." Also it was "an unprecedented procedure that even according to the canon law, it contradicts the basic right to freedom of conscience,"  says Cascioli.

 Dogged Action Against the Order and the "Plans" to Overthrow Pope Francis

Commissar Volpi with Pope Francis (7 November 2014)
This exacerbates the issues that have already found no satisfactory answer: "Why this harshness up to this day, that  neither the reasons for the provisional administration were explained about this blooming Order in the Summer of 2013, nor a time frame for the provisional government."
The official internet site which is controlled by the Commissioner of the Order  offers no help to find answers to the open questions. Helpful on the other hand, is a blog that says of himself, is close to Commissioner Volpi.  The blog describes itself "in accordance with the provisional administration of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate" and published an arid  invective against the article by Matteo Matzuzzi.
In another entry from November 17, however, the anonymous blogger explained why Commissioner Volpi is so "concerned" that no Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate be incardinated in dioceses: "The very purpose of seeking incardination seems clear: it is about the creation of a platform, perhaps off shore, like the Archdiocese of Lipa in the Philippines and a Catholic minority diocese as in England, for the consecrated priests  and former seminarians of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate to newly gather in the hope of a revolution against the current management of the universal Church."
To this Cascioli's response to Commissioner Volpi was: "In other words, the blog says, you would act in concert with whom you were  invited to the meeting of the Episcopal Conference to Assisi, because a plot to overthrow Pope Francis was in progress, whom the clerics and former seminarians of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, were  together with some bishops, who were to include in their dioceses. However, this would be really laughable, if it were not someone close to you  who has spread an unofficial declaration of your whole approach. I hope, therefore, that you will want to clarify this account and also the blog that speaks on your behalf ". Signed, Riccardo Cascioli.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: MiL / CR / Chiesa e Postconcilio / Osservatore Romano

Catholic University Offers Internship With Planned Parenthood

December 9, 2014: Students at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota – a Catholic institution founded in 1885 – are currently being offered "volunteer/internship opportunities" with mega-abortion provider Planned Parenthood, according to the university's web site.

Other pro-abortion advocacy groups featured by the university as "volunteer/internship opportunities," include NARAL Pro-Choice Minnesota, Pro-Choice Resources, Family Tree Clinic, and the National Organization for Women-Minnesota (NOW).

Sign your petition to remove these pro-abortion listings. Your instant protest will go to the president of the University of St. Thomas, Dr. Julie Sullivan, urging her to remove every pro-abortion group on the list of “volunteer/internship opportunities.”

Sign petition here:

Monday, December 8, 2014

Benedict XVI: Interfering in the Divorce Debate "Nonsense"

It was "utter nonsense" that he had wanted to influence the Synod of Bishops in autumn, said the 87-year-old retired Pope. Rather, he was trying "to be as quiet as possible."

Frankfurt ( Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. has rejected speculation about interfering in the debate on the admission of remarried divorcees to Communion. It was "utter nonsense" that he had wanted to influence the Synod of Bishops in autumn, said the 87-year-old to the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung". Rather, he was trying "to be as quiet as possible."

His successor, Francis, was "more of a powerful presence physically and mentally than I with my feeble powers could ever be," said the former head of the Church (2005-2013). Even to the faithful it is clear, "who is the true pope." To avoid misunderstandings, he had wanted the salutation "Father Benedict» for his resignation, but he was too weak to enforce it.

Remarried divorcees should be imposed upon "no more than absolutely necessary" in the Church, they should "really feel the love of Church," he further stressed. The debate was recently triggered by the publication of the fourth volume of the Collected Works of Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI. The emeritus pope had revised a more than 40-year-old text.

In 1972 Ratzinger wrote, in view of the indissolublity of marriage between baptized persons from a Catholic perspective, the Church could "clear in emergency situations, to allow limited exceptions to prevent something worse," namely, if the first marriage had been "broken in an irreparable way for both sides" and the second is "proven themselves over a longer period of time as a moral reality." Benedict XVI. withdrew this proposal in the revised version. However, he argued for allowing those affected, participation in Church bodies or the adoption other official roles. (C) 2014 CBA Catholic News Agency. All rights reserved.

Edit: this is the Neoconservative after all.

Trans: Tancred


Pius IX: "Strong and Inconvenient" Pope of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception

(Rome) The  Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is inseparable from the connected dogma of the Immaculate Conception,  which the Blessed Pope Pius IX. infallibly declared for all believers . The Pope, who was Born on May 13, 1792, Count Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti,   proclaimed the dogma on December 8, 1854, which is celebrated by the Catholic Church as a holy day of obligation. The mortal remains of Blessed Pius IX., were  translated, conserved in the Roman Basilica of San Lorenzo al Verano (also known as San Lorenzo fuori le mura) in 2011.
Pius IX., whose pontificate lasted from 1846-1878,   had a reign that was one of the longest in the history of the Church, had  expressed the wish to be buried in the ancient  narthex of the Basilica of San Lorenzo fuori le mura built by Pope Pelagius II. (579-590), while the mortal remains of the Pope were solemnly and worthily transferred to the present basilica of Pio X in 1881,  although anti-clericals engaged in several attacks  on the procession. The united Italy proclaimed in 1859-1870   was then dominated by anti-clerical and Masonic forces. In the pontificate of Pius IX.  the Papal States fell in 1870 after more than a thousand years and it was marked by the conquest of Rome by the Italian nationalist movement of the Garibaldian-Piedmontese.

"Strong and Inconvenient" Pope, Why Beatification Has Long Been Delayed

With the beatification of Pope John Paul II., in 2000, the amazing incorrupt body of Pius IX was. reburied in a glass coffin. Already at a first exploration, which took place 80 years after the death of the Pope, they were convinced that the body was completely intact. The remains of the Blessed have since been admitted to the adoring faithful,  visible under an altar. Pope Benedict XVI. visited his predecessor, to pray at the grave of the Blessed, whose beatification, after a long tug of war within the church, was made possible as a church political compromise and the Counciliar Pope John XXIII. was beatified.
As of 2011, the  faithful  were suddenly standing without notice, at the empty glass case, there was considerable excitement. The Capuchins, by whom the basilica is managed, have indicated that the body had to be removed after the last flood in Rome in October of that year.  Water   had flooded the chapel. The moisture threatened to mildew clothes of the Blessed, such as the Capuchins confirmed in their request.
Since its  is the mortal remains of Blessed Pius IX. was translated to  one of the monastery cells, he lay on the bed, "as if he were asleep." The reliquary  of the Pope was returned by February 7th 2012,  on his liturgical memorial to his place in the Basilica again.

Pope of the Marian Dogma and the Defense of the Catholic Doctrine

However, it has not been confirmed that the body is to be removed for a canonical investigation, which is required by   the eventual canonization of Pius IX. The late Pope has been generally given little attention. The homepage of the Basilica of San Lorenzo in Verano  offers only   a few lines that provide information about the pope buried in the Basilica.
Messa in Latino presented   the question as to whether we are dealing with an intentional  discounting of a "strong and inconvenient" Pope as was already evident before and around the beatification of the Saint in 2000.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Jesuit Waldenfels: "Francis Qualifies the Importance of Theology With Casuals Words"

(Munich), the German Jesuit Hans Waldenfels sees in the fact that Pope Francis has prayed in the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, "an important signal" that he "welcomed".  Increasingly  " Francis qualifies the importance of theology with his gestures and his casual words," said Waldenfels and that is a good thing. "Disappointing" to  the German Jesuit, however, is the joint declaration of Pope Francis and the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.
The emeritus Bonn fundamental theologian said yesterday, according to Catholic News Agency (KNA) about the "personal interiority" Pope's prayer in a mosque: "On Muslims such gestures have a positive effect and improve the atmosphere". Now it is to be seen whether Turkey grants Christians  relief. By prayer in the Blue Mosque, says Waldfels, the Pope had "expressed great respect for the place" a sign of.
"The question whether the Pope has now prayed 'by' or 'with' the Muslims is as theologically  subtle as whether the Muslims and Christians worship the same God," said the German theologian.

Prayer in the Mosque was "Positive Sign" for Muslims, the Rest are "Niceties"

Father Hans Waldenfels (left)
Finally, says Waldenfels, as Pope Francis belongs to the Jesuit order, applies the Islamic creed "There is no God but God" just as "God is God" for Christians. The perceptions of God although different between men, still applies across all differences of time: "You can pray  everywhere."
Also encouraging for  Father Waldenfels is  that Pope Francis is qualifying the "importance" of theology "with his gestures and his casual words". The Argentine Pope ranks the practice of faith and piety with theological debates. "Theology, which is not practical, is good for nothing in his view," which had not yet been sufficiently understood only in this country. 

Disappointing for  Jesuit Waldenfels on the other hand, is the joint declaration of the Pope and Ecumenical Patriarch last Sunday. It was merely, as in earlier declarations, only emphasized the  intention of unity, but it has brought nothing new. 
Text: CAPE / Giuseppe Nardi
image: Asianews / Catholic Academy Bavaria (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

International Theological Institute of Trumau Dismisses Three Professors of Long Tenure for "Financial Issues"

Guest Post by
(Vienna) The International Theological Institute (ITI) in Trumau south of Vienna will be short by three leading professors and five administrative staff. This was confirmed by the President of ITI, Christiaan Alting of Geusau, at a meeting with students on Monday. The three professors are:
• the Fundamental Theologian and Thomist Father Rupert Mayer OP.
• the philosopher Markus Riedenauer, married, 3 children.
• Ukrainian Byzantine Studies, Father Yosyp Veresh, who can be expected to stay until summer.
Two visiting professors are invited to teach for less pay: the moral theologian William Newton (Married, 6 children), and the politician Gudrun Kugler (married, 4 children).

Persistent Criticism of the President of the ITI

The shock measure was not unexpected for the students. President Alting previously informed the  22-member faculty already last week about the layoffs. The messages leaked out quickly. Last Friday, Alting invited the students to an information meeting, which was scheduled for Monday afternoon.
But on Saturday, the students gathered to discuss the situation. They expressed their anger against the dismissals  and found that those who were laid off were those  who had fought against the establishment in spring 2014 of Alting's nomination as President of the Institute.
For months, a dispute raged at the Institute  over Alting's person. He was employed by the Grand Chancellor of the Institute, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna, against the will of the college professors. In the dispute, the professors even called to the Pontifical Congregation for Education.  A leading critic of the controversial appointment of Alting was the talented young British professor Alan Fimister. He was told during last summer at the short term, that his lessons from the winter semester were no longer desirable. A replacement for him has not been found. The dismissed Father Veresh regarded Fimister as friend.

€ 400,000 Deficit Annually

Alting described to the students that a "serious financial situation" of the Institute was a cause for the dismissals. The Institute produces an annual deficit from 300,000 to 400,000 euros. For two to three months, the donations have taken a dive.  Alting  underlined several times that the layoffs were necessary only because of "structural problems". He also stressed that the dismissals were decided by Cardinal Schönborn. Alting presented himself as the "enforcer" and kept repeating that the students should "pray, study and simply trust the Cardinal,"  "You must trust your leadership, trust the cardinal. We are happy to have him. You can trust him."And later, "You have no choice but to trust."

Massive requests

Alting refused a discussion about why the termination has just been meted out to the professors Mayer, Veresh and Riedenauer.  Insiders believe that there are substantive and personal reasons behind the decision. The relationship between Father Mayer and Cardinal Schönborn, both Dominicans, was considered difficult. Mayer was touted as the best professor at the ITI. One student asked at the meeting whether  it the desire to get rid of Father Rupert was under the pretext of financial reasons. Alting said about Mayer: "We all know that Father Rupert is a great teacher and that he is irreplaceable in this sense. But we must know and trust that we can replace him."  Circulating rumors were false, said Alting. He asserted that there was no "personal vendetta".
Students who attempted to raise funds in order to get the dismissed professors, Alting recommended, should  advocate for persecuted Christians. He also said that it is planned to replace those dismissed by new professors. Finally, Alting mentioned that besides the financial problems, the number of students is declining.
Picture: ITT (screenshot) 
Trans: Tancred