Saturday, December 6, 2014

Faithful Catholics and Theological Positions -- A Difference Which Must be Overlooked strives to present those things necessary for internal church discussions which don't officially take place and are in part also not desired. These include the guest comments by Clement Victor Oldendorf, some of which met with strong opposition, while the author felt misunderstood. Most recently, he set out in an essay about  the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops, "The letter concluded" (Pope Francis) - attempt to overcome barriers of understanding, in  the search for ways  to counter the modernist innovation by theological reflection. The present article does not have the modernists in its sights, but the Society of St. Pius X.   Ultimately, it is Odendorf by his own admission to engage in reasonable debate in all of his contributions to tradition and its orientation in the debate within the Church.
Guest commentary by Victor Clemens Oldendorf
Last Sunday of the Church year, at our view of the world and the end of the eschatological return of Christ. This eschatological orientation is prepared in Advent, in which we relive the expectation of the first coming of the Messiah and celebrate Christmas is in the liturgical calendar of the Novus Ordo, which is also characterized by the displacement of the feast of Christ the King on this Sunday. But the liturgy of the 24th and last Sunday after Pentecost in the traditional Roman Rite clearly shows this character - especially in the Scripture readings.
There is talk of false Christs, which one should not chase into the desert and not in the chambers and of the signs of the times, in which they are recognized. With that   the Antichrist becomes the topic and also the question of whether and in what sense he is condensed in a person and if it is not already present and atmospheric - has his precursor - in all trends, and movements. The great exegete Erik Peterson (1890-1960) spoke for that reason of the "eschatological proviso" under which the whole story is already complete and remains with the first coming of Christ.
I heard Holy Mass in a Priory of last Sunday Society of St. Pius X recently. There, too, the preacher dealt, inter alia with these issues.
In addition to what I report below, I'm emphatically not engaging in a criticism of this Father. That's why I won't deliberately reveal his identity and the place where I've heard the sermon. Also, there is general finding that not every preacher a good preacher, yes certainly every preacher can not be a good theologian, is not restricted to the SSPX, and vice versa you meet there, even often,   equally successful rhetorical and theological preaching. 

FSSP a Forerunner of the Antichrist?

After introductory remarks about the Antichrist and his predecessor suddenly remembered the sudden remark that "the FSSP is unacceptable for the Catholics" because they had accepted the "errors of Vatican II" or at least remain silent. The consequence of that, in the words of the priest, that  the Masses of FSSP and those other priests who celebrate it under the provisions of Summorum Pontificum, are  "unacceptable for Catholics"  remained unspoken to the best of my memory yet was unmistakable.
My basic point  is not aimed to even challenge that position. I think you can argue it and  justify it.   But not so, as in this case. While it is true that there is a theological problem of consciousness in relation to the Second Vatican Council in circles around Summorum Pontificum, for they often only pronounce privately or not at all, and there is no full understanding  given as to why   the "Old Mass" is favored and what's more, should practically avoid the "New". Nevertheless, the SSPX does not have binding magisterial authority about statements of the Second Vatican Council, which it sees problematic as "errors", which means that it identifies the theological positions of the SSPX with the Catholic faith, ultimately, I am deliberately formulating a provocative alternative identification  of the "Lefebvre-follower" and "Catholic." This was never done in this way or supported by  Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. It is  not only to participation in the "New Mass"  that is  to be rejected, but also at every Mass in the traditional Roman Rite, not celebrated by a priest of the Society of St. Pius X.
Why do I run with this rigamarole? Because  there is an actual mistake  that I notice in parts of the SSPX.  Namely, to see the difference that stands between fidelity to the disclosed and traditional Catholic faith and judgment with which it evaluated by this criterion, for example, controversial statements of the Second Vatican Council, or the new liturgy.

Despite Differences of Opinion Equally Faithful

What I want to say for sure is very easily illustrated  in 1988 with a flashback. The situation at that time was undoubtedly as complicated and confused as it was unmanageable. Thus  it was come to a conclusion without a doubt that one was  entitled or even obliged to consecrate bishops, but just as convinced this is not to be allowed, without the consent of John Paul II. Both convictions included in my opinion, does not exclude that both supporters of the consecrations, as well as those who believed they had to distance himself from it, in spite of the disagreement, were equally Catholic and remained faithful.
Similarly, it is my concern with the  appreciation of religious freedom by the SSPX and its connection with a certain political theories or political ends, that are not presupposed theologically to  underlie this position, which I believe it is by no means incompatible with the Catholic faith to take this position, but the SSPX can not also claim or demand (especially not necessarily prove) that one must share this vision, to be considered a faithful traditional Catholic.There have always been different positions in the Church on details and in particular with practical assessments of theological and pastoral problems on the basis of common unity in orthodoxy. If one does not see or bears with this, he succumbs to an illusion or fiction.

"Not even the Son", "but in the last 80 years"

When I come back to the sermon, which has pushed me to these considerations, it is fairly harmless when compared with this fundamental error, because the preacher,  although related to Matt 25:13, where it is noted that we have neither the day nor the hour of the Second Coming know Christ, but three times he emphatically said, "in the last eighty years." What you have to grin admit is that it speaks for someone to announce the date of the Last Judgment, for a certain shrewdness to choose such a time: With the exception of infants who did not follow the sermon with understanding, virtually none of the listeners can verify the accuracy of this statement, nor refute it.
The view of the preacher on the Advent let him weave the proper admonition to commit this period as a time of collection and seclusion. He exhorted them  to give up television and recommended obviously seriously, best to "rip out that plug". Whoever does not own pliers, can ask the preacher.

Not Autonomous, but Responsible

The very negative attitude of Society to television seems to me to be such a practical example where catholicity is not decided. It's also not that the believer, so to speak, is entirely self-determined, without distinction to consume all, or may, without asking for measures of value, but in this particular case, the values must be taken into account and  act  responsibly. The  principle position  which expects a traditional Catholic to refrain entirely from television, is followed by a bit of convincing logic, which would insist that one can not read anything, because there are bad books.
Text: Victor Clemens Oldendorf
Link to Katholisches...

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Ordinarium Missae of the Traditional Ambrosian Rite is Here

(Milan) From the traditional cultural club Signum Ambrosianum  has just now published the Ordinarium Missae  in the traditional form of the Ambrosian Rite.The Archdiocese of Milan gave the imprimatur .
A simple printed Latin-Italian version is already available, a fully colored, beautifully designed edition will be completed before Christmas. It already can Ordinarium as a PDF on the website of Signum Ambrosianum be viewed. Also one has been e-book version for tablet and smartphone provided. Ordinary Mass can free downloaded, printed and circulated. The only condition is that the source is - ISBN 978-88-907422-2-4 .

Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum in Milan without validity

Canon Amodeo celebrated the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood in ancient Ambrosian rite
When Pope Benedict XVI. issued  the motu proprio, Summorum Pontificum in 2007, the Archbishop Carlo Maria Cardinal Martini (1979-2002) and the Milan clergy were little enthused. When the seminarians of the Archbishop's Seminary  requested   training in the "extraordinary" form,   Martinis successor Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi (2002-2011) represented the view that the Motu Proprio applies only to the Roman rite, but not for the Ambrosian rite. The Archdiocesan canon lawyer based his interpretation  that only the Roman rite is mentioned in the Motu Proprio. Accordingly, it applies to the scope of the Ambrosian rite stemming from the Motu Proprio  Ecclesia Dei of  1988.
Under the incumbent, since 2011, Archbishop Cardinal Angelo Scola established a change in the attitude of the Archdiocesan Curia. Cardinal Scola  as Patriarch of Venice  had transferred the care of the faithful who wanted the old rite to the FSSP, the rectorate of a church on the Grand Canal.  For the celebration of the traditional form of the Ambrosian rite two Milan canons, Canon Angelo Amodeo and Canon Attilio Cavalli strove mightily to celebrate it. After the death of Canon Amodeo  the traditional Ambrosian rite found a strong advocate in the new archdiocesan master of ceremonies,  Msgr. Claudio Fontana. The Society of St. Pius X began, after the death of Msgr. Amodeo with the celebration in the traditional Ambrosian rite, since they had celebrated in Milan only in the traditional Roman Rite.

Ambrosian Rite in Parts of Lombardy and of the Ticino

The Ambrosian rite is the official liturgical rite of the Archdiocese of Milan. The Superior is the Archbishop of Milan. The ritual goes back to the canonization of the Church Father Ambrose, who was from 374-397 Archbishop of Milan, but is much older in essential parts.
When Pope Gregory I at the end of the 6th century, expanded the Roman Rite in the Latin Church, the Ambrosian rite, next to the Mozarabic (Iberian-Visigothic) and other local rites, such as the Aquileiean Rite. While the rite of the patriarch of Aquileia and Venice was  replaced by the Council of Trent  with the Roman rite, the Ambrosian rite is there to this day. This fact is attributed to the fact that Pope Pius IV. was Milanese and was the soul of the Council of Trent, while  Saint Charles Borromeo was Archbishop of Milan 1560-1584 .

Charles Borromeo kept the Ambrosian rite, Paul VI. subjected him to the Liturgy Reform

Imprimatur of the Archdiocese of Milan
Conversely, the Ambrosian rite was addressed by the post-conciliar liturgical reform, because Paul VI. was before his election as Pope, Archbishop of Milan. He took a personal interest that the liturgical reform was implemented in his former diocese. This worried his successor, Cardinal Giovanni Colombo, who performed the liturgical reform with "iron will" (Vita Pastorale 9/2008). Under Cardinal Tettamanzi "reform in the wake of the Second Vatican Council" (Vita Pastorale) in 2008 with the "New Ambrosian Lectionary" (NLA) was largely completed was introduced in 1976 ad experimentum.
The Ambrosian rite originally comprised much of northern Italy. Today it is still celebrated throughout the Archdiocese of Milan (except two small enclaves) as well as some adjacent areas of the dioceses of Bergamo, Lodi and Novara, and especially in the north of the Swiss diocese of Lugano.
The cultural association founded in 2012 Signum Ambrosianum is dedicated to the care of the traditional form of the Ambrosian rite. So far,  next to the Ordinarium Missae  there is already  published a Antiphonale Missarum and Laudamus Te  with the most important songs of the Ambrosian liturgy. The publication of the Ambrosian Psalters and publications on the Ambrosian chant are in preparation.
Signum Ambrosianum works closely with the existing since 2011 Cantori Ambrosiani and the Association Res Musica together, who are committed to the care of the Ambrosian chant in the liturgy.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Signum Ambrosianum
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Cardinal Müller: Separation of Theory and Praxis Would be a Heresy

Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith in the "Osservatore Romano"said that ny separation of theory and practice of the faith would be the manifestation of a subtle Christological heresy in principle ".

Vatican City ( The Prefect of the Vatican Congregation of Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, reiterating that there should be no gap between teaching and pastoral care in the Catholic Church. "Every separation of theory and practice of the faith would be the manifestation of a subtle Christological heresy in principle," Mueller said in a speech, which was published by the Vatican newspaper "L'Osservatore Romano" on Tuesday. This would "obscure" the dynamics of the Incarnation, which is part of any "healthy theology", said Mueller. Christ had said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. Therefore, there can be no truth without life and no life without truth.

The occasion was the opening of the General Assembly of the International Theological Commission of the Vatican on Monday. Müller is the President of the Advisory Board of the CDF. Cardinal Müller had said several times in the the Synod of Bishops on the family, that there can be no change in the Church's practice in relation to the divorced and remarried, because thereby the indissolubility of marriage will be questioned. Cardinal Müller, Prefect of the CDF: Statements Synod of Bishops publish (engl.) Copyright 2014 Catholic News Agency, Vienna, Austria All rights reserved. Photo Cardinal Müller (c) Diocese of Regensburg

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Trans: Tancred

Cardinal Scola: Francis Will Not Allow Remarried Divorcees to Communion

(Milan) While within the Church  one of Benedict XVI's corrected essays of 1972 is being discussed, Archbishop Angelo Cardinal Scola Milan gave an interview  yesterday published by Corriere della Sera on a position about Communion for remarried divorcees.
Cardinal Scola was, as has been the case with Cardinal Walter Kasper, appointed by Pope Francis personally to the synod. Under the impact of the first part of the Synod  the Archbishop replied with a rejection of the "new mercy."  When asked whether he could imagine that Pope Francis will make a decision for Communion for remarried divorcees, Cardinal Scola said: "I think, rather, that he will not take it."
The Cardinal had been the favorite in 2013   in the conclave, and had received the most votes in the first ballot, but did not prevail. His appointment as a member of the synod was seen by observers in this context. The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milan is  among one of the largest Diocese in the world with nearly five million Catholics and is considered the most important in Italy after Rome's diocese.

"Can young people  not talk about the indissolubility of marriage, if there is always a way to escape"

"How could we tell the young people who marry today that marriage is indissoluble, when they know that nevertheless there is always a way to escape?" Cardinal Scola brought his rejection to that point. In the direction of Cardinal Kasper the successor of Saint Ambrose said, "I can see no adequate justification for an attitude that claims on the one hand, that the indissolubility of marriage would not be discussed, but appear to deny it simultaneously through its acts."
In the same interview, Cardinal Scola insisted on the right and the duty of the Church to the society, to take a public position on critical issues: "We can not release publicly any comment." "The greatest danger" is now "through surrogacy  eliminating descent by children who are brought into the world, the orphans living parents," said the cardinal.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: CR
Trans: Tancred

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Church Blooms With Tradition -- Example of Limmerick

Sacred Heart Church in Limmerick
(Dublin) It would be a euphemism if one were to describe the pontificate of Pope Francis as "favorable" for tradition. Where Pope Francis is not even restricted to brutally attacking  against the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, he generates through gestures and multiple statements, a climate in which other leaders in the Church whether rightly or not,  are harassed for their connection to Tradition by citing him in many ways.  Equality and equal treatment can only be spoken of  in rare cases.
This open or latent discrimination in the dioceses and religious communities interferes with the growth of the tradition, but above all it prevents missionary work. In a state of mere toleration,  tradition is hedged in on an allotment. There they may be, but  no visibility is possible. If they take such on themselves, they must expect reprisals. This results in a heavily damaged Church in  Europe itself, deprived of  the medicine they need for recovery. A form of self-hatred, the unconscious self-mutilation or blindness?

The Successful Example of Limerick

Sacred Heart Church of Limerick
At the beginning of Advent nevertheless, an example with good results has been reported.
In Ireland, the Jesuits sold in 2006 the most popular Sacred Heart Church, in Limerick City. Limerick is a Viking settlement, which was created with the name Hlymrekr and   first occupied in 812. The city now has nearly 100,000 inhabitants and is the third largest city in Ireland.
The buyer of the church was a construction company that wanted to convert the church into a swimming pool and wellness center. The construction company came but in financial difficulties and was unable to realize the conversion of the Sacred Heart Church. Then a "miracle", happened as Messa in Latino reported.   In 2012, the church was bought back from its profane, six year long ownership by the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (ICRSS)  and resurfaced. Due to the special Old Ritual situation,  the Institute was able to purchase the entire complex of a former Jesuit college, church and garden for around 700,000 euros instead of the originally requested four million.
That Old Ritual Communities often have to build or buy new churches, is a testament to the previously mentioned "special treatment". In this specific case, the Jesuits had already made the sale. The successful buyback was overseen by the young canon, who now works at the Sacred Heart Church, with particular satisfaction.

Like a Sardine: Instead of a Seminary Interreligious Welcome Center for Immigrants

As young as the priests are, the canonically erected instituted  Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, established in 1990 is also young,  based in the Italian Gricigliano. The Institute's own seminary in Tuscany is far too small to accommodate the number of seminarians. In Italy it was not yet possible, however, to find a second seminary. The community wanted to buy a  pontifical seminary vacant for decades in Sardinia. When the bishop in charge found out, he prevented the purchase. Instead of a seminary of  an Old Ritual Community an inter-religious and inter-cultural "Welcome Center" for immigrants has been established in its place. (see "Interreligious and intercultural center" instead Seminary of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest ).

Oldest Sacred Heart Church of Ireland

Celebration in the traditional rite in Limerick
The Jesuit Order  had begun in 1865 with the construction of the church, which was completed and dedicated in 1868. It is the oldest church in Ireland dedicated to the Sacred Heart. The interior has been designed with large mosaics. On the large organ loft is a Telford organ, highly valuedby church musicians from 1924. The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest  has been afforded a successful restoration of the Telford organ, by restorer Padraig O'Donovan from Corck.
The Jesuits sold everything with the sale of the church, including all the equipment,  liturgical objects, confessionals and pews but also the altar, the Stations of the Cross, and even the tabernacle.
Painfully,  the Sacred Heart statue which was   especially venerated by the faithful was found to be missing. It was always lit and could be seen immediately from any entrance. The church belonged to the city's most visited. The Sacred Heart Friday on the first Friday of the month was firmly anchored in the population.

The Moral of the Story

Today,  the church is again a thriving center of the Catholic Church. Daily Holy Mass is celebrated in the traditional rite.
Messa in Latino writes: "A beautiful story with a happy ending, and with a moral of the story which some do not like to hear: When we trust ourselves in humility and offer obedience to traditional orders and communities, then the church blooms anew".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: ICRSS / Clerical Whispers
Trans: Tancred

CCHD Funding Gender Ideology to for $35,000 and Priests Promoting It

Edit:  the CCHD won't die.  It should die.  Here's an excerpt from OneNewsNow:

A watchdog group is taking issue with a Catholic grant to an organization that might be violating its own criteria.

The Lepanto Institute recently completed a profile on the Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition. Lepanto president Michael Hichborn tells OneNewsNow his concern is that the Catholic Campaign for Human Development is providing a $35,000 grant to the Coalition.

"[The Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition is] actively engaged in the promotion of homosexuality activism," says Hichborn. "It's pushing this thing called the Gay-Straight Alliance [and] it actually formed its own Gay-Straight Alliance through one of its projects."

In addition, according to the Lepanto leader, one of the executive staff members of the Coalition signed a petition advocating same-sex "marriage" in New York.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

The War Against Reality --- Gender Ideology Brought Into Focus

The film Life of Brian by the British comedy troupe Monty Python met a lot of criticism with its appearance  because it is very disrespectful and questionable towards Christianity and the historical figure of Jesus of Nazareth. A scene of the 1971 film rounded  upon some ideological positions in a satirically pointed,  which were then represented only by sectarian factions.
A position that 35 years later, one might think it was a bad joke, has become the great ideological struggle of  prevailing opinion, with which mankind will be forced to be downright happy. In the humorous repartee, John Cleese fails to appreciate in the conclusion, Sten's  "desire" to be a wife and to have children.
The first discourse revolves around "rights", which actually or supposedly are supposedly entitled  to or stubbornly insisted upon. John Cleese brings the bizarre discussion at the end on the level of reality. It's not about whether something is a "right" or not, but the reality. Monty Python could not have imagined in 1979, when the grotesque sketch was filmed, to what degree the struggle against reality would take a few decades later. [There were such people like this roaming around the halls of academe on your tax dollar then, too.]

Link to Katholisches...
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Video: Das Leben des Brian (Youtube)
Bild: Das Leben des Brian (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Eduction Minister Wants to Further Abrogate Religious Education

Students should be able to build their own value structure. [As long as it's not Catholic.]

Luxembourg ( CBA) Luxembourg Education Minister Claude Meisch adheres to the planned abolition of religion and ethics instruction in favor of uniform values ​​teaching. In the proposed neutral teaching the great world religions would have a place in discussions with religious and non-religious world views alike, the newspaper "Luxemburger Wort" (Thursday) quoted the Minister as saying. The students would get a new form of education, the opportunity to build their own value structure. It will be introduced to the school year 2016/17 in primary and secondary schools.

On Wednesday, the Citizens' Initiative "Fir de Choix" was heard before the members of the Education Board, Petitions and Education Minister Claude Meisch in Parliament. Representatives are calling for the preservation of the freedom to choose between religion and values ​​education. The citizens' initiative has collected 25,000 signatures against the planned values ​​teaching by its own account. (C) 2014 CBA Catholic News Agency. All rights reserved. Any media use and forwarding only under written agreements allowed with CBA.

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Mickey Rourke Prepares With Images of Saints and Sign of the Cross Before Moscow Fight

MOSCOW -- We're always encouraging fellow Catholics to keep physically fit and militant.  Mickey Rourke isn't an exemplary Catholic, but he seems sincere, and he is setting an example.  
Hollywood actor Mickey Rourke returned to the boxing ring Friday at the age of 62, defeating a fighter less than half his age in an exhibition bout. 
Rourke sent 29-year-old Pasadena, California, native Elliot Seymour to the canvas twice in the second round before the referee stopped the fight. 
Rourke prepared in a dressing room in front of a shrine featuring candles, images of saints, and photographs of his dogs. He said he had been in mourning for his recently deceased Chihuahua. 
He took to the ring in a Stetson hat, a red-and-gold robe and shiny gold gloves, repeatedly crossing himself.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Real Madrid Sells Its Own Identity for Gold -- No Cross in the Logo Any More

(Madrid) One may twist and turn as you want: pecunia non olet  is what Emperor Vespasian is said to have said to his son Titus.The two Flavians  ruled the Roman Empire from AD 69-81. The Spanish football club, Real Madrid  even let the cross disappear from the club logo for money.
Clubs and football fans emphasize how proud they are of their respective club logos. Which obviously does not apply to the board of one of the world's most famous football associations. The Cross and the Spanish crown have been part of the coat of arms since the founding of the football club 112 years ago.  The crown was allowed to remain, the cross had to disappear.

Bank of Abu Dhabi New Sponsor - Respect "Islamic Sensibility"

The Board of Real Madrid will respect the "Islamic sensibility". So much undue "respect" is of course not available for free. This was inaugurated at the launch of the new credit card of National Bank of Abu Dhabi  (NBAD). The Arab Bank will continue to sponsor the Spanish team. The NBAD is the largest credit institution of the United Arab Emirates. Between moneymaking and Christian sensibility  the famous football club does not seem to have been hard done by and so it chose the money in its  decision. Who cares about the Christians.
The displacement of the Cross was immediately known by the Spanish online sports newspaper known as   Marca,  which according to the sponsor contract, was signed for three years. The Real Madrid president Florentino Perez and the acting Director General of NBAD, Alex Thursby,  posed in front of the new logo without cross. The contract is not valid  only for the club, but also for the historic football stadium Santiago Bernabeu .  It has been named  since 1955 after the former player and club president Santiago Bernabeu. However, the name of the legendary club leader, named after St. James the Great, will also disappear. The stadium will soon be called Ipic Bernabeu or Cepsa Bernabeu  out of reverence for  the sponsors of the Islamic IPIC Petroleum Investment Company .

No "Respect" for Christian Sensibility - Club President Speaks of a "Strategic Alliance"

The selling of one's own identity is to bring Real Madrid 400 million euros over the next 15-20 years. Club president Perez stated that, since we are dealing not only with an agreement but "a strategic alliance with one of the most respected organizations in the world. I hope that this cooperation will become a permanent alliance. "
It is not the first time that Real Madrid has received  Islamic finance. Last year, the club accepted 130 million euros from the Arabian airline Fly Emirates . However, it is the first time that a sports club has agreed to provide for a sponsorship deal to sell its own identity and put a price nl their own history and roots. Pecunia non olet ?
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisvhes...

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Islamists Blow Catholic Nunnery in Mossul

The reason for the destruction indicated by local sources were that crosses were over the buildings. People apparently were not harmed.

Vatican City ( The terrorist militia of the "Islamic State" has tried to blow up a convent in Mosul in northern Iraq. The convent building of the Chaldean Sacred Heart Sisters and the church were severely damaged, reported the Vatican press Fides (Tuesday). The reason for the destruction indicated by local sources was that there were crosses over the buildings. People apparently were not harmed.

According to sources, a first detonation was unsuccessful. The militias then increased the charges. The residents were warned in advance. The nuns had apparently left the complex. According to Fides, the fighters of the "Islamic State" used the monastery for some time as a headquarters and logistics base, but left apparently out of fear of US air strikes.

According to the press service, the building had been built with a donation from the former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Whether an adjacent George's Abbey was also affected by the explosion is unclear. (C) 2014 CBA Catholic News Agency. All rights reserved.

Trans: Tancred

For Salzburg's Archbishop, Christ was Not High Priest, But "A Layman"?

(Vienna) On the occasion of the re-division of the diocesan boundaries in Tirol 50 years ago, the ORF invited the bishops of the old county of Tyrol to "talk." 50 years before 1964, the Catholic Church drew  boundaries as a consequence of the    the end of World War to  divide  the former Austrian crown land at the Inn and Etsch valleys. Archbishop Lackner made Jesus a layman in the  question of the shortage of priests.
In 1964, the diocesan borders were adapted to the new international boundaries and administrative units. From the remaining portion of the Diocese of Brixen in Austria was the new diocese of Innsbruck. The old Diocese of Brixen was  extended from the so-called German share of the diocese of Trent and renamed the Diocese of Bozen-Brixen. The reduced diocese of Trent was elevated to an archdiocese. The Bishopric of Trent and the Diocese of Bolzano-Bressanone [Bozen-Brixen] have been subject since 1921 directly to the Pope. Trent has no suffragan dioceses and Bolzano-Bressanone belongs to  a Metropolitan Province. The new diocese of Innsbruck, however, is suffragan of Salzburg, as was the Diocese of Brixen since 798.

Bishop Discussion: 50 years of Diocesan Separation in Tirol

In the ORF regional studios in Tirol, the archbishops Franz Lackner (Salzburg) and Luigi Bressan (Trent) and Bishops Ivo Muser (Bolzano-Bressanone) and Manfred Scheuer (Innsbruck), met to look back at the past 50 years and attempt an outlook for the future.
"We are in a situation of massive radical change and transition and there arises the question: who puts his life, even his profession in the service of God and man? (...) We need pastors, priests, religious, religion teachers, pastoral assistance,"  said the Bishop Manfred Scheuer of Innsbruck, reigning since 2003  and pleaded for an "option for the youth."
"The gospel is and remains unrivaled  back then and now," said the Bishop of Brixen, Ivo Muser, reigning in his diocese since 2001. "Faith should not be imposed but must be made alive visible."
"Everyone is called to be  Church and participate in the pastoral care" said Bishop Muser to Orf again: "For all the importance of the priestly ministry, it is important that we do not just fix pastoral care on the priest alone. We are all called to be Church, to do our part. Each with their own skills, each with their own skills and potential."

Lackner: "We have Forgotten that Jesus was a Layman."

Archbishop Franz Lackner
A topic of conversation was the shortage of priests. The responses of the bishops remained superficial and concentrated to emphasize the role of the laity. With the devaluation of the priesthood and appreciation of the laity, the new Archbishop of Salzburg went the furthest.
The new archbishop of Salzburg, the Franciscan Franz Lackner, reigning since January 12, 2014,  said, "The Future of the Church" will include fewer priests, but that "the laity can take on important and responsible positions in the Church." These tasks should not belittle you, Lackner said. "We have forgotten that Jesus was a layman."
The statement of the Archbishop is on the website of the Archdiocese of Salzburg was taken and distributed without supplementing and amending. Even Martin Luther was clear that Jesus Christ is the true High Priest who knew him as it was known in the Old Testament for the Temple of Jerusalem.  More recent Protestant splits like the New Apostolic Church, emphasize the position of Christ as High Priest. However, the Catholic Archbishop of Salzburg and Primas Germaniae holds Jesus Christ for a layman?
An archbishop who  presents Jesus  as a layman? Son of God, who is under the priesthood? Jesus Christ is not just a high priest par excellence, who gave the Eucharist and the priesthood?  Is Jesus not as God incarnate, from whom all ordination offices pass through the setting up of Peter and his primacy? No succession, which ranges from Christ to Peter to every bishop since then, until the last priest? What would  this succession be  if Jesus Christ had been merely a "layman"?
Salzburg, like all old diocese, selects three candidates from its  chapter for new archbishop to be chosen by the Holy See.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: ORF Tirol / Archdiocese of Vienna (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Monday, November 24, 2014

Trier Laity Rises Up Against Bishop's Dismissal of Faithful Pastor

'Bishop Ackermann, You Have Fled at the Howling of the Wolves!"

Due to the ouster of their pastor Christoph Eckert Beckinger faithful are demonstrating at Trier chancellory. Speaker says: Ackermann punished "our pastor because of his clear preaching and his loyalty to the Roman Church".

Trier ( With flaming protest, believers turned from their parish church in Beckinger to their Bishop Stefan Ackermann. At a rally they made ​​the special trip to Trier. This followed the dismissal of the Beckinger pastor, Christoph Eckert. The altercation between the faithful and Bishop Ackermann has now drawn national attention to himself documented the written text of a speech to the Episcopal Seat in Trier on Saturday, 11.22.2014, presented by Beckinger Catholics, in full:

Dear parishioners friends, dear children and young people, I can't wish you a "good morning" now. Because this is not a good morning. It is a day that has passed in our episcopal city of Trier in a way we would have thought until now.

Today we do not come as a pilgrims. We come as a flock of sheep troubled that our shepherd was taken away from us without need.

We spent years on the right track with our pastor. He gave us the beauty of the Catholic faith, not only showing it but he planted it with the heart and soul of the Good Shepherd in our hearts and lived with us. He was not a cold pastoral functionary. He lived as a priest of Jesus Christ with us. He has directed our parishes with verve and vigor!

He has worked the mind of the Church and the Church what his job is. We, who were entrusted to him, he has always brought confidence in this church. Especially the many children and young people who have come to know the Church through his work as pastor in a time of uncertainty, as a home in faith and life.

In August of this year, our pastor altar showed the young Christians of our parish at the altar boy pilgrimage to Rome, the foundation of the Church: Peter, the rock on which the Church is founded. The rock that will guarantee the unity of the Church with the bishops.

Now we have to see that it is precisely our bishop, who has badly shaken our confidence in this Church.

He of all people, who should be in the faith, the guarantee of unity for us, has punished our pastor, because of his clear and unequivocal proclamation, his fidelity to the Roman Church and to its tradition, with a dismissal.

He introduces himself, after a few complainants from our ranks who were chafed by the Catholic orientation of pastoral care in our parish community and those of the pastor who is a thorn in their sides because of his loyalty to the Church.

These are not representative of the believers in Beckingen! We have pointed out time and again in letters to the bishop and in public statements. You have not been listening to us!

THEREFORE, Your Excellency Dr. Stefan Ackermann, we stand here in front of your headquarters today. We hope that you will hear us today and understand!

We are stunned by your way of dealing with us. We are not being treated sheep who one should lead good pasture. We are treated like sheep being punished because their shepherd has led them to good pastures.

You disregard our dignity as responsible Catholics. You rule over us with the caprice of a medieval lord. You abuse your authority and destroy an aspiring parish community! Just because there is not based on the zeitgeist, but in Catholic tradition.

We ask you about today, Lord Bishop:

What example do you give in our times by such behavior? What harm is done to the hearts of people, especially young people?

On May you have asked the believers in a sermon in our cathedral to be good custodians. You have called to the fact that we allow the building of God's living temple. This is the same situation with our parish community, and you have thrown the wrecking ball through the temple of God.


Why do you refuse to dialogue with us?

We are stunned by the way in which you engage your episcopal authority against us. We are deeply shocked by your ignorance to the voice of the faithful!

Immediately in the wake of the Synod, we have experienced everything that has been said by you in the last few years on the maturity of the laity and our participation in God's kingdom, as empty words! You have not heard the voice of the faithful! You have fled at the howling of wolves!

"The Bishop should involve the people of God in the joint search of what the spirit of God in the present moment in the local Church," so you said at the opening of the Synod.

We feel in Beckingen that this claim is downright cynical in the face of totalitarian conduct with which the priest and the parish were silenced!

Lord Bishop Ackermann, you have explained in a public letter the last Saturday that you understand our feelings well. If this should not be remembered as pure hypocrisy in the history of this diocese, then turn to your heart to the truth! This is the cause of the loss of unity in our communities!

And now you call on us by the unfounded dismissal of our respectable pastor to pray for unity?

Pope Francis has spread the slogan on Twitter a few weeks ago: "The division within a Christian community is a grave sin; it is a work of the devil."

Our voices will not be silenced!

But Lord Bishop Ackermann, if you will not at least listen to what we ask today, the sheep, at least listen to the Pope.

We demand:

- Make the wrongs good!

- Take active concern and work for unity in our parish.

- Understand the concerns and needs of your fellow Christians.

- Leave your walls, as Pope Francis has called for you to do, and go to the people.

- Solve problems on the ground and away from your desk. Show that you have understood the message of Pope Francis and

-. Show that you are serious about the Synod in Trier.

Photo Bishop Ackermann (c) the diocese of Trier


Cardinal Sarah in Cappa Magna. False?

Update: so it isn't +++Sarah? I'm astonished no one has photographed him saying Mass, or published it. We'll see.

Edit: it is hoped that with this election, there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth among the bad vestments and liturgical abuse gang.

Could this be Cardinal Arrinze^2?

H/t: Orbis Catholicus

Orthodox, Traditional Friendly Cardinal Appointed to Congregation of Divine Worship

(Rome)  Facilitated by  tradition related sites on the Internet: the risk of Piero Marini as the successor to Cardinal Antonio Cañizares is averted.  Pope Francis has appointed the Cardinal Robert Sarah from Guinea to the new Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.
The daily bulletin of the Holy See the renewal of the Congregation for Divine Worship was announced today at noon. Cardinal Sarah was already head of a Congregation of the Roman Curia. The previous president in 1971, established the Pontifical Council Cor Unum has now been put in charge of a Roman Congregation and upgraded in rank. The Council Cor Unum organized humanitarian relief efforts and is concerned with the plight of crisis and after disasters.
Cardinal Sarah was born in 1945 in Guinea in West Africa as the son of a Catholic family. After his studies in Guinea, France and Sengal, he was ordained a priest in 1969. He received his doctorate and graduated from the Bible Institute, a specialized study of Exegetic at the Pontifical Gregorian University. He was appointed in 1979 by John Paul II. as Archbishop of Conakry, Sarah was then the youngest diocesan Archbishop of the Catholic Church. His predecessor had been held in captivity for many years by the Communist regime. In 2001  John Paul II. called Archbishop Sarah to the Roman Curia and made ​​him Secretary of the Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. In 2010  Benedict XVI. made him the successor to Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes as President of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum and created him in the same year a cardinal. As such, he took part in the 2013 conclave.
In the fall of 2013 Cardinal Sarah attended a meeting of the Conference of European Bishops' Conferences (COMECE)  when he spoke of a "creeping apostasy among Christians." "A humanism without God coupled with a heightened subjectivity that  ideologies that are now promoted by the media and extremely influential and financially powerful groups, hide behind the guise of international aid and also operate in the Church and in our charitable organizations," said the cardinal  at that time, among other things. The criticism was aimed among other things, at  the political agenda of international organizations.
In 2012  Cardinal Sarah criticized that even Catholic organizations have adopted a "secular ethics." There is, according to the Cardinal, a "secular ethics", which was represented by "certain international institutions" and "is imposed by force by complex political, legal and cultural mechanisms, cultures and peoples around the world." As a result  "a negative and destructive view of man and woman" would be spread. "The history of the West has a sufficient connection between infidelity to the Magisterium and a demonstrated loss of faith" said Cardinal Sarah in his opening speech at the General Assembly of Cor Unum  on 18 Janaur 2013, as Osservatore Romano published. The black African cardinal is considered a vigorous defender of the non-negotiable values ​​and thus the right to life and the marriage sacrament.
In an interview with Zenit  on the recently concluded Synod of Bishops on the family,  Cardinal Sarah said  that the  question at its center, of communion for remarried divorcees is not one of the "real challenges for today's families". "The crisis of the family comes from a relativistic standpoint  that has also changed the understanding of marriage and the relationship of husband and wife," said the cardinal. The day before, he complained in an interview with Catholic News Agency about the pressure of international organizations and groups to link aid to Africa to the introduction of gender ideology.
This past October 24th Cardinal Sarah attended a Mass  for the reception of African priests, at the International Pilgrimage of Tradition Populus Summorum Pontificum  Rome and celebrated the Old Rite. From him, no one should expect liturgical experiments, toward which he, as is credibly said, he  has expressed incomprehension  and resentment.
Cardinal Sarah has led a diocese for 22 years, and has reached  the highest point of the Roman Curia with more than 13 years of experience.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: MiL
Trans: Tancred

Purge at Radio Maria Continues

Padre Livio of Radio Maria
(Milan) The wave of purges at Radio Maria continues. After the sacking of Mario Palmaro and Alessandro Gnocchi in the fall of 2013 and in spring 2014 Roberto de Mattei, now Gianpaolo Barra, the chief editor of the Catholic monthly magazine was Il Timone is being fired from the radio broadcaster.
The wave of Epurations can in no way be attributed to Pope Francis, but it still has  to do with him. Don Livio Fanzaga, the program director of Radio Maria Italy, the mother of all Radio Maria stations worldwide, is engaging in  a relentless anticipated obedience. In his effort to demonstrate actual or even alleged loyalty to the Pope, he showing employees with many years of outstanding employees the door because they dared not even on the radio, but elsewhere, to comment critically about  statements, decisions or gestures of Pope Francis.

Barra Should Have Dismissed Antonio Socci

The recent purge relates to the journalists Gianpaolo Barra, chief editor of the Catholic magazine Il Timone . He was in charge of, designed and hosted Radio Maria for three years on a "Faith Foundations Class".
Barra became the radio's internal guillotine victim after he had hesitated, to remove the Catholic journalist Antonio Socci from the list of Timone award winners at the Timone festival in Modena, even before  his latest book "Non è Francesco" (He is not Francis ) was published. The author doubts the legality of the election of Pope Francis in his book.
Socci should have been awarded in Modena for his publishing activities. Padre Livio had been informed before going to print  of the contents of the new Socci book and ordered Barra  by e-mail, to delete the publicist from Sienna and Rector of the School of Journalism of Perugia, from the festival program of TimoneIl Timone and Radio Maria are institutions completely independent of each other.

Account of Hesitating From Purgsing Now Purge Themselves

Barra initially, actually forced Socci  from the program, but with some hesitation and concerns. This tentative purging displeased the leaders of Radio Maria and they took their turn to purge Barra from the radio  themselves, as Riscossa Cristiana reconstructed the course of events. That Radio Maria does not dispute the view can be seen as confirmation that it is a credible reconstruction.
Just as an aside, it should be noted that in addition to the late Mario Palmaro,  that Alessandro Gnocchi, Roberto de Mattei and Gianpaolo Barra, Antonio Socci also belonged to the staff of Radio Maria. They were all, even though they were defending the truth of faith in their programs, in another context, but engaged in well-founded criticism of Pope Francis away from the broadcaster. A form of papolatry, which confuses "loyalty to the Pope" with the worship of a particular person.
Based others purged, their criticism on specific statements and actions of the reigning Pope, Socci is however, beyond that and even questions the election of the pope himself. An attitude that is within the Church, almost continuously rejected as inadequate in its reasoning. Socci had found a number of objective errors, showing that he interpreted the facts in support of his thesis were not only risky, but largely ignored,  partly distorted.
Notwithstanding anger with the removal of Gianpaolo Barra at Radio Maria Italy the guillotine continues. "A practice that is  little  suitable for a station that is called "a Christian voice in your house,
 says  Riscossa Cristiana .
To so called, World Family of Radio Maria , is the umbrella organization of all radio stations including Maria in German-speaking Radio Horeb , Radio Maria Austria , Radio Maria South Tyrol and German Radio Maria Switzerland. All TV channels are independent in their programming.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Request for Alms: Doctoral Student Had to Replace Expensive Computer

This in an attempt to help an avid supporter of this blog who is struggling financially after the theft of a very expensive computer, which he needs to do editing work related to his Ph.D program in Medieval Studies.

His academic work focuses on late medieval English scholasticism and history. In time, he hopes to situate the origins of the Protestant Revolt more clearly in their medieval antecedents and causes, especially in the thought of John Wyclif.

Any donation would be greatly appreciated. God bless you all for your generosity.

Cardinal Burke: Appeal to Pope Francis -- No More Controversial Themes Taken Up at Synod in 2015

(Dublin / Rome) Cardinal Raymond Burke,  who was removed by Pope Francis for his opposition to the papal agenda as Cardinal Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura discontinued and removed from the Roman Curia, spoke on the 15th of November at a meeting in Limerick, Ireland.
Cardinal Burke reiterated his concerns at the meeting of the Synod of Bishops on the family, which began in October 2015. Through his dismissal, Pope Francis saw to it that the American Cardinal can no longer participate ex officio at the upcoming Synod.
Cardinal Burke recalled that the attacks on the sacrament of marriage come from within the Catholic Church. One part of leadership was trying to abuse the Synod to make behavior socially acceptable, "which contradicts  Catholic doctrine".
Cardinal Burke appealed to Pope Francis, to renounce the further handling of the controversial issues at the Synod in 2015. He also urged the faithful to write their bishops and the Pope. You should insist on defending the Catholic doctrine and you should prompt bishops and Pope to prevent a further spreading of the confusion.
At the meeting was also Father Marcel Guarnizo who participated as a speaker. Father Guarnizo was pastor in Maryland in the United States of the Archdiocese of Washington when he was reprimanded  in 2012 when he refused a self-confessed lesbian  Communion. The complaint was issued after because of the refusal launched a bitter aberrosexual campaign against the Catholic priest and which was fanned by influential left-wing liberal media.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Chiesa e Postconcilio
Trans: Tancred

St. Stephen's Skull Imprisoned in Evil Dominican Reliquary

Edit: remember the film "Prince of Darkness" where the Catholic Church is the steward of an alien artifact that is a portal of evil forces bent on destroying humanity?

Well, the Dominican Museum of Dubrovnik has introduced a reliquary that looks just as evil, which imprisons the head of St. Stephen. Didymus at the Toma Blizanac blog from Croatia has just posted about this modernist statement.

Why do Dominicans have a museum anyway. These things don't belong in museums, a thing of the 1789 Revolution, but in a Church for the veneration of the people

Russia Saves Paris Christmas at Notre Dame

Edit: this bit from Gallia Watch and Tiberge, who asks, "aren't there enough Catholics in France with a little extra money to donate to such a worthy tradition? Was it necessary to take money from a foreign power, even if it was offered with the best of intentions? Of course the Socialist mayor could not violate the 1905 law on Church/State separation, and provide funds, even though funds are abundantly provided for some very anti-Christian cultural events and some very pro-Islamic festivities, such as the celebration of Ramadan at City Hall every year. Still, it seems implausible that private donations from the French Catholic community were not forthcoming."

It seems to us that actions speak louder than words but we await the season with great hope in the message of Emanuel  to be with us to the end of time, even as a child.
PARIS, November 21 (Sputnik) — Moscow has helped Paris raise funds for its main Christmas tree to be set up in the square in front of Notre Dame Cathedral, a source in the Russian embassy in France told RIA Novosti Friday. 
In the past, a giant Christmas tree was bought using donations collected by the local parish only, but this year's campaign fell short of its goal – so Moscow City Hall jumped in to save the day, according to the Russian Embassy in Paris. 
Russian ambassador to France Alexander Orlov has been invited to attend the switching on of Christmas tree lights on Saturday. The rector of Notre Dame de Paris, Monsignor Patrick Jacquin, will also be present to welcome the Christmas season and see the tree light up. 
Paris's Christmas tree goes up in the main square in front of Notre Dame Cathedral every year, from December to January.