Tuesday, April 9, 2013

SSPX Sisters of Carmel Leave Brilon Wald Opt for Bishop Williamson

The Carmel Sisters clarification, who will leave the SSPX before long, will be relocating their cloister to southern Germany. Furthermore, because of SSPX Bishop Williamson who was excluded because of disobedience,  is asked by the sisters to exercise jurisdiction. The sisters want to leave their enclosure in the future "regularly"  to ensure their livelihood.
The Communication was briefly the reason for the rift with the SSPX, but lacks concrete will. It is argued generally that, in the run of the German district of the SSPX company Sarto (publisher and bookstore) doubtful books are distributed and published in the finances are newspaper Ecclesiastical Umschau "continuously publishing offensive items by conservative representatives of the official Church." Otherwise they refer to unnamed websites of resistance", where the Liberalism" of the Society of St. Pius X.  has been “collected in evidence".
Sister Marie Theonilla worked before joining the camel as a hair stylist and was, after making her final vows. the German founding prioress Brilon Wald. The monastery has been unable to hold the many vocations of sisters. The women who left the convent before taking their vows have been critical, including the censorship of the Prioress. Back in the 80s and 90s the Prioress would cut the articles from publications of the Fraternity of St. Pius X before passing them on to the sisters. Currently, eight sisters live in the community, which was founded in 1984.
Their announcement concludes with an appeal for donations in the amount of 700.000, - € for a "small building”.
Text: Linus Schneider
Translated: Tankard

Monday, April 8, 2013

Arrested for Hoodie with Pro-family Message in Paris

Paris is tolerant. The city was ruled by the left for a year. One thing you must not do: is to be seen walking in the city center in a public park with a hoodie that has the symbol of the mass demonstration for family and against the legalization of gay marriage.  There were 1.4 million people protesting against the policy of the Leftist government of Hollande in the rally on the 24th of March at Manif pour tous  in Paris. The icon shows a stylized man, a woman and a child, holding each other's hands. The police then took Franck Talleu into custody as he was merely walking with his wife and his children through the Jardin de Luxembourg. The father was taken to the nearest police station. He was charged along with his clothes that “offended common decency”  because they "provoked opposition” on his hoodie and thus could "jeopardize public safety". On the 24th March, the Paris police hit the headlines with their crackdown on the protesters  when they used tear gas against peaceful demonstrators of families and their children.
Link to katholisches…

Photo from here…

Text: Giuseppi Nardi

*Edit: the original author, who writes in German, uses the word “gay" so I translate it that way.  Although I avoid the word myself, that’s what he calls it.

SSPX Protests Holds Prayer March in Freiburg Against Abortion

Leftists Weren’t Able to
Stop Them
Edit: it’s interesting to take note from time to time about the Society’s efforts in Germany where they still play a significant role in culture and politics on behalf of the Church against Her enemies.

[piusbruderschaft.de] On Friday, April 5th, the Society of St. Pius X held their yearly prayer march against abortion in Freiburg city center.

Lefto Fascists attempted to interfere with their free speech by disturbing the prayer march.  Through the professional intervention of the Freiburg police, the officially approved demonstration was allowed to continue without any further problems.  Left radicals, who put themselves in the way, were dispersed by three appeals to their sensibility with a special unit of police.

During the procession through the city center, the estimated 200 Catholics -- most young -- continued with their prayers and songs for the children murdered in their mother’s wombs.  The interlopers were kept well in check by the police.

Herr Walter Ramm, president of Action Leben, held a concluding speech at the Kartoffelmarkt.  From afar, the horns and shouts could still be heard.

See the collage at piusbruderschaft.de...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Second Annual Mass in Honor of Blessed Karl of Austria, Veneration of Relic, Conference & Luncheon, Sunday 21 April, 2013 - Christendom Restoration Society

Blessed Karl Habsburg
Sunday, 21 April 2013, 1:00 PM
(Holy Rosary & Confessions begin at 12:30 PM)
Veneration of the Relic After Mass 
Saint Titus Church 952 Franklin Avenue
Aliquippa, Pennsylvania 15001 

Celebrant: Fr. Gregory Plow, TOR
Franciscan University of Steubenville

Luncheon & Conference Immediately After Mass
in St. Titus Church Hall 

Featured Speakers:
Suzanne Pearson Founder of the Blessed Karl Shrine St. Mary's Church, Washington, DC
Topic: Blessed Karl's exile, death, and burial on the Madeira Islands

Raymond de Souza, KM Director of Evangelization and Apologetics, Diocese of Winona, MN and
EWTN Series Host
Topic: The Dictatorship of Relativism and 
the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Second Annual Mass in Honor of Blessed Karl of Austria, Veneration of Relic, Conference & Luncheon, Sunday 21 April, 2013 - Christendom Restoration Society

John Paul II Square Will be Dedicated by Pope Before Enthronement

And they found something in old storage.
This Sunday, Pope Francis will take possession of the Lateran Basilica of Rome.  Shortly before the actual enthronement occurs, however, there will be another ceremony: the square in front the Roman General Vicarate, which has been called “Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano”, will be renamed “Largo Beato Giovanni Paolo II”.  Pope Francis will unveil the new street sign on Sunday at 5pm, which will be followed by a solemn Mass in the Basilica of St. John Lateran for the enthronement of Pope Francis on the See of Rome.

John Paul II, the predecessor of the current Pope had died after a long illness on April 2 of 2005  On May 1st of 2011, he was beatified after one of the shortest processes of Church history.  An inscription on the plaque will recall this date.  At the ceremony, among other things, the Cardinal Vicar of the Diocese of Rome, Agostino Vallini, and the Roman mayor Gianni Alemanno will be present.

Link to Vatican Radio.de...

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Adult Baptisms Grow 20% in France

French Catholics Demonstrate Against Gay Marriage on
April 6, 2013, Saturday
In France baptisms have grown in the last five years by 20 percent. There were about 5,000 adults baptized on Eastern Vigil in France.

This is from a press report of the French Bishops Conference on March, 25 2013.

The photo above was taken at a stations of the cross in France, protesting against gay marriage. This quote was from a commenter on the Facebook site of a defense of marriage site in France:

Peace will return to the world when the White Flower against sits on the throne of France…” 
 XII century, Prophesy of St. Hildegarde. 
 Note: In many professes, the Grand Monarch will be called “Flower of the Lilly” or “white flower”. The florentine lilly is a symbol of the monarchy of France.

Source, Katholisches….

Archdiocese of Vienna: “Cardinal Schönborn Will be Treated Like a Film Star"

If not Pope yet, maybe just a film star? -- Eminence, isn’t this self-celebration on the internet site of your own Archdiocese not already painful enough?
Waiting on -- no, not Cardinal and soon to be film star Christoph Schönborn -- but 
the Holy Father. Even today Vienna asks, who the Cardinal gave his second vote to.
[Photo catholiccurch/Mazur]

Maybe Cardinal Schönborn is in mind to become a film star, since he’s come during a visit to his biological brother as a dancer at “Dancing Stars” on Austrian National Television: “If I won’t be Pope, I’ll be a (Dancing-) Star.” -- an evil and also untrue representation.

Such was the report of the internet site of the Archdiocese of Vienna unbelievable: “The bleachers on St. Peter’s Square are already built, camera teams while around and are seeking Cardinals ready to be interviewed”, thus wrote Michael Pruller, the press speaker of Cardinal Christoph Schönborn in an interview with Radio Stepensdom, the voice in Rome.”

Und further: “The media interest is huge, reported Michael Pruller. Many media wished they’d sent camera teams to Rome. Noramlly, there is a burial in such a situation, over which they could report.” -- Cardinal Schönborn had to fill in as a replacement for the missing funeral report.

Similarly exciting followed the art society site of the Archdiocese to the Archbishop in Rome: “Before yesterday evening, as the Cardinal in the Church of St. Bartholomeo, he brought over a delic of St. Restituta Kafka, while there were at least five camera teams outside the door, which filmed him like a film star, as he came out of the church and climbed into the car.” -- this was the same St. Sister Restituta, who was ridiculed during a Bolshevik-pornographic exhibition in the St. Barbara Chapel in St. Stephen’s Cathedral.

The film expert asked himself, what this “at least five camera teams” means: the mathematic ineptitude of the reporter or in the excstatic appearance of the Viennese Cardinal and just as wildly stampeding camera people, which could have confused the counting?

The Cardinal must have (!) refused "Dozens of interview questions”, which “began to address the internal proceedings of the Cardinal. Because these were also under the confidentiality ban.”

Our Contribution to the Return of Reality

Shortly will be the anniversary of Schönborns “Sin at Stuetzhofen”, where the Cardinal earned by kreuz.net’s advertisement of the term of endearment “Porno” -Cardinal (after his insult of Sister Restituta in Stepensdom), the name “Homoporn”-Cardinal:  the affirmation of the homosexual parish council in Stutzenhofen with the successive ouster of the Parish Pastor.

In remembrance of the matter there will be a review in the coming weeks.

Cardinal Schönborns prophesy that the scandal at the Homo-Parish Council will “be followed by me for long”, should not remained unfulfilled.

Link to kreuz.net...

Pope to Be Enthroned on Sunday, April 7

Edit: We were wondering when Pope Francis was going to be enthroned in his basilica. Here it is. The ceremony will take place tomorrow. It will be interesting to see the pageantry.

The ceremony takes place on Sunday 7 April at 17:30, in St. John Lateran. Pope Francis will co-celebrate the mass with Cardinals Vallini and Ruini


Tomorrow at 17:30 CET, Pope Francis will celebrate a solemn Eucharist and his enthronement as Bishop of Rome in the Arch-Basilica of St. John Lateran, the Cathedral of the Diocese of Rome. Cardinal Vicar, Agostino Vallini, Emeritus Vicar, Cardinal Camillo Ruini, the Bishops’ Council of the Diocese and the Council of Parish Prefects will be co-celebrating. Also attending will be Rome’s priest and students from the city’s Major and Minor Seminaries, the Redemptoris Mater, the Almo Collegio Capranica and the Oblates of the Oblates of Our Lady of Divine Love, as well as members of the Pontifical Chapel, in accordance with the Motu Proprio “Pontificalis Domus”. Communion will be offered by 75 permanent deacons and the Choir of the Diocese of Rome will offer musical accompaniment to the liturgy.

The Pope will be enthroned before the start of mass. After the enthronement, some Diocese representatives will pledge obedience and filial devotion to him on behalf of the Church of Rome. Representatives include: Cardinal Vicar Agostino Vallini; Mgr. Filippo Iannone; Vicar to Capitulate, Mgr. Luca Brandolini; Mgr. Pasquale Silla, parish priest of Santa Maria del Divino Amore in Rome’s Castel di Leva area (dean of parish priests); Fr. Daniele Natalizi, parish vicar of Santa Maria Assunta and San Michele in Rome’s Castel Romano area (the youngest in terms of ordination and age, he was ordained in 2012); Fr. Gianpaolo Pertici, Permanent Dean of the Nativita' di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo parish, in the Appio Latino district; Fr. Marco Bellachioma, a member of the Franciscan Order of Friars Minor Conventual and diocesan secretary of the Italian Conference of Major Superiors (CISM); Sister Maria Giuseppina Abruzzini, a Salesian nun and diocesan secretary of the Union of Italian Major Superiors (USMI); Marco and Monica Curzi’s family with their four children: Francesco (11), Marta (10), Alessandro (9) and Paolo (6); Sofia Presciutti and Massimo Presti from the Diocese of Rome’s young people’s pastoral service.

The liturgy will be celebrated by 13 Seminarists from Roman Pontifical Major Seminary along with 2 Roman Seminarists from the Almo Collegio Capranica and assistant deacons Alberto Daniel Lopez Pantano (of Argentinean origin) and Fr. Giuseppe Conforti, both of whom will be ordained presbyters for the Diocese of Rome this coming 21 April.

Link to Vatican Insider….

Irish Bishops Threaten State They Will Opt Out of Civil Marriages if Aberrosexual Marriage is Passed

Edit: There must be something wrong with this poll. Maybe it was restricted to a small geographical locale in Dublin? The Irish Bishops have issued a stern warning, though… according to the Examiner. Ireland currently recognizes civil marriages between aberrosexuals.

Of course, Catholic priests won’t solemnize these “unions” and have vowed to withdraw from solemnizing civil unions at all.

'Any change to the definition of marriage would create great difficulties and in the light of this if there were two totally different definitions of marriage the church could no longer carry out the civil element,’ say the Irish Bishops.

A new opinion poll shows that 66% of Irish voters support changing the law to allow for full same-sex marriage.

The Behaviour and Attitudes poll for today's Sunday Times shows that support for the change is strongest amongst women and younger voters, while more than half of voters over 55 were also in favour of gay marriage.

Just over a quarter of those surveyed believe the law should remain unchanged, with provision for civil partnership.

Meanwhile, Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore is expected to re-affirm his support for same-sex marriage when he addresses the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Association (ILGA) conference in Dublin today.

It is the first time the conference has come to Ireland.

Mr Gilmore will deliver the closing address at the event, making it first time in its history that the conference will have been addressed by a country's deputy leader.

The conference is addressing how to advance equality in economically challenging times.

ILGA-Europe is the largest LGBTI non-governmental organisation membership network in Europe and represents over 350 organizations.

Back in November there were allegedly 53% supporting aberrosexual marriages, now it is apparently %66, although wikipedia insists that there is 73% support for it in Ireland. Now there is 66% apparently. Same-sex marriage removes biological identity... Another thing is that when sports stars endorse something, it’s probably not a very good idea. Of course, Jeremy Irons is more sensible on the issue.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Swiss Television Broadcasts a Documentary about the SSPX

(Econe) Télévision Suisse Romande (RTS), the public broadcaster for the French speaking Switzerland broadcast a short documentary about the SSPX on 23 March on their channel RTS.

Founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the SSPX has had no canonical recognition since 1975. One approach initiated, beginning in 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI., which culminated in 2011 to a concrete agreement talks, has led to no result yet. Shortly before his resignation the Pope indicated that he would leave the question of his successor.

Benedict XVI. has offered the Society a canonical recognition by the establishment of a personal prelature. At the same time the Fraternity was given a “Doctrinal Preamble", whose signing was made a condition for the recognition. The Society currently rejects the formula contained therein with which it is to recognize the Second Vatican Council. The response of the Society to the “Doctrinal Preamble" is pending.

Link to Katholisches…

Instead of Guido Marini, Again a New (Old) Master of Ceremonies? -- Piero Marini in Audience with Pope Francis

(Vatican) Will Piero Marini soon be in charge of the Papal liturgies? The Papal Master of Ceremonies Monsignor Guido Marini, put into practice the Liturgical renewal of Pope Benedict XVI., is to be again replaced by Monsignor Piero Marini and thus his predecessor, will again be his successor? These questions were posed today by the church historian and Catholic blogger Francisco Fernandez de la Cigoña. "If that should happen, the pope would clearly express what liturgical taste is. The exact opposite of Benedict XVI." said de la Cigoña.

The Pope has every right to appoint a new master of ceremonies, or to resume the one he has. The Archbishop Piero Marini, the pope was received today by Francis in an audience, “must mean nothing, but it can mean a lot," said de la Cigoña.

Archbishop Piero Marini was master of ceremonies under Pope John Paul II, Benedict XVI. replaced him in 2007 by Monsignor Guido Marini. Despite the similarity of names the two represent entirely different Marinis of liturgical sensibilities. The reigning master of ceremonies Guido Marini comes from the Genoese school of Cardinal Siri.

Should Piero Marini be brought back, "we know exactly what liturgy appeals to the Pope and what does not. Some idea we have already,” said the Spanish church historian.

The official daily newsletter of the Vatican Press Office on 4 April under "Audiences" reported:
The Holy Father Francis has received in audience this morning:

His Eminence Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples

The Pope receives in audience this morning:

His Eminence Cardinal James Michael Harvey, Archpriest of the Papal Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls

Link to Katholisches...

Francisco de la Cigoña on the Worth of the Papal Office

“Must the Pope bless every pizza at a restaurant in Trastevere before running cameras?”

(Madrid/Rome) The Spanish Church Historian Francisco Fernández de la Cigoña, who is the Spanish speaking world famous Catholic, non-Traditionalist blogger, is among the most bitter critics of Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio as Archbhishop of Buenos Aires. That of all things the Argentine Primate had, of all the Cardinals, been considered as the possible successor of Benedict XVI. the fisher of men, a few hours before the election of Pope Francis, while he criticized him in connection with the most recent occupation at the Cathedral of Buenos Aires, must have been quite a shock.

De la Cigoña has commented on the Habemus Papam therefore with as much professional discipline, as Catholic devotion: “Cardinal Bergoglio is dead, long live Pope Francis!”

On multiple occasions he has stressed since that there is little sense in criticizing someone during the first 100 days of their office. Much more, he published several times the statements of the new Pope, which made him “feel very good”. After 20 days of the new Pontificate it seemed that at least at one point the self-imposed threads of patience are torn. On Eastern Monday he published a long commentary under the title The Pope is Neither a Pastor Nor a Bishop. Then he addressed the most striking gestures of the Pontificate in the first weeks, which to give the to the faithful instead of blessing, a media staged, but less religious one with the thumbs up high after which the motto appeared “Everything is super, everything great”. Had anyone had noticed this, that this gesture is not universally hailed as positive throughout the world, like in Turkey, where it is understood as an invitation to homosexual depravity?

We have documented the following commentary by Francisco Fernández de la Cigoña in English from another German translation (since no one has a Spanish one yet):

 The Pope is Neither a Pastor Nor a Bishop

by Fernández de la Cigoña

As always I am opposed to giving you my personal opinions, which should not be shared. It is not the voice of the Church, if I also try to speak of this. Sometimes I am successful, other times not. Not from a lack of will, but from a lack of knowledge.

What is expected of Pope Francis, so to us, at least until now, have been sold this picture of the Pope as pastor or of the Pope as Bishop: he is so simple and so humble, that he doesn’t want to be Pope. And he conceals his Papalness, where only he can. With his shoes as with his ring, with his pectoral cross and with his clothes, with his living quarters and with his bearing… he lives with everyone, he talks with everyone and it seems, as if he wouldn’t know anything else. He has not once been a Primus inter pares. Not to the Cardinals, and not once to the Bishops, to the priests, the gardener…

At the end of his daily Mass he greets the concelebrants and the faithful, who have participated, at the chapel door as a pastor. He calls his friends on the telephone, in order to wish them Happy Easter, he hurries then to pay for his lodging and some days we will see him on television, as he is polishing his already famous black shoes. Some already play the game “Where is the ring?” with the question, if he will wear the ring of the Pope today, of a Bishop or even none.

Nothing of this must be the object of criticism, even when one must not be pleased by them, which not many do. And although he also is still does the opposite of those things, which happened in past pontificates: “He is also good and not Bendict or John Paul”. Even if the wish of Pope Francis may be strange.

We have been moved by a minimalistic Pope in his appearance as Pope. We were not accustomed to it. We normal Catholics, excepting those, who would only rely on our judgements, but dismiss the Church, have such a special respect for the representative of Christ, that all forms of earned respect seem too little. And in the course of the centuries many forms have taken root. Some were already untimely by the turn of the century, like the Sedia Gestatoria and the Tiara. It was time, that they were taken away to become museum pieces. Without that something is passed. I think however, that it is good, that the representative of Christ, should be addressed with respectful love. And that it would not be good for him to be stripped in this respect or that he should strip himself of these things.

In Spain we had a pitiful Bishop “shoe I will call Ramon”, who, though he is still living, will be forgotten by everyone. I will not say that this is the case, but there is already a certain similarity which horrifies me. It is not attractive for all, nor is it however repellent for many. To seek out those nearby is surely good, but without overfamiliarity and tastelessness.

God uses the unexpected ways, so that His Grace can enter the hearts of men. And some of them can without a doubt be the frugality and humility of a Pope. It can be. Surely it is, however, not. Does one receive these assurances when the Pope on one day blesses the pizza in a restaurant on Trastevere? And kisses the lady cook, because she has prepared it so well? And all of this before running cameras? I have the impression, it can be, that I am wrong, that everyone doesn’t like this, completely on the contrary.

The Pope has possession of an office, which ranges far above that of a priest or a bishop. Every one will feel according to his personal inclinations. Yet he must partly order the personal inclinations according to his immense responsibility, which has loaded this office on his person. And because the eyes of the whole World are upon him.

This is my opinion. Right or wrong. And this is how I sum it up as such.

Übersetzung: Giuseppe Nardi 
Bild: UCCR
Translation: Tancred 
Link to Katholisches…

Cabbalistic-Occult Rituals in a Catholic Retreat House in Buenos Aires

Edit: this was posted earlier. It’s a report from the site Pagina Catolica.  We still don’t think anything has been done.  This is the article as it appeared on January 28th 2012.

(Buenos Aires) In various Argentine retreat houses, Catholic religious communities may offer Magic Seminars, in which occult teachings are introduced. Here are "alchemistical and cabbalistic rituals" which even yet profane the chapels and altars of the retreat houses.

The most recent incident took place last weekend in the Contemplative House of St. Francis of Assisi of the Capuchins in the Diocese by the same name in the Province of Buenos Aires. From the 24th to the 27th of January was "Maga Hania & Conspiradores" in the retreat house "in accion". An equivalent of 420 Euro allows those interested to be introduced to the "cabbalistic rosary" and "alchemistical novenas", in order to become acquainted with the "Alchemy of Love" and the occult secrets of the attractivenss of "Venus Aphrodite”.

The seminar program also included a "magian night ritual" in the "clothing of Aphrodite" in the swimming pool of the contemplative house, in order to obtain the "energetic controls" of the "currents of magnetic love". All of this are naturally for the "enlightenment of the world and of people”.


Ugandan Bishop Suspends Dissident Priest

Edit: no muss no fuss.

The Priest Anthony Musaal has  addressed a letter on March 12th to the Bishop, clergy and laity of Uganda, demanding the rectification of the alleged gap between the ideal and reality of priestly celibacy in black Africa, through the lifting of celibacy. Archbishop Cyprian Kisito Lwanga of Kampala has suspended the priest because he has discredited the Church and the clergy.

Link to katholisches…

His Facebook even shows support for abbero-marriage:

  1. Anthony Musaala commented on a link.
    You are very courageous. Love is its own blessing, love covers a multitude of sins, love knows no law. Love and do as you will. As for those who condemn you, they will be judged with the same measure...
    96Like ·  · 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Irish Government to Confiscate Catholic Schools

Ed: the title of the Socialist anti-Catholic BBC reads, "Irish bishops may be asked to hand over Catholic schools”. It’s not a question of if, but when. Some may recall how this sort of oppressive behavior is proceeded by a hate campaign against the Church, in order to justify the confiscation of the Church’s wealth, and the diminishment of Its position in society. This tactic was also undertaken by the Nazis in the 30s as Goebels used charges of sexual indecency and child molestation against the Catholic Clergy then to build public support for closing Catholic Schools. The Irish State is using the same playbook here, which is not to say that they are Nazis, per se. Just goes to show that you really can’t trust Republicans no matter how Catholic they pretend to be.

Of course, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin hasn’t been much help here. He’s basically helping the other side achieve their goals.

[BBC}The government would like schools to be ready for transfer in six months.

An Irish government report has recommended Catholic bishops release school buildings to allow for the creation of non-denominational schools.

The department of education report calls for the establishment of 23 new multi-denominational primary schools to meet parental demand.

It follows surveys of parents of more than 20,000 primary-age children.

The report recommends bishops be asked to reconfigure their schools to free up buildings.

In some cases this would mean the amalgamation of a girls school and a boys school to allow the return of one of the buildings to government control.

The Irish minister for education, Ruairi Quinn, says he would like to see buildings ready for transfer to the multi-denominational sector within six months.

Link to BBC...

The Chinese Patriotic Church and the Heresy of Americanism

Edit: it’s wonderful that others are noticing and pointing out, the similarity between the Chinese Patriotic Church which is hostile to Rome, the US Catholic Bishops and the “phantom heresy” Americanism.  Americanism was called the phantom heresy, because all the Bishops in the United States told the Nuncio they didn’t have any problems with it, with a wink.

 No one should doubt that the institutional hostility to Michael Voris lies primarily with the fact that he points these things out rather than that he is “uncharitable”,  “wears a toupee”,  or is “strident”.  We’ve never seen him strident and we sometimes think he’s too soft on people who’ll never give him credit for it anyway.  Really, it’s just an attempt to discredit one of the few voices in the wilderness calling attention to some serious problems in the modern Church.

It’s kind of like some of the crusaders for niceness attacking Rorate Caeli lately.  They’ve never been anything but cautious and measured.  What they reported about Pope Francis in his Diocese in Buenos Aires, among other things, was 100% true.

Ultimately, this just boils down to the official "Patriotic” Catholics attacking the Catholics who are faithful.  You can also see wedges being driving between faithful Catholics and so-called Traditionalist Catholics too, by the way.

Berlin Cardinal Wants More Socialism and Women Cardinals

Since Pope Francis sees himself as the “Pope of the Poor”,  the clergy is lined up “stirred and uncertain in a good sense”.  Cardinal Woelki:  “In Germany we will make it clear, what Church is really about:  That we won’t live any more for money and status, rather more for social justice and more on love, which are those things which are priceless.”

Taxation of Disposession

In a discussion with the Berlin “Tagespiegel” on Easter Sunday 2013,  Cardinal Woelki endorsed a stronger taxation of estates, explicitly the increase of inheritance taxes for a more equitable distribution between rich and poor.

Number of Hartz-IV Receivers Remains Constant

In the same breath the Berlin Cardinal wants to increase the length of unemployment benefits.  The number of unemployed has dropped, yet the number of Hartz-IV receivers has not sunk.

A connection with (unwilling) willingness to work in parts of the Hartz-IV recipients is not something Cardinal Woelki sees.  Cardinal Woelki also doesn’t betray us, since he wishes to reduce the number of Hartz-IV recipients.  Mandatory resocialization courses for Berlin-Kreuzberg dwellers?

Cheap Apartments in Kurfurstendamm?

Even the homelessness is very closely connected.  In Berlin there are 350,000 residences at moderate addresses.  373,000 Hartz-IV households and a further 500,000 low income households compete for these.

Cardinal Woelki sees a great danger that “many in the center will be pushed to the margins of the city, as is also the case with other large European cities”.

In a (system Cardinal Woelki describes as a “good system”)  free market economy, the centrally located real estate is even more highly valued than would be encountered in the (industrial and trade ) peripheral areas.  As if that weren’t enough, the rents and sales prices are higher.

Nazi-Church Tax is a “protected system"

The Church-tax which was directed to the dispossession of the Church is defended by Cardinal Woelki:  “It is a protected system, through which the church members make contributions for the maintenance of ecclesiastical commitment.  Through that they also do something for the common good.”

Cardinal Woelki: Women as Cardinals

As regards the false content of the commentary of the “Tagespiegels” (Claudia Keller and Rainer Woratschka): “In canon law it may even be possible, to name women as Cardinals” to which the Cardinal answered “somewhat” surprisingly: “You are right.”

And also:  “Even at the level of the Universal Church women must be more significantly connected to responsible positions.  The Pope needs good advice and one should be well consider, how the advisory boards in the Vatican should be occupied.  We were very pressed just days before the conclave, to get to know each other for the first time.”

The erroneousness of the Cardinal, who “isn’t one of the narrow minded"

If Cardinal Woelki had now explored the theological and canonical foundations for his positive answer to “Cardinaltrixes”,  we would have been grateful.

Already on Katholikentag in Mannheim the Cardinal dumbfounded with a private theory on homo-depravity: “I consider it as conceivable, that there, where people are acting responsibly for one another, where they live in a stable homosexual relationship, that it can be regarded in a same manner as heterosexual partnerships.”

“kreuz.net”: “Homo-Kardinal"

The Catholic internet site has dubbed Cardinal Woelki for that reason with the honorary title of “Homo-Kardinal”. (previously even borrowed from Cardinal Schonborn)

For the adoption of a “distinction”, the gay homo-lobby decisive but really not courageous enough:  “For such implicitness he can’t distinguish himself."

2012 no Priestly Ordinations in Berlin

Thus he was named as the Archbishop of Berlin and had been created by Benedict XVI. as a Cardinal with a productive mission: the growth of priestly vocations.  In the year 2012 there hasn’t been a single priestly ordination.

Link to kreuz.net….