Tuesday, August 13, 2013

In a Situation of Chronological Difficulty: Archbishop Zollitsch is 75 -- Good News

(Freiburg im Breisgau) The Chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, is 75, and thus reached retirement age: good news for the Catholic Church in Germany. In an interview, the Süddeutsche Zeitung conducted with him, the Archbishop of Freiburg, warmed to speak on a favorite theme, “changes". The Swabian from the Danube in the See of St. Konrad means with "changes" to adapt to the zeitgeist. Exaggeration summarized: The practice of the faithful no longer corresponds to the Church's teaching? Then the Church's teaching practice must adapt to the faithful. So urges the Archbishop of Freiburg in rhythmic intervals in Rome on relaxation exercises in terms of admission of women to be in ordained ministries and of admitting divorced and remarried to the sacraments.

Zollitsch’s one sided interpretation of "change", "progress", "going forward"

The lively Schwabian from Filipowan in Batschka received a corresponding reproof. The Chairman of the German Bishops' Conference still holds, against all the odds, these “changes” are “possible" in the Catholic Church. Above all, he hopes to find in Pope Francis that "good conversation partner." Pope Benedict XVI in not found. The new pope "feels that the one who does not change, going backwards and not forwards" is located Zollitsch safe "look ahead" in its one-sided interpretation of "change", "progress", "going forward" and. The president of the German bishops, however, seems to suffer from chronic hearing loss in specific subject. Francis Pope issued on 27 July in his speech before the Latin American Episcopal Conference (CELAM) in Rio de Janeiro, the admission of divorced remarried to the sacraments as a clear rejection, as his predecessors.

Back in April Zollitsch had sought the admission of women as deacons. It may be doubted that the archbishop thereby confused Deacons with Deaconess. Deaconesses would be the female equivalent of deacons and would exert an ordained ministry. Such a thing has never existed in the Church. However, there were deaconesses in the early Church, but they exercised no ordained ministry. The Prefect of the Congregation, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, issued a rejection in June with a concise formula safe side two forms: For women deacons are there in the Catholic doctrine and no basis for deaconesses in the church practice no need .

Pope Francis: No to women's ordination and the admission of remarried divorcees to sacraments

Francis Pope issued CELAM on the 27th of July in his speech in Rio de Janeiro also a clear rejection of women's ordination. A rejection, he repeated the question from a journalist on the flight from Rio to Rome. The issue of women's ordination is "definitely decided", the Pope said: "The door is."

What does it matter Zollitsch. If there are no priests nor deacons, deaconesses, then perhaps no ordained ministry? The archbishop is content. The point of "deaconesses without ordained ministry" Pope Francis did omitted in his rejection:. "For this I am very grateful to him," That even like an dirty pun Zollitsch confused deacons and deaconesses, and it seems to be quite deliberate.

Homosexuality: Speechless Petrified Bishops

Zollitsch is full of praise and recognition for the new Pope in connection with his statements on homosexuality which were made ​ by ​the head of the Church on the flight back from Rio. What exactly the Archbishop of Freiburg said, therefore, remains unclear, as well as the statements of the Pope on the subject. Both refer to the Catechism of the Catholic doctrine summarizes valid. However, the utterance of the Catholic teaching on homosexuality by Catholic pastors becomes increasingly difficult. Quite different with the former leading homosexual Michael Glatze ( see separate report ). As he was directly affected, was released by his conversion to Christ from the entanglements of homosexuality. He speaks in blunt and clear language, while the pastors seem to be petrified by media and political pressures into speechlessness.

Zollitsch Two years in a concentration camp - witness the Danube Swabians

It is known as the chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, the less is its origin and early childhood known Robert Zollitsch was born on the 9th of August 1938 a Danube Swabian in Filipowa in the community of Hodschag in the western Bačka. The area belonged to Austria-Hungary until 1918, the date of Zollitsch’s birth, it was the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and is now part of the Republic of Serbia. In the end of the Second World War it was almost purely a German and Catholic area. In 1944 almost 10% of all the men were shot dead by Tito's communist partisans in the village. Among them was Zollitch’s older, merely 16 year old brother. The mass grave was discovered and exposed revealing the 212 murdered in 2010. Robert Zollitsch survived because he was still a child. With his grandmother and other children in the family today the Archbishop of Freiburg, was interned by Tito's partisans in the concentration camp Gakowa, one of the many camps that were set up for the German minority in Vojvodina. In total up to 30,000 German were imprisoned, especially women, children and old people. At least 11,000 of them were killed. They were murdered or did not survive the harsh conditions. Robert Zollitsch was lucky. He arrived in 1946 with relatives by fleeing to Germany, where the family found a new home in Baden-Württemberg.

In 2003 Pope John Paul II appointed the Danube Swabian to be Archbishop of Freiburg im Breisgau. In 2008 he was elected chairman of the German Bishops' Conference. He was preceded by Cardinal Karl Lehmann. Zollitsch was regarded as a compromise candidate between the progressive Lehmann-wing and the Meisner conservative wing among the bishops. The latter had taken the Archbishop of Munich and Freising, with Cardinal Reinhard Marx as a candidate. As chairman Monsignor Zollitsch would welcome Pope Benedict XVI. in 2011 to his city and made quite a few mishaps with the organizing committee. The Archbishop also turned a deaf ear at the historic speech of the Pope in the Freiburg Concert Hall, with the head of the Church called the German Church to "detachment from the world."

The term of office at the head of the Bishops' Conference ends with the Spring Conference 2014. We will see whether the practice of Francis Pope Benedict XVI. continues where Archbishops are granted a two-year extension.

Archbishop Robert Zollitsch is 75 last Friday. Multos ad annos.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Monday, August 12, 2013

Sedevacantists and the “Sprit of Vatican II”

We continue with the next installment of our series on what the sedevacantist protestants, especially those who are aged and female, might actually believe. Our next segment tackles the personal history of Fr. Karl Rhaner SJ and seeks to explain why the Vatican II documents are so massive but seemingly say so little. 

Karl Rhaner, the dissenting heretical pseudo-theologian who was a peritus at Vatican II, was really possessed by the restless soul of a slave woman named Nini from the American south. Back in 1869 Nini was lynched by the KKK for being “an uppity negress." Because she was hung from a tree she really hated trees, and saw Rhaner as her way of destroying the rain forest. 

Let me explain. This Titchaba spirit got Rhaner to help produce the most loquacious Council in the history of the Church: Vatican II, printing massive amounts of paper containing things no one cared about and fewer would ever read. Of course, the world will never be the same primarily because so many trees had to be destroyed to produce the massive amount of paper to produce all these boring documents and commentary. To date, 17% of the rain forest has been destroyed to print Vatican II documents. Dignitatis Humanae and the subsistit of Lumen Gentium 8 are responsible for a full 6%. This explains why Vatican II and post-conciliar encyclicals keep getting bigger and bigger, using up more and more paper, but they continue to have less and less substance. 

Titchaba was also the Voodoo high-priestess of the god of nonsense-speak, so now that Rhaner's dead, she resides at Franciscan University of Steubenville in Christ the King Chapel only venturing out across to the auditorium when they have Renewal meetings or Scot Hahn talks so that whenever the charismaniacs there speak in tongues, it's really Titchaba giving forth pagan voodoo curses in her African speak. She also got Stuebie to promote the Theology of the Body because to do natural family planning you have to use a lot of cotton swabs to take the samples. This cotton is Nini's exaltation of her ancient work. Suffice it to say, she really likes aspirin too. Even to this day you can hear NNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEE --------------------NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE --------------------  TITCHA-BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! echoing through the Paul VI audience hall in the Vatican late at night. Nini the Titchaba spirit is the real "spirit of Vatican II."

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Persecution of Christians in Austria: For the Sake of State Security

Persecution of Christians in Austria

A house search against two upstanding clergymen faithful to Rome, allegedly because of offering their opinions on kreuz.net or gloria.tv, was in reality to get insight into their activities and personal back ground. 

Commando Raid Against the Clergy

According to press reports two ordained dignitaries, in Vienna and Upper Austria, are supposed to have been the object of house searches by the security forces.

The State Prosecutor in Feldkirch in Vorarlberg in cooperation with the Federal Office for Protection of the Constitution.

There are "mountains of admissible evidence secured" that have been secured.

Only: Admissible evidence for what? In order to prove that clergy have drunk coffee in a Café? Or even purchased a newspaper?
St. Veit was burned in oil. He refused to offer
sacrifices to the false gods.  Altarbild von Franz Xaver Palko
 (Ausschnitt), Sankt Veit am Vogau [Bild: kreuz-net]

Catholic -- and Not Homosexual

Both dignitaries will be charged, for the honor of strictly rejecting homosexual depravity ("Sins against Nature", see Moral Theology) not only conducted, but from theological grounds --- following the Introduction of the Holy Father Benedict XVI.

This "crime" will be made more severe by the fact that they are supposed to have spread the teachings of the Church on the internet.

Since the -- apparently Christian -- Volkspartei conspiring with the political Left, made homosexuality into the treasured divinities of the Republic by way of a sedition paragraph, aberrosexual activists and haters of the Church, are trying to criminalize Catholics for holding their faith.

Catholic -- and Against the Murder of the Unborn

There is a circumstance which is attached to both clergyman: they weigh -- still in public and with evident success via the internet -- against the liquidation of unborn children.

If one still considers this, which business the abortion advertisers are opposed, that human life is inviolable and protected by (actual) human rights, one understands the outrage behind the interest:

In one single abortion facility in Vienna the abortion Dr. Radauer boasted that in her practice of one branch, she killed a child almost daily: high estimates are 13,000 unborn. 13,000 child murders per 300 Euro add up to 3,900,000 Euro: a "powerful" Republican argument.

Catholic -- and Against Euthanasia

Next noticed there is also for the two Catholic clergymen that the value of human life doesn't boil down to a "break-even-point."

Thus, they reject every form of euthanasia. That makes them even more suspicious.

Clearly "Unteachable"

The "enlightened society" had turned loose their most ravenous hounds -- the Journaille -- on both clergymen: Instead of putting them on the grill, they were brought into public by the most powerful extra-parliamentary entity in the land.

Even with a cue from the National Socialist past on the part of the media Führer Cadres. But the pressure of the media was not effective enough, both clergymen remained -- clearly "unteachable" -- Catholic.

Strong "Tobacco"

If "good" advice doesn't work, "more persuasive" methods must be used.

Perhaps they had once said "Neger" or "Faggot" -- or at least thought it? Or even implied it?

That is some luck, that the original Catholic website "kreuz.net" can be used as an angling point by the media-interested Republicans.

Could the both not simply once have called up this web site? Or sent a report denouncing a clergyman to the Email address redaktion@kreuz.net? Or even mentioned an un-Catholic intrigue by the Vienna Cardinal?

You really have to study -- the best site!

And so it happened that they came: the ladies (?) and gentlemen of security -- the State Security Police and the Anti-Terror Squads.

"Terror" of the Catholic Faithful Needs Anti-Terror

Qualities, "unteachable" Catholics really constitute a danger for the basic values of an "enlightened" society: for abortion and homosexual depravity!

Really that Helps -- the Sedition Paragraph

It actually "grabs" here: both clergymen were charged with expressing "falsity": they had published "possibly" "radical right", "anti-gay" and allegedly anti-Jewish" articles. Even if it isn't right.

With the character assassination words "radical right", "anti-gay" or even "anti-Jewish" the uninvolved , "self acualized" world citizen really accepts that the State Security was being a little "snoopy". Only just a little.

That's to make to order the freedom of speech again: the freedom of Catholic opinions.

The Grist of the Matter

The journalism is a copying and hack job apparatus, has been known for a long time. With blooming flowers like the "Kölner Stadtanzeiger", which entitled an article on the 11th of August 2013: "Searchers have confiscated material from kreuz.net". Usually such flights of fancy are "seen" in court.

This manner of proceeding (not only in the media) is clearly: through the matching up of terms rejected in society with the names of persons or internet platforms to destroy the reputation of both.

As a rule that functions also very well.

As a "collateral effect" one may snoop through the private and business background of the affronted.

And these manner of actions have an instructive effect -- for the other Catholics: Don't adopt any Catholic positions (at least not persistently), otherwise we will come "to visit".

In the service of State Security, naturally.


Image from...

Bible top Selling Book in Laicized Norway

(Oslo), Norway is one of the de-Christianized countries in Europe. Amazingly, the Bible has become the best selling book in the land of the fjords, and has been since Autumn of 2011. This is from a tweet from the Vorhofs der Völker [Court of the People], an initiative approved by Pope Benedict XVI. under the Pontifical Council of Culture under the direction of Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi. The facility specifically seeks dialogue with agnostics and atheists. After a course correction by Benedict XVI. there are actions taking place in many cities.

Even the Washington Times was aware of the Norwegian phenomenon. The Bible was the bestseller in Norway for the entire year of 2012. As a new edition appeared, queues formed in the fall of 2011 at the shops until late into the night, to be able to purchase a copy. Since the phenomenon is holding, 2013 is unaffected. "The Bible in Norway is selling like hot cakes," said the Washington Times . For 54 of the 56 previous weeks, the Scriptures are always among the top 15 best-selling books. Associated Press reported that the Bible is by far the best-selling book in 2012 and both the autobiography of pop stars Justin Bieber and outsells the last year's new publication of the much advertised soft porn trilogy by EL James. An estimated 3.9 billion Bibles have been sold worldwide for the past 50 years.


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Ecumenical Dialogue with the Sedevacantists?

Believe it or not, even we here at the EF are open to ecumenical dialogue, at least with certain groups of people whom the post-conciliar church has not always cheerfully welcomed into fellowship. Chief among these are, of course, the Society of Pope Pius X and our Eastern Orthodox brethren. We have also always supported the struggle of those orthodox Anglicans who are now seeking refuge in the Barque of Peter through the various Ordinariates worldwide in their godly effort to maintain sanity in the face of buttface ugly lady-preachers; nevertheless, we have thus far not considered other groups of godly Christian folk who are small in number but great in zeal (although not according to knowledge), commonly called sedevacantists. These conservative protestants need our help, especially because, left to their own devices, their sanctuaries so overflow with ugly and effeminate lace products that one would think that their clergy wear tablecloths instead of albs. The difficulty, however, when trying to dialogue with such persons in the spirit of Christian charity is that, like all protestants, they seem so divided amongst themselves that they cannot offer the world a unified and coherent account of what they actually believe. To remedy such divisiveness, Tancred and I have actually spent quite a bit of time talking to real sedevacantists of all types, both men and women, old and young, but mostly old women, to understand better where they are coming from. We have also spent considerable time putting together their various accounts of the origins of certain post-conciliar novelties and their views of certain churchmen who have played an important rôle in the life of the contemporary Church. This has been a labor of love to help the various sedevacantist protestant groups determine better what they might actually believe.

Over the course of the next two weeks or so, I shall be posting what we believe the authentic sedevacantist positions on various issues and people are in the spirit of rigorous honesty and Christian love. We hope that all our readers consider these claims seriously and do penance that these and all other protestants might recant their errors and return to the bosom of Holy Church whom they have offended by their various errors and stupidities. And because this blog has a special affection and devotion to His Eminence, Princess Roger Michael Cardinal Mahoney, Archbishop of Los Angeles, I thought it fitting to begin with the sedevacantist account of his roots, which find below.

Recently Cardinal Roger Mahoney invited Vladimir Putin to his new Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral in Los Angeles, i.e. the “Raj Mahal.” The purpose of this meeting was to desecrate and purge the relics of St. Vibiana of any dignity or holiness they might yet possess after being under the charge of Princess Roger for so long by a dark and perverse ritual involving their secret Masonic tattoos.

Of course, everybody knows the real reason he's in cahoots with Putin: He really wants to be king of Mexico and he thinks Putin's the man to put him there on the throne of Montazuma. You've all heard of Montazuma's revenge being diahrea? It's not. It's Mahoney: Mahoneyriah. Although this claim to the throne of Mexico may seem absurd coming from an ecclesial prince with an Irish surname, Mahonney has had a team of Mormons putting together his proper genealogy to prove that he has some claim at least to the throne of Mexico. This is what they've come up with. I swear it must be true; I read it in Catholic Family News and Der Spiegel.

You see, according to legend Montazuma sent his daughter to make sweet love to Cortez to divinize his blood line because he thought that Cortez was the Aztec god of the feathered serpent, Cuatzlcoatl. The Cortez-Montazuma bastard which issued forth from that union would one day give Mahoney his special claim to the throne of the heathen Aztecs. During the Mexican American war, the Irish contingent of American soldiers who took offense at the blaspheming of Catholic churches by the heretical protestants in their ranks, in conscience were forced to switch to the Mexican side and were known as the San Patricios. They fought for the one true faith of Jesus. One of the San Patricios, a certain Shemus Mahonney, sired a bastard son with a Flamenco dancer named Maria Theresa Catalina Guadalupe Ascensione Rosario Hernandez, who also had some distant blood relations to the Dukes of Gandia. Shemus didn't escape the charge of treason brought against him by the U.S. army when the war was over. He and all the other San Patricios were hung for treason, but Maria Theresa Catalina Guadalupe Ascensione Rosario Hernandez escaped with Shemus's seed in her belly and took refuge in Belize until she was safe, making her living dancing before British sailors. When it was safe, she returned to her homeland where she raised little Fernando Mahonney as a ranch hand.

Now pay attention because here's where it gets interesting. During the American Civil War, since the whole country was engulfed in bitter fighting, the Monroe doctrine was easily ignored by European powers, and Maximilian II, a Hapsburg (a family which, as we all know, starting with Charles V claimed descent from pious Aeneas himself), captured all of Mexico and made it his own, declaring himself emperor. Like any emperor he took delight in befriending servant girls, and by “befriending,” I mean it in the royal sense of the word. Imperial “befriendment” is equivalent to biblical “knowledge” after all. Maximilian's illegitimate daughter, Sancha de la Cruz von Hapsburg, was a beautiful young lady and by an act of fate or Masonic cunning came to be courted by the slightly older Fernando Mahoney. After Maximilian was deposed Sancha became a milk maid at the same ranch Fernando worked. After a night of drinking on the feast of St. Vibiana they took the classical role "in the hay." Fernando being an honorable man decided to wed Sancha. Their son, Julio Mahonney, ended up marrying the long-forgotten descendent of the Cortex-Montazuma blood line named Rose Maciella Hanlon who having no other nobility in her blood other than Cortez-Montazuma, still at least had a third cousin who grew up with the Kennedies. Their grandson is Roger, Cardinal Prince of Los Angeles and soon to be king of Mexico.

Of course, Mahoney has been promised by the Masons that if he stays faithful to his anti-biblical agenda, he can retire in peace in his own Mexican fiefdom complete with his own anti-Pope, security guards of ninjas, air force, and brothel where he can continue his hedonistic agenda of promoting Cardinal Bernadine as the best thing since Jesus and canonize Che Guavera, Caesar Chavez, and Oscar de la Hoya as saints of New Church.

Papal Ceremoniaire Expelled from the Vatican

(Vatican) This information was hardly known, but it is not without significance. The Italian Monsignor Franco Camaldo, 61, from Lagonegro (Potenza), formerly of Papal Ceremonies, whose name often appeared recently in connection with a "gay lobby", was removed from the Vatican. Monsignor Camaldo was deported as a canon of the Lateran basilica "with right of abode." That is to say that he has to leave the Vatican.

Monsignor Camaldo appeared, because of his "old and intimate friendship" in the headlines with the Former Gentleman of His Holiness, Angelo Balducci, as investigations were launched against the Balducci-Anemone conspiracy ( see separate report ). It was about forcing the contracts of large firms.

Although he is not from Rome, the whole career Camaldos played out from Rome under the pontificate of Pope John Paul II. In June 1984 he became an Honorary Prelate of His Holiness and Papal Ceremonies. Soon, even the title of Honorary came Conventual Chaplains ad honorem of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the title of Knight of the Grand Cross of the Order of St. Maurice and Lazarus were added. More melodious tributes were yet added.

At last Msgr. Camaldo was put into play by Patrizio Poggi. Poggi, a former priest, had been laicized for child abuse. Italian justice sentenced him to several years in prison, which he has since served. Recently he reported to the police and claimed that there is a "ring" of homosexual priests and laymen active in Rome, the young men and children to perform as prostitutes. However, Poggi was deemed not credible. He was arrested for libel. The prosecutor denied the allegations Poggi about a pedophile ring. However, they acknowledged in this context that there are aberrosexual priests in Rome who live out their immoral desires.

The Corriere della Sera wrote on the 29th of June that "the investigating authority in its report to the coroner, the existence of a great number of documented young foreigners of different nationalities who prostitute themselves for money to churchmen in Rome. Homosexual relationships without criminal relevance." Criminally irrelevant, but canonically yes, albeit on a very different level. What is not criminally punishable for the state, it is for the Church, for a homosexual act is a serious moral failing. While the state authorities identify only child abuse, Church law requires other scales and measures.

Is the removal of Bishop Camaldo such a "measure"? The question is how the Church deals with aberrosexuality, one of the most important current challenges. The zero tolerance against pedophilia was proclaimed by Benedict XVI. and confirmed by Pope Francis. Francis also spoke of the existence of a "gay lobby" in the Church. How is the church to deal with it? This is one of the central questions.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Link to katholisches...

1,200 Year Old Monastery Plan to be Implemented

Meßkirch (Catholic news / RV). The monastery of St. Gallen is to be rebuilt for the first time according to its famous plan of the 9th Century. The German Meßkirch Project is to be realized 20 kilometers north of Lake Constance, 30 kilometers from the Swiss border. The construction period is expected to last around 40 years, reports the "Neue Zürcher Zeitung" on Wednesday. On the 24-hectare community ground arises the first replica of the famous St. Gall Monastery plan from the 9th Century. As seed money for the project, 1.2 million euro are available - thanks to contributions from the European Union, the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg, of county and township, which has leased the site for 59 years to its support. After four years, the project must be self-supporting; 120,000 visitors are required with an entry fee of 9 euros.

Photo: Church window - Source: Andreas Gehrmann

Kathnews... and Spiegel Edit: sadly, although they are using the 9th century building methods, it doesn't appear they will be using real Monks.

Franciscans of the Immaculate: Great Show of Solidarity --- Two Roman Reactions

Edit: also, the Vatican website has finally made Summorum Pontificum available in various languages.  So that's another positive indicator.

(Vatican) The appeal of the famous traditional historian Roberto de Mattei, was followed by a large wave of solidarity for the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. Within a week, 3515 letters of support and protest were received in Rome. This violent reaction was not counted on in Rome.  De Mattei interprets two Roman events as a direct response to this welling of solidarity. It is not excluded that the decree will be withdrawn or amended says de Mattei.

The protest against the decree of the Congregation was expressed with letters. They represent an appeal to Pope Francis to reverse the massive intervention of the Congregation under the direction of Cardinal Prefect Joao Braz de Aviz against the exemplary Order. This was announced by Professor Roberto de Mattei on the traditional Internet news service known as Corrispondenza Romana. The initiative was begun by the well-known historian, to address the initiative to the competent Vatican authorities to protest with letters of support for the canonically recognized Franciscans of the Immaculate founded by Father Manelli and Fr Pellettieri in 1990, against the unequal treatment of the Old Mass for the New Mass and the violation of Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI..

The letters were all sent within the week between the 1st and 8th of August. The letters were addressed to Cardinal Braz de Aviz also the Secretary of the Congregation of Religious, Archbishop Carballo, Prefect of the Congregation, Curial Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Vice-President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei , Augustine di Noia and the administrator appointed by the Congregation of Religious, the Apostolic Commissioner for the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception, Father Fidenzio Volpi. Roberto de Mattei noted that the decree of the Congregation of Religious was "an unjust act", in violation of any applicable Church laws.

De Mattei was very satisfied with the spontaneous international solidarity from many countries including Germany, Austria and Switzerland. De Mattei sees two events in Rome directly related to the appeal for solidarity and so many numerous in-depth responses. The first event is the opinion of Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi SJ of 2 August. In Rome we have seen after the protest, that the reactions were more severe than expected. The first measure was therefore, calm down. Father Lombardi stated officially that the decree did not intend to disagree with the provisions of Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI..

That allows us to assume, says de Mattei, that the decree may be withdrawn or amended. That the Franciscans of the Immaculate have banned the celebration in the Old Rite and nullifies the Order, is clearly contrary to the Motu Proprio. Currently, the situation should calm down again, then clarity will rule.

The second reaction de Mattei perceives is the appointment of Curial Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Secretary of the Commission Ecclesia Dei, on the 3rd of August. An unexpected return after Pozzo had taken another job at the Curia until the fall of 2012. De Mattei sees reshuffle as the strengthening of the Commission, and thus a clear indication that the Commission should not be abolished. De Mattei himself had raised the question on July 30th about the intention of the decree against the Franciscans of the Immaculate and asked whether it abolished the Motu Proprio and the Commission should be abandoned. De Mattei interpreted the two Roman reactions of the 2nd and 3rd of August as a signal that Pope Francis neither wants to abolish the motu proprio nor dissolve the Commission Ecclesia Dei, "That is because of the strong reaction of the traditional circles" against the decree, says de Mattei.

The provisional government of the Order goes back to an apostolic visitation by Monsignor Vito Angelo Todisco, who was not known as a friend of the Order nor the tradition. On the basis of a "tendentious" report to Rome, where an "alleged survey" played a central role rolling in the hard treatment against the Order. While Father Alfonso Maria Bruno has a central role, he is the only Franciscan Friar of the Immaculate Conception, who is himself happily opposed to religious discipline is in the picture, which would convince anyone who is on the Facebook page of the Order, which page Alfonso Bruno is the administrator. It was he who tried to steer journalists to misleading information, reporting in a specific direction against the Order's Leadership and against the Old Mass.

Neo-Commissar Father Volpi has just returned from vacation.  It was now to be seen, says de Mattei, whether Father Volpi is driven by the same prejudices against the Order and the Old Mass as Archbishop Todisco.  The historian is convinced that a progressive separation of the rebel group within the Order will be inevitable. Leading the group of rebels is Father Alfonso Bruno, Angelo Geiger and Angelo Gaeta. This part could have all been easier if he had correctly left the Order. Instead, the whole Order was drawn into the conflict. It may also be that - as with any conflict - there is a "gray zone" that keeps watch to be on the winning side. "In the end, the truth always wins," says the historian de Mattei.

It has been shown in all cases that a rapid and decisive response by Traditional circles can get things moving, if the persistence needed is available.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: vekron99@hotmail.com

State Police Invade Offices of "gloria.tv" in Vienna: Priest Suspects on the Run!

Ed: here's one for Amnesty International.  Sounds like the police even roughed up the sister of one of the suspects while she was trying to keep them from steeling their computers and rifling through their offices.  I wonder how many would have that kind of courage?

The Austrian government definitely needs to be made ashamed of this.

According to "Kronen"  news, the national justice gave the green light for it.  A house search in Vienna escalated the situation.  Computers were confiscated and evidence secured.  It also involved "kreuz.net".

Vienna (kath.net) A number of days ago in Vienna, police executed a search warrant on the facilities of the internet website "gloria.tv".  This was reported on Saturday by the "Kronen" news.  According to the report, it was directed against two priests from Lower Austria and Vienna.  The charges are serious.  According to "Krone" it was related to an article with radical right as well as anti-Jewish and homophobic contents, which had been published on websites "kreuz.net" and "gloria.tv".

In Germany and also in Switzerland there have been investigations ongoing for some time.   Now the Austrian judiciary has given a green light.  The situation has been escalated by a house search in Vienna.  According to "Krone" the sister of the accused priest is being charged, for attempting to erase computers and obstructing the officials by taking the PCs with her.  An official is said to have been injured.

At present the national police are surveying the confiscated computer as well as the secured evidence.  The suspects were sought at churches, according to "Krone".  They are, in any case, still at large.


Edit: remembering when all of this happened to kreuz.net earlier this year.

Friday, August 9, 2013

The Drama of Christian North Korea --- Martyr Bishop Declared Officially Dead After 64 Years

(Vatican / Pyongyang) the whole drama of Catholics in North Korea has been concentrated in the form of Catholic Bishop Francis Hong Yong-ho. The oldest bishop in the world at 106 years has now been officially declared dead by the Vatican. Published twice a month, the Secretariat of State changes the Pontifical Yearbook. In the publication of the 1st of July, there was a note with North Korea, the last surviving Stalinist dictatorship, which also comes at regular intervals into the headlines, because it threatens to use nuclear weapons.

The note says that the Holy See has finally declared the Korean Pyongyang diocese officially vacant. This required that the Vatican Bishop Francis Hong Yong-ho is held to be dead. For many years, the entry of the diocese and Bishop Pyongyang Hong Yong-ho was one of the most mysterious and the most remarkable of the Pontifical Yearbook. Here, the traces of the Bishop were lost long ago in 1949. Since then, the bishop was declared missing for all for 64 years.

Born on the 12th of October 1906, Francis Hong Yong-ho was ordained a priest in 1933 in 1944 he was appointed Vicar Apostolic by Pope Pius XII., and consecrated a bishop (for the biography of Bishop Hong and the situation of the Catholic Church in North Korea at the beginning of Communist rule see report 1 and report 2 for the martyrs of Tokwon at the mission of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Ottilia). Bishop Hong Yong-ho fell victim like many other priests at the end of the 40s to the terrible persecution by the Communist regime of Kim Il-sung.

Bishop Hong Yong-ho, a symbol of a Church Officially Extinct - Underground Church

Official information on the whereabouts of the bishop do not exist. With the small willingness to provide information by the regime it was only last succinctly reported that a person of this name was not known in North Korea.

For 64 years the Pontifical Yearbook reported bishop Hong Yong-ho still as "missing". Most recently, he was the oldest bishop in the world. Initially it was hoped in Rome that the bishop was imprisoned in a Communist concentration camp, but was still alive. Over time, it became increasingly clear that Bishop Hong Yong-ho was probably murdered by Communists in 1949 and disappeared in a mass grave.

The Vatican maintained his status for lack of official notification of death. Bishop Hong Yong-ho became a symbol for the Catholic Church extinguished in North Korea. But he was also a symbol of political resistance against the regime that has trampled freedom of religion under foot for two generations.

Bishop Francis Hong Yong-ho, the drama of the Church of North Korea

Each new year a mirror was held up to North Korea by the entry in the Pontifical Yearbook. The Bishop who disappeared in 1949 and the North Korean martyrs were not forgotten. "A gesture of the Holy See to draw attention to the drama that the Church has witnessed in Korea and are still experiencing," says Cardinal Nicholas Cheong Jin-suk of Seoul (the drama of Christians in North Korea, see separate report ). Pope John XXIII who was aware of Pyongyang, raised the Vicariate Apostolic to the level of a Diocese on March 10th, 1962. He appointed the first bishop of the Apostolic Vicar, Msgr Hong Yong-ho, although he had been missing for more than 12 years.
The note from the 1st of July that the Diocese of Pyongyang is now officially vacant and Bishop Hong Yong-ho is considered dead, but it has nothing to do with the fact that the Vatican has considered the "drama" of the North Korean Catholics completed. Nothing has changed in the Kim family dictatorship. Although in 1994 the "Eternal President" had died, Heads of State and regime founder, Kim Il-sung, and in 2011, his son Kim Jong-il, then also the grandson of "eternal president" Kim Jong-un, holds to the Stalinist state doctrine.

South Korean bishops lead a beatification process

The main reason for the change in the Yearbook was the request of the South Korean bishops, the martyr-bishop Hong Yong-Ho and 80 companions are to be beatified ( see separate report ). To initiate such a process requires the Nihil Obstat of the Congregation of Saints in Rome. Such can not be issued, as long as a person is not dead. With the recent change in the Yearbook opens the way for the initiation of the procedure. In North Korea, since 1949, there are no priests and no church hierarchy any more. The Vatican appoints South Korean bishops as apostolic administrators for all bishoprics. But they do not have access to their North Korean dioceses. Korea is separated by the Iron Curtain that divided Germany as it was until 1989.

While the Catholic Church in South Korea has experienced tremendous growth for decades, it was wiped out in North Korea. Officially there were 55,000 Catholics before 1949 in the North of the country. Until recently, the number of Catholics today was estimated at a few hundred. Even the official figures of the regime fluctuate. Recently it showed the "democratic centralism," a hitherto unsuspected interest in the figures of religious minorities. The regime wants to counter the criticism that they systematically violate human rights. In any case, the number of Catholics grew from 200 to 800 officially and finally even to 3,000. In Catholic circles in South Korea, it is assumed that there are approximately 10,000 underground Catholics in North Korea. There is no priest in the country. Lately a priests travels occasionally, when the political climate makes it possible and it's allowed by the regime, that Catholic priests from South Korea drive to Pyongyang to celebrate the Holy Mass in the only officially existing church. In 1949 all churches in the country were destroyed. It was not until 1988, when South Korea's Olympic Games were held, that North Korea built a church "overnight" in order to burnish their image a little.

In 1949 All Churches Destroyed - Olympics Caused Church to be Built For Each Denomination in 1988

Only 800 Catholics are officially registered and recognized by the regime, although the regime has acknowledged even in recent pronouncements to the international community the existence of 3000 Catholics. The church is managed by an administration obedient to the regime that is not affiliated with the Holy See. The Chairman is the layman Jang Jae-on, the president of the Red Cross of North Korea until recently.

North Korea is one of the few countries in the world, that has no formal diplomatic relations with the Vatican. The same applies to the large North Korean "protecting power", the People's Republic of China. There have been diplomatic relations since 1963 between North Korea and the Holy See.

On the 27th of July the division of Korea was marked for the 60th Time. The bishops of the country initiated a peace march, led and called on Catholics to pray for the reunification along the demarcation line. With the martyr Bishop Francis Hong Yong-Ho and his companions, they may soon be officially recognized advocates in heaven.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Asianews
Translate: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Pope Calls the Brother of Murder Victim

Rome, August 9, 2013 (Kipa) The brother of a murder victim has received a spontaneous call from Pope Francis. "When I said 'Hello', answered a voice answered me 'Hello Michele, here is Pope Francis," wrote Michele Ferri from the central Italian port town of Pesaro on his Facebook page, as Italian media reported on Friday. Thus, the call was this Wednesday.

Ferri wrote a letter to the Pope in the beginning of June, written after the fatal robbery of his brother Andrea, but did not expect a reply. The 51-year-old businessman was shot dead in the attack. The two alleged offenders sit in jail. Ferri did not disclose the content of the conversation with Francis Ferri. "This is a personal thing, which we prefer to keep to ourselves," explained he and his wife. (Kipa / cic / pem)

And then the UNTHINKABLE happens...

The Episcopal "Church" USA is (once again) "enriching" its liturgical books by adding all sorts of people to its liturgical calendar, including Frederick Douglas, Cardinal Newman, Joan of Arc, Elizabeth Ann Seton, Teilhard de Chardin, Thurgood Marshall, Nicholas Copernicus, John Calvin, Harriet Beecher Stowe, J.S. Bach, Charles de Foucauld, and Pope John XXIII. You can read all about it here:


But the strangest addition is by far G.K. Chesterton, to be commemorated June 13th. I think we can safely assume that if Gilbert were alive today, he would have satirized the malfeasance of many Episcopal clergy, including "Bishop" Schori, and exposed them to public ridicule; nevertheless, in the Augustinian spirit of "gold out of Egypt," let us consider the collect proposed for our dear Gilbert:
O God of earth and altar, who didst give G. K. Chesterton a ready tongue and pen, and inspired him to use them in thy service: Mercifully grant that we may be inspired to witness cheerfully to the hope that is in us; through Jesus Christ our Savior, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (p. 425 of the pdf)

Yours Truly proposes that we turn such liturgical revisionism to an happy issue thus:

O God of earth and altar, who didst give thy servant Gilbert Keith Chesterton a ready wit, a caustic tongue, and a nimble pen, to the extirpation of error and the infatuation of the vain: Mercifully grant that by his prayers and merits we may be inspired to witness cheerfully to the hope that is in us and hear thy laughter in the congregation of the righteous; through Jesus Christ our Savior, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton, ora pro nobis (and pray for us too)!

Dominicans Abandon Priory in Graz

The Former Dominican Church St. Andrew which the Modernist
Pastor Glettler -- insofar as memorial protection allows -- vandalized.
[Photo: kreuz.net]
Declining numbers "force" the Dominicans to abandon convent they've held since in Graz since 1466. The former Dominican church of S. Andrea is among the modernists priest Fr. Glettler - if it makes the monument - defaced [image: cross-net] Almost 550 years in Graz

The Dominicans have worked in Graz since 1466.

At this time came from Emperor Frederick III. gave the Corporis Christi Chapel built in 1439/40, to the Order of the Dominicans.

They extended to the chapel and built a church and monastery.

The Church of the Holy Blood was erected in 1586, one year after the Dominicans had moved to St. Andrew's Church, the parish church. The St. Andrew's Church was renewed under the Dominicans and was built as a baroque church and monastery, in which the Order in its heyday established Universities for Styria, Carinthia and Hungary.

Enlightened Fury

The enlightened Emperor Joseph II abolished the monastery to the detriment of the country in 1786.

The priory, located in the alley named after the venerable poet-priest Ottokar Kernstock, about ten years ago it was marred by being converted into apartments.

In 1807 the Dominicans were dispossessed.

The Convent moved to the parish of St. Anne's church, which it aquired from the Augustinian hermits Münzgraben, where Abraham a Sancta Clara preached in earlier times.

The Order remained here - with an interruption from 1832 to 1857 - until its dissolution.

The current Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Schönborn, who worked as a priest for two years at the Catholic university community, lived in the convent for two years.


With the Feast of St. Dominic, on the 4th of August celebrate in the Münzgraben Church, the Order departed.

So you chose - probably because it was a Sunday - the traditional feast day of St. Dominic (4 August), not according the reform of the Roman calendar (since the 8th of August, 1970).

The Dominican Provincial Fr. Christophe P. Holzer of Augsburg also took part in the celebration of Mass. "Due to the lack of young people in Europe, the Order can not maintain each establishment."

The accidental death of the prior, Fr. Max P. Swoboda, a year ago accelerated the decision to repeal of the convention.

The Consequences

The four Dominicans living here to move into a house of the Elizabethinan Sisters, a priest goes to Switzerland and Father Miroslav remains as a hospital chaplain in Graz.

"The Dominican Presence in our city is not to coming to and end," said Bishop Kapellari at the farewell Mass.

The property of the Dominicans will be transferred to the Benedictines of Admont, the church is penned as a gift to the Diocese of Graz-Seckau.

The complex will benefit Admont as a student residence.

In Graz, there are yet 187 men and 490 women acting as religious of various religious orders.


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Patriarch of Antioch Refuses to Leave Syria

Zakka I Iwas rejects speculation about internal church dispute over abducted bishops of Aleppo Vatican City (kath.net / KAP) The Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, Mar Ignatius Zakka Iwas, does not want to leave his headquarters in Damascus. He made it clear to his office, reported the press service Vatican Fides on Monday. In a statement, the to Fides, it has denied rumors that Zakka I Iwas wanted to move the seat of the Patriarchate because of the Syrian civil war to Turkey. Such a move only magnify the risk that the Syrian Orthodox Church would be "wiped out".

Since the beginning of the fighting there were multiple bombs detonated in the Christian Quarter of Damascus and dozens of people were killed. Radical Islamic fighters among the ranks of the rebels are allegedly suspected to be behind the attacks.

"We don't want only the survival of the See of Antioch in Syria, but also that all people across the country to stay here," he says in the letter. This applies to "our Muslim brothers" just as we hope for the other Christian communities in Syria. The 80 year old Patriarch further informed the office he is in good health. Speculations were rejected with indignation, according to which there has been an intra-church dispute over the abduction of the two Archbishops of Aleppo. There is no sign that bishops Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim (Syrian Orthodox) and Boulos al-Yazigi (Greek Orthodox) missing since since the 22nd of April re still alive. Copyright 2013 Catholic Press Agency, Vienna, Austria


Institute of Christ the King Driven From Cashton?

Remnant News has reported trouble in Wisconsin. Bishop Callahan is removing the parish from ICK control and handing it over to a diocesan priest who doesn't say the Immemorial. Bishop Callahan seems friendly to the TLM and conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Old Rite at the Oratory as reported on Badger Catholic.

Dearest Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Nearly 20 years ago, at the invitation of (then) Bishop Raymond L. Burke, members of the Institute of
Christ the King, Sovereign Priest took up residence in the former convent at St. Mary's Ridge as their North American headquarters. These were the days following Blessed Pope John Paul's permission for priests, with the permission of the local bishop, to offer the Mass according to the 1962 Missal of Blessed Pope John XXIII for those people who desired to worship according to this venerable form.

Eventually Mass was offered to the public on St. Mary's Ridge in this form. And then, four years ago, the small community at St. Mary's Ridge was given their own resident vicar.

In the meantime Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI expanded Blessed Pope John Paul's permission for priests to offer the "Extraordinary Form" without specifically seeking the permission of their bishop in order to meet the needs and desires of the communities to which they have been sent. He even expressed the desire that all of those studying for the priesthood should be trained so as to be able to function with equal comfort in both forms.



Already 14 Catholic Priests Murdered in 2013

(Rome) In the first seven months of 2013 14 Catholic priests have already been murdered. The recent murder happened in Europe. 2012 was an encouraging downward trend, but the number in 2013 is already well above the previous year. First place of the macabre goes to Colombia with four priests killed. With ten murdered priests, the Americas stand out among the continents. In Colombia, the priests Jose Francisco Velez Echeverri (16 January), Luis Alfredo Suarez Salazar (2 February), Jose Mejia Ancizar Palomino (4 February), Jose Valle Bayona were 7 May) were killed.

In Mexico: Jose Flores Preciado (February 5), Ignacio Alvarez Cortez (22 July) in Venezuela: Jose Ramon Mendoza (17 February) in Canada: Louis Bourgeois, attacked on the 15th of October 2012, died from injuries (14 February) and in Haiti: Richard E. Joyal (25 April) and in Brazil: Elvis Marcelino de Lima (July 13).
In Asia, two priests were killed: In India, KJ Thomas (April 1) and in Syria Francois Murad (June 23). In Africa, the priest Evariste Mushi (February 17) in Tanzania. The recent murder of a Catholic priest happened in Europe. A priest, Giuseppe Peterlin fell victim to robbery and murder in the Marano in the town of Isera in Trentino Italy.

The trail of blood of murdered priests is long 2009: 37 priests; 2010: 15 priests, 18 priests murdered in 2011, 2012 10 priests.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Prophet's Mystique et
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Roberto de Mattei: Flood of Protest Letters to the Vatican for Franciscans of the Immaculata

(Rome) After the crackdown on the Franciscans of the Immaculate became known, the historian Roberto de Mattei called for a petition for the benefit of the Order and to defend the Old Mass to the prefect of the religious congregation Cardinal Braz de Aviz, Prefect of the Congregation Curia, Archbishop Mueller, Vice President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei Curia, Archbishop Di Noia OP and the Apostolic Commissioner for the Order, Father Fidenzio Volpi OFM Cap. In just the first 24 hours there were more than a thousand protests and petitions. These are also only those of which de Mattei was aware.

The Order itself has asked in obedience to the Roman and encouraged ecclesiastical discipline in the collections of signatures. However, this does not prevent believers from expressing their opinion in respect and moderate language to the Roman authorities.

The tenor of the letter to Rome, received in Italian, English, German, French, Spanish and other languages, is: The Decree of the provisional administration of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate Conception "constitutes an unjust act in regard to this religious Institute, whose honour it diminishes, but above all it represents a violation of the universal laws of the Church, in particular of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum of July 7th 2007 of Benedict XVI, which has never been abrogated and which grants, to every priest, the freedom to celebrate the Mass according to the “extraordinary” form. This objective lesion of the right cannot but concern all those who believe and love the liturgical tradition of the Church and, also in the same spirit, who fight in defense of life, of the family, of the pontifical Magisterium and of Christian Civilisation," says Professor de Mattei. "This infringement concerns all those who believe in and love the liturgical tradition of the Church," says the historian.

His Eminence João Braz de Aviz Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life Piazza Pio XII 3 00193 Roma
 Email: civcsva.pref @ ccscrlife.va

S.Ex. Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Palazzo del Sant'Uffizio 00120 Città del Vaticano
 E-mail: cdf@cfaith.va

S.Ex. Archbishop Augustine Di Noia OP Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei Piazza del Sant'Uffizio 11 00193 Roma
Email: eccdei@ecclsdei.va

There is also the possibility of the patch directly in several languages ​​to use in writing Professor de Mattei to use ( see here ). An indicator for the further development  will be  seen in what course the careers of the agitators in the Order and the Vatican take.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Franciscans of the Immaculate

Second International Pilgrimage of Tradition to Rome -- "Rome Will Observe Closely"

(Rome) The Coetus Internationalis Summorum Pontificum (CISP) is recalling the Second International Pilgrimage of Tradition to Rome ad Petri Sedem and is asking for a large participation. The International Pilgrimage is an opportunity to express the vitality of tradition and an attachment to the old Mass. It is the first pilgrimage to Rome of this kind under the new pontificate. Great attention by the Curia and the press is expected: "The pilgrimage will be carefully observed in Rome" is the word in the Vatican because the change of popes has set some changes in motion.

The CISP is the organizer of the pilgrimage, which from the 24th to the 27th of October 2013, leads the pilgrimage of Catholic tradition to St. Peter's Tomb in Rome. Climax and conclusion of the pilgrimage, as in the previous year, will be a solemn Pontifical Mass in St. Peter's Basilica in the Extraordinary Form [Immemorial Mass] of the Roman Rite. The program of the pilgrimage about the first pilgrimage in 2012 on the Una Cum Papa Nostro site can be read.

The CISP wanted to initiate the pilgrimages to offer an expression of gratitude to Pope Benedict XVI. for the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum granted in 2007. They also want to give the classical form of the Roman Rite more public attention and bring it back into St. Peter's Basilica, the most famous church of Christendom.

The first pilgrimage took place on the 1-3rd of November 2012 under the motto Una Cum Papa Nostro. They also concluded with a Pontifical Mass in St. Peter's Basilica in the Old Rite, which was publicly celebrated by the Spanish Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera, Prefect of the Congregation of Rites. It was the first time since the reform of the liturgy, that the traditional rite was celebrated publicly with such a large crowd in St. Peter's faithful. Previously, only Cardinal Walter Brandmüller had celebrated during the meeting at one of the two main altars of the papal basilica in the traditional rite in 2011.

It has not been announced who will celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Old Rite in St. Peter's Basilica in 2013. On other days, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of Astana and Bishop Rifan of the Apostolic Administration of St. John Vianney will celebrate the Mass of Saint Pius V.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi

Image: CISP

Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Lord in a Plastic Cup -- Giving Communion at WYD in Rio

(Rio de Janeiro) scurrilous, thoughtless, horrifying forms of an unworthy giving of Communion and a similar reception are customary to Catholics. At World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro the poor understanding of the Eucharist has reached a new high point of slovenliness.

Pope Benedict XVI. went with his example and gave Holy Communion only to those faithful who knelt and received on the tongue. It was a contribution to the restoration of reverence and comprehension for the Holy. The priests employed were informed only to give Communion on the tongue. The papal example found imitation, yet wasn't driven through the inculcation of general guidelines.

The papal example hasn't changed much under Pope Francis, but for the most part he doesn't give Communion, and is therefore not as visible. The selected priests are no longer instructed as before to give only Communion on the tongue, because besides those, who give according to Benedikts XVI.'s form, have stepped in those who as in earlier times, give Communion on the hand and pass It out over people's heads.

In Freiburg at Breisgau, the President of the German Bishops' Conference, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch whose example on the closing Mass on the papal stage defied the Pope's example, put female Extraordinary Ministers out, who gave Communion in the hand.

World Youth Day 2013 in Rio de Janeiro showed a lack of sacramental understanding of the Eucharist, visible in a new "modern" form of Holy Eucharist. The consecrated Hosts were held in plastic cups. These containers went from hand to hand, were passed out by priests, laity, women and men, and give to the faithful, being passed over their heads.

The lack of imagination of the organizers for a worthy reception or distribution of Communion is astonishing. It's much otherwise in the East, as Latin Christians of the West kneel on the ground in shame. On this point the one who accompanies a priest to giving out Communion, should have a small kneeler instead of an umbrella, which could easily facilitate kneeling Communion in every situation.

Text: Giuseppi Nardi
Trans: Tancred vekpon99@hotmail.com

Choreographer of World Youth Day Flash Mob Posed for Gomorrist Publications

(Rio de Janeiro) Fly, who was engaged as a choreographer for the World Youth Day 2013 in Rio de Janeiro,   has  posed naked for several gay (aberrosexual) magazines in the past. The flash mob back was organized by him in the dancing, instructions of the choreography of the bishops on the stage and the famous controversial pictures that went around the world with which ecclesiastical authority was held up to ridicule. Fly, since 1986, a professional dancer, is considered a renowned choreographer and has a reputation mainly in Brazil in his field. Nevertheless, the fact raises some questions.

"Every human being deserves respect, no question. But respect is one thing,  a very different of kettle of fish, " says Francisco de la Cigoña. The Church historian and Catholic blogger thinks so that cherishing and preference goes far beyond what is called respect. "I personally pay tribute to the former, of course, even homosexuals. Of the later, for those who come, for example, to Gay Prides, where some mock the Church attired in Bishop robes and Pope Robes, nothing," says de la Cigoña.

"Among hundreds of capable choreographers available, you had to choose this one?" asks the Spanish historian. "Must the Church now really bring all Riccas to power? Do they have a lobby or not?

Flash Mob dancing bishops, because it is so "cool". I find the message of concern. And the bishops are still there dumber than they only stood there," says la Cigoña, referring to the self-abasement of the flash mob as they followed the instructions of the two choreographers Fly and Glaucia dancing the Francisco Song, the World Youth Day song in honor of the new Pope.

In the ecstatic rapture of World Youth Day participants who reported for the Catholic broadcaster Radio Horeb at Copacabana, everything was "cool" and a "great feeling". It just sounded like this (found on the website of the radio station ):

So, where were we ... ahja, at the vigil yesterday. It was just mega! 2 million (or more) young people on Copacabana beach ... all waiting for the Pope ... to shorten the waiting time we have diligently practiced the flashmob for Papa Francesco. It was really a hit! The song was totally catchy, and the movements moved the time, the heart and blood. Most were already on their plots, where they are eating their pilgrimage packets, etc. - but when over the loudspeaker came the word "FLASHMOB" all jumped up and got ready for the joint "Daddy Dance"! Guys, this was sooooooooooo awesome! And was the most brilliant attainment of the evening as well - have invited bishops to join the mob - waiting on stage. That was a picture of gods, as the bishops were dancing up there (on our Facebook page, there's a video of it!).
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Infovaticana
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com