Saturday, November 1, 2014

Bishops' Synod According to "Civiltá Cattolica" -- Conclusions on the Mood of the Kasper Camp?

(Rome) The Roman Jesuit journal La Civiltà Cattolica offers a review  in its new edition of the Synod of Bishops on the Family. The author is the editor in chief, Father Antonio Spadaro personally. The report provides interesting conclusions on the Post-Synodal mood in the camp of Cardinal Walter Kasper. The tenor of the essay is moderate and balancing, however, it takes the side of Kasper's "opening". Since the magazine can only appear with imprimatur of the Vatican, and since Father Spadaro belongs to a small familiar circle of the Pope, it is worth a thorough analysis of the text that gives a view to the papal office. Such an analysis can be jolting at this point at best. But this should be done.

Unique Civiltà Cattolica

The Roman Jesuit journal La Civiltà Cattolica is one of a kind, whose knowledge only explains its significance. Appearing since more than 150 years previously, the magazine has the status of a semi-official organ of the Holy See. All contributions will be submitted to the Vatican Secretariat of State prior to their publication and require a license to print. Accordingly, there is at least some indication of the official line of the Vatican can be drawn from the contributions. The connection between the journal and the Holy See has been reinforced, since in the history of the Church for the first time a Jesuit has assumed the Chair of Peter. The Civiltà Cattolica is publishes  only contributions by Jesuits. The election of Pope Francis created a new synergy between Father Antonio Spadaro, editor since the edition from 1 October 2011, and the head of the church.
In September 2013, the magazine published a controversial interview with Pope Francis. The interview was conducted by Father Spadaro. It was published simultaneously by the Civiltà Cattolica , Vatican Radio , and many Jesuit magazines in different languages ​​around the globe. Maximum attention was the goal. It is among several, the only interview so far granted by the Pope to a church-owned magazine.

"A Church on the Synodal Way"

Since then, Father Spadaro has belonged to familiar circle with the Pope and his magazine which also provides strategic planning, such as preparation for the Synod of Bishops on the family showed. On the eve of the Synod  the magazine published an essay that supported the "opening" thesis of Cardinal Walter Kasper.
In the latest edition of Civiltá Cattolica (issue no. 3945 dated 1 November 2014 p 213-227) is titled "A Church on the Synodal Way. The Pastoral Challenges to the Family" a summary of the Synod of Bishops from the pen of Father Spadaro appeared, which offers insight into the post-synodal assessment at the highest ecclesiastical level. It could speak to the part of a hangover,  reading  in certain formulations the anger  over a failed "realignment" of the Church's marriage and morality. In this regard, Father Spadaro is not squeamish, himself, as personally appointed by Pope Francis Synod took part in the Synod.

Anger at Partly Failed Synod

Pope Francis with Father Antonio Spadaro
The paragraph 52 of the Relatio Synodi put the standing of remarried divorcees in the center of attention, for whom Cardinal Kasper had formulated "new ways"  and promoted it with thinly veiled support from Pope Francis. But  paragraph 52 did not receive a qualified majority under the Synod Fathers. The vote was "un certo senso in anomala, perché è come se 74 padri su 183 avessero voluto negare persino la registrazione della discussione di fatto vissuta," said Father Spadaro, that the same carries a need to assign blame. The vote was as it were was "abnormal", just as  74 of 184 synod fathers even denied the actual discussion. Harsh words, which reveal that anger which must have been triggered by the missed two-thirds majority in the immediate presence of the pope.
"Different Church models" become visible at the Synod, but also different cultural backgrounds, "even in contradictory traits" which are dependent on which country or continent of the synod fathers, said Father Spadaro. The not forget to pick up an exclamation from the Kasper-party from the first day of the Synode, of a secret code when he writes, "there was a really 'conciliar' air that filled the Synod Hall."

Between "Full Adult Maturity" and Immaturity

He does not evaluate the opposing content but formally that occurred in the debate opposing views and speaks of "serenity and openness", which would not indeed made, the discussion less hard, but "on the contrary, it made it possible to live a real dynamic that by no means, Verwirrung'ist, but 'freedom': two terms that are never to be confused, do not want to brave live full adult maturity you ". One related to a synod pretty strange-looking formulation, will not recognize it as a benevolent nod to the progressive concept of "mature Christians". In the opposite conclusion seems to be saying, Father Spadaro, that a refusal to discuss Kaspers "opening", a lack of "full adult maturity" would be.
The possibility of merit or formal inadmissibility of position, as they know each jurisdiction in a particular case such as manifestly contrary to church doctrine and order, is not considered by Father Spadaro.
The editor of the Jesuit magazine places the emphasis elsewhere, as when he insists that Pope Francis is to have "confirmed the correctness of the synodal process... From which one could not have expected a complete agreement". Father Spadaro quoted in this context, the "climate" of the so-called Apostolic Council of Jerusalem in Acts, where there had been a "great debate."

"Without Ever Calling the Truth of the Marriage Sacrament into Question" and Yet ...

This "direct confrontation face to face," said the Civiltà Cattolica, was what the Pope had desired of the synod, for he knew that all would be guided by the "good of the Church, the family and the suprema lex of the salus animarum." This made a discussion   ​​possible without ever providing the basic truth of the marriage sacrament in question: the indissolubility, the unity, the fidelity and reproduction, that is, the openness to life.
After Father Spadaro complained that part of the Synod Fathers, in his opinion, even wanted to "deny", that there had been a discussion about the remarried divorcees, he expresses his satisfaction at the fact that the subject in the concluding message is still present, which was matched as a whole and was adopted with 158 votes against 174. It says: "That's why we  considered  the pastoral care and access to the sacraments by remarried divorcees in the first part of our synodal path." This quote is the only set in italics throughout the paper and singled out, which also emphasizes  at the same time, the attitude which occupies Father Spadaro Civiltà Cattolica.

Praise for the Relatio Post Disceptationem with "Fresher and More Contemporary Language"

Father Antonio Spadaro, editor of the Civiltà Cattolica
Father Spadaro praises the controversial Relatio post disceptationem with exactly that diction which  Cardinals Kasper, Schönborn and Marx used both inside and outside of  the Synod. "In general we can say that the Relatio has included the recognition of the positive elements in the non-perfect family forms and the problematic situations." It will say that it "recognizes the positive in the imperfect situations." Father Spadaro used key words in this context like  "real life", "real life", "real story". That is to say that  the "Relatio was meant to reveal a Church with its energies more aimed to sow as much grain as possible rather than uproot weeds."
Then the Jesuit goes into raptures: "Although it is  temporary, the text was still deepening and correcting, it was cause for  some the joy of a fresher 'and more contemporary language'". The merit of the disputed document was, according to Father Spadaro, that it "has introduced the concrete existence of the people, rather than abstract talk about the family, as it should be." This positive  aspects of the "concrete existence of the people" is not limited merely to   "affirmation of couples in civil marriages, the situation the remarried divorcees and their eventual access to the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist, mixed marriages, the cases of nullity, the situation of homosexual people, the challenge of the declining birth rate and education."

Rejection of the "Gradualism" -- Rejection of Preconciliar Concepts?

For Cardinal Schönborn, and then also other represented new "gradualism", writes Father Spadaro, the positions of the working groups have the "courage to knock on forbidden doors" (Circulus Anglicus A) for the  service of "total rejection of the principle of that 'gradualism' inspired by the Second Vatican Council" (Circulus Gallicus B). Given a largely intra-Church  enforced taboo of any criticism of the Council, which is considered a priori "positive", the editor wants to signal the impression with his reference to the Second Vatican Council  that the critics of the gradualism thesis are wrong, whether they are anti or  Preconcilar, who probably equate any "gradualism" as equally bad. In passing it should be mentioned that the Circulus Anglicus A at the named position actually says something quite different and only "a member", as was expressly stated, which is  "imposed" by the statement above.
The conclusion is also interesting that the Relatio post disceptationem, according to its portrayal by Civilità Cattolica  "Cardinal Peter Erdo assisted with in the editing by Special Secretary Msgr. Bruno Forte, as the Ordo Synodi" was prepared. The Relatio was developed on the basis of speakers who approached the General Secretariat of the Synod before the beginning.
No less interesting, that the Commission's final message already met, as the working groups only began their work and thus their work could not be taken into account. The Commission originally consisted solely of members were sympathetic to the Kasper-thesis. Just when Kasper's "African accident" during the Synod, it meant that Pope Francis had to calm the troubled waters,  of which  Spadaro knew nothing to report, two members were reordered.

From Non-Transparent Transparency and Other Misappropriations

In the publication of voting results of the individual paragraphs "Francis  made the whole process transparent, by the reading and assessing the facts, open to the faithful, even those that were difficult to interpret."Father Spadaro mentioned, however, not a word of the displeasure of not a few Synod Fathers who justly criticized a lack of transparency, and accused the Synod management's selective transparency which is supposed to have  favored Kasper's party. Thus, the interventions of the Synod were not disclosed contrary to the earlier synods and thus practiced the opposite of transparency. The publication of the results of individual votes and not only the final result was made because Kaspers position had a slight, though not a sufficient majority. Had this not been the case,   this "transparency" would not have been offered.
"This whole process has made necessary the publication of materials ( Relatio and Relationes the working groups) for a larger external participation outside the Synod" said Father Spadaro, who does not mention that the publication of Relationes only reluctantly took place after a rebellion  was carried out in   the synod.  Instead, it says in the article: "It should not be concealed that the publication of all discussion documents was considered by some as risky, because it provided a picture of the Church in its variety of different positions." No word on the publication or non-publication was not only a matter of expediency, but reflected a substantive conflict, because the defender of the Church's marriage and morality in the non-publication now recognized the gravity their position, with the counter-position of Cardinal Kasper a monopoly should have been secured, as had already been lead by example with Pope Francis   at the Cardinal Consistory in February.
So it goes without saying that Father Spadaro raised an accusation of "manipulation" even so little as the mention of how Carinal Burke's  expressed criticism, still  during the Synod,  that Pope Francis had "done a lot of harm" by his attitude in the overall question. Nor is criticism of Cardinal Kasper primarily by the African Synod, addressed. Instead, he praises that Pope Francis ordered the publication also of those parts that did not receive a majority.

"Bold Pastoral Decisions"

Father Spadaro emphasized innovations like the  "positive elements" in civil marriage and unmarried cohabitation,  cohabiting couples would be recognized in the assumed part of the final report and the situation had been a "courageous pastoral decisions." This also means that Father Spadaro unmistakably represents an "opening" of the Church toward homosexuals. He didn't  even begin a word of  criticism of sinful homosexual behavior, but explicitly states that the "welcome attitude" a usage which comes close to  meaning  "whoever is also able to legally oppose unjust and violent discrimination". Homosexuals are named only to be defended  from  criticism.
Father Spadaro reported that  three paragraphs to the remarried divorcees and homosexuals were indeed rejected, not without mentioning that they have still got  "a clear majority". He assumed those who spoke in defense of the Church's moral teaching and on marriage opposed to the truth, "to be less inclined to pastoral acceptance of these people."

The Field Hospital, Which Besieges Itself

Finally, the Jesuit editor makes Pope Francis' repeatedly presented image of the Church as a "field hospital" his own: "Many people are injured, the ask of us who are near,  ask of us, what they asked Jesus: close, intimately close." It asks the question whether this is really all that the people of Jesus asked for and even more, if that is all that Jesus went to the people to do.  Above all he excluded that the "many injuries" and those who are assumed to hurt by them, including the question of whether the portrayal of the people is justified only from the vantage point of  "casualties" of human nature and the vaunted "real life". Probably not.
Nevertheless, it can not under Father Spadaro, hand out a sideswipe. He does not say to whom, but the addresses are well known. Because the image of the Church as a "field hospital" was "the opposite of a besieged fortress". After the election of Pope Francis  the finger was pointed at Benedict XVI.. This is not "just a beautiful poetic metaphor: an understanding of the mission of the Church coming from her and also showing the importance of the sacraments of salvation," it says in the article. The simple fact that no one can lay siege to himself, but can only be besieged by third parties and thereby the hostile intent is a prerequisite, which shows the instability of the comparison.

The Capacity for Wrong Questions

The battlefield today   has some challenges that affect the family. Spadaro describes among other things, "couples without a marriage certificate, which raises the question of the social institutionalization of its relations"; even more so "homosexual people wonder why they can not lead a life of stable affective relationship as practicing believers". The writer offers  no answer, but will indicate the need for significant action. Therefore, Spadaro addressed that he neither  wanted to oppose a non-institutional with an institution,  nor the wrong and thus misleading question of the fictional homosexual.
"In reality, however, the really deadly wound of humanity which is the real problem today is that people are finding it more and more difficult to go out from themselves and complete loyalty pacts with another person, even a loved one. It is this individualistic humanity, which is part of the Church. And the first concern of the Church must be, not to close the doors, but open them to provide the light that dwells within, go to a people go to meet, those who,  even though  they think they  need no salvation, often find themselves scared and hurt by life. If the Church is truly the mother, she must handle her children with "merciful love". "

"Synodical Way" is only "Just the Beginning"

No later than the last sentence you wonder in amazement, in which Church Father Spadaro actually grew up in and became a priest: "Some Synod fathers  question  whether there can be  a  sacramental economy, which envisages impossible situations, to  permanently exclude from access to the sacrament  of reconciliation? "
The "synodal way" has been trodden. This had been only "just the beginning", continues the editor of the Jesuit magazine. The course of the Synod of Bishops gave the Kasper camp an unexpected damper. This can be read out in Father Spadaro. According to a positivist view of reason, which is usually inherent to believers in progress, it seems that  the partial failure of the  Synod of Bishops is considered as a workplace accident and started to  factor tim in the "synodal way."
Sorrow, repentance, and penance  seem forgotten foreign words from a vocabulary of the dark past. Father Spadaro's review of the Synod of Bishops possessing a language in the restraint on emphasized text that he wants to give the impression of a moderate, balanced position, which he doesn't really possess.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons / Civiltà Cattolica / Gesuitinewsa
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Thursday, October 30, 2014

European Museum Association "L'Internationale" Holds Anti-Clerical Exhibition -- Currently in Madrid

(Madrid) A network of European museums of contemporary art is a misanthropic, blasphemous and anti-clerical exhibition. The exhibition can currently be seen under the name  "Un saber real instruments útil"  the Queen Sofia Museum in Madrid. The exhibition promotes abortion, insults Christianity and is hostile to the Catholic Church. "It would be reprehensible if a religious denomination would get money from the government to insult feminists", said Infovaticana. Equally reprehensible is the inverse conclusion that feminists get money from the Spanish government and the European Union (EU) to insult the Catholic Church.
The "valuable" pieces, currently shown in the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia  include matchboxes illustrated with a call for violence: "The only church that illuminates is  burning. Support help! "
The Queen Sofia Museum, named after the former Spanish Queen Sofia, the wife of  King Juan Carlos I, who abdicated on June 19th, is holding an exhibition, which is funded by taxpayers' money, blasphemes the God, insults the Catholic Church, degrades human dignity, calls for anti-Christian violence and the murder of unborn children. Miguel Vidal started a petition on HazteOir, which prompts the museum director , Manuel Borja-Villel to close the exhibition.
The Museum of Modern Art was founded in 1990. The headquarters is located in San Carlos Hospital in Madrid, which had been founded in the 16th century by King Philip II.

EU-Sponsored Church Hostility "in the Name of Art"

Was compiled by the exhibition  Croatian Curator Collective WHW What, How & Whom that holds exhibitions in the German-speaking world, especially in Austria. The Madrid exhibition was funded by the EU Culture Programme. The alleged "educational" approach of the exhibition recalls not coincidentally of the National Socialist "education programs". Nor that the Collective WHW put together an exhibition for a new European museum network called L'International (The International).
The  International Museums-  with its naming inspired by communistic nostalgia include the following six museums of modern art at: Moderna Galerija (MG + MSUM, Ljubljana, Slovenia); Museo nacional centro de arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS, Madrid, Spain); Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art (MACBA, Catalonia, Spain); Museum of Modern Art, Antwerp (M HKA, Antwerp, Belgium); SALT (Istanbul and Ankara, Turkey) and Van Abbemuseum (VAM, Eindhoven, The Netherlands).
The exhibition is expected to be seen in all these museums soon. The Exhibition in Madrid is imbued with hostility toward Christians. An exhibition piece which criticized Islam,  would not only have been unsuitable for left and left-liberal Western states, but also for the Islamic Turkey.

Sacrilegious "Our Father" of Argentine Feminists

The exhibits feature a total of 30 artists and artist collectives. Among these there is also the Argentine feminist collective Mujeres publicas (Public Women). The "art" of Public Women is meant to attack the Catholic Church and to offend Christians and Christianity.
The Spanish left would not put up with having to pay taxes and can then offend people in an exhibition with their own money.The exhibition Un saber real instruments útil (Really useful knowledge) promotes the feminist "Our Father" the Mujeres publicas, which states:
"El derecho a Concédenos decidir sobre nuestro cuerpo. Y danos la gracia de no ser ni ni madres Virgenes. Líbranos de la autoridad del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo para que las que Seamos nosotras decidamos por nosotras. Ruega porque el poder judicial suyos no haga los mandatos de la Iglesia y ambos nos Libren de su misógina opresión. Venga a nosotros el derecho a cuestionar si it bendito el fruto de nuestro vientre. No nos dejes caer en la tentación de nuestros derechos no luchar por. Y el milagro de la concédenos legalidad del aborto en Argentina. Amén "
"Give us the right to decide about our bodies. And grant us the grace to neither be virgins nor mothers. Free us from the authority of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, so we are the ones who decide for us. Pray that justice does not follow the order of the Church and be free from  misogynist oppression. We come to the right to deny that the fruit of our body is blessed. Lead us not into temptation, not to fight for our rights. And grant us the miracle of legalization of abortion in Argentina. Amen ".
From "Mujeres publicas comes the feminist battle cry:
"The Pope is Argentinian and abortion is prohibited. If the Pope were a woman, abortion would be law. "
The petition against the blasphemous and anti-clerical exhibition with a request that the exhibition is addressed to the museum director and at the same time to the Spanish Government.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: InfoVaticna
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bishops' Conference: Catholic Media Should not Criticize the Abortion Politics of the Government

General Secretary of the Bishops' Conference
Gil Tamayo
(Madrid) Catholic media should not criticize Spanish government because of their abortion policy. A corresponding statement to the media by the Spanish Bishops' Conference had been granted by the Secretary General and spokesman of the Episcopal Conference, José María Gil Tamayo, as InfoVaticana reported. The Spanish Bishops' Conference includes the COPE radio chain and the TV station 13TV.

Christian Democrats are the Abortion Party, but Catholic Media Should Be Silent

Not to be critical of the government of the Christian Democratic Partido Popular, although they had promised a restriction of the killing of unborn children through abortion and legal strengthening of the right to life in the last election and therefore won the parliamentary elections. The law was actually drafted by the Justice Minister and decided on last fall by the government.  Yet it never arrived in the  Parliament. Just last summer, the Minister of Justice assured that the Parliament will discuss the law in September. Instead, the ruling Christian Democrats caved in fear of a political dispute and withdrew the law. Justice Minister Ruiz Gallardón then resigned in protest. Right to Life organizations and Catholic voters are disappointed to appalled.
The Partido Popular justified the capitulation with a view to the next upcoming 2015 parliamentary elections, for which one would not waste the chances of re-election. Instead, the party of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is now experiencing an exodus of core voters, for the PP as the abortion party is no longer a legitimate voting choice.
Behind the scenes it seems to agreements between the General Secretariat, the Episcopal Conference and the Partido Popular have  agreed to keep the criticism on the back burner to prevent a return of the Socialist Party to power. The non-negotiable values that were championed Popes John Paul II. and Benedict XVI, were looked past.  That does not seem hard for some bishops' conferences to drop as  they had left the above mentioned popes in the stick in the fight against the barbaric mass murder of innocent children. The reigning Pope Francis facilitates looking away from Innocents, as he explained in an interview to have "never understood non-negotiable values," their formulation.

"On the  Pressure Scale of 0-10" Pressure Exerted is Only 2

As to the "right" to assassinate unborn children in many Western countries, including in the German-speaking world as "social consensus" is alleged that the Episcopal Conferences prefer to prioritize this "consensus".
According Info Vaticana , which relies on informants from the Catholic media COPE and 13TV, the Secretary General of the Episcopal Conference has given the media these instructions which is to largely hold back criticism of the government in matters of abortion. Literally Gil Tamayo said: "On the pressure scale 0-10, pressure 2".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred

Abbot Primate of Klosterneuberg's Affront Against the Immemorial Mass and Cardinal Burke

Cardinal Burke Celebrating Mass of
All Ages in St. Peter's Last Saturday
(Vienna) The Votive Mass in the Traditional Rite with Cardinal Raymond Burke announced for November 5th, in the parish church of St. Leopold in Vienna Danube field-Floridsdorf was canceled.
Cardinal Burke will, as advertised,  celebrate a Pontifical Mass in the Old Rite on November 4th, for the Memorial of Saint Charles Borromeo in the Church of St. Charles. The Immemorial Mass also announced for his stay in Vienna, the  Votive Mass of the Apostles Peter and Paul, however, was canceled (see report  5:11 .: Cardinal Burke celebrated in Vienna St. Leopold votive Mass in the Old Rite).

Rejection of the Traditional Rite and Aftermath of the Synod of Bishops?

Reasons for the rejection are not known, but they could have something to do  with the traditional Rite and aftermath of the Synod of Bishops on the family. The parish of St. Leopold Donaufeld is incorporated to the Augustinian Canons of Klosterneuburg. The Klosterneuburger Provost, Bernhard Backovsky is cited, who is, as is well known,  the current parish administrator and choir master of the Stift St. Leopold, forbade the celebration.
Bernhard Backovsky was elected in 1995 as  the 66th Provost and 17th  Lateran Abbot of the Stift. In 2002 he was elected Abbot General of the Austrian Augustinian Congregation of Canons. Since 2010 he has also been Abbot Primate of all Augustinian canons in the world.

What about "Open Discussion" and the "Full Peace of the Church" for the Usus Antiquus?

The prohibition by Abbot Primate Backovsky must be construed as an affront of rare hardness toward to the traditional Rite and one of the leading representatives of the Church. An unfriendly manner behind which are visible the veiled   fractures within the Catholic Church in Austria. This demonstrates the inability obey, and to accept the traditional Rite and  respect the opinions of others. Cardinal Burke and Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn stood at opposite position in the Synod of Bishops. A  ban on the Mass in the Old Rite is harsh paternalism to others, first of all, the celebrant, but also the faithful who want this.
The unpleasant incident raises questions about just how valid is this "open discussion", which Pope Francis advocated several times for the Synod of Bishops. And how is confirms the hope that Emeritus Benedict XVI. gave in his greeting message last Saturday: "I am very happy that the Usus antiquus now lives in full peace in the Church, even among the young, also supported and celebrated by great cardinals. "
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: MiL / Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Church and SSPX: Friend of the Pope Threatens Faithful Catholics With Excommunication

(Rome) There is a campaign in progress in Italy against the Society of St. Pius X.  The reason is there is a bishop's threat  that believers who receive the sacraments at the SSPX may be excommunicated. The initiative is in direct contradiction to the recent opening of Rome toward the SSPX led by Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei.  Rorate Caeli speaks of "double standards" and  "selective compassion."
The media campaign was triggered by a letter from the Bishop of Alban  from last October 14th to all pastors of his diocese. Bishop Marcello Semeraro informs his diocese about the SSPX and issued instructions. Albano is one of the suburbicarian bishoprics of Rome, whose nominal owners are the cardinal bishops of the Catholic Church, that is the highest ranking members of the Sacred College. The Cardinal Bishop of Albano is the former Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Cardinal Sodano.
Bishop Semeraro justified the "notification" because of queries  about the validity of sacraments by the SSPX, which were addressed to the Diocesan Curia. The seat of the Italian District of the Society is located in Albano.

"No canonical status", "no lawful exercise" of the priestly office

Bishop Marcello Semeraro
The bishop refers to the "benevolent lifting of the excommunication" of the bishops of the Fraternity by Pope Benedict XVI. on January 21, 2009. And to the letter to all the bishops of the Church from Benedict on 10 March 2009. Msgr. Semeraro places emphasis on the statement that the bishops of the Fraternity exerts no "legitimate" ministry in the Church (AAS CI, 2009, No. 4, p. 272) and the Society "has no canonical status" in the Church, which is why their priests can not exercise any office "lawfully" (AAS CI, 2009, No. 4, p. 710f).
Furthermore, the bishop refers to a pastoral letter by his predecessor, Monsignor Dante Bernini (1982-1999), which states:. "The Catholic faithful may not participate in the Masses or receive the sacraments provided by the Society.  Otherwise, this action would mean to break communion with the Catholic Church."

Faithful of the SSPX Are Not in Communion with the Church?

Bishop Semeraro draws the conclusion: "Therefore, each Catholic,  who solicits or receives the sacraments from the Society of St. Pius X, is  not in communion with the Catholic Church. A re-admission into the Catholic Church must be preceded by   an adequate personal  path of  reconciliation according to the competent episcopal ordinary".
Finally, the bishop regrets that some "options", presumably  relating particularly to children and young people, are "contrary to the pastoral orientation of the Italian Church and the Diocese of Albano."
The pastor should inform the faithful about this episcopal statement.

L'Espresso : "Pope forbids Lefebvrians to celebrate Mass"

The media, especially the weekly magazine L'Espresso, attacked the bishop writing with large headlines: "Pope Francis prohibits Lefebvrians from celebrating Mass". The subtitle: "The followers of an excommunicated, ultra-traditionalist  French bishop are now in the sights of Pope Bergoglio: one of his most faithful friends has forbidden the celebratiion of Mass and administeration of the sacraments. Whoever follows them, risks excommunication." The article whirls the truth, canon law and fictional conclusions into chaos.

The Career of the Bishop

Espresso credits a report that Bishop Semeraro is one of the closest confidants of Pope Francis. The bishop was appointed by Pope John Paul II. In 2004, He underwent a major upgrade under Pope Francis. In April of 2013 he was appointed secretary of the new Cardinal Council, to advise the Pope on the reform of the curia and the Church leadership (see Bishop Semeraro, C8-secretary . This C8-Council has been expanded by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin to a C9 Council.  Bishop Semeraro handles the coordination of the Council. In the Italian Bishops Conference , Msgr. Semeraro performs the function of the media bishop and thus has the oversight of the bishops' conference part of daily Avvenire , the published first the "notification" to the priest.
The relationship between Bishop Semeraro the the SSPX has never relaxed. Last year the SSPX elicited an opinion against the Pope's travel to Lampedusa (see  Lampedusa was "Inclined to Progressive Simplification" of a Complex Question ). Similarly, the willingness of the SSPX to hold a funeral Mass for Erich Priebke, because Priebke was for reasons of political correctness, and annoyance for the Diocese of Rome that brought them great embarrassment (see Diocese of Rome Refused Erich Priebke Public Funeral - Political Correctness About Death? out and Priebke Coffin Spat Upon - The Hatred Must Know Boundaries, but  Catholic Subservience Also  ).
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons / NBQ

Pope Benedict Welcomes the Growth of the Ordinariate in England

Edit: Our Lady of Walsingham's enthusiastic laity has been patiently growing in body and soul.   This is especially fortuitous in light of recent developments in the Church of England which has drifted still further away.
Benedict XVI has welcomed the progress of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham and has said he is “glad” that its church has been established on the site of the historic Bavarian embassy chapel in London. 
Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory’s in Warwick Street is situated where the Bavarian embassy chapel, which was pillaged during the anti-Catholic Gordon Riots in 1780, once stood.
The Pope Emeritus made his comments in a letter to the Friends of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, in reply to Nicolas Ollivant, chairman of the Friends of the Ordinariate, who had written to the retired pope to express his gratitude for the gift of the ordinariate. He had also sent Benedict a brief history of Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory’s.
Link to Catholic Herald... 

"Adelante la fe" -- New Catholic Internet Site With Bishop Livieres and Roberto de Mattei

(Madrid) Adelante la fe is the name of a new Catholic Internet Initiative in Spanish. Its  director is Miguel Angel Yáñez. Among the associates, two personalities stand out. In the first place the bishop of Ciudad del Este in Paraguay, deposed by Pope Francis a month ago, Msgr. Rogelio Livieres and historian Roberto de Mattei. 
Bishop Livieres part of the personal prelature of Opus Dei  which distanced itself from a comment  the bishop made about the Synod of Bishops in Rome. Already with his reaction to the dismissal by the Pope, that he  "must answer to God," and with his comment against progressivist aspirations at the Synod of Bishops the bishop has unequivocally made it known that he does not intend to remain silent. Quite the contrary.

Committed to the Defense of the Faith and the Church

The Bishop has published on his own blog and now also at Adelante la fe . The website offers what distinguishes it from similar pages, direct priestly pastoral care. An offer that draws upon colleagues of whom there is a number of priests from Spain and Latin America.
In addition to Father Alfonso Gálvez Morillas, the founder of the Sociedad de Jesus Cristo Sacerdote . The priestly community was established in the home diocese of Father Gálvez  in 1986, canonically recognized by the Diocese of Murcia in Spain. The Order is especially devoted to the promotion of vocations and priestly formation. The priests of the community are biritual, ad they maintain both the celebration and the administration of the sacraments in the new as in the old Rite. The Order is represented in Spain, the USA, Chile and Ecuador.

Attachment to the traditional rite

The second outstanding employees as mentioned by the historian Roberto de Mattei, which provides, among other laymen posts and comments. All three figures mentioned so far are for a traditional church affiliated understanding and love for the traditional rite.
Founder of Adelante la fe is Cesar Santiago González Alba, priest of the Archdiocese of Seville in Spain. Initially consisted Adelante la fe Blog in Catholic Internet Initiative InfoVaticana . By expanding and gaining new employees form the blog was no longer suitable, so the page has been independent since recently.
The first contribution of Adelante la fe was dedicated to the founder of Opus Dei, St. Jose Maria Escriva de Balaguer and it published images showing the saint at the celebration of the Holy Mass in the Old Rite. Escriva had, because of the liturgical reform of Pope Paul VI 1969/1970, requested and obtained a dispensation to continue to celebrate the Sacrifice of the Mass in the traditional Rite.
The new Internet initiative is about the preservation, defense and the spread of the Catholic faith. The focus is also the non-negotiable values, the Holy Liturgy and the critical observation within the Church of events such as the recent Synod of Bishops, because the faith is to protect against attacks within the Church, as well as outside.

News, Exegesis, Liturgy and Pastoral Care

Besides reports about the Church and the world  Adelante la fe  offers a category of exegesis of Sacred Scripture, references to books and writings, information and instruction from the four last things with the preparation for death, to live broadcasts of the Holy Mass in the Old Rite and a point of contact for questions to pastoral care. The page is also collaborating with the US-American, Rorate Caeli site, it has a Facebook account and a Twitter service.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Adelante la fe (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Monday, October 27, 2014

Most Recent Investigations of Eucharistic Miracle of Sienna Published -- Full Indulgence

Ostensorium with the Hosts
(Siena) The results of recent scientific studies of the Hosts of the Eucharistic Miracle of Siena, which are kept in the Church of the Minorites have been published. It is not scientifically explainable, since  300 year old bread shows no signs of mold or decay.
The first scientific studies of the sacred particles of 1730, preserved in the Church of Saint Francis in Siena were done a century ago. Pope Saint Pius X i allowed the investigations that were carried out with the knowledge and the methods then known in 1914.
Science has made great strides since then, which allowed new investigations, which were allowed by Archbishop Antonio Buoncristiani of Siena and the CDF.

1730 Robbed

The consecrated hosts were stolen from  the Basilica of St. Francis on Aug. 14, 1730.   The whole town was so shaken that the traditional horse race held on 16 August, the Palio di Siena, was canceled over the sacrilege. Three days later, the Hosts were found again on the dirty in a sacristy floor of St. Mary's Church of Provenzano. The perpetrator or perpetrators seem to have been plagued by   conscience about the crime, which is why they got rid of the Hosts in the way that they were found.
The wafers were cleaned and returned in solemn procession to the church of Saint Francis. The restoration was organized by faithful people in gratitude into a great feast. It was decided not to use the consecrated, stolen and recovered hosts for Communion, but to retain them for Eucharistic adoration.

No Signs of Change or Decay

Over the years, it was found that they remained unchanged, neither were they moldy or rotten. Since then, the news spread among the faithful about the Eucharistic Miracle of Siena.
Several occasions over time unconsecrated communion wafers were put in an identical container and placed it next to those with the consecrated communion wafers and retrieved. While those that were not consecrated disintegrated with time, the consecrated remained unchanged intact. After six months  flour begins to change, it changes to pulp and within two years to dust.
Time left no trace on the consecrated hosts of Siena, not even an expected yellowish discoloration, although no special storage methods were applied, let alone atmospheric aspects were taken into account, as they are used today for secure storage and preservation of art treasures.
Pope John Paul II. visited the miraculous Hosts on 14 September 1980 by his pastoral visit to Siena.

225 Hosts

Overall, there are today 225 hosts and some fragments. The report on recent studies show that they are unchanged and their conservation status "excellent."
Originally there were 351 hosts. Over the centuries, and from new studies, the others were given as Communion, in order to examine whether changes in taste could be detected or if they were corrupt and unfit for human consumption because of their age. All subjects did not detect any abnormalities.
In recent months, the wafers were subjected to investigations in three groups. These included surface investigations under the digital microscope, the determination of the nucleotide adenosine triphosphate (ATP), culture test, photogrammetry to create 3D models of the hosts for  documentation. A culture test showed no growth of microorganisms, neither after seven days nor even after fourteen days. 
They were examined and cleaned by professionals of Monuments Office under the supervision of the National Research Council and the Crystal Shrine, in which the wafers are kept.

Full Indulgence From 1 November 2014 to October 4, 2015

In its opinion, the investigation report, the Archdiocese of Siena writes: "The Blessed particles remain unchanged in a miraculous way. An obvious sign that strengthens the faith of the people of God in the Eucharist, the source and summit of the entire life of the Church, the sacrament of unity and bond of love among Christians."
The Year of the Eucharist of the Archdiocese of Siena begins with the Feast of All Saints. Pope Francis granted a plenary indulgence at the request of Major Penitentiary, Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, which can be gained from 1 November 2014 to October 4, 2015 by all the faithful who pray before the Blessed Sacrament in the Hosts of the church of Saint Francisin  Siena and in all other churches, in which Hosts were to be issued at this time with the usual conditions (sorrow, conversion, sacramental confession, creed, resolute turning away from sin, attendance at Holy Mass, Communion, prayer for the Holy Father, the fulfillment of the prescribed good work by a designated prayer or the visit of a particular church).
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Cantuale Antonianum

SSPX With Bishop Fellay and Bishops Celebrate Immemorial Mass at Lourdes Shrine

Edit: the Society of Saint Pius X has celebrated Mass at the modernist St. Pius X, at the Lourdes Shrine in France. It's a crowning even in the pilgrimage whose motto is, "To Our Lady in the Footsteps of St. Pius X."  Despite the large size of the church meant to accommodate throngs of pilgrims, it looks practically full. The building can accomodate 25,000 worshipers.  The celebrant for this Christ the King Mass was Bishop Fellay with Bishops de Galaretta and Tisser de Mallerais in attendance, is part of a celebration for the centenary of St. Pius X.
Amazingly, they got permission to do this from the authority in charge of the site which must have been high level indeed. This is a signal event.

Messe du Christ-Roi en la Basilique Saint-Pie X (26 octobre 2014) from DICI on Vimeo.

Cardinal Pell: "...History has Seen 37 False or Antipopes"

Edit:  Cardinal Pell was unable to attend the Traditional Pilgrimage, but he did send a representative who read Cardinal Pell's interesting words.  After excusing himself from attending this weekend's Pilgrimage of Tradition because of bronchitis, he insisted that this was the real reason he was unable to attend.  The really interesting comments weren't so much the promises of no doctrinal backflips, but the faint praise for Pope Francis for his handling of financial affairs, affirming him as Pope never the less.

He also said that the practice of the faith can only be changed by consensus, and that the faith "develops" as we come to know more about the truth

Cardinal Pell also insists that there is only a small minority that wants to cause problems.  Has he really looked at the results of the polling?  More interestingly than the other things he's said, he writes:
“The church is not built on the rock of Peter’s faith,” he wrote, “but on Peter himself, despite his faults and failings.” “Pope Francis is the 266th pope and history has seen 37 false or antipopes,” he wrote.

“The story of the popes is stranger than fiction,” the cardinal wrote, and today “we have one of the more unusual popes in history, enjoying almost unprecedented popularity. He is doing a marvellous job making the financial reforms,” he wrote.

Cardinal Pell concluded his written remarks with a prayer: “I was taught as a child: May the Lord preserve the Holy Father, Pope Francis, and give him life. Keep him safe on earth and deliver him not up into the hands of his enemies.”
Text copied from ...

Sunday, October 26, 2014

In Hoc Signo Vinces

Edit: just before the battle of Milvian Bridge on the day before, October 27th, 312, the Emperor Constantine was given a sign in the heavens that would lead to his victory over the pagans and inaugurated a new age for the Church of cooperation with powers and principalities.

From the Epistle for the Feast of Christ the King:

(Col. 1:12-20) Brethren: Giving thanks to God the Father, who hath made us worthy to be partakers of the lot of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness and hath translated us into the kingdom of the Son of his love, In whom we have redemption through his blood, the remission of sins: Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For in him were all things created in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominations, or principalities, or powers. All things were created by him and in him. And he is before all: and by him all things consist. And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things he may hold the primacy: Because in him, it hath well pleased the Father that all fullness should dwell: And through him to reconcile all things unto himself, making peace through the blood of his cross, both as to the things that are on earth and the things that are in heaven.
Book recommendation, Helena by Evelyn Waugh.

Image: Wiki

The Church is "Condemned" to Religious Dialogue

Edit: no comment.

Cardinal Tauran: Religious illiteracy is worrying.

Frankfurt ( KNA) The President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue sees the Catholic Church, particularly in view of the flight of Christians from the Middle East called to a dialogue with the Islamic world. Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran has stressed that religion is not the cause of conflict, but could contribute to its solution. Accordingly, the church is "condemned" to dialogue. Tauran spoke at the inauguration of the new endowed chair "Catholic theology in the face of Islam" at the Faculty of Philosophy and Theology Sankt Georgen on Friday evening.

"Interreligious dialogue always starts with the fact that one introduces his own religious beliefs," said Tauran. But currently "religious illiteracy" in the West has reached worrying proportions. "It is important for European societies that they will find their religious and cultural roots," said Tauran. Otherwise, the younger generations will be without a heritage to bequeath.

In addition, the West finds itself in a "crisis of information". The constant mobility and overfeeding with information leads to the fact that "no one reads any longer, doesn't think and is unable to organize his knowledge," said the cardinal. Inter-religious dialogue establishes, among other things, the will to do "everything humanly possible" to understand the perspective of the other. Muslims and Christians are, according Tauran, encouraged to develop a "pedagogy of living together", resulting in changing the fear of the other in a fear for the other. Religious leaders also have a duty to their followers to suggest a civic responsibility so that no one is indifferent to injustice. 

Trans: Tancred
Meanwhile, somewhere in America.


Saturday, October 25, 2014

Pope Benedict Addresses Pilgrimage of Tradition to Rome

Edit: this was published at Rorate.

Benedictus XVI 
Papa emeritus 

Città del Vaticano 
Most honorable Delegate-General, 

I have at last found the time to thank you for your letter of the past August 21. 
I am very glad that theUsus antiquus now lives in full peace within the Church, also among the young, supported and celebrated by great Cardinals. 

I will be spiritually with you. My state as a 'cloistered monk' does not allow me a presence that is also exterior. I leave my cloister only in particular cases, [when] personally invited by the Pope. 

In communion of prayer and friendship. 

Yours in the Lord, 
Benedict XVI

Chief Rabbi Complains About Synod Paper: "We Jews Live in Sin? Our Era is at an End?"

Di Segni with Pope Francis
(Rome) Riccardo Di Segni, the Chief Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Rome has complained that the "dialogue" with the Catholic Church was difficult.  He is concerned with a sentence of the final document of the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on Marriage and Family, which ended last Sunday. The Chief Rabbi  is troubled by  two statements of the document, which he interpreted as an "unfriendly" critique of Judaism.
The two points which concern the Chief Rabbi, he summarizes this way: once the idea that the Jews would live in sin; on the other hand the statement that their era was over.  Such is the interpretation by Di Segni. And what is in the final report?
In the Relatio Synodi states in paragraph 15: "This connection [between man and woman . Anm.d.Red ] was damaged by sin and was the historical form of marriage among the people of God,  for which Moses oversaw  the possibility to issue  a bill of divorce. This form was predominant at the time of Jesus. With His coming and upon the reconciliation of the fallen world, thanks to the  redemption through Him, the era initiated by  Moses  ended. " 
This is part of the Synod report that was adopted with 167 votes to 13 by the Synod Fathers.
Chief Rabbi Di Segni is certainly angry: "With a certain hardness in form and substance, the bishops come, therefore, to us today, we follow the Torah of Moses, to say that we were in sin and that our era is over. How difficult is this dialogue! "
The doctor Riccardo Di Segni Shemuel has been Director of the Collegio Rabbinico Italiano (Italian Rabbi College) since 1999 and since 2002 Chief Rabbi of the Jews of Rome. When Chief Rabbi Zolli Italo 1  became thanked,  after the end of World War II, in an event publicly broadcast to the Jewish community of Rome,  Pope Pius XII. for what he did to help the Jewish community, and was later baptized in gratitude and admiration for Pope Pius XII. (Eugenio Pacelli)  accepted  Eugenio Pio as his new Christian name, and Chief Rabbi Elio Toaff (1951-2002)  defended Pius XII against criticism,  charging him with having been silent persecution of the Jews, Chief Rabbi Di Segni has  repeatedly expressed criticism of beatification of Pius XII.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: UCCR
Trans: Tancred