Edit: if they have pornography, it should be a done deal. Some will remember Father Fabian Vordermayer who was sentenced to four years in prison. The accused priest's name isn't mentioned here. Further inquiries will be made.
Archdiocese puts clergyman on leave from duty as "precautionary measure" till clarification
Vienna (kath.net/KAP) A priest engaged in pastoral ministry in Vienna is under investigation for sexual abuse. According to a report on derstandard.at it is alleged to be the result of the sexual assault of a young person. Nina Bussek, spokesman for the Vienna public prosecutor's office, confirmed the report Wednesday on APA. The man will also accused of possessing child pornography images. In a search on Friday a week ago, several media were seized, which are now be evaluated, says Bussek.
The Archdiocese of Vienna has published a statement on its website. Thus the priest was placed on leave from duty "as a precaution" pending clarification of suspicion by the state authorities. This service exemption was no prejudice. This corresponds to the guidelines of the Austrian Bishops' Conference for measures against abuse and violence, maintains the Archdiocese. It is hoped that eventually the respectability of the priest will be facilitated by governmental investigations and point out that he is presumed innocent. The priest also rejects all accusations.
All concerned have been offered professional guidance by the archdiocese, it said in the statement. The parish will be led during the leave of absence by the relevant dean and other priests. Copyright 2014 Catholic Press Agency, Vienna, Austria All rights reserved.
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Kathnet...
Friday, November 14, 2014
Is the Bundeswehr Preparing for a Civil War? -- Schönborn: "Concerned" About Arming Against Their Own People
(Berlin) Is the Bundeswehr preparing for the suppression of uprisings in the interior? One is amazed and rubs his eyes. Where is the threat? Who is the enemy? Politics and the media draw a very different picture. And yet, from the 20-22nd October the second International Urban Operations Conference (IUOC) was held in Berlin with more than 400 representatives from 40 countries participating. For three days the crackdown on civil wars and rebellions in urban areas was discussed. And the media do not report it?
The conference was organized by the German Association for Defence Technology (DWT). The meeting was directed by Major General Erhard Drews, commander of the Office of the Army Development begun in 2013 chaired by the Bundeswehr. The DWT was founded on the initiative of the Federal Ministry of Defence in 1957 and serves the defense industry lobbyist to government and parliament. Accordingly, the meeting was financed by defense contractors. The sponsors are described on the Conference website. At the meeting, new weapons and other products were introduced.
"From a demonstrations of power to street fights" in urban areas
The conference program states: "In today's world, urban areas are key areas". It follows: "The maintenance and the production of stability and security in urban areas is one of the challenging tasks of today's security forces. [...] The scenarios can quickly and suddenly change. From routine help or a show of force to full blown street fight " And further: "The risk of riots, terrorism and guerrilla wars can only be countered with the best intelligence technology, the best education and best monitoring systems. "
The International Urban Operations Conference defined their goal as follows: "Presentation of solutions for the above challenges. It provides a platform for the exchange of experiences from current operations and will provide an overview of the new military concept of the Bundeswehr for urban operations." And also: "Representatives of the industry have the chance to present their ideas, visions and solutions to senior representatives of NATO and introduce other military officials."
The Picture Signed by politicians and the media does not match conference theme
Even if one takes into account that the meeting was primarily lobbying the German armaments industry on the foreign market, or, the Bundeswehr preparing for more and more combat missions anywhere in the world, it is amazing that the focus is yet on an internal threat. It is diametrically opposed to the drawn between politics and media image. For a long time there has been no lack of critical voices that warn of the danger of civil war like conditions in the interior, as occured in the French banlieues or Swedish cities. In both cases, the authors of the violence came from the predominantly Muslim immigrant districts. Still, politicians don't want to hear the policy about that. At the same time, however, an International Urban Operations Conference is held for a second time, and to the exclusion of the public This raises questions. Not that the organizers have kept the matter secret. Not at all. However, if all major media are silent about it, this can hardly be assumed to be random.
But where does the danger really come from within? Is there preparation against a possible Salfist uprising? Or even equipping the state against its own citizens? The Office of Conference Chairman Major General Drews was entitled "Perspectives of the German Army in Urban Operations". The Israeli Reserve General, Rami Ben Efraim, spoke about the defense contractors "Rafael and the urban challenge", the British Brigadier General Bob Bruce on 'land forces in an urban environment ", the British Colonel Mark Kenyon on "Urban combat - Report of a Battalion Commander" and, truly amazing, a Member of Parliament and Chairman of the German Association Reservists Roderich Kiesewetter on "Political and strategic challenges of urban operations". As far as the first presentations go.
In Accordance to Announce the End of Military Restraint against Outside and Inside?
A total of 60 papers were presented. Speakers were military officials, scientists, arms lobbyists and politicians. A representative of the company Securiton about talking about "Mobile monitoring - urban reconnaissance and control."
Last spring, the German federal government announced an end to the military restraint. At the same time established a Bundeswehr reform, which is focused on operations against external enemies. The Bundeswehr "only" prepares for combat operations anywhere in the world and fighting there in urban, densely populated areas? Or they also equiped against internal enemies? And if so, which ones? Combat operations in urban areas can affect Afghanistan or the Middle East. You might as well mean German cities, in view of the events in France, Sweden and most recently in Greece, and related social tensions. The causes can be varied from migration to national bankruptcy.
Present at the Berlin conference are commanders with combat experience in Afghanistan, Iraq and Israel / Palestine, who provide examples for the Bundeswehr to base its preparation.
In the conference report in 2012 it stated: "Today's crisis operations are increasingly characterized by inserts and fighting in densely populated areas and partially also in cities. This is difficult and for many NATO countries, the new approach of the classic battle fields towards crisis operations in urban areas is off base in a fundamental restructuring of their own armed forces. The Bundeswehr follows with its realignment exactly these changing conditions."
Cardinal Schönborn's "concern" about upgrading the States against its own citizens
In the Rheinische Post from last August 12th, Archbishop Christoph Cardinal Schönborn of Vienna made a surprising statement. In the midst of an interview, which mainly revolved around Pop;e Francis, the Cardinal suddenly spoke of his "concern" for an arming of governments against their own citizens. In his own words, the Archbishop complained that "too little" talk about that will be "directed inward, with more and more with a view to possible uprisings in their own countries' military and defense strategies. This development was "appalling" and the drama illustrative of the present situation, because - as the Cardinal - will expected "with a growing discontent among the population" ". The Church had allegedly "to remember in this situation because there is still time to repent." The surprising statements were made by the Cardinal were not elaborated. What does the cardinal know that the public?
Text: Andreas Becker
image: IUOC (Screenshot)
image: IUOC (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Bruno Forte Defeated After Synod in Bishops' Conference
Archbishop Bruno Forte: Defeated in Bishops' Conference |
The president of the Italian Episcopal Conference is the Pope himself, but he does not exercise this function, but a person of his confidence. The Office is still held by Archbishop Angelo Cardinal Bagnasco of Genoa, whom Benedict XVI. appointed. However, the new strong man is Bishop Nunzio Galatino, whom Pope Francis unexpectedly appointed as the new Secretary-General on 23 December 2013. So far, the Secretary General was appointed on the proposal of the President. Cardinal Bagnasco found out about it from the media.
Archbishop Bruno Forte "for all" and Homosexuals
The Vice President is elected by the General Assembly of the Bishops' Conference, however. Archbishop Bruno Forte of Chieti-Vasto, a pupil of Carlo Maria Cardinal Martini, whom Pope Francis designated to the Special Secretary of the Synod of Bishops on the family, was a candidate for this office. Archbishop Forte made under Benedict XVI. a stubborn resistance to an improved translation of the words of consecration pro multis. Instead of "for all" which was used with the introduction of the vernacular, "for many" was to be used as truer in its theological dimension. The new Missal is in Italian but not yet published.
At the Synod of Bishops, Archbishop Forte was a significant author of the controversial Relatio post disceptationem, around which there has been intense debate within and outside the Synod Hall. Fortes authorship was attributed by relator Cardinal Erdo especially the most controversial passages on homosexuality. The paragraph in question was finally rejected in a revised version of the synod.
The "duel" in the Bishops' Conference
The Archbishop was not so very popular. Besides Forte, Bishop Meini of Fiesole ran for the office of Vice President. For the more famous Forte, the "duel" should have been a walk. Especially since it is known that he is in the favor of Pope Francis. No bishop could seriously doubt that what Forte had written in the interim and final report of the Synod, was not approved by the Pope. Nevertheless, it was a different outcome. In the first ballot no candidate reached the intended quorum. In the runoff election the more famous Forte was being sidelined was abundantly clear. Only 60 votes were cast for the bustling Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto, but 140 for Bishop Mario Meini of Fiesole. Only 30 per cent for Forte, 70 percent for his challenger but are a smooth result.
Had the Archbishop wanted to get the office of Vice President and with the favor of the Pope to return as the successor of Cardinal Bagnasco's position, the attempt backfired. The electoral defeat makes his papal appointment as chairman of the Bishops' Conference almost impossible .
Bishop of Fiesole Meini
Bishop Meini, with 68 years, is three years older than Archbishop Forte from Tuscany, where he is also a bishop. He earned his doctorate at the Gregorian University in Rome. The ordination he received in 1971 for his home diocese of Volterra. In 1996 John Paul II appointed him bishop of the Diocese of Pitigliano-Sovana-Orbetello. In 2010 Benedict XVI appointed him as bishop of the larger Diocese of Fiesole, near Florence.
It is clear that Bishop Meini is responsible for the family in the Bishops' Conference of Tuscany. He published in 2005, a remarkable letter to his priests under the title Ut Carne carnem liberans ...
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: MiL
image: MiL
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Three Medieval Philosophers Show Up at Class...What do we talk about?
Last term my medieval philosophy professor gave us the option of answering a very creative question on the exam. Please find my answer below. I received an A for my efforts.
6.2. If, per impossibile, St. Bonaventure and any two other Latin thirteenth century philosophers of your acquaintance were able to return for a philosophical conversation with our class, what topic, according to your imaginative construction, would we and they discuss and how would the conversation develop? Feel free to select any of the authors whose writings we have studied in the course, e.g., Alexander of Hales, Richard Rufus, or Robert Grossteste, but also consider including one of the following: St. Albert the Great, St. Thomas Aquinas, Roger Bacon, Siger of Brabant, or William of Auvergne. You may use either an essay or dialogue format in answering this question.
So Bonaventure and Albert unexpectedly arrive with Thomas chowing down on a double beacon cheeseburger from Five Guys. Of course, only three students and our professor can speak to our distinguished guests, because only the four of us can speak Latin. Nevertheless, after Bonaventure, Thomas, and Albert are brought up to speed on modernity and Thomas has finished his introduction to the delights of contemporary cuisine, their words can be accurately rendered in English like this:
Bonaventure just begins to shake his head. “I knew this would happen! Under the influence of the Muslims, the integral Aristotelians, earlier called the Straussians, took over, but what is worse their descendants do not see any positive value in religion at all! Although Averroes thought that the philosopher strictly speaking did not need any form of revealed religion, he at least admitted that religion was absolutely essential for most people. Now people act like they don’t need it at all! And all because the hyper-Aristotelians won!”
Albert and Thomas then contemplate the matter and after some thoughtful reflection discuss how the loss of illuminationism and the rediscovery of Aristotle have enabled an unbelievable amount of natural philosophy or “science.” Albert especially is crazy interested in cellular biology and is eager to look into microscopes. Once he and Thomas are finished learning Arabic and Greek well enough to read through the whole philosophic corpus, in due time they would like to turn their attention to biology and physics.
Bonaventure just begins to shake his head. “I knew this would happen! Under the influence of the Muslims, the integral Aristotelians, earlier called the Straussians, took over, but what is worse their descendants do not see any positive value in religion at all! Although Averroes thought that the philosopher strictly speaking did not need any form of revealed religion, he at least admitted that religion was absolutely essential for most people. Now people act like they don’t need it at all! And all because the hyper-Aristotelians won!”
Albert and Thomas then contemplate the matter and after some thoughtful reflection discuss how the loss of illuminationism and the rediscovery of Aristotle have enabled an unbelievable amount of natural philosophy or “science.” Albert especially is crazy interested in cellular biology and is eager to look into microscopes. Once he and Thomas are finished learning Arabic and Greek well enough to read through the whole philosophic corpus, in due time they would like to turn their attention to biology and physics.
When physics comes up, the conversation then turns to astronomy. Because he rejected Ptolemy’s astronomy which was proven to be significantly more correct than Aristotle’s, Aquinas develops some heartburn from that burger. All three are utterly shocked to find out that what they knew as the cosmos is really just one tiny solar system among many. And the sun is just another star! At the mention of the Big Bang, Aquinas and Bonaventure argue about whether God could have created a beginningless universe. “I KNEW IT HAD TO HAVE A BEGINNING!” Bonaventure screams, but then Albert and Aquinas point out that the Big Bang may in fact have not been the beginning absolutely speaking, merely a critical juncture that is not fully understood. But when the loss of Aristotle’s celestial spheres sinks in with all their perfection and order, the three philosophers get just a slight sense of how incredibly small and unimportant modern man feels. Indeed, a universe of this magnitude may just make the Incarnation significantly more difficult to believe.
To abstain from controversy for a while, things turn to other contemporary developments. Because all three are ordained priests, they are surprised that our liturgies are so short and that priests actually want to face the people at Mass. They also dislike contemporary church “music.” Given the monastic and clerical origins of the university, all three are also stunned that married laymen without aristocratic parentage are allowed to study philosophy and theology. After the class explains that this is now ok, Albert says, “But surely the marital act even in wedlock must impede the right use of the intellect in the highest sciences?” After Albert expresses incomprehension at the thought that marital relations might be compatible with the most exalted forms of human knowing and at the thought that men might actually be able to learn something profitably from women, Bonaventure and Thomas express satisfaction that humans bathe more often than we used to and consequently do not stink like barn animals. This, they say, is a real improvement in civilization.
To abstain from controversy for a while, things turn to other contemporary developments. Because all three are ordained priests, they are surprised that our liturgies are so short and that priests actually want to face the people at Mass. They also dislike contemporary church “music.” Given the monastic and clerical origins of the university, all three are also stunned that married laymen without aristocratic parentage are allowed to study philosophy and theology. After the class explains that this is now ok, Albert says, “But surely the marital act even in wedlock must impede the right use of the intellect in the highest sciences?” After Albert expresses incomprehension at the thought that marital relations might be compatible with the most exalted forms of human knowing and at the thought that men might actually be able to learn something profitably from women, Bonaventure and Thomas express satisfaction that humans bathe more often than we used to and consequently do not stink like barn animals. This, they say, is a real improvement in civilization.
Returning to philosophy, Aquinas expresses regret that he so badly misunderstood Aristotle as to attribute to him a doctrine of the immortality of the soul. “If only I had been able to read Aristotle in Greek! But then again, I’m more culpable than that. Robert Grosseteste himself warned us about making Aristotle a Catholic!” Albert for his part wants to read some Meister Eckhart. Bonaventure and Albert are also glad to be relieved of the duties of serving as church administrators for awhile. They had not fully realized all that Aquinas had been able to accomplish for philosophy and theology by refusing to become a bishop.
After listening to their remarks about nearly everything, the class is stunned. The Thomists of the strict observance are astounded when Thomas expresses dismay and chastises them for only wanting to study him and Aristotle. Plus, he disagrees with some of the syntheses they have put together of his own works. For penance, he demands that they memorize the whole Vulgate psalter and read the Platonic corpus in Greek.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Aachen Cathedral as Intermediate Storage for Baked Goods
Baked Goods in Aachen Cathedral |
Edit: Your fathers did eat mana in the desert and are dead.
(Aachen) with a rather questionable action, the diocese of Aachen these days attracts attention. So in short, as it says on the website of the Diocese not without pride, 1,200 tunnels of the old established bakery in Aachen "Nobis gingerbread" will rise for three weeks in the Great Cathedral in Aachen. The limited edition Dom loafs can be purchased for 20 euros by prior reservation at the feast of St. Nicholas. A quarter of the steep price, ie five euros will be donated to a children's garden. The press release of the Diocese of Aachen states: "With this money a gaming device with slide, climbing net and hanging rope will be financed, at which the tots daycare can play soon."
A representative of the Bakery "Nobis gingerbread" commented on the "publicity stunt" - the motto - as follows "attention at all costs!" "We are delighted that we do this event in the Aachen Cathedral and with the money from the Nobis initiative also do something for the children of Aachen. We also want to thank the Aachen cathedral chapter for its support, to whom we also donate 6,000 euros for the Aachen Cathedral." A little bit of money, in other words, this is reason enough for the cathedral chapter, to turn the House of God - and with such outstanding importance at that - contrary to the desire of the Lord, to make it a den of thieves.
Canon Hans-Günther Vienken said according to an article by the Diocese of Aachen: "Not only does the Aachen Dom need help, but it also supports other like initiatives. Ss Martin, Nicholas and Christmas immediately remind us of the solidarity parts. We remind ourselves that we are there for each other. That's also what the Aachen Cathedral stands for. I thank the bakery combany, 'Nobis Gingerbread' for their generous support, both for the nursery as well as the cathedral."
Quite recently there were headlines about the Vatican when the Sistine Chapel was made available to the German carmaker Porsche, for a concert. "Der Spiegel" wrote: " The UK Telegraph 'reported that it was the first time ever that a Pope released the Sistine Chapel for the commercial event of a company. But how does this fit in Francis' promise that he wanted above all a Church that was for the poor? Very suitable said the Executive Director of the Vatican Museums, Monsignor Paolo Nicolini. For companies such as Porsche would be asked in return for the use of the Sistine Chapel for a donation. This is an initiative to support the papal charities ', said Nicolini to the Telegraph'. The service is aimed at large companies, which can thus make a contribution to charity. '"
And for the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" Catrin Lorch commented on the subsequent dinner at the concert in the Vatican Museums: "So far, the code has been kept by which one keeps out the aroma of roast from air-conditioned rooms and uncorked champagne before masterpieces. But even if the Vatican flouts its riches, directors in Ghent, Duisburg and Prague are making arguments against the assaults of the accountants and exploiters. Just as the Pope, who sees himself as contemporary, has a responsibility to treat the legacy that has fallen to his Church from a bloody, brutal history, with democratic respect, instead of silver plating it. "
Text: Benedict M. Buerger
image: Wikicommons
image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Hezbollah is Recruiting Christians Against "Islamic State"
The Shiite Hezbollah militia in Lebanon, according to a newspaper report, have recruited volunteers of all faiths for resistance brigades against the "Islamic state", even Christians have applied.
Beirut (kath.net/KNA) The Shiite Hezbollah militia in Lebanon, according to a newspaper report, have recruited volunteers of all faiths for Resistance Brigades against the "Islamic State". Several young men were trained directly by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, the Lebanese newspaper reported, "An Nahar" (Wednesday). Also a number of Christians had applied.
According to Hezbollah, they have not posted any of the new fighters to Syria, but are preparing for a spillover of the Syrian civil war or an invasion of extremists in Lebanon. In the past, Hezbollah militias have supported Syria's President Bashar al-Assad against the majority Sunni insurgents. Assad belongs to the Alawite religious community, which emerged from the Shiite Islam. (C) 2014 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH. All rights reserved.
Link to Kath.net... Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com AMDG
Francis, Cardinal Hummes and the Amazon -- "Workshop" of a New Priesthood?
Hummes Future Vision |
(Rome) Last November 7, Cardinal Claudio Hummes was received in Santa Marta by Pope Francis. The former Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for Clergy is today delegate of the Brazilian Bishops' Conference for Amazonia. Is it only the "long friendship" (Vatican Radio, German Section), both of which can meet so regularly, or is something up in the Amazon?
Hummes was Archbishop of Sao Paolo from 1998-2006 and it was he who himself suggested the name of Francis to him - according to a statement by the Pope. The new pope wanted him at any rate on the central loggia at his side when he was first shown to the world. Cardinal Hummes is counted among the inner circle of the Pope makers of this pontificate.
Yes to "Gay Marriage" and Priestesses - No to Celibacy and "Preconciliar Priest Image"
Hummes is known, however, not only as pope whisperer, but also because of his heterodox views. Last July 27, the Cardinal spoke in the Brazilian newspaper Zero Hora in favor of "gay marriage", women priests and the abolition of priestly celibacy. Likewise, he himself resisted the proposal of Benedict XVI., to make the Curé of Ars as a model of the priest. A "preconciliar priest image", which Hummes flatly rejects. In June 2010, the Brazilian could only marvel, shaking his head at the 17,000 priests from around the world who came to Rome with Benedict XVI. to participate the off-hook representation of St. John Mary Vianney on the facade of St. Peter's in the Prayer Vigil and the Pontifical Mass concluding the Year for Priests.
The Pope and the Interest for the Amazon Basin
Vatican Radio (Italian editors) spoke with the Cardinal, who reported on the audience. Hummes reported that he visited 56 dioceses and territorial prelacies in the vast but sparsely populated areas. "I have come again to the Pope to tell a bit what you do there, of which there are many things to tell about this beautiful, vibrant church, which still has big needs.There is a great lack of missionaries, missionaries and also material needs, as they do not have what is necessary for the most basic structures."
He continued: "We know how much he [Pope Francis] estimates the matter of the Amazon basin and how attentive he is that the Church in Amazonia is a huge responsibility."
Although the cardinal said nothing about it, yet "it seems unlikely that on this occasion, they didn't discuss about priestly ordination, the great shortage of missionaries, and even the approval of viri probati, " said Secretum meum mihi .
Negotiations on ordination for viri probati ?
Ten days before the Hummes-audience with Pope Francis the Vatican expert Marco Tosatti reported of a communication from Brazil that would be "a veritable revolution in the Church" would be. The Brazilian Bishops' Conference with the lead established by Pope Francis new leadership of the Congregation for the Clergy is in talks about the ordination ad experimentum for viri probati to resolve the shortage of priests in the Amazon region.
"Conversations" with the congregation, Cardinal Hummes leads, who has been commuting back and forth for the last one and a half years between Brazil and Rome. Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, who rejected the ordination of viri probati, was dismissed by the new Pope as Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy on his 69th birthday. In his place sat Francis his confidant, the diplomats Beniamino Stella, which he created last February, also a cardinal.
Cardinal Hummes said in an interview with Vatican Radio, the Pope lay the Amazon "very important" as the regular audiences would show.
The Amazon Basin as a "Workshop" for a New Priesthood?
"The Amazon could be the first region of the world where there are priests with a family in the Latin rite," said Marco Tosatti. The Amazon basin as a "workshop" for a new priesthood?
Hummes had already tried as Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy under John Paul II., to advance the ordination of viri probati, but failed in his intention and it was due to his deficient understanding of the priesthood that Benedict XVI. replaced him. Unlike his successor, Francis, this the the German pope did not do brusquely, but in each case after the end of a regular passage of time.
Besides Hummes, there is primarily the Austrian Mission Bishop Erwin Kraeutler CSSP of the Roman Catholic Territorial Prelature of Xingu, as an advocate of broad-based ordinations. Bishop Kraeutler, in Austria, is a favorite of the left spectrum, at home makes a good job of anything in the media, which could strengthen his self-portrait as a liberal (in the North American sense), open-minded, socially engaged bishop.
Pope Francis intensified the retirement provisions for bishops in early November. A new regulation, which was called for in no time by Cardinal Sardi, in order to facilitate the deportation of Cardinal Burke to the Order of Malta. Bishop Kraeutler, who has completed his 75th year on July 12, however, is not on the list of papal Pensionabili . [!]
No to Prayer for Vocations - Yes to Structural Reforms
Xingu is the area's largest diocese in Brazil. In an area that is as large as the Federal Republic of Germany, but where only just 400,000 people live. In the Prelature, there are 800 "base communities" and 27 priests. Their pastoral care has been, since the establishment of the Xingu in 1934 as Apostolic Administration, then is entrusted as a territorial prelature of the Congregation of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood (CPPS). Before Erwin Kraeutler took over the territorial prelature in 1981, it was already headed by his uncle, Erwin Kraeutler.
Last April 4 Kraeutler was received by Pope Francis. The missionary bishop urged attention to the ordination of viri probati to ensure the pastoral care of the faithful. These were suggested by Kräutler to the pope before, "decouple celibacy and Eucharist". That a Eucharistic celebration should depend on a celibate priest is something "I don't do," Kraeutler said at the time to the Austrian daily newspaper Die Presse .
Would that Kraeutler knows something of Church history, he would know that the current situation in the Amazon is no different, as it was sometime in each area newly Christianized. In the Early Middle Ages and High Middle Ages, the location itself in his native Austria was exactly the same.
About the Pope the Austrian missionary said, he wanted "a process set in motion" because "this process was not previously allowed. Benedict XVI. has said, we pray for priestly vocations. This pope is different ". Now the doors may open.
Leftmost canting, Bishop Kräutler can not do anything with prayer for priestly vocations, but relies on structural reforms.
So what's in the bush in the Amazon basin? With Cardinal Hummes and Bishop Kräutler the question is being dragged by two men in the same direction and Pope Francis is eagerly keen about information on the Amazon. You will see why.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: padrescasados / Noticia da terra / Prelatura Xingu
image: padrescasados / Noticia da terra / Prelatura Xingu
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Cardinal Kasper: Francis was an "Intelligent Conservative" -- Synod 2015 Will Bring a "Broad Consensus"
(Rome) The Cardinals Walter Kasper and Francesco Coccopalmerio are certain: a "broad consensus" will be found In the Synod of Bishops in 2015 on the family.
The two Cardinals took part yesterday at an event titled: "With Pope Francis on the Synodal Way of the Family. A Test of the Reform Papacy." An event for the "reformers" themselves For the German Cardinal, Pope Francis is an "intelligent conservative." Invited were the Cenacle of Friends of Francis (Cenacolo di Amici Francesco), who appeared for the first time in public. The meeting took place in the Catholic Russian Ecumenical Centre in Rome (Centro Russia Ecumenica).
The Ordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family, which will take place in October 2015 in connection with the Extraordinary Synod last October will bring a broad consensus "on all points". The German Cardinal Walter Kasper is convinced of the voice of approval for the remarried divorcees to communion. Of the same view is also the Italian Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, the President of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts . The admirers of the late Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini and the German theologian, know each other well. Coccopalmerio has been a member since 2007 of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity .
Pope Francis is an "Intelligent Conservative" - The Gospel is a "Process"
At the meeting, both cardinals also responded favorably to the synod, which was attended by both. Cardinal Coccopalmerio ex-officio, and Cardinal Kasper on personal appointment by Pope Francis.
"How can one describe Pope Francis?" Cardinal Kasper asked in his speech. "I would say that an intelligent conservative is a good description for him. Paul VI. and John XXIII., were also conservatives, but intelligent, because they knew that the gospel isn't like a precious object behind a glass case of a museum, but must be passed on from generation to generation, it is a process."
Benedict XVI. and his "less intelligent followers"
Cardinal Kasper took the opportunity before the like-minded audience handing out a swipe against his opponents. Benedict XVI., the German theologian, had also already been "open" in any case "something more than his less intelligent followers".
Kasper was very pleased about the really "free" discussion at the Synod. "This in not to the detriment of the Church, which is not a totalitarian institution. I am sure that we will end up with a broad consensus." What this "broad consensus" said the cardinal, who is of the party in question, clearly between the lines.
In the circle of "friends of Francis" also Pope Francis' "big speech" he addressed to the Marxist "popular movements", is "open in the most unexpected of ways."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: MiL
image: MiL
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Francis Protege Heavily Defeated in Italian Bishops' Conference Elections for Vice President
The Italian Episcopal Conference has elected the new Vice President for Central Italy yesterday. 'Monsignor Mario Meini, Bishop of Fiesole, who was preferred by 140 votes against 60 Bruno Forte, Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto and Special Secretary of the Synod on the Family.
The Italian Episcopal Conference has elected the new Vice President for Central Italy. And it was 'Monsignor Mario Meini, Bishop of Fiesole, who was preferred to Bruno Forte, Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto and Special Secretary of the Synod on the Family.
The new Vice President was involved in a "duel" with a prominent name of the Church, the Archbishop Bruno Forte of Chieti-Vasto. Bruno Forte, October 14, 2013 was appointed as Special Secretary of the Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops which took place 5 to 19 October 2014. During the Synod events his name rose to prominence as one of the actual authors of the controversial report post disceptationem, which shows an appreciation for civil marriages, cohabitation law spouse and same-sex unions.
On the first ballot no candidate has obtained a quorum for the election of Vice-President. But there was a ballot where Msgr.Meini got 140 votes against the 60 for Bruno Forte. Mgr. Meini, a Tuscan, who was born in Legoli Peccioli, November 17, 1946. He completed his high school studies at the Minor Seminary of Volterra and the high school and theology at the Pontifical Regional Seminary "Pius XII" of Siena. He received his doctorate in theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome.
He was ordained a priest for the diocese of Volterra June 27, 1971. Elected Bishop of Fiesole, February 13, 2010, he made his entrance into the diocese April 18, 2010. He is currently a member of the Commission of the Bishops' Conference of Italian Culture and Social Communications. The Bishops' Conference of Tuscany is delegated to the pastoral care of the family, a member of the Episcopal Commission for the Theological Faculty.
The Revenge of the Bugnini Clique -- Will Piero Marini Become Highest Liturgist and a Cardinal?
Revenge of the Bugnini Clique: Will Marini Be the Highest Liturgist and Cardinal? |
(Rome) After the posting away of Cardinal Prefect Antonio Cañizares and the defenestration of the liturgical Ratzingerians Father Anthony Ward and Msgr. Juan Miguel Ferrer-Grenesche as Under Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacrament, voices have been intensifying in Rome that Archbishop Piero Marini could become the top liturgist of the Vatican and a future Cardinal.
The evidence is compelling, Msgr. Piero Marini, the former master of ceremonies of John Paul II., not to be confused with Msgr. Guido Marini, the master of ceremonies of Benedict XVI., and will again be master of ceremonies of Pope Francis. He formerly held the office from 1987 to 2007. The latter since 2007. The two unrelated Marinis also differ because Piero Marini has been an Archbishop since 1998 and since 2003 Bishop Titular Archbishop, while Guido Marini has only been "created" an honorary papal prelate. More fundamental, however, is the different liturgical understanding that distinguishes the two Marinis.
The question here is that Archbishop Piero Marini, a month after the conclave praised Pope Francis in El Pais and disparaged Benedict XVI.: "You breathe fresh air. He is a window which opens the spring and hope. So far we have bad to breathe stuffy swampy water."
The rumors have a ring of truth
Three weeks after his election, Pope Francis surprisingly received Piero Marini in audience. Numerous senior level curia representatives had still not been received by the new pope at that time. The preference of the liturgical "designer" of John Paul II immediately led to speculation that did not cease since then (see Guido Marini Again instead of New (Old) Master of Ceremonies - Piero Marini in Audience with Pope Francis ).
Initially it was thought that Francis was much more closely related liturgically to Piero Marini, would replace Guido Marini as Papal Master of Ceremonies. Such a return to the same office would be uncommon in the Church and would also allow obvious conclusions.
At June's End, whispers grew louder, Piero Marini might rise even higher and be put in the place held by Cardinal Antonio Cañizares, as the new Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and thus a candidate for the Cardinal dignity (see Piero Marini next Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship? rumors about personnel changes at the Vatican? ). The purge in the Vatican of Ratzingerians will be made in stages. Cardinal Cañizares was sent back by Pope Francis to be archbishop of Valencia in Spain in late summer 2014. The inauguration took place on October 4, one day before the start of the Synod of Bishops on the Family in Rome, which Msgr. Cañizares would have addressed as Cardinal Prefect. The same now applies also for the despatched Cardinal Burke. You could read it on the Synod of Bishops as the depletion of a particular camp.
"Brutal" Recoloring of a Congregation?
Il Timone wrote of the successor of Cardinal Cañizares on 22 September: "The decision has been made on him. It lacks only the notice. " "Him," said Archbishop Piero Marini. This announcement has not yet occurred, but the appointment of Father Corrado Maggioni on November 5, is interpreted as the new Under Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship in this direction. The dismissal of the two previous sub-secretaries is considered particularly "brutal" ( Riposte Catholique ), because they had to learn of with the public from the Bulletin of the Holy See at the same time.
Since the chair of the Cardinal Prefect is vacant, the Congregation is currently headed by a moderate "progressive" secretary, Archbishop Arthur Roche, and thoroughgoing Bugninist, Under-Secretary Father Maggioni.
Father Maggioni is a close friend of Msgr. Piero Marini, the president since 2007 of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses, and taught liturgical sciences at the Benedictine University of Saint Anselm. Piero Marini was already during the Second Vatican Council, the closest collaborator of Msgr. Annibale Bugnini, the "architect" of the Catholic liturgical reform.
Will Piero Marini Receive That Which Annibale Bugnini was Denied?
The realization of Piero Marini's dream, to be chief liturgist of the Vatican, seems a step ever closer and he thus would achieve what is his teacher and mentor, Annibale Bugnini failed at. Msgr. Bugnini, although he was from 1969-1975 to the Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship, the office of the prefect and the dignity of Cardinal were denied him. Instead, he finally fell out with Paul VI. in disgrace. His pupil Piero Marini can now make this last step.
Roman observers believe, along with the occurrence of contrary rumors in spring 2013, that Archbishop Piero Marini, born in 1942, was already too old for such an appointment. After only three years in office, he would be 75. But Pope Francis just established tougher retirement provisions, which enabled the personnel shuffle against Cardinal Burke, can also be read differently. The Pope has ultimately strengthened especially his right. He will force Curia staff (except the Cardinal Prefects) who are 75 years, to offer their resignations. However, nothing prevents the Pope from rejecting the offer.
Pope Not Shy to Give Offense - Intention of AvengingBugnini Clique's
Other observers thought they might assume that the head of the Church would not allow such a provocation, such as the appointment of Piero Marini appointed as Cardinal Prefect. The exile of Cardinal Burke has made it clear that the Argentine Pope decides and enforces his will without regard to losses.
The "smarter" version, holds that a "moderate" prefect will be nominated to find the balance, but seems to be eclipsed by an overweening desire to avenge the Bugninists. They, above all Piero Marini, have never gotten over the penetration of the "reformers of the reform" into the "holy temple" of the liturgical reform. Their sensitivity to the recovery of the sacred and its openness to the traditional rite was an intolerable affront to the Bugninists. Don Nicola Bux had presented in 2012, together with Canon Raffaele Coppola the book "The Empty Dance Around the Golden Calf" on the topic secularized liturgy and Ius divinum. The introduction was contributed by the way by none other than Cardinal Raymond Burke (see "The Empty Dance Around the Golden Calf" - Liturgy and Ius divinum - Book Publishing ). The appointment of Piero Marini would visibly complete the revenge.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Riposte Catholique
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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Is Pope Francis Wildly Popular With Neoconservatives Across Religious Spectrum
Edit: Newsmax, the Neoconservative public opinion agglomerator has been appealing to the Catholic vote. More power to them, and this isn't the first time a Pope Francis poll has appeared. Just as a test, we wanted to see what the readers of this blog could do to influence a poll. Right now here are the standings, vote early and vote often if you want. We'll post the results tomorrow.
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Monday, November 10, 2014
Pontifical Council For Culture Supports Women Priests? -- The "Erotic Buddhist", Whom Francis Appointed as Consultor
(Rome) The Pontifical Council for Culture is preparing an "opening" towards women priests? Pablo d'Ors, appointed papal Consultor of the Council for Culture since July, 1st, is convinced of a realignment. "While orthodox Church representatives are being kicked out from the Vatican, heretics are being brought in," said Messa in Latino about the Spanish priest, novelist and "Zen Buddhist" and his interview in the daily newspaper La Repubblica .
The Pontifical Council for Cultural, headed by Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, seems to deal not only with culture and sports, but also with the Doctrine of the Faith, and ground filled with land mines. Anyway, if you can believe the words of the Spanish Claretian priest, Pablo d'Ors. In an interview with La Repubblica on 5 November, he said that for "the next General Assembly" of the Pontifical Council for Culture is for common ground, which will be convened in 2015 on the topic of "female culture", an "opening" in the direction of women priests. He will attend and is "absolutely sure". Pablo d'Ors added: "And I am not alone." Last July 1, Pope Francis appointed Pablo d'Ors as Consultor of the Pontifical Council for Culture .
Ecclesiastical Cultural Understanding only B-Class: No Longer an Alternative to the World, but "Dialogue" with the World
Father Pablo d'Ors describes himself as "erotic, mystical and weird". His life had been "full of loving relationships, reading and travel, also reckless". This helped him in his appeal that he discovered at the age of 27. "Knowing human love, divine love helps to better understand" said the Claretian. "Could be. If indeed so many chaste young men and young women also apparently have dedicated themselves in the course of Church history with all their souls and with all their bodies God?" Said Messa in Latina about that.
The Church's understanding of culture is especially "inappropriate" toda for Father d'Ors. Compared to the high culture, this understanding is only B-Class. It was necessary to adjust, stop trying to be an "alternative", but a Christianity in "dialogue" with the living world.
Priests are better living with a woman: "The time has come"
He has written several novels and is considered the "most German" among living Spanish writers. In one of his novels, the main character, a Slovak woman, goes to bed with all the great writers of the 20th century. Pablo d'Ors said in an interview, a priest lives better with a woman at his side. Why? "Because the time is now ripe." But that was only his "personal opinion".
Realignment of the Church Planned in Terms of Women Priests?
The Pontifical Council for Culture "can't talk about it". There you will, however, talk about women priests. "I think there will be a realignment at the next General Assembly"
He has also written some non-fiction books, including his most successful book Biografía del silencio (Biography of Silence), in which he says, each "should create a work of art". In line with this premise seems to be his default setting: "An important criterion to measure the spiritual vitality of a person is their willingness to change. To resist life is a sin, because life is in constant development ," according to the ancient Greek aphorism Panta Rhei .
To be allow himself to be "swept away by life" - "If I were not a Christian, I would be a Buddhist"
Pablo d'Ors also advocates a "new form" of asceticism. It was outdated to build life on a solid rock, because on the quicksand you can admirably live an "authentic spiritual vitality". Rain, raging rivers, winds and storms are not a problem because one must allow himself to be "swept away by life".
To this end, the new Consultor of the Pontifical Council for Culture has offered courses for years. To participate there is no spiritual formation and religious affiliation necessary, although the coursework is "primarily" of the Christian tradition and "secondarily" derived from Zen Buddhism. Predictably d'Ors said in an earlier interview: "If I were not a Christian, I would be a Buddhist."
To the La Repubblica question, what's the best way for a man to die, d'Ors said: "By attentiveness and completion you forget yourself, which is the hardest part".
Nuova Bussola Quotidiana writes: "A few days ago I visited my old mountain parish. The pastor has not been around for a few years now. He ascended into the sky. He literally sacrificed himself every day, to visit the sick and dying and to make them human, but especially the sacramental assistance and consolation. Because it was his wish that save their souls."
How Did You Get in Contact with Pope Francis?
The question can not be answered. Pablo d'Ors, currently heads a theater workshop at the University of Madrid, offers no clues. La Repubblica asked how he came to know Pope Francis, and he only said: "He probably will have asked: Who is the most insignificant priest from Madrid?"
Pablo d'Ors, grandson of the famous Spanish art critic Eugeni d'Ors, is a student of the German Benedictine Father Elmar Salmann. In 1991 he was ordained a priest and sent by his order, the Claretians, to evangelize Honduras. After his return to Spain, he was university chaplain and specialized in literary workshops with a focus on dramaturgy and theological aesthetics in Spain and Argentina.
He learned through his contacts in Germany know the Jesuit Franz Jalics and established the association Amigos del Desierto (Friends of the desert), which is also the title of a novel by d'Ors. The desert represents infinity. The novel portrays a wandering between Christian mysticism and Zen Buddhism.
Because of the arrest of Father Jalics and other Jesuits during the military dictatorship in Argentina, the Order had reservations about Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Father Jalics forgave the Argentine cardinal after his election as Pope. He and the other Jesuits were not denounced by him, as was incorrectly stated. On October 5, 2013, Father Jalics was received by Pope Francis in Santa Marta. Nothing became known about the content of the meeting.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons / NBQ
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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image: Wikicommons / NBQ
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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Sunday, November 9, 2014
Thanks and Solidarity for Cardinal Raymond Burke
(Vatican) of thanks to deposed Cardinal Raymond Burke can be signed on the Internet online and will be forwarded to him.
Pope Francis has dismissed Cardinal Raymond Burke, Cardinal Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature of the Catholic Church this Saturday. Although Burke is one of the youngest cardinals of the Catholic Church, he was been reduced by the Pope to the honorific function of a cardinal patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (see Francis the Merciless: Cardinal Burke Deposed and "Shoved Off" to Order of Malta ).
At the same time, the previous Secretary of State of the Holy See, Msgr. Dominique Mamberti was appointed as the new prefect of the Apostolic Signatura. About two line-up changes had already been speculated in the past (see New "Foreign Minister" in the Vatican - More Line-up Changes, Pope Francis ).
For those who would like to thank Cardinal Burke for his recent service may do so on the dedicated page of LifeSiteNews. The right to life site has a "Thank Cardinal Burke for his Vatican service: sign the petition" which will be presented to the Cardinal on the Internet, which can be signed on line. It's a vote of thanks, but it is also a form of expression of solidarity to an upright fighter for the cause of God and of the Church.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: CR
image: CR
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Francis the Unmerciful: Cardinal Burke Dismissed and "Shoved Off"
(Rome) Since last September there have been rumors, now it has become reality. Pope Francis has removed the US Cardinal Raymond Burke as Cardinal Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura and appointed him Cardinal Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Thus, the cardinal is removed from Church leadership, to which he belonged as head of the Supreme Court.
The punitive action against the unpopular opponent by Pope Francis took place shortly before the start of Bishops' Synod about the family in the space following when Cardinal Burke emerged in the months previous as one of the leaders of the defense of the Church's marriage and morality against the "opening" mottos of Cardinal Kasper (see Malta Exile? Final Papal Purge of Cardinal Burke? ). The threat did not intimidate the Cardinal a but. Rather, he was the most visible opponent of the new course supported by Pope Francis at the Synod of Bishops. With sharp words the Cardinal Burke also criticized outside the Synod Hall, the procedure of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, but also of the pope (see Cardinal Burke: Pope has "Done a lot of Damage" - Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura Confirmed Impending Dismissal as Pope: "Who am I, to judge? "- Burke:" We need to judge acts " ).
Vindictive Retaliation by Pope
Only a few weeks after the completion of the Synod of Bishops the "sending away" of the cardinal appears as revenge and retaliation by Pope Francis. So the reigning pope seems to have acted in quite a hurry. On November 3, just 15 days after the end of the Synod, he approved a Rescriptum of the Cardinal Secretary of State, with the retirement provisions for bishops and cardinals eligible for papal nomination were tightened. It entered into force on 5 November, and the Rescriptum required all Cardinals over 75 (except Cardinal Prefects of the Roman Curia) to immediately offer their resignations.
This also affected the previous patron of the Order of Malta, Cardinal Paolo Sardi. The resignation offered by Cardinal Sardi was immediately accepted by the Pope, thus clearing a space, to which Cardinal Burke could be deported in an "elegant" way to a management function in the Roman Curia with an honorary function.
Praise of Benedict XVI. Did Not Help
The demonstrative praise of Benedict XVI. from his self-imposed exile in a greeting message to the International Pilgrimage of Tradition where the celebrant in St. Peter's Basilica in the Old Rite was Cardinal Burke on October 26, describing "great cardinals," did not help.
The dismissal of one of the most prominent and recent cardinals of the Catholic Church is an affront for a significant part of the universal Church, which is intended by the papal retaliation that Cardinal Burke will be punished.
The measure has confirmed some Argentine voices, which described Jorge Mario Bergoglio since his election as the head of the Church, as very resentful and would not to tolerate criticism of his person and opposition to his plans. They also confirmed that Pope Francis is the actual director behind the "new Mercy", which was represented by Cardinal Kasper as a spokesman.
By deposing Burke from his post as head of a dicastry, he can no longer participate ex officio at the Synod of Bishops on the family in the coming year. Pope Francis has silenced the Cardinal with his "reshuffle" in the Synod. It's a signal that the Argentine Church leader seems willing to make up for in 2015, that which has not been achieved at the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops in 2014 and to push through his "new mercy". A "new Mercy", which can be very cruel.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: MiL
image: MiL
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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