Thursday, November 1, 2012

News Items -- Dissident Theologian's Talk Cancelled in San Diego!

Dissident Theologian's Talk Cancelled in San Diego -- New York Times? --   Uruguay Jesuits Pro-Life?! -- The Old Mass is Normal -- The Last Christian in Homs Murdered --  Bishop of Muenster Wants to Hire Adulterers

Dissident Theologian's Talk Cancelled

San Diego, USA. This is via Stella Borealis.  The dismayed National Catholic Reporter has indicated that the Catholic University of San Diego has canceled a visiting fellowship for a theologian who writes for the decadent Tablet Newspaper. Beattie is a theological adviser to the Marxist Catholic Agency For Overseas Development, the Catholic aid agency for England and Wales -- announced the withdrawal of the invitation in an email to friends and other theologians Thursday. The Cancellation was brought about by pressure from contributors.

New York Times: Ex-Homosexuals Say they can be cured.

The Old Mass is Normal

Vatican.  It is normal to celebrate the Old Mass.  Cardinal Antonio Canizares Llovera -- the Prefect of the Liturgy Congregation -- said this to the site ''.  The Prince of the Church will celebrate the Pontifical High Mass on November 3rd for the international pilgrimage 'Una cum Papa Nostro'.  There will be a Roman Rite there in two forms.  Thusly, it's normal to celebrate the Old Rite.  He has done this already many times himself.

Uruguay Jesuits are Pro-Life?!

Montevideo, Uruguay.  According to CNA/ETWN, the Society of Jesus in Uruguay has spoken out with "deep regret" against Father Jose Ignacio Gonzalez Faus, who supports the legalization of infant slaughter.  He was quoted by 'La Daria', where he supported the killing of a child up to the 12th week of a pregnancy.  Amazingly, the Jesuits of Uruguay distanced themselves from his comments saying, they "have  done nothing more than create confusion in people especially the way in which he approaches the issue of the legalization of abortion."

Last Christian of Homs is Murdered

Syria.  Yesterday, Elias Mansour (84) -- the last Christian in the Syrian city of Homs -- was murdered.  This was reported by the Mission news service 'Fides'.  Mansour refused to leave his house in the course of the evacuation of the city.  He cared for his handicapped son there.  Mansour's murderers are terrorists who are being supported by the West.

Now the Exception Becomes the Rule

Germany.  Bishop Felix Genn of Muenster is going to appoint adulterers to positions in the Church.  He said this yesterday to the 'Neu Ruhr/ Neuen Rhein Zeitung'.  He sees an allegedly "clear border" where adulterers can work in communications.  There is no possible position for bigamists.  IN reality there are a lot of adulterous religion teachers.   An adulterer may however occupy a post in a Catholic hospital as chief doctor.

A Corrupter of Holy Scripture

Caricature of Luther from the times
of the Protestant Revolt
A Little Late for Reformation Day

(  The stalwart Catholic apologist, Fr. Johann Nikolaus Weislinger (+1755), wrote in his book: "My way or the highway" in 1719:

"What concerns the German Bible, so every Lutheran should now know is that in Germany, German Bibles were had and read before Luther sprang and pitifully seduced and deceived our beloved fatherland with his villainous, prankish and interlaced Bible."

Before Luther there were 14 Complete Editions of the Bible

The historical critic confirmed this harsh criticism.

In 1522 Luther's German translation of the New Testament appeared in Wittenberg.

Before this point in time there were 14 complete High German editions of the Bible available.

Martin Luther the Poser

Of these Luther himself used three, as Protestant G.W. Hopf confirms:

-Augsburg 1477
-Nurnberg 1483
-Augsburg 1518

(Hopf, value of Lutheran Germanification of the Bible, 1847)

At the same time Luther boasted that he "had pulled the Bible from under the bench".

The Swiss Reformer Huldrych Zwingli (+1531) thought that such bragging should have been "flogged out".

Poorly translated

Luthers work showed itself soon to be unusually prone to error.

Already the Elsatian schismatic Martin Butzer (+1551) found a large number of mistakes in Luther's translation.

Other Protestants, like Christian Karl von Bunsen (+1860)   explained that the meaning of the original did not match in a hundred places.

No other was as mistaken about the original text.  It was regarded as the most imprecise of all translations.  Over 3,000 places needed correction.

Luther will be canonized

In 1885 a book appeared in Berlin with the following title:  "God's food and the Lutheran Bible translation -- two fundamentally diverse things."

Protestant yes men set themselves against any alteration out of exaggerated honor for Luther.

So wrote the Protestant preacher Mayer:  "M. Franke, who castigated many errors in Luther's Bible, has not condemned Lutherdom, but the Holy Ghost himself."  (Johann Nikolaus Weislinger, page 331)

Luther Against All

The erroneous teaching of the justification of men through faith in Christ alone led Luther to counterfeits of Holy Scripture and the intentional falsification of the written word of God.

His followers were led to only understand Holy Scripture as he misunderstood it.

"Guard yourself", warned Luther, "against all the teaching which need aught but these words (Law, Sin, Grace, Faith, Justice in the Letters of Paul), be they who they will,  even as if they were the same as Origin, Ambrose, Hironymus, Augustine and still higher."

The Classical Example

Through omissions, distortions, truncations, Luther gave Holy Scripture a Lutheran face, so that the Bible,  at least from the great mass of superficial readers, vouch for him.

In 2 Peter 1: 10 he simply removed for example in the sentence  "Wherefore, brethren, labour the more, that by good works you may make sure your calling and election" the words "good works".

The classical example of Lutheran written falsification is Romans 3:28.

There, St. Paul wrote: For we account a man to be justified by faith, without the works of the law."

Luther arbitrarily shoved the word "alone" out so that it meant: The man will be justified through faith alone without the works of the law."

Why? So that the people believed that Luther taught the same as St. Paul.

Questions Were Answered with Outbreaks of Fury

As he was reprimanded for such a manipulation of Holy Scripture, Luther answered:

"If you Papists [a priest of Nurnberg who broke from Luther] want to make the word "sola" --alone -- useless, quickly tell him therefore:  Doctor Martin Luther wants it that way and say: Papist and asses are one thing;  sic volo sic jubeo, sit pro ratione voluntas." [I want, then I command. Instead of reasoning my will applies!]

What would not be melded into his system, was thrown out, like the letters of James, the Hebrews and the Apocalypse of John.

Lutheran Exegesis

The book of Tobias as denoted as a comedy by Luther.

The wasting of Job was explained with:  "The Devil foisted some syphilis on him".

The book of Ecclesiastes "has neither books nor spurs and goes to stockings". [A play on the expression that you can't go to heaven with your boots and spurs.]

In Sirach 3, 5 a church teacher is introduced as a jokester.

"You Damn Jews"

Especially poor is Luther's talk about Moses as well as Jews in general and the Old Testament:

"Everyone who goes with Moses, must go with the devil, to the gallows with Moses.  The Ten Commandments don't apply to us Christians and the heathens, but the Jews alone."

(Volume 5.  Wittenberger Edition germ. fol. 212)

Or: "Pfui you there, pfui you there and where you are, you damn Jews!  Are you worth nothing that you see the Bible from outside.  Let alone that you read what's inside.

You should only read the bible,  which is under the pig's tail, and the letters fall out the same way, eat and drink. That would be a bible for such prophets."

(Tom. S. Jen. germ. fol. 83 adit. 1558)

The Prophet of Wittenberg handled Holy Scripture and its author so disgracefully.

From the book "Luther, as he lived, loved and died, portrayed according to a irrefutable report.  Polemic writing against the "los von Rom-Pastoren".  Eight, unchanged editions. Graz und Wien 1925.   Publishing House 'Styria'.  Available, here...

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

143 Faculty Attack Archdiocese: Minnesota "Catholic" Universities Run Wild

Edit:  As if to demonstrate how deep the rot has entered, 143 faculty members from two affiliated "Catholic" schools have signed a document effectively rejecting the definitive teaching of the Catholic Church.

Will they get away with it too?  Maybe it's ok when Leftist faculty are openly disobedient?  In fact, St. John's University and St. Benedict haven't been Catholic in many years.

These institutions and their employees seem emboldened in light of the Abbey's own attempt at neutrality, to make a more definitive public statement in favor of what the Catechism of the Catholic Church has described as "intrinsically disordered".  The Archbishop has asked for obsequy from his priests and religious and has even forbidden the openly disobedient priest, Bob Pierson, from speaking in his Archdiocese.

The undersigned below,  constitute a substantial number of faculty members at Collegeville and St. Benedict's Benedictine Nunnery, seem convinced that their rebellion will have no consequences.

Note the faculty members who are in the Theology Department.  This kind of dissent from Catholic teaching doesn't grow up over night and has been going on for decades with the collusion of the people who continue to support this Monastery gone wild, as Lifesite News so aptly put it this summer.

Of course, they are insisting that "new scientific" knowledge has thrown light on this issue which we are obliged to obey, although they haven't effectively demonstrated how that is supposed to work.  What it is is plain modernism.  More ironic still since there is no scientific research supporting their claims underlying their support for gomorrist weddings.  On the contrary, there's an enormous amount of "scientific" evidence against such unions.

The Bishop's statement as follows:

We, the Catholic Bishops of Minnesota, believe it is critical in our time to speak in support of marriage as a lifelong commitment between one man and one woman in an enduring bond of love. God’s word in divine revelation declares that marriage is a union ordered to both the mutual good of the spouses and to the procreation and raising of children. As a sacred institution, marriage is a constant reminder of God’s love for the human race, as well as a reflection of the permanent, faithful, and fruitful bond of love between Christ and the Church. (See Genesis 1:27, 2:22-24; Ephesians 5:31-32.)
Our own State’s constant recognition of marriage is based on the evident fact that only the sexual union of a man and a woman has the natural capability to bring forth new life with the bearing of children. Both faith and reason agree, then, that marriage is an institution central to the life of human society, and touches profoundly on the common good. This committed relationship between one man and one woman calls forth the best of the spouses, not only for their own sake, but also for the well-being of their children and the community. It is neither possible for us to change the definition of marriage nor wise to attempt to do so.
We urge our State government, our fellow Catholics, and all people of good will in the State of Minnesota to support marriage, both in theory and in practical measures that safeguard, promote, and enhance marriage and family. One practical measure would be a constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman. For further reading, see: Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan, by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 17 November 2009. See also the web site at

Here are the names of many people who are against the Archbishop's proposal and the Catholic Church's moral teachings, link, and we've highlighted the ones who are in the "Theology" department.  Shouldn't someone who so violently challenges the authority of the Archbishop and the Church's teachings have their licentiate to teach theology revoked?

Vincent Smiles, Theology Andy Holey, Computer Science Michael Livingston, Psychology John Merkle, Theology Tony Cunningham, Philosophy Lisa Platt, Psychology Lindsay Anderson, Nursing Mike Ross, Chemistry Janet Grochowski, Education Rodger Narloch, Psychology Henry Jakubowski, Chemistry Janelle Hinchley, First Year Seminar & Gender Studies James Poff, Biology Phil Chu, Biology Gordon Brown, Biology Parker Wheatley, Economics Carol Brash, Fine Arts Karyl Daughters, Communication Gladys White, Hispanic Studies Ernest Diedrich, Economics Bruce Campbell, Hispanic Studies Ozzie Mayers, English Stephen Stelzner, Psychology Derek Larson, History & Environmental Studies Brian Campbell, Music Pam Bacon, Psychology Linda Tennison, Psychology Carol Jansky, Biology Clayton Gearhart, Physics (emeritus) Jonathon Carlson, Library Ingrid Smiles, CSB Campus Ministry David Wuolu, Library Wendy Klepetar, Global Business Leadership Benjamin Faber, Psychology William Lamberts, Biology Scott Richardson, Modern and Classical Languagues Samuel Johnson, Fine Arts Bruce Thornton, Music Jessica O’Reilly, Sociology Jessica Harkins, English Sigrid Hedman-Dennis, Nursing Thomas Sibley, Mathematics Matt Callahan, English Patricia Bolanos, Hispanic Studies & Gender Studies Kathleen Costello, First Year Seminar Erica Stonestreet, Philosophy Allison Spenader, Education Kelly Kraemer, Peace Studies Jennifer Galovich, Mathematics Bret Benesh, Mathematics Matthew Harkins, English Yuko Shibata, Modern and Classical Languages & Asian Studies Luann Reif, Nursing Maureen McCarter, Modern and Classical Languages Janna LaFountaine, Exercise Science and Sports Studies Carrie Braun, Nursing Marcus Webster, Biology Cynthia Curran, History James Schnepf, Computer Science Martha Tomhave Blauvelt, Gender Studies Tess Kasling, Library Karen Erickson, Modern and Classical Languages David Malone, Library Elizabeth Wurdak, Biology Gary Prevost, Political Science Juliann Heller, Theology Susan Riley, History Christi Siver, Political Science Kathy Twohy, Nursing Patricia Kennedy, Theology Robert Hesse, Mathematics Andrea Shaker, Fine Arts John Miller, Computer Science Elaine Rutherford, Fine Arts Sarah Schaaf, Hispanic Studies Manuel Campos, Biology Luke Mancuso, English Madhu Mitra, English Charles Wright, Philosphy Angela Erickson-Grussing, Hispanic Studies David Mitchell, Biology Jillian Hiscock, Admissions Richard Bohannon, Environmental Studies John Olson, Economics Jacqueline Corral, Admissions Joy Ruis, Office for Education Abroad Sarah Pruett, ESC Coordinator Eleonora Bertranou, Hispanic Studies Jillian RIgg McKenzie, Admissions Brooke Horejsi, Fine Arts Programing Christina Shouse Tourino, English Molly Ewing, Library Edmund Sass, Education Kaarin S. Johnston, Theater Jeffrey Anderson, Peace Studies Patricia Kent, Music Tania Gomez, Hispanic Studies Kathleen Parker, Library Cindy Malone, English Corey Shouse Tourino, Hispanic Studies Shane Miller, Communication Jean Keller, Philosophy Rachelle Larson, Nursing Nicholas Jones, Chemistry Mark Mortrude, Education Wendy Sterba, Modern and Classical Languages Jean Ochu, Accounting and Finance David Bennetts, History Shannon Essler Petty, Education Leigh Dillard, Theater Diane Veale-Jones, Environmental Studies Nelsy Echarvez-Solano, Hispanic Studies Timothy Robinson, Philosophy Matt Lindstrom, Political Science Elena Sanchez Mora, Hispanic Studies Jean Lavigne, Environmental Studies Michael Opitz, English Gregory Walker, Music Jennifer Schaefer, Biology Megan Vetsch, Fine Arts Programing Angeline Dufner, English (Emeritus) Joe Rogers, Global Education Kenneth Jones, History Janet Neuwirth, Nursing Anna Mercedes, Theology Bridget Sitzer, Admissions Allan Bouley, Theology (Emeritus) Michael Roske, Abbey Woodworking Peggy Roske, CSB/SJU Archives Philip Kronebusch, Political Science Peggy Retka, Office for Education Abroad Kevin Knodl, Fine Arts Programing Manju Parikh, Political Science J. Scott Johnson, Political Science Elisabeth Wengler, History Roy Ketchum, Hispanic Studies Stephen Wagner, Philosophy Beth Pettitt, Biology Lisa Drontle, Music Julie Davis, History Todd Johnson, Physics Robert Kachelski, Psychology Gregory Schroeder, History

News Reports

German Submission Bishops Praise the World

Germany. The German Bishops have could have taken something from the Conciliar Fathers from other continents, something about "fear of the world" -- which is currently pulverizing the Church in Germany.  This is what Archbishop Robert Zollisch of Freiburg said to 'Katholischen Nachrichtagentur' over the World Bishops' Synod  closing on Sunday.  There were positions given about "the hostile world, from which we must be detached".  The German Church-tax Bishops are opposed, rather "going to the world".

Bishops Against Homosexual Depravity

Slovakia.  The Family Council of the Slovakian Bishops' Conference has asked the Parliament to vote against the privileging of homosexuality.  The Council warns that the homosexually disturubed  will lead to a "civil partnership in the law".  Homosexuality must not be put at the same level with a Papa-mama-baby-marriage.  The homosexually disturbed stand "in complete opposition to the sanctity of sexuality between husband and wife in marriage".  St. Paul has already addressed the loan which is due from homosexuals because of their aberration. The position recalled antique Rome, which fell because of its own immorality.

Wild Reactions

Germany.  On October 30th the former protestant Minister Andreas Theurer and his wife converted to the Church.  This was reported by the Lutheran news 'edp'.  Actually the two wanted to convert today on "Reformation Day", October 31st.  Actually that would have been felt by Protestants as a "monstrous provocation", explained Theurer.  Because of "wild reactions" the conversion was to take place on Monday.

The Poles Warn -- the Germans Downplay

Poland.  The website of the Archdiocese of Warsaw has warned against "Satanic practices", which will corrupt the youth on the so-called festival of Halloween.  It has spread occultism and sorcery.  On the other hand, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch has said on his Archdiocesan website that Halloween is next to the "carved  faces in pumpkins at scary parties" allegedly increases interest in the All Saint's Day and All Soul's Day feasts.  There is a time to have a "collective harvest wonder", he insisted.

Euphemisms About Mass Apostasy

Austria.  The decline of Christians in Europe is dependent above all on the decreasing numbers of births.  So the Old Liberal Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn took his own responsibility for this massive decline in the Church from the table, for the Church-tax News 'kathpress'.  A connection between the decline of births and the allowance by the Bishops of artificial contraception in the Mariatroster Declaration [Austrian Bishops rejected 'Humane Vitae' in 1968, although he was quick to excuse it early in September.] was not made by the Cardinal.   There is no cause for his resignation -- he smoothed over the problem beautifully.

Link to

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Trappist Nuns In Syria Do Not Fear Fate of Trappists in Algeria

(Damascus)  They came to the near East in 2005 with the intention to live out the Christianization of the first centuries after Christ.   Their history is comparable to the Trappist monks of Tibhirine in Algeria, who in 1996 were murdered by a moderate Islamic group.  Xavier Beauvaus created a memorial for them and their martyrdom by the film "Of Men and Gods".

The comparison is more pressing when one things of the five Trappists, who left their peaceful and isolated Cloister in Valserena in Tuscany, Italy, in order to go to Syria.  A land whose internal situation had been already tense and in the midst of a civil war with thousands of deaths and flooded with hundreds of thousands of refugees.

Why have they decided to found a new Cloister in an unstable country like Syria?  "Because Christianity had developed here and spread from here to Asia Minor, Greece, Rome, Armenia, India and China", say the sisters.  "in the first centuries the mission was led by a living Monastic movement, which existed alone and independently of one another here and in Egypt."  The sisters recall St. Ephraem the Syrian, Saint Simeon the Stylite, St. John Chrysostom or St. John of Damascus, whose traces they follow.  "Going out from our Latin and Benedictine Tradition we want to follow the stream, because we are convinced of the rich fruits, which will come about in an exchange between the West and Eastern heritage of Christendom."

So the Cloister of Azeir exists amidst the civil war afflicted cities of Homs and Tartous in Central Asia. The sisters feel a mission in that, which resembles that of the monks of Tibhirine:  to help Christians and Muslims without respect to religion, to be a lighthouse of peace and harmony in the civil war,  which they did not foresee when the five Trappists set foot for the first time on Syrian soil. "Now we belong to these people.  The fate of the Syrians is our fate,"  says Abbess Monica to AsiaNews.

The nuns reported on their internet site established and independent of all propaganda of one of the other sides of the civil war and the fate of Syria's Christians.   Some of the letters of the last months could have been called out.  They described for everyone the suffering of the civilian population.  For them the Cloister is clearly a sign of hope, because it is "a place, where God is really present through the Eucharist and through the Church, through the prayer and the brotherly community.  It is a blessing for all."

"Why should we go away?" was the astonished response of the sisters.  "The people here ring our door.  They seek help, diverse help.   They ask for food, they seek consolation, young men have started to come to us, because they are seeking someone to help them to understand things, to reflect, to grow innerly."  The Cloister offers already numerous people sanctuary and accommodation, people, who are have been made refugees by government troops or the rebels, people who are pursued by one side or the other.  Even as a place for secret business, the Cloister is on hand.

"We are called to give a witness of our Christian hohpe, which is stronger than all worry.  Why should we go away from a place, where the people so desperately need this hope",  said the Abbess to Asia News.

Text: Religion en libertad/Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Valserena

He's Lucky He's Not a Catholic Priest

Double Standard

The powerful are only horrified about child-abuse when it can drag the Church in the dirt.

(  Joris Demmink (64) is a high Dutch official.

Since 2002 he has been General Secretary of the Ministry for Security and Justice.

Homosexual Rapist?

Yesterday the US-website '' reported that Demmink will resign this week and be honored for his work.

Demmink has been charged for raping two male minors during  a flight in Turkey.

Witnesses Speak Out

On October 4th, witnesses spoke out before the Helsinki Commission at Capital Hill in Washington against Demmink.

"I was afraid to say no -- I was very young an innocent, " said one.

According to reports from '' there was an attempted murder against him, after his complaint became public.

He Finished in a Bordello 

The alleged victim left his family at the age of fourteen,  to seek work in decadent Europe.

There he ended -- not completely unexpected -- in an Amsterdam bordello.  Fro this place of inhumanity he met Demmink.

Already after two meetings, he wanted to take the young Turk with him home in Den Haag.

"Completely Baseless"

The attorney of the victim -- Adele Van der Plas -- explained that Demmink's high position has made it difficult charge him:

"We may have beautiful laws in Holland -- but these don't help, if people from he upper classes abuse children and are not prosecuted."

The Dutch Government has taken the position that the complaints against Demmink are "completely baseless".

Straight to Jail?

A representative of the Dutch Embassy -- H.P. Schreinemachers -- criticized the results of the hearing.

The internet site '' has appeared.

Its operators also want to impede the honoring Demmink on his retirement.

Link to

Polish Priest Uncovering the Homosexual Mafia in the Church

Hw. Dariusz Oko auf der Webseite

© Screenshot
The fog is lifting

The existence of homo-networks is revealed by the excessive pain with which the German Bishops are proceeding against '' -- but not against their own Pornography Business 'Weltbild'.

(  Fr. Dariusz Oko is a research fellow at the philosophy faculty of the Papal University of John Paul II in Krakow.

He has investigated  homosexual networks which have infiltrated the Church the world over.

Struggle Against a Deadly Peril

Fr. Oko recently published an article in the German newspaper 'Theologisches'.

Fr. Oko sees his research work as a "struggle against a deadly peril" for Christendom.

Homo-ideologues wish to nestle themselves within the Church like a Trojan Horse.

A typical aberration of homosexuals

Fr. Oko discovered the "most general lie" of the media bosses, who are constantly talking about the "pedophilia in the clergy".

He recalled the well-known fact that over eighty percent of the cases of abuse in the Church's areas involve assaults by homosexuals on mature males.

This phenomenon of ephebophilia is described by Fr. Oko as a "typical aberration, which is linked to homosexuality."

Homosexual Networks Make it Possible

Fr. Oko insists that the toleration for highly visible homosexual attacks on sexually mature boys would be impossible without homosexual networks.

He recalled the case of Posen's homosexual-Archbishop Julius Paez, Bishop John Magee of Cloyne in Ireland, on the homosexual Archbishop Rembert Weakland of Milwaukee or the founder of the Legionaries of Christ.

A Model of Old Liberals

Archbishop Weakland is an especially horrible example of homosexual decay within the Church.

For the Old Liberal Church destroyer, he was a significant model.

He has publicly admitted in the mean time that he is homosexually disturbed and has forced his impurity on many.

Rome Plays Along?

In 25 years of his office -- before the eyes of the Church's hierarchy -- he was a shameless campaigner against the Faith and a defender of homosexual depravity.

He covered the sodomites in his own clergy and helped them to escape responsibility for their homosexual crimes.

At last it was found out that he had stolen a half-million dollars in order to pay one of his partners in depravity.

Fr. Oko stresses that decadent clergy who are found out remain long unpunished, although there are numerous complaints against them in Rome.

Link to

News -- A Powerless Church is Under the Power of the World

A powerless Church is under the power of the world -- Church vandalism: increasing bell thefts -- Jewish right-wing extremists bar Arab farmers -- A victim of the Conciliar Church -- 

A powerless Church is under the power of the world

Italy.  On Sunday the Italian historian Roberto de Mattei commented in the Milan news 'Il Giornale' on the occasion of the 1,700th anniversary of the Battle of the Milvian Bridge (312).  Then, the Emperor Constantine (+337) saw the cross in the sky.  He was victorious and led Christendom into Rome.  Mattei insisted that today's Old Liberals like the Communists are calling for a Christendom without power.  Only: when Christendom ceases to change the world, then it will be changed by the heathen world.

Church Vandalism: increased bell thefts

Germany.  Metal thieves are stealing church bells because of rising commodities prices.  The German bell museum in the 17,000 population community of Gecher in western Munsterland warned on Monday.  The museum asked for better security measures.  The perpetrators would destroy valuable cultural artifacts for raw materials.

Jewish Right-Wing extremists block Arab farmer out

Occupied Palestine.  A group of Jewish settlers blocked about ten dunums (10,000m^2) of farmland near Qarount in the vicinity of Nablus with barbed wire so the owner, Mohamad Najim (66) couldn't enter his unharvested fields on Sunday.  A so-called security post of a larcenous band of settlers warned Najim sternly of further approaches to his property and warned him of "attacks by robbers".  The Right-Wing Radicals had already cut down ripe olive trees 14 years before.  Then they informed the farmer that they wouldn't be responsible for his fat, if he attempted to enter his land.

Another victim of the Conciliar Church

Belgium.  The Carmelites in the 100,000 population city of Mons -- in the western Belgium Province of Hennegau -- must close its cloister.  The community is too old and has no growth.  In the next weeks the remaining sisters will settle in the other Belgian closter.  The Cloister in Mons has existed since 1607.

Link to

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Injustices of the Protestant Revolt Continue: Richard III to be Buried in Protestant Church

Richard III
From Wiki, public domain.
Edit: The current story of the finding of Richard III at BBC, the Telegraph,  is a story of forensics.  Many are no doubt interested, for the fascination which is history, to find out if the body which has been exhumed is indeed that of the last English King slain in battle, but it's also a forensic question of religion.   The church itself, which is Greyfriars church in Leicester, was destroyed during the Protestant Revolt. Richard III was himself not a protestant, and had he lived to see the Protestant Revolt which disturbed his final resting place and lost his bones to posterity in the first place, it is very possible he would have reacted quite differently than his successors of the family which usurped him by keeping England in the proper religion.

As one reader informs us, since Leicester was a Dominican establishment, it's unclear why local Dominicans haven't raised any objections, but things being as they are in the Catholic Church these days, it's perhaps not surprising.  They do say the Immemorial Mass of All Ages, which is a Mass Richard III would have recognized.

While waiting for a confirmation as to whether or not the recently discovered remains are indeed those of the English Monarch, Richard III, there is at least the confirmation that he will be interred in Leicester Cathedral, an Anglican Settlement.

Earlier, in September, before anyone else, we suggested that the King should not be interred in a Protestant church with their rites, which Richard III would likely not have approved or wanted to participate in as a Roman Catholic.  In any case, given the growing influence of the Catholic Church in the UK and the increasing insignificance of the Anglican Church, it would be a wonderful ecumenical gesture on the part of the Church of England to allow us to bury one of our own, however villainous he might have been.

Moreover, there is still a Bishop who is familiar with the Sarum Rite, who is capable of performing the Mass.  His Lordship, Bishop Conti, is certainly available for such a service and has said the ancient and disused Rite before.  There were suggestions about a York Rite, but there is no one alive who is familiar with it.

Indeed, since aboriginals receive preferential consideration when it comes to these questions, shouldn't Catholics, who've been so brutally persecuted in English history, also receive some due consideration? It's unlikely that this will sway anyone's mind, but at least it serves to point out the hypocrisy.

It's also the case, if any are concerned of such things in the Catholic hierarchy in England, that since Richard III is a Catholic, his body being christened, his forehead being sealed with confession, his lips uttering our holy prayers, and his knees bent in veneration to our Saints.  It was perhaps as he died, that he may have uttered an act of contrition for his sins.

It would also be an interesting point, since Richard III was a Catholic, that the Sarum Rite, which was widely the use of his time and how he was buried, be revived to accommodate him.   It is of course, in such a Mass, that prayers, getting back to the idea of forensics, could be recited for this Catholic King, which might serve for his salvation, which is, after all, what the Church is for.

Reinterring the King according to the Rite he knew, in his own religion is not only just in purely human terms, but it is also the right thing to do in God's own time.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

News Reports -- The Pope Addresses the Bishops' Synod

Vatican.  Yesterday morning Pope Benedict XVI spoke in an extemporaneous speech before the Bishops' Synod. He informed them about two changes in the Curia.  Responsibility for the seminaries went from the Congregation of Education to the Congregation for Clergy.  The responsibility for Catechesis is to be undertaken by the newly created -- and till now unemployed -- Papal Counsel for the New Evangelization.  Finally the Pope justified the six new Cardinal which will take place in the Consistorium at the end of November.  It should complete the Consitorium of last February and show the universality of the Church.

A Good Shepherd Goes Home

Germany.  The chaplain in the seminary of the traditional Society of St. Peter in Wigratzbad, Father Pierre Gaudray (91) is dying.  The clergyman has been a priest for 64 years.  He always remained true to the Rite of his ordination.

Adultery as the Means for the New Evangelization?

Vatican.  On Friday the Bishops' Synod was presented a concluding document in the Vatican "Message to the People of God" with 58 proposals.  Therefore the Pope is going to deliver an unnecessary post-synodal document.  In the message the career Bishops -- even though the Synod had already discussed the New Evangelization -- also talk about adultery and fornication.  They tendentiously downplay bigamy  as "forms of family and cohabitation, which does not mirror every picture of unity and love of life which the Lord has given us."  It gives "pairs, who live without the bond of marriage."  It gives an increasing number of "disordered facial situations, which are built on the  failure of a previous marriage."

Right-wing Extremists Throw Molotov Cocktails at Home

Occupied Palestine. Recently, Right-wing extremist, Jewish settlers -- near an illegal Jewish settlment to the east of Ramallah -- attacked a house with several molotov cocktails.  This caused the burning of several homes.  The defense responded.

Old Liberal Word Games

"The progressives plead a hermeneutic of discontinuity and of break.  The Traditionalists plead a hermeneutic of pure continuity:  only that which is to be found in Tradition can be Catholic teaching, for which reason there can't be an actual renewal.  Both see the Council at the same time as a break, if only in another point of view.  This understanding is the Conciliar Hermeneutic of Break which the Holy Father has called into question and the stated 'Hermeneutic of Reform', the continuity and the renewal are bound up together."

The Old Liberal Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifial Council for Christian United, in an interview with the Roman news agency ''.

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Today is The Feast of Christ the King Against the Errors of Laicism

The last Sunday in October was declared according to the will of Pope Pius XI. as the Mystery of the Kingship of Jesus Christ.  This feast is no "eschatological" one -- Christ will rule at the end of times --, but today is a memorial directed against the "social errors".  This error is laicism.

The Feast of Christ the King proclaims the right of Jesus Christ over the hearts of individuals, families and the social life. and the commonwealth.

Pope Pius XI. introduced the feast with the Encyclical "Quas Primas".

Why a Liturgical Feast to honor Christ the King?  Pius XI wrote in his circular letter:

IN THE FIRST ENCYCLICAL LETTER which We addressed at the beginning of Our Pontificate to the Bishops of the universal Church, We referred to the chief causes of the difficulties under which mankind was laboring. And We remember saying that these manifold evils in the world were due to the fact that the majority of men had thrust Jesus Christ and his holy law out of their lives; that these had no place either in private affairs or in politics: and we said further, that as long as individuals and states refused to submit to the rule of our Savior, there would be no really hopeful prospect of a lasting peace among nations. Men must look for the peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ; and that We promised to do as far as lay in Our power. In the Kingdom of Christ, that is, it seemed to Us that peace could not be more effectually restored nor fixed upon a firmer basis than through the restoration of the Empire of Our Lord. We were led in the meantime to indulge the hope of a brighter future at the sight of a more widespread and keener interest evinced in Christ and his Church, the one Source of Salvation, a sign that men who had formerly spurned the rule of our Redeemer and had exiled themselves from his kingdom were preparing, and even hastening, to return to the duty of obedience.

Link to New Advent for the Encyclical...

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Laity Spontaneously Supports Küng's 'Call to Obedience'

Bishop Küng on the National Holiday in Vienna's Stepensdom:  and we need priests - but not disobedient priests, rather obedient, humble priests... "  -- spontaneous applause of the laity gathered -- preached: courage on the Austrian way to bioethics.

Vienna (  The St. Polten Archbishop Klaus Kung issued a "call to obedience" at the end of the traditional feast Mass "prayer for Austria" on the evening of the National Holiday of the 26th of October in Vienna's Stepensdom -- and earned spontaneous and enormous approval from the numerous  church people present.

Bishop Küng called upon the church service community: "We need Christian politicians, we need Christian scientists, we need Christian teachers and we need priests, but obedient, humble priests, who are filled with the love of Christ.."

Then spontaneous applause broke from the faithful in the Cathedral!

In his sermon Bishop Küng encouraged a "self-standing Austrian path" in questions of bioethics: "We must not opt out of everything, only because 'others will do it'." Also in the future it will be necessary that values will be defended.  "Who will do it if the Church doesn't?"

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Ecclesia Dei Communiqué to SSPX: Negotiations Are Still Open

Edit:  So, the new CDF was overstepping his mandate. It seems to us to be a slap in the face.

After the expulsion of Bishop Richard Williamson the Vatican Commission Ecclesia Dei sent a Communiqué.

( Today the Papal Commission 'Ecclesia Dei' sent a  clarification on the negotiations of the Vatican with the Society of St. Pius X.

A Brief History

The clarification recalled the Dogmatic discussion between the two parties.  Then it is to have given discussions about the reconciliation.

The text recalled "other decisive steps" like the freeing of the Old Mass in 2007 and the lifting of the excommunications of the SocietyBishops in 2009.

A handing over of the most recent edition of the Dogmatic Preamble of 13 June 2012 and  of the offer of a canonical normalization signified the declaration as a as a point of culmination.

No Answer Received?

At the moment the Holy See is waiting for an official answer to these documents by the Society.

After thirty years of separation it is understandable that time is necessary, in order to sort out the significance of the most recent developments.

Benedict XVI. wants to strengthen the unity of the Church by the reconciliation of the Society.  Now clarity, patience, perseverance and faith is needed.

Is God's Church at Her Last Stand?

What the statement of 'Ecclesia Dei' ignores:  The Society has made clear in some statements, that the Dogmatic Preamble of June 13th would not be acceptable.

Their terms for further negotiations are on the table.

Furthermore the German District Superior of the Society, Father Franz Schmidberger, in the middle of September, explained that to his knowledge the Vatican had been answered.

The CDF of the Pope, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, who personally hates the SSPX, has ended the dialog for his part in several interviews.

Link to original

Vatican Insider: German Bishops Align With Homosexual Media to Eliminate Catholic Site

Edit: Italy's anti-Catholic mainstream news-media outlet 'La Stampa' still manages, despite its clear agenda, to host a Catholic news blog edited by the well-informed if not entirely trustworthy Vaticanista, Andrea Tornielli. Presently, the news blog 'Vatican Insider' has featured a story by Berlin correspondent Alessandro Alviani, attacking Europe's largest and most controversial Catholic website,, accusing them of 'being anti-muslim', 'anti-semitism' and 'homophobia.' Interestingly, the article does indicate that the German Bishops have joined with a homosexual publishing house to attack with the Bruno Gmünder Verlag. This certainly is showing that has earned some powerful enemies within and without the Church, indeed.

What's interesting about this is not so much that they are accusing, but the allies they choose to take along with them in their attempt to besmear the reputation of as they have accused of being false Catholics.

The article calls a "Pseudo-Catholic" site and describes a campaign in Germany, led in part by a homosexual politician of the Green Party, Volker Beck, to silence the newspaper without really getting into the particulars or showing any concern for free speech or even the illegality of this effort with respect to international law.  While the article does describe that the German Bishops are working together with media provocateurs to stop, it doesn't really discuss the anti-Catholic dimensions of this campaign.

The article even bemoans about's alleged "homophobia" and cites the infamous David Berger, who posed as a Traditionalist Catholic for years while teaching theology in Cologne but led a lascivious homosexual lifestyle. Berger's duplicity was exposed by and even still it took a great deal of time until he was removed from his position teaching in a Cologne Catholic high school.  Berger later accused Pope Benedict of being a homosexual and remains an advocate of homosexual causes.

Is Bishop Williamson's Expulsion in Connection With the Gas Chamber Question?

The timid German speaker for the Society of St. Pius X has told the slanderous extortionate media what they want to hear.

(  Bishop Richard Williamson has been being removed for years by the leadership of the Society of St. Pius X, and has refused to render obedience.

This is what Fr. Andreas Steiner, the speaker of the German District said on Wednesday in Stuttgart to the news agency 'dpa'.

Exclusion for the Vatican Reconciliation?

The article cited an indirect statement by Father Steiner:  "The decision is in connection with the interview for Swedish television by the Bishop, in which he [allegedly] denied the Holocaust."

The scandal sheet ‘Süddeutsche Zeitung’ mentioned another sentence from the interview.

Therefore, Father Steiner is as yet entertaining illusions about the Vatican negotiations: "The decision will certainly make the discussions with the Vatican easier."

Unfounded Misjudgment

The Catholic publicist Robert Ketelhohn rebutted both statements by Father Steiner in the forum '' as "rotten cheese".

It is to act according to an unfounded misjudgment.

It is completely and utterly absurd canonically speaking to have made for an expulsion with the statements by Msgr. Williamson about the gas chambers in Auschwitz.

Then it would Bend the Law

Apart from that  "in this situation he bends the law as a serious offense to the superior."

Ketelhohn is astonished at this that Father Steiner bends the law to the superior without noticing it. [In German Law, Rechtsbeugung is a serious offense where a Judge proves to be partial either for or against a case.  It contains a sentence of five years.]

This is clearly meant, "to please the media".

And Yet Jewish Special Interest is Irreconcilable

Father Steiner's obvious illusions about understanding the world will not hold for long.

For the anti-Catholic "Jewish World Congress", the expulsion has come "too late".

The credibility of the Society of St. Pius X could "not" be reestablished -- was its familiar stitch.

Additionally, the usual Jewish campaigning organization 'Anti-Defamation League' defamed that the exclusion of Msgr. Richard Williamson has not paid for the guilt of his "detestable views".

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Friday, October 26, 2012

German Philosopher: The Council Enfeebled Catholics

Philosopher Robert Spaemann:  "Everything became so withered."

Berlin ( The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) had led in the sight of philosopher Robert Spaemann to "an epoch of decline" of the Catholic Church. "The Council enfeebled Catholics",  said Spaemann in a discussion with the newspaper "Die Welt" (Friday).  "Everything became so withered."  People who deny the resurrection of Christ, could remain theology professors and preach as priests during Mass.   People, who did not want to pay the Church-tax, fled at this and left the Church. "That's something that just can't be."

The Church Universal had become a part of the cultural revolution in western states and led to an "assimilation" of the Church to the secular world, criticized Spaemann.  The then Pope John XXIII. had called the reform Council given it over to update the Church's challenge to the world, "which it had always given and must always will give", said the philosopher.  "That is the opposite of assimilation."

Spaeman attested that the Council was exaggerated in its attempt to harmonize.  Everything was eliminated from the  hymn books which pointed to struggle and conflict.  "We wanted to bless the emancipatory and culturally revolutionary Zeitgeist."  The commandment "Love thy enemies" doesn't make sense any more today because the word "enemy" is offensive.  "For so-called progressive Catholics there is actually only one boogeyman:  the Traditionalist."

Spaemann also complained that the sovereignty of jurisdiction over the Council is held by innovators, who construed everything falsely.  So the Church Universal for example vehemently defends celibacy and confirms Latin as the actual Liturgical language of the Western Church. Both will be represented differently today, however.

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Pedophiles in the Pfarrer Initiative

Fr. Schüller is a welcome guest
 at Ex-Reichssender Wien (ORF).

© Screenshot
Edit: but there's no urgency about it as far as the media are concerned.  They protect and cover up for their own.

It is a fact that practically all abuse-priests are born from the Old Liberal camp.  Actually, Fr. Helmut Schüller finds the right words.

(  The 'Disobedience Initiative' of Fr. Helmut Schüller has been confronted with the accusation of child abuse.

This was reported by former Wien Reichsender (Fascist broadcaster), ORF (Austrian Broadcasting).

A Slanderer Slanders the other Slanderer

The allegation originates from the slanderous site "Betroffener kirchlicher Gewalt". [Victims of Church Violence]

It explains a "known perpetrator of abuse" is also a member of the 'Initiative'.

Almost every single abuse-priest comes from the Old Liberal camp.

A Known Sitiation

Among the anti-Church hangers on of Schüller can be found the former Benedictine Arch-abbot Bruno Becker of St. Peter in Salzburg.

Allegations against him have been known in the media since March 2010.

The second member is related to a Steyerian priest who is also accused of child sexual abuse.

An Enemy of the Church Protects Another Enemy of the Church

The leader of the disobedience group held forth in a statesmanlike manner: "We must ponder, how we behave in such circumstances."

However, he doesn't have any urgency -- but it's otherwise usually in such cases :  This may be dealt with in the next meeting of the board of the Pfarrer-Initiative.

The anti-Church Reichsender is defending as expected the enemy of the Church: "[Fr.] Helmut Schüller has taken the allegations of the site seriously"  -- will be the consolation.

Link to

Democratic Party Candidate Ignores Violent Comments Against Catholics

Edit:  J.Z. Knight is a local cult leader in Yelm, Washington.   She's been accused of saying derogatory things about Jews, Catholics and homosexuals, and they are derogatory and even recommend violence.

She is also one of the largest contributors to the campaign of an Extreme-Leftist Green Sandra Romero who is the County Commissioner for District 2.  Incredibly, Knight insists that here comments were being taken out of context, but it seems the entire context had to do with "destroying Catholic Church down".  She's the largest contributor to the campaign of Sandra Romero.  Romero has no intentions of returning the contributions at this time although the State Republican Spokesman, Kirby Wilbur has requested they do.

It will be interesting to see how this pans out, but don't expect a lot of consistency or integrity from these radical elites.

Does this sound like Madame Blavatsky to you?  Or perhaps Jim Jones?

Here she is attacking the Catholic Church by calling for violence against it. Of course, she claims to be "in touch with the LGBT community".    She doesn't spare Jews either.  It sounds like she maligns everyone.  The video contains graphic language.

Coverup Continues: German SSPX Threatened by Diocesan Attorney

Edit: here's a translation from the Society of St. Pius X in the German district, which is currently being threatened by the local Diocese of Rottenburg:

The coverup attempt surrounding the scandal Mass of Ochsenhausen enters its second round.

Now the Diocese of Rottenburg is attempting to put pressure on  A few days ago the editor received a threat from the Diocesan Attorney Dr. Felix Hammer. (photo)

Today (October 25th) is when the first deadline will expire.  Then the Diocese of Rottenberg will sue Instead of admitting and to suppress and to forbid Dean Schanzle from going back and repeating,  the Diocese is threatening those with the complain, who have brought the abuse to public attention.

Now only appealing to Rome will help.  Please help with making the Liturgical abuse in Germany known (Ochsenhausen is only  one example of numberless).

Here is video-evidence of the breach against a decree of the Council:

Therefore no other person, even if he be a priest, may add, remove, or change anything in the liturgy on his own authority. (SC 22§3)

Bitte wenden Sie sich an die Kongregation für den göttlichen Kult und die Sakramentenordnung in Rom:

Congregazione per il Culto Divino e la Disciplina dei Sacramenti Il Prefetto Palazzo delle Congregazioni Piazza Pio XII I-00193 ROMA

 Faxnummer: 0039 06 698 83 499 

Email-Adresse: (Write in German or English; will try to get an Italian sample)

Your Excellency,

According to the instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum of the Congregation of Divine Worship and the Sacramental Ordo of 25 March 2004 I would like to supply the following appeal so that "the most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist will be protected from every form of irreverence and disrespect and all abuses will be completely corrected."

I am enclosing the following Carnival Mass of Ochsenhausen inclusive of Can 1476 for illustration, which shows a serious attack against the Liturgy in the following video.

The Dean there has published in the newspaper his intention to repeat the abuse ("A Fool's Mass will take place on Fasnets-Hochburg (Carnival) in Ochsenhausen. There will be people there who aren't churchgoers," said Dean Sigmund Schänzle from S.Z. 6/1/2012),  may it please Your Excellency to intervene urgently. 

 Yours Faithfully, X

Girls dressed as angels enter the church on skates, while a turning carousel mounted by a beauty queen brings the bible to the ambo.  A Carnival Mass, which we still haven't seen in our latitude.

These photos should bring Dean Schänzle and the Diocese of Rottenburg to reconsider.

Because principally there is no difference between the march of a Carnial group with drums and trumpets into the pilgrimage church of Ochsenhausen.  The whole thing is only somewhat more extensively formed, even South American.

Or will Dean Schänzle insist that his Carnival Mass is "according to the Council", while the south American is really not?

Link to

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Father Nicholas Gruner Addresses European Parliament Concerning Consecration of Russia

Edit: a kind reader just sent us this link.



October 24, 2012

Strasbourg, October 24, 2012 — On October 23, 2012 Father Nicholas Gruner of the Fatima Center in Canada and Catholic attorney and author Christopher A. Ferrara of the United States appeared at the headquarters of the EU in Strasbourg, France to speak in support of a motion for a declaration by the EU Parliament calling upon Pope Benedict XVI to carry out the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The motion is being sponsored by two members of the Parliament of the European Union, the Honorable Mario Borghezio and the Honorable Lorenzo Fontana, who invited Father Gruner and Mr. Ferrara to speak in its support at the time of its official introduction.

The motion refers to the threat of "great danger at the present time to world peace and the serenity of all European peoples" and notes that "the Blessed Virgin Mary has promised a long period of prosperity and peace, if and only if, the Holy Father will consecrate Russia in a solemn and public manner, as precisely specified by Her in the Message of Fatima."

The motion provides for a declaration by the EU Parliament formally requesting that "His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI... fulfill the will of the Queen of Heaven" by performing the Consecration in order to address European and world problems.

Speaking before the international press corps in the press hall of the EU Parliament headquarters in Strasbourg, Father Gruner and Mr. Ferrara made presentations in support of the measure, including a discussion of the content, undeniable authenticity, and absolute urgency of the Fatima Message for the Church and humanity at large. They were introduced by MPs, Borghezio and Fontana, who appeared with them at the press conference.

"This was a God-given opportunity to advance the cause of Our Lady of Fatima in a forum whose deliberations will have considerable impact at the Vatican. MEPs. Borghezio and Fontana are to be commended for their courageous defense of the Blessed Virgin before a hostile world. I pray the motion passes and the EU Parliament calls upon the Pope to do his duty," said Father Gruner.

"I believe we succeeded in making a case for the Consecration of Russia that would appeal even to rational non-believers, who have nothing to lose by voting in favor this measure," said Mr. Ferrara.

The motion has been lodged with the EU Parliament as an official legislative document and will become part of the public record of EU proceedings. It has already attracted the signatures of a growing number of additional sponsors in the Parliament, including members from Italy, Austria and Ireland.

Press inquiries should be directed to: Europe: Monica Tomassini, The Fatima Center, 011 39 06 39 73 5296, Rome

 North America: Joseph Paonessa, The Fatima Center, 905 871-7607, Canada
