Sunday, November 23, 2014

Papal Consultor, Who Wants to Abolish the Pope -- False Ecumenism

(Rome) The Pope seems not to know, but in the "ecumenical" Monastery of Bose (in the sense of Base Community), they are  already preparing his end. On the other hand, it is Francis who recently made  the "Prior"  of this  "monastic community"  a consultant for Christian Unity.  Bose was established as an ecumenical Base Monastery, in the sense of base community of laity by Enzo Bianchi. Although the religious 68er pilgrim has posed for various photos with John Paul II. and even to Benedict XVI., but did not miss an opportunity to engage in criticism of the German Pope. Sufficient space was left him in the Italian media. He found support even with Alberto Melloni, now head of the progessives in the "School of Bologna" and their network.
While Benedict XVI. and Enzo Bianchi remained at a  distance from other at a distance,   ​​Pope Francis made  the enterprising ecumenicist Consultor of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity . Sandro Magister recently wrote an article about a "secret" ecumenical project of Enzo Bianchi and Alberto Melloni, which gathered a lot of attention. This project in the name of ecumenism provides nothing less than the abolition of the papacy, rather, its dissolution.
"The writings and speeches Enzo Bianchi has acted corrosively  for many years, not least because almost all are of the opinion that it is a young religious order at Bose. In reality, the community has never been canonically established, because it does not fulfill any necessary requirements. If Bianchi nevertheless,  calls himself a  Prior, appears in the Habit and a 'monastic community', 'monastery' and 'monks' are mentioned, this community still does not adhere to the laws of the Church, then there is at least a certain misnomer," says Chiesa e Postconcilio .
. The priest and philosopher, Monsignor Antonio Livi, founder of the International Science and Common Sense Association (ISCA), wrote of Bose: "Thanks to the not disinterested aid of the anti-Catholic media,  Enzo Bianchi has enhanced his reputation  very well to maintain his public image: if he is applies Catholics, Bianchi occurs as 'prophet', who fights for the Adventus of a new Christianity (a Christianity that must be modern, open, non-hierarchical, non-dogmatic and ultimately, not Catholic. "

For Enzo Bianchi, the Papacy is the Main Obstacle for Christian Unity

Enzo Bianchi, "Prior" of Bose
"The deconstruction of the papacy in its present form is an especially important concern of the Prior of Bose," said Don Nicola Bux the known liturgist and Consultor of the Congregation f the Faith and the Congregation of Divine Worship . Don Bux was also under Benedict XVI. the Consultor for the Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Pope, till Pope Francis dismissed the Consuls  en bloc.
Enzo Bianchi claims, says Bux, that there is no hope  for the Chrustianian unity of "large traditional churches", because their argument about papal primacy was the decisive obstacle to Christian unity.
"In the Gospel is written that the disciples began to argue among themselves at the question of who was the first. It seems to me that this conflict has continued in the Church's history and still is a central hub for the question of unity. It overlooks the fact that each tradition is limited and partisan and that only together can all go to the full truth," Bianchi wrote in 1999 in his book Ricominciare (new beginning, p 73f).

Primacy Question Decided by Christ

"In reality it was Jesus who chose  between the disciples in the pre-Easter debate   and confered the primacy of the Simon Cephas," said Don Bux.
Besides: Whoever is really Catholic knows that there are no "traditional churches", but only the one Church of Christ.  She is currently in the sealed apostolic tradition of Rome and is recognized by Christians, who organized independently in churches and communities in the first and second millennium.
Bianchi represents a relativistic variant of the unity of the Church. He does not say, but in fact represents the view of Jean-Marie Tillard, according to which the church is the sum of the "sister churches." To show the fallacy of this understanding,  the CDF under Prefect Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger  and the approbation of Pope John Paul II. explained in  note  published on 30 June in the Holy Year 2000 abut "sister churches" says  Bux.

The Term "sister churches"

It states:
Unfortunately, in certain publications and in the writings of some theologians involved in ecumenical dialogue, it has recently become common to use this expression to indicate the Catholic Church on the one hand and the Orthodox Church on the other, leading people to think that in fact the one Church of Christ does not exist, but may be re-established through the reconciliation of the two sister Churches. In addition, the same expression has been applied improperly by some to the relationship between the Catholic Church on the one hand, and the Anglican Communion and non-catholic ecclesial communities on the other. In this sense, a "theology of sister Churches" or an "ecclesiology of sister Churches" is spoken of, characterized by ambiguity and discontinuity with respect to the correct original meaning of the expression as found in the documents of the Magisterium. 
And further:
In the strict sense are sister churches exclusively particular Churches (or part of church organizations, such as patriarchates or ecclesiastical provinces) among themselves. It must always remain clear, even when the expression sister churches is used in this sense correct that the universal one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church is not sister but mother to all the particular Churches.
Bianchi also represents a thesis, even more, he demands that the Pope has nothing to decide alone.  At the same time he wrote that the Pope has the power to "restore the church to  unity" (a new beginning, p 72f).
The ecumenical theologian Max Thurian described as follows, the ecumenical implications of the common creed of the Christian denominations:
"The visible unity of Christians can not be completed except in the recognition of the Eucharistic celebration and office of holy orders, which are in the structure of the Church, in the apostolic succession and communion with the Bishop of Rome. (...) For the Catholic Church, the fullness of apostolicity is the succession of bishops from the apostles and in their community thanks to the office of Peter, which is exercised by the Bishop of Rome "( Avvenire , June 29, 1997).

What Hinders, Must be Eliminated

For Enzo Bianchi recognition of papal primacy is quite the object of the real obstacle to the unity of the Church. And what prevents that must be eliminated.
"I do not know if Pope Francis knew all this when he appointed the Prior of Bose last July 22 as Consultor of the Ecumenical Congregation of the Holy See," said Don Bux.
The idea that Enzo Bianchi reflects  the "hermeneutics of rupture"  that central theme  of the multi volume council history Conciliorum oecumenicorum generaliumque Decreta is the "school of Bologna",  against which "there are reservations of doctrinal nature" according to the competent Vatican authorities.  This did not prevent the German Bishops' Conference from financing the German translation and thus to making it the official council interpretation for the German-speaking world.
Curia Archbishop Agostino Marchetto countered the "school of Bologna" at every available opportunity and refuted their arguments. Pope Francis has designated Marchetto  as "the best performer of the Second Vatican Council". But Enzo Bianchi he made the ecumenical Consultor. Certainly one of the numerous contradictions of the current pontificate. What really does  Pope Francis think about the Council?
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Settimo Cielo
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches....

Friday, November 21, 2014

Spain's Bishops Elect Members for Bishops' Synod -- Surprise Bishop Reig -- Little Ratzinger Elected to Chairmanship

Bishop Juan Antonio Reig Surprisingly Strong in the
Bishops' Conference of Spain
(Madrid) The Fall General Assembly of the Spanish Bishops' Conference elected  three synododalists for the Synod of Bishops on the Family in 2015 with a not insignificant surprise.
The  Cardinal Prefect of the   Congregation for Divine Worship, who was dismissed by Pope Francis and sent back as Archbishop of Valencia, Cardinal Antonio Cañizares to Spain, has been, it seems, chosen with great support to the Chairmanship  of the Conference of Bishops. He replaces the retired Archbishop of Madrid Rouco Varela.

Archbishop Blázquez and Bishop Iceta in 2015 as Synodalists in Rome

The second vote is likely some food for thought. The Spanish Episcopal Conference was represented in the first part of the Synod of Bishops, which took place as extraordinary Synod last October, automatically and exclusively by its President, while  three representatives will participate in the second part, the Annual Synod, who were elected by the bishops from their own ranks. First place will  go to the Vice President of the Bishops' Conference, then Ricardo Blazquez, archbishop of Valladolid, who was elected by a large majority. In second place comes a Mario Iceta Gavicagogeascoa, the Bishop of Bilbao who is an acknowledged expert on bioethical issues. Both are considered of "strong character and conservative," said the Spanish Catholic church historian and blogger José Francisco Fernández de la Cigoña.

Jockeying for Third Place at Synod 

For third place, however it came to a scramble.  For this spot,  the Archbishop of Madrid, Carlos Osoro Sierra, who was appointed by Pope Francis,  and him alone, would have gotten the position owing to his rank. In reality, several rounds of voting were needed because Archbishop Osoro could not gather a sufficient majority. In the end, Osoro prevailed because of one vote.. His opponent was none other than Bishop Juan Antonio Reig of Alcalá de Henares. Archbishop Reig is the Spanish bishop who speaks in the most definitive language and does not hesitate to publicly engage in clear words for faith. But he is also most severely under attack by opponents of the church and media. "If the Archbishop of Granada had been present, Archbishop Osoro would have gotten a nasty surprise," says Fernández de la Cigoña.

Surprising Moral Support for Bishop Juan Antonio Reig

The humiliating ballots are a snub for the new Archbishop of Madrid. Perhaps the voting behavior of many bishops were directed not against him, but were rather in support of the positions of Bishop Reig. The Bishop of Alcalá de Henares had to put up with a thorough drubbing in public in recent months, but stood at the forefront in the defense of non-negotiable values ​​and expressed clear positions on the controversial issues at the Synod of Bishops. The vote for him, if he ultimately lost the election, means a substantial strengthening his position in the Bishops' Conference. Bishop Reig was the one who sharply criticized the reigning bourgeois Partido Popular  because of the pandering  to the abortion party. Next year, a new parliament will be elected in Spain. The support of the bishop by his confreres can also be seen in this context and even more importantly, there is nevertheless in most of the Episcopal Conferences a certain unwillingness   to mess with  political power, and certainly not before elections.
The close defeat of Bishop Reig is a loss for the Synod of Bishops. More surprising than its failure, however, is that he could ever unite so many votes against the Archbishop of Madrid, almost half the episcopate. It may be as general custom now   such that Bishop Reig  is a replacement synodalist, should  one of the three newly elected Synod members should not be able to go to Rome.
Spain's bishops are well positioned in sum for the Bishops' Conference. Their position was clearly stated with the election of Archbishop Blázquez, Bishop Iceta and the votes for Bishop Reig.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: InfoVaticana

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Why Are Conservatives Obscurantists, Lord Cardinal?

Walter Cardinal Brandmüller in an interview with "Bild am Sonntag" about cruelty, sin and madness.   

by Paul Badde.

The revolution will not take place in the Vatican. Attempts to establish a reform of the life world of sexuality in Catholic doctrine are thwarted by the opposition of conservative cardinals. For the time being. Behind the St Peter I meet Walter Cardinal Brandmüller (85), a prominent representative of the counter-revolutionary wing of the Roman Curia. He drinks his coffee black. 

Bild am Sonntag: Why are conservatives so hard and merciless, Your Eminence? 

Are they? I have not seen a man who was merciless because he is conservative. There are compassionate and ruthless liberals and conservatives. But  is the doctor is merciful, who saves a patient saving surgery and allowed him alcohol and nicotine will? The a diabetic mitgibt a Sacher Torte? 

But don't conservatives usually talk more about sin, and liberals more about forgiveness and mercy?

This is new to me. How do you know? From the Newspaper? Even liberals talk of sin. But they usually understand something else underneath that's right.  For them there are more parking offenders and diet sins. So what is sin? 

Please say it.

Sin is a morally inferior attitude or action, with which people harm themselves and others. But we had all been told that we feel bad when we do evil and act falsely. That fraud, adultery, murder, etc. has not yet made ​​people really happy. Dostoevsky wrote whole novels about this dark secret. 

But aren't conservatives are rather more about fear, where liberals are brave?

Where is that? Let's talk perhaps of the elephant who bravely trudges here in the china shop? Caution in dealing with precious vessels, I would never be confused with fearfulness. 

How did conservatives get the reputation of being the obscurantist - in contrast to the liberal luminaries

Should I laugh? Obscurantists are shooting gallery figures brought out of mothballs of the so-called Enlightenment. There are prejudices that are without any reasonable justification.  200 years ago, everyone who opposed that obsession with progress and modernity were slandered as obscurantists. The Jacobins, however,  liked to stylize themselves as she heads rolled for progress. 

Why are many liberals so fascinated with the concept of revolution 200 years later?

You have to ask the Liberals. I shiver at the notion. Let us not forget, the great revolutions have brought upon the people so much blood and tears! The Nazis saw themselves as revolutionaries. Revolutionaries are arsonists. 

But conservatives do not like to look back, while liberals actually look forward and to the future? Why? 

I am a historian. The past is the stuff of experience and very concrete. The future is the realm of dreams and seducers. It is untested and one can easily say and promise anything. Only on the basis of historical experience can a secure future be built. 

Why has the dispute between conservatives and liberals today erupted because of the topic of family?

Ideologues who want to change people and society, starting at the family and its destruction. That was the same with Marx and Lenin. Families are the primordial cells of every community. That is why they are so vulnerable. They should not be experimented with. I will not speak of the latest insanity of "social freezing" of female ova here. Anyway, an incredible fight has broken out about families in which  unfortunately none has defended so  much  as the Church. That's what   Pope Paul VI. .. and John Paul II decades ago pointed out so prophetically?  

How do you interpret the fact  that  Cardinal Müller and Cardinal Kasper. the biggest opponents, are German in this debate between conservatives and liberals in the Catholic Church? 

I have to respond with Goethe: "Two souls dwell, alas! in my chest."  This is true somehow also of Germany, particularly since the Reformation, in which the Germans have split into two camps. This cleavage even now has penetrated the Catholic Church in Germany. 

The Catholic Church was in conflict over the indissolubility of marriage in conflict with Henry VIII. 1535, which led to the separation of the Anglican Church. Was it worth the price?

The question is wrongly put. No pope and no council can pass over  the words of Jesus about marriage. "What God has joined together, man must not separate." Fidelity to the Word of God was something  Pope Clement VII held more weighty than the political threat of the English king. The Church is not entitled to modify the sacraments. The apostle Paul says that we are only managers and that a manager must be faithful. The Church is a foundation, since it the founder's will is what matters. 

Do we understand the Word of God today better with today's theologians than earlier ones. 

God's Word is inexhaustible in form and content. Therefore, there is very probably an advance in knowledge. But it is inconceivable that later findings contradict those previously the known. Two times two is four. Truth does not change. And the Spirit of God does not contradict itself. 

Doesn't a healthy Church really need this dispute? 

A certain ferment of unrest does each community well. Even conservatives need surface friction where they can light their matches. The error has its importance for the progress of knowledge. 

Should  we not  fear a Church that consists only of conservatives? 

That depends on what you mean by conservative. 

What is conservative, Eminence? 

Conservative means in the culture and  in religion something else than in politics.  Social relations or forms of government like perhaps the monarchy to be maintained under all circumstances is not conservative. So it is in life. The lizard can lose the tail to save himself. The true conservatives understand it, dismissing things of secondary importance to obtain essentials. To preserve worthless things  is not conservative. It is not conservative to preserve the ashes, John XXIII. said, but to guard the embers. In dentistry it is conservative to preserve the root, and not to pull the tooth. We need tined food: blood products, canned foods. What would be the art of the world without conservators? The fire department is conservative - when it comes time! Photo: Walter Cardinal Brandmüller © Paul Badde

Link to

Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Benedict XVI Reworks Essay of 1972 and Positions Himself as "Anti-Pope"

Pope Francis
 "From Saul to Paul?" Asks the Regensburg weekly.The Süddeutsche Zeitung has its pejorative judgment already at hand: " The Anti-Pope ". The reason for the excitement? Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. has given word again from his internal exile. He revised an essay on the sacrament of marriage and the indissolubility of marriage in 1972 and published it again. The revisions are the ones which provide for politico-ecclesiastical  dynamite.
Joseph Ratzinger had published the essay in his time as a professor of theology in Regensburg. Now, it has appeared   in the Collected Works, issued by the Pope-Benedict Institute under the direction of Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer of Regensburg.

1972: The Proximity to the Position of Cardinal Kasper

In 1972 Joseph Ratzinger had written something similar, as Cardinal Walter Kasper has represented at  the Cardinal Consistory and at the Synod of Bishops on the Family. It was about  civil remarriage, which should find some recognition in the Church. There was talk that "the opening of Communion in the community after a period of probation of not less than the time fairly and fully in line with the Church's tradition."   Of course, if  "successful, a second marriage for a long time  proves its moral significance" and had been "lived in the spirit of faith" and if "there are moral obligations towards children and wife" in the new civil marriage.   This was the original Ratzinger essay, as it was cited by  the Süddeutsche Zeitung, whose difference is now noted.

2014: The Distancing of Cardinal Kasper

Now Pope Benedict XVI. no longer shares the view he held in 1972. For this reason he underwent a major rewriting of the essay prior to its publication in the collected writings. The conclusion that Benedict XVI. draws in 2014, is completely different than the theologian Joseph Ratzinger in 1972 drew. Not to recognize  the second marriage and grant admission to Communion, but to check the condition of  nullity on the marriage and streamline the process.  This is a position he had already proposed as Pope during his reign.
The revised version is binding and thus Benedict XVI. has distanced himself to Cardinal Kasper and the attempts undertaken in this year  within the Church to enforce the recognition of  a second marriage and the Communion for remarried divorcees. Instead  Benedict XVI. strengthens the position of those cardinals who are  attempting to confront this,   Cardinal Prefect Gerhard Müller, Cardinal Raymond Burke, Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, Cardinal George Pell and others.

Benedict XVI. take sides as "Counter-Pope" of Pope Francis

The date of revision can hardly be considered random. Thus, the retired head of the Church took an active part in the ongoing discussion and clearly sided with one party. According to Church tradition that would negate the demand. However, the facts speak for themselves. Also, that the "against" of Benedict XVI., which  the Süddeutsche Zeitung attributed him as "The Contrast-Pope"  with their word game, is actually directed against  Pope Francis and Benedict XVI. in the latest and most heated inner-Church debate, is positioned  as "anti-pope".
So it would never be said  in the Vatican. The battle takes place at a distance and without naming the counterparts. However, the picture is clear, Benedict XVI. defends the teaching of the Catholic Church. His position is not directed against anyone, but takes the side of the deposit of faith, which he sees clearly at risk. In other words: He takes position against all who oppose the Church's teaching  whether it be Cardinal Walter Kasper and be it even Pope Francis.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred

Monday, November 17, 2014

Highest Religious of Austria Demands Women's Ordination With Church Rebels

Abt Christian Haidinger calls for end to discrimination against women by the Church
Edit:  "Non Serviam".

(Vienna) The senior abbot of the Austrian Benedictine Abbey of Altenburg, Christian Haidinger, feels himself called since his election as President of the Conference of Superiors of Male Religious Communities in Austria,  to publicly attack the Catholic Church and this, primarily on issues that do not concern him as a monk. In a study conference "Women in the Church. Equal dignity - Equal Rights"  Haidinger again renewed the call for women priests.

Abbot Haidinger  has presided over a Benedictine abbey till last March 14,  he is now Abbot President of the Austrian Benedictine Congregation and President of the aforementioned  Conference of Superiors of Austrian male  religious.  There is no higher religious in the Alpine republic. Elected on 25 November 2013,  as President of Major Superiors, he gave an interview upon his entrance in which he berated the Catholic teaching on marriage as a "disaster" and castigated the Church's handling of remarried divorcees as inhuman. He also called for the abolition of priestly celibacy and the admission of women to the priesthood. Amazing polemical, regarding women priests, even heretical statements that have nothing to do with  Benedictine monastic orders. The ecclesiastical hierarchy was habitually silent on the precipitation of the Abbot President.

Heretical  Trysts and disobedient initiatives with Abbot President

Then  Abbot Haidinger asserted this: the No to women priests, it will not stay. Haidinger  proposed to organizers with the suggestion that the religious "considers it not only possible but urgently desirable for"  women to be ordained. 
Relevantly positioned teams invited last Saturday in St. Pölten for the conference "Women in the Church. Equal dignity - equal rights ". The title was program. The result, which was reflected in a resolution at the end,  was already clear before the beginning. Invited were the heretical organization "We Are Church", the disobedient priests of the "pastor initiative", the left Catholic Catholic Women's Movement Austria (KFBÖ), the notoriously progressive St. Pölten "Forum XXIII.," The group "Priest Without Office" and the same spectrum belonging "Taxhamer Parish Council Initiative". The meeting was also included the "Fall Meeting of Reform Initiatives," which is referred to the left side of the Church itself.
Abbot President Haidinger was thus in a society that is more outside than inside the Church. The perspective can be turned around, making it clear how far heretical and  schismatic positions are penetrated into the Church, of course. Never the less it should be told how far these positions are already recognized in the Church in Austria, when  the bureaucratic, highest religious representative of Austria it taken into account, so  assuredly  moves in these circles and accepts its positions as its own.

I Am "Not Alone": Majority of Theologians for Women Priests, Bishops Also for Frauendiakonat

Event advertised on website of the Diocese of St. Pölten
Haidinger flirted in his talk with the new modesty. As the "little monk" he had nothing to propose to the   question of women, but then he did it. "The time will come when women will also get access to our Church offices, which are now reserved exclusively to men." The Abbot President portrayed himself as the preventive courageous sacrifice, for he foresees that he for his criticism and demands  must "take a beating". There's no sense that this is going to happen, for  In St. Pölten, Haidinger only met with vigorous applause.
But, as the Abbot President, he knew he is  "not alone" in his demands. Actually that is to say that a majority of theologians agree. He even knew of bishops who were in favor, "at least  to admit women to the diaconate." There are "theological reasons" for the admission of women to the ordained ministries. In addition, we have had "encouraging experience" with women in pastoral positions and finally there were "great theologians". There were hurdles but  Abbot Haidinger sees no obstacles for women priests only because of the predictable "great irritation" of the Orthodox, who would burden the ecumenical dialogue.  For his thesis, the abbot appealed to  Pope Francis before the Synod of Bishops  for a  "desired open and frank discussion" in the Church. The Pope himself spoke of a need to "deepen the woman question", said Haidinger.
In addition to the Benedictine Abbot President, the feminist theologian Grazer Frau Fischer spoke. Fischer is a member of the advisory board for the new translation of the "Bible in just language". Petra Steinmair-Pösel talked about "the current situation of young women and theologians in the Church" is based on "The latest material from the sociology of religion studies with Prof. (Paul) Zulehner".  Also, there was an "Experience Report of a Nun" by Sr. Maria Schlackl SDS from Linz, a "Salvatorian of the Passion".

Resolution Calls for "The End of Discrimination Against Women" by the Church

The study meeting called in the final resolution for an  "end discrimination against women" through and in the Church. Those present agreed that the exclusion of women from the priesthood is an "impermissible discrimination" is the true remedy it. Finally, women have "effected and inspired" the Church, which is why their exclusion from ordained ministries is untenable.
The resolution reads: "The exclusion of women from the priesthood is a discrimination that can not blame  Jesus for the argument that he  didn't grant them authority. Already, due to the natural divine law, no discrimination is inadmissible; to turn it off, it does not require any special authority. "
The "Fall Conference" demonstratively ended with a "celebration of the Word of God, which was headed by women". The venue was the formation house St. Hyppolit in the diocese of St. Pölten.
Of the said diocese and the competent diocesan Bishop Klaus Küng (Opus Dei) there has been no opinion on the meeting, the resolution and the appearance of Abbot President Haidinger. On the website of the Diocese the meeting was about the Catholic Women's Movement advertised in the official calendar of events. The Diocese of St. Pölten was headed, until 2004 by the late, militant Bishop Kurt Krenn, who braced himself against heretical positions and was brutally put down by the same circles.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: My district / Hilda Schwameis (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Followup On St. John's Abbey: Indifference at the Nunciature

Edit: as Cardinal Sean wrings his hands about Bishop Finn in Kansas City and demands an accounting, firing warning shots, there's a Monastery in the Midwest with hundreds of victims and probably the highest concentration of sexual predators in the world. One reader writes that he has contacted the Nuncio in Washington, has contacted the local ordinary, the Abbot, and the Bishop of St. Cloud (Himself a St. John's byproduct). Despite contacting them on two occasions, including letters, he has received no answer, no response to his letters, just silence and nothing changes.

But Cardinal Sean is rooting for women's ordination.

Here's my anonymous contributor's email message:

I have written the Vatican Embassy more than once, but never gotten a response.

Since you posted up the phone number, I called Washington today asking to speak to a staff member about the need to investigate the monks of St. John's Abbey. It seems impossible to get past the receptionist. She put me on hold for a long time, and when she came back she assured me my most recent e-mail of complaint had been received and was being reviewed, but that no staff member was available to visit with me. She also refused to put me on hold when I said I would wait to talk with someone about the history of the monks theological, liturgical, and sexual abuses, claiming that I had called an embassy, not a hotline; she told me I was free to call back, but the situation would remain the same.

Why does the phone number exist if all you can speak to is a deflecting receptionist? Why can't we call our Church leaders in Washington to express fears and indignation? Why won't they ever even write me back, or even acknowledge in writing they have received my correspondence?

Why does the same thing happen when I've written the last two bishops of the St. Cloud Diocese about the monks, the OSB nuns who preach daily at Mass, about the deteriorating Catholic ethos at the College of St. Benedict and St. John's University?

Photo source, CNS News...

If you think it will do any good (it can't hurt), please contact the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Vignano: 3339 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20008 (202) 333-7121

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Pope Visit in November 2015 to Paraguay -- No Visit to Ciudad del Este

Marian Shrine in Caacupe in Paraguay
(Rome / Asuncion) Pope Francis will visit Paraguay on 15 November 2015. The date has not yet been confirmed by the Holy See, but seems to have been agreed with by the Episcopal Conference of the South American country. The Pope doesn't want to visit his native Argentina till  2016. A visit to the Diocese of Ciudad del Este, whose outstanding diocesan Bishop, Rogelio Livieres. whome the pope deposed at the end of September, is not provided for.
The pastoral visit to Paraguay was made known by the Mayor of Caacupé, Roberto Franco, who appealed to Bishop Catalino Claudio Giménez Medina. The Bishop of Caacupé and chairman of the Paraguayan Episcopal Conference had just returned from a visit with Pope Francis in Santa Marta. According to Mayor Franco, Pope Francis told the bishop   he wants to visit the great Marian National Shrine of Nuestra Señora de los Milagros de Caacupé on 15 November.
Bishop Giménez has not yet confirmed the Pope's visit to journalists about the exact date. The trip will take place, "the date is not sure yet, because the final step took place with changes that require only familiarization."  An allusion to the description made by Pope Francis a week ago in a reshuffle of the Vatican State Department. The former "foreign minister", Msgr. Dominique Mamberti was appointed Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura and Msgr. Paul Richard Gallagher as the new "foreign minister". Msgr. Mamberti is succeeding Cardinal Burke, exiled in a papal retaliation from the Roman Curia. 

Visit the Ruins of a Jesuit Reduction - No Visit to the Diocese of the Deposed Bishop Livieres

Even the ruins of Trinity Church still impress
According to Ultima Hora  scheduled destinations besides Caacupé are the cities Villarrica and the capital Asuncion. In addition, Pope Francis wanted to visit the ruins of the Jesuit reduction Itapua and thus show reverence to the Jesuit Missions of the reductions of the 17th and 18th centuries. Probably he would visit the former  Reduction of La Santísima Trinidad de Paraná (Holy Trinity of Paraná), which was declared a UNESCO World Culture Site of mankind.
Moreover, the Pope is expected to visit an indigenous community in the Rio Pilcomayo in the Chaco. No visit is planned in the Diocese of Ciudad del Este, which was an exception among the dioceses in Paraguay until recently.  Although only ten percent of Catholics in the country belong to Ciudad del Este,  the priest candidates of its diocesan seminary outnumber by three times all of the other dioceses together. The 2004   Bishop Rogelio Livieres Plano of Opus Dei was appoited by John Paul II, who created a diocese that was flourishing in many respects in ten years. A flower that was based by a return to the unabridged Catholic doctrine and its proclamation. Bishop Livieres also promoted the traditional form of the Roman Rite, which is celebrated in almost all parishes next to the Novus Ordo.
On September 24, 2014, Pope Francis deposed the Bishop  without specific allegations. From the brief explanation by the Press Office of the Holy See it was deduced that the other bishops had urged the removal of the bishop, because he had obviously disturbed the "unity" among the bishops (see Pope Francis sets from Bishop Livieres - intrigues against faithful bishops continues ).
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Portal Guarani / Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

The Homoheresy in the Church Today -- Benedict XVI. Established a Clear Ban for Their Ordination

Dariuscz Oko Warns Against Homoheresy and Homomafia
in the Church
(Rome) Two years ago, the Polish Catholic journal Fronda published a long essay, which was also taken up by the German Catholic journal Theologisches. The subject of the review was the "Homohäresie" and the existence of a "gay mafia" in the Catholic Church. The author described the existence of a network of homosexual priests at all levels of the Church hierarchy, including the Roman Curia, who cover for  each other.
The author of the explosive essay is the Polish priest Dariusz Oko, assistant professor of philosophy at the Pontifical Theological Academy of Cracow and the Pontifical University of John Paul II. of Krakow and pastor at St. Hedwig's parish in this city. In his essay, Oko recalled that more than 80 percent of the so-called pedophilia cases of clerics in the US are in reality cases of ephebophilia and are aimed at male adolescents. The numbers coincide with those of the CDF, which speaks of 90 percent,  facts that had been systematically suppressed in public. "Factual investigations show that the extent of the problem in the Catholic Church is still the lowest. Why then is she the one mainly spoken of? According to research,  in a thousand cases of pedophila or ephebophilia there is only one is related to  the Catholic Church in the United States, about 3-5 per  ten thousand, says Oko in Theologisches (42) 9-10 / 2012 .
However Oko also showed the difficulties of priests and seminarians, who oppose the homosexual network in the church: "If the rector or other supervisor try to expel one, then it may be that they theselves are expelled and not the homo-cleric. Or should a vicar try to defend young people from the parish from a priest who commits sexual assault, he is harassed, disciplined and treated and not the priest, "because the decisions makers to whom they refer, are themselves part of the gay lobby.
"If some indiscretions are verified, which is leaked  from the Vatican palaces, it would be an international network with hundreds of clerics of all rank levels," said the Vatican expert Marco Tosatti. Tosatti conducts an interview with, Dariusz Oko on this subject.  The  pontificate of Benedict XVI  was kept under continuous bombardment with the pedophile scandal.  With the new pontificate it  was "completely forgotten", says  Tosatti.

Homoheresy is the Rejection of the Church's Teaching on Homosexuality

Marco Tosatti: Two years ago you had mapped the situation in the Church in your thorough study. Has something changed since then?
Dariusz Oko: Certainly my study has touched on a widespread problem that exists almost everywhere. Only in this way can it be explained that they made the rounds around the world within a few weeks. In many countries, translations were made: from English to German, Italian and Czech, Slovak and Estonian ... It seems to me that the problem is addressed in my study is perceived more consciously.
Marco Tosatti: You talk in your work of Homoheresy. What are their characteristics?
Dariusz Oko: The Homoheresy is a rejection of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church on homosexuality. The representatives of Homoheresy do not accept that the homosexual inclination is a personality disorder. They doubt that homosexual acts are unnatural. The defenders of Homoheresy are for the ordination of homosexuals. The Homoheresy is an ecclesiastical version of homosexualism.
Marco Tosatti: In 2005 the Congregation for Catholic Education published  an important document by Pope Benedict XVI. that prohibits the ordination of homosexuals. Why this document?
Dariusz Oko: Since the 70s of the 20th century, a new type has entered in many seminars and monasteries around the world, who view human sexuality contrary to the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church on homosexuality. The consequence  was that it started on all continents in so many diocesan seminaries and monasteries, to represent the idea that there are two equivalent sexual orientations: a heterosexual and a homosexual. Thus, it was that clerics were only chaste, to be understood as abstaining from unclean actions, and demanded the ability to live celibacy, without further  asking about their sexual orientation or their inclinations. In this way, it became necessary to define homosexuality as an inclination and personality structure explicitly as an objective obstacle to the ordination.
Marco Tosatti: Was this requirement from 2005, which prohibits the priesthood for homosexuals, used to your knowledge?
Dariusz Oko: I am not responsible for training at seminaries. Therefore, I do not know how this ban is handled in different countries. This question should be directed to those responsible for the formation of future priests.
Marco Tosatti: Since you have published your survey, the Pope has changed. Do you see any difference in attitude between the two popes in connection with the problem?
Dariusz Oko: It is difficult to speak of any difference. Fundamentally, the Magisterium of the Catholic Church does not change and the forbids the ordination of homosexuals. The Magisterium in  force led to a contrast to previous distinction between active and passive homosexuality a distinction between a temporary homosexual inclination, which occurs in late puberty, and the deep-rooted inclination. Both forms of homosexuality and not only active homosexuality represent an obstacle for the priesthood. Homosexuality is incompatible with the priestly vocation. Therefore, not only the ordination of men with homosexual inclination (even if only temporarily) is strictly forbidden, but  their admission to the seminary as well.
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred

Pope Francis Names New Bishop for Ciudad del Este in Paraguay

Edit: these news reports from Catholic Snooze Network are so sterile and mindless, but the particulars are generally accurate. More later as details about the successor arise.
VATICAN CITY, 15 Nov. 14 / 10:11 a.m. ( CNA / EWTN News ) .- Pope Francisco has today named as the new Bishop of Ciudad del Este in Paraguay, Father Heinz Wilhelm Steckling, who so far has served as rector the major seminary of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate Missionaries in the capital.
The Bishop succeeds Bishop Rogelio Livieres, who since last September 25 was removed from office by the Pope after an Apostolic Visitation held at  his diocese in July this year.
The controversy that led to the apostolic visit of Spanish Cardinal Santos Abril y Castelló began in early June this year, when the Archbishop of Asunción, Msgr. Pastor Cuquejo announced an investigation into alleged pedophilia against Argentine Carlos Urrutigoity priest, incardinated in the Diocese of Ciudad del Este from the United States, and named by Mons. Livieres as Vicar General.
In response, Mons. Rogelio Livieres supported the innocence of Father Urrutigoity, saying that "there were no criminal proceedings" against the priest "or civil justice in the United States, or in the Church ." Mons. Livieres also accused the Archbishop of Asuncion of being gay. [False, as usual for EWTN and their tentacles. This is one of the real reasons he was removed. It had nothing to do with Urrutigoity.  He even went to Rome to appeal to the Holy Father, but the doors were locked.]
Until today, the Diocese of Ciudad del Este was in charge of the Apostolic Administrator appointed by the Holy See , Mgr. Ricardo Jorge Valenzuela River.
Father Heinz Wilhelm Steckling was born on April 23, 1947 in Werl (Germany), and was ordained a priest on July 20, 1974, incardinated to the Congrgación of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate.
He is Consultant for the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue.
New Bishop for Diocese of Incarnation
The Pope Francis also appointed a new bishop for the Diocese of Incarnation, Father Francisco Javier Pistilli Scorzara, after accepting the resignation age limit of Msgr. Ignacio Gogorza Izaguirre.
Father Francisco Javier Pistilli Scorzara born in Asunción (Paraguay) on May 26, 1965, and was ordained a priest on May 10, 1997.
Scorzara Pistilli is Father to the Regional Superior date of the Secular Institute of Schoenstatt Fathers for the 'Region of the Father', which includes Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Nigeria.
The Holy Father also accepted the resignation because of age of the Auxiliary Bishop of Incarnation, Msgr. Silvero Claudio Acosta.

Link to CNS, the Spanish original...

Pope Francis Allows Uniate Churches Worldwide the Ordination of Married Men

Eastern Churches United With Rome May Now
Ordain Married Men Worldwide and Put them in
(Rome) While, according to indiscretions  the Congregation for Clergy have considered a dispensation from celibacy for the Brazilian Amazon dioceses, Pope Francis has given married clergy,  hitherto unnoticed by the media, a considerable rise.
It is now official. The Congregation for the Oriental Churches has published  new provisions approved by Pope Francis  that effectively allow the ordination of married men and married priests the pastoral care of   Eastern Catholic Churches outside their historical territories. So far, there were for historical reasons and due to old union contracts requiring special provisions in the clearly defined historic areas of the Eastern Churches united with Rome. Specifically, these were the Middle East and parts of Eastern Central Europe.

"Gravissimum scandalum"

Any further application was rejected by the Latin Church since the Eastern Orthodox practice contradicts the Latin understanding of the priesthood. Especially great were the resistors in America but also in Europe, such as reported by the Vatican expert Sandro Magister. The presence of married priests in the Latin areas would be a "Gravissimum scandalum" and would cause confusion. So far.
In "exceptional concrete cases" although there were sporadic approvals, but were limited by  Benedict XVI in 2008. But now Pope Francis has allowed  the Uniate Eastern Churches principle to be used and without any territorial limitation, to perform ordinations and married priests in the pastoral care of the faithful of the Uniate Churches. The document published by the Congregation of Eastern Churches  is entitled Pontificia de Praecepta clero Uxorato ORIENTALI and was published a few days ago in the issue 6/2014 of the Acta Apostolicae Sedis (pages 496-499). The document was already signed  last June 14 by the Argentine Cardinal Prefect Leonardo Sandri.

Prohibition Repealed in 1890

The question did not arise, as long as the faithful of the Eastern Catholic Churches lived in their historical settlement areas. That changed in the late 19th century. In the new document it states that there existed a problem of pastoral care of married priests there, who emigrated since  in the 1880s, thousands of Catholic Ruthenians in the Lower Carpathian regions of Austria-Hungary and from the Western Ukraine in the USA. There was fierce opposition from the Latin Bishops against the establishment of married priests who adopted Congregation of Propaganda Fide on October 1, 1890 with the approval of Pope Leo XIII. a prohibition against the presence of married Ruthenian priests in the USA.
This prohibition was extended to the other Eastern Churches united with Rome and to all areas outside of America and Europe that did not belong to the catchment area applied to ​​these historic churches.
The result was, according to  the Congregation of Eastern Churches that an estimated 200,000 Ruthenian believers were converted to the Orthodox. If there were exceptions since then, it was so only after consulting the competent Episcopal Conference and with the approval of the Holy See. Since 2008, every decision was solely to the Holy See.

Reference to Anglican Personal Ordinariates

In the now published global permission, it is recalled that the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus of 2009, the married former Anglican clergy were also de facto approved for areas that   the Uniate married clergy were previously denied.  That this is merely a transitional arrangement for the returning to Rome of Anglican clerics with family, while for the "Anglican" Personal Ordinariates, no married men can be ordained priests, was not mentioned.
The document lists the new provisions granted by Pope Francis that "provide competent ecclesiastical authority the power to allow the pastoral ministry of the married oriental clergy  outside their historic areas" and also assume the ordinations  there.

Three Possibilities

First, where Uniate Eastern Church administrative units with their own hierarchs (Metropolitan, Eparch, Exarch) exist, they are directly granted the power to decide. They are allowed the competence to ordain as married priests, Eastern Rite candidates. The only condition is to inform the competent Latin bishop about it in  the place of residence. 
Second: In the diocese of the Eastern Rite faithful  without their own hierarchs, the same jurisdiction is transferred to the Latin Ordinaries. As support, they have to inform the competent episcopal conference. Pope Francis himself was in his time as archbishop of Buenos Aires, also an Ordinarius of the faithful of the Eastern Catholic Churches of Argentina.
Thirdly, in the areas such as Italy, where the faithful of the Eastern Rite Catholic Churches are without territorial administrative units and their pastoral care is transferred to the Latin bishops, the previous rule applies. Special permits are reserved after hearing the competent Bishops' Conference of the Eastern Churches' Congregation.
The measure has had no impact on the Latin faithful. A crossing of the Latin rite in a Uniate Eastern Church is actually not provided for because they are ethnically and culturally linked to a particular people. One might consider the new rules as a practical facilitation for the Uniate churches, whose diaspora extends through migration, and extends across more countries. Nevertheless, beyond purely functional considerations, the question of meaning and justification of such unqualified accommodation for a practice that is explicitly  rejected by the Latin Church.  It is normal as it arises from an exemption  and is to a certain extent, self-evident. Since the pressure of progressive circles for Pope Francis to the waiver of  priestly celibacy has abruptly increased, these circles will in any case consider the measures  as grist to the mill.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Settimo Cielo
Trans: Tancred