Sunday, September 1, 2013

Refurbishing the Cultural Landscape --- 2,800 Churches May Disappear in France

(Paris), France's Mayors are tearing down Catholic churches to build parking lots or shopping centers. The renovation costs were too high. 2,800 churches will disappear in this way, according to a report by the French Senate.

In France, the dispute over the demolition of Catholic churches is not new. They are dilapidated and abandoned. And yet, every time a church is to be razed to the ground, it raises fierce protest from the population. "People feel that more than just some walls are broken. You feel a substantial change in their environment, their culture and thus of their own being,” wrote Claude Villot who is not under suspicion of Ultramontane sympathies.

Recent cases listed the Catholic daily La Croix on: Saint-Blaise du Breuil in Allier, St-Pie-X in Hérault, Saint-Jacques d'Abbeville in Somme (pictured) and Saint-Pierre-aux-Liens in Gesté in the department Maine-et-Loire. The number of demolished since 2000 in France is estimated by the Catholic Church at 20. Another 250 could soon follow. According to a report by the French Senate, the number of churches that are destined to disappear from the French countryside is estimated at 2,800. Most of them are located in rural areas.

"Fewer priests, Fewer Faithful, Less Demand," this is the new mantra of local politicians

"Fewer priests, measuring less and less practicing believers, therefore less need to obtain large churches, when a chapel would be enough." This is the new mantra, wrote Guy Massin Le Goff, memorial preservationist, in his 2009 report La polémique autour de la démolition of églises: le cas du Maine-et-Loire. It is this formula that compels many French communities to use demolition instead of a preferable refurbishment. Through the numerous, revolutionary interventions, which have transpired in the French history on church property, transferring to the state, many churches are owned by the municipalities.

“The use of churches calculating only the use of Masses, Sundays or on weekdays, would not properly represent the reality" the expert said. "A church is not just a place that is open to the Eucharist, or for baptisms, weddings or funerals. That it is used primarily for personal prayer of the faithful. The lit candles prove that there are diverse and numerous reasons to knock at the church door, whether alone or in small groups,” said Massin Le Goff, who sharply criticized the mayor of Anjou, one of the historic landscapes of French Catholicism, because of the ease with which they decide to demolish churches. In some cases, a dilapidated house of God is simply assumed to be able to implement new building projects, in whose way the church stands.

"What Would this Place be Without its Church?" - What Does Not Bring “Profit", Must Go

Massin Le Goff recalled that in most cases, the village was built on the church and not vice versa. Demolishing the church is meant to tear her heart and wipe out its own past. "What would this place be without its church?", such the first question that arises as Massin Le Goff, to whomever will listen. As as example, the preservationist cites the decision of the General Council of Maine-et-Loire, who also provides funds for the renovation of churches that are not listed on the historic register.

For Beatrice de Andia, founder of the Documentation Centre For Religious Heritage what is most disturbing about what happens in France: "For the first time we are destroying places of worship for no apparent reason, to make room for parking lots, restaurants, shops, places or apartments. The message of the demolitions is clear: the religious, the sacred, cultural heritage, which brings no gain, must go away. The destroyers present themselves as worthy managers who are concerned about the municipal treasury, which, according to them, would not bear the cost of the renovation of the church. "Maintenance” is but a duty for the mayor,” said de Andia.

Country Parishes Reduced Dramatically - Fewer priests, More Deacons: Opposite Tendency

One of the reasons for the "light" demolition orders, is the progressive decline of priests in France. In 2001 there were, according to officials of the Episcopal Conference, 24,251 diocesan and religious priests. In 2008, there were only 19,640, of which 15,008 were diocesan priests. Their number on 31 December 2011 (new statistics are not yet available) dropped to 13,822. In 2011, there were 13,630 parishes. In recent years, new parishes were established by the bishops to reflect changes demographic. The new parishes are concentrated in the cities, especially on the edges, while the rural areas became increasingly orphaned. There, the parishes were dramatically reduced by merging two or more parishes. At the top of the large territorial parish is a priest, but increasingly deacons are involved, the number of which grows in the opposite tendency to the decrease of the priests. And in many areas also lay people.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Heritage-religieux
Trans: Tancred


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New Traditional General Superior of the Community “Serviteurs de Jésus et de Marie"

(Paris) The Serviteurs de Jésus et de Marie (not to be confused with the Order of the Servants of Jesus and Mary founded in 1988 by Father Andreas Hönisch in the German speaking countries) have a new Superior General. The French traditionalist religious community was founded in 1930 by the priest Jean-Edouard Lamy (1853-1931). In 1909 the Virgin Mary appeared to Lamy and asked him to set up a pilgrimage to Notre-Dame des Bois near his birthplace Haute Mame. The Blessed Mother asked him also to establish an Order. The latter became possible shortly before the death of Lamy.

The General Chapter of the Serviteurs de Jésus et de Marie, which gathered in the abbey of Ourscamp, chose Father Laurent-Marie Picquet du Haut Jussé as the new Superior General. Father Laurent-Marie Picquet du Haut Jussé was born in 1968. In 1998 he was ordained a priest. He has a doctorate in theology from Rome and earned a licentiate in canon law. He teaches theology and canon law at various training sites for priests, including the Seminary of the Diocese of Frejus-Toulon of Bishop Dominique Rey, is a military chaplain and acts as judge in a tribunal for the Archdiocese of Paris. In 2012 he published a historical, doctrinal and spiritual introduction to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. The new Superior General in Compiegne has regularly celebrated in the traditional Rite.

Three offices - Focus youth apostolate

The members of the order of the Serviteurs de Jésus et de Marie live in a monastic community. They are active in parish ministry and have a special focus on youth apostolate. The Order has three branches, once in the ruins of the old Notre-Dame d'Ourscamp abbey, a priory in Alsace and a subsidiary in Argentina. After a slow start, the Order has begun to win postulants in the 80s and 90s under Father Thierry de Roucy (1988-2001 Superior General). A trend which will continue. Today, the community has 30 members. With the Servantes de Jésus et de Marie, a female branch has been created, the Church recognized it in 2001 by the Bishop of Beauvais.

Their name as servants is modeled in their program after St. Joseph and St. John. The patron saint of the Order is the Immaculate Heart of Mary, refuge of sinners. The members of the order to follow the example of their founder Pere Lamy in following Jesus and Mary.

Abbey d'Ourscamp: Ruins of The Old Monastery Church

Resettled former Abbey Ourscamp

Ourscamp in Picardy is known today primarily because of its impressive monastery ruins of the former Cistercian abbey. The abbey was created in 1129 as a subsidiary founded by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and counted in its heyday more than 500 monks. During the French Revolution the abbey government was abolished in 1792, the 102-meter monastery church was mostly raised. The monastery buildings were transferred to the possession of a revolutionary functionary, who made it his castle. In 1825 it was used as a factory. In World War I it was occupied by German troops, it burned after that as a result of Allied bombardment. Remaining is the imposing Hospital from the year 1220, and the abbot's house.

In 1940 the Serviteurs de Jésus et de Marie made the monastery new again.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Wikicommons / Riposte Catholique
Trans: Tancred AMGD

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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Parish of Ognissanti of the Franciscans of the Immaculate in Florence: Regular Mass on Sundays

(Florence) The Parish of Ognissanti (All Saints), supervised by the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception Parish in Florence has announced "the good news" that starting Sunday, 1 September, the celebration of the Holy Mass in the traditional Rite will resume and take place daily at the usually assigned times. The Congregation of Religious had forbidden the Old Mass with its decree since 11 August.

The parish of Ognissanti, Florence is one of the spiritual centers of the Order. Pastor is Father Serafino Lanzetta FI is one of the well-known figures of the Catholic tradition in Italy. He was significantly involved in the discussion about the interpretation of the Second Vatican Council in recent years. Father Lanzetta represents how the hermeneutics of continuity of Pope Benedict XVI. reads the Council in the light of the Church's tradition. This reading makes a criticism of Vatican II possible and sometimes necessary. He is also one of the critics of Freemasonry, which he accuses of exerting influence on the Catholic Church and desires to gain further influence.

Father Lanzetta was one of the first to set up an application to the Congregation of Religious' Apostolic Commissioner, who immediately ordered the traditional Rite to continue to be celebrated.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Wikicommons
 Trans: Tancred

Friday, August 30, 2013

Pope Francis Names Nuncio Pietro Parolin to Secretary of State -- A Few Days After ++Dolan's Criticism

(Vatican) Pope Francis has appointed Italian Archbishop Pietro Parolin, Vatican diplomat as the new Secretary of State. The decision has been made even if it has not yet officially been announced by the Vatican. Monsignor Parolin, currently Apostolic Nuncio to Venezuela, will be the successor of Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, whom Pope Benedict XVI. had appointed to the Secretary of State. At age 58, the diplomat from Veneto will soon belong to the youngest cardinals of the Catholic Church.

From 2002 to 2009, Monsignor Parolin was Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs at the State Secretariat of the Roman Curia. The career development shows that the Vatican diplomat comes from the school of former Secretary of State Cardinal Angelo Sodano and is close to him. His name was mentioned immediately after the election of Pope Francis among the possible candidates for the highest office in the Roman Curia behind the Pope.

The press agency of the U.S. Bishops Conference Catholic News Agency (CNA) had already reported in late June that Nuncio Parolin would succeed Cardinal Bertone in office and his appointment was predicted for those days ( see separate report ). It came to naught. For the time being. At the end of July the influential Archbishop of New York, Cardinal Timothy Dolan unexpectedly issued a harsh criticism of Pope Francis ( see separate report). The main point of criticism was that he had not yet gotten to the appointment of a new Secretary of State. Cardinal Dolan criticized the new Pope in an abrupt tone a lack of "management" and "leadership". The cardinal said in an interview with the National Catholic Reporter, is expected to have a change at the head of the Secretariat of State more concretely before the summer break. "I expect that after the summer break one or the other signal more in the direction of change in the administration." Shortly after the criticism of Cardinal found a wider audience, then the appointment of the Apostolic Nuncio to Venezuela is to be number two in the Vatican, as it had already announced CNA one and a half months ago.

As Under Secretary, Monsignor Parolin was responsible for diplomatic negotiations between Israel and the Holy See, inter alia, by 2009. In 2011 the diplomate seemed to be the fifth proposed replacement for the Archdiocese of Milan, but did not reach the three proposed candidates. Benedict XVI. appointed Archbishop, the then Patriarch of Venice, Cardinal Angelo Scola.

He was born on 17 January 1955 in Schiavon, Pietro Parolin was ordained a priest on 26 April 1980 of the Diocese of Vicenza. In 2009 he was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Venezuela, and thus in the active service in the Vatican diplomatic corps in this activity. At the same time, Pope Benedict XVI. appointed him Titular Archbishop of Aquipendium. His episcopal consecration was on 12 September 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI. The diocese itself was established in 1649 in the Papal States Acquapendente (Lazio) and was thus abolished in 1986 by John Paul II, and was incorporated into the diocese of Viterbo. In 1991, was the first appointment of a titular bishop.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Settimo Cielo
Trans:  Tancred

Holy Father recalls Dietrich von Hildebrand's Warning About False Irenicism.

Apologetics Professional Catholic Cruiser is Sinking

Edit: it's not just the large salaries drawn by Catholic Apologists on staff as reported by Michael Voris recently.  Actually, we were surprised that Raymond Arroyo was only compensated with 100,000 a year, as compared to say, Bill Donahue's 399,156, but it's striking that Catholic Answers are so well compensated as Professional Catholics, despite the fact that they do so much to attack those who have legitimate grievances against the way the Church is run. But what's really interesting is that Catholic Answers has cut wages as much as 25%. Could it be that they are still suffering from Pope Benedict's Summorum Pontificum of 2007, which really put a dent in their credibility, as they were fairly hostile as a whole to such a movement? Louis Verrecchio takes them to task:
In a CA blog post, (which you are invited to read in full there), one of their staff apologists, Michelle Arnold (pictured above), attempts to dismiss concerns that the recent decree contradicts the provisions set forth in Summorm Pontificum as nothing more than a “freak out in cyberspace” on the part of those whose “tendency is to treat every development that is not 100 percent positive in favor of Traditionalism as if the sky was falling.”
Of course, these Professional Catholics do come to the aid of their own, as Neocon Fr. Dwight Longenecker makes a simpering assault on Voris' recent attack. It's not necessarily the fact that they are well compensated, but that they are compensated so well for being mercenaries. Longenecker asks what's wrong with being a "Professional Catholic". Actually, the Pope himself explained the harm done by such mercenaries:

Vatican City, 8 May 2013 (VIS) – “The men and women of the Church who are careerists and social climbers, who 'use' people, the Church, their brothers and sisters—whom they should be serving—as a springboard for their own personal interests and ambitions … are doing great harm to the Church.” This is what Pope Francis asserted in his address to the participants in the plenary assembly of the International Union of Superiors General (UISG) whom he received in audience this morning. 
The pontiff spoke to the sisters of obedience, poverty, and chastity: “Obedience as listening to God's will, in the interior motion of the Holy Spirit authenticated by the Church, accepting that obedience also passes through human mediations. … Poverty, which teaches solidarity, sharing, and charity and which is also expressed in a soberness and joy of the essential, to put us on guard against the material idols that obscure the true meaning of life. Poverty, which is learned with the humble, the poor, the sick, and all those who are at the existential margins of life. Theoretical poverty doesn't do anything. Poverty is learned by touching the flesh of the poor Christ in the humble, the poor, the sick, and in children.”

Thursday, August 29, 2013

French "Gay Marriage" Big Flop -- The Numbers

(Paris) As was already known from the USA, Germany and other countries where"gay marriage" or civil unions for homosexuals was allowed, the introduction of "gay marriage" is proving to be a flop in France. Three months after its introduction into force through the ruling Socialists in step with aberro-associations, with the frightening ferocity of the political and cultural struggle in the legalization of "gay marriage" it has been generally seen that it was just quicksand. Proponents of Lex Taubira responded not, as claimed, to a "state of emergency" to end discrimination against a "large number of homosexual citizens," as claimed by President Francoise Hollande. The now uncovered figures reveal that it was not about anti-discrimination, but about ideology.

The numbers tell a revealing story. They represent the "most important project since the French Revolution," just as a narrow-minded ideological struggle. 90 days after the introduction into force of "gay marriage" only 596 aberrosexual couples have "married". The result is abysmal compared to the effort, which almost led to the proclamation of a police state to bludgeon critics of the law. It is also embarrassing when you consider that registered gay partnerships were legal in France prior to the new law. But the ideology as the tyrant of happiness knows no mercy and is ready to step over bodies if need be.

The first "gay marriage" of France was celebrated with a great media circus and enforced by the world's leading media big screen. The big boom of the "discriminated" homosexual who finally "married" may, however, fail to materialize. According to state radio France Inter, the registry offices of French cities have reported only modest crowds. Paris is the front runner where there were just 241 "gay marriages". In second place, with only 37 "marriages", is Nice, then it becomes quite thin.

The goal was not "more civil rights," but destruction of marriage and family

Even a left pamphlet in the fight for "gay marriage" such as Le Monde had to admit that this was a "slow start". If you put the experience even of other countries based on the first days after entry into force of similar laws, the biggest crowds then drop rapidly toward statistical insignificance, we know that France has already left its "gay marriage" zenith. So then, why all the fuss? By now, obviously, what the critics of the new law of Manif pour Tous have repeatedly emphasized in recent months: the stated ideological goal of the new law is the destruction of traditional marriage and family.

There are just 596 gay couples, for whom, with unusual pace and force, "which could have been worthier of a great showing," said Il Foglio, a special law was pushed through Parliament. You can now, since the new socialist legislation also makes it possible, adopt children. The socialist majority government under President Hollande championed "gay marriage" despite any difficulty and especially not in view of the growing criticism from the French population. Instead, the opponents of the law are to be forced to be happy. Another law provides punishment for any criticism of the aberrosexual agenda. The magic word is "homophobia". Anyone who thinks otherwise, will be exposed until "the reform is accepted," said Il Foglio. The like of this has ever been seen in history. The close alliance between the left and the liberals after the collapse of communism for control of Europe, makes for getting your hands dirty.

Le Monde now confessed in an editorial, cherishes the hope that "the flame of anti-gay marriage rallies are gone and the reform will be accepted by the society." "That this was admitted the flagship of Hollande's social battle that the protest and resistance against gay marriage is impressively strong and that the French people in no way accepted a homosexual marriage imposed from above in their minds," said Il Foglio.

Opponents of "gay marriage" and adoption rights for gays are fighting for the right to conscientious objection 

But the law has legal force, it does not provide for conscientious objection, although such was initially recognized by President Hollande. In reality, it is a red flag for the Democrats of the Left. And because the acts of Jacobins are "benevolent" at all times, the mayor of Bollène, Marie-Claude Bompard has been charged in Vaucluse. The first citizen of their community had boldly declared not to accept "gay marriage" on the basis of conscience and their Christian faith. She is looking into the law as an attack on the rule of law, and therefore believes that the new law is unconstitutional.

Promptly they found themselves aberrosexual activists to set an example. Two lesbians wanted of all things to be "married" in Bollene. Bompard refused to perform the marriage ceremony and also refused to entrust this task to someone: "That would have been just a ploy to steal from me the responsibility," said the mayor. The gay activists immediately filed a complaint. The mayor is threatened by the new law with up to five years in prison and a 75,000 euro penalty. Bompard is not the first case ( see separate report ). French mayors who reject "gay marriage" have formed their own trade association.

The opponents of "gay marriage" and unnatural adoption rights for homosexuals are now fighting a new battle. They want to enforce the right to conscientious objection. Manif pour tous is doing so with a view to "gay marriage", child protection organizations do it with a view of the law that allows homosexuals to adopt children. The fight has been brought before the Constitutional Court.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred

Sint ut sunt, aut non sint -- A Franciscan Abolished the Jesuits. Will a Jesuit Abolish the Franciscans of the Immaculate?

(Rome) The well-known historian Roberto de Mattei concerns himself again in a recent essay about the tradition-bound order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception, which was made ​​by the Roman religious congregation under provisional administration and its priests since 11 August, is prohibited from the celebration of the traditional rite. De Mattei sees parallels to the suppression of the Jesuits in the second half of the 18th Century. A Franciscan Pope on the throne then abolished the Jesuit Order. Will the Jesuit Pope on the papal throne now abolish a Franciscan order? Actually, says de Mattei, then you wanted the Jesuits only "reform" in order to make them "harmless". Instead, it was abolished, which had ultimately been better for the Order. Now the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception are to be "reformed" to destroy her charism and adapt them to the "normal" order.

Sint ut sunt, aut non sint

By Roberto de Mattei

"Sint ut sunt aut non sint" (leave them as they are or not at all) is a phrase that the historian Lorenzo Ricci, the 18th Superior General of the Jesuits, uttered at the proposal submitted to the Society of Jesus to "reform" to reflect the needs of the world. He wrote that in the second half of the 18th Century, the Jesuits were the bulwark on which the attacks of the external and internal enemies of the Church were broken. The external enemies were led by enlightened Parti Philosophique, the internal were distributed under the names Gallican, regalism, Febronianism of the state church and in various heretical movements, all of which claimed the church subordinate to the absolutist states.

The Jesuits, founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola, vigorously defended the primacy of the Pope of Rome, with which they were bound by their fourth vow. The absolute rulers, influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment, had begun with the expulsion of the Jesuits from their realms by accusing it of wanting to overthrow the social order. However, that was not enough. It was necessary to rebuild the entire Order. As the Superior General of the Jesuits, however, resisted, he should be removed by abolishing, but this only a pope could do.

The opportunity presented itself when on the second of February, 1769, Clement XIII. died. The historian Ludwig von Pastor, in his 16th Volume of the History of the Popes (Herder, 1932) described the machinations with detailed documents during and after the conclave held in the first three months over 179 rounds till the 14th of May when the Franciscan Lorenzo Ganganelli was elected with the name of Clement XIV.. The new pope was elected under the condition that he would dissolve the Society of Jesus. Although the formal promise was not written down, because that would have involved the offense of simony, which Cardinal Ganganelli had promised to the ambassadors of the Bourbon royal courts. The Holy Spirit was also at this conclave, the cardinals met but hardly the divine grace, when their choice, was a prelate, whom Pastor describes as a "weak and ambitious character", who "aspired to the tiara."

On 21 July 1773, Pope Clement XIV dissolved with the Breve Dominus ac Redemptor, the Society of Jesus, which at that time was around 23,000 members in 42 provinces. "This brief of 21 July 1773," writes Pastor, "represents the clearest victory of the Enlightenment and of monarchical absolutism over the Church and Her leader." Father Lorenzo Ricci was arrested and imprisoned in Castel Sant'Angelo, where at 24 he Died November 1775. Clement XIV went to him on 22 September 1774 a year after the abolition of the Order, who was already facing death. The Society of Jesus was smashed and scattered, however, but survived in Russia, where Catherine the Great refused to enact the letter of dissolution exequatur. The Jesuits of White Russia were accused of disobedience and rebellion against the Pope. They did, however, assure the continuity of the Order, while former Jesuits in other countries pushed forward the creation of new religious congregations in the Ignatian spirit.

When the French Revolution of 1789 broke out, and the Church began a dramatic era which even saw the invasion of Rome by the Jacobins and the deportation of two successors of Clement XIV., Pius VI. and Pius VII.. The resistance against the revolution was at this time carried out, especially by a secret organization, the Association "Christian friends" that Swiss Nikolaus Albert von Diesbach (especially Diesbach) founded in Turin with former Jesuits.

After 40 years, Pius VII. with the Constitution Sollicitudo Omnium Ecclesiarum Breve of the 7th of August 1814 finally withdrew the breve of the 21st of July 1773 and ordered the full restoration of the Society of Jesus in the world, since it was a "heavy burden of guilt before God," to continue to suppress such courageous and capable rowers in very stormy time the nave of the Church, as Pastor remarked.

A Pope of the Franciscan Order, Clement XIV. had abolished the Jesuits in 1773. Will the Jesuit Pope Francis in 2013 abolish a Franciscan Order or, even worse, "reform" it? The Franciscans of the Immaculate have no such glorious past, such as the Jesuits, but their case has some similarities to that of the Society of St. Ignatius. Above all, it is a symptomatic manifestation of the deep crisis in which the Catholic Church is today.

Founded in 1970 by Father Stefano Maria Manelli, the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate live a life of repentance and the Gospel. They have distinguished themselves since their inception by their fidelity to the traditional faith and moral teaching. The Motu Proprio, Pope Benedict XVI. restored the traditional Roman rite again returned to the Church, they asked for the opportunity to live this love of tradition on a liturgical level. Father Manelli has never imposed the Vetus Ordo but recommended to his brothers, to make their ordinations in recent years in the Old Rite by leading church dignitaries on the line of "renewal in continuity" of Benedict XVI..

From the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CICLSA), today presided over by Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, depends on religious men and women from who have fully or partially abandoned the habit and live in moral laxity and doctrinal relativism without being called to order by the competent authority in any way. The Franciscans of the Immaculate are a cornerstone of the opposition, which explains the desire of CICLSA to "normalize" and adapt to the prevailing standards of religious life. The presence of a small group of "dissident" brothers offered an opportunity to the Congregation to intervene by sending a visitor,  Monsignor Vito Angelo Todisco,  on the 5th of July, 2012..  Bishop Todisco  arranged on 11 July 2013, with CICLSA, solely on the basis of a captious questionnaire where the brothers were not interviewed directly, the provisional government of the Order with an absolutely unlawful decree including an interdict against celebrating the traditional Mass.

In the coming days and weeks we will know the plans of the Commissioner, Fidenzio Volpi, better, but their rough lines can already be guessed: isolate the Founder Father Manelli, to isolate him from the General Council of traditional brothers loyal to him, to isolate the "traditionalist" brothers in the periphery, and hand the leadership of the order to the dissidents; entrust the novitiates to Fathers are not in suspicion of "traditionalist"; sterilization of publications and the Franciscan writings that deal with within the Church of "controversial" topics, including: avoidance of Marian "maximalism," one "covered" rigor in moral teaching and especially any criticism, be it ever so respectful, of the Second Vatican Council, plus opening of the Order to the "ecumenical dialogue" with other religions; restriction of Vetus Ordo to special exceptions in short, the destruction the identity of the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception, which is even worse than their removal.

If that's the "Reform", then a separation of the two souls is desirable than that they currently coexist in the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception: on the one hand, the brothers who interpret the Second Vatican Council in the light of the Church's tradition and in this spirit have rediscovered the traditional Roman rite in all its truth and beauty, and on the other hand, those who want to reinterpret the charism of their order in the light of a conciliar progressivism. The worst thing is the confusion and identity crisis. The true guarantor of the identity of the Franciscans of the Immaculate today can therefore be none other than its founder, Father Stefano Maria Manelli, on whom falls all the responsibility of final decisions. The only one who can repeat the words, as has already happened in history: Sint ut sunt aut non sint.

Text: Corrispondenza Romana
 Introduction / Translation (From Italian to German): Giuseppe Nardi Image: Corrisdenza Romana
Trans: Tancred AMGD

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Jacobin "Spirit of the Council"

According to Cardinal Suenens the II. Vatican Council had been the '1789' of the Church. Is Liberté the same as indifferentism, égalité the same as destruction of hierarchy and fraternité the same as "ecumenism" polytheism?

The Ingratiation to the French Mob of 1789 has decayed the
Church from within and out. [photo: archive]

"The Second Vatican Council is the 1789 of the Church"

The liberal-reformist Cardinal Léon-Joseph Suenens, who was after all, one of the four council moderators, the Council rewrote much saying: "This is the 1789 Vatican II the Church." [Quoted in Marcel Lefebvre: Open Letter to Catholics, 2nd Edition, Stuttgart: Sarto, 2004, pp. 141]
If that is indeed the case, as the Second Vatican Council's strictest faith and ecclesiastical corrosion can be rejected.
The following article is a call to dialog, to Pope Franciscus's demand for comprehensive dialogue. We would like to address the following text  to the Holy Father with the request for a rebuttal.

The Jacobin "Spirit of the Council"

What is the "Spirit of the Council"? It is the "spirit" of the opening of the Church to the world, whose ruler is Satan. This spirit of the Council is summoned far more than the Holy Spirit.
Instead of being open to Jesus Christ, the Church is opened to the anti-Christian lodge opened.
With the Second Vatican Council, the idols of the anti-clerical Freemasonry, namely, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" have been incorporated into the Church. These corrosive idols of Freemasonry have entered into the Church internally as "religious liberty, collegiality, ecumenism". What was required prior to the Second Vatican Council, has been actively repressed.
Coming in the Anschluss of the Second Vatican Council a provincialist, modernist liturgy has degenerated into a kind of cult of revolution and all the enemies of the revolution (of the Tridentine Mass, keep the faith) are persecuted with the means of the terror within the Church.
Such apparent decline in the Church is in accordance with the recognized religious prophecies of Our Lady of La Salette: "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist." [?]
In addition, the Virgin at La Salette communicated to us that "the false light enlightens the world." The Masonic "Enlightenment" is the light that leads to eternal darkness.

The "Council-Demon"

Pope Benedict XVI. described the pastoral spirit of the Council consequently as "Council-Demon". [Konzils-Ungeist]
The Second Vatican Council, the Church's Magisterium has fraternized with the Jacobean Magisterium and the idols of the French Revolution's mob has increased within the church:
  • The Mob-Idol of religious freedom is a decomposition of the truth "extra ecclesiam nulla salus." The word "religion" is a word that can exist in the plural only hypothetically. In the scriptures it says namely: "And in none other is there salvation. For there is no other name given among men under heaven by which we must be saved "(Acts 4:12). On the subject of religious freedom it can be said: "O Liberty, what crimes are committed in thy name!"
  • The Mob-Idol of collegiality undermines the authority of the earthly Vicar of Jesus Christ, the Pope, and is a kind of democratization through an enabling act of fellow bishops, who probably prefer to put on an all red Phrygian cap of equality as they proclaim its gospel. Strictly distinct hierarchies are only in inhumane Masonry and exploitative financial system.
  • The Mob Idol of "ecumenism" denies the first Commandment of God and replaces it with a Masonic "universal brotherhood" (Nostra Aetate). As is known, Freemasonry puts Jesus Christ, Buddha, Plato, Confucius, FC Bayern Munich, Karl Marx, Mohammed or Zarathustra at one and the same level. 
The religious meeting in Assisi illustrates this world wide, Masonic chain of brotherhood of most diverse "religions", in which the most diverse worship "gods" are convened.
But a real brother is the one who does the will of our Heavenly Father: "For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother" (Matthew 12:50).
When the religious meeting of the chain of brotherhood in Assisi took place,  the impression likely to be created was that God has lost the good pleasure of His Church, and now every wannabe Religion is pleased, though He says in Scripture: "I am the way and the truth and the life No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6).
The three Masonic Mob idols would supplant Christianity, which in the German tax-Church goes counts for success.

People Worship Service Instead of God

The eternal yesterday "spirit" of the Council is the "spirit" that opens the churches to empty them and to deify the mere world: Nostra Aetate, the word "man", occurs 29 times more than "Jesus", which occurs only once, while the word "Muslim" appears at least 3 times. The ratio of the responses of God to man is, according to Nostra Aetate, at least 1 to 29.
A so blatant self-aggrandizement of the people of God (as we know it coming only from the Lodge), can not be understood as an opening to Jesus Christ, but quite the opposite.

©, EMail: redaktion@kreuz-net.infoImpressum
Trans: Tancred  

Monday, August 26, 2013

Who Had Altered Parts of the Holy Father’s CELAM Speech? -- Lifting Celibacy, Women’s Ordination, Enneagram …

(Rome / Rio de Janeiro) Pope Francis maintains a spontaneous manner in sermons and speeches. He makes additional thoughts and makes addendums in the prepared written statements, formulated by individual pages or from half or whole sentences. Of course it is the spoken word that is mostly transmitted by the media live to the world. The simultaneous translators have a lot of work. They receive, as well as with previous popes, the written version, which only has a provisional character. The translator must listen carefully, so as not to hear the spontaneous additions and changes of the reigning Pontiff. As for the translation, the one or other mishaps happen. has reported it. The final written texts are usually established in some major languages ​​later by the translation department of the Vatican, which correspond to the spoken word of the Pope.

It was not the case in the context of the Pope's address before the Coordinating Committee of the Bishops' Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean (CELAM). The meeting took place on the 28th of July in the study center of Sumaré in Rio de Janeiro. reported earlier with the article, Not Gnostic, not Pelagian, but Protestant - dangers that threaten the Church from within: CELAM speech of Pope Francis. The speech of the Pope is considered the most significant programmatically, which he held in his Brazil trips, even if other events had greater media interest. The speech has now been published by the Vatican in different languages ​​( see here ).

It is striking that the provisional version of the CELAM speech was published as a final version. The spontaneous additions by Pope Francis were missing, including some that are not of minor importance. In Chapter 4, "Some temptations against the order as a disciple and missionary," Pope Francis discussed the danger of “Gnostic" ideology. In the official version of the speech it reads:

c) The Gnostic solution. Closely linked to the previous temptation, it is ordinarily found in elite groups offering a higher spirituality, generally disembodied, which ends up in a preoccupation with certain pastoral “quaestiones disputatae”. It was the first deviation in the early community and it reappears throughout the Church’s history in ever new and revised versions. Generally its adherents are known as “enlightened Catholics” (since they are in fact rooted in the culture of the Enlightenment).

In his speech, however, the Pope went beyond the written version of this and called some concrete examples of what he means by a new Gnosticism. To the Latin American Bishops Francis said that he meant those who enthusiastically congratulated him after the election, then immediately addressed demands on him:

"So that the priests are allowed to marry, that nuns are ordained priests, and that the remarried divorcees are to be admitted to Communion,"
is the only way the Church is to become "modern" and it is high time. On the video recording of the speech, hearty laughter of the Bishops is heard after the second demand.

The three topics specifically mentioned by the Pope belong to the central list of demands by progressive church groups, especially marginalized schismatic groups and impact how we are Church or the pastor initiatives. The rejection of these claims by the Pope are of considerable importance for the current debate in the Church. Therefore, the misappropriation of this passage in the official version of the speech was surprising. It was all the more surprising because at least on one point Pope Francis clearly rejected the ordination of women, even in the improvised press conference on the return flight to Rome.

In the same way the papal criticism was leveled against the fraudulent Enneagram method. As a danger to the Church from within, Pope Francis also named "psychological reductionism" and as a concrete example of the negative Enneagram method as a darkening of Christian spirituality. The Enneagram method was invented at the beginning of the 20th Century by Russian mystics Georges Gurdjieff (">see Enneagram instead of cross - Esoteric and occult lead Catholic religious orders astray ).

It is due to ACI Prensa that the video recording of the Pope's speech has since been published in full on the Internet.

Thus, questions remain: Who is responsible for the omission of the spontaneous speech by Pope Francis? Why were they altered? How to interpret the omission?

 Text: Giuseppi Nardi Trans: Tancred

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Msgr. Sciacca: After Two Years

(Vatican) Since 2011 Pope Benedict XVI. had appointed the judge of the Roman Rota , Bishop Giuseppe Sciacca, to Secretary General of the Governorate of Vatican City. Yesterday, Pope Francis appointed him Assistant Secretary of the Apostolic Signatura. Archbishop Sciacca is number three of the Supreme Court of the Catholic Church, behind the Prefect Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, and the Secretary, Archbishop Frans Danneels of Belgium.

Msgr Sciacca is as traditional friendly as Cardinal Burke. In the first International pilgrimage tradition to Rome in 2012, he celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Immemorial Roman Rite [They say here Extraordinary, which I can’t bear to continue writing]. On the 29th of June, just two weeks before the adoption of the Decree of the Congregation of Religious against the tradition-bound Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception, Curial Archbishop Sciacca consecrated three brothers of the Order to the priesthood.

Msgr Sciacca was catapulted into the seat of the Governorate after the vociferous dismissal of Curial Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who was sent as Apostolic Nuncio to the United States [You’d think it was Siberia], and occupied the place in the administration of the Vatican City State. Thus, the lawyer returns to his real specialty. In 1999, Pope John Paul II had appointed him as Auditor to the Roman Rota.

The departure of Archbishop Viganò Curia was a result of litigious careerism in the Vatican and a tug of war between the Old Guard of the State Secretariat for Cardinal Sodano and the Young Guard of Pope Benedict XVI. employed by Cardinal Bertone. Viganò is often accused of the so-called Vatileaks scandal who brought documents stolen from the desk of Benedict XVI. and then published them. However, Viganò and the document thievery of the unfaithful valet, Paolo Gabriele, seem to have no connection.

Viganò, the President of the Governorate had hoped for the purple dignity, and looked after becoming aware of other personnel plans of Benedict XVI. brought opportunities and responded with allegations of corruption against other members Curia, which were leaked to the media. Therefore Viganò was initially honorably deported to the USA in 2011 and replaced by Msgr Sciacca. A month later, Benedict XVI appointed the new President of the Governorate. In place of Cardinal Giovanni Lajolo, Archbishop Giuseppe Bertello had joined, who was Apostolic Nuncio to Italy by then. Bertello was elevated to Cardinal in February 2012, and thus was the dignity for which Viganò had hoped.

As Viganò had pronounced the accusation after his career setback,  that the erection of the traditional nativity scene in St. Peter's Square had swallowed half a million euros, because it enriched someone, his successor, Sciacca was proud to report that the erection of the crib cost nothing under his administration in the Vatican. Sciacca could ascend in a few years to the Secretary of the Apostolic Signatura.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: ACI
Trans: Tancred

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Criticism of Pope Francis From the USA -- "Pope Maker" Dolan: Absence of Managerial Skills and Leadership Skills

(New York) The North American bishops, it they were heard just after the Conclave last March, were decisive for the election of Pope Francis. Although they were not the "forgers" of the new pontificate, but their voices and their weight were ultimately decisive. Just from the United States, there now comes the first direct and surprisingly harsh criticism of Pope Francis. Expression of this is found in an interviews of the Archbishop of New York and chairman of the U.S. Bishops Conference, Cardinal Timothy Dolan and Archbishop of Philadelphia, Charles Chaput. Cardinal Dolan talks about a "lack of managerial and leadership quality," Cardinal Chaput of a certain dissatisfaction with the election of Cardinal Bergoglio among the circles of faithful Catholics toward the Pope.

Several cardinals of the United States were considered "papabili". However, in a joint statement just before start of the Conclave, a novelty, they announced their collective rejection, founded on the unexpected withdrawal because of possible "damage" to the Church, as an American pope could in other parts of the world result in inappropriate identification of the Church, or completely, of Christianity with the world power USA.

American "Pope Maker" First Critic of Pope Francis

Accordingly, the American media celebrated the New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan Cardinal on his return to the conclave, as "Pope Maker". Cardinal Dolan is not the "creator" of the candidacy of his Argentine confrere. This is enough already back in the conclave in 2005. The actual promoters were known as Cardinal Martini 2005 and in 2013, Cardinal Lehmann, to name just two. In contrast to the penultimate Conclave of 2013, the alliance was much broader. Overcoming a two-thirds majority in an election without strong candidates or favorites is no easy task. Cardinal Dolan was considered the "Pope Maker" because the pivoting of the North American Pope voters (at least the majority), ultimately brought the decisive turning point in the conclave to the Argentine.

Well, surprisingly, criticism of Pope Francis comes straight from the U.S.. It is the first clear vocal criticism because so far the Cardinals and local churches had at least appeared to be carried away by the media cheering for the new pontificate. Cheering, which must not be forgotten, was especially one last scold of Pope Benedict XVI. The published opinion presented of the Church in a way as an acclamation, as a Pope had not in any case ever been. The reaction was inevitable: Francis Pope turns out to be quite the deliberate contrast to Pope Benedict XVI, as a connoisseur of amazing acts corresponding to media psychology and media-friendly.. The German-speaking bishops are more in the media's grip, as recently showed the incident in Würzburg seminary. There has only been a bishop who is not under the media's under control: the St. Pölten's Bishop Kurt Krenn. Bishop Krenn used his media fluency to convey Catholic doctrine, where his brother bishops were sometimes rather silent. For this he is not cheered in the media. Rather, he was their favorite bogeyman, but they could neither diminish his bravery in handling media or his intellectual stature. Whether Pope Francis will succeed in this. So far, the media cheering has exhausted itself more on trivialities of modern media icons, as they produce show business, sports, and sometimes even politics.

Cardinal Dolan has "seen little" of "Managerial Skills and Leadership Qualities" so Far

The criticism from the United States is therefore a remarkable indicator of the papacy begun in March. Cardinal Dolan brought them out in an interview with John Allen, a Vaticanist for the Old Liberal National Catholic Reporter. He was personally very direct, limited to specific issues, but more on a seemingly technical aspects, but this is only at first glance. "We also wanted someone with good managerial skills and leadership quality, and until now, little has been seen of it." With these words, the New York Archbishop described the pontificate of Pope Francis till then. One could speak of a frontal criticism. Cardinal Dolan has expressed his criticism already a few weeks ago on the brink of World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro. The National Catholic Reporter published the Inteview on the 24th of July on the internet.

Nearly five months after the election of a pope one of the key figures of the conclave declared that Pope Francis has not been sufficiently a "manager" and not enough of a "leader". A Pope must be a "manager", he should have "leadership".

Cardinal Dolan: After Summer Break He is Finally to Appoint a New Secretary of State

In his concrete criticism, Cardinal Dolan limited himself to the occupation of the State Secretariat, continuing on to the top of the Roman Curia and the same under Pope Francis. On the eve of the conclave, dismissal of Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone was loudly called for by various parties. Cardinal Bertone was among the most important employees of Pope Benedict XVI. in the governance of the Church. He was not unjustly blamed for many mishaps that made the German Pope and his many opponents within the church a target of the media enjoyment for persistent accusation.

Cardinal Dolan then said he expects a change at the top of the State Secretariat before the summer break. And further: "I expect that concrete after the summer break a more concrete signal towards changing the administration."

Archbishop Chaput: Some Dissatisfaction with Election of Pope Francis Faithful Circles

The criticism by the President of the U.S. bishops' conference does not go beyond that. He remained therefore open to where and how criticism would appear from other American bishops to the official leadership of Pope Francis. At the same time, however, it was loud and slightly accentuated. To make the point he brought up the Archbishop of Philadelphia, Charles Chaput, the cardinal contender when his predecessor Cardinal Justin Francis Rigali reached his attained age of 80 in April of 2015. Archbishop Chaput, one of the most important American church leaders, is considered to be faithful and connected to tradition. He expressed also in an interview with the National Catholic Reporter , "a certain dissatisfaction" over the election of Cardinal Bergoglio to Pope, which was particularly noticeable among the faithful, loyal to Rome.

Cardinal Dolan did not take up the criticism of conservative or traditionally associated parts of the Church, about about liturgical changes by Pope Francis, the controversial "style" of the Pope, a certain ambivalence of the Pope to the major bioethical challenges of our time, homosexuality and the aggressive gender ideology. Cardinal Dolan was limited in his criticism on the issue of the "Leadership of Office". The Vatican expert Andrea Tornielli says that behind, a "typical American concern" hides: the call for efficient "managers". But that is likely to fall short. Cardinal Dolan is president of the Bishops' Conference, he measured his criticism well, considered and limited to one aspect of the risk of no special media attention, but this is directed toward the Pope in Rome.

Zeal For Action in Vatican bank - for incidental Catholic Church

Pope Francis Pope has shown zeal to date, especially in the context of the Vatican bank IOR and the Economic Affairs of the Holy See. That got a lot of applause, regarding the downright legendary banking institution. The use astonishment: the botched appointment of a personal representative in the person of the controversial Bishop Battista Ricca, the appointment of three commissions for the control and monitoring of the bank, of which at least one was but then too much occupied and another are seemingly doubtful reshuffles at the top of the foundation and finally a private motu proprio with some new rules. The Vatican Bank according to some conspiracy theorists who may have some beads of sweat on their foreheads and also some church enemies who dream of "legendary" riches of the Church. In reality, the bank is considered to be at 10 billion euros on their deposits, in international comparison, a small bank. Apportioned to the number of Catholics worldwide, there are just six or seven euros in the bank from each. Financial and economic matters are now but not really the most important affairs of the Catholic Church, not even the second most important, which is why this whole effort has but surprised some observers.

Only John Paul II Appointed a Secretary immediately - Progressive Disillusionment

Cardinal Bertone, focused on the criticism of Cardinal Dolan to Pope Francis, will be 79 in December. A change is therefore coming 0one way or another. No pope has ever exchanged the Cardinal Secretary of State immediately after his election. There are other rhythms in the Church. Pope Pius XII. appointed none. As former Secretary of State, the Pope was his own Secretary of State. Pope Paul VI. kept to his predecessor from John XXIII. "Inherited" for six years. John Paul I did not make any personnel decisions due to his unexpected death. Only John Paul II appointed a new Secretary of State within a few months. However, Cardinal Jean Villot had died. Pope Paul VI took over, five months after the beginning of pontificate, so probably a quick dismissal of the French bearer and Council Secretary of the Polish Pope must remain speculation.

As a Jesuit Pope Francis takes the time necessary to make an informed decisions. He looking for his information and then decides alone. This is evidenced by his adherence to the appointment of Msgr Ricca for domestic prelates of the Vatican Bank, despite becoming known by his explosive and inglorious past. Previous decisions can not be returned. What are the announced in the media and emphasized by many cardinals who resided diocesan bishops demanded reform of the Curia is concerned, you will have to wait for the first meeting of the new eight-member council of Cardinals. The meeting is scheduled for early October. In progressive circles, after the initial euphoria, there is a slogan, not to place too high expectations for the new pontificate. The progressive religious women were the first who waved the Jubilee flags.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred

Maximilian Hanlon's vindication?

Something fun (and onerous) from William Oddie:

 “Why can’t my brother Catholics get into their thick skulls that the Holy Father needs to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart in union with all the Catholic bishops of the world. Otherwise, we are all going to die and the world will be destroyed. Sorry, that’s the Truth....In the post-Council Church the Catholic sense of intimacy with the divine has been wholly destroyed!” 

(Source: )

Please notice that the previous are literal quotations from sedevacantist (or almost sedevacantist) comments on one of Mr. Oddie's posts. Sedes really are as batshitcrazy as I've described.

And those of you who are sane enough not to fall into sedelunacy but don't approve of my parody need to A) get a sense of humor; and, B) try to purge the traditionalist world of such persons.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

German Green Politician Contradicted by Publisher of "The Pedosexual Complex"

Edit: Junge Freiheit is a conservative publication in Germany. They've been on Volker Beck's trail for some time now. Beck was cited in the 80s as being for legalizing sex with minors. He has since denied this claim, insisting that the citation was not what he said, but based on a "free redaction". What remains indisputible, however, is that this was part of the Green Party platform before people were as sensitive to this question as they are now. To our knowledge, there is no outcry for Beck's resignation. Such is Europe.

BERLIN. In the discussion of the article by the Green politician Volker Beck in the book "The Pedosexual Complex", the publisher Foerster has rejected Beck's view, the Greens for their part have prevented a new edition of the work.

On its website, the parliamentary secretary of the Green Party wrote on the matter: "The last printing was unauthorized and adulterated in meaning by a free redaction by the publisher. According to my memory, the legal department of the Green Party proceeded against publisher and/or editor: An enforcement of non-distribution was probably not attainable, but a new edition of the work with this article was prohibited."

He doesn't have any documents from 25 years ago. Today, he is annoyed that he had scripts and other documents of the time, and that they had not been better secured and preserved.

"New Edition Was not Planned"

The Managing Director of the publishing house, Joachim Köhler, however, told the Junge Freiheit, he could not remember a legal battle with the Green Party. "In addition, no new edition of the book had been planned. For this purpose it would have had to be sold out first. That was not the case. On the contrary, we had to pulp the rest of the printing."

How it came about at that time that Beck was taxed to contribute to a book published in 1988, was also, according to Köhler, who has worked for the publisher since 1995, unknown. Either Beck, with the editor Joachim Hohmann (the book was published under the pseudonym Angelo Leopardi) were introduced or he had been invited to write an essay. As Hohmann died in 1999, only Beck can be relied on for information.

However, Beck himself would not comment on this issue for JF. A request for Kohler's statement remains unanswered. (Krk)

Junge Freiheit,....

Criticism of an Archbishop: "Some Catholics Show No Faith in the Real Presence of Christ"

(Johannesburg) The South African Archbishop of Johannesburg, Buti Joseph Tlhagale, an Oblate of Mary Immaculate , better known in Germany as Hünfelder Oblaten, expressed shock at the behavior of believers before the Blessed Sacrament. Some believers would show "no faith in the real presence" of Christ, said the archbishop. Many did not even knew that you make at the Sign of the Cross with holy water entering a house of God, let alone what this act means. Or that one kneels to the tabernacle in the church before Christ, not even that, before the Lord present in the tabernacle to genuflect when entering and leaving the church. "A very sensible African archbishop," says noted historian of the Spanish Church and Catholic blogger Francisco de la Cigoña on.

The report of a sermon by Archbishop Tlhagale was published by the Fraternity de Cristo Sacerdote y Santa María Reina (Brotherhood of Christ Priest and Queen Mary). The Fraternity was canonically erected in 2009 as a religious community. It is of priests, brothers and lay people. Among its special charisms is care of the sacred liturgy as it belongs to the Extraordinary Form [Immemorial] of the Roman Rite ( see separate report ).

Archbishop Tlhagale also criticized the removal of the kneelers. Thus the faithful are impelled, almost forced to receive standing when receiving Communion. "Our churches are market places partly before and after Mass, because we banish the Blessed Sacrament to a secluded area and because we lose the awareness of the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. We've given up the peace and pious atmosphere in the churches."

Therefore, the Archbishop of Johannesburg recommends returning the tabernacle back to the center of the altar and recovering the practice of genuflecting and silence in the church. He praised the priests who pray together before the altar before and after Mass. It is for the priests, says the Archbishop, to promote Eucharistic adoration and to disseminate and publish the documents of the Church on the Holy Eucharist.

Church law requires fasting at least one hour before receiving Holy Communion. "The chewing gum in your mouth during Holy Mass is just disgusting," says Archbishop Tlhagale.

The Chief Shepherd of Johannesburg also criticized the way some bring Holy Communion will put the sick. The consecrated Hosts were handed to lay people who meet on the way to the hospital, and any acquaintances or friends and hold idle conversations or go on down the road quickly to the supermarket for shopping: and all this with the Lord. If they do not reach the patient, they would simply take the Lord home instead of bringing Him back into the church.

Monsignor was Tlhagale was Archbishop of Bloemfontein 1999-2003. In 2003 Pope John Paul II appointed him the bishop of the Diocese of Johannesburg and at the same time, ad personam, Archbishop. Pope Benedict XVI. raised Johannesburg to an archdiocese in 2007. Since then, Archbishop Msgr Tlaghale has been in the South African capital.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Santa Maria Reina
Translation: Tancred


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Jean Madiran -- Witness of the Persecution of His Times

Edit: we first found out about this great man from Eye-Witness's memorial:

(Rome / Paris) The historian Roberto de Mattei has written a tribute to Jean Madiran on the Solemnity of the Assumption for the daily newspaper "Il Foglio", a "pioneer of Catholic resistance against progressivism." Madiran who was 93 years old on the 31st of July, died recently in France. Born in 1920, a follower at a young age of Charles Maurras, Madiran experienced a fundamental intellectual change through the discovery of the writings and thought of St. Thomas Aquinas. The magazine he founded in 1956 at the age of 36, "Itinéraires", has been for almost 40 years a focal point of the Catholic intellectual tradition in France. Madiran, founded "Présent“ in 1982, a Catholic daily newspaper, and it was a keen observer of Church self-destruction, which he mercilessly chronicled in his work "L'heresy du XX siècle" (1968) and "La révolution copernicienne dans l'Eglise" (2004 ).

Jean Madiran and The "The History of the Forbidden Mass" by Roberto de Mattei These days, Madiran is known primarily for his unyielding defense of the traditional Mass, whose historical development he has shown in the Histoire de la Messe interdite (2 volumes, 2007 and 2009). According to the Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum , with which Paul VI. on 3 April 1969 introduced the new Mass, it appeared on the 12th of November in the same year in France, a decree was signed by Cardinal Marty, president of the French Episcopal Conference, which from the 1st of January 1970, introduced the mandatory use the French language in the Novus Ordo Missae . It followed that the traditional Mass, which had been valid for centuries, was prohibited from the 31st of December 1969. That was the signal for a race that is not yet completed.

Since the 50s, the French bishops and theologians distanced themselves from Rome

Since the 50s of the 20th Century, if not before - says Madiran - the French bishops and theologians were at a distance from the Church of Rome, which they charged with being the prisoner of a repressive theological and juridical school. The Second Vatican Council was the opportunity to make a frontal attack against the Roman School and Paul VI's liturgical revolution, which was open to the influence of progressive French circles since its beginning. As the Second Vatican Council was opened in October 1962, it was enthusiastically described by the future cardinal, Father Yves Congar, as "the October Revolution of the Church" (in reference to Lenin's October Revolution of 1917): a revolution that had did not reach its high point in the Conciliar documents, but in the following liturgical reform.

In April 1969, as the Novus Ordo Missae was enacted, received some the sharpest criticism from the highest representatives of the ecclesiastical hierarchy. The Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci handed to Paul VI. a short critical review of the Novus Ordo Missae, which had been drafted by a group of leading theologians of different nationalities, who came to the conclusion that "the Novus Ordo Missae [...] both in its entirety as well as in its details was a stunning departure from the Catholic theology of the Holy Mass, which the XXII the Session of the Council of Trent was formulated, which definitely established the canons of the rite and has built an impregnable wall of protection against any heresy which tries to attack the integrity of the Mystery. "The Criticism of the Novus Ordo was continued in the wake by numerous scholarly laymen, among others, by the Frenchman Louis Salleron, the Englishman Michael Davies and Brazilian Arnaldo Xavier da Silveira. In France, Jean Madiran was an ardent propagator of a short critical review and published in the Itinéraires the voices of all those who came for reasons of conscience in the end, not to accept the New Mass. A leading canon lawyer, Abbé Raymond Dulac, published in 1972, with a new edition, a careful review of the Bull Quo Primum (1570) of St. Pius V and attempted to prove that the Constitution Missale Romanum of Paul VI., the Tridentine bull, had not been abolished, and also could not abolish the guaranteed and eternal privilege from the Ghislieri-papal Mass indult. 

"Your holiness, give us the Holy Mass again ..."

Janur appeared in 1973 on 21 October 1972 in the journal Itinéraires Madirans an appeal in letter form to Paul VI, which began with the words:

"Your holiness, give us the Scriptures, the Catechism and the Holy Mass again, which have been withdrawn from us, each day more and more, from a collegial, despotic and vicious bureaucracy, whether rightly or wrongly, but without being previously contradicted to impose the claim raised in the name of Vatican II and Paul VI. Please give us the traditional, Catholic, Latin and Gregorian Mass according to the Roman Missal of St. Pius V again. Let me tell you, that you would have them banned. No pope but could, without abusing its power to prohibit the millennial rite of the Catholic Church, which was canonized by the Council of Trent. If this abuse of power is actually permitted to succeed, then it would be obedience to God and the Church to resist obedience, and not to suffer in silence."

The letter was later signed by eminent figures like Alexis Curvers, Marcel De Corte, Henri Rambaud, Louis Salleron, Eric de Saventhem and Jacques Trémolet de Villers and it was published in a book of exceptional timeliness titled Réclamation au Saint-Père (1974).

A Time Without Catechisms - 1965 ban on all Catechisms

For Madiran, the problem of the Mass was closely bound up with that of the Catechism and the Scriptures. The prohibition of the Mass was in fact in the French dioceses a general ban on all pre-Vatican II catechisms and especially the Catechism of Saint Pius X that preceded it. For 27 years, from 1965 to 1992, until the year in which John Paul II promulgated the new Catechism of the Catholic Church, the French Church was without a catechism and factually without religious instruction for the children. These bans have been and are still accompanied by an exegetical vandalism, which stands the Holy Bible on its head. It is sufficient to remember that the Bible commentators are of the opinion in the French language, that all the words of Jesus in the Gospels were invented after his death. As of 1965, the 325 French bishops introduced the restriction of dogmatic language from the Council of Nicaea, like the "consubstantial" which was also prohibited. For nearly 50 years, it was no longer in the Creed, "consubstantial with the Father", but "of the same nature," and that with the absurd pretext that the term "substance" had undergone a change in meaning over time. The result is that in France for half a century a central dogma of Christianity, which is expressed in the term transubstantiation, is nullified.

The protest of Madiran and the theologians of Itinéraires united with 75 representatives of English culture like representatives, signed an appeal to Pope Paul VI. of 6 July 1971, including the famous writer Agatha Christie, Robert Graves, Graham Greene, Malcolm Mudderidge, Bernard Wall, Romano Amerio, Augusto Del Noce, Marcel Brion, Julien Green, Yehudi Menuhin, Henri de Montherlant and Jorge Luis Borges. More and more appeals of sympathetic voices from different countries for the restoration of the traditional Mass or at least their equality, were made ​​by the initiative of the Association of Una Voce. Three international pilgrimages to Rome were led by Catholics to reaffirm their loyalty to the Mass and to the Catechism of Saint Pius V.

"Montini Party" occupied all positions of power - 1978 ungovernable situation

This broad resistance movement developed in 1969-1975 well before 29 June 1976 when the Lefebvre case broke out, when the French archbishop ordained 26 of his seminarians to the subdiaconate and the priesthood then suffered suspensio a divinis. The following year, Archbishop Lefebvre addressed in a memorable conference at Palazzo Pallavicini in Rome a question that has still not found an answer: "How can it be that I, because I still do what I have spent doing for 50 years of my life with congratulations and the encouragement of the Popes, in particular by Pope Pius XII., who honored me with his friendship, now find myself in a situation almost as if I were considered an enemy of the Church?" Monsignor Lefebvre, has been unjustly considered the "head" of traditionalists, yet was in reality only the most visible manifestation of a phenomenon that went far beyond his person and his roots and his aim in the first place in the problems of the Second Vatican Council and its implementation.

In the 14 years of the pontificate of Paul VI. (1963-1978) the "Montini Party" occupied all leading power posts in the Church, from the tips of the Roman Curia to the bishops'conferences. The process of self-destruction of the Church was more dramatic, so John Paul II inherited an ungovernable situation. From the beginning of his pontificate, however, the hostility to the traditional Mass, at first barely perceptible outwardly began to subside. The Pope made ​​a secret commission of eight cardinals to study the liturgical question. They came to the conclusion that there is no theological or juridical reasons that would allow a ban on the Tridentine rite. Thereon the Congregation for Divine Worship issued on 3 October 1984, the document Quattuor Abhinc Annos to the Presidents of the Episcopal Conferences, an Indult for the celebration of the traditional Mass, which had previously been considered prohibited. However, the majority of the bishops refused to implement this measure, so that John Paul II in his Apostolic Letter Ecclesia Dei of 2nd of July 1988, after the break between Rome and the Society of St. Pius X. ordered:

"Moreover, respect must everywhere be shown for the feelings of all those who are attached to the Latin liturgical tradition, by a wide and generous application of the directives already issued some time ago by the Apostolic See, for the use of the Roman Missal according to the typical edition of 1962 - See more at:"

Blind obstruction of the bishops against Pope John Paul II measures for Old Mass

The result of this measure was also disappointing because of the attitude of blind obstruction of the bishops. Cardinal Ratzinger, who has placed the liturgy in the center of his attention (think of the Proceedings of the liturgical day of Fontgombault, from July 22-24th of 2001), had decided after his election as Pope, to settle the question personally and issued, the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum on July 7th, 2007 the freedom with which he returned to the old Roman Rite, and introduced it back into the Church.

The "resisters" of the 60s, finally saw their efforts rewarded after almost 40 years. Jean Madiran wrote "Last Sunday," about the 6th of September, 2007, "I am, and I was not the only one in the Church, which is just a few steps away from me, came back, rather than away 20 km and 20 km back. But the important thing is not that we have returned, but that the Mass has returned. What a grace! "( Chroniques sous Benoît XVI. , 2010, p 197).

Benedict XVI. Responded With a Traditional Mass for a sick church

The Church, to which Benedict XVI. returned the traditional Mass, is a sick Church, which is occupied by progressive prelates at the highest peak positions, and continue to use the Second Vatican Council as a club with which to beat their enemies. This has recently been the case against the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception, who are dealt with unfairly because of their attachment to the traditional Mass by a decree which constitutes a violation of the general laws of the Church, especially of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI., it gives every priest the freedom to celebrate the Holy Mass in the so-called "extraordinary" form of the rite.

Mother Mary Francis of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception had thoroughly documented the post-apostolic patristic origins of the so-called "Tridentine" Mass in the Italian compilation The Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, HH Benedict XVI. A Hope for the Whole Church (vol 3, ed. Nuara of Father Vincenzo OP, 2013, pp. 93-115), as the Mass in force in 1969 rite had in its central elements the Mass Pope Gregory the Great and without interruption back to the apostles to the Last Supper and the bloody sacrifice of Jesus Christ as their starting point. The volume La Réforme Liturgique en question (1992) with its preface by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Monsignor Klaus Gamber, for whom Pope Benedict always harbored great admiration, states clearly that no pope has the right to return the rite to Apostolic Tradition and that it had deepened over the centuries, as is the case for the change of the so-called Mass of St. Pius V. There are clear limits to the plena et suprema potestas of the Pope and Gamber wrote, citing the theologians Suarez and Cajetan that "a Pope would become a schismatic if he would not, as it is his duty, be willing to maintain unity throughout in the body of the Church, but would try to excommunicate the whole Church or to change the traditinoal rites confirmed by the Apostolic ( here p. 37 ).

The Traditional Mass Has Never Been Abolished - School of counter-revolution

The motu proprio of Benedict XVI. has made it ​​clear that the traditional Mass was never abolished (and never could have been abolished) and that the new Mass of Paul VI. is optional, and as such may be criticized and rejected. No priest can be forced to say the new Mass or be prevented from celebrating the traditional Mass freely. Every decree or any arrangement which would impose something else, would abuse the Mass and must be rejected. Jean Madiran has shown through his intellectual example, and how wide is the legitimate scope for the Catholic resistance to unjust commands. He was not an isolated voice. At his funeral, which was celebrated by Dom Louis Marie, the abbot Le Barroux in the "Extraordinary" Form, the representatives of the major communities of the tradition were present, the Fraternity of St. Peter , the Institute of Christ the King High Priest, the Institute of the Good Shepherd and the SSPX. Jean Madiran, who describes himself as "witness against his own time" (Interview with Abbot Guillaume de Tanoüarn in Certitudes , July-September 2002) was primarily a militant Catholic. Until the last day of his life he emphasized proudly his cultural and spiritual descent from the Catholic school of counter-revolution, known for their devotion to papal primacy in France as "ultramontanes" and their leaders Louis Veuillot, Dom Guéranger, and Cardinal Pie. Madiran summarized together the principles not only of the French school of thought and published a comprehensive intellectual and cultural genealogy: L'école (informal) contre-révolutionnaire in Présent of 18 February 2011. Those who criticize the world of tradition, are not aware that this world has deep intellectual roots and its vitality is currently in evidence with conflicts, such as the Franciscans of the Immaculate and the Old Mass, which is currently in progress. Everyone consequently, whether he is conscious or not, belongs to a direction, a school or a spiritual family. In life you have to decide which side you are on. Jean Madiran would have been on the side of those who today express their unswerving loyalty to the traditional Roman rite.

Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Corrispondenza Romana Trans: Tancred


Monday, August 19, 2013

Sedevacantists and Archbishop Bugnini, Part 2

We continue with our series. Please note the connection between Collegeville and the sacred handshake.

During the Council, Bugnini, now a crazed demoniac, pushed for a liberalization of the Church’s moral theology, because he knew if he could somehow contrive the legalization of in vitro fertilization, he would eventually be capable of raising up an army of soulless zombie children, who would answer only to him and other like-minded liturgists. 

[Ed.: As everyone knows, children conceived by in vitro fertilization don’t have souls, but therefore they’re also conceived without original sin.] 

These children would then erect training camps in the West Indies under Judas’s watch where they would be instructed in the art of machete use, sharpening their skills on sugar plantations. It was Bugnini's plan that these products would fund his operations with the CIA in the United States and Taiwan to undermine the Catholic Church everywhere, but especially in Taiwan and the United States. These children when their skill level reached its height would be used by Bugnini to bully liturgists into accepting his revolution, because, as everyone knows, liturgists fear nothing more than full blown plantation revolts of highly trained, soulless, machete-bearing children – that’s a fact. Also during the Council, he hatched a deal with the gays since they were the up and coming new kids on the block on the Liturgy scene. Most of them were from Collegeville, after all. Faithful to their requests, he introduced the sign of peace into the liturgy, a pagan, homosexual custom, and convinced the Pope to make the deacon’s dalmatic optional, so that deacons in most places would only wear their stole across their chests; their stole is soon to be officially replaced with the rainbow sash by the year 2017, according to the concordat signed between Bugnini and the gays and kept in the secret Vatican archive. In exchange for these changes, the gay liturgists agreed to implement his program wherever they were sent in the emerging empire of the rainbow.

Anyway, after the New Mass was invented by Bugnini, the consilium, and the gays, an off-duty drunken Swiss guard, whose name has been erased from every parish record, was passed out lying in the streets of Rome near Bugnini’s residence. By some miraculous act of God, he heard Bugnini and his fellow conspirators consecrating the Church to Satan during their usual tea time. 

[Ed.: Fr. Malachi Martin has already documented this in one of his books, all based on fact.] 

The Swiss guard quickly informed the Pope of what was going on and the Pope got real pissed. Paul VI himself was even known to have said: “This displeases us greatly.” After pulling Bugnini into the office to find out if the sign of peace was really a bathhouse greeting, he immediately made Bugnini papal legate to Iran to punish him. He couldn’t admit that the new Mass was an abysmal failure or from hell or the gays, because then Archbishop Lefebvre would have won the 200,000 lire bet that the new Mass would never work. Plus, Giovanni already owed Marcel 50,000 for the world cup.

In Iran, Bugnini half-heartedly converted to Islam because he wanted to take a harem and to try to spirit channel Dido into one of his harem girls, but it was too late. The old witch was dead. Plus, Sufiism, the only sect of Mohamedanism which would permit such a thing, was outlawed in Iran and subject to open persecution by the Mullahs. 

Anyway, once Bugnini had died, Pope Benedict really hated what he and the other gay liturgists did to the Liturgy, and to get them back, Benedict asked President Bush in secret negotiations to nuke Mecca during Ramadan, before the rainbow sash could be universally implemented. With typical Germand candor, he told this to Candoleeza Rice before their last meeting. Plus, he was enraged that her mantilla was askew.