Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cardinal Bertone is Camerlengo: The 117 Cardinals Who Will Elect the 266th Pope

Edit: unless something else unprecedented happens.  Cardinal Kasper will also vote. 
(Vatican) after the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI.  on the evening of February 28th, the next Conclave will be convened. This must be in accordance with current electoral rules must meet between the 15th and 20th day from the time at which the Holy See becomes vacant, to elect the new pontiff.
The Dean of the College of Cardinals will celebrate Holy Mass with the assembled cardinals in St. Peter's Basilica.  The Cardinal Dean since 2005, Cardinal Angelo Sodano,  is no longer eligible to vote because of his age. In 2005 Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger was Dean of the College of Cardinals. After Mass, the voting cardinals will make an invocation of the Holy Spirit in the Sistine Chapel, where they are sequestered until the election of the new Pope.
In the coming conclave 117 cardinals will be eligible to vote, which will be the highest-ranking official will be Tarcisio Cardinal Pietro Bertone Evasio. Since neither the Dean nor his deputy are members retired from the conclave, they will head the oldest and most senior among the elected cardinals of the conclave, which will be Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, the emeritus Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops,  the eldest among the Cardinals of the conclave who is among the eldest of the member bishops of the conclave. The College of Cardinals is divided into three grades, into cardinal-bishops, cardinal-priests and cardinal-deacons.
The conclave will be between the 15th and 20th Begin March. According to Article 33 of the Apostolic Constitution  Universi Domici Gregis of Pope John Paul II in 1996 it allows the German Cardinal Walter Kasper, the oldest of the electors to still participate in the conclave. According to the original rules of order by Pope Paul VI., only those cardinals are eligible to vote who have  not completed their 80th year at the beginning of the conclave. Cardinal Kasper is 80 on 5 March.
From the German-speaking countries, there are seven Cardinals attending the conclave, Cardinal Kasper (President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity), Cardinal Meisner (archbishop of Cologne), Cardinal Lehmann (Bishop of Mainz), Cardinal Schönborn (Archbishop of Vienna ), Cardinal Koch (President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity), Cardinal Marx (Archbishop of Munich-Freising), Woelki Cardinal (Archbishop of Berlin).
67 of the 116 voting cardinals were elevated by Pope Benedict XVI. to the rank of Cardinal. 24 of them in 2012 alone, with two extraordinary consistories.

Camerlengo : Tarcisio Pietro Evasio Bertone, S.D.B., age : 78.
Cardinal Proto-Deacon: Jean-Louis Pierre Tauran, age: 69.9
The Other Participants of the Conclave:
Giovanni Battista Re, Kardinal-Bischof von Sabina-Poggio Mirteto, age: 79.1
Tarcisio Pietro Evasio Bertone, S.D.B., Cardinal Bishop of Frascati, age: 78.3
Antonios Naguib, emeritierter Patriarch von Alexandria (Copt), Egypt, age: 78.0
Béchara Boutros Raï, O.M.M., Patriarch von Antioch (Maroniten), Lebanon, age: 73.1
Godfried Danneels, emeritus Archbishop of Mechelen-Brüssel, Belgien, Alter: 79.8
Joachim Meisner, Erzbischof Cologne, Deutschland, age: 79.2
Nicolás de Jesús López Rodríguez, Archbishop  of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, age: 76.4
Roger Michael Mahony, emeritus  Archbishop of Los Angeles, California, USA, age: 77.1
Jaime Lucas Ortega y Alamino, Archbishop of San Cristobal de la Havana, Cuba, age: 76.4
Julius Riyadi Darmaatmadja, S.J.,  emeritus Archbishop of Jakarta, Indonesia, age: 78.2
Jean-Claude Turcotte, emeritus Archbishop of Montréal, Québec, Canada, age: 76.7
Vinko Puljic, Archbishop of Vrhbosna (Sarajewo), Bosnia and Herzegovina, age: 67.5
Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, Archbishop of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, age : 80.0
Antonio María Rouco Varela, Archbishop of Madrid, Spain, age: 76.6
Dionigi Tettamanzi, emeritus Archbishop of Milan, Italy, age: 79.0
Polycarp Pengo, Erzbischof  of Dar-es-Salaam, Tansania, age: 68.6
Christoph Schönborn, O.P., Archbishop of Vienna, Austria, age: 68.2
Norberto Rivera Carrera, Archbishop of  México, State, age: 70.8
Francis Eugene George, O.M.I., Archbishop of Chicago, Illinois, USA, age: 76.2
Zenon Grocholewski, Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education, age: 73.4
Crescenzio Sepe, Archbishop of Naples, Italy, age: 69.8
Ivan Dias, emeritierter Präfekt der Kongregation für die Evangelisierung der Völker, age: 76.9
Geraldo Majella Agnelo, emeritus Archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, age: 79.4
Audrys Juozas Bačkis, Archbishop of Vilnius, Litauen, age: 76.1
Francisco Javier Errázuriz Ossa, emeritus Archbishop of Santiago de Chile, age: 79.5
Julio Terrazas Sandoval, C.SS.R., Archbishop of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, age: 77.0
Wilfrid Fox Napier, O.F.M., Archbishop of Durban, Südafrika, age: 72.0
Oscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga, S.D.B., Archbishop of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, age: 70.2
Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne,  Archbishop of Lima, Peru, age: 69.2
Cláudio Hummes, O.F.M., emeritus Prefect of the Congregation of Clergy, age: 78.6
Jorge Mario Bergoglio, S.J., Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentinien, age: 76.2
José da Cruz Policarpo, Patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal, age: 77.1
Severino Poletto, emeritierter Archbishop of  Turin, Italy, Alter: 80.0
Karl Lehmann, Bishop von Mainz, Deutschland, age: 76.8
Angelo Scola, Archbishop of Milan, Italien, age: 71.4
Anthony Olubunmi Okogie, emeritierter Erzbischof von Lagos, Nigeria, Alter: 76.8
Gabriel Zubeir Wako, Archbishop of Khartum, Sudan, age: 72.1
Carlos Amigo Vallejo, O.F.M., emeritus Archbishop of Sevilla, Spain, age: 78.6
Justin Francis Rigali, emeritus Archbishop of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, age: 77.9
Keith Michael Patrick O’Brien, Archbishop of Saint Andrews and Edinburgh, Schottland, age: 75.0
Ennio Antonelli, emeritus President for the Council on the Family, age: 76.3
Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, President of the Council for Peace and Justice, age: 64.4
Telesphore Placidus Toppo, Erzbischof von Ranchi, Indien, Alter: 73.4
George Pell, Archbishop of Sydney, Australien, age: 71.8
Josip Bozanić, Archbishop of Zagreb, Kroatien, age: 64.0
Jean-Baptiste Pham Minh Mân, Archbishop of Thành-Phô Hô Chí Minh, Vietnam, Alter: 79.0
Philippe Xavier Ignace Barbarin, Archbishop of Lyon, Frankreich, age: 62.4
Péter Erdõ,  Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest, Ungarn, age: 60.7
Marc Ouellet, P.S.S., Prefect of the Bishop’s Congregation, age: 68.8
Agostino Vallini, Vicar General of the Diocese of Rome, Italy, age: 72.9
Jorge Liberato Urosa Savino, Archbishop of Caracas, Venezuela, age: 70.6
Jean-Pierre Bernard Ricard, Archbishop of Bordeaux, Frankreich,age: 68.5
Antonio Cañizares Llovera, Prefect of the Congregation of Liturgy and the Order of the Sacraments, age: 67.4
Sean Patrick O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap.,  Archbishop of Boston, Massachusetts, USA, age: 68.7
Stanisław Dziwisz, Erzbischof von Krakau, Polen, Alter: 73.9
Carlo Caffarra, Archbishop of Bologna, Italien, age: 74.8
Seán Baptist Brady, Archbishop of Armagh, Irland, age: 73.6
Lluís Martínez Sistach, Archbishop of Barcelona, Spain, age: 75.9
André Armand Vingt-Trois, Archbishop of Paris, France, age: 70.4
Angelo Bagnasco, Archbishop Genua, Italy, age: 70.2
Théodore-Adrien Sarr, Archbishop of Dakar, Senegal, age: 76.3
Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay, India, age: 68.2
José Francisco Robles Ortega, Archibshop of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexiko, age: 64.0
Daniel Nicholas DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, Texas, USA, age: 63.8
Odilo Pedro Scherer, Archbishop of São Paulo, Brazil, age: 63.5
John Njue, Archbishop of Nairobi, Kenia, Alter: 69.2
Raúl Eduardo Vela Chiriboga, Emeritus Archbishop of Quito, Ecuador, age: 79.2
Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya, Archbishop of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, age: 73.4
Paolo Romeo, Archbishop of Palermo, Italien, age: 75.1
Donald William Wuerl, Archbishop of  Washington, District of Columbia, USA, Alter: 72.3
Raymundo Damasceno Assis, Archbishop of Aparecida, Brazil, age: 76.1
Kazimierz Nycz, Archbishop of Warsaw, Poland, age: 63.1
Albert Malcolm Ranjith Patabendige Don, Erzbischof von Colombo, Sri Lanka, age: 65.3
Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich und Freising, Deutschland, age: 59.5
George Alencherry, Grand Archbishop of Ernakulam-Angamaly (Syro-Malabar), India, age: 67.9
Thomas Christopher Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, age: 66.2
Dominik Jaroslav Duka, O.P.,  Archbishop of Prague, Czech Republic, age: 69.9
Willem Jacobus Eijk, Archbishop of Utrecht, Holland, age: 59.7
Giuseppe Betori, Archbishop of Florence, Italy, age: 66.1
Timothy Michael Dolan, Archbishop of New York, USA, age: 63.1
Rainer Maria Woelki, Archbishop of Berlin, Deutschland, age: 56.6
John Tong Hon, Bishop of Hong Kong, China, age: 73.6
Baselios Cleemis (Isaac) Thottunkal, Grand Archbishop von Trivandrum (Syro-Malankar), India, age: 53.8
John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan, Archbishop of Abuja, Nigeria, age: 69.1
Rubén Salazar Gómez, Archbishop of Bogotá, Colombia, age: 70.5
Luis Antonio Gokim Tagle, Archbishop of Manila, Philippines, age: 55.7
Jean-Louis Pierre Tauran, President of the Council for Interreligious Dialog, age: 69.9
Attilio Nicora, President Emeritus for the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See, age: 76.0
William Joseph Levada, emeritus Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith, Alter: 76.8
Franc Rodé, C.M., emeritus Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops, age: 78.5
Leonardo Sandri,Prefect for the Congregation of Oriental Churches, age: 69.3
Giovanni Lajolo, emeritus Prefect for the Governorate of the Holy See, age: 78.2
Paul Josef Cordes, emeritus President of the Papal Council  “Cor Unum”, Alter: 78.5
Angelo Comastri, President for St. Peter’s Chapel , Alter: 69.5
Stanisław Ryłko, President of the Pontifical Council for Laity, age: 67.7
Raffaele Farina, S.D.B., emeritus Archivist for the Secret Pontifical Archive, age: 79.5
Angelo Amato, S.D.B., Prefect for the Congregation of the Causes of Saints, age: 74.8
Robert Sarah, President of the Pontifical Council of "Cor Unum”,  age: 67.8
Francesco Monterisi, emeritus Archpriest of the Pontifical  Basilica San Paolo fuori le mura, Rom, age: 78.8
Raymond Leo Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, age: 64.7
Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for the Evangelization of Peoples, age: 63.0
Paolo Sardi, emeritus Vice Chamberlain, age: 78.5
Mauro Piacenza, Prefect of the Congregation for Clergy, age: 68.5
Gianfranco Ravasi, President of the Papal Cultural Council, Alter: 70.4
Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Alter: 66.9
Manuel Monteiro de Castro,  Major Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary. Cardinal-Deacon of San Domenico di Guzman, age: 75.0
Santos Abril y Castelló, Archpriest of the Papal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, Rom, age: 77.5
Antonio Maria Vegliò, President of the Papal Council for the Homeless , age: 75.1
Giuseppe Bertello, President of the Governorate of Vatican City, Alter: 70.5
Francesco Coccopalmerio, President for the Papal Council of Legal Texts, age: 75.0
João Bráz de Aviz, Prefect of the Congregation for Clergy, Alter: 65.9
Edwin Frederick O’Brien, Grand Master of the Knights of the Temple of Jerusalemm, Alter: 73.9
Domenico Calcagno, Präsident der Güterverwaltung des Apostolischen Stuhls, Alter: 70.1
Giuseppe Versaldi, Präfekt For the Household of the Holy See, age: 69.6
James Michael Harvey, Archpriest of the Papal Basilica of St. Paul by the Walls, Rom, age: 63.4
Text: Giuseppe Nardi, Zusammengestellt nach Catholic Hierarchy
Bild: Vatican Insider

Also, tears filled the eyes of many Cardinals, including Cardinal Bertone today, as the Holy Father said his last public Mass, according to Rome Reports.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Holy Father Abdicates His Office Amid Tremendous Pressures and Threats to His Life

Edit: last year on February 10th, the Telegraph reported a prediction that Pope Benedict would be assassinated in the following year at some point. It is in the back ground of such a threat that the present resignation seems to play itself out, and indeed there was at least one attempted attack against the Holy Father's person in Lebanon last year. At present, there are discussings about a theological and geopolitical struggle going on not only related to positions of power, but the Vatican Bank and the old P-2 conspiracy related to the CIA.

Of course, there is the assertion that the paper tiger of the sex-abuse crisis and an underground sexual cabal and Satanists, according to Father Amorth, and a Polish Priest researcher on deviant personalities, Father Oko,  who says that the Holy Father is "waging a tireless war against evil".

The Setting

An urgent message was handed to the Holy Father from the Archbishop of Palermo Paolo Cardinal Romeo, whose indiscrete comments during a trip to China were passed on to Dario Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos of Colombia.

Fuel to the fire has been added by additional speculation from a German Journalist at Compact that there the Holy Father was indeed being threatened implicating the Central Intelligence Agency.

It was last year during the Pope's visit that he was threatened in Lebanon by an attempted terror attack thwarted by Anti-Terrorist Units and what seems to be a tip off from Hezbollah.

The German COMPACT magazine reports extensively about the murderous threat against the Holy Father

The completely surprising resignation of Pope Benedict is an unparalleled proceeding. In the history of Christendom there has only been one similar case in the last 2,000 years. In the back ground there is an internal power struggle in the Vatican, which is not only theological, but of a geopolitical nature: Ratzinger fought against CIA-insiders with concealed accounts in the Vatican bank, which had whacked his predecessor. COMPACT reports in an interview.

Jurgen Elsasser, born 1957, worked through the 90s primarily for the left media like Junge Welt, Konkret, Freitag, Neues Deutschland. Since there the climate of opinion became increasingly more restrictive, he went on his own way. Today he is the Chief Editor of COMPACT magazine.

The following in German, for now:

Christopher Ferrara: Something Wicked This Way Comes

Christopher A Ferrara POSTED: 2/11/13 REMNANT COLUMNIST, New Jersey ______________________

( It has been my great privilege to write for this venerable journal regarding some of the most important events in recent Church history, including the election of Pope Benedict XVI, which Michael Matt and I were fortunate enough to witness in Rome itself beneath the very balcony of Saint Peter’s Basilica. But how does one gather his wits on such short notice to offer a useful assessment of an event as epochal as the abdication of a Roman Pontiff, and in particular this Pontiff, whose dramatic gestures have favorably altered the landscape of our devastated ecclesial commonwealth in ways we could only hope for during the long and increasingly ruinous pontificate of John Paul “the Great.”

Two questions immediately present themselves: Can a Pope resign, that is, abdicate, and why did Pope Benedict do so? The first is easily answered, at least technically. As the Catholic Encyclopedia observes: “Like every other ecclesiastical dignity, the papal throne may also be resigned.” Indeed, “[t]he reasons which make it lawful for a bishop to abdicate his see, such as the necessity or utility of his particular church, or the salvation of his own soul, apply in a stronger manner to the one who governs the universal church.” And while there is no higher earthly authority to which a Pope can tender his resignation, “he himself by the papal power can dissolve the spiritual marriage between himself and the Roman Church.” We can dispense by anticipation with any contrary canonical arguments we can expect hear from the amateur canonists of the Internet. None other than Pope Boniface VIII, that great exemplar of the papal supremacy, decreed the inherent capacity of a Pope to resign his own office, which decree is codified in the Corpus Juris Canonici (Cap. Quoniam I, de renun., in 6).

So, technically and logically at least a Pope has the capacity to renounce his own office as Vicar of Christ. And the abdication of a Pope, while exceedingly rare, is not unprecedented. There are several examples, including the well-known abdication of Pope Celestine V in 1294. One case is particularly striking: Pope Benedict IX (1033-44), who “had long caused scandal to the Church by his disorderly life, freely renounced the pontificate and took the habit of a monk,” to be succeeded by Clement II. (Benedict IX attempted to reclaim the papal throne after Clement’s death, but evidently failed in the endeavor).

Link to Remnant...

Monday, February 11, 2013

John Paul II's Secretary: "One does not climb down from the cross."

Warsaw ( CBA) Warsaw ( / CBA) Provocative statement: The Krakow Cardinal and long-time secretary of Pope John Paul II (1978-2005), Stanislaw Dziwisz, has caused concern in Poland with a remark on the Pope's resignation. Blessed John Paul II, had fulfilled the papacy, despite serious illness, until his death and said, "one does not climb down from the cross." Polish media reports on Monday quoted Dziwisz. On this question, the Wojtyla-Pope had also consulted with the then Joseph Ratzinger, the Prefect of the Curia. Despite his "great surprise" over the resignation of Benedict XVI., he understands, however, this decision to resign for age and health reasons, says Dziwisz.

In a written statement the Krakow Cardinal, said Benedict XVI. has led the Church "with great caution and wisdom." He was very grateful for Benedict XVI's "extraordinary benevolence towards the Polish people" and the beatification of John Paul II in May 2011.

The Warsaw Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz spoke of a "great loss" for the Church. Benedict XVI. had "excellently fulfilled both spiritually and intellectually guided the Church" in his duties as pope, said Nycz. The announcement of the resignation was for him personally a "great surprise," the Cardinal said. He accepted, however, that Benedict XVI. must have important reasons for such "unprecedented decision".

The President of the Polish Bishops' Conference, Archbishop Jozef Michalik, recalled that Benedict XVI. during the Angelus prayer in St. Peter's Square again preached to the Polish pilgrims in their language. "Poland was in his heart." The bishops prayed that the Pope resignation would be accepted in an "atmosphere of faith."


Munich Canonist: Pope May Retract His Resignation

Edit:  the following statement was made at the end of his Lectio Divina lecture where he made some extemporaneous comments, taken from the Italian commentator, Sandro Magister:

"Naturally, there is a false optimism and a false pessimism. A false pessimism that says: the time of Christianity is finished. No: it is beginning again! The false optimism was that after the Council, when the convents were closing, the seminaries were closing, and they were saying: but it's nothing, everything's fine . . . No! Everything is not fine. There are also grave, dangerous downfalls, and we must recognize with healthy realism that this is not all right, it is not all right when wrongful things are done. But also to be sure, at the same time, that if here and there the Church is dying because of the sins of men, because of their unbelief, at the same time it is being born anew. The future really does belong to God: this is the great certainty of our life, the great, true optimism that we know. The Church is the tree of God that lives forever and bears within itself eternity and the true inheritance: eternal life.” 

Stephan Haering:  it is canonically speaking the Pope would have time yet till the 28th of February to retract his resignation.

Munich (  Pope Benedict XVI. will, according to the opinion of the Canon Lawyer Stephan Haering would hold the status of a Bishop Emeritus.  Officially there is no clear ruling for a Pope emeritus, said Haering on Monday to Munich's Church Radio.  Canoically speaking the Pope would still however have until the 28th of February to withdraw his resignation.  Haering expects that Benedict XVI. will withdraw from public.

In relation to the coming Conclave the Professor from Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich in doesn't not venture any speculation on the Pope's decision over the next two weeks.  "I don't think he will name any more Cardinals, but he will probably undertake the usual functions of the Papal office."

Link to

Fool's Mass in Rottenburg Will Take Place Again

He'd already announced a year in advance in the Schwäbischen Zeitung: He will repeat the Carnival-falderal in the church of Ochsenhausen.

Dekan Schänzle is quoted: "A Fool's Mass will take place on 2013 in Fansets-Hochburg Ochsenhausen against. This will draw people who don't usually go to Church." (S.Z. 1.6.2012) It is well known that Holy Mass was mixed up with Carnival celebration from the film: The Fool's Mass of Ochsenhausen.

Very many readers have in the meantime have, thanks to the call for the bringing notice to this Liturgical abuse, weighed down the Ordinary of Rottenburg.

Actually, they received a standardized answer from the Liturgical Delegate, who despite seeing the Fasching marchers, costume communion and joke sermon, intervened here:

Dear Miss  XXXX:   
You have addressed our Diocese by using a form letter, which is placed on the home page of the Society of St. Pius X, and lodged a complain referring to Canon 1476 against Dean Schanzle.

A critical examination of the video, which has been offered on the site of the Society, that in the approximately five minute long selection, no violations were identified, which are covered in 172 and 173 of the Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum.

Because there were no violations involving the named relevant paragraphs, there is no "possibility of an offense or an abuse against the Most Holy Eucharist", so that there won't be an inquiry introduced in the sense of Nr. 178 of the cited instruction.

In this connection I would like, however, in connection with your consideration, to defend the dignity of the Eucharistic celebration, to address this, that it is hardly consistent with the dignity of the Eucharistic celebration, to manipulate this, in order to gather to gather incriminating evidence in an amateur video recording against a priest.

With Warm Regards,
Auxiliary Bishop Johannes Kreidler
Episcopal Vicar for Liturgy

The almost unimaginable statement: "Because there were no violations involving named paragraphs".

Here is the summary of what was to be seen in the short video:

The pastor entered with the Carnival horn music in the church, accompanied by the costumed ministers, he used the old fashioned ambo for a "sermon" in the style of a "fool's speech" to which he let the Radetzkymarsch play (citation: "Normal den Radeztkymarsch!"), then he threw roses to the crowd and at the end of his speech.  The ambo and the altar were adorned with carnival-like crooked picture frames, complete with the theme the "Mass": 'falls out of the frame'.  Costumed children with fool's caps walk directly to the altar in the sanctuary, while the pastor is dressed in a fool's cap.  Dean Schanzle tells amusing jokes from the altar, at which the gathered community laughed loudly, apposite that an old hymn was distorted:  "A house full of glory, that runs riot today,  really it's rumored otherwise that's a fool's house".  Then came the shameful "Costume Communion".  At the end the entire community linked arms in the church to a local Fasching hit "Ohu".

To all of this, Auxiliary Bishop Kreidler said "no relevant abuses could be affirmed"? asks Auxiliary Bishop Kreidler then the following open question:

Have you, Excellency, actually read the texts of Vatican II in their entirety?  Is the instruction for the Liturgy today perhaps not valid any longer?  There it reads word for word:

3. Therefore no other person, even if he be a priest, may add, remove, or change anything in the liturgy on his own authority. (Decree on the Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium 22:3)

Why is it that the Diocese of Rottenburg does not follow the prescriptions of the Second Vatican Council?

It appears that it will really only be possible to address complaints to Rome: on the formula for complaints. In English.

Society of St. Pius X on the Resignation of Pope Benedict

[SSPX USA] The Society of St. Pius X has learned of the sudden announcement about the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, which will be effective on the evening of February 28, 2013.

Despite the doctrinal differences that were still evident on the occasion of the theological talks held between 2009 and 2011, the Society of St. Pius X does not forget that the Holy Father had the courage to recall the fact that the Traditional Mass had never been abrogated, and to do away with the canonical sanctions that had been imposed on its bishops following their consecration in 1988. It is not unaware of the opposition that these decisions have stirred up, obliging the pope to justify himself to the bishops of the whole world.

The Society expresses its gratitude to him for the strength and the constancy that he has shown toward it in such difficult circumstances, and assures him of its prayers for the time that he wishes to devote from now on to recollection.

Following its founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the Society of St. Pius X reaffirms its attachment to eternal Rome, Mother and Instructress [Mater et Magistra] of Truth, and to the See of Peter. It reiterates its desire to make its contribution, according to its abilities, to resolving the grave crisis that is shaking the Church. It prays that, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the cardinals of the next conclave may elect the pope who, according to the will of God, will work for the restoration of all things in Christ (Eph 1:10).

Menzingen, February 11, 2013,
on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

Link ...

Voris on Pope Benedict's Resignation

Edit: Pope Benedict was shocked that so many of his Bishops were resisting his will when it came to the Mass, and reforms in the Liturgy.  He asked when he was elected:

"Pray for me that I may not flee for fear of the wolves."

It surely is a mark of humility.

For the Record: Pope Benedict XVI is First Pope to Resign Since Gregory XII

Penance: From the Paris Psalter
Edit: there will be a Conclave in March.  Interesting that Cardinal Muller, now the Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith, won't have a vote in the next Conclave.

Considering that the Holy Father is taking his singular and shocking step by announcing his resignation just before Lent and on the same day he's announced the Canonization of the Martyrs of Otranto, this resignation really has really been conceived to induce penance and deep meditation.

Here's a statement from the Holy Father:
Dear Brothers,  
I have convoked you to this Consistory, not only for the three canonizations, but also to communicate to you a decision of great importance for the life of the Church. After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry. I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only with words and deeds, but no less with prayer and suffering. However, in today’s world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to govern the bark of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me. For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, entrusted to me by the Cardinals on 19 April 2005, in such a way, that as from 28 February 2013, at 20:00 hours, the See of Rome, the See of Saint Peter, will be vacant and a Conclave to elect the new Supreme Pontiff will have to be convoked by those whose competence it is. Dear Brothers, I thank you most sincerely for all the love and work with which you have supported me in my ministry and I ask pardon for all my defects. And now, let us entrust the Holy Church to the care of Our Supreme Pastor, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and implore his holy Mother Mary, so that she may assist the Cardinal Fathers with her maternal solicitude, in electing a new Supreme Pontiff. With regard to myself, I wish to also devotedly serve the Holy Church of God in the future through a life dedicated to prayer. 

Video to the Martyrs of Otranto, whose Canonization was announced today by the Holy Father:

Other Popes who've resigned...

Cleveland..St. Malacy.

Conclave in March...

Cardinal Keith O'Brien shocked by the news...

Resigning for health reasons...

Remnant frets about wolves, and mentions Vatileaks, but suggests end run by Pope Benedict....

Edit cont:  This puts Benedict in a position to influence the choice of a successor, while he works behind the scenes to effect his policies.  Whether this is true remains to be seen.

Many of this Pope's initiatives, like Reform of the Reform when some high-profile resignations and the reconciliation with the Society of St. Pius X, took a serious hit after Vatileaks as well.  This may be an effort to sidestep the issues raised by that, or it may indeed be a final nail in the coffin of those initiatives.

Hopefully, it will be remember that it is God who is in charge of His Church as he continues to chose men who serve Him as shepherds of His flock on earth.

Also, as Scott Hahn pointed out this morning, and we noted long ago.  This Pope has a devotion to St. Pope Celestine V.

Expect the next Pope to be Conservative.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Holy Mass Against the Building of Israeli Wall Around Bethlehem -- Next Week Israeli Court Decides

(Bethlehem)  On February 8th Abuna Mario Carnioli, Catholic priest of Beit Jala in the valley of Cremisan near Bethlehem will celebrate Holy Mass in the olive grove, "to cry out to heaven", as Fides reports, "that the time is, to let this land return to righteousness, because justice will bring security and peace",  says Abuna Mario in his appeal.  The valley lays near Beit Jala west of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.

Since October 2011, the priest has prayed and celebrated Holy Mass and the Stations of the Cross as well as the Rosary in the olive grove of Tales.  Today the Mass intention is special.  In the coming weeks the Court of Appeals of Tel Aviv will decide over the recourse, which the owners of the property of Tales have brought against the Israeli wall construction.  An appeal was also made by the Salesians, who have had a cloister in Tall since 1885.  In addition to an expanding wine growing business, the cloister has, above all, a home for orphans and children from needy families and several schools, among them a vocational school teaching many different jobs and not least, a theological seminary with students from the whole world.  Since 1996 it hasn't just accepted Christians, but children and students of all religions.  With the start of the second Intifada and the Israeli sealing of the occupied areas almost all of the projects of the Salesians were choked off.  Since Israel has pursued the wall, Bethlehem has been completely threatened with being shut off completely from the outside world.

"Unite yourselves in prayer, so that the Lord will enlighten the Israeli judges", wrote Fr. Carnioli in his appeal. For the priest can only imagine that  "a sick mind have developed this wall of shame of the division," because "it does not bring security, but only robs our families, the country and stifles our community whose lives are made impossible." The wall also destroys "one of the most scenic areas of the Holy Land," said Mario Abuna. Because of the Israeli construction of the wall more than 50 Christian families living in the valley have to be expropriated. The Salesian monastery of Cremisan has given these families a secure existence for more than 125 years, with its vineyards and olive trees. "Now they risk losing everything," said the priest.

Link to katholisches....

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Kloster Cremisan

German Catholic Communications Professor Fired for Statements About Marriage

Hateful Statements Against Committed Catholics Have Consequences

Edit: the following story appeared in several Catholic media outlets recently about University lecturer and Catholic journalist Martin Lohmann who was recently dismissed from a lecturing position because he does not agree with aberrosexuality.

Cologne (kathnews/CF) The famous Catholic publicist and earlier TV moderator Martin Lohmann is the President of the National Association for Defense of Life (BVL) and speaker of the AEK (Network of Engaged Catholics in the CDU).  Officially he is active as the Chief Director of the Catholic private broadcaster K-TV.  For years Lohmann has promoted convincingly and unshakably  the value of marriage, the  protection of the family and the right of all people to life, especially unborn children.  This clear position has led to intolerant antagonisms and media attacks against this imperturbable Catholic. The "Cologne Express" identified him recently as the lecturer of the Munich based, private "Macromedia Hochschuler fuer Medien und Kommunikation" (MHMK) [Macromedia University for Media and Communication].   Hereupon, the speaker of the University made the following statement on Wednesday, February 6, 2013, which stated that Lohmann's criticism of the right of adoption for homosexuals in December of the previous year had caused intolerant consequences:

"Martin Lohmann is no longer a lecturer  in Macromedia University for Media and Communication in Cologne.  After his statements on "Hart aber Fair" in a broadcast of 12/3/2012, the academic directors of Media Management have decided to no longer retain him as an instructor. The University represents in its fundamental values, a human ideal, in which various sexual orientations are respected.  They reject every form of discrimination.  Herr Lohmann's position as an honorary advisor of the University will be evaluated at present."  Lohmann pled in this talk show -- together with Christian journalist and housewife Birgit Kelle -- for the value of marriage between a man and a woman;  both critics of the Zeitgeist defended the classical family as well as the Christian foundations of the ideal.  Actually, what was earlier self-evident,  turns today increasintly into a gauntlet against public opinion -- with draconian consequences, as the most recent exclusionary action against Lohmann documents.

"Funny enough" MHMK wrote the following in their homepage their own side:  "The MHMK is the University, which reflects media wise today's and yesterday's society."  -- Oho,  that can  make "tomorrow" more pleasant, considering how bleak things stand for the freedom of expression for conservatives.

So much for the much-praised "freedom" in our media Republic - specifically media dictatorship Germany. Mention would certainly add that even the left-leaning "Kölner Express", a proven opponent  of Lohmann concedes in its current summation: "The students regularly carry out reviews of the 55-year-old according to the University  have not yet been ​​a negative." But on professional performance on skill and reputation among students are not factors, it is apparently more important to be "politically correct",  the opinion compatible with the zeitgeist, which may not in any way be "made sickly" by Christian principles.

Link to kathnews...

Foto: Martin Lohmann – Foto: HL – LohmannMedia

Syria: Islamic Rebels Plant Bomb in Church

Rampaging and plundering of the main church of the Syrian border town of Ras al-Ayn

Damaskus (  The Syrian-Orthodox Archbishop Matta Roham has complained again of the dramatic situation in the Hassake-Djazira region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The Bishop has reported to the relief organization CSI-Österreich that there are almost no Christians living any longer in the midst of the border city of Ras al-Ayn. Islamic rebels have wanted to drive them off, along with their priests. The last eye witnesses report a plundered and desolate church.

Is was there that a 75 year old Christian found a hidden bomb in the main church, which was later disarmed by Christian-friendly Kurds. Archbishop Matta Roham: "The rebels wanted to blow the church in the air along with the rectory as well as the Christian school." Since then the rebels have desolated the city and posted death threats on the street walls against Christians everywhere. The messages are clear. "These Islamic groups want to drive Christians from Ras forever," says the Archbishop.

A ray of light is, says Matta Roham, the Kurds, who want to live in peace with native Christians and are themselves in solidarity: "The Church is holy. Rebels get out" is an written in the inner walls of the damaged churches in their language, reported the Archbishop.

Ras al-Ayn located in northeastern Syria on the Turkish border. It has around 24,000 inhabitants, the off - composed Syriacs (Syrians and Assyrians), Arabs, Kurds, Armenians, Turks and Chechens - now sold.

Father Luc of Brothers of St. John: Reproach Doesn't Correspond to Reality

Edit: I'm guessing we're still not any closer to knowing why these steps were taken.

The crisis of the Sisters of St. John -- The Prior of Marchegg takes issue with's statement and makes some reproaches against the sisters.

Vienna (  The article about the tragic developments with the Sisters of St. John has led to some reactions.  Father Luc, the Prior of the Johannine Brothers, would like a word, as he has written some reproaches of the sisters, which would refute statements  mentioned in the article.  Fr. Luc clearly states that he calls upon the same founder, Fr. Marie-Dominque Philippe OP.   Not withstanding the two branches work as two "autonomous congregations with their own superiors, their own constitutions and statutes."  The brothers then also don't want to reveal the internal difficulties of the sisters.  The Prior explains to that the Cloister of the Sisters in Marchegg, Austria, is empty at present.  "We take care of it it however and use it in any case as a prayer and guest place, in the expectation that our sisters will return."

As to the reproach the sisters make that the General Prior of the Brothers want to have the highest authority over all three branches of the Johannine family, Fr. Luc imparted clarifying to  "Each of the three congregations in the family of St. John, that means the brothers, the contemplative sisters and also the apostolic sisters, have their  own leadership structure.  Our founder desired this from the beginning. Some years before a "council of the Johannine family" was founded with the three general priors ("Conseil de Famille"),  in order to strengthen cooperation between the three congregations.  It was never the case of a 'highest authority': as attempt to reduce this complex crisis to a power struggle is really very theatrical, but it doesn't correspond to reality.  God knows, how much all of the brothers pray for and support their sisters and to carry this consequences of this crisis with patience.  We have the secure hope that better times must come, and each will recognize the clear will of God."

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Friday, February 8, 2013

Bomb Attack Against Madrid Cathedral Thwarted

Edit: it's refreshing to see enemies now attempting to do in the open what they do from within, behind a Bishop's office or a comfortable University chair.  In Spain a newly minted Anarchist organization, Commando Mateo Morral has claimed responsibility for a failed bomb attack on the Cathedral of La Almudena in Madrid.

Among their targets, the Church, they also wish to attack the Bourbon Monarchy as well.

All their majestic appearance is just the fruit of oppression and will be us the oppressed ones who will finish it through insurrectional revolutionary violence. We won't fall in the trap of awaiting for the historical conditions to come. We believe that the conditions for the attack are propitious as long as State, Capital and even more the rotten fascist Royal Family exist. We are determined. We do not wait. We take action. 
We do not have the wrong idea that with just this kind of actions we will achieve the destruction of all that oppresses us. We do not deceive ourselves. We do not fall into self-complacency. This is propaganda through action, which has existed for more than a century among the seditious and conspirators against Power. It is an appeal to war without limits using all our imagination and energy to end with this rotten reality.

The bomb was hidden in a trash bag, and was found by the local priest in a confessional, who then evacuated the church and called the police.  The bomb was made of 200 grams of gunpowder in a can of nails with an alarm clock, which they successfully deactivated.

Another interesting detail from a Spanish language blog writing in English is the following note:

Note: Mateo or Mateu Morral was a famous Catalan Anarchist who attempted to kill King Alfonso XII in 1906 with a bomb hidden in a bunch of flowers that he threw against the royal parade in Madrid, killing several but not the monarchs. A historical video can be watched here[es].

Swiss Bishop Attempting to Derail Reconciliation with the SSPX

Edit: His Lordship, the Bishop of Lausanne, appears as ill-informed about the dialogue as he is unwilling to concede good will on the part of Bishop Fellay. For someone who had participated in the dialogue, he is suspiciously unwilling to admit what other Church figures have been willing to admit, that there are two forces controlling the dialog. There is one which is willing to grant the SSPX recognition without any expectations, and there is another force which is completely uninterested in reconciliation and will look for pretexts and attempt to create an atmosphere of distrust.

Many blogs have pointed out that Protestant heretics are allowed to use Church property in the Diocese of Lausanne, but will dissident groups also be allowed to use these facilities? It seems to us that the SSPX's only true crime is that they have the temerity not only to hold, but to teach the Catholic Faith as well.

Here's the article in German from the Radio Vatican webpage:

Switzerland:  "The Society is Irresponsible"

[Radio Vatican] The Bishops of Lausanne, Genf and Fribourg, Charles Morerod reiterates his skepticism about the SSPX. In an interview with Vatican Radio, Morerod, who was before his episcopal ordination part of a Vatican dialogue commission with the Society, made a statement on Wednesday evening about a decree that prohibits the use church space in his diocese by the Society.

"I am surprised that we're speaking of it now, because I have published this decree. It was the decree but in September 2011 was decided by the Episcopal Conference, from when I did not even belonged to it! So I thought it was already prepared on my desk when I became a bishop, and was told that the Bishops' Conference each of its members were given the freedom if they wanted to publish it or not. The Bishop of Sion and the abbot of Saint-Maurice have therefore published a decree in January 2012, the bishops of Basel and St. Gallen then in February 2012. When you consider that the seat of the SSPX is located in the jurisdiction of the diocese of Basel and the seminary at the area of the Diocese of Sion, I am astounded that they did not show any reaction, more than that year. "

Moreover, the decree also say regarding the SSPX anything new compared to episcopal directives from the year 1999.

"There's really nothing new in this regard - almost nothing new. Except that at one point there is an update, because the text of Benedict XVI was quoted from the year 2009. So I waited before the publication of the decree for a year because I wanted to see, first of all, the evolution of the dialogue. And I have to say I was disappointed in how the dialogue developed " [Wishful thinking, perhaps?]

This disappointment was associated mainly with a book of one of the bishops of the SSPX: It examines the theology Benedict XVI. , accusing the Pope several times "without talking about the grist" before, to be heretical. That was indeed "serious" says Bishop Morerod.

"But I said then: After all, not even the Superior General of the SSPX, who wrote that. This one - that Bishop Fellay - but had asked the other bishops to be more conciliatory. So maybe there was hope? But then I see in November 2011, the text of a sermon by Bishop Fellay, who said among other things: we can not recognize the so-called New Mass as it is allowed. I said to myself: Well, really - this shows that our dialogue did not help much. And then Fellay said in a sermon: We are in terms of the dialogue now, back at the same point where we were in 1975 already. He asserted practical: What we have done, has brought nothing, except that it has probably worsened the situation even "!

[Bishop Fellay has never said anything about the way the Holy Father says Mass. We're afraid that such gratuuitous leaps are unhelpful, unless they're meant to help those who don't want the SSPX situation resolved.]

"Serious problems for Unity"

"Deeply irresponsible": this is what Bishop Morerod took from what the head of the SSPX then declared in December during a visit to Canada. There are, according to Fellay, the "enemies of the Church," namely "Jews and Freemasons" who sabotaged the talks in the Vatican with the Society and halted it.

"This is deeply irresponsible, not only because it is a very harsh criticism at the Vatican, but also because the story we ought to have taught that one should abstain from such a manner of speaking about the Jews better! The Council's teaching and the visits of John Paul II and Benedict XVI. in the Roman synagogue, which have criticized the way the SSPX always show a different face of the Catholic Church! And I do not want priests, who claim to be Catholic, the Catholic Mass as, classify bad 'or the Jews call enemies of the Church, because I think this is disturbing. "

And yet the western Swiss Bishop was afraid to flatly describe the SSPX as "schismatic". Their classification by the Roman Catholic Church is currently even now "unclear".

"It's not clear, because the Church sought to use its benevolence in its approach. But when a bishop of the Society, without being denounced, accuses the Pope of being a heretic, the Superior General, then the describes the Eucharist, which the Pope celebrates, as ' bad ' rank and insist that it brings 'the loss of faith with itself', I would say: This provides at least serious trouble for unity! "

Morerod indicates that he has not spoken with members of the SSPX in his diocese. Although he was willing to meet, but there is in the west of Switzerland not so many SSPX. That talks with the Society could ultimately lead to their agreement with the Vatican, the Bishop looks decidedly skeptical. Finally, the attitude of Fellay has "hardened since last fall even further."

"But when I'm away too pessimistic now - all the better! Finally, I would be the first one would be happy if things should be all right after all. A decree as what we - I emphasize: not only I, but we bishops - have signed, can be indeed change again if the situation changes. That would be even better. "
Link Radio Vatican ...

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Tragedy of the Sisters of St. John and St.Dominic

A big storm around the contemplative women's branch of the Community of St. John.  In the background there was a struggle about changes in the charism and questions of power.   There are vocations of young women still in the drive way.

Vienna (  The Community of the Sisters of St. John, the de facto women's branch of the Community of St. John, has been stuck in a deep crisis for years.  The Community has recently revealed this information.  The Community of Contemplative Sisters of St. John was founded on the 8th of December 1982 by P. Marie-Donique Philippe.   The Archbishop of Lyon established it as a Congregation of Diocesan Right, among others there is a Cloister in Austria, that after years of preparation, large charitable gifts and yet even now stands empty.

In essence it happened that the responsible Bishop proposed reforms, these which the majority of the sisters refused, because these were considered to be against their fundamental charism. In order to manage this crisis, a Papal delegate was named, which clearly accomplished little.  Affected, according to information from were clearly more than 230 sisters, who in the mean time have even struggled to undertake a new foundation in Spain.  The Institute of "Sisters of St. John and of St. Dominic" was de facto banned.

The reforms, which from reasons not completely clear were imposed from outside, were endorsed only by a minority of the sisters, which led to a tremendous crisis.  Almost all the Austrian sisters of the Community have rejected the "Reforms".  The situation has been so tense and drastic over the years, that many of the younger sisters are now hanging in the air and don't know how they should continue. spoke with a sister concerned, from Austria, who entered the Order with much enthusiasm.  Sr. N.N. explained in the interview that the disunity over the charism began after the death of the founder (2006).  Originally there were many vocations and Bishops around the entire world worked to get them for their Diocese.  According to this sister, who waited years to make her solemn vows, also desired, along with a small minority of the sisters and the men's branch of the Community to "reform" the Contemplative Sisters of St. John. As to the question which "reforms" were meant,  the sister disclosed that the open attitude for interested parties will be limited.  The sisters are contemplative, but not cloistered.  There has always been an openness to receive new people or also to be active outside, for example for perpetual adoration during a youth meeting.  "The youth of today need the witness of sisters, who have given everything to Jesus and are full of joy over it."

According to sister then there were also significant structural issues.  Obviously it was at the wish of the brothers, that the General Prior of the brothers had the highest authority over all three branches of the Johannine family.  Most of the contemplative sisters wanted, however,  to maintain their autonomy and to live the united of the Johannine family on a spiritual level.  The crisis has been growing since 2009 and began concretely with the dismissal of Sr. Alix, the foundress of the contemplative sisters, by Cardinal Barbarin of Lyon.  It was from outside that new leadership was initiated, which in any case was, according to Sr. N.N., not recognized by the majority of the contemplative sisters.

In the Summer of 2012 there were then a lot of sisters, who were not bound by vows (Novices and sisters on the end of their simple vows) who left and founded the sisters of St. John and of St. Dominic, a community, formed under the authority of the Spanish Bishop, Don Demetrio Fernandez and quickly received 150 young sisters between 25 and 30 years of age.  Actually, on the 19th of January 2013 the Institute was suppressed again on the 19th of January, 2013 by Roman authorities, according to Sr. N.N. the sisters there were never party to, visited or asked.  "I would like to make clear, that we love the Church and would like to remain true to the Holy Father.  So we will obey and give up our habits.  We pray, and don't know,  what the future will bring us, but we place our trust in Jesus and it's all we can do now", said Sister N.N. sadly.

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Foto: ©

A Proper Mass for Richard III Isn't Impossible

Update:  there's even a battle going on between York and Leicester.  Indeed, King Richard was the last Northern King.  There's also a petition you can sign if you're a citizen of the United Kingdom.

Edit: a few days ago it was finally confirmed that Richard III, one of England's last Catholic monarchs, did indeed find his last resting place beneath a car park in Leicester, England, after the fateful Battle of Bosworth Field.  It doesn't matter that he is an unlikely cause for canonization and that he did many evil things during his life.  St. Thomas More believed Richard was one of the most evil men of the age and got what he had coming to him, but could St. Thomas More have foreseen the remains of this devout Catholic King resting in unconsecrated ground?

Now that we know these battle scarred remains are those of Richard III, who was a devout, if poor, Catholic, it would be an edifying thing for England's Catholics, to see his bones put to rest according to our own Rites.  Perhaps a few may recall that it was we who first made the suggestion in September?

After all, if Dakota Indians can lay claim to the remains of people almost completely unrelated to them in Minnesota, why can't Catholics do the same for their own sacred grounds and dead?  Richard III was one of us.  He said the same prayers, he went to the same Holy Mass and believed the same Catholic Faith which was handed down to us by our fathers and mothers.  Moreover, is there any point in going into the fact that with its extreme trendiness, enthusiasm for the trends of the day, that the Church of England has long since ceased resembling anything Richard III would have recognized as a fitting Church, much less a Christian religion?

It's not just that it might be done, in a Rite fitting a Catholic King, but that it can be done.  A commenter on Australia Incognita Blog knows just the Bishop for the job, in fact, the local Ordinary of Leicester himself.

Antarctic Researchers Construct and Venerate Wayside Cross With Crucifix and Image of Virgin Mary

(Antarctica) In the eternal cold of Antarctica researchers have erected a wayside shrine. The place, where the wood panel has been planted with a wooden crucifix and a Marian icon, is called Our Lady of the Glacier. "You will be my witness in Jerusalem and in all of Judaea and Samaria and to the ends of the Earth" (Acts of the Apostles 1:8). The words, which Jesus gave in his departing message to the disciples, have been adopted by a group of researchers. They have erected a wayside cross in one of the most uninhabitable parts of the Earth, in the middle of the Antarctic. The researchers are active at the French/Italian station Dome Concordia, which lays on an enormous high plateau in the East Antarctic. On the station, laying at 3,233 meters above see level, the outline of Dome C may be found, located about 1,000 kilometers from the coast. The station is part of the European Commission and European Science Foundation funded Antarctic Research Project EPICA.

The chief doctor of the research team, Vincenzo Di Giovanni explains in a letter, that two members of the expedition came by the idea for the erection of a wayside cross and that it was agreed upon by the others. From wood, they set up a box of wood panel with a small roof and put a Crucifix and Marian icon on the panel and between the two is the inscription "Protect Us".

The wayside cross was put up between the research station and the ice field, on which planes land. In the mean time, the Scientists have ceased calling the station Concordia among themselves, but after the Virgin and Mother of God Mary "Mother of the Eternal Glacier".

Last December 8th some colleagues of the research station formed a procession to the wayside cross, and prayed there on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception together. As Doctor Di Giovanni continued to write, that the wayside cross is also "respected by the Moslem scientist or the agnostic or atheist researchers."

"Here on the extreme end of the world we need God's assistance and want to fulfill his mandates", says Di Giovanni in his letter from the place, where the temperature goes 80 degrees celsius below zero. A place in which for six months during the Summer, the son never goes down and in the extreme polar night, an eternal darkness rules.

On the religious topography of Antarctica there is, besides the wayside cross of Our Dear Lady of the Glaciers, still another Christian place. Already since 1976 there is a Catholic Chapel of the Antarctic at the Argentine Research Station Esperanza (Hope) which is dedicated to St. Francis of Assisi. In 2003 the Patriarch of Moscow established on the island of South Shetland a Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Bild: Religion en Libertad/Wikicommons

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Trieste Bishop Fears "Homophobia" Will Become a Crime

It was an issue of the homosexual movement, to explain "homophobia" as a crime. Representatives of the traditional family could expect persecution if they "reject gay marriage" which is feared by the Archbishop of Trieste.

Trieste ( / CWN / jg) The Archbishop of Trieste fears that the homosexual movement is trying to criminalize all who oppose their concerns. The group "Arcigay" demonstrated on 12 January against the bishop. They accused him of being intolerant and racist. Demonstrators had even prevented him from leaving his residence, says the Archbishop. [I hope he plans on taking photographs and having miscreants arrested]

The activists wanted to implement "aberromarriage" and those who were against it, they accused them of "homophobia," said the Archbishop. Their goal is to make "homophobia" into crime. This is a threat to freedom of expression. Who - as the Catholic Church - represents the view of the family founded on the marriage of a man and a woman, would then be prosecuted feared Crepaldi.
Link to

Cardinal Schönborn's Yes to Abortion

Follow up:  The payment for activity in Vienna's  Caritas on Fleischmarkt have been revealed indirectly by statements of Cardinal Schönborn on Public Radio.

See also the article about the endorsement of abortion by Germany's Caritas Director:  "The German Caritas Association is headed by an Abortion-Prelate." [Below]

New in Catholic Spectrum:  Cardinal Schönborn Accepts Abortion

"Press hour" of ORF [Austrian Broadcasting] on the 3rd of December 2006,  interviewers: Andreas Koller ("Salzburg News") and Mathilde Schwabender (ORF).  A cited selection.

Koller:  "Your Eminence, you have formulated your affirmation for life before. How can this be understood as regards the law [Fristenlösung] allowing the termination of pregnancy which has been in effect for some time --  the Catholic Church was not happy with this --, I have the impression that the Catholic Church has resigned itself to the situation.  Now there is another representative, Herr Stadler, who said to me, one can even discuss the termination law, even calling it into question.  Will you also go so far,  that is said, there should be a change in the law regarding the time limit [Fristenlösung]."

Cardinal Schönborn: "Our position from the Bishops, from the Catholic Family Organizations, Pro-Life Organizations, was always clear on this consideration: we are not seeking after the punishment of women in distress, but we expect with justification, that what has always been said since the Kreisky government and has never been strictly adhered to, the so-called supporting measures, which means, in one country, in which demographic questions are really a serious question, it has simply been shown that -- we also have no statistics, but the estimates are still shocking --, that for every child that's born, one is killed.  That really must shock us, that it must horrify us.

What are the supporting measures?  Measures that promote, encourage, that help not to take this step, not to take this step, and I think there are three main corrective actions that would be really necessary.

One is the separation of counseling and abortion, which has long been, for 30 years, a requirement that should simply help to really consider the step well.

The second is, what is self-evident in our country, a statistic, if abortion is not a criminally punishable act,  under certain conditions, then it should at least be clear that it happens every day in our country in this regard.

And the third thing is something that is regarded with too much silence, that of Post-Abortion Syndrome.  We know that from numerous experience of counselors, of those accompanying the women in this situation, that a great hardship is often experienced.  And it's better to enlighten that it is often associated with great emotional stress.  And we ask, and we think it is sensible because the affirmation of life is something so important for each individual and for a country, and we hope that it is possible, to speak with the necessary compassion, but also to speak with the necessary openness."

Koller ("Salzburger Nachrichten"): "Why do you think that in the last six or seven years, nothing happens on this issue, even after all the Christian Social People's Party (ÖVP) was in power?  You have since sought contact on that, so have their been discussions in this direction?"

Cardinal Schönborn:  "There have been intensive discussions, there is a bill for accompanying measures, which is still in the drawer, and it would be nice if this bill, which has been developed by very good lawyers came out again.  It's really just an appeal and encouragement for the affirmation of life"

[Then it is noted Cardinal Schönborn elegantly leads away from the topic]

"To this yes to life also consequently belongs something, which, thanks be to God, is exemplary in Austria through a consensus of all parties, that yes is to life to its end.  We have in Austria, thank God, a clear consensus that we are not going the way of Holland or Belgium, in which euthanasia is allowed,    we want, as Cardinal König said famously shortly before his death, that a person should night die by another's hand, but in the hands of another.  And I think that yes to life is something exemplary, as I have also been in France and Belgium, and very publically say on TV as a credit to our country that has managed to really reach a consensus on the 'yes' to life. [...]"

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