Friday, February 14, 2014

Liberal Bishop Criticizes His Brother Bishops Over Ackerman's Controversial Statements

Edit: Bishop Ackerman made controversial statements contrary to Catholic teaching and a surprising number of voices have been critical of him, but others are also critics of the critics, like the Old Liberal Bishop of Magdeburg.

Magdeburg ( / CBA / red) The Magdeburg Catholic Bishop, Gerhard Feige on Thursday defended the controversial statements of Bishop Stephan Ackermann of Trier and criticized those bishops who he saw as publicly critical. "I think it is inappropriate, when bishops are manipulated by the media and turn against each other," Feige said to CBA. Several important German bishops had previously condemned Ackermann's remarks publicly.

Feige showed his solidarity with the Bishop of Trier and stressed that it was "about time to openly provide the unvarnished reality and to engage sensitively as well as to responsibly provide life-serving solutions in the spirit of Jesus Christ."

In view of the criticism leveled at Ackermann's theses, Feige said: "It does not help to always review only prohibitions or to present concerns.»

The bishops Konrad Zdarsa (Augsburg), Heinz Josef Algermissen (Fulda) and Wolfgang Ipolt (Görlitz) and the spokesman for the diocese of Eichstätt and Regensburg, apparently on behalf of their bishops, distanced themselves from the statements of the Trier bishop, to Catholic Internet newspaper "". Recently the Roman Curia Cardinal Brandmüller also leveled his criticism of the statements.

  Bishop Feige's Contact

(C) 2013 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH. All rights reserved. Photo: (c) Diocese of Magdeburg, Lazar

Radio Maria Separates Itself from Roberto de Mattei: "Critical Attitude" to Pope Francis

Update: here is the exchange between Dr. Mattei and the program director, Father Livio at Rorate.

(Erba) The layoffs at Radio Maria continue to roll. Now the famous historian, Roberto de Mattei's coooperation has been terminated because of his "critical attitude" towards Pope Francis.

Last fall, Mario Palmaro and Alessandro Gnocchi were dismissed and their broadcasts cancelled. Both the legal philosopher Palmaro and the Catholic publicist Gnocchi made their own broadcasts on Radio Maria Italy: Palmaro had the show "Encounters with Bioethics" and Gnocchi the program "People and Literature. Encounter in the light of the Gospel." Both belong to the most astute Catholic intellectuals of our time. On 10 October 2013 they collaborated together with an article in the daily newspaper Il Foglio, under the title "The Pope Does not Like Us", an accentuated criticism of the previous pontificate of Pope Francis published (see German text Christ is Not an Option Among Many, and Certainly not for his Deputy on Earth - Why We Do Not Like This Pope ). On the same day they were therefore were shown the door by program director Father Livio Fanzaga. "Father Livio is of the opinion that one can not simultaneously be a presenter of Radio Maria, and criticize the Pope," is what he told the dismissed workers.

Now Radio Maria has also separated itself from historian Roberto de Mattei. Unlike Palmaro and Gnocchi, who were already engaged during the pontificate of John Paul II, by the largest Catholic radio stations in Italy, the historian Roberto de Mattei was employed first under Benedict XVI. at the Catholic station. Since the 17th In February 2010, he produced once a month the broadcast of "Christian Roots." With the start of his broadcast Radio Maria grew close also to the traditional Rite. Since then, the broadcaster has transmitted the Holy Mass in the Old Rite.

But since the pontificate of Benedict XVI. is over and since then, break lines are forming. The reason for the termination of the collaboration is the recent essay by Roberto de Mattei "Motu in fine velocior", on 12 February of Corrispondenza Romana has been published (see German [Soon to be translated] text Roberto de Mattei: The End of Civilization - "Whoever Loves The Church, Defends Her").

Radio Maria Italy is the mother and main transmitter of the largest independent Catholic radio networks in the world. In the German-speaking areas is included Radio Horeb, Radio Maria Austria, Radio Maria Südtirol and Radio Maria German-Switzerland as well.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 image: Corrispondenza Romana
 Trans: Tancred

Link to Katholisches...


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Weak Reaction to UN Attack Against Church -- Bishops' Synod to Attack "Humanae Vitae"?

Pope Francis and Secretary
 of State Parolin
(Vatican) While looking at the official reactions, then one would have come to the conclusion that the Holy See considers the frontal attack by the United Nations as an industrial accident, to which it doesn't  pay too much attention. In reality, the whole order of creation is at stake. All the more incomprehensible is the inadequate response of the neo-Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin to the attack. Another little positive signal for the Synod of Bishops on the topic of family, which some in the Church obviously want to repurpose as a late revenge for the encyclical Humanae Vitae. 

Appeal to Pope Francis: "Give Clear Response" to anti-Church Attack

The speech is from the report of the UN Children's Rights Committee 5th of last February. If it were actually "just" an industrial accident, you could sit back, as it seems  all do  at the Vatican. But this is not so, why not at least someone isn't sitting back. On Tuesday, Giuliano Ferrara was in the columns of the daily newspaper Il Foglio with an open letter, a Plea to Pope Francis, from whom he calls for "a stronger, clearer answer" ... "which combines the power of faith with the resources of rational culture, which is common to all, believers and non-believers." If you look at the names of those intellectuals who have signed the appeal, it quickly becomes clear that the concern of Ferrara is shared not only by many Catholics but also many secularists.[!]

"Inadequate Response" of the Holy See

Among the signatories of the new appeal to Pope Francis is also the chief editor of the Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, Riaccardo Cascioli: "I too have signed up, because I consider the official response of the Holy See as deficient: deficient in its content and worrying in its form."
Consider the first point of criticism: the substance is deficient. Even the Wall Street Journal noted that the attack against the freedom of religion by an agency of the United Nations is unprecedented, but the new Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin (whose official Cardinal survey will follow  on 22 February) seems to want to play down the matter. If you read the report of the UN Children's Rights Committee , you quickly realize that the keyword pedophilia, which is also presented with fantasy figures and notes of out-dated facts, only a pretext to attack the Church on a very different, much larger field (see own report, the UN Children's Committee: How the Church Should  "Change" -- Abortion, Gay Marriage, Gender Ideology ).
The committee is expecting the Catholic Church even to change their "interpretation" of Scripture and their own teaching on family, abortion, contraception and homosexuality, even their understanding of man.  A presumption of an international panel without equal.  An incident which can not be simply dismissed as inconsequential individual case of a somewhat extremist Commission, which  one graciously overlooks  and acts as if nothing had happened.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Benedict XVI: "When There is No Struggle, There is no Christendom"

(Ferrara) on the anniversary of his renunciation the newspaper La Voce di Romagna in Rimini  announced on 10 February  a visit to Benedict XVI. On 5 February   "the great Ratzinger", as the newspaper said,  received two long-time personal friends: the fighting Archbishop Monsignor Luigi Negri of Ferrara and Professor Marco Ferrini.  Archbishop Negri is President and Professor Ferrini is Director General of the International John Paul II Foundation for the Social Doctrine of the Church .
"Benedict XVI. received us in the Vatican in the monastery Mater Ecclesia.  We spent 40 minutes together. We found him very alert and present  for his 87 years, " said Marco Ferrini.
About the interview, he said: "We told him that we have regained, thanks to the Magisterium of John Paul II and his continuity between faith and culture,  with the social and political commitment, certainly with some concern because there is a return to some sort of dualism in a part Church, which wants to lead the Church into a position of self-exclusion. Benedict XVI. told us then:  "All dualism in Christianity is negative." He spoke to us of the difficult conditions under which the Church is today and always, suffering more virulent attacks from the world.  And he said that the  Church has always fought and will always fight.  The hostility of the world is one of its essential characteristics, such as the Lord had promised. ,Benedict XVI. said  to us, 'If there is no struggle, there is no Christianity.' "
The newspaper said that Ferrini was as stirred as Archbishop Negri to be able to see Benedict XVI.  again and how impressed they were "about his unbroken spiritual depth and his great gentleness."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Papa Benedetto Blog
Trans: Tancred

Monday, February 10, 2014

[Update] End the “Scandalous” Handling of the Franciscans of the Immaculate -- Pressure Grows

(Rome)  The treatment of the Order of the Franciscans of the Imaculate Conception has become a scandalous case, says Corrispondenza Romana. In contrast, Church internal resistance has been encouraged by some cardinals and by a new international signature campaign, which was launched last Saturday. It is supported in the German-speaking area by Pro Missa Tridentina .
Some cardinals and bishops who appreciate this extraordinary apostolate Order have sent Pope Francis an extensive and detailed documentation on the beneficial action of the Franciscans of the Immaculate  and also the current treatment by the  Congregation of Religious and the Commissioner appointed by them. An "outrageous" treatment of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, who were placed under provisional administration because they adhere to the traditional liturgy and the unabbreviated doctrine of the Church.
Last 4 February the traditional   news agency of the historian Roberto de Mattei Corrispondenza Romana  sent to Secretary of State Pietro Parolin a petition with 8,000 signatures which demands the resignation of the Apostolic Commissioner of the Franciscans of the Immaculate , Fr Fidenzio Volpi.
At the same time, an international petition began on the 8th of February.  It’s a Sign of how much the drastic intervention of the Congregation of Religious is understood in a part of the Catholic Church as a fundamental attack on  tradition and its affiliated communities and believers. The new signature collection is supported internationally by several organizations, this includes the German-speaking Pro Missa Tridentina, in the Netherlands Ecclesia Dei, in Canada, theVancouver Traditional Mass Society , in New Zealand the Ecclesia Dei Society and Una Voce Austria .
With the new international call  "justice and self-determination for the Franciscans of the Immaculate" is demanded. The signatories of the international petition are calling for the restoration of the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception or a new status according to their choice. 240 brothers, more than half, have already provided a request last fall for establishment of a new order, without obtaining a response about it from the Holy See.
The petition also calls for full respect and "unmolested implementation" of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI., it frees any priest to celebrate in the Old or the New Roman Rite. A legally binding provision for  the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception is not being respected. The petition can be downloaded in different languages ​​from the website Pro Missa Tridentina  (here is the English version of the petition ). A detailed documentation of the Franciscans of the Immaculate is presented together with the Dutch Association of Ecclesia Die.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred

Only Catholic Church appears able to aid starving population of Homs, Syria

Edit: I just ripped off the whole story from the site. It's a good story, it's just that there's so much advertising on Catholic Online right now, I don't know how anyone could read it.

AMMAN, JORDAN (Catholic Online) - The UN believes that about one million people in and around Homs are suffering from hunger, with several hundred living under the worst conditions, starving to death. Those facing the worst are surrounded by both rebel and government forces, and remain entirely under siege without food. Movement invites danger and any attempt to escape is made at significant risk. Still, many try, driven to the edge of madness with hunger.

Rome's Massive Critique of the Absent Catechesis in Austria

The Rome Bulletin of the Ad Limina Visit of the Austrian Bishops
Contains a Massive Critique of their Activity,
Despite Schönborn's Portrayals. 

Episcopal Whitewash

Cardinal Schönborn is the white washer of his own failings. Just as he explains  the ad limina visit to Rome, as if the Holy Father had just held a contented little chat with the Austrian bishops.

Bulletin of Rome

The Bulletin of Rome for ad limina visit of the Austrian episcopate (VISITA "ad Limina Apostolorum" DEI PRESULI DELLA Conferenza Episcopale DELL'AUSTRIA, 01/30/2014 ) already significantly different, sounds like omission within the Church and diplomatic courtesies.
Subsequently, this is [our translation] the original text (in italics) with explanations of the underlying statements.

VISITA "ad Limina Apostolorum" DEI PRESULI DELLA Conferenza Episcopale DELL'AUSTRIA, 30/01/2014

Dear Brothers,
I am pleased that I will blessed through this intense encounter with you as part of your ad limina visit of the fruits of the Church in Austria and that I should give her something. I thank your President, Cardinal Schönborn for the courteous words that assure me that we will go the way of the proclamation of salvation in Christ together. Each of us is from Christ, the only mediator of salvation, the Church opens up its priestly work according to the senses after and thus helps to make the love of God in the world again presently.
  • Welcome and approval from the Holy Father that the Church in Austria, according to Cardinal Schönborn, still remains  united with Rome. Apparently assurance by Cardinal Schönborn was necessary to reduce doubt in the Vatican.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Word About Tolkien's Religiosity and His Sub-Creation

Edit: A friend just sent this.  So, there's really not much we can add in words in apologia of the Catholic author J.R.R. Tolkien whose appeal is so far and wide, that it has earned him some small amount of poor regard among his co-religionists.  As to whether anyone had never been converted by his works, I've known dozens personally over the years who've found him a bridge to the Latin Mass and Tradition.  I'm one of those.  In fact, the first time as an adult I saw a Latin Mass in Salzburg, Austria some 20 years ago, I was reminded of the beauty of his work almost immediately, and the holiness it inspired:

“Dear Sir,” I said—Although now long estranged, 
Man is not wholly lost nor wholly changed. 
Disgraced he may be, yet is not de-throned,
and keeps the rags of lordship once he owned:
Man, Sub-creator, the refracted Light
through whom is splintered from a single White
to many hues, and endlessly combined
in living shapes that move from mind to mind.
Though all the crannies of the world we filled
with Elves and Goblins, though we dared to build
Gods and their houses out of dark and light,
and sowed the seed of dragons—'twas our right
(used or misused). That right has not decayed:
we make still by the law in which we're made.”

- J.R.R. Tolkien, from "On Fairy Stories"
in answer to C.S. Lewis who argued that myths were "lies breathed through Silver"

Photo Credit.

"Time to Go Into the Oven" -- Mortal Fright Before Death in Suicide

(Amsterdam) A disoriented world celebrates not life, but death. Of course with ulterior motives. In the Netherlands an eighty year old couple celebrated and danced  and then they killed themselves. Even in the land of the euthanasia the euthanizing of the couple was illegal. But a media campaign insists that no one will be prosecuted. After all, the children were delighted: "It was a great farewell." For  mother it was time "to go into the oven."
David Postma and Willemke Postma-Kloosterman organized a "farewell party". He was 86 years old, she 84 They gathered their four children at their home in the Netherlands, listened to music together, danced to and after they had said goodbye to the children, they killed themselves.

"Great, Fantastic,"

"It was fantastic, a great farewell," the children told the enthusiastic newspaper Algemeen Dagblad about the suicide of their parents. In the Netherlands, euthanasia is legal as active "assistance in dying," as well as the passive "euthanasia". The poison for suicide is, however, a prescription. The certifying physician must consider whether the applicant meets all the requirements prescribed by law. First and foremost, it means that he will be in the final stages of a terminal illness or have to suffer excruciating pain without prospect of improvement.
David and Willemke Postma met none of these criteria. The only complaints were some from old age. According to the Dutch newspaper they were only "restless" because of the idea, perhaps that sooner or later they would have to iive in a nursing home or a hospice. In other words, they made ​​the idea of death so frightening that they decided to kill themselves. They bought the lethal cocktail easily via the Internet. No one, however, had anything to say, neither the four children, all in their fifties, nor the twelve grandchildren. They were  limited, "to accompanying"  their parents and grandparents, as the Dagblad writes.

"In the oven"

Police opened an investigation, but the Dutch media have launched a veritable campaign about it that no one should be held criminally responsible, because it was a "great farewell." Although the media doggedly spread the contrary, the last day of the Postma couple was not so "lucky". The parents received the children, "in pajamas". They did not even dress up. "Today there is no need to put on makeup," said the mother, because "it's time to go into the oven", in reference to the impending burning of their bodies in the crematorium.

Trivialization of Death

The "joy" of the children about the suicide of parents  was recalled in the words of Cardinal Elio Sgreccia about the euthanasia law in Belgium that is just as valid for the Netherlands: "Europe has embarked on the road in the genocide car. What happens in Belgium, is the signal for a dramatic loss of humanity, a dramatic setback in the level of civilizational. A  "loss" and "regression" of civilization and humanity, about which responsible doctors have warned. The Medical Society of St. Luke in Belgium warns legislators who currently have to decide on an extension of the euthanasia law to children and the mentally ill: "Attention, the euthanasia law leads to the trivialization of death." But no one seems to listen to them.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Another Prayer Request

In light of how powerful were the prayers of my readers last time round, I bid your prayers once again for a priest who (I believe) has been wrongly accused of wrongdoing. St. Philomena and St. John Vianney, orate pro nobis!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Here We Go: First Time a Cardinal is Charged with “Homophobia” -- Pope-Friend Fernando Sebastián Aguilar Before the Court

(Madrid) Here we go. For the first time in history  a  Cardinal of the Catholic Church is being investigated because of "homophobia". On 6 February the prosecution of Malaga brought charges against the Cardinal appointed by Pope Francis, Archbishop Emeritus of Pamplona, ​​Monsignor Fernando Sebastián Aguilar. The 84 year-old Claretian and friend of the Pope, who will receive the Cardinal’s biretta from his hand in two weeks, had been interviewed shortly after Pope Francis had announced in January his elevation to cardinal status.  On this occasion he was also asked about the journalistic perennial  "homosexuality". The appointed cardinal said here that homosexuality can "be cured by proper treatment".

LGBT Activists Want the Cardinal in prison: Prosecutor “Obeys" Immediately

Cardinal Sebastián Aguilar is called because of his name "the eagle", as his "student" Pope Francis called him, he never had a reputation for as a "conservative". But that does not matter: neither this fact nor his past merits or his age are to protect him from persecution by the gay lobby.
The LGBT activists want to see the old Cardinal in prison. "The prosecution of Malaga obeyed 'immediately  the demands of the homosexual lobby, supported therein by a unanimous decision of the municipal council of Malaga, in which the Christian Democrats of the Partido Popular voted against the old Archbishop,” said the religious sociologist Massimo Introvigne. The Neo-cardinal will be officially ruled against. He faces a prison sentence for breach of the Spanish Anti-Homophobia Law.

Cardinal Gave an Interview to Diario Sur

But what has Archbishop Sebastian perpetrated that is so terrible? In an interview with Diario Sur, the daily newspaper of Malaga, the newly appointed Cardinal was asked on 20  January to comment on the statements of Pope Francis on homosexuality. Specifically, it was about the controversial statement about homosexuals: "Who am I to judge him" Archbishop Sebastian said:
"The Pope accentuates the gestures of respect and appreciation towards all people, but he betrays neither the traditional teaching of the Church nor does  he modify it. It is one thing  to manifest towards a gay man acceptance and affection, it is another to morally justify the exercise of homosexuality. "
He continued: "To a man I can say that he has a deficiency, but that does not mean that I do not appreciate this person or help him. I think this is the position of the Pope. "

"Fix Homosexuality Through Therapy and Normalize"

The journalist asked if the archbishop had brought the word "deficit" of "moral point of view". The neo-Cardinal replied: "Yes. Many get upset about it and do not tolerate it, but with all due respect I say that homosexuality is a deficient form to bring their own sexuality to expression, as this  depends in its structure and purpose to establish reproduction. The homosexuality does not fulfill this purpose, it is false. To say this, is by no means an insult. In our body we have many weaknesses. For example, I have high blood pressure: Should I be upset if you tell me that? This is a deficit that I try to correct as much as possible through its own therapy. Making a homosexual aware of his deficiency  is not an insult, it's a help, because many cases of homosexuality can be remedied and normalized by appropriate treatment. That's not an insult, but appreciation. If a person has a defect, then is the one who tells him that is a true friend. "

Anti-Homophobia Law: Legacy of the Zapatero Government

The gay activists saw the course differently and were immediately angry that the new Cardinal had called homosexuality "a disease", a term which is punishable in the Spanish courts due to the anti-homophobia law. The law against "homophobia" is part of the legacy of Spain, which was left by the Socialist Zapatero government (2004-2011).
The Emeritus Archbishop of Pamplona may be old, but he is not naive. He weighed his words carefully and was careful not to use the word "disease." Literally, the Cardinal spoke not from the fact that a homosexual is "cured", but the fact that he can be "restored".

Since When are Dissidents in  Jail?

It was also explained in a broadcast of the Archdiocese of Malaga, which, rightly points to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. “It might have added,  why someone who holds a different opinion on the difficult issue on  the origin of homosexuality, should go to jail, even if  the word  “healing” were avoided, which anyway possesses a variety meanings,“ said Introvigne.
Anyway, the climate has become rough and the opinion police seem omnipresent.  So the Cardinal took advantage in the careful choice of words  of nothing. In Spain the enemy of the Church, Zapatero, no longer rules.  There govern the Christian Democrats of the Partido Popular . But whoever thought that at least where Catholics govern, "homophobia laws against bishops and cardinals are wouldn’t be used  in any case," which is why you can safely leave the Leftists their ideological playing fields when they have such fun with it already, which has now been definitively refuted by the prosecution of Malaga. For the first time  charges have been brought against a Cardinal of the Church, because he has said what the Catholic Church has always taught  on homosexuality and what is part of the truth of faith, which they can not change.

Christian Resistance Should be Organized Before  Dictatorship of Opinion is Established

Perhaps it's the comfortable Christians who think it would already not so bad, should wake up and start with the resistance in the countries where there is no homophobia Act, before they too need to weigh with care every word, and because of a Catholic thought crime, stand trial.
Text: NBQ / Giuseppe Nardi
image: Nuova Bussola Quotidiana
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Bishop Ackermann Sets Himself Openly Against Rome: Sex Before Marriage is Not a Mortal Sin

The Bishop of Trier would completely change sexual ethics of the Catholic Church: New marriage after divorce is no "permanent mortal sin." Homosexuality for the bishop no longer  "unnatural".

Trier (  Catholics who hold to the teaching of the Catholic Church, currently have it  difficult and can expect no support from their pastors in Germany. Several German-speaking bishops have, it appears, firmly resolved to remake the moral teaching of the Catholic Church again. Compared to the Rhein Main Presse  the Bishop of Trier, Stephan Ackermann said, now that it no longer fits the times when "a new marriage after divorce is regarded as permanent state of mortal sin". 

When it comes to birth control, the Bishop then pled ignorance and even said: "The distinction of natural and artificial contraception is also somehow artificial.  I'm afraid that no one understandsit any more.." Ackermann  would naturally make large concessions also the subject of "homosexuality". "Based on the Holy Scriptures, which referred to it as a wicked aberration [See Gen 19, 1-29, Romans 1:24-27, 1 Corinthians 6:10;. 1 Tim 1,10], the Church's tradition has always declared  'that homosexual acts are disordered,'" as  it is stated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. For Ackermann, obviously, this is an outdated idea. To the newspaper, he says, despite this clear finding of the Church, "the Christian image of man is based on the polarity of the sexes, but we can not just say that homosexuality is unnatural" What the Catholic Church really says on this subject:

QUOTE from the HOLY SCRIPTURE:  For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error.(Romans 1:26-27. 

Link to

Cardinal Burke Will Celebrate Mass of All Ages in Colombia for Catholic Lawyers

At the Catholic University of Bogota, Colombia, there will be a celebration sponsored by the World Congress of Catholic Lawyers.  On Friday, the 7th of February, at 6:30pm, His Eminence, Cardinal Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura will celebrate Holy Mass in the Immemorial Roman Rite. 

Liturgy Wars, Part 1

Fr. Hunwicke, God bless him, has brought something hideous to our attention here and here. Fr. Michael J. Butler, a "liturgist" (falsely so called) of the diocese of Brentwood, UK, has decided to spew some oral diarrhea about the new translation of the missal in The Tablet. Because said periodical is more cheap and money pinching than even The New York Times, one cannot read his errors on The Tablet's website without spending an obscene amount of money, but you can read (probably illegally) his excrement here. Going so far as to call the new translation's imposition upon the clergy "illegal," he advocates that priests simply disobey and return to the old "translation" (again, falsely so called) that smells as bad as the shag carpet that his ilk put into churches in the '70s to cover up beautiful mosaics. Fr. Hunwicke has suggested that those of us opposed to this kind of insubordination and disorderliness, be we traditionalists or reform-of-the-reform types, need to man up and join ranks to oppose Fr. Butler's emetic and the liberal activism that undergirds it. We at the EF would go so far as to invite even the charismatic and pentecostal types (à la Steubenville) to join us in raising the alarm. If the liberals will not obey and conform to the new translations, they are in no rationally consistent position to criticize the "disobedient" (falsely so called yet again) celebration of the old Latin Mass, and apparently they need to be reminded of the fact.

So people, freak out, break the occasional piece of stuff you don't really need, get angry, and make some demands. If Fr. Butler will not retract his views and mop up the mess, the priests and laity of his diocese are more than justified in speaking out and refusing to obey his diktats. What is more, if he will not retract, he deserves a good public shaming and contempt for leading people into de facto schism. King Baby needs to be dethroned, and it is high time we throw over the high chair.

The Gravedigger of the Church

Some demands of the German bishops, but also the reaction of Cardinal Schönborn on the occasion of the ad limina visit of the Austrian bishops, the task of the foundation as well as the meaning of the supernatural life of the Church.

Rome ad limina visit of the Austrian episcopate, 2014.[Bildschirmcopie ORF / ZIB]

The Foundation: natural law and divine law

All matters, marriage and the family and in a wider sense including ethics, belong in the area of ​​natural law and therefore also apply to non-Catholics and even the unbaptized.
Thus, the indissolubility of marriage, for example, anchored in natural law and not even a specific feature of the Catholic Church, such as Pope Pius IX. noted at the time (1864).
How much more are Catholics  who are also bound by  revelation and the Divine Law.
Also, the questions on the orderly transmission of human life at the latest by the encyclical Humanae Vitae of Pope Paul VI. (1968) definitively magisterial, so it would not have questionnaires or  still require a special debate.

The German Bishops' Demands: Theoretical Undermining the Natural Law

Therefore, when the German bishops demand, citing the result of the "questionnaires" in their dioceses, to question the attitude of the Church with regard to premarital cohabitation, birth control, remarried divorcees, and even homosexuals, not to be "unnatural", and so they replace natural law by the "explicit outreach" for mortal sins.

Cardinal Schönborn's Demand: Practical Disobedience and Creeping Protestantization

Although Cardinal Schönborn notes that for the doctrine of the Church, nothing will change. For him it's all about how to deal with "situations of failure."
But in practice the result is the same as the German bishops: They want - to put it in the words of Bishop Krenn in his opinion on Maria-Troster Declaration - an erroneous, deviation of conscience from the teachings of the Church  to grant a certain universality.
Thus,  this episcopate moves in the footsteps of the reformer Martin Luther, who put his ego and his personal opinion above doctrine and tradition.
The result was not only a schism with devastating consequences, but the reduction of the Church to a humane society without supernatural character.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

UN Demands the Church Alter its Teachings, Including on Abortion

The Vatican defends itself against criticism of the UN Children's Rights Committee (UNCRC) on the ways the Catholic Church treats the sexual abuse of minors.

Vatican City / Geneva ( / CBA / red) The Vatican is defending itself against criticism of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) on the role of the Catholic Church in the sexual abuse of minors. Some of the claims published by the Committee in Geneva   were interfering in the Church's teaching about the dignity of man and the freedom of religion, said the Vatican press office. Details are not mentioned.  The Holy See recognizes its commitment to defend the rights of the child in accordance with the religious and moral values of Catholic doctrine in the agreement signed by it and the UN Children's Convention.

The Vatican representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva, Archbishop Silvano Maria Tomasi,  expressed the suspicion in an interview with Vatican Radio that the opinion of the Committee of the report on the most recent child report  had been prepared in the Holy See before the inspection. The assessment was not at the height of the current situation. It did not take into account the measures that would have long since been taken by both the Vatican and the National Episcopal Conferences on the Protection of Minors against abuse.   Therefore  the Committee to the United Nations is doing a disservice, said the Vatican diplomat.

The UN Committee had criticized that most recent child protection report of the Holy See to be insufficient on Wednesday.  Some necessary measures were missing so far, said the UN experts in their report. They complained that in practice sex offenders could remain unpunished in the Catholic Church. The Committee requested the Holy See to to bring the canon law in accordance with the UN Convention on the protection of children.

 Certain provisions of the Catholic Church law did not correspond to the demands of Child Protection Convention. This concerns in particular the right of children to protection from discrimination, violence and all forms of sexual abuse. The Holy See must ensure that ecclesiastical laws are adjusted to provisions  the Convention. In addition, the UNCRC demanded further information on the extent to which clergymen were obliged at all levels, to report cases of abuse to state authorities.

The Holy See has undergone as a signatory to the Child Protection Convention for the first time a regular evaluation by the UNCRC. On 16 January discussed the UN Committee and the Vatican's representative in Geneva open questions, among others, to child pornography, measures against sexual abuse and discrimination against girls. P. Bernd Hagenkord, director of Vatican Radio in German, has pointed out in the afternoon in an article for Vatican Radio that the UN paper claims that the Church's teaching on homosexuality contributes to social stigma. In paragraphs 25-27 according to Hagenkord, he  insinuates more than is proven that church doctrine leads to violence and discrimination. The same will be said about the gender debate, the Church represent here a doctrine of the distinction between male and female, the way they would represent lead to discrimination.

 The UN paper becomes absurd  then at point 55 on the subject of abortion. There the Church is even asked to change the doctrine of the Church. The Church should allow that under certain circumstances abortion is permitted. Then the Church will even be asked to read the Bible in "prescribed manner". The UN wants to dictate how biblical texts are to be interpreted. (C) 2013 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH. All rights reserved

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How to Recongize The First Signs That Your Child Might be a Traditional Catholic

Edit: this appeared on this morning.  It was pretty good so we thought we'd post it.  They got it from chiesa e postconcilio.

500,000 Protest the Gender Ideology of Hollande's Socialist Government in Paris

(Paris) Last Sunday, hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated in Europe against family hostility, "gay marriage" and the business of surrogacy. The French civil rights movement Manif pour tous had called for rallies. In Paris alone more than half a million citizens took to the streets to protest against the new social order of the left-wing government of Hollande with its  aberrosexual  and gender ideology.
Many journalists and media who have committed to the mainstream left, get worked in a furious rage in the face of such unexpected resistance to "progress" and "modernity". This includes Stefano Montefiori, the correspondent of the Corriere della Sera. In Manif pour tous rallies whole families go on the road, Father, mother and children. Ordinary families without affected implementation and redefinition of nature through the ideological lens. But for journalist Montefiori, he creates from the peaceful rally participants, children included,  a dark heap of "integralist Catholics", and a gang of homophobic Nazis who demonstrate "against the system, the Modern and the Jews." In such a hodgepodge of arbitrary ingredients, you can easily imagine how Montefiore, must have foamed at the mouth,  observing the mass inflow to the rallies. 

Citizens Protest Against Homosexualization and Genderisation by the School

Half a million ordinary citizens demonstrated  in Paris against the policies of President Hollande, to allow Lesbians (solo or in  double packs) access to artificial insemination in order to gain and thus the thus bring children into the world, robbing them from the outset of a father. They protested against the approval of surrogacy and thus the uterus business.  Feminists always demand in the context of abortion: "Get out of my uterus". The unborn child is for them is nothing. But in the context of surrogacy, where the uterus is exploited as a business transaction, the feminists are silent. Manif pour tous therefore considers them "hypocritical" from the start. And finally, the citizens of Paris demonstrated, but also in Lyon, against the new " ABCs of Equality"  of laïcité, with which the Hollande government wants to introduce a new state ideology in schools.
The Pink Lenses  of Hollandists in the Media
For Montefiori, the protest of Manif pour tous is an expression of the "old France", which will be overcome by the new progressive ideology of Jacobinism. The Corriere della Sera made ​​itself the mouthpiece of the French government to promote abortion and homosexualization and to disseminate the gender ideology, but at the same time is never tired of denying all this. They adopt a law that every unborn child can be killed at will of the mother, but but it denies that they promote abortion. They adopt the law that legalizes "gay marriage" and enables aberrosexuals the adoption of children, but it denies that it promotes aberrosexuality. It already prescribes in kindergarten such books as " Father Wearing a Skirt" or "Bill's New Skirt " but it denies promoting gender ideology.

Minister of Education of France Peillon Senior Teacher of Aberro and Gender Ideology

Minister of Education Vincent Peillon sent a circular letter on 4 Januar to all school principals, to support the project  " Ligne Azure" in the classroom. It says: "Heterosexuality is not the only way" with the "invitation" to all the children, to perform a test to "choose"  their own sex. But no, that is, says the socialist government in France and so says the Corriere correspondent Stefano Montefiori, not a  "gender ideology" at all.
And of course, said Laura Slimani, the new chairman of the youth organization of the Socialist Party (PS) Young Socialists never even said last Saturday: "Yes, the differences between men and women are constructed, but gender exists and yes, we will learn it in the schools " (see video below). [Will look for English]

Protest Against Forced Sexualization and Ideology Through the School

But you won't   read from Montefiori,  why thousands of French parents  did not send their children to school to keep up with the scheduled monthly  Journée de l'Ecole de Retrait  to protest against the homosexualization and genderisation of their children through state coercion last January 27th.
Montefiori was silent about the clear line of Frigid Barjot, the initiator of Manif pour tous and Ludovine de La Rochere, the current chairman of the civil rights movement. Both emphasize appreciation of homosexuals as human beings and respect. Their struggle is but directed against a political agenda against the family and thus aimed to destroy the basis of the community. One of the speakers of Manif pour tous is incidentally the aberrosexual Jean-Pierre Delaume-Myard who makes no ideology of his personal sexual orientation and therefore is against the legalization of "gay marriage". In the ideologically confused head of  the Hollandist Montefiori, it is likely he is in reality a closeted homophobe. 
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Manif pour tous

Monday, February 3, 2014

Franciscans of the Immaculate Exonerated: Correction of Commissar Volpi After Notification by Manelli Family

Edit: now give us our Order back.  Also related is Rorate's post on their bad arithmetic. 

(Rome) The Apostolic Commissioner Father Fidenzio Volpi OFM Cap has published a correction. In it, he explains that the family of the religious founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, Father Stefano Maria Manelli,  has "absolutely nothing" to do with any possession or orders of transfer for  the  real estate of the Order. This had been maintained in recent months, according to which the the Order was placed under provisional commissioner, by the official Internet site of the Order Father Alfonso Maria Bruno, who was appointed by Commissioner Volpi after  the expulsion of the leadership of the Order, to name him as the most powerful man in the Order. The lawyer for the family Manelli had threatened criminal penalties, and requires clarification from Commissioner Volpi. This is now acknowledged that it was a libel, which was published by "someone" on the Internet platform.
To date, no reasons for the provisional administration of the Order have been announced, because the openly published reasons: maintenance of the traditional rite, numerous vocations, critical examination of the Second Vatican Council, the development in the Church since then, the unabridged explanation of the faith, and strict observance of the rules of the order, are clearly not offenses.
Instead, the claim was brought into the world from the environs of Father Alfonso Bruno, that Father Manelli had to overwrite the Order property to his family members and thus gave the impression that the superior had possibly stolen from his own religious order. Apart from the fact that the alleged transactions had taken place only after the beginning of the provisional administration, which gives more the impression of a mediated response, but could not be a reason for the provisional administration, it has now turned out to be slander, as Commissioner Volpi confirmed himself.
At the request of the prosecutor of the Manelli family, the false claim has now been deleted from the internet site of the Order managed by Father Alfonso Bruno. Instead, the complete correspondence between the Manelli family lawyer and Commissioner Volpi has been published at the request of Manelli family.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred

Mass Demonstrations in France Against Same-Sex Marriage: French Government Declaring War on Catholics

On Sunday, tens of thousands took to the streets in the French capital of Paris and Lyon to demonstrate against the equality of same-sex partnerships and in support of their view of traditional family values. Conservatives from all over France participated. Here are photos from Salon Beige, courtesy of Tiberge.

The mass demonstrations, typically ignored in the rest of international news, attracted the attention of the French Interior Minister, Manuel Valls, who compared the Catholics well represented in the demonstrations, with Muslim fundamentalists, from the Tablet.

Mr Valls, who ten days ago accompanied President François Hollande to the Vatican, told fellow Socialist lawmakers that “extreme right-wing Catholics” opposed gay marriage, legalised last year, and current plans to make access to abortion easier. 
This Catholic far Right, which he did not define more clearly, had found allies among political conservatives, he said in an apparent reference to the hundreds of thousands who marched against same-sex marriage last year. 
“We must wage combat because there is a danger,” he told the meeting reviewing the current state of France’s trademark secular system of laïcité.
German news reports "tens of thousands" of protesters in the streets.