Thursday, September 19, 2013

Diocese of Hong Kong: UN to Demand Religious Freedom of Beijing -- Four Underground Priests Arrested 17, November 2013

Diocese of Hong Kong: UN to demand religious freedom of Beijing - Four arrested underground priest 17th September 2013 10:07 | Note to editors (Hong Kong) Iustitia et Pax of the Diocese of Hong Kong, China appealed to the United Nations Commission, which periodically is concerned with the progress of religious freedom in the People's Republic of China. Iustitia et Pax called for the United Nations to urge Communist China to implement “religious liberty” in the letter of 18 July. The Diocese of Hong Kong gave the UN a number of new cases of serious violations of religious freedom. The specified include the illegal ordinations that the Beijing regime performs against the will of the Catholic Church. In the month of August alone, four underground Catholic priests were arrested. There is no information of where they are held or how they are doing. On the 2nd of September, a preparatory meeting of the UN Commission took place. A meeting is planned for the 22nd of October, in which the periodic report on religious freedom in China is to be presented and decided upon.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Trans: Tancred

AMGD Link to katholisches...

Cardinal Caffara: “Without Truth There Can be no Love” -- Of the Theft and Emptying of the Word “Love"

(Bologna) The Archbishop of Bologna, Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, held a Lectio Magistralis that offered more than expected. The Cardinal is known for his clear words and his unabridged proclamation of Catholic doctrine. For this reason, he is already cornered repeatedly by zeitgeisty intellectual homo-philes. A confrontation that the Archbishop does not fear. In his most recent Lectio, the fact that Christians had “love” taken from their hands due to carelessness. The word has been filled with new content and thus robbed of its true meaning. Because love exists only in connection with truth. Without truth, there is no love.

A child needs a Father and a Mother, not “Parent 1" and “Parent 2

The Lectio Magistralis of Cardinal Caffarra was held in Bologna at the opening of the new school year for Catholic teachers. The media commentators have focused on an important passage in which the Cardinal decided against replacing the words "father" and "mother" with "parent 1" and "parent 2". An ideologically motivated circumlocution in the left-liberal war of extermination against the family.

The Lectio contained another point that was deeper and more fundamental. It is also about the debate surrounding the letter Pope Francis recently wrote to atheist Eugenio Scalfari and the left-liberal daily La Repubblica. "A Key Concept of the Christian Doctrine has Been Stolen by Modern Culture”

“You may have noticed that I have avoided using the word 'love,'" said Cardinal Caffarra. "Why is that? Because a theft has occurred. A key concept of the Christian doctrine, just 'love', has been stolen by modern culture and has become an empty concept, a kind of container in which everyone puts into it what he says. "In this way, however," said the Cardinal, "the truth of love is a hard to place today".

The statement of the Archbishop of Bologna is of great importance. The cardinal recalled that everyone, especially those who want to have a flexible truth, that love, as well as mercy, represents a very concrete reality and truth is immutable and not arbitrarily modeled plastic. To make it clearer to understand what he meant, Cardinal Caffarra quoted a passage from the encyclical Caritas in Veritate by Benedict XVI.:

"Without truth, charity degenerates into sentimentality. Love becomes an empty shell, to be filled in as you wish. That is the fatal risk facing love in a culture without truth. It falls prey to contingent subjective emotions and opinions of the individual, a word that is abused and distorted, until finally it means the opposite. “

This is Catholic doctrine, the same as Pope Francis was trying to convey in his attempt at dialogue with the atheist Scalfari. An experiment which reminded among other atheists because the truth is neither changeable nor subjective. Some passages of the Pope's letter was somewhat misleading and offered Scalfari and La Repubblica, has a decisive influence on the left-liberal media spectrum when it comes to the Vatican and Italy, the possibility of a dialectical reversal.

However, the following applies: Where the good will is not there, there will always be such distortion that God and the truth will be evaded, no matter how well a text is formulated.

"To say homo and hetero is the same thing, is to deny the obvious"

Cardinal Caffarra was the first President of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family. As early as last July, he found clear words against aberro-partnerships. He then replied to statements of the Leftist mayor of Bologna. At that time the Cardinal found a fitting manner to express what many complain of in the current development: "To say that homo and hetero represent an equivalent, that it makes no difference for society and for the children, is to deny the obvious. Even if that has to be explained, then it must really be a mute cry. We have arrived at such a darkening of reason, that one thinks it is the laws that establish the truth of things.” And that is truly a tragedy.

The ideas expanded upon in his Lectio Magistralis, the Cardinal took his ideas back from July and it's really sad that such things that are self-evident today must be partly recalled to an audience that acts as if it had a clue, but does not know the reality of things, not even the most basic realities of human existence: "gay marriage," said the cardinal, "is unable to meet the requirement for begetting new human life." Nevertheless, he added, different countries have recognized homosexual relationships in their laws and "these granted the right to adopt or for artificial insemination." So we are already in the midst of trying separate the loving union of man and woman and procreation from each other. It has become indifferent as to whether the new life is begotten or produced. The topic of surrogacy is still disparaged, but it is already in the room.

Love Decoupled From The Truth “Leads Us to The Abyss"

What besides, said Cardinal Caffarra, “then that the human person comes into the world?" The mistake is to think that the connection between man and woman is an empty concept to be decided by social consensus, which is the destruction of the most basic human social network: the genealogy of man. “This proposed path that makes a concept deflated of truth, the concept of love ,and fills it with subjective feelings, leads us to the abyss in which the biological dimension as a constitutive element of genealogy disappears.”

Text: NBQ / Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Nuova Bussola Quotidiana
Trans: Tancred


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Archbishop Zollitsch Resigns Early

(Freiburg im Breisgau) "I admit that this message of the day delighted me." With these words, the Spanish church historian and Catholic blogger Francisco de la Cigoña, addressed the resignation of Archbishop Robert Zollitsch of Freiburg and his imminent departure as chairman of the German Bishops' Conference in March 2014. The title of de la Cigoñas comment can not be reproduced in full here. It reads: "Remarkable Kick in the A... to Zollitsch".

"Robert Zollitsch, who had been Archbishop of Freiburg since 2003, is in my opinion one of the worst bishops, not only of the German church, but the universal Church. He became the unusual object of attention for Pope Francis. He quickly put him on the road, just one month and eight days after reaching the retirement age, as this is actually usually done only for really sick or really disastrous bishops," says de la Cigoña.

"He was also Chairman of the German Episcopal Conference, Conference of Bishops, a disaster, what action can be more surprising," says the Spanish historian.

One Spanish Bishop is 77 and his resignation still hasn't been accepted.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: La cigüeña de la torre
Trans: Tancred


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Archbishop Bans Pro-Life Group From Bulletin But Deeply Concerned About Climate Change

The Church of Climatology
Edit: it's a question of priorities and there's a conspAdd captioniracy brewing down under as the Archbishop of Adelaide, Philip Wilson, is refusing to allow parish bulletins to include advertise for activities surrounding 40 Days for Life. He says that that there is a need for a united voice and accountability which these organisations do not offer. No further explanation has been offered. Despite that, the organization has been endorsed by Bishop Conley, Bishop Cupich,Bishop Quinn and Bishop Baker, just to name a few.

Despite the endorsement from his brother Bishops, the Archbishop is quick to support concerns about the environment and "illegal immigrants", much like other Old Liberal American counterparts, he is placing his spiritual capital behind Leftist causes. As we learned from a local friend in Adellaide complete with "Australian Religious Response to Climate Change":

You will also notice that the same letter promotes the "Walk or Ride to Worship" a program to combat "climate change" supported by ARRCC "Australian Religious Response to Climate Change" an inter-religious group which not only supports a scientifically dubious hypothesis of anthropogenic climate change but also supports a number of extremist policies that are at odds with the economic interests and job security of many Catholics like:

- phasing out coal exports,

- reducing our dependence and phasing out livestock farming,

- supporting carbon dioxide taxes

- shutting down coal fired power stations, a move that would greatly increase electricity costs for all Australians.

Check out the ARRCC's policies here:

Photo from the Archdiocese of Adelaide website.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Novus Horror Missae in Madrid by Carmelites -- Not Worthy of The Congregation of Religious' Attention?

To your health!

(Madrid) With the questions "Are these Vedruns? And if it is about what I fear?" said the Spanish Catholic church historian and blogger Francisco de la Cigoña about a horror missae from Spain.

As to "Vedruns" the nuns are called the Spanish Carmelites of Love, a Catholic women's order, founded by a religious Joaquina de Vedruna (1783-1854). De Verdruna, a Spanish noblewoman, saw a need after the Napoleonic Wars in the plight of many people, especially young girls. The Order Founded in 1816 is the Carmelita Congregación Hermanas de la Caridad Vedruna. They devoted themselves to caring for the poor and the education and training of young girls. The Order dispensed with their habit by the time of the Second Vatican Council. Today, there are only few very elderly sisters or those from East Asia, still wearing a religious habit.

The picture documents a horror missae. This is an experimental Eucharistic celebration by a priest without vestments and without the necessary sacred vessels. An altar (?) covered with a floral tablecloth. Two women as "concelebrants" (?) stand in front of the other clearly toastsing "liturgically" (?), singing or simulating a form of elevation in the "conversion" or the doxology of the Eucharistic Prayer?

On the website of the Vedrunen, there are more pictures of the same "worship" whose caption explicitly speaks of a Mass celebration. The "Holy Mass" was part spiritual retreat called "Banquet", dated 18-24 August in Valladolid. De la Cigoña questioned whether the Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation Order of Aviz and Archbishop Secretary of the Congregation,  Carballo didn't have more more to do, instead of chastising the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate.

In the celebration of Mass, the Credo, with its truths of faith, has been replaced by a "common faith". Only the first line was translated:

Creemos Padre-Madre de Dios, que vida it, Compasión y misericordia. We believe in God the Father-Mother, life, compassion and mercy.

Creemos en el Dios de hecho un tantos. Acompaña y que Sostiene

. Creemos que el Espíritu y habita conduce a la Comunidad

Creemos recrear es posible que la Comunidad.

Creemos es posible que llegar a un liderazgo compartido, Descubriendo cada una de los dones .

Creemos que la diversidad enriquece y crea comunidad cuando cada una Aporta su origin alidad y hay comunicación sincera y profunda.

Creemos que la comunidad que se recrea it fuente de VIDA Y ESPERANZA.

Creemos en la fuerza de la Unión de los hermanos que Rezan por los que sufren.

Creemos de Dios que el cura nos, salva y sana.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Vedruna
Trans: Tancred

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Cardinal Cipriani: "Müller is a Bit Naive" -- Impulsive Clelia Luro: Has Liberation Theology Really Changed?

Ripping my Collar Off to do some "Real" Theology!

(Rome) on 11 September, Pope Francis received the "Father of Liberation Theology," the Peruvian Gustavo Gutierrez, in audience. Gutierrez had been invited to Rome by his friend, the new Prefect of the CDF Gerhard Archbishop Ludwig Müller. Müller presented with Gutierrez the recently published Italian edition of a book jointly written by the two. There was very little enthusiasm about it given by the highest representative of the Peruvian church, Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne, Archbishop of Lima. He described Müller's pretense toward the topic of Liberation Theology as, "a bit naive". The Papal reception for Gutierrez, was also announced by the impulsive-progressive "Bishop's Widow" Clelia Luro, according to her own definition describing herself as a "Pope-friend".

Cardinal Cipriani Behind Cardinal Bergolio

Cardinal Cipriani Criticizes New "Courting" of Gutierrez and Liberation Theology in Rome

Cardinal Cipriani was critical in courting the new Liberation Theology in Rome. It is a purified form of Marxism and Liberation Theology that has become quite toothless, but the word still evokes bad memories, as the "Liberation Theology" in the 70s and 80s, worked as a Marxist idea-gate into the Catholic Church. To those who have concerns, include the Archbishop of Lima, Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne. As a Latin American and a Peruvian, in particular,  he really knows exactly  the left slogans that reinterpreted a liberation from sin into a liberation of "social oppression". The South American cardinal is therefore also curt to the Roman "approach" to the theology of liberation, at least on Gutierrez. When asked about Archbishop Curia Müller the archbishop of Lima said, he is "a good German, a good theologian, a little naive." Thus, the unflattering commentary by Cardinal Cipriani last Friday on RPP radio .
"Bishop's"  Widow.

About the audience between  Gutierrez and  Pope Francis, the Cardinal said: "My reading is that he [Müller] wanted to do a favor for his friend [Gutierrez], who is dear to him, wanted to do a favor, and wants to help him in any way, to correct himself and incorporate him in the Catholic Church." According to Cardinal Cipriani, the Pope had only received Gutierrez at the request of Curial Archbishop Müller and not officially.

Francis Pope (front), Cardinal Cipriani Thorne (rear) Cardinal Cipriani: Liberation Theology Caused the Church "Great Harm"

The Cardinal is of the opinion that the unofficial audience was abused last Thursday in order to gain recognition of a theology which has done "great harm to the Church". The cardinal recalled that Gutierrez was never actually found guilty of that in the first half of the 80s by the then Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith,  Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, but he asked him, to "correct two of his books", one of which was the book "Theology of Liberation" which was to give the whole movement  the name. Whether Gutierrez is now "corrected, I do not know," said the Peruvian Cardinal.

The Church, says Cipriani Thorne, had never been closed to the social question and the misery of the people. It belongs to the distortion of liberation theology, claiming to have such an impact, in order to present itself as being the only truly "evangelical" theology. In fact, the liberation theologians, however, have swapped basic truths of the faith.

Pope Francis Has not Forgiven Gutierrez a Discourtesy

The Vatican expert Sandro Magister noted that Pope Francis, has truly received Gustavo Gutierrez but that the position of the Pope nevertheless is clearly distinct from that of the Prefect of the Congregation, Curial Archbishop Müller. As Latin Americans know, Pope Francis is very well aquatinted with Liberation Theology and its seduction. As a Jesuit provincial and even as a bishop in Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio sharply criticized  Liberation Theology. In addition, still playing into a personal touch, there is that the distant relationship to the head of the Catholic Church with Gutierrez, says Magister.

Just the fact that Gutierrez does not appear in the official audience schedule of the Vatican and the Holy See after the meeting with the Pope, issued no opinion as to whether there is evidence of a benevolent attitude that the Curial Archbishop has toward his friend Gutierrez is shared by Pope Francis.

Impulsive "Bishop Widow" and "Pope friend" Clelia Luro Speaks Again

Clelia Luro appears with the picture of her husband Jeronimo Podesta, a former priest, ex-bishop, Marxist Liberation Theologian and probably excommunicated. The rudeness, that the Pope believes Gutierrez to be guilty of, according to Magister, is a grudge, which is admittedly a bit confused because it plays on a very personal level. The source is again, the impulsive Clelia Luro, who, however, shall not be the only one since the election of Pope Bergoglio who was used as a media tool, will call attention to their own interests. In early July, the Argentine widow received a certain noteriety in the German speaking world when the Austrian newspaper, Die Presse quoted her as saying that - in her opinion - Pope Francis will "soon" abolish priestly celibacy. It's a hobby horse of Luros' that has to do with her own personal flaw. A battle the now 87-year-old woman has led for decades. She proudly says that she had called the current Pope as Archbishop of Buenos Aires every Sunday. It's a practice that apparently arose after the death of her husband. Also, since his election as Pope, he had already called her several times, most recently on the 7th of September.

Clelia Luros message was not treated with disinterest. She is primarily a crusader on her own behalf or that of her late husband, around whom everything revolves with her ​​and seeks the "honor" to defend it. Luro is immediately, not only the widow of a former Catholic priest, but a bishop. Her husband, Jose Jeronimo Podesta (1920-2000) was ordained a priest in 1962 and bishop in 1946. As the Diocesan Bishop of Avellaneda, located as a suffragan of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, Podesta mixed heavily in politics. The President Juan Carlos Ongania, who gained power through a military coup in 1966, urged his removal. In order to avoid a diplomatic clash, Podesta was led to resign as Bishop of Avellaneda in 1967 and appointed a titular bishop. Podesta continued his political activities, including the Union Christian Peace Conference  (CFRP) steered by the Soviet Union. His political and religious radicalization led to an increasing distance from the Catholic Church. In 1971 he returned back to the Church back and in 1972 he married his secretary Clelia Luro that coincided with his anti-Church, Marxist political and religious struggle in the name of Liberation Theology.

"Bishopess" Mayr-Lumetzberger Received "Apostolic Succession" from Luros Mann

In old age, Jeronimo Podesta was discovered in all sorts of strange circles. These included the Austrian Christine Mayr-Lumetzberger from Linz and the German, Gisela Forster in Munich, both of whom happen to be for women priests in the Catholic Church. They were ordained by a "bishop" Romulo Braschi to become "priestesses" and consecrated "bishops". Braschi maintains for his side to have been illicitly but validly ordained by "Bishop" Podesta. But this in turn is contested by Podesta's widow, Clelia Luro, however. Besides the fact that the "apostolic succession" of would-be bishops is on thin ground, all parties, "consecration" and "sanctified" received excommunication anyway.

Podesta died in 2000 in poverty, but, the tradition, that the then Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio had hurried to his deathbed, who was the only one of the ecclesiastical hierarchy to do so. It is not known whether Podesta had died reconciled with the Church. Clelia Luro anyway confirms in Bergoglio, this gesture as an example of great humanity. From their previous battle positions, however, they have moved little.

Pope to Call Luro on the 7th of September? - Liberation from Liberation Theology?

Clelia Luro made this event public in a letter to Gustavo Gutierrez.  Her letter was published on the progressive Catholic website Redes Cristiana. Luro writes this that she had received a phone call from Pope Francis on the 7th of September. The Pope told her he had not forgotten the impoliteness Gutierrez had shown to her husband, Podesta.

As Gutierrez was to have held a lecture at a meeting of the Association of Priests of the Third World in Cordoba, which also included the former Bishop Jeronimo Podesta, the Peruvian Liberation Theologian was invited to speak, but he refused to give his presentation, "if Jeronimo would have remained in the hall." Gutierrez only began to speak as Podesta had left the room.

In the same letter, Clelia Luro, makes accusations against Gutierrez but also equally against other famous Liberation Theologians, and also ex-priest Leonardo Boff. "If liberation theology brings us to be the judge our brothers, then we would also need liberation from this theology," this was what the "bishop's" widow wrote, utterly moralizing about the ideologues, as she still seems to have militant Liberation Theologians close by her. [Divide et Impera?]

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Iglesia Descalza / Marco Longari / Triregnum
Trans: Tancred

Link to katholisches...

Father Philippe Laguerie is Again the General Superior of the Institute of the Good Shepherd

Edit: the problem is the return of the creatures of +++Sodano and the Old Liberals against Benedict's regime.

(Paris) The General Chapter of the traditional Institut du Bon Pasteur (Institute of the Good Shepherd) was elected on the 12th of September, the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary in Fontgombault Abbé Philippe Laguerie back to the Superior General. Assistant to the Superior General, Father Abbot Vella Yannick, pastor of Saint Eloi and Father Paul Aulagnier, rector of the St. Vincent de Paul Seminary of the Institute were elected. This ends a dispute over the general management of the Institute, which had broken open at the General Chapter of 2012.

The Institute, a society of apostolic life of pontifical right, was recognized ad experimentum by Rome in September 2006,and thus returned to full communion with Rome. Father Laguerie had in common with others of the Society of St. Pius X, separated and founded his own institute.

In the wake of an Apostolic Visitation, which took place under the leadership of then and now renewed Secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, Monsignor Guido Pozzo, there was some internal unrest in the institute. The visitor had asked the Institute to affirm the Second Vatican Council in its formation of priests and to use the Catechism of the Catholic Church in its revised edition from 1997 as the authoritative basis of the Church's teaching. In addition, there can be given no categorical refusal of the celebration of the Novus Ordo. Reasons for criticism were also found in some critical articles about post-Conciliar developments that had been written by priests of the Institute.

The Roman measures have strengthened the critics an agreement with the Holy See within the SSPX, which appeared to be within reach in Spring of 2012.

At the General Chapter in May 2012, Father Laguerie was not confirmed as Superior General, but a younger Director was elected under the new Superior General Perell Roch, who took a more critical position against the Roman principles. However, the electoral process was controversial because of a re-election, and was challenged by Father Laguerie. In July 2012 the new CDF appointed by Pope Benedict XVI., Curial Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, became President of Ecclesia Dei confirmed the opposition to the former Superior General. In April 2013, the Vice-President appointed by Ecclesia Dei, Curial Archbishop Augustine Di Noia convened as acting superior general of the Institute with the Abbot Emeritus of Fontgombault, a new contract with the General Chapter and to repeat the election of the General Government. The term of office of the newly elected General Council will last until 2019.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Institut du Bon Pasteur
Trans: Tancred


Sunday, September 15, 2013

330 Years Since the Relief of Vienna

In 1683 the Christian Alliance Defeated the Turks Before Vienna and Led the Liberation of Southeast Europe from the Turkish yolk.

Vienna 1683, the armies of the Holy League attacking the Ottoman
besieging forces.  Since 1400, Turkish troops began attacking
the Empire, a Fresco in the Graz Cathedral by Thomas von Villach
counts them among the seven menaces. [The Previous Picture: was of
Hatschi Bratschi's hot air balloon, just as politically incorrect
as this one.]

The Christian relief force

In early September 1683, the armies mediated by Pope Innocent XI. into the Holy League gathered for the attack on the Turkish siege forces under the Ottoman Grand Vizier Kara Mustafa in front of Vienna.

The French King Louis XIV., was committed to neutrality by Pope Innocent XI., was previously connected to the Sultan. France tried in vain to hold the Polish king from a merger with the army of Emperor Leopold I..

The formal leadership of the relief army, the Emperor Leopold I left to Poland's King Jan III. Sobieski. The individual parts of the army, however, remained under the suzerainty of the respective commanders.

Duke Charles of Lorraine led the imperial troops (among them, the troops provided by the Pope), supported by the Bavarians and Franks under Max Emanuel and the Saxons under Elector Johann Georg III.

The financing of the relief force was paid for to a substantial degree by the Holy Church under Pope Innocent XI., who fell back again on the income and wealth of ecclesiastical rule, the abbeys and monasteries.

The soldiers in the city were paid from ecclesiastical property, especially from the depot of the Primate of Hungary, Bishop Kollonitsch, experienced in fighting the Turk, who cambe back into the besieged city.

12th September 1683

The city of Vienna was under the command of Ernst Rüdiger Graf Starhemberg just was barely holding backthe attacks of the Ottomans, who had besieged the city with around 100,000 men.

These build trenches around the city ditches and dug underground blasting chambers which were set off undermine the walls defending the city. In addition, the city was under constant artillery fire.

The armies of the Holy Alliance took advantage of the Kara Mustafa poorly defended positions in Vienna Woods to the west of the city, as a staging area.

According to estimates by the troops under the leadership of Lorraine, they comprised about 40,000 men, with 20,000 additional soldiers by Jan Sobieski.

The attack took place from the Kahler and Leopold mountain and by midday the Alliance troops established a front from Heilgenstadt to Grinzing and Sievering.

"The Giauren [unbelievers = Christians] appeared with their detachments on the slopes on like storm clouds, gathering around the Erz Mountains. The other wing was opposed on the banks of the Danube composed of Walachians and Moldovans and over-reaching with the other wing to the extreme divisions of the Tartars, covered the mountains and fields while formed up in crescent order of battle. They were like a flood of wallowing black pitch pouring downhill, everything that opposed them was crushed, and burned," is how Mehmet, the Ottoman chronicler, describes the relieving army.

General Attack

The general attack on the main line of defense of the Ottomans took place at three twenty pm, the attack apparently exerted overwhelming pressure, so that even Kara Mustafa's camp had to be evacuated in great haste.

Just as Kara Mustafa was surprised by the strength of the defenders of Vienna, it also apparently the strength of the Christian troops.

At five thirty in just over two hours, the battle was over.

Cowardice of the Turks

An Irish officer who witnessed the combat action, "If the victory was not as extensive as we had set out to do, this is only due to the cowardice of the enemies whom we have driven before us from morning to night, who had not the courage to look us in the face as we displaced them from position to position, and pursued to narrow passes, which we never would have succeeded had they have had even a trace of courage. The battle lasted with the troops of the King of Poland for the longest time, but that only increased his fame, because the losses of the enemy's soldiers and cannons were greatest there, the enemy had left us practically his whole camp, with tents, bags and luggage."


With the relief of Vienna, the dislodging of the Ottomans from Eastern Europe was launched. Among the officers of the Imperial Army then, was the young Prince Eugene, as a lieutenant-colonel.

According to estimates, the death toll of the areas in which the Turks had ravaged, murdered and enslaved, were twice as high as in the Second World War.

Book Recommendation via Kreuznet

Siege of Vienna by John Stoye

 Trans: Tancred AMGD

The Human Kindness of Bishop Kollonitsch

[] Bishop Leopold Karl Kollinitsch traveled to besieged Vienna in 1683 and helped organize the defense. After the victory over the Turks he worried about hundreds of orphans.

Bishop Kollonitsch, who drove to strengthen the defense of morality on the approach of the Turkish hordes to Vienna, gathers his "war booty" from the Turkish camp: 500 orphans, whom he at his own expense a new home and comfort are [Photo:]Battle Hardened Knight of Malta

The son of Count Ernst von Kollonitsch, who was the commander of the fortress Kormorn - in contrast to most of today's bishops - was a man of courageous deeds.

As a member of the Order of Malta, he was tested by the turks: He fought in 1651 in Candia (Crete), and four years later at the Dardanelles against Turkish invaders.

Since 1670 the Bishop of Wiener Neustadt, previously Prior of the Order of the branch Commende Mailberg and subsequently of Eger.

Defensive struggle in Vienna

When the Turks besieged Vienna in 1683, he traveled to the city, while others fled from her.

He organized jointly with Starhemberg the defense of the city, provided for the pay of soldiers and set up medical care.In addition, he was responsible for the spiritual care of the besieged.

When Kara Mustafa Pasha, the besieger of Vienna, who learned of his presence in the city, he announced that the courageous bishop's head would be led through the city on a pole after the hoped for taking of the city.

It was not to be: Kara Mustafa's skull was found after the conquest of Belgrade, on the road to Vienna.

In 1685 Count Kollonitsch became Bishop of Raab in Hungary, Archbishop of Esztergom, Primate of Hungary.

His work was honored by the Church with the appointment of a cardinal.

After the victory over the Turks in Vienna, he collected several hundred orphans from the suburbs and provided for their advancement and education. The following is recounted in history and poetry.

Rescue of orphans after the liberation of Vienna

"While the whole army was "grabbing loot in the camp, the worthy Bishop Kollonitsch seeked out those helpless children whose-parents had fallen, were among the unfortunate prisoners as the victim of hostile rage, to find them foster parents and to represent them.

"He found about 500 abandoned orphans. They were in indescribable misery in some which he met.

Some were near the bodies of their murdered mothers, and suckling, near death from hunger, blood instead of milk from her breasts.

"Others were rooting around in the soil, and could scarcely breathe more from hunger and exhaustion.

The worthy priest clasped them in his arms, paid people so that they were carried in the city, provided with costs for board and lodging, and afterwards he also educated many of them to become useful citizens of the state.

Emperor Leopold was touched by the philanthropic self-sacrifice of this bishop so that he procured him the Cardinal's dignity as a reward from the pope."

Thus, were the descriptions of the actions of Bishop Kollonitsch in the "Patriotic Conversations" by Leopold Chimani, Vienna, 1815, He was also praised in the figure below poem by Johann N. Vogl [Another stab at translating poetry by the editor from the German]

"None Wanted From My Spoils of War ..."

It sits in Vienna in the Imperial Hall The princes and heroes richer withal You have horrified the town anxious Lusted after by the Turks.

.And now to the end of the hearty repast and happily emptied of victories, one Speaks: "Enough now with song and sound! Now tell who won the best booty abound?"

"Have I got myself Sultan's God, out of his tent," said the Pole bold.Then a Lorrainer: "I took his proud banner with my my bloody sword."

A Viennese then: " A rich robe I wrung
with this hand from one retreating". Another shouted: "Weapon helm, spear won I and more such gear"

A fifth: "I ran with all with art
Arab horses then for my part. "
All knew of his kind what to say,
what for him was his prey.

Only one victor sat silent in reverie
all else forgot his story
"How silent but the bishop. Confess your deeds! Methinks thou hast most poor!"

Herr Kollonitsch, who also bishop, replied with smile: "One thing certain: gained you whatever by the Turks flight, none
has looked after my loot.

"And yet it is the more dear in fact, than any has taken from the battlefield. "

He waved his servants, to unlatch door whence came a throng, an army of children poor.

From boy and maid so tender and hold,
Her cheeks like Rose, the curls as gold.

They fell on their knees before man
of God, and clung weeping to him
"This is my prize!" the bishop says,
"Not one of you sought such as these.

I found them left in harm and dread,
their mothers strangled their fathers dead.

I led them all to storied Vienna's gables.
And I will be a father to the fatherless!"

And as he told them these words, the others were to shamed
 to silence, for what they all brought home, for none compared.

Link to

Basilica of Nursia: Winning Back the Presbyterium for the Old Rite

(Norcia) The photo gallery shows the gradual rebuilding of the chancel of the Basilica of Nursia, which has been supervised by the revived Benedictine Abbey since 2001. The American Benedictine Dom Cassiano Folsom, realized the re-establishment of a monastery twelve years before in the Abbey birthplace of monastic Father Benedict of Nursia and his sister, Saint Scholastica. The monastic life was strangled there in 1810 by Napoleonic legislation. In 2000 the Archbishop of Spoleto-Norcia offered an invitation to Cassiano cathedral, to resume the Benedictine tradition in the central Italian city.

The Benedictine convent is biritual. Internal monastery only maintains the traditional rite, while for the pastoral care the Novus Ordo is celebrated. The request of the abbey to the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, to celebrate the Holy Mass in Utroque Usu was approved in 2009. The Benedictines of Norcia emphasize a liturgical apostolate in the Old Rite.

The Benedictines currently live in Nursia, where they are plagued by lack of space. Therefore, they work on gradual reconstruction of ancient monastery ruins outside of Nursia, which will house the abbey in future.

The Benedictines of Norcia have worthily transformed the presbytery, despite only modest resources that are available to them. The first picture shows the presbytery of the basilica after the liturgical reform. The second picture shows the first stage of the liturgical restoration at the solemn vows of a monk. The direction of celebration was changed to ad Deum. The third picture shows the second stage of the liturgical restoration of the the extension of the chancel and nave, with ceremonial vestments, showing the facing the apse, and altar in the direction of celebration ad Deum, apsewards towards the rear wall, which was also redesigned solemnly. The picture was taken at the solemn profession of two monks from the monastic community was celebrated this past 3rd of August.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Bild: Messa in Latino Trans: Tancred


Website of the Cloister.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Churches Are Burning in Lower Saxony: Where's the Outcry?

It is time for clear words in the national and free churches says "idea" chief editor. Ein Gastkommentar von Wolfgang Polzer.

Niedersachsen ( Three Evangelical Churches were burned within a month in Lower Saxony. Were they mosques or synagogues - God forbid - The outcry in the world and abroad would have been great. But it remains comparatively quiet, why?

Arson is No Game

In the night of the 30th of July the Lutheran Church of Willehadi in Garbsen in Hannover almost completely burned down, on the 5th of August the door of the Reformed Church Community in Hammeln was in flames, and on the 31st of August the Baptist Friedenskirche Braunschweig was heavily damaged by arson.

In all of the cases there are no suspects; and for that reason no over hasty incriminations. Church authorities have maintained that the arsonists were young rowdies, who are engaging in fun of a dubious kind. Then there were an increasingly large number of cases of arson: baby carriages and garbage cans are bursting into flames. In Garbsen two youth bands are making the „Auf der Horst“ neighborhood unsafe. That's not fun.

Religious Freedom Threatened

It's not possible to have eyes closed to all concerns about social cooperation, threatened by a burgeoning of violence and of rowdiness among the youth with "immigrant mentalities", to be indifferent as to what orientation, or what religious background they possess. Thus it's concerning above all then, that extreme rightist a cook their brown soup over the flames of churches: now it's happening in the open.

The National and Free Churches in Lower Saxony should make a statement. Because here the buildings are not only badly damaged, but also religious freedom.

We must not permit in Germany that Christians, Jews , Muslims or the adherents of other religions, should have their places of prayer protected by the police as it unfortunately the case is, for example in Egypt, Nigeria or Indonesia.

Murder Plot Against Pope Francis? The Mad World of Paul Zulehner and the Austrian Media

Pope Zulehner
(Vienna) A neutral statement of the interview appointed new Secretary of State of the Holy See, Monsignor Pietro Parolin, should trigger a new celibacy debate. At least, it is desired in progressive Church circles. The Austrian pastoral theologian Paul Zulehner is sure that Pope Francis wants to abolish priestly celibacy and hopes that the Pope is not killed before he can by his enemies. In the tangled, cabaret plot world of Zulehner the possible perpetrators are also certain: There are, of course, "conservatives".

Two days ago an interview took place with the future Secretary of State of the Holy See, Monsignor Pietro Parolin. Compared to a business newspaper in Caracas, Venezuela, where Parolin is currently still Apostolic Nuncio, the Archbishop appointed number two in the Vatican Curia by Pope Francis, said that the priest celibacy was "no dogma". Which is really no stretch. The need for a purely "formal-technical" response to Parolin is controversial. The new Secretary of State responded to a question from journalists, including several inquiries, but without expressing a personal opinion. Numerous media made of it a sensationalist presentation of readiness for the abolition of celibacy. An intention which can not be seen from Parolin's words like that, but grist to the mill for progressive Church circles that are promoted by the mass media of the unchurched with special fondness. Celibacy is an eyesore to the world.

ORF and verbeamteter churches Definer Zulehner play each other for the ball

Various "tenured" Church officials with progressive soundbites immediately jumped on the media train. In an especially colorful way, it was motivated by the Austrian pastoral theologian, Paul Zulehner. The priest and university professor emeritus, who was from 2000 to 2007 Dean of the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Vienna, is not representative of the Catholic Church, but so aptly represents the state of the Catholic Church in Austria. This also means that in questions about Church, Zulehner is a permanent resident in the ORF [Formerly Reichsender Radio during WWII]. Through his glasses, he explains for Austrian state radio to the Austrians, how things should run in the Church.

Since the wish is father to the thought, and the desire surprising celibacy abolition is also in the ORF religion Editorial little, was promptly re Paul Zulehner asked by the ORF into the studio to tell the Austrian public, what used to think it about celibacy.

Zulehner has reliably fulfilled all expectations and more. In the words Parolins himself gave, the pastoral theologian is "optimistic" that priestly celibacy could fall soon. He assumed the new Secretary of State, who had personally expressed no opinion, just that he would actually loosen celibacy. But that's not enough, he transferred from Parolin, a desire easily subordinated to Pope Francis. The time is "ripe to consider the abolition of celibacy for Catholic priests," said Zulehner, who wants to say something out of his mouth, that the priestly celibacy should have been abolished long ago. Zulehner's position is already known on that.

Zulehner's Antipathy to Celibacy is Nothing New - So He Adds an Assassination Plot

So, if there nothing new under the sun, not even for all the opponents of celibacy, Zulehner was best permitted by ORF to give his opinion, and not a defender of celibacy, and thus the official Church teaching and discipline.

But in order to secure, despite his too-familiar position on celibacy, Zulehner has to put some attention on a log. And pretty brazen at that. Pope Francis would fundamentally reform the church and finally eliminate just like the priest celibacy. Zulehner hopes that the Pope will push through his reform plans, which of course the pastoral theologian is pretending to know exactly, but only he, because the Pope has made known no specific "reform plans". Not all. Because of the alleged intention to eliminate celibacy, he, Zulehner, has fears for the Pope. The pastoral theologian said he hopes that Pope Francis would not previously killed by his opponents.

The Invention of a Rumor - Mythical Applause for a "Different" Church Zulehner literally told ORF Vorarlberg: "Some people also fear that the Conservatives are too many and that some also considering to kill him [the Pope]. There are such rumors. "Rumors, which of course in turn, only Zulehner knows. In other words, ORF viewers were witnesses as a rumor was invented and brought into the world.

The ORF also interviewed the head of pastoral care for the diocese of Feldkirch (Vorarlberg), Walter Schmolly, who applauded the abolition of priestly celibacy, who was "delighted" by Archbishop Parolin's utterance. He also mentioned the lack of priests and celibacy debate in one breath, as there is a "need" to lift priestly celibacy and as could be that the lack of priests, the expression of a far deeper crisis, namely a crisis of faith and radical demographic shifts is to be "structurally" solved.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Trans: Tancred AMGD

Bishop Tobin a Bit Disappointed in Pope Francis

Edit: we thought this was worth mentioning:

What was your reaction when you saw Pope Francis stop the Popemobile in the middle of St. Peter’s Square earlier this year, lifting up above the crowd young Dominic Gondreau, the disabled son of Providence College theology professor Dr. Paul Gondreau, so that he could pray over the child?

Obviously it was a very blessed moment for Dominic himself and for the whole Gondreau family, and through them for our whole diocesan church. We were truly blessed that day that the Holy Father reached out and touched and embraced a member of our flock. It was a great moment and a great blessing. The other thing I want to say though, is that I’m a little bit disappointed in Pope Francis that he hasn’t, at least that I’m aware of, said much about unborn children, about abortion, and many people have noticed that. I think it would be very helpful if Pope Francis would address more directly the evil of abortion and to encourage those who are involved in the pro-life movement. It’s one thing for him to reach out and embrace and kiss little children and infants as he has on many occasions. It strikes me that it would also be wonderful if in a spiritual way he would reach out and embrace and kiss unborn children.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

There's no Absolute Truth? -- Misunderstood Papal Letter to Atheist Eugenio Scalfari

Edit: one thought is that a journalist who writes as sensitively and perceptively, if evilly, about the Church as Scalfari has,  ought to  have appreciated the Pope’s attempt at word play, but he’s not interested in making the Church look good.  In fact, anyone this many says good things about is very suspect indeed.

(Rome) Pope Francis has written a letter to the former chief editor of the left-liberal daily La Repubblica and leading Italian journalist, Eugenio Scalfari. Scalfari, who comes from an old Masonic family, co-founded the Radical Party , is an atheist, a vociferous opponent of the Church, senator for life and one of the principal propagandists of Italian referendums of the 70s with which divorce and abortion were legalized. The initiative of the Pope is therefore exceptional, in need of explanation and partially controversial.

Statements like the enthusiastic media reports have made easily digested conclusions on their own. So even wrote about the Italian Catholic daily Avvenire: "'God forgives, who follows his own conscience.' Pope Francis wrotes in a letter to the newspaper Repubblica, in response to two articles by Eugenio Scalfari that were published on the 7th of July and 7th of August. The Pope responded in a letter to two key issues that had Scalfari raised: 'it seems to me that it is on your mind, to understand the position of the Church to those who do not share faith of Jesus. Above all, you wonder if the Christian God forgives those who don't believe, and don't seek the faith. It is said that, and this is fundamental, that the mercy of God knows no bounds. The question for those who do not believe in God, is in obedience to their conscience. The sin exists also for the one who has no faith, if you act against your conscience."

New healing formula: God will save the atheists who follow their conscience?

The statement may not be so wrong, and really left uncontested, fits. But what does not fit, is the unspoken, but the logical conclusion: There is no need to turn to Christ, it is sufficient that one follows his private conscience. And now you can even invoke a pope. Yes, the Pope says it himself.

Thus, the saving act of Christ on the cross is diminished, if not meaningless, which should change and determine the whole life of the people and should really be proclaimed by the Church to all people. Here, the papal letter to Scalfari contains many bright moments on the relationship with Christ, which completely recalls Pope Benedict XVI. The relativization of conversion as a requirement for salvation is strange to the German Pope, however, strange and rather reminiscent of the new Bergoglio style that appeals to the media like that. The media reactions speak for themselves.

The new salvation formula is: God will save the atheists who follow their conscience? Because Christ doesn't play a role.

On Wednesday morning, the Pope said, but in his short sermon, the message of St. Paul was: "Christ is all," he is the wholeness and hope, "because He is the bridegroom, the victor".

And in the Wednesday audience with the Pope, he said: "In baptism, we are born of the Church as God's children." And urged the faithful to be "fruitful" so that the faith as "the light of Christ reaches all the ends of the earth."

Not a contradiction?

Etymological correctness with danger of a misunderstanding - that occurred promptly

Another point of the Pope's letter was picked up by various media with satisfaction: The Pope is supposed to have written to Scalfari that there is no "absolute truth". This is *not* what the Pope wrote. However, the formulation used by the Pope gave rise to misunderstandings, the wich La Repubblica immediately exploited to portray the Pope himself as a proponent of relativism. The question of whether there is an absolute truth or not, is central to the Christian faith.

"Absolute" is most often used as a synonym for definitely non-negotiable objective and incomparable. Francis Pope clarified in the letter to Scalfari however, that he is correct in his etymological meaning, which comes from Latin, used in the statement that "the truth is not absolute".

The term "absolute" is derived from the Latin verb absolve from, absolvere, which is composed of the preposition ab (from) and is composed from the verb solvo (loosen), when put together the past participle is conjugated as solutus, and is a passive form. Absolutus thus means "detached, loosed from". The Latin verb solvo refers not only to a physical separation but is also in the context of a relationship, such as is understood by Nuova Bussola Quotidiana. [Catholic Daily with Vittorio Messori and Andrea Tornielli] This makes that passage in the Pope's letter to Scalfari more understandable:

I would not even begin to speak of an "absolute truth" with those who believe, in the sense that this absolute is what is loosed, what is without that relationship. The truth, according to Christian faith is but God's love for us in Jesus Christ. Therefore, the truth is a relationship! [Note: It differs a bit from Rorate's translation. ]

 The truth is not "absolute", not because it is relative, but because it is a relationship and therefore needs bonds: the love of God, and his life in the reality of the Church.

The question of the usefulness of this word game of the Pope remains. The danger of a misunderstanding from the outset was on hand. Why, then, was this risk taken, which occurred promptly, as it was used, to the euphoria of La Repubblica, and in whose wake numerous other media? So who has availed themselves of etymological "correctitude"? Whose salvation should this benefit? How much additional confusion has been lent to it without necessity?

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Nuova Bussola Quotidiana
 Trans: Tancred

Conscience Instead of Penance? Who is the Atheist Eugenio Scalfari, Whom Pope Francis Wrote?

Eugenio Scalfari is former editor of the left-liberal daily, La Repubblica , who comes from an old Masonic Family, is presented by the Catholic Culture and art critic Francesco Colafemmina apposite quotes from various articles about Pope Benedict XVI.. They provide a good overview of Scalfaris' relationship to the Church, which he only perceives as an institution, with the question as to whether it exerts influence for or against his Masonic sense, while he himself is devoid of faith.

Whenever possible, Scalfari, who was and is a senator, was awarded by the Left Democratic president with the honor of a senator for life, he engages on the forefront against the Church. Pope Francis wrote him a lengthy letter exciting letter, but it contains some doubtful passages. See the post there is no absolute truth? Misunderstood letter from Pope to Eugenio Scalfari and atheists. (Coming up)

Scalfari? Who?

by Francesco Colafemmina

That one, yes exactly that Eugenio Scalfari who wrote on the 2nd December 2007 in Repubblica:

Benedict XVI. does not like relativism and that is understandable for someone who manages the absolute truth (namely his). There is nothing to say to that. Sure, the Church frequently changes her mind about sin and sinners. That is human. If you read her story, you realize that she too is immersed in relativism. This too is human.

Not satisfied with this superficial judgment, he expanded his comment on the 13th of January 2008 as always in Repubblica :

Apart from the obvious political and cultural insubstantiality of Pope Ratzinger, who is behaving since Regensburg today as a pupil of this or that dignitaries of his court, where he directs the rudder according to the suggestions that are given to him by those who he just consults from time to time, there is in the Church and among Catholic laity, more than ever, a deep unease. The Church of Benedict XVI., but also that of John Paul II, doesn't just work to come into line with the modern culture and modern society. That is the real issue, which should provide all those concerned with the relations engaged between the ecclesiastical society and secular society in the early 21st Century.

On the 22nd of October, 2009 in the journal Espresso he expressed himself again:

The popes also represent a phenomenon in themselves. They were very great, mediocre, vicious and exemplary. I think the last ones were John XXIII., Paul VI. and Pope Wojtyla. The current [Benedict XVI.] is a moderate theologian who can mourn his predecessors.

And on the 22nd of April, 2010 also in Espresso he makes the following considerations:

The Second Vatican Council represented the extreme attempt to consider the Christian message as a leaven, which is implanted into modern society, according to a pluralist conception of society that preserves the dignity of the people regardless of their religious beliefs. The rights and obligations of the person, his liberty, his responsibility, the moral root, the charity as opposed to selfishness and the will to power. This vision provided the hierarchy and the primacy of the institution in question. Therefore, the Second Vatican Council was initially slowed and then reinterpreted. The bishops were returned to the hierarchy, restored the balance in a sign of continuity. The five years of Benedict XVI. has been this important. The scandal of pedophile priests was appreciated by the Pope, addressed, albeit in belated severity, but he did not address the fundamental issue and has not asked the key question: Is the church the place where the message of Christ is applied or is it the institution managed on behalf of the power of the hierarchy?

On the 27th of May, 2012 he finally delivered his most definitive blow in Repubblica:

Benedict XVI. is not a great pope, though not lacking in intelligence and education. He is not an actor, but rather the opposite. Wojtyla had a great wardrobe because everything looked great on him. The wardrobe of Ratzinger, however, is campy, because the Pope is even campy, how he dresses, how he speaks, how he goes. He writes well, already, his books about Christ are read, his encyclicals are not without holes and also some of his speeches. His reassessment of Luther was surprising and some hope of progress toward modernity are contradicted by his operating decisions, of his removal of Sodano from Secretary of State and Bertone's appointment: from mediocre to bad. Bertone: is a Ruini without the intelligence and flexibility of the former vicar and former president of the Italian Episcopal Conference. The hierarchy has again become powerful, but broken into many pieces. Ecumenism is now a prematurely wilted flower. Benedict XVI. has again completely excavated the scholasticism of Thomas Aquinas with many greetings to Origen, Anselm of Canterbury and Bernard. Augustine seemed one of Ratzinger's ideals, but which Augustine? The Manichaeans, the coadjutor of Ambrose, or the author of the Confessions? Augustine was in a lot, even for Calvin, to Jansenism and Pascal. If he really wants to say something up to date, Pope Ratzinger would then initiate the beatification of Pascal, but I am aware that in the world of Bertone, the Roman Curia and the current congregations, that would really be a radical gesture towards modernity. They will never do it. The campy pontificate will continue as long as it can, but then there won't be a deluge, but a rain over a marsh full of frogs, mosquitoes and some wild ducks.

Finally, he cheered on the 17th of February after Benedict XVI. had announced his resignation:

And finally, the process of secularization of the entire West, and especially Europe and North America. None of these problems was solved by Benedict and that is the real reason that has led him to his sensational resignation. This decision has violated the sacredness of the office, it has exposed the lobbying nature of the hierarchy and has weakened the role of the Pope and strengthened those of the Conciliar Church. The Council will, from now on, be the highest authority, the conversation with modernity is likely to revive a church as a minority, which represents fewer plastered dogmas in ethics.

Text: Fides et Forma / Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Fides et Forma
Translation: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Will Pope Francis Announce the Naming of New Cardinals on September 30th?

(Rome) For the 30th of September, the first ordinary consistory of Pope Francis’ pontificate will be convened. The subject will include the canonization of Pope John XXIII and John Paul II. and the announcement of the exact dates for the canonization will be expected. On this occasion the Pope could also announce the convening of his first extraordinary Consistory for the creation of new cardinals. This is at least what the Spanish Catholic Church Historian and blogger Francisco de la Cigoña says at the suggestion of Vatican sources.

Currently, nine seats are vacant in the College of Cardinals. On the 24th of September, there are ten, on the 19th of October eleven and there will be 12 on the 25th of December. On these days the Cardinals Raffaele Farina (Italy, 2007-2012 archivist and librarian of Holy Roman Church), Geraldo Agnelo (Brazil, 1999-2011 Archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia) and Joachim Meisner (Germany, since 1989 Archbishop of Cologne) will reach their 80th birthday and will cease to be active papal electors. Apart from this, the Pope could also temporarily exceed the number the number of 120 electoral cardinals, should he not be so eager to plan another consistory, or of course to continue expanding number.

On the future of the Cardinals who are in first place, is the recently appointed new Secretary Curia of Pope Francis Archbishop Pietro Parolin and the Prefect of the Congregation, Archbishop Curia Gerhard Ludwig Müller, appointed early July of 2012 by Pope Benedict.

Among the contenders for the Cardinalatial Purple are included, subject to surprises, also Archbishop Mario Aurelio of Buenos Aires, whom Pope Francis appointed after 15 days of his election as his successor in Argentina,. Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati Andrello SDB of Santiago de Chile (was appointed by Benedict XVI in 2010 ). Patriarch Francesco Moraglia of Venice (was appointed by Benedict XVI in 2012); Archbishop Andrew Yeom Soo-jung of Seoul (appointed by Benedict XVI in 2012).

Archbishop Jose Horacio Gomez of Los Angeles (appointed by Benedict XVI in 2011). However, his predecessor, Cardinal Roger Mahony will be in effect until the 27 of February 2016; Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard of Mechelen-Brussels (Appointed by Benedict XVI in 2010), who in the last two extraordinary consistories of Benedict XVI. was excluded because his predecessor Cardinal Godfried Danneels only celebrated his 80th birthday on the 4th of June. In accordance with church practice only one member of the College of Cardinals can be the Metropolitan Archbishop of the same district.

Other contenders are Archbishop Vincent Nicholas of Westminister (appointed by Benedict XVI. in 2009); Patriarch Manuel Jose Macario do Nascimento Clemente of Lisbon (appointed by Francis in 2013), but his predecessor Cardinal Jose da Cruz Policarpo reaches his 80th birthday on the 26th of February 2016; OCist Archbishop Orani Tempesta of Rio de Janeiro (appointed by Benedict XVI. in 2009); Cesare Nosiglia, Archbishop of Turin, Cardinal Severino Poletto is his predecessor and reached 80 this on the last 18th of March (appointed by Benedict XVI in 2010.) and he was just still able to attend the conclave.

Other p;ossible contenders for the cardinal's hat are also Archbishop Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmadjo from Jakarta (appointed by Benedict XVI. in 2010), although his predecessor Juliua Cardinal Darmaatmadja SJ only reached his 80th birthday on the 20th of December, 2014; Archbishop Charles Joseph Chaput, OFM Cap, again with the caveat that his predecessor, Cardinal Justin Rigali won’t turn 80 until the 19th of April, 2015. (appointed by Benedict XVI in 2011.) leaves the circle of papal electors.

Of the Eastern Churches united with Rome, Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk of Kiev-Halych, head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church whose predecessor Ljubomyr Cardinal Husar last considered Cardinal candidate, turned 80 in February, two days before the entry into force of the vacancy and is therefore no longer allowed to participate in the conclave. Likewise, patriarch Ibrahim Isaac Sidrak of Alexandria, head of the Coptic Catholic Church, whose predecessor Cardinal Antonios Naguib, however, resigns only on the 7th of March, 2015 as an active elector.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: La cigüeña de la torre
Trans: Tancred

330th Anniversary of the Battle of Vienna

Jan Sobieski III
Edit: there may be a lot of Turks in Vienna today, but at least there aren’t any crescents on top of the Stepensdom as there might have been had the Turks been victorious.

An allied army of Germans and Poles had saved Europe from the Mohammedans  on the back of a Protestant Revolt in Hungary.

Many concerned officials these days want to remove references to this glorious defeat of the Turk from history books in the city where these events occurred, and the battle continues.  It’s the other 9/11.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I Stand in Support of Father Ray Blake

Link to Father Ray Blake's Time to Keep Silent...

That's the last thing he should be doing, we expect.

"Many Come to the Society of St. Pius X, Demoralized and Shocked by Modern Seminaries"

(Rome) "Our pre-seminary accepts many former diocesan seminarians, who are demoralized and shocked by the modern seminaries," said the Italian District Superior of the Fraternity of St. Pius X , Father Pierpaolo Petrucci in an interview for the Italian website of the SSPX. In the interview he points out that at the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum new contacts between the diocesan clergy and the SSPX have emerged. The experience of former diocesan seminarians confirms a critical situation in not a few diocesan seminaries, the young men who feel called to a vocation to go to SSPX or other communities of tradition.

The Italian district seat in Albano Laziale in Rome has established a Pre-Seminary with the academic year 2012/2013. The second course of the pre-seminary begins on the 1st of October. "The first year of Pre-Seminary was very positive," said Father Petrucci. "For the new year we have an even larger number of requests."

As the objectives of the Pre-Seminary is described by the Italian District Superior: "to consider the appointment of the young contender in the first place, but also those who are discovered to be unsuitable for the priesthood, to offer a Christian, theological and spiritual formation to them, without injecting doubt in every moment of life, is thought to be useful. Indeed, it is important that future heads of families will be militant Christians and fighters for the social kingdom of Our Lord Jesus."

Of the daily routine in the Pre-Seminary, the District Superior said, "In the morning are lectures on the Christian doctrine, the introduction to philosophy and theology, principles of Catholic liturgy and spirituality, as well as the Magisterium of the Popes are taught. This study allows us to explain in particular the position of the SSPX in the current crisis in the Church, a position that coincides with that of the constant Magisterium until the Second Vatican Council. The afternoon is devoted to personal study in addition to manual work. There are also visits to the city of Rome. Communal prayer of some parts of the Divine Office and the Rosary determine the rhythm of the days that are geared towards the celebration of the Holy Mass."

The men who are to be admitted to the Pre-Seminary come from other seminaries or directly to the Brotherhood, says Father Petrucci: "I would say that there are both: some young men are demoralized and shocked by previous negative experiences. Others who are aware of the situation prevailing in modern seminaries, contact us directly and ask for a traditional education. Those who are interested in attending these courses can contact our priories in any case, particularly that of Albano."

Contrary to popular prejudice, the SSPX entertains, perhaps more in Italy than in other countries, contacts with the diocesan clergy and also with some bishops. "We are basically trying to establish contacts with the priests, pastors and also with the bishops," said the District Superior of Italy. "We regularly organize meetings and retreats for priests. Even if the positions do not match, we never refuse an open confrontation to make our position better understood. It is true, moreover, that since the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum was issued, many Italian priests have taken up the celebration of the traditional Rite. These have approached the Society in great numbers and asked us for texts, missals and education in the liturgy and the Doctrine of the Faith. The celebration of the traditional Mass is very often the first step to approach the healthy theology and so to recognize the profound crisis that the Church is going through today."

When asked what the church would need in the current situation most urgently, the Italian Superior, Father Pierpaolo Petrucci, said: "I think the Church needs courageous Church leaders who are animated by a supernatural spirit and in the light of faith, live the unalterable doctrine and have the courage to speak out with clarity the errors of the modern world. Think of the terrible gay marriage law recently adopted in France. The hierarchy has had to go through this event in almost complete silence. Only the traditionalists were mobilized with great effort."

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Trans: Tancred

Link to katholisches...

Monday, September 9, 2013

Leader of the Dissidents Appointed General Secretary of the Franciscans of the Immaculate

(Rome) The Apostolic Commissioner for the Franciscans of the Immaculate has appointed Father Alfonso Bruno as the new Secretary General of the Order. With this he has completed the first step toward rebuilding the traditional Order, as the historian Roberto de Mattei feared he would, as the decision of the Congregation of Religion became known to the faithful and growing Order placed under the coming under provisional administration.

Father Fidenzio Volpi, OFM Cap was the Commissioner appointed by the Holy See, with the sole power of decision, made Father Alfonso Bruno to his right hand and highest representative of the Order on the 5th of September. The new Secretary General immediately sent a statement to all the brothers of the Order, as he announced himself, that it is the responsibility of the Secretary, the Commissioner to help "the members of the Order and to the outside" help, "to handle all correspondence sent by the Apostolic Commissione, to publish all of the minutes of meetings set by the Apostolic Commissioner, to manage the General Archives of the Order and to update the statistics. The General Secretary shall act as the sole spokesman of the Order during the period of provisional administration."

The Neapolitan Father Alfonso Bruno is 44 years old. Until July 2013, he was the head of the media office of the Order and was mainly related to some incidents there. He was responsible of his website of the Order which published some dubious articles by Mario Castellano, where it praised the government of Mario Monti and the Eurokratenstaat EU. The same Castellano is close to Father Bruno, was known elsewhere through his articles in favor of Islam and for the construction of mosques in Europe.

While the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception actively supported March for Life in Italy and marched in it as an Order, was deathly silent in both 2012 and 2013.

The website recently published an exuberant praise of the Jesuit Paolo Dall'Oglio, who was kidnapped on 27 July 2013 by Islamists in Syria. Dall'Oglio, was murdered by Jihadists according to the report of an Arabic website on the 12th of August, but could be neither officially confirmed nor denounced accordingly, was active until his abduction in a dubious "inter-religious" role in Syria. First of all because of his self-confession as "Catholic and Muslim." Secondly, because of his call to the Syrian rebels to use chemical weapons against Assad's government soldiers.

Father Alfonso Bruno is Known for His Aversion to Traditional Catholics and the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception

Father Bruno controls the Facebook page of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. There he mainly made known the fact that he himself gladly engaged in contradiction with the general attitude of the Order. Just as the provisional government of the Order was known, not a day went by without the media-savvy religious man to publish photos of himself in all possible variations from the World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro.

His aversion traditional Catholics is also known to be raised against the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, the female religious branch, which he accused of an "intransigent" attitude. [I hope so.] It was he who,by misleading information to journalists, reported on the provisional government of the Order, which was known only to him, trying to steer in a certain direction against the Order's direction and against the Old Mass.

Father Alfonso Bruno is regarded as the real head of the then six-member dissident group who turned to the Congregation of Religious and then apparently was offered a welcome opportunity to intervene against the religious leadership. On 30 August, the most recent meeting between the Commissioner and the Apostolic Order took place with the displaced leadership. With the appointment of Father Alfonso Bruno as General Secretary and spokesman of the Order, it appears to be entering into what de Mattei predicted, that the Commissioner is according the antagonists of tradition in the Order and delivering the administration of the Order by the provisional government of the dissidents.

The leniency of the Founder with his ambitious pupil is taking a heavy toll. The picture shows Father Alfonso Bruno, who sat at the Papal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, with Pope Francis. The change of pontificate seems to have delivered the decisive prerequisite for the action against the Order.

"The Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception, commencing with Father Manelli, run the risk of finding themselves outside of their Order," said Corrispondenza Romana.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi image: Facebook Franciscans of the Immaculate

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