Monday, May 27, 2013

Voting Till You Get the Right Result -- Schönborn's Unacceptable Comparison

(London) Vatican Radio reports: "The Anglican Church has announced plans to test the recognition of the Episcopal ordination of women again." In other words, in the Anglican "Church of England" the motto is "democracy instead of truth" voted on as long as needed until the result desired by progressive circles results.

Vienna Archbishop Christoph Cardinal Schönborn said in mid-May, in a speech at London's Royal Albert Hall for an Anglican organized Ecumenical Leadership Conference of a "peculiar similarity" between the election of Pope Francis and the choice of Justin Welby as the Archbishop of Canterbury and thus the Primate of the Anglican Communion. He described the "similarity" even as "a small miracle" and as a "sign of the Lord" .

The comparison of the Conclave with the election of the president of the Anglican Communion by the Austrian Cardinal seems more "strange". Observers of the development of the "Church of England" and the Anglican Communion speak of hard battles as a direction was found for a sufficient majority for a candidate. The majority determined, and wanted a new "Primate", which is precisely a moderate progressive. No conservative, but not a candidate who accepts homosexuals as bishops. At least not now.

The current goal in ascendent liberal circles is namely the enforcement of women bishops. Welby meets all the criteria of what is currently considered moderately progressive in the "Church of England": He explicitly rejects homosexual bishops, but spoke even before his election explicitly for the admission of women to the episcopate.

Welby's choice was the result of calculated, painstaking negotiations, of tactics, the massive lobbying majority of majority shoppers, of compromise and lengthy inventions by democratic majority, i.e., human rules. The Holy Spirit can hardly recognize it.

The Archbishop of Vienna's statement on the election of Welby and equating it with the election of Pope Francis is all the more incomprehensible because his statements on the simultaneous connection with the Conclave, relatives the work of the Holy Spirit in the Sistine Chapel.

Text: Martha Weinzl Image: RV Trans: Tancred

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Catholic Parish in Vienna Invites You to Interreligious Dialogue - an Islamist Dictates Who Can Speak: Catholics Uninvited

Edit: so much that's wrong with cultural life in the West is contained in this story.

(Vienna) During the event, "Long Night of Churches" the Archdiocese of Vienna invited a panel discussion, "dialogue and coexistence of different cultures and religions - a real possibility or illusion," in the Catholic Church in Danube City of Vienna. The Catholic parish had invited four speakers: Islamist Iman Tarafa Baghajati of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Protestant Superintendent, Thomas Henne Field, the Buddhist Marina Gong Myo Jahn and the only Catholic speaker, the Secretary of the Vienna Akademikerbund, Christian Zeitz. Against the participation of Zeitz, a man of clear words, who is known for his criticism of Islam, the Islamist Baghajati, protested and threatened to boycott the event, should the invitation for Zeitz be upheld. The Protestant Superintendent joined willingly to the Islamist protest. The Catholic parish caved. Seitz was uninvited. What the Islamist and in his wake, the Protestant Superintendent, mean by "dialogue and coexistence," they vividly demonstrated with their boycott threat, which was tantamount to exclusion and a muzzle.

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Sunday, May 26, 2013

New Liturgical Movement --- Worthy Celebration of the Novus Ordo Opens the Way to the Old Mass

(Rome) Some thoughts from Cordialiter to return to the traditional form of Roman Rite, the prerequisites and the relationship between a dignified celebration of the Novus Ordo and this return.

Some years ago the traditional Abbé Claude Barthe was connected militant association Paix Liturgique for an interview. In it he said that the traditional Mass can not hope to return on a broad basis without a favorable climate in ordinary parishes. In this sense, he expressed the hope that the rite of Paul VI. will be celebrated as traditionally as possible and in accordance with the guidelines of the Second Vatican Council (ad Deum, kneeling Communion, Roman canon, Gregorian chant, etc.), thereby creating that friendly environment for the transition to the Tridentine rite.

I agree with Abbe Barthe, because experience shows that many of those who are in the past have focused around a worthy celebration of the Missal of Paul VI, have taken the step to the Roman Rite through the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum to the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite or are going to see it through. We think only of those like Don Alfredo Morselli, Don Nicola Bux, Father Stefano Manelli and many others. If all priests were celebrating the new Mass in its expected traditional sense, the Tridentine Mass would be today again the "ordinary" form of the Roman rite.

Moreover, it is, without a miracle, probably unthinkable that a priest who is used to torment the Sacred Liturgy by various abuses and disrespect, would suddenly decide to move to the traditional Mass.

Translation: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Una Fides Translation: Tancred ADMG

French Police Threaten Anti-Gomorrah Protestors in France

Edit: thousands of police to manage thousands of protesters? Once again the press underscores France's disgust with this degrading situation. The police also threaten the protesters children, encouraging the protesters to keep them home. We can't guarantee your safety...

[Yahoo] Tens of thousands marched through Paris on Sunday to protest a new gay marriage law, with police on high alert amid warnings hardliners could infiltrate the demonstration and cause trouble.

One of President Francois Hollande's campaign pledges, the bill allowing same-sex marriage and adoption was voted into law on May 18 following months of protests across a country that has been bitterly divided over the issue.

"Yes to human dignity", one banner read as protesters blowing whistles and horns marched. One man dressed in black, holding a scythe and wearing a mask of Hollande stood behind a coffin in which lay a mannequin dressed as Marianne, the emblem of France.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

In 2013 Pope Francis Can Fill 20 Newly Vacant Church Provinces and Name 12 Cardinals

(Vatican) Pope Francis  has today accepted the resignation put forward on grounds of age resignation of Cardinal Julio Terrazas Sandoval CSsR as Archbishop of Santa Cruz de la Sierra. The Cardinal of the Redemptorist order is already the third cardinal and Conclave participant.  The Pope has accepted his resignation in the two months of his deadline. The new Pope has shown little willingness to extend the terms of office beyond the intended minimum set in canon law.
Only a week ago, on 18 May the Pope accepted the resignation of Cardinal José da Cruz Policarpo as Patriarch of Lisbon.  On April 5th Pope Francis had accepted the request of Cardinal Audrys Backis as the Archbishop of Vilnius. All three Cardinals are in the 77th or 78th year of their lives. Pope Benedict XVI. had granted them an extension of the term of office. At least the resignation of Backis and Policarpo was "no loss" for the church, as the Church Historian Francisco de la Cigoña remarked.
Church law provides that diocesan bishops and members of the Roman Curia must offer their resignations at the age of 75 Years of age to the Pope. It  doesn't operate as an age limit. The scheme will offer the opportunity to the Pope to decide on officials theoretically appointed for life, without notice. If the Pope does not act on the request, the request must be renewed in the interval of two years.
While Pope Benedict XVI. tended to extend the terms of office, especially when they were archbishops and even more if they were cardinals, Pope Francis is seeming to follow a different line. The three Cardinals  will continue until the age of 80 years to be of an age eligible to vote in a conclave. When retired, they are no longer in active employment as Cardinals, however they are so de facto excluded from among the papabili.
On the 25th of December, Cardinal Joachim Meisner, archbishop of Cologne is 80, Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone on the 2nd of December had his  79th,  the Vietnamese Cardinal Pham Minh Man was born in 1934. Since his birth is not known, the 31st of December applies as the date.
In total there are 18 cardinals who could have their resignations accepted by the Pope at any time, including with Cardinal Meisner and Cardinal Lehmann, who are also Germans. So the Pope has the opportunity to fill aout 20 new leading ecclesiastical provinces and make important decisions in the Roman Curia.
By the end of the year there will be 12 places  free to reach the number of  voters for Pope at 120  limited by Pope Paul VI.. It is therefore believed that Pope Francis probably could convene his first extraordinary consistory in autumn, to create new cardinals.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Blog Papa Ratzinger
Translation: Tancred

Is it an Exorcism or Not? Video of Pope Francis.

Exorzismus durch Papst Franziskus oder nicht

(Rome) For several days, the  media and people, believers and unbelievers,  have been preoccupied with a prayer as Pope Francis spoke to a man in a wheelchair. If it was an exorcism? Or not? This page can not resolve the issue, but so far it makes available unreleased video footage. Father Juan Rivas, a Legionary of Christ, who accompanied the patient was - after the matter - reached by the media - on June 9th is likely to hold a Los Angeles press conference about the incident, to create clarity.
The news of exorcism came from SAT2000, the television station of the Italian Bishops' Conference. The station therefore dubs its broadcast, Vade retro, which deals with the devil, demonic possession and the phenomenon of the occult in the broadest sense of the word.

Father Lombardi's quick disclaimer: fear of media because exorcism is a scandal?

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi denied it. It was not the intention of the pope was to perform some exorcism, but only to pray for suffering people. Shortly afterwards, the chief editor of SAT2000, Dino Boffo had to back down and apologize for the premature headline of an alleged exorcism.
On the one hand, the media rushed to the exorcism story, at the same time they also attacked the Catholic broadcaster after Lombardi's sharp denial, just as if they would have had to defend the pope against the incomprehensible assertion that he could have prayed for an exorcism. In the journalists jargon it sounds, using the example of Business Radio24: "Pope Francis accused of exorcism, but Lombardi denied". The Exorcism as a scandal.

Exorcist Gabriele Amorth: "It was an exorcism" - 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI.

Another view is the doyen of Italian exorcists, Gabriele Amorth, who declared that the Pope had "really performed an exorcism" . He himself, Amorth, knows the man and has personally performed an exorcism on him. The man was possessed by four demons.
Monsignor Attilio Cavalli, the exorcist of the Diocese of Rome said: "In all probability, the Pope spoke a healing or deliverance prayer of the man who is to emphasize - or not exorcism exorcism - the importance of prayer. The prayer is generally an act of praise and a plea for help, but in some cases also a form of exorcism: all I know what to think, but even a simple Our Father contains an exorcism. "
Amorth reported at an earlier time by another episode that concerned Pope Benedict XVI.. In May 2009, two possessed persons were brought by Amorth  to the general audience of the Pope in St. Peter's Square. When Benedict XVI. this sector of the square of the distance and approached the people blessed, became beside themselves ( reported ). Even then, when the incident was reported by media in 2010,  Vatican spokesman Lombardi denied it. The message that the Pope had performed an exorcism was unfounded, because the Pope was not informed about the presence of these men.
In both cases, Father Lombardi tried to minimize any resemblance of each to a form of exorcism. The reason might be some concern about the media wolves who lie in wait, to put the church under an indictment of an alleged "Dark Ages".

Full video - "Church works closely with doctors and psychiatrists"

The Church would do well to avoid any sensationalism. The rite of exorcism is powerful, because it banishes the devil and demons. But it is not suitable for the television cameras. This specific case proves it.  Finally, the subject has a right to protect his privacy. The object belongs to the public, but not the specific individual case, so we apologize for the publication of original videos from the party concerned. It seems to us in this particular case, since the matter is already in all media, only necessary.
The Bishop of Padua, Antonio Mattiazzo declared on a current occasion, that the Church works closely on issues of actual or perceived obsession with doctors and psychiatrists. Only when all natural explanations can be ruled out, does the exorcist make an appearance. "It is often the responsibility conscientious psychiatrists themselves who send their patients to the priests. It's important that we don't see the devil everywhere. "

Father Juan Rivas LC: Press conference for 9 Announced in June in Los Angeles

Facebookseite von Pater Juan RivasIt is considered a masterpiece of the devil to make people believe he does not exist. Equally worrying was the impression that he would come into appearance only in the form of visible spectators causing obsession. Also would like a marginalization, thereby trivializing, since the average person could not feel affected by it.
Father Juan Rivas, a Legionary of Christ, is the priest who accompanied the man in the wheelchair. On his Facebook page, he confirmed that it was a man possessed, conveyed by how he responded to the Pope, as seen on the video. What the Pope had prayed, he did not know. But surely there had been a prayer of liberation.[!]

Libera nos a malo - Exorcism is our father prayed with each

And this is probably the decisive point. If you understand only an exorcism only as a great exorcism, then it is clear that it has as little with what Pope Francis performed, as in 2009, with Pope Benedict XVI.. However, the Our Father also has an exorcism  included when it is in the final verse: sed libera nos a malo. In English, it is rendered as "deliver us from evil." It is about the dimension of evil which is personified like the good. A dimension that is at least become the rational European thought away, so the ideas of what is evil, as well as what an exorcism is, are blurred and unclear and often rejected as "medieval superstition".
It's not the prayer of liberation by the Pope which is quite surprising, even though the media is grabbing at it, but our rational distance, which has displaced the phenomenon of evil, as if by these means you can get rid of it. Second, the so astonishingly quick distancing by the Vatican spokesperson, and then perforce, also some Catholic media.

Exorcism, liberation and healing prayer - What is horrifying to imagine, that priests fully exercise their special service?

What is frightening at the idea that a priest, in this case even the Pope as supreme priest, that his special priestly ministry exercised in full? The Pope has laid hands on  a sufferer and prayed for him.  A completely normal and at the same time powerful process in the Church. No reason really to try the press room of the Vatican and the Editors of Catholic media for official denials.
The dimension of evil is real, and the church has the more powerful means of grace, however.
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Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Screenshot / Video CTV

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Immemorial Mass of All Ages in Notre Dame Cathedral and Canterbury

Pilgrimage of Tradition to Notre Dame -- Plenary Indulgence in the "Year of Faith" 

(Paris) 2013 is not just still the Year of Faith called by Pope Benedict XVI. In the Archdiocese of Paris, the 850th anniversary of the consecration of the Cathedral of Notre Dame.  That powerful gothic Cathedral, which in the past days has been desecrated by the suicide of  conservative historian, Dominique Venner and a subsequent grotesquely staged and paid entrance of the political agitators Femen.

On May 29th in connection with the Year of Faith and the 850th Anniversary of the Cathedral's consecration, a pilgrimage of tradition will also take place.  Around 7pm the pilgrimage will depart from the parish church of St. Eugene-St. Cecile in Paris.  The parish is 'birutual'.  It celebrates on Sunday and work days in the ordinary as well as the extraordinary form of the Mass in the Roman Rite.

The pilgrimage will lead through the old city to Notre Dame.  In the Cathedral at 8:15 the Immemorial Mass of All Ages will be celebrated.  The participants have the possibility under the usual qualifications, to receive a plenary indulgence for living and death, as granted by Pope Benedict XVI..

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Facebook Messe tradionelle a Notre-Dame de Paris
Translation: Tancred

Ed: in addition to this historical event, it would be remiss of us not to mention another historic event, the first Immemorial Mass said in Canterbury Cathedral as it was reported by the Remnant in the following video.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Priest Excommunicated for Membership In Masonic Lodge -- Church Infiltrated by Freemasons

(Paris) Freemasons in the Catholic Church have something in common with  El Diabolos: They both want to make you believe that he does not exist. The Vatican has now asked the Bishop of Annecy, Monsignor Yves Boivineau, to suspend the pastor  of Sainte Anne d'Arly-Montjoie of Megeve from his office. This is due to his membership in the Grand Orient of France. Abbè Pascal Vesin, 43 years old, was ordained a priest in 1996. He was initiated into a Masonic lodge and joined the Grand Orient, the largest Masonic order in France, such as Riposte Catholique reported in 2001. Ever since Abbé Vesin had tied on the apron of the  lodge, the lodge was his real home. Since then he has infiltrated the Catholic Church with Masonic ideas.
Rome's mills grind slowly, but they grind. In 2010, the Bishop of Annecy, this is the See of St. Francis de Sales, was informed of the lodge membership of this priest. The bishop asked and the priest denied. After 2011, it was evident he belonged to the lodge, the bishop then asked him to leave the Freemasonry, to exclusively to fulfill his priestly order. "Brother" Vesin relied on an "absolute freedom of conscience" and insisted that he can belong to both the Catholic Church and Freemasonry. [Familiar, isn't it?]
His benevolent bishop was prepared to continued to dialogue, so that the priest would reconsider its position. From the beginning, the aproned minister was informed about the planned ecclesiastical punishment. Since Vesin still clung to his lodge work, the Congregation made a decision in March. The bishop asked the Apostolic Nuncio as to the time necessary to inform his Priests. Three members of the Council were assigned the task to meet her "brother" Vesin. He still refused to leave the lodge.
Today, the Vicar-General met with the parish council of Megeve and explained these sanctions and made arrangements that the faithful will be informed at the Sunday Masses.
In the official press release of the Diocese, it was stated that "the penalty could be waived" if the priest  "unequivocally expressed his will to return to the Church."
Abbé, aka Brother Vesin, had represented progressivist positions as a priest in Megeve. He called for the abolition of celibacy, defended the secularization of state and society, artificial contraception and the introduction of "gay marriage". In January 2013, he publicly condemned people who were against the Taubira  bill, with which the socialist government was about to introduce the "gay marriage".
On Monday, the Diocese of Annecy has called a press conference on the Vesin case. Since yesterday, the former priest has been excommunicated. It is forbidden for him to receive the sacraments.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Riposte Catholique

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Jewish Serial Murderer Delivers "Justice" as the Austrian Media Cheers

Working Class Son of Vienna is proud to have been a participant
in murders, of people identified as NS-criminals by Communist Partisans
The Television Film "Killing Nazis" Glorifies the Liquidation of alleged "NS-Hoods" by "Jewish Brigades" After the End of the Second World War.

Leftist Prole from Vienna Working Class Neighborhood Ottakring

"Inglorious Basterd" is how broadcaster "3sat" described the multiple, extrajudicial murderer, Zionist Alfred Müller,  drawing from the Quentin Tarantino film.

Alfred Müller was born in 1921, after a break in school in 1935, began his study as a locksmith. By his own admission, he was "kicked out" on the day of the invasion of German troops in Austria. Maybe because he was of Jewish descent, perhaps because absentee students are done little good by school.

His father was an active Socialist party member and active in the Schutzbund, the political wing of Austria's Socialists. In February 1934, the Schutzbund tried in vain to launch a coup in Austria.

Like many Jews he was "never interested" in religion. His Jewish parents would not survive the time of the National Socialists.

At 17 years old, he leaves his parents remaining in Austria in March 1939, and moved to Palestine with the Zionist youth, where he settled on Kibbutz Kfar Menachem (a kind of collective farm Communist model), and was called, Chaim Miller.

"Jewish Brigade Group" sings songs SA

The British recruited around 40 Jews for acts of sabotage behind the German front lines. Chaim Müller reported for the "Jewish Brigade Group," from 1944 it was part of the 8 British Army.

It was then that they were "'trained' as real Nazis, sang SA songs, which Chaim Müller still has mastered. He has kept to this day the swastika armband.

Right after the war ...

As the (apparently perennial) training was completed - the war was at an end. This only reinforced Miller's anti-fascist struggle. As the British used the heroic Zionist troops, it was not on German territory, but in the "Italian" Camporosso ("Campo Rosso") is stationed in Tarvisio, they decorated their trucks with the battle cry "Deutschland Kaputt! Kein Reich! Kein Führer! The Jews are coming!".

In a solemn flag-raising ceremony the "Twelve Commandments of the Hebrew soldiers on German soil" were read. It went: "do not smirch the honor and do not mix up with the Germans."

Broadcaster "3sat" continued: "Chaim Miller, he is now 24 years old and recognizes that his parents have probably not survived the Holocaust. He wants to do something. [...] So he chose members of the, German Detachment 'to take revenge together'. 'Because it can not be that easy to get away with.' The planned vigilantism is voluntary, 'But there was no one there, who did not want to join..' "

Communist partisans provide lists of names

The revenge troops received a list of 700 "named perpetrators" from the Communist Yugoslav partisans (currently the northern region of Slovenia) which at that time made of Lower Styria a slaughterhouse and a variety of mass graves (in 2009, 600 them were found) with an estimated 100,000 to 300,000 killed, alleged Nazi collaborators and anti-Communist (usually Catholic) class enemies, while here the 700 aforementioned in the south of Austria fell apparently to no consequence.

Specialty of the Communist Partisans: The "condemned" class enemies, were bound with wire, thrust into a mine shaft, while hand grenades were thrown in, then the access was closed with gravel and paved over (see: A Gruesome Discovery in Mine )

Zionist war crimes - The Secret Action "Nakam" (revenge)

In the following weeks, the revenge Zionists go in threes, disguised as a British military policeman, nightly in Austria to "visit" the people who were named by the partisans.

"We have invited them as British soldiers for interrogation," said Chaim Müller. As soon as the men climbed into the truck, they were tied up and covered, returned to Italy across the border. There they are 'held' out in the woods near Malborghetto where the Jewish soldiers were stationed.

"We had no witnesses ..."

An "ordinary" Jewish war criminal court requires only a truncated investigation: "We had no proper tools, we only knew what we were told. But in most cases the perpetrators did not deny"- just perfect persuasion.

Who Sees the Difference to the Concentration Camp Thugs?

After the interrogation, the vigilantes take the "condemned" out of the hut where they dig their own graves. "If it was deep enough, I said, stand up in there ', then I pulled the gun, the shot falls and he lays down, then we cover him and go back."

"We Only Regret That We Didn't Do More."

How many National Socialists were murdered in this way has not yet been explored. "We only regret that we have not done more. But we were just too limited in our actions", reports the proud Jewish serial killer.

And what did he feel? "Well, that's it!"

Celebrated Serial Killer

While former concentration camp cooks are taken from old age homes and brought to justice, the self-described serial killer Alfred Müller aka, Chaim Miller, lives unmolested by the judiciary and boasts of his deeds.

In an ORF visit to the kibbutz south of Tel Aviv, Chaim Müller dons the Nazi swastika armband and sings the Horst Wessel song , which he also demonstrated for visiting magazine "Profil" in 2009.

Understanding [if not sympathy] for the murders was clearly explained by Jewish immigrant Doron Rabinovici in the pro-Jewish newspaper "Der Standard", "He sought immediate justice. [...] What Miller did was not revenge. " In 2009 Chaim Muller was guest of honor on a May 1st parade held Vienna, by the Austrian Socialist Party. In the context of "Letter to The Stars" he was brought to a number of Austrian schools to report of his "exploits".

  Link to

Another article about the slaughter of Germans in Yugoslavia by Tito's government after the war, which included also, Archbishop Zollitsch's own brother.


An Appeal to the Manif Pour Tous in France Against Aberromarriage

[Galliawatch] The Manif Pour Tous, on the occasion of the promulgating of the law known as "marriage for everyone", issued the following appeal to all Frenchmen concerned about the law and its consequences for France and for civiization:

This law consecrates the abolition of the fundamental principle of marriage between a man and a woman. It implies, through full adoption for everybody, that a child presumably can be born of two men or two women; it consecrates the law of gender despite the universal nature of feminine and masculine sexual identities. It is a major upheaval of civilization!

Note: "Gender" is a term imported to France from the United States. It refers to the fantasy that a baby is born "neutral" and is free to "choose" to be a man or a woman. This "gender theory" is now being taught in French schools.

We have not ceased, for many months, alerting Monsieur Hollande about what the stakes are. We are profoundly offended by the arrogance and the contempt displayed for months both by the president of the Republic and the ministers, the legislators and the CESE.

Read further and scroll down...

It's uncertain if these sorts of staged events win over anyone or discourage anyone, but this one certainly points to the demonic in our mind:

[Huffington Post] A topless activist of the FEMEN movement was arrested inside Notre Dame Cathedral Wednesday, one day after far-right essayist and historian Dominique Vesser committed suicide in the Paris landmark.

The bare-chested woman was photographed in front of the altar, pointing a fake gun at her mouth. The slogan "May Fascists Rest In Hell" was written across her torso.

FEMEN leader Inna Schevchenko commented to Le HuffPost that the protest was a message to "anyone who supports fascism and who honored the memory of the extreme-right militant who committed suicide at Notre Dame."

Huffington Post...

Cardinal Rouco Appoints Eight New Exorcists for Archdiocese of Madrid

(Madrid), Cardinal Antonio María Rouco Varela, Archbishop of Madrid, has appointed eight new exorcists for his diocese, which also includes Spain's capital. The decision "is a precedent for the whole of Spain", something it had not yet seen in history, said the Spanish Catholic website Religion y Libertad.

The appointment was linked to an increased demand in the archdiocese, but also with increased requests for help from other Diocese that have no exorcist. The number of victims of esoteric and occult ritual practices has grown significantly as a result of de-Christianization. The symptoms of "demonic contagion" were evident as RYL on the reasons for the decision of the archbishop. The eight exorcists already are in the introductory phases of training to prepare them for the new task. The coordination was transferred to Bishop Cesar Franco, one of the three auxiliary bishops of Madrid. The basis of education is the approved exorcism ritual Pope John Paul II in 1998. In addition, the future exorcists study also that of Pope Paul V of 1614 and especially that of Pope Pius XII of 1952, referred to by Don Gabriele Amorth as "much more efficient than the current" and that it, as the doyen of Exorcists says, "is still valid." The new ritual does not abrogate the the previous, and can be used after an appropriate application to the diocesan bishop and the Holy See, said Don Amorth.

Shortly after his appointment as Archbishop of Milan, Cardinal Angelo Scola, the former Patriarch of Venice, doubled the number of exorcists for his diocese from six to twelve.

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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

After "Aberromarriage" Polygamy Follows in the Netherlands

(The Hague), the first case of polygamy was officially recognized in Europe last Friday. Victor de Brujin (46) married civilly Bianca (31) and Mirjan (35) with a wedding ceremony that took place in front of the notary, who registered the tripartite relationship, the Brussels Journal reported. The terms "marriage", "marry", "civil marriage", "betrothal"  are (still) not in force of law, but in substance.
"I love both Bianca and Mirjam, so I  married both," explained the twice newlywed. Victor de Brujin was already married to Bianca. Two and a half years ago, he got to know  Miriam Geven also through the internet. Two months later, Miriam left her husband to move in to Victor - and on Bianca.
"A marriage between three persons is not possible in the Netherlands, but it is already a registered partnership," said Victor. Finally, a modern society is flexible and inventive, even between Groningen and Zeeland.
"We went to the notary, all in wedding clothes and have exchanged each other's rings," said Victor, which is of course not difficult to assert that it didn't mean "just a normal marriage" for him.
The Netherlands and Belgium are the first European states that  introduced "gay marriage" to complete legal equality, and thus opened the way for legal forms that are different from marriage between a man and a woman. Polygamy is a "logical" consequence, from which more will follow. At least when it comes to a relativistic society shaped like that of the Netherlands, in which less than half of the population belongs to a religious community and only 40 percent are recognized as Christians.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: La comunidad

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EU Plans Penalties For Parties Who Don’t Participate in “the Values of the EU"

Im Bild die dänische Regierungs-Chefin Helle Thorning-Schmidt
und Martin Schulz. (Foto: Europäisches Parlament)
Edit: anyone familiar with Europe’s incitement of racial hatred laws can’t possibly believe in such a thing as free speech for Europe any more, if it ever really existed.

[Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten] Die EU-Commission has taken up a proposal of the socialists in Europe’s Parliament.  According to this future parties, which “do not respect EU values”, will receive fines.  The group of Austrian Hannes Swoboda wants to prevent that “right radical or anti-foreigner” parties entering into parliament.

In the European Parliament there are at the present 13 member parties.  They represent in total 31 million Euro in party financing.  In the future should it be possible, the parliament will be able to exclude parties from this financing.

In Denmark the proposal is being rebuffed.  The current Europe Minister, Nicolai Wammen, has been asked of several parties, to only affirm this ruling, if it could be previously defined, what “values” it concretely holds.

As the Danish website reports, Lykke Friis, the speaker for Danish Liberals said, there must be objective criteria, in order to prevent that the ruling can be abused as a “vendetta” against opposing points of view.  The Green Nicholas Villumsen said:  “that would be the case, as the parliament would impose punishments against parties with false opinions. It is very concerning that the European Parliament Parties will be punished for their convictions.”

Wammen appeased the critics and said the rules will not be directed against parties, which only participate in national politics.  Otherwise it only relates to the “fundamental foundations of democracy, the due process and respect for minorities.”

Actually such a regulation is very dangerous.  It opens the floodgates of political pressure on conscience.  Because furthermore, what values mean, can mean very different things to different people. In a tense climate of crisis such a ruling may make EU critics stifled. The right to freedom of expression may be put under pressure by such a ruling.

A prohibition with a penalty of certain opinions will lead above all so that thought is also limited.  One of the advantages of democracy is that one can speak his opinion and can form political groups freely, so long as they act within the bounds of the law.

“Values” on the other hand are not clearly cut, democratically approved laws.  They are often hazy and may,  as they are according to linguistic or cultural backgrounds, often not clearly defined.

The compulsion, to believe in “values” is undemocratic.

It is the foyer to a totalitarian system.

It is dangerous -- and on top of everything unnecessary: already today the European Parliament has the possibility,  to prove especially distinctive speech with punishment:  So, Nigel Farage has had to pay a 3,000 [2,700] Euro fine, that he had described EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy as having the “Charisma of a wet rag”.

In the future such a rebuff could also be punishable under the EU canon of values.

Earlier. this was described as an insult against the monarchy.

Those were, in any case, in a pre-Democratic age. [Oh, the irony]

Link to original...

Edit: just whose values are we talking about?  There’s no free speech for those who have differing views or even question historical events of 60 year ago.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Conservative French Historian Shoots Himself to Oppose Aberromarriage

Suicide in Notre Dame cathedral in Paris CWN – May 21, 2013

A French man committed suicide inside Notre Dame cathedral in Paris on May 21.

Dominique Venner, a 78-year-old historian and activist with a long history of involvement in traditionalist and nationalist causes, killed himself with a gunshot to the head, prompting police to evacuate the cathedral.

Venner had been a bitter opponent of the legal recognition of same-sex marriage, and had recently written that it would “require new, spectacular and symbolic actions to rouse people” to oppose the measure. Before taking his own life, he placed a sealed envelope on the altar of the cathedral. Police did not reveal the content of the letter.

Venner had been a member of the Organisation de l’Armée Secrete, the group of Algerian war veterans that sought to assassinate Charles de Gaulle, and was jailed for his role in the group. He had subsequently been involved with a variety of groups opposing Communism and immigration. At the same time, his historical work had drawn critical praise, earning him an award from the Academie Francaise.

Additional sources for this story: Man kills himself inside Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris (BBC)

H/t: Tom at AQ.

Asturia Will Forbid its Schools From Speaking of Christmas and Easter

Edit: always winter and never Christmas.

[Katholisches] The Principality of Asturias' Government is determined to actively participate in the extermination of the Christian culture of Spain. The current Minister of Education of the Regional Government, Doña Ana González Rodríguez, has prompted all state schools Asturias with a circular, to wipe the words known as "Holy Week" "Christmas" and "Easter" from the school calendar in Spain.

Ana González requires that the previous terms that are reminiscent of the Christian religion, are to be replaced by new terms that are "acceptable to all". Christmas should be replaced by expressions such as "Winter" and by Easter "holiday of the second trimester." Expressions that “recall the ingenuity and poetic vein of a block of wood,” said Tradition Catholica .

Since 2012, the Socialist Party (PSOE) is a minority government in Asturias. The principality on the Atlantic coast has been controlled in the past 30 years, almost continuously by the PSOE. Although the government does not have a majority in the regional parliament, the Ministry of Education will put its anti-Christian decision into effect. She contacted neither the relevant school authorities or their parents, and certainly not the Catholic Church.

The Spanish Observing Office for religion and freedom of conscience OLRC called the Asturian Minister to consider the feelings of the people and respect for traditions. The decision can only be "seen as an ironically brilliant idea of ​​Mrs. Gonzalez, with which she wants to forget the Christian roots of Spain," said Maria Garcia, spokeswoman OLRC.

The Socialist government is justified in hindsight that the decision was made to just "not to offend the sensibility." The sensibility of who asks the ORLC as "getting all of Christmas and Holy Week languages ​​and speak without effecting one's sensibility would have been injured." The OLRC urges the Minister to abandon their "secular aspirations" to suspend the decision to disclose their reasons for the decision and to seek dialogue with all stakeholders.

Critics of Regional Minister indicate that, among other things, the Reconquista of Asturias went out to liberate Spain from the Muslim conquerors. The socialist government of Asturias, is trying to imitate what many socialist governments of Europe attempt to delude: to banish Christianity from public life.

In Belgium, a ministerial circular has prescribed that the use of the word Easter and Easter holidays in a circular letter to the schools. The schools will continue to speak of "spring break". Also, the socialist government justified this by pointing to the secularity of the state, it should not violate the "sensitivity" of non-Christian immigrants. All Saints is to be called in future "Autumn Festival", the Christmas holidays are to be called "winter holiday" and even the carnival is too connected to Christianity for the Belgian Socialists, or at least too much connected with the local culture and identity. It becomes a “Relaxation Festival". From Flanders to Walloonia there is strong criticism for the new attempt to erase the Christian identity of Belgium.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Wikicomnons
Translation: Tancred

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Incidents of Vandalism and Mayhem in Europe Involving Churches and a Mosque

Winterthur, 05/21/13 (Kipa) in Winterthur the minaret of the mosque of the Islamic-Albanian Association, the crescent was damaged and stolen by unknown individuals. The President of the Association, Memet Ulla Saliji, confirmed to the news agency Kipa the incident. This was reported to the police. The community is now waiting on how the situation evolves. In precaution, a surveillance camera is set up.

The incident occurred on the weekend. An unknown man climbed onto the roof of the Islamic-Albanian Mosque in Winterthur and tried to lift the tower of a good three meters high and 50 centimeters in diameter from its moorings. But the perpetrators failed. However, they took the crescent.
(Kipa / gs / bal)

And it Rome at St. Peter's Basilica:

Rome: A man climbed onto a ledge on the dome of St Peter's Basilica on Monday and unfurled a banner protesting against a "political horror show", an apparent reference to Italy's embattled coalition struggling with recession and high unemployment. Identified by police as Marcello Di Finizio, the man unfurled a white banner reading "Stop this massacre!

The political horror show is continuing," in English, scrawled in black and red ink, with "Help us Pope Francis" in Italian. He also waved an Italian flag as he balanced precariously above a small window near the top of the 137-metre dome.

 Read more....Brisbane Times....

Man Shoots Himself in Notre Dame

(NEWSER) – Paris' legendary Notre Dame Cathedral was evacuated today, after a man shot himself in front of the altar, police tell France 24. The incident occurred at around 4pm local time, while the tourist attraction was open to the public. The man was described as middle-aged, appearing between 50 and 60 years old.

Give Reason for Your Joy: DOJ Will Punish Those Who Refuse to Cheer Gomorrism

Edit: it’s never been about mere tolerance.   From Town Hall:
Under President Obama, “justice” is anything but blind. Neither is it deaf. In fact, based on recent revelations, it appears to be watching your every move and listening to your every word. Still, if you happen to be a federal employee, now it’s even listening for your silence. 
The only thing this Obama White House seems to generate is scandal. Well, here’s yet another to add to the growing list. In addition to the Benghazi cover-up, IRS targeting of political dissenters and the illegal seizure of media phone records, whistleblowers within DOJ have contacted Liberty Counsel to express grave concerns over this administration’s latest attack on freedom. 
Our sources have provided Liberty Counsel an internal DOJ document titled:“LGBT Inclusion at Work: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Managers.” It was emailed to DOJ managers in advance of the left’s so-called “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month.”


H/t: Stella Borealis.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Silent March for the Kidnapped Metropolitans in Amman

Damascus / Beirut, 20.5.13 (Yarmulke) On Tuesday the Christian churches organized a silent march in which they are demanding the release of the two Bishops abducted a month ago in Aleppo, Metropolitan Mar Gregorios Yuhanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yazigi. "The initiative is to have all Christian denominations connected,” said Archbishop Maroun Lahham, Vicar General for Jordan of the Latin Patriarchate Jerusalem for Vatican news agency Fides.

At the same time in the Old City of Jerusalem, the release of the two metropolitans Aleppo is required. On Tuesday, the Christian churches call in Amman, Jordan in a silent march for the release of the two. (Photo: Andrea Krogmann, 2013) Also on Tuesday there will be an international conference on the situation of Christians in the Middle East, in which the situation of the disappeared Aleppo metropolitans and the other victims of abduction will be raised, at Notre-Dame-du-Mont monastery in Beirut. It has been organized by the World Council of Churches, together with the Near Eastern Churches MECC conference, for which 150 participants are expected, in particular, it should also address questions of Christian-Muslim relations, the threat of extremism and social justice. [Oh, that slippery concept again.]

In the last MECC General Assembly, a proposal was drawn up, which was taken by the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches in 2011. The Central Committee noted at the time that "the living faith of Christians has its roots in the Middle East. This faith is nurtured by the unbroken testimony of the local Churches, whose roots go back to apostolic times." Without the Christian presence there, the coexistence of peoples of different religions and cultures in the Middle East, which is "a sign of God's love for all humanity", would be in danger.

Solidarity and Ecumenism

Michel Nseir, who is responsible for the activities of the World Council of Churches Middle East, emphasized now that the "ecumenical concern for the importance of the Christian presence in the Middle East" significantly differs from the attitude of those "who want to inflame Islamophobia". Just down the road on the forthcoming 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Busan, it was necessary in the "pilgrimage for peace and justice” to involve the churches in the Middle East and their take concern with "generous solidarity and a truly ecumenical spirit of unity in action". Among the speakers at the conference - scheduled for the 25th of May - is the General Secretary of the World Council of Churches, Samuel Kobia, the Catholic Archbishop of Abuja, John Cardinal Onaiyekan, the Former (Orthodox) Lebanese Minister Tarek Mitri and the Coptic scientist and former adviser Mursi Samir Morcos.

Assad talks about the Abduction

Syrian President Bashar Assad has taken the first time publicly on the fate of the two abducted Aleppo metropolitans position. In an interview published at the weekend with the Argentine daily newspaper "Clarin" he was asked, among other things about the two bishops. Assad replied: "We have preliminary information that they are close to the Syrian-Turkish border. We are pursuing this matter very closely and cooperating with the Orthodox patriarchates, so that the Metropolitans will be freed from the hands of terrorist groups, by whom they have been kidnapped."

(Kipa / cap / on)

Edit: just for once it would be nice to have something like this not become co-opted by agitating Socialist entities like the World Council of Churches (another ape of the Catholic magisterium) and their quest for “social justice”, however, any ecumenical effort on behalf of these men is something most Catholics can agree upon.

Egypt: More Attacks on Coptic Orthodox Community. Two Churches Set on Fire

Cairo (AsiaNews / Agencies) - The Egyptian Coptic community faces a new escalation of attacks by Islamists. On 17 May, two churches were attacked with Molotov cocktails in the district of Dakhela, west of Alexandria, Egypt, and Menpal in Upper Egypt.

In Alexandria over 20 thousand Muslims attacked the church of St. Mary setting fire to the entrance of the building and shattering windows. A man died of a heart attack in the attack. In response to the violence, hundreds of Copts left their homes to create a human wall around the building. According to witnesses some Islamists armed with pistols and knives fired on the crowd, causing some injuries.

At the origin of the clashes is a dispute between two neighbors. Basem Ramzy Michael, a Coptic Christian, is reported to have behaved inappropriately towards the sister of Alloshy Hamada, a Muslim with a criminal record. In a short time the dispute between the two erupted into a sectarian clash.

A similar incident occurred last May 13, in the village of Menbal, Matay district, north of the province of Minya, where a Muslim mob stormed the church called the Tadros el-Mashreki and assaulted one person inside. The assailants threw stones at the building, looted Christian shops nearby and burned cars. The Coptic minority has been threatened with expulsion from the village. Once again the violence was sparked by a trivial quarrel between two young people. Some young Muslims are reported to have made advances to a group of Coptic girls, as they entered the church. Irritated at having been ignored the group waited for the young Christian girls to leave the Church and threw bags filled with urine at them. The young people were rescued by some Christians peers who have started a heated argument with Muslims. As in other cases, the news spread across the village. In a short time a crowd of Islamists rallied in front of the church, forcing young people to take refuge inside.

Ehab Ramzy, a Coptic Christian, prosecutor in the province and former member of parliament, said Menbal has a Muslim majority, while Manshiet Menbal, 10 kilometers away, has Coptic majority. "The Christians of the two villages - he explains - have nothing to do with the fight that took place in Manshiet Menbal. The young people were attacked just because they are Christian." Two young Muslim men were arrested by police in Menbal. In the coming days there will be a reconciliation meeting between the two communities. "Now - he adds - the security forces are trying to arrest some young Copts. They have become a bargaining chip to seek reconciliation."

AsiaNews sources underline that the attacks against the Coptic community are now a daily occurrence and are being ignored by the police, who because of the climate of chaos, let communities resolve disputes among themselves, although this can result in dead or wounded. The most serious incident took place on April 7 in front of the Cathedral of St. Mark in Cairo, where a group of Islamists attacked funerals of four Christians killed in sectarian clashes that took place on April 5 in the district of Khosous, on the outskirts of the capital, with stones and Molotov cocktails. The assault, which took place before the eyes of the police, left two dead and over 80 injured. A church building caught fire.

Link to Asianews…..

Counter Demonstration Against Gomorrist Propaganda -- Obama's New Cultural Imperialism

Edit: If you're an American citizen, Obama is using your tax dollars to fund immorality in other countries on an anti-Crusade for the dictatorship of relativism.
(Tbilisi) U.S. President Barack Obama is running a new form of cultural imperialism. He announced that the U.S. Foreign Policy promotes gay rights around the world and to measure the implementation of human rights in the individual countries whether the "rights" for homosexuals can be guaranteed. What is meant by these "rights" corresponds one to one to the LGBT list of demands, most notably the introduction of the "gay marriage" and adoption in the law.  A similar statement was issued to all the diplomatic missions of the United States. However, not all countries share the opinion of the current U.S. government.
This also applies to Georgia. Thousands of Orthodox priests protested in the Georgian capital against a rally of homosexuals who were demanding these "rights". The priests carried banners reading "No to Spiritual Genocide" and "No to Homosexuality." The  counter demonstration had occurred after the government did not ban the Gomorrah rally, as  was requested by the Georgian Orthodox Church.
The priests were accompanied by many laymen. Young men threw eggs and stones at the gay demonstrators. The police invited them on yellow minibuses to bring them to safety. The minibuses were also attacked by counter-demonstrators. Three policemen and nine aberro-protesters had to get medical treatment.
Georgia's new prime minister Bidsina Ivanishvili condemned the violence in a statement to the press on Friday evening. On Wednesday, Ilia II, the Patriarch of the Georgian Orthodox Church had compared Gomorrists with drug addicts. Public demonstrations of homosexuals he described as a "violation of the rights of God and of the majority" of the Georgians.
"We will protect our orthodoxy and not allow that someone wipe his shoes on our faith,"  said one Orthodox participant in the counter demonstration to the New York Times.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: BBC screenshot

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