Friday, July 5, 2013

Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires -- Archbishop Bergolio and the Scientific Analysis

Edit: when an alleged Eucharistic Miracle was explored in Minnesota recently, I don't get the impression it was investigated with this level of care.

(Buenos Aires) Pope Francis had as the Archbishop of Buenos Aires to conduct a scientific investigation into an alleged Eucharistic miracle, as the Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires became known and is said to have taken place between 1992 and 1996. He himself went several times a year to St. Mary's Church, to keep in the visible signs of the miracle and to hold Eucharistic adoration there.

The event is little known, because the pastor and his flock, probably without consultation with the Archbishop, wanted no media furor. Since the election of Cardinal Bergoglio as successor to the Apostle Peter, the message is still spreading slowly. In the German-speaking Catholic internet forum, Viaveritas the first to report about it was in 2009.

The Facts

The event began in 1992 in the same year and month, as Jorge Mario Bergoglio was called by Pope John Paul II from the Argentine Province and appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires. Everything has happened in the parish of Santa Maria y Caballito Almagro in the quarter in the Old City of Buenos Aires. On May 1st, 1992, a Friday, two consecrated hosts were found on the corporals of the Tabernacle. At the direction of the pastor, Father Alejandro Pezet, they were placed in a water container and sealed in the tabernacle, as is usual in such cases. After several days, the hosts had not dissolved. A week later, on Friday the 8th May 1992 were soaked with blood as the two hosts. On Sunday, the 10th Were discovered in May 1992 during the evening service on the paten drop of blood on which the consecrated host is placed during the Eucharistic celebration. The blood was examined by a doctor and several hematologists. All found beyond reasonable doubt that it was human blood.

On the 15th, 1996, the Solemnity of the Assumption, when the Communion during the Mass was over, a woman approached Pastor Pezet and told him that she had found on the back of the church an apparently desecrated host. The priest hurried out to pick them up and put these in a glass of water to dissolve them. Instead of dissolving, however, the host turned into a bloody piece of meat. From this metamorphosis, Cardinal Antonio Quarracino (1990-1998), then Archbishop of Buenos Aires and his Auxiliary Bishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio were immediately informed. They instructed the priest to have a photographer photograph everything. The pictures were made on the 6th of September, 1996 and sent to Rome.

Scientific Research

As several years passed there were no signs of visible decay, the then Archbishop of Buenos Aires who is the present Pope conducted a thorough investigation. A tissue sample piece of meat into which the Host in the tabernacle had changed in 1996, was examined medically by a forensic examiner. It was noted that it is certainly the part of a human heart. As the pathological institute further noted that it had to be the heart of a living man. These are living cells. The coroner had not been instructed on the origin of the sample, so as not to affect the outcome in any direction.

In the same year the well-known, among other things, German trained, Neuropsychopharmacology Physiologist Castañon Ricardo Gomez from Bolivia, was commissioned to carry out some further investigations. This time on two alleged Eucharistic miracles, that of 1992 and that of 1996. On the 6th of October 1999, Castañon took a blood sample in the presence of representatives of the Archbishop and of a notary, and sent it to the  Analytical Forensic Institute Forence  of San Francisco in the United States. The withdrawal was cleared by the Archbishop with Rome. Direct contacts were the Canon Lawyer and Current Curial Bishop, Gianfranco Girotti, the private secretary to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, then Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine and the Faith. On the 28th of January 2000, the result was announced. The Institute noted that it was human blood, confirming the previous studies. The DNA code is uniquely human. The samples were also sent to Professor John Walker of the University of Sydney in Australia. Independently of any other studies it was found that the muscle cells and white blood cells originate from a human and are perfectly intact. The studies also showed that the tissue was inflamed, which means that the person to whom it belongs, had suffered a trauma. In 2003, Walker told Castañon that the samples comply with an infected male, according to the signs also still alive according to the state of the heart.

To make matters deeper, then the samples were sent to the specialists for heart disease, Frederic Zugibe of the Columbia University of New York, one of the most renowned practitioners in the U.S. Court. On the 26th of March, 2005, he presented the results of his investigations. He presented the analyzed material as a definitive fragment of the heart muscle, which originates from the left ventricle near the aortic valve. The left ventricle pumps the blood to all body parts. The investigated heart muscle, says Zugibe, is located in an inflamed condition and contains a large number of white blood cells. The example then that the heart was living when the sample was taken from him, because white blood cells die off outside a living organism. More, the white blood cells have penetrated into the tissue, which indicates that the heart has suffered a great stress situation. Also, Zugibe and his scientific team were not informed about the background and origin of the samples from consecrated Hosts.

Witnesses of the studies were the attorney Ron Tesoriero and Mike Willesee, one of Australia's best known journalists, then converted to the Catholic faith. As Zugibe later learned that one sample a month the others were stored in distilled water even for three years, he was completely taken aback. He was even more surprised when he learned of the origin of the samples from wafers. The "living" part of it is a male heart fragment came from a piece of consecrated bread. Zugibe was stunned: How could the fragment of a piece of bread be a part of a human heart? How was it possible that these samples he examined, which must have been taken from 1996, for those who do not believe in miracles, could be from a dead man, still remain "alive" years after removal, meaning that the tissue cells were active and moving?  Within 15 minutes, the white blood cells break down in a dead organism. How was it possible it was still observable in 2005?  Zugibe's response, "How and why can the consecrated Host can mutate and become the flesh and blood of a living human being, remains an inexplicable mystery for science, a mystery that lies outside its competence."

Comparison with Lanciano and the Shroud of Turin

The results of the analysis of the New York Institute were finally compared with those of another Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano that, the earliest known of its kind in Lanciano, both the remains of a bloody Host and preserved human heart, which was transformed from a consecrated Host. The Eucharistic miracle of Lanciano is already 1300 years old, and yet are still remains a Host and part of the heart muscle can be seen and is exhibited in the local Franciscan Church. The miracle occurred in the first half of the 8th Century, when the area of Lanciano in southern Italy was Lombard. From Byzantium many monks fled West due to the iconoclast controversy under Emperor Leo III. (717-741). One of them, a Greek Basilian, doubted while he celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Real Presence of Christ. He doubted that the bread and wine would actually convert into flesh and remain the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. During the consecration, the bread turned in his hands and under his eyes actually into flesh and blood. Recent scientific studies have also confirmed it has been a revered relic for almost 1,300 years as human blood and human heart tissue. There were no preservatives found that could explain such a long preservation.

None of the scientists were informed about the origin of the two samples from Italy and Argentina when comparing the studies of Lanciano and Buenos Aires. The comparison showed that the studied samples come from the same person in both cases. The blood type is AB + for each, which occurs in about five percent of all people worldwide. The DNA is the same in the both cases. In addition, there are features that the man came from the Middle East. Further comparisons showed the same agreement with the grave cloth of Turin and the Sudarium of Oviedo.

The Vatican has yet to recognize the Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires. The Church can thus usually take enough time and not be rushed. Nevertheless, Argentina seems to be ripe with a long series of Eucharistic miracles that run through the course of time in Church history in a very special way, against the doubts of priests, recalling for religious and laity that transubstantiation is quite real and vivid in the memory.

Text: UCCR / Giuseppe Nardi
Image: UCCR / Giuseppe Nardi
Trans: Tancred


Little Rock Bishop Closes in on Latin Mass Community

Update: the earlier photo is apparently not the good Bishop.  It sure did look like him, however.

Edit:  The offering of the Immemorial Mass of All Ages, and the Catholic instruction surrounding that is about to get more sparse in Arkansas owing to the parsimonious and frankly petty prescriptions of the local Ordinary, Bishop Anthony Taylor, who has photos of himself offered on sale you can buy for your home, and speaks Spanish.

Bishop Taylor destroyed a thriving Latin Mass community of the FSSP last year when he decided to suspend its pastor, Father Laurent Demets, for a very petty offense which was neither criminal nor immoral.  Sound familiar?  

Since then he's agreed to allow the Immemorial to be said in his Diocese, but he's placed conditions on the continuation of that which are not part of the legislation surrounding Summorum Pontificum. Even if it's not part of the money, he's making that a condition.

We might point out that a priest may say the Immemorial in his territory without his approval.

He also objects to Catholics insuring the proper education of their children by sending them to local schools not associated with the Diocese.  Without the slightest trace of irony or shame, the Bishop maintains that these schools aren't Catholic.

We're not sure, either, that the small numbers of those attended in each community he reports in the letter are accurate, but we do know that when Father Demets was active, his parish was able to support a K-12 school.  

All of this Catholic activity has been destroyed by an Old Liberal Bishop, completely out of step with the people of Arkansas.  This slap down fits the same MO as that of Thieberville, France.

There was a Remnant article also, with some back ground about how the Bishop set about to destroy the community.

He's basically attempted to give the impression that he's tried to do right by real Catholics in his diocese who have a legitimate right to the Immemorial Mass of All Ages, while he's been attempting to eliminate it by providing it intermittently.

The point driven home in the letter is that it's all about the money, and following the Bishop's instructions to the letter, including using collection envelopes.

Here it is in its completeness with some editing:

2500 North Tyler Street P.O. Box 7565 
Little Rock, Arkansas 72217    
[501) 664-0340  Fax (501) 664-6304]
Office of the Bishop   
                                                         July 1, 2013

To all parishioners of St. Mary parish, Batesville & St. Michael parish, Cherokee Village: 

On July 1, 2012 in an attempt to respond to the desire of a small number of people in North Central Arkansas to celebrate Mass in the Extraordinary Form, and following a meeting on May 7, 2012 in which the conditions for the provision of this ministry were provided in writing to all who were interested, Fr. Michael Bass began to celebrate Mass in the Extraordinary Form twice a month at St. Michael Church in Cherokee Village and St. Mary Church in Batesville.  A copy of these conditions is attached to the bottom of this memorandum.
In response to numerous complaints received regarding lack of compliance with these conditions in Batesville, a review of this ministry there was conducted after about 6 months.  It was determined that those attending the Vetus Ordo Masses in Batesville did not meet the conditions I had set for continuing this ministry.  I therefore held a meeting with those concerned in Batesville on March 6, 2013 in which I decided to give those attending the Latin Mass a little more time to comply with my conditions for continuing the Vetus Ordo Mass there and I counseled patience on the part of their fellow parishioners.  More than 3 more months have elapsed by since that meeting and having reached the one year point, those attending this Vetus Ordo Masses in Batesville-with a few exceptions-are no closer to compliance than before. 
No recent complaints have been received from Cherokee Village, perhaps because of the long history of availability of the Latin Mass there, and though those attending the Vetus Ordo Mass in Cherokee Village have responded better than those in Batesville, they too are not yet in full compliance with the conditions set forth for the continuation of this ministry.
Among the conditions that have not been met are the following:
•  Register in territorial parish and use the envelopes of that parish. 
Batesville: 2 families, both of whom also attend Mass in English, are registered in the parish, use envelopes and contribute 93% of the Latin Mass collection.  The other 7% is loose cash donated.  Only two of the new families whom we hoped to attract by offering the Vetus Ordo Mass have registered in the parish and neither uses the envelopes provided to them.
Cherokee Village: 7 families (12 individuals) all of whom also attend Mass in English, are registered in the parish, use envelopes and contribute 75% of the Latin Mass collection. These people were already active parishioners prior to May 7, 2012.  The other 25% is loose cash donated by an additional 8 local residents and 20 individuals from out of town who attend the Latin Mass exclusively, but are not registered in the parish and do not use
envelopes.  No one in Cherokee Village changed their level of participation in response to the new conditions for Latin Mass ministry there that went into effect July 1, 2012.

2•  Participate in the Religious Education  and Sacramental Preparation of that parish. 
 -- Batesville: Only 3 of the 15 eligible children attend the religious education program of the parish.  [Perhaps the instruction is harmful?] There are apparently other children attending a non-approved  program at a private school misleadingly called the St. John Bosco Academy (and a St. Cecilia Academy?).  By using the names of saints, the false impression is given that these are Catholic schools. [!] 
   -- Cherokee Village: Only 4 of the 14 eligible children of Latin Mass families attend the religious education program of the parish. 
• Receive Confirmation at St. John the Baptist Latin Mass in North Little Rock (NLR) only if prepared in home parish (which is one's domicile).
  --Batesville One teenager was confirmed in NLR on April 11, 2013 without having attended Confirmation  preparation at St. Mary parish.  This child also attends the Latin Mass in NLR, but did not receive preparation for Confirmation there either. 
  -- Cherokee Village: Two teenagers were confirmed in NLR on April11, 2013.  One was from Missouri and no letter was received attesting to his preparation for the sacrament.  The other was from a family living part time in Louisiana.  This child did attend Religious Education classes in Cherokee Village when she was in town.
•  Rule of thumb: 1 monthly Mass for every 50 persons in regular  attendance. 
   -- Batesville: Vetus Ordo Mass average attendance is 34: 19 adults and 15 children.
   -- Cherokee Village: Vetus Ordo Mass average attendance is 40: 12 adults and 8 children from Cherokee Village and 14 adults and 6 children from elsewhere, mainly Missouri.
Parish activity: Batesville.  At the March 6 meeting I said I would allow this ministry to continue a little longer to give those attending the Latin Mass the opportunity to change their attitude and to become active in the parish, but little has changed.  There have been 3 all-parish events since March 6, but apart from one person who has always participated faithfully in parish activities, none of the other Latin Mass attendees has attended any of these parish events.  Their failure to participate remains unchanged despite my exhortation on March 6 that they begin to do so. 
Parish activity: Cherokee Village.  The 12 registered parishioners referred to above do participate in parish activities.  A few of them showed up for the parish study on the documents of Vatican II for the "Year of Faith."  Some ofthese take a regular turn at perpetual adoration in the parish, attend weekday Masses and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation from the pastor. 
Having already evaluated this ministry in Batesville twice, at the 6 month and 9 month points, with unsatisfactory results over the course of an entire year, it is clear that a modification of our attempt to provide Latin Mass ministry there is in order.  Though there are convincing reasons to cancel the Batesville Masses outright in order to devote our human resources to apostolates that are more promising, I have decided at this time merely to reduce the number of Latin Masses in Batesville to once a month and it will now be celebrated on the first Sunday of the month at 3:30 pm in order to enable the Latin Mass youth to participate in the youth activities of the parish on that begin on Sundays at 6:00pm. The twice monthly Mass in Cherokee Village will continue to be offered on the first and third Sundays of the month at 11:30 am. 
Fr. Michael Bass had made great sacrifices to provide this ministry for the Catholics of Batesville and Cherokee Village who desire the Latin Mass, for which I am very grateful.  But the bottom line is that all ministry has the goal of helping people respond to the call of Jesus to "Follow  me "-the call to conversion and discipleship.  I will allow Fr. Bass to continue this ministry in Cherokee Village and on the reduced basis in Batesville as described above because I am committed to the pastoral care of souls and I hope that the spiritual growth which the stated conditions for continuing this ministry are intended to foster will help the people he serves take the next step on the path of conversion. 
In the future I will evaluate whether those who attend the Vetus Ordo Mass in Batesville and Cherokee Village have come into compliance with these conditions, or whether the time has come to further reduce or abandon this ministry. 
Sincerely in Christ,

+AnthonyBishop of Little Rock

Cc:      Msgr. Scott Friend, Vicar General
Msgr. Francis I. Malone, J.V. and Chancellor for Ecclesial Affairs
Deacon Bo McAllister, Chancellor for Canonical Affairs
Rev. Narla Dhanraj, pastor of St. Mary parish, Batesville
Rev. Linus Ukomadu, pastor of St. Michael parish, Cherokee Village
Rev. Michael Bass, celebrant of the Vetus Ordo Mass in Batesville and Cherokee Village
Rev. Charles Ryan, chaplain for the Latin Mass Community of St. John the Baptist, NLR

Latin  Mass in Northern Arkansas-Mfg. 5/7/12 
1. Persons attending Mass in the Extraordinary Form remain  parishioners of  their territorial parishes, they simply attend Mass in Latin much like other parishioners attend in Spanish.  Those living where there is no Latin Mass (for example Jonesboro) still register in that parish and enroll their children in PRE there even though they drive elsewhere (say Batesville) for Mass.  In this example they would put Jonesboro envelopes in the Batesville collection, which would be forwarded to Jonesboro from Batesville and serve as proof of Mass attendance for purposes of the Jonesboro PRE program.  Jonesboro might consider sending a portion of this money back to Batesville for the care of their parishioners. 
--There is no canonically established St. Pio Pietrelcina Community, [!] which is now extinguished.
--Register in territorial parish and use the envelopes of that parish.
--Participate  in the Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation of that parish.
--Parents always free to supplement PRE with additional material of their own choosing.
--Can receive 1st Communion and possibly weddings (if prepared in parish) at Latin Mass.
--Funerals in Latin not guaranteed, only if priest is available and able to do so.
--Can receive Confirmation at St. John the Baptist Latin Mass (if prepared in home parish).
--All services outside of Latin Mass provided by parish (e.g., marriage preparation).
--Collections at these Latin Masses retained by and/or forwarded to the proper territorial parish.
--No guarantee of Holy Day Masses, only if Fr. Bass or Fr. Okeke are available. [Emphasis ours]
2.         Mass in  Latin initially twice a month in each parish until a determination of viability is made two months following the resumption of Mass in Latin in Cherokee Village and Mountain Horne, and initiation of Latin Mass in Batesville.  Eventual rule of thumb: 1 monthly Mass for every 50 persons in regular attendance.  Possible initial schedule (assumes more than were attending regularly in November 2011 when Latin Masses were suspended).  Available Mass times in the target area of NE Arkansas: 
1st Sunday--Bass:
2"d Sunday--Okeke:
3rd  Sunday--Bass:
4th Sunday--Okeke:
5th Sunday--Okeke:\ 
Cherokee V. 11:30 am   Batesville 5 pm (Okeke--Mtn Home English) Mountain Home 5 pm    (Bass--IC, NLR Eng.)
Cherokee V. 11:30 am   Batesville 5 pm (Okeke--Mtn Home English) Mountain Home 5 pm    (Bass--IC, NLR Eng.) Mountain Home 5 pm    (Bass--IC, NLR Eng.) 
3.   Each local parish provides whatever is needed for the Mass-including access to the building.  Money in any accounts held by the non-canonical  St. Pio Pietrelcina Community can be used for this purpose if they agree.  It would be wise to provide information cards regarding the role of the congregation in Vetus Ordo Masses for those unfamiliar with the Extraordinary form of the Mass and to have a box of mantillas available for women who come unprepared.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

French Mayor Refuses the "Farce of Gay Marriage" -- He is Threatened With 5 Years of Prison

(Paris), Jean-Michel Colo is the mayor of the French town Arcangues. He announced his decision that he would not perform the "gay marriage" legalized by the government of President Francois Hollande in his community, "because it is a farce," said Colo.The law "is not for but against something, it gives an inadequate and absurd privilege for a tiny minority, but it attacks the family, for whose protection the marriage exists," said Colo.
"I'm not  giving any lessons and call on no other mayor does to follow my example. But I will not perform an illegal act," said the mayor of the municipality of Aquitaine.
"My seven council members agree completely agree with me that in this fare, we  'do not participate in this, and we thank the thousands of support and congratulatory messages we have received for our decision." Jean-Michel Colo. since 1983 mayor of the 3,100 -inhabitant village near the southwestern French town of Bayonne, near the Atlantic coast and the border with Spain.
The law imposed by the Socialists law provides severe penalties for non-compliance. Whomever as a public official denies or impedes the implementation of the law faces five years in prison, up to a 75,000 euro penalty and the immediate removal from office.
In April, just before the adoption of the "gay marriage" legalization by the French Parliament, Franck Meyer, spokesman for the platform Mayors Pour l'Enfance (Mayors for  Childhood) had stated that approximately 15,000 mayors of France will refuse "to conduct  marriage between two persons of the same sex."  Hollande, the Socialist government then declared that there is "no freedom of conscience" in the matter related to civil servants and public officials.
Interior Minister Manuel Valls has already threatened  Mayor Colo  with the statement that the laws are to be applied and any breach of this duty would be punished with the rigor of the law.
Two homosexuals who've recently deliberately  intended to file for "marriage" in Arcangues, have filed charges against Mayor Colo with the Bayonne Prosecutor's Office..
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
picture: Religion en Libertad
Trans: Tancred

Link to katholisches...

Catholic Gives Pregnant Women a Pair of Baby Shoes - He Faces Two Years in Prison

(Paris), Xavier Dor is 85 years old. The French doctor has been working for 20 years to protect the life of unborn children. On 26 June, he was compelled to appear in court in Paris, so to speak because he had prayed the rosary publicly and without permission.

Xavier Dor, President of the Catholic Right to Life Association SOS Tout Petits. A court case was initiated against him based on "exercise of moral and psychological pressure." The doctor had given a pregnant woman a pair of baby shoes in front of the entrance to a feminist organization in which they wanted to apply for an abortion.

All because of a pair of baby shoes

The doctor and life defender was pointed out to the feminist association for family planning, the French Association of Centers for Abortion and Contraception ANCIC and the Federation of Associations for the Right to Abortion and Contraception CADAC. The three organizations joined as plaintiffs in the court case.

The 85-year-old is accused of entering the office of the feminist association twice to give two pregnant women a pair of shoes for newborn children, who applied for the killing of their children there. This action, according to the indictment last Friday, had been an act of "extreme violence" through "moral and psychological pressure."

Guilty of Praying the Rosary

Founded in 1986 by Dor, the Catholic Right to Life Association SOS Tout Petits has prayed the rosary since the early 90s in front of abortion clinics. With the prayer, they pray for the end of the killing of Innocents by closing the clinic or Abortion Association. They pray that pregnant women do not realize their intention to kill their child in the womb. They pray for the conversion of abortion doctors and other staff participating in abortions. Not least, they pray as an act of reparation for the murder of children.

Xavier Dor has been summoned to appear on 26 June before the criminal court because of the indictment, to answer charges that on the 2nd of April in 2011, he is to have "incited" to pray a rosary in front of the Saint Vincent de Paul Hospital in Paris without permission. The doctor risks a penalty of up to two years in prison and a fine of up to 30,000 euros.

A crime against God

The prosecution called last Friday for "only" one month of detention and an 8000 euro penalty. The judges are due to announce their verdict before the approaching holiday until the 16th September.

Dor has already been convicted and imprisoned in the 90s due to the implementation of an unsanctioned rally for the right to life. The doctor's books are Le Crime Contre Dieu (The Crime Against God, Paris 1998) and Le livre blanc de l'avortement en France (White Paper of abortion in France, Paris, 2006) about the threat to the right to life. Dor is with SOS Tout Petits among the first promoters of the French March for Life .

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: SOS Tout Petits
Trans: Tancred

Link to katholisches... AMGD

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Catholic King Albert II to Abdicate in Belgium

König Albert II.
von Belgien will offenbar abdanken.  

(Foto: AFP)
After two decades of intention to relinquish the official duties of Belgium, of King Albert II. the media consistently reports that the 79-year-old monarch will announce his abdication by 6 O'clock. The royal family is considered an important factor in the risk of splitting the country.

Belgium's King Albert II will abdicate. Newspapers and the news agency Belga consistently reports that Albert's abdication will be announced for 6 this evening, in a television address. The effective date is said to be the 21th July, the Belgian National Holiday.

By 3pm, the first breaking news was released by news agencies. The 79-year-old Albert had unexpectedly received key ministers of the country (kernkabinet) at the royal palace, say Le Soir and De Standaard in their online editions. At 5:30 the entire cabinet concluded, and by 6 O'clock, the King would abdicate on the four major TV channels and their radio stations to the public. After this, Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo, should address the public. Philippe Albert's eldest son is heir apparent.

Albert's abdication is really not surprising. In recent months there had been repeated speculation about it. Albert II succeeded his older brother Baudouin in 1993 after his death, to the throne.

Compared with the glamorous royal families from Scandinavia and Britain, the public interest in Belgian monarchy is limited. This was true at least until a few weeks ago. Recently, however, a furor has been caused by the paternity suit of the 45-year-old artist Delphine Boël. She wishes to force the monarch by court proceedings to a DNA test. A first date being set for last week was postponed until the autumn.

The royal family is considered an important staple in the unstable country, at risk of dividing.

Link to Süddeutsche Zeitung...

Trans: Tancred AMGD

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

France's Jewish Education Minister: "We Must Replace the Catholic Church with a Republican Religion"

(Paris) "You will never be able to build a free nation with the Catholic Church." This wasn't uttered by Voltaire or Georges Danton, but the reigning French Education Minister from a  2008 interview, Vincent Peillon,  at the launch of his book, La Révolution française n'est pas terminée (The French Revolution is Not Yet Over), as Tempos reported.

Spiritual Revolution

According to Peillon "a revolution can take place not only in material terms. They must also take place in the mind. Now we made the revolution mainly politically, but not the moral and spiritual. We have left the morality and spirituality of the Catholic Church. We have to replace them."

Republican Religion

And how would Minister Peillon replace the Catholic Church? "There you couldn't immediately adapt Protestantism in France, as they have done in other democracies, one must invent a republican religion. This new religion is secularism, which must accompany the material revolution, which in reality is the mental revolution."

And how should this "spiritual revolution" be enforced? "The revolution implies that everything has to be forgotten, which preceded the Revolution. Therefore, the school plays a central role, because the school has to tear the child from all its pre-republican bonds in order to educate them to become a citizen. It is like a rebirth, a transubstantiation acting through school and for the school, the new church with their new priests, the new liturgy and their newly to be read tables of the law."

Secular morality

The Minister is trying to implement his anti-Church theses into action. In Article 31 of the draft law submitted by him to the "establishment of the School of the Republic" he wanted "the conditions for education to ensure gender equality" in the elementary schools. Parliament amended the passage at the last moment. Peillon's goal was according to gender ideology, to eradicate the distinction between the sexes. Peillon succeeded with his law but enforces a "secular morality" on compulsory education. As the purpose and aim of this "secular morality" is called law, "the students of all familial, ethnic, social, intellectual [...] determination to conclude, so that each of them could emancipate themselves [...] as the target of the republican school was always the creation of a free individual. "Peillon's state has superseded the rights of parents and set itself up as authoritarian teacher of the nation.

Aggressive secularism

The aggressiveness of French Secularism has now been detected even by the U.S., the President of France, Hollande, for first time in was listed in a 2013 annual report on violations of religious freedom in classifying the list of countries where religious freedom is threatened. Six pages of the report is devoted to the French first of all violations of this fundamental and human rights, as Pope Benedict XVI. called. France is also one of the 15 European countries with different laws which violate freedom of expression and freedom of conscience.

Vincent Peillon - a biography

Vincent Peillon, born in 1960, acting in his anti-Catholic delirium, as if he had just been sent from a lodge to a revolutionary tribunal during the French Revolution, is a Jew, a member of the Socialist Party and Freemason. His mother is from the Alsace rabbi family Blum, his grandfather was Leon Blum. His uncle, Etienne-Emile Baulieu (actually Etienne Blum), is one of the inventors of the abortion pill RU486.

Peillon's father Gilles (1928-2007), was a banker and a Communist. He was Managing Director among others of the Banque Commerciale pour l'Europe du Nord, which was called the "Banque des Soviets" in the vernacular, because they transacted the financial transactions between the East and West for the USSR. Vincent Peillon since 1994 has been a member of the national leadership of the Socialist Party. From 1997 to 2002 he was a member of the National Assembly of the French Parliament, 2004-2012 Member of the European Parliament and since May 2012, Education Minister for the Government of Jean-Marc Ayrault. In 2010 he published the book Une religion pour la République. Laïque Ferdinand Buisson de la foi (A Religion for the Republic., the secular faith of Ferdinand Buisson). Peillon is married to the Casablanca-born Jewish journalist Nathalie Bensahel.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Tempi

Link katholisches...

Monday, July 1, 2013

Soldier of Christ, Don Miguel Ayuso Arnaut Has Died

The Son of Don Miguel
Madrid, 1 July, 2013, on the Feast of the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. At 6 in the morning today, Don Miguel Ayuso Arnaut succumbed to cancer in Madrid.

His wife, Dona Maria de la Medalla Milagrosa Torres Fernández, proceeded him on the 15th of February this year. He was also the father of five sons (who survive him with various grandchildren) of whom the eldest is senior professor at the Pontifical University of Madrid de Comillas, Don Miguel Ayuso Torres, President of the Unión Internacional de Juristas Católicos, the Council of Spanish Studies, Philip II, of the Speiro y Francisco Elías de Tejada Foundation and director the magazine Verbo.

Others of the sons of Don Carlos Ayuso, are responsible for various Carlist associations.

Miguel Ayuso Torres (b. Madrid , 1961 ) is a jurist Spanish , Professor of Political Science and Constitutional Law at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas and president of the International Union of Catholic Jurists . It is perhaps the most characteristic current representative of traditionalism Hispanic, teachers learned most unique, both Spanish and Hispanic, from the second half of the twentieth century. He has written twelve books and nearly three hundred articles in professional journals. In the summer of 2009 was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Udine (Italy).

 S.A.R., Duke of Arajuez has extended his condolences to the entire family.

The chapel has been reserved for 2pm today in the mortuary of  M-30 (C/. Salvador de Madariaga, 11, Madrid), where at 8pm there will celebrate a Mass corpore insepulto. The remains will be transfered in Christian burial tomorrow Wednesday at 11 in the morning at Almudena Cemetery.

A funeral for the family will be held on the 5th of July the funeral Mass at the parish of San Giovanni Evangelista at 6:30pm.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Archbishop Müller Condemns Pastors' Initiative -- Defends the Right of a Child to a Mother and Father

(Augsburg) Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, the Prefect for the Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith sharply criticized the Pastor Initiative , an Austrian association of rebel priests. "The Call to Disobedience is against the truth of faith and canonical disobedience that has slandered ecclesiastical obedience as blind obedience and puts it at odds with the ripeness and maturity in faith, contradicts the ministry of the priest," said Müller to the Augsburger Allgemeine . The former Bishop of Regensburg referred to the decree on the Life and Ministry of the priest, where he mentions the joy of "high calling" which addresses the preachers of the gospel of Christ and ministers of the sacraments.

During the same interview Curia Archbishop Müller emphasized the inalienable right of a child to his own father and his own mother as a "fundamental human right". Although this human right can not be always achieved, perhaps because a parent dies, "or other fatal conditions," it should not "be thwarted." The human right is violated when "the marital union of man and woman has an equal footing with other forms of cohabitation, so that their being is deprived and discriminated against."

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Update on Poggi Scandal in Italy: Accuser Arrested for Scandal

Edit: Fakin Akin has breathed a sigh of relief and along with Deacon Kandra and others creatures of the establishment are attacking Voris.

Of course, their credibility must be suffering somewhat in light of revelations like the following by Bishop Listeki of Milwaukee.

In a major turning point in its nearly 3-year-old bankruptcy, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee on Monday is scheduled to make public thousands of pages of documents detailing the sexual abuse of minors by priests going back decades, and what church leaders did — and did not do — in response. 
The records will contain parts of 42 priests' personnel files as well as depositions of former Archbishop Timothy Dolan, now cardinal of New York; retired Archbishop Rembert Weakland; retired Bishop Richard Sklba; and now-defrocked priest Daniel Budzynski. 
Most of the information, which is being released as part of an agreement in the archdiocese's bankruptcy proceedings, has never been seen publicly.

Too bad the Italian police can't come and arrest them for slander?

And what about the secret dossiers, the Vatican employed Monsignor Tommaso Stenico who was busted in a sting?

They're quick to attack the messenger and excuse the clergy, despite numerous published statements and valid stories, if not the Pope himself admitting there is a problem.

Here's the most recent.  Father Poggi, the defrocked whistleblower, has just been arrested, but does that mean his story is untrue?  Based on past history, it's not incredible to suppose it's possible.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Brother of Leonardo Boff: "We Should Have Listened to Ratzinger"

(Rio de Janeiro) During these days the media duck made the rounds, the prefect of the CDF, Curia, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller had called for a "reconciliation" with the liberation theology, the brother of the most famous liberation theologians of the world, Leonardo Boff has spoken up, and in a very different sense.

Liberation theology was one of the worst disasters of the Catholic Church. Its inventors are the theologians Gustavo Gutierrez, a Dominican, and Leonardo Boff, a Franciscan. It was created after the Second Vatican Council and is supposed to interpret and respond to the dramatic situation of mass poverty in Latin American countries. That's as far as the noble intention.

In reality, they mingled with the theology with the current fashion and seemingly unstoppable Marxism. First they justify class struggle, then armed struggle which leads inevitably to violence. And many Catholics, including priests, religious and seminarians have followed this siren song. The result has been great suffering and serious cracks and splits in the Catholic Church by priests who bartered the cross with the machine gun. Clerics, who, instead of following the example of the saints, rather imitated the example of Che Guevara and fought in the guerrilla struggle through the cities and the jungle and were eventually shot by the police or military.

For this reason, the Latin American bishops condemned the contagious Marxist theology in 1979. The same was done in detail, explained by the doctrinal congregation, under the leadership of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger at the express request of Pope John Paul II, who was from in the Soviet-controlled Eastern Bloc, and was particularly sensitive to the topic. The CDF studied the phenomenon from the perspective of orthodoxy and the social doctrine of the Church. The condemnation was accomplished with two documents: Libertatis Nuncio (1984) and Libertatis Conscientia (1986). In both, it was noted that liberation theology was in a dependent relationship to the Marxist critique of society and is therefore incompatible with the Gospel message.

Leonardo Boff, today, with other colleagues of the anti-Church boulevard magazine Fatto Quitidiano has this intervention Ratzinger never forgiven. He turned his back on the church and began a personal vendetta against them, including through its Brazilian "Base Communities". A kind Brazilian Don Gallo .

Recently Boff was reported to praise again and speak of Pope Francis effusively. And the media habitually gave him quite a hearing. It had been Boff, who had demanded on behalf of the Council, to the media, that "someone like Bergoglio" should not even be admitted to the conclave. The reason for the Boff did not mention, of course, is that Cardinal Bergoglio had met in Argentina Marxist liberation theology up close and dislikes. Bergoglio rejected the theses of Marxist theology and opposed his brothers in the Jesuit order, who joined Boff and Gutierrez. The result was a still ongoing resentment from parts of the Order against Bergoglio. As Boff has never forgiven him for the condemnation of the theology he created, so have some have the same Jesuits never forgiven Bergoglio.

It is interesting in this context an interview that the Brazilian newspaper Folha de São Paulo was held with Clodovis, the brother of Leonardo Boff. Clodovis, a member of the Servites, contradicted his brother:

"In the two documents published by Cardinal Ratzinger, he defended the original core of liberation theology: the commitment to the poor because of the faith. At the same time he criticized the Marxist influence. The Church can't do this. It's not like a civil society where people can say what they want. We are tied to a belief and if someone professes another faith, he closes himself from the Church. From the outset, it was clear the importance was to make Christ the foundation of all theology. In the hegemonic discourse of liberation theology, however, I have noticed that faith in Christ only appeared in the background. The anonymous Christianity of Karl Rahner was a great excuse to neglect Christ, prayer, the sacraments and the mission in which the focus was only on the change of social structures. "
Clodovis Boff, formerly himself a representative of the Teología de la Liberación , who was already critical of it in 1986 and finally distanced from liberation theology in 2007, added: "In the 70s Cardinal Eugneio Sales withdrew my teaching license of Theology at the Catholic University Rio. Sales told me in a friendly way: "Clodovis, I think you are mistaken. Doing good is not enough to be a Christian. The center is to confess the faith ... " He was right. In fact, the Church was irrelevant for us. And not only Her, even Christ Himself "

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Wikicommons

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

More Details About Underground Network: Police Were Selling Hosts to Satanists

Edit: some of the details emerging in the accusations being leveled, which suggest that the perdition of the clergy is widespread are being strongly denied by Vatican spokesmen.

Plus some very succinct words from Rorate:

Pedophilia violates the rights of minors, while homosexuality affirms those of adults. Pedophile priests and homosexual priests in reality, appear to form the same “lobby” that is why they drink from the same libertarian, pansexual ideology, which has also penetrated inside the Church over the last fifty years.

The “homo-heresy”, namely, the theology of homosexuality, denounced by Father Dario Oko (With the Pope against Homoheresy), goes hand in hand with the theology of married priests. In both cases the enemy is the ecclesiastic celibate, a moral pillar which the Church has held on to since Her origins. Anyway, if the Pope expressed himself in these terms, he did so for obvious reasons. Some, such as the vaticanist Ignazio Ingrao, sustain that an entire chapter dedicated to the “gay network” is present in the relatio reported by the three cardinals charged by Benedict XVI to investigate the Curia: Julian Herranz, Salvatore De Giorgi and Jozef Tomko (Panorama, 24th June 2013). There are those who hypothesize that it was exactly the discovery of the presence of this network that would have pushed the abdication of Pope Benedict, by then intent in renouncing the Papacy. (“Il Fatto” 11th June 2013). There are also those who think that the words of the Pope would not be extraneous to the news that reached him about the events of Almo Collegio Capranica, denounced on the site “Corrispondenza Romana” in the article “The Drama of Sodomy in the diocese of Rome” which was promptly obscured by the Roman Tribunal. Behind that law-suit was the Rector of the Almo Collegio.

Update: Whistleblower Priest Exposes Ring of Old Liberal Decadent Satanists in Rome

Edit:  we were told this was a problem for years.  The Vatican has had investigations ongoing for years.   Remember the Polish priest and investigator, Father Dariuscz Oko?  And of course it's like a Malachi Martin novel in here, innit:

And he's naming names...

There are also charges of Satanism in connection with the Gomorrist predation...

Italian investigators have opened an inquiry into claims by a convicted paedophile priest that an underage prostitution ring has been operating inside the Holy Roman Church with clergymen hiring rentboys for sex inside churches. 
Don Patrizio Poggi, 46, told Italian authorities that a former Carabinieri pimped boys for nine clergymen. 
Poggi, who served a five-year sentence for abusing teenage boys while he was a parish priest at the San Filippo Neri church in Rome, said he made the allegations to "protect the Holy Church and the Christian community." 
The boys were chosen because they were starving and desperate, he claimed, according to Il Messaggero newspaper. 
The former policeman used to recruit the boys, mostly eastern European immigrants, outside a gay bar named Twink near Rome's Termini train station. He reportedly sat in his Fiat Panda - marked "Emergency Blood" to avoid parking fines - to make his selection. 
He was helped in the recruitment process by a friend who ran a modelling agency. He lured underage boys into prostitution through "false work offers for modelling and acting roles", Poggi said.

Also, check out St. Peter Damian's famous book, it's quite a distant mirror, as it were.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Archbishop Müller: No Foundation or Need for Deaconesses

(Osnabrück) Curial Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, the Prefect of the Congregation of Faith, issued a clear rejection for a demand by progressive Catholic circles for a women's diaconate. "The sacrament of Holy Orders in the stages bishop, priest, deacon can only be validly received by a man according to Catholic doctrine," Müller told the Catholic news agency KNA in an interview for the German church newspapers.

Recently, demands had been raised, which was not always clear whether deacons and thus women, were called to the ordained ministry, or deaconesses, and there was a special office as such in the early church, but that was not associated with a consecration. Archbishop Müller sees no basis for an office of sacramental ordination after the model of the early church deaconess.

Deaconesses, says Müller, were apparent in the old church at times and in different regions. But these did "not receive the sacrament in the strict sense." They were introduced out of reasons of necessity and played an important role, "because priests were not allowed to attend women at home or in hospital wards." However, these tasks are no longer necessary, because the reasons for it were withdrawn.

In February, Cardinal Walter Kasper had proposed the consideration of a "community-deacon." The remarks sparked criticism because the word deacon, or deaconess place a subliminally intended ordained ministry. "It may prove to be that there is a specific office in the Church today, but not a sacramental office of Women for Women's needs," said the now Prefect of the Congregation.

Archbishop Müller also reiterated the statement of Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich, and also spoke out against the Catholic Church's retreat from the hospital system: "The retreat mentality is contrary to the nature of the Church as a missionary [militant?] Church." Caritas, says Müller, as Prefect, is a constitutive characteristic feature of the Church.

As before, Cardinal Marx and Curial Archbishop Müller contradicted, without naming them, the Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes and Cologne psychiatrist and theologian Manfred Lütz, who just appeared in a jointly written book, demanding the transformation of Catholic hospitals, because too many people work at Catholic hospitals who were not Catholic and would not identify with the Church. This creates problems of "employer authority."

Growing up in a secular environment, people can not simply be blamed if they might not be at Mass every Sunday, said Müller. "We want to convince rather by example," said the Prefect of the Congregation.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Chiesa e Postconcilio\

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