Saturday, November 23, 2013

"Who in the Catholic Camp Makes Common Cause With the Enemy?" Palmaro and Gnocchi After the Telephone Call of the Pope

(Rome) The traditionalist legal philosopher Mario Palmaro, upon whom Pope Francis bestowed a phone call on All Saints Day, and the journalist Alessandro Gnocchi, deal in their recent essay with the criticism of "Denzinger", which has been in vogue. It refers to the "Enchiridion Symbolorum" which is first published in 1854 by Heinrich Denzinger, Würzburg dogmatic theologian, as a collection of the most important teaching documents of the Catholic Church. Palmaro and Gnocchi distinguish a deep-seated aversion to this dogmatic precision, which always distinguished the Church, and considered the reasons for this aversion. The starting point here is the interview that Pope Francis had granted to the atheist Eugenio Scalfari, now deleted from the Vatican website. It is an interview that caused a lot of confusion by its content, by the uncritical absorption in some Catholic circles, by defending it against internal Church criticism and not least, because of the way it was handled by the Vatican, such as the statements of Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi and the full publication without comment by the Osservatore Romano and the website of the Holy See. The two Catholic journalists were sympathetic to the recent criticism of Pope Francis in the "Spirit of the World". Consequently, however, those who make "common cause with the enemy" in the Catholic camp should also be called out by name, who makes the Catholic camp "common cause with the enemy," according to the invitation to the Pope, because the confusion is great that many Catholics no longer know what is actually Catholic and no it is hard to distinguish friend from enemy any longer. So it shall be, that Catholics, often without realizing it, defend uncatholic positions against other Catholics who hold to the Catholic doctrine.

Pope Francis thanked Mario Palmaro for the criticism that he "needs" in a telephone conversation. Radio Maria Italy had dismissed the two Catholic journalists for their comments critical of the papacy. Whether they will be reinstated after the Pope's call, is not known. Program Director Father Livio Fanzaga justified the expulsion in recent weeks several times with counter criticism of the "Denzinger-Catholics".

Palmaro and Gnocchi's essay appeared on 20 November in the daily newspaper "Il Foglio". The intertitles were chosen by the editors.

The "Denzinger" and Half-Worldly

by Mario Palmaro and Alessandro Gnocchi

It was recorded "with joy," as is customary in the Church today, defended without ifs and buts, hermeneutisized as needed and eventually deleted from the website of the Vatican, where it was published for one and a half months: the discussion of the interview Pope Francis gave to Eugenio Scalfari. It was established with a simple click on the file. It is reliable as a whole, said the director of the Vatican Press Office, Father Lombardi, but not in some single site, even if the controversial passage on the conscience is "completely compatible with the Catechism of the Catholic Church."

"Broker no Horse Trading with God's Faithfulness" or the Church as Equidistant Mediator Between God and the World?

Although it is now stored in the file folders for a mere chronicle of events, the incident remains an indicator of a degree of confusion, which is too much even for a field hospital. It's strange that no one asked the question before, and as a precaution, if the interviewer of the Voltaire-press was a patient who came to be healed, or a not particularly well-camouflaged poisoner. Seeing what the concern of the secular interlocutor was, is a question that referred to as fundamental by Pope Francis himself in his sermon in Santa Marta last Monday. Expounding on a passage from the Book of Maccabees, the Pope warned against using the faithfulness of God to engage in horse trading, because the spirit of the world negotiates everything. But the actual state of the postmodern Church has presents itself for decades more as a neutral place for mediation instead of a fortress which is determined to resist the world. It seems to be a place where many complacent standards, methods and tools to use with which both the flattery of the world are understood also as the complaints toward the Church.

The tension of a justified rigor, which under Benedict XVI had begun to return and along with asceticism and prayer protecting from the siren songs of the world, seems to evaporate. Today, it is sufficient to call the razor-sharp but loving precision in memory, with which the Church is always expressed to faith, doctrine and morals, to be disparaged as the ideologized specialist of the Logos. Woe to those who dare to mention the great work of a deserving pioneer of dogmatic theology of Henry Denzinger: he is immediately accused of wanting to replace the gospel with the Enchiridion Symbolorum, that crystal clear compendium of the main texts of the Magisterium, which should serve as a dam, where the world challenges, provokes, negotiates and corrupts. Constantly updated over the decades, the "Denzinger" is named after its first editor, one of the safest points of reference for those who want to know and practice the always valid thinking of the Church. But he is not liked. He irritates and annoys.

Aversion to "Denzinger"? Karl Rahner Knows Why

To find out the reason for this aversion, it is sufficient to read Wikipedia. In a pathetic single line it says in the Italian version: "The great fundamental theologian, the Jesuit Karl Rahner, warned students and scholars of the danger of a reductionist, Denzinger theology." When you consider that the inventor of the theory of the "anonymous Christians" has replaced St. Thomas Aquinas in the Church of today as Doctor Communis, the general dislike of the "Denzinger" of course becomes understandable, which is a severe judge against anyone who the likes to abandon it for some quite personal encounter with the Gospel. Somehow, the issue of personal conscience is coming back to the surface, which Rahner, a brother of Pope Francis, that concepts are believed with difficulty that has been made into a ​​school without a doubt and that: Everyone follows his own conscience, whether it because he thinks he has to be Christian or non-Christian, or because he thinks he's an atheist or a believer, such an individual is accepted and accepted by God and can reach that eternal life, which we call in our Christian faith, the professed goal is for all people. In other words, the grace and justification, the unity and communion with God, the way to have eternal life, everything is just a hurdle only people's bad conscience.

Before the Gospel such a thought can't be anything else, than a revision shying away from the compelling austerity of "Denzinger", which is the compelling austerity of the Church. The Catholic Faith can not just be settled by a personal encounter with the Gospel itself. The Dominican Roger Thomas Calmel explains the why in the "Short Apologetics of the Eternal Church": "There is a strong interaction between the Scriptures and the Conciliar texts and the Catechism. So we change from the reading of the Old and New Testaments to the definitions of the Councils or the popes in order to understand the exact content of the true meaning of the holy texts. Then we return from the Councils and the Catechism back to the Scriptures to never lose the living, concrete, supernatural, inexhaustible text from the eyes, the necessary precision and the depth of the mystery is expressed in the texts of the Church's Magisterium."

Truth of Faith Incomprehensible for Modern People?

The war against the "Denzinger" and thus against the harmonious exposition and concretization of the eternally valid teaching of the Church, has come a long way. It is no coincidence, says Rahner, that the "pronouncements of the traditional faith are not suitable to a large extent, at least as regards the first and most important thing: the proclamation of the faith." Specifications such as "God consists of three persons" or "we are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ," were "for the modern man simply incomprehensible". They would convey the same impression as the mythology of a religion of yesteryear. According to the Jesuit theologian, Jesus, who Lazarus was raised from the dead, has the same taste for modern man as Heracles, Hydra, or Theseus, who defeated the Minotaur. Therefore, nothing else than to reform the Annunciation remains, to adapt to the wavelength of modernity and to transpose the words for the needs of the new audience.

Giuseppe Siri, a cardinal, who was elected pope, grasped the question with a brilliant clarity when, he wrote in "Gethsemane": "With the beginning of secularization the great death began: the world contains the forces for full development of the human and is also the environment in which the purpose of human life must be achieved, and it would therefore be sufficient to abolish the distinction between the sacred and the profane, between the Church and the world." The diagnosis was thought to be acquiescence, as confirmed by Edward Schillebeeckx, who said in 1970: "In Christ, it is now possible to say Amen to the reality of the world and to consider it as a cult, because since the appearance of Jesus the perfection of God lives on earth."

Church as a Field Hospital: But in Effect, There Are The Doctors Who Cure the Patient and Those who Euthanize Him

If the world is the object of the new cult, it is obviously impossible to encounter her in any conflict. The American bishops, who resist Barack Obama, so of course do not follow Rahner and Schillebeeckx. But hundreds of Jesuits with their Catholic universities and hundreds of rebellious nuns say Amen to the U.S. President and perform the worship of the world. The real problem of the field hospital, it is therefore to identify and distinguish who it distributes the salutary medicine and on the other hand who euthanizes the patient.

If it is true that the worldly spirit even tempts God's faithfulness to negotiate, as the Pope said in his homily, then you should also have the courage to say who makes common cause with the enemy in the Catholic camp. It is not possible to point the finger to the flattery of the world, but to tolerate Rahner, who says: "With the progress of the history of grace, the world will become more independent, mature, profane and must think to realize itself. This growing historical worldliness (...) is not a misfortune that obstinately resists grace and the Church, but in the way grace slowly realizes itself in creation."

In the wake of ambiguous and obsessive "primacy of the word" and the Lutheran sola fide, the church has come so far that it is reflected in the perverted horizon of Pelagianism, denies the sin and celebrates the world.

The result is in any case a weakening of tradition and its mission as Mater et Magistra. The free conscience, subjectivism, the sola scriptura, take control and undermine the importance of the bishops and the Pope. The logical framework of this operation is, however, feebly expssed because it is tradition that precedes the word and defines it. It is the Church that determines what the Holy texts are and how they are to be interpreted. A fact that makes it ultimately impossible to label Christianity as a "religion of the book," a misunderstood term that has entered from Protestantism to the Catholic Church. The church is historically and logically in written advance and therefore, Cardinal Siri said, "whoever makes tradition subjective, undermines the Scriptures."

The Eternal and Unique Beauty of the Catholic Church

The eternal and unique beauty of the catholicity consists in the ability to put together all these elements and harmonize. In the constant tension between reason and mystery, between worldly desire and heavenly, there is an impression in patience, in which the magmatic and formless creature prays to rise again like a butterfly from pupa. For to know the doctrine, he is called to love and follow by one agrees with its forms and definitions, and she accepts. There are prayers according to formulations that were formulated by unfathomable inspiration, but with precision, from others. Then it fulminates, away from feelings, digressions, unnecessary speeches and without one iota too much, what is granted by the happiness on this earth, a whisper, a practice and life instead of prattling: "Whoever gives many speeches does not benefit the soul", teaches the Imitation of Christ, "but a good life gives strength to the spirit".

The Annunciation to Mary by St. Luke the Evangelist, would not produce in the praying soul the same tension for the God bearer, as St. Ambrose preached, had not the Council of Ephesus in 431 so permeated and defined the truth in teaching the Virgin as Theotokos, Mother of God. There it is, if anyone does not confess that Emmanuel is God in truth and the Holy Virgin is therefore Theotokos because she gave birth to the incarnate, Who came from word of God according to the flesh, let him be anathema. The Christians loved nothing more than this clarity. "All the people of the city waited from morning to evening on the decision of the Holy Synod," says the Saint Cyril of Alexandria, who was instrumentally involved in bringing about the decision. "When we stepped out of the church, we were escorted to our accommodation. It was evening, the whole town was illuminated, women went ahead with incense. Those that flew to His name, the Lord showed His omnipotence."

To those who read it, who read it in a loving interaction with Scripture, which is told in "Denzinger" these testimonies of history and thus nourishes the righteous life, which in turn nourishes the spirit. This is the life of the Church, which flows through the centuries and gives them shape, it is the tradition, which always anew and imperiously, knocks on the soul and calls it to make a decision.

There is no Alternative to the Fight Against the Spirit of the World

There is no alternative to the fight against the spirit of the world. The temptation, even to negotiate the faith and faithfulness of God, one can only oppose the immutability and eternal validity of the Magisterium. For its entire life, the church has done this by disputing the world of time and space, the two dimensions in which tradition unfolds. The definitions that are collected in "Denzinger" were passed without change over the centuries, they came up with no change to the farthest ends of the earth and of faith. These pages, which you can so easily purchase in bookstores today, put the most adventurous way back through all the continents, as Arold Innis told in his epic work of Empire and Communications (Oxford 1950). They traveled on parchment, "heavy support", suitable for the preservation of unchangeable and eternally valid religious truth as opposed to what went on papyrus and paper, "ephemeral carriers", as they are preferred in secular bureaucracy, transitory and illusory.

Thus the Church of Rome has announced the kingdom of Christ and won from soul to soul for souls of simple and more sophisticated intelligence, but all require the same food. If the Blessed John Henry Newman had not seen the truth expressed in constant statements in space and time, he would never have had the strength and the desire to leave the Anglican community in order to belong to the Church of Rome. In his Apologia, explained the Cardinal, as he only made ​​the big move back home when he became aware that the arguments of the Anglicans against the Council Fathers of Trent were the same that were also raised against the Fathers of Chalcedon, and that to condemn the popes of the 16th century, meant to also condemn the Popes of the 5th Century. The drama of religion, the struggle between truth and error was always the same. The principles and procedure of the Church today are the same as those of the Church of that time. The principles and procedure of the heretics of that time are the same as those of the Protestants of today. "I have noted with horror," said Newman.

But the Church can not have a soul alone before a truth, which could frighten. Each offers them the strict and gentle caress of the Rite. The tradition of the people is becoming through a sacred poem, in its catholicity, which has its heavenly expression in the Eucharistic Celebration as Domenico Giuliotti writes: "It is the Holy Mass, and not the Divine Comedy, which is really sacred', applied to the heavens and the earth have on hand (...) God, the Trinity, and all the angels form the argument. The conversion, which renews the Incarnation, is the highlight of this immense mystery. And the priest is at the same Thaumaturge and Poet". The radiance of the heavens to the earth, tradition and liturgy are almost consubstantial even in the method by which the people have contributed to their formation. While one is the repertory of thought, purified from all that is purported not to be definitely divine, the other is the composition of gestures and words unchanging, free from all that is human.

The Church has always Forgave the Sinner. Forgives Sin Today?

There are two approaches to the same world where everyone always gets what is due to him, wherever he is located and in whatever age he lives. On earth there is nothing fairer. John Henry Newman explained this with gentle precision in his novel Loss and Gain (London, 1848), when he describes the thoughts and impressions of the young main character who attends a Catholic Mass for the first time. At that time, the same doctrine and the same liturgy were good for all, for the saints and for sinners, for the living and for the dead, for the Romans and the barbarians. There was still not that complaint, which Nicolas Gomez Davila should perceive later: "The Church once forgave sinners, now It has decided to forgive sins."

Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: publisher / Polis (assembly)
Trans: Tancred

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Did Pope Francis Condemn the Catholic Protest Against a Syncretistic "Memorial Liturgy" in Buenos Aires? A Riddle.

(Rome / Buenos Aires ) there is currently quite a mystery to an alleged condemnation. Pope Francis is supposed to have  "condemned the interference in a memorial service in Buenos Aires commemorating the 1938 November Pogrom" to a representative of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) which the Catholic press agency reported in German-speaking countries, citing the World Jewish Congress. Young Catholics protested on 12 November in Buenos Aires with a statement against the profanation of the cathedral by a syncretistic Jewish-interfaith "memorial liturgy" (see separate report Young Catholics protest against "misuse" of the Cathedral of Buenos Aires to Jewish "commemorative liturgy" ). On the part of the Vatican, however, there is not even any confirmation of these declarations, even an acknowledgment of the audience.

According to the World Jewish Congress on Tuesday Pope Francis received Claudio Epelman from the Latin American Jewish Congress (LAJC).  Epelman was participating at a meeting of the International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz (KAICIID) on Monday and Tuesday in Vienna.

According to the World Jewish Congress, the Pope told to Epelman: "aggression can not be an act of faith." A statement that the WJC placed on its website described the "vociferous protest," meaning the Rosary in Buenos Aires. In addition, the WJC said the Pope affirmed that Christians "must not preach intolerance" and such "militancy must be overcome." The World Jewish Congress reaffirmed its opinion that the "followers of the SSPX" had acted to "disturb" the memorial.

Claudio Epelman, has been "friends" with Bergoglio since his time as Archbishop of Buenos Aires, and praised the clear words of the Pope in the past condemned anti-Semitism, says the WJC.

So far the description only comes from the World Jewish Congress on its website. The message was only accepted in the Catholic area of the Catholic media in the German language, as well as of the German editors of Vatican Radio. Other editors of Vatican Radio have not accepted the message, neither the Italian or Spanish-speaking Catholic media. Also Pagina Catolica, which had called the protest against the Jewish-interfaith "worship", yet knows nothing of a statement of the Pope regarding the incident in the cathedral.

On the official website of the Vatican there is no indication of an audience. Epelman is neither included in the audience list, nor is there from any confirmation that the Holy See had an audience and even less of a statement about the contents. According to the Vatican, Epelman was received by Pope Francis, along with other religious leaders shortly after the conclave on 20 March as a member of the delegation of the World Jewish Congress on 2 September ( see separate report ).

As LAJC-General, Epelman had condemned the protest and the prayer of the young Catholics last week. He spoke of an expression of "fundamentalism and intolerance." He accused the young Catholics of the "fanaticism" and accused them of wanting to have prevented the "memory of the murder of six million Jews," and that they would "deny the existence of others." However, the declaration of the young Catholics was te exact opposite.
Archbishop Poli With Other Confessions and Religious
 Representativesat the Jewish Inter-religious Memorial Liturgy

The incident made clear that in addition to political and religious complexes within the Catholic Church there seems to be some confusion. Likewise, that between religions, despite the officially maintained dialogue, there is little mutual understanding. Amazingly, the Jewish side, where at least a certain astonishment would be expected on why a Jewish commemoration with a "worship" takes place in of all things in a Catholic context, must immediately assume anti-Semitism, while the young Catholics are not concerned with a Jewish, but a Catholic question. It was not about the non-Catholic "guests" who came to the cathedral, but the Catholic Archbishop, who presented the cathedral for a non-Catholic event. The young Catholics had previously asked the Archbishop unsuccessfully in writing and with a public appeal, to not open the church for a non-Catholic "liturgy". The incident reveals a lack of willingness to dialogue by the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, facing the faithful. He also demonstrated unwillingness to address the Catholic and non-Catholic participants of the "memorial service" to acknowledge the written statement distributed to the attention of young Catholics. The "memory" of 12 November also raises the question of whether the officially maintained upper-level inter-religious dialogue is on the right track in the details. Even so it is astonishing, is the reflex with which the German-speaking Catholic media immediately adopted the ultimately anti-Catholic message of the World Jewish Congress. A reflex that perhaps would require an inquiry.

Maybe tomorrow you can learn from the mouth of Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi more about the alleged statements by Pope Francis' Claudio Epelman, if an audience had ever taken place.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Photo: Info Catolica
Trans: Tancred
  Link to katholisches....

Pontifical High Mass in Vienna’s Karlskirche

(Vienna) On the Memorial of St. Charles Borromeo the  Bishop of Chur, Vitus Huonder, celebrated a Pontifical High Mass in the Saint Charles Church consecrated in Vienna on November 4th. The Mass was offered in the magnificent Baroque church  in the awe-inspiring sacred liturgy of the Immemorial Rite, in which the worship of the Triune God and the realization of the bloodless sacrifice of the Cross of Jesus Christ are commemorated.
This was organized by Una Voce Austria.  There   Mass for five voices was performed by Giovanni Rovetta. The chorale was sung according to the Gradual Medicaeum.  In 1713 during the great plague, the Viennese Emperor Charles VI., promised his patron saint, Saint Charles Borromeo,  who also undertook the pastoral care of plague victims as cardinal and brought them Holy Communion, to build a Church.
It was built according to plans by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach.  The church was consecrated in 1738.  It has been cared for ever since by the Knights of the Cross with the Red Star, founded in Prague in 1233. From 1783 to 1918, the Emperor exercised itself the right of patronage.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Una Voce Austria

Mario Palmaro on the Criticism of Pope Francis, the Society of St. Pius X, the Situation of the Church and his Illness

(Bologna) on All Saints Francis Pope grabbed the phone and called one of his harshest critics, the legal philosopher Mario Palmaro. The occasion was his criticism, but also a serious disease that weighs Palmaro down. A few days prior to the call ( see separate report ),  an interview with Mario Palmaro was published for the weekly newspaper for pastoral matters "Settimana” run by the Order of the Society of the Heart of Jesus, or Dehonians as they are popularly known. The Order and its publications represent a progressive spearhead in Italy, the more astonishing it is that and interview with a representative of the “other side” was published from this newspaper. This explains the introduction, the interview prefaced the Dehonian Priest Prezzi Lorenzo, editor of Dehonian Paper, "Testimoni". The first publication was in “Settimana", # 38 of 27 October 2013. Here is the full interview in English (From Nardi’s Italian-German translation). The intertitles were given by the Journal of Dehonians.

The Testimony of the Traditionalists - Interview with Professor Mario Palmer

Perhaps our readers will be amazed both by the interlocutor as well as about the contents of this interview. The lawyer and bioethicist Mario Palmaro belongs to the realm of traditionalist Catholics. As for what concerns the responses, it would be faster if we say what we share than to say what we do not share. It seems nevertheless appropriate to give to some other ecclesiastical sensibility to the word because, first, the dialogue requires its practical application within the Church and outside, so that the parts of the truth of the other will not be lost, because in the moment, when institutional discussions falter, the communities of faith must accept all. Palmaro, together with Alessandro Gnocchi wrote an article entitled: "The Pope Does not Like Us." We and the Christian people like him a lot. Nevertheless, and this counts, is the view of common faith and pietas before the trials in a life, which he writes about in his last response. (-Lorenzo Press)

The Lefebvrians Missed Opportunity

Professor Palmaro, you (and the Church world that you represent in some way) rightly supported the attempt by Benedict XVI., to bring the "schismatic" Lefebvrian movement back into the comunio. But when the General Chapter refused to give the invitation of the Holy See a positive response in May 2012, then what attitude you have taken? How do you judge the attitude of that movement now?

Although I never followed it, I had the good fortune a few years ago closely to get to know the Fraternity of St. Pius X founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Together with the journalist Alessandro Gnocchi, I made the decision to go himself to see with my own eyes this world and then to describe in two books and some articles. I must say that many prejudices I harbored, proved to be unfounded. I have met many good priests, sisters and brothers who are facing a serious Catholic life and are equipped with a cordial and open humanity. I also was very favorably surprised by Msgr Bernard Fellay, the bishop at the head of the SSPX, a good man of great faith. We discovered a world of laymen and priests who pray each day for the Pope, even though they decided to take a critical position, particularly in the area of ​​liturgy, ecumenism and religious freedom. We saw a lot of young people, many vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and we saw a lot of "normal" Catholic families who frequent the Society. Priests in his cassock pass through Paris and are approached by people on the street, they ask for words of comfort and hope.

We know very well the diversity of the contemporary church in the world, that is the fact that today when someone says to be Catholic, it does not mean that he follows the same doctrine. The heterodoxy is widespread and there are sisters, priests, bishops, theologians who openly attack or deny parts of Catholic doctrine. For this reason, we asked ourselves: How can it be that in the church is room for everyone, except for those in all our Catholic brothers who are absolutely loyal to the 20 of 21 Councils that have taken place in the history of Catholicism?

As we wrote the first book, the news came that Benedict XVI. had lifted the excommunications: a historic decision. There remained the question of the canonical recognition of the Society. Pope Benedict attached great importance to this reconciliation, which has not initially specified. I am of the opinion that in the pontificate of Benedict XVI. there was an historic opportunity for the full reconciliation and that it is really a pity that this train was allowed to pass.

I have always been of the opinion that the SSPX must do everything humanly possible for their canonical recognition, but add that it follow that Rome offer clear guarantees of respect and freedom to Bishop Fellay and his faithful, especially with regard to the celebration of Vetus Ordo and as for the doctrine taught at the seminaries of the Society, which is the Catholic doctrine of all time.

Defensive Aggression

The full support by Benedict XVI. now does not seem to apply to Pope Francis. If one accepts the Popes, or “chooses” one for themselves? What represents the papacy today?

Whether people "like” the pope is completely irrelevant in the two thousand year old logic of the Church: the Pope is the Vicar of Christ on earth and must please our Lord. This means that the exercise of his authority is not absolute, but subordinate to the doctrine of Christ, which is found in the Catholic Church, in Her tradition, and is nourished by the life of grace through the sacraments. This means that the Catholics may be critical of the Pope himself and criticize under the condition that this is done out of love for the truth and that the tradition, the Magisterium is used as a standard gauge. A pope who would contradict a predecessor in matters of faith and morals should be criticized without doubt. We must be against both the secular logic and suspicious of a pope, assessed according to the good pleasure of the democratic majority, as well as to the temptation of a papolatry, according to a "the Pope is always right". In addition, we are accustomed for decades to criticize destructively dozens of popes of the past, by applying the small historiographical seriousness of the day. So there is no apparent reason why the reigning popes should be immune from all forms of criticism. When Boniface VIII and Pius V is evaluated, why doesn’t that also go for Paul VI. or Francis?

On websites and in magazines that are particularly connected to (recent) tradition, a very aggressive statement is frequently observed. Is that true? What determines this? How do you assess that?

The attitude of some of the individuals or groups connected to tradition is a serious problem and can not be denied. One explanation advanced is that truth without love is a betrayal of truth. Christ is our way, our truth and our life, so we have to take Him as a model, who was unbeatable in the truth, always inflexible, and in love. I think the world of tradition is sometimes pointed and polemical for three reasons: First, because of a certain syndrome of isolation that they can be suspicious and resentful, and it is also expressed by problematic personalities; Second, because of the sincere scandal, the specific directions of contemporary Catholicism provokes in those who know the doctrine of the Popes and the Church well up to the Second Vatican Council; Third, because of the lack of love that is shown by the official catholicity towards these brothers on the day, who are entitled with a contemptuous tone as "traditionalists" or " Lefebvrians”, in which one forgets, that in the Church they are definitely much closer than any other Christian denomination, or even any other religion. For the official Catholic media this reality of hundreds of priests and seminarians isn’t worth devoting a line, while devoting entire pages to some thinkers who have not once said anything remotely Catholic.

Against Modernism

As you commented, the Vatican statement for the Franciscans of the Immaculate, they demanded the right to conscientious objection of religious against these liturgical arrangements. How is religious obedience applicable to the spiritual family? How would a conscientious objection be classified in the tradition of the Syllabus?

The matter of the Franciscans of the Immaculate in my opinion is very sad. There is a definite measure for provisional administration of Rome, which was met with unusual haste, and also inexplicable severity. Since I know this good religious family, I consider this decision to be completely unwarranted and I have submitted along with other scholars a kind of appeal to the Vatican. I am reminding with succinctness in mind that this measure “dismissed” the founder and prohibits the celebration of the Holy Mass in the Old Rite for all the priests of the Congregation and this is in open contradiction to what the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI. had mandated. You rightly suggest: the resistance to the lawful authority always provides problems for the instruction of Christians, more so if he is a member of a religious family. Still, in this case there are obviously unacceptable aspects and I am of the opinion that the priests should continue to celebrate among the Franciscans of the Immaculate Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form, in the Vetus Ordo, thereby ensuring that bi-rituality should, to the extent I know, be practiced by the brothers. I would add that everything else is as nice, to have to apprehend, how to go with the thousand of a thousand problems and rebellions that shake Church, a Church in which congregations are in glorious dissolution for lack of vocations, one then goes to beat Franciscans of the Immaculate, who have many vocations around the world.

What do you think are the most obvious boundaries of the Catholic "Council"-sensitivity (or "liberal" sensibility, if you prefer)? What are its most visible weaknesses?

The basic problem is in my view the relationship with the world, which is characterized by an attitude of subservience and dependence, almost as if the Church would have to adjust to the whims of the people, as we know, however, that it is the person who is the shall adjust the sake of Christ the King, and the history of the universe. When Saint Pius X. sternly rebuked Modernism, he wanted to beat this deadly temptation for the catholicity of changing doctrine to satisfy the spirit of the world. Since humanity is in the clutches of a process of dissolution that was unleashed by the French Revolution and has continued with the modern and the postmodern, the Church is challenged more than ever today, to resist the spirit of the world. There have been many decisions undertaken in the Church during the last 50 years, however, there are symptoms of resilience: the liturgical reform has constructed a Mass for today's sensibility by the destruction of a rite in force for centuries by an entirely on the word, of the assembly and the was created to trade orientation on participation and pushed back the centrality of the victim; the insistence on a universal priesthood, which emptied the ordained priesthood and led to depress generations of priests and a unprecedented crisis of vocations; the Church's architecture has produced anti-liturgical monster, the de facto abolition of the last things, but where the question of the salvation of souls (and the threat of eternal damnation) this is the only supernatural argument that distinguishes the Church from a philanthropic organization; and so on.

Be Holy

The believers are united in essence, but differ on the issues discussed. But all are called to respect and to accompany those who are marked by suffering and burdens of life. How does one's spiritual sensitivity when suffering - as it happens to you - encounters the violence of our days?

The first thing, is a disease that shocks us, that it falls on us without notice and at a time we do not determine. We are at the mercy of events and can do nothing but to accept it. The serious illness forces us to be aware that we are truly mortal. Even if death is the safest thing in the world, modern man tends to live as he would never die. By disease he understood for the first time that the lifetime is below a breath of wind. You can feel with chagrin, that that masterpiece of holiness God desires could never be managed. One sensesa deep desire for the good, that you would be able to do, or to avoid the evil that you want to have been able to avoid. You look at the cross and understand that this is the heart of faith, that without sacrifice catholicity does not exist. Then you thank God that he made you Catholic, a "very small" Catholic, a sinner, but the Church has a caring mother.

The disease is therefore a time of grace, but often the vice and meannesses remains which has been with us for a lifetime, or even worse. It is as if the agony would have been applied and you fight the destiny of the soul, for their own salvation nobody can be sure.

On the other hand, through the disease I was able to get to know an impressive number of people who want good for me and pray for me, families who pray in the evening with the rosary with their children for my recovery, and I have no words to describe the beauty of this experience. It is a preview of God's love in eternity. The biggest pain I feel, is the idea of ​​having to leave this world. I like it so much, that is so tragic but at the same time so beautiful, to let go of so many friends, my relatives, and especially to leave behind my wife and my children, who are still children. Sometimes I imagine how my house, my empty office and life will go, even if I am no more. It is a painful, but very realistic idea. It makes me understand that I was an unprofitable servant, and I am, and that all the books I have written, all the lectures I held and the articles I have written, are ultimately only straw.

But I hope for a merciful Lord and that other parts of my work, my aspirations and my struggles to pick up and carry on, to continue the eternal duel.

Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Concilio e Postconcilio
Trans: Tancred
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Scottish Priest Being Bullied for Writing Book About Gomorrist Bullying

Edit: Father Mathew Despard has been suspended for only putting in writing what so many of us already know.  The book, available on Amazon, is in part about homosexual bullying in the Catholic Church.  Father was outside the parish church before a Mass in which the Bishop announced his decision to bully the priest.  The People of God expressed their opinion of this injustice by walking out of the church.

The book has been removed from Amazon in the UK.

Of course, we've been talking about homosexual bullying for a while now here on this blog.

The furious congregation of a church has walked out in protest after the suspension of their parish priest.

Only a handful of parishioners remained yesterday to take mass at St John Ogilvie's Church in High Blantyre with Archdiocese of Motherwell acting Bishop Joseph Toal after Father Matthew Despard was removed from his ministry the night before.

Before they went into church, people signed a petition calling for the reinstatement of Father Despard, suspended for writing a controversial memoir that claimed there is a culture of homosexual bullying in the Catholic Church.

When Bishop Toal, accompanied by Father William Nolan, tried to take mass, Geraldine Penches said she wanted to make a statement, and received a roar of applause from the congregation in a packed church.

Her short statement referred to Father Despard as "a very honest man" and said: "This is more scandal to rock the Catholic Church which has to be hushed up.

"Because Father tells the truth he is removed from his priestly duties. We the people are the church, not the bishops. When people said on Saturday night they wouldn't return, the Bishop said we'll close the church. I don't think Pope Francis would be very pleased with that."

Imgage and story...

Order book on

Also read 

[Scottish News] “The Catholic Church here in Scotland, and I am ashamed to admit this, has justified itself to Catholic papers by telling lie after lie, denying charges that are true, and claiming they have been defamed when the facts reported in the press are quite simply true.”

The priest’s shocking revelations will be another blow to the Church hierarchy, already reeling from the claims that Cardinal O’Brien tried to seduce a number of trainee priests.

The 74-year-old quit as Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh after the accusations by former and serving priests emerged.

Fr Despard says in his book that he was the victim of inappropriate approaches during his time as a seminarian.

Scotland is Introducing "Gay Marriage", Although the Majority is Against -- Even "Jedi Marriage"

(Edinburgh) On Thursday, the Scottish Parliament will vote on the recognition of "gay marriage". There is little doubt that the bill has  a majority in Parliament, although a clear majority of Scots is against it. Thus Scotland follows the specification of the British Prime Minister David Cameron, who has already  legalized "gay marriage".
According to Daily Mail, 86 of the 128 MPs want to vote for the bill, which is thus directed to the appropriate Commission. This will work out the details and in a year as the House will make a final decision about it.

The End of Freedom of Speech

According to the initiative committee for the protection of marriage and family Scotland for Marriage,  the new law will restrict freedom of expression.  Limitations on fundamental and human rights of free speech for opponents of "gay marriage": "The promises of the government to guarantee the freedom of expression of those who oppose the law have proven to be empty words. It takes  clear, unequivocal and legally established safeguards to protect the civil rights of the majority of Scots who do not want this bill. "

Majority of Scots against "Gay Marriage"

Parliament wants to pass a law that is rejected by a large majority of Scots.  In the largest poll ever conducted in Scotland, more than two thirds of the 77,000 respondents were against the introduction of "gay marriage". The opinion has not effected the political level. There is hardly a party that can escape the gay [Gomorrist] ideology.  Scotland Prime Minister Alex Salmond, a Leftist Nationalist  wants to sign  the government bill into law.

Jedi wedding

In order to legalize "gay marriage", the definition of marriage needs to be changed. Thus begins a domino effect that destroys the legal foundations of marriage and therefore the family. In addition to the recognition of Church and civil weddings and registered partnerships, there a third category is to be created which may be called "Belief Marriage " . The National Presbyterian Church of Scotland protested the "arbitrariness" and described the introduction of a third category as "non-sense". This third category can make any arbitrary claims for rite, which is why Scotland there is  talk of "Jedi Marriage".   If the "Jedi believers" created their own wedding ceremony, it would be acknowledged, relying on the new Scottish marriage definition.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons
Translation: Tancred


Archbishop Criticizes Gender Ideology: "Direct Path to Self-Destruction"

(Warsaw) Polish bishop finds clear words against the gender ideology and is showered with insults from anticlerical circles. The gender ideology is the "direct path to the self-destruction of our civilization."

The Polish Archbishop Marek Jedraszewski of Lodz defended the differences and complementarity of man and woman at a meeting with young people. The Archbishop tried to reject the attempt to flatten "the great and unique differences between man and woman that God thought of so wonderfully."

"2050 Whites Will be Put on Reservations": "They are planning that they will cease to exist of their own desire."

The archbishop said he could well imagine if the gender ideology should prevail, that "the few who continue to hold to the fact that man and woman are indeed equal as human beings and are fully equal in dignity, but have a different sex, and that's a good thing, will be put as Indians are in reservations by 2050." Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski is known for his vivid and clear language. He told young people at a youth catechesis in Pabianice near Lodz about the importance of accepting one's own gender and to defy every misanthropic egalitarianism.

Gender ideology is an "extremely dangerous ideology"

The former theology professor had put the gender ideology at the heart of his speech, "which has become fashionable in recent years. To be exact, it's the only valid ideology according to political correctness," said the Archbishop. The gender ideology is an attack against "gender identity" of man as male and female and for an attack against the family and the generation of children. "It is an extremely dangerous ideology that leads directly to the death of our civilization," said Msgr Jędraszewski. He could therefore imagine, if he also hopes not to experience it personally, that the few surviving whites, the smallest of the other races here in Europe will be presented as a sensation in 2050. "Behold how the people looked, who once lived there and those who have ceased existing at their own request, because they did not accept themselves biologically." The problem is mainly a problem for Europeans and thus it is also to be found in North America and Australia.

"After Us,  May Come  the Deluge" By Gender Ideology

The denial of God is unmistakable behind the gender ideology, and it is the base engine of this "ideology of self-destruction." For it is God who "created man as man and woman," said Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski. "He created them for a life together, not that each go his way, and not for homosexuality, but for the second unit, for marriage, so that they beget children, continue to give life and rule the world. Then perhaps the deluge might come after us," said the archbishop.

The speech by Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski of Lodz led to savage attacks against Church representatives. Anti-Church papers shower him with criticism and personal attacks. Considering the reception of what the Archbishop says, the Metropolitan had obviously hit the mark.

Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski was born in 1949 in Poznan. After his consecration, he worked in pastoral ministry and as a professor of theology. In 1997 Pope John Paul II appointed him auxiliary bishop of Poznan. In 2012 he was made Archbishop of Lodz by Pope Benedict XVI.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred
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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Facts About the Intervention in Buenos Aires

Edit: because most of the other reportage is so woefully inaccurate and frankly spiteful, and that if you google this story, this is nowhere in sight, it seemed appropriate to post this link and a brief excerpt. Unless we demonstrate our love for the truth with a public witness and fight for it, it can't be worth much.  Our unwillingness to do things like this, in our opinion, is why we've lost so much in the past, and there's a long tradition of this sort of thing in Argentina where the Church was once much more healthy than it is today.

In reaction to some inaccurate reporting by the Associated Press on a demonstration during an ecumenical inter-religious event in the Catholic cathedral of Buenos Aires in Argentina, SSPX.ORG interviewed Fr. Christian Bouchacourt, District Superior of South America, to offer some clarifications on the matter, which we make available here.

Demonstration in Buenos Aires Catholic cathedral — the facts

The Jewish community has played an important part in Buenos Aires since the city’s foundation. In 2012, Cardinal Bergoglio (now Pope Francis), hosted in the Cathedral of Buenos Aires an inter-religious prayer ceremony that includes representatives of the Jewish community as well as Methodist, Lutheran and Presbyterian churches to commemorate the 1938 Kristallnacht and the deportment of Jews into concentration camps. During the first ceremony held in the Catholic cathedral and organized by the Jewish group, B’nai, B’rith, Rabbi Alejandro Avruj joined the ceremonies, lighting the menorah with Bergoglio and presenting him with a siddur.
The Argentina cathedral once again hosted the inter-religious ceremony on Tuesday, November 12th, during which a small group of around 50 Catholics prayed the Rosary before the evening’s ecumenical event began. One of the men also took the opportunity to use an open microphone to denounce the inter-religious act in a Catholic cathedral.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Schönborn’s Most Appealing Pastor Goes to Court

Fr. Vordermayer (right) and his highly respectable, tattooed
legal representative Anti-Catholic Boulevard Mags.

Since when does the alimentary and socialist tax money paid mainstream media suddenly crow on behalf of a pastor? Whence comes this strange change of heart?

The currently proletarian produced mass media is as friendly to Catholics as at the time of introduction of the National Socialist Church Contribution (1939), from which to this day not the smallest letter has been changed.

Once the socialist broad sheet elite whines for a priest, then it can only deal with great difficulty with this pastor as a Catholic priest in the true sense.

Either this pastor is a very pope-hostile priest who is out to destroy the Church from within, or by a priest who conducts appropriate victims for the Victims Commission for Church homosexual - or both.

This pastor can be so deployed by the gay lobby or by the Socialist-Jacobin church battle front - or both.

Unlike the laughable entrance of a broadsheet on behalf of a pastor is absolutely inexplicable. Namely, if a Catholic priest is really bullied, then our socialist boulevard magazines are at the forefront of the Church-hater front.

Left Street Boulevard Journal Fighting for Accused Abuser

The richly endowed with taxpayer money, “Österreich" is reporting about the former pastor of Traiskirchen, Fabian Vordermayer, against whom serious abuse allegations were brought to the prosecutor for trial.

Is Everything Just “Bullying"?

The indictment by the prosecutor of Wiener Neustadt includes such details as: rape, sexual abuse of defenseless persons (plural), multiple assault, persistent stalking, multiple injury.

A populist parish council of the city of asylum industry, Traikirchen, acknowledged the allegations saying: "Homosexuality is a private matter."

One of several boys who are involved in this case, has lived in the guest house of the vicarage. The drug flunitrazepam (knockout drops) was found in the hair of another (or the same) boys .

Given our ideological justice minister, this is probably more than a sure acquittal. However, if he were to stand up for the truth (Jesus Christ), he would have had a very bad hand. But not in this case.

The priest pretender of Traiskirchen who stopped therapy is reported to have said in a sermon: "I give communion also divorced and remarried."

His Abbot subordinates himself with the rainbow stole minister in a tie, because he is supposed to have advised him to commit suicide.

Moral Theologian at the University in Heiligenkreuz!

The priest, exempted from service at the Benedictine Abbey of Melk and disregarding all instructions given by his wealthy Abbot, Pastor Fabian Vordermayer naturally also received a lectureship at the "Philosophical-Theological College Benedict XVI. Heiligenkreuz", to which also the ÖVP-gay lobbyist Univ.-Doz., Dr. theol. hab., Mag theol., Andreas Schnider has been brought into position. From the neo-Catholic Schnider one hears such things that go in the direction of a gay marriage sacrament.

Pastor Fabian Vordermayer naturally instructs priests in questions moral theology as an Institute member of the Institute for Moral Theology at the University of the Heiligen Kreuz.

Cardinal Schönborn's Lunchtime Therapy

The priest of Traiskirchen could finally solve all his problems by simply enjoying a delicious lunch with Cardinal Christoph Schönborn.

Link to…

Trans: Tancred

Pope-Critic Mario Palmaro Received Call From Pope Francis -- "It is important, to receive criticism."

(Rome) For several days the news has circulated that Pope Francis had called a traditional Catholic who is also one of his harshest critics. The name of the Catholic was not initially announced, so there were doubts as to its authenticity. The daily newspaper Libero confirmed the call through an interview with the critically ill legal philosopher Mario Palmaro.

In the interview published today, Palmaro is said to have been, "surprised, amazed and moved, above all," from the phone call from Pope Francis. Mario Palmaro wrote together with journalist Alessandro Gnocchi, intellectually high-value, but also the toughest, criticism of the pontificate of Pope Francis. The essay of the two Catholic journalists were published in the daily newspaper Il Foglio.

Pope Francis called Palmaro on 1 November on the feast of All Saints. The Pope and the legal philosopher agreed not to disclose the private conversation. But the news appeared in mid-November on the Internet without naming the callee and so other journalists began to be interested. In an interview with Libero, Palmaro has now said: "If it were up to me and Alessandro Gnocchi, this would never gotten into the public. For this reason alone, because the Pope had no intention to make this public, either the gesture or the content of our conversation," he said.

The Sickness and the Criticism, the Pope is Grateful

"Pope Francis said to me,  to be near to me, that he had learned of my health situation and my serious illness. And he expressed his his deep empathy very clearly, an interest in my person as such, regardless of the ideas and opinions, as I'm going through a time of trial and suffering. "

"For me, as a Catholic, what I experienced one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. I also expressed my unconditional loyalty to the Pope, as a son of the Church. However, I also saw the duty to recall to the Pope that I had expressed together with Alessandro Gnocchi, very accurate criticism of his actions. The Pope almost did not allow me to finish the sentence and said he had understood that this criticism was made out of love and how important it is for him to get those."

Conscience and Loyalty

The intention of the Catholic Pope's critics has always been, that their criticism is "put forward as alert and lucid with regard to the contents of Catholic doctrine, but never to put their loyalty to the Pope as such into question... And I humbly remind you that the deletion of the Scalfari interviews of Pope Francis can assume from the Vatican side, that there was something wrong with the interview, as we noted, among other things." Whether now, the position of the critics will change somewhat in the position? No, replies Mario Palmaro, "we will go on the way we have always gone, we follow our conscience, always connected to the Pope and the Church in faithfulness, but we will continue on our way, just because of this loyalty and love."

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Corrispondenza Romana / Riscossa Cristiana (assembly)
Trans: Tancred

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C-8 Cardinal Advisor 1: Cardinal Marx Corrects Jesus and Abolishes Hell and Purgatory

(Munich) The Archbishop of Munich and Freising, Cardinal Reinhard Marx, has proclaimed Christianity without hell and purgatory, only with more paradise, so to speak, a  Christian spa. Cardinal Marx belongs to the eight-member Cardinal advisory which  Pope Francis appointed  on 13 April  to advise him on the management of the Church. Cardinal Marx represents  Europe. Marx is also the Chairman of the Commission of the Bishops 'Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) and in the spring of 2014 a contender for the presidency of the German Bishops' Conference.
Cardinal Reinhard Marx held a spiritual talk on 9 November in Erding, Bavaria, a spiritual talk on "Resurrection". Here, the Cardinal tried to explain the Christian doctrine of resurrection: "Every person is a unique, eternal thought of God, who must be thought of to the end  and can not disintegrate into nothingness." And further: "If God wanted everyone from all eternity and love, you  everything can't be over in death".

God's existence only a "Possibility"?

But then the Cardinal faltered. The Christian belief in the resurrection depends, says Archbishop Marx, "that we believe God is possible."  God's existence only as a "possibility"? As the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising himself puts it,  the Cardinal continued by saying, if you trust the words of Christ, "Then the hope is justified that our death  opens a gate to something indestructible."
Today, said the Cardinal, many have a "cramped relationship" to death and the belief in the resurrection has become "weak". "We need to see everything, to touch everything, to understand it."  The Church must oppose to that  "strong rites and symbols"  laying out the coffin in the church, such as at a Requiem for a deceased. Children also should not deter you from confrontation with death, for example, the sight of a deceased person, but must enable them to encounter them and accompany them in this. "Therefore, the Church, and we can witness to that, that at  death a change takes place  and we are not before a cold nothingness," Marx said. The practice of the Church must make the hope of the resurrection  visible, reports the Archbishop.

The Church Has Caused Fear With Hell and Purgatory  - "For That we Need to Repent"

The resurrection says the Cardinal, that God gives us the assurance that He will transform  and lead us with His help  to the end, "but without moralizing and without a hell of torture, imprisonment and a burning oven". The Church caused this with pictures like that of purgatory and hell, fear of death. Not only that, the Church must "repent" for this scaremongering images that a malicious invention will be obvious to Catholics  Cardinal Marx. In the Cardinal's words, "and for that we need to repent." And you wonder where the Cardinal actually lives. After half a century of the  abolition of the sign of hell, the problem is not the belief that there is a hell, but that many Christians no longer believe in the existence of hell and purgatory.

Cardinal Marx and Universal Salvation: no Hell, no Purgatory, only Sky

Finally, the Cardinal proffered a logical conclusion to universal salvation: Because  Jesus went about not to enumerate sins, but to pledge every man to healing and salvation. "The Church must completely drive out fear ,"  emphasized Cardinal Marx. To imagine what would come after death, the person needs images, "but this must be images of confidence, hope, images and help to continue on, even if they can not give us a definitive answer." What the Archbishop did was give the impression that the Church has not allowed in its two thousand year history, a great show to salvation, redemption and salvation of souls.

Marx's Recipe: The fear of death by the Allerlösungslehre scare?

However, the church follows the true union teachings of Jesus Nativity, which also says, "I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him, which can not only kill, but has the power even to throw you into Hell. Yes, I say unto you, Ye shall fear him "(Luke 12:5).. Or in his  Mount Olive Discourse: "Then he will turn to the on the left side and say unto them, Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels" (Mt 25, 41)
Christianity is realistic demonstration of creation, human nature and God's work of salvation. The denial of hell and purgatory is a betrayal of Christ and the believer. Whoever preaches a universal salvation, is in danger of leading people astray and will make them lose their souls. Anyone with a "warranty" claiming  death as a safe ascension and thus also denies purgatory, is robbing  the deceased of a means of grace that can be provided to them through the mediation of the Church of the living. It's also a swindle for the poor souls in purgatory.
Cardinal Marx proclaimed to believers, a homegrown spa Christianity. It's a misnomer, which starts from a false premise. People suffer today not from a fear of eternal damnation, but from a lack of the preaching the Christian doctrine.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

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Saturday, November 16, 2013

JIhadists Behead Islamic Commander by Mistake --- "Whoever Works Makes Mistakes"

(Damascus) fighters of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant have beheaded a man with shouts of Allahu Akbar  who fought a few days earlier with them against Syria's President Assad.  As it turned out, the man was beheaded by mistake, yet I wasn't an enemy who was decapitated, but the commander of an allied Islamist brigade.
"We do not deny our mistakes and will continue to do that, because we are human. If there is a  Mujahideen leader and who doesn't  make mistakes, then he doesn't exist under the skies,"  In plain language, anyone who works makes mistakes. With these words, the Al-Qaeda warriors  are justifying the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)  as they bring the horror of war every day in Iraq and Syria in their inhumanity and horror of war.
The jihadists apologized with  a statement for the beheading, which otherwise wouldn't have happened. In their zeal, the bloodthirsty Islamists had beheaded an alleged "dog of Bashar al-Assad" . The alleged mercenaries of  the Syrian President was actually the commander of the Islamic Brigade Ahrar al-Sham . The brigade is allied with the ISIL. Fares Mohammed was beheaded. Together with the ISIL, he fought against Assad, the Alawites, Christians and all "infidels" to establish a new Islamic Caliphate. A few days ago, he called on his warriors, "to destroy enemies," and all "to seek Martyrdom for Allah". Now he has been beheaded by his own comrades by mistake. Fares was injured while fighting near Aleppo. The Islamists of the ISIL did not recognize him, and made ​​him prisoner. Without flash lights they cut off his head to the shouts of Allah Allah and death to the infidels.
Initially, as the commander of the ISIL's  head was shown as a trophy, the error was found. A beheading, showing the brutality of Islamist war, but also the chaos that reigns uninhibited in the ranks of soldiery.
Amidst this savage murder sit ten percent of Christians among the Syrians, fearing for their lives. They do not want to leave their country in which they endure for two thousand years. But their situation is deteriorating with the substantial indifference of the rest of Christendom. The hopes concerning Syria's Christians are now only from Russia's President Vladimir Putin, whom they asked to for protection.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred 

Revelations Over Papal Elections -- Invalid Ballot

Rome ( / KNA) The Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio and current Pope Francis have, according to a new book release, located at his election in Conclave in March during initial ballots behind Milanese Cardinal Angelo Scola. Bergoglio's choice was foreseeable by the third ballot, and in the sixth ballot he received the required majority.

This was by the Argentine journalist Elisabetta Pique in a biography of the new pope: "Francis, Life and Revolution," which appears next week in bookstores. The fifth round was invalid meanwhile and has been then canceled, according to the book which knew details in advance.

According to Pique, who claims to have known Bergolio for more than ten years and has good contacts in Argentinian church circles, Scola had received approximately 30 and Bergoglio 25 votes of the 115 cardinal electors on the first ballot. Around noon of the second day of the election, the Archbishop of Buenos Aires had obtained a numerical majority over the Italian churchman.

During the fourth ballot he had not quite reached the required majority of 77. The fifth round of the afternoon was invalid because too many ballots had been found in the urn, says Pique. Apparently, two ballots were stuck together. They were not even counted but immediately burned, it says in the book. In the last and sixth ballot then, Bergoglio had received "90 votes".

The papal election is generally under high secrecy. The participating Cardinals must undertake to maintain secrecy about the election. But in the past details of votes and voters movements during the papal elections had always penetrated to the outside. However, there has never been a religious opinion or even acknowledgment of such revelations.

Link to (C) 2013 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH All rights reserved.

Translation: Tancred


No More Empty Chair -- Concert For Pope Francis Cancelled This Time

(Vatican) The planned concert for Saturday the 16th of November for Pope Francis at the conclusion of the Year of Faith has been canceled. The Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization wanted to avoid this so that the chair of the Pope would not remain empty again in the grand audience hall.

The concert was supposed to have taken place at six o'clock in the great today Aula Paolo VI, Audience Hall. Last 22nd of June the same Pontifical Council had organized a "Grand Concert of Classical Music in the Year of Faith" in the same room, also for the Pope. The occasion was also the time of Pope Benedict XVI. proclaimed the religious year. The Symphony Orchestra of the RAI conducted by Juraj Valcuha and the Choir of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia conducted the Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125 by Ludwig van Beethoven. Originally the concert had still been planned for Pope Benedict XVI. The program was then changed for its successor, the hall filled to the last seat, but the seat of Pope Francis remained empty. The faces of the musicians, artists and the 12,000 concert-goers were embarrassed. A visibly embarrassed Curia, Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization, explained the absence of "urgent" official business of the church chief.

Pope was absent for two concerts, the Vatican Did not Want the Risk it Again

A few days later, the scenario was repeated. Leipzig's St. Thomas Choir was in the Sistine Chapel for the first time at the invitation of the Holy See, to give a private concert for the Pope. Whose participation had been previously announced accordingly. However, Pope Francis did not appear again. The press office of the Vatican tried to bypass this "detail" after the pictures of the empty chair had been published by the world press. The chair was removed from the Sistine Chapel for safety reasons before the concert.

"I'm not a Renaissance prince"

This Friday morning it had been canceled due to a chill in the planned Audiences for the Cardinals. Failure to attend the concert had been communicated internally but a month ago with the message that the Pope would like a "sober and simple" line. A concert "in his honor" would show him as a "sovereign", an image that displeased the Pope. He preferred to devote himself exclusively to his pastoral ministry. The most prestigious daily newspaper in Italy, the Corriere della Sera a rumor in June that Pope Francis had justified his rejection with the harsh words, "I'm not a Renaissance prince." Since then it has been speculated whether the pope might simply lack the necessary understanding of classical music. It is only known that he appreciates Wilhelm Furtwängler as a conductor and likes tango.

Officially it is the Year of Faith on Sunday, finished November 24th with a Pontifical High Mass in St. Peter's Square, which the Pope will celebrate itself. A few days earlier on Thursday he will visit a contemplative monastery of the Camaldolese on the Aventine, and pray Vespers there.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Fondazione Bartolucci
Trans: Tancred
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Friday, November 15, 2013

Russian Parliament Passes Anti-Abortion Law

Moscow (KIPA) November 15, 2013. In Russia doctor's offices and clinics may no longer advertise for abortion. The Parliamemt, the Duma, passed it on Friday in the second and third reading.

Moskau, 15.11.13 (Kipa) In Russland dürfen Arztpraxen und Kliniken künftig nicht mehr für Abtreibungen werben. Das Parlament, die Duma, verabschiedete am Freitag in zweiter und dritter Lesung ein entsprechendes Gesetz.

Controversial Pope-Interview by Eugenio Scalfari Deleted from the Vatican Website

(Vatican) The interview by atheist Eugenio Scalfari with Pope Francis has been deleted from the official website of the Vatican. On the 1st of October 2013 by the newspaper La Repubblica published an interview which sparked some incomprehension and violent criticism among some Catholics to the Pope's statements, which are contrary to the Church's teachings or are at least ambiguous in their formulation. The crux of the criticism was, among other things, the statement of Pope Francis on the autonomous conscience ("Everyone has their own idea of good and evil"), and the rejection of conversions ("proselytism is a giant stupidity", "I do not want to convert").

The interview was shortly afterwards completely reprinted and accepted by the semi-official newspaper of the Vatican, the Osservatore Romano. In addition and without comment, it was published on the website of the Holy See. Thus there was the impression that the interview is part of the ordinary magisterium of the Pope, which is now precluded in the deletion.

What remains are a half month's unnecessary confusion about the authority of this interview. What also remains is the self-inflicted confusion by the interview of the Pope - as is clear now - was as a private person. This leaves the question of whether a pope ever give an interview as a private individual and to make statements. His predecessors seem to have had good reasons not to do so. The Scalfari interview has confirmed it.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Una Fides Trans: Tancred Link to Katholisches... AMGD

Secretary of State Parolin Takes Office -- Living in Domus Santa Marta with Pope Francis

(Vatican) Archbishop Pietro Parolin, the new Secretary of State unless there should be any additional, unexpected delays, Archbishop Pietro Parolin will take up his new position as Secretary of State in full tomorrow, Saturday.

On 31 August, the former Apostolic Nuncio to Venezuela was appointed by Pope Francis at the head of the Roman Curia. He succeeds Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone after which on 15 October he is separated from office. On that day, Archbishop Parolin was originally supposed to take office. It has become necessary, however, because of a surgical procedure to delay his arrival in office. However, the Archbishop wanted the operation to be carried out before starting his new job in order to later avoid a prolonged absence in office.

The new Secretary of State is in the guesthouse just as Francis Pope in the Vatican, in the Domus Sanctae Marthae to set up his new quarters. At present this means that the residence of the Secretary of State next to the offices of the Secretary of State, are currently inhabited by Cardinal Bertone. Meanwhile, the new home office as President of the Supervisory Commission of Cardinals Vatican bank IOR is not finished yet. Secondly, Pope Francis seems to wish that his closest associates also stay closer to him. It is therefore possible that the current situation of the Secretary is also provisional.

Archbishop Parolin might, as Secretary of State, together with Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, the Prefect of the Congregation are on the top of the list of new cardinals to be named. Pope Francis will convene the first extraordinary consistory of his pontificate for February 22nd. A comparison with the heads of state and government bodies of other states is difficult, but perhaps easier to understand. The Catholic Office of the Secretary of State can be compared with that of a chancellor or prime minister. The "ministers" that preside in the Roman Curia like the Prefect of a Congregation or as a President of a Pontifical Council are not the chancellors, but subject to directives from the Pope, who is also head of state. The Office of the Secretaries of Roman Dicastries are the equivalent of the deputy "Minister" and thus what is known in secular governments "Secretary of State".

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Vatican Insider Trans: Tancred Link to katholisches... AMGD