Saturday, October 25, 2014

Papal Purges and Their Claques -- Political Orientation More Decisive Than Allegations?

Bishop Oliveri of Albenga
Edit: a claque is a chorus hired by a play's producer, playhouse manager, or in some cases an Emperor who's written a play, to cheer, or I suppose, even boo, a play.

(Albenga / Rome) Pope Francis seems to be continuing his cleansing against tradition. "Ruthless and relentless" says Messa in Latino . Reasons are not known. A stone is thrown into the pond and yet it never lacks worthy men who would not grab it. Francesco Colafemmina, combative art and cultural critic, therefore, speaks of the purges and their claques.

The Purge and the "Allegations"

An accusation, whether valid or less, you find against every man, and of course every bishop. However, going to a visible pattern behind the intervention of Pope Francis that is directed against bishops and communities in the Church who know how to appreciate and rediscover what the Church taught before the Second Vatican Council and the associated understanding of the Church.  There is tolerance and understanding for those who content themselves exclusively with the past 50 years. However zero tolerance goes for those who preserve and maintain what the Church taught over 1950 long years instead - well founded - rather forgo the innovations of the last 50 years.
In short:  a traditional Bishop is replaced, or  traditionally woven community (outside the domestic enclosure Ecclesia Dei ) is reprimanded, the Vatican is silent on the reasons. There are the cheerleaders, who provide more or less behind closed doors for the spread of "dirt".There is now a kind of standard list of accusations available that can be fished out at any time.

The Battle for the Sacramental Priesthood

The allegation of lack of care in the selection of seminarians is particularly popular here, mostly smugly garnished with the catchword of homosexuality. Added to this is the allegation of irregularities in the diocesan finances.
The first argument is particularly perfidious. The seminaries of progressives are empty, gradually abandoned   and merged between diocese. The reason is not the often cited lack of vocations, but rather a lack of understanding of diocesan leaders and parts of the officiating clergy for the sacramental and also still celibate priesthood. Appeals are not supported. In some areas one could get the impression that they intentionally wanted to let  the priesthood die and prepare insidiously for its replacement by married deacons, the demand for abolition of celibacy, deacons and deaconesses, including pastoral assistants, who already occur in some parishes in priest-like robes, preach and stand at the Eucharistic prayer next to the priest at the altar.

The Disturbing Evidence of Tradition

Tonsure of four brothers of Fraternidade Arca de Maria in Ciudad del Este in the Old Rite
Tradition proves that God calls  a sufficient number of men to the priesthood today. The existence of flourishing seminaries of tradition in addition to the dissolving seminaries of progressives belies all analyses, justifications and latter lies. Their anger is directed not so much against those individuals and groups that are labeled with the stamp "tradition" and tolerated in the special room of "Ecclesia Dei", but are controlled simultaneously and marginalized within the Church, the anger is directed against those who preach the progressive understanding of the "real" Church, like the Franciscans of the Immaculate, a Novus Ordo Order, which  discovered tradition and became what some perceived as threatening precedent.The same is true especially for diocesan bishops who turn to the tradition, like Bishop Livieres of Ciudad del Este and Bishop of Albenga-Imperia Oliveri. They provide evidence that tradition is not only the model for a few diehards, but is suitable for the whole Church.
A hostile faction in his own diocese and mostly among neighboring bishops deliver "dossiers" that provide fewer arguments, but the welcome opportunity to intervene. Bishop Oliveri has "a quarter of the diocesan clergy against him, which is progressively minded, who constitute   a real faction that defies the bishop," said Chiesa e Postconcilio . And again, the daily newspaper Il Secolo XIX , "which is closely connected with  Ligurian Freemasonry and fought for years  against Bishop Oliveri performs" and it is not by chance that it plays a not minor role. From the diocese of Bishop Oliveri incidentally, comes the layman Mario Castellano, who belongs to the troika today in the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate and sets the tone (see Troika determined by Franciscans of the Immaculate - but Who is Mario Castellano )

The Dingy Corner as Part of Defamation

The accusation of homosexuality is brought into play with enjoyment, though the progressives can be particularly accommodating to that, but not tradition. The propaganda lie is that there was a "connection" between the Old Mass and  and homosexuality [see David Berger's alleged "tell-all" book], who are up to mischief. Like every propaganda lie, it is sufficient to repeat it frequently enough. Something is always hanging. In German-speaking countries, this "theory" was represented by a particularly tragic figure whose personal homosexuality gained the upper hand and fighting the tradition and led to the Church itself.
Ultimately,  the "allegations" should only distract from the actual motives distract from the fundamental and hard battle for the right understanding  and orientation of the Church.  Which is reprimanded by the Pope or cleared is to be placed in a dingy corner. A particularly unsavory slime action, which says a lot about the opponents of the tradition. This just because those who are purged are proven to be of particular, usually of comparatively outstanding personal integrity, such as Bishop Livieres and Bishop Oliveri,  with the remaining examples already mentioned.

Financial "Irregularities" in the Diocesan Coffers

The accusation of "irregularities", i.e. inappropriate use of diocesan finances is too loose, so that it is unusable without specific designation of allegation and proof of responsibility. Except of course when willingly self-assembled chorus of cheerleaders. This argument is familiar with the German Church in the cases Tebartz van Elst and Mixa.
To show the insignificance of this "allegation" the art and cultural critic Colafemmina  put together a "quick" list. It relates to some bishops who were outed at the Synod of Bishops in their respective areas as progressives who were all guilty of allegations of dubious dealing with the diocesan finances, but all continue to sit on their posts.
This Colafemmina concludes,  that in view of papal purges, the allegations put forward are erroneous. What seems crucial is which orientation you belong, to be dismissed and praised.  Here is his "quick" list:

Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia Curia

"Family Affairs" Vincenzo Paglia
Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia: "Change is initiated, there is no turning back". At the Synod on the Family  to  the resistance to  Communion for remarried divorcees and the extra-marital partnerships, he said, "can not change the way that has now been trod." "The mission of Francis has been respected: accept it and go". An excerpt from the interview by Vatican Insider  with Archbishop Paglia of the Community of Sant'Egidio. Paglia is none other than the President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, and thus the "family minister" of the Holy See. As such, he was present at the recently concluded Synod of Bishops. He has not yet been confirmed by Pope Francis in his office. In 2012, he was Bishop Paglia of Terni-Narni-Amelia.
The weekly magazine L'Espresso wrote on September 26, 2013: "the Monsignor emphasizes that  in Terni there were two different matters that were not reconcilable: On the one hand the debt of my diocese, on the other hand, the history of the castle, with which the media and the public prosecutor have engaged. I am aware that in my years of episcopate in Terni, the bank debt of the diocese has grown to eight million euros today from what it was then.' (...) As  Espresso was able to find   a few weeks  the Vatican bank IOR granted an interest-free loan for the Diocese of Terni in the amount of 12 million euros, with which the bank debt was to be covered. "
Vatican Insider wrote on April 16, 2014: "That little problems' is a hole in the diocesan budget of more than 20 million euros, the result of real estate transactions, which was determined by the prosecution that occurred in the years when Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia was bishop,  who is President of the Pontifical Council for the Family since 2012. Should the hole be covered with 12 million euros by the Vatican bank IOR, which should be 'repaid without interest in ten years, as the prelate himself announced. Once again the same sum is to be gauranteed by an advance from the Fund " 8 of 1000 " provided by the Italian Episcopal Conference."
Colafemmina: Ironically, Paglia is the author of a recently published monumental "History of Poverty", which was reviewed by "Pope" Eugenio Scalfari personally.

 Diocesan Bishop Domenico Mogavero

Bishop Mogavero wears Armani
Monsignor Domenico Mogavero. "The protest of the bishops against the proposals for the recognition of gay partnerships are unfounded: a secular state can not make religious decisions and the Church can not interfere in the area of civil law." An excerpt from an interview by Vatican Insider with Bishop of Mazara del Vallo, acting since 2007 in that capacity.
The weekly magazine Panorama wrote on June 16, 2014: "The small Sicilian diocese is led by Monsignor Mogavero.. It has 231,000 inhabitants, 70 priests (many of them quite old) and a total of 131 women religious.  Within seven years, debts of almost six million have accumulated to exactly 5,598,090 euros. The thing exploded April-May when the bishop had no more euros in the kitty to pay the banks and creditors. Therefore, the matter will particularly cause concern because Mogavero was sent to Trapani  as Apostolic Visitor (a kind of inspector) in 2011 because of a hole in the diocesan fund of one million Euroa. The inspection then led to the dismissal of Bishop Francesco Micchiché. This time it is Mogavero, who has to answer for one financial hole that has grown at least five times as large as that of Trapani. "
Colafemmina: Approximately three million euros were for the construction of new modern(istic)Church of Pantelleria set in the sand. Bishop Mogavero, who openly opposes Summorum Pontificum to this day, publicly attacked Benedict XVI. for the re-admission of the traditional rite, and also for the lifting of the excommunication against the bishops of the SSPX. For this, the bishop has a particular fondness for the haute couture and wearing Armani. The fashion designer Giorgio Armani designed   the Sicilian bishop his own chasuble for the inauguration of the new sacristy of the church of Pantelleria. Since when do they inaugurate vestries?

 Archbishop Reinhard Marx Cardinal

The guest house for Cardinal Marx, when he stays in Rome
Cardinal Reinhard Marx: "If there is a homosexual relationship that holds for 30 years, I can not say that this is nothing."  said the Archbishop of Munich-Freising  for Vatican insider . "The majority of the German bishops agreed to the Kasper's proposal," the cardinal said at the Synod of Bishops on the issue of admission remarried divorcees to Communion. The church is "not a system of abstract ideas," but must "provide answers to the realities of the people," says Marx.
The Huffington Post wrote on October 24, 2013: "Cardinal Reinhard Marx of the Archdiocese of Munich spent eleven million dollars for the reconstruction of the archbishop's residence, and an additional 13 million dollars for a guest house in Rome."
The Munich tabloid tz wrote on March 13, 2012: "The location is excellent, the price is: € 9.7 million for the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising in Rome has bought a new guest house. Evil tongues have already assigned the property a nickname: Palazzo Marx '(...) ". The restoration of the palace [of the archbishop's residence Palais Holnstein in Munich] cost 8.1 million euros."
The Süddeutsche Zeitung headlined on April 12, 2012: "Our Palace in Rome". And further: "For a long time rumors have been circulating among Church workers in the Holy See that Cardinal Reinhard Marx had a "palace" in Rome," A "completely normal house," justified the press man of the Archdiocese of the purchase. The "Roman branch" for stays of Cardinal Marx in Rome was to belay criticism, by  calling it a "Meeting House".
Colafemmina: No comment.

Edit: His massive wreckovation project must also not be forgotten.  The cost of 51 million euros far outstrips the defamed Bishop Teberst Van-Elst.

 Archbishop Bruno Forte

Archbishop Forte with Cardinal Tagle at Synod
Archbishop Bruno Forte: "Guaranteeing the rights of homosexuals, is a question of decency". With these words,   Vatican Insider quoted Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto in connection with the controversial interim report of the Synod of Bishops, whose passages about homosexuality sprang from his quill, as Cardinal Erdo confirmed. 
Chietitoday reported on 26 November 2011: "The Church by Mario Botta in Sambuceto will be ready in three years. The agreement was sealed.  'On this Artwork '- said Msgr Forte - 'I encountered the harmonious cooperativeness of all.  As all know, Mario Botta has given me the project under the condition that the Church can meet the people, because the Church is an expression of the people of God in a given area. I am convinced that this will be a work that will bring the religious soul of the whole Abruzzo people to expression.'  The work, which will cost between eight and ten million euros, is financed by 45 percent of the Italian Episcopal Conference, by the community and committees, including one of entrepreneurs and business associations and a parish committee."
Colafemmina: For criticism of the church building project see the comment .
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: MiL / Fides et Forma / Vatican Insider / Wikicommons / Fradernidade Arca de Maria / SZ (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches....

Friday, October 24, 2014

Vatican Does Not Expect a Capitulation from the SSPX

Commission "Ecclesia Dei" -Secretary Pozzo: There is "no doubt" that the teachings of Vatican II have a different binding, depending on the nature of the document. SSPX could expect to return with personal prelature

Vatican ( Guido Pozzo, Secretary of the Pontifical Commission 'Ecclesia Dei' has said in an interview with the French magazine 'Famille Chrétienne' that the Vatican will require no capitulation from the controversial SSPX Pius X. This was reported by "Vatican Radio". "The Holy See invites the SSPX to take its side into the framework of doctrinal issues, insofar as they are essential for a permanent attachment to the faith and to Catholic teaching and tradition," said Pozzo. Currently, there are obviously continuing talks with the SSPX. The Secretary of the Pontifical Commission then stressed: "The reservations of the SSPX over some aspects and formulations of the Second Vatican Council and to some of the reforms carried out that do not concern non-negotiable dogmatic and doctrinal issues may be simultaneously further studied and developed."

With that Pozzo signaled that the SSPX could retain some peculiarities when they have been inserted back into the large frame of the Catholic Church. There is "no doubt" that the teachings of Vatican II have different bindingness, depending on the nature of the document. "The Constitutions of the Church on Revelation, Lumen Gentium and Dei Verbum, have the character of doctrinal pronouncements; the explanations of religious freedom and non-Christian religions as well as the ecumenical decree, on the other hand, have less authority and less bindingness."

The CDF has presented the SSPX in 2011, with a "Doctrinal Statement."; this they should sign if they want a full return to the Catholic Church. Pozzo let them know in case of a reconciliation with Rome the SSPX could expect the status of a personal prelature. He also confirmed that the Vatican - as during the pontificate of Benedict XVI. - insists on unchanged clarity on the part of the SSPX. The conversation between the Prefect of the CDF, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Bishop Bernard Fellay went well according to Pozzo.

Link to AMGD

Cardinal Meisner Complains that John Paul II. Was Excluded from the Synod

Emeritus Cardinal criticizes organizers of the Synod of Bishops "St. Pope John Paul II was inexplicably excluded as it were from the preparatory bodies of the Synod.  How are we to explain this?"

Cologne ( The Cardinal of Cologne Joachim Meisner has been critical of the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops in Rome in a comment in the "Daily Mail", since no representatives at the Synod of the Rome ecclesiastical institute of "Saint John Paul II." were allowed to be there. This looks as though an exclusion of the holy Pope from the Synod took place. Yet many bishops have nevertheless mentioned the holy Pope John Paul II's "Theological basic data on marriage and family" in the Synod. "The continuity in the teaching and preaching was always the guarantee and the soundness of our faith," said Meisner.

Emeritus Archbishop of Cologne pointed out that faith is a "lived doctrine." "Why is it conceivable that you want to change only the practice, but not the doctrine? 'The Word was made ​​flesh and dwelt amongst us'(Jn 1:14). This is the heart word of the Christian faith."

The word and doctrine are both together from "the Word made ​​flesh, the Christian faith." "Saint Pope John Paul II. was inexplicably excluded as it were from the preparatory bodies of the Synod. How do you explain this?"

Meisner then recalled that  months before  John Paul II. was canonized there were many pilgrims from Poland  in Rome . "For the synod organizers that seems to be without meaning: Vox populi - vox Dei  The voice of the people of God was not desirable and seems to have been therefore not heard." link to the comment in the "Daily Mail": " Joachim Cardinal Meisner. excluded The Saint John Paul II . " Cardinal Meisner and John Paul II.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Will the Traditional Diocese of Albenga Receive a Commissar?

Bishop Oliveri of Albenga-Imperia
(Albenga / Rome) The "compassionate cure" which  Pope Francis has bestowed upon the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate   and the deposed Bishop Rogelio Livieres of Ciudad del Este, could be directed against another church representative who in some church circles is more than friendly to tradition. There is talk of Bishop Mario Oliveri of Albenga-Imperia on the Italian Riviera. Bishop Oliveri, born in 1944, was placed under de facto provisional supervision as a coadjutor bishop who has been asked by Pope Francis have an auxiliary bishop to the side.
Since the Diocese of Albenga-Imperia is located near the French border, the allegation that is made ​​to the bishop could also be represented as: " qui veut noyer son chien, l'accuse de la rage ". There are no official allegations. However, it seems to have to do with his friendliness to  tradition  and above all with a "misstep" in connection with the Franciscans of the Immaculate, which Rome  can not seem to forgive.

Growing Number of Candidates for the Priesthood

The diocese of Albenga-Imperia is characterized under Bishop Oliveri, among other things, by a growing number of seminarians. Since the diocese is friendly to tradition  and the direction of the training  of priests is designed in this sense, priestly vocations are attracted from other diocese in search of a Catholic seminary.  The diocese of Albenga-Imperia, which includes only ten percent of the Catholics of Liguria, has more seminarians than the whole rest of Liguria.
The same phenomenon is also experienced  by a tradition friendly  Diocese of Ciudad del Este in Paraguay. The Bishop has now been dismissed by Pope Francis. Recognize the signs, i.e. a popular slogan of our time, but these signs are not recognized. Some would say they are well recognized, but just to eliminate them. Given the yawning emptiness of many other seminaries has led to resentment of the flowering of Albenga in the past.

"Doctrinal and Liturgical Persecution of Clergé Réfractaire "

"Let us be under no illusions.  Some reason will be found. The real reason, however, is a doctrinal and liturgical persecution, which aims to strike the clergé réfractaire  which has resisted novel features, as it was already set during the French Revolution," said Messa in Latino
The decision to appoint a coadjutor was announced today by the Ligurian newspaper Il Secolo XIX . The daily bulletin of the Vatican has published  nothing.
Bishop Mario Oliveri was born in the Ligurian diocese of Acqui, consecrated in 1968 where he was incardinated a priest. The thesis of his doctorate at the Lateran University Church in law was published in the Vatican publishing house. After training at the Diplomatic Academy of the Holy See from 1972 to 1990 he was employed in the diplomatic service. In the same year, he was appointed Bishop of Albenga-Imperia. He was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI. as a member of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the International Council for Catechesis of Congregation of Clergy. 

"Misstep" to Defend the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate 

Bishop Oliveri made the headlines because he celebrated Mass in the Immemorial Rite in the Co-Cathedral of Imperia in 2008 on the occasion of perpetual vows of seven Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception.  This created considerable media interest because he was the world's first bishop, who celebrated a public Pontifical Mass according to the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum   from the episcopal throne.
The bishop granted the Franciscans of the Immaculate spacious accommodations and conferring upon them the care of several churches and places of pilgrimage. When the Order was put under provisional administration ​​in July 2013, the priests were initially banned categorically and have since been allowed only with the greatest restrictions to celebrate in the traditional rite, Bishop Oliveri  took  pen and paper and sent a letter to Rome, where he  himself defended the Order. He supported the requests of the Franciscans of the Immaculate in his diocese to be able to continue to celebrate the Old Rite and referred to the pastoral care of the faithful at the three Mass  locations. In the eyes of many in Rome that was a fatal "blunder."
By the end of 2013, all three branches were closed by Commissioner Volpi in the diocese of Albenga-Imperia. Messa in Latino spoke then of "retaliation" because the bishop "had dared to defend the Franciscans of the Immaculate." 
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Accion Litugrica
Trans: Tancred

Misgivings With the Current Causes of Saints -- and Their Absence

Or: Why Isn't Sister Lucia Beatified?

On October 10, 2014  the first part of the three-part essay by theologian and  writer  Wolfram Schrems "The  Unease with Current Causes of Saints - and Their Absence" was published. Due to recent cause for beatification of Pope Paul VI. (1963-1978)   the second part now follows.  [Last week]
by Wolfram Schrems *

The Circumstances of the Time During the Pontificate of Pope John XXIII : Confusion Enters  The Church at Top

The year late,  a Catholic Italian writer Eugenio Corti, unfortunately practically unknown in the German speaking world,  stated in his thousand-page masterpiece of the Red Horse (1983) the development of Italy from the interwar period to about the time of the Council. As an incorruptible observer and unwavering Catholic, he wrote the memorable words, after the death of Pope Pius XII., about the discrete beginning and mood soon increasing to open confusion in the Church:
"Perhaps the thing that should concern us most," said Apollonio, "the confusion that seems to infiltrate everywhere. Everyone is now applauding  the holy Pope John, and with good reason; but the unusual, even illogical thing is that he is praised by those people who shouldn't actually do it, the Communists   first of all."
"For them, there is only one thing that is really important, namely that the pope should lower his guard to any and all people in his love, especially to themselves."
"That's right. But, of course, it s in its openness implicitly included in calling for conversion to the Catholic Church."
"Yes, no doubt. But in the meantime, he makes drops his vigilance and that's all what they see as important. "(...)
Why worry excessively? At the time, the Catholic world benefited so obviously even from the enlightening effects of Pius XII's leadership. The Church's doctrine was still unambiguous and clear, and their truths so deeply rooted in the hearts of believers, that the idea of ​​an approaching crisis seemed really out of place.
And yet ...
(Eugenio Corti, Il Cavallo Rosso , Milan in 1983, The Red Horse , Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 3rd printing, 2002, 930f.)
We know what this ominous "and yet ..." should not imply anything - not least (in the context of the novel) the increase of one million votes for the Communist Party of Italy, after Pope John had received Khrushchev's daughter and son in law in the Vatican.
The four years of the pontificate of John XXIII. have seen objectively so much destroyed that his canonization must be confusing for a believer who applies the criterion of the good and bad fruits.
Cardinal Giuseppe Siri of Genoa, a great churchman and important theologian ( Gethsemani, 1980, the German translation in 1982, unfortunately, is very difficult to grasp) is often quoted as saying, the Church would need fifty years to recover from the wrong turns of this man (here after citing a typical uncritical Celebratory Article  for John XXIII.).
That Cardinal Siri would have been right, unfortunately could not be claimed fifty-one years after the death of Pope Roncalli.

The Next Scheduled Beatification Paul VI. - Of All Things!

If not a miracle, when this article appears, Pope Paul VI. will have been beatified.
How  one of the closest aides of his predecessor and eventually his successor came to be beatified, remains a mystery. The following is probably closest to true:
Obviously, this requires the Vatican a legitimation for the so-called "liturgical reform" of Pope Paul VI (1969 Missal, whose first edition had to be pulped but because of an open heresy).
This "reform" has indeed, for all have eyes to see, now proven to be a disaster. But it is one of the main projects of the conspiracy within the Church. Without such a conspiracy to assume the fanatical insistence on the failed reform and the relentless fight against the old Mass would be completely absurd.
The late  Italian priest Don Luigi Villa whose writings are easily found on the Internet ( Chiesa Viva , in English "Who is Don Luigi Villa": and German  ? "Who is Don Luigi Villa ; compare to Italian Magazine 463/2013 ), played, as can be read there, an important role in the delay of the first start-up for the beatification of Paul VI.
As far as I know the presentation of the facts by Don Villa, have no known  conclusive refutation. The author who is by no means one with an a priori negative attitude, Reinhard Raffalt,  has written Where is the Vatican Going? , Pieper, Munich 1973, collecting many observations of the policy of Pope Paul gave  evidence for the utmost confusion and concern.

Blessed Because of Humanae Vitae ?

Paul VI. with Sr. Lucia
Well-meaning, but not equipped with the necessary discernment, Catholics bring up the beatification of Pope Montini in a causal relationship with Humanae vitae .
This reasoning is, however, completely inconclusive. Because if it really is only Humanae vitae he has going, then soup is really too thin. This encyclical repeated essentially the traditional teaching, namely Casti connubii by Pope Pius XI. from 1930 ("But there is no reason, however  serious reason, which may become conformable to nature and something internally good, But since the conjugal act is of its nature something determined by the begetting of new life, so the acts those rob it intentionally of its completion, its natural force, act contrary to nature and do something disgraceful and inwardly immoral." II, 3, a), and, incidentally, that of the Council (" Yet in the excellence of this institution is not everywhere reflected with equal brilliance, since polygamy, the plague of divorce, so-called free love and other disfigurements have an obscuring effect.  In addition, married love is too often profaned by excessive self-love, the worship of pleasure and illicit practices against human generation. Gaudium et Spes 47, highlighting WS).
Thus, the moral theologian Eberhard Schockenhoff, who, for his justification of contraception recently on  appealed to "the Council"  without justification - like all others who do so, are inflated that you have to wonder if they are not aware how stupid it is.
But precisely: Should a pope be beatified in all seriousness just because he represented the Church's teaching in a point? You can see here the mosquito, and  overlook at the same time the elephant, namely the whole confusing quality of many papal pronouncements? Is  the disastrous ambiguity of the conciliar texts appreciated here? For the Pope is of course most responsible for himself! So it seems. It overlooks especially that Pope Paul has  not adequately appreciated the message of Fatima.

Pontificate a Complete Mishap - Where is the Salvation?

Pope Montini has even made evident towards the end of his life, that he was more and more dissatisfied with himself. The chilling footage speaks an eloquent language: A person who is not at peace with himself.
The whole pontificate will have to be described as an accident.
Pope Paul VI. was too much one of the typical optimistic modernists, the reality of evil was blatantly underrated and he believed they could negotiate everything in "dialogue".
In the course of this "dialogue", which incidentally was denied to concerned Catholics, the Pope has sacrificed the martyr Church of the East in some respects. The utopian humanistic ideals (according to the "integral humanism" of Jacques Maritain) had hidden the intrinsically negative nature of communism and other heresies, and brought the Pope to meet people with confidence, who were the sworn enemies of the Church.
Among the victims - depending on the detail to be considered background research -  of this treacherous policy, therefore, were the martyrs of the Soviet bloc, whose very existence  was somehow unpleasant for the Vatican Ostpolitik. 
We must, for the sake of fairness, mention experiences of Pius XII. himself - abandoned by the political powers and in caring for the Catholics in Germany - who could not afford a direct confrontation with the Nazi power. The intention of saving through negotiations, who could be saved, may be partially stood in the background of the later Ostpolitik.
But that does not justify the unacceptably friendly meeting of Pope Paul VI. with communist dictators and revolutionaries, whose hands were soaked with  blood. It also does not justify  the rudeness of Pope toward Christian statesmen who had thrown back the communist threat in a heroic manner, among whom are General Francisco Franco and President Antonio Oliveira de Salazar - while leaving off all mention of communism in critical votes of the Council,  even to the point of intrigue.  Because one consequence  this papal policy was a massive infiltration of Marxism into the Church and in the institutions of the West.
The Cardinals Josyf Slipyj, Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and Cardinal József Mindszenty, Archbishop of Esztergom and Hungarian Primate, were evidently enough not "dialogue partners" of Pope Paul and were transported shabbily into their retirements, which severely limited their  scope of action.
Russia had so obviously spread her errors into the internal space of the Church. To deny that would be pointless.
To my mind, such a policy contradicts the beatification. All the Vatican's Ostpolitik and its protagonists still await unreserved treatment. Without the "purification of memory" (John Paul II.), the papacy of the 20th century, will always be carried away by this entanglement. The pious whitewash of a beatification can not erase the facts. This will ferment underground further and create confusion.

A Trustworthy Witness Confirmed: The Inspiration of the Council and its Popes did not come from the Faith of the Church, but from the Outside

Töhötom Nagy 1935
Töhötom Nagy, 1935
One more should be added for some perhaps surprising illustration of the above ideas.
The Hungarian ex-Jesuit Töhötöm Nagy, who gave up the faith has been reduced to the lay state and was inducted into Freemasonry in Buenos Aires, writes in his highly interesting autobiography Jesuits and Freemasons , among other things:
"I would like to point with all due respect to the Second Vatican Council, in which we find delegates of various denominations. and that this causes  to "the Purity of the Catholic religion' not the slightest damage. Pope Benedict [XIV.] would have been hard pressed to issue his bull against the Masons if he had read through the miracle of John XXIII's Encyclical, Pacem in Terris; yes if he had seen only one of the documents of the Second Vatican Council, which 'calls all Catholics to better communicate with the Protestants, and to seek all viable means to remove the obstacles that block the path to Christian unity.'  These documents emphasize that religious freedom is a God-given right and that all people must be given the freedom to practice religion according to their conscience. There is a world of difference between the world of Benedict XIV., and Paul VI. The first condemned the Masonic precisely because of that to which the second all the world's Catholics encouraged "(483).
"Most [brothers in the lodge] expressed their hope in Paul VI. , and all recognized in John XXIII. as the man with the purest intentions of the recent past "(500).
Töhötöm Nagy, Jesuits and Freemasons , Frick Verlag, Vienna, 1969 (title of the span output, Y Jesuítas Masones', Buenos Aires, 1963;. from Spanish by Wolfgang Teuschl, Vienna)


If Ex-Father Nagy is no impostor and deceiver, but here is telling the truth, we have another reason to feel great discomfort with the raising of the collection of council popes to the altars. This is all happening too fast and too superficially. The vox populi has apparently not been consulted.

And the message of Fatima, which the Church has regularly recognized and in which the people have rooted theselves since the mid-60ies has been ignored to a great extent.
In the next part  some possible reasons for the utter silence on the  beatification of Sr. Lucia will be discussed.
* MMag. Wolfram Schrems , Linz and Vienna, Catholic theologian and philosopher, church sent a catechist
Image: Adorazione eucaristica / Wikicommons / Papale
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Feast of the Saint John of Capistranon Christ's Captain at the Siege of Belgrade

Edit: on July 22nd, Catholic and auxiliary troops, led by St. John Capistrano, defeated the Turk at the siege of Budapest in 1456.  The seemingly invincible Turks were fresh from the disastrous fall of Constantinople, and were poised to conquer Hungary, and advance beyond.  Today is St. John Capistrano's feast!

It's also the anniversary of the 1956 uprising in Hungary against another perfidious foe, the Soviets.

These heroes of the past will be a flame to kindle the hearts of the heroes, martyrs and saints of the future.

Photo: CNA

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Memoirs of Cardinal Bertone -- Does the Ex-Secretary Want to Pluck Some Hens?

(Rome) The former Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone, who was not confirmed in his office by Pope Francis,  has written  his memoirs. "He writes calmly and with precision, but it is for sure - say people who are close to him - that he would pluck some hens," said Vaticanist Marco Tosatti.
Cardinal Bertone has not only been removed from his office by Pope Francis. The reigning Pope has appointed Bertone's predecessor, the Anti-Ratzinger, Angelo Cardinal Sodano himself, to the recently concluded Synod of Bishops on the family, but not Bertone who is too close to Ratzinger.

Considerable Part of the Criticism of Bertone Affirmed Benedict XVI.

Throughout his tenure, Cardinal Bertone has faced heavy bombardment. Contributed to by his own weaknesses in the quality of his leadership, but especially the enmity of Cardinal Sodano and his followers, who could never live down his deposition by Pope Benedict XVI.  The church circles that increasingly felt Benedict XVI. was a burden, but did not dare to criticize the Pope, fired  more eagerly at the Cardinal Secretary of State.
The internal tug of war went so far that a group of cardinals, two years before the resignation of Benedict XVI. called for the dismissal  of Bertone. A claim that contradicted the German Pope's understanding of  loyalty, "although he was not always happy about the work of his most important representative, he defended him," said Tosatti. Bertone Secretary of the Congregation 1995-2002 during Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger's tenure as its Prefect. In the same year he was named by Pope John Paul II. as Archbishop of Genoa.  When Pope Joseph Ratzinger was elected, he picked him in 2006 as Cardinal Secretary of State in the Vatican, because he trusted his long-time employees.

"Victims of Moles and Snakes"

Benedict XVI. should have understood that the growing  pressure being directed at the Cardinal Secretary of State, was in reality meant for him. This led to the unusual situation that a pope had to defend his Secretary of State, who would have had actually to defend the Pope. A skewed situation that did not make the Pontificate of Benedict XVI any easier.
Cardinal Bertone, who speaks very good German, has been writing his memoirs since his retirement as Secretary of State. It should have  been replaced already on 15 August 2013, but this has dragged on due to the health problems of his successor, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, until 15 October.  "It is very well documented and follows a precise calendar in which  his meetings, talks and discussion topics were posted every day," said Tosatti.
The literary genre of memoir is rare, especially when a Cardinal Secretary of State picks up his pen and writes about his work in the vicinity of the then reigning Pope. To be precise, there is still be no precedent for it. The Cardinal in certain circumstances seems to be directly focused on  relating  the attacks against his person and with his retirement. At that time, Bertone spoke of being the victim of "moles and snakes".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: La Stampa (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Cardinal Piacenza: "If the Church Does Not Maintain Doctrine, It Will Not Progress"

(Rome) The  Cardinal Grand Penitentiary of the Catholic Church, Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, exhorts the Church: "If the Church does not maintain doctrine, it can not progress".
In an interview with Vatican Radio about the Synod of Bishops a priest consecrated by Cardinal Giuseppe Siri Cardinal still says: "The Church must constantly pay attention to two areas in particular. On one hand, it must keep the people in the faith and strengthen them that they remain in a state of grace, so they are inside, and on the other hand  it must always go to the outside. If it were not strong within, it could not go out."
And further: "Often we see this dichotomy in the media, unfortunately, sometimes by Church representatives: as if the substantive issue, the doctrinal aspect is portrayed as something grumpy compared to a laughing picture, 'Is open to ... '"
"If we had no healthy people if the doctors were not be healthy, they could not heal the sick. Therefore, always   remember that you can not the one if you lose the other," said the Grand Penitentiary.
"The priority", to always realize, "is to be found in preserving the deposit of faith, unchanged through the centuries and millennia," said Cardinal Piacenza. From this position, "the doctrine is that which is not an abstract truth, but a person, Jesus Christ, always and above all else."
The Cardinal of Genoa was the first Prefect of the Congregation of the Roman Curia, who was not confirmed by Pope Francis in office. On September 21, 2013, the Cardinal was added to the honorary post of Grand Penitentiary. Since 2011, Cardinal Piacenza has been President  of the foundation of pontifical right, Kirche in Not.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: laperfettaletizia
Trans: Tancred

Monday, October 20, 2014

Archbishop Wilton Gregory Promotes "Gay Pride" March in Atlanta

Edit: We just received this on the 17th of this month about the usual abuse of Catholic heritage and resulting sacrilege for the usual disordered proclivity in the name of mercy.  What's particularly tragic about this is the provenance of this parish as a Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

Archbishop Wilton Daniel Gregory, former President of the UCCB and current Archbishop of Atlanta, has authorized the use of The Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and support for participating in the secular Gay Pride Parade. The event took place on October 14th and the Shrine is listed as a sponsor endorsing the event.  

The laity in Atlanta has done nothing, and a cursory search of the internet shows no concern about this event, either.

It's on the site of the first church built in Atlanta and was first referred to as a shrine in 1954.

Here's an image of the daily bulletin, where the Shrine promotes the "Gay Pride Parade." (See below)

Disappointed Synodalists Complain "Conservative Attacks Against Pope"

Cardinal Schönborn back in Vienna
(Rome) Those church representatives are disappointed by  the Synod of Bishops "disappointed"  and taking stock. The homophilic party are especially disappointed. Among them is the Primate of England, Cardinal Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster. The President of the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales had expected that,  the language of the Relatio Synodii would bring "respect", "welcome" and "appreciation" for aberrosexuals. But nothing of the sort.
Cardinal Nichols had tolerated his own "Gay Masses" in London. Only the new Prefect of the Faith, Gerhard Müller brought  ​​the spectacle to an  end in 2012.  (Archbishop of Westminster Ends "Homo Masses" - intervention of the CDF ).

Cardinal Schönborn Under Pressure at Home For Failure to Break

Also disappointed with the thwarted break in the Catholic Church, was today the Vienna Archbishop Christoph Cardinal Schönborn at a press conference in Vienna.  The president of the Austrian Bishops' Conference together with his West German colleagues Reinhard Cardinal Marx, he had nurtured high expectations towards second marriage and acceptance of homosexuality in advance of the Synod of Bishops, they are now at home under  pressure to make a statement (see  "Love is Love" - Cardinal Schönborn's tribute to homosexuals and a perverse logic ).
Cardinal Schönborn credited the Kasper-line, which he supported, with a "massive wave of attacks" against Pope Francis. The simple-minded explanations of the Austrian Cardinal weaves on a myth: evil "conservative" church officials who had been "afraid" of change, prevented  the right thing by "massive attacks" on the good Pope. 

Schönborn's Apology: "Massive Attacks" Against Pope

As evidence Cardinal Schönborn named reporting in the daily newspaper Il Foglio and the book by Antonio Socci, who doubts the validity of papal elections. And again the   Archbishop of Vienna linked  the current situation with the upheaval of the Second Vatican Council. Fifty years ago it had been exactly the same. The roles of good and evil are so clear for the Cardinal. Otherwise, the Cardinal insisted in the press conference in Vienna on his position of "opening", which he repeated from his hidden formulation.

Vienna Archbishop Insists on Wrapping the Marriage Sacrament and the Catholic Moral Teaching

The Cardinal boasted about his proposal presented at the Synod of Bishops, which subsists in from the Second Vatican Council on the Catholic Church can be transferred to the sacraments (see "Subsistit in" transferred to the sacraments - Schönborns loose "conditions" for remarried divorcees ).
"Is your gaze first into the living room and not in the bedroom," Schönborn repeated  this as the watchword of the auditor charged as Family Officer of the Archdiocese of Berlin invited to Rome, Ute Eberl . A formula that is supposed to lead past the sacrament of marriage and the obligations stemming from the Church's moral teaching, obligations for believers and pastors. According to Archbishop Cardinal Schönborn, the bishops, however, should "take to heart" this motto.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Archdiocese of Vienna (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Bergoglio's Disenchantment in a "mensis horribilis"? -- Pope Tirade Against Critics

Pope Salutes Like an American President
(Rome) for Pope Francis the month of October 2014 was a mensis horribilis (Messa in Latino). Although the Synod of Bishops on the family went according to plan in terms of support from the mass media, it did not in terms of the Cardinals and Bishops who exercise their pastoral office and take responsibility in the Church. Their resistance was underestimated by the  enthusiastic innovators of novelties. The papal note in the sermon for the beatification of Paul VI., God  "has no fear of new things" was looking back at the Synod of the pale smack one of those cartoon balloons with big words, but theologically modest or out of place content. What "fear" should have God and before these "innovations"? Such  inappropriate language that could be understood as a threat even within the church. It's the attempt at a provisional balance sheet of the Synod of Bishops.

Major Archbishop calls on Pope to read the Catechism

The Pope had to Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Grand Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church opened the Catechism of the Catholic Church in the General Congregation. A harrowing situation, at least for more recent Church history,  of unprecedented embarrassment. A Metropolitan and Synod father, who isn't instructing the believers in the Catechism, but the Pope himself. Literally speaking, Shevchuk spoke of the need "to send the faithful and the Pope a clear message" that "the family is  a solid and sacramental bond between a man and a woman," as Il Foglio reported.
Pope Francis, who is celebrated by the international media world, sees himself facing increasing  and unusual criticism. The journalist Antonio Socci has been so distraught by the Argentine counterpoint to Benedict XVI.  that he has fallen into a previously unknown form of the conservative anti-popery. The publication of his latest book earlier this month "Non è Francesco" (He is not Francis) does not hesitate to describe the reigning Pope "in yet the first part, where he tries to prove the invalidity of the election of Francis, in which Socci,equipped with common sense can convince readers," said Messa in Latino.

Antonio Socci's J'accuse

However, the second part of the book has  interesting documentation of  numerous fractures, which Francis has caused when compared to the previous pontificate. Socci has issued a weighty J'accuse, to which those before can not close their eyes, trying to escape its responsibility in the Church and before God.  Antonio Socci was never a representative of  tradition, but whose "conservative" direction was with John Paul II., wanted to form a counterweight to the devastation of the post-conciliar period. The book of the Rector of the Italian School of Journalism in Perugia is already out in Italy in the bestseller lists, although some Catholic bookstores, such as the chain of Paoline, refuse the sale. The sales success of Socci's book shows, in any case, that not all Catholics and non-Catholics are willing to form their opinion about the current pontificate only by the benevolent basis of papal hugs in front of cameras in great humanity.
The Synod has become practically a debacle for Pope Francis. However, the Church has taken significant damage, since the publication of the now shredded interim report, sent the wrong signals out to the people,  supported by the mass media. Signals that contribute to further confusion, since the message  desired by the Pope to the people was more clerly emphasized at the Synod than ever before: Everyone is free to do what he wants and with the blessing of the Church.

Vote of no Confidence  in Synod Against Francis

Cardinal Napier even spoke of  "irreparable damage" to the Synod in his indignant, but lucid first speech. The oxen were released and no matter how good the document of the Synod could be, they will not return. Ultimately, the Pope reached, though not in  desired form, the stated goal which is now obvious,   to hurl two thousand years of doctrine into the dustbin and not to do so with extensive encyclicals, but by some impromptu interviews in a few sentences.
However, this strategy has cost Bergoglio a high price. The Pope has been deprived of trust 17 months after his decision to have a  "parliament" as a collegial decision making  body in the Church of the Synod with which he attempted to make change. In the world of politics, this means, depending on the political system, an immediate end to a government or the beginning of her impending end. In fact, there has never been, under any pope, such an open and sometimes even vehement public opposition to the head of the Catholic Church.

Where Francis Writes About Collegiality Is There Manipulation Within?

It also seems that the last church members  have realized that Francis, despite his demonstrable  show about expressions of collegiality and freedom of speech, does not shrink from manipulation and the oppression of opinion  to enforce its objectives. The unspeakable interim report was written by the Archbishops Forte and Fernandez and approved by the Pope as far as it is now clear. The Synod were so outraged that they themselves rejected the long-held custom in the Church and not only out of respect and courtesy, attacked the material executors, when they meant the Pope, but those directly underlying the Pope.
In their rebellion in the Synod Hall made the Cardinals around Francis, accused the principal executors and not his henchmen. And the accusations  in themselves: The synod accused the Pope of having done "great damage" to the Church "great damage" inflicted, as Cardinal Raymond Burke formulated. Major Archbishop Shevchuk fordete the Pope frankly, to study the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Leading Cardinals like Prefect Gerhard Müller, Camillo Ruini or Raymond Burke  even denied the Pope a greeting.

Synod to Pope: "We don't seek cheap populism"

And how different then is  a pointed criticism of the Pope  in the patience of the Synod Working Group is to be read in Italicus B. "We're not looking for the cheap populism lulling everything and packed in cotton wool."
The American Cardinal Raymond Burke was  the public opponent of the Pope throughout the Synod.  A man of particular integrity, great piety and love for the traditional rite as well as distinctive intellectual ability. We will see whether the Pope will dare after this synod to dismiss the cardinal as Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura. Even if this should be the case, and Burke's room for maneuver and information access would be restricted, the Pope has found his challenger and who has the courage is no small thing,  in the face of religious practice and education to oppose the Pope publicly.

Cardinals Asked Benedict XVI., To Slow Francis

"Pope Francis has been undermined by  a serious mistake," said Messa in Latino in attacking the family, the central theme of the pontificate of John Paul II., who has significantly influenced the Catholics living today, and the pontificate of Benedict XVI. with the "non-negotiable values". "The lukewarm may be satisfied by moral laxity," but not the really faithful who consciously or unconsciously understand that this hand should be applied to substance.  There would probably  have been less resistance if the Pope had launched his attack in the area ecumenism, which is more personally distant to most. 
According to La Repubblica several cardinals contacted Pope Benedict XVI in the course of the Synod of Bishops . and asked him to slow down Pope Francis. Benedict XVI. is supposed to  have answered them: "I'm not the Pope, do not turn to me." Nevertheless, he sent a friendly embassy to Pope Francis, in which he again offered his theological  help. An aid that has not been used to date.

German Church Leaned Too Far Out the Windo Together with the Pope  

Who with Pope Francis leaned too far out of the window? An aging 68s clergy and the "German Church", as they say from Rome considers with a view to the north and the entire German-speaking world. That rich, but inwardly rotten church, having special regard for the church tax, although it is a huge machine that mainly manages itself and the faith more clearly undermines than it supports. A Church that also does not shrink, thanks to their money, in negatively affecting poorer churches and  destroying their clergy through scholarships to their schools and universities. The "German Church" stands for  "aberrosexual-understanding" and the "gradation of relations"  which is more naked than ever before in Cardinals Reinhard Marx and Christoph Schönborn.
Cardinal Walter Kasper, the idea man and spokesman of  the upheaval with papal blessing, has been undermined by his  derailment by African confreres and having revealed himself as a bold faced liar himself.  [He's been claiming to be Catholic for more than half-a-century, no?] Anyone who could take his place in the second part of the Synod of Bishops in 2015, currently still seems unclear. Cardinal Marx is indeed loud and strong minded,  but is considered a theological lightweight compared to Kasper, Cardinal Schönborn again is seen as too hesitating. Absolutely no cardinal is likely to seize  this role  after the debacle.
The Rhenish alliance is solely fused into a nationwide German-Austrian-Swiss. Not even the French wanted to participate any more. The Latin Americans, made sickly by the aid of the "German Church" and undermined by decades of liberation theology menace, were in Rome for Bergoglio, but the North Americans who are used to the struggle over the family in  policy, and the Africans along with the majority of Asians, have a healthy attitude on the subject, and vigorously opposed  the Pope.
A special role in Europe is still played by the Polish Church, which primarily has  substantive reasons. But  the Poles were also filed with outrage, who viewed Bergoglio's anti-Wojtyla position, whose relationship to Marxism is quite unclear. These days, the 30th anniversary of the death of a priest kidnapped and murdered by the Communists,  Jerzy Popieluszko.  Catholics in Poland are sensitive as they resist   the former communists positions represented by  Pope Francis in their gender agenda, abortion, "gay marriage" and the legalization of incest.

Discomfort for Months Already Smoldering Under the Surface

The explosion of the resistance during the Synod of Bishops were signals that already subliminally must have prevailed in the months before in high church circles, a strong discomfort about this pontificate. One reason is the almost unbearable tension  exhibited before the cameras between collegiality and humility, while his actual church government bore tyrannical trains. That applies not only to the Roman Curia. The humiliation, as the President of the Italian Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, by Francis, without any consultation appointed a new deputy and a new Secretary-General, or the U.S. episcopate by the recent appointment of a progressive outsider to one of the most important episcopal sees in the United States in Chicago, was carefully noted abroad. In addition there are arbitrary dismissals without due process that did not give the humiliated a chance to justify himself. The most recent example is the deposed bishop of Ciudad del Este Livieres Rogelio, who was sent by the Pope without any justification, in the desert. Although summoned to Rome and asking for an audience with the Pope, was refused any conversation.

Bergoglio "a cunning Jesuit who does not simply concede the field" - Pope Tirade after Synod Debacle

"Pope Bergoglio is a fighting and cunning Jesuit, in contrast to Benedict XVI. who will not simply leave the field," said Messa in Latino . This is already shown in his final speech to the Synod in which he spoke of "moments of desolation,   tension and  temptations". When ever has such language been used in the past centuries, in its recent history in the context of a Church Congregation?
The Pope lamented in his closing speech to the Synod of Bishops last October 18 of a "negative hardening" and that they "should not be surprised by God" proposing, "the God of the surprises". Then he swore at the Synod Fathers, the Bergoglianesque  "surprises" were refused by "zealots, scrupulous, fussy and so-called traditionalists and intellectualists".

"Bishop of Rome" Suddenly Discovered He is Pope and Reminded Who's in Charge

In the same speech, Francis suddenly discovered he is not only the Bishop of Rome, as he otherwise demonstratively refers to himself, but the Pope. He was suddenly attentive to his prerogatives as "supreme pastor and teacher of all the faithful", which is equipped with the "highest power in the universal Church". A clear message to remember who's in charge.
In his homily for the not uncontroversial beatification of Pope Paul VI. he then unmistakeably said: "On this day of the beatification of Pope Paul VI . his words come to my mind, with which he established the Synod of Bishops, carefully inquiring  the signs of the times, [we seek] to adjust the ways and methods [...] the growing needs of our day, as well as the altered circumstances of society ' (Acts . Letter Motu Proprio Apostolica sollicitudo ). "

"Early Autumn" of a Pontificate that Could not Advance Its "October Revolution"

Nevertheless, even in his well-meaning comments like the Huffington Post mentions "premature Fall of  a Leadership, which is unable to advance its October Revolution". Has the swan song of this pontificate already begun?
This much is certain: Pope Francis has lost his aura of rays. His trees do not grow in the proverbial sky. The unchurched press will test him further for support and complain about conservatives who plot against the Pope. There will still be millions of people who fall into ecstasy, because they crudely see the Pope as "meal". The church, however, is more and more believers and decision-makers seem to be aware that the Church  can not make a state with this Pope.

Impeachment or "lame duck"?

"Pope Francis now his Williamson case,  which Benedict XVI  had the consequence of open rebellion in further parts of the Church, "said Messa in Latino . For Francis, it's not about one person, but an assembly, which is a stumbling block and brings this pontificate to the ground of reality, as always, Pope Bergoglio will now react to it, possibly even with a still frenetic activism.
Perhaps a description of the situation can be  borrowed from big politics: If Pope Francis were  President of the US would he in the worse case, face the threat of an impeachment, impeachment trial in the better case, he would be for the rest of his remaining term of office a Lame Duck , a "lame duck ".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred