Friday, October 4, 2013

Commemoration Mass for Pope Pius XII in St. Peter's -- When Will the Canonization Process Proceed?

(Vatican) On the 12th of October Maria Jose Cardinal Saraiva will celebrate Holy Mass in memory of Pope Pius XII. Holy in St. Peter's Basilica. Four years ago, Pope Benedict XVI elevated him to the Venerable Servant of God. When will the beatification process continue? The Church also has a question of political developments, such as the miracleless canonization of Pope John XXIII Council. points to the timely commemoration of 50 years of the Second Vatican Council.

On the 9th of October 1958, he died 55 years ago, the last Preconciliar Pope, as the Pastor Angelicus was called. On the 18th of October in 1967, nine years after his death and the death of his successor in the Chair of Peter, Pope John XXIII., the process of beatification and canonization of Pius XII was opened at the diocesan level.

On the 19th of December 2009, the second phase of the process involved numerous delays and political interventions reached its conclusion with the elevation of the deceased to the rank of Venerable Servant of God. Pope Benedict XVI., who wanted to advance the beatification, but then ordered a re-examination of the entire archived material under Jewish pressure, signed a decree in the fifth year of his pontificate, which recognized Pope Pius XII's heroic virtues.

The method has been overshadowed since the 60s by artificially nourished doubts about the alleged "silence" of the Pope against the Nazi persecution of the Jews. "Criticism, which was vociferously supported by an equally progressive, hypocritical faction within the Catholic Church," said Messa in Latino.

Hochhuth's silence about the background to the idea of ​​"The Deputy"

The starting point of a defamation campaign against Pius XII. was first performed in the 1963 play The Deputy by Rolf Hochhuth. Because of persistent silence, Hochhuth is still unclear how exactly he came to his theses. The assertion that the Pope was standing by watching the Nazi extermination of the Jews, comes from the propaganda of the Soviet Intelligence Service and came from the Soviet controlled East German Republic to the Federal Republic of Germany. What connection is there between the starting point of Hochhuth and Moscow, however, has not yet been clarified. The play, translated into several languages, has created the image of the late Pope influenced lasting until today.

The systematic scientific study of the pontificate of Pius XII. has refuted the accusation. Instead, it brought a new set of documents to light of the personal intervention of the Pope to the rescue of Jews. The Israeli historian Gary Krupp came to the conclusion that Pius XII. during the Second World War "did everything in his power to protect and defend the Jews." According to Krupp's archival research, Pius XII. saved more Jews than all the leaders of the world. "And this from a city under siege, and not from a comfortable chair in London or Washington." wrote Krupp, who has compiled 76,000 pages of original documents in support of his thesis.

Contribution of historians to relax in relation to Israel Pius XII.

The relationship between Israel and the figure of Pius XII. has now eased considerably. Not least was this helped by Benedict XVI. with the order for an investigation. On the German side, Hochhuts publicity legend for a "silent" Pope in the face of mass murder is contradicted especially by Michael Hesemann. According to Hesemann the Pope alone rescued more than 11,000 Jews in Rome during the life of the war. Among them was the former Chief Rabbi of Rome, Eugenio Zolli (born in Israel as Anton Zoller), who had himself baptized after the war and was received into the Catholic Church. Hesemann relies on some of it in the archives of the documents of the German national church in Rome.

Also, the Holocaust memorial Yad Vashem in Israel changed the caption for Pius XII., a first step towards rehabilitation of the Pope to the Jewish people. When the beatification process will be resumed, however, is unclear. The question is the subject of a fierce struggle between various currents within the Church. Church policy issues may have a significant influence on the beatification and canonization process sometimes. The canonization of Pope Pius IX., the Syllabus Pope, became possible when John Paul II in the Holy Year 2000, also beatified Pope John XXIII.

Political Church Circles in Beatification and Canonization from Pius IX. to John Paul II

The same is taking place currently on the 27th of April, 2014 with the canonization of John Paul II. His canonization should be "neutralized" in Church politics by the simultaneous canonization of John XXIII. Although the council Pope no regular canonization process came to a conclusion. The "completion" of the canonization of the Polish Pope, who was rejected by a part of the Church is, from both sides "satisfactory" and prevents, that the raising to the altars could be construed as a statement of the direction for the Church and the current pontificate.

The canonization of John XXIII. without the recognized second miracle opened a vulnerable flank for the Church, which at the present, however, does not matter because of the role media popularity plays for Pope Francis.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Venite ad me
Trans: Tancred

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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Will the Heretic Hans Küng Euthanize Himself?

In an interview with Swiss Television, Küng said he was
ashamed to belong to the Catholic Church [Screen Shot SGR SSR]

Model Heretic

Originally from Switzerland, the shoe salesman's son, assigned as an ostensibly Catholic theologian, had his permission to teach withdrawn, because of continuing to spread of heresy in 1980, by Pope John Paul II, whose canonization progresses in the Church.

In an interview with a Swiss radio station on the 20th of December 1979, Küng was completely surprised "of such an action," which puts him in the vicinity of “heretics” (said the interviewer).

Küng is considered to be the mouthpiece of the modernists who seek the protestantization of the Church.

At the same time, the examples of his person shows how far the “Catholic” university has removed from the theology of Catholicism and the (Catholic) Church.

Inferior Opponent to Cardinal Ratzinger

Küng has been hyped by the Left to be the contra-part of Cardinal Ratzinger. Küng, who was transferred early and without teaching certificate at the known Left University in Tubingen as professor of fundamental theology, had already after 1960 made his demand for the abolition of celibacy, who called ecumenism, the destruction of Catholic teaching content, the killing of children in the womb and the ordination of women and promoting the lay chalice.

Demands, which ever since then have been repeated like a neoprotestanten mantra.

Surprisingly, Küng did not transform to the Protestantism of Luther’s fiery anti-Semitism, who has so long ago fulfilled all of  his demands.

When Cardinal Ratzinger was elected Pope, Küng had, according to his staff "became ashen, is supposed to have had beaten over the head with his hands." No later than the election of Pope Benedict XVI., he spoke an opinion on the work of Kung.

Visual impairment and Parkinson’s

According to his own report, Küng is suffering from Parkinsons, and could barely write or even read any more due to an eye injury.

Although he was not suicidal, he was “lived long”.

Since now his imagined volume of his memoirs is thus also the last, he would be retiring from public life.

Even Abortion as Publicity Stunt

To enable the advertisement of this last work of the die hard theologian, Küng has addressed himself to suicide attackers (for his own behalf).

What is "a scholar who can not read and write," asks Küng of himself.

The suicide pills of Swiss euthanasia institutions have particularly impressed him. Perhaps he will even be the protagonist of a "self-abortion camp" inspired by a U.S. TV station - with live broadcast of course.

Shallow Grave in Tübingen

Küng has already even picked the shallow grave.

At one time the Church buried the bodies of suicides and representatives of the "dishonorable professions” (like executioners) just outside the church cemetery, for good reason.

SSPX as a Last Resort Before the Descent into Hell

If God deems to treat kindly with Küng, He might send him a priest of the SSPX for confession. As a last attempt to return him from his God forsaken way.

Link to Trans: Tancred


Guillaume Ferluc: "It is Not Possible to Exile the Old Mass Back to the Closet Any More"

Edit: Guillaume Ferluc is an organizer with the Traditional Pilgrimage to Rome. Here's an interview which has appeared in German, but nowhere else on line in English.  Rather than scan the Remnant, we just translated this:

(Rome) After the surprising success of the First International Pilgrimage if Tradition to Rome last year, is the Second International Pilgrimage, from the 24th-27th Held in Rome in October 2013, already in the intensive preparation phase. The American journal The Remnant published an interview with Guillaume Ferluc, the Secretary of the Coetus Internationalis Summorum Pontificum (CISP), Who Organizes Pilgrimages.

How Far Has the Organization Progressed?

We have just completed the writing of the final program with the announcement of the celebrant of the Pontifical Mass in St. Peter's Basilica on Saturday, the 26th of October at 11 clock:

Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, which day coincides exactly on the of the 61st Anniversary of his ordination. The presence of Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos on this day is a great pleasure and an honor for us, for all the people of Summorum Pontificum. As President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, the Cardinal had no shortage of pity for the rights of believers and priests who are connected to the traditional Liturgy, and adhered with great enthusiasm and loyalty to the publication of the Motu Proprio of Pope Benedict XVI. As the first point to note is the general dynamics of the pilgrimage that this year a great calm reigns over all the pilgrims, the religious and the individual institutions of Coetus. Last year there had been some the impression that we would speak out of nowhere to represent a new reality, they were a little surprised, even though they belong to the same traditional family. The surprise was perhaps also the fact that we ourselves were unable to to convey our initiative sufficiently. Also, they had little time to prepare for the pilgrimage. This year there is a greater openness on the part of all who deem it an important witness to our Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Faith. Roman in the sense, to express to him "ad Petri sedem, cum Petro et sub Petro". Of course there is also resistance, especially by those Church leaders who, because of Pope Benedict XVI's resignation from office would like to take advantage of in order to put the Mass of St. Pius V back in the closet.

Besides Bishop Athanasius Schneider will also Msgr Rifan, the Ordinary of the Apostolic Administration of Saint John Mary Vianney of Campos in Brazil as celebrant: Why him exactly?

We see in Msgr Rifan a reality that we want to have more in the Church today, that is a bishop who has the mission to celebrate the traditional Liturgy of the Church, to teach and to preserve, but also the ability and the duty to ordain priests in and for the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. In order to advance our religious practice to our parishes to visit the Mass in the traditional rite, we need priests and therefore seminaries that train them in a logical sequence and also bishops, who can ordain. As Monsignor Rifan is currently the only bishop whose pastoral use is exactly that, it seemed natural to have him with us. In addition, we received excellent testimonials from the recent World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, where Msgr Rifan held the catechesis for the traditional youth from Juventutem, a group that supports their apostolate to the traditional liturgy. The Church was packed, the Pontifical Liturgy was very worthy and they appreciated the sermons. Who would have dared to think not so long ago that hundreds of young Catholics in Brazil would participate for three days of preaching and witness the Masses, and could confess to priests who are connected to the tradition of the Church? And all with the official imprimatur of the Apostolic, Roman Church? Sure, someone could argue that it was only one of 300 bishops, but there already is an important goal that has been reached. Also the place was very impressive. The place allocated for Catechesis was the old Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro, a place full of history and faith of past generations and therefore of special symbolic significance. World Youth Day shows in a special way how much the traditional Liturgy attracts the youth. Therefore, we can not stay in our little fort, but must go to meet all who seek a greater solemnity and greater holiness in their lives of faith.

A Recent Report stated that a Mass in the Extraordinary Form is to take place even in the Helsinki Cathedral regularly.

Further proof of growth in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite and that the new priests who celebrate their first Mass in the Extraordinary Form [Immemorial Mass of All Ages], increasing from year to year. And not just those connected to Ecclesia Dei Institutes, but also among those being educated in the diocesan priests seminaries. It's a way for many priests to express their affiliation to what we do, what we call Generation Benedict XVI., just as you spoke of the John Paul II generation. This generation of Pope Benedict could also be called the generation of Summorum Pontificum. Starting next year, the majority of the newly ordained priests will belong to those who entered the seminaries after the publication of Summorum Pontificum. And here we are, as I believe, going to experience further growth of the traditional Liturgy. Of course, we hope that these priests will also make use of their rights and celebrate the Traditional Rite in their future parishes. It is also to mention the beautiful practice that many priests consecrated to the Ecclesia Dei Institutes celebrate their first Mass in their home parish and home diocese. I am thinking of Father Massimo Botta of the Fraternity of St. Peter, his first Mass on June 23rd, 2013 was celebrated in the Cathedral of Velletri and therefore the Old Mass was permitted to return, where had no longer been celebrated for 40 years.

What would be in your opinion, the challenges related in the traditional world of the new pontificate? We are convinced that the history of the Church didn't just end in 1962, just as It did not end with the pontificate of Pope Benedict [...] In the traditional liturgy is the partecipatio actuosa in which the faithful engage in a humble participation, from silence, worship, kneeling, petitioning and thanksgiving. Many conversations are not unlike that of a man in difficulty asking for help, a man who suffers. And we think the fact that among the many great holy priests, there were many simple priests and religious, from the Holy Curé of Ars, at Don Orione or Padre Pio. [...] it was always related to a liturgy in which all belonged, from the farmer to housewife, people who had certainly not studied Latin at the Sorbonne, or at any other school of high culture, but felt nevertheless as an integrated part of the Liturgy, because this cult was offered to God.

There is another challenge to take: to refute those who think erroneously, Pope Benedict had resurrected a dead man, and do not want to be carried out for us in the peripheries of the Church, but even outside the Church. For almost 50 years those faithful, religious and priests who are connected to tradition have been ridiculed, despised and ostracized. On the 7th of July in 2007, Pope Benedict XVI. brought this situation to an end, which had oppressed many souls, by sewing together the torn dress the church. It is up to us, to reject every attempt to put a new tear in the unity of the Church, and to be real members of the flock. We are well aware we are not to be the whole herd and we are happy to accept being just one among a hundred sheep, [sic] but we believe that we deserve no less attention and care from our pastors than the others. Some fear our "ideology", but I can reassure them. We have no "ideology" but the love for Jesus in the Eucharist, the Cross and the Resurrection.

Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: CISP
Trans: Tancred

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Monday, September 30, 2013

Roberto de Mattei: "I Have Strong Reservations About the Communication Strategy of Pope Francis"

(Rome) Since the extensive interview with Pope Francis by the Jesuit magazine Civilta Cattolica, new confusion reigns in the Catholic camp. While the mass media cheer and celebrate Pope Francis as "revolutionary", some Catholics defended the Pope with the formula, that the mass media is attempting to misunderstand Francis consciously and intentionally twisting his remarks, because the Pope did not alter the Catholic doctrine, while he only has his own very special style. Pope Francis did not speak as an academic, but as a preacher to the people, as the U.S. Catholic writer George Weigel has said. Another part of the Catholics observed the way the world communicates with Pope Francis with increasing concern. Not least because of the applause from the wrong side.

There are doubts about the usefulness of a form of communication expressed, which is obviously prone to misunderstandings. What's more, some have doubts whether it is the Pope just communicating a new form with the people that is controversial, or even to changes in content. It's not an open break with parts of doctrine, but perhaps an indirect softening by ambiguity. Officially, nothing would be changed, but in practice in the minds of the people very much. Just as, say some critics, is already the case, like the "hot buttons", such as abortion and homosexuality. The Pope emphasizes that the teaching of the Church is to be clearly defined, but they do not speak out, or at least among the general public, but only in certain circles.

This happened about abortion, which is a matter of life or death. In the Civiltà Cattolica interview which went around the world, the Pope used a painful diction that was "hurtful" even for Pro-Lifers, like the American, Catholic philosopher, Michael Novak complained. During the interview, the Pope declared that he will not say too much about it in the future and thus the abortion advocates could rejoice, yet he was found the next day in front of the Catholic doctors giving very clear words for the protection of life. Words, however, were only made known in Catholic circles.

The famous Catholic historian, Roberto de Mattei criticized the communication of Pope Francis in an interview for by Francesco de Palo.

The press has exploited, but the Pope has helped them: This is the opinion of the traditional Roberto de Mattei, professor of modern history and Christianity at the European University of Rome until 2011 and Vice Chairman of the National Research Council of the Republic of Italy. De Mattei is the publisher and editor of the monthly magazine Radici Cristiane, Nova Historia and the Catholic Information Service Corrispondenza Romana. In an interview with he analyzed the first semester of the new pontificate, and expresses strong reservations about the communication strategy of Pope Francis.

How does a 'Catholic without compromise', as you call yourself, survive the public statements of Pope Francis about homosexuals and divorced?

My opinion is that there is significant exploitation of the words of the Pope, in the sense that I do not see these large openings. At least from the perspective of doctrine, also because Pope Francis himself has stressed that his attitude in these subjects did not differ from that of the catechism.

How do you parse Berglio's manifesto similar interview in Cività Cattolica?

Just because the Pope stressed that he stood with regard to the doctrine of faith in the continuity of the Church's teaching, and intended no doctrinal innovations, is the level to which he goes with this interview, pastoral or strategic in nature. That is, what he is proposing is not a new doctrine, but a new way to approach these problems.

What kind of repercussions?

Since Bergoglio has to go according to his own words, from the level of doctrine to those of the communication strategy, it is lawful for every Catholic to discuss this approach. And viewed from this perspective, it is in my opinion an unfortunate approach, because it makes the exploitation of his words possible. But this is not solely responsible for this manipulation by the press, if we like, it's doing its job, but also who makes it possible with a language that is completely ambiguous in some points.

What is the result of this new language?

I think that it can be very dangerous, because the world of communication is not controlled by the Pope, and  even less of  Catholics, but of lobbies and  powers antagonistic to the Church that are capable of distorting its use. Personally, I have strong reservations about the communication strategy of the Pope.

Is Giuliano Ferrara's the daily newspaper Il Foglio justified in its assertion that non-negotiable principles are more of a dead letter now?

That seems excessive. These are principles that can experience moments of blackout due to their nature. It seems to me that the Pope has said, without denying them, that he prefers other points in his communication because he, in his own words, is starting from the premise that the right to life and family are already well-known principles. The real problem is that the positions of the Church to the general public are simply not known, and there is also great confusion in the Catholic world. The only two popes who opposed this were John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Bergoglio, although he doctrinally presents with his predecessors in continuity seems to want to express a strategic discontinuity.

How do you assess this decision?

I prefer the previous communication strategy, but of course the time will tell and you will see that the tree bears fruit. I hope that the consequences of this approach will not be destructive.

And the letter from Ratzinger Odifreddi is a way to set the milestones?

It is a letter that has already in my opinion made more of the already reigning confusion, because although he is representing clear principles, it conveys the impression that it could be at the level of a private Magisterium, two phases that intervene at the same time on the same stage [Francis and Pope Benedict XVI.], in this particular case in the newspaper La Repubblica. I have had many thoughts that Benedict XVI. wanted to withdraw completely from public life, to lead a life of prayer and silence. By this I do not mean to say that he has done something wrong, because his criticism of Odifreddi are precise and to the point. So I do not question the content in question, but have doubts about whether it was opportune.

Do you think that now the reform of the Curia will come?

It has not started yet. So we wait before we judge. For now, there were normal operations, but no sign of reform. In October, the Pope will meet with the group of cardinals, to whom he entrusted the task to submit proposals. We will see in the coming months and assess.

Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi Image:

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Papal Dyarchy in Discourse With Atheists? Kulturkamp of Benedict XVI.,

(Rome) The daily Il Foglio addressed recently the unexpected letter from Benedict XVI. to the atheist Piergiorgio Odifreddi. A letter brings the retired Pope back from his self-imposed retreat in the current confrontation between an aggressive atheism and Christianity. One can't speak of "Retirement" of a Pope anyway. The commentary with which Benedict XVI. replied, was addressed to the militant Church opponent Odifreddi, differing from that of the reigning Pope. The question is how the unusual situation of two living popes who act in the same discourse is to be classified. Is it a supplement or an abnormal dyarchy? The historian Roberto de Mattei had doubts (see separate report), whether it would be good, so to speak, for two popes to act simultaneously, even though one is reigning, and the other an emeritus pope. Il Foglio said in the letter to Odifreddi that the actual reason for the resignation by Benedict XVI. visible. But then things had gone differently in the conclave, as originally designed by the German Pope. A contribution to the discussion.

The letter, in which Benedict XVI. Lambastes Odifreddi, Poses the Real Reason for his Resignation

"Very few people in the world, Eugenio Scalfari is one of them, can understand the surprise and emotion that one feels to receive unexpected letter from the Pope at home." It could also just take note that within two weeks, the Pope emeritus had also written an atheist at La Repubblica in secret and watched the effect it would have. One could joke about Emeritus miracle, given the feelings with which Piergiorgio Odifreddi has received the postman. One may note, that miraculous contained in the (current) media triumph of the papacy, but maybe just something artificial. One could also determine that something is overdrawn in the way La Repubblica thrilled at the papal letters, but they were judiciously published and can comment more or less intelligently.

If you read Pope Ratzinger's intelligent lashes against Odifreddi, however, after Francis had lovingly massaged Scalfari's conscience, one might also suspect the two play the game from the good and the evil Pope, one caressing, the other skinning. But it is not.

One may note that the Pax Journalistika between La Repubblica (and virtually all mass media in the world) and the Vatican began the moment when the ruling bishop of Rome decided and signaled that he is withdrawing from the harsh terrain of cultural struggle with the secularization, and instead, prefers a dialogue that emphasizes the freedom of conscience and no longer sits on the bayonets of the doctrine and the dogma (a position that however the Pope Emeritus demands Odifreddi). The crucial turning point was the first meeting of Pope Francis with the press, as he at the end of the attending journalists, "respect" only "silently" blessed.

In view of Roman Catholicism, the resistance (after Protestantism has ceased for some time to be an oblique counterpart to the modern and surrendered without much resistance), and now it appears to be crumbling, the media creates cheering for Pope Francis as a golden bridge, that it must be built for the surrender of the Catholic Church. But even so, it is not.

You could say a lot of things, by varying slightly between the important and the less clearly wrong. The key point is quite another, for whoever wants to see it. The letter of Benedict XVI. to Odifreddi is written in a tone of relaxed severity. He grants the opposite as far as possible out of academic courtesy, but then the blows are mercilessly struck. Benedict XVI. attacks his opponent on the field: "In your religion of mathematics three basic themes of human existence remain disregarded: freedom, love and evil"

All this means two things. That Ratzinger, freed from the burden of Peter, has become again as he always wanted to be, an intellectual and theologian, a thinker who is freer than it is intended for him by others. Now that he is no longer a Pope, he takes back the freedom of a tone of voice that had to suffer from the continuous bombardment of the world. This clearly also points to the dark side of the same coin. That Benedict XVI. no longer felt the power of being able to withstand the highest position in his supreme authority and Church government. The collision with the post-Christian, secular culture of the West, however, he has still grown very well into his role as a theologian. The resignation was an admission that would have been required the energy and power of another for the post that he had not. According to him, a pope should come who can take the same weapons for the same battle, but with a different momentum, force and vigor.

But instead of this, a pope has come to the scene and stage, to change whole theater even more. The Cardinals had understood the resignation of Benedict quite differently than he. As he wanted to pass on to younger hands, so the fight would continue with renewed vigor, some Cardinals saw a chance to disengage from combat. Had Benedict XVI. looked closely, he would have noticed that some Cardinals had not fought faithfully at his side, but at best are "heroic" in Rome for the "all'armi" - called to arms, but exchange the Catholic armor at home with the staid street clothes where political and cultural arrangements are reversed.

The new pope turns toward modernity to another discernment. A little naive, a little smart, he avoids it, to bring them into the field of fire. He is differently cultivated, even Ignatian. We'll see how it goes. Anyway, it would have been interesting to experience a Benedict XVI. on Peter's throne, who responded with such intellectual looseness, but the answer all of the Odifreddis this world and the friends of the false and fraudulent gods who attack the Church, and forced on to fight on their own terrain, where the debate is to take place and the Odifreddi now acknowledges: "The search for the truth."

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Wikicommons Trans: Tancred

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Homo-Provocation in Rome Churches Shut Down

Edit: it's said that we have to post something from the Huffington Post, but here it is. They're displeased by the Vatican's responsible concern for the souls of Catholics. The Local quotes Claudio Tanturri to say that the exhibition is a violation of the Italian constitution.

We'd reported earlier about this, and it's been out in the German and Italian press quite a bit, now someone has done something about it and the show is being cancelled. How they ever got permission to do this in the first place is another question that needs answering.

Despite Pope Francis' earlier remarks about opening up the Church, the Vatican has firmly shut the door on artist Gonzalo Orquin's latest exhibit, "Trialogo," scheduled to open at the Galleria L'Opera on Wednesday evening.

The exhibit consists of photographs of same-sex couples kissing in churches mainly located in Rome, but the pictures have been covered up after the Vatican sent the gallery a notice threatening legal action and saying that "the church is against the exhibition."

Friday, September 27, 2013

"Pope Wojtyla Accepted Liturgical Dance" -- Piero Marini's Recollections and Justifications

(Rome) Curial Archbishop Piero Marini, the master of ceremonies of Pope John Paul II, not to be confused with Monsignor Guido Marini, the master of ceremonies of Pope Benedict XVI., continuing under Pope Francis, held a lecture in Parona at the invitation of Pastore Caritas. Piero Marini, since 2007, who has been responsible for the International Eucharistic Congresses, spoke of his time with the Polish Pope, and perhaps talked more about himself than about John Paul II, especially in his descriptions which were justifications of his own work, for which he uses the Pope died in 2005 (who is to be canonized in 2014) posthumously as his leading chief witness. He also made what were nothing more or less than subtle swipes in his "advice", as to which decisions would wish to see made by the Church.

Piero Marini attracted negative attention after the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI. Once, because of his advocacy for the recognition of homosexual partnerships. On the other hand in an underhanded attack on the German Pope, whom he had obviously never forgiven for his dismissal as papal master of ceremonies and the initiation of a liturgical renewal away from Piero Marini's "Designer" Masses. In the words of the Archbishop released last April in an interview with El Pais he said: "One can already breathe the fresh air. It is a window that is opening to the spring and hope. Till now we have been breathing the bad air of swampy waters."

John Paul II had Given a "Wide Berth" - Piero Marini's Historical Misrepresentation of Liturgical Reform From 1970

So John Paul II said jokingly to Marini in 1995 when he was papal master of ceremonies for eight years, "You are 53 years old and are still an acolyte? When I was an archbishop you were still an acolyte." Marini said: "I did not say anything, but inside I was thinking, if you would want, it would be because of you ..." Three years later, he was made Titular Archbishop Piero Marini in 2003. His successor Guido Marini was made Honorary Prelate of His Holiness with his appointment as master of ceremonies by Benedict XVI. Since, there were no more promotions.

Piero Marini was in charge of papal liturgies. John Paul II had left him "wide berth" as the Archbishop Curia said. Marini had intimated that John Paul II had not been so concerned with liturgical issues and had been so glad that someone else did it for him. Piero Marini comes from the Bugnini-school and was already active under Paul VI. in the Commission for the Implementation of the Postconciliar liturgical reform, introduced with the Novus Ordo. In Marini's representation it seems as if the Second Vatican Council had been decided and introduced a radical reform of the Liturgy with the Constitution Sacrosanctum Conciulium, which had to be carried out then. A veritable historical misrepresentation, which says a lot about the influential liturgist.

Thus, Piero Marini points out that his position as papal master of ceremonies there had allowed him to implement "efficiently" the guidelines of the Second Vatican Council: "It is the inclusion of some elements, at the entrance, the Offertory, which is part of the life of a country, where participants who are guests to the Mass will be instantly familiar. Also in song and sometimes even the dance." Piero Marini dug deeply for the dances: "John Paul II liked it all, he always wanted to share the customs and traditions ".

Dance in the Liturgy - Prelates Disapproved, but John Paul II said, "Beautiful, Beautiful"

"When we were in Brazil," he had been asked if the dancers of the local ballet school could be involved, "and we had agreed. They are then on two stairways that flanked up the altar. During the dance, a wind arose and their light dresses had stuck to their bodies. Some prelates expressed their disapproval. They had not heard Pope John Paul II. I was the only one beside him and as he softly said, 'Beautiful, beautiful.' He looked at the essence." He continued: "During seminary they taught us to kill the body, but we save ourselves with the body. "

Piero Marini also tells an episode that is directed against the then President of the Italian Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Camillo Ruini. He had disapproved of it, that in the Youth Liturgy some teenagers were introduced that moved their arms during the celebration. The Cardinal had expressed his disapproval to the Pope directly: "Even in this case John Paul II made it understood that their presence did not bother him."

For John Paul II, who came from the Eastern Bloc, the Celebration Outdoors was Very Important

The Pope celebrated anywhere before hundreds of thousands, millions of believers. Very often, indeed almost always outdoors. Piero Marini wrote: "For him who came from communist Poland, where Christendom was banished from the churches, in order to comply with the ban, the Masses were set up to take place outside, in order to have visibility."

The Curial Archbishop told of an episode in a pastoral visit to a Roman parish. Because there was no space in front of the Church it was celebrated in the Church, although the many believers could not find a place. "John Paul II said to me that it should still be celebrated. I told him that that was not possible, there was only the street. He replied: "We would still have to celebrate outside."

Piero Marini: "The Eucharist originated in homes, for a small group of people. Jesus put it in the midst of the twelve Apostles, then the breaking of the bread took place in the first years of Christianity in small communities in houses. Certainly not in front of millions of people. It was inevitable that it happened, and we had to adapt, because the situation demanded it."

Text: Vatican insider / Giuseppe Nardi Image: Vatican Insider

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Thursday, September 26, 2013

"Is he Aware of the Damage He Causes?" -- Michael Novak and the Interview of Pope Francis

(Washington / Rome) The American Catholic philosopher Michael Novak commented on the Civiltà-Cattolica interview with Pope Francis': "A friend asked me if the Pope is aware of the damage, which he causes with these comments. The word obsession [Ossessione] applied to those working for the defense of life, especially for the unborn child, is something that hurt."

"In the more than 20 years, we have known him, it's never happened before that Michael Novak, perhaps the most famous Catholic philosopher in the U.S., who was closely connected to John Paul II and Benedict XVI., has uttered critical words about a Pope," said Vatican insider , which published the following interview with Michael Novak.

What do you think about the interview, which Pope Francis granted to Civiltà Cattolica granted?

I have seen two types of reactions: those of my friend, which I have described, and those of George Weigel, according to which we must get used to the behavior of an evangelical pope, who turns to us not as an academic, but as a preacher. Weigel is right, but to use words like "obsession" injured believers who have even risked their own lives to protect life."

Francis wants to change the tone or the doctrine of the Church?

The sound. There is still a risk that the result is detrimental.


He added that many Christians are on the defensive, although they are under attack. He also encouraged the criticism against the Church by the declared opponents of the Church who've been waiting for it.

What are you referring to?

His words put him in a position to be exploited by those who want to harm the Church. It is enough to look at how the New York Times has used them.

There is the risk that a part of the American believers leave the church?

I do not think so. Perhaps the most unstable extremists, but it will be a limited phenomenon. The Left, however, is encouraged to push for changes in doctrine.

Is not there also the reverse possibility, that that an "Evangelical Pope" will reconnect the faithful?

Christ also had contradictory elements, perhaps it is not possible without it. Maybe it is good that this Pope, by leading the Church to the roots of her mission, urges us to think.

Text: Vatican insider / Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Vatican Insider
Trans: Tancred


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Is God a "Nobody" for Karl Cardinal Lehmann?

You're much too old for gay jerks! [Screen capture "Die Welt" of 18 September 2013]
Cardinal Lehmann, the Guadian Angel of the homosexuals?
Tuesday 24 September 2013 Perverse and Unnatural Cardinal Karl Lehmann is for God a "nobody"?

 The Bishop of Mainz, Cardinal Karl Lehmann, falsely claimed in an interview with a major media manipulation: "No one Knows why There's Homosexuality." Your Excellency, what is this homophily?

The ex-chairman of the anti-German "German Bishops' Conference" mistakenly made the following statement: "On the subject of homosexuality Lehmann said, no one knows exactly why there is homosexuality. Therefore, one must be cautious in the assessment."

This false claim of a successor of the Apostles is inherently contrary to Sacred Scripture, which states:


" For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error. And as they liked not to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate sense, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness, full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, malignity, whisperers, Detractors, hateful to God, contumelious, proud, haughty, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,"(Rom 1:26 ff).

Cardinal Karl Lehmann, please do not refuse (as successors of the Apostles) to acknowledge God!

One of your predecessors, the Holy Apostle Paul says namely: "They exchanged the truth of God into a lie [...] Therefore God gave them dishonorable passions "(Rom. 1:26).

Satan - the Father of Lies

A relevant question to Cardinal Karl Lehmann is: Who is the father of lies?

Answer: It is Satan.

"Therefore I said to you, that you shall die in your sins. For if you believe not that I am he, you shall die in your sin. " (John 8:44), it means, among other things, those who translate the truth of God into a lie.

But that does not mean that you should be closed to the love of the truth, Your Eminence, for in Scripture it says:

"For certain men are secretly entered in, (who were written of long ago unto this judgment,) ungodly men, turning the grace of our Lord God into riotousness, and denying the only sovereign Ruler, and our Lord Jesus Christ. (Jude 1:4). " Homosexuality ("sins against nature", recte: " Sodomia est concubitus cum persona eiusdem sexus ") is therefore a proof of the existence of Satan and a proof that Jesus Christ is denied. As long as there is the phenomenon of aberrosexuality, as long as we can be sure of the devil. In this respect, one should not encourage others to exchange the lie with the truth of God, as successors of the Apostles.

Incidentally, the word homosexuality is erroneously referred to as "homosexuality" because sexuality includes "husband and wife":

"At the beginning of the creation God made them male and female" (Mark 10:6).

Homosexuality does so only if there is heterosexuality - never the reverse. In truth, there can therefore be no homosexuality. Homosexuality can only be a lie. Only in the union of the sexes is there sexuality. Everything else is the "honor" of Satan. The successor of the Apostles should consider this.

Link to Trans: Tancred AMGD

Homo-Provocation Before the Altars of Ancient Roman Churches --- Arrogance of the Church's Enemies

(Rome) Peddlers of homosexuality and women in gowns  plop  in front of the most beautiful and oldest Roman altars. This is not a tasteless joke, but the latest provocative and heretical work of "artists" Gonzalo Orquin and Mauro Maugliani.Together with Luis Serrano they are showing from the 25th September, the exhibition Trialogo in the Galleria l'Opera in Rome.
With the issuance of a new exhibition  by the gallery of contemporary art the space is opened by Andrea Iezzi . He is supposed to provide space "unconditionally for all the new trends in contemporary art". As is apparent from the invitations to the exhibition opening, "the three artists were invited by journalist and art critic Edoardo Sassi,  to present faithful works to design non-conventional issues to non-conventional types: religious women, weddings, interiors are the accents of the strange community exhibition. The "creative" artists responded to the invitation with "paintings, sculptures, places, videos (cemeteries, sung rosaries), speaking sofas, kissing  with the reek of heresy, at the foot of the altars of some of the most important and ancient basilicas of Rome."
The 32 year old Spanish photographer Orquin from Seville addressed the issue of "marriage" and "marriage" from a "double perspective", as stated in the invitation. On the one hand by showing a young "bourgeois"  couple. And another that is supposed to be from "utopian" perspective, a "universal message of love, through the collective action against the backdrop of historic churches in Rome." The people in the pictures are friends of the Spanish photographer who arrived there in the early morning hours, just after opening the churches for their strange "project".
(Order) Woman in robeThe painter Mauro Maugliani shows in the exhibition, however, his "personal journey through the world of nuns." The result was a "large portrait, which plays with the ambiguity of gender and identity." So he shows "a young religious woman wearing a priest robe." A sculpture made of sugar reminds the world of its saints and relics. Another installation shows a video of an old knee stool, but this is in a pop setting.
The exhibition of Trialogo  is a striking example of the fact that a certain part of contemporary art can think of nothing better than to offend the sensibilities of the faithful. Art is confused with mockery and desecration and profanation of the sacred space by obscene acts which are expressly condemned by the Catholic doctrine, a show of arrogance and contempt for the opinions and feelings of others, which is frightening. There is complete silence about the insult and disrespect to God. The exhibition in Rome represents another unacceptable provocation by the enemies of the Church. It is hoped that a voice rises sharply from the Church hierarchy in defense of the sacred and lodges a protest.
Text: CR / Giuseppe Nardi 
Image: Corrispondenza Romana

A Way Out of the Church Crisis? -- Throw Away Karl Rahner's Books -- The Sooner the Better

Edit: may we suggest another possibility?

(Rome) According to Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, the Archbishop of Genoa. According to the wish of Pope Pius XII, who would have wanted him as his successor, thought the writings of the German Jesuit Karl Rahner had wreaked the most damage in the Catholic Church. Cardinal Siri, who was described as an "impregnable fortress of the Catholic Church", came to the conclusion that Rahner's books destroy the sense of the supernatural and the people would be caught in his in-the-worldness. Cordialiter wrote recently:

"Some time ago, my father had an old book Theology by Karl Rahner. A nun had given it to him. When I heard that he was giving away for lack of space some books in his library, I immediately tried to convince him to throw his first Rahner book. But he was indecisive. He had never actually read the book, but heard good reports of it. So I told him what Cardinal Siri had said to Rahner. In the end I got permission to throw away the Rahner book. It was an indescribable pleasure for me to carry this book to the trash container. To prevent anyone from fishing out the book again, and maybe selling it off to a flea market, I previously removed the book cover and tore some pages out.

To find the way out of the church crisis, there needs to be an Entrahnerisierung of the Church. The 'anthropological turn' has come to an end. Today you can hardly speak of Rahner, but the the impending abyss is omnipresent. The books of the German theologian whose theology is called transcendental theology are completely wrong. Just throw them away, the sooner the better. They are in the abyss, they are falling into it, and thus are plugging the hole. For extreme evil it takes extreme remedy. "

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Lecoteachenglish

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Monday, September 23, 2013

Over 4,500 Germans Participate in March For Life in Berlin Last Weekend

Edit: in addition to the pro-Life march in Catholic Slovakia, there were 80,000 participants last weekend according to Aletia, there was a Pro-Life demonstration in Berlin. Nothing else on this march appears in the media. Also, there was an event, an ecumenical one reported on and supported also by the SSPX in Germany, of the Pro-Life March for Life in Post-Protestant Berlin with 4,500 participants. Not to fear, the numbers are growing and headway is being made.

SSPX did point out that the Germany media (Including the Catholic) downplayed the numbers at the event. German police authorities estimated the turnout at 4,500.

Here's a report from Kathnews:

Berlin (Catholic news / BVL). More than 4,500 participants took part this year in the March for life in Berlin, which was much higher than last year, in which 3,000 participants were counted. The Chairman of the Right to Life Federation, Martin Lohmann, said "The pro-life movement in Germany is on the rise. Even and especially among younger people there is a growing awareness of life. This is evidenced by the numerous young participants in this year's silent march - an impressive and peaceful witness to life". The March for Life began at 1 O'clock with a rally in front of the Federal Chancellery. The RTL chairman Martin Lohmann stressed: "We are for peace, but against any violence! We are in for real self-determination, for freedom, for true humanity, for tolerance, for creation. Together with Albert Schweitzer we say: Without reverence for life, the human race has no future."

At the rally, a woman who had an abortion of one of her children gave a testimony. "Immediately after the appointment was over, I knew that I had killed my child." An young woman affected by Down syndrome said: "I'm glad that I am in the world, and live!" Hedwig von Beverfoerde, coordinator of European Citizen's Intiative, "One of Us" in Germany, proclaimed at the stage program: "Last week the European quorum reached one million supporters! In Germany alone, more than 92,000 citizens have signed. This is encouraging." Martin Lohmann pointed out at the end of the march: "This year, the Peace March for Life was run without any major complications. The protests against our freedom of movement are ultimately only a strong confirmation that we needed a peace march for life. We say yes to human life and the dignity of every human being, from the beginning until its natural end! We do not want a suicide on demand, prescribed or not prescribed suicide because of old age or disease.

We are for all people, for the life of all people! Those who advocate, referring to his own body, to want to live and love without being patronized, we call for: We like to "patronize" of spirit, heart and mind! We know that we are more than our bodies! Responsibility and freedom have something to do with mind, heart and soul. This is lived freedom. This is the freedom of life. This is freedom for life! We are not afraid of true freedom. We have no fear of life!" March for Life participated with more than 4,500 participants in an ecumenical worship service in the Berlin Cathedral at its end. Here Hans-Jörg Voigt, Bishop of the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church (SELK), gave his episcopal blessing. Planning: Martin Lohmann, Georg Dietlein Photo: March for Life, Berlin 2013 - Source: Burkard M. Lang Link to Kathnews...

Archbishop Di Noia: Instead of Vice President of "Ecclesia Dei", Number Three in CDF

(Vatican) The dismissal of Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, and his appointment as Cardinal Poenitentiary had already been foreshadowed by, as well as the appointment of Monsignor Nikola Eterovic, the new Apostolic Nuncio to Germany and his replacement as Secretary of Bishops' Synod by Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri (see separate report Pope Francis Removes Cardinal Piacenza as Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy ). Pope Francis made some important personnel decisions this last Saturday: they concern the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei and the CDF.

The traditional American and Dominican Curial Archbishop, Monsignor Augustine Di Noia, was again named by Pope Francis, barely more than a year since being removed from the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei. The Pope appointed Archbishop Di Noia as Assistant Secretary of the Congregation.

After The Return of Msgr. Pozzo at Ecclesia Dei, Archbishop Augustine Di Noia Departs

Archbishop Di Noia was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI. on the 26th of June 2012 to the Commission Ecclesia Dei, which is responsible for the communion with Rome of traditional orders, communities and groups. It was for these especially that the office of Vice-President had been revived. The appointment was made ​​less than two weeks after the collapse of the talks between the Holy See and the Priestly Society of St. Pius X, as the agreement receded in the distance again. On the 14th of June the Superior General of the SSPX, Bishop Bernard Fellay, met in Rome together with the then Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith, Cardinal William Levada. Instead of the expected agreement, the exact opposite happened. Since then, the unification efforts are on hold.

The appointment of the Dominican Di Noia was interpreted as a signal to give new impetus to the efforts, but it did not succeed. A few months after Archbishop Di Noia had become Vice-President of Ecclesia Dei, Pope Benedict XVI. then made Monsigor Guido Pozzo a Curial Archbishop and Papal Almoner on the 3rd of November. The resignation of Benedict XVI. could recognize in retrospect that the Pope already prepared his retreat, and he wanted to reward Msgr Pozzo, his faithful employee, with a promotion.

Pope Francis: Dismantling the Past Personnel Decisions of Benedict XVI. at Ecclesia Dei

Pope Francis has now dismantled the past personnel changes of Benedict XVI. to the Commission Ecclesia Dei. On the 3rd of August he appointed Archbishop Pozzo back as Secretary to the Commission. Now he has reassigned Curial Archbishop Di Noia back to the CDF. There, the American had been Under Secretary from 2002-2009. He then spent three years as Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship. Now he will be Assistant Secretary. For a better understanding: the Archbishop was formerly the number four at the Holy Office in 2009, which was until 2005 under then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, then Cardinal William Levada, he is now number three to Curial Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller in the Holy Office. Archbishop Di Noia enjoys a good reputation in traditional circles.

Archbishops Müller and Ladaria Ferrer are Confirmed as Prefects of the CDF and Secretary

 In connection with this personnel change, Pope Francis has confirmed the current Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith, Archbishop Mueller, the former Archbishop of Regensburg, at the CDF. With the election of a pope all offices are automatically forfeit in the Roman Curia. Pope Francis habitually confirmed all incumbents provisionally until further notice. Now its proper acknowledgment in office is for the next five years for the Prefect of the Faith. Archbishop Mueller thus, with the newly appointed Secretary of State Monsignor Pietro Parolin also, the first contenders for the award of cardinal by Pope Francis.

Also confirmed in his office was Curial Archbishop Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer as Secretary and thus number two of the CDF. Archbishop Ladaria is responsible for writing prepared, official homilies and speeches of Pope Francis, which are used in Papal Masses and the traditional catechesis during the general audience every Wednesday (see separate report Luis Ladaria Ferrer - The Theologian Behind the Speeches of Pope Francis [Coming] ). The regular term of office of Secretary lasts three years.

Link to Katholisches....

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei / Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Confessions of Francesca Chaoqui

(Rome) Francesca Chaouqui who was recently assigned by Pope Francis to the new Papal Commission for the Reorganization of the Vatican Administration, with far-reaching emergency powers is the appointed PR expert, explains everything that is desired to be made in a public statement. Through her ​​new role as Pontifical Commissioner, she is subject to strict confidentiality. After all, she has access to the secret documents of the Vatican, at least everything that is of value according to worldly standards.

Then it so happens, says the Vatican expert Sandro Magister, that Francesca Immacolata Chaouqui has offered two comprehensive confessions: The first was in the weekly magazine L'Espresso , which is the Italian Spiegel [Time?], it was published on the 17th of September. The second was in the weekly magazine Panorama, which is the Italian Focus [Newsweek?], appeared on the 19th of September.

"The irrepressible loquacity of Chaouqui has by her concerns, fended off criticisms, which were directed against her and against those who appointed her, has experienced an additional incentive" said Master.

The preppy PR lobbyist defends herself by pointing out her Facebook - and Twitter page had been stolen and compromised by hackers. "If, however, the art of communicating is her specialty and she was therefore supposedly selected by the Vatican, then it speaks to the obvious inability to keep order on their own websites, not just for them," said Magister further.

To the question of who came to the Vatican on the idea of ​ recruiting her and to be presented to an unsuspecting Pope Francis on the appointment, was confirmed now Chaouqui herself, just what Sandro Magister had already written.

"One day, Monsignor Lucio Vallejo Balda, secretary of the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See and member of Opus Dei called. I knew him, he is the best economist that the Church has ever had in all the earth, 'You could be a candidate for the Committee on the Economic Directory of the Holy See. Send me your resume.' So it happens. And I am appointed. Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Secretary of State, learns of the Commission and its members only in a Chirograph (A Church document circulated for the benefit of the Curia alone), the act, with which Pope Francis appointed us, will be officially announced."

Chaouqui also affirmed, that she does not belong to Opus Dei, but "is spiritually very near" the Work. She places great emphasis on being friends with the Cardinals Tauran, Farina and Bertello. The latter she refers to as "to have reformed the Curia in one glorious act."

"Among her famous titles, Chaouqui avoids, it also worth noting the distinction that she was awarded in August by the American Association Go Topless: "“Go-Topless congratulates Francesca Chaouqui, the only female aide appointed by the Vatican for freely showing her nude torso. Time to put an end to millennia of repressive ‘moral’ values imposed by the Catholic church. Constitutional equal topless rights means true separation of church and state! Go-Topless Day, August 25th, 2013″." The organization Go Topless has established since 2007 a Go Topless Day for "women's equality" and describe it as a "human right" that women may publicly topless as men. On the Go Topless Day then, their followers show what they have underneath. The award ceremony is obviously a provocation. They ​​possibly made the photo shoot, which Chaouqui allowed them to do in a photo studio.

Text: Settimo Cielo / Giuseppe Nardi Image: Settimo Cielo

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Thoughts of a Great Shepherd of the Church

With Catholic Joy

From the wealth of clear doctrinal answers, the steadfast Bishop Kurt Krenn, loyal to Rome, whom the church owes a lot to - this is an exemplary excerpt
Bishop Kurt Krenn: words
along the way,
thoughts of a shepherd of the Church,
St. Pölten St. Joseph Publishing,
ISBN 3-901853-04-9

The truth of Christ - Regardless of Majorities (p. 49)

In the religious field, democracy and truth are not necessarily connected with each other: one can err democratically and undemocratically, a majority still doesn't determine truth.

As Jesus once asked his disciples, who do they say He is, he got different answers: John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah or some other prophet.

It was reserved to Peter not to give answer for the polls but the true answer: You are the Christ, the Son of the living God (cf. Mt 16, 13-19). On Peter, Christ founded his Church and their faith.

Marriage and Family - to murderous abortion and homo-perversion (p. 130)

Once it was hoped to reduce cases of abortion by unauthorized contraception, yet it is already evident now long the deceptive is the illusion of such a hope.

Sexuality is a gift from the order of the Creator, irrevocably linked to the married couple, was offered to children and young people as a social and cultural accomodation, that has long led it since on its own path of the destruction of souls and can not be controlled by the free gifts of contraceptives.

From the contempt of the Creator, which is described in Romans as the reversal of the truth of God into a lie:
Wherefore, God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness: to dishonour their own bodies among themselves. Who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause, God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts, one towards another: men with men, working that which is filthy and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error. And as they liked not to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate sense, to do those things which are not convenient. Being filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness: full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, malignity: whisperers, Detractors, hateful to God, contumelious, proud, haughty, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Foolish, dissolute: without affection, without fidelity, without mercy. Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death: and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them.(cf. Rom 1, 24-32).
The Church, as Christ Wanted Her - to Obedience (p. 196)

In the background, faithful obedience is the reality of the Holy Trinity: one God in three persons, one God in three equals the Deity.

Also in the mysterious Trinity, between peers obedience is nothing more than love for each other, the Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is not the Father, the difference of the same is and stands still not in the way of the most perfect union of equals.

Anyone who thinks theologically, can immediately understand those relationships of obedience just in the Trinity, the most perfect reality of all realities, not the preserve of dependence but love in the differences and yet the most perfect of all communities.

The Church, as Christ Wanted Her - the "Right to the Eucharist" (p. 221)

The Church recognizes the "right to Eucharist" not as a collective right of the community, but as a personal invitation to the faithful, who are in turn personally bound to the celebration of the Sunday mass.

Right now is the moment of truth that the faithful take their Sunday obligation seriously and conscientiously attend the Eucharist every Sunday and holiday.

An outward fulfillment of the Sunday obligation is not sufficient. It must bear the celebration of the liturgy in faith and reverence.

Beyond all activities and external forms, events filled with the inner grace of the Eucharist raise the faithful: the true consummation of the work of our redemption.

Religion is Not a Private Matter - for unborn life (p. 249)

Our least brethren and sisters, the unborn children, these may concern both  Church and State, who seeks or justifies seemingly licit means to eliminate the unborn. Christ suffers in the fetus in which the absence of love means death.

We appeal to the conscience of all educated people, which remains today in many systems of injustice as the only protection for our most vulnerable children of men.

We must always remember the truth about man and return to the truth of God. In this question there is no escape and deception.

It is Christians with conscience and fear of God, who must raise their voices.

Do not remain silent and also act in forming this question in your political judgment that is consistent with the teaching of the Church.

©, EMail:, Impressum
Trans: Tancred


South Sydney Rugby Mascot Included at Mass

Edit: here's some news from Sydney from a correspondent. They just can't help themselves, and don't appear to understand what's supposed to take place at Mass.

Horrors: Father Jersey and Charlie the Rabbit lead the congregation in a rendition of the South Sydney victory song at the St Michael's Daceyville feast day Mass on Michaelmas.

The South Sydney Rabbitohs are a team in this competition.

Here is a link to the article in which the photo originally appeared:

Pope Francis Replaces Cardinal Piacenza as Prefect for the Congregation of Clergy

(Vatican) Pope Francis's serious move has begun with the conversion of the Roman Curia, by the appointment of men of his choice. On Saturday, two important personnel reshuffles in the Vatican will be announced. The most important change concerns the dismissal of Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy.

Cardinal Piacenza was appointed only three years ago by Pope Benedict XVI. to this important post. He distinguished himself as a staunch defender of the traditional image of the priest. He saw the solution to the shortage of priests not in other relaxations, but the shortage of priests, among other things as a result of too many accomodations. Thus Cardinal Piacenza encouraged more discipline and tried to deepen the theological, spiritual and practical understanding of the priesthood.

Archbishop Piacenza is an Advocate of Priest Celibacy - They Hindered the Dedication of the Cure of Ars Patron of Priests to

The appointment of Monsignor Piacenza in 2007 as Secretary of the Congregation for the Clergy should have "neutralized" the influence of the then Prefect of the Congregation, the Brazilian Cardinal Claudio Humes. The replacement of Hummes by Piacenza as Prefect of the Congregation in 2010 had to do with the recently failed survey of Saint John Mary Vianney as the Patron of Priests. Pope Benedict XVI. wanted to give the parish priest of Ars to priests for an example. Against this "pre-Conciliar" priest's image great resistence rose to the top of the Church. Cardinal Hummes was one of the opponents.

In mid-January, Pope Benedict XVI. assigned the Congregation for the Clergy the supervision of the seminaries. Cardinal Piacenza had initiated visitations of the seminaries immediately, especially the numerous Roman seminaries. Under his administration, a new Board of Directors for the priests had been adopted. In connection with "50 years of Vatican II", he published texts that aimed to rid the image of priesthood and the priestly formation of distorting interpretations and - as Pope Benedict XVI. desired - back to a stronger bond to a spiritual perspective. Thus, a technical-practical reduction of the priest as an administrator was to be pushed back.

Cardinal Piacenza will be Apostolic Penitentiary - The Chief of the Diplomatic Academy New Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy

On the appointment of Archbishop Pietro Parolin to the Curia, as the new Secretary of State, he unleashed a discussion about the abolition of priestly celibacy with a new urgency, followed by the dismissal of Cardinal Piacenza, a resolute supporter of the priestly celibacy. Piacenza is to be assigned to the honorable but less influential post of the Cardinal Poenitentiary by Pope Francis and there, to succeeded the Portuguese Cardinal Manuel Monteiro de Castro.

The new Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, is a Vatican diplomatic Archbishop, Beniamino Stella. To be precise, the Italian Bishop Stella has been President of the Diplomatic Academy of the Holy See since 2007 and thus responsible for the training of diplomats of the Church.

Monsignor Eterović New Nuncio to Germany - Archbishop Baldisseri new Secretary of the Synod of Bishops

The second relates to the reshuffle of the Croatian Archbishop Nikola Eterovic. He will be replaced as Secretary of the Synod of Bishops, an office which he held for nine years. He will be replaced by Monsignor Lorenzo Baldisseri, the Secretary of the College of Cardinals. He placed the purple Pileolus on the Pope after his election. Since then, he is considered as a candidate for the dignity of Cardinal. Monsignor Eterović will be the new Apostolic Nuncio to Germany.

The appointment of the new Secretary of State and the reshuffles at the top of the Congregation for the Clergy and the Synod of Bishops took place just before the first meeting of the eight-member Council appointed by the Pope Francis, which is to assist in the reform of the Curia and in the governance of the Church. The announced personnel decisions are the result of considerations of the Cardinal advisors.

The Pope Has Filled Key positions with Intimates - tit for tat for the dismissal the Pope's Friend Cardinal Hummes?

The dismissal of Cardinal Piacenza and Archbishop Eterović seem to be related to the fact that Pope Francis intends to use personal confidantes in two key positions that are important for his further activities. Cardinal Piacenza's age is likely to have played a role in the dismissal but substantive differences of opinion as well. Moreover, as Vatican expert Andrea Tornielli suggests, the transfer of Archbishop Piacenza is a kind of tit for tat for the 2010 dismissal of Cardinal Hummes, who is a friend and elector of Pope Francis.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Vatican Insider
Trans: Tancred


A Dream: Traditional Catholics Are the Best Allies of Pope Francis


(Rome) The traditional website Messa in Latino has published the essay "The traditionalists: the best allies of Pope Francis." The title may seem surprising. Besides the fact that it is better to write "traditionalists" with quotation marks, because the labeling is wrong, yet it is still valid to presuppose that the title is to be understood so that traditionally associated Catholics are the best allies of each pope.

"Pope Francis returns time and again in his speeches and sermons to his criticism of a self-centered Christianity and careerism, which is applicable to many churchmen. The Pope has stressed the need for them to go 'onto the streets of the world to proclaim the Gospel message. But he also says that although there are still no official documents, except a few sentences to the Bishops of CELAM [and religious representatives of the CLAR; Note] that he does not love especially the traditionalists. How so?

I'm convinced that the Pope is not exactly averse to the world of tradition. Let's look at why.

1) Who has "gone forth" more than the traditionalists from the dusty vestries to return to the celebration of Holy Mass in the catacombs? Has anyone more than they, converted industrial buildings throughout the world into churches, chapels and garages in tenements into monasteries?

2) Who is more than them keeping the faith, "going forth" onto the streets without fearing the anathemas of the bourgeois and the exhortations of the cowardly who disguise themselves as "Conservative"? These have rather hastened with Apostolic haste, to lock the doors well sealed to keep the traditionalists "beyond", to shield them from the heard so that no one could "infect" them indoors.

3) Who, especially in France, but not only, still holds large public solemn processions and pilgrimages on foot on the public roads?

4) Who, despite the continued apathy of the shepherds, is still on the streets and squares of France to actively defend marriage and the Christian family, even at the cost of being arrested?

5) Who, if not the traditionalists, are consistent to their vocation, who have been denied for decades, brilliant careers in the church, in chairs at Pontifical and Catholic Universities, to secure positions in the Church editorial offices, in the service of the Bishops and the Ordinariate?

6) Who is able, to the anger of self-centered bishops, thanks to the grace of God and the readiness to engage a healthy debate on the world's byways in order still to convert Protestants, Jews and Muslims?

7) Who will continue to consistently don ecclesiastical clothing, to be present and not to hide on the streets of the world? Who, on the other hand, strives to disguise and obscure themselves as much as possible, and wears the priestly and religious garb, if at all, only within the walls of his comfortable church?

8) Who still talks about the Social Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ and endeavor - and outside the vestry - to fight in the world for it so that the states respect their laws and defend the law of God?

9) Who comes to speak on poverty, a theme so dear to Pope Francis, gives so willingly his tithe yet even paying church tax and also donating as much as possible for him to be true to his conscience?

10) Who ultimately represents a militant Christianity, aiming at the conversion of the world, without false ecumenism, without compromises or false human consideration, but all in all for Christ?

Pope Francis would therefore really find his most loyal and valuable allies among the lists of tradition. But ... maybe I'm dreaming .... The government tells me that I must have misunderstood something here ...

I did not understand anything? May be. But I still hope. I love the Pope, because the Pope is the Pope. I pray for him and I hope to continue ...

Translation: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Una Voce

Link to Katholisches...

Friday, September 20, 2013

Junge Freiheit: New Charges Against Volker Beck

Is Volker Beck lying about his statements?
Foto: picture alliance/dpa
Edit: it’s worth remember that Volker Beck was a fervent persecutor of the Catholic Church in Germany, and even on the hunt for  what was once  Europe’s largest Catholic internet site,  The German Bishops’ Conference were only too happy to join their cause with his and his confrere the faux-Thomist, David Berger.
Now the tables are turned, somewhat, as even the Green Party seems to want to be rid of this liablility.
BERLIN. The Secretary of the Green Party, Volker Beck, apparently lied about his controversial pedophile endorsement  in the year 1988. This is the result of research by Spiegel Online.
Beck had always insisted that the text had been corrupted. A manuscript of the original edition has been, however, and it shows that Beck's statements were not changed by the publisher.  In the essay “Change the Criminal Law?  A Plea for a Realistic Restructuring of Sexual Politics”,  Beck had proposed among other things for the "very decriminalization of paedosexuality ".  Released in 1988, the contribution was in the book "The Pedosexual Complex. Handbook for the Affected and Their Opponents. "
Changes were mainly the headlines
On his website, Beck wrote of the text: "The first printing was unauthorized and its meaning was adulterated  by a free redaction of the publisher. In my memory, the legal department of the Green Party  has now taken action against the publisher and/or editor: An enforcement of non-distribution was probably not attainable, but a new edition of the work with this article was prohibited.” Documents from that time, before 25 years ago are not subject to it.  Today, he is annoyed that he didn’t have scripts and other documents of the time better secured and preserved.
Spiegel Online, however, has now discovered in the archives of the Green-affiliated Heinrich Böll Foundation, a manuscript from the Gay Department of the Green Party, which is "almost identical” with his contribution from the book "The pedosexual complex" is. Mainly the title and a subtitle have been changed.
Beck Maintains His Version
Beck still insists, however, that the editors of the book have distorted the meaning of the text by changing the headline. In another statement on its website on Friday that "the typescript thus confirms my recollection that the published article was not authorized and was adulterated in its meaning by a free redaction in headings and text excerpts from the publisher. The typescript also confirmed embarrassingly, positions which I have already distanced myself from several times and have explained in several interviews that it was a totally false assumption that between theoretically ‘harmless’ sexual contacts with consent and violent, harmful sexual contacts between adults and children, there could be a distinction. "
This incorrect assumption of the text is marked. "I apologize now for the presence of the original script and again sincerely dissociate myself again. I have described my thoughts from back then repeatedly as 'unspeakable' deviant 'nonsense' and big mistake. "
Publisher Contradicted Beck Already the End of August
Junge Freiheit has also confronted Beck repeatedly with this text. However, he never wanted to comment on the points at which this was exactly been changed. Moreover, research by JF revealed that Beck had apparently not told the truth regarding a prevented second edition of the book. He was contradicted finally by August Foerster Publishing in the book that was published at the time.
The Managing Director of the publishing house, Joachim Köhler, insured  JF that he could not remember a legal battle with the Green Party. "In addition, no new edition of the book was planned. They would have to have been out of stock in the first place. That was not the case. On the contrary, we even had the rest of the run pulped. "(Krk)