Sunday, October 19, 2014

When Silence is Shame -- When Will Benedict XVI Say Something?

Pope Benedict With the Prince of the
Apostles, Peter
(Vatican) There is an attempt of a paradigm shift of revolutionary proportions in progress within the Catholic Church. "Revolucion Francisco" is how it is being reported by the Argentine television station Canal 9 on the Synod of Bishops. "Is Pope Francis initiating a revolution?" Austrian Broadcasting Corporation  hopefully asked  today. 

The French Revolution, which has yet to happen in the one Church of Jesus Christ is more than two hundred years too late, as Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini once expected.  Part of the shock troops of  a casuistic rebuilding of the Church's moral teaching, which raises the exception to the rule, is the Jesuit Order. What Cardinal Martini failed at, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has succeeded: the rise of the first Jesuit to the throne of Peter.
A commentary by Giuseppe Nardi
For 17 months a confusing rant about the people of God has been going down: attempts to abolish sin, destroy the understanding of sin, the idea of good and evil leading to absurdity and uplifting the autonomous conscience to be the last instance. A few days ago the Pope called out to the people: "There is no God." The intention of the statement could be awkward to explain. The question of what benefits it is supposed to have, this confusing, yes destructive, statement  by the head of the Church, however, is not being answered.

Would  the Case of Henry VIII. Have Been  "Dismissed" Differently in the Hands of Jesuit Casuistry?

The uniqueness of Catholic charity in the admonition of the sinner, the condemnation of sin and absolution in the confessional with penance is being replaced by a "new charity" of laissez faire and dissolved beyond recognition. The Church is to no longer to penetrate the world, but the world, the Church. The subversion of order in the Church from theocentricity to anthropocentrism is finding its completion. Christ is the comrade , the one who is addressed disrespectfully with a knock on the shoulder as a chum, then quickly disposed of, unnoticed in the priorities of the individualistic egoism. The rest is dialectical self-adulation and the honey of taking their own path. Gilbert Keith Chesterton whose fictional character, Father Brown, however, says about the healing responsibility and importance of the Church and the priesthood: "We must say the word that saves from hell"?
The Synod of Bishops revealed, that in 2014, the Cardinals Kasper, Marx and Schönborn, with papal support, would have dismissed the case against the English King Henry VIII. in 1534. Casuistically. The Martyrdom of Saints John Fisher and Thomas More were not the way of loyalty to the reigning pope, but the fidelity to the teaching and mission of Christ. A key difference.

When Does Benedict XVI. Manifest the Sign of Contradiction?

So the question arises as to whether and when the Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. will manifest a sign of contradiction and hurry  to the defense of the Church's teaching. After all, he carries a substantial share of the responsibility that it has come to this, as it has come. Irrefutable fact is that the 76-year-old Archbishop of Buenos Aires would never have become Pope, had Benedict XVI not declared his resignation.  Whatever the background that led to this startling step, we can only speculate. What is certain is that the official explanation must be noted, however, there can be few good reasons for a step of such importance.
Pope Benedict XVI. announced in February 2013 that he would  be "invisible for the world", but continue his work in other ways, in sacrifice and prayer for the Church. Come it's different. Because of the radical contrast between Pope Francis and his predecessor, began to arouse the suspicions among the people of God after the conclave at the Vatican, the feeling that  between incumbent and retired, there wasn't the slightest difference between the two popes. The results were scenes of encounters of two popes, which triggered much ridicule in the world,  and the many faithful people for good reason were irritated more than reassured. A retired existence   may understandably conform to the thinking of social legislation  of trade unions, however, it is contrary to the commission of Christ, which the faithful feel instinctively.
When does Benedict XVI. a sign of contradiction?

The end of a great shepherd as remote-controlled sheep?

Rather than remain invisible to the world in sacrifice and prayer, Benedict XVI  entered, whomever his  successor wants, to be in the public, dumb and as an extra. Through his punctual appearance before the public eye,  continuity is mimicked and indirectly conveys the impression that Benedict XVI himself would approve the upheaval being urged on by Pope Francis.
The end of a great shepherd as remote-controlled sheep is unworthy of Benedict XVI. and is just another form of subsequent dismantling of his pontificate. The spectacle of the performances of Benedict XVI., recently presented on the Day of The Elderly, introduced at the  senior club of pensioners, gives the impression of a puppet in the hands of a puppeteer. An impression of the exploitation that has something unworthy in itself. Its confusion which culminated this last April 27, as in the controversial, politically correct double canonization of John Paul II., and unmiraculous John XXIII., two popes concelebrated in St. Peter's Square.

Attempt to Lay Hands on the Roots of the Catholic Church founded by Christ

At the Synod of Bishops, the experiment was obviously to overturn the Church's sacraments, and thus to lay hands on the roots of Christianity and the Catholic Church. The unspeakable interim report is eloquent proof. It will be corrected and straightened out for the final report. Should it not  be written ex novo, but it will remain a rotten fruit in the matrix. Given these dramatic events in the Church, it would send a strong signal if Benedict XVI., who has received the Papal invitation to participate on Sunday at the conclusion of the Synod and the beatification of Paul VI, would stay away.
He has a lot of other ways only but to withdraw from the choreographic assigned role. Whether as emeritus pope, a role he has ascribed to himself and where it will have certainly meant something, or equipped as a cardinal of the Church, as a bishop or a priest, with his own will, he can lay aside his reticence and silence, but it need not be. Especially not after he has been silent for one and a half years, however, exploited by his successor. Nowhere is it written that Benedict XVI. must not raise his voice. No ecclesiastical provision forbids him.

Benedict's Duty of Fraternal Correction of His Successor

Has he not rather a duty to Christ and His bride, the Church? Does he not  also have a commitment to fraternal correction of his successor and the cardinals and bishops? To show commitment as well as visible help and support for all consecrated and faithful people? The claim that one message from Benedict XVI. would involve the danger of a schism in itself, is without any foundation. The truth can never be the cause of a schism, only the error and therefore the deviation from the truth.
As Cardinal Kasper makes his voice heard, so also can Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger as Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. assert himself  throughout, and  especially with his whole authority and weight. It was just Cardinal Kasper, who a few days after his resignation and a few days before the start of the conclave against Benedict XVI, uttered a warning which he himself described as "advice". He warned the newly resigned Pope from the pages of the daily newspaper, La Repubblica, who himself would play shortly thereafter an important and controversial role for Pope Francis, not to "interfere in matters of Church government and Church politics" in any way. It was an irony of fate, just as have been made ​​at the time of official moment of resignation, that was for Kasper,   the favor of the lucky hour. If the resignation had occurred a few days later, Kasper would have no longer been able participate in the conclave that influenced the election of the new Pope  and  become, with papal mandate, the spokesman of the "new charity". Kasper can warn, but Benedict XVI. not let them impress him: Wherever he appears,  Tu es Petrus must be intoned. Tu es Petrus! This does, however, mean something quite independently from those associated with the resignation and controversial issues.
The abdicated Pope will sacrifice in secret for the Church and pray. But it is also not clear that he truly serves the Church with his silent appearances in public,   nor to bring help for the salvation of millions of more or less disoriented people . No authority in the world could disincentive Benedict XVI.  from  entering into his present position in the Church by other gestures than in the past few months and especially by statements in defense of the truth of the Church's doctrine and maintenance of order. Nobody, except he himself,  could also prevent him from celebrating  the Immemorial   Mass  of All Ages in the Vatican or outside.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred

Friday, October 17, 2014

Kasper Talks About Pope's "Hundred Year Plan"

(Vienna) This past Wednesday, October 15, 2014, Walter Cardinal Kasper briefly interrupted the more or less obvious destruction within the context of the Synod of Bishops, to lecture at the "dies facultatis" the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Vienna  on "The keeping of the ecclesiological and ecumenical vision of Pope Francis ".
Although the full text of the lecture is not available, there is a  a detailed article published by the Katholiche Austria Press Agency. It has Kasper  quoted as saying: "The spirit of the Council is blowing  in the Synod." The recent and increasingly bitter remarks about Cardinals Müller and Burke who are  opposed, said Kasper, is contrasted instead by the work of the synod,  where a climate of "confidence, joy and freedom" is found, which has been  shown also in the interim report from last Monday. Kasper tried to play off the history of the Church for Pope Francis, speaking of a pessimistic mood, that is accusing  the new Pope of initiating a rupture. In his presentation, the German cardinal described the Holy Father as "God's gift to the Church and this time."
The "Catholic News Agency Austria" writes in its article: "The reform program, which Pope Francis Church had decreed was a '100 year program', said Kasper, since it  concerns all dimensions of being church in the attitude of every Christian. Thus, the current choices of rich, according to Kasper, are also far beyond the pontificate of Francis; the success of the Pope [...] therefore depends on whether we will be able to bring the awakening spirit to life in future pontificates."  Whether  a Catholic can reform his "fundamental beliefs", of course, is highly questionable. The Catholic does not change his fundamentals because the church does not change her basic fundamentals. The Church does not change  Her fundamentals, because God does not change. Incidentally, the overbearing Kasperian concept of "100 year program" seems hardly compatible with the Pope's "humble church." 

Cardinal Kasper in Vienna
Nevertheless  Cardinal Kasper has bandaged the pontificate of Pope Francis with the mood of a "new springtime", so that among the participants in the Synod of Bishops, which comes to an end in a few days,  observed the much-touted "Francis" effect. With Francis, a "paradigm shift" has been completed. Accordingly, we could not squeeze him into the "familiar progressive-conservative schema" or determine to assign a "theological school of thought" to him.The "Catholic News Agency Austria" writes: "Rather, it combined elements of tradition in his understanding of the Church  with elements 'a ecclesia semper reformanda '- a church that is pushing for change. Francis thus consciously imagines the tradition of the conciliar Popes John XXIII. and Paul VI., who always wanted to re-interpret it in the light of the signs of the times' the unchanging gospel." Pope Francis was a "practical man and of encounter ", referring to the "primacy of reality consists before the idea ".
The German Cardinal even puts the Pope in connection with the widespread Latin American liberation theology.  So this was  taken up in the liberationist three steps "see, judge, act". At the same time one should not connect Francis with the kind of liberation theology that has been condemned by the Church. Instead, the "Catholic News Agency Austria" says, "the liberation theology of Jorge Mario Bergoglio builds on a special Argentine variant of a theology of the people and culture. These have strong European theological and philosophical roots and a high level of sensitivity to local pieties and regional social situations. Instead of the idea of ​​class struggle, the liberation theology of the Pope was influenced by the idea of ​​reconciliation."
Against this background the other statements made by Cardinal Walter Kasper may be able to be understood by what Francis had in mind with a "participation of the people of God, every individual in the Church." The Church must be therefore primarily, be a church "with an ear to the people." One should not play out the relationship between church doctrine and gospel against each other, says Kasper. This immediately raises the question, why is the Cardinal doing exactly that as regards the indispensable since at least February 2014. Finally, doctrine and gospel is on a line, it's straight and very clear when it comes to adultery. According to Kasper, it constitutes the "joy of the Gospel" the foundation of any "proper understanding of the doctrine." With his evangelical program "Francis seizes  the original message of the Church and its mission from the past" - whatever Kasper means by this statement.
Text: Benedict M. Buerger
image: (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches....

Jesuit School Happily Honors Condemned Liberation Theology Professor and Employs Predator

 Edit:  A liberation theologian, who is also a sexual predator and byproduct of St. John's University Theology department in Collegeville is in good standing with the Jesuits of Loyola.  What are the odds?

But Michael Diaz holds the "John Courtney Murray University Chair in Public Service"!  Miguel Diaz who propositioned his colleagues so much they complained about him, is somehow qualified to teach theology at a "Jesuit" school.  Well, if evil means good, ugly means beautiful, and so on, then, maybe modern Jesuits are Catholic too?

As this article reports from College Fix:
Advocate of ‘liberation theology’ gets honorary degree;  disgraced professor left nearby school after married couple’s allegations 
Loyola University-Chicago has a soft spot for liberation – from both oppressors and sexual restraint. 
The Jesuit university said last week that Jon Sobrino, S.J., would visit Loyola in November to participate in activities celebrating Ignatian Heritage Month. 
Twenty-five years ago, the Salvadoran Army killed six Jesuits in the rectory where Father Sobrino resided during the civil war that wracked El Salvador. A fellow Jesuit wrote in the National Catholic Reporter that Sobrino survived that day because “he happened … to be in Bangkok.” 
The school will give Sobrino an honorary degree and he’ll deliver a public address, Loyola said in an email to the community, asking for faculty and students to sign up early for events: “We expect Father Sobrino’s address to draw a lot of interest.”

Link to The College Fix 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Could Kasper's Remarks Finally Derail the Synod's Intended Course?

Edit:  When he's not insulting Catholic sensibilities, he's offending political correctness, and it's looking very curious indeed that Pope Francis has so enthusiastically endorsed Cardinal Kasper.   Surely he must have known Kasper's penchant for making remarks that are offensive to the consensus.  Since the media hasn't complained about the honored and very controversial presence of Cardinal Daneels at the Synod, it's very doubtful they will notice Kasper's impolitic remarks insulting the religiosity of conservative African Bishops, who frankly, have more important problems than coddling a very small minority of people in the West.

It's not the first time Cardinal Kasper has gotten in trouble.  Some may recall the time when he told the press that Heathrow Airport was like a Third World Country, when he was in England as part of the Pope's visit.  He was promptly sent home.

Now he's been quoted by a journalist, Edward Pentin, as saying that Africans really can't be relied on to effectively discuss "homosexuality."  Despite denying that he ever said this, Pentin says he did and has a video recording of Kasper in interview.  More recently, he's resigned himself to calling his remarks part of an informal and internal discussion he's having with himself in the presence of electronic devices, and considers the concern about his remarks as an attack on the Pope himself, since the Pope has, says Kasper, fully endorsed him.

 Rorate reported that Zenit took the interview down, well, it's back up again, at least at

There's a poll, also, asking if Cardinal Kasper should be refused Holy Communion for his dissent on Catholic teaching.  Right now, 83% of the respondents say he should.

Photo from That the Bones you Have Crushed...

Cardinal Burke in Vienna -- Pontifical Mass in Karlskirche on November 4th

(Vienna) This coming November 4th  a Tridentine Pontifical Mass will be celebrated in St. Charles Borromeo Church in Vienna for the feast of the church patron, St. Charles Borromeo. The celebrant will be Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura.
The music will be sung by the Cappella Borromea in the Messa a cinque voci of Giovanni Rovetta (1596-1668) and the hymn from the Graduale Medicæum (1613/1614). The organizer is Una Voce Austria, a Catholic lay association, which is connected in a special way the Holy Mass and the sacraments in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.
The association is committed to the preservation and maintenance of traditional Latin liturgy, in a special way "for  serving her musical tradition, in particular of Gregorian chant." Una Voce Austria also seeks  "the  transmission of genuine faith, that is expressed in an unsurpassable way in this liturgy."
Last year, Bishop Vitus Huonder of Chur celebrated the Pontifical Mass (see picture).
The Pontifical Mass begins at 6 pm  in the Karlskirche, Karlsplatz, near the State Opera.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Una Voce Austria
Trans: Tancred

Record Building Costs in the Archdiocese of Munich and No "Swank Cardinal" - Campagne -- The Background

Expenditure Politics of the German Bishops' Conferene
(Munich) "Are punitive measures soon to be weighed against the power hungry Archbishop Reinhard Marx of Cardinal of Munich and Freising?" Asks Corrispondenza Romana . Will the German press launch a campaign against the "Swank-Cardinal"? Will Rome exile Cardinal Marx   for a break in a monastery and then  cashier him coldly? If you read the numbers on the cost of construction for the Archdiocesan campus in Munich, one would have to expect a repeat of the outrage, as occurred in the case of Limburg, only harder.
The Archdiocese is currently building a chancery  in the city on the Isar. Now, the costs have been published. 51 million euros for the beautification of the Archdiocese, says Vicar General Peter Beer. At seven and a half million more than recently estimated, because the roof was to blame. Whether you have reached the end of the story, it seems not yet to be clear.
The diocesan employees were outsourced for the construction and distributed to six locations with additional costs. There they have to stay longer than planned. Probably until the end of the 2015.

Limburg Bishop Subjected to Public Lynching

However, it is surprisingly quiet in the media forest. The calm before the storm? Not at all. Really amazing when you think back to the smear campaign against the Limburg Bishop Franz-Peter van Elst Tebartz who went through all the tabloids last year. From the "bishop of bling" was the kind of talk  which was circulated by the media or better by the cocoa poured to the amusement of the "people".  There was talk about a gilded bathtub  and particularly brave, intelligent contemporaries   actually made a determined search, but they could find nothing.
The bishop was summoned to Rome and is supposed, according to his own claims, to have had an encouraging conversation with Pope Francis. And so it happened: the "hopeful" bishop had been banned by the Pope to a convent and after being allowed to mull  over the matter with some Montegras, so that the pious people of God might not yet even think of an uprising, he was deposed.

If in Doubt It's Against the "Conservatives"

The reason was suddenly no longer the money. The bishop had divided the diocese. In fact, it was because the bishop was, according to the progressives, a  "conservative",  "pious" and "normative", they have broken away from him. But in the German Conference of Bishops in Rome and saw it differently. They wanted to see it differently anyway. The maxim is too long: in  a case of doubt for the faithful shepherd. Since we in our time should but always consider the positive things, can also be applied to the devise: translated "When in doubt, for the Progressive". Ideal are bishops who find themselves  easily "in the middle of society," so when in doubt they rub elbows with "progressive" secular elites too much.
Cardinal Meisner defended his brother Limburger and praised his "theological depth and decidedly Catholic orientation". A description of the Tebartz van Elst that already stood out from the majority of the German bishops. But nobody wanted to hear, media, liberal laity and priests and Brothers in the Episcopate had tasted blood. The hypocrites indeed railed mightily  about the money, but in reality it was about a factional dispute within the Church. The mob, which calls for the crucifixion, is there  always.

Behind Money Debate There Was Factional Dispute in the Bishops' Conference

It was just Cardinal Marx, who vehemently and also in Rome campaigned for the removal of Tebartz van Elst. So loudly that Cardinal Joachim Meisner, Archbishop of Cologne at that time  pointed to the lack of "episcopal fraternity" being exhibited at the time for the Limburger Pastor, who was actively exposed by  some clergy and lay church officials to a public lynching. Meisner called out Cardinal Marx explicitly by name. And what the attitude of the German bishops was really  concerned with: Only a handful of bishops in the Bishops' Conference had resisted the Marx-Woelki-Langendörfer-Synod which attempted to enforce the sexual revolution in the Church.
The Archdiocese of Munich is to rebuild its chancery for 51 million euros. Maybe even more. Nevertheless, there will be neither a front page on the Bild newspaper with a portrait of Cardinal Marx and the accusatory headline "Swank-Cardinal". There is neither a cost-campaign, nor accusations of being in a race to spend  against the President of the German Bishops Conference. The indifferent silence to Munich's case reveals the "Bling" campaign directed against Limburg as a hypocritical intrigue.
Limburg's deposed Bishop Tebartz van Elst belonged to the disruptive minority in the Episcopal Conference, which defends the priest celibacy, which is against a "democratization" of the Church with free elections of bishops and priests, who is against women priests, against the genuflection before the zeitgeist,  against the sale of the marriage sacrament in favor of remarried divorcees, and against  "gay marriage," wild marriages and all other "gradual" forms of cohabitation.
Cardinal Marx, however, is DBK President, he represents the majority. He may, as a members of the Synod in Rome continue unabashedly to represent a "new openness" and "new charity",  demanding a change in pastoral practice and even the Church's teaching on the sacrament of marriage. Any questions?
What happens to bishops, who disturb too much that "episcopal unity", seem to have become a very valuable commodity among Zeitgeist sailors, at least where Progressives set the tone, that's well known, especially since the dismissal of Bishop Rogelio Livieres of Ciudad del Este .
Text: Andreas Becker
Image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The 221st Anniversary of the Murder of Marie Antoinette

Today is the 221st anniversary of the murder of the "Capet Widow".  Her Most Christian Majesty, Queen Marie Antoinette of France and Navarre, Archduchess of Austria.

Already on the 21st of January, 1793, her husband, His Most Christian Majesty, King Louis XVI of France and Navarre, had proceeded her in martyrdom.

Long Live the Monarchy!
Long Live Louis XX!

H/t Cohors Regia...

"Love is Love" -- Cardinal Schönborn's Inclination to Aberrosexuals and a Perverse Logic

(Rome) Archbishop Christoph Cardinal Schönborn of Vienna agreed in the Italian daily Corriere della Sera to praise  homosexual relationships. As to the matter  of the Bishops' Synod on the Family the President of the Austrian Bishops' Conference gave an interview.
In a seemingly already quite unrealistic addendum, he relates, is his appreciation already under the context of the article.  If homosexuals interpret their relationship in sustainability, then, says the Vienna cardinal, homosexual relations are "exemplarily human". The Holy Scriptures, which the Cardinal concealed as far as possible,  speaks of a "abomination in the sight of God," on the other hand.

68er Slogans with 50 Years Delay in the Church

He himself, the Cardinal,  knows a Gay couple in Vienna (!) who live in a registered partnership. As one of the two gay men became ill, the other has "not left his side." Schönborn's exact words were: "It was wonderful, human and Christian, as the one  took care of the other."
This "exemplarily human behavior must be recognized" the cardinal took issue against those who make objections in principle to homosexuality and those who flatter them. A condemnation of homosexuals was not possible, said the Cardinal. And so, what Schönborn did not say, there is no condemnation of homosexuality. "Love is Love" was one of the dumb 68er sayings that seem to have arrived in the Church after an  almost 50 year delay.

Bishops and Priests Should Bow Before Aberrosexual "exemplary human behavior" 

Schoenborn also provided a selective presentation of the Scriptures, in which the Cardinal pitted Jesus against himself and his teaching position. If bishops and priests are not able  to bless them, then they should at least bow before the "exemplary human behavior of homosexual," said the ÖBK-President. "These things must be acknowledged," he added, turning to a condemnation of homosexuals. Jesus told the people, even the tax collectors and prostitutes would enter heaven, a message that should not be forgotten especially by bishops and priests.

"All is love": In Addition to Homosex Polygamy, Pedophilia and incest?

The statements of Cardinal Schönborn was published in the Tuesday edition of the Corriere della Sera. In it, he accepts the thesis of an alleged "gradation" of relations, according to which there are no bad or sinful relationships any more, but only more or less perfect forms ("long form"). This applies to open marriages, premarital relationships, gay relationships, polygamous relationships. Only implicitly, it seems are pedophilic or incestuous relationships are not excluded, neither from the interim report of the Synod or by Cardinal Schönborn.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Archdiocese of Vienna
Trans: Tancred

Pope Francis Passes Notes to Cardinal Baldisseri

Edit:  do I have to separate you two?

(Rome) What is on the piece of paper written by Pope Francis  handed to the Secretary of the Synod, Cardinal Baldisseri in the Synod Hall?
The Pope, who participates in the General Congregations, but doesn't speak, reaches again and again for a fountain pen and writes something on scraps of paper, which he then can deliver to Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri. "This is not a possible wish, but I would not pay just a  little to know what is written on the piece of paper which Pope Francis wrote  and  sent to the Secretary General of the Synod," said the Vatican expert Marco Tosatti.

Pope Francis Giving Directions on How the Synod is to Run?

The cardinal read the slips of paper   supplied, wrote something under it and sent it back to the Pope, who stuck it in his pocket. So Tosatti describes the flow of messages list, the number of times since the beginning of the Synod repeated every day. The exchange could not be hidden from the  attentive synod participants. Especially not during the remarks given by Cardinal Burke and Müller, as an attack on marriage teaching of the Church was in the air.
The series of messages convey the impression that the Pope is giving instructions to the Synod Secretary. Who, when the instructions can or should address? It is known that Pope Francis has placed people loyal to him at all strategic positions of the Bishops' Synod. This includes Cardinal Baldisseri as Archbishop Forte to name just two.

Among the Synod Participants Themselves,  Resentment is Spreading - Interim Report "Unacceptable"

Since the beginning of this week, the Synod no longer convenes in Assembly, but separated according to language groups. Among the synod fathers discontent is spreading. First,  every day it is more apparent that what the media reports, does not correspond to what actually happens in the Synod and a direction that is favored by Cardinal Kasper. Then there came the interim report of Cardinal Peter Erdo, in which many members of the synod do not recognize.
41 synod participants came forward to speak after the announcement of the Interim report in the Synod Hall, including  Cardinals Pell, Ouellet, Müller, Caffarra, Scola, Dolan, Filoni, Vingt-Trois, Burke, Rylko and all spoke out against Kasper's proposal, who also spoke. They criticized the ambiguity of the entire report and the homophilic statements, had   called for a clear statement of the truth about marriage and the family, a clear statement against abortion and against artificial insemination.

Cardinal Erdo, Himself Amazed,  Points to "Homo" Passage by Archbishop Forte

The interim report has been signed by Erdo, the Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest, but was written by others. These "others", were officials hand-picked by Pope Francis. Erdo was apparently astonished, and he told the press conference that the text part did not come from him and pointed to Archbishop Bruno Forte as the author of the controversial passage about homosexuality.
In the discussions the Synod Fathers are talking about two different synods: One is the actual Synod and then a desired one, a manipulated Synod. Cardinal Müller already hinted last week that manipulation is in play. Cardinal Burke has said it now openly. Archbishop Gadecki, the chairman of the Polish Bishops' Conference unmistakably expressed his displeasure. For this purpose, he used the Polish section of Radio Vatican, the only one open to him, as the President of the Polish Bishops, which could not be closed, however,  as has been happening with the other language groups. The interim report was "unacceptable for many bishops unacceptable," he said, as he brought his opinion to the point.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hope Despite the Danger of Schism --- Bishop Rogelio Livieres About the Bishops' Synod

Bishop Livieres Plano 
(Rome) published the full post of Bishop Rogelio Livieres (Bishop of Ciudad del Este, Paraguay 2004-2014)) to the Synod of Bishops and the associated dangers for the Church and the people of God. Two days after its publication   the personal prelature of Opus Dei to which Bishop Livieres belongs, distanced itself from him with its own press release it (see The Anticipatory Obedience of Opus Dei - Criticism of Kasper's Is Criticism of the Pope? Will translate soon). The bishop called a spade a spade, as hardly a  church representative dares, and speaks of the danger of a "Great Schism", but he opposes this with the hope of Christ. A "substantial" change in the pastoral practice is not possible without the damage of doctrine. There were efforts in the church  on "high-level" to align the teaching of the Church according to the wishes of the world. But this is an "abuse of authority" said Bishop Livieres.

Hope Against the Danger of Schism

by Bishop Rogelio Livieres Plano
In the Holy Mass for the opening of the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family, Pope Francis called on the bishops to participate in the plan of God and so to form a holy people. I offer these reflections in the desire to serve the Pope so in the best way I can.
The Church which was founded on the rock of Peter expects the Synod promoting the Christian Church. But what the Bible calls "the world", however, has very different expectations: The media calls  every day that the Church should "renew itself." A euphemism which seeks the blessing of the aberrations but not condemnation, which spread more and more, partly because they are systematically promoted by the press and the entertainment industry.
The Church, however, was not founded to endorse what is desired by the world, but to teach what God wants from us and to lead on the way to holiness. For it is the will of God, who knows everything and can not be misled and can not be led astray, that we find true peace and true joy. Neither the doctrine nor the following of this teaching, pastoral practice, are the result of consensus of the priest, even if they were cardinals or bishops.
Since the origins of Christianity, the Apostles and their successors had to endure the pressure of the powerful religious and political elites who pushed it to distort the truth, and the evangelical mission they had received from Christ. However, instead of bowing to other gods, they gave us a testimony of unconditional loyalty to the truth by shedding their own blood. After all, "we must obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29). These days it is a comfort to think of the example of Saint Athanasius. He was not once, but five times expelled from his diocese due to machinations of his confreres, Arian bishops, with whom he was not "in communion", was because he wanted to promote the "Catholic and apostolic faith", as it is called in the Roman Canon of the first Eucharistic prayer.
To bless and accept "what all ask" is neither mercy nor pastoral charity. Rather, it is inertia and convenience because we do without it, to evangelize and educate. And it is a genuflection to the people, because we are more important, as  they  say, rather than the prophetic rebuke in obedience to God.  St. Benedict already grasped in a different era which was also marked by great confusion, the principle of eternal life in obedience: "To thee, therefore, I now teach my word, whoever you are, by renouncing your self-will, you will fight under the Lord,  the true King,  and take firm hold of the strong and most excellent arms of obedience "(...)" So, you return by the labor of obedience to the one you have left by the sloth of disobedience "(Rule of Benedict, Prologue ).
Inside the Church - and more recently on some of the highest levels - "a new wind is blowing", although not from  the Holy Spirit. Even the Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, among others, has criticized the trial as utopian to think they can make substantial changes in the pastoral practice, without thereby attacking the Catholic teaching on the family.  Without condemning their intentions and for want of which I will assume the best and I regret having to name them, Cardinal Kasper and the Jesuit magazine Civiltà Cattolica are active promoters of this confusion, and it was sad to have to call them by name, but they are anyway . What has been banned as serious disobedience to the law of God,  is now blessed in the name of His mercy.  They justify what is unjustifiable, with the help of subtle interpretations of texts and historical events. But those who really know the issue, have quashed these quibbles. Let us not forget what the Lord has promised us: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words shall not pass away" (Matthew 24:35).
We take advantage of the extraordinary opportunity that the Synod gives us to affirm in a positive way what the Church has always and everywhere believed on the family and implemented by Her order in practice. This requires at the same time that we  defend the truth that divide the people of God and confuse against those who attack it. The situation is very serious  and I'm not the first to draw attention to the fact that we are tragically facing  the risk of a major schism. It is exactly what the Lord and His Blessed Mother have predicted in the apparitions recognized by the authority of the Church. 
Against those who thirst after, "remaking anew" the sanctions and to manipulate the statistics, as though the people of God are  in the mind to want to impose on reality with the power to abuse authority, we recall that the Church is neither defined by the opinions of people, nor lives lived in changing times, yet is defined by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. As the story ends when the schism of the Church of England was imposed on a whole Catholic people, is a lesson that is worthwhile today, as is shown and deepened precisely together in the testimonies of the martyrdom of St. John Fischer and Saint Thomas More.
Let us pray for the Pope, the cardinals and bishops, so we are all prepared, if necessary, to shed our blood for the defense and promotion of the family against the storms of deception and against the idolatry of an alleged sexual freedom of man before God. Let us not deceive ourselves nor be deterred from the faith and practice of morality that Jesus Christ has taught us. We know that the world has hated our Lord. The servant can not be greater than his master. The world will persecute us and do so fraudulently even in the name of God. And the Church leaders who talk like the world, enjoy listening to it, who are applauded, they will be loved, "because they are of itr" and not from God.
Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Trans: Tancred

Monday, October 13, 2014

Cardinal Sepe: Whoever Wastes Food, May Not Go to Communion

Neapolitan archbishop: "God as the giver of life is offended"

Rome ( Catholics who throw away food, must not receive Communion according to Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe (photo). Whoever wastes food in the face of millions of hungry people, puts themselves outside of the human family, said the Archbishop of Naples in the context of an environmental conference, according to the Italian Catholic news agency SIR (Friday). This type of waste is insulting to the needy and to "God as the giver of life".

Furthermore Sepe refused Mafiosi and the operators of illegal dumps a right to communion. Whoever disposes of toxic waste in drinking water areas, commits "terrorist attacks against life," he said, If the person concerned shows no sign of remorse, "there is for them no sacraments in the Church." Sepe referred to his statement at the Camorra, who are engaged in large scale illegal waste burning between Naples and Caserta. "If I were building my life on the death of others as those who produce toxic waste, how could I dare then to go into a church and celebrate religious services?" raged the cardinal.

The region called the "Terra dei fuochi" ("Land the fire ") near Caserta received international attention mainly due to the best-selling author Roberto Saviano who wrote the book "Gomorrah" about the activities of the Camorra, the Neapolitan Mafia. In July, Pope Francis visited Caserta and condemned this crime and corruption. At his request, he said a Mass where the parents whose children had died of tumor diseases due to environmental pollution were invited. The service took place under special precautions.

Copyright 2014 Catholic Press Agency, Vienna, Austria All rights reserved.

New Foundation of the Franciscans of the Immaculate in the Philippines?

Archbishop Ramon Cabrera Arguelles
(Rome) In the Philippines, there seems to be an attempt, for the reincorporation of the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate in a new guise, but with its old charism. This seems to explain the angry reaction of the Apostolic Commissioner Father Fidenzio Volpi with the suspension of several priests.
The news of the suspension a divinis of six priests of the Franciscans of the Immaculate by the little "merciful" Commissar of the Order, has attracted international attention. The reactions have forced the acting head of the Order to an opinion, which can only confirm the critics of the punitive actions against the Order in their opinion, in their mocking tone about "ultra-traditionalist" circles. One of those critics described Father Alfonso Bruno,  who was imposed by the Commissioner and is the Secretary General and spokesman of the Order, as "Mr. Nobody". The charges against the six priests remain vague in Father Alfonso Burno's  description. Compared to the poor reproaches, the penalties seem excessive. Bruno's anger was directed  chiefly against the American website Rorate Caeli , which had dared to point out that disproportion.

Disproportionate Actions

Since August 2013, a public smear campaign against the Franciscans of the Immaculate of Father Manelli  has taken place, including fake Facebook profiles. [And here in the comment box] The fact is that there is neither an investigation nor an indictment against him and not even any concrete evidence of misconduct. Given the appalling libel, distributed under pseudonyms against him, which seems to be quite an indictment of the Apostolic Commissioner and his minions in the Order, and even more for the  Congregation of Religious that ruled the disproportionate action with papal approval.
More than that, it begs the question, how can Father Alfonso Bruno spread the word in such an insolent manner in secrecy against the Founder in all places? How can it be that an Apostolic Commissioner tolerated such an arrogant attitude? And that still forces  another question: What exactly is it that the Apostolic Commissioner for the Order, except impose disproportionate penalties, prohibitions and penalties and, it seems, while also violating church law?

New Foundation?

This is exactly where the hook of the  critics of the sanctions against the Order  speak of an "ideologically" motivated approach, because the Order discovered  tradition in doctrine and liturgy for itself and accepted it.  At the beginning of the punitive measures,when asking for specific allegations and evidence, there are still mysterious rumors of "misconduct", which have the dismissed leadership of the Order is allegedly guilty. But fifteen months later no one is convinced by cryptic talk.
More interestingly it appears that in the Archdiocese of Lipa in the Philippines, a public association of the faithful was recognized on June 28, 2014, as the French site Riposte Catholique reported. This could be the precursor to a reestablishment of the oppressed Order of Franciscans of the Immaculate. Archbishop Ramon Cabrera Arguelles of Lipa gave the five suspended Filipino Franciscans of the Immaculate, a celebret . Apparently  a new foundation on the horizon looming in his area, is the reason he therefore reacted so sharply. Perhaps the Order of Father Stefano Maria Manelli will soon arise anew in his mind.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Riposte Catholique
Trans: Tancred

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Pope Francis: "Friend of Sigmund Freud"

Sigmund Freud and Pope Francis
(Milan) Pope Francis was not awarded this year with the Nobel Peace Prize. Otherwise, "can the distinctions in the various juries and the variety of merits for Jorge Mario Bergoglio not count," said Sandro Magister of Vaticanist.
Last year, the Argentine was Pope from Time magazine has named "Man of the Year". Doubtful was the same award from leading gay-Journal The Advocate . 
Few know, for example, that Pope Francis since last spring is an Honorary Member of the Società Amici del Pensiero - Sigmund Freud  (SAP).
The "Society of Friends of Thought - Sigmund Freud" was founded by Milan Psychoanalyst Giacomo Contri, who is also President of the company. Contri was known primarily as a translator and editor of the works of Jacques Lacan and Sigmund Freud into Italian.
Contri is Catholic and maintains contacts with that Roman circle of Communion and Liberation (CL) introduced in  2012  in the monthly magazine 30Days which had close contacts already with  Archbishop Cardinal Bergoglio of Buenos Aires and today is one of the most ardent supporters of the reigning Pope.
"The Gnostic threat returns to reduce the historical and transform the real person of Christ by means to a banalizing operation of a universal principle," Contri said in an interview that he gave to Stefania Falasca  in 1992 for 30Days, that "friend" whom  Pope Francis called on the telephone upon  the evening of his election as pope.
In another interview for the same magazine, Contri diagnosed the health of the Church in 2001: "It is all a matter of thinking and thus  competence. If there is something missing in the Church of Christ, then it is thinking of Christ." 30Days  also has a German edition. in edition to other langugaes. In a past issue of 5/2012, the magazine also printed a statement by Cardinal Bergoglio.
At the end of March Pope Francis was awarded the title "Friend of Sigmund Freud" an  honorary membership of the SAP.The eulogy  was held Giacomo Contri. The ceremony took place in the absence of the Pope. The  Catholic Church leader has been informed in advance, said the SAP chairman and the Pope was given the opportunity to decline the honor. Because there was no response from  Rome, this was taken from the SAP as tacit consent. How, then, that sits with the Pope  and whether he knows about it, is left undecided. The ceremony and eulogy were at any rate, published by SAP on the Internet. Here is the speech in full.

An Honorary Member
of the "Società Amici del Pensiero - Sigmund Freud"
to Pope Francis

Saturday-Sunday 22 / 23rd March 2014
"anno 157 post in Freud amicum natum" .
I bring Pope Francis the title of a member "honoris causa" of the "Società Amici del Pensiero - Sigmund Freud" (SAP).

The basis for this is what I find in a recent interview 1 :
"I do not like the ideological interpretations of a certain Pope Francis myth. If one says, for example, he'll go at night from the Vatican to bring food to the homeless in the Via Ottaviano. It's never crossed my mind. Sigmund Freud once said, if I'm not mistaken, that there is also a hidden aggression in any idealization. To draw the Pope as a kind of superman, who is a kind of star seems offensive to me. The Pope is a man who laughs, cries, sleeps quietly and has friends like everyone. A normal human being. "
Many years ago I was planning one of the books that I have never written. It bore the title: "Freud and Lacan in the Rome of the Popes".
Today, I will come back from the surprising fact that the now reigning Pope Francis, has properly quoted Freud without reservation and  no other. An opportunity for me to repeat my earlier quip: "If Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father, Freud sits on his left."

My observation is correct, because they are the only ones in history who spoke positively of the Father: the Second also talked about the terrible version that was called by Lacan later "père-version".
I was thus helped to remain Catholic, without the historical religious and theological overhang that was missing from Jesus.
The Pope has acted as a member of the SAP,  in which he has expressed his thoughts and Freud is the basis for this.
NB: Even Jesus is "a normal person".
Gicomo Contri
Società Amici del Pensiero - Sigmund Freud :
Text / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Censorship of the Episcopal Synod? -- Kasper Refers to Pope Francis as Strategist of "Mercy"

Cardinal Gerhard Muller Warns Against Censorship of
the Episcopal Synod
(Rome) fears were heard already ahead of the Synod of Bishops as statements of Cardinal  were loudly told in a happy round, as they intended to direct the synod in the desired Kasper-direction (see How do I manipulate a Synod of Bishops - Action plan against the Sacrament of Matrimony ). Now  Cardinal Gerhard Müller, the prefect of the Congregation, beats the alarm.  The specter of censorship and control is making concrete moves.
The Cardinal protested that the flow of information is subject to public censorship. The contributions of the synod were kept secret from the public. Thus Cardinal Müller is one of the spokesmen who defending traditional doctrine and practice, has sounded the alarm call, that a particular direction has been disadvantaged in order to provide a desired image.  
Worthless information through the Vatican Press Office
As AP reported, the German Cardinal gave free vent to his anger for a Rome Catholic television broadcaster in Rome: "All Christians have the right to be informed about the interventions of their bishops."
A significant criticism of the way the information is flowing in the Vatican was of Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi SJ and his two priest-assistants, one who handles  English and another for the Spanish-language media. What was  on offer to journalists is not really quotable and ultimately worthless (see separate report , the various synods - inadequate information policy of the Vatican ).

Kaspers proposal as "medicine is worse than the disease"

In particular, the statements by the synod, both on the doctrine of the sacrament of marriage and church practice by Cardinal Walter Kasper were defended by the German Bishops' Conference under the table. To collect their statements, one has to make the search and ask here and there.  That's impossible for a million dollar house. .   A small keyword collection. A Synod participant spoke up in the auditorium, the proposal of Kasper is a "medicine worse than the disease" itself. But during the daily briefing for the press, no word was heard of it.
They picked up just as little  from the synod participant, who pointed to an inconsistency of the term   "re-married divorcees". In fact, "we are talking about people who are married by a sacramental marriage", but this important fact will be embezzled in a distorting neologism that distracts them and steer the focus on divorce and remarriage.
 Still another countered the 'new mercy' postulated by Kasper and Pope Francis, and said that there were popes even before 2014 and you can not claim that these were not merciful.
As far as the key word of "mercy", a synod participant called to mind that everything has a place and the most important place for mercy was the confessional. There is where the  Church has always shown mercy. Whoever does not want to use this place, deprives themselves of the mercies God performs  through the Church, and can not simply demand that the Church should relocate the place of mercy to another, worse place.

Kasper Criticized Justifies Himself, In Which He References Pope Francis

Another synod participant  replied to Kasper and Marx that ought not constantly shout "Mercy, Mercy", but also make an effort and  needed to evangelize more.  There was  talk of formation and instruction of the faithful, yet this was neglected then, however, for fear they might be misunderstood. But in this way,  one is guaranteed not to understand.
Cardinal Kasper, becoming increasingly sensitive against the fierce criticism,  justified himself i and his proposal to  action on the grounds "that he had been already the one who took the initiative, but that he had previously requested it of the Pope ..." writes Vatican expert Marco Tosatti for La Stampa. The cardinal said bluntly, that the real strategist for the reversal of the  primacy of  practice before teaching and Communion for remarried divorcees is Jorge Mario Bergoglio.  Statements and gestures of the Pope since the conclave confirm Kasper's  statement. The German cardinal would hardly dare such a public statement if it were not true. 
Control over the flow of information provides the ability to guide public opinion. In this specific case, the Vatican press office seems more freely follow behind  the Kasper-party, so that it can direct the flow of information through their own channels and through direct media contacts.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred

IS Fighters Encircle Turkish Troops

Kobane Under Attack
ANKARA. Troops of the "Islamic state" (IS) have encircled 36 Turkish soldiers in northern Syria.These guard the mausoleum of Süleyman Shah, the grandfather of the first Ottoman sultan, which is the extraterritorial property of Turkey. According to Turkish newspapers there are about 1,100 Islamists  deployed.
The grave is located about 30 kilometers south of the heavily contested Kurdish city Kobane.Thousands IS-fighters have been trying for days, to conquer the border city located directly on the Syrian-Turkish border. According to observers they have also employed  heavy artillery and tanks. Opposing them are a few hundred Kurdish fighters with light weapons. They are supported by air attacks from the United States and Arab countries.
The Syrian Minister of National Reconciliation, Ali Haidar, meanwhile, stressed that the government in Damascus could not support the Kurds with air strikes because of the proximity to the Turkish border. There was a risk that the machines would then penetrate the Turkish airspace.
Turkey pulls troops together
While the fighting continues, Turkey has begun to assemble  troops on their side of the border. As government Turkish newspapers report, nearly 10,000 soldiers and 35 tanks were mobilized. On Thursday the parliament in Ankara will advise about a possible deployment of ground troops in Syria and Iraq.
One suggested solution  is also a safety zone in the two countries where Turkish troops take control, to protect the inhabitants from the Islamists. Previously, Turkey has steadfastly refused to intervene against the IS   and has even tolerated activities of the terrorist organization in their own country. (Ho)

Friday, October 10, 2014

Veto Against the Nobel Prize for a Pope

(Oslo) This year's Nobel Peace Prize was awarded, but again not to a Catholic Pope. Neither Pope Francis, although there were significant rumors in this direction he was the first pope in the running. Not only the Catholic Church but especially the papacy is a stumbling block some circles. This also true of the Masonic founders of the Nobel Prize, and  also counts the trustee of its Foundation.
Year after year enthusiastic Catholics  brought the application in vain for the prize committee to bestow the Nobel Peace Prize on Pope John Paul II.   It  seemed  that in comparison to other awardees, nobody was a more appropriate candidate than the Catholic Church leader. Fundamental ideological prejudices they can not bring into account. This has described the history of the Nobel Peace Prize   since its first award in 1901 and the non-observance by the Prize Committee of the peace efforts of Pope Benedict XV.  speaking clearly to end of the First World War
In 2001 a little look behind the scenes was granted. At that time Gunnar Stålsett, Member of the Prize Committee and former Lutheran Bishop of Oslo, justified his refusal of John Paul II. Giving the Nobel Peace Prize.There will be no Nobel Prize so long as a Pope of the Catholic Church will  not change their sexual teaching.
So there was a formal veto against the awarding of the Nobel Prize to John Paul II., But not only against him but in principle to a Pope, because the Catholic Church and its teachings are rejected. I Gunnar Stålsett  afforded a look at the  cards of the prize committee, as he wanted to but refrained from saying anything that explains this fundamental hostility.
Stålsett incidentally boasts of its excellent contacts with Freemasonry. His father was Worshipful Master and his older brother is a lodge member. The Norwegian Frimurerbladet (1/2014) reported on a lecture by the Lutheran bishop in the circle of  aproned brothers on "religion of peace".
The veto which was announced by  Stålsett in 2001, was not repealed for Pope Francis.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Frimurerbladet (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred