Monday, August 5, 2013

"They Knowingly Lie" -- Franciscans of the Immaculate Defend Themselvesin Official Statement

(Rome), the Franciscans of the Immaculate seem to have caught on after a first moment of shock. The Order has now responded with two official clarifications to a number of false reports that were apparently and deliberately circulated in connection with the decree of the Congregation of Religious. Both explanations are directed against Vatican Insider . The Order has precisely recognized, that this news platform are some Vaticanists, from which emanated the article with false reports. "They are lying and know that they are lying," said Messa in Latino about the behavior of some journalists. Unaudited reports were adopted by Catholic media and broadly disseminated. In recent days, it has been repeatedly claimed that it was not about the Old Mass in the whole thing. In reality, it is first and foremost on the Old Mass.

Vatican Insider as a Smoke Screen against the Franciscans of the Immaculate and the Old Mass

Even the report of the commissarate over the Order of Alessandro Speciale on July 30th was a smoke screen. Speciale reported on the actions of the Congregation of Religious, but also mixed a number of false reports in the article that were to serve to justify the extraordinary measures. For this purpose, he presented a supposed "spokesman of the Order," which he had cited in detail, thus giving the false impression that these were official statements. In reality, it was a leading representative of the "rebellious, progressive minority" (Roberto de Mattei). The statements of the alleged "speaker" was a single ignition out of smoke grenades, which were taken as stated by many Catholic media.

The supposed "spokesman" justified the Roman intervention allegedly because the order had been "exploited" as a "mediator" in the unification talks between the Holy See ands the SSPX (lie 1). He also described the ominous internal "poll" (lie 2) as the first in circulation, and even an "overwhelming majority" (lie 3) of the members of the order report that they would reject an "exclusive" celebration (lie 4) Tridentine Mass "especially in pastoral care in the parishes."

So it went on 2 August at Vatican Insider with the article about the unconvincing attempt by Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi to placate in the matter of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. This time the article was no longer marked by name.

Slanderous allegations against the founder of the Order and the Old Mass

The statement by Father Lombardi was clearly then apparently much for the order. Franciscan Sister of the Immaculate contemplative branch . Now the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception have a first official clarification. That an order which is under provisional control, is not necessarily a given. The Order concluded with the statement that the only speaker of the order continues to be Father General Alessandro Apollonio alone. This is a finding which clearly goes against the false statements of the alleged "speaker" spread by the media.

In the declaration of the order states that the product of Vatican insider "includes defamatory statements against our Founding Father Stefano Maria Manelli, assertions that we must reject. The article also contains false or inaccurate information. "

The Premise for the Decision is "not the truth"

Vatican Insider claimed that the "decision of Pope Bergoglio" was justified by the fact that the "Father General Stefano Manelli has forced all communities of the Franciscans of the Immaculate to exclusively say the extraordinary form of the Roman rite in the liturgy."

In contrast, the official statement of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate Conception says: "This is not true. It is our duty to respond to the best of our knowledge and belief, Father Stefano has never imposed exclusive use of the Old Rite on all communities. "Rather, he celebrates himself in both forms of the Roman rite. It is important to know that the official explanation that, before, during and after the Apostolic Visitation (July 2012-July 2013) as well as today, that the Old Mass was used following a promotion by the Father General with the General Council was "completely legitimate" and advanced "the Vetus Ordo in Respect to the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum (2007), in respect of the decisions of our General Chapter of 2008 and in respect of the instruction Universae Ecclesiae (2011)".

By letter dated 21 November 2011 (Protocol 77/2011) was transmitted by the Secretary-General on behalf of the General Council to all branches of the order some guidelines for use of Vetus Ordo (no rules, therefore they represented also no compulsion).

"Even after that some communities have preferred to continue the New Rite instead of the Old Rite. There was apparently therefore no compulsion exerted by Father Manelli. "Some brothers have, however, criticized the letter," said the order in its statement. "Some brothers" apparently already felt the possibility of celebration of the Old Rite went too far and were intriguing against Rome.

Ecclesia Dei Confirmed the Internal Promotion of the Old Mass in Accordance with Benedict XVI.

In the official statement of the order it said, "For this reason we have asked the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei for clarification, in the letter of 14 April 2012, Prot 39/2911L, the compliance of the letter Prot 77/2011 with the "mens" of the Holy Father Benedict XVI. was confirmed in the Instruction Universae Ecclesiae, No. 8."

The anonymous article from Vatican Insider also claimed that the Old Rite could be used only for orders and communities who have been in the "Lefebvrian schism", but were then returned to communion with Rome and placed under the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei.

"In reality, it is necessary to clarify that according Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum (No. 3) and the Instruction Universae Ecclesiae (No. 8a) the Vetus Ordo may be exclusive or 'primarily' may be used by religious institutions that are not of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, and not dependent on coming from the Lefebvrian 'schism'". Besides that, it was never intended to come to an exclusive use by our founder," said the order in its statement.

It was argued further by the article in Vatican Insider: "The Franciscans of the Immaculate, however, are created after the Council and a survey of the brothers has shown that the majority of them wants the celebration in the ordinary rite."

The order took exception here as well: "The fact that we weren't created until after the Council, does not prohibit us of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, to accept the Old Rite or favor. Incidentally, the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum applies (which was published after the Council) and the Institutes of Consecrated Life (without reference to their date) and also the instruction Universae Ecclesiae specifies that it is that goal 'of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum at No. 8, all the faithful the Roman Liturgy in usus antiquior offer because it is a valuable treasure that must be preserved."

Among 'all believers' is included also the religious."

There was never any "poll" for New Mass - assertion "unfounded"

Regarding the claim of the "survey" and an alleged "majority" of the brothers for the New Rite, (in explanation of the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception is also expressly mentioned by Speciale in the article from July 30th mentioned by Vatican Insider), according to the official statement of the order, there had been "no survey". "Therefore, the allegations of surveys by an alleged desire of a majority of the brothers is without foundation." Since the order was always bi-ritual, every priest of the order would "continue" to celebrate the New Rite, "as he has always done before." Without further explicitly addressing it, the order firmly asserts execute that there is no justification for the intervention of Rome against the Old Mass.". Regardless of our obedience to the instructions of the Holy See, it is our duty to provide clarity to avoid slander against our founder and hurdles for a peaceful course of the provisional administration."

Tornielli has set out with a hoax - Franciscans react immediately with the second explanation.

In the Declaration, the Congregation for Religious, stressed that their current term Decree was expressly brought by the approval of Pope Francis.

In defense of Vatican Insider it is to add that the first official clarification by the order was issued in full on Sunday.

The Congregation for Religious does not seem to have been concerned about the impact the decree has made decree on pastoral care.

Not only internal to the order, especially for the sister monasteries, but also for the numerous Mass locations in the Old Rite, which are managed by the order. Countless believers are deprived of the Old Mass on the 11th of August, to which they had been long accustomed. The resulting logistical problems and spiritual nature of these believers has not been addressed at all by the Congregation of Religious. Not a word of regret or of encouragement. If it goes against the tradition of the progressive parts of the Roman Curia, and so they behave like a bull in a china shop, and this against a worthy and entirely correctly celebrated liturgy and made the believers to orphans.

A small reconnaissance trip through the parishes in which members of the disobedient priest initiatives in the German speaking involved would suffice to create an abuse register that cries out for intervention. There is enough action. One does not have to look elsewhere for it.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Franciscans of the Immaculate
Trams: Tancred

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Two Seminarians Dismissed Over "Anti-Semitism"

Würzburg (kathnews/RV). "Anti-Semitism has no place in the Catholic Church." This conviction moved the Bishops of Bamberg and Würzburg, Ludwig Schick and Friedhelm Hofmann, who share a seminary to dismiss two seminarians. The information was released in Wednesday. The charge was that seminarians had celebrated the birthday of Adolfo Hitler and told anti-Semitic jokes, according to a commission employed by the Bishops. According to their recommendation, two seminarians were dismissed, a third is still awaiting a definitive decision. The Bishop of Bamberg Ludwig Schick explained to Cologne Cathedral Radio, that this misconduct was unacveptable. "It is thus in our society, that there are jokes like this, and that are incline people also to racism. The Church is as ever a part of this society. We want to do everything, so that such anti-Jewish and racist ideas are not present in our entire society and if so, they don't go unremedied. There we must begin with ourselves. Whoever wants to go into a humanistic society as a priest, must be completely free of racist ideas."

Against charges by the initial media reports of a "rightist network" that these are considered unfounded, said the Bishops in Wednesday in their statements, they found that alleged birthday celebrations for Hitler had no basis. On the contrary, the seminarians not concerned were hurt to be put in a right radical light, spiritual and educational efforts are necessary here, said Bishop. Archbishop Schick stressed again the basic principles which are valid for the Catholic Church. "We have clear expressions in Nostrae Aetate, the Decree of the Second Vatican Council, on non-Christian religions, where what clearly relates to Judaism, we repudiate the mistrust, violence, persecution of our bretheren, the Jews, and work with each otherfir a world, in which all may live, diversity in unity."

At the end of May Norbert Baumann, Judge of the Superior Court of Bamberg, and three other external consultants of the Bishops were engaged in an investigation. All seminarians were heard, In addition to appropriate education. The concluding report had over 200 pages and detailed the "completely unacceptable" racist statements of anti-Jewish jokes, and in addition, the attempt at trivializing and promoting misunderstanding of both both concerned.

Consistorium set for 30th of September: Pope to Journey to Assisi

The Pope's calendar is heavy with the Cardinals meeting in the fall, the first meeting of the Commission and Assisi visit - Can't make it to Constantinople -- Canonization of Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII. expected in 2014

Vatican City ( / KAP) The next meeting of Cardinals, called the Consistory, is apparently taking place on September 30th in the Vatican. This is clear from the press briefing published by the Vatican Press Office, during his flight last Monday as Pope Francis was returning from World Youth Day in Brazil. At the meeting, the Cardinals will be present in Rome for the Canonization of their approval of Pope John Paul II (1978-2005) and Pope John XXIII (1958-1963) are expected.

As Francis explained in an interview with journalists, he originally wanted to meet the Ecumenical Patriarch, Bartholomew I, at the end of September in Istanbul. However, this was not possible "because of my schedule". On the question of when the canonization of Pope John Paul II was to be expected, Francis then said that once the consistory takes place on September 30th. The canonization would therefore not take place probably this year, because of the foreseeable wintry weather conditions in Poland. At an ordinary consistory, the Cardinals then present in Rome come together to talk about canonization decrees or to accommodate new cardinals in the college. Extraordinary consistory all the cardinals gather in Rome to discuss special needs of the universal Church. At the far end of November 2012 last consistory, Pope Benedict XVI. appointed six new cardinals. At the consistory at the end of September there is a heavy series of important events in Rome. In early October, the Honduran Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga will chair the eight-member Cardinal commission to develop proposals for a reform of the Roman Curia on behalf of the Pope. For the 4th of October, the Pope has announced a trip to Assisi the work place and place of death of the founder and church reformer, Francis.

Copyright 2013 Catholic Press Agency, Vienna, Austria All rights reserved.

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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Feast Days For the Franciscans of the Immaculate in the Immemorial Mass of All Ages -- 12 New Novices, 16 Temporary Vows

(Rome) The last two days were hard days for the Franciscans of the Immaculate. On Thursday at the Pilgrimage sight of Mary of Good Counsel 12 new novices were vested in Frigento. The sanctuary is cared for by the Franciscans of the Immaculate.

Yesterday, Friday, 16 Franciscans made first vows. On both days, the Holy Mass was celebrated solemnly in the Traditional Rite, as has been usual internally for the order for several years. Till the 11th of August it is still possible.

The celebrant was the General of the Order, Father Gabriele Maria Pellettieri, who founded the order together with Father Stefano Maria Manelli. Father General Manelli conducted the investiture of postulants and the temporary vows of the novices.

There were still two large solemn occasions for the vibrant order before the Decree of the Congregation of Religious enters into force. The two liturgies reminiscent of past times, as now so rarely can orders absorb new members in such numbers today in Europe. They testify to the vitality of the Catholic Church, despite the rampant secularization of the world. Before the Order moved to the Old Rite upon the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum , the number of novices was lower and they even came mainly from the Philippines, where the Order began its early work. On Thursday and Friday it was noticed that the new entrants seem to all come from Europe.

Father Stefano Maria Manelli spoke with the greatest inner peace of mind to the nuns and novices. His remarks focused on the holiness of life as a nun. Nothing pointed to the dramatic intervention in the religious life of the order by the Congregation of Religious.

While the Minister General, deposed by Rome, placed wreaths on the Novices for their profession, the sister choir sang the Veni, sponsa Christi, quam tibi Dominus accipe coronam preparavit in aeternum .

Requests for permission to be allowed to celebrate in the future in the Old Rite have to be judged for each individual priest and each community separately says the Apostolic Commissioner. Whether these can be addressed directly above or have the permission of Rome (which location?) must obtain, is unclear. There are, nevertheless, that a large part of the Order that still wants, despite these rules, to continue the Old Rite hold and to make such requests.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Franciscans of the Immaculate
Trans: Tancred

Archbishop Guido Pozzo Returns to Ecclesia Dei

(Vatican) Curial Bishop Guido Pozzo returns to the Papal Commission Ecclesia Dei. Pope Francis has named him today as Secretary of the Commission. This office was the Italian Prelate's from 2009 to 2012. The Commission was established in 1988 for that part of Which was recognized in the Church. The Commission is responsible for all Communities, groups and orders of Traditionalist Catholics in the Church.

In the Summer 2012 Pope Benedict XVI. changed a number of positions, after the talks between the Holy See and the Society of St. Pius X were disrupted. The reassignments stood also in connection with the appointment of the former Bishop of Regensburg, Gerhard Ludwig Müller as new Prefect of the Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith. The Prefect is at the same time the president of the Commission Ecclesia Dei. In stead of Msgr. Guido Pozzo, Pope Benedict XVI. named the American Dominican, Curial Bishop Augustine di Noia to Vice President of the Commission. The position of Secretary remained unoccupied. Msgr. Pozzo was promoted and assigned to the office of Papal Almoner.

What the return if Pozzo to Ecclesia Dei really means and if Curial Bishop di Noia will remain are only some of the questions connected to this.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Vatican Insider
Translator: Tancred

Franciscans of the Immaculate: Vatican Attempts to Reassure -- Reasoning Not Convincing

(Rome) The unrest has not remained hidden among Traditional Catholics from the Vatican, that has developed from the treatment of the Traditional Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. The need to intervene and reassure. However, the justification offered here is hard to believe.

. The exemplary Franciscans of the Immaculata, which was canonically erected in 1990, will, by a decree dated the 11th of July be placed under provisional administration by the Congregation of Religious. It was also arranged that all the priests, would celebrate the liturgy according to the New Rite. It is a serious attack against the right granted by Summorum Pontificum and Pope Benedict XVI. for any priest to celebrate Mass in one of the two forms of the Roman rite. The protest among Traditional Catholics is very strong. The Vatican is therefore committed to de-escalation.

Vatican spokesman Lombardi said today that the appointment of an Apostolic Commissioner for the Franciscans of the Immaculate, "is for the life and leadership of the congregation as a whole not only liturgical questions and concerns."

According to the Vatican spokesman, the repeal of the existing provisions, of religious orders internally to maintain the Old Rite and celebrate for pastoral outreach in both the New and the Old Rite, is "not" against the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI. The religious congregation ordered with the adoption of the approbation of Pope Francis, a decree that all priests from are obliged to celebrate only the New Rite from the 11th of August. "Possible" celebrations in the Old Rite were declared subject to approval, each priest and every community must individually apply for it.

According to Vatican spokesman Lombardi, this was not the intention of this Decree, to contradict the provisions of Summorum Pontificum. It's "only" in order to respond to "specific problems and tensions" that had arisen within the Order regarding questions of the Rite.

The "aim" Benedict XVI., had established the Motu Proprio of 2007, "To overcome tensions and not to create them", says Lombardi. The unilateral imposition of the New Rite against the validly enacted decisions of the Order for the Old Rite and the so-called bi-ritualism in pastoral care, does not explain the reasoning of the Vatican spokesman.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Una Fides
Trans: Tancred

Win The "Indulgence of Assisi" by Midnight -- Immemorial Mass in the Portiunkula Chapel in Assisi

(Assisi) until midnight of the 2nd August, the so-called Portiuncula indulgence, a plenary indulgence for the remission of temporal punishment can be received, which is also known as "Absolution of Assisi". On Saturday, the 3rd August is celebrated a sung Mass in the traditional rite in the Portiuncula chapel inside the Papal Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli Assisi at 9.30 clock.

Portiuncula indulgence - The Forgiveness of Assisi.

In one night of the year 1216, St. Francis of Assisi was lost in prayer in the Portiuncula chapel. Suddenly a very strong beam of light came into the chapel and Francis saw Christ on the altar and on his right the Virgin Mary and angels. The Lord told him to ask for an indulgence for the chapel for the salvation of souls by the Pope.

St. Francis went to the Pope, asking him for help to rescue the souls. The saint was asked what he wanted for the salvation of souls. "Holy Father, some time ago I restored for you a Church built in honor of the Virgin Mother of Christ. Although I am only unworthy and a sinner, I ask Your Holiness to provide a comprehensive and generous indulgence without an offering. "Pope Honorius III. asked him what he should grant as a discharge and how many years. The saint replied: "Holy Father, not years, but I pray souls." The Pope asked how he should do it. Francis asked that all the faithful who come to the chapel, have gone to confession, are remorseful, have received absolution from the priest, that all believers who do that, are freed in heaven and on earth of pain and guilt from the moment of baptism until the moment they enter the chapel.

"That's a lot," said the Pope, pointing out that it was not customary for such indulgences to be granted. Francis replied: "What I invoke here, I implore not of myself, but in the name of Him who sent me, in the name of Jesus Christ." Then the Pope granted the request of the saint. Because of the protests of the cardinals and prelates present, insisting that thereby the indulgences granted to the pilgrimage to the Holy Land and to the tombs of the apostles Peter and Paul would be negatively affected, Pope Honorius specified that the "Forgiveness of Assisi" can only be obtained on a single day of year, the second Can be obtained August.

St. Francis thanked him and walked away. The Pope had to call him back because yes no act had been issued for the indulgence yet. But the saint of Assisi said: "If this is the work of God, He will make known his work. I don't want a document. The Blessed Virgin is the paper that Christ, the Father and the angels are witnesses."

The "Indulgence of Assisi," the Portiuncula Indulgence can be gained today in every Franciscan Church (Franciscans, Friars Minor, Capuchin Franciscans of the Immaculate and all other orders of the Franciscan family) in the whole world. It can be received only once a year.

Conditions A) visiting a Franciscan church, a parish church or another Indult church from noon on the 1st of August until midnight on the 2nd of August and prayer of the Our Father (the affirmation of the dignity of a child of God) and the Creed.

B) the Sacrament of Penance to enter the state of grace (repentance and absolution) in the eight days before and after the second August.

C) Attend Holy Mass and receive Holy Eucharist

D) prayer for the intention of the Holy Father (at least one Our Father, one Hail Mary, or another prayer to confess membership in holy Church, the visible sign of the unity of the Pope).

E) interior attitude of the will to want to avoid sinful behavior.

The B - D conditions may be satisfied eight days previous to A and to eight days thereafter. However, the Holy Church recommends that the conditions C and D are fulfilled by the 2nd of August or in the time mentioned under A.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Porziuncola, org
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Franciscans of the Immaculata: An Order of Angels and a Few Demons is continuing the publication of contributions about the restrictive measures against the Franciscans of the Immaculate. The first was the well-known historian Roberto de Mattei with his contribution , the "Causa" of the Franciscans of the Immaculate ( see article ). It followed the Traditionalist blog Cordialter: Since 2 +2 still 4 and not 5 Is the Serious Attack Against Tradition ( see article ). Meanwhile, also reporting is the Catholic art and culture critic, Francesco Colafemmina, who also knows the Franciscans of the Immaculate, as well as a meeting with the Apostolic Visitor, with whom he had a personally recollected conversation.

Angel Dressed in the Mantle of Mary, Casts out Demons

by Francesco Colafemmina

I am indebted. In debt to the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. I will not repay this, because then I would have to stop, yes, being grateful to them. But I want to testify. I want to bear witness to the closeness and devotion for this order of angels, who must live among some demons.

Florence, Church of All Saints. It is the first day of the year, a few years ago ... My future wife at that time and I entered this great church for Holy Mass. At the end of the church, the last church pews, a mild-mannered brother is in the blue habit. I ask him to hear my confession. What kind of inner peace, such purity, such strengthening in this confession. A few years later I would learn that this mild-mannered brother was none other than Father Serafino Lanzetta, who is opposed by the bloated demons because of his honest analysis and interpretation of the Council.

Florence, Church of All Saints. An indeterminate day in 2011. A delicious conversation with a black sister who gave Miraculous Medals at the monastery gate. I will never forget the peace of mind and the joy that could be heard in her voice. And they told me that it is important to pray for our priests. Today I'm aware that it would also have been useful to pray that some demon leaves the Order.

Avellino. An indefinite day several years ago. I am eating pizza with friends. At the table across from me sits Monsignor Vito Angelo Todisco, the Apostolic Visitor of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. I can still hear him talking about the Franciscans of the Immaculate playing the sly one, "Yes, if you're going to Frigento, then you will hear them scream from one room to another, those who flagellate themselves ... yes ... because then you have to go away ..." At that time, to be honest, when I heard from one dressed with cap and civilian clothes as was this priest, I had not understood if he was laughing or whether it was a very special form of admiration, an admiration for what "we mortals" never do, would never be able to do ... Now I know that it was only a mockery of the brothers and for their spiritual destruction.

Battipaglia, 2009. Invitation to an exhibition by Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos. We, Manuel Grillo, my publisher and friend, and I went out with the intention, to pass to the Cardinal an appeal to the Pope for religious art, that he would send him to the Holy Father (as it then also happened). The altar service at this Pontifical Mass was celebrated by the Franciscans of the Immaculate. After completion of the Mass, I was moved to greet these industrious brothers, these really humble brethren, and not a rehearsed, false, intellectual humility. No, they are humble because they quietly do their job, all in the same way with the same dedication, the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Suddenly, just before they again set off towards Frigento by bus, one of them turned, a bit bald and the beard of a Capuchin, towards me and said, "You are Francesco Colafemmina!" It was Father Paolo Siano, the Mason Hunter ...

And who knows if this it is not just these Freemasons who are behind the whole affair ... But I would not appear to be a conspiracy theorist or a simpleton.

The whole thing is in any case based on a question of style. I have met no Franciscans of the Immaculate that would have put themselves in any way in a picture with the Pope or a scene that have been published more than once or many times in various institutional Facebook profiles, their photos with the Pope - the new Pope of course - before this or that background, the WYD hat, with young people of WYD, etc., etc. Well and good, but if this is the case for any of them yet, he is one of the authors of this dark intrigue, which led to the overthrow of the Order. Then I ask: Why? Why did you go then, instead of protecting and blessing the Order in silence and devotion? Why did you leave, while your founding father is forced from his creation of love and devotion to Christ and the Virgin Mary, laughing through the streets? [He evidently has someone in mind]

. Spiritual worldliness. This is evil. The evil of which Pope Francis speaks!

"We mean with this that which constitutes virtually a flow of otherworldliness, whose moral ideal, however, is meant the spiritual, rather than the glorification of the Lord, but those of man and his perfection. A radically anthropocentric attitude, which is the spirit of worldliness." said De Lubac. So I want to thank the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception for the spiritual gifts they have given me. I want to thank them for their simplicity, their unselfishness, their devotion, I want to thank them, because they have shown that it is possible, even in the bewildered and seductive world of today, to live a life completely given to Our Lord in freedom. It is no coincidence that I was able to see a clean alternative to the corruption of other brothers in them, such as some of the Capuchin Friars of St. Pio, who have become the best example of secularism, a secularism tout cour. [...]

At this point I would like the many brothers who read me, saying, obey, yes, but do not give up. Envy, arrogance and pride destroy in a few minutes the works of many years. You have the power to rebuild everything, and more, a force that belongs to you from the Lord. Therefore give evidence, give wise testimony, looking for new ways for witness. Show also those who want to see you today in chains, that is no fault in you. Fighting a brilliant fight, which is not ideological, concerns not the Old or the New Rite, the Council or the post-Conciliar period, but the Faith in our Lord and to follow Christ. May God bless you, dear sisters and brothers. Angels dressed in the mantle of Mary, cast out demons who have mingled with you! [...]

Text: Fides et Forma
Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Fides et Forma
Trans: Tancred

NB: Colafemmina is not a Traditionalist.

Priestly Ordinations in Germany by Bishop Huonder of Chur, Switzerland

This is from Accion Liturgica: The embattled Bishop Vitus Huonder, Bishop of Chur (Switzerland), has conducted ordinations in the Immemorial Mass of All Ages for the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, in Lindenberg, Lindau, Germany, on June 29th, the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. FSSP

Petition to Support the Franciscans of the Immaculata

Edit: this just in which we found on Messa in Latino regarding the Franciscan Friars if the Immaculata. Here's a slight google translation with some editing. You can go to the main site and send an e-mail using Corispondenza Roma. Thanks. Please let us know in the comments if you've signed it. Hopefully it will embolden others to do so.

In support of the Franciscans of the Immaculate and the traditional Mass

Dear friend,

on July 11, the Congregation for Religious has "police" the institution of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, forcing them to abandon the traditional Mass, which they celebrate freely, according to a universal law of the Church, never repealed and confirmed by the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI on 7 July 2007.

In the canon 212 of the Code of Canon Law currently in force states that the faithful "...have the right, indeed at times the duty, in keeping with their knowledge, competence and position, to manifest to the sacred Pastors their views on matters which concern the good of the Church. They have the right also to make their views known to others of Christ's faithful, but in doing so they must always respect the integrity of faith and morals, show due reverence to the Pastors and take into account both the common good and the dignity of individuals." In the light of this canon, and what forces the sensus fidei of every baptized person, I feel obliged to send an open letter to His Eminence Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life. If you share my concerns, I thank you if you will join this initiative, addressing the message shown in the window below.

Pressing the button below you will be able to send its message directly to the Prefect of the Congregation [in Italian] and, for information, to the Secretary of the Congregation, Archbishop José Rodriguez Carballo, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Vice President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, Archbishop Augustine Di Noia and the appointed Commissioner, Father Fidenzio Volpi, OFM Cap.

Do not forget to sign the letter with your name, with your e-mail address.

Thank you to join this initiative, promoted for the greater good of the Church and of souls.

With esteem and friendship,

Roberto de Mattei

Link to the petition which you can send already in Italian to the concerned Prelates in authority, here.

The Letter as Follows:

A sua Eminenza  Card. João Braz de Aviz
Your Eminence,

The decree of July 11th 2013, signed by you, by which the Franciscans of the Immaculate have been “commissioned” and forbidden to celebrate the Mass according to the ancient Roman rite, constitutes an unjust act in regard to this religious Institute, whose honour it diminishes, but above all it represents a violation of the universal laws of the Church, in particular of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum of July 7th 2007 of Benedict XVI, which has never been abrogated and which grants, to every priest, the freedom to celebrate the Mass according to the “extraordinary” form.  This objective lesion of the right cannot but concern all those who believe and love the liturgical tradition of the Church and, also in the same spirit, who fight in defence of life, of the family, of the pontifical Magisterium and of Christian Civilisation.  
The canonical law gives me the authority to express, in a respectful manner, my sorrowful perturbation, my strong protest and my vibrant appeal so that every obstacle to the free celebration of the traditional Mass for every priest may be removed and that the Franciscans of the Immaculate may continue their precious apostolate which has done so much good and will still do so for souls.

Yours respectfully in Christ

The Pope's Statement on Msgr. Ricca: Magister Vindicated

Edit: the following is from the English version of Sandro Magister's page. His analysis explores the Pope's interesting comments about lobbies within the Vatican, and their destructive ability and how the Pope has essentially vindicated him. We should not assume that because the Holy Father is willing to be magnanimous toward Msgr. Ricca, that he continues to have trust in him, nor that he is no still concerned and about to do something regarding the "homosexual lobbies" in the Church.


Another set of answers concerned the “gay bobbies” at the Vatican and the case of Monsignor Battista Ricca, appointed by the pope prelate of the IOR before his scandalous past came to light.

No prejudice against homosexuals, but the lobbies no, they're not okay. This is the gist of what Francis said to the journalists.

In general, about the gays and the lobbies pope expressed himself as follows:

"So much is written about the gay lobby. So far I have not found anyone at the Vatican who has written 'gay' on his identity card. A distinction must be made between being gay, having this tendency, and being in a lobby. The lobbies, all lobbies, are not good. If a person is gay and is seeking the Lord with good will, who am I to judge him? The catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that gay persons must not be discriminated against, but must be welcomed. The problem is not having this tendency, the problem is being in a lobby, and this applies here just as it does to business lobbies, political lobbies, Masonic lobbies.”

While on the specific case of Ricca he said:

"In the case of monsignor Ricca I have done what canon law says to do: an initial investigation. There has been found nothing of that of which he has been accused. We have not found anything. Many times in the Church the sins of youth are sought out and then publicized. We are not talking about offenses, about crimes, like the abuse of minors which is a completely different thing, but about sins. But if a layperson or a priest or a sister has committed a sin and has converted and confessed, the Lord forgives, he forgets. And we do not have the right not to forget, because otherwise we risk that the Lord may not forget our sins. So many times I think of Saint Peter who committed the gravest sin, he denied Christ. And yet they made him pope. But I repeat, about Monsignor Ricca we have not found anything.”

Francis did not add anything else. He did not say that the facts alleged against Monsignor Ricca are false. He simply said that about these facts “nothing has been found” in the documentation submitted to him at the Vatican.

But since - as the pope now well knows - everything about these events is found in the documentation of the pontifical nunciature in Montevideo and at the time the documentation was sent to Rome as well, the deduction is obvious: at the Vatican a lobby worked to cover the tracks.

The pope also did not confirm his trust in Monsignor Ricca and declare the matter closed. Anything but. The “sins of youth” can be forgiven, he said. But only to those who sincerely confess and repent of them, as did Saint Peter. Not to those who have done and are doing all they can to conceal them, disguise them, get rid of them, with the help of a powerful lobby that is still not admitting defeat. One of those lobbies, the adjective does not matter, which Pope Francis has once again said he wants to uproot from the Vatican curia.

In the latest issue of L'Espresso, the magazine that broke the case, nothing other than this was written:

“Against homosexuals who live in chastity, including priests, bishops, cardinals, there is no preconceived hostility whatsoever in the Church, so much so that, in tranquility, a number of them have occupied and still occupy important positions. What the Church does not accept is that consecrated persons, who have made a public commitment of celibacy and chastity 'for the Kingdom of Heaven,' should betray their promise. When the betrayal is public, it becomes scandal. And to heal it the Church requires a penitential journey that begins with repentance, not with falsification, concealment, deception, worse still if carried out with the complicity of others, in a 'lobby' of intersecting interests, licit and illicit”.

Time Magazine Understands that the Pope is still a Pope

Edit: the other day, National Public Radio's coverage of the Pope's remarks was unrealistically and enthusiastically hopeful. They manage to cruise to internet to find a dissident priest on sabbatical who made his own hopeful and heartfelt expectations that his predilection would one day be declared normative. On the other hand, Time Magazine seems to understand it. No matter how much this issue is sugar coated, it will never be enough. It's far more charitable to be clear than give false expectations or attempt to avoid the issue. Here's a google translation from fisheaters, with some editing from an Italian journalist at Altualita:

Patricia Zorzan:

“Speaking on behalf of the Brazilians. Society has changed, young people have changed and you see so many young people in Brazil. You did not mention abortion, marriage between persons of the same sex. In Brazil, a law was passed that extends the right to abortion and allowed marriage between persons of the same sex. Why did you not talk about this?”

Papa Francesco:

“The Church has already expressed this perfectly. It was not necessary to go back, as I have not even talked about fraud, deceit or other things on which the Church has a clear doctrine!”

Patricia Zorzan:

“But it is a topic that interests the young …”

Papa Francesco:

“Yes, but there was no need to talk about this, but the positive things that open the way to the boys. Is it not? In addition, young people know exactly what is the position of the Church!”

Patricia Zorzan:

“What is the position of Your Holiness, can we talk about it?”

Papa Francesco:

“That of the Church. I am a son of the Church!”

Here's the Time article:

Papal statements often get the same breathless scrutiny that’s usually lavished on cryptic symbols in Dan Brown novels. So it’s hardly surprising that the world, especially Roman Catholics like myself, is breathlessly decoding what Pope Francis told reporters on his flight back to Rome from Brazil on Monday regarding homosexuality: “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?”

As TIME’s Stephen Faris has noted, while the Pope’s remarks might be a welcome and humane sentiment, they hardly represent a break with Catholic church doctrine, which still condemns homosexuality. The Vatican’s catechismal stance regarding the LGBTs in our midst remains the same: The church may love the sinner, but it hates the sin. And since Francis was referring specifically to gay priests—who like other Catholic clerics take a vow of celibacy and so don’t commit the “sin”— His Holiness wasn’t exactly going out on a theological limb.

But at a time when the world, including most U.S. Catholics, is increasingly accepting gay rights and even gay marriage, here ‘s what’s really significant about the Pope’s statement: The love-the-sinner-but-hate-the-sin trope no longer carries much if any moral credibility. How—given our awareness today that homosexuality is as biological as heterosexuality, and that homosexual relationships have proven as valid and socially enriching as straight ones— can we take any religious leader seriously when he claims to love gay people but at the same time demonizes the consummation of their love for each other?

Read more:

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Roberto de Mattei: Franciscans of the Immaculata Models in Situation of Liturgical, Theological and Moral Anarchy

(Rome) The measures against the Franciscans of the Immaculate have caused trouble and lively discussions. is publishing a discussion contribution. The first will be the well-known historian Roberto de Mattei. The March for Life , which was took place with 40,000 participants in Rome in May is largely due to his initiative. On the march, numerous Franciscans of the Immaculate participated, an Order with an apostolate which also includes particularly the defense of unborn life.

The "Causa" Franciscans of the Immaculate

by Roberto de Mattei

The "case" of the Franciscans of the Immaculata is a very serious episode, which is intended to have an effect in the Church that is maybe not anticipated by those who have set about to act imprudently.

The Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life (better known as the Congregation for Religious) by  Rodriguez Carballo OFM has overthrown the General Superior of the Franciscans of the Immaculata, and have handed over leadership to an "Apostolic Commissioner," Father Fidenzio Volpi, Capuchin, with its decree of the 11th of July, 2013, signed by Cardinal Prefect Joao Braz de Aviz and Archbishop Jose Rodriguez Carballo.

In order to "cement" the decree, said Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz, it received the approbation ex auditu from Pope Francis, to which the brothers have taken every opportunity to appeal to the Apostolic Signatura. [++Burke] The reasons for this condemnation which has its origin in the instigation of a group of dissident brothers to the religious congregation, remains mysterious. According to the decree from the Congregation and the letter of the new Commissioner of the Franciscans, the only charges appear to be a lack of sentire cum Ecclesia and an excessive attachment to the Traditional Roman Rite.

Injustice Against Franciscans of the Immaculate -- Order Surrendered to Progressive Minority

In reality we are faced with a manifest injustice which is being done to the Franciscans of the Immaculate. The Religious Institute founded by Father Stefano Maria Manelli and Father Gabriele Maria Pellettieri is one of the most flourishing that has been established in the Church, both because of the number of vocations and the authenticity of the spiritual life as well as because of the fidelity to doctrine and to Rome. In the situation of liturgical, theological and moral anarchy in which we find ourselves today, the Franciscans of the Immaculate should serve as a model for religious life. The Pope often refers to the need for a simpler and more spartan religious life.

The Franciscans of the Immaculate distinguish themselves just by the rigor and evangelical poverty in which they live, by their Franciscan charism since its inception. Instead of this, the Congregation of Religious is directing in the name of the Pope, to transfer the General Government of management to a minority of rebellious, progressive brothers, to which the neo-Commissioner will rely upon to "normalize" the Order, or in other words, to lead it into that disaster which it has so far escaped, thanks to its loyalty to Church order and the Magisterium.

Cardinal Aviz: Harshness Against Faithful Franciscans - Understanding Heretical Religious Women

But today the bad is rewarded and the good is punished. It is not surprising that it is the same Cardinal, who is taking action against the Franciscans of the Immaculata with an iron fist, who at the same time pleads understanding and dialogue for the heretical and schismatic American Women Religious. Those nuns preach and practice the gender ideology and therefore naturally a dialog must be maintained with them. The Franciscans of the Immaculate preach and practice chastity, penance, and therefore there should be no sympathy for them. This is the sad conclusion which must force itself upon a sober observer.

One of the charges is to be very attached the traditional Mass. But the accusation is just an excuse, because the Franciscans of the Immaculate namely, as the saying goes, are "bi-ritual", that is, they celebrate both the New and the Old Mass, as permitted them by applicable ecclesiastical laws. Given an unjust command, there are some, as you can imagine, who won't refrain from celebrating the traditional Mass, and they do well at this point to resist, because it is not a gesture of rebellion but of obedience. The indults and privileges in favor of the traditional Mass were not abolished and have greater legal force than the decree of a Congregation and even the intentions of a Pope, if they do not find expression in a definite act.

Cardinal Braz de Aviz seems to ignore the existence of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of 7 July 2007, its implementing provisions of the instruction Universae Ecclesiae of 30 April 2011 and which is connected to the CDF Commission Ecclesia Dei entering into their areas of competence by the Congregation of Religious.

Tradition is Increasing in Strength: the Main Reason for Hostility

What is the intention of the highest ecclesiastical authority? Abolish Ecclesia Dei and eliminate the Motu proprio of Benedict XVI.? Then can you say it openly, so that the appropriate conclusions can be drawn. And if it is not so, why will a decree be adopted, which is for the Catholic world, which refers to the tradition of the Church, and is only unnecessarily provocative? This world is in a period of great expansion, especially among the youth, and this is perhaps the main cause for the hostility that is beating upon her today.

And finally, the decree constitutes an abuse of power not only against the Franciscans of the Immaculate and those who are wrongly referred to as Traditionalists, but against every Catholic. Namely, it represents a worrying symptom that loss of legal certainty, which is takes place today within the Church.

The Church is a visible society in which the "force of law and the law" applies (Pius XII., In his speech Dans notre souhait 15 July, 1950). The law defines right and wrong and, as the canonists say, "must be justified in the potestas of the Church, and that is the very being of the Church requires that determines the purposes and limits the scope of action of the hierarchy. Not every act of holy shepherds is, simply because it comes from them, correct. "(Carlos J. Errazuriz, Il diritto e la giustizia nella Chiesa, Giuffré, Milano 2008, p 157).

If the legal certainty is lost, the arbitrariness and the will of the stronger gains the upper hand. So it often happens in society, it can also be done in the church, when the human dimension penetrates in it against the supernatural. But if there is no legal certainty, there is no safe rule of conduct. Everything is left to the discretion of the individual or groups of power and the force with which these lobbies are able to impose their will. Separate from the legal force of presumption and arrogance.

Summorum Pontificum has Greater Legal force Than the Decree of a Congregation

The Church, the mystical body of Christ, is a legal device that is based on the divine law, the trustees and not the creator or men, are the men of the Church. The Church is not Soviet, but a building donated by Jesus Christ, in which the power of the pope and the bishops is exercised in accordance with the traditional laws and forms, all rooted in divine revelation. Today we speak of a more equal and democratic Church, but the power is often exercised in violation of the laws and customs of thousands of years in a very selfish way. If universal laws of the Church exist, such as the Bull of St. Pius V, Quo Primum (1570) and the Motu proprio of Benedict XVI. Summorum Pontificum, there is, in order to change them, a legal act of the same rank is necessary. You can not just look at an older law as waived, except with expressed abrogating document of equivalent scope.

Appeal to Francis: Undo Measures - Dramatic hour, New Storms Are Coming On

To defend justice and truth in the Church, we rely on the voices of jurists, among which there are also some eminent Cardinals,who have ordained Franciscans of the Immaculate to the priesthood in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, and know their exemplary life and their apostolic zeal. We appeal especially to Pope Francis, that he may withdraw the action against the Franciscans of the Immaculate and for their lawful use of the Old Roman Rite.

Whatever decision should ever be made, we can not deny that the hour, in the Church lives today, is dramatic. New storms are on the horizon, and these storms will certainly not be conjured up by neither the Brothers or the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. The love of the Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church has always driven and drives us to take their defense. The Mother of God, Virgo Fidelis, will show the right way to the conscience of every individual in this difficult situation.

Text: Corrispondenza Romana

translation: Giuseppe Nardi

Image: Corrispondenza Romana

Trans: Tancred


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Where 2 + 2 is still 4 and not 5, Is the Serious Attack Against Tradition

Edit: update from the Franciscans Immaculate themselves, apparently. Others are reading between the tortured explanations and rationalizations to get a clearer picture. Man, all we can say is that it's a good thing that they didn't try to offer a GLBT Puppet Liturgy with Inter-faith Communion. We have also learned, that another mouthpiece has offered at Neoconservative Catholic News Network, an explanation that there are divisive problems within the Monastery. He's deeply concerned about the "Lefebvrist" sentiments of some of the brothers and sisters. For our part, we'll be working on a translation of Roberto de Matthei's take:

(Rome), the Franciscans of the Immaculate are trying to cope with the new situation. To contradict this publicly, is prohibited by the duty of obedience. So from this side, there will be no contradiction heard. The signal that is being sent, from these measures against tradition, is but negative and severe. The well-intentioned or naive attempts at damage control which have just begun, as the scattered opponents of tradition or notorious Pope-idolaters set up smoke candles ("A decree for an internal cleavage of a religious congregation"). Even some in traditional circles are trying to ban their own cares through excuses ("it's not about the Old Mass, it probably applies only to the Order"). But if 2 + 2 is still 4 and not 5, it is the measure of unambiguous clarity. Because the fact is that the decree allows no appeal and that the decision dealing internally with the order to only use the Old Rite was not abrogated by choice, but imposed the New Rite with possible individual exemptions. Imagine the opposite for a better understanding, that Rome would impose the Old Rite instead of constraining the New Rite. Whose incomprehension would then prevail? discussion will publish several articles on the topic. The first is by the well-known historian Roberto de Mattei with his contribution, the "Causa" of the Franciscans of the Immaculate ( see article forthcoming) . It will be followed by the traditional blog Cordialter, here:

Ad Deum distillate oculus meus - For the sufferings of Father Manelli

There is much to think about what has happened to the so pious and zealous founder Father Stefano Maria Manelli, a spiritual son of the Congregation of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate founded by St Pio of Pietrelcina. I think that this topic has been talked about in traditional circles for a long time.

Reading the last decree issued to the religious congregation on July 11th, notice that it is not forbidden the brothers to celebrate Holy Mass according to the Old Rite, but it is arranged for them to explicitly seek the competent authorities for permission. [I don't think this is true.] So if in a convent, the brothers should decide to continue to want to celebrate the traditional Mass, it will be sufficient to obtain the consent and all will be well. However, what I would like to know in which ecclesiastical authority they will have to request permission: at the religious congregation, the diocesan Bishop, the Apostolic Commissioner or at the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei? Nothing is written in the Decree.

The currently applicable ecclesiastical law that clarifies the issue, is the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, which allows religious priests also to celebrate the traditional Mass without permission from anyone. Since the restriction of the application of the Motu Proprio Comes from the Congregation of Religious, I suppose it will be the Congregation, the brothers must give approval. I hope that the Franciscans of the Immaculate will not be put off, but make applications to continue to celebrate the Tridentine Mass, especially on Sundays and Holidays. When two or three Sunday Masses are celebrated in one of their churches, I think it will not be a problem, if at least one of these Masses will continue to be celebrated in the Old Rite.

I also hope that someone will continue to celebrate in the monasteries of cloistered nuns of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate more Antiquo Liturgies. If it should not be the brothers who offer it, I hope that at least diocesan priests or priests from other institutions will offer their readiness to do so.

But Father Manelli, how will he have received the news of his dismissal? I think he will do it by the example of his spiritual father, St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, i.e., with Christian resignation. In the difficult moments you can tell if someone really is a disciple of Jesus Christ, and I am convinced that Father Stefano will take this situation as a true Christian and a true follower of St. Francis, of St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe to the Immaculate. It may be that he uses this opportunity to offer up his suffering, so that soon the Dogma of the Blessed Virgin Mother of God can be proclaimed as Co-Redemptrix of humanity and Universal Mediatrix of all Graces.

Text: Cordialiter

Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Franciscans of the Immaculate Translation in English: Tancred


39 Pilgrims Leaving Shrine of St. Padre Pio Die in Tragic Bus Accident

Rome ( / CBA) A severe bus accident near Naples has claimed at least 39 lives on Sunday night. The coach was on the way back from the Sanctuary of San Pietrelcina according to Italian media.

Giovanni Rotondo in Puglia. There, the group had visited the grave of the popular saint Padre Pio. The authorities are currently trying to identify the victims. There was total of 48 travelers, including many children, who had spent several holidays in Telese in the Benevento region and were on their way back to Naples.

On the highway from Bari to Naples, the driver lost control in front of a traffic jam on the bus. The vehicle broke through the guardrail on a bridge and plunged about 30 meters below. The exact cause is still unclear.

Meanwhile, the Bishop of Pozzuoli, Gennaro Pascarella, arrived on Monday morning at the disaster site. During the day, he wants to visit the injured in hospital, according to the newspaper "Il Mattino" (Monday). The group numbered at least 20 people from the Diocese of Pascarella near Naples.

(C) 2013 Catholic News Agency KNA Inc. All rights reserved.


Putin Venerates His Patron: Russia to Commemorate Baptism of Russia

Edit: this from Pravda. This move is also being taken with a critical stance toward those countries, like Ukraine, which have crumbled to Western trends attempting to normalize apocalyptic sins:
Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit commemorative events in Ukraine dedicated to the celebration of the 1025th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia. The visit will take place on July 27-28. The head of the Department for Relations with the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox community Kirill Frolov shared his comments on Putin's upcoming trip with Pravda.Ru. 
"Vladimir Putin's route coincides with the route of his divine patron, Equal to the Apostles Saint Prince Vladimir. The president will first visit key celebrations. July 27 will be the day for the historic prayer, to be attended by the leaders of all local churches, headed by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. Then Putin will travel to Hersonissos in Sevastopol, where he will worship the shrines associated with the adoption of baptism by his patron, Saint Vladimir. In Sevastopol, Putin will also attend the parade of the Black Sea fleet, which historically guards the frontiers of our Orthodox Fatherland. 
"The Institute of CIS countries held a conference in 2007 on the fate of Sevastopol. Patriarch Kirill took part in the conference too. That was also the time, when the relics of saint righteous warrior Fyodor Ushakov, Russian naval commander and admiral of the Black Sea Fleet were brought to Sevastopol.
Read further...

Also, the Patriarch, Kiril, says that "gays" will destroy humanity and that monks should stay off the internet.  There's also a note of increasing bitterness and frustration towards Pope Francis, and his apparent ambivalence toward moral issues of the day. The Patriarch made these statements about Gomorrism, saying that they are "apocalyptic signs" on July 22nd :

Pope Offers Beach Ball to Our Lady at Santa Maria Maggiore Before WYD

Here's the Report from

After his arrival at Ciampino airport, the Holy Father chose to stop at the Basilica of Saint Mary Major to offer a brief prayer to the Blessed Virgin for World Youth Day. 
Seeing the Pope as he entered the Basilica, a group of young people approached him and offered him a T-shirt and a ball. Pope Francis later offered the gifts to the Madonna.
This is one of the great churches of Christendom, and recalls a time when it snowed in the summer as a sign of Our Lady's favor.  It was commemorated by the command of St. Pius V in connection with Trent.  Taken from wikipedia's article:
"During the pontificate of Liberius, the Roman patrician John and his wife, who were without heirs, made a vow to donate their possessions to the Virgin Mary. They prayed that she might make known to them how they were to dispose of their property in her honour. On 5 August, at the height of the Roman summer, snow fell during the night on the summit of the Esquiline Hill. In obedience to a vision of the Virgin Mary which they had the same night, the couple built a basilica in honour of Mary on the very spot which was covered with snow."

Monday, July 29, 2013

Assassination Attempt on Old Mass: Input by 6 Members -- Pretext?

(Rome) Six out of 800 members of the order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate (FI) have made a submission to the Roman Congregation for Religious. A small minority. Thus, they protested against the decision of the Order's leadership, to use the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite and to remain bi-ritual for the pastoral care of the faithful. Some of the six dissidents are now no longer in the Order, they were excluded because of disobedience and indiscipline. It may be argued that only a pretext was sought for the Congregation of Religious to take action against the exemplary order. The radical intervention shows a dreadful lack of liturgical sensibility. Only such a deficiency may explain a ham fisted methods of this magnitude, which deprives the heart of religious life for four branches with more than 100 monasteries and houses and it seems to be the opinion that the Old Rite being simply replaced by the new is desirable. Upon the disempowerment of the Founder and the imposition of a Commission is expected to prevent a reaction to this by the Order.

  From katholisches...

 Text: Giuseppi Nardi
Trans: Tancred

 16 New Novices

There's also a similar case with the Johannites....


Second Largest Traditional Order in Ecclesia Dei Banned from Saying Immemorial Mass of All Ages

Update: while it does sadden us to see such heavy-handedness on the part of the Curia, which is frankly happening to other traditional orders, like the Good Shepherd, it doesn't necessarily mean an abrogation of Summorum Pontificum as Vox points out.

Edit:   Is this a sign of things to come?  There are also reports from Mumbai, India that the Traditional Latin Mass will be abolished in that Archdiocese, allegedly because there are no priests proficient in Latin.

As reported by at Sandro Magister and Rorate Caeli, the Mass of All Ages is being forbidden within the tremendously successful Franciscans of the Immaculate.  They are the second largest Society under Ecclesia Dei to offer the Mass of All Ages.  They don't offer it exclusively, and from now on, it appears they may not be allowed to offer it at all as of August 11th:
"In addition to the above, the Holy Father Francis has directed that every religious of the congregation of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate is required to celebrate the liturgy according to the ordinary rite and that, if the occasion should arise, the use of the extraordinary form (Vetus Ordo) must be explicitly authorized by the competent authorities, for every religious and/or community that makes the request.”
It's not known whether giant puppets, bad folk music or Jesuit dance will be required.

There are a couple of things that come to mind in the face of the recent issue with the Franciscans of the Immaculate.  First of all, and most important to our mind, is that, barring any revelations of real wrongdoing on the part of this order, they have had a lot of success and have been growing nearly exponentially in the post-Conciliar age.

It's actually unheard of.  They're not like any of the decadent, moribund, withering, archaic, folksy, dinosaur Benedictines or other irrelevant societies who cling to fossilized forms of a bygone era of the 1968 as Pope Francis opined at World Youth Day, from CFN:
"The Pelagian solution. This basically appears as a form of restorationism. In dealing with the Church’s problems, a purely disciplinary solution is sought, through the restoration of outdated manners and forms which, even on the cultural level, are no longer meaningful. In Latin America it is usually to be found in small groups, in some new religious congregations, in (exaggerated) tendencies to doctrinal or disciplinary 'safety'. Basically it is static, although it is capable of inversion, in a process of regression. It seeks to 'recover' the lost past."
In a way, it's a good sign that they are being unjustly persecuted, because in the post-Conciliar Church, a sure sign of success is being treated unjustly by one's superiors.   Of course, as one corresponded reports, not even the evil Marciel Maciel's   order, the Legionaries of Christ has been dealt with so roughly.  The Franciscans of the Immaculate are being assigned a governing board and the past leadership, those who have made the order as successful as it is.

Secondly, this is the result of a small clique of embittered hostiles who've been given an ear in Rome, which has provoked this shakeup.  It brings to mind another shakeup more than a decade ago with Protocal 1411, which many predicted back then, would be the end of the FSSP.  Some will remember that a letter was sent from a small number of society members accusing it of being divisive, rigid and so forth, which provoked a ruling down from Rome that despite the Society's original founding charter, that its priests would only say the Mass of All Ages, that this would be overruled and priests of the Society would therto be permitted to say the Bugninine Liturgy.

At present, Father Stefano Maria Manelli, the 80 year old Franciscans of the Immaculate founder, is currently being replaced along with his board while a Capuchin visitor.

The troublemakers are said by a source known to us as being Americans who've been vocally critical of the "Gheradini line" of loyal criticism engaged upon by Immaculate members.

St. Sabina's Erects Shrine to St. Treyvon of the Purple Drank

Edit: today, we are told by a correspondent that St. Sabina's parish, run by the controversial and heterodox Father Michael Pflugger, has created a shrine to the non-Catholic Treyvon Martin,  who was shot and killed by a man defending himself on February 26th of this year.
How will Trey get his Drank on in the Afterlife Without Tussin?

Apart from the obvious objection that Treyvon wasn't Catholic and couldn't be canonized, there seems to be something missing from the altar which attempts to portray the assailant's innocence and goodness with the trademark skittles and watermelon tea.

What is omitted in the usual descriptions of these items is the fact that Treyvon also had Robitussin, an over the counter medicine used for common ailments, but also to make an intoxicating gangster cocktail    known as "lean" or "drank" which makes use of skittles and watermelon tea.

You forgot the tussin!

From the comments on AmericanThinker:

Trayvon, with his hoodie up, grabs two items from the shelves of 7-11.  One is the Skittles.  The other is Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail.  The media avoid the name of the real drink -- possibly because of the racial implications of the word "watermelon," but possibly to avoid probing the real reason for Trayon's trip. 
Trayvon, in fact, had become a devotee of the druggy concoction known as "Lean," also known in southern hip-hop culture as "Sizzurp" and "Purple Drank."  Lean consists of three basic ingredients -- codeine, a soft drink, and candy.  If his Facebook postings are to be believed, Trayvon had been using Lean since at least June 2011.   
On June 27, 2011, Trayvon asks a friend online, "unow a connect for codien?"  He tells the friend that "robitussin nd soda" could make "some fire ass lean."  He says, "I had it before" and that he wants "to make some more."  On the night of February 26, if Brandy had some Robitussin at home, Trayvon had just bought the mixings for one "fire ass lean" cocktail.
Thank goodness that Father Pfleger is in good standing with the Chicago Archdiocese.