Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Chicago Parish of St. James to be Destroyed

Edit: another story from the Agent Provacateur from Chicago, where other churches, part of the ancient church's legacy to this dark age, are being demolished as the auto-destruction of the Church continues. The photo gallery speaks volumes, and there's no telling into what curio and junk shops the various furnishings, statues and altar pieces will find themselves.

[Chicago Tribune]To the dismay and anger of congregants of the historic, 133-year-old St. James Catholic Church in Bronzeville, a crane hoisted a flexible arm to the top of the front of church Wednesday morning, as it prepared to poke a symbolic hole putting an end to a fierce fight from congregants to keep the church intact.

About a dozen congregants of the St. James parish tried to block the entrance of the church, questioning the expiration date of a demolition permit.

But police showed them a current permit and demolition preparations were underway by 9:45 a.m. Crews were not expected to do major demolition work today, but started work to ensure the permit remained valid.,0,3570488.story

Cardinal O'Malley Bars Old Liberal Founder of Pfarrer's Initiative

Edit: the decadent Ex-Monsignor (He had the honor stripped last year) and former Rector of Vienna's scandal Diocese is in the news again. It's fitting he will not be allowed to speak in a Catholic Church, but in a Unitarian one instead. Now someone needs to convince Cardinal Schönborn to join him.

Now we hope he does the same for the comparable Father Bryan Hehir.

Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley is banning an Austrian priest from speaking at a Catholic parish in Dedham because the priest advocates ordaining women and making celibacy optional, stances that place him in opposition to church teachings.

The Rev. Helmut Schuller was invited to speak at St. Susanna Parish July 17 as part of a 15-city tour of the United States called “The Catholic Tipping Point: Conversations with Helmut Schuller,” sponsored by a coalition of reform-minded Catholic organizations, including Voice of the Faithful, based in Needham.

But O’Malley has declared he will not allow anyone to speak on church property who advocates beliefs in conflict with church doctrine.

As a result, the coalition that invited Schuller has moved its event to a nearby Unitarian Universalist church.

Schuller is the founder of the Austrian Priests’ Initiative, which advocates allowing women and married people to become priests and greater lay participation as ways of addressing a priest shortage. About 1 in 10 Austrian priests are members, the Austrian Independent newspaper reported; priests’ groups have sprung up in several countries, including Ireland and the United States, and Schuller has said he hopes the movement will spread worldwide.

Link to Boston Globe... No one wanted to talk about the hundreds of priests and lay faithful who signed Gehorsam (Call to Obedience).

Franciscan Hermit Murdered in Syria

Edit: he helped everyone. He helped Muslims, Christians, anyone who was in need and now he's gone. May his soul rest in peace.

(Damascus) Father Francois Mourad, a Syrian hermit, died in the Franciscan monastery of Saint Anthony of Padua in Ghassanieh. The hermit was a guest at the monastery when it was attacked by Islamist rebels. The Franciscan Monastery is located in the district of Jisr al-Shughur in the province of Idlib, near the Syrian-Turkish border. The area belongs to the Chaldean Syrian territory. The Franciscan Authority in the Holy Land confirmed the death of the hermit. The monastery was partially destroyed and looted.

Link to Katholisches...

News story..

Special Meeting of Cardinals in Rome: Pope Francis to "Broom" Curia?

Edit: so this was why he missed the concert?

I saw this also linked at Australia Incognita...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

SSPX Confronts Gomorrhist Blasphemy in Switzerland: Bishops are Silent

(Fribourg in Üchtland) A group of the SSPX is demonstrating against "Gay Pride" in Swiss Fribourg in a prayer group of the Society of St. Pius X. The SSPX had requested in advance a ban on the depraved spectacle, which was attended by 12,000 people, according to media reports.

Some priests of the Society and a group of young faithful demanded a clear opinion on "Gay Pride" from the Church, as the reported Freiburger Nachrichten. "We want to protect our families and children," and "The Family is in Danger - No to Homo-Foolery" 1 demanded the Catholic prayer group. But they reaped whistles, taunts and insults from the passing aberrosexuals and their supporters.

The Gomorrah tourism, which is drawn to "Gay Pride", showed itself the most in blasphemous mockery against the SSPX group. Members of the group founded in California in 1979, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, aberrosexual men, whose distinctive mark is the costuming as nuns, which shows contempt toward the Catholic Church, joined in a mocking Gloria.

In 2001 the bishop of Sitten, Norbert Brunner, condemned the gomorrhist spectacle as a "diabolical game." Meanwhile the Bishops are silent.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Bild: Wikicommons

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Moldovan Orthodox Church Threatens Politicians Who Back Gomorrist Legislation With Excommunication

Edit: Just got this from a reader, Agent Provocateur   The Orthodox hierarchy is confidently opposing the darkness enshrouding the West.  Interestingly enough, they're finding common cause with the local Communist Party.
Chisinau, June 21, Interfax - The Moldovan Orthodox Church Synod has threatened politicians who back the law on equal rights for homosexuals with excommunication. 
Metropolitan Vladimir of Chisinau and All Moldova told reporters on Friday that "the first step may be to keep such politicians from taking communion." 
The metropolitan said the June 20 meeting of the Synod had lasted for ten hours and addressed the situation with the enforcement of the law on equal rights for gays and the preparations for the visit by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, who plans to visit Moldova in September. 
"The Synod stated its position on the law on equal rights in the adopted declaration," the metropolitan said, adding that the Synod already asked the authorities to make amendments to the law and to prevent propaganda of homosexuality in society on May 19. 
"Unfortunately, our request was not heard and no measures were taken. We want to use another opportunity to draw people's attention to what is happening and we are addressing them again as the Orthodox Church the second time. When we address them the third time, specific decisions will be made," Metropolitan Vladimir said.  
The declaration posted on the website of the Moldovan Metropolia on Friday says that "the authorities have not heeded an establishment which, according to public opinion polls, enjoys the highest level of confidence in society." 
"Being ignored like this makes us draw conclusions that the Moldovan Orthodox Church and Christians, who account for 93.4% of the population, were removed from the authorities' plans in the past few years, whereas non-traditional minorities are getting more and more support from the authorities," the document says. 
The adoption of the law on the prevention of discrimination was a condition set by the European Union for the fulfillment of the plan of actions to liberalize the visa regime between Moldova and the EU. Its adoption was postponed for a long time and the name of the law was changed gradually. In May 2012, the document was adopted as the law On Equality. The guarantees of sexual minorities' rights are mentioned in the chapter of the law banning discrimination in the workplace. 
The Moldovan Orthodox Church and the Communist Party are contesting the law.

New FSSP Parish in Minneapolis of All Places

Edit: this parish was one of those which was slated for closing, now it's being given new life.  We'd earlier felt that the Archbishop's subordinates were being deliberately unfair in their choice of parishes to close, but this really makes up for that.
Minneapolis is one of the more Liberal cities in the United States.  Its conservative working class community in Northeast Minneapolis should appreciate this.
Here is the Archbishop's letter:
June 22, 2013
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am happy to announce that the parish of All Saints of Minneapolis will have a pastor and an associate to serve you beginning next month.
minneopolis-all-saints5As you have likely seen and heard in parish communications over the past few months, the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter has offered to send two of its members to care for the parish of All Saints, which has been without a pastor for more than a year. After consultation with your parish trustees and your parish pastoral council, as well as the presbyteral council, a representative body of priests from across the Archdiocese, I have accepted the Fraternity’s offer.
Father Peter Bauknecht and Father Simon Harkins will begin their service at All Saints on July 3, 2013. Fr. Bauknecht will serve as pastor.
As you may know, the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter is a Catholic Clerical Society of Apostolic Life dedicated to providing Catholics access to the extraordinary form of the liturgy according to the liturgical books of 1962. You can find out more about the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter at their website: Mass in the extraordinary form will be offered at All Saints. Mass in the current form to which you are accustomed will be offered, as well. A Mass schedule will be established, in consultation with All Saints parish leadership.
Please join me in welcoming Father Bauknecht and Father Harkins. I will be praying for these priests as they begin service in your parish and I ask that you join me supporting their work through prayer, as well.
With every good wish, I am,
Cordially yours in Christ,
Most Reverend John C. Nienstedt

The Most Reverend John C. Nienstedt
Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis

Saturday, June 22, 2013

900th Anniversary of the Maltese Order Celebrated in Switzerland

Schwyz, 22.6.13 (Kipa) Over 100 knights and ladies of the Maltese Order in Switzerland as well as 50 members of the Maltese Emergency Service are meeting on Saturday and Sunday in Schwyz for their anniversary meeting. According to media reports it is entirely in recognition of the 900th Jubilee of this religious lay order, which operates numerous hospitals and elder hostels.

The Maltese Order was recognizes in 1113 by Pope Paschalis II.. He also simultaneously granted them their independence from secular and ecclesiastical jurisdiction. Ever since the order abei verlieh er ihm gleichzeitig die Unabhängigkeit von weltlicher und kirchlicher Gerichtsbarkeit. Seither ist der Orden with the charismata tuitio fidei (»Defense of the Faith») und obsequium pauperum (»Service to the Poor») is sovereign and ha sthe rank of a subject of international law.

Worldwide There are Over 13,500 Knights and Ladies

Today the Maltese Order is among the most important organizations active worldwide. It operates hospitals and elder hostels in over 120 different countries and employs around 25,000 employees. Worldwide there oder has about 13,500 Knights and ladies.

The Maltese Order of Switzerland is called in its full name «Helvetische Assoziation des Souveränen Ritter- und Hospitalordens vom Hl. Johannes zu Jerusalem, genannt von Rhodos und von Malta». Today's Swiss Order was reestablished in 1961 and has its headquarters in Luzern. It has about 200 knights and ladies as well as over 1,000 volunteers in all of Switzerland.

Reception of New Members

The Jubilee Celebration began on Saturday with an address about the first rule of the Maltese Order, which had been written by Grandmaster Raymond de Puy in 1120. From this start the first written rule from 1153, which is held in the national archive of the Canton of Aargau in the National Document Museum in Schwyz. On Sunday, the Solemn High Mass will be celebrated in the parish church of St. Martin, in Schwyz, celebrated by the Chur Auxiliary Bishop Marian Eleganti.

New members will be received at the Mass. Future knights and ladies will also be presented to the delegation. The Grand Master of the Order will eventually decide in consultation with the sovereign council.

The president of the «Helvetischen Assoziation des Souveränen Malteser Ritter- und Hospitalordens» is Gilles de Weck.



Friday, June 21, 2013

Symbolic Demolition of a Church in the "Year of Faith"

(Paris) "The church was destroyed, as the terrible photo shows," said the Association Mémoire Vivante du patrimoine gestois (MVPG) that had been campaigning for the salvation of the Church. In France, the demolition of churches continues. After the church of Saint Jacques in Abbeville ( see separate report ), the church of Saint Pierre aux Liens Gesté was demolished in the western Anjou (Maine-et-Loire departments).

The renovation of the Church of Abbeville was too expensive. If the buildings are dilapidated, the mayor recently, called for the "deconstruction" as the "cheaper" means the termination. Or, as in the case of Gesté, to make a new building in place of the old church.

Gesté is located just six kilometers from the Brittany. On the 5th of February 1794, the place was burned down by the Colonnes Infernales , the "Hell Brigade" of the French Revolution. 300 Chouans, Royalist Catholics, were massacred. "The dead should be our duty to fight for our heritage," goes the call to protest against the demolition. The current church was built in 1800 and is now being demolished on the ruins of the church destroyed in 1794 and initially expanded in subsequent phases in the classical, then in neo-Gothic style.

The cost of the demolition amounts to 200,000 euros. The new church at one million euros. What for?, ask the critics and point to the waste of money and destruction of cultural heritage.

The Bishop of Angers rejects disapproval of the demolition action. The pastor responsible resides not in Gesté, but in the nearby town of Avrillé where the old Gothic church of Saint Gilles was replaced in 1983 by a modern elliptical construction.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: L'Observatoire de la Christianophobia Trans: Tancred

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

An Example of the Priest Shortage in the Tyrolean Diocese of Innsbruck -- False Summary?

(Innsbruck) Next Sunday Bishop Manfred Scheuer of Innsbruck (in office since 2003) will ordain four deacons and priests. A joy for the church as a whole. Nevertheless, it is almost a zero-year for the Austrian diocese. Only one of the new priests ordained for the diocese and this is not from Tyrol, but from Ethiopia. The priesthood receives the Franciscan, John Unterberger from Upper Austria, the former Comboni missionary Korabza Kidane from Ethiopia, the Croatian-born Capuchin, Miro Matekic from Salzburg, and Carinthian Premonstratensian, Maximilian Stefan Thaler of Wilten near Innsbruck.

In 2012, Bishop Scheuer ordained five new priests, two of them for the Diocese of Innsbruck, the East Tyrolean Ferdinand Pittl and the Upper Silesian, Gabriel Thomalla from the Diocese of Opole who is completing his doctoral studies in Innsbruck. The other three new priests are the Tyrolean Premonstratensian, Adrian Gstrein of Wilten, the Tyrolean Jesuit Hans Brandl and the Indian, Julius Desouza, who was ordained for the Diocese of Basel.

2011, the Bishop scoured up only one new priest, the Tyrolean, Bernard Kopp, however, for this diocese.

2010, no ordination

2009, no ordination

2008,Bishop Manfred Scheuer consecrated two deacons and priests, including one for the diocese, the Tyrolean John Laichner. The second was a new priest of Tyrol, Premonstratensians, Jörg Schlechl for Wilten.

2007, Bishop Scheuer, two new priests, both Tyrolean and both for the Diocese of Innsbruck: Hans Jörg Pfurtscheller Sailer and Willi.

The deceased in January Innsbruck's 92 year old, Bishop Reinhold Stecher already desired during his tenure from 1980 to 1997, to resolve the problem of the shortage of priests by the abolition of celibacy and the admission of married men. He volunteered this point of view after his retirement. Most recently in 2011 he expressed sympathy for the rebels' call for disobedience by the priest who was the former Vicar General of Vienna Helmut Schüller, in which women priests were demanded. Stecher weight in for ORF and Tiroler Tageszeitung on his 90th Interviewed birthday, saying there "would be no objection" against a woman consecration in a "purely biblical-dogmatic".

Perhaps Bishop Stecher was himself the reason for the shortage of priests.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Wikicommons Link to katholisches...

Cardinal Burke: Catechism of Pius X is Also Today a Sure and Indispensible Reference Point

"St. Pius X saw with clarity how religious ignorance not only leads individual lives, but also to the decay of society and a lack of balanced thinking in the most serious problems," said Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura at event surrounding the Catechism of St. Pius X 100 years after its publication, by the Kulturkreis of John Henry Newman on the 24th of May.  It was organized in Seregno.
In his "extraordinary and brilliant lectio" says Catholic writer Cristina Siccardi,  Cardinal Burke maintains of Saint Pius X (1835-1914) that "ignorance of Christian doctrine is recognized as the main cause of the decline of faith and therefore  sound catechesis is of paramount importance for the restoration of faith. It is not difficult to see how current the observations and conclusions of St. Pius X are. They are really recognizable in the motives that has led Pope Benedict XVI. to proclaim the year of the faith. "
The observations and conclusions of Pope Sarto were the result of his long and deep experience as a shepherd. He described the effects of lack of catechesis in the spiritual life of Christians with a very specific words and also the dangerous consequences for their salvation:
"In fact, the actions that the heart of the Christian people nowadays are very many who need to go live in complete ignorance of the salvation of knowing, and this is generally not unjustified. We understand Christian people not only the quantity or the members of the lower class, the ignorance of this can often be somewhat excused by the fact that the strict and obedient service to their masters can be left them no time for themselves. Also in the circles where it is not lacking in spirit and form, so here most of all, providing you with ample Although secular science, but lives very measured and kenntnislos in religious terms there. "(Encyclical Acerbo nimis of Pius X)
Cardinal Burke recalled  Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman (1801-1890) in this context, who in his autobiographical masterpiece Apologia pro Vita Sua , in a discussion about the true teachings of the Catholic Church, took up the Eighth Commandment, specifically, mainly on the question of whether it is morally allowed to say the wrong thing:

"And now, if Protestants wish to know what our real teaching is, as on other subjects, as did one of lying, let them look, not at our books of casuistry, but at our catechisms. Works on pathology do not give the best insight into the form and the harmony of the human frame, and, as it is with the body, so is it with the least The Catechism of the Council of Trent that drawn up for the express purpose of providing preachers with subjects for their Sermons, and, as my whole work has been a defense of myself, I may say here I did rarely preach a sermon, but that I would go to this beautiful and complete Catechism to get both my matter and my doctrine. "((Since my German edition of the Apologia pro Vita Sua just is not available, the original quotation from Cardinal Newman's book, as it was presented by Cardinal Burke.))

 The core message of the talk by Cardinal Burke was to emphasize the practical importance of the Catechism published in 1912, which is not merely a religious artifact, which now belongs to the past. The Catechism of St. Pius X, the cardinal said, was a safe and indispensable reference point today. 

Text: CR / Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred

Link to katholisches...

Monday, June 17, 2013

Lutheran Church: "Homosexuality is Part of Creation"

Edit: despite the fact that there are quite a few German Catholic Bishops pushing for  the legalization of aberrosexual marriage, it's going to be very difficult to justify the upcoming ecumenical celebrations celebrating the Protestant Revolt. Here's the translation from Junge Freiheit:

[Darmstadt] The Synod of the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN) has largely assimilated the blessing of homosexual couples with the traditional marriage of a man and woman. As the EKHN announced on Saturday, the Synod decided to upgrade the blessing of same-sex partnerships.

The intention of the Church Parliament for such blessings are to be certified in the future church records. It will also consider whether the ceremony can also be called a marriage.

"Homosexuality can be seen as part of creation"

Delivered up by a large majority in the regulations of the Synod, it is described by Hessian Broadcasting, among other things: "Today, it is assumed that the same-sex orientation belongs to the natural conditions of life. Homosexuality can be seen as part of creation. "

Church President Volker Jung praised the decision of the Synod for the blessing: "Here the current practice of the blessings of registered partnerships which is consistently integrated into the portion of the ceremony," he said. The Protestant understanding are both acts of blessing and not [yet] sacraments. (Krk)

Link to Junge Freiheit [One of Germany's conservative political weeklies.]...

Sinn Féin Really is Pro-Abortion

Edit: taking notes from Nancy Pelosi, Irish Pro-Death Party Member, Mary Lou McDonald addresses Ireland's Bishops with what seems to be even greater hauteur than the average CINO politician in the United States.

[Irish Central] Sinn Féin deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald, speaking in Cork on Friday, said the hierarchy of any religion is entitled to its views on the matter of abortion. “But I think people also need to understand, and the Catholic hierarchy need to understand, that the Dáil and the elected institutions of this State are there to serve all of the people,” she said, according to the Irish Examiner. “It would be wholly inappropriate for public policy to be bound or directed by any particular religious ethos or belief. You can’t have that in a republic.

Memoriam: Soviet Troops Crush Berlin Uprising

Edit: this day in history, from the History Channel, which is usually inaccurate, but it is easier than to translate an article at this point.  After the death of Stalin, there was a brief period of time known as the "thaw" when, typical of oriental despotisms throughout history, the death of the tyrant brought about uprisings of their oppressed subjects throughout their far flung empires. 1953 was an opportunity for many Germans. Down with the Soviets!

[History] The Soviet Union orders an entire armored division of its troops into East Berlin to crush a rebellion by East German workers and antigovernment protesters. The Soviet assault set a precedent for later interventions into Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968.

The riots in East Berlin began among construction workers, who took to the streets on June 16, 1953, to protest an increase in work schedules by the communist government of East Germany. By the next day, the crowd of disgruntled workers and other antigovernment dissidents had grown to between 30,000 and 50,000. Leaders of the protest issued a call for a general strike, the resignation of the communist East German government, and free elections. Soviet forces struck quickly and without warning. Troops, supported by tanks and other armored vehicles, crashed through the crowd of protesters. Some protesters tried to fight back, but most fled before the onslaught. Red Cross officials in West Berlin (where many of the wounded protesters fled) estimated the death toll at between 15 and 20, and the number of wounded at more than 100. The Soviet military commanders declared martial law, and by the evening of June 17, the protests had been shattered and relative calm was restored.

In Washington, President Dwight D. Eisenhower declared that the brutal Soviet action contradicted Russian propaganda that the people of East Germany were happy with their communist government. He noted that the smashing of the protests was "a good lesson on the meaning of communism." America's propaganda outlet in Europe, the Voice of America radio station, claimed, "The workers of East Berlin have already written a glorious page in postwar history. They have once and for all times exposed the fraudulent nature of communist regimes." These criticisms had little effect on the Soviet control of East Germany, which remained a communist stronghold until the government fell in 1989.

Link to History...Link to image German....

Croatia: 750,000 Signatures Against "Homosexual Partnerships" -- With National Referendum Against Government Proposal

(Zagreb) The Citizens Committee On behalf of the family has gathered in Croatia nearly 750,000 signatures against the legalization of "gay marriage". The signatures were presented to President Josip Leko in the the Croatian Parliament on Friday in Zagreb, such as CBA reported. The committee wants to enshrine marriage as a community of life between a man and a woman in the Constitution, as is already the case in the constitutions of Hungary and Poland. A nationwide referendum is sought.

The Citizens Committee On Behalf of the Family wants to prevent the announcement of the left-led government introduction of same-sex registered partnerships. For a binding referendum about 400,000 signatures of citizens eligible to vote is needed. The Citizens Committee for the Protection of Marriage and the Family was able to collect almost twice that number of signatures.

Representatives of the Communist Party which is now called the SDP,to which belong both the Prime Minister Milanovic and Parliament Speaker Leko, appeared anxious. SDP representatives expressed "doubts" whether a referendum on this issue was ever allowed. In 2012 the limited privileges afforded to aberrosexuals by a Left parliamentary majority, were rejected by a referendum of the Slovene people. The Citizens Committee On Behalf of the Family in Croatia, which has been governed since 2011 by a Left-dominated coalition, has the same aims.

The 1527-1918 Austrian Croatia which was part of Austria from 1527-1918, became a full member state of the European Union on the 1st of July as 28th full member.

picture: Citizens Committee on Behalf of the Family

Link to katholisches...

Compare this level of resistance to an alien agenda to the way it passed in Minnesota.  Stella Borealis points out that the efforts of a popular referendum against were outspend by 2:1.  He writes:

Autumn Leva of Minnesota for Marriage said her group raised $200,000, and had three registered lobbyists compared to 14 on the side advocating same-sex marriage. Minnesotans United For All Families, the group that supported same-sex marriage, has previously said it spent more than $2 million in a successful lobbying campaign that featured phone banks, television commercials and personal appeals to lawmakers.

Just some thoughts. The Archdiocese spent money and probably some/all of the other five dioceses spent money, too.

The National Organization for Marriage in California also spent money. And some of the Proposition 8 staffers in California were made available (by phone?) to Minnesota For Marriage.

And when MN Unived say they spent "more than $2 million", I would like to know HOW MUCH MORE than $2 million. And from whom did they get it?

More from MPR

In 50 years, huge strides for gay-rights movement 
June 9, 2013 

County officials to discuss wording on marriage applications 
June 9, 2013 

Counties tally marriage license requests on first day same-sex couples can apply 
June 6, 2013 

Photos: Minn. same-sex couples line up for marriage licenses 
June 6, 2013 

Same sex marriage: Basics on the new law 
May 17, 2013

Diocesan Seminarian Ordained in the Old Rite -- Mission to Muslims -- Sacra Liturgia Event

(Toulon) Last Tuesday Bishop Dominique Rey, the Bishop of Frejus-Toulon, consecrated a seminarian of the diocese in the old rite as deacon. The remarkable thing is that it does not concern the members of Ecclesia Dei community, but a diocesan seminarian. The Bishop of Frejus-Toulon treats the two forms of the Roman Rite, as Pope Benedict XVI had recognized, as equals.

The diaconate was held in the traditional Benedictine Abbey of Notre Dame de Fontgombault where the new deacon was trained liturgically under the direction of Dom Jean Pateau. In his homily, Bishop Rey stressed the connection between the diaconate and the Eucharistic Sacrifice. This is the fourth diocesan seminarian who has been brouight by the Bishop of Frejus-Toulon in this way to the priesthood.

In 2011, Bishop Rey caused a stir as he consecrated one of his deacons to the priesthood in the Old Rite. The Instruction, Universae Ecclesiae on the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, states that ordinations in the ordinary form of the Roman Rite should be made. Only the Ecclesia Dei communities and other communities with explicit permission to celebrate the traditional rite are exempt. However, Rome recognized the example of the Diocese of Frejus-Toulon immediately with an indult was granted without further notice.

Bishop Rey is the initiator of the International Liturgical Conference, Sacra Liturgia, which will be held from the 25th to 28th of June in Rome. In the diocese there are also the Missionaries of Divine Mercy of Father Fabrice Loiseau, an Old Ritual Community of Diocesan Right, which was canonically erected in the diocese of Frejus-Toulon in 2005 and is under the authority of Bishop Rey. The triple apostolate of the community is: promoting the worship of the Divine Mercy of St. Faustina Kowalska, Eucharistic adoration and the evangelization of Muslims. The latter has shown itself as an apostolate community at the forefront of new Catholic communities that respond to the specific challenges of their time. [View with PicLens]

Link to Katholisches... Contact Tancred:


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Pope to French Parliamentarians --- Act on "Gay Marriage... Override it again"

(Rome) Pope Francis has urged the French parliamentarians he received, by quite frankly telling them to "override" the already adopted law legalizing "gay marriage" again. Laws must be overridden if they are not "possessed of the necessary quality that elevates and ennobles man", said the head of the Catholic Church. The Pope was referring to the law on "gay marriage," the law of adoption for gays, abortion and euthanasia. [Aka Taubira's Law]

He reminded the MEPs that they must engage in legislation "not only the ideas and fashions of the moment". The Catholic Church is willing "to contribute to basic questions that allow a more complete picture of man and his destiny." The Pope addressed the members of a large Vatican friendship group of Parisian deputies, as he received them on Saturday at the Vatican.

The meeting with the deputies had been expected with anticipation because of the simmering for months in France dispute over the "gay marriage", which was recently legalized by the Socialist majority in the French Senate and the National Assembly. Without explicitly interfering in domestic issues, the Pope gave his rejection of "gay marriage" to recognize adoption rights for gays, abortion and euthanasia clearly.

The pontiff stressed the principle of secularity of the French state could "mean no hostility towards religion, and not their exclusion from social life and the debates held there." The Pope showed himself pleased, addressing the mass rallies Manif Pour Tous, without naming them by name, "about the fact that the community of the French has rediscovered a certain image of man and his dignity" representing the will "of the Church and others".

Millions of people have since the fall of 2012, protested with the participation of many church groups in Paris, and many other cities to protest against the introduction of "gay marriage".

A note in its own right, [from Mr. Giuseppe Nardi to his German readers]. We apologize for the initially muted coverage of the statements of the Pope to the deputies. It was based on the report of the German editors of Radio Vatican, where the content and scope Pope words were either not understood or was deliberately trying to downplay this possible.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: L'Osservatore Romano Link to katholisches... Editor's note: let's face it, Radio Vatican's coverage usually leaves a lot to be desired and a lot of it never makes it into English.

Pope Appoints Archbishop Ricca to Prelate of Vatican Bank

Pope appoints "household head" of Sanctae Marthae to Prelate of the Vatican Bank

(Vatican) Pope Francis has appointed effective immediately, the Vatican diplomat Archbishop Mario Battista Salvatore Ricca (born 1956), on an interim basis, as the new Prelate of the Istituto per le Opere di Religione, or the Vatican bank IOR. The Italian Ricca is currently in a sense the chief house of Pope Francis as director of the Vatican guesthouse Domus Sanctae Marthae , where the Pope lives since his election. Monsignor Ricca also among the houses Domus Internationalis Paul VI , Domus Romana Sacerdotalis and the Casa San Benedetto , as Vatican Radio reported.

The predecessor in office of the Prelate of the Vatican Bank from 2006 to 2010 was the Vatican diplomat Archbishop Piero Pioppo. Monsignor Pioppo, now Titular Archbishop, has since been Apostolic Nuncio to Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea.

Link to katholisches...

Modernist Monk Inflamed About His Clique Being Called out by Cincinnati Vocations Director

What a Wonderful Day for an Auto de Fe
Edit: flamers gonna flame...   Father Anthony Ruff is having a clerical tizzy meltdown over a spade being called a spade at his Pray, Tell blog.   He complains about a priest who is the Vocations Director for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Father Martin Fox, who writes in Bonfire of the Vanities about a gathering of dissident Warlock Priests in Oregon, the Association of Catholic [sic] Priests.

What this is is a case of a "Catholic" priest complaining about a Catholic point of view described by the  good Vocations Director, and of course, the unstated and growing paranoia on the part of Father Ruff, that his cohorts of Liberalism and relativism are thinning and dying away.

 Father Ruff himself is an Old Liberal dissident of dubious orthodoxy who works at the Modernist Monastery, a hotbed of Old Liberal dissent and Gomorrist syncretism, if not manifest heresy, who has recently taken another priest to task for his tone.   Father Ruff can disparage the hierarchy, but when various organizations associated with the aging lavender clerocracy in the United States are justifiably attacked, he's beside himself and wants something to be done about the Vocations Director of the Cincinnati Archdiocese.

No one held Ruff responsible for attacking Pope Benedict's agenda for the translation of the New Mass that we know of, and no one holds Ruff or his superiors responsible for undermining the Catholic Faith, either.  So why should Father Fox be held responsible for doing what is right and doing nothing other than stating an obvious truth that this post-Vatican II crew is dying out?

Here's a sample of Ruff's simpering:

Fr. Martin Fox, writing in his personal blog, Bonfire of the Vanities, has issued a broadside against the Association of Catholic Priests and their upcoming meeting in Seattle, calling it the “Sad-funny-ironic swan-song of the ‘Spirit of Vatican 2′ crowd.”

Calling their agenda “pointless,” his dismissive remarks about the group, which has 950 members, highlight not only the generational differences between age cohorts in the American Catholic priesthood, but also the increasingly acerbic and derogatory tone that younger priests feel free to take in public when speaking about their elder brothers.[Ruff misrepresents Fox on several occasions throughout this blog entry and in the subsequent hilarity of the ensuing comments. That's not particularly brotherly.]

In fact, it would be hard to tell from Fr. Fox’s remarks that he regards older priests as brothers at all, much less valued older colleagues in ministry. They are described more as if they are either enemies or a pathetic nuisance to be gotten out of the way. Younger priests such as Fr. Fox, confident that they hold the whip hand, now seem ready to snap it — on other priests.

Continue reading at Pray, Tell...

One positive thing with this is that it shows that higher ranking clergy, including Bishops, are finally calling out the bad fruit.  If there is a gap in the "former bastion of priestly solidarity" it's only because there are too many priests who are disobedient, heterodox and frankly evil, promoting pernicious doctrines under the guise of the Catholic Church, with relative impunity I might add.