Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Neo-Cardinal Patriach Al Rahi Celebrates the Maronite Rite in the Cathedral of St. Peter's in Rome

(Vatican)  The 77th Patriarch of the Maronite Church united with Rome, Mar Bechara Boutros Cardinal Al Rayhi, celebrated a Pontifical High Mass on 26th of November in St. Peter's Cathedral after his elevation to Cardinal.  It was a Liturgy of Thanksgiving in the Maronite Rite fur the dignity which was received two days before, which was imparted by Pope Benedict XVI.  The Cardinal spoke during his sermon not only about his "responsibility" for the 1.6 million Maronites in Lebanon, but also for the 13 million Christians in the Arabic world of the Near East.  The Maronite Patriarch is currently the only representative of the Near East in the College of Cardinals.  Cardinal Al Rahi stressed his resolve to continue the "Moslem-Christian dialog in the Near East".

"Responsibility for the 13 Million Christians in the Arab World"

Three of the six newly made Cardinals on the 24th of November came from lands with significant Moslem populations.  "We Christians of the Near East have an unbroken tradition, which goes directly back to Our Lord Jesus Christ.  A rich fullness, which is our contribution to the world Church.  We are also rich in a mutual exchange of experience in the coexistence with Moslems", said the Patriarch.

Six of the NeoCardinals Come from Lands With Significant Muslim Populations

Cardinal Al Rahi sees the desire of the Pope in his Cardinal choices, "to give new impetus to the New Evangelization in the Near East".  The Near East is, as Benedict XVI in his Lebanon trip stressed, "A land chosen by God, because it is on this land that the revealed His saving Mystery".  That is a priceless treasure, which the Christians of the Near East have preserved, but also a mission, to make this treasure living and visible and to share with others.

The Near East has seen the cross, but also the resurrection, Pentecost and the persistence of the Church, said the Cardinal.  Pope Benedict XVI. has said that this is should be "a land of peacee, not a land of wars and conflicts".

The Near East "A Land of Peace, not of War"

Around 1,500 Maronites and other Arab Christians had found a place around the Maornite Patriarch and Cardinal to celebrate Holy Mass in the St. Peter's Cathedral.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Archbishop Luigi Negri, Appointed by Pope as Tradition Friendly of Ferrara

(Vatican)  Msgr Luigi Negri (71) is one of the most striking Italian Bishops was named by Pope Benedict XVI as the new Archbishop of Ferrara.  The Pope is very close to the Bishop.  His profession as Bishop of San Marino and Montefeltro was one of the last official acts of Pope John Paul II.   A much greater connection to the combative Bishop is shown by Pope Benedict XVI.  In the last year the head of the Church visited the small Diocese, which also includes the resting place of Saint Marino, in a pastoral visit. A particular sign  of approval is Msgr. Negri's holds a disposition of an unabbreviated message and the necessity of a confident Church.  For this reason Pope Benedict appointed him, about which the Italian Bishops' Conference did nothing, because of this personally in the Bishops'  Synod in October in Rome.   Then followed his elevation to Archbishop.

Hertofore Bishop of San Marino, now Archbishop of Ferrara.

Archbishop Negri was born in 1941 in Milan.  There he visited the  Gymnasium for the Humanities,  where he met Don Luigi Giussiani and entered this student movement.  From 1965 to 1967 he was the first president in the Archdiocese of Milan. Msgr Negri graduated from the Catholic University of Milan and was then the assistant of the renowned neo-Thomist Professor Gustavo Bontadini in the Seminary and was ordained in June of 1972 by the former  Archbishop of Milan, Gioanni Cardinal Colombo.

Neo-Thomist, Student of Catholic Social Teacher, Promoter of the Old Rite

In the society of Communion and Liberation of Don Giussiani Msgr. Negri was responsible above all for the area of school and formation.  His special point of attention lay in what was then the Catholic Social Teaching.  At the Catholic University of Milan he taught History, Philosophy and Introduction to Theology.  He is the author of numerous specialist works above all about the magisterium of Pope John Paul II.  Since 2010 he has been a collaborator of the Catholic internet publication La Bussola Quotidiana (The Daily Compass) and president of the Fondazione International Gioanni Paolo II per il Magistero Sociale della Chiesa (International Foundation of John Paul II for the Social Teaching of the Church), whose honorery committee includes Professor Nikolaos Lokowicz and Paul Josef Cardinal Cordes from the German speaking areas, and till his death, the [Emperor] Otto Habsburg.  The scientific committee includes  numerous others like Bologna's Archbishop Carlo Cardinal Cafarra, the Secretary of the Pope, Msgr George Ganswein, Karl Habsburg, Professor Waldsstein, malcom Cardinal Ranjith and the biographer of John Paul II., George Weigel.

Prominent, Militant Representative of the Catholic Subject

The Episcopal consecration received by Msgr. Negri by Dionigi Cardinal Tettamanzi, the former Archbishop of Milan.  He follows now for a second time his predecessor Msgr. Rabitti, who was Bishop of San Marino from 1995 to 2004 and then became Archbishop of Ferrara in 2012.
The chief shepherd of Ferrara bears the title of Archbishop, the Diocese is yet a small metropolitan district, and thus has no suffragren.  This particularity goes back to the time of the Church State.  Ferrara belonged in late antiquity to the Byzantine Exarchate of Ravenna and was added to the Kingdom of the Lombards in 774.  From 1589 to 1859 it answered directly to the Papal Legation of the Church State.

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Monday, December 3, 2012 Off Line Since Sunday: Anti-Catholic Forces Gloat

You Can't Stop
Edit:  basically, is being systematically attacked in the German press, and Der Kommissar is searching high and low for the shadowy figures behind Europe's largest Catholic website. Notably, the Nazi-founded Spiegel and other anti-Catholic organs of disinformation like this one, Die Zeit are eager to report an arrest.

The following article is significantly misleading.  It's poor.  It doesn't explain the bizarre alliance between homosexuals who distribute pornography, or the Green Party politician who has promoted sex with children and the German Bishops, but it stops slightly short of gloating.

Also in the Hunt for is David Berger, who the German internet site has exposed over the years, much to the chagrin of not a few people.  David Berger is probably most famous for slandering the Pope, accusing him of being a homosexual.

Here's the translation:
The pseudo-Christian website is off the net.  It may be a success for the activists who have been proceeding against the homophobia and racism of the site. 
The agitating website is offline.  The previous domain is no longer unavailable since Sunday afternoon. 
The coordinator of the initiative Stoppt, David Berger, sees this as a reaction incidental to definite public pressure.  He told the Cologne Stadt-Anzeiger that there are thre conceivable possibilities for this, that the site is now offline:  the operators are going under cover for a few weeks and hope to build a media storm, they are planning a change of server, or they are planing a completely new structure under a new name. 
Following the articles related to the deceased actor Dirk Bach, which showed the clear disposition of homophobia, the campaigne of Bruno Gmunder Verlags have offered an award of 15,000 Euro for juristically usable information about the figures behind the site.  In the meantime there are at least half a dozen names suspects being investigated and given to the Attorney General in Berlin.  It has also engaged the Attorney General in Vienna for popular incitement (Volksverhetzung). 
Inhuman Propaganda
Those who are responsible for have not been revealed yet.  The German Catholic Church has renewed its statement distancing themselves.  As Spiegel recently reported, there are in any case at least two dozen authors with an ecclesiastical back ground active on the site, among them priests, church employees and at least one religion instructor. 
The site has been suspected for a long time by Church authorities, as the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitutional observes the site. As the reports the President of Protection of the Constitution, Heinz Fromm,  wrote in response to Volker Beck:  "In so far as the articles as well as the commentary from this internet presence is significantly known for its Homophobic, Islamophobic and anti-Semetic expressions, necessitates an extremely aggressive statement." 
Several entries are not covered by the fundamental right of freedom of speech, and cross into the territory of criminal law.  "Inhuman propaganda"has been distributed.  In addition, it presents "evidence for efforts against free democratic fundamental order" , it said in the document. 

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Props to Cathcon for its description of as "The Terminator".

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Cardinal Scola Doubles the Number of Exorcists in the Archdiocese of Milan

(Mailand) "The Devil? He appears rarely in Milan, but sometimes still", writes the the Vaticanist Paolo Rodari about the city of St. Ambrosius and Charles Borromeo.  The number of people, who day for day use the Archdiocesan clergy offices, because they think, that they have been possessed by the devil or concerned about a person close to them, are steadily rising.

The requests are so numerous, that the Archbishop Angelo Cardinal Scola is adding the College of Exorcists in the Archdiocese and doubling their number through new appointments.  In the mean time the largest Diocese in the world doesn't have 6 exorcists, but 12 exorcists.

"As the inquiries show, the desire has doubled also,"  says Msgr. Angelo Mascheroni, Auxiliary Bishop of Milan and the one responsible as Director of College of Exorcists since 1995.  "There are so many questions, that we had to establish a telephone bank as the first point of contact."  This first telephone contact number gives information, offers the initial information and views the incoming questions according to various criteria, above all according to the principle of location, to spare the sufferer from a long journey.

How does the Devil show himself?, asks Rodari.  "I always ask fundamentally, if the affected person had visited sorcerers to whom they may have paid money to before they turned to us.  I also ask if they have been to a specialist, who can sometimes diagnose a psychic problem.  Finally,  it is also concerned with protect the relatives, where sometimes the parents, siblings or children can persist, that the devil is in play.'  The highest mission of the Exorcist is to be attentive and give consolation, where they are most concerned with experiences of broken people, who curse their neighbors.  It is appropriate to treat all with objectivity and to redirect to give these people notably the right view on reality, above all also the security, that the Lord is always greater and more powerful than the Devil.  The truly diabolical appearances are very rare in my experience."

Who turns to an exorcist? "The young and the old, men and women, people of various levels of education from those with the most elementary educations to academics.  Most call relatives near them, for the children and the youth, the parents.  They report that their son or their daughter rebels, and will not go to school any longer, takes drugs.  In the great majority of the cases there is no possession.  It involves natural generational conflicts much more in the development of youth.  It doesn't have to do with the actual calls for help, where the youth and the parents learn correct ways of interacting, in order to master a period of transition common to al.  It is therefore important to ask the seven questions, in order then to help notably, by recognizing real demonic appearances.  Msgr Lorenzo Longoni, a famous Exorcist says, that in his life he's only conducted one real Exorcism."

Text: Giuseppe Nardi


SSPX Has Productive Meeting Discussing Vatican II With Diocesan Clergy

Meeting in Diocesan Seminary

[] The Society of St. Pius X in Germany offered regular places at priest conferences for Pastors and Chaplains for Diocesan pastoral care.

Last Monday the most recent meeting in Zaitzkofen in the Seminary of the Heart of Jesus ended.

13 Diocesan priests, who are friendly to the Society, had taken part.

"It was a meeting in an atmosphere with many enthusiastic discussions and a very lively, brotherly interaction,"  said Fr. Franz Schmidberger.  "We are very solicitous for contact with Diocesan priests," also stressed the District Superior of Germany, who had travelled from Stuttgart for the meeting himself.

The theme was Vatican II and its consequences.  The lecturers were the faculty of the Seminary of Herz Jesu.

The Germany District  had brought a priest, to take care of contacts with the Diocesan priests, Fr. Robert Schmitt. (See photo)

He was also present at the meetings and showed himself very pleased over the spirited interest of the priests in the Tradition of the Catholic Church.

Priests involved in pastoral care in the Diocese are heartily invited to get in touch with him.

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Friday, November 30, 2012

Dissident Fr. Helmut Schüller Loses Title of Monsignor

Zivilpriester Helmut Schüller darf keine
Soutane mit violetter Paspelierung mehr tragen.

© Catholic Church (England and Wales), CC BY-NC-SA
Disobedience Initiative

Politics in the Conciliar Church:  doctoring with various honorary titles in stead of dealing with problems.

( The leader of the Austrian "Ungehorsams-Initiative" and the Viennese Pastor Helmut Schuller has lost his papal honorary title "Monsignore".

This was something lamented by the Austrian media bosses who've been carrying water for him.

That his title will be removed from him will be imparted to him shortly.

Secular Priest Without Monsignor Soutaine?

The apostle of disobedience received the title for his activity for the alleged poor relief organization 'Caritas'.

The title "Chaplain to his Holiness" allowed the secular priest Schuller, to wear the soutane with the violette pipping.

The Reason? Three Guesses

Through the removal of the title, Fr. Schuller will not have his "fundamentals shaken".

An explicit reason for the removal has not been provided.

Now he will clarify the situation in the Vatican.

He Returns the Title Himself

The Holy See has only acquiesced to the desire of Fr. Schuler himself.

He explained himself in December 2010 about the title of Monsignor:

"I will send the decree back.  I will write therefore that I don't need the title any longer and: thanks for the appointment."

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New Spingtime: Dominicans to Give up Oldest Cloister in German Speaking Area

Edit: The closings are continuing.  Rorate Caeli just reported about the closing of the Monastery of St. Bernard in Switzerland.

(Friesach) The Dominican Order is giving its oldest lasting Cloister in the German speaking area.  The Dominican Cloister of Friesach in Kaertnen will be sold, as the Order Provincial told the Austrian newspaper Kleine Zeitung.  Negotiations with the city of Friesach are already in process.  The city administration is considering the use of the Cloister facility as a senior home or a youth center.  A sale is not in question due to reasons of cost.   For the Nicholas Church, the Diocese of Gurk-Klagenfurt has expressed interest, as the General Vicar Engelbert Guggenberger has stated.

A transfer of the Cloister property has been under discussion within the Order for years.  Already in 2006 the Provincial headquarters has reached a conclusion.  Today there are still two friars living in the Cloister.  The superlatives do not appear to have stopped the order.  Cloister Freisach is the oldest settlement of the Dominican Order in the German speaking area, as the Cloister church of St. Nicholas built in 1251 is the longest in use in Kaernten.

Already in the year 1217, only two years after the founding of the Order in France had still not taken place, but at the same time had come from the recently freed from heretical Albiginsians in Toulouse came the first Dominicans to Friesach,  with which formed the seed of the new community in the German speaking lands during the lifetime of St. Dominic Guzman himself (+1221). At its highest point there were 100 brothers in the Cloister. Then the Cloister went into decline, and there were times of spiritual deforestation of the Enlightenment.  They escaped the reforms of Emperor Joseph II. Through that time the Cloister lived through the French Revolutionary Spirit at the beginning of the 19th century in its decline.  In 1858 because of a lack of growth it had to be sold to Dominican Sisters of the Tirolean city of Lienz.  Through the recovery of the Order the Dominicans through the initiative of the Apostolic Nuncio Andreas Cardinal Fruhwirth, himself a Dominican, moved back to the Cloister in order to live again.  112 years later there is a second closing facing them.

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Text: Giuseppe Nardi

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"Silent Heroes" -- Museum for the Crimes and Victims of Communism in Bratislava

(Bratislava) In Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, in what was once the old Pressburg,   the Museum of the Crimes and Victims of Communism was opened.  It follows in important part of the "puzzle of remembrance", which several cities of the former East Bloc include.

The museum project can be approached as Slovakia deals with its recent past.  The old Communist cadres and their late adepts are still active also after 23 years since the end of their power.  The museum project was publicly proposed  by Silent Heroes an organization of former political prisoners and in 2010 by a forum of Christian societies.  The project was supported by the Slovakian Minister Iveta Radicova.  The Christian Democrat stood for parliamentary elections in March of 2012.  She wanted the museum to be built even by the government, in order to lend it a formal and visible status.  In the election, the center-left parties won and the museum had to stand on its own feet without government funding.

Christians Keep Alive the Memory of the Real Crimes of Socialism

On 16 November, the symbolic date which is reminiscent for the Slovaks of the non-violent "revolution" of 1989, marked the "temporary" opening of the museum. The official opening is planned for March 2013. The premises for the museum were provided by the University of Health and Work, whose Rector Vladimir Krčméry, a nephew of Silvester Krčméry, was one of the leading figures of the underground church during the Communist dictatorship where work could only be done under the most difficult conditions in secret, in "silence".

Rector Krčméry presented the museum which supports the vast attic of the building is available, which formerly housed the nursing school where the Blessed Sister Zdenka Scheling had been trained. Schelingová was entered into the long line of those who fell victim to Communism.

"We will endeavor to get a bigger space, but until then we will make the best possible use of the space available to us," said museum director Frantisek Neupauer, who is also chairman of the Association Silent Heroes. Neupauer was already an employee of the Slovak Institute of National Remembrance. Neupauer is constantly on tour for his museum collection. At the end of an interview the journalist of Czech Radio even gets out his wallet and gives Neupauer a donation.

The Museum is Concerned with the Communist Coup of 1948 to the End of the East Bloc of 1989

In the museum the period is represented by the communist coup in 1948 until the collapse of the communist dictatorship in 1989.  It focuses on the personal stories of many "Silent Heroes" who served the resistance to the dictatorship. It looks way through the city leading to the sites of oppression. In the archive of the Association Silent Heroes the cases of 70,000 "silent" victims are documented, whose names are hardly known today, "but which were characterized by their human greatness because of their sense of justice and the totalitarian regime they resisted. Each of them has helped that we have returned to democracy," said Neupauer. The medium-term goal of the museum is to document and totalitarian regimes outside Europe such as Cambodia.

In showcases, original pieces are seen, which were made by political prisoners in detention. For example, a puppet of the Good Soldier Svejk was made by prisoners in the uranium mines in northern Bohemia from wood chips and bread. The Federation of Former Political Prisoners, whose chairman Anton Srholec support the museum project with great commitment represents, more objects.

New Left-wing Government  won't give a cent for Museums, because there are "already quite a lot" of Museums

There is quite a different sound coming from the new left-wing government. Culture Minister Marek Maďarič, a former Communist, which occurs today in the Communist successor SMER stated already that the new government will notgive the museum "a penny" because in Slovakia "already are a lot of museums."

The memory of the Communist dictatorship and its perpetrators is not wanted by the new government. The attempt to cover up the suffering of decades, oppose the club Silent Heroes and the federal government of former political prisoners. They have left the Catholic tradition, where memory is more important than an abstract desire to be "emancipated" constantly from something. Each according to the requirements of his own past, where emancipation will be mere forgetfulness and coverup.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi

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The Hunt for Continues: Victims Will be Created

Diocese Mainz:  Father Jolie Regrets "rash and ill-considered actions"

Statement by the Diocese of Mainz on the discussion with Father Hendrick Jolie over his connection with  The public should respect clarifications and Father Jolie will not make any more dehumanizing statements in connection with [Hopefully, he can make them with us.]

Mainz (  The Diocese of Mainz has published and offered a statement about its discussion with Fr. Hendrick Jolie because of his "relationship" to, that was participated in by a discussion with the Diocesan General Vicar Prelate Dietmar Giebelmann, Herr Canon Law Professor Micheal Ling and Personell Department Head Honorary Cathedral Chapter Klaus Forster.  In the discussion the Diocese expressed the notion that Fr. Jolie had made contact with the (remaining anonymous to him) redaction of and contrary to earlier statements even offered texts to them.

The statement verbatim is as follows:

This concerns till today "current state of the church and judgments, indeed over ecclesiastical persons". To that extent, in conversation to assess the diocese of Mainz in the statement of 16 November confirmed the nature of the involvement of the pastor Jolie.

The representatives of the Diocese of Mainz have left no doubt that those contacts that have brought unacceptable violations to a number of people, even without formal involvement with other pronouncements by, are unworthy of a priest, and in addition to the persons concerned and have also damaged church.

Cardinal Lehmann of Mainz and Friend
Pastor Jolie has participated in the following the meeting with the representatives of the Diocese in a letter dated 23rd November to the Bishop of Mainz, Cardinal Karl Lehmann, and it expressed his regrets of "an unwise and imprudent action personally to great harm to the diocese, and for me". He has attempted to express himself using erroneous opinions, in serving the faith of the Church, and and sought means of expression, which are contrary to the Christian faith. He apologizes and asks for forgiveness. He wants to rethink his public witness and draw conclusions therefrom.

The Bishop of Mainz has accepted this request. He thanked the participants for their contribution to the call for clarification, but also Pastor Jolie for his willingness to critically reversal. He exhorts him to continue to deal sensitively with the public statements of any kind. The Diocese of Mainz offers pastor Jolie for any assistance.

The Diocese of Mainz asked the public to respect the clarifications after this conversation and not to associate Pastor Jolie with other defamatory, punishable and inhuman manifestations of Therefore according to current knowledge, there is need of any further action.

Mainz 27, November 2012

 Diocese of Mainz

Edit Note:  Wow, it's a good thing Father Jolie wasn't selling pornography or trying to promote the Traditional Latin Mass!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

News Stories -- Honored by Slanderers

Kardinal Elia Dalla Costa († 1961)
© gemeinfrei

Honored by Slanderers

Israel.  The slanderous Holocaust Museum Yad Vaschem has declared the Italian Cardinal Elia Dalla Costa (+1961) of Florence as "Righteous Among Peoples".  This was made known yesterday.  The priest saved countless Italian Jews as well as Jewish refugees from France and Yugoslavia from deportation by the Germans.  He hid refugees mostly with the help of his priests and Monastery.  There is a cause for his canonization since 1981.

Democracy in English

Great Britain.  The English Anglicans are seeking -- after the failed vote -- a new way to impose Lay-Bishopesses.  One will simply change the concluding hearing.  According to current rules the earliest that women Bishops can be voted on is 2014.  For that reason the Lay-Bishops are already deciding next week over another legislative procedure.  The Synod supposedly doesn't represent the majority of Anglicans, explained its General Secretary without further adieu.

AIDS is and remains a Homosexual Disease

Germany.  The venereal disease AIDS is spreading more in Germany.  This was according to the estimation of the Robert-Koch-Instiute.  Till the end of 2012 there are about 78,000 HIV-infected in Germany.   Coming from that, believe it or not, are 51,000 -- therefore 65 percent -- who are from the tiny homosexual population group.  In 2012 3,400 people are expected to be infected -- about 100 more than last year.

"No One Told us THAT"

Switzerland.  Bishop Bernard Fellay -- the General Superior of the Society of St. Pius X --  described his encounter with a young, Argentinian priest, in his All Souls sermon in the priestly seminary in Econe in Switzerland.  He had no understanding of the actual Faith.   He saw the Mass of All Ages for the first time with the Society.  Until shortly before that, he had no idea that this Rite existed.  The priest was angered that this treasure had been hidden from him:  "That is the Mass?  No one told ever us about it."

Frustrated Conciliar Priest Stages Himself by the Enemies of the Church

German. Pastor Reinhold Hubschle of the Trinity Church in the West of the 50,000 population city of Ravensburg has decided not to continue in the priesthood.  This was trompeted by the anti-Church 'Schwabische Zeitung'.  Fr. Hubschle has been a priest since 1984.  It has been for him really the best "job".  Actually it was out of his hands.  The older he became, the more he longed for a wife:  "Someone to have and share my life with me, that was already my true desire."  On the altar he was "never conscious, of speaking in the person of Christ in the [Novus Ordo] Eucharist."  He put his heart's blood into a project for migrants.  Perhaps he will find a suitable position there.

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Christmas Cancelled in Brussels

Here's a little something from Friends of Hungary.

THE END OF CHRISTIANITY IN BRUSSELS - NO CHRISTMAS THIS YEARAccording to Brussels city government's representative Bianca Debaets Brussels will not place a Christmas tree on its historical Grand Place square, because the tree, as a symbol of Christianity, could harm the feelings of people of other faiths. The electronic timber that has been granted and already placed is called "winter tree". The "Christmas market" thus receives a new name, from which the word "Christmas" is missing. (The muslim community reached 25% of Brussel's total population. According to most analysts the size and influence of the muslim community in Belgium was a key factor in making the decision.) 

Monday, November 26, 2012

News Stories -- Vatileaks Traitor Will be Pardoned

I Pardon You.

Pope-Traitor Will be Pardoned -- and Employed Again.

Vatican.  The Pope-traitor Paolo Gabriele will be pardoned in Christmas. This was reported by Giacomo Galeazzi at the site ''.   Gabriele should even -- outside of the Roman Curia -- receive new employment.  The most important advocate for the Pope-traitor was the earlier Prefect of the Papal Household, Archbishop James Michael Harvey  He has been the new Archpriest of the Basilica of St. Paul before the Walls on Saturday.

A Vaticanist Chooses his Pope

Vatican.  After the Consistory of Saturday there are 120 Cardinals ready to vote.  67 of them -- therefore 56 percent -- were named by Benedict XVI.   The largest part of them are hardened Old Liberals. 62 of the Cardinals -- therefore 52 percent of the Conclave -- come from Europe.  Of them 28 are Italians.  North America has 14 elector Cardinals, Latin America 21, Africa and Asia together have 11 and Oceana has one.  Up until the last Consistorium Vaticanist Andrea Tornielli has chosen the Neoconservative Timothy Cardinal Dolan of New York for a candidate for the Papal office.  Now his favorite is the Old Liberal Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle (55) of Manila.  Tornielli declared this on ''.

Schüller-Hangers On Will Meet

Austria.  Next year the Viennese Pastor Helmut Schüller -- the leader of the Austrian 'Disobedience Initiative' -- is to organize a worldwide gathering of his followers. The so-called international meething should in any case happen in Germany.  Fr. Schüller is hoping that some wheelchair Priests from Ireland, France, the USA and Australia will roll in.

French Bishops Celebrate Ad Orientem

Italy.  Till Thursday French Bishops from the provinces of Lille, Reims, Paris, Besancon, Dijon, Strasburg, Metz as well as the military diocese are on an ad lumina visit to the Vatican.  On the 19th of November they celebrated a Mass concelebration in the Roman Basilica of St. Maria Maggiore., as the site '' reported, ad oriented.  This happened in any case, because there isn't a dinner table in the side chapel that was used.

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Italy: Authorities Try to Abolish Christmas, For Real

Edit: After hearing about how a man dressed as a Roman Centurion attacked and substantially damaged an ancient local church in Rome recently,  here's a more uplifting tale describing the constant war against the powers and principalities.  There was a viral meme a few years back that a Bradford City Council in England was abolishing Christmas to mollify Muslims, by referring to Christmas as "Midwinter Festival"?  Still, atheists in Santa Monica have the same idea.

Yes, it's happening again except this time it's Italy and Catholics aren't sitting back, letting it happen and then bemoaning that it happened with the usual resignation easily detectable in Catholic and conservative circles these days in Northern Europe and the United States.

In the province of Caraoso in Piacenza, Italy, a school Principal has overstepped his bounds and will now have to find himself a new job.

This just in from a correspondent about a really interesting situation in Italy where Cultural Marxism attempts to rear its ugly head and is stomped by an angry mob of ordinary Italians.  People in Europe don't appear to be quite as sanguine and passive about the authorities destroying their traditions as are alleged Catholics in the United States.  Nativity scenes are routinely attacked by the ACLU or local miscreants and Anarchists with impunity:

A principle of a public elementary school in the Province of Piacenza decided to ban any mention of Christmas (including the display of the traditional nativity scenes) in order not to "offend" north African students. At which point the parents exploded in protest. The mayor of the town promised to personally deliver 4 nativity scenes and will press to have the principle transferred out of the school. The protests have arrived at the ministry of public education in Rome. Can one imagine such a protest happening in the oh-so-Christian USA? No, one cannot.
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Steubenville Concedes to Anti-Catholic Media on Course Description

[Steubenville, OH]  Recently, the Franciscan University of Steubenville Ohio had come under fire for an excerpt in its course catalog which compared homosexuals to criminals. The course description created a tremendous amount of attention from the anti-Catholic media. The description for Social Work Research 314, as it has stood for about 30 years is as follows:

"SWK 314 DEVIANT BEHAVIOR focuses on the sociological theories of deviant behavior such as strain theory, differential association theory, labeling theory, and phenomenological theory. The behaviors that are primarily examined are murder, rape, robbery, prostitution, homosexuality, mental illness, and drug use. The course focuses on structural conditions in society that potentially play a role in influencing deviant behavior." 3 credit hours

The Catholic University Faculty has already voted to reword the course description while insisting that it will remain faithful to the Catholic teaching on homosexuality that homosexuals are to be treated with respect and dignity, but have a disordered condition.

At this point, the faculty has conceded that those who have been critical of the school, including one former student who is no longer Catholic because of the Church's teaching on homosexuality, that the statement in the course catalog comparing homosexuality to other forms of deviant behavior have a point.

The Former Cathedral of Wurzburg is Now a Provincial Art Gallery!

Left: Picture of what was onceWurzburg Cathedral
Rechts: Der verwüstete Dom.
© POW, Pressebilder Bistum Würzburg
The Abomination of Desolation

Satan reigns:  The Wurzburg Cathedral has become refashioned as a horrifying tomb of the Catholic Faith.

(, Würzburg)  On the first Advent Sunday a Wurzburg Cathedral made desolate by 3.1 million Euro will be reopened.

This was reported by the Diocese of Wurzburg in a press release.  The destructive work on the Cathedral lasted sixteen months.

12,000 Cubic Meters of Dead White

The colorful decoration on 12,000 cubic meters of wall and ceiling have been erased.
How much??

Fifteen painters painted the interior space bare white.

A Cathedral as a Galerie for Pseudo-Art

The place on the former high alter -- where once the tabernacle stood -- was ripped out by the Bishop to nail in his throne.

The brushed white Cathedral is now arranged like a provincial museum.  There have been 26 so-called art works displayed.

Some of the installations are made of smeared colors or from unrecognizable portrayals of Christ.

Old Figures Artistically Butchered
So Ecumaniacal!

In the Cathedral some of the neighboring rooms were made, which have been designated as "chapels".

In the new crypt there stands -- like an exhibit piece - a beautiful Marian figure from the 16th century is on a metal rod.

Otherwise there is a Pieta- representation inviting to prayer.  Unfortunately it will be slapped against a giant gold wall in the back ground.

One of the 26 figures removed

A sculpture -- which bears the title "The Victim" -- is going to be missing as it makes the rounds for journalists on the 13th November.

The figure shows an oppressed naked torso -- which clearly doesn't represent Christ.

It doesn't have any authorization from the Cathedral Chapter -- explains the Diocesan speaker its absence.

The prepared niche is still empty.  The Diocese is now seeking a suitable place for the naked figure.

Link to more "art" photos...

More News Stories -- Resistance Against French President -- Underground Bishop Dies

Resistance Against the Homosexual Comrades

France.  Two thousand French mayors are asking of French President, Comrade Francoise Hollande, that no homosexual marriages are to be conducted. On Wednesday, the speaker of the Socialist government, that no mayor will be able to fall back on his conscience.

Limburg:  Diocesan Speaker Leaves After Three Months

Germany.  Eva Demmerle (45) is resigning from her post as Press Speaker of the Diocese of Limburg after only three months for family reasons.  This was reported by the site ''.  Frau Demmerele made her decision while on vacation.  She was the Press Speaker of the Emperor's eldest son Otto von Habsburg (+ 2011).

Underground Bishop Has Died

On November 6th the Chinese Underground Bishop Samuel Guo Chaunzhen (94) died. This was reported by Vatican newspaper 'L'Osservatore Romano' recently.  The deceased began in 1944 with his priestly ordination.  After the Cultural Revolution he spent sixteen long years in a work camp and under house arrest.  In 1963 the Communists forced him to work in the food industry, so that he could not be active as a priest.  Then 19 years later he could work as a pastor.  In 1983 he founded a Seminary in eastern China.  In 1988 he was named by John Paul II as the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Jinan.

Hate as an Answer to Truth

Germany.  On Monday the famous Cologne Capuchin, Father Paul Terwitte, in the broadcast 'Hart aber fair" in the forced church tax broadcaster 'ARD' about euthanasia.  In the broadcast Witwer introduced a lady who had been euthanized by a Death Doctor.  The priest asked the husband: "Why should your wife conduct her suicide with the help of a doctor?  Why didn't you find a razor with which she could have cut an artery?"  Already during the broadcast, there was a hate campaign against the critics of euthanasia.  On Wednesday the intimidated priest apologized on ''.  In a forced church-tax broadcaster he should have asked "more sensitive questions".  He still remains, however, an opponent of euthanasia.

Insurance Fund Pays for the Killing of their Customers

Holland.  The Netherlands introduces euthanasia on a health insurance certificate.  The Insurance Fund 'Menzis' has already been working since March together with mobile death teams. The governing body of the Insurer openly lets its members offer euthanasia.

Link to

Sunday, November 25, 2012

News Stories -- New Office Manager of the Liturgy Congregation

New Office Manager of the Liturgy Congregation

Vatican.  The US- Abbot John Zilinski of the Olivetaner Benedictines is the new Office Manager of the Liturgy Congregation.  This was reported by the Vatican Press Service yesterday.  The Pope additionally named Msgr. William Crea (61) as new Bishop of Cloyne in Ireland.  He has been a pastor.  The past Bishop, Msgr. John Magee (76) resigned in March 2010 because of the abuse-hoax.

Speechless Conciliar Catholics

Germany.  The Christians -- in contrast to Musselmen -- have lost their ability to speak in the area of religion.  This was maintained by the Old Liberal Bishop Stephan Ackermann of Trier at a podium discussion for Protestant Penance and Bed Day. Msgr Ackermann didn't comment also upon the preparedness to affirm religious questions.

Lutheran Pastor Preaches for 'Radio Vatican'

Vatican.  Yesterday the Lutheran Pastor Jens-Martin Kruse spoke on Radio Vatican on the observation of the Gospel of the Feast of Christ the King, which the Protestants don't have.  Kruse's words about Christ as the true King belonged to that which is what one would have expected from a Concliar priest of a Neoconservative orientation.

Man Rampages in Roman Church

Italy.  Yesterday a man dressed as a Roman Legionary of Milan (30) damaged the Roman church Santa Francesca Romana in the Roman Forum.  The perpetrator stormed the church during Mass and began to rampage.  Police officials overpowered him.  The resulting damages were extensive.

Martin Mosebach as Ultramontane

Germany.  The writer Martin Mosebach has published his book in Aubsburg's 'Sankt Ulrich Verlag' his book "Der Ultramontane -- Alle Wege Fuehren nach Rom" [The Ultramontane -- All Roads Lead to Rome].  It contains several essays -- among which is a recently published text on blasphemy.  In the forward Mosebach explained that he is not just obliged to follow state laws.  He shows himself to the Pope -- as Christ's representative on earth -- as the superior authority.  This is what marks the Ultramontanist Catholic.

Link to

Traditional Benedictine Appointment to Office of Divine Worship in Rome

Edit: this is from Father MacDonald at Southern Orders about the new Capo Ufficio, Office Manager  for the Congregation of Divine Worship, Abbot Dom Micheal John Zielinski, OSB Oliv.

He has spoken on the importance of Beauty, as for CNA, and on the Heritage of the Roman Rite.   He is also friendly to the SSPX.  The Gay, Tell blog of the Modernist Monastery has only a laconic, indeed sepulchral post about him with weeping and gnashing of the teeth from some commenters.   In short, he's hated by the right people, and loved by those of us who want for the health of the Church.

Here's an excerpt from Father MacDonald with his boldface:
Yet today, we are acutely conscious of the fact that all has notbeen well in recent decades in respect of the cultural life of the Latinrite of the Catholic Church. Western society has been suffering froma profound cultural crisis for some time and this has impacted onthe Church. Indeed, our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI himself, as Cardinal Ratzinger, expressed on a number of occasions his profound
concern for the crisis in the cultus of the Church that we have experienced
in the decades following the Second Vatican Council, from the “fabrication” of new rites, to the banalization of ecclesiastical music
and the unprecedented re-ordering of the spatial arrangements of
Cardinal Ratzinger, expressed on a number of occasions his profound concern for the crisis in the cultus of the Church that we have experienced in the decades following the Second Vatican Council, from the“fabrication” of new rites, to the banalization of ecclesiastical music and the unprecedented re-ordering of the spatial arrangements ofchurches (see The Ratzinger Report [Ignatius, 1985], The Feast of Faith[Ignatius, 1986], The Spirit of the Liturgy [Ignatius, 2000]). 

It is possible to say that, in recent decades, much of the cultural heritage of the Church – from venerable rites to the many goodsemployed in their service – has been endangered by an ideology ofnovelty that has misunderstood if not rejected the profound respectfor the tradition that genuine creativity in continuity with tradition had always understood.  
This of course, has not simply left us with an impoverished cultural experience in our churches. Most crucially, any impoverishment of the sacramentals themselves carries with it the danger of weakening the very encounter with the incarnate Lord which these rites and ritual things impoverished cultural experience in our churches. Most crucially,any impoverishment of the sacramentals themselves carries with itthe danger of weakening the very encounter with the incarnate Lordwhich these rites and ritual things facilitate. We creatures of fleshand blood ordinarily require these cultural goods in order to enterinto the life of grace and to persevere in it until the end. They serveto raise our minds and hearts to Almighty God, and to lead us into that encounter from which we receive grace. Devaluing or dismissing them may have – indeed has had – an adverse effect on the life offaith of many in recent times.

Msgr. Ganswein Remains Pope's Secretary

Prälat Georg Gänswein – aktueller Sekretär
von Benedikt XVI.

© premiosciacca, Flickr, CC by-nc-nd

Since the theft of documents from the Papal residence there are new security measures.

( Prelate George Ganswein -- the Private Secretary of the Pope -- will remain at the side of Benedict XVI.

This was reported by Vaticanist Sandro Magister on the website ''.

A false rumor

Last Friday the Roman newspaper 'Il Fatto Quotidiano' reporeted that it had was certain that the Prelate would become Prefect of the Papal Household.

The current Prefect, who is the USA born Archbishop James Michael Harvey, was named as a Cardinal yesterday.

He will be the new Archpriest of the Basilica St. Paul at the Walls.

Actually, according to reports by Magister it is "certain", that Prelate Ganswein will continue in his post as Private Secretary.

With that the speculation that he would be Bishop of Regensburg would also be obsolete.

New Security Measures

Magister reported also about Sandro Mariotti, the butler of the Pope and successor of the document thief Paolo Gabriele.

He has already filled in for this position in the past.

The office of the Pope is off limits for other persons than the two Papal Secretaries.

Finally Magister mentioned that the earlier housekeeper of the Pope, Ingrid Stampa, no longer has access to the Papal chamber since the scandal and document leaks.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Will the Pope's Private Secretary be Promoted Soon?

Rome -- There is Italian media speculation, that Msgr. Georg Ganswein (56) as Prefect of the Papal Household is immediately in the offing.

This would mean that Ganswein will probably give up his job for almost 8 years as Privat Secretary of Pope Benedict XVI, while he will be raised to the rank of Bishop and a person of close trust to the Holy Fathers.  The press office of the Holy See has denied that the time is ripe for such a decision to take place.

Most personal speculations in the wake of the Vatileaks Affair had shown themselves to be weak.