Friday, December 20, 2013

The Murderers of God Among Us -- Femen Activism on St. Peter's Square as "Christmas Message"

(Paris) The enemies of the Church have struck again. Inna Shevchenko, best known advocate of the church desecrating  Femen and the new national symbol of Hollande's Socialist France  (see Femen Activist as a New Symbol of France - Hollande Jacobin (homosexual) Ideology in German)  over St. Peter's Square on Thursday. Of course, "topless" and "for abortion." She did it in the usual Femen Church-hate way.  The figure of hate for  political activism was not only the Catholic Church this time. "Christmas is Cancelled" was scrawled on Shevchenko's torso, which Femen   used as a certain kind of advertising medium by painting the slogan "Christmas is Canceled".

Hate Messages on Twitter

On the same day Femen sent a "Christmas message" on its Twitter. "Christmas is canceled: At the Vatican, Inna Shevchenko has publicly expelled the embryo of Jesus from the Virgin Mary."  Christ ended on the cross because  the powerful people of his time could not endure Him. Femen would murder Christ today as they officially announce. The murderers of God among us.
Femen blasphemous messageSince Femen is servant of  some political activism  available for a fee, there is the question of who pays money for such a blasphemous and inhuman messenger. From the squalor of FEMEN-operatives and  Inna Shevchenko  there is only silence.
Shevchenko had become well known because she "participated"  with the political action group Pussy Riot, condemned by a court in Russian,  by sawing a large votive crucifix with a chainsaw  in Kiev. The Cross recalled the millions of victims of the Communist dictatorship.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
images: L'Observatoire de la Christianophobia
Trans: Tancred

Schönborn's "Christmas Nonsense" in Milan -- Church Crisis Manufactured Between Rhetoric and Reality

(Vienna / Milan) The traditional  website  Messa in Latino has been critical of   the appearance of Archbishop Christoph Cardinal Schönborn in Milan. He who does not have a handle on his own diocese, can hardly give advice to others, thus the criticism.
Cardinal Schönborn had been invited by Archbishop Angelo Cardinal Scola to Milan. In a crowded cathedral, the Archbishop of Vienna spoke about evangelism in a big city.  Critics of the Austrian cardinal abroad  find clearer words than at home, where the presence disobedient priests, a laity indifferent to Catholic doctrine, liturgical sprawl and moral relativism are widespread. In fact, the Cardinal earned a lot of praise for his Milanese appearance  from almost all sides: "striking hot iron", "in touch with  this time" "strong words" it said in the report. "Fog, honey, applause from the left, and even applause from the right: the Cardinal seems again to have succeeded in squaring the circle, but the reality,"  looks different at home, so Messa in Latino .

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Feminists Attack Cathedral of Bologna -- Protest Against Rejection of Estrela Report

(Bologna) A group of militant feminists profaned the Cathedral of San Petronio in Bologna this past Monday. Masked with hoods that recall  the extreme left-wing Russian Anarchists ( see separate report ),  abortion and aberrosexual activists protested against the rejection of the Estrela Report by the European Parliament. Before the altar, the Church opponents unfurled a banner reading: "You Occupy the Counseling Centers - We Fill the Churches" and shouted in chorus: "Get the Church Out of Our Ovaries."
The Estrela report, which  the abortion and aberrosexual ideologues wanted to anchor as an official EU Directive, was rejected on the 10th December by the plenary of the European Parliament by a narrow margin. With the Estrela Report, named after the Portuguese Socialist Edite Estrela, the killing of unborn children in the EU would have been signed as a "women's right". The report also wanted to force all the EU Member States to legalize the artificial insemination of lesbians. The Austrian Green MEP and avowed lesbian Ulrike Lunacek had advocated significantly  in the relevant equality committee for the measure. The MEP responded to the rejection of tts report with a hysterical attack, as representative Lunacek scolded: "With the vote of the European Parliament, it bows to the pressure of ultra-conservative and reactionary politicians and non-governmental organizations". The Estrela Report also wanted to restrict the right of conscientious objection by doctors, pharmacists and medical staff in connection with abortion, contraception and artificial insemination. (see the Estrela report and its rejection of the opinion by representative Ewald Stadler ) [Will finish later, perhaps].
The radical feminist group unloaded their protest by desecration of the Diocesan Cathedral Church of Bologna. It blames the Church for the rejection of the Estrela Report. The Archbishop of Bologna, Cardinal Carlo Caffarra had asked the MPs ahead of the vote in the European Parliament to vote no.
In a statement, the feminist church vandals state:
"We will not accept  these medieval politics and morality, this dirty mixing of political and religious power, which leads us back to the time of deaths due to illegal abortions.
We will NEVER return back [emphasis in original].
We demand that the conscientious objection reference is [Italian abortion law] prohibited on the law 194 for all advisory bodies and public institutions, because it represents gender, class and racial discrimination, and a violation of our rights to health and self-determination.
And if the Pope publicly declared that the Church must give space to  women, we take the opportunity to  just speak to the Madonna because she has also taken a Conscientious Objector on the way to Bethlehem.
Conscious abortion is a right of all women.
Nobody touches on our free sexuality!
And if the lifers, Catholics and Conscientious Objectors penetrate into the public hospitals and counseling centers, then we penetrate with our bodies, our desires and our self-determination into the churches! "
Claiming that a ban on abortion is misogynistic because women will die from illegal abortions conducted in back rooms is  part of the standard repertoire of the abortion lobby, which has long since been debunked as a propaganda lie. Recently, the militant attacks of fanatical supporters of abortion on Catholic churches accumulate. Signs of coarsening and increasing hostility to the church (see the reports of  Argentine Catholics protect Cathedral From Feminist Attack -    Pope Francis burned in effigy , as well as Pro-Abortionists  Violate the Cathedral of Santiago de Chile and Putin meets with Pope Francis - Church Enemies Desecrate Church in Rome "Until the Last Pope is Overthrown" )
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Pro Life News
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Archbishop Steps Down Pending Investigation: Another Catholic Bishop Being Hounded

Edit: when Benedict XVI. was trying to clean up house, there were approximately 2 dissident senior clergy forced to resign every month.  Now it seems it's open season on conservative clergy, or at least clergy that don't cooperate when it comes to Aberromarriage and the consensus.  For example, Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst of Limburg, or in this case, Archbishop John Nienstedt of Minneapolis-St. Paul, who is being blamed for crimes committed mostly under his leftist predecessors.

Showing a great deal of desperation, the enemies within and outside of the Church locally have drummed up what looks to be a very fabricated charge against the Archbishop, whose resignation is highly sought after.  Here's his letter from the Spirit:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This is a difficult letter for me to write to you. This past weekend I learned of an allegation from a young man whom I anointed in the Sacrament of Confirmation who alleged that he believes I inappropriately touched his buttocks during a public photo session following the ceremony. Please allow me to say that I normally stand for those photos with one hand on my crozier (staff) and the other either on the right shoulder of the newly confirmed or on my pallium (the short stole), which hangs from my chest. I do that deliberately and there are hundreds of photographs to verify that fact.
I do not know the individual involved; he has not been made known to me. I presume he is sincere in believing what he claims, but I must say that this allegation is absolutely and entirely false. I have never once engaged in any inappropriate contact with a minor and I have tried to the very best of my ability to serve this Archdiocese and the church faithfully, with honor and due regard for the rights of all, even those with whom I disagree.
I have taken strong stands on the moral teachings of the Church and been criticized for it. I would not have done so if I did not believe those teachings and was personally bound to living up to them in practice.
True, I am a sinner, but my sins do not include any kind of abuse of minors. I have met victims and I know the lasting damage that such abuse causes.
The psalms from the Liturgy of the Hours have had a special echo in my heart these past weeks as I pray for those in distress. “But God does hear the cries of the poor. Blessed be the Lord.”
I hope that the investigations can be thorough but quick. I already long to be back in public ministry—to be able to serve as the Lord has called me to serve.
I regret this will be my last column until the present investigations are complete. These days will give me the time to pray for you and the individual involved. I ask that you pray for me too. 
With every good wish, I remain
Cordially Yours in Christ,
The Most Reverend John C. Nienstedt
Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis

Child Molester Priest Sentenced to Four Years in Prison in Vienna -- Media Silence

Monday 16 December 2013
Schönborn's  Most  Sexy Pastor

Fairness for Father Fabian - With Full Force!

47 year old priest performer and a graduate of the Vienna Seminary was convicted of homosexual abuse to four years in prison (not final).
The Vienna Auxiliary Bishop Stephen Turnovsky is surrounded by two gomorrists (declared): P. Fabian Vordermayer (left of the auxiliary bishop), and Wolfgang P. Kimmel (right of the Bishop) received the diaconate in 2009  with a very "special" touch [Image: Wiener Seminary ]

What's Wrong With Cardinal Schönborn's Seminary?

(! Diaconate 2009) The ex-priest  of Traiskirchen, who is a very successful graduate of the Vienna seminary, was sentenced on the feast day of St. Nicholas (December 6, 2013) in the first instance, to four years in prison (legal disclaimer: there is a presumption of innocence).
He is accused of sexual abuse, of course, and Schönborn's sexiest pastor has brought ​his victims into submission with narcotics and like substances.
Father Fabian considers himself indeed innocent, but he of all people should know that only children can be regarded as innocent beings.

Where is the anti-Christian Media Pack?

Why is there this time no smear campaign against the Vienna seminary such as against the seminary in St. Pölten 2003/2004?
Apparently, the Vienna seminary stands in such good service for  the decomposition of the Catholic faith  that our professional informers of the left will not go to war  against the Archbishop of Vienna and his seminary.

Fight Against Faithful Bishop Kurt Krenn ...

In the case of the seminary in St. Pölten, where there supposed to were to have  allegedly been homosexual relationships, it was opportune to  eliminate the then Bishop of St. Pölten, because he was faithful.

... That can not happen Archbishop Schönborn!

The Archbishop of Vienna can not be set aside, because this one puts aside the possible and impossible witnesses to everything.
In the case of the seminary in St. Pölten unnatural sexual intercourse was exploited to eliminate a targeted Catholic bishop.
Also, the predecessor of Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Cardinal Hans Hermann Gröer, was chased from pastoral office with the same tactics.
But now the cowardly and media savvy  pack ducks away.
The director's chair for these diabolical attacks on our Catholic pastors seems to be placed in the middle of Vienna.

Church infiltration

After the few reigning faithful Catholic bishops had been eliminated by character assassination, the path was clear for the Church infiltrators.
The faithful had now been replaced by an internal Church gay lobby. Cardinal Schönborn said about :
  • "When it comes to homosexuality, we should look more to the quality of a relationship. And also speak appreciatively about this quality. A stable relationship is certainly better than if someone is simply living out his promiscuity. "
Cardinal Schönborn even replaced a faithful pastor, by a homosexual parish council president, as in the case of the pastor of Stützenhofen:

Tactics of the Church infiltration

The tactics of the Church infiltrators seems to work:
On the one hand, homosexuality was exploited in order to get rid of Catholic Bishops and on the other, the Church in Austria is now infiltrated by homosexuals to get rid of the Catholic faith.
In the environment of Cardinal Schönborn's the attitude of a Homo-terror  is applied toward the erosion of the Catholic faith.
The left professional informers only seem  to follow in their smear campaigns against Catholic bishops and priests only to engage in endeavors within the Church that have the destruction of the Catholic faith as the only goal, because in the case of the ex-priest of Traiskirchen these hypocrites are silent.

Cesspool Vienna seminary?

Of the four seminarians who were ordained deacons in 2009 by Bishop Turnovsky, at least two  have  a lived a "weird" relationship of homosexuality: the aforementioned Fr. Fabian Vordermayer (pictured above: the left of the auxiliary bishop).
The second (now a consecrated priest) Deacon (right next to the Auxiliary Bishop of Vienna) is  Fr. Wolfgang Kimmel , beaten on again off again Catholic and priest, whom the Modernist theologian  Paul Zulehner has against introduced to the Vienna Cardinal.
In Kimmel's narrative, that he also supposedly had been  groped by Cardinal Gröer, doesn't gather any (paid) media interest any more: The sinner Hartmann was faster, history punishes the late comer.

Waste of Catholic morality

As a result of these modernist purges within the Church (with the support of the media from the outside) we come upon a suitably wicked and repulsive clergy, which sometimes even assaults children and boys -   but this irritates the conformist media much less than faithful bishops.

Questions to the church leadership

  • How come faithful, aspiring to clergy get their life  drawn into the dirty by sodomite clergy?
  • Gather or cultivate sodomite clergy in Vienna seminary?
  • And above all: how long does the Vatican still sit idly by?

Monday, December 16, 2013

Universal Pastor Hands Keys to Sneaky Fox

Edit: got these photos sent from a German site et nunc. These photos suggest a powerful connection between a rather jovial Capuchin Father Volpi (Fox) as he appears with the Holy Father after striking a deal to initiate the process against the Franciscans of the Immaculate.  Could this be the children of Godspell's last hurrah, or is it just another in a continuance of steps in the Anschluss against Catholicism by its supposed guardians?

The decisions have been made:

The new emerging order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate , an order according to the heart of Pope Benedict XVI, is being crushed..

We must be aware that this is the decision of the Pope Francis.

He makes it clear once again what he thinks of the 2000 year old tradition of the Church, especially of the traditional theology and liturgy.

As Giuseppe Nardi's correspondent writes to "The novices and seminarians are disoriented, the brothers in perpetual vows are destroyed by agony."

Here's some coverage from Remanant's Dungeon.  Basically, they acknowledge the Pope's complicity and add their voices to calls to have Father Volpi fired from his position as Apostolic Commissioner.  Matt's right about a few  things, one being prayer:

Fox photo stolen from here...

A Thank You to EF's Readers

Many of you will remember that about two and a half weeks ago I published a link begging for prayer because of a certain bind I was in and that I also invoked the aid of St. Philomena. I am pleased to report that all is well and I am certain that the prayer of you all (both on earth and in heaven) has had the salutarious effect that our Lord has promised us. Thank you.

After Rebuilding the Desolation --- Commissioner Closes Friaries of the Franciscans of the Immaculata

(Rome) After the Order revived monasteries that were abandoned by other orders, the monasteries  fall now again to degradation by the Apostolic Commissioner. A Catholic layman, who was led back to the Faith by the Franciscans of the Immaculate, sent an e-mail recently. In it, he laments the closure of a monastery of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. "I want to begin by saying that I'm a nobody and I feel as last among the faithful. But I also feel a great pain, seeng the Franciscan Friarss of the Immaculate Conception given the ax by  his hand. "
The Monastery of Sassoferrato in the Marches had been abandoned by the Franciscan Order for lack of  growth. The Franciscans of the Immaculate revived the monastery a few years ago new as they are ever thus also known for taking over  abandoned monasteries of other orders because of their numerous vocations and bringing them  to new life. At last count the  convent of Sassoferrato has 60 brothers.
The  Apostolic Commissioner Father Fidenzio Volpi being used by Rome, has now dissolved the monastery. The same fate will be met this week by the monastery of Colfano also a friary abandoned by the Franciscan Order in the Marches, which was  founded during the lifetime of St. Francis of Assisi. In July 2012, the Franciscans of the Immaculate encamped there and led the Franciscan life, which had filled the friary of Colfano for 800 years (see separate report New Monastery of the Franciscans of the Immaculate - Flowering Religious Tradition ). Now even this convent will be  dissolved by the Apostolic Commissioner. The Order of Father Stefano Maria Manelli had,  in an exceptional counter-movement to the general trend, reached vocations as  high of 800 religious  when the religious congregation intervened.
"The novices and seminarians are disoriented, the brothers in perpetual vows are being destroyed by agony,"  says the believer in his e-mail. "They are treated as if they were heretics."  It was Pope Benedict XVI., who opened access to the traditional rite of the Order as with all religious, priests and lay people. "With the arrival of a new pope,  the Order may not be as familiar to them as to  Benedict, 'someone' has gone over to the attack, with the result that is now in front of everyone to see." Now, every priest must ask permission to the to be able to celebrate the Old Rite, and if he wants to do it in front of the faithful, he must also apply for explicit permission each time. "Anyone who knows the history of the Capuchin nun Sister Veronica from Fermo or those of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, knows how strong the attack of calumny can be, to fight and brake mystics."
What can these brothers "have done that is so criminal? They pray, do penance and rebuild  abandoned monasteries again. "
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Messa in Latino

Islam or Death? -- Islamists Take 2,000 Christians as Hostages and Threaten with Being Shot

(Damascus) Two thousand Christians are hostages in the hands of the Islamists. On Saturday night the rebel Salafist Brigade Al-Nusra took the Christian town of Kanaye. Since then, they have kept the Christians of the place hostage, as the retired Bishop of Aleppo, Bishop Giuseppe Nazzaro reported. A resident of Kanaye, who escaped, called the bishop and brought him the bad news. The Islamists offer the Christians two the alternatives: Islam or death.

"Based on the information available to me, I can say that the Al-Qaeda fighters have invaded the village on Saturday. First, they occupied the church and prevented the priest from sounding the bells of the church tower and alarm to warn the Christians," said Bishop Nazzaro. He fears for the lives of Christians of Kanaye, one of the many Christian places of Syria. "The Islamists have blocked all access routes to Kanaye and Christians explained that Islamic law is now in effect in Kanaye. The Islamists threatened the Christians: If even one woman is found unveiled on the road, all Christians would be executed. People are terrorized. Communication is unfortunately broken. Today it was not possible for me to make contact. What is currently happening in Kanaye, I can not say," said the bishop.

  In Aleppo, 15 Children Were Killed

Another village was taken in 2012 in the same manner by he Islamist group Ghassanieh,  near Kanaye, in the region Idlib. The churches and holy places were looted, Christians symbols were destroyed, especially the cross. The homes of Christians were seized by the Islamists. The Christians had to give up their homes and fled. "The same fate now threatens Kanaye. We would currently be happy if we knew that the Christians could get away with their lives," said Msgr Nazzaro.

In Aleppo, the Syrian Air Force flew an attack on the rebel-controlled part of the city. In this case, 83 people were killed, including 15 children.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 image: Asianews
Trans: Tancred
Link to katholisches....

Pope Francis Confirms Cardinal Ouellet as Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops

(Vatican) Francis Pope today confirmed Mark Cardinal Ouellet as Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops. The French Canadians in 2010 was called to Rome by Pope Benedict XVI. and entrusted with the leadership of the Congregation. He was "papabile" at the last conclave.

The Congregation for Bishops is also responsible for a portion of the appointment of bishops, insofar as these do not fall as a mission area, within the jurisdiction of the Propaganda Fide.

Cardinal Ouellet is the fourth of nine prefects, who was confirmed by Pope Francis. Cardinal Piacenza, head of the Congregation for the Clergy, has been withdrawn while the other four congregations are yet awaiting decisions.

At the same time the pope appointed the Curial Archbishops Pietro Parolin (Secretary of State), Beniamino Stella (new Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy) and Lorenzo Baldisseri (new secretary of the Synod of Bishops) and the Cardinals Donald William Wuerl, Francisco Robles Ortega, Ruben Salazar Gomez, Kurt Koch, Joao Braz de Aviz and the Archbishops Vincent Gerard Nichols, Paolo Rabitti, Gualtiero Bassetti and Bishop Felix Genn of Münster as new members of the Congregation for Bishops.

To confirm the members of the Congregation are included the Cardinals Tarcisio Bertone, William Joseph Levada, George Pell, Jean-Louis Tauran, Agostino Vallini, Leonardo Sandri, Giuseppe Bertello, Giuseppe Versaldi, Zenon Grocholewski, Antonio Canizares Llovera, André Vingt-Trois, Giovanni Lajolo , Stanyslaw Rylko, Francesco Monte Risi, Santos Abril y Castello, and the Archbishops Claudio Maria Celli, José Octavio Ruiz Arenas and Zygmunt Zimowski.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi image: Vatican Insider Trans: Tancred Link to Katholisches... AMGD

Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Cross Remains in Polish Parliament -- Kulturkampf Against Anti-Christian Powers

(Warsaw) A Warsaw court rejected the demand to remove the crucifix hanging in the Polish parliament. The Christian symbol will continue to hang in the parliament hall in Warsaw, because it "violates no law." The atheistic party Ruch Palikota (Palikot Movement) still wants to continue their anti-Christian campaign and are now calling Strasbourg against the judgment.
"Even if the cross is a religious symbol, you can not ignore its importance it has as a symbol of national identity and  Polish culture" and thus "no law is violated." The Warsaw court justified its ruling that the crucifix still hangs in the Polish parliament.

Anticlerical Palikot Movement Provoked Fierce Culture War

The decision ends an ongoing dispute since 2011, which the annticlerical, left-liberal Palikot Movement had launched (for backgrounds and origin of the Palikot Movementsee the report hangover to Poland-election - "Not a good day for the protection of life" - Anti-Clerical Phantom has a Face   ). It calls for the removal of the cross from the hall of the Sejm , the first chamber of the Polish Parliament.The Cross with Corpus had been installed on the initiative of Catholic deputy after the fall of the communist regime.
The Palikot party, named for an entrepreneur,  now wants to bring their anti-Christian campaign before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. It argues that the presence of a cross in Parliament "violates the right to freedom of conscience and religion".
The Polish judiciary is of a different opinion and rejected the application. It recognizes the Christian symbol's special historical and cultural significance, which is an integral part of the Polish identity, especially as concerns the role of the Catholic Church over the past two centuries for national unity, especially during the Second World War and the Soviet occupation to in 1989.

Prime Minister Tusk welcomes Court Decision

The decision was also welcomed by the liberal-conservative Prime Minister. Donald Tusk. He stressed that the secularism of a state should not be expressed in fruitless arguments about the placement of crosses in public space. One survey found that 71 percent of Poles are in favor of maintaining the cross in parliament. However, the aggressiveness of anti-Christian groups leads to the cross are becomingthe focus of  more and more of legal proceedings. The atheists strive in numerous methods in the hope of someday finding a judge who will make a breach in their favor.
The Palikot Movement concluded in 2013 with representatives of the post-communist left alliance Europa Plus, which wants to compete with left-liberal, pro-EU positions in the European elections in 2014 and offers itself as an alternative choice  for the entire left spectrum of the left-wing Liberals to the Greens and Communists .

Historical praise of the Russian Orthodox Patriarch  for Polish Church

40 percent of Polish Catholics regularly attend Sunday mass. 90 percent of Poles regard the Catholic Church as a central factor, "unifying  the people." Recently, even the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill I of Moscow praised  the "Catholic Church of Poland" because it is "at the forefront of the European Union and  defends Christian values".An award of extraordinary importance in view of the old historical enmity that has existed between Catholic Poland and Orthodox Russians.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Asianews
Trans: Tancred

Cardinal Kasper's Mental Gymnastics and the Media Catholic With a Drained Battery

(Vienna / Berlin) Austrian Radio broadcast on Thursday about the subject of religion, two separate reports on its the website. They are a perfect cross-section of how newsrooms in secular media, including those that are subject to special public order, thinks about religion and especially about the Catholic Church. The selection of topics and their treatment reveal what kind of person is attracted to the opinion threads. In this specific case it comes to Cardinal Kasper's panning for the camp of the rebels within the Church on the subject of remarried divorcees. The Cardinal offers mental acrobatics while talking about the church that can amaze you. Add to that the comment of a Catholic Women's Representative, which belongs to those quotable Catholics tolerated in the secular media who wished to express themselves as "critical of the CHurch" and especially anti-Catholic.

Kaspers Mental Gymnastics that Henry VIII wa Made a Victim of Church "discrimination" ...

In the German-speaking world, there are voices being raised that want to let it get into open confrontation in the Church. Due to the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI. and the election of Pope Francis a climate was created that have given the aging Progressives a whiff of morning breeze. It seems like they wish to gather for a final battle in which it is all or nothing. After a first groping on various topics such as women priests, female Cardinals, lifting celibacy, the struggle is now focused on the question of admitting remarried divorcees to the sacraments. The entire progressive agenda is trying to put itself through the breach.

After the Cardinals Marx and Lehmann and the bishops Zollitsch, Ackermann and Purst, Cardina Walter Kasper now stands on the side of the rebels. The already retired, over 80 years of age and former of Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, said, according to the Hamburg weekly newspaper, Die Zeit, on the subject of remarried divorcees: "I think that changes and openings have become necessary." The paper presents the former German Cardinal as a "confidant" of Pope Francis (see also the warning to Benedict XVI about a ... Kasper -. Anti-Ratzinger Papacy in Planning ).

.... and the execution of Saint Thomas More for self-defense

The Cardinal gave to understand that he was also expecting and wishes for a "change of course" in Rome, because it must be possible for remarried divorcees, says the Cardinal to "participate fully in the Christian and ecclesial life again." The Cardinal addressed the radical intervention in the Catholic doctrine of marriage was concealed with a regard to "mercy": "What is possible with God, namely forgiveness, that should succeed even in the Church." The doctrine must not be misused to "discriminate" against individuals Österreichische Rundfunk quoted the Cardinal.

The Cardinal also played the tune, weighting Jesus' mandate against God's mercy, the mercy canceling the command as such. A new slip of the tongue, to the Pope Francis himself is not innocent in his "pastoral approach" with its focus. If you follow the thinking of Cardinal Kasper, then the Catholic Church has "discriminated" for 2000 years against the people with the sacrament of marriage. King Henry VIII was, therefore, no dissenter and the executed Thomas More and John Fisher are neither martyrs and nor saints. Henry VIII was rather the victim of a "discriminatory" Church, resisted in self-defense against his Lord Chancellor and the Cardinal, of the faithful who wanted to discriminate against him further.

Media Catholics with Batteries Drained of Catholicism

Thus, there is the second message: undereducated and mere label Catholics appear on behalf of the Catholic Church and largely determine the "Catholic" image in the secular media. Christine Haiden, the chief editor of the Church tax-financed World of Women [Welt der Frau], published by the Catholic women's movement in Austria, has once again given proof. Haiden asked in a commentary for a daily newspaper, for the "equality of men and women in all areas of the Church." This hasn't happened, so her condescending admonition with which she rose up at the same against the Pope, that all "attempts at reform" of Pope Francis would remain "superficial". "Many structural problems of the current Church - even those like rampant clericalism, of which the Pope takes note - are related to the separation of the sexes", Haiden claims to know.

In secular daily newspapers, weekly magazines and on public broadcasting only the "usual suspects" appear as guest commentators to speak on the subject of Church, except for rare exceptions. Self-declared Catholic "experts" appearing on behalf of the Church, whose testimony is mainly characterized as comprising that their Catholic battery seems to be empty all the time. So also with Haiden, who invites you to one of the usual, mindless "thought experiments": "What if a woman were Pope of a church ...". At least at this point a still reasonable Catholic has the healthy Catholic sense that to go any further is a waste of time. The author advocates for all sorts of things, just not for the Catholic faith and the Catholic Church.

Got Uppity "thought experiments" She Approaches the Apostles as a Know-It-All

The rest is just Haiden's boldly pretentious lecturing with the ever-tearful outraged, demanding, arrogant tone. And you can well imagine the many Jewish, pagan, sectarian know-it-alls during the time of Jesus and the apostles, even then, yet wanted to explain to him and to his disciples that it was all very different. How it ended for Jesus and for almost all the Apostles, we also know: And if you're not willing, then I'll use force.

Each day that such a chief editor stays longer in office with church funds and such a newspaper is published, is a day lost for Christ and a loss for the Church.

Intellectually Honest Decision Necessary: ​​Those Who do not Want to be Catholic, Should Leave

Pseudo-Catholics like Christine Haiden would do well to summon the bishop and to present a clear, accurate and above all intellectually honest alternative: either they want to be Catholic, then they have become a believer to submit to the Church's teaching, which should presented to them by the bishop with generosity and with patience, because maybe they really do not know them; or they do not want to be Catholic, then you should let them go their own free will according to their ways Le Loi, c'est moi may be a household word of the powerful, yet there are no La foi, c'est moi, neither for Haiden, nor for theologians a là Paul Zulehner or Hans Küng, nor for Cardinals as Marx, Lehmann and Kasper, not even for a pope. How to make Haiden sail under false colors to spread a poisoned propaganda to non-Catholics, is a crime before God and the faithful. It helps no wife and no family to be Catholic and to gain eternal life.

Where the contents fade and will is is obviously no longer even believed what Mother Church has taught for 2000 years, as handed to her by Christ, "structural reforms" come in the foreground and dominate the scene. But the first and only "structural" reform, which urgently addresses the misery of the Church, is to ensure that all are Catholic within who says they are "Catholic", who are in diocesan offices, associations, media, schools, seminars. Where this is not possible, the corresponding organization should be dissolved. In other words, the biggest mislabeling of all times is preparing an end, that has crept in all levels in the Catholic world. Here follows no remedy, no one should be surprised when at last competent diocesan bishops, who are in the greatest of confusion about what actually is Catholic and why the Catholic voice in the world is to weak or distorted to be heard.

Text: Martha Weinzl / Giuseppe Nardi
 image: Messa in Latino / Diocese of Linz
Trans: Tancred

Link to Katholisches...

Friday, December 13, 2013

Belgian Senate Votes For the Euthanasia of Children -- Without Age Limits

(Brussels), the Belgian Senate voted in the night to agree on the euthanasia for children today. The Belgian euthanasia law, which previously forbade euthanasia for minors, now may also be applied to very young children of any age.

With 50 votes to 17, the Belgian Senate approved the amendment. Now the House must vote on it, then the second and final vote in the Senate. Only a quarter of the senators refused to vote for euthanasia by children's consent. The Belgian euthanasia law stipulates that the patient concerned must submit a request for euthanasia to the judggment of a psychologist who will evaluate the suitability of the applicant. A child is considered with good reason as having no legal capacity, who can not vote and does not have a license. However, for the vast majority of Belgian senators, a three year old child may be able to decide to want to be euthanized.

Law to Kill Troublesome and Costly Ill Children

Therefore, critics accuse the proponents of intending to create a law for the annoying and costly, in order to be able to kill the disabled and sick children legally. The mechanisms to "protect" against abuse, are pure farce, as already is proven in a dramatic way by the euthanasia law in force since 2002 for adults. The ability to euthanize children, would not "help" the kids, but allows adults, to whom they are entrusted, to do away with them.

The Belgian euthanasia law is the most liberal in the world. The senators refused to set an age limit up to which at least one child is safe when in need of protection of his life. A five year old child suffering from "excruciating pain" or a terminal illness is in the "final phase", and can be euthanised in Belgium if the relatives are in agreement and a psychologist's judgment is obtained. The safety barriers, however, apply in practice only as "a nice facade for a murder law" (see separate reports Belgium: Child Pediatricians even in Catholic hospitals, may provide Euthanasia for Children or "My Mother was Euthanized, Even Though She Was Not Sick" - a documentary film tells the brutality of the Belgian euthanasia law and "Woman Was 'Transformed' to Man, but Felt Like a 'Monster' and was Euthanised"- Happened in Belgium ).

"New Form of Barbarism Spreads"

Ahead of the vote, several pediatricians supported the euthanizing of children. Some of these doctors are also active in Catholic children's hospitals. Other doctors warn on of the "dangerous piece of legislation which puts the safety of our seriously ill children at risk". After approval by the Senate, these doctors have accused the senators, "to have voted for a law without weighing the consequences. The value of a child's life now has a price which is set by adults, of which the children will certainly be affected in the desired sense. Sick children do not think about euthanasia. The law is therefore objectively meaningless. It would be necessary, however, to accompany the parents of these children, say the doctors, in order to oppose euthanasia.

"We have to be very concerned about the development of the Belgian euthanasia law and have every reason to be deeply troubled. The Belgian citizens seem to prefer to want an agent that prepares their lives, or the lives of others, for an end, than real pity, or readiness to help and instead to sacrifice the sick and the vulnerable in our society. With great rapidity a new form of barbarism is spreading," say the doctors against euthanasia.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi image: Wikicommons

Thursday, December 12, 2013

++Müller Complains Against the Lack of Solidarity With Bishop Tebartz-van Elst

Curial Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller: It is not Christian, "if you duck for cover from one of the dirtiest and most inhuman campaigns against a man, fellow Christian, pastor and bishop"

Passau ( / CBA / PNP / pm) Curia Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller has lamented a lack of solidarity with the Limburg Bishop Franz-Peter van Elst Tebartz again. It is not Christian, "if you duck for cover at one of the dirtiest and inhuman campaigns against a man, fellow Christian, pastor and bishop," the prefect of the Congregation of the Roman told "Passau Neue Presse" (Thursday). But he did not address his criticism in more detail.

In the affair of the construction of the Limburg diocesan center some individual German Bishops also distanced themselves from Tebartz van Elst. The Limburg Bishop has been given a time outside of his diocese pending to a decision of the Pope since the end of October for an indefinite time. During this time, a church commission shall review the allegations to the construction project on the Limburg Cathedral Hill. The administration of the diocese during the absence of the bishop has taken on behalf of the Holy See by Vicar General Wolfgang Rösch. Mueller also made a statement back to the Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx, who said the prefect of the Congregation could not end the debate on the remarried divorcees. The former Bishop of Regensburg had previously stressed in an article in the Vatican newspaper "Osservatore Romano" that the discussion on re-married divorcees, must take place in accordance with the Church's teaching. However, Müller now says, "as one can easily see, we are not to speak of a termination of the discussion, but their foundations in the teaching of Christ and the Church, which are not under discussion for a plebiscite on questions of faith". The Creed was "not to be confused with a party program that can be variably developed in accordance with the wishes of the members and voters." . A "responsible pastoral" is always built "on sound doctrine".

For a presentation of the weekly newspaper "Die Zeit", in which he has been called "the most stubborn opponents" of Pope Francis, the Prefect of the Faith kept with the words: "Rational arguments do not help against bad fantasies." For considerations of the Church critic Hans Küng to the point, Müller is shining to the fact that Benedict XVI. could act as a "shadow Pope," the archbishop explained that he was "a little proud, that is still grown in pure opposition to yours truly from a bitter opponent to an ardent supporter of the Pope". Müller continues: "What a pleasure is is to see Hans Küng still rave in his old age, to be seen by the followers of Christ and visible head of the whole Church', as it says in the Second Vatican Council."

The Prefect of the Faith issued a rejection to an initiative of priests and laymen, who aim to participate in the election of the future Archbishop of Cologne. He relied in this on Pope Francis, who again and again warns against "misunderstanding the Church as if it were an organizations made by people". When ordering bishops it doesn't involved "an ideological power struggle, power distribution and power purchased by narrowed factions which destroy the unity of the Church". Although it was important "the testimony of all that a candidate is worthy," but ultimately applies that "the bishop is chosen by Christ and appointed by the Holy Spirit"

(C) 2013 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH. All rights reserved. Trans: Tancred

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Preliminary Result of Papal Reconstruction of the Curia -- Nine Members of the Congregation for Education Dismissed

(Vatican) The conversion of the Roman Curia continues. In the Congregation for Catholic Education, there was even a small earthquake. Pope Francis dismissed the same nine cardinals who were members of the Congregation. "It is certain that the reform of the Roman Curia by Pope Francis will go in depth and therefore  their time is up," commented the Vatican expert Sandro Magister. Cardinal Maradiaga, coordinator of the C8-Cardinal Council said after the second three-day meeting last week that it needed "patience,"  cryptically adding: "Great things can not be improvised. The Church brings major problems along that affect many people. The participation of the world is so large that you have to discuss in order to arrive at a synthesis ".

Personnel Decisions of the Pope

In anticipation of the great reform of the Curia,  Pope Francis began since last August on a personal level with interventions in the Roman dicasteries. Since taking office, all Curia offices are occupied only temporarily. The prelude to the personnel decisions for the congregations were made on 31 August, the dismissal of Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone and his replacement by Archbishop Pietro Parolin in the Curia. The other leading positions in the Secretariat of State, Curial Archbishop Angelo Becciu  and substitute "Foreign Minister" Archbishop Dominique Mamberti were confirmed.
Since then, Pope Francis has made  some transfers and new appointments, the heads of three of the nine Roman Congregations. This was confirmed on 21 September, the head of the Congregation of the Faith and the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples , as well as on 30 November, the Congregation for Education.  On 21 September, however, Mauro Cardinal Piacenza was dismissed as prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy , who was replaced by Archbishop Beniamino Stella.
So far only the heads of two of the eleven Pontifical Councils have been confirmed at the moment, namely the Lay Council and of Justice and Peace . Both decisions were announced on 24 September.

Confirmations, Layoffs, Promotions

Thus, the leading heads of five Congregations and nine Pontifical Councils, and thus the bulk of the Roman Curia, are only "donec aliter providetur" and thus continue provisionally in office. This applies to the Congregation for Liturgy, the Congregation for Bishops, Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Congregation for the Eastern Churches and the Congregation for Religious. Both for the Congregation for Bishops, with the Brazilian Bishop Ilson de Jesus Montanari and the Congregation for Religious with the Spaniard Archbishop Jose Rodriguez Carballo  the Pope appointed new Secretaries, however, replacing the number two for these dicasteries. In addition, personnel cuts, layoffs, transfers and new appointments in the Vatican Bank, the economic administration of the Holy See, including the construction of new commissions, the Diplomatic Academy, the Consultants for  the liturgical office of the Pope and of the Pontifical Commission, Ecclesia Dei .

Differentiated Intervention in Congregation of Education

In particular, the  Pope has dedicated his special attention to the Congregation for Catholic Education.  As, then, the Argentine journalist Elisabetta Pique documented in her recently published book, "Francis Life and Revolution," Archbishop Bergoglio had some difficulties in 2009 with the Congregation for obtaining the approval of the appointment of Bishop Victor Manuel Fernandez, Rector of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina. Exactly two months after his election as Pope, he promoted Fernandez to Titular Archbishop. A clear message to the Church in Argentina, who stands close to the Pope and now has weight there.
In 2012 Rector Fernandez was awarded at the suggestion of Archbishop Bergoglio, an honorary doctorate from the university for his friend Rabbi Abraham Skorka. The uncontradicted statements at Skorka's  ceremony sparked criticism. (See separate report decisions in Argentina -  Bergoglio's Silence and Fernandez on Jewish Libel of the Church ).
While Pope Francis confirmed the CDF and the Propaganda Fide , the entire Pontifical Council and yet, however, no one was confirmed for the Congregation of the Clergy,  the intervention in the Congregation for Education happened differently. Some members of the Congregation were confirmed, appointed anew, others  dismissed.
The Polish Prefect, Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski,  who will turn 75 on October 2014, will be confirmed. Likewise, as secretary, the Italian Archbishop Angelo Vincenzo Zani, the French Dominican Jean-Louis Brugues were only replaced only in November 2012 by the Pope Benedict XVI. yet appointed archivist and librarian of the Holy Roman Church and as such is on the waiting list for the award of the dignity of Cardinal. At the end of February 2014, Pope Francis will appoint his first appoint cardinals.

The Newly Appointed Members: Cardinal Koch

The pope confirmed 23 members of the Congregation for Education , but dismissed eleven members and appointed eleven new. Among the newly appointed cardinals include the Brazilian Odilo Scherer of San Paolo, the American Timothy Dolan of New York, the Filipino Luis Tagle of Manila, the Swiss Kirt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, is the Kenyan John Njue of Nairobi, the Lebanese Bechara Boutros Rai, Patriarch of the Maronites and the Chinese John Tong Hon of Hong Kong. These four archbishops: the Italian Beniamino Stella, the new prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy and probably soon cardinal, the Mexican Jorge Carlos Patron Wong, new  n charge of seminaries Secretary of this Congregation, Archbishop Riccardo Ezzati Andrello of Santiago del Chile, also aspiring to the dignity of Cardinal and the Polish Marek Jedraszewski of Lodz.

The Confirmed Members: Cardinal Schönborn and Cardinal Marx

Among the confirmed members include Vienna's archbishop, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, the Honduran Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga of Tegucigalpa, who is also coordinator of the new C8 Cardinal Council,   Canadian Marc Ouellet, not yet confirmed Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, the Indian Oswald Cardinal Gracias and Archbishop of Munich and Freising, Cardinal Reinhard Marx, both also members of the C8 Council. Among them are still the Italian, Leonardo Sandri, Cardinal and the Brazilian Joao Braz de Aviz, both also not yet confirmed Prefect of the Congregation for the Eastern Church or of the Congregation of Religious. Among the confirmed members of the Congregation for Education can be found Prefect Gerhard Müller of the CDF also an archbishop, and with the Swiss Bishop Charles Morerod of Lausanne-Geneva-Fribourg a diocesan bishop.

The Dismissed Members: Cardinal Woelki

Among the eleven unconfirmed members include the Cardinals, who are over 80: Belgian Godfried Danneels, the Mexican Juan Sandoval Iñiguez and the Italian, Raffaele Farina, but also the Archbishop Emeritus of Milan, Dionigi Cardinal Tettamanzi, who  is 80 only on March 2014. The Cardinals Levada and Piacenza have not been confirmed by Pope Francis. Both were replaced by their successors. The resignation of Cardinal Levada as Prefect of the CDF was still under Pope Benedict XVI., the Bishop of Regensburg, Gerhard Müller, was appointed in his place. Cardinal Piacenza was replaced by Pope Francis as Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy by Archbishop Stella.
However, the Cardinals Stanislaw Dziwisz of Krakow and former personal secretary of Pope John Paul II, Rainer Maria Woelki of Berlin and Giuseppe Betori of Florence were not confirmed. The latter two were appointed just a year ago, after Pope Benedict XVI. had made them cardinals in February 2012.

Campaign against Cardinal Burke: "Too Conservative and Traditionalist"

The Congregation for Education after Pope Francis is therefore less Italian (minus three) and less European (minus four), but more Latin (Plus two) and Asian (plus three).
How it proceeds to the other Departments, is likely to show in the coming months. Meanwhile, the progressive National Catholic Reporter has launched a campaign with the Pope Francis, for the dismissal of the American Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke as Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, the reason being because he is "too conservative and traditionalist".So far, Pope Francis has proved very resistant to campaigns. The final decision on the confirmation or removal from office of the Bishop of Limburg Tebartz van Elst will give a final answer.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Settimo Cielo
Trans: Tancred

"Humble" Communist Baby Killer of Uruguay Legalizes Drugs

(Montevideo) Who is José Mujica, the "poor president", who is putting Uruguay on a heading for  the legalization of prenatal infanticide, drugs and "gay marriage"? Loved by the media because of his gestures of frugality and modesty, he is transforming the Latin American country into a lab for radical leftist experimentation.
José Alberto Mujica Cordano, called El Pepe, won another victory on Wednesday when the Senate in Montevideo finally legalized the cultivation and sale of marijuana. And even though the majority of the population rejects the drug legalization. Uruguay, the small state of twice the size of Austria and with 3.2 million inhabitants, pressed between the two giants Brazil and Argentina, is now in all the daily newspapers in the world. So far, the "liberalization" of the country was largely  quiet and unobserved.

The Self-Confessed Atheist with Feeling for the Right Gestures

2010, the self-confessed atheist, Pepe Mujica was elected president. In the 60s he had been connected to the communist guerrilla movement Movimiento de Liberación Nacional - Tupamaros (MLN-T), then emerged with Soviet help in most Latin American countries and exaggerated their mischief.  He sat in jail for 14 years up to 1985. In 1989 he was among the founders of the Marxist-Leninist Movimiento de Participación Popular (MPP), which he has represented in Parliament since 1994. Mujicas wife is the MPP chairman and also sits on the MPP in the Parliament.
El Pepe has assured that the marijuana legalization was not driven to deliver the land to  drugs, but "an important market to deprive drug traffickers". There is a state authority to legally grant licenses for drug cultivation and to control the sale of drugs. The sale is only possible to take place through pharmacies who apply for it and only to adults.

El Pepe the "Poor President"

Mujicas drug liberalization is only the latest of his "inventions". El Pepe, who officially claims to be a flower grower by profession, but has never really exercised a profession as a livelihood, as his critics say. Since his election as president, he embodies a radical left-wing populism. The example of a government representative, who does not aim for the general welfare, but an ideologically motivated decomposition thereof. However, he holds his revolutionary spirit as invisible as possible parading before him. Outwardly, he pays particular attention to gestures that please the media, while he prefers to make a policy on breastfeeding. This is all the more easier, like as the left state leaders "with a heart for the people" the media likes so much. They coined a number of non-political nick names and descriptions of El Pepe: gestures of humility as a modern form of "canonization" without a critical analysis of what lies behind them.
In the International lifestyle magazine Monocle, a Spiegel favorite, Tyler Brule, has called him "the best president in the world". The left Le Monde praised Mujica as "the poorest president of the World" because he still lives on his small farm and retains only a tenth of the President salary for himself. The rest he donates to organizations whose political line he supports. The left La Repubblica celebrated El Pepe few weeks ago, as "a symbol of modesty," as "Anti-Consumist and atheist, loved by the poor, hated by the rich."

From Communist Guerrilla Child Murderer

The road to the Presidential Palace was made possible by a broad leftist coalition, the Frente Amplio  (FA), whose pillars Mujicas MPP, is like the political arm of the former guerrilla movement, forming the Socialist Party and the Communist Party of Uruguay. The spectrum ranges from the left wing of the Christian to left-wing extremism. At international level, the FA is part of the Socialist International . It holds 50 of 99 and 16 of 30 seats, a slim majority in both chambers of the Uruguayan Parliament.
Since taking office in 2010, Uruguay has become the parade ground to the left of liberal society politicians. The first official act, the killing of unborn children, was legalized, against which his predecessor, Tabare Vazquez still struggles with a veto and great personal commitment. The doctor, Vazquez, stood at that time against his own Socialist Party, which he left in protest because of their position in favor of infanticide. The "poor" Pepe Mujica had no such scruples.  After his election as president, he said, he covered the murder of unborn children as the "rights of women". Today abortion is legal in Uruguay to the 12th Week of pregnancy.  Then El Pepe pushed for Uruguay to become the first South American country to legalize "gay marriage".  Now the cultivation and sale of marijuana has been legalized.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: ACI Prensa
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Decadent Monastery Still Running from the Crimes of Its Past

Josh Guimon who disappeared 11 years ago from campus.
Edit: with about 153 professed monks and shrinking, there are as many as 50 predators in the decaying and rotting Abbey of St. John's,  according to Patrick Marker.  Although the relatively smaller number of offenders has been played up by the press against Archbishop Nienstedt, relatively little attention has been given to dissident Collegeville which hosts an atmosphere of moral theological, and liturgical indifferentism.

While there are diocesan libertines demanding Archbishop Niensted's resignation, not one of them are calling for accountability where it counts.   There are  still questions about the disappearances of Josh Guimond and Jacob Wetterling, which mostly likely, are known only to the Modernist Monastery.

Let's not pretend that this kind of moral depravity doesn't walk arm in arm with the heresy of Modernism which allows these bawds to continue their monastic charade.

"I think St. John's is hopeful the media won't pay attention to this," he said.

It would be easy for the St. John's list to get lost with the others that have come out, but victim's advocates have always been interested in the names because of two very high-profile missing person's cases. St. John's college student Josh Guimond vanished from campus 11 years ago while leaving a campus party, and he hasn't been seen since. Then, there's Jacob Wetterling, who was abducted 24 years ago from nearby St. Joseph, where the local Catholic priest was Father Tom Gillespe, a Benedictine monk who, by then, had already molested a 10-year-old boy.

"He was one of the first people to visit the Wetterling's home to console the family," Marker said. "I'm not saying he did it, but I believe a full examination of facts will lead us to Josh and Jacob."

Marker believes the numbers of abusers that St. John's Abbey knows about may total at least 50 altogether. Three of the monks on the list were also on the list released by the archdiocese, meaning they also worked at parishes in the Twin Cities; however, it is important to note that Benedictine monasteries are operated separately from the archdiocese.

Read more: Critics claim St. John's Abbey still holds secrets despite list - KMSP-TV

It's a good thing these men didn't do anything like offer a Latin Mass, teach traditional Catholic doctrine on morality to the students of their "schools"  or anything like that, then they'd really be in trouble.  Seems like the only thing the people of Minnesota won't stand, is honest to goodness Catholicism.

Highest Court in India: Homosexuality is a Crime -- Cardinal Gracias: "Homosexuals Aren't Criminals"

(New Delhi) The Supreme Court of India lifted a judgment of the Supreme Court of Delhi from 2009 that legalized homosexual acts. Aberro-associations accuse Hindu, Islamic and Christian organizations to have exerted pressure to enforce the reinstatement of the ban. In contrast, Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of Mumbai took a position: "No to gay marriage, but the Christian community is against any form of discrimination. Homosexuals have the same dignity as any other person. "

The Supreme Court made ​​its decision, the law restores the punishment of the homosexual act as a "crime against nature". The highest court of India previously toppled that ruling in 2009, which decriminalized homosexual acts. "Gay" activists are now criticizing religious organizations and are condemning Hindus, Muslims and Christians, of having exerted pressure so that the prohibition is restored. Cardinal Gracias told Asianews that "the Catholic Church has never been against the decriminalization of homosexuality, because we have never considered homosexuals as criminals." [False]

Repealed Decriminalization of 2009 

On 2 July 2009, the Supreme Court had canceled paragraph 377 (crime against nature) from Delhi of the Indian Penal Code which came from the British colonial period. The Court stated that sexual acts that take place between consenting adults, are part of the private and therefore not a crime. Until then, someone could even be convicted of homosexual acts and face to up to ten years in prison, in severe cases, to life imprisonment. However, the paragraph was not in fact applied.

Shri BP Singha, a leader of the Hindu Nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), who praised the judgment, who raised his objection, because "homosexual acts are illegal, immoral and against the ethos of Indian culture."

Cardinal Gracias: "Catholic Church pays tribute to Homosexuals With Full Respect"

Cardinal Garcia emphasized to Asianews: "As Christians, we express our full respect of homosexuals. The Catholic Church opposes the legalization of gay marriage, but teaches that homosexuals have the same dignity as anyone else and condemns all forms of unjust discrimination, persecution or abuse."

Criticism of the statements of Cardinal were leveled by Christian groups such as the Christian Mission Movement. "Respect" you have to pay every man as such, but not because someone is gay, because then one would respect his homosexual acts. But they are sin. That is why the choice of words by the Cardinal are "inappropriate" and not useful for communicating the Christian faith among people who practice homosexuality.

Cardinal Gracias represents Asia in Pope Francis's C-8 Cardinals' Advisory erected last April, to advise him in the reform of the Roman Curia and the leadership of the Church.

Text: Asianews / Giuseppe Nardi image: Asianews
Trans: Tancred

NB: Cardinal Gracias is also hostile to the TLM from what we can gather from a local traditional Indian blog. It appears he has closed the TLM down there.

Link to Katholisches....

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Priest Celebrates Vigil of Marian Feast as Transvestite

(Madrid) In the Archdiocese of Santiago de Compostela a diocesan youth meeting was held on the eve of the Solemnity of Mary Immaculate Conception a diocesan youth meeting. A priest appeared here as a transvestite.

It was widely reported on the website Pastoral Santiago in the Archdiocese. Spanish historian and Catholic blogger, Francisco de la Cigoña described it as "tasteless" that a priest would dress as a woman, as you would expect from homosexual transvestites. "It may even be that the priest had the best intentions and sought access to the youth. But why is it either necessary or appropriate to dress as a woman. And certainly not for the Vigil of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception," said de la Cigoña. "Obviously, in the Diocese, some are of the opinion that this kind of Catholic youth care, is funny.... But what about the dignity of the priesthood?" Says the historian.

After de la Cigoña published his criticism and had asked the Archbishop to put the website into other hands, the images were still deleted from the Diocesan page.

You can see the slideshow here at Katholisches...