Sunday, July 28, 2013

Anarchists Attack Cathedral in Chile on the Patronal Feast: Mayor Leads Catholics to Defend it Against Them!

Edit: the coverage from the media was poor on this.

(Santiago de Chile) While Pope Francis met with young people from around the world last night at the Copacabana, the Cathedral Santiago de Chile, was profaned (On his feast, the 25th of July.). The sacrilege took place during the celebration of the Holy Mass by the Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati Andrello in honor of St. James the Great, who celebrated the eponymous saint of the Chilean capital.

The 300 participants were anti-clericals from the march against life taking place just then, which was organized by supporters of abortion in Chile's capital. They demand a "right" to be able to kill unborn children. The violent abortion advocates destroyed confessionals, threw pews around, shouted blasphemies, insulted Christians and smeared hate slogans on the walls of the church and its altars, with an almost unsurpassable contempt, "such as if the graves, and the pillars of the cathedral were some minor concrete wall of a railway bridge or an industrial zone underpass" as Matteo Matzuzzi of Il Foglio wrote.

Numerous Mass attendees, among whom was the mayor of Santiago, Tohá Carolina, responded vigorously to the initial shock and drove the attackers out of the way. They formed a human wall around the presbytery and prevented the attackers from entering to the main altar.

The faithful finally succeeded along with the security of the Cathedral to pressure the abortionists out of the cathedral. In front of the bishop's church, the police broke up the demonstration and meanwhile made a number of arrests.

In Chile, there is already campaigning for the presidential elections in the fall. The political left has inscribed their banners with slogans for the legalization of abortion and "gay marriage". The spokesman for the Stalinist [Compared to the DDR of old in Germany], Socialist candidate and current UN Under-Secretary General and UN Women's President, Michelle Bachelet, was already Chilean President from 2006-2010.

The desecration of the cathedral of Chile has shocked Catholics. "But the perpetrators, heralds of death, blasphemers and vandals of the church allowed this because they are Democrats, they are social, for a just world, against this and against that ..." as a Catholic Chilean blogger commented on the raid.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Images: ACIprensa
Trans: Tancred

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Saturday, July 27, 2013

For 1500 Days on Death Row -- Asia Bibi Refuses to Convert to Islam

(Islamabad) The now 42-year old Catholic mother has been unjustly accused, since 2009, of insulting Islam. It is a triviality to charge someone and put them in jail for this offense. It may lead to harsh prison sentences. Asia Bibi was sentenced, however, in the first instance by a court, to death. Since then, she is waiting on death row for her appeal.

For 1,500 days Asia Bibi is innocent and in prison. A "wrong" word, refusing to convert to Islam and the trap has snapped shut. Asia Bibi was reported by Muslim women, work colleagues, who were supposed to be friends. But Asia Bibi faces a stigma: she is Christian. The police arrested, allegedly to protect her, because Muslims want to practice their hangman's justice. A more accurate legal review of the indictment did not take place.

The scandal ensures worldwide attention. The Catholic minority minister Shahbaz Bhatti of Pakistan campaigned for her release and was assassinated by Islamists. The Muslim governor of the home province of Asia Bibi, Salmaan Taseer, who fought for the mother and her family, was brutally murdered by Islamists. The murderer was enthusiastically celebrated as a hero of Islam.

A fatwa was issued against Asia Bibi, that requires every Muslim to murder the Catholic. Therefore, the necessary safety precautions make life in prison for the "condemned" even more unbearable. Pope Benedict XVI. appealed to the government and the Pakistani people. Vatican diplomacy tried to reach for extradition for Asia Bibi. This is so that she would be removed as a "bone of contention" from the country, but bringing her to safety. But the Islamists have created a death zone of scorched earth for the Christian. No Pakistani politician dares after the murders to unleash the Islamist "people's anger" on earth. Western governments have kept up with symbolic "pressure" on the government of Pakistan. Pakistan is an important and historic U.S. ally in the region. The neighboring country of Afghanistan could fall into the hands of the Islamists by way of the Asia Bibi case. Thus is the fear in the Western state offices. The strategy is: peace before justice. Asia Bibi has thus become a symbol for hostages, for a country where power is not exercised by the Islamists.

In the first half of June, Asia Bibi was shifted from the high-security prison in Sheikhupura in the women's prison in Multan. For the family members, the trip also means twelve hours for each visit. Rides that always are always made by the family with special precautions to avoid detection, or falling into the hands of Islamists. "It sounds absurd, but the family members are currently living almost a more dangerous life than Asia Bibi behind the terrible prison walls," says a Christian family lawyer. Whoever was able to visit Asia Bibi in the past few months, got to hear the same words: "Please, do everything possible for my freedom. I am strong, but I'm going weaker day by day."

Asia Bibi is far from the only recent case of the tragic Islamist hounding of Christians. The list of persecuted Christians is long and the number of Christians killed grows from year to year. The young Christian Rimsha Masih was eventually acquitted because it could not be proven that the Imam falsified incriminating evidence. A rare stroke of luck, where justice came before Islam. A return to her life was still no longer available for the young girl in Pakistan yet. Islamists do not think much of the state courts. Your judgment is sure, with or without a judge. Rimsha Masih received political asylum in Canada and lives with her family recently in the North American country. However, they are there under false names and with new documents, because Islamists are present almost everywhere.

The fate of Asia Bibi might also threaten two other Christian women and their families. In one place, the southern province of Sindh, a rich Muslim landlord has tried to abduct the Catholic Nazia Masih, to marry her after the forced conversion to Islam. Her family was able to prevent the worst appealing to the local bishop. But Nazia and her aunt, the Catholic nun, Sister Marie Khurshid's lives are in danger. The Islamists have vowed revenge.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred

Brazilian Bishops' Conference Plays Simon Says in Above Water Choreographed Swimming

Photos of WYD Liturgical Abuse in Milan Erased from Internet: All Good?

(Milan) The photo that documents the liturgical abuse in Milan has now been deleted from the website of the Archdiocese. It was the Holy Mass celebrated by the Auxiliary Bishop and Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Milan for adolescents of the Diocese prior to their departure for World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro. Some teens had been called by the celebrant to be concelebrants at the altar. In the doxology of the Eucharistic Prayer the boys and girls were faced at the same direction as the priests with chalices and ciboria containing the Body and Blood of Christ, elevating them to the faithful. (see separate report).

Since the art historian and expert on sacred art and architecture of the modern era, Pablo Pomar, wrote about the incident, a lot of photos about the liturgical abuses vanished within 24 hours from the Internet. Be it known that some do not see the abuse as such, the gestures they have planned, but actually mean it, yet just do not want to admit it too openly. "They are exploring how far they can go. If there is resistance, the pictures are just hastily deleted. This is not an attitude worthy of a bishop or priest. You better just leave such crap, because they don't need to run for cover after and delete them. They are just too old for such games," said Pomar. It also raises the question of whether you actually believe that a deed is undone just because you delete the associated images from the Internet.

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Patheos Blogger Gushes Enthusiastically for Call to Action Import

SPLC Blogger Priest
Edit: What hath Patheos to do with Jerusalem? It's pretty clear to a lot of people out there by now that the Neocatholic crowd, which strikes a conservative front, is deep down, truly hostile to Catholicism and loves to attack personalities while it promotes personalities and anti-Catholic agendas like the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Indeed, this penchant isn't the sole province of Patheos bloggers, but other long-standing termites at work on the Barque of Peter. In light of Catholic Answers' recent attack on "traditionalism", Patheteos Blogger attacks from "Father" Longenecker and here, among others, it is interesting to note what a former Buddhist and exponent of centering prayer has to say about dissidents and their deviant doctrines, which are usually sidestepped or minimized by other Neocatholic bloggers on Patheos and elsewhere. Let us point out, also, as the author does, that the Austrian dissident priest, Helmut Schüller, is in good standing with the Catholic Church while others, like the Society of St. Pius X, are not.    It's a good thing that Patheos bloggers, even if they aren't particularly orthodox, are also, at least, in good standing with the Church!

Thus we address the recent story about the dissident Pastor's Initiative which is headed by a renegade Austrian priest, Father Helmut Schüller, on a Patheos Blog called On the Way [Or "In the Way"?] by Phil Fox Rose. Fox begins by blandly describing the activities and background of the Pastor's Initiative, which is Austria's Call to Action crowd, some of its reasons for being, and even explained that he himself had attended one of these anti-Church conferences. While he goes to great lengths to describe and enthuse about, Schüller's work, particularly his attacks against the authority of the Church, promotion of aberrosexualism and defiance of Cardinal Schönborn of Vienna, he makes his own allegiances much more clear when he later expresses his disappointment at the fact that most of those in attendance are over 60. He laments that Schüller is restricted to speaking at Protestant churches and believes this is a message Catholics need to hear. You will remember that Cardinal Sean of Boston doesn't even want this Austrian carpetbagger around.

Fox enthuses about Cardinal Schönborn's inaction:

Some of this, perhaps, is possible because of Cardinal Schönborn’s open-mindedness – it’s hard to imagine the same being tolerated in most American dioceses. In fact, because it’s been made clear his message is unwelcome and several local bishops have forbidden him to appear on church property, all the venues for Schüller’s American tour are Protestant churches or secular buildings except one, Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia, which is hosting him in active defiance of Archbishop Chaput. As Schüller said on Tuesday at Judson Memorial Church in Manhattan, this is not a problem for him, but it is a problem for American Catholics. It is not a prohibition of him to speak — he can speak anywhere. It’s really an attempt to prohibit the Catholic laity from listening to his message.

He later expresses his pleasure in the comments to a dissident nun, that there are young people participating in this We Are Church disobedience.

Sr. Christine, I'm delighted to hear about the involvement of young adult Catholics. I was reacting to what I saw at the New York event as well as Fr. Schuller's own remarks on the subject, but it is encouraging to hear that there is a serious young adult component nationally. On the Eucharist without a priest present, I did understand that Fr. Schuller meant using bread previously consecrated by a priest. I intended the term "Eucharist" to refer to the consecrated host, not to the mass, and called it "communion services" elsewhere in the piece. I've changed the wording in that one case to avoid confusion. Thanks for pointing it out. I appreciate your comments. Peace, Phil

Private Mass of Pope Francis: Crucifix and Candles on the Altar

(Rio de Janeiro) The pictures published by the daily newspaper La Informacion  shows Pope Francis at the private celebration of Mass on Tuesday at the residence of Sumaré where the head of the Church lives during his Brazil visit to Rio de Janeiro.  Accion Liturgica drew attention to the candlesticks and a crucifix  that were centrally placed on the altar.
These were corresponding elements of the liturgical renewal during the pontificate of Benedict XVI.,  to clarify that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was never ad populum , but always celebrated ad Deum  even in the Novus Ordo with a Volksaltar [Cramner Table] and and the attitude of the priest executed facing the nave of the church.
The four candles are in accordance with the prescriptions by Saint Pope Pius V in the "Tridentine Mass", according to the old practice  for a private exhibition of a bishop, and in the specific case of the Pope. According to the regulation, the candles are conformed to the crucifix in the middle altar in materials and workmanship.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Accion Liturgica
Trans: Tancred

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Friday, July 26, 2013

Hollande and His Government: "A Troop of Cathophobes"

(Paris) Fabrice Madouas addresses "Catholics on the Black List" in an excellent way, in his published article for "Valeurs Actuelles" about the situation in laicistic [secular] France at a worrying point.

The growing gap between the Catholics and the government can not be explained only by the indifference of the President. From the first day of his term, he placed his seat under the patronage of radical secularist Jules Ferry [1] , whose goal is to organize a "humanity without God and King." This is a reason why Catholics are concerned about his program and are outraged about the humiliation and harassment that the left inflicts on the Church. This strongly suggests that, the government wants confrontation, hoping to mobilize their own camp by it.

Christiane Taubira [2] provided the best example when she received Cardinal Vingt-Trois with casualness, when he wanted to talk to her about the marriage, which bordered on contempt. The deputies of the Left could feel such a hostile environment that they gave him to understand so that the opinion of the Church for them counts for nothing in the debate. This abruptness is not surprising: not a single government minister, says Ayrault of himself, are practicing, only six call themselves believers, including Cecile Duflot.

Last winter, the housing minister had the audacity to publicly comment on the assumption that the Church cares little for the poor, so he threatened to confiscate ecclesiastical buildings to house the homeless. But it's still Vincent Peillon who wins the prize for anti-Church Aggression: In January he contested the existence of Catholic doctrine in question in public debates on gay marriage [aberromarriage]. Cardinal Vingt-Trois reacted strongly: "If not even a discussion is any longer possible, then there is an official state doctrine and the thought police." [On Education Minister Vincent Peillon see separate report .]

Are Catholics become second-class citizens? The question is all the more justified because the government shows a lot more respect to other religions this year took [Interior Minister] Manuel Valls twice breaking bread, taking part in Ramadan. "One way for the Republic, to show their affection to the Muslims of our country," he explained. Also, something never seen by the public authorities, when churches and Christian cemeteries are desecrated, although it concerns more than 80 percent of all anti-religious violence in France.

Text: L'Observateure de la Christianophobia / Giuseppe Nardi
Image: L'Observateure de la Christianophobia
Trans: Tancred

Link to Katholisches..,

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Enormous Demand for “Extraordinary” World Youth Day of Tradition in Rio

photo: Rorate Caeli 
(Rio de Janeiro) There is strong participation and interest in Rio the Janeiro in the "extraordinary" World Youth Day 2013 . What is meant by the word game is the Mass in the extraordinary form of the Roman rite and the catechetical tradition. Care for traditional Catholics will be coordinated by the youth organization of Juventutem Niteroi of the Old Ritual Apostolic Administration of St. John Vianney of Campos led by Bishop Rifan. Focus of World Youth Day tradition is the magnificent former Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Monte do Carmo da Sé antiga , which is overseen by the Apostolic Administration.

 Tuesday, 23rd

July 15:00: Sung Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite [Immemorial Mass of All Ages]

Wednesday, 24th July

9:30:Catechism by His Excellency Dom Fernando Areas Rifan
10:00: Sung Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite
18:00: Solemn Pontifical Mass in the Traditional Latin Mass (Celebrant: Dom Fernando Areas Rifan)

Thursday, 25th of July

9:30: Catechism by Dom Fernando Areas Rifan
10:00: Sung Mass in the Immemorial Mass of All Ages
15:00: Sung Mass in the Immemorial Mass of All Ages

Friday, 26th of July

9:30: Catechism by Dom Fernando Areas Rifan
10:00: Sung Mass in the Immemorial Mass of All Ages
15:00: Sung Mass in the Immemorial Mass of All Ages

 For traditional priests, who are traveling to World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, there is the possibility, to celebrate Holy Mass in the Traditional Rite.

 Link to katholisches...

Child Sexual Abuse Every Day in the Green Commune

Edit: here's a summary from the German newspaper from on conditions in a Child Commune by a Green Executive Memeber. [Photo: 'Die Welt'.]  No wonder the Greens, including Volker Beck, have been trying to distance themselves from this.

Green Molester-Commune

In a former school camp on the Dachsberg near Kamp-Lintfort close to the Dutch border, the Alternative-Left rehearsed the sexual revolution with daily child abuse.
The head of "Community of Life" was the late architect Hermann Meer.
He was a member of the State Executive Committee [Landesvorstand] of the Greens in North Rhine-Westphalia from 1980.
The Commune belonged outwardly to Emmaus Community that relied on the selfless Frenchman, Father Pierre. They had nothing in common besides this.
They played the social reformers, were anti-authoritarian, non-violent and sexually liberated. Esoteric, self-awareness troops and primal scream therapy were at a premium. A perfect example of the left hippie generation.
Here also prominent "Greens" met on the way to "anti-nuclear demonstrations."
The Child Molester Reality
Hermann "Meer, wore his pedophilia openly for  show. Since there was no secret of it, but it was even advertised. Even the Greek philosophers had had their sexual pleasure with boys and dealing with their students. These were sentences that were commonplace for me,  facts so to speak, since no one had objected." Says an abuse victim for  "Die Welt".
Relevant articles were always articles tried out for size. And images of David Hamilton's "Bilitis", "latent pedophile" soft porn, who reported the sexual experiences of a 13 year old.

"Green" -Executive Hermann Heer- a Gay Pedophile

In contrast to the child abuse commune of Otto Muehl in Austrian Burgenland,  the 60-year-old pervert Meer was exclusive to boys.
The sexual assaults took place daily. Even guest children were not spared.

Police Sought Child Molester

Meer was not an isolated case. Thus, a child molester sought by the police, who sympathized with the RAF [Rote Armee Fraktion], lived at the Commune.  His preference for children was well-known in the Commune - the younger, the better: those at ten years of age were quite to his sexual tastes.

"Children and Youth Congress" of the "Green"

On the 24th  and 25th of September, 1983  the "Greens" in the child abuse commune were directed to form a "Children and Youth Congress".
Of the party: the occupants of the Commune "City Slickers" from Nuremberg. Their main demand was the legalization of child abuse.
They discussed whether the statute should be at age six, eight or twelve years.
This "Congress" was organized by Werner Vogel, since 1980 a member of the NRW state board of the "Greens".  As these moved in 1983 to the Bundestag, he delivered the first speech of a "Green" in the Bundestag. It was his Nazi past which ended his career, not his perversions.

Working Group "Gays and Pedophiles"

The "Groundwork"  was determined on the 9th of March 1985, in the electoral program of the "Green" in NRW.
The election was lost, the pederasts were still to be  suffered for some years by the "Greens"

Fund for the Victims of the "Greens"?

Now one asks himself: Where's the fund for the victims of the "Greens" for those who were defiled by the party functionaries of the "Greens"?

Link to

Daily Sexual Abuse at Green Commune in Die Welt in German.

Edit: Here's an excerpt from a article on the Green's pedophilia past in June which featured a speech by Dr. Erika Steinbach in the Bundestag  in 2010 on the hypocritical position of the "Greens" on child abuse.

In an interview by "Deutschlandfunk" on the 1st of April, 2011, Erika Steinbach, a Conservative German politician, aptly described the Greens:  "The Greens have appointed a Foreign Minister, who had a violent past" -- and further:  "They have a stately number of proponents of pedophilia in their ranks, including Volker Beck at certain times.

Note: Volker Beck has won the support of the German Bishops to go on a hunt for recently, when the Traditionalist website came under attack after stating that a decadent German comedian was in hell.  The German Bishops has the most revolutionary Bishop's conference in the world.

Translation: Tancred

The Kidnapped Bishops: Three Months and No Word

Edit: just a word from Notes on Orthodoxy:

by Claire Lesegretain

In the absence of proof of their death, it is not possible to confirm that they were killed by their kidnappers.

But we can wonder why international authorities, who are in contact with the Syrian rebels, are not demanding proof that they are alive or evidence that negotiations are ongoing.

This past Monday, July 22, made three months that we are without any news of Bishop Paul Yazigi, Greek Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, and Bishop John Ibrahim, Syriac Orthodox bishop of the same city. “We have no information,” confirms Mgr Pascal Gollnisch, director of Œuvre d’Orient, who emphasizes the urgency and seriousness of this question. “Since seizing bishops demonstrates that priests and faithful are no longer safe in Syria, it threatens all the Christians of this country,” he says.

Notes on Arab Orthodoxy: The Kidnapped Bishops: Three Months and No Word

Archbishop Negri: Laws Against Homophobia Recall Fascism

(Rome) Archbishop Luigi Negri of Ferrara warns of the proposed law against homophobia. The bill recalls fascism and the "dark times of state ideology." In all European countries there are attempts to limit religious and free speech rights on behalf of alleged "protection" of and "discrimination" against homosexuals [aberrosexuals]. There is no broad discussion of the introduction of the new law. All are apathetic. The Christians must defend themselves and take up the fight for freedom of expression and freedom of religion, otherwise there may be sudden and bad awakening. The negative consequences are already visible in the UK and France. "The priests and bishops, who quote St. Paul in Holy Mass, could be charged," Archbishop Negri told the weekly magazine Tempi.

"In defending a certain lifestyle and its supporters, but especially those who theoretically confess homosexuality and practice it in society, the state discriminates in a serious and irreparable manner against other opinions and lifestyles," said the Archbishop, as Pope Benedict XVI. had personally called upon the 2012 Synod of Bishops.

Ideological Law

The law against homophobia, for which there is no objective necessity and that will soon be discussed by Parliament, will introduce, after "70 years since end of fascism a thought crime, and awakes dark, long subdued and times always believed to be over, back to life. Times in which the State identified ideological positions which it forcibly introduced and sacrificed all opinons which did not quite match."

"Our nation is at risk of losing those basic freedoms of speech, freedom of choice, freedom of choice and freedom that form the core of the secular state," said Archbishop Negri.

Priest Persecution

"Whoever will continue to draw attention to the great heterosexual tradition of the West, which can be found in the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and in the practice of the Christian life through so many centuries, a great and informative powerful testimony, is in danger of being persecuted, if he expresses his beliefs publicly," said the Archbishop. "The priests and the bishops who quote excerpts from Paul's Epistles during the public liturgical celebrations, which relate to the moral standards on gay [aberrosexual] positions, or recite from the Catechism of the Catholic Church or quote parts of the Church's social doctrine, could be brought to the authorities," warned Archbishop Negri.

Defend Freedom

Christianity, says Negri, should not forget what Pope John Paul II asked in the encyclical Centesimus Annus: always to defend freedom. Because "every time we strive to secure our freedom, we defend the freedom of all, and every time we lose our freedom or it is limited, it is lost or restricted for all," said Negri.

"Over the past three years, more than 100,000 Christians have been killed because of disregard for the freedom of conscience, and in almost all countries of the world. Is it possible that the 'defense of homosexuality' is in comparison, more important than this specific problem and more important than the freedom of conscience?" said Luigi Negri, the Archbishop of Ferrara-Comacchio.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Liturgical Relativism: Liturgy Coordinator Addresses Liturgical Abuse by Milan's Auxiliary Bishop

Liturgical Horror
Edit: a few days ago a liturgical abuse was occasioned by the Auxiliary Bishop of Milan in the wake of World Youth Day.

(Milan) The liturgical trampling underfoot by the Vicar General and Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Milan, Monsignor Mario Delpini, at a Mass which was said for young Catholics before their departure for the World Youth Day in 2013 leading to Rio de Janeiro, has caused a stir ( see separate report in Italian...). During the doxology of the Eucharistic Prayer he allowed young people at the altar to act as priests and face the faithful holding the chalice with the blood of Christ and the ciborium with the body of Christ at the Volksaltar [Cramner Table for the initiated] during the elevation. The traditional website Messa in Latino urges addressing Don Pierantonio Tremolada, to protest to the liturgical representative of the Archdiocese, and so did Msgr. Tremolda himself, the New Testament exegete, which in addition to his role as liturgical officer is also rector for the formation of permanent deacons Archdiocese of Milan, has now answered. Here is the response of Bishop Tremolada and the reaction to it from Messa in Latino:

Dear Editor, 
I am absolutely convinced that the gesture had on the photo that you submit as evidence the intention 'to give young people the feeling during the week of World Youth Day to be actors the (as the Pope yesterday [Monday] said .) "We are not, moreover, certain that it was decided by His Excellency, Mgr Delpini: it is not always the decision by the head celebrant as to the liturgical gestures, sometimes they are enacted at the last moment on the instructions of others. 
What is absolutely certain is that no one wanted to be disrespectful in any way to the Eucharist. I would add in this context that I am affected by the sentence at the end of your e-mail and regret it: words such as "do the Mass" do not seem to me to do justice to the height of the Eucharistic Mystery, which you want to safeguard. Be assured in any case, that the whole purpose on our side is a given, that our young people have a high regard for the what we consider to be the heart not only of the priestly ministry, but the whole life of the Church. 
Don Pierantonio Tremolada

The reaction of Messa in Latino to Msgr Tremolada:

Dear Don Pierantonio, 
Thanks for the kind reply. 
Two small observations: although we understand the meaning of your implementations, we don't share them completely: the fact that the "Presider" [1] receives all of the instructions as to liturgical gestures, it also follows that it is neither an excuse nor a mitigating circumstance. If the celebrant detects errors and illegalities in the instructions he received, he could waylay their execution. 
Secondly, you complain legitimately that what I have written in the phrase "do the Mass" is not appropriate. Completely justifiable. It was the formulation of an adolescent. However, we have emphasized that the prescribed gestures of a bishop especially during Holy Mass at its height and were appropriate. And even less worthy were those gestures set during the same Mass by adolescents.  
Perhaps it would be appropriate to direct attention from the "words" to focus on the "deeds". 
I request the permission to publish your email with the answer to our mail on our blog. If you do not agree, we will not publish. 
Again with warm regards and best wishes for the summer time, I thank you for the constructive discussions

See You Soon,

For the editors of Messa in Latino

  1. i the original „President“: Don Tremolada used the formulation "presidente", president, hence the reason for the  quotation marks in the answer. []

Monday, July 22, 2013

Ricca case, case Sucunza and "Bergoglio's style of government" - "Let us hope that Francis Meets No More Riccas"

The beach of Montevideo:
"Hopefully we will not encounter any Riccas" 

(Rome / Buenos Aires) In Argentina, the traditional page Pagina Catolica commented on the homo-revelations of Msgr. Salvatore Mario Battista Ricca, who is the personal representative to the Vatican bank IOR appointed by Pope Francis, and Director of the guest house Santa Marta. The Vatican expert Sandro Magister has miscalculated Pope Francis. Had Magister followed the case of Bergoglio, say from the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, he would have known that the current Pope would not yield even under pressure. Vicar General Joaquín Sucunza was involved in a trial for adultery in 2010 that ended in divorce, as had been requested by the Court of the betrayed husband.

Since the court records protect privacy rights and are under lock and key, details are not known, but there is little doubt in Buenos Aires that the auxiliary bishop and vicar general was the reason for the divorce. Nevertheless, Cardinal Bergoglio held fast to his subordinate. Monsignor Sucunza was conducted after Cardinal Bergolios' election to the papacy to the Administrator of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires,\ until the appointment of the new Archbishop Poli and is still holding his previous offices.

Magister wrote on the 5th of July when he brought attention to the case of Ricca ​​on his blog, two weeks in advance without detailed mention that Pope Francis was informed by the Nuncio Bolonek  about Riccas's scandalous behavior in Uruguay. Pope Francis had been confirmed by various sources of the information. The Pope was deeply disappointed, but also determined to rectify the situation that has arisen, said Magister. However, nothing was then done. On the 19th of July Magister finally published in Espresso with the unveiling of numerous unsavory details.

Also presented in this article,  Magister represents Pope Francis as deceived, who had been linked, because the dark past had been withheld from Ricca's personnel file at the Vatican and had been cleared of all allegations of his immoral infidelities.

The fact is that Pope Francis, despite knowing the facts, let two weeks pass by, which Magister left him to preemptively resolve the matter. Leo Matzuzzi, the new Vaticanist of Il Foglio tweeted the Ricca case: "Father Lombardi: Pope Francis had the opportunity to consider whether the allegations against Msgr Ricca were true or not." And again: "Father Lombardi: Pope Francis is presented with accusations raised about Monsignor Ricca raised, but decided to leave him in place. "

"Bergoglio's Own Style of Government" Jeopardizes Credibility

What that means, but quite independently of "Bergoglios own style of government" as Pagina Catolica wrote, referring to Buenos Aires: Since the allegations are true, the Pope could credibly convince them that Battista Ricca has radically changed his lifestyle? Or is Pope Francis indifferent to concerns that a person of his confidence, which he entrusted with special powers in such a highly charged area as the Vatican bank IOR, throwing covetous glances at the numerous pages, starting with the U.S.? And what can be interpreted of the reaction to the case of Sucunza Ricca? Is the zero tolerance for pedophiles to "marriage" for the gay lobby in the Church, as one might ask, in continuation of such unspoken thought process of the historian Roberto de Mattei? Will they in the Church for decades anyway, serious damaging disobedient laissez faire-clergy and laity do what they want even more so?

If it is indifference, then it does a blow to much of a playful Pope Francis' credibility. What would remain of the credibility of wanting to clean up where it needs cleaning? What cleaning would the Pope perform in the Church, when he makes a sodomite his confidant and after becoming aware of the scandal, clings to him? He can do it, then Father Lombardi, however, should make a statement.

De la Cigoña: The only thing missing is that Ricca march "half naked along at a Gay Pride"

Other considerations on the subject are given by the Spanish Catholic Church Historian and Blogger Francisco de la Cigoña. He comes to the conclusion that Pope Francis deals so astonishingly closely with financial issues and the Vatican Bank, two new Commission and its associates for which he has used Ricca because of the financial and economic sector is ultimately the least important area for the Church. Here the Pope could therefore, as de la Cigoña says, especially in a media-friendly way, demonstrate his resolve to reform and drill on the patient without anesthesia. Whatever the Pope decides in this area, will not ultimately be of particular importance for the Church, but find extensive media coverage. The same applies for the appointment of the eight member Cardinal Council. Much media coverage, much applause, but hurry, it seems the Pope does has the body that will only meet half a year after his appointment for the first time.

So far, Pope Francis has taken only two specific, internal personnel decisions to the Roman Curia and both times scheinem the decisions have been taken directly from the Pope, possibly alone. "Pope Francis seems so fascinated by the now famous guest house Santa Marta that he continued to live not only there, but also of the way in which it is held, that he decided Msgr Ricca was his man in the Vatican Bank. Done thinking. Either the Pope has no one consulted or when he consulted someone that knew nothing or would not by a cold shower to cool the enthusiasm of the Pope. And so it was that he appointed a homo-assets, the only thing missing in his biography that he was half-naked in a Gay Pride marched along, "said de la Cigoña.

The veracity of Magister revelations he does not doubt: "Sandro Magister is finally no ignoramus in ecclesiastical affairs." But what will do now Pope Francis, the Spanish church historian asks.

For de la Cigoña, the "real reforms" will start with the appointment of a new Cardinal Secretary of State. "Let us ask God to enlighten him there and that we must not encounter any more Riccas. Or rather, that Francis not meet them, says de la Cigoña. Since the second personnel decision of the Pope, the appointment of the Spanish Opus Dei priest Don Lucio Ángel Vallejo Balda, the current secretary of the Apostolic Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See's Secretary of the newly appointed Commission for the Financial and Economic Affairs, which is "very good", is resulting in the current stalemate on the personnel decisions of the Pope with the Roman Curia: "Except for the pope canceled his own goal" with the appointment of Ricca.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Post Card From the Sugar Loaf --- Catholics Are a Minority in Rio

(Rio de Janeiro) Pope Francis is on a flight to the area's largest and most populous country in Latin America. The Catholic Church's leader will undertake his pastoral visit to Brazil up to the 29th of July. The reason is World Youth Day, which takes place this year in the Brazilian Atlantic metropolis of Rio de Janeiro.

The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life of Washington has shown a graphical representation of the religious development of the Brazilians in the past 40 years.

Brazil is the country with the most Catholics worldwide. 123 million Brazilians profess the Catholic Church. It was not until half a century ago virtually the entire population Catholic, the proportion of Catholics since the Second Vatican Council has plummeted. From 92 percent in 1970 to 65 percent in 2010.

At the same time the Protestants experienced an equally unexpected and rapid rise. Their share in the same period grew from five to 22 percent. While the Catholics are holding during the years of he 20th century at just more than 120 million members, not decreasing, but not increasing either, while the number of Protestants has grown only since 2000 from 26 to 42 million.

By Protestant, is not meant the Lutheran or Reformed churches known in Northern Hemisphere. In Brazil this historical strand of Protestantism does not flower, but the Pentecostals and Evangelicals do. One in five Brazilians belongs to a group of younger Protestant sects which were imported from the United States to the Latin American country. Since then, several new communities that have arisen in Brazil, the Igreja Pentecostal Deus é Amor (IPDA).

On a smaller scale, other religions have grown in recent decades. Most through immigration. Within the country, the number of followers of syncretic Afro-Brazilian spiritualist cults such as Umbanda and Candomblé increased from six million in 2000 to ten million.

In 1970 there were less than a million without a religion, the number of agnostics and atheists has grown to 15 million.

The changes occur as a phenomenon in both women and men, among educated and less educated. It is more pronounced among the under-50s. One difference is particularly visible between the cities and the rural areas. While the country is still 78 percent Catholic, it is in the urban areas at only 62 percent where the Evangelicals and Pentecostals are particularly active, but also the number of atheists and agnostics is greater.

In Rio de Janeiro, the goal of Pope Francis, Catholics are at 46 percent only a minority. The aim of the Pope is to breathe new missionary life with his first trip to Latin America of the Brazilian church. A new vitality that is able to stop and reverse the trend and that radiates to other Latin American countries.

Pope Francis accepted the council of Pope Benedict XVI., with whom he meets in recent times more and more frequently, and prayed yesterday before the miraculous image the The Virgin of Rome in the Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore.

In the coming days Pope Francis will show how he presents the trend reversal against the erosion process of the Catholic Church to Protestant Pentecostals, agnostic and non-religious syncretistic African animist cults.

Text: Settimo Cielo / Giuseppe Nardi

Image: PEW

Trans: Tancred

Link to katholisches...

Damian Thompson's Outraged at Father Zuhlsdorf's Condemnation of the Sin of Sodom

Edit: I've long been a critic of Damian, one whose name he bears is probably shaking his head, and I have observed the things for which he most often will raise his blade. He's not just interested in pretty lace vestments, incense and the sensual cadences of the canon sotto voce as the beeswax candles flicker in the gloom, he really does believe that those who commit the sin of sodomy in word or in mind, deserve special status and bristles venomously when he senses these dainties are portrayed as they are. The subject was an article by Father Zuhlsdorf, who usually gets the Damian lace chasuble sign of approval, where Father portrays such people perhaps as they are. Heaven forfend that a Catholic priest should condemn immorality and teach:
I've long been a fan of Fr John Zuhlsdorf for his measured defence of the traditional Mass; I know that, like many US traditionalists, he's very much opposed to the "homosexual agenda" – but nothing prepared me for the article he published today. Never have I changed my mind about someone so fast. It's a revolting piece of work, using the wicked murder of a devout Catholic lady to imply all manner of horrible things about homosexuals in general – "this is what 'they' are like, you know". (NB: when Z fisks the CNS article, the emphasis in bold type is his; his own comments are between square brackets.) Its rhetorical style reminds me of old-fashioned racist propaganda.
Link too Damian's relativizing blog...

Let's not forget, either, who the author of the slur racism was and why.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Scandalous Past of Msgr. Ricca is Confirmed

Edit: not long ago the usual professionals in various media were attacking Michael Voris for reporting the suggestion by a defrocked priest that there was an underground of deviants. Lots of crickets in that direction now, although Vatican Spokesman Father Lombardi has denied everything, there is independent confirmation that Sandro Magister's bombshell of recent days is true.

Vatican (Catholic news). Last night reported about an embarrassing incident. The history is as controversial as embarrassing, so many Vaticanistas do not quite know how to deal with it. It is about the past, the director of the Vatican's guest house, Monsignor Battista Ricca, Pope Francis has appointed him as his personal confidant to the house prelates of the Vatican Bank with full powers. The Vatican expert Sandro Magister revealed Riccas' aberrosexual past. Magister did the handle the Holy Father carefully beforehand with great restraint and respect to the information available to him. Thus, Msgr Ricca had earlier engaged in a relationship with a captain in the Swiss Guard. The Secretary-General of the Uruguayan Episcopal Conference has now confirmed the revelations of Vaticanista Sandro Magister. Riccas' way of life during his time in Montevideo was a "scandal". Even if the aberro-relationship was a few years ago, it would be unclear whether this reversal is also categorically joined by his homosexual lifestyle. When it was announced in June that the Vatican had a "gay lobby", the Holy Father said that he would see what "can be done." The almost simultaneous appointment of Ricca is therefore a mystery for many. The question remains open whether Pope Francis is a aware of a radical reversal of Ricca, which would be gratifying to believe, or whether the pontiff was linked by the gay lobby. Link to Kathnews...

India: Pentecostal Imprisoned for Baptizing a Woman

(New Delhi) in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu is a Pentecostal pastor who has spent  two days in jail because he baptized a woman. Hindu extremists from the Rashtriya Sawayamsevak Sangh (RSS) say he pursuing forced conversions and are bringing the pastor to trial. Pastor Reuben of the End Time Church of Gundur christened a woman on July 18th on her specific request. Hindu extremists took him out to the police by Srinangam for display.  The charge was "Pollution of the river Cauvery," in which the baptism took place, and "forced conversions".  Police arrested the pastor and immediately detained him. 

Sajan George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) protested publicly and spoke of "the persecution of Christians that seems to have become a legitimate practice in the state of Tamil Nadu." 

In October 2002, the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) in Tamil Nadu enacted a law banning conversion, which should in principle prevent conversions of Hindus to Christianity. The law was repealed in May 2004 after the defeat of the BJP again. Nevertheless, Christians are under severe pressure as the recent incident shows.

Link to katholisches....

Russian Patriarch Warns That Aberromarriage Leads to Apocalypse

MOSCOW, July 21 (RIA Novosti) – Head of the Russian Orthodox Church warned Western governments on Sunday against legalization of same-sex marriages what he called a sign of approaching end of the world.
Patriarch Kirill said during a service at Moscow’s major cathedral that the recent initiatives in a range of countries to legalize same-sex marriages “is a dangerous and apocalyptic symptom” that should not spread over to Russia, according to Russian media reports.
While those who “fight the laws imposed by the minority are subject to repressions,” Kirill, who leads the Church known for its conservative views, was quoted as saying during his speech at Kazan Cathedral near Red Square on Sunday.
Russian authorities have been repeatedly criticized by human rights groups and Western officials over a recently passed law introducing punishment for “the promotion of nontraditional sexual relationships” among minors.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

New Monastery of the Franciscans of the Immaculata -- Flowering Orders of Tradition

Grotto of the first Brothers(Ancona) The traditional new  Franciscan Order of the Immaculate revives old, abandoned monasteries of other orders. One of the latest examples is the recolonization of the old Franciscan monastery from Colfano di Camporotondo in the Archdiocese of Camerino-San Severino Marche in the Marche region of Italy. The convent of the Friars Minor was founded by Saint Francis of Assisi 1215-1221. The 800-year celebrations is almost here.. Although it is not to be directly celebrated by  the Pope whose namesake the great Saint who launched the Order is, but it can be celebrated and even be Franciscan. The Franciscans had to leave the old monastery for lack of new vocations, that they had revived continuously for so many centuries. Or at least almost continuously. When the grounds were occupied by Italian guerrillas and joined to the newly formed Kingdom of Italy, the anti-clerical government led by a Masonic dominance stormed the Monasteries. For a few years the monastery of Colfano was overturned by the state and the archive destroyed. In 1870 the Franciscans were able to return.
For 33 months has been empty, except with the Franciscans of the Immaculate who on the 2nd of July, 2012 introduced new life, which continues the legacy of countless generations of Friars Minor who have prayed and worked in the spirit of the "Poverello" of Assisi.
The monastery in Colfano has been colonized by a contemplative branch of the young Franciscan religious order in the gray-blue habit. In 1970, two Franciscan pulled out of the branch of the Franciscans to live in strict observance rules of the order and to maintain devotion to Mary in a special way. From this personal experience of two men, one of the most prosperous and fastest growing orders of the Catholic Church has emerged. An order which is also committed to the white tradition. The priest celebrating in both forms of the Roman rite, but internally Rite of the liturgy is celebrated exclusively in the Old Rite.
Today the Order has  four branches, two male and two female. One branch is always pastoral, missionary and evangelically active in the world, the other branch contemplative.
Founded in 2007 as the last of the four branches of contemplative male branch. The members of the order of this branch live a life of prayer and penance. The first monastery was built in Amandola, always in the lands that belonged to the Papal States until 1860. Colfano is now in a year, the second convent.
The Franciscans of the Immaculate, besides their founder Father, Francis of Assisi, they have two saints of modern times whom they revere and whose work they try to imitate: the stigmatist, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina andr Father Maximilian Kolbe murdered in a concentration camp as a martyr. Padre Pio was a Capuchin of the order of Father Maximilian Kolbe, both were thus Franciscan Minorites. Padre Pio stirred, among other things, the love of the Old Mass. Father Maximilian Kolbe, a missionary zeal to contribute to the evangelization. Both priestly figures are also modeled in the personal life, in obedience and patience - from Father Kolbe - to martyrdom.
From the older, active evangelism of the male branch of the Order, there are already 55 convents in many countries. Two convents are in Brazil, which will be active during World Youth Day, reinforced by numerous brothers and sisters from other convents. The catechesis for young people plays an important role in the Order.
In German-speaking areas, there is a monastery in Kitzbühel in Tyrol. Two further attempts to settle there have failed owing to resistance from the dioceses.
The Order maintains, after the example of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, numerous media, including in Italy Il settimanale di Padre Pio (The weekly newspaper of Padre Pio), which includes some of the best Catholic newspapers that exist in Europe at least.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Town Camporotondo Fiastrone
Trans: Tancred

Friday, July 19, 2013

Review: The Conjuring

Movie Review

The Conjuring really captures the genre as the story is told by film companies.  The only people available to confront manifest evil are in the employ of the Catholic Church, somehow.   In this case, the film is sympathetic to the Catholic Church, and when the "Exorcism" is done, it is done in Latin.  One could say it's a kind of Vatican II Exorcist, taking place in 1971, complete with cultural references made for comic relief.  The hero, Ed Warren (Patrick Wilson), is supposed to be the only layman who is recognized as a demonologist by the Church, while his wife Loraine (Vera Farminga) is a powerful clairvoyant who seems to walk between worlds as she confronts the malevolent forces.

The film even has that retro technovision 70s feel, but it's surprising they couldn't quit capture the relentless ambiance of the time as the Exorcist did.

At the time of the film's setting, the Church was undergoing a kind of Revolution. There were Lay Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers, Lay Lectors, Altar Girls and now, Lay Exorcists.

Here's how she responds to the question of her husband performing the "Exorcism" in an interview for Global Christian Post:

CP: During "The Conjuring" your husband Ed, played by Patrick Wilson in the film, performs an exorcism without the permission or assistance of the Catholic Church. What is your criterion when it comes to performing an exorcism? And was that a real event in your life? 
Warren: In the Perron case, the family at that time did not have any religion. I don't know how it is now. There were six children and a mother. The father worked in New York and he came home usually on weekends. So [my husband] ... would command the demons in the name of Jesus Christ to go back to where they came from. He always did it in God's name.
It's not just interesting but encouraging to see in her interview using Catholic terminology like "state of Grace" and asserting the necessity of the priesthood for a protestant magazine, however.

In a surprising outburst of clericalism, Catholic News Service is very concerned about the credentials of the Ghost Buster couple, and quite rightly reasserts the need for the Rite of Exorcism to be conducted by clergy with the approval of the local ordinary.

One of the problematic issues from the standpoint of getting an exorcism is that none of the Perron children are baptized. It's actually a problem identified by Vera Farminga herself, but we also point out that the subject of the real life Exorcism dramatized by William Blatty in the celebrated film, The Exorcist, wasn't baptized either, but was invited to stay with the Vincentians of St. Louis while two priests took on the devil over a very long period indeed.

Although the article doesn't mention this, it's supposed to be very dangerous to confront such entities. Challenging the powers of darkness can bring disaster.  The film is also not as explicit about the need for the Catholic Faith in confronting these beings.  Not as explicit as Mrs. Farminga is.