Thursday, June 12, 2014

Novus Horror Missae: Brazil Team Football Chasuble for World Cup

(Rio de Janeiro) Today was  the kickoff of the World Cup 2014. The hosting country of the greatest football spectacle is Brazil. Just what demonstrates enthusiasm for the leather ball, or it is better to speak of fanaticism, is shown by the Brazilian priest Luiz Carlos Magalhães.
As the Brazilian Correio Popular reported last week, Reverend Magalhães has customized his own chasuble in the colors of Brazil for the World Cup. But not only that  the Chasuble is decorated in green and yellow, there are  dozens of small Brazilian flags and footballs on it. Magalhães is pastor of the Catholic parish of Cristo Rei of Campinas and it is by no means the first time that the pastor Magalhães has behaved erratically. Already during the Football World Cups of 2002, 2006 and 2010, he celebrated the Holy Mass during the World Cup in his football chasuble.

"God is Brazilian, but I Fear Competition, Now There is an Argentinian Pope"

The closer to the World Cup, the more Pastor Magalhães gets out of control. Frankly, he appears in public, with his quirky "chasuble" to violate the liturgical norms, and has been doing this for 12 years. When asked about this   Magalhães replied: “What’s the harm? Everyone knows that God is Brazilian.” In 2014 concerned the football fanatics only care about one thing:  ".. I fear a strong competitor, now that the Pope is an Argentine.”  He had always been football enthused confesses the 67-year-old priest," The World Cup is a unique moment in our country. Brazil has many problems, but now is the time for joy, serenity and patriotism. "
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Correia Pupular (Screeenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Austrian Priest Criticizes Gomorrism -- Media Launches Attack

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Left  Media Hunt

Satanic Persecution of Priest 

Edit: a courageous Catholic priest tells the truth, teaches the Catholic Faith and now the media is on the hunt. We’ll be following this to see if he shares the same treatment with other courageous priests who’ve offered themselves to say what’s right.

Bilderberger and Freemason leads a Catholic pastor to his media pillory, because he tells the truth - memories of times of Nazi church struggle.
Thank you, Father, for the clear words  which the Austrian bishops are too cowardly to say![Image: Parish Journal Neukirchen a / d wild, quoted by ORF-NE]

Homosexuality - a Grave Sin “Against Nature"

Pastor Fr. André Wingen wrote in the bulletin of his parish in Neukirchen an der Wild, which is located in the district of Horn in Austria that:
  • "Homosexual partnerships  are perverted, unnatural and (are) among the gravest sins  ... homosexuality is abnormal, that is against nature, and needs to be healed."
This finding can not be refuted by the media whores, for if homosexuality is in the nature of man, then there would be no more people.
So long as there are still people, then homosexuality is something unnatural (see: "sins against nature” according to Catholic moral teaching) and perverse (see" pervertere ", lat).
This may be seen also in the Diocese of St. Pölten as: . "[T] he priest brings legitimate issues for discussion."
And "media friendly": "The discourse could be  'constructively‘ undertaken." - in the usually inefficient way asindicated by the bishops.

Journaille as homo-Lobby

But godless journalists are simply not  thinkers, but are hanging by the strings of the capital elite, in order to uphold  the systemically important lies of the ruling despot.
Anxiously trembling for their jobs journalists will be thrown a few bread crumbs for their anti-Christian, while treading the bread of life into the dust.
The Press is enslaved by the devil which incites against Catholic priests and against the truth.

Enlightenment Struggle Against the Church

The poor Presstitutes  blaspheme, as in totalitarian systems, against Jesus Christ, who is to be stigmatized over again in the general public. Such stigmatization there was before the Second Vatican Council, for example, in the French Jacobin revolution and during the Nazi church struggle.
The lie factories of global high finance (i.e., all mass media) are calling ultimately the abolition of the Catholic faith and the Catholic priesthood.
The lie manufacturers give the well-orchestrated order to commence fire against a real Catholic priest.

Baiting of the ORF

The pro-regime and  state-funded (extorted) radio (ORF) persecutes  real Catholic priest as well, like all other mass media that are held by the financial oligarchy for the purpose of the dictatorship of opinion. 
  • The O probrious  R ed F reemasons ( ORF ) are persecuting a priest: 
    With such "overly conservative" people you have only problems, says a passer-by, "those people who do not think outside the box." (Source: “ One is healed of Homosexuality" ) 
    If you look at the reporting on Russia, thus  it is clear that the ORF workforce is fixed on Eastern campaigns and the creation of empires. 
    From the former ORF-building on Argentinian Street in Vienna, the National Socialist broadcasts were already transmitted from 1 April 1939 to   to 6th April 1945 as the National Socialist propaganda broadcaster of "Reichssender Vienna," which even the Left Internet Encyclopedia "Wikipedia" can not hide.
  • Brother Reinhard Göhweil, chief editor of the "Wiener Zeitung”, outed as a Freemason, who according to the independent Andreas Unterberger,  was involved in the  persecution of a true Catholic priest.  (Source:  "Masonic Rules Also Apply to U-Committee" )
  • The owner of the Sub-“Standard”, [Der Standard is a state subsidized Austrian daily newspaper] which needs must agitate against a true Catholic priest, of course, is the Zionist Bilderberg Demagogue Oscar Bronner . See also Wiki.
    The regular presence of the subject Bronner at the annual Bilderberg conferences proves that the media is a modality of money. All those who do not share the ideology of the Bilderberg Group, are placed on the “Standard” media pillory, spat upon and guillotined (even the inventor of the guillotine was possessed by the evil spirit of the Satanic Freemasonry).
  • Another spiritually dead “rumor monger" pox, who is also responsible for Jacobin propaganda, called insultingly "Austria". This gutter sheet is co-financed to a large extent by government-related ads involuntarily extorted from taxpayers. 
    The photo on this article shows a black cross, which will probably recall in its darkness the emblem of the German Wehrmacht and the contempt of the Church by the National Socialists during the Church struggle. Of the capital-dependent hysterics, this best-buy sheet to as many trim to followers, it says hysterically: “Pastor Rails Against Homosexuals" 
    (Source: “ Pastor Rails Against Homosexuals ")  
    is not enough: The pastor of Neukirchen an der Wild “ even expressed himself critically against abortion", i.e. the unpunished murder of unborn children, which consequently  logically “folllows” that they are  "lives unworthy of life” according to the Jewish Viennese Socialist Party Councilor Julius Tandler.

Proxy war

The mass media which is outfitted with power by Satan  beats the priest, but intends to strike Jesus Christ.

Link to…

Trans: Tancred


More “Reforms”: Will Ecclesia Dei Be Devoured By The Congregation of Religious Too?

(Rome) The well-known website Rorate Caeli wrote that in 1988,  the Pontifial Commission Ecclesia Dei established by  Pope John Paul II could be dissolved in the course of reform of the Curia taking place under Pope Francis.   It’s a message that caused some excitement in the communities  faithful to tradition. The background forms the distance of the Argentine pope to tradition. Since taking office, Pope Francis has made gestures in a variety of directions, most recently in the Vatican Gardens  towards Judaism and Islam, in his discussions with Eugenio Scalfari also towards atheists, agnostics and Freemasons, while Catholic tradition has he largely ignored.

Papal Astonishment that Catholic Youth is Attracted to the Old Rite

Some cryptic formulations were even interpreted as a swipe against tradition. A general lack of liturgical sensibility seems in addition to hinder Pope Francis’  access to the Old Rite. Compared to the Apulian bishops, he reaffirmed last year, however, that the two forms of the rite should co-exist and be mutually reinforcing. Speaking to the Czech bishops, the head of the Church expressed surprise in the spring of 2014 expressed surprise that  Catholic youth are attracted to the Old Rite.
The Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei was created in 1988 to accommodate parts of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X. catch who did not want to go with “State of Emergency" illicit episcopal ordinations. Since then, the Commission is responsible for all old ritual Communities and orders in the Catholic Church. They thus have direct contact to the Roman Curia.

CDF: Does Lack of Agreement with the SSPX to Decoupling From Ecclesia Dei?

Pope Benedict XVI.  created a Pontifical Council with Ecclesia Dei.  In 2009, the Pontifical Commission of the Congregation and their prefect was automatically a President of the Commission. The President of the Commission has always been a cardinal. From 1988 to 2009 former or partly reigning Prefects of the different Roman Congregations have been incorporated without it.  From 1988-1991 Paul Augustin Cardinal Mayer OSB, former prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Antonio Cardinal Innocenti 1991-1995, former prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, Cardinal Angelo Felici 1995-2000, former prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, 2000-2009, Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, the same was also Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy till 2006. Since 2009, the respective Prefect of the CDF is Commission Chairman, 2009-2012 was  William Joseph Cardinal Levada, since then  the German Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller has officiated.

Congregation of Religious - “Worst of the Worst" Variants

Since the news broke, that Pope Francis is  going  to dissolve a number  of papal councils, merge, or incorporate others, there is concern that   on this occasion they could be manually applied to those facilities in which tradition is of an institutional and therefore recognized framework in the Church. This makes especially the "worst of the worst" variants (Messa in Latino) in the traditional circles, namely the decoupling  of Ecclesia Dei from the CDF and the integration into the Congregation for Religious.  The dissolution of  the Commission is considered unlikely. The question of integration is seen as an indicator of "benevolence".
The presentiment that the leadership will go to  Cardinal Prefect Joao Braz de Aviz, a remaining appointment  from the time of Benedict XVI. (2011),  and Secretary, Curia, Archbishop José Rodríguez Carballo, OFM,   an equally unfortunate appointment by Pope Francis (2013), has left  traditional Catholics who are certainly not Cassandras, but have a high threshold of pain, in some anxiety, because of the unspeakable dealing with the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate.

The Amazing Zeal of an Inertial Congregation

The Franciscan religious order founded by Father Stefano Manelli  broke two taboos. It changed from the New Order, as such, ( he is subject to the Congregation of Religious and not Ecclesia Dei), from the New to the Old Rite. A step that it also associated with an in-depth engagement and public confrontation with the Church crisis, its causes and in this context with the Second Vatican Council. The male branch of the order was placed  under provisional administration in July of 2013, and a a Visitator for the female branch was appointed in May 2014 and the lay community affiliated with the Order was also suspended. In contrary to the existing Church law the Order of the Old Rite was banned. The priest must individually apply for a permission to celebrate the traditional Mass. To ensure that the female branch of the order was severely impaired, although initially excluded from direct action because the Franciscan Franciscan Sisters are no longer allowed to participate Holy Mass in the Old Rite. The fact that the sisters wanted to maintain the Old Rite, did not move  the leadership of the Congregation at all. 
However, Rome is not only this variant of the inclusion in the conversation. There is the inclusion of  the CDF in that. Pope Benedict XVI explicitly employed it with a view to a return of the SSPX into unity with Rome.  Yet this seems to have exhausted itself where the talks between the Holy See and the SSPX remain inconclusive.

The Congregation for Divine Worship - “Liturgical Sensibility"

Besides the possible "worst" variant, the inclusion in the Congregation of Religious,  there is also discussion of integration into the Congregation for Divine Worship. There since 2008, Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera has officiated in the  Curia. It’s an office which could still be exercised for some years by the 68 year old Spaniard. However, there have been persistent rumors  since the election of Pope Francis   of his dismissal.  Indeed, Cardinal Cañizares is the only one of nine prefects of the Congregation, about whom Francis has still taken no decision. Originally, should he be sent back to Spain,  and according to his rank it would only be possible to appointment him as Archbishop of Madrid.  In contrast, there are again some reservations in Spain, where with such an option which no one had anticipated, where an internal succession and local solutions are under discussion.
Regardless of the unresolved question of the Prefect, the annexation of the Commission Ecclesia Dei to the Congregation for Divine Worship would be a  feasible and acceptable solution for traditional circles. The Congregation has very well trained staff with "high liturgical sensibility" (Messa in Latino) and excelled in the past few years mainly due to the sound and quick response to pending questions. Compared to the Congregation for Divine Worship all other congregations act cumbersomely. The special zeal of the Congregation of Religious in the damage of the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate represents a marked exception, which makes matters even more difficult.

How is Pope Francis decide?

How is Pope Francis decide? What his C8 Kardinalsrat recommend? Pope Benedict XVI. aimed to lead the two forms of the Roman Rite to actual equality in the Church. A counter-revolutionary act of the first order, the scope of which, few are aware of in the Church  today, however, some high-ranking enemy was aware of it and it has been  counteracted by Francis Pope personally. In his understanding is Summorum Pontificum and following the instruction Universae Ecclesiae it is only as a gesture of paternal accommodation to a small minority in the Church.  No less, but no more. As such, he sees and accepts the step of Benedict XVI. The question of whether he would ever take such a step himself, is ultimately a useless intellectual exercise.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Accion Liturgica
TransL Tancred

Activist Attorney Jeff Anderson Misrepresents Archbishop Carlson

Edit: The Kulturkampf continues. Here's a statement the Archdiocese of St. Louis.  Once again, a dishonest tactic employed by an activist attorney has misrepresented and defamed the good name of Archbishop Carlson.

I suspect this is an actionable item?  For the record:

This statement is intended to clear up confusion generated by the release on June 9, 2014, of a videotaped deposition of Arhbishop Robert J. Carlson, Archbishop of St. Louis. This deposition was taken in a lawsuit for damages pending in a Minnesota state court relating to events that occurred more than 30 years ago in Minnesota. Neither Archbishop Carlson nor the Archdiocese of St. Louis is a party to this case. Further, the Archbishop has been previously deposed by the same Plaintiff’s counsel on at least three separate prior occasions in the 1980s focused on the activities of the same priest that he was again asked about last month – 27 years later. Recent inaccurate and misleading reporting by certain media outlets has impugned Archbishop Carlson’s good name and reputation. During a press conference held on June 9, 2014, Plaintiff’s lawyer strategically took Archbishop Carlson’s response to a question out of context and suggested that the Archbishop did not know that it was a criminal offense for an adult to molest a child. Nothing could be further from the truth. Contrary to what is being reported, Archbishop Carlson is and has been a leader in the Church when it comes to recognizing and managing matters of sexual abuse involving the clergy. As far back as 1980, then-Father Carlson wrote “This behavior cannot be tolerated” in a memo referencing a priest’s abusive actions (Exhibit 301 of this case).

In the deposition video, which was released by Plaintiff’s counsel, the dialogue between Plaintiff’s counsel and Archbishop Carlson focused on Archbishop Carlson’s knowledge of Minnesota child abuse reporting statutes and when clergy became mandatory reporters. In the full transcript of Archbishop Carlson’s deposition, the actual exchange between Archbishop Carlson and Plaintiff’s counsel is quite different from what is being widely reported in the media. Plaintiff’s counsel began his line of questioning as follows:

Q. Well, mandatory reporting laws went into effect across the nation in 1973, Archbishop.

Charles Goldberg, attorney representing Archbishop Carlson at this deposition, explained that while current Minnesota law makes it a crime for clergy persons not to report suspected child abuse, that statute did not become effective until 1988. What Plaintiff’s counsel has failed to point out to the media is that Mr. Goldberg himself noted at this point in the deposition “you’re talking about mandatory reporting?” (emphasis added). When the Archbishop said “I’m not sure whether I knew it was a crime or not,” he was simply referring to the fact that he did not know the year that clergy became mandatory reporters of suspected child abuse (pgs. 108-109).

At another point in the deposition, the Plaintiff’s counsel attacked Archbishop Carlson about the answer “I don’t remember,” to which the archbishop’s legal counsel objected:

Q. [Plaintiff’s Counsel] Can you tell me today that you have no memory of ever having advised anybody to report to the police…? MR. GOLDBERG: Just a minute. I’m going to register an objection to that question. As I mentioned at the outset…you personally, Mr. Anderson, have deposed Archbishop Carlson on June 21st, 1985; March 30th, 1987; April 2nd, 1987; and May 4th, 1987 about each of these matters in some detail of which you had over 30 exhibits marked in those depositions, and I think in fairness to the Archbishop, if you want to ask him about these things and get specific answers, he needs to see these documents, because no human being can be expected to remember, regardless of how outrageous some of these matters may have appeared, to explain in detail those things to you without a reference to these depositions 25 to 30 years ago (pg. 19).

On page 22 of the transcript, Plaintiff’s counsel questions the Archbishop, who had repeatedly requested and was denied the ability to review case documents pertaining to the questions asked of him, and who, 27 years after last being deposed, is now being maligned for his inability to recall certain events.

To reiterate, Archbishop Carlson is not a party in this case, nor has he committed a crime. He has not only voluntarily participated in this legal process, he has offered his testimony as clearly and thoughtfully as possible, given both the span of time in which this discovery process has taken place and accessibility to certain documents.

The media reports of this deposition have not only called into question the exemplary record Archbishop Carlson has amassed during his more than 40 years of ministry, but has also reopened the wounds of survivors of the heinous act of sexual abuse, and has caused further pain to the Catholic Faithful, both here in the Archdiocese of St. Louis and beyond. These misleading and inaccurate reports have also resulted in negative commentary both in traditional as well as social media outlets. Nevertheless, the fact remains that Archbishop Carlson and the Catholic Church abhor any form of sexual abuse.

H/t Deacon Kandra. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

“Fisher More College” on The Street -- Financial Difficulties Provide For Closing of Traditional College

While "Fishermore College" in Fort Worth (Texas) continues  to await the decision of the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei” decision  on a ban on traditional liturgy at the school by the competent diocesan Bishop Michael Olson, it seems, as regards the main point here, the dice to have already fallen.  As readers know,  Dr. Taylor Marshall , who had taught at the college until 2013, and held the position of the Chancellor, accused the President, Michael King, of financial mismanagement.   Furthermore, as Katholisches opined: "Marshall's argument is, however, illogical, when he writes that the traditional liturgy has nothing to do with the controversy. 'The Latin Mass is at the center because Michael King politicized the Latin Mass in his favor, because he knows that , bishops against the Latin Mass is a godsend for some traditionalist blogs.' In truth, King has  not politicized the so-called Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.  It wasn't he who has forbidden it and made   it into a political issue, but the diocesan bishop, who took office less than a month before it occurred.  King should hardly have gone to Bishop Olson,  asking him to ban the old Mass, so that he can blame it all later on the evil shepherds, when the college must close for financial reasons!”   But now is the closure on financial reasons probably just before, and I should emphasize again that any incompetence in dealing with money can not confer restriction of access to the sacraments - and it is finally what amounts to  such a restriction prohibiting the old liturgy.
Two weeks ago,   The Cardinal Newman Society reported that "Fishermore College" will probably have no space at the beginning of the next semester in the fall  for teaching and accommodation of students. The Society is among other things, an annual guide which introduces truly Catholic colleges, and brings news from the Catholic academic world. In early April  Michael King sent a  letter to parents  who instruct their children  home at  "Fishermore Academy". "Fishermore Academy" is not in financial difficulty and will continue to facilitate homeschooling Catholic families. The letter is now available on the Internet.  King  also went briefly into the situation of Colleges and said: "At this time it appears unlikely that the College will continue residential operations as currently configured on the  Fort Worth campus. However, we still hope to preserve the academic program of the college in some form so that our mission can continue. "
By the end of May, the students were housed in the former convent "Our Lady of Victory", which also offers a space for all other functions of the school. The building was not purchased a year ago by "Fishermore College", but only rented. The owners had involved the college some time ago in a court case because outstanding rental payments. As it appears in Fort Worth newspaper which Star-Telegram wrote, the  judge had asked the College and the landlord  to behave "like adults" and to rectify the situation. An agreement was then negotiated behind closed doors, after which the owner can look for new tenants now, while   garnishments against  "Fishermore College” are no longer being demanded.  Previously an outrageous amount of $ 300,000 had been brought into play. What other points were contained in the agreement,    the Star-Telegram has no way of knowing.
The current students are  looking, according to  Star-Telegram, for other universities to continue their studies  in the fall.  Meanwhile, King was - as above from his letter to the parents of the students of "Fishermore Academy" quoted - still busy trying to find ways to keep the college open. In the fall of 2013, 42 students were enrolled. But in the winter financial problems were brought to light, so that many parents decided to send their children to other schools.Through the initiative of some students, however, it was possible in the short term to collect $ 250,000 in donations and fund another semester. The landlord also    contributed $ 150,000, which paid the rent until May.  Accordingly, the college had never been in arrears, said President Michael King. Despite all efforts, only 25 students had appeared in Fort Worth in the spring of 2014. A student Amber Siscoe, quoted by the  Star-Telegram took in  the mood of the students with the following words: "It is sad to see our school shut down. [...] We loved it here. "
Text: Benedict M. Buerger
Trans: Tancred

Monday, June 9, 2014

Benedict XVI. Has Recently Started Using a Walker

Archbishop Gänswein: The legs are dragging, but his spirit and his health are in good shape

Rome ( / CBA) Benedict XVI. is walking with walker: An appropriate press photo is not beneficial, in the words of Archbishop George Gänswein, for speculation about the state of the emeritus pope. "He's fine, the legs drag a bit, but his spirit and his health are in good shape,” said his private secretary Gänswein said on Thursday in the course of a lecture in Rome. Benedict XVI. has been using a walker for two or three weeks during his walks.

"He just realized that he easily falls while walking," says Gänswein. The Italian magazine "Oggi" had published a photo this week, that the the emeritus pope relies on a walker.

Link to….(C) 2014 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH. All rights reserved.


Sunday, June 8, 2014

Modernism Rhymes With Relativism and Atheism

(Vatican) On September 8, 1907, the now canonized Pope Pius X published the Encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis about Modernism. It is valuable, because this encyclical, despite  its age is re-read, because it treats with intellectual currents that are effective today.  Following are excerpts from several chapters.

The Modernist as Reformer

38) It remains for Us now to say a few words about the Modernist as reformer. From all that has preceded, some idea may be gained of the reforming mania which possesses them: in all Catholicism there is absolutely nothing on which it does not fasten. Reform of philosophy, especially in the seminaries: the scholastic philosophy is to be relegated to the history of philosophy among obsolete systems, and the young men are to be taught modern philosophy which alone is true and suited to the times in which we live. Reform of theology; rational theology is to have modern philosophy for its foundation, and positive theology is to be founded on the history of dogma. As for history, it must be for the future written and taught only according to their modern methods and principles. Dogmas and their evolution are to be harmonised with science and history. In the Catechism no dogmas are to be inserted except those that have been duly reformed and are within the capacity of the people. Regarding worship, the number of external devotions is to be reduced, or at least steps must be taken to prevent their further increase, though, indeed, some of the admirers of symbolism are disposed to be more indulgent on this head. Ecclesiastical government requires to be reformed in all its branches, but especially in its disciplinary and dogmatic parts. Its spirit with the public conscience, which is not wholly for democracy; a share in ecclesiastical government should therefore be given to the lower ranks of the clergy, and even to the laity, and authority should be decentralised. The Roman Congregations, and especially the index and the Holy Office, are to be reformed. The ecclesiastical authority must change its line of conduct in the social and political world; while keeping outside political and social organization, it must adapt itself to those which exist in order to penetrate them with its spirit. With regard to morals, they adopt the principle of the Americanists, that the active virtues are more important than the passive, both in the estimation in which they must be held and in the exercise of them. The clergy are asked to return to their ancient lowliness and poverty, and in their ideas and action to be guided by the principles of Modernism; and there are some who, echoing the teaching of their Protestant masters, would like the suppression of ecclesiastical celibacy. What is there left in the Church which is not to be reformed according to their principles?

Anti-Catholic Media Watch: 800 Children Were NOT Dumped in a Septic Tank

What has upset, confused and dismayed her in recent days is the speculative nature of much of the reporting around the story, particularly about what happened to the children after they died. “I never used that word ‘dumped’,” she says again, with distress. “I just wanted those children to be remembered and for their names to go up on a plaque. That was why I did this project, and now it has taken [on] a life of its own.” - Catherine Corless

Edit: the news is awash with the completely mendacious story of a Magdalen home in Tuam Ireland where fallen women and their illegitimate children were housed, and given a chance on life, as opposed to being preyed upon by pimps.  The story claims that 800 children were "dumped" in a "mass grave" in a "septic tank".  The story was an emotional one and conjured up the usual misogynistic images of cruel faces of doughty sadistic nuns in medieval cowls overseeing a mass murder.

The story was based on the work of an independent researcher, Catherine Corless who is horrified that her story has taken on such macabre dimensions and is being used to unfairly malign the Church, which is covered by the Catechesis of Caroline Blog.  We came by this at the comments at Father Ray's blog.

In fact, we find out that the image of the mass grave was false.  The septic tank contained not 800 but 20 infants.

When considering this story about the number of poor babies dying from malnutrition and "neglect".  We don't know the budget the nuns had to work with, but we are sure it wasn't unlimited.  It's also important to remember that during the time period covered from 1925-1961, that the world was undergoing an agricultural revolution where crop yields quintupled and food prices dropped.   Not surprisingly, many of the deaths from malnutrition occurred in 1944 when a world conflagration and German U-Boots made commerce risky and rationing was strictly enforced.  People were hungry during the war!

In Japan As on the Banks of the Rhine. The Church's Surrender

The responses of the Japanese and central Europeans to the questionnaire for the synod on the family register the yielding of Catholics to the dominant “uniform thought.” But also the pastors' inability to lead

by Sandro Magister

ROME, June 6, 2014 – So far six episcopal conferences have violated the terms of confidentiality and have made public the responses to the 39 questions of the preparatory questionnaire for the upcoming synod of bishops, convened on the issue of the family. 







As can be noted, five of the six episcopal conferences belong to the central European geographical area that was the activist wing of the innovations of Vatican Council II but afterward was also the one most marked by the phenomenon of secularization.

Today it is above all from this area that the strongest pressure is coming for a change of teaching and pastoral practice concerning marriage, in particular with the request to give communion to the divorced and remarried.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Don't Blame the Catholic Church for Carlos Urrutigoity, Blame the Dark Spirit of Old Liberalism

Edit: we've been trying to expose this tight-knit cult of pseudo-traditionalists for a while. As we pointed out about others of this type, they are clever, cunning and they have a lot of help.

Carlos Urrutigoity has not been accused recently of any sexual misdeeds, but given his past, we're 100% sure that the Church will be blamed. What ever happened to Dominican Inquisitors?

NBC has posted another article by a local journalist who shares in the outrage that such a man is put in a position of trust, even though he has a scandalous past. But just check out this paragraph:
Father Carlos Urrutigoity glides into the sanctuary, his ivory and scarlet robes swishing between the pews. Revered by his flock in the unruly diocese of eastern Paraguay’s Ciudad del Este, the priest will deliver his sermon to hundreds of worshippers. They will later clamor outside the church to meet the man, to receive his benediction.
It's the most recent story by the major news organs about the Society of Saint John's and its Father Urrutigoity who's had credible accusations against him, as well as he has been denounced by Archbishop Timlin and his former colleague who had the courage to oppose him, Doctor Bond, whom we've tried to contact when Deacon Levine was getting ordained in Oregon.

Despite the efforts and risks of many, Father Carlos Urrutigoity (Carlito) is now the second in command in Paraguay, an area with a lot of human trafficking and at risk youth. One thing they'll tell you, and that's usually the thing with this artificial outrage affairs in the major media, is that they're very selective as to who they go after, and they're very particular also about their chosen targets.

They don't spend much time talking about the rampant sex abuse among the movement to legitimize aberrosexualism, in the Green Party, or the Socialists, or rampant sexual abuse among Islamic religious figures. There are no causal links between aberrosexualism and sexual predators and those who engage in human trafficking, but there is always a causal link established in the minds of the masses between the Catholic Church and sexual abuse. Even faithful Catholics believe there is a connection.

Just remember, the SSPX, even after giving Carlos Urrutigoity a second chance, threw him out of the Society.

The SSPX expelled a sexual predator, and now he's been given a new lease on life in another part of the world. We'd suggest that if he'd converted to Judaism and was teaching Hebrew at a Schul, it's hard to believe that anyone would care. What's certain is that the Church will be blamed, not the Liberalism and permissiveness which is now infected it so thoroughly, it's difficult to see Christ in It at all. For many, it's become impossible.


Friday, June 6, 2014

Salvatorians Host NAMBLA Supporter in Their Ranks

We received this months ago, and haven't heard anything from the Salvatorians about whether or not they were going to do anything about it.  Their superior was very defensive.  One thing that's evident to anyone who's studied this phenomenon for long is that these people never give up, but they have help.

Here's a brief history of the order from wiki. We can't imagine the founder would be happy about the way his order has been hijacked: The term Salvatorians refers to members of three religious communities: the Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Saviour, the Lay Salvatorians, and the Society of the Divine Saviour (Latin: Societas Divini Salvatoris), a Roman Catholic religious institute composed of priests, religious brothers, and seminarians. The Society was founded by Father John Baptist Jordan in Rome on December 8, 1881. As of December 2010 the Society of the Divine Saviour numbers 1,127 members and works in 40 countries around the world. Salvatorians use the post-nominal letters "SDS".

Four years ago, there was a story going around Traditionalist Catholic Blogs, including this one, concerning a novice candidate for the priesthood within the Jesuit Order. It also appeared on some of the more high profile blogs, like the pusillanimous  Catholic and Enjoying It, which promptly repented  for exposing the story after a flurry of criticism from the sorts of individuals it represents.

The problem person is Cormac Brisssett. Mr. Brissett has a highly questionable past, which the Jesuits either ignored or turned a blind eye to it. He had endorsed the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). While attending the University of Minnesota, he signed two petitions that were a matter of public record. One of these petitions (which was a flyer distributed throughout the University of Minnesota concerning the rights of "gay" and/or closeted men to engage in public restroom sex without fear of reprisal from law enforcement.

Some wonder   why there's a problem with sex abuse in the Catholic Church.  A lot of it has to do with the media.  Obviously, the media isn't interested in Liberal moribund religious orders doing due diligence.  They want to swoop down and exploit the abuse when and if it happens, and create the impression of a global problem, a global problem not only with Catholicism, but religious belief itself.

There are a few individuals who are spirited into the organization who are apparently untouchable.  We can't imagine that if Mr. Brissett were as devoted to Catholicism and the traditional Mass of All Ages as he is to deviant sexual inclinations, that he would have a home with the Salvatorians for long.

The petition is still apparent on-line, here.

The other petition signed, was a public letter stating that NAMBLA should be allowed to march in a gay pride parade.

Both of these documents included the name David Thorstad, the founder of NAMBLA.

Mr. Brissett left the Jesuits where he was already helping "at risk" youth in Chicago's Boy's Town area.

Seeking to be of service to young boys at risk, Cormac Brissett is trying his hand with another order, the Salvatorians.

Since being asked about their new novice the Salvatorians have taken down any information about Mr. Brisette and have refused to give any information as to his current status. Nor have they explained why someone with Cormac's associations, both current and present, why he would want to be involved with children. Wouldn't it be better if he joined a contemplative order, where he had a more humble job if he feels he has a serious vocation? Why does anyone, especially someone who has a past wrapped up in promoting sexuality between adults and children, want to be involved with them. Even more pressing, why would people in positions of authority want someone like that in their order, representing that order, and having contact with children?

We managed to save Mr. Brissett's bio from the Salvatorian's homepage where he professes his admiration for the depraved NAMBLA member Allan Ginsberg and another deviant, David Sederis. Even if his activism on behalf of pederasty weren't evident (He gave an interview with famed novelist and pederasty advocate Edmund White, where the latter outlined the historical scope of such things, while endorsing them).  And he's concerned about human trafficking?  Like Oscar Wilde's penchant for underage male prostitutes? For someone who claims to have a religious vocation, he surely is worldly.  We'd say a religious vocation is more centered on a craving to cause scandal.   For he is clearly an advocate of aberrosexual activism, which also doesn't bother his superiors:

 Check Mr. Brisstt's profile for the Salvatorians. [It's dead]

The Salvatorians can be contacted, here.

Society of the Divine Savior
1735 N. Hi-Mount Blvd.
Milwaukee, WI 53208
(414) 258-1735

The Shepherd's Staff in the Knapsack -- Careerism and Curious Episcopal Appointments

(Vatican) in May 2013 Pope Francis designated careerism and vanity as the "leprosy of the Church." In the era of neuro-linguistic programming all seem competent  to  speak, but then ... it seems the Pope is not averse to quick and sometimes inexplicable Promotions. This is true not only for Battista Ricca, but for Francesca Chaouqui or Vallejo Balda.
Marco Tosatti is concerned with two of the most recent promotions. These proposals are  not easy to understand. One of them is the Italian Fabio Fabene. His personal rapid rise can also be seen in relation to Pope Francis' desired "upgrading" of the Synod of Bishops as a sort of participation committee. The other is the Brazilian Ilson de Jesus Montanari. Pope Francis appointed  the Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, Cardinal Marc Ouellet, unlike Cardinal Piacenza not  down from his office, but provided him with Montanari a man of his personal choice at his side.

The Shepherd's Crook in his Knapsack

by Marco Tosatti
"Every French soldier carries a marshal's baton in his knapsack." One of the most famous sayings of Napoleon could be - you swap the baton with the pastoral staff of Bishop - also applied to the Curia of Pope Francis.
In recent days, he promoted Fabio Fabene, the new Under Secretary of the Synod of Bishops, to the Episcopal rank. An appointment, about which not a few were astonished at the Roman Curia. It has not been common for a sub-secretaryto be a bishop. A snap decision, that comes your way in a double pack with that of Ilson de Jesus Montanari, who was raised (Secretary of the Sacred College, and at the same time) from a simple clerk second class secretary of the Congregation for Bishops, to the rank of archbishop.
Lightning careers which according to some, those who know the world of the Vatican palaces well, its explanation is in a man: the Secretary of the Synod of Bishops, Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri. Baldisseri, formerly Apostolic Nuncio to Brazil, was appointed Secretary of the Congregation for Bishops by Benedict XVI., and thus also to the Secretary of the College of Cardinals. There, a group of like-minded people was formed. This group, whose head was Baldisseri,   also included the current private secretary of Pope Francis, Fabian Pedacchio, from the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires and great friend Montanari, and also  Fabene comes too. Then Jorge Mario Bergoglio became Pope and now we are witnessing the emergence of this group.
Einleitunng / translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Messa in Latino

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Church Desecration: Tabernacle Broken Into and Consecrated Hosts Smeared with Excrement

(Milan)   Again the Catholic Church has been a target of sacrilege. The scene of the crime was the Holy Cross Church of San Giorgio su Legnano, in Lombardy. Unknown vandals broke the tabernacle and threw the consecrated Hosts on the floor and smeared it with human excrement, with which they also defiled the altar.
The statue of Our Lady of Sorrows they blackened with the soot of candles and hot wax was poured  over her head. The face of suffering Jesus and  the large cross was blackened, which is venerated in the church, and gave it its name. The perpetrators stuffed wax in the mouth, ears and eyes of Jesus Christ.
Pastor Luciano Premoli called the parish to atonement and prayer. "We have been faced with such a serious, indeed, unimaginable desecration of the Holy Eucharist," said the pastor. Because of the desecration, the   church remains closed for the time being. Many believers have expressed their outrage, sadness and affection for Christ and His mother by candles and flowers in front of the church door. The mayor and the local government  have offered a bouquet as a sign of solidarity. "To the perpetrators, I can only say: shame on you," said the mayor. 
On Sunday, the Rosary is prayed and the desecrated crucifix will lead the procession. Then the Episcopal Vicar Monsignor Gian Paolo Citterio will say the purification ritual  for the desecrated church.
The Holy Cross Church of San Giorgio su Legnano was consecrated in 1393 by the then Archbishop of Milan, Antonio de Saluzzo (1376-1401). In 1703 it was rebuilt in the Baroque style in its current form. The church belongs to the Archdiocese of Milan, and thus uses the Ambrosian rite of the Roman Catholic Church.
Police are investigating.  The investigators do not want to offer an opinion as to whether or not they are Satanists or not.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

The Index, Part 2

The Magisterium exercised by the EF has felt the need to add the following to the Index already published here. All the Church’s faithful are requested to avoid so much as thinking of the following concepts under pain of incurring our most grievous displeasure.

America Online
The American Revolution
Animal “rights”
Anthony Ruff
Archbishop Weakland
Aristotelian objections to creatio ex nihilo, Plato, the immortality of the soul, and the multiplicity of human intellects

Benedictine sodomites in Minnesota (You know who you are.)
Bishops (including popes) who fail to use the imperial we

Cardinal Bernadine

The Da Vinci Code
Dan Schutte and his “music”
Dead Man Walking

Excising verses from the psalms


Liturgical Renewal
Love bubbles

"Muslim" instead of "Mohammedan"

Objections to the just use of capital punishment
Objections to relics, relics, images, and the Immaculate Conception
Omitting the Athanasian Creed

Paisley neckties
Peace Studies
People who refuse to pull their pants up
Phallogocentrism (the word not the idea)
Pronouncing Te Deum as tedium
The prefix inter- in unacceptable neologisms (e.g. interfaith, intersex, intertextuality)

Refusal to argue from facts or to argue rationally at all

Samuel Becket
Sister Hellen Prejean
Social network theory
Spending too much money on pets
Spiritual angular alignment (with anything)

Things you need to be happy
The Thirty-Nine Articles of the C of E
Turning nouns into verbs in an unacceptable fashion (e.g. to parameterize)


Vegan alternatives to meat products

Waiting for Godot
Wrongly pronouncing English or Latin

Your truth (but not mine)

Powerful Jewish Interests Cancel Bishop's Visa

Edit: is it meaningless that he's a citizen of the Commonwealth, and that there is such a thing as free speech, supposedly?

[Jewish News] A Holocaust denying Catholic bishop who was due to visit Australia this month has had his visa cancelled after The AJN alerted the government to his views.

British cleric Richard Williamson has described Jews as “enemies of Christ” and claimed there’s no evidence to support the fact that six million Jews were killed during the Shoah.

At most, he said, the number if Jewish victims was 200,000 to 300,000, none of whom were killed in gas chambers.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

On 8 June A Rabbi, an Imam an a Pope Will Do "Interreligious" in the Vatican: No Joke!

(Jerusalem / Buenos Aires) "We can go as far as we want, we can build a lot, but if we do not confess Jesus Christ, it doesn't mean a thing.  If you do not confess Jesus Christ, that brings  the words of Léon Bloy to mind: "Whoever does not pray to the Lord, prays to the devil." When one does not confess Jesus Christ, he is committed to the worldliness of the devil, the worldliness of evil." These words were uttered by Pope Francis in his first sermon as the new  head of the Catholic Church  on March 14, 2013 in celebration of the Eucharist with the Cardinals in the Sistine Chapel. Nevertheless, there will be an "inter-religious prayer" on June 8th  at the Vatican with  a Pope, rabbi and imam. How so?
There seems to be some disorientation ruling in the Catholic ranks  and  will not shake the feeling that Pope Francis is part of that.  The Catholic Action in the home country of the Pope, the National Argentine Commission for Justice and Peace , the World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations (WUCWO) and the International Forum of Catholic Action have (FIAC) for 1pm on June 6, been called to prayer under the slogan "One Minute for Peace" (see image).

Argentinian Group Picture - Embrace of the Abrahamic religions?

The call of  an Argentine group picture in front of the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem was published. It shows Pope Francis with Rabbi Abraham Skorka and the Muslim representative Omar Abboud, both from Buenos Aires, as embracing all three. The text to image states: "Wherever are you at 1 o'clock, stay standing, incline your head, and say a prayer for peace, each in his own tradition." The reason for the call to prayer is the meeting of Israeli President Shimon Peres and Palestinian President Abu Mazen on June 8, at the Vatican, has been invited by the Pope Francis.
Taking the above-mentioned statement on the one  hand that Pope Francis made at the beginning of his pontificate, the question arises: Is it now but no matter whether you - after the Pope's words - pray to Jesus Christ or the devil? The Pope could have appealed as a mediator in the Vatican, but why the "common prayer" with Rabbi and Imam at the same time to express the inclination of a mediator?

Pope Francis "makes world politics"

The bi-weekly newspaper are Public Forum of the Association Church from Below (nomen est omen) is thrilled. On his travel to the Holy Land  the progressive forum on Pope Francis reports: "He makes world politics - unlike his predecessor from Bavaria. When Benedict XVI. went on trips, you had to expect that he caused  faux pas or met with outraged victims. Francis dominated the opposite. "From him there was no "insulting" Muslims expected as alleged by the Regensburg speech of Benedict XVI. No "affronting" of the Jews, as allegedly happened in Auschwitz and above all, no one would hear from Francis, that "the forebears  longed for Catholic Missionaries", as the German Pope had told the Indians of Latin America. In Publik Forum one "breathes" and s therefore  to "tolerable",  because Benedict XVI. has resigned.
 The peace process in the Middle East was "dead as a doornail" as Pope Francis came. Public Forum does not forget to note that there will be "inter-faith with the Pope" prayed on June 8 at the Vatican. It also understood there will be some Argentine and international Catholic organizations. This is in fact a piece of news in the Vatican.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Un minuto por la paz
Trans: Tancred